The strengths differ. Power transformer

Functional or strength training– which is better?

Let's start right away with the main ideas of the article - this is finding a compromise between supporters of this or that type of training. What prompted me to do this was the realization that, among the extremes of two fronts, there is a golden mean, which is a way out of this situation. For those interested and choosing the type of training, the main advantages and disadvantages will be discussed, which will allow you to make an informed choice.
By strength training we mean standard exercises from powerlifting, bodybuilding. I didn’t include it in my strength training. weightlifting due to high injury rates. The advantages are obvious:
- strengthening ligaments, bones, tendons, preventing osteoporosis, osteochondrosis;
- prevention of type 2 diabetes and obesity, improvement of blood counts, stimulation of work internal organs, improving immunity and stress resistance, improving the functioning of the endocrine system and gonads, preventing disorders vascular system, slowing down the aging process;
- improvement of physical qualities such as strength, strength endurance, coordination, sometimes flexibility;
- correction of fat and muscle mass.
Cons of strength training:
- With an illiterate approach, most of the advantages change their pole to disadvantages and useful strength training turns into murderous obscurantism! Important integrated approach from the bunch proper nutrition, recovery, regimen and training;
- if the load is unbalanced, posture may be impaired (refers to the first point)
- stiffness, muscle soreness, deterioration of flexibility (solved by turning on stretching).
Now let's take a look functional training. I deliberately cross out pure CrossFit for safety reasons, although I do not exclude the use of physiologically and anatomically based CrossFit elements.
And so, by functional training I mean training a variety of natural human movements that occur in life. This is training of typical movement patterns, where the muscles are activated in the correct sequence to perform a movement. After taking a workshop from Gary Gray, the “Father of Functionality,” and completing the 3DMaps certification, I began to gain a better understanding of human movement and what functionality is. I’ll try to formulate a more specific definition of functionality, this is very important.
Functional training takes place in a natural environment (water, an empty room, a rock, not exercise equipment) with the beneficial use of gravity and ground reaction forces (water, floor, uneven surface), body mass and inertia. Muscles and joints work in three planes, activating as many proprioceptors as possible (various sensors in muscles, joints and tendons that inform the brain). Multi-joint exercises are used from a standing position to engage kinematic chains from multiple joints at once.
What are the advantages of functional training? Oddly enough, all the advantages that were in strength training except for the development of local strength and decent muscle growth. Due to the peculiarity of less stable support (from a standing position) locally muscle groups receive less load, which reduces the mechano-dependent growth factor compared to strength exercises. There are some basic standing exercises that are both strength and functional exercises simultaneously, which means they are able to provide all the incentives to muscle growth and the development of strength with a certain methodological scheme.
It is important to emphasize once again that functionality implies a wide variety of exercises in all three planes in the joint, which is closer to ordinary life, where there is no control of one plane. This fact was not taken into account by Leonid Alekseevich Ostapenko, whom I respect, in his article about the so-called. functional training.
The benefits of functional training that strength training does not have:
- development of functional strength from a standing position in pulls and pushes (the ability to use a greater percentage of existing strength);
- reducing the risk of injury in life, strength training, and sports through training of three planes (better stabilization of joints when movement deviates from one plane);
- training balance, agility, flexibility, mobility, stability;
- strengthening deep muscles surrounding the spine (strength exercises, including basic ones, load mainly phasic superficial muscles). These exercises have an even more positive effect on the health of the spine and joints;
- huge variety various exercises with various equipment, except application strength training equipment. You can train in an empty room, but this, in my opinion, is extreme, so it is better to use small equipment, free weights, functional frames and crossover;
- use of plyometric exercises for highly trained people;
- using metabolic training to speed up metabolism and reduce body fat mass;
- a combination of many movements into one exercise is possible;
- activation of all proprioceptors when using 3 planes in all major joints. In this way, more percentages of muscle structures can be included in the work.
Disadvantages of functional training compared to strength training:
- it is more difficult to increase muscle mass, especially muscles shoulder girdle. At a certain stage, it is impossible to increase compared to strength training, where the potential for growth remains;
- it is difficult to develop the strength of the muscles of the shoulder girdle (stabilizers develop)
- strength is the basis for the development of any other physical quality of a person, a phrase from Lev Pavlovich Matveev, an outstanding Soviet and Russian sports scientist. Perhaps we take too literally the quality of strength that is trained in the phosphagen energy supply system;
- it is difficult to do many exercises technically correctly (they require a high level of control)
Based on all the information, some conclusions can be drawn.
Strength training differs favorably from functional training in that it is easier to increase strength and build muscle mass. Beginners will improve these physical qualities and from functional training in the first few months of training.
In turn, functional training develops the foundation in the form of stabilizers and deep muscles of the spine, improves flexibility, mobility, stability, and is distinguished by a huge variety of exercises. Using three planes of movement in the joints, it reduces the risk of injury in life, strength training and sports.
Now the main idea that suggests itself. Strength and functional training complement each other! Thus, the effectiveness of training increases.
In continuation of the article, I would like to tell you how to combine 2 types of training, because the simultaneous use of various exercises and techniques from a physiological point of view muscle activity and adaptations often contradict each other and reduce the final results.
Shaikin Pavel,
April 2017.

