Selection problems in weightlifting. Selection of young weightlifters taking into account their age characteristics and ability to train using the “circuit training” method

IN sports section teenager accepted. Working with this age group has specific features. It is important to keep in mind that a teenager is not a copy of an adult.

Numerous studies by scientists have shown that the activity internal organs and his systems during puberty are noticeably different from those in adulthood. The teenage period replaces the period of childhood, which is characterized by relatively calm and uniform growth in human development. During puberty, rapid development of the entire organism occurs. Proof of this is a significant increase in height, weight, circumference chest and muscles, increased heart function, profound changes in the activity of the central nervous system, and especially in the activity of the gonads. This period lasts on average from 12 to 16 years. Adolescence is one of the main stages in a person’s life on the path to the full flowering of his powers, when physical and functional capabilities improve, personality and character develop.

The organization of classes in school preparatory groups is provided. As a rule, it is very difficult to determine the ability to do weightlifting in an 11-12 year old teenager. It is known that adolescent peers often differ significantly from each other in the degree of puberty and, consequently, in physical development. Therefore, when selecting, it is important to take into account not the passport age, but the biological one. The degree of puberty is determined at the first medical and pedagogical examination of adolescents.

Experimental studies have shown that the greatest effect is obtained when selection is made at school, and not in groups of youth sports schools. In addition, the desire to get into the central section of young weightlifters was one of the significant psychological incentives that contributed to the manifestation of their best physical and volitional capabilities.

Speed-power capabilities were revealed with the help of long and high jumps with a push with two legs, running 60 meters with maximum speed; flexibility and coordination - with the help acrobatic exercises(forward somersault over an obstacle, performing a bridge by bending backwards and through a handstand); agility - during wrestling matches, sports games. Particular attention in training sessions was paid to such qualities as courage, determination, composure, determination, perseverance, etc.

A variety of means from various sports created the necessary emotional climate, which plays an important role when working with teenagers.

IN special training included familiarization with the technique of performing the snatch and jerk of the barbell, as well as the use of special auxiliary exercises for the development of strength, speed-strength qualities and special endurance: squats, bends, lifting the barbell to the chest and jerk in the floor squat, push from the chest, bench press, squats with a snatch grip.

Studies have shown that for adolescents aged 11-12 years, the optimal weight is considered to be confidently lifted in the snatch or clean and jerk at least 5-6 times in a row.

Volume training load for the lesson amounted, excluding general exercises physical training(GPP), on average 40-50 lifts of the optimal weight (without taking into account the weight of the barbell lifted during the warm-up). One exercise was allotted 5-6 approaches and 3-4 lifts per approach.

So, classes in the school preparatory group in their content are aimed at introducing adolescents from 11-12 years old to regular classes weightlifting, to improve health, foster a love for this sport, develop self-confidence and discover abilities.

As already noted, comprehensive observations of adolescents throughout the year make it possible to more objectively assess the abilities of each, and to some extent, already at this age, determine the inclinations for weightlifting, physical and functional capabilities. This is the main and very important task of a coach in identifying gifted athletes.

There is every reason to believe that some signs athletic talent weightlifters 11-12 years old can be identified already in the first year of sports. To do this, the training process is conditionally divided into three stages:

Entrance control tests, anthropometric measurements, analysis physical development, original definition physical activity incoming

A deep and comprehensive study of the character and personality of a beginner, his psyche, physical capabilities, ability to progress results, sports thinking, the teenager’s attitude towards his friends in his discipline and his studies at school.

3) Control and pedagogical tests after the end of classes in the school preparatory group, determination of abilities based on the results of pedagogical observations.

So, after finishing classes in the school preparatory group, teenagers and young men were identified who could engage in weightlifting in a youth sports school or sports school. After this, they undergo a comprehensive selection process.

According to the regulations, enrollment in the Youth Sports School and Sports and Youth Sports School is carried out in September. The following proof tests are suggested:

30 and 60 meter run;

standing long jump, triple jump;

lying push-ups (on uneven bars);

determining the strength of the abdominal muscles;

flexibility in shoulder joints(squat with a barbell at the top, wide, medium, narrow grip);

bending forward while standing on straight legs and other exercises.

The initial indicators are entered in a special notebook, where subsequently (during the current selection) changes in test indicators are regularly noted. During the selection process sports games, during which dexterity, coordination, flexibility, endurance, and intelligence are studied.

For practice, the experience of working on the complex selection of N. Ipalitov is of interest. The author recommends that selection be carried out during the first two years of study in three stages.

The first stage is initial (duration - 1.5-2 months). During this period, the initial level of development of specific motor qualities in those wishing to engage in weightlifting is determined. After a medical examination, candidates undergo competitive testing according to the following tests: standing long jump (210 cm, 220 cm, 235 cm - according to scores of 3, 4, 5 points), jumping up from a standing position with arm swings (48 cm, 52 cm, 55cm), squats with a bar overhead (snatch, medium, push grip), throwing a medicine ball (5 kg) behind the back, deadlift strength, squat with a barbell on the shoulders.

The second stage is the main one (until the end of the first year). The degree of mastery of the snatch and clean and jerk technique is determined, activity, hard work, courage and other psychological characteristics are taken into account. Tests continue according to previous tests in dynamics. At the end of the year, for example, jumps are again assessed according to a point system (225 cm, 235 cm, 250 cm - in length, 53 cm, 56 cm and 58 cm - jumping up), youth categories and III adult category are performed.

The third stage is the final stage (during the second year). All previous indicators are examined in dynamics. At the end of the assessment phase the following:

long jump - 240 cm, 253 cm, 265 cm;

jumping up - 58 cm, 64 cm, 68 cm;

III category + 5 kg, II category are performed.

Control tests are carried out every 1.5-2 months.

Regulatory Requirements

The final work on the selection of young athletes should consist of accepting regulatory requirements for general physical training and special physical training for young weightlifters entering the section. The passing score for general physical training for 12-14 year olds is 40-45 and for special physical training 14-18, and regulatory requirements for general and special physical training are presented in tables 4 and 5.

When selecting adolescents, it is important to take into account the functional capabilities of the cardiovascular, respiratory and neuromuscular systems. For this purpose, it is advisable to use control standards that assess the endurance of an athlete.

For example, to assess the endurance of adolescents 12-14 years old, run 500 meters at maximum pace before the start of a year’s training and at the end of it. Not only the athletic result is recorded, but also the heart rate immediately before running (IF - initial background) and after it at 1, 3, 5 and 10 minutes. Then the difference in pulse rate in relation to the IF in each time period is determined. The difference is added up and the sum of the increase in heart rate is obtained. A decrease in this parameter after a year indicates an increase in functional readiness cardiovascular system.

This will make it possible to more effectively select adolescents and young men in weightlifting and will enable the rapid development of the best athletes in weightlifting with such careful selection.

Control tests for selection into the barbell section for teenagers aged 11-12 years.

Table 4

circuit training weightlifter teenager

5.1. Sports training and its features

Training is usually understood as a specialized process aimed at achieving high athletic results in a chosen sport. The purpose of the training is to ensure physical, technical, moral-volitional and other types of preparedness.

Physical training is aimed at increasing a person’s functional capabilities, developing his physical qualities: speed, strength, endurance, agility, etc.; technical training - for the formation of certain motor skills and their improvement, representing a single training process.

Experts point to the need for more differentiated general physical fitness when training not only adult athletes, but also young ones (V.M. Zatsiorsky, A.N. Vorobyov, etc.). In the early stages of training, almost all types physical exercise contribute to the improvement of motor functions of athletes. As training increases, the range of exercises that provide SPT narrows (A.V. Korobkov). Training in any sport increases the general functional capabilities of the body, and against this background, the development of specific qualities necessary to achieve high results in the type of exercise that is the subject of training occurs (A.N. Krestovnikov).

General physical training is necessary as the basis for the development of special training. This preparation ensures, even at a young age, an increase in results not only in this type of exercise, but also in other sports (V.I. Shaposhnikova, N.N. Yakovlev).

Training work with young athletes should not be aimed at achieving high athletic results in the first years of training. Such forced preparation usually leads to a halt in the growth of results. Sports training in the initial period of training should be carried out with the prospect of long-term sports growth, which continues after the transition to the adult group (V.P. Filin).

SPT at a young age should be based on good general physical fitness, which in each sport has its own specific characteristics. The ratio of GPP and TFP has its own characteristic features in various types sports In the initial period of training young athletes, an average of 50 to 80% of training time is devoted to general physical training (V.P. Filin).

Versatile physical training should take into account the characteristics of the chosen sport. For example, as noted by A.V. Korobkov, not all versatile training is rational. Real growth in technical results comes only from such versatile training, which is built taking into account the positive interaction of the means used with basic motor skills.

The higher the athlete’s level of training, the greater the share of SPT. If you have high sportsmanship, even general physical training should have a special focus. The development of physical qualities at this stage of training is ensured mainly by practicing the chosen sport or exercises close to it in structure and physiological effect. So, A.N. Vorobyov points out that general physical training cannot replace special work in a specific sport. Specifics of the species muscle activity is reflected in both the functional and morphological characteristics of the athlete’s body. Each specific sport forms a special morpho-functional harmony. For a weightlifter, this harmony is expressed in the development of muscle strength.

Research on young weightlifters conducted by B.E. Podskotsky, M.G. Lukyanov, A.I. Falameev and other specialists, showed the effectiveness of comprehensive physical development during the period initial training and with further specialization. Therefore, when planning training time in the training process of young weightlifters, along with SPP, much attention is paid to general physical training. If we trace how the attitude of the authors of weightlifting programs changed regarding the distribution of training hours for general physical training and physical training, then, for example, B.E. In 1968, Podskotsky devoted 104 hours to general physical training classes in the initial training group, and 182 hours per year to physical physical training; in 1974, N.S. Ippolitov and A.I. Falameev - 130 and 306 hours, respectively, blood pressure. Ermakov in 1977 -170 and 414 hours per year, V.F. Skotnikov, V.E. Smirnov, Ya.E. Yakubenko in 2005 – 180 and 175 hours.

5.2. Problems of long-term training of young weightlifters

The modern level of weightlifting sports requires the organization in our country of systematic long-term training of young athletes in the most optimal age periods - adolescence and youth. Moreover, such long-term training of weightlifters should be based on the identified general patterns, objectively emanating from the process of developing sportsmanship and age characteristics development of the body.

Numerous studies of the 70-80s conducted in the field of youth sports convincingly proved the advantage of a systematic approach in the process of many years of work with young athletes, starting from their first steps in sports. During these same years, an intensive scientific search for development took place. effective means and methods of training young athletes in various sports, as well as methods for selecting gifted schoolchildren in order to replenish the reserve of high-class athletes.

In weightlifting sports, individual scientists began to study the issues of systematic training of young athletes in the 50-60s. So, B.E. Podskotsky in the late 50s - early 60s published a number of works and scientifically substantiated them from a pedagogical point of view step by step process long-term training of young weightlifters, starting from 14-15 years old. Subsequently, from about the mid-60s, using complex research methods and on the basis of practical work with young weightlifters, research was continued on the scientific substantiation of the system of long-term training in the age period from 12 to 18 years. The results of these works are presented in a number of scientific and scientific-methodological works by L.S. Dvorkina, A.S. Medvedev and in our joint publications.

The need to organize many years of targeted training for young weightlifters was indicated in the scientific works of the AI. Kurachenkova, A.I. Falameeva, M.T. Lukyanova, N.S. Ippolitova, A.S. Prilepina and others. One of the characteristic features of these and other works is that they talk about a gradual increase in the level of special physical training of young athletes. Training of young athletes should not be aimed at achieving high athletic results in the first years of training. Sports training, notes a number of authors, should be carried out in the initial period with the prospect of long-term growth, which continues after the transition to the adult group.

In the initial period of training, the greatest emphasis is placed on general physical training. So, at the general physical training, according to N.V. Zimkin, is allocated an average of 50-80% of the time during this period. The need for preferential all-round physical development of young weightlifters was indicated in the works of the Academy of Sciences. Kurachenkova, B.E. Podskotsky, M.T. Lukyanova, AN. Falameeva, L.S. Dvorkina, A.S. Medvedeva, N.S. Ippolitova, A.S. Prilepin and many others.

Back in 1982, the author made an attempt to formalize the process of many years of training of young weightlifters based on the knowledge available in the theory and practice of weightlifting sports. A “formula for step-by-step training of weightlifters” was proposed for the age period from 12 to 22 years. This formalized system included next steps: preliminary and initial preparation, educational and training stage, stage sports improvement and the stage of highest sportsmanship. Consequently, a young weightlifter, starting from the age of 12 in sports, has the opportunity to reach the stage of highest sports mastery by the age of 20-22. This concept of long-term training of young athletes is especially clearly substantiated in the works of NA. Fomina, V.P. Filina, M.Ya. Nabatnikova and in the monograph “Fundamentals of Management for the Training of Young Athletes” edited by M.Ya. Nabatnikova. Numerous facts and practical analysis of the training of the best athletes in the world allow us to conclude that the majority of high-class athletes went through all of the above stages, although they were not the same in terms of age periodization.

In weightlifting sports, increasing attention has been paid to the selection of young athletes. However, very few developments in this direction have been published. This is even evidenced by the fact that in the textbook “Weightlifting for Youths” by M.T. Lukyanov and A.I. Falameev there is no section on the selection of young men. There are no such sections in textbooks on weightlifting for students of physical education institutes, published in different years.

In the work of B.E. Podskotsky “Features of selection for weightlifting with teenagers aged 13-14 years”, published in 1970 in the yearbook “Weightlifting”, it was noted that since weightlifters from the age of 13-14 began to be trained recently, we do not yet have proven recommendations, that would help us see a certain future weightlifter in a teenager weight category and high class. The same idea is carried out in the textbook “Weightlifting”, published in 1981, i.e. almost 10 years later: “A very difficult problem is the selection of teenagers and young men who have the potential to achieve high sports results in the future. Such selection is one of the pressing issues in the development of weightlifting..."

Significant selection work was carried out by N.S. Ippolitov with schoolchildren aged 14-15 years. The author justified the selection methodology over a two-year period, divided into three stages. The author chose exercises with weights as the main test indicators when determining the most capable, jumping exercises standing and running short distances.

It is known that modern teenagers and young men reach sports maturity much earlier than was the case, for example, 10-15 years ago. This is due to the fact that in many sports early sports specialization has been introduced from childhood and adolescence. An analysis of the growth in the qualifications of young weightlifters over many years of training (from youth level to master of sports) showed that the achievement of higher sports results at a young age is, in general, closely related to the duration of sports activities (Table 5.1).

During the period of initial preparation (up to two years) pronounced growth sports qualification it was not observed in the majority of young weightlifters we studied. This is explained by the fact that the training methodology we used did not set the task of forced execution sports categories. Thus, after the first year of such classes, 11.8% of athletes did not reach the category level in weightlifting; 51.3% completed only the youth level and only 35.2% completed the III level. Moreover, these were athletes who, before joining the weightlifting section, as a rule, had been engaged in comprehensive physical training in other sections for 1-2 years. Of the observed young weightlifters, only one managed to complete category II in one year (out of 68 people). Subsequently, the number of the most gifted athletes increased: in the second year they amounted to 2.9% and in the third – 8.8%. However, during the first 6 years of training, only 2.9% of the total number of trainees fulfilled the master of sports standard.

Table 5.1

Increase in sports qualifications of young weightlifters (%)
With mass sports training in weightlifting in adolescence and adolescence it is not at all necessary to set the task of fulfilling discharge standard at any cost. This process must go naturally, without forcing, since the main task of this period is to increase the level of physical fitness, in particular strength capabilities. For individual gifted athletes, the optimal rate of increase in sports qualifications to the level of the 1st category and CMS should be considered one level per year. This condition was met by 35.2% of students who completed category I in the first year of training. But then their number decreased from year to year and after 2 years of training it amounted to 30.9%; after three – 26.5% and after four – 17.6%. After seven years of training, one athlete from this group fulfilled the standard of an international master of sports.

The majority of athletes improved their skills at a slower pace and achieved the standard of a master of sports in an average of 6-10 years of training. With mass weightlifting training, such rates of growth in sports qualifications are quite acceptable, since among these athletes there will be individuals (workers, employees, students) who devote significantly less time to sports compared to members of the national team.

Poor all-round training at the initial stage of specialization, poor health in adolescence, which is the reason for missing classes, should be considered as the reasons for the slow improvement of the qualifications of the majority of the weightlifters studied; regular weight loss before competitions, violation of the sports regime, irregular training, etc. In addition, the lack of a good material base for mass weightlifting and athleticism plays an important role.

5.3. Critical remarks on the issue of age periodization in the process of long-term training of young weightlifters

Long-term training of weightlifters involves solving a number of problems. Among them, one of the important ones is the substantiation of optimal age limits in the system of step-by-step training, taking into account the characteristics of the developing organism, pedagogical tasks and sporting requirements. If in a number of sports this problem - age-related step-by-step training - has already been practically solved for those who begin to play sports from childhood or adolescence ( figure skating, swimming, gymnastics, athletics etc.), then in weightlifting, even on the issue of stage-by-stage training from early adolescence, there is still no final opinion. This is due to the fact that in our country, until quite recently, the training of teenagers and even young men in weightlifting was not given much importance. It was believed that practicing this sport was only for adults, and therefore the main scientific studies were related to adult weightlifters.

As noted above, attitudes towards weightlifting have changed dramatically since adolescence. This is evident from the fact that more and more often in this sport, record results are achieved at the age of 16-18 years, and they strive to build long-term training of weightlifters as a training system from a beginner to a high-class athlete. An analysis of a number of literary sources on the issue of age periodization of long-term training of athletes has shown that in a particular sport these age stages are not the same.

Thus, D. Khare believes that dividing the long-term training process into stages to a certain extent does not depend on age. The author suggests taking age as a basis highest achievements. Consequently, if we are guided by these rules in weightlifting, then the starting point for step-by-step planning of the training of young athletes will be the achievements currently shown by Soviet athletes on average between the ages of 18 and 33 years. According to V.P. Filin, N.A. Fomin, the zone of optimal opportunities for athletic success in weightlifting is between 21 and 24 years old. B.V. Valik believes that the process of long-term training of young weightlifters must be built taking into account both the age of highest achievements and the age-related characteristics of the body. The author notes that the age of initial training depends on this.

The main feature of modern long-term training of athletes is its staged nature. Therefore, it is necessary to plan long-term training of young weightlifters using a step-by-step system. What is this connected with? It is known that 10-15 years ago, mainly people with good physical development came to the weightlifting section, and in some cases, those who had undergone sports training in other sections. Those under 15 years of age were rarely accepted there. Now it's quite the opposite. More often, schoolchildren aged 12-13 years old and even younger come to the weightlifting section. And, therefore, during the initial training period, the coach often has to deal not only with a very young contingent, but also with physically unprepared for specialization in this sport.

From the memoirs of Honored Master of Sports A.N. Vorobyov (1960) shows that he came to regular weightlifting when he was already physically well developed, mature, and had tempered his character and will during the war and at work. In fact, it took him no more than one year to prove himself a capable athlete. After 4 years of training, he had already won the title of European champion. As AN himself notes. Vorobyov, big physical strength possessed Olympic champion Trofim Lomakin and many other Soviet athletes. Obviously, for many decades of the development of weightlifting, coaches did not see any particular need for the systematic training of high-class weightlifters from among teenagers and young men, not to mention children, although some scientific research in this area has been conducted since the early 50s of the last century.

After 1971, when the International Weightlifting Federation excluded the classic press from triathlon and only the snatch and clean and jerk remained, research in the field of youth weightlifting sports sharply intensified. First of all, it was necessary to solve the problem of age limits for such training. In various literature, the division of groups by age has been interpreted differently. Thus, in the program for youth sports schools in weightlifting (compiled by B.E. Podskotsky), the following division into age groups is given: teenage - up to 14 years, junior youth - 15-16 years, senior youth - 17-18 years, sports improvement – 19-20 years old. In the rules of weightlifting competitions for 1972, the following age gradation was established: junior boys age group– 14-15 years old, boys of the older age group – 16-17 years old, juniors – 18-20 years old, youth – 21-22 years old; in the rules of weightlifting competitions for 1977: youth of the younger age group - 14-15 years old, youth of the older age group - 16-17 years old, juniors - 18-20 years old, youth - 21-22 years old, adults - over 23 years old.

In multi-year planning physical education The following distribution into age groups was also used: pre-school – 1-4 years, pre-school – 4-7 years, junior school – 7-12 years, secondary school – 13-16 years.

In 1968, the Institute of Developmental Physiology of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences recommended the following distribution scheme for age periods: neonatal period - 1-10 days, infancy - 10 days - 1 year, early childhood– 1-3 years, first childhood – 4-7 years, second childhood – 8-12 years, adolescence (boys – 13-16 years, girls 12-15 years), adolescence – 17-21 years, mature age: I period – 22-35 years, II period – 36-60 years, etc.

So, what age gradation should be followed when preparing young athletes? There is still no consensus on this issue. And, as they say, there is no one to restore order in this matter. The author has been adhering to the anatomical and physiological concept of the distribution of educational and training groups (ETG) for youth sports schools for almost 30 years. This is due to the fact that when planning a staged, multi-year training of young athletes, the coach must be absolutely clear in determining age groups. The main criterion in this matter is taking into account the individual age-related characteristics of human development. What individual physiological and morphological characteristics need to be taken into account when training young weightlifters? This is, firstly, functional state cardiovascular system, taking into account a particular age. For example, the heart volume of 13–14 year old adolescents can be almost twice that of 8–9 year old children. At the same time, arterial blood pressure in adolescents is often higher than in children. And here the reason should be sought not in the functional disorders of the body of adolescents, but in the age-related and individual characteristics of physical development during puberty. Thus, it is known that the body length of young athletes from 13 to 14 years old can increase from 6 to 10 cm per year due to a more pronounced elongation of the tubular bones. Fast growth tubular bones in adolescence leads, in turn, to stretching of blood vessels and narrowing of their lumens. Until the anatomical maturity of adolescents' blood vessels matches their body length, they may experience an increase in arterial blood pressure. As a rule, by the age of 15-16 years, arterial blood pressure stabilizes. When doing weightlifting, you should pay attention to the so-called accelerators, that is, those who experience some acceleration in the rate of puberty during puberty.

It is important not only for teachers, but also for doctors to participate together with the coach in the process of planning the training load, especially during puberty of young athletes. It is precisely the facts of uncoordinated actions between the coach and the doctor that often lead to undesirable consequences when training young athletes.

Great attention needs to be paid to proper nutrition young athletes of childhood and adolescence. The ever-increasing volumes of training loads in weightlifting require providing young athletes with adequate nutrition. In childhood and adolescence, vitamin deficiency should not be allowed, minerals, plant and animal proteins.

5.4. The normative part of the weightlifting curriculum for youth sports schools, sports schools, sports schools and sports schools.

This section is fully consistent with the content of the new Weightlifting Program published in 2005 by the Federal Agency Russian Federation By physical culture and sports. The author presents this section without changes, since he understands that his book may turn out to be for some youth sports schools or sports sections the only official source by which it is possible to officially regulate (plan) the educational and training work of a teacher-coach. In the following sections, the author’s version of the multi-year planning system for the training of young weightlifters will be considered, which has some differences from the official program.

So, educational material The official program consists of theoretical and practical sections and is divided into training groups: primary, educational and training, sports improvement and higher sports excellence (Table 1-14), which allows us to offer coaches of all sports schools a single direction, developed by a comprehensive scientific approach to the assessment training process in a long-term system of training weightlifters from beginners to highly qualified athletes.

Long-term training of weightlifters is a complex process of developing sportsmanship, each level of which is characterized by its own goals, objectives, means and organization of training.

1.1. Organization of educational, training and educational process

Acquisition sports groups, organization of educational and training sessions, carrying out educational work with students is carried out by the management and coaching council of sports schools. This is one of the most critical stages of organizational and methodological activities the entire team.

Training groups are staffed from among the most capable children, teenagers, boys and girls for weightlifting, as well as athletes who have transferred from other sports, who have demonstrated an ability for weightlifting and who meet the requirements for the level of sports and physical fitness for admission to sports schools.

In some cases, students who do not meet the relevant requirements may be enrolled in an educational group as an exception by decision of the coaching council, provided that these students have a certain rank and physical data that allows them to achieve the required level of athletic training during the school year.


Plan of training sessions for the year;

Work plan for a month or preparation period;

Lesson Plan;

Registration card of indicators of growth of physical, special, technical readiness of students;

Class schedule;

Schedule sports events. According to accounting:

Group lesson log;

Personal cards and statements of students;

Athletes' training diaries;

Competition protocols.

Table 2

Approximate schedule for the distribution of training hours for weightlifters of the 1st year of training in initial training groups
Table 3

Approximate schedule for the distribution of training hours for weightlifters of the 1st year of study in educational and training groups
Table 4

Approximate schedule for the distribution of training hours for weightlifters of the 2nd year of study in educational and training groups
End of table. 4
Table 5

Approximate schedule for the distribution of training hours for weightlifters of the 3rd year of study in educational and training groups
Table 6

Approximate schedule for the distribution of training hours for weightlifters of the 4th year of study in educational and training groups
Table 7

Approximate schedule for the distribution of training hours for weightlifters of the 1st year of study in sports improvement groups
Table 8

Approximate schedule for the distribution of training hours for weightlifters of the 2nd year of study in sports improvement groups
Table 9

Approximate schedule for the distribution of training hours for weightlifters of the 3rd year of study in sports improvement groups
Table 10

Approximate schedule for the distribution of training hours for weightlifters of the 1st year of study in groups of higher sports skills
Table 11

Approximate schedule for the distribution of training hours for weightlifters of the 2nd year of study in groups of higher sports skills
Table 12

Approximate schedule for the distribution of training hours for weightlifters of the 3rd year of study in groups of higher sports skills
Table 13

Approximate values ​​of training loads by year for weightlifters of sports schools
1 In the KPS for initial training groups, the weight of the barbell is taken into account at least

50% (in lead-up, snatch and push exercises, as well as in classic

exercises), in other groups – at least 60%

End of table. 13
Table 14

The ratio of the volumes of general and special physical training by years of study (hours,%).
5.5. Modern system long-term training of weightlifters

At the present stage of development of weightlifting sports in our country and abroad, vast experience has been accumulated and significant scientific and methodological material has been collected related to the training of weightlifters of various sports qualifications and ages. The world achievements of weightlifters and their constant growth have long led to the understanding by specialists that the targeted training of high-class athletes in this sport can be carried out quite effectively only if children and adolescents from 11-12 years old are involved in such activities, and in some cases - even from an earlier age.

Over the past decades, very positive results have been obtained from studies of the process of long-term training of young weightlifters, which generally showed that with a correct, methodologically competent approach and effective control, such exercises with weights in a given age period do not lead to any adverse consequences in the health of young athletes, and most importantly, they do not retard growth.

Let us dwell on the methodological features of such preparation.

Long-term training of young weightlifters involves solving a number of problems. One of them is the substantiation of optimal age limits in the system of stage-by-stage training of athletes in this sport, taking into account the characteristics of the developing organism, sports-pedagogical tasks and socio-economic conditions of society.

It is known that the division of the process of long-term training of athletes in many sports does not significantly depend on age boundaries. There is no such strict dependence in weightlifting sports. Therefore, the starting point for starting step-by-step planning for the training of young weightlifters can be the record achievements shown by modern domestic athletes aged on average from 18 to 25 years. At the same time, the zone of optimal achievements of weightlifters for both men and women lies within wider age boundaries - from 15 to 28-30 years.

Taking into account this provision, long-term training of young athletes should be structured in such a way that preparation for this zone sporting achievements it was quite thorough in its duration. As a rule, it cannot be less than 4-5 years (A.S. Medvedev). Our research, as well as the research of foreign scientists, allowed us to prove that training sessions with weights from 11-12 years of age and even from a younger age, if they take into account the age-related characteristics of the growing body, lead to the development of more advanced adaptive mechanisms of the neuromuscