How to lose extra 40 kg. Traveler Sergey Dolya

Significant overweight- this is a serious test for the human body, which affects the musculoskeletal system, condition internal organs, leads to the development of many diseases. Eating the right foods, eliminating junk food from your diet and exercising is the answer to the question of how to lose 40 kg without harm to the body.

How long does it take to lose 40 kg?

When your slim figure lost in the jungle of dozens of extra pounds, it may seem that it is impossible to get out of this state. Every day you will be afraid to look in the mirror, review old photos and eat stress with another portion of cakes. Such thoughts should be driven out of your head - there are many role models when people managed to lose weight while being overweight: Polina Gagarina, Stanislav Duzhnikov, Larisa Dolina, etc.

Even if you are significantly overweight, nutritionists do not recommend going on a hunger strike to lose weight. A poor diet can negatively affect the health of the body, which is already decimated by obesity. Experts advise losing weight gradually, no more than 4 kg per month. If monthly weight loss is greater, chronic diseases may worsen and heart problems may appear.

40 kg in 2 months

When a nutritionist is asked about how to lose 40 kg in 2 months, he does not give recommendations for such rapid weight loss. Thus, losing weight in a short period of time is possible only by drastic methods: severe hunger strikes and grueling physical activity. With an extra 40 kilograms in the body, a diagnosis of obesity of the 2nd degree is guaranteed. Radical measures can lead to the most tragic results for the body. Even if the patient manages to lose weight, his health will be seriously affected.

Have you decided to lose weight in 2 months, despite the advice of experts? Then arm yourself with recipes for strict diets that severely limit your diet. There are many of them on the Internet, for example, kefir, in which you can drink only a liter of kefir per day, or apple, watermelon and others. Maintaining such a diet is a feat that requires enormous willpower. You will also need regular physical activity - gymnastics, fitness, gym, cycling.

In 3 months

Losing 40 kg in 3 months is a difficult but doable task. Before starting the diet you will need psychological attitude, motivation and medical examination of the body. You should start losing weight by giving up flour and sweet foods; you need to replace the usual portions with smaller ones in volume and calorie content. Let your body get used to the new diet, and then increase physical activity. To lose weight, you will need a lot of training: 1-1.5 hours at least 5 times a week.

When creating your diet, adhere to the principles of the food pyramid. With its help, you will calculate which products and in what quantities to include in your daily menu. Compliance with nutritional rules will not only stop weight gain, but will also help you lose extra pounds. The diet must contain all nutrients, vitamins, minerals (calcium, magnesium, zinc and others) to avoid depletion of the body.

In six months

Without danger to the body and obvious psychological discomfort, you will find a way to lose 40 kg in 6 months. To lose weight you will have to work hard. It is important to adjust your diet; it is advisable to do this together with a nutritionist who can take into account the characteristics and needs of your body. The second remedy necessary for this situation is physical activity. In addition to traditional training gym, use the following recommendations:

  • walk up the stairs, forget about the elevator;
  • replace evening TV watching with a walk;
  • walk to work if the office is close to home, or get off a couple of stops earlier.

How to lose 40 kg at home

Nutritionists have developed a lot effective systems to help you lose weight if you are overweight. Each of them is based on a preference for wholesome and healthy food, a balanced diet and exercise. Lose weight by 40 kg – difficult task, but quite solvable. Experts recommend not using mono-diets and fasting to lose weight. Use time-tested techniques that will not harm the body and will help you lose weight.

Fractional meals

Almost every diet recommends eating 5-6 times a day. This rule is often neglected and completely in vain! Long breaks between meals will cause a “brutal” appetite and a desire to snack harmful products. The body actively accumulates fat reserves if it is rarely fed.. Small portions that you eat 5-8 times a day will calm the body, speed up metabolism and improve well-being. Fractional meals- one of the recommendations for those who are looking for a way to lose extra 40 kilograms.

Calculation of calorie intake

During dietary nutrition It is important to consider the energy value of foods in the diet. To lose weight, you need to consume fewer calories in foods than you expend. The weight loss method is based on this simple principle. daily calorie content diet. An overweight person calculates how many calories he can eat per day and creates a menu using food calorie tables. The indicator is determined individually depending on weight, age, gender and physical activity.

Physically active lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle is often the root cause of excess weight. It's not just active exercise that will help you lose weight. Obese people often find it difficult to work out in the gym. At the beginning of your weight loss journey, engage in light exercise. It could be breathing exercises, walking, small exercises. With the help of these loads, your muscles will become toned, and it will be easier for you to move to the next level with anaerobic, aerobic or mixed training to lose weight faster.

Diet minus 40

To lose 40 kg, you need to follow a simple principle - burn more calories than you absorb from foods. In practice, achieving such a result and losing excess weight can be difficult. Follow a number of rules:

  • don't skip breakfast;
  • drink plenty of clean water;
  • make lunch nutritious, but not heavy;
  • use the lightest possible foods for dinner;
  • Don't forget about healthy snacks.

What foods help you lose weight

Even with the strictest diet, some foods can be eaten without fear for your figure. Not only will they not harm weight loss, but they will also help the body get rid of excess weight. The products speed up metabolism and have a minimum of calories. Nutritionists advise using as many of the following foods as possible in your diet:

  • all types of cabbage;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • eggplant;
  • zucchini;
  • beets;
  • apples;
  • pineapple;
  • kiwi;
  • carrot;
  • mushrooms;
  • spinach.

Prohibited Products

We will have to introduce restrictions on the consumption of some high-calorie foods. It is better to give them up altogether or reduce their consumption to a minimum if you want to lose weight:

  • butter and vegetable oil;
  • salo;
  • fatty dairy products: cottage cheese, sour cream, cream;
  • mayonnaise;
  • margarine;
  • sausage;
  • fatty meats, offal;
  • canned food in oil;
  • sugar, jam, jam;
  • confectionery;
  • ice cream, chocolate, candy;
  • fast carbohydrates – baked goods, muffins, cookies;
  • white rice;
  • fatty red fish;
  • wheat flour pasta;
  • potato;
  • sweet carbonated drinks, alcohol.

Menu for losing weight by 40 kg

Fractional meals from the right foods for weight loss of 40 kg will not be meager and monotonous. You can use many products in the menu, using boiling, stewing, and baking for heat treatment. An approximate diet with which you can lose weight consists of the following products and dishes:

oatmeal with water, apple

buckwheat porridge on water

2 boiled eggs, tomato


piece of steamed fish

2 baked pears

fruit salad

brown rice with boiled chicken breast, vegetable salad

fish soup, tomato and cucumber salad

chicken broth soup, coleslaw

1 glass of kefir, fruit

low-fat cottage cheese with added honey

baked cheesecakes

vegetable soup

pumpkin puree, steamed chicken cutlet

piece of boiled beef, stewed vegetables

second dinner

glass of low-fat yogurt

glass of kefir

any fermented milk drink with low fat content, apple

Exercise for weight loss

To succeed and lose weight, women and men need three things: motivation, the right products and physical activity. Even minimal movements will bring invaluable benefits to the body, so start doing easy charging still in bed. Morning jog, cycling or a long walk is a great way to start the day and lose weight. To lose weight, you cannot do without training. Work out with an instructor, because too intense exercise can be dangerous for the body, and insufficient activity will not help you lose weight.

Girls who lost 40 kg - photo


The goal of losing 40 kg is not one of those that is easy and quick to achieve, you won’t get away with it fasting days And fast diets. It is necessary to completely reconsider and redraw your daily routine, change your diet, and add physical activity. 40 kg of excess weight is already 2, which means that body fat is no longer just an aesthetic flaw, but also a full-fledged disease that...

With stage 2 obesity, a person may experience various difficulties with the functioning of the body:

  • Rapid heartbeat;
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Dyspnea;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Weakness.

Menu examples

Types of training:

  • Anaerobic (strength training);
  • Aerobic (running, swimming, cardio);
  • Mixed ( game types sports).

