How to do cardio better. Cardio training for weight loss

Many people consider any intense exercise to be cardio exercise and get very upset when they fail to lose weight over a period of time. This article will clarify and explain what cardio training is, and will also help you choose necessary exercises for effective weight loss.

You can’t do without input data

Having set out to find out what cardio training is, you need to get some input on the intensity of the load, which you cannot do without during the training process. This is done so that each person can see the difference between the loads and understand how effectively they burn fat.

High intensity training is considered the most effective among other types. It gives a short-term burst of energy in the human body, forcing the heart and metabolism to work at maximum speed. Naturally, this leads to intense fat burning. However, after this surge, the body quickly gets tired, and it takes time to normalize the processes in it.

Low intensity at a constant pace has a more beneficial effect on the human body. But on fast burning You shouldn’t count on fat, and the body itself knows how to adapt to such a load.

Relationship with heart rate

As you know, for each age category there is an individual cardio training program. The fact is that with age the human heart weakens and becomes more sensitive to stress. Therefore, the concept of “MP” (maximum heart rate) was introduced, which was calculated using the formula: 220 - (age). For example, a person is 40 years old. Then his maximum heart rate will be 220 - 40 = 180 beats per minute.

Numerous studies conducted around the world suggest that in order to burn fat in the human body during low-intensity training, it is necessary to keep the heart rate within 60-75% of maximum heart rate. Burning fat at high intensity occurs faster, but puts the heart at risk, because it must work at a frequency of 75-85% of MP.

What is cardio training?

Exercises that cause your heart rate to increase, as well as those that can maintain a given pace, are commonly called cardio training. Naturally, there are many exercises, and each of them has a different effect on the functioning of the heart. It doesn't have to be running, swimming, cycling or skiing. Even a builder who needs to lift 50 bags of cement up the stairs to the ninth floor can easily do cardio training to burn fat. Any workout that causes the heart rate to increase, bringing the body out of a resting state, is usually called cardio training.

A useful tool for those who want to lose weight quickly

Calculating the effective heart rate for cardio training will not pose any particular problems, but raising it to the desired frequency and maintaining it during the entire exercise is unrealistic without an accompanying tool. In such cases, athletes will be helped by a heart rate monitor, the task of which is to determine the heart rate. The device is not too cheap, but in everyday life it is very practical. In addition to calculating heart rate, the device is capable of sending a signal to the owner if the pulse drops below or rises above set thresholds. An expensive device can be replaced with a regular stopwatch, but difficulties may arise with the accuracy of the calculation. However, this is still better than doing cardio exercise and not knowing your own pulse.

The benefits of cardio for the body

Having found out what cardio training is, you need to understand how useful it is and whether it makes sense to spend your time on it. There are a lot of conflicting reviews in the media about the effectiveness of heart exercises. For example, strengthening cardiovascular system and the reduction in heart attack risk has been questioned by many research institutes around the world. After all, according to statistics, mortality is high among older runners while jogging.

But the effect of fat burning thanks to cardio and a low-calorie diet is described in many scientific works and is not questioned. Also, all those involved have improved their general well-being, their sleep has become stronger, and the body needs less time to recover.

About running

Many articles have been written and many films have been filmed about how useful running is. documentaries. However, many people who start running in the mornings or evenings, after a few months daily workouts may have noticed the absence of any fat burning effect. What's the matter, because everyone around says that running is the solution to all problems. Maybe cardio training in the gym is necessary due to the presence of special equipment?

There are actually several problems, and they all depend only on the runner himself. First, the intensity of the workout. An easy jog at a fast walking speed (6-8 km/h) in the first days of training will cause the heart rate to increase to 60-70% of MP, but over time the body will get used to it and the load on the heart will decrease significantly. Secondly, lack of motivation. Getting up for a run in the morning is an effort on yourself, but you also need to force yourself to create inconvenience to the body by running at speed or over rough terrain.

Which sport should you prefer?

Why not combine a pleasant activity with a useful one - at the same time lose weight and improve your health? physical fitness, learn to dance or fight, or generally achieve some results in sports. After all, this is how general complexes appear in the media, the purpose of which is cardio training for weight loss in boxing, swimming, bodybuilding and others popular types sports The main thing is that any workout includes intense exercise for at least 40 minutes. It is also not recommended to exercise for more than one hour, because the body also needs to rest. You should not count on the effectiveness of one or two classes per week. At a minimum, you need to visit the gym 3-4 times a week.

Strength training

Strength gyms are very popular among the population, because it has been proven that combined cardio and strength training make you body fat burn as efficiently as possible. The fact is that it is in the muscles that the process of burning fatty tissue occurs - than more muscles and the load on them, the more effective the weight loss process. However, most athletes look massive and have fat deposits, the reader will notice. Yes, this is true, athletes in the race for muscle mass consume too many calories, but once they go on a diet, the excess fat will disappear in a very short time, although gain muscle mass will pause.

Cardio training for girls in strength room will also be interesting. After all, working with iron will force their body to secrete hormones responsible for muscle growth, albeit in small quantities, but they are enough to create body contour and burn off excess fat.

Treadmill - the solution to all problems

Exactly treadmill installed in the gym is considered the best solution for any athlete. Cardio training for burning fat on such a device is achieved due to the specific capabilities of the mechanical device, which are impossible during a regular jog in the park.

The treadmill can change the incline angle from 1 to 15%. This is quite enough to raise your heart rate to the maximum even with a slow step. The rotation speed of the running belt is also adjustable - you can adjust the speed from 0 to 15 km/h down to tenths. Treadmills are equipped with a heart rate monitor, which monitors the load. If the gym doesn't have a treadmill, no problem! An elliptical trainer or a bicycle machine may be present. They are quite suitable for classes.

Cardio at home

Many people who want to lose weight and do not have the opportunity to visit gyms will benefit from cardio training at home. Triathlon exercises will come to the rescue, as they can instantly raise your heart rate and not lower it until the very end of the workout. The barbell chest press, the first basic exercise, is replaced by push-ups, which must be performed with high intensity. Barbell squats are completely replaceable with regular squats - such an exercise can remove a lot of weight. subcutaneous fat. But many fitness trainers recommend replacing the deadlift with a boxing exercise called the “frog.” It consists in the following algorithm of actions:

  1. From the starting standing position, you need to squat down, fixing your palms on the floor.
  2. Keeping your hands in place, you need to push off with your feet and, straightening your back, move your toes back to the maximum distance. Hold this position for a few seconds.
  3. Then return to starting position, performing the reverse actions.

Static cardio exercise

And if cardio training, the exercises for which were discussed above, at some point became ineffective, then it’s time for static exercises. At first glance, statics seems very simple, and one can hardly believe in its effectiveness, but after starting classes, many will be forced to admit that static exercises much more complex than dynamic movements.

The static plank exercise is one of the classic yoga poses. The exercise involves all the muscles of the body, the constant tension of which can cause an increase in blood pressure, and accordingly, start the fat burning process. To assume the basic plank position, you need to lie on the floor, placing your toes and forearms on the floor. The body should be straight, and the elbows should be located strictly under the shoulders. In the initial stages, it is unlikely that any of the beginners will survive in this position for more than one minute. But this exercise is enough to switch time from dynamic movements.

In conclusion

Having found out what cardio training is and what exercises with its help will quickly get rid of fat, you can safely begin to achieve your goals. The main thing is to always remember that any load on the body also affects the cardiovascular system, which in no case should be overloaded, otherwise, having gotten rid of one problem, you can acquire another.

Cardio training is an aerobic exercise aimed at strengthening the cardiovascular system, activating metabolism and burning fat.

There are many types of cardio exercises that have different effects on people. If the goal is fat burning, then the intensity of the load should increase gradually, which gives the body the opportunity to adapt to stressful conditions.

The most common types of cardio workouts are:

  • Interval training is characterized by high intensity and alternating levels of difficulty with short periods of rest. A 15-20 minute session on an exercise bike alternates with jumping rope, squats and other elements.
  • (not for beginners).
  • Aerobics is gymnastics consisting of aerobic exercises accompanied by rhythmic music.

Among the most popular cardio exercises, it is worth highlighting the following:

Running. Despite the fact that it belongs to the main types of cardio training, people with injuries should not do it. knee joints. For everyone else, it is recommended to combine running with other types of cardio exercise. While running at a speed of about 8 km/h, about 6-7 kcal are consumed per kg of weight in 60 minutes of training.

Swimming. Is one of best views cardio, which strengthens not only the cardiovascular system, but also the muscles of the abs, legs, arms and spinal column. Swimming crawl at a speed of more than 2.5 km/h allows you to burn up to 480-520 kcal in a 60-minute workout.

Bike- a safe alternative to jogging, since it does not injure joints with impact load. Riding a real bike will burn more calories than an identical workout on a stationary bike. The amount of calories burned depends on the intensity of the exercise and the landscape: a trip at a speed of 15 km/h or a long climb uphill causes the body to burn up to 750-820 kcal.

Volleyball, tennis and a number of others game types sports Helps strengthen the cardiovascular system, as well as increase strength, endurance and flexibility. While playing tennis or basketball, the body spends about 4-5 kcal per hour for every kilogram of weight.

Elliptical trainers today they are present in virtually every gym. Unlike treadmills, they simulate running or walking uphill, allowing you to burn more calories and activate the natural mechanism for breaking down sugars and fats. For an hour of step aerobics, about 6.5-7 kcal are spent per kilogram of weight.

Intense workout in the gym capable of burning up to 7.5-8 kcal. Extremely effective in terms of getting rid of excess calories is running up stairs, which burns almost 13 kcal per kg per hour. You can complicate the exercise with additional weights. To achieve the most impressive results, it is best to combine different types of cardio training.

Home cardio

Without props and additional equipment:

  1. Running in place (with high knees). 1 to 2 minutes at the fastest pace possible.
  2. Climber. From 10 to 20 times per approach.
  3. . From 2 to 5 minutes.
  4. . From 15 to 30 burpees in one approach.
  5. Plyometric push-ups are on par with strength training and cardio training. To perform them, you need to lower yourself as far as possible to the floor level, touching the covering with the tip of your nose, and then push away with force. own body in such a way that the palms come off the hard surface, after which they make a clap. The main thing is to ensure a soft landing so as not to break your nose or chin.

With additional equipment:

  1. Jumping rope. From 1 to 5 minutes at the fastest pace.
  2. Exercises on the step platform. These exercises usually form a whole complex (step aerobics) and the workout takes from 20 to 60 minutes.

These elements are recommended to be used as part of circuit training. Spending 30-40 minutes three times a week can significantly improve endurance, strengthen the cardiovascular system and tighten muscle tone.

How to do cardio correctly

The time for cardio exercise is selected on an individual basis, but most experts recommend conducting such training in the morning. It is during this period that the body is at its peak.

If you start from eating, then proceed according to this scheme:

  • On an empty stomach in the morning, if the cardio load is low and up to 15 minutes in time. To put it roughly, this will be a regular morning exercise.
  • Full, after 1.5 hours from eating. These can be intense workouts where you push yourself to the limit.

The main rule for successful training is to focus on your heart rate (heart rate). In order to calculate the maximum allowable heart rate during training, you should use the following formula:

  1. For women: subtract your own age from 214;
  2. For men: subtract your own age from 220;

Bring up the intensity training process it is not worth it to reach maximum levels, since fat begins to be burned at a heart muscle contraction frequency equal to 65-70% of the maximum permissible threshold.

At the beginning, the duration of the workout should vary between 15-30 minutes. However, during this period, the body primarily consumes glycogen contained in the muscles and liver, and only after that it turns to fat reserves. Therefore, the total time spent on training should aim for an hour a day.

One of the main components of a successful training is the attitude and motivation of the athlete.

  • It is worth periodically alternating the pace and performing several different exercises in one day.
  • Well-chosen musical accompaniment or a movie can improve your mood and take your mind off thoughts of fatigue.
  • On days of strength training, it is not recommended to perform prolonged cardio exercise.
  • If it is not possible to exercise outdoors, it is recommended to ventilate the room, providing access to fresh air during the training process.
  • The best sportswear for such activities - one that is made of natural breathable fabrics. If you run outside in cool weather, check out.

Interval Cardio

Interval cardio is the best solution for those who want to get rid of extra pounds while maintaining muscle mass. Such training has a positive effect on the process of fat oxidation and blocks the production of special enzymes that provoke their deposition.

In order to replenish metabolic balance, the body throughout the day from the end interval training continues to actively consume calories, preventing them from being deposited as fat.

This type of training consists of high-intensity intermittent exercises in which high load alternates with short periods of rest and exercise of reduced intensity. The duration of the intervals varies from 7-8 seconds to several minutes. They must be calculated individually, gradually increasing the intensity of the load. The following equipment will be useful for interval cardio training:

  • treadmill;
  • a simulator simulating manual rowing;
  • elliptical trainer;
  • jump rope

An example of effective interval training is the following algorithm: after a mandatory three-minute warm-up, over the next half hour, alternate intervals of fast running (1-2 minutes), running with acceleration (8-12 seconds) and moderate-intensity exercise (no more than 30 seconds). ). The presence of intervals in the case of low intensity of the training process does not make sense, so interval cardio should be practiced only if you are ready to give it your all.

Cardio workout program for burning fat

The following complex is suitable for intensive fat burning at home. Here are just a few exercises, and complement your own training program follows a variety of elements.

  1. Warm up for at least 2-3 minutes. It is important to warm up all muscles and joints well to avoid injuries and problems with the cardiovascular system.
  2. Next, you should start doing “explosive” push-ups.
  3. Push-ups are followed by lunges with impact or a burpee exercise.
  4. Jumping, during which the hands should be behind the head, clasped.
  5. It is recommended to finish with squats (best with dumbbells). A similar complex is performed 4-5 times in one workout. In the future, the number of circles can be increased, while simultaneously reducing the time spent on each approach.

Benefits of Cardio Exercise

Cardio exercises are an excellent prevention of various diseases of the cardiovascular system, they can reduce the percentage of body fat and increase endurance, while maintaining muscle mass. Cardio training can restore the process of breaking down glucose in the body. There are a number of cases where people, as a result of regular exercise, completely got rid of type 2 diabetes.

Cardio exercise in the morning has a very beneficial effect on the level of vitality, increasing vigor and efficiency.

Thanks to cardio training, you can “shake up” your own body, preventing it from remaining in the “comfort zone” for long. Best results can be achieved in the case of a combination of regular aerobic exercise with classes in the gym. This practice allows you to get rid of fat in the shortest possible time and acquire a beautiful, sculpted body.

Be sure to read about it

Correct breathing isan integral part of any workout. But unfortunately how to breathe correctly during exercise Not everyone knows. And it's sad because it doesn't correct breathing negatively affects the entire body, primarily the brain and heart.

If you learn to breathe correctly, thenyour workout will be much more effective (the better our cells are supplied with oxygen, the better the result obtained from the workout). Also, proper breathing during training has a positive effect on post-training recovery.

How to breathe correctly during training?

Three basic rules for ideal breathing:

  1. deep breathing tion (that is, you need to breathe deeply, and not in small bursts)
  2. even breathing (even, deep breath - even, deep exhale)
  3. inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth

Cardio training

The most striking example of cardand training, this is running. It is running that we will consider. When running, complete harmony of the whole body is important: movement - rhythm - breathing rate (especially for long runs). The rhythm 2:2 and 3:3 is considered a classic of the genre. (depending on running speed).


2:2 this is during two shagov inhale: during two steps exhale (same with 3:3, three steps - inhale, three steps - exhale).

As practice shows, this scheme is suitable for 90% of people. For the rest, 10% of people, you need to select the breathing rhythm individually (that is, they themselves must determine how best to breathe).

Strength training

The most important rule when strength training sounds like this: “during maximum load, exhale; during minimum load, inhale.”

For example: in a bench press, when you lower the barbell to your chest, you inhale, and when you press the barbell from your chest, you exhale.

Why do you need to keep this particular rhythm? Because:

While inhaling:

  • maximum muscle stretch
  • maximum muscle relaxation

During exhalation:

  • maximum strength
  • maximum muscle tension
  • maximum muscle grouping

That is why such a rhythm is considered the best in terms of physical development and recovery.

We have considered how to breathe correctly during cardio training (running) and during strength training. I also forgot to mention about holding your breath. It is highly not recommended to hold your breath while performing the exercise, as this can lead to dire consequences. Due to a lack of oxygen, the following problems may occur: weakness, dizziness, loss of consciousness, nausea, heart problems in the future. So, breathe correctly, and you will be happy!


Cardio training is independent study, which improves the body's performance and increases the intensity of fat burning. Cardio equipment has the same type of load, the difference lies in the movement technique. You can choose one simulator or several for training. The greatest effect from classes will be with long and intense training.

If the workout is aimed at burning fat, then its duration can be from 25 minutes to an hour. When it goes away after a workout in the gym, it lasts from 15 minutes. Intense fat burning occurs only 15 minutes after the start of the workout.

The most suitable option for cardio training - this is alternating the load. You need to start with a warm-up and minimal load, then gradually move on to intense exercises, and then again carry out a gentle load.

To lose weight faster and benefit from training, it is advisable to adhere to the following rules:

  1. You should not eat before training.
  2. You cannot exercise on an empty stomach.
  3. If muscle discomfort occurs, you need to take a break from training.
  4. Choose comfortable clothes and shoes made from natural materials for classes.

Exercise bikes

Loads the muscles of the legs and abdomen. Exercise has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and develops endurance in a person. In 40 minutes of exercise on an exercise bike you can burn up to 1500 kilocalories.


They are the simplest and most effective to use. When training on a treadmill, metabolic processes in the body occur faster, as a result of which a lot of fat is burned. This cardio machine puts stress on the legs, back muscles and pectoral girdle. Also, with constant exercise, the muscles of the thighs and lower legs are loaded.

Elliptical trainers

They combine all types of exercise equipment and are universal. When training on them, all muscle groups are involved. Before starting classes in the cardio room, you must first go to the doctor and get permission to play sports. Then the trainer, in accordance with these recommendations, will select the necessary simulator and load level.

When training on cardio equipment, the functioning of the cardiovascular system improves and there is an effective fight against fat.

Video on the topic

Cardio exercise refers to any physical activity that causes a noticeable increase in heart rate. This load primarily has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle.

The benefits of cardio exercise

Cardio exercises are recommended for all people, regardless of gender and age. The heart is an organ on which well-being directly depends. It needs training no less than other muscles. human body.

Increased heart rate during cardio exercise has a healing effect on the entire body. The most important condition is the optimal intensity of the load, otherwise they can be completely opposite. It is necessary to focus primarily on the current state of the body.

When choosing a cardio load, fitness is of great importance. The increase in heart rate during cardio exercise can vary from very slight to extreme. If you are weak in old age, you should prefer light loads.

Types of Cardio Exercises

The simplest and in a safe way To join the sport is walking, it is worth starting with it. Walking can occur at different paces, from a walking step to an accelerated one. A walking step will not have a strong training effect, but it will still have a positive impact on the body.

Brisk walking is walking at a speed of 110 steps per minute. An unprepared person will not be able to walk at such a pace right away, so it is worth building the training at intervals. For example, alternate 5 minutes of calm and 5 minutes of accelerated exercise.

Over time, it is necessary to increase the load, approaching long-term walks briskly. Ideally, the pace should be as if he were late for somewhere. Such walking has a pronounced healing effect.

Running is also a type of cardio exercise. There are restrictions for jogging, because running also loads many muscle groups. For example, if you have joint diseases, you should definitely consult a doctor first.

Dancing is a useful cardio hobby. They bring a versatile effect. In addition to the benefits and muscles, dancing will also help you gain grace and grace.

Cardio exercises also include cycling. Cycling not only strengthens your heart muscle, but also your leg muscles. If you don't have a bicycle, you can go to gym and practice on .

Cardio loads – the simplest way give up excess weight. The only condition is that you need to practice regularly, at least 4-5 times a week. Then you will fully experience the whole positive effect from cardio exercise.

A cardio room is a room equipped with cardio equipment. Now anyone sports club must have a cardio room or cardio zone, since classes there are a mandatory element for athletes.

Cardio equipment includes:

  • bicycles;
  • treadmills;
  • staplers;
  • elliptical trainers.

They must have pulse and heart rate sensors.

Before class in the cardio room, warm up for 10 minutes. It helps warm up the muscles and prepares the heart for training. Cardio training develops endurance and burns fat reserves. Can be carried out as full workout, and a supplement after work in the gym. Cardio equipment differs in the technique of performing movements, but the type of load is exactly the same. You can choose one exercise machine for a lesson or alternate using different ones. Intense and long-term training will bring results.

After gym The duration of classes will be from 15 to 45 minutes. If you exercise only in the cardio room, then you need to start with 25 minutes and gradually increase to an hour. Fat breakdown occurs only after 15 minutes of training on exercise machines.

  1. Exercise bikes. Suitable for people with varicose veins, back and joint diseases. On exercise bikes, the hips and buttocks are worked out, while the back, abdomen, chest and shoulders are left unattended.
  2. Treadmills. Walking and running on paths is the safest form of exercise.
  3. Steppers. This machine works well for your chest, back and shoulders.
  4. Elliptical trainers. They combine all types of exercise equipment. With their help, you can work the following areas: hips, buttocks, back, chest, shoulders, legs. This unit distributes the load evenly across all zones, so there are no restrictions for training on it.

Restrictions for exercising in the cardio room

  1. At varicose veins veins, you cannot use horizontal exercise machines.
  2. If there are flat feet and problems with the spine, running is replaced by walking.
  3. If discomfort occurs during exercise, then you need to take a break.

Systematic training on cardio equipment will help not only protect the heart and blood vessels from diseases, but also lose weight. overweight.

Video on the topic

Tip 4: What is Cardio? The benefits of cardio exercise

In stores sports equipment There are a lot of cardio equipment, but few people know why and what they are needed for.

First of all, such simulators are aimed at strengthening and maintaining health: cardiovascular and respiratory system. Moreover, such training improves the entire tone of the body, so it is very important to monitor your breathing and pulse during cardio exercise. The pulse should be increased several times depending on the desired result. If the goal is to lose weight, then the heart rate should be increased by 60 percent of its normal frequency, and if the goal is to increase muscle mass, then by 80 percent. Monitoring your heart rate is easy. Moreover, all modern exercise machines are equipped with special sensors and screens on which you can see not only the change in heart rate, but also the speed of running or walking, the time that has passed since the start of the workout, kilometers and calories. All this is calculated by a special program, which is configured according to a certain formula.

In cardio training, as in any other, the result depends directly on the regularity of exercise. If you need to lose weight or lose a certain amount of kilograms, then you need to exercise on such exercise machines every day. If the goal of your training is to maintain muscle tone, then two, three or four times a week is enough. In addition, you should not achieve the desired results only through cardio training. In addition, you need to monitor your diet and include it in your workouts. power loads and stretching exercises. It is very important to monitor not only your diet, but also your sleep. When starting exercises, you need to be sure that the body is rested and ready to start working on itself. You should start such exercises only after consulting with the appropriate doctor, because there are heart diseases that a person cannot diagnose on his own.

Training time can vary from forty to sixty minutes depending on physical training person. First you need to do a short warm-up to warm up your muscles, and at the end it’s a good idea to stretch.

In conclusion, we can say that you can purchase such a simulator at any sports store or on the Internet. Each company with such a plan will advise you and help you choose exactly the one that satisfies all your desires. If you don’t have sufficient finances, you can do without a simulator. Just running or walking in place is an excellent replacement for any exercise machine, because all this can be done on fresh air, in the lap of nature.

Many people know about the benefits of cardio equipment. Thanks to intense physical activity, you can burn maximum calories and lose weight. But, making mistakes while training on the simulator, it is difficult to achieve a good result.

Don't hold on to the handrails

If your goal is to lose weight, then when spending time on the machine, do not hold on to the handrails. This mistake is often made by those who train on elliptical apparatus. The load on the main muscle group decreases and there is little benefit from the exercises.

Add variety

The human body quickly adapts to monotonous cardio training, and a “plateau” effect appears. To prevent this from happening, try to change the incline more often and increase the intensity of your running.

Do not wear a weight loss belt to workout

If the body is deprived of normal heat exchange, cardio training will go into the negative plane. When we are physically active, the body produces much more heat and, in order for the body to cool down, the brain gives a command to sweat profusely. To reduce body temperature, sweat must evaporate from the surface of the skin. And weight loss belts and rubberized pants interfere with this process, as a result of which the body temperature rises, nausea appears, and even fainting is possible.

Individual program

You will achieve good results from cardio training if you do it according to individual program With experienced trainer, which will take into account the characteristics of your figure, weight and age.

Diet cannot be ruled out

Many people believe that intense workouts are enough to lose weight. You don’t need to stick to mono-diet and starve yourself, but you still have to count calories.

Tip 6: How to do cardio training: useful information for beginners

Cardio training allows you to tone your muscles in a matter of weeks, improve the condition of the cardiovascular system, and reduce fat layer in problem areas. In a month of intense exercise, you can burn up to 5–6 kg. What cardio exercises are more effective to do at home?

Cardio training is one of the effective ways get your body in shape. A month of daily 30-minute aerobic exercise will allow you to lose 3 to 9 kg, depending on your initial body weight. In addition to reducing volume, cardio exercises also bring health benefits, strengthening the heart and blood vessels, restoring function nervous system, reducing shortness of breath. After just 3-4 weeks, you will feel that climbing stairs has become easier, and the route from home to work does not seem so insurmountable.

Cardio training program

The cardio training program is selected individually. The duration and frequency of exercise and the intensity of exercise are influenced by factors such as initial body weight, the presence or absence of problems with the musculoskeletal system, and contraindications from the cardiovascular system.

Before starting classes, you should consult a cardiologist if you are registered with him and have recently undergone surgery. People suffering from joint diseases would benefit from a conversation with an orthopedist, traumatologist or therapist. Consultation with a specialist will also be required for patients who have been diagnosed with obesity - due to heavy weight increases the load on the knees and ankle joints, the risk of injury increases.

Cardio training at home includes dancing, aerobics, jumping rope, exercises on an orbital track and an exercise bike. If buying sports equipment is an expensive pleasure, then it is better to give preference to dance aerobics. You can find dozens of courses online for both beginner sports enthusiasts and trained people.

It is better to choose circular complexes with minimal rest between exercises. The movements are fast, intense - jumping, lunges, squats, swinging legs and arms. The duration of such cardio training for burning fat is 30–40 minutes. During this time, it is possible to get rid of 200–400 kcal.

If there are health restrictions, then choose programs with a low impact load. Movements are smoother, slower - stretching, walking, alternately raising legs, turning the body. The duration of the training also varies between 30–40 minutes. This cardio training program allows you to burn up to 150–200 kcal.

Heart rate during cardio training

During cardio training, it is important to monitor your heart rate - pulse. The higher this indicator, the more effective the fat burning process is. However, it is not recommended to push your heart rate into the “red zone” - this is fraught with serious health problems.

The norm is 60–75 beats/min. This pulse is observed in middle-aged men and women at rest - after waking up, but before getting out of bed. It should be remembered that heart rate at rest is affected by age and a number of diseases.

During cardio training at home, tracking your heart rate is quite difficult. You will have to interrupt the training and count the heartbeats by placing your index and middle finger on the vein on your wrist or carotid artery. In the gym, the heart rate will be shown by any exercise machine - orbitrack, treadmill, bicycle. It is enough to hold the handles with sensors for 4–7 seconds.

For effective fat burning, your heart rate should be 65–80% of your maximum heart rate (MHR). This indicator is calculated using the formula: 220 – age = MPP. For example, for a 30-year-old woman, the maximum heart rate should vary around 190 beats/min. Accordingly, the most effective fat burning will be observed at a heart rate of 140 to 155 beats/min.

Music for cardio training

Cardio training at home is best done with energetic and rhythmic music. Especially if you combine cardio with strength training. Otherwise, you will be distracted by other things and take too long breaks between approaches.

Music for cardio training is selected according to the intensity of the exercise. Take the time to spend 30-40 minutes making a playlist. It is advisable to try to perform several exercises to music. If the movements are easy, bring pleasure, and you don’t lose your breath, then such a track should definitely be in your selection.

Home cardio workouts for weight loss can be used by both beginners and advanced athletes. Such classes will be an excellent alternative to a gym located in an inconvenient area of ​​the city or with an expensive subscription. In just a few months of regular exercise 3-4 times a week, you will be able to lose 8-10 kg. Don't forget to spend time doing strength training to avoid sagging skin.

Scientific research has revealed that the main cause of high mortality in Russia is cardiovascular diseases. They make up 53% of the total share of pathologies leading to death. Almost all of them are caused by poor lifestyle and genetic predisposition. And although people have not yet learned how to influence heredity, they can prevent or reduce the influence of these factors on the condition of the heart and blood vessels. Most available methods This is cardio training and proper nutrition.

Cardio training is low-intensity physical activity and is necessary for:

  • strengthening heart muscles;
  • improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • fortifications general condition health;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • burning fat.

There are many types of cardio training, each person can choose an option based on their strength and health status.

Types of Cardio Training

You don’t have to visit a fitness club to exercise; training can be done outdoors or at home.

  1. Running. This is one of the best physical activity, it is effective in any form, simple and accessible to everyone. You can select one of the load types. The first is a slow run at a constant speed for 20 minutes. The first few times it is better to limit yourself to 10 minutes, gradually increasing the time. The second is interval running, that is, alternating 1 minute of fast running with 3 minutes of slow running. Total time– 15–20 minutes.
  2. Cycling. The best option is cycling in the fresh air, provided the weather is good. During the rainy and cold season, you can use an exercise bike. Riding uphill is a great workout for strengthening your heart muscle. Optimal time classes - 25 minutes at a slow pace.
  3. Swimming. One effective way to strengthen the heart muscle is to swim breaststroke, but other techniques are also effective. The main condition is the intensity of movements. Lesson time is 25–30 minutes; swimming styles can be changed during training.
  4. Walking. This type of workout can be done anytime and anywhere. You should not forget to actively work with your arms - when walking, you need to bend and unbend them. The duration of the session depends on your health condition; it varies from 30 minutes to an hour. In addition to strengthening the heart muscle, walking normalizes digestion.
  5. Stepper. This is the name of a type of exercise that simulates climbing stairs. When doing this, you should pay attention to which leg is the first to step on the step; this leg is the one that receives the emphasis. You need to allocate 10 minutes of focus on right leg and the same on the left.
  6. A set of exercises. It can be done at home and does not require special equipment:
  • from a standing position, do 5 lunges to the side, first with the right, then with the left leg;
  • legs together, arms down along the body. When inhaling, raise your arms, stretch your whole body up, stand on your toes, when exhaling, return to the starting position, perform the exercise 3-5 times with a ten-second interval;
  • lie on your back, spread your arms to the sides. As you inhale, lift one leg, hold for a few seconds, while exhaling, lower it, repeat the exercise with each leg 4 times.

If you don't have time to go to the gym, you can go for a run or just take an energetic walk. This will not require a lot of time, but the result will pleasantly surprise you.

Your normal heart rate during training

Your standard heart rate

Your age

heart rate zones

according to the formula"220 - возраст" !}

according to the refined formula

maximum heart rate

strength training

running, cycling

fitness, rollers


resting pulse

Workout program for home and gym

If cardio training is not performed regularly, it will be of no use. Excessive load will also not lead to a positive result. It is for this purpose that special training programs are developed:

  • fartlek - designed for physically strong and fit people. This program alternates the speed and tempo of the load, the alternation does not have to be sequential - high intensity can be replaced by low speed and short periods of recovery;
  • Continuous cardio training is prolonged physical activity without rest, such as running at the same speed without rest or long cycling;
  • Interval cardio training - this type of activity is more difficult and intense than the previous one. It involves alternating levels of difficulty, for example, long run at different speeds. During interval training, a short rest is possible;
  • training according to the super scheme - a rather complex option, includes alternation intense workout with aerobic exercises with weights. This scheme helps maintain muscle mass in tone and promotes rapid weight loss;
  • cross training is alternation various types cardio training, for example, 20 minutes of running, then 10 minutes of active work on an exercise bike and 10 minutes of exercise elliptical trainer. Cross training includes the most different types physical activity, which can be changed daily.

These are the most commonly used programs recommended by experts.

Important to know! Combining cardio training with proper nutrition you can achieve the best results.

When and how best to do cardio training

It depends on the individual characteristics of the human body. Experts say that best time for classes - this is the morning, when the body is not tired and full of unspent energy. There are people who feel better in the afternoon or evening than in the morning, or who do not have the opportunity to exercise in the morning.

The choice of physical activity depends on the goal being pursued - if a person wants to lose weight, then it is better to do cardio exercises before strength training. To increase muscle mass, cardio exercises should be performed after strength training. If you choose a combined option, that is, alternating strength exercises and cardio exercises, you need to remember that such a workout should not last more than 20 minutes. Otherwise, the body will be exhausted for the whole day.

To strengthen the heart muscle and not harm it, you should not overdo it, three classes a week will be enough, sometimes you can do four classes, the training time is from 30 to 60 minutes. The main indicator of cardiac training is pulse. The whole point is to maintain a certain indicator for 20 minutes. Each person has individual maximum indicators - it depends on the age and condition of the body.

The lesson should be carried out progressively:

  • the first 3–5 minutes – warm up the muscles;
  • the next 10 minutes – the load increases to the optimal level;
  • the next 15–20 minutes – the training is under full load;

If you feel unwell, the duration and frequency of exercise should be reduced or canceled altogether.

Distribution of physical activity

Cardio workouts bring good result, but only in cases where the load corresponds to age, level of training and state of health. Zone safe heart rate(ZPB), within which exercises do not cause harm to a person, is different for everyone.

In young healthy people, the level of physical fitness is tested by doctors using stress tests. For this, a bicycle ergometer is used - this is riding on a machine with varying resistance. Testing can also be done on a treadmill - a treadmill that allows you to run and walk at a given speed and incline.

During testing, all indicators are recorded:

  • blood pressure;

Based on the results obtained, the following load calculation method is used:

  • ZPB = heart rate max × (0.65…0.8);
  • Heart rate max = 220 minus age.

For people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, a stress test is performed on a bicycle ergometer or treadmill. During the test, the load is gradually increased until chest pain or changes in the ECG occur, at which point the heart rate threshold is set. ZPB for cores is calculated as follows:

FTB = heart rate threshold × (0.6–0.8).

Thanks to tests, it is possible to determine a safe intensity of physical activity.

How to breathe correctly during exercise

It is very important to breathe properly during cardio training. It depends on what type of physical activity a person is engaged in:

  • if flexibility exercises are performed, inhalation should be done while expanding chest, exhale - while squeezing it;
  • inhale at strength exercises should be done when the load on the muscles is minimal, and exhalation should be done at the moment of greatest muscle tension;
  • With intense walking, running, or cycling, the need for oxygen increases sharply. If breathing becomes erratic, normal ventilation of the lungs is disrupted. Therefore, it is especially important to monitor proper breathing. Each inhalation and exhalation at a moderate speed should occur in the third or fourth step, with more fast speed- count one or two;
  • while swimming, correct breathing depends on the style - if a person swims breaststroke, inhalation is done while raising the head above the water level. If it is a crawl, then the inhalation should occur at the end of the stroke, when the mouth is above the surface of the water, the exhalation should go out into the water.

If at the beginning of training you cannot breathe correctly, do not be upset. You just need to put in a little effort, it will definitely pay off.

How to exercise properly if you have heart disease

The concept of “cardio training” is different for all people. For healthy people, this means intense running, swimming, aerobics, and cycling. And for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, bending over, raising arms and legs, and walking in place is already considered cardio training. Before starting classes, the patient must purchase a heart rate monitor that will determine heart rate.

The possibility of conducting cardio training should be discussed with your doctor, since its duration and intensity will depend on the diagnosis:

  • for hypertension, the optimal types of cardio exercises are walking, exercises in a standing, sitting and lying position, cycling;
  • for atherosclerosis, recommended types of cardio training are walking, swimming, cycling, weight-bearing exercises;
  • for coronary heart disease outside the acute stage, walking in place and physical therapy are recommended.

The time interval and frequency of classes per week is determined by the patient’s condition. You need to start with 20 minutes and three times a week, gradually increasing your training to 160 minutes a week, divided into 3 days. For patients with inflammatory diseases of the cardiovascular system, even the lightest exercise is strictly prohibited.

  1. Clothes and shoes should be comfortable and not restrict movement.
  2. You need to do cardio training regularly, otherwise there will be no point in it.
  3. If after training you feel severe muscle pain or fatigue, you need to give yourself a few days of rest.
  4. It is not recommended to start cardio training right away; it is better to start with a five-minute warm-up, the muscles should be warmed up.
  5. You need to drink a lot of water, but only during rest periods, otherwise the load on the cardiovascular system will increase.

Charge of vivacity and good mood for the whole day - this is another plus of cardio training; the main thing is to approach exercise not as a heavy duty, but with pleasure.

Be healthy!