Exercise with dumbbells for beginners. Exercises with one dumbbell - an economical and effective way to train

Dumbbells are the most common and accessible training equipment. They make it possible to train at home, creating an effective alternative to a professional gym. Now developed large number exercises with dumbbells at home. With the proper approach to training, following the principles of a diet to gain muscle mass and applying recovery procedures you can achieve impressive results.

To make your muscles a source of pride, you need to train regularly, including exercises with dumbbells in your home workouts. Each muscle group that will be stimulated during training requires an individual approach. Working on specially created training programs plays an important role in achieving results. Typically, in bodybuilding programs, the list of exercises is divided into component blocks. Each block is designed for a specific muscle group. At home you need to work according to a specific program. Next we will look at the basic exercises with dumbbells and training programs.In order to successfully exercise at home, we advise you to acquire sports equipment. A small number of devices are required that play a key role in training. To items sports equipment include:

  • dumbbells for men or barbell;
  • exercise bar;
  • gymnastic bench;
  • bars

Having dumbbells or a barbell at home is very important for training. Many fitness instructors recommend using dumbbells at home. They are more versatile. It is recommended to use dumbbells for men with ability to vary weight, that is, with replaceable pancakes. This will allow you to do a variety of exercises with dumbbells at home and adjust your working weight. Gymnastic bench, horizontal bar and parallel bars are necessary for directly practicing the exercises. All equipment is compactly placed in an ordinary apartment or room. Purchasing equipment is quite simple - it is available for sale in almost any sporting goods store.

Description of the exercise technique

  1. take a lying position on a bench;
  2. take dumbbells in your hands, lower them to your chest, move your elbows in different directions;
  3. press the dumbbells upward, bringing them together until your arms are fully straightened;
  4. return to the previous position.

Dumbbell lateral raises in a lying position

  1. take a sitting position on the edge of the bench;
  2. symmetrically grasp the dumbbells;
  3. lean back on the bench
  4. extend your arms with the apparatus upward, slightly bending your elbows;
  5. smoothly spread your arms to the sides;

Raising forward from a standing position

  1. spread your legs shoulder-width apart, take dumbbells with a straight grip, straighten your back;
  2. take turns raising your arms almost to your shoulders;
  3. at the final point of movement, the angle at the shoulder joint should be approximately 90 degrees;

Press from a standing position

  1. take dumbbells, place your feet shoulder-width apart;
  2. lift the projectiles up, fix them at shoulder height;
  3. slowly begin straightening your arms with the projectiles in an upward direction;
  4. fix the outstretched arms with the working weight, the dumbbells should create a straight line in the final phase;
  5. return the projectile to shoulder height;

French press

  1. take a position lying on a bench;
  2. take dumbbells with a straight grip, raise and straighten your arms;
  3. smoothly tilt your hands with the projectile back towards your head by 45 degrees - this is the starting position;
  4. continue to bend your arms, lowering the projectiles to your head;
  5. reach the lowest point at which a right angle is formed between the forearm and shoulder;
  6. return to the starting position.

Dumbbell biceps press from a standing position

  1. take dumbbells with a medium grip;
  2. Fix your legs shoulder-width apart, straighten your legs;
  3. bend a little in the lumbar region, lower the shells to the hips;
  4. start bending your arm;
  5. start turning your palms inward when your arms form an angle of 90 degrees;
  6. reach your palms to shoulder height;
  7. gently lower your hands.


  1. place your hands at your sides;
  2. toes and knees point forward;
  3. bend your back, head up;
  4. sit down and take dumbbells;
  5. return to the starting position without extending your knees 100 percent;
  6. sit down to parallel without crossing the line of your toes with your knees;
  7. return to the starting position, do not straighten your knees 100 percent.


  1. stand up straight, take dumbbells;
  2. take a step forward with your right foot, leave your left in the same position;
  3. sit down with a straight back, do not bend at the waist;
  4. the knee of the front leg should not go forward, and the shin should be perpendicular to the floor;
  5. push your feet off the floor;

Calf raise

  1. stand up straight, take dumbbells;
  2. lower your hands to hip level;
  3. hold free weight in straight arms, begin to slowly lift your feet off the floor;
  4. rise on your toes;
  5. return to the starting position.

Training programs



  • Lifting dumbbells for men from the chest in a lying position on a bench, 3 sets of eight repetitions.
  • Raising dumbbells to the sides from a lying position. 3 sets of eight reps.
  • Push-ups from the floor with the hands in a medium grip position. 3 sets, each one done all the way.
  • Lifting dumbbells for men in front of you from a standing position. 3 sets of eight reps.
  • Standing press. 3 sets of eight reps.


  • Pull-ups narrow grip. 3 approaches, perform each until it stops.
  • Pull-ups wide grip. 3 approaches, perform each until it stops.
  • French press from a lying position. 3 sets of eight reps.
  • Dips. Perform three approaches, each to the stop.
  • Exercises with dumbbells for men for biceps from a standing position. 3 sets of eight reps.


  • Raising straight legs to the stomach from a hanging position on the bar. 3 approaches, each to the stop.
  • Squats with dumbbells. 3 sets of eight reps.
  • Lunges. 3 sets of eight reps.
  • Calf raises with dumbbells. 3 sets of eight reps.

Training must begin with a warm-up. 10 to 15 minutes of active warm-up will prepare the muscles for the load and stimulate them to grow more actively. After the warm-up, exercises with dumbbells and other exercises according to the main program follow.

As mentioned above, the program is divided into blocks. This is necessary in order to put a load on a muscle group in partial or complete isolation from the rest. Thus, the accentuated load completely consumes the muscle resource and stimulates their growth in the future. Work on other groups in the rest training days gives time for rest and recovery. This is necessary in order to prevent the onset of overtraining syndrome and subsequent injuries.

Program for deltoids and legs

Program for pectoral muscles, biceps, abs, deltoids


High-quality implementation of training programs with dumbbells and compliance with the regime is only half the battle. Really beautiful and strong body you have to build from something. Construction material the body receives from food. There are many diets that work to increase weight and muscle mass. In order to choose the most suitable one, compliance with key nutritional principles is required:

  • Frequent meals (it is important to eat about 6 times a day with a break between meals of no more than three hours);
  • Observe daily norm proteins, fats and carbohydrates for weight gain (about 3 grams of protein, 6 grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram of fat per kilogram of weight);
  • Maintain the ratio of simple and complex carbohydrates(30% simple from sweets, fruits and honey and 70% complex from cereals, bread, vegetables);
  • Consume plenty of clean water (about 3 liters of water per day).


The most important factor in muscle growth is rest conditions after exercise. Muscle development occurs precisely during periods of recovery. The recovery process consists of sleep and adherence to cyclical training. Sleep should last at least 8 hours a day . Many instructors also recommend sleeping for about an hour during the daytime. The cyclical nature of the training process plays an important role. A separate muscle group must recover over several days, which is why training programs consist of blocks. One block consists of exercises with dumbbells for one or two muscle groups. This allows you to maintain intensity and isolate individual groups muscle tissue. Thus, the muscle has time to recover and grow. List of exercises with dumbbells at home and other types home fitness- a brilliant opportunity to build the body of your dreams. You will not depend on anyone and will not spend a single extra penny.

In this article we will tell you how to quickly pump up dumbbells at home or in gym, we give an example of a training program and recommendations for effective gaining muscle mass when using dumbbells in your training.

Alone athletes, in search of variety in the training process, use various options for training with dumbbells in their program, others, due to other circumstances(lack of time, financial difficulties, health reasons), they also use dumbbell training at home or in fitness rooms.

If experienced and professional athletes use dumbbells for... diversity your workout, as well as for more isolated training of certain muscle groups, then beginners sometimes, due to its ignorance, use dumbbells as the main tool.

In order to significantly pump up with dumbbells, you will need to have fairly serious weight dumbbells starting from 8-10 kg, ending 40-50 kg, in increments of maximum 4-6 kg. At the initial stage, it becomes difficult to purchase dumbbells of this weight and in such quantity.

We will not write you promising phrases about how to pump up with dumbbells to a serious level pitching using ultra-modern, perhaps because it's not true. Yes, you will be able to pump up your muscles to a certain level, but this will not be your ceiling at all. Genetic the limit in the growth of muscle mass and strength occurs on average after 6-8 years regular workouts in the gym using barbells, dumbbells and exercise machines.

Training with dumbbells will be useful for beginners for the initial level of training, strengthening/formation muscle corset, preparing the body for further, serious loads in the gym. In turn, training with dumbbells for experienced athletes It will also be useful for maintaining the achieved result, maintaining muscle tone, and more precisely working out the muscle relief.

Basic moments What you should pay attention to when training with dumbbells:

  • periodization loads (combining heavy and light dumbbells in different days training)
  • progression loads (we increase the working weights, or increase the time under load, or reduce the time between sets of exercises, that is, you should strive for the progression of training stress, in all directions, or in one of the listed, without this the muscles will stop responding to the load, and as a result grow)
  • diversity training (monotonous workouts, with a constant number of exercises, approaches and intensity will lead to adaptation of your muscles to training stress, so it is necessary to shock the muscles from time to time, change exercises, training program, rest time, working weights)

Also, do not forget about the possible appearance of symptoms if you do not plan your training correctly.

Is it possible to pump up with dumbbells?

Dumbbell training program

First, let's give a set exercises with dumbbells and their combinations that will help a beginner get pumped up or an advanced athlete keep in shape.

All exercises can be performed both in the gym and in home conditions. In the latter case, you will need to purchase additional equipment from a sports equipment store. bench.

Exercises for all muscle groups with dumbbells


Dumbbell training program


Bent over arm extension with dumbbell


Shrugs with dumbbells in the gym

Pectoral muscles

Dumbbell bench press horizontal bench

Shoulders (deltoids)

  • /standing

Arnold press


  • Deadlift with dumbbells

Deadlift with dumbbells ( wide stance legs)


  • Squats with dumbbells
  • Lunges with dumbbells

Squats with dumbbells

Example of a training program with dumbbells

This training program can be performed at home or in gym hall


  • Deadlift with dumbbells 4x12
  • Dumbbell bench press 5x6
  • Lying dumbbell flyes 4x8
  • Seated dumbbell biceps curl 3x12
  • Bent-over arm extension with dumbbell 4x8


  • Squats with dumbbells 4x8
  • Dumbbell bench press at an upward angle 3x12
  • Arnold Press 4x8
  • Overhead dumbbell curl 3x12
  • Concentrated dumbbell curl for biceps while seated 4x8


  • Deadlift with dumbbells 5x6
  • Dumbbell bench press 4x8
  • Lunges with dumbbells 3x12
  • One-arm dumbbell row 4x8
  • Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 3x12
  • Simultaneous dumbbell biceps curl while seated 5x6

First figure approaches, second repetitions, total 3-4 approach in one exercise. Select the working weight so that at the end of the exercise it is a little heavy, but not too much.

Over time, by regular training with dumbbells, your working weight will increase, and so will your muscle mass, but when you reach your limit weights in your arsenal, there will be nothing to increase the weight with, therefore, as already written above, start increasing the number of approaches and repetitions, or reducing the rest between approaches.

Your training program is not limited to the listed exercises; periodically diversify your training with new exercises, however, if you want to significantly pump up, and not just maintain muscles in tone, you should not exclude basic exercises from the listed set, for legs- these are squats with dumbbells, for backsdeadlift with dumbbells, for breasts– dumbbell bench press lying on a horizontal bench, for shoulders– seated dumbbell press.

Example of a training program with dumbbells

What is better: barbell, dumbbells or exercise machines?

Quite often, beginners argue among themselves which is more effective for muscle growth: barbells, dumbbells or exercise machines?

Training with dumbbells is much more difficult than with a barbell or machines. For example, you bench press a barbell 80 kg on 10 times, try to squeeze the same weight, only with dumbbells - you will never do it, but the thing is that a large number of small muscles, stabilizing stable position, if we are talking about the bench press, then these muscles are located in the anterior deltoids and latissimus.

Muscles stabilizers participate not only in the execution various exercises with dumbbells, but also with barbells and machines.

In the latter cases, their number is very small, so simulator It is always easier to perform exercises; you can use a much larger working weight, for example, you can squat in a Smith machine; you can do much more than in classic squats with a barbell due to the switching off of the stabilizer muscles that keep your back straight.

However, practice bodybuilding shows that only basic exercises can give a powerful boost to the growth of muscle mass, release hormones responsible for protein synthesis, and all due to the fact that they involve much more motor (main) muscles, in this case the participation of stabilizer muscles is considered as secondary.

Training with dumbbells has a number of its own benefits compared to a barbell, here are some of them:

  1. Safety of use
  2. More fine detailing target, trained muscles
  3. Large selection of exercises
  4. Easy to change (adjust) working weights

So, to pump up with dumbbells, you need to:

  1. Perform more basic (multi-joint) muscle exercises
  2. Have collapsible dumbbells, in wide range(from 10 to 50 kg)
  3. Create the right training program

What better barbell, dumbbells or exercise machines?

Without these minimum requirements for training with dumbbells, you will not be able to significantly pump up.

Bodybuilding, is not limited to just weight training at home or in the gym. This is a much broader activity, which implies such fundamental principles growth of muscle mass, as adequate recovery and complete.

Also, remember, you will never succeed behind an athlete whose training program combines dumbbells and a barbell, or just a barbell, because exercises with a barbell involve much more than the basic ones, motor muscles, which are responsible for stimulating the growth of muscle mass in the body, it’s like a “natural” who competes in bodybuilding with a “chemist”.

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  1. Flat stomach and thin waist– this is 100% the result of compliance proper diet. The stereotype that you can burn it locally adipose tissue in the abdominal area through ultra-intensive training on the abs and oblique muscles, has long since come to naught. However, this does not mean that girls do not need core training. Perform sit-ups with dumbbells in your hands, crunches with additional weights and vacuum to tone your abdominal muscles and prevent sagging skin as a result of rapid weight loss.
  2. The same applies to deposits on the buttocks and thighs. Exercising these areas won't burn fat on its own, but it will help tone your muscles and increase your overall calorie burn. In combination with diet, this will ultimately lead to excellent results.
  3. The general conclusion is that the set of exercises for gaining muscle mass and losing weight can be the same. The whole difference will be in nutrition. In the first case, you need a daily calorie surplus, in the second, a deficit of 10-20% of your norm. So you can safely choose any exercises you like from the list that will be presented below.
  4. A good option for exercising with dumbbells for weight loss is circuit training. We perform one exercise for each muscle group (do it from top to bottom: shoulders, back, chest, arms, quadriceps, hamstrings, buttocks). We do 3-5 laps in total (beginners should start with 2). We change exercises with each circle, without resting between them. Let's rest for 2-3 minutes between circles. Calorie losses with circuit training are higher than with regular training, which can be useful for you during your weight loss period.

You can watch the video for more information about nutrition for weight loss:

Exercises for the back and beautiful posture

Exercises with dumbbells for the back for women are practically no different from exercises performed by men (except perhaps the weight of the equipment used). They help to qualitatively work out the latissimus, teres, trapezius, rhomboid and other muscles. Various horizontal traction exercises are especially good in this regard. The horizontal vector of the load develops more thickness in the back and makes it possible to concentrate on the peak contraction of the working muscle group. The vertical load vector is aimed at developing the width of the back - these are exercises such as pull-ups and rows on a vertical block.

Bent-over dumbbell row

Bent-over dumbbell rows are a basic exercise for developing back muscles. It loads the entire array of the lats, but is not suitable for people for whom axial load on the spine is contraindicated, since when performing the exercise there is too much stress on lumbar region.

  1. The athlete leans her arm and leg of the same name on a horizontal bench or any other similar object (for example, a chair), holding a dumbbell in her other hand. Place the foot of your other leg firmly on the floor. The angle of inclination of the body can vary from slight to almost parallel to the floor, find for yourself the position in which you best feel the stretch and contraction of the latissimus dorsi muscles. The gaze is directed forward, the back must be kept straight throughout the entire approach, rounding of the lower back is not allowed.
  2. We begin to pull the dumbbell upward, exhaling with effort. We try to concentrate most of all on the position of the shoulder blades and elbows: this way you will “exclude” the biceps and rear deltoids from the movement as much as possible.
  3. The dumbbell should not rise straight up, but should be slightly pulled towards the belt. This way you will engage not only the upper part of your lats, but also the lower part of your lats. At the top point, the elbow should be higher than the level of the back. Here you can stay for 1-2 seconds.
  4. Smoothly lower the dumbbell down, stretching your lats as much as possible, while inhaling. The movement is smooth; under no circumstances should you “drop” the weight - this will not only disrupt the neuromuscular connection, but also risk injury.

Dumbbell rows lying on an incline bench

Rowing two dumbbells while lying on an inclined bench is an exercise similar to the previous one in terms of biomechanics, but has its own distinctive features. Firstly, there is no axial load on the spine, so there are no contraindications to performing this exercise. Secondly, the movement turns out to be more isolated, since there is no static load on stabilizer muscles: spinal extensors and muscles abdominals. And thirdly, it is almost impossible to cheat in dumbbell rows on an incline bench. Because of this, the athlete works with less weight and better feels how the load is placed on the working muscles.

This is done as follows:

  1. Lie on a bench inclined at an angle of 30-45 degrees with your stomach down and hold dumbbells in both hands. Take a comfortable position; you should not feel any discomfort. The gaze is directed forward, the back is perfectly straight. If you can't hold thoracic region If your spine is straight and “rounded,” it means that the working weight is too heavy for you.
  2. As you exhale, begin the upward pulling motion as you would with a regular bent-over row. Remember to press the dumbbells slightly closer to your waist to also engage the lower part of the latissimus muscles. At the top point there is a peak contraction of 1-2 seconds.
  3. As you inhale, slowly lower the dumbbells down. It is very important not to round your back at this moment; to do this, press your feet a little harder on the floor.

Deadlift with dumbbells

The dumbbell deadlift is another basic exercise for developing back muscles. In addition to the back (the main work is on the spinal extensors), a huge number of other muscle groups work in the deadlift: quadriceps, hamstrings, buttocks, abdominal muscles and biceps. Such a complex load is an excellent way to increase energy expenditure during training.

This is done as follows:

  1. Place the dumbbells on the floor at a symmetrical distance from you, they should be located approximately at shoulder level. Sit down next to them, grab them tightly, straighten your back, and place your feet parallel to each other, shoulder-width apart.
  2. We begin to lift, exhaling. The first phase of the movement is called stall, here the leg muscles are more involved in the work, and the body is slightly tilted forward. Once the dumbbells are approximately at knee level, proceed to the second phase of the movement - back extension. You must take a completely vertical position. There is no need to lean back. The load on the back muscles is greater in the second phase of movement, the spinal extensors and trapezius muscles actively work, and the latissimus and rhomboid muscles bear a good static load.
  3. Lower the dumbbells to the floor, keeping your back straight and inhaling. Begin the next rep.

Exercises for the pectoral muscles

Dumbbell bench press

The dumbbell bench press is a basic exercise for developing chest muscles. Depending on the level of inclination of the bench, you can vary the load and place more load on certain departments pectoral muscles s. For example, a dumbbell bench press puts more stress on the middle part of the chest. Incline Dumbbell Press Works More upper part and front bundles deltoid muscles. When you press dumbbells on a bench with a negative incline (head down), you focus the load on the lower chest.

However, the technical principles are the same for all types of dumbbell presses. It is performed as follows:

  1. Take dumbbells and lie down with them on a bench, straighten your arms in front of you. Place your feet firmly on the floor. The back is slightly arched, but not much, the shoulder blades are brought together.
  2. As you inhale, lower the exercises down to a comfortable point. It is not necessary to lower them as low as possible; in this case, you will most likely feel pain or discomfort in the shoulder joints. It is better to work in a comfortable amplitude, maintaining a constant load in the working muscles in both the positive and negative phases of the movement.
  3. As you exhale, begin to press the dumbbells upward, trying to further strain your pectoral muscles as you lift the weights. At the top point, do not fully extend your elbows; immediately begin a new repetition.

Flat bench press:

Incline Press:

Reverse Bench Press:

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Dumbbell flyes lying on a bench

Dumbbell flyes lying on a bench are an isolating exercise for local development of the pectoral muscles. Unlike the bench press, the negative phase of the movement is much more important in the fly; you need to concentrate as much as possible on the feeling of stretching in the muscle fibers. By analogy with the bench press, the wiring can be performed on a bench with at different levels tilt to emphasize the load on different parts of the pectoral muscles.

The technique is as follows:

  1. Take dumbbells and lie down on a bench. The first movement is to press the dumbbells up and start fly-ups from the top position.
  2. Hold the dumbbells parallel to each other and begin to lower them to the sides, keeping your elbows slightly bent. Lower them until you feel a maximum stretch in the outer part of your chest. The movement should be smooth, so it will be easier for you to focus on stretching and contracting the muscles.
  3. In the positive phase of the movement, you need to return your arms almost to their original position. It is not necessary to complete the movement; in the last 20-30 cm of the movement, the pectoral muscles hardly work, and all the work is done by the anterior bundles of deltoid muscles.

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Dumbbell push-ups

Dumbbell push-ups are an exercise that loads the middle and lower parts of the chest, performed with own weight bodies. This exercise is common in CrossFit because it gives you the opportunity to load slightly different muscle fibers by working with your body rather than with additional weights. In addition to the chest, the load falls on the triceps and anterior deltoids, and the abdominal muscles, buttocks and spinal extensors act as stabilizers in this movement.

This is done as follows:

  1. Place dumbbells on the floor slightly wider than shoulder height. Wrap your hands around them using a closed grip. It is important to correctly distribute the center of gravity so that the dumbbells do not move apart when lifting; try to keep them at the level of the lower chest throughout the entire approach.
  2. Slowly lower yourself down while inhaling. The greater the range of motion, the better, so try to touch your chest to the floor if the stretch and elasticity of your shoulder joints and ligaments allows you to do so.
  3. Push up from the bottom position, squeezing your pectoral muscles. Tighten your triceps and wrists to prevent the dumbbells from moving apart as you lift them up. At the top, you don’t have to fully extend your arms.

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This exercise could also be classified in the back category, since the pectorals, triceps and lats are actively working here. But when performing a pullover with a dumbbell across a bench, it is the pecs that receive the greatest load.

Execution order:

  1. You need to lie across the bench so that you lean on the bench top part backs. Also, plant your feet firmly on the floor.
  2. Take a dumbbell in your hands, lift it to outstretched arms and, while inhaling, slowly begin to lower it behind your head. There is no need to bend your arms, then you will practically not use the triceps.
  3. As you exhale, return to the starting position - your arms are perpendicular to your body.

Ab exercises

The abdominal muscles respond equally well to working with their own weight and to working in machines or with additional weights in the form of dumbbells. Abdominal exercises for women performed with dumbbells are a more complex variation of basic exercises like sit-ups or crunches. They are not suitable for beginners.

The sit-up is just the abdominal exercise that perfectly develops the speed and strength qualities of the core muscles. It is performed in an explosive manner, while predominantly loading the upper part of the rectus abdominis muscle. The variation with dumbbells is somewhat more complicated, since it also involves the anterior deltoid muscles.

This is done as follows:

  1. Lie on the floor, straighten your back completely, keep your legs half-bent. Place your feet firmly on the floor. Hold the dumbbell in straight hands at approximately solar plexus level.
  2. Start moving your body upward by contracting your abdominal muscles, while exhaling. Try to lift the dumbbell slightly above you using the efforts of your shoulders so that at the top point it is located above your head with outstretched arms. Try to round the lumbar spine as little as possible when lifting your body off the floor, this will protect you from unwanted injuries.
  3. Smoothly lower yourself down, inhaling and returning the dumbbell to the starting position.

Dumbbell crunches

Dumbbell Crunches – A variation of the classic crunch for more advanced athletes who don’t have enough weight. own body to properly work out your abdominal muscles. A similar principle of operation can be applied to any type of crunches: classic, on an inclined bench, oblique, with legs raised or on a fitball.

Let's look at the technique using the example of classic dumbbell crunches:

  1. The athlete lies on the floor, holding a dumbbell in bent arms at the level of the lower chest. Legs are bent at the knees, feet pressed firmly to the floor.
  2. Start by moving your body up, slightly rounding your thoracic spine and exhaling. The movement should be twisting, not lifting the body, so the load on the abs will be much higher. There is no need to lift your feet and lower back off the floor when lifting. By holding the dumbbell at chest level, the load will be more focused on the upper abs.
  3. Slowly lower your body back to the floor while inhaling. It is not necessary to go all the way down; it is better to work with a slightly shorter amplitude to keep the muscle under load throughout the entire approach.

Hand exercises

All biceps and triceps exercises are related to the biological function of these muscles - to flex and extend the arm. And there is no fundamental difference whether you do this with dumbbells, a barbell, or in exercise machines; it has practically no effect on the biomechanics of movement. Girls definitely need to load their arms as part of their training process, this will tone the muscles and help maintain correct technique in basic exercises.

Dumbbell biceps curl

Lifting dumbbells for biceps can be done alternately, simultaneously with both hands, with or without supination, sitting, standing, with emphasis on a bench - you will only locally load one or another area of ​​the biceps brachii muscle more strongly. For girls, especially beginners, all these subtleties are not particularly useful, so we will look at the technique using the most accessible and common example - standing dumbbell biceps curls. They are performed as follows:

  1. Hold dumbbells in both hands. Straighten your back, press your elbows as close to your body as possible. Hold your hands with the apparatus on the sides of your hips, palms “looking” at each other.
  2. As you exhale, bend your elbows so that there is an acute angle between your biceps and forearm. As you lift, turn your hands so that they “look” at you. It is important not to change the position of the shoulders and elbows during the lift, otherwise the load will go from the biceps to the elbows and shoulder joints and ligaments. There is also no need to move the body.
  3. Smoothly lower the dumbbells down, turning them back into neutral grip. Do not straighten your arms to the end; immediately begin a new repetition.

Standing dumbbell raise:

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When performed while sitting, cheating is excluded - you will not be able to swing your body and throw dumbbells using your back and shoulders. As a result, the weight of the projectile here will be less. Another important feature is the initial position of the hands. The biceps is already in a stretched position, so it will not rest throughout the entire approach.

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The hammer grip is used to develop shoulder and brachioradialis muscles. Women rarely use this type of exercise.

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Concentrated bicep curls

In this position you can pump your biceps more isolated. No other groups will work, so very little weight is needed. Suitable as a second exercise for the biceps brachii muscle.

Execution order:

  1. Sit on a bench, spread your legs wider.
  2. Take a dumbbell in one hand, rest your elbow on the thigh of the same leg.
  3. As you exhale, bend your arm elbow joint, lifting the dumbbell up. At the top point, do a peak contraction for 1-2 seconds.
  4. As you inhale, lower the exercise down under control, without fully extending your arm, and immediately begin a new repetition.

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French press with dumbbells

This exercise is a complete analogue French press with a barbell, but perhaps a little safer for the elbows.

Execution order:

  1. Take dumbbells in your hands and lie down on a horizontal bench.
  2. Raise your arms in front of you and straighten them.
  3. Now tilt them slightly towards your head (without bending). This is the starting position.
  4. As you inhale, gently bend your arms, lowering the dumbbells.
  5. As you exhale, straighten your arms to the end, but do not forget that they should be slightly tilted from the vertical.

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Seated overhead extensions with dumbbells

Seated overhead dumbbell extensions are an exercise for developing the long head of the triceps (like any other triceps movement when the arm is extended upward). Here it is important to use light weights in order to focus as much as possible on slowly lowering the dumbbells down - this will perfectly stretch the triceps and give it all the prerequisites for growth.

This is done as follows:

  1. Sit on a bench holding a dumbbell in your hands. Lift the dumbbell above you and grab the bar of the dumbbell with your large and index fingers hands, forming a kind of ring.
  2. Smoothly lower the dumbbell down, try to press your elbows as close to your head as possible. If you place your elbows to the sides, the load will go from the long triceps bundles to the medial ones, and the exercise will be no more effective than triceps extensions in a block machine.
  3. When you have lowered the dumbbell almost to touch your traps, begin to lift it up.
  4. In a similar way, you can work with one dumbbell at a time.

Two-arm extensions:

© Nicholas Piccillo - stock.adobe.com

One-arm extensions:

© bertys30 - stock.adobe.com


One more thing great exercise for a variety of arm workouts. It can be performed standing or with support on a bench (in the same way, they are supported when pulling dumbbells to the belt with one hand).

Execution order:

  1. Lean against a bench or stand in a slight lunge and place your free hand on the thigh of your front leg (see picture below).
  2. The back should be straight throughout the entire exercise, and the shoulders should not be rounded. Movement occurs only at the elbow joint.
  3. As you exhale, straighten your arm, moving the dumbbell back.
  4. As you inhale, smoothly and under control return it to the starting position.

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Shoulder exercises

The deltoids are unique in that they can perform two biomechanical functions: pulling and pressing. This should be used when building a shoulder training program.

Swings with dumbbells to the sides

Swings with dumbbells while standing or sitting are an isolating exercise for developing the middle fascicles of the deltoid muscles. This is done as follows:

  1. Take dumbbells and hold them at the sides of your hips. Keep your back straight and your gaze directed forward. Arms and legs are slightly bent.
  2. Begin to lift the dumbbells to the sides, trying to position them as you lift them so that at the top point of the amplitude, your elbow is higher than the level of the dumbbell, and your little finger is higher than the rest of your fingers. The movement should not be too amplitude; it is best to bring the dumbbells to approximately chest level. Don't help yourself with your body.
  3. Smoothly lower the dumbbells to the starting position. If you lower the dumbbells not to your hips, but bring them out in front of you, the load will move from the middle bundles of the deltoids to the front ones.

Another useful advice- do not drop the number of repetitions below 15. The swings are performed quite quickly, so if you do 8-10 repetitions, you will spend 10-15 seconds on it, which is not enough to properly work out the muscle.

Standing swings:

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Sitting swings:

© xalanx - stock.adobe.com

Bent over dumbbell swings

This type of swing is needed to work out the rear deltoids. This is the part that most athletes lag behind. It is quite difficult to feel it, it is easy not to notice that instead rear deltoid you are pumping up your back.


  1. Take dumbbells in your hands, stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Bend forward until almost parallel to the floor. Bend your legs slightly. Lock yourself in this position.
  3. As you exhale, swing to the side, trying to perform the movement using the deltoid muscles. Heavy weight not needed here.
  4. As you inhale, slowly return to the starting position and begin a new repetition without resting.

© Makatserchyk - stock.adobe.com

Another option for performing the exercise is swinging with the chest focused on incline bench:

© Makatserchyk - stock.adobe.com

Swings with dumbbells in front of you

This exercise is needed to pump up the front part of the deltas. The same beam works in all shoulder presses, but many girls do not do them, in which case they need to include these swings in their program.

Execution order:

  1. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, dumbbells in your hands.
  2. Place your hands on the front of your thighs.
  3. Smoothly raise one arm forward until it is parallel to the floor. Do not swing your body, keep your back straight.
  4. Slowly lower the apparatus and begin lifting with your second hand.

© Mihai Blanaru - stock.adobe.com

Alternatively, you can raise both arms at the same time without giving your deltoids a rest:

© ruigsantos - stock.adobe.com

Seated dumbbell press

The seated dumbbell press is a basic shoulder exercise that primarily targets the anterior muscle. Let's consider a classic variation of this exercise, which is recommended by all qualified fitness trainers:

  1. Adjust the angle of the bench so that it is slightly less than a right angle. Sit on a seat, place dumbbells on your thighs, and then throw them one at a time at shoulder level.
  2. Begin lifting the dumbbells upward, trying to keep your elbows in the same position on each rep. Hold the implements so that your little finger is higher than your other fingers. At the top point, do not fully extend your arms.
  3. Lower the dumbbells down. Don't lower them too low, bring them up to about ear level.

© Makatserchyk - stock.adobe.com

Exercises for legs and buttocks

Leg exercises with dumbbells for women and girls should become a mandatory part of the training program. With their help you can perfectly load the quadriceps, hamstrings and gluteal muscles.

Squats with dumbbells

Squats with dumbbells are an exercise to develop the front of the thigh. Performed in the same way as classic squats with a barbell, you need to keep your back vertically straight and try not to lean forward.

The technique is as follows:

  1. Take dumbbells, straighten your back completely, place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, turn your toes slightly to the sides, and direct your gaze slightly upward. Move your pelvis back slightly and position yourself so that your center of gravity is at the level of your heels.
  2. Begin to lower yourself down, keeping your back straight and inhaling. The movement should be amplitude, at the lowest point the hip line should be below the line of parallel with the floor. Don't bring your knees too far forward.
  3. Exhaling and contracting your quadriceps, rise from the bottom position and take the starting position.

Another option is the goblet squat. In this variation, one dumbbell is taken and held in front of the chest. The rest of the technique is similar.

This is done as follows:

  1. Take a dumbbell, straighten your back, spread your legs wider than your shoulders so that when lowering you feel a slight stretch in the adductor muscles of the thigh. Go down to the maximum possible but comfortable point.
  2. Begin to rise to a vertical position while exhaling. The movement should be performed through the work of the legs; the spinal extensors work only in the final phase of the movement. If you don’t fall forward when lifting and you keep your back straight, then you’re doing everything right.
  3. Lower the dumbbell down in the same working style: without leaning forward and working internal part hips. It is not necessary to place it on the floor; you can work in a shortened amplitude without a pause at the bottom.

Romanian deadlift - an exercise to work on back surface thighs and glutes.

This is done as follows:

  1. Take dumbbells and place them at the front of your thighs. Lean forward slightly and push your butt back.
  2. Let's start doing the exercise. The dumbbells should be lowered down not by bending the torso forward, but by pulling the buttocks back. The greater the abduction amplitude, the better; a burning sensation in the buttocks and hamstrings will be an indicator that you are doing the exercise correctly. The legs should be slightly bent.
  3. Return to the starting position, straightening your body and moving your pelvis forward. Do not straighten completely at this point so that the load does not leave the working muscles.

Lunges with dumbbells

Lunges with dumbbells are a leg exercise that can work both the front and back. back hips and buttocks, it all depends on what technique you use to perform it. The shorter you take the step, the more the quadriceps work, the longer the step, the more the gluteal muscles and hamstrings are involved in the work. It is recommended to perform lunges moving forward rather than standing still, this will make it easier for you to “catch” the contraction the right muscles and psychologically prepare yourself to work the approach to the end.

This is done as follows:

  1. Take dumbbells and hold them with your arms down at your sides. Keep your back straight.
  2. Take the first step. Immediately after you plant your foot firmly on the floor, bend that leg as far as possible. The knee of the back leg should almost touch the floor. Watch the position of the front knee: it should not go beyond the level of the toe.
  3. CrossFit complexes

If you bought dumbbells, it means you take your weight very seriously. physical training. You probably don't have time to go to the gym, but you want to keep fit? No problem, these exercises with dumbbells at home great way Train your body, develop strength and strengthen your muscles.

In today's article I have collected for you best options exercises for all body groups that you can use. Read on to understand the technique.


Vertical Dumbbell Raise

  • Bring the dumbbells up to your chin as shown in the picture.
  • Hold for 2 seconds and slowly lower your arms to the starting position. Repeat.

Shrugs or shrugs

  • Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent.
  • Relax your arms completely and shrug your shoulders, lifting them up. Hold for 3 seconds.
  • Relax and repeat.
  • Don't pull your shoulders back, lift them straight up.


Dumbbell press

  • Lie on the floor, although it is better to use a bench or small table. Hold the dumbbells above your chest and extend your arms up.
  • Lower the dumbbells toward your chest, keeping careful control.
  • Then press your arms back to the starting position and repeat.

Lateral spread

  • Stand straight with your knees slightly bent. Feet shoulder width apart. Hold dumbbells in your hands.
  • Bend your elbows slightly and raise your arms up to your sides. Keep your elbows constantly bent.
  • When your arms are parallel to the floor, slowly lower them and repeat.



  • Stand up straight. Keep your hands with dumbbells at your sides.
  • Turn your palms towards your body.
  • Bend your elbows, keeping the part of your arm above the elbow pressed tightly against your body.
  • Slowly return to the starting position and repeat.

Biceps curl

  • Sit on the edge of a sofa or chair. Feet on the floor.
  • Press your elbow to your inner thigh, just above your knee.
  • Raise the dumbbell up towards your face.
  • Slowly lower the dumbbell and repeat the required number of times before changing hands.

French bench press

  • Similar to the previous exercise. Only this time lie down on a bench or chair.
  • Raise your arms above your chest and lower them behind your head.
  • Slowly return to the starting position and repeat.

These are the basic dumbbell exercises for home that will benefit you. Perform at least 8-12 reps on the chest, shoulders and triceps, and at least 12-15 reps on the traps, biceps and legs. Don't forget about back extensions with dumbbells. Do each exercise 2-3 times. Alternate various groups muscles. You should not do the entire program in one day. Good luck!

Dumbbells – universal sports equipment: with their help you can work out literally any part of the body, they fit perfectly into the training programs of men and women, in addition, they are much safer than many exercise machines. In addition to these obvious advantages, exercises with dumbbells can be done anywhere: in the gym, at home, even outdoors (as an option: if you have your own car).

General recommendations and motivation for training at home

Workouts at home, be it cardio or strength exercises with dumbbells are no less effective than working out in the gym.

The only problem hindering our progress is laziness masquerading as a lack of motivation. People are looking for ways to quickly lose weight, quickly gain muscle: no one wants progressive development, because in this case, to achieve the goal, you will have to sweat in training, do cardio and constantly monitor your diet.

So, the magic formula: if we want something, we just have to persistently achieve it. How long does it take for a child to learn to walk? Does it matter: he will simply try until he succeeds, despite endless falls and failures. If an adult learns this simple diagram, he will achieve his goal.

Let's throw away laziness and get to the goal...

Loads must be progressive

Since training at home requires sufficient willpower, it is worth “stirring up” your interest day by day: organizing a competition with yourself yesterday.

The most important thing in training is not to stay too long in the “comfort zone”:

  • Never be lazy to warm up before training and always finish it with a cool down;
  • Try new exercises, combine them with an old program, or add them to supersets;
  • Reduce rest time between sets, or perform more approaches;
  • Gradually increase the working weight of the shells;
  • Add jogging, cycling, skating, skiing, etc. to your regular workouts. Any physical activity will do.

Proper nutrition

Novice athletes overestimate the importance of effort in lifting weights during training and underestimate the importance proper nutrition.

Muscles do not build up during physical activity, but on the contrary, they are injured the most. An increase in size, an increase in speed and strength indicators occurs exclusively in the process of recovery after exercise.

The most important role Nutrition plays a role in this process: primarily, saturation of muscles with amino acids ( constituent elements protein and the building blocks of muscles). Without sufficient protein intake, training productivity is extremely low.

The optimal ratio of nutrients for gradual muscle building: 35% protein, 15% fat (of which 80% unsaturated fat and 20% saturated), 50% carbohydrates.

It is important not to starve during the day: the entire daily calorie intake can be divided into 5-6 meals. It is advisable to eat small portions every 3 hours that satisfy the body’s needs for protein and carbohydrates.

Rest and recovery

For progress in training, rest is no less important than training itself. physical activity. Post-workout recovery for most muscle fibers occurs during sleep.

The optimal duration of sleep for quality rest after heavy exercise is 7-8 hours. It is also useful to devote 1 hour of daytime time to sleep.

The recovery time for muscles after exercise varies depending on its severity and the athlete’s level of training. Even professional athlete recovery requires at least 2 days: in accordance with these data you need to build your training process.

Home workout program with dumbbells

You should not train the same muscle group for several days in a row: they need proper rest. The training program with dumbbells at home should be divided into several parts: highlight individual days for training only the upper body and days for training legs.

This is just one of the possible strategies for dividing the load: you can also set aside days for combined training of the muscles of the upper and lower body, the main thing is to train in isolation individual muscles. In addition, it is reasonable to separate cardio and cardio days. strength training. This approach allows you to train as intensely as possible: while alone muscle groups will be restored, others will be involved in the work and vice versa.

Exercises with dumbbells for the chest and back muscles

Note for men: if you have dumbbells at home, you can use them to train your chest, no less effective than with a barbell.

To perform a basic exercise with dumbbells for the pectoral muscles - the chest press, all you need is a stable bench. Exercise technique:

  • We lie down on a bench, placing both feet on the floor on one side and the other. Elbows are level with the bench;
  • We raise our arms with dumbbells up as we exhale. As you inhale, return your arms to their original position: you can lower your elbows slightly below the bench.
  • Visually, the exercise is indistinguishable from a barbell bench press. The main thing is that your arms rise and fall level, without distortion.

One of best exercises with dumbbells for women - bench press with the head end raised (at home, you can replace the bench with a chair or sofa with an adjustable back). The exercise perfectly works the upper bundles of the pectoral muscles, tightening the mammary glands.

Complex exercise to work the pectoral muscles, biceps and shoulders - dumbbell flyes. Technique:

  • Starting position same as bench press;
  • Hands with dumbbells are perpendicular to the floor, slightly bent at the elbows, palms facing forward;
  • Slow motion We spread our arms to the sides in maximum amplitude. When they are below chest level, the arms return to their original position.

Triceps exercises

A classic triceps exercise is the French press with dumbbells. It can be done in various ways: lying on a bench, sitting and standing. Technique for performing the French bench press:

  • We lie down along the bench, hold dumbbells in bent arms, palms facing each other;
  • We press our elbows on both sides of the head (they should not wiggle during the exercise) and, straightening our arms, raise the apparatus upward;
  • We return to the starting position.

The standing overhead press is performed in approximately the same way. It’s more convenient to work each triceps one at a time. During the exercise, we strain all the muscles of the core, maintaining balance: rocking and helping the body is unacceptable.

Biceps exercises

Biceps exercises with dumbbells are extremely varied:

  • Hammer curls: starting position “standing”, arms with dumbbells lowered and palms facing the body. We alternately raise our arms towards the shoulder, pressing the triceps tightly to the sides;
  • Seated arm curls: from a sitting position, we raise our arms with dumbbells simultaneously or alternately, turning them across at the top point (palms facing our shoulders);
  • Isolated arm curl with triceps resting on an inclined surface.

Shoulder exercises

Classic exercises with dumbbells on shoulders:

  • Standing press;
  • Extension of arms to the sides (2 positions: standing straight and tilted): we extend our arms, slightly bent at the elbows, lingering at the top point;
  • Chin row: performed with one or two dumbbells from a standing position (palms holding the apparatus should be raised to the chin, lingering at the top point);
  • Pullovers.

Dumbbell pullovers work your entire body shoulder girdle and chest. Technique:

  • We lie down across the bench, bend our legs at the knees;
  • Take a dumbbell from the floor (you need to start with light weights to stretch chest and get a feel for the technique) and slide down so that your upper back rests on the bench with your shoulder blades. The lower back “hangs” in the air;
  • We grab the dumbbell by one side with both hands, lift it in front of the chest and lower it behind the head, stretching the muscles.

Exercises for the trapezius and latissimus dorsi muscles

One of the most effective exercises on the trapezius muscles of the back - shrugs with dumbbells:

  • Starting position “standing”, arms with dumbbells at your sides;
  • We raise our shoulders (as if shrugging them) up to our ears, staying in this position for several seconds;
  • Our arms do not bend at the elbows, we keep our body straight and do not sway.

Exercise for the latissimus dorsi – bent over row:

  • The exercise can be performed on a bench, or simply leaning against a wall. Place the knee of your left leg and right hand on the support, right leg rests on the floor;
  • With your left hand, take a dumbbell and pull it to your belt, while bringing your shoulder blades together (the movement is similar to sawing with a one-handed saw);
  • We perform several repetitions and change hands.

Ideal figure at home

The concept of ideal figure– individually: men want to build large, defined muscles; women’s priority is losing weight. However, at the time of complete “shedding” of excess fat, there must be a strong muscle frame underneath, because the desired curves of the body depend on it: strong buttocks, flat, toned stomach, slender sides.

Fitness for girls

To strengthen muscles and at the same time burn excess subcutaneous fat, women should perform exercises at an intense pace: supersets, circuit training.

Since girls can't exercise with large scales(we don’t take professional athletes into account), the scheme will suit them circuit training with dumbbells with emphasis on the hips and buttocks.

Set of exercises (perform at least 3 circles, performing one circle, do not rest between exercises):

  • Lunges;
  • Push-ups from the floor on dumbbells (you can do push-ups from your knees);
  • Standing dumbbell press;
  • Squats;
  • Deadlift with dumbbells;
  • Bench press;
  • Dumbbell bicep curls (for example, hammer style);
  • Hands out;
  • Pullovers;
  • Plie with one dumbbell;
  • Bent-over row (at latissimus muscles back).

For each exercise you need to do at least 15 repetitions.

The main feature of girls is that they are more weak muscles upper body compared to legs, thighs and buttocks. Therefore, it is worth selecting the weight of dumbbells individually for each exercise: for this you need to have 2 sets of dumbbells available. If this is not possible, it is better to switch the exercises, performing all sets with heavy dumbbells first and then moving on to exercises with lighter weight dumbbells.

Bodybuilding for men: how to achieve maximum effect

To get the maximum benefit from exercise, you need an integrated approach: regular training, proper rest, and protein-rich nutrition.

If you can’t get the required amount of protein from regular food, you can drink protein shakes or gainer (suitable only for training during the mass-gain period, should not be used by people prone to weight gain).

Regularly working all muscle groups, increasing the load as you get used to it and restoring damaged fibers high protein diet can be achieved excellent results even at home, having only dumbbells in your inventory.