A transformer is an electrical device that transfers electrical energy between two or more circuits through electromagnetic induction. Its operating principle is that alternating current in one transformer coil creates an alternating magnetic field, which in turn induces an alternating electromotive force (EMF) or “voltage” in the second coil.

Today there are many different types of transformers. The most common types found in industry are power transformers and distribution transformers. Sometimes they are confused, so in this material we will try to answer the question of how power transformers differ from distribution transformers.

In short, those transformers that are installed at the end or receiving point of a long high-voltage power line are power transformers. And distribution transformers are those devices that are installed near load terminals (for example, city or village) to ensure the use of voltage at consumer terminals. Below are some additional differences between power and distribution transformers.

  • Power transformers are used in higher voltage transmission networks to step up and step down voltage (400 kV, 200 kV, 110 kV, 66 kV, 33 kV) and are typically rated in excess of 200 MVA (mega volt amperes)
  • Distribution transformers are used for low voltage distribution networks as a means of connecting end users. (11 kV, 6.6 kV, 3.3 kV, 440 V, 230 V) and are typically rated less than 200 MVA
  • A power transformer usually has one primary winding and one secondary winding, and one input and output. A distribution transformer may have one primary winding and one split secondary winding, or two or more secondary windings.
  • Power transformers typically operate at near full load. However, the distribution transformer operates under light loads for most of the day.
  • The performance of power transformers is usually analyzed by commercial or maximum efficiency since they are designed for maximum efficiency at full load. Whereas, the performance of a distribution transformer is measured by the efficiency of the daily running time of the transformer as they are designed for maximum efficiency at 60-70% load as they usually do not operate at full load all day long.
  • Power transformers have higher flux densities than distribution transformers.
  • In power transformers, the primary winding is always connected in star and the secondary winding is connected in delta, while in distribution transformers, the primary winding is connected in delta and the secondary in star.
  • In the substation at the end of the transmission line, the power transformer connection is in a star-delta configuration (to reduce the voltage level).
  • At the beginning of the transmission line, the connection of the power transformer takes the form of “delta-star” (to increase the voltage).

In some cases, power is more important or practical than strength. How they differ and how to train both – in the text by Dr. Alex Hutchinson.

In Major League Baseball games, it has been found that it takes just under 0.5 seconds for a fastball to cross last base. According to a classic 1967 study, a batter has 0.26 to 0.35 seconds to make a decision and then another 0.19 to 0.28 seconds to swing. It doesn't matter at all whether a good hitter can bench press three times his own weight if he can't use that force instantly.

As is known, power is force times speed ; it represents ability to apply large number strength in a short period of time . Lifting a heavy load on a leg press machine requires only strength; The muscle power required to perform a high jump requires both strength and speed.

Therefore, in many sports, power is much more important than absolute strength.

The difference between strength and power training

Training for power is slightly different from classic strength training. The easiest way is to take a little more light weight than usual, but concentrate on lifting it with a quick, explosive movement. The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends doing 1-3 sets of 3-6 reps using weights up to 60% of your 1RM.

Just don't do the same exercises you do in strength training; Focus on functional movements that involve many joints, such as jumping jacks, jump squats, and throwing a medicine ball. Ultimately, your goal is to achieve a good explosive jump, not a hamstring curl.

The exercises you choose should be tailored to your specific goals. Professional athletes prefer exercises that replicate the movements they will use in their sport and perform them at realistic speed. For example, the authors of a 2009 article published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research advise baseball players to swing the bat at least 100 times a day, 3 times a week, to increase swing speed. However, using attachments that weigh down the bat is not recommended as this will cause them to practice swinging at a slower speed. But the so-called explosive rotation exercises with a medicine ball, on the contrary, increase the power of the blow and the speed of the bat.

Even in golf, the most seemingly relaxed sport, a lot depends on power. A 2009 study by Greg Wells of the University of Toronto found that vertical jump—a measure of leg power—is associated with longer swing range among professional golfers. "There's one lesson that a lot of players haven't learned," Wells says. “These guys have traditionally focused only on strength and building muscle, which leads to a decrease in speed, and as a result they can’t hit the ball as hard.”

Power isn't just important for athletes. When discussing the importance of maintaining “functional strength” in old age, physicians typically mention power more often than strength. So, for example, getting up from a chair does not require that much continuous effort; you just need to use a little explosive force to push your body upward.

A number of recent studies have shown that training programs for older adults that include power-building exercises that focus on high-speed movements with light weights produce optimal results. As a result, the subjects' balance improves and their bones become stronger.

At the same time, it should be remembered that without strength there can be no power, so under no circumstances stop regular strength training. But consider incorporating some explosive exercises into your workout routine, and you'll soon notice positive effect(and not only on sports ground, but also beyond).

Cardio training - where the main source of energy is oxygen.

Strength training - in which work occurs directly due to muscle mass. Fat burning processes during such exercises happen extremely slowly.

What is the difference between cardio training and strength training?

Cardio training is primarily aimed at strengthening the cardiovascular system (cardiovascular system), fat burning and increasing endurance. Strength training develops strength and increases muscle volume.

Energy source for aerobic exercise- oxygen and although muscles are also involved in the process, the load on them is minimal. For this reason, it is allowed to perform exercises on an empty stomach without harm to health.

The main condition for cardio is a rapid heartbeat over a long period of time. Depending on the goal of cardio training, the heart rate (HR) also changes, but the optimal value will be 60—70% of maximum heart rate . With such a load, the body will begin the process of fat burning, and the level of endurance will gradually increase.

Important! Fasted cardio is more conducive to fat burning.

Power exercises directly involve muscles in work, and the main source of energy in this type of training is glycogen. Strength training on an empty stomach is ineffective and unsafe.

In strength, the main conditions will be muscle failure in the last approach and keeping the muscle under load for 40-60 seconds.

Long-term cardio combined with strength training will not bring the expected results in building muscle mass. But don’t forget about cardio altogether - 15 minutes of running will perfectly complement strength training.

Cardio exercises

The main, basic occupation is considered running. Energy costs for this exercise are among the highest. Cardio is not limited to jogging. TO aerobic exercise also include:

  • swimming- most energy-consuming;
  • rowing machine— precise imitation of rowing, develops endurance and loads the back muscles;
  • elliptical trainer - the safest, repeating the natural cycle of movement of the hip, knee and ankle joints;
  • exercise bike - suitable for people with pain in the knee joints.

Strength training

The best strength exercises will be those that use the most muscles to perform the movement. Worth mentioning the “holy trinity” of squats, chest presses and deadlifts. This trio can be called the most powerful strength exercises. They involve large joints, large muscle groups, stabilizer muscles and, most importantly, increase muscle volume and strength.

To properly work out all the muscles, you will need a wider range of training:

  1. Standing biceps curl- a basic, isolating exercise that works both heads of the biceps muscle.
  2. Extension of arms from behind the head while sittingbasic exercise. Due to excessive load on elbow joints requires attention to technique. Accented load on the triceps.
  3. Overhead press- a basic, multi-joint exercise that is aimed at developing the deltoid muscles.

Photo 1. Performing a barbell overhead press. It is shown which muscle groups work in the process.

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Is swimming cardio or not?

View Cardio training is more energy efficient than running. While swimming, the body is fully toned in order to keep the body afloat, which in itself already requires energy. A large proportion of the load during swimming falls on top part the body, especially the back and shoulders, and the legs also take on a portion of the load, giving acceleration.

Depending on the style, the calorie consumption will also change. The most expensive - "butterfly". In 1 hour in this style, the body will burn about 600 kcal. Jogging, for the same period of time, will spend about 500 kcal.

Important! Subject to availability diseases of the musculoskeletal system— consult with a trainer to avoid injuries.


Combines strength and cardio loads in one workout, with a big bias towards cardio.

Pilates is more of a wellness procedure than a way to burn fat. It's practically brother yoga. The classes are very similar, with the difference that Pilates will still be a lighter option and aimed at improving health.

During classes, heart rate remains quite low, which will not be enough for fat burning, but this type of training is great strengthens the abdominal and back muscles. Thanks to them, the trainee receives correct posture and learns to breathe correctly. With proper breathing, the body is more saturated with oxygen, which strengthens the cardiovascular system.

Reference. While studying one hour, everything is spent 250 kcal.

Such exercises have a number of contraindications, albeit relative, but before training, it would be useful to consult a doctor.


Exercise related to cardio due to oxygen consumption as the main source of energy. Regular planking:

  • will strengthen lower back;
  • will make muscles more flexible and elastic;
  • will develop endurance;
  • will get rid of pain in the back;
  • will strengthen abdominal muscles.

Unfortunately for those who dream of resetting overweight, the plank is not the best way to do this. In terms of energy consumption this is only 5-7 kcal per minute, which is not that much.

Under the concept strength training classes are implied physical exercise with load. This allows you to significantly increase a person’s strength indicators. Therefore, such exercises are included in preparation for almost all sports. Depending on physical level person, as well as the final goal, the load may change here. This allows you to optimally develop the necessary qualities.

But, any strength training is subject to the same principles. Here they are:

  • Gradual increase in loads;
  • Mandatory restoration;
  • Maintaining range of motion;
  • Monitoring the quality of exercises;
  • A clear number of repetitions and approaches.

All strength training methods must follow these requirements. This allows for optimal muscle development. Proper strength training leads to a pronounced effect.

Physiology of Strength Training

When doing strength exercises, it is important to clearly understand how everything happens and how a positive effect is achieved. This will allow you to conduct training more adequately and efficiently.

The first thing to remember is that muscle contraction directly depends on the development of microfibrils. This muscle fibers, which do the work of bending our limbs. The more fibers in a muscle, the more force it can develop. Actually, the main goal of strength training is to increase the number of microfibrils.

Reducing fibers requires certain energy inputs. During strength training, quite a lot of energy is consumed. During exercise, ATP molecules are first broken down, they are hydrolyzed, releasing the necessary energy. However, the supply of molecules for the ATP phase is insignificant, therefore, during long-term training, other methods of energy supply to muscles can be used. Usually the following reactions occur in the body:

  • Breakdown of creatine phosphate. This is also called the Lohmann reaction. When creatine phosphate combines with ADP, it produces creatine and the standard molecule ATP. This method of obtaining energy occurs in the initial stages of movement. Therefore, it is important for sprint races or short strength exercises;
  • Glycolysis. The breakdown of one glucose molecule into two molecules of lactic acid and two ATP. This reaction does not require oxygen. During splitting, quite a lot of heat is released, which causes the muscles to heat up to 41-42°C;
  • Oxygen oxidation. This process starts slowly, usually at full capacity it begins to work 100-120 seconds after the muscle begins to work. In this reaction, one molecule of glucose produces 38 molecules of ATP.

The difference between strength training and aerobic training

Often, newcomers, when they come to the gym, do not know the difference between strength training (anaerobic) and aerobic. Therefore, they often make mistakes when choosing programs for training, especially when the task is to lose excess weight. The main difference between strength exercises is the use mainly of fast fibers, which provide maximum strength to movement, and also use anaerobic methods of energy replenishment. That is, during the exercise, the ATP phase, the breakdown of creatine phosphate, and glycolysis are used. Actually, this is the main difference between such training.

As a rule, strength training are aimed at working specific muscle groups, while aerobic training involve almost the entire body, while creating a fairly large load on cardiovascular system, training and developing it.

Strength training to burn fat

For some reason, many people who come to the gym to lose weight pay little attention to anaerobic exercises. Girls especially often neglect such training. For some reason, it is believed that strength training only leads to muscle growth. In fact, this is not true. In practice, strength training for burning fat is very effective. You should not replace cardio exercise with such activities, but together they give an amazing effect.

Strength exercises increase muscle volume, as a result, energy consumption during movements increases, which indirectly affects the rate of weight loss. Also, in the process of strength training, metabolism increases, it is maintained at high level within 5-6 hours after classes. All this time, not only muscle restoration and building occurs, but also fat burning. It is worth remembering that burning fat tissue at this time is a fading process; the more time passes after the session, the less pronounced the fat burning is.

Often, special treatments are used to stimulate fat loss. training complexes with elements of aerobic exercise. Such complexes differ in the following indicators:

  • The rest time between approaches has been reduced, it does not exceed 1 minute;
  • Slightly reduces the mass of projectiles;
  • In one workout they work on all muscle groups.

It is worth noting that such complexes do not have to make up your entire program. One such workout per week is enough.

Sample program

Quite often, beginners wonder how to choose the right program for classes. That's enough difficult task, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body, as well as the goals that the person faces. The best option There will be an appeal to a professional trainer to draw up a training plan. But, if this is not possible, then you can choose a suitable option from ready-made plans.

Most often, if you just need to get in shape, they use a three-day training system. On the fourth day, rest is meant. In this case, the lessons look like this:

1 day

All exercises are done in three sets of 8 repetitions each:

  1. Bench press;
  2. Standing biceps exercise;
  3. Standing barbell chest press;
  4. Working with triceps on a vertical block;
  5. Raising the torso on a bench. This exercise is done in three sets of 20 times.

The weight of the shells is selected individually. It is better to choose the weight that is most comfortable for you.

Day 2

Here the exercises are also performed in three sets, but with 10 repetitions;

  1. Barbell squats;
  2. Block leg extensions;
  3. Similar to the previous exercise, but only for flexion;
  4. Hyperextension;
  5. Block pull behind the head;
  6. Leg raises on the bar.

Day 3

On this day, they pay attention to cardio exercises. Most often, they run or exercise on an exercise bike. But, sometimes you can do CrossFit exercises.

The fourth day is spent resting. Muscles should recover normally. An important point is weight control during exercise. Do not strive to use the maximum load for training.

The benefits and harms of strength training

There are different opinions about the benefits and harms of strength exercises. Let's look at the nuances of such training.

First, let's look at the benefits of strength training. In fact, there are quite a lot of them:

  1. Improving general physical fitness, as well as strength characteristics. If a person plays sports, then in any case it will be useful for him;
  2. Increases muscle mass, which allows you to form a beautiful figure;
  3. Ligaments and joints are strengthened. During training, the nutrition of the joints improves, which contributes to their greater strength and endurance;
  4. Boosting immunity. Thanks to strengthened immunity, the body better fights diseases.

You can often hear about the harm of strength training. This is actually a myth. Of course, it is not recommended to exercise if you have some diseases, but the list is small. Sami power loads do not harm the body, especially if the approach is correct.

Features of strength training for girls

Let's see how strength training for girls differs. Firstly, it is worth remembering that women gain mass better in their lower body. Therefore, it is better to do the first workouts for the whole body, and only then switch to split systems divided into muscle groups.

It is also worth paying attention to the weights and number of repetitions. As a rule, for girls it is worth using less weight, but increasing the number of repetitions per approach. Such a program will have a positive effect.


Strength training is an important component of the training of any athletes. For the average person, strength training is in a good way quickly and effectively get your body in order. Using the right programs will not only help you remove excess weight, but also increase your strength characteristics.