An example of gymnastics at the initial stage:

  1. Feet shoulder-width apart, hands at the waist - the starting position when performing exercises.
  2. Perform 5 body turns to the left and right sides.
  3. Lean forward, try to reach your right knee with your left hand, straighten up, do the same with your left hand. If this is easy for you, then stretch as hard as you can.
  4. closer to the floor. Perform 5 bends on each leg.
  5. Place your hands behind your head and rotate your body clockwise and counterclockwise. 10 rotations in each direction.
  6. Inhale, rise on your toes, and as you exhale, lower yourself onto your heels and squat slightly (10-15 cm). Do 10, take your time, the angle between your legs and body should be 90 degrees.
  7. March in place, raising your knees high, for 5-10 minutes.

These exercises will not take much time, but correct execution will prepare your body at the initial stages for further physical activity.

Losing 40 kg is not an easy task, but it is quite doable. Following the tips above with overweight can be completed in 6-7 months.

Results will be better with increased physical activity. There is no need to greatly reduce the calorie content of your diet in an effort to lose weight quickly - this can have a bad effect on your well-being and force you to abandon the idea, since the feeling of hunger drives the body into a stressful situation. If initial weight exceeds 120 kg, you can contact specialists who will prescribe. But it is not recommended to prescribe pills yourself.

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Losing weight is one of the most striking problems of our time. Losing a couple of kilograms is not a big deal, but how to lose 40 kg is a difficult task.

Morale when losing 40 kg weight

Before you set a goal to lose 40 kg, you need to mentally prepare for this. There must be full awareness that:

  1. An important criterion for losing weight is diet.
  2. Physical activity is a must.

You will need to overcome possible fears:

  1. Fear of limiting your needs. Not everyone is able to deny themselves something.
  2. Fear of various changes: for example, the skin will sag, you will need to completely change your wardrobe, will you be able to maintain the result.

When trying to lose such a considerable number of kilograms, the incentive should be a new, beautiful image that makes you want to admire yourself in the mirror.

The desire to lose weight must certainly come from the person himself, and not be imposed by others. Only then will any efforts be crowned with success.

Nutrition for losing weight by 40 kg

To prevent losing kilos from being painfully painful, you shouldn’t suddenly give up your favorite foods. It is necessary to minimize their use. If these products are sweet, floury or fatty, you need to include them in small quantities for breakfast, but no later than 12.00.

If you make an effort for the sake of your beauty, you can get rid of 40 kilograms within two months. Mandatory rules:

  1. Under no circumstances should you skip breakfast.

This is the main meal, which should be balanced and fortified, as it provides the body with vital energy for the whole day. The most optimal time for breakfast - from 6 am to 9 am. Can be used:

  • oatmeal with fruit;
  • 2 eggs, cooked any way;
  • muesli and low-fat yogurt;
  • whole grain bread and low-fat cottage cheese;
  • tea without sugar, kefir, juice (except citrus fruits).
  1. It is necessary to establish a complete taboo on carbonated drinks and especially alcohol. You should give preference to spring water: it saves the stomach from overeating.
  2. Lunch plays an important role. This meal should be taken between 12 and 15 noon.

Lunch should be nutritious, but loading the body with heavy food is strongly discouraged.

Products that can be consumed:

  • chicken breast, beef sirloin;
  • salads consisting mainly of greens;
  • lean fish fillet;
  • beans, asparagus;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • fermented milk products;
  • rice soup.

You can’t refuse dinner either: an empty stomach won’t do any good. On the contrary, this can lead to various diseases, such as gastritis. If you ate too much for lunch, then dinner should be made as light as possible. If all the rules are followed, then in the evening you can eat:

  • various vegetable salads;
  • lean fish or meat fillet;
  • boiled or stewed vegetables;
  • buckwheat porridge;
  • low-fat fermented milk products;
  • fruits (unsweetened, baked).

In your diet, you should avoid fried and smoked foods. It is advisable to steam or stew (cook) everything.

It is very important not to overeat before bed: the body should rest and not waste time processing food.

Between meals, you can eat the following as light snacks:

  1. Unsweetened fruits and berries.
  2. Dried fruits.

For various reasons, you may not want to have dinner in the evenings. In order not to harm the body, you can prepare a light smoothie. For this you will need:

  • 100 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 100 g skim milk;
  • 200 g apricots;
  • bunch of stevia herb.

Mix everything in a blender and the smoothie is ready.

Physical activity while losing weight by 40 kg

Losing weight by 40 kg without physical activity doomed to collapse. How should the morning begin?

  1. When getting out of bed, start doing light exercises; even the most minimal movements will bring invaluable benefits.
  2. After you wake up and drink your juice, you need to go for a run or bike ride. You can’t hit the road straight away from bed, as this can have a negative impact on your cardiovascular system. We need to let the body wake up.

You should sign up for training, and they can be different. Make a choice based on your preferences and desires, because training should be fun:

  • gym;
  • fitness;
  • swimming;
  • various types of dances, etc.

With each visit you need to gradually increase the load. If you perform the complex from the first day heavy exercise, this can have a detrimental effect on the body.

It is advisable to conduct training with an instructor: he will be able to correctly coordinate the loads - strength exercises and cardio training. If you do everything according to the rules, burning extra pounds will happen quickly and efficiently.

Losing 40 kg, you need to radically change your usual lifestyle:

  1. If you live in a multi-story building, forget about the elevator, always walk.
  2. If work is not so far from home, you just need to leave early and walk instead of taking public transport.
  3. Evening gatherings in front of the TV or computer should be replaced with walks.
  4. If office work involves spending most of your time in a chair, don’t be lazy about walking more - for example, taking documents for signature, tidying up your workplace, etc.

Even at home, you can find any physical activity: for example, while watching TV, do not press the remote control, but get up and change channels.

An active lifestyle is not only about burning excess weight, but also about a healthy mind. Spend more time outside, go to nature, play active games there (volleyball, badminton, football, etc.).

Factors and some points that contribute to weight loss

In pursuit of beautiful body We must not forget about such a factor as stress. During it, even the most strict diet and a set of heavy exercises can be equal to zero.

Stress sometimes affects the body in very unpredictable ways. Some people lose weight rapidly, while many simply gain it back. Especially when they try to hide their problems. If you are an impressionable and hot-tempered person, then you are recommended to:

  1. Drink tea with mint and lemon balm.
  2. Take relaxing baths.
  3. Sign up for a yoga class.
  4. Enjoy relaxation massages.

Positive. Take green tea with you to such an establishment, and under no circumstances take alcoholic drinks. In the steam room, the skin is cleansed and toxins are released. It is advisable to use various scrubs and creams for weight loss.

During physical activity (in particular running), you can use a sauna suit. But you need to be careful. The load in such a suit promotes the removal excess liquid from the body, but you need to drink enough water to avoid dehydration.

You will also benefit from visiting a massage parlour. A properly performed massage will allow you to:

  1. Get rid of cellulite.
  2. Tighten your skin (after all, 40 kg cannot just disappear without a trace).
  3. Remove stress from muscles.
  4. Just give yourself pleasure and a lot of positive emotions.

With an active lifestyle and physical activity, there should be adequate rest (sleep). Its absence can lead to the opposite result. If a person losing weight is active, but does not get proper rest, you don’t have to start your efforts.

You should not pay attention to drugs and pills that promise instant weight loss. There are a lot of scammers who want to make money from those who want to lose weight. Unfortunately, magic fast weight loss not real.

So, you can lose up to forty kilograms of weight by performing the following complex:

  1. Diet, proper nutrition.
  2. Physical activity.
  3. No stress.
  4. Complete rest.
  5. A huge desire.

Only the set goal and conscientious implementation of all recommendations will save you from 40 kg of excess weight without the risk of harming your own health.

  • don't skip breakfast;
  • drink plenty of clean water;
  • all types of cabbage;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • eggplant;
  • zucchini;
  • beets;
  • apples;
  • pineapple;
  • kiwi;
  • carrot;
  • mushrooms;
  • spinach.
  • salo;
  • mayonnaise;
  • margarine;
  • sausage;
  • canned food in oil;
  • sugar, jam, jam;
  • confectionery;
  • ice cream, chocolate, candy;
  • white rice;
  • fatty red fish;
  • wheat flour pasta;
  • potato;

oatmeal with water, apple

buckwheat porridge on water

2 boiled eggs, tomato


2 baked pears

fruit salad

1 glass of kefir, fruit

baked cheesecakes

vegetable soup

second dinner

glass of low-fat yogurt

glass of kefir

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Remember the main rules:



Significant excess weight is a serious test for the human body, which affects the musculoskeletal system, the condition of internal organs, and leads to the development of many diseases. Eating the right foods, eliminating junk food from your diet and exercising is the answer to the question of how to lose 40 kg without harm to the body.

When your slim figure is lost in the jungle of dozens of extra pounds, it may seem that it is impossible to get out of this state. Every day you will be afraid to look in the mirror, review old photos and eat stress with another portion of cakes. Such thoughts should be driven out of your head - there are many role models when people managed to lose weight while being overweight: Polina Gagarina, Stanislav Duzhnikov, Larisa Dolina, etc.

Even if you are significantly overweight, nutritionists do not recommend going on a hunger strike to lose weight. A poor diet can negatively affect the health of the body, which is already decimated by obesity. Experts advise losing weight gradually, no more than 4 kg per month. If monthly weight loss is greater, chronic diseases may worsen and heart problems may appear.

When a nutritionist is asked about how to lose 40 kg in 2 months, he does not give recommendations for such rapid weight loss. Thus, losing weight in a short period of time is possible only by drastic methods: severe hunger strikes and grueling physical activity. With an extra 40 kilograms in the body, a diagnosis of obesity of the 2nd degree is guaranteed. Radical measures can lead to the most tragic results for the body. Even if the patient manages to lose weight, his health will be seriously affected.

Have you decided to lose weight in 2 months, despite the advice of experts? Then arm yourself with recipes for strict diets that severely limit your diet. There are many of them on the Internet, for example, kefir, in which you can drink only a liter of kefir per day, or apple, watermelon and others. Maintaining such a diet is a feat that requires enormous willpower. You will also need regular physical activity - gymnastics, fitness, gym, cycling.

Losing 40 kg in 3 months is a difficult but doable task. Before starting a diet, you will need a psychological attitude, motivation and a medical examination of the body. You should start losing weight by giving up flour and sweet foods; you need to replace the usual portions with smaller ones in volume and calorie content. Let your body get used to the new diet, and then increase physical activity. To lose weight, you will need a lot of training: 1-1.5 hours at least 5 times a week.

When creating your diet, adhere to the principles of the food pyramid. With its help, you will calculate which products and in what quantities to include in your daily menu. Compliance with nutritional rules will not only stop weight gain, but will also help you lose extra pounds. The diet must contain all nutrients, vitamins, minerals (calcium, magnesium, zinc and others) to avoid depletion of the body.

Without danger to the body and obvious psychological discomfort, you will find a way to lose 40 kg in 6 months. To lose weight you will have to work hard. It is important to adjust your diet; it is advisable to do this together with a nutritionist who can take into account the characteristics and needs of your body. The second remedy necessary for this situation is physical activity. In addition to traditional training in the gym, use the following recommendations:

  • walk up the stairs, forget about the elevator;
  • replace evening TV watching with a walk;
  • walk to work if the office is close to home, or get off a couple of stops earlier.

Nutritionists have developed many effective systems to help you lose weight if you are overweight. Each of them is based on a preference for wholesome and healthy food, a balanced diet and exercise. Losing 40 kg is a difficult task, but it can be done. Experts recommend not using mono-diets and fasting to lose weight. Use time-tested techniques that will not harm the body and will help you lose weight.

Almost every diet recommends eating 5-6 times a day. This rule is often neglected and completely in vain! Long breaks between meals will cause a “brutal” appetite and a desire to snack on unhealthy foods. The body actively accumulates fat reserves if it is rarely fed.. Small portions that you eat 5-8 times a day will calm the body, speed up metabolism and improve well-being. Fractional meals are one of the recommendations for those who are looking for a way to lose extra 40 kilograms.

When dieting, it is important to consider the energy value of foods in the diet. To lose weight, you need to consume fewer calories in foods than you expend. The method of losing weight based on daily calorie intake is based on this simple principle. An overweight person calculates how many calories he can eat per day and creates a menu using food calorie tables. The indicator is determined individually depending on weight, age, gender and physical activity.

A sedentary lifestyle is often the root cause of excess weight. It's not just active exercise that will help you lose weight. Obese people often find it difficult to work out in the gym. At the beginning of your weight loss journey, engage in light exercise. This could be breathing exercises, walking, small exercises. With the help of these loads, your muscles will become toned, and it will be easier for you to move to the next level with anaerobic, aerobic or mixed training to lose weight faster.

To lose 40 kg, you need to follow a simple principle - burn more calories than you absorb from foods. In practice, achieving such a result and losing excess weight can be difficult. Follow a number of rules:

  • don't skip breakfast;
  • drink plenty of clean water;
  • make lunch nutritious, but not heavy;
  • use the lightest possible foods for dinner;
  • Don't forget about healthy snacks.

Even with the strictest diet, some foods can be eaten without fear for your figure. Not only will they not harm weight loss, but they will also help the body get rid of excess weight. The products speed up metabolism and have a minimum of calories. Nutritionists advise using as many of the following foods as possible in your diet:

  • all types of cabbage;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • eggplant;
  • zucchini;
  • beets;
  • apples;
  • pineapple;
  • kiwi;
  • carrot;
  • mushrooms;
  • spinach.

We will have to introduce restrictions on the consumption of some high-calorie foods. It is better to give them up altogether or reduce their consumption to a minimum if you want to lose weight:

  • butter and vegetable oil;
  • salo;
  • fatty dairy products: cottage cheese, sour cream, cream;
  • mayonnaise;
  • margarine;
  • sausage;
  • fatty meats, offal;
  • canned food in oil;
  • sugar, jam, jam;
  • confectionery;
  • ice cream, chocolate, candy;
  • fast carbohydrates – baked goods, muffins, cookies;
  • white rice;
  • fatty red fish;
  • wheat flour pasta;
  • potato;
  • sweet carbonated drinks, alcohol.

Fractional meals from the right foods for weight loss of 40 kg will not be meager and monotonous. You can use many products in the menu, using boiling, stewing, and baking for heat treatment. An approximate diet with which you can lose weight consists of the following products and dishes:

oatmeal with water, apple

buckwheat porridge on water

2 boiled eggs, tomato


piece of steamed fish

2 baked pears

fruit salad

brown rice with boiled chicken breast, vegetable salad

fish soup, tomato and cucumber salad

chicken broth soup, coleslaw

1 glass of kefir, fruit

low-fat cottage cheese with added honey

baked cheesecakes

vegetable soup

pumpkin puree, steamed chicken cutlet

piece of boiled beef, stewed vegetables

second dinner

glass of low-fat yogurt

glass of kefir

any fermented milk drink with low fat content, apple

To succeed and lose weight, women and men need three things: motivation, the right foods and physical activity. Even minimal movements will bring invaluable benefits to the body, so start doing light exercises while still in bed. A morning jog, bike ride or long walk is a great way to start the day and lose weight. To lose weight, you cannot do without training. Work out with an instructor, because too intense exercise can be dangerous for the body, and insufficient activity will not help you lose weight.

And then I saw a living example of a friend who lost 30 kg in six months! He wrote his short article. I read it and was already determined to lose weight. I consulted him about diet and exercise. Thank him very much!

On March 1, 2014, I started “losing weight.” My physical training It was terrible: I couldn’t do even one push-up, after running 100 meters I had severe shortness of breath and my blood pressure rose.

It was already spring outside, the snow was sticky and loose. I looked in advance on the map for the road that was laid through the forest, the length of this road. From one rental point to another is exactly 2 km. I decided to run 5 km a day three times a week. I ran during the day and I didn’t care what other people thought about me. It was hard to run. After 500 meters my liver started to hurt badly and I had to stop. But after resting a little, I ran on and tried to ignore the pain in my liver. After running 2 km I wanted to quit and go home, but I wanted to lose weight too much to just give up. I ran another 2 km. In the end, he simply died: his liver, heart, and head and legs ached from pressure. I rested some more and ran another 1 km. In total I spent 1:30 hours running and resting. I came home, and when I took off my T-shirt, I saw that it was completely wet! I could squeeze it out. I continued to run 3 times a week for 5 km.

I added physical exercises to running: abs, strength training. But physical activity was useless without changing the diet.

I completely eliminated from my diet:
bread (any kind), sugar (I didn’t even add it to tea), sweets (candies, ice cream, etc.), flour products (cookies, marshmallows, etc.), everything made from dough (pizza, pasta, noodles, etc.). etc.), fried (all meat was only steamed - I ate only chicken, beef, pork), salted (reduced salt intake by 70%), mayonnaise (I didn’t eat it anyway), ketchups and various sauces, carbonated lemonades and juices , dried fruits and nuts, seeds, yoghurts (if more than 1.5% fat), sausage (any), sausages, sausages.

Remember the main rules:

1) Do not eat the above foods until you lose the required weight (after 2 months I no longer wanted to eat them)
2) Eat 150-200 grams every 4 hours (in 2-3 weeks your stomach will shrink in size and you won’t notice how you eat less). If you don’t want to weigh, then divide in half the food that your mother, grandmother, wife usually serves you, or you cook and eat yourself. (No snacks during this period! If you want to eat, drink water, sit at the computer, generally be distracted)
3) Don’t eat in front of the TV or computer!!! Eat in the kitchen, in a calm environment. Eat for a long time (20 minutes). The brain must understand what you are eating (no matter how crazy it sounds, but it is true). Eat before lung feelings hunger. Believe me, in 20-30 minutes the feeling of fullness will come. And it also happens that after 2 hours a wild feeling of hunger arises: in this case, wait 15-20 minutes (do not drink or eat anything), you yourself will notice that the feeling of hunger will pass!
4) When you give up bread and other foods, you will have a terrible hunger for meat! That’s what happened to me, maybe you’ll be drawn to something else.
5) DO NOT EAT 4 hours before bedtime!!! For example: you go to bed at 12 at night, at 8 o’clock you can eat a salad or cottage cheese (no more than 2% fat, no sugar, but you can add a little low-fat sour cream). I always drink kefir or low-fat kefir (sour and let it be sour) before going to bed.
6) Physical exercise. Mandatory: do not eat an hour or an hour and a half before physical exercise and do not eat for 2 hours after!!! For the first time after physical exercise, I feel terrible hunger. Try not to overeat and not lose your temper. It will be hard.
7) Eat after 6 pm. Only if you don't go to bed at 22:00. On the Internet, and in general, they say not to eat after 6 - nonsense. I ate and as you can see everything is fine.
I admit that for the first 2 weeks not eating bread was terribly difficult. I distracted myself as best I could, mostly sitting at my PC. Also, thoughts like quitting and giving up on everything came to mind many times, but again, the desire to lose weight was greater. I did all of the above for 3 months.

First, fat disappears from the face, neck, and arms; then from everything else, lastly from the stomach. On June 30th I stepped on the scale and I was shocked by the numbers. I was both very happy and didn’t believe the scales. I lost -40 kg from 03/01/14 to 05/30/14!!! I was extremely glad that I could do it!

My wardrobe has changed. Before I lost weight, I only wore size 60 T-shirts. Now I can afford T-shirts in size 50 and even 48! I can also easily wear the shirts that I wore in the 5th and 6th grade.

Changed and physical condition. I couldn’t do push-ups before I lost weight. I tried it and was able to do it 5 times right away. Many will say that this is bullshit, but for me this is a great achievement.
Now, to keep in shape, I do abdominal exercises 50 times, push-ups 15 times, and run 5 km 3 times a week + bike rides 15-20 km.
Here is my routine for day 1 of my now everyday life.

Breakfast: 10:00 (or 12:00) - generally as soon as I wake up - any porridge cooked with milk (half a spoonful of sugar, and the same amount of butter), a mug of tea (only in the morning I add half a spoonful of honey)

Lunch: after 4 hours (for example 16:00) - steamed cutlet and exactly the same amount of side dish. If you want meat too much, then only 2 cutlets. I drink tea every 20-30 minutes.

Physical exercise: at 17:00 I go for a run in the forest. After running 5 km, I go to the sports ground and do strength exercises. Everything takes 1 hour. I come home and drink a lot of water - 1.5-2 liters (drink as much as you want, my body has enough).

Dinner: 20:00 I eat salad (cucumber, tomato, egg, herbs, a little sour cream), now mostly low-fat cottage cheese (literally 1-2 tablespoons of sour cream).

Before bed: 30 minutes before bedtime, I do abdominal exercises 50 times and push-ups 15 times. Of course, everything hurts (abs and arms), but when I’m tired I fall asleep well. And usually at 12:00 I drink a glass of kefir and go to bed.

I'm participating in the "Before and After" competition with Supra, I want to win a Damascus steel knife.

Do you dream of getting rid of the 15 kilograms of excess fat that are preventing you from living? Great! Find out how to lose weight without hair loss, sagging skin and unsightly stretch marks on your already perfect body.

What to do if an important event is coming up, during which you want to be on top, but this is prevented extra pounds? Many women have experienced this at least once in their lives. Then extreme weight loss comes into play. And the less time remains until the cherished date, the more radical methods weight loss. But how to get rid of extra pounds without harming yourself? After all, as a result of too risky pursuit of harmony, you can end up in a hospital bed.

So, you critically assessed your own reflection in the mirror and decided to get rid of the extra 15 kg. However First, answer yourself a few questions:

  • Is 15 kg really overweight, confirmed by a specialist? Or is this a goal you made up? After all, if your initial weight is 60 kg, then suddenly losing weight by 15 kg just to get closer to Kate Moss’s parameters can be very unsafe for your health. Therefore, before you start losing weight, consult, for example, a nutritionist.
  • What time do you have? The more time you have available to lose weight, the safer it is for your health.
  • If you decide to go on a strict diet, are you aware of all the health risks? After all, hair loss, sagging skin, stretch marks and peeling nails are far from the most unpleasant consequences that often lead to sudden weight loss.
  • Are you mentally prepared for the process of losing weight and changing yourself? After all, the kilos you lose may not bring the satisfaction you think about now.
  • Are you ready to maintain the results achieved by eating right and healthy image life? It is important to answer this question immediately and honestly, because if you go on a strict diet and then return to poor nutrition, the weight you lost will come back with additional kilograms.

General rules of nutrition for weight loss

  1. Eat 3-5 times a day. Serving size should be no more than 300 g.
  2. If you feel very hungry, drink 200 ml of kefir (1% fat), or eat one apple.
  3. You should avoid sugar, salt, flour, fatty meat and fish, sauces, and semi-finished products.
  4. You can eat chicken breast, low-fat fish (hake, pollock), fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products (fat content should not exceed 5%).
  5. Food needs to be steamed, baked or boiled.
  6. You can drink green tea (with lemon if desired) or natural coffee without additives.
  7. Drink at least 2 liters of still water per day.

If you are aiming to lose weight forever, get ready for the fact that you will have to spend time and change your habits (start eating right, playing sports). After all, 15 kg that have accumulated for 5 years cannot be lost irrevocably in 5 days. Only by changing your habits (by starting to eat right and devoting time to physical exercise) will you become slim and at the same time maintain your health.

Losing 15 kg in less than a month is not an easy task. Firstly, it all depends on your initial weight. The more it exceeds the optimal figure, the easier it will be to get rid of 15 kg. Secondly, this is a colossal burden on the body. After all, the excess accumulated over a long period of time, and sudden weight loss switches the body into the “fight for survival” mode. There are six main points to consider if you want to lose 15 kg in a few weeks:

  1. You will have to go on a very strict diet. This can have an extremely negative impact on the functioning of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems, gastrointestinal tract(especially if you have chronic diseases) and metabolic processes.
  2. Under conditions of such dietary stress, the metabolic process in the body will slow down, from which in the future you risk starting to gain weight even from harmless vegetables.
  3. You will lose weight not due to the fat layer, but due to the muscles. The result of such weight loss is sagging skin.
  4. Physical activity is something you can’t do without during emergency weight loss. Otherwise, the desired effect will not be achieved. However, a low-calorie diet combined with grueling exercise can cause exhaustion of the body. Therefore, do not overdo it with physical activity. Exercise as much as possible. If for one reason or another you cannot do exercises, try to walk as much as possible.
  5. The maximum rate of loss of fat reserves per day is 200 g. This result can be achieved by fasting or consuming no more than 500 calories per day. Thus, you can lose 1 kg of fat in a week.
  6. A loss of no more than 3 kg per month is considered harmless to the body. If we are talking about 15 kg in one or several weeks, then such weight loss will have an extremely negative impact on your health.

There are many recipes that promise to lose 15 kg in a minimum period of time - three, two, or even one week. However, before you try these methods on yourself, remember: everything is individual and depends solely on the characteristics of your body. After all, even if someone managed to get rid of 15 kg of excess weight in such a short period of time, it is not a fact that the result of the same diet will not disappoint you.

Method number 1: fasting

Fasting is a very extreme way to lose weight and requires proper preparation. If you decide to fast, you can only do this under the supervision of a specialist. The higher your initial weight, the more kilograms you will lose in a week. However, do not forget that if you break during fasting, or return to poor nutrition after it, you risk not only regaining the previous kilos, but also ending up in the hospital with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Method number 2: consume 500 calories per day

Distribute your meals as you wish, but consume no more than 500 calories per day. For example, for breakfast you can eat 200 g low-fat cottage cheese, at lunch – 1 boiled egg and 1 loaf of bread, for dinner - 200 ml of kefir 2.5% fat. During this period, you should not consume salt, sugar, or fatty foods. Be sure to drink 2 liters of clean water without gas per day.

Requires strict adherence to effective weight loss. Products cannot be replaced or included in the diet at your own discretion.

Menu for 1st – 2nd day

  • 250 ml tomato juice, 20 g rye bread.
  • 1 liter of kefir (1.5% fat).

3rd – 4th day

  • Breakfast: natural coffee with milk (1.5% fat), 1 teaspoon of honey.
  • Lunch: 200 g chicken broth, 2 tablespoons of green peas.

5th – 6th day

  • Breakfast: 2 apples or 2 oranges.
  • Lunch: 250 g vegetable soup.
  • Afternoon snack: 2 apples or 2 oranges.
  • Dinner: 200 g salad (cucumbers + tomatoes + green peas + lemon juice).

Extend 1 liter of kefir (2.5% fat) for the whole day. Don't forget to drink clean water without gas. You are allowed to drink green tea - no more than three cups.

This diet will be useful to you if you are looking for ways to lose 15 kg in 10 days. On the 8th and 9th days you should eat this way.

  • Breakfast: 1 grapefruit.
  • Afternoon snack: 2 apples, green tea with lemon.
  • Dinner: 200 g boiled chicken breast.
  • Breakfast: natural coffee, 150 g of cottage cheese (5% fat).
  • Lunch: 200 ml vegetable soup, 100 g grated carrots.
  • Afternoon snack: 200 ml tomato juice.
  • Dinner: 150 g boiled chicken breast, 50 g green peas.

You can lose 15 kg in two weeks by following liquid diet. Its result also depends on the initial weight. The principle of the diet is to consume only liquid foods (kefir, fruit and vegetable juices, low-fat broth), which effectively cleanses the intestines. However, before you start, you need to consult a nutritionist. If you have no contraindications, a specialist will help you develop an optimal diet taking into account the individual characteristics of your body.

You need to drink at least 2 liters of clean water without gas per day. It is recommended to drink green tea without sugar (with lemon). Consumption of natural coffee without additives is allowed - no more than 2 cups per day.

If for some reason you cannot consume dairy products (kefir, milk), replace them with vegetable broth, fruit or vegetable juices or liquid porridges with water without adding salt and oil.

Menu for the 1st day

  • Breakfast: 200 g of buckwheat porridge without sugar in milk (1.5% fat).
  • Lunch: 200 g vegetable soup, 70 g boiled chicken breast.
  • Afternoon snack: 1 apple.
  • Dinner: 200 g of stewed vegetables.
  • Breakfast: 200 g of oatmeal without sugar with milk (1.5% fat).
  • Lunch: 150 g baked chicken breast, 2 cucumbers.
  • Afternoon snack: 50 g walnuts, 1 apple.
  • Breakfast: 200 g of liquid mashed potatoes (without butter, milk and salt).
  • Second breakfast: 200 ml of kefir (1.5% fat).
  • Dinner: 150 g of liquid mashed potatoes (without salt, milk and butter), 200 ml of kefir (1.5%).

You need to develop a meal plan and strictly follow it. Skipping meals can negatively affect the effect of the diet.

For 14 days you should eat this way:

  • 8:00 – 250 g oat broth (100 g oatmeal boil in 0.5 liters of water, then strain);
  • 9:00 – 250 g vegetable broth;
  • 10:00 – 250 ml of hot boiled water (can be with lemon juice);
  • 11:00 – 200 ml of any fruit juice;
  • 12:00 – 200 ml kefir (1.5% fat);
  • 13:00 – 250 ml of hot boiled water;
  • 14:00 – 250 ml of berry decoction (you can drink a decoction of dried fruits);
  • 15:00 – 200 g of low-fat chicken broth;
  • 16:00 – 200 ml of hot boiled water;
  • 17:00 – 200 ml of hot boiled water;
  • 18:00 – 250 ml of fruit or vegetable juice (3/4 juice and 1/4 water);
  • 19:00 – 250 g vegetable broth;
  • 20:00 - 200 ml of hot boiled water;
  • 21:00 - 200 ml of warm milk (2.5% fat) or kefir (2.5% fat).

It is necessary to exit the diet correctly even if you decide to end it earlier than planned.

  • Breakfast: 200 g of liquid mashed potatoes with water.
  • Second breakfast: 200 ml of mint tea with lemon.
  • Lunch: 200 g grated carrots + 2 teaspoons honey.
  • Afternoon snack: 250 ml kefir (2.5% fat).
  • Dinner: 200 g low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Before going to bed, drink 200 ml of kefir (1% fat).
  • Breakfast: 250 g of any baked vegetables.
  • Second breakfast: 200 ml of kefir (2.5% fat).
  • Lunch: 200 g of buckwheat porridge in water without oil, any fresh herbs.
  • Afternoon snack: 50 g walnuts.
  • Dinner: 200 g of boiled rice without oil and salt.
  • Before going to bed, drink 250 ml of kefir (1% fat).
  • Breakfast: 200 g of oatmeal with milk (2.5% fat) + 1 teaspoon of honey.
  • Second breakfast: 200 ml of milk (2.5% fat).
  • Lunch: 250 g vegetable soup, 70 g baked beef.
  • Afternoon snack: 200 ml kefir (2.5% fat), 1 loaf of bread.
  • Dinner: 150 g cottage cheese (3% fat), 1 apple.
  • Before bed: 200 ml of kefir (1% fat).

This is a very effective diet that can be followed for less than 15 days, and, if necessary, more, depending on the result obtained. Its principle is the alternation of unloading, protein and carbohydrate days. The sequence of days and the composition of the menu are prohibited from changing.

Menu for days 1 – 2 (fasting)

Hungry days. On the first day you can drink 1 liter of kefir (1.5%), on the second - 1 liter of milk (1.5%) or tomato juice.

3rd – 4th days (protein)

  • Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 30 g of rye bread, tea.
  • Lunch: 200 g of mushroom broth, 150 g of boiled chicken breast.
  • Afternoon snack: 150 g of stewed vegetables.
  • Dinner: 1 boiled egg, 100 g low-fat cheese, 200 ml kefir (2.5% fat).

5th – 6th days (carbohydrate)

  • Breakfast: 2 apples or 2 kiwis, tea with 1 teaspoon of honey.
  • Lunch: 150 g of stewed vegetables, 150 g of vegetable soup.
  • Afternoon snack: 2 cucumbers, 1 bread.
  • Dinner: 150 g of salad (fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, green peas + olive oil).

7th - 8th days (fasting)

Repeat days 1 – 2 (kefir, or milk, or tomato juice).

9th – 10th days (protein).

11th – 12th days (carbohydrate).

13th – 14th days (unloading).

  • Breakfast: 150 g of stewed vegetables.
  • Lunch: 150 g low-fat cottage cheese, 150 ml kefir (2.5% fat).
  • Afternoon snack: 1 loaf of bread, tea with 1 teaspoon of honey.
  • Dinner: 200 g boiled chicken breast, 100 ml tomato juice.

The twenty-day diet is based on the same principle as the 15-day diet. Days 15–16 are protein days, days 17–18 are carbohydrate days, days 19–20 are fasting. On days 15–18, you can drink 100 ml of milk (2.5% fat) with 1 teaspoon of honey.

It is necessary to drink at least 2 liters of still water per day. It is recommended to drink green tea with lemon. It is allowed to consume 1 teaspoon of honey per day.

Menu for week 1


  • Breakfast: 1 boiled chicken egg, 1 orange.
  • Lunch: 200 g low-fat cottage cheese, 1 grapefruit.
  • Dinner: 200 g boiled chicken breast, 100 g stewed vegetables (except potatoes).


  • Breakfast: 200 g of boiled rice or buckwheat without salt, butter and milk.
  • Lunch: 200 g vegetable broth.
  • Dinner: 150 g low-fat cottage cheese, 1 apple.


  • Breakfast: 200 g of salad (tomatoes + cucumbers + olive oil + lemon juice), 1 bread.
  • Lunch: 200 g vegetable stew (any vegetables).
  • Dinner: 150 g low-fat cottage cheese, 1 grapefruit.


If you choose fasting, then physical exercise is contraindicated during this period, as the body will be too weakened. With mono-diets, two- and three-week weight loss, you can perform a 20-minute set of exercises (stretching, squats, side bends, running) twice a day. Physical activity will significantly enhance the effect of any diet. The main rule is to monitor your well-being. If you feel bouts of nausea, weakness, or heart pain, stop exercising or reduce the intensity of exercise.

To lose 15 kg in a month, give up fast carbohydrates, processed and fatty foods, sugar and salt. Eat every 3 hours, but eat no more than 300 g of food at one time. The basic rule is that every 2 days you need to do a fasting day on buckwheat or kefir. These days you need to eat either 500 g of buckwheat porridge in water without salt and oil, or drink 1 liter of kefir 2.5% fat per day.

Menu for week 1

  • Second breakfast: 1 apple.
  • Lunch: 200 g vegetable soup.
  • Afternoon snack: 1 loaf of bread, 100 g of boiled chicken breast.
  • Dinner: 100 g low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Breakfast: 100 g of baked vegetables.
  • Second breakfast: 1 orange.
  • Lunch: 150 g baked chicken breast.
  • Afternoon snack: 1 loaf of bread, 50 g low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Dinner: 200 ml kefir (1.5% fat), 100 g boiled shrimp.

Fasting day.

  • Breakfast: 200 buckwheat porridge.
  • Second breakfast: 1 cucumber, 1 bread.
  • Lunch: 150 g vegetable stew (cabbage + onions + carrots).
  • Afternoon snack: 1 apple.
  • Dinner: 200 ml kefir (2.5% fat), 150 g of any baked vegetables.
  • Breakfast: 200 g of boiled rice in water without salt and oil.
  • Second breakfast: 100 g of stewed cabbage.
  • Lunch: 200 g vegetable broth.
  • Afternoon snack: 1 loaf of bread, 1 apple.
  • Dinner: 250 ml kefir (2.5% fat).

Fasting day.

  • Second breakfast: 1 apple.
  • Lunch: 200 g vegetable broth.
  • Afternoon snack: 100 g boiled hake.
  • Dinner: 200 ml kefir (1% fat), 100 g stewed cabbage.
  • Breakfast: 1 banana.
  • Second breakfast: 1 apple.
  • Lunch: 200 ml low-fat chicken broth, 1 piece of bread.
  • Afternoon snack: 100 g cottage cheese (3% fat).
  • Dinner: 200 g of baked vegetables.

Fasting day.

  • Breakfast: 200 g of mashed potatoes without salt and butter.
  • Second breakfast: 100 g low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Lunch: 150 g vegetable soup.
  • Afternoon snack: 200 ml kefir (1% fat), 1 orange.
  • Dinner: 100 g baked hake.
  • Breakfast: 200 g of oatmeal with milk (1.5% fat).
  • Second breakfast: 1 apple.
  • Lunch: 2 cucumbers, 1 bread, 100 g low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Dinner: 150 g of boiled mussels.

Fasting day.

  • Second breakfast: 1 baked apple.
  • Lunch: 1 loaf of bread, 200 ml of milk (1% fat).
  • Afternoon snack: 200 g of any stewed vegetables.
  • Breakfast: 200 ml milk (2.5% fat), 1 banana.
  • Second breakfast: 2 breads, 70 g of buckwheat porridge with water.
  • Lunch: 200 g vegetable soup.
  • Afternoon snack: 100 g low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Dinner: 250 ml kefir (1.5% fat).

Fasting day.

  • Breakfast: 200 g of buckwheat porridge with water.
  • Second breakfast: 2 breads.
  • Lunch: 100 g baked pollock, 1 cucumber.
  • Afternoon snack: 2 loaves of bread, 50 g of cottage cheese (3% fat).
  • Dinner: 200 g of stewed vegetables (except potatoes).
  • Breakfast: 200 g of oatmeal with milk (1.5% fat).
  • Second breakfast: 1 apple.
  • Lunch: 200 g low-fat chicken broth.
  • Afternoon snack: 1 grapefruit, 1 loaf of bread.
  • Dinner: 100 g boiled mussels.

Fasting day.

  • Second breakfast: 1 banana.
  • Lunch: 200 g low-fat chicken broth.
  • Afternoon snack: 2 apples.
  • Dinner: 100 g baked hake.
  • Breakfast: 200 g of oatmeal with water.
  • Second breakfast: 1 orange.
  • Lunch: 100 g baked hake, 2 cucumbers.
  • Afternoon snack: 2 loaves of bread, 200 ml kefir (2.5% fat).
  • Dinner: 200 g stewed cabbage.

Fasting day.

  • Breakfast: 200 g of boiled rice without additives.
  • Second breakfast: 1 apple.
  • Lunch: 200 g vegetable broth.
  • Afternoon snack: 1 orange.
  • Dinner: 150 g boiled shrimp.
  • Breakfast: 150 g low-fat cottage cheese, 1 loaf of bread.
  • Second breakfast: 1 orange.
  • Lunch: 200 g stewed cabbage.
  • Dinner: 150 g boiled chicken breast.

Fasting day.

  • Breakfast: 200 g of oatmeal with water.
  • Second breakfast: 1 banana.
  • Lunch: 100 g vegetable broth.
  • Afternoon snack: 200 ml kefir (2.5% fat).
  • Dinner: 100 g of boiled mussels, 2 breads.
  • Breakfast: 150 g low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Second breakfast: 1 grapefruit.
  • Lunch: 200 g stewed cabbage.
  • Afternoon snack: 2 loaves of bread, 200 ml milk (2.5% fat).
  • Dinner: 150 g boiled chicken breast.

Fasting day.

  • Breakfast: 200 g low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Second breakfast: 2 apples.
  • Lunch: 200 g low-fat chicken broth.
  • Afternoon snack: 2 loaves of bread, 200 ml kefir (1.5% fat).
  • Dinner: 150 g boiled mussels, 1 loaf of bread.

To lose 15 kg in 2 months, eat the same way, but fasting days do it twice a week. You can add beef, cottage cheese 5% fat, natural yogurt and fermented baked milk (no more than 4% fat), chicken eggs (no more than one per day), honey (no more than 1 tablespoon per day), grapes (no more than 200 g) to the diet per day).

Sugar, salt, oil and alcohol should be completely eliminated. You can't play sports during this time.

Menu for days 1 – 10

  • Day 1: 300 g boiled potatoes
  • Day 2: 1 liter of kefir (2.5% fat)
  • Day 3: 500 g cottage cheese (7% fat)
  • Day 4: 4 boiled eggs
  • Day 5: 400 ml milk (2.5% fat)
  • Day 6: 800 g boiled chicken breast
  • Day 7: 1.5 kg apples
  • Day 8: 500 ml kefir (2.5% fat)
  • Day 9: 500 g boiled buckwheat
  • Day 10: 200 g boiled potatoes

250 g of any fresh vegetables daily

11 – 20 days

  • Day 11: 1 liter of kefir (2.5% fat)
  • Day 12: 1 kg apples
  • Day 13: 500 g cottage cheese (5% fat)
  • Day 14: 500 g boiled chicken fillet
  • Day 15: 800 g boiled chicken fillet
  • Day 16: 1.5 liters of kefir (1.5% fat)
  • Day 17: 1 kg of grated carrots
  • Day 18: 1.5 kg apples
  • Day 19: 500 g boiled buckwheat
  • Day 20: 5 boiled eggs

1 liter of still water

21 – 30 days

  • Day 21: 1 liter of kefir (2.5% fat)
  • Day 22: 500 g apples
  • Day 23: 400 g cottage cheese (5% fat)
  • Day 24: 5 boiled eggs
  • Day 25: 1 liter of kefir (2.5% fat)
  • Day 26: 250 g cottage cheese (7% fat)
  • Day 27: 1 kg of grated carrots
  • Day 28: 4 bananas
  • Day 29: 500 g boiled buckwheat
  • Day 30: 5 boiled eggs

1 liter of still water

31 – 40 days

  • Day 31: 1 liter of kefir (2.5% fat)
  • Day 32: 1 kg apples
  • Day 33: 500 g cottage cheese (5% fat)
  • Day 34: 500 g boiled veal
  • Day 35: 800 g boiled chicken breast
  • Day 36: 1.5 liters of kefir (1.5% fat)
  • Day 37: 1 kg of grated carrots
  • Day 38: 1.5 kg apples
  • Day 39: 500 g boiled buckwheat
  • Day 40: 6 boiled eggs

1 liter of still water

To lose 15 kg in three months, you don’t have to go on a strict diet and exhaust yourself with workouts. It is enough to consume no more than 1300 calories per day and devote at least an hour to training every day. You can choose the optimal set of exercises for yourself, or alternate exercises in the gym with, for example, running or dancing. Thus, you will lose 5 kg per month without compromising your health.

Start with a simple but effective technique: keep a notepad or install a special application on your smartphone. Record everything you ate and drank and how much. Don't forget to enter your physical activity data. For example, 20 minutes of running, 30 squats and climbing from the first floor to the third on foot. This will make it easier for you to figure out the number of calories you eat and burn. In addition, plan your diet for the week ahead. If you exceed the permissible daily caloric intake level, the next day you will have to reduce your caloric intake by 200 kcal. And don't forget about sports. Even if you can’t afford to go to the gym to lose weight under the supervision of a trainer, it doesn’t matter. Walk as much as possible (for example, go on long walks on the weekend, taking with you 1 - 1.5 liters of still water with lemon juice), do physical exercises at home, dance. The effect will not be long in coming.

To lose 15 kg in 4 months, you need to lose about 3,700 kg every month. This rate of weight loss will not cause harm if you weigh at least 70 kg. To successfully get rid of extra pounds, follow these rules:

  1. Be sure to have breakfast. Breakfast should be hearty and balanced. For example, eat 200 g of oatmeal with milk (1.5% fat) + 15 g of raisins, 1 banana.
  2. Eat hot liquid food: soups, borscht. When cooking, do not make the meat broth too fatty.
  3. For dinner, eat meat, fish, mushrooms, and fresh vegetable salads.
  4. Boil, bake, steam food.
  5. Each serving of food should be no more than 300 g. But watch the calorie content of your food. For example, it is not recommended to eat more than 100 g of any nuts per day.
  6. Try to completely give up sugar. If this does not work, then it is better to consume products that contain it in the first half of the day (before 13:00).
  7. Harmful sweets (shortbread cookies, biscuits, milk chocolate, condensed milk, etc.) are contraindicated for you. You need to replace them with healthy ones: marshmallows (without chocolate), marmalade, marshmallows, jelly.
  8. If you really want something sweet at the wrong time, brush your teeth or drink natural coffee with cinnamon and lemon. This will suppress the craving for it.
  9. Don't starve or overeat.
  10. Twice a week, arrange fasting days: on kefir, buckwheat, vegetables or fruits. This is prerequisite for weight loss.

You need to lose 2.5 kg monthly to lose 15 kg in six months. To do this, you don't have to starve or exhaust yourself in the gym. It is enough to eat small meals (5-6 times a day), consume no more than 1500 calories per day and perform a set of exercises every other day: 50 squats, 50 abdominal exercises, 100 side bends, 50 side swings with each leg. Try to walk as much as possible. It is recommended to give up sugar, alcohol and flour products. Once a week, arrange fasting days on oatmeal, buckwheat, kefir, fruits or vegetables (you can stew or bake).


There is a huge selection of drugs that promise effective reduction weight without additional effort. Some of them are more effective, others less, and still others do not give the expected results at all. The action of almost all drugs for weight loss is based on the following principles:

  • diuretic and laxative effect;
  • removing excess fluid from the body;
  • appetite suppression;
  • acceleration of metabolism.

If you still decide to use weight loss medications, first consult with a specialist. Next, carefully study the instructions, contraindications and effects of the drug. Remember that the combination of a strict diet, sports loads and auxiliary drugs is a huge burden on the body. Because due to a strict diet and even minimal physical activity, you lose a lot of fluid, and pills with a diuretic effect aggravate this effect. Besides, water balance is quickly restored and, accordingly, the weight returns. And your task is to get rid of excess fat. Therefore, if you decide to use drugs for weight loss, it is better to do this with a more gentle diet. This is the only way to gradually reduce the fat layer.

Appetite suppression

If you find it difficult to cope with the feeling of hunger, you can use folk remedies to suppress appetite. Drink ginger tea or herbal infusions (linden, nettle, corn silk, celery). Also use some tricks to trick your appetite: brush your teeth, take a bath, do breathing exercises.

Anti-cellulite massagers and creams

If you do not have too sensitive skin and are not allergic to the components of anti-cellulite products, then they will not cause you any harm. Regular use of the cream and massager will improve the condition of the skin and prevent it from sagging during rapid weight loss.


The wrapping procedure involves removing moisture through the pores of the skin. Thus, the process of removing waste and toxins from the body accelerates, and you lose volume. However, do not forget that it is not recommended to do wraps more often than twice a week, as this will disrupt the water-salt balance. And people who suffer from diseases cardiovascular system, wraps are contraindicated.

Irina Dyachenko, 25 years old, Kirovograd. Weight change: from 75 kg to 62 kg

“A year ago I decided to lose weight before my sister’s wedding. I wanted to surprise everyone with my slimness. I had three months to transform myself. At first I counted calories. I consumed 1000 – 1100 kcal per day. I ate mostly oatmeal, natural yogurt, chicken breast and vegetable broth. I almost didn’t do sports, but sometimes I had to walk a lot. I lasted this way for a month, thanks to which I lost 6 kg. Then I decided to eat 1,500 calories a day and added more dairy products to my diet. At the same time, I signed up for dances, which I attended 5 times a week. Thanks to this, I lost another 7 kg. I'm very pleased with the result! I felt great at the wedding, I enjoyed looking through the photos. I’m keeping the weight off for now, but my goal is to lose another 5 kg.”

Galina Samoilenko, 26 years old, Vinnitsa. Weight change: from 80 kg to 64 kg

“I have always been prone to being overweight, so in my youth I tried all sorts of diets. Before school graduation, I lost 9 kg in three weeks (from 70 kg to 61 kg). Then I ate only 1 boiled egg, 1 apple, 200 g of chicken breast and 1 orange per day. I drank a lot of water and green tea. She looked good at prom. After some time, everything reset came back. During my student years, there were several more attempts to quickly lose weight. I sat either on kefir, then on vegetables, then on buckwheat, or even ate only one chocolate bar a day, but at the same time I drank a lot of coffee. Using these methods, I lost about five kg in a week, but then they quickly returned. After giving birth, I realized that I would not achieve success using these methods. I tried the Advocaat diet, thanks to which I lost 14 kg. Now I’m eating right, taking time to exercise and continuing to lose weight.”

Anna Gurova, 23 years old, Kyiv. Weight change: from 70 to 58

“I was losing weight for my graduation ceremony. At the request “lose 15 kg in a month,” I found a diet on the Internet, read the reviews and decided to try it. At first I was very hungry. I even broke down a few times. But then my body got used to this diet and I even had the strength to run in the evenings. In addition, I did 50 squats daily. If you wanted something sweet, you drank green tea with lemon and one teaspoon of honey. So I lost 12 kg in a month. Now I eat right and carefully count calories so that the weight doesn’t come back.”

Andrey Nikolaenko, nutritionist, Kyiv

“You don’t even need to be an expert to know that losing 15 kg in a week is impossible. At least in a healthy way. After all, the extra kilos have been accumulating for a long time, so no matter what the body weight, the body is adapted to it. Accordingly, get rid of overweight in a few days is impossible. And short-term diets are designed to remove fluid from their body, which can cause dehydration. Proper weight loss takes time. If you want to get rid of 15 kg and so that this weight never returns to you, change your eating habits, eliminate junk food from your diet, eat smaller meals and move more. The optimal period for losing weight by 15 kg is one year.”

My name is Natalia, I am a housewife, I am 40 years old, height 166 cm, current weight 55-56 kg.

How it all started:

The fact is that I managed to gain weight to 93 kilograms! I have only myself to blame and no one else! How did this happen? Yes, it’s very simple: unbeknownst to herself, she blossomed, starting to uncontrollably and indiscriminately consume healthy and not so healthy food at any time of the day! Plus the lack of necessary physical activity in relation to the kilocalories eaten per day.

All this led to inevitable weight gain.

Who is to blame and what to do:

One fine morning I stepped on the scale and... Oh, God! 93 kilograms... My legs even gave way, my cheeks turned red with shame, my heart sank, and my breathing quickened... I experienced an indescribable SHOCK! What to do?

“We need to do something urgently!” – the thought swirled in my head... and I... gritting my teeth tighter, got down to business!

First, I sat down at the table and made a list of foods that I would eat:

  1. Dairy and fermented milk products: milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt.
  2. Cereals, cereals (selected)
  3. Vegetables (except potatoes)
  4. Fruits (apples, peaches, tangerines, pears, sometimes bananas)
  5. Dried fruits (raisins and prunes)
  6. Green
  7. Fish oil
  8. Complex of vitamins and minerals (required!)
  9. Tea and sometimes coffee

And here is what I excluded from the list of products I consume:

  1. Sweets
  2. Bakery and flour products
  3. Meat products
  4. Foods are fried, fatty, spicy and salty
  5. Ketchups
  6. Mayonnaise
  7. Sauces

Last meal before 18:00! (while I was losing weight)

Currently, I allow myself a light snack at 20:00 (if necessary).

I did not and do not adhere to specific diets, I did not consider BJU. By the way, I learned about the BJU counting system much later. I haven’t and don’t drink alcoholic beverages at all (well, that’s my personal opinion).

Oh, I remember how hard it was for me at first! I wanted to eat constantly (my stomach was stretched!), even if I cried. Well, nothing, after the first two or three weeks I got used to it, got used to it, adapted to the new rhythm of life, so to speak, and positive results were not long in coming. I now have, albeit weakly, faith in myself and my strengths, and this is very important!

From sports I chose for myself active walking(daily and in any weather):

  1. Distance – 5 km.
  2. Time – 50-55 minutes (120-130 steps per minute).
  3. A few exercises on “simulators” (not systematically, solely at will and according to the mood).

Once a week I weighed myself in the morning on a “mechanical scale” (I didn’t have electronic scales until a certain point). I recorded the results of weight and volume, slowly rejoicing in small victories over my own laziness!

Does Calorizer help?

I received and still receive enormous support and strong motivation from communicating with the girls of the site:

I am incredibly glad that I found this truly warm and friendly site on the Internet! Even at the initial stage of my struggle to lose excess weight, I realized that it would take me at least a year to get in shape and in proper order. This means that I won’t be able to lose weight in one or two months, no matter how much I would like it, because I didn’t gain weight in one or two months - that’s a fact!

Days, weeks, months passed... I lost weight... gradually and confidently acquiring more and more clear outlines and pleasant body shapes. The “plateau” syndrome actually didn’t bother me, because it only occurred a couple of times for a short period of time during the entire period of my weight loss.

I’m still surprised at myself - I didn’t break down, didn’t go into gluttony, didn’t experience cravings or temptations for those foods that I refused; I completely calmly prepared something delicious for my husband and son for breakfast, lunch or dinner! Apparently, the power of my self-hypnosis turned out to be so high!

What about the plans?

By April 2013, I managed to get rid of 37-38 kg of excess weight, that is, from 93 kg I reduced my weight to 55-56 kg!

It’s simply amazing how human skin can stretch and contract back!.. Well, isn’t it amazing? As my mother said, looking at me after losing weight: where does everything go? There was no trace left of the excess mass.

My new goal: maintaining the achieved result! I hope I succeed. I feel happy! The approach of summer really makes me happy now!

I would like to wish good luck to everyone who is losing weight or just planning to lose weight!

If you have your own weight loss story, you can tell it here. The most interesting stories will be published on the website.

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Unfortunately, the problem of excess weight is now more relevant than ever, which is why you can often hear the question “ for 40 kg" It seems that this is not possible, but it is not, because we have before our eyes many examples of people who have succeeded. These are, for example, Polina Gagarina, Larisa Dolina, Jennifer Hudson and many others.

Workouts for quick weight loss of 30-40 kg in one to two months

How can an ordinary person lose weight by 30-40 kg in a month?

Proper weight loss from professionals

And we can only guess how many unknown women and men have done this, but we are sure that there are a lot of them and you can become such a person! But it is still necessary to lose weight - after all, such excess weight is fraught with unpleasant diseases and disgusting health, and we do not need this.

So, in order to lose 30 kg in a month, it is necessary, naturally, to sit on strict diet. Now there is a huge choice effective diets, which will allow you to throw off the “surplus” in the shortest possible time. These are, for example, apple, kefir, watermelon diets and many others.

How can an ordinary person lose weight by 30-40 kg in a month?

So, the main thing is to follow all the rules of the diet you have chosen. If you do everything correctly, the weight will quickly begin to leave you. The main thing here is desire and motivation - if you have them and they are sincere - then everything will work out for you.

But with such excess weight, just a diet is not enough - it is important to add a complex physical exercise– this could be gymnastics, classes in gym, swimming, walking - whatever you like, as long as you like. Classes should be regular and then you will feel for yourself, by 40 kg in 2 months.

The best way Losing weight means diet and exercise

Home workouts with proper nutrition and you will lose 30 kg

When you see the result, do not under any circumstances return to your previous lifestyle, because then the excess weight will return, and you There's no way you can lose 30 kg.

Home workouts with proper nutrition and you will lose 30 kg

We wish you success and patience, be slim and beautiful with your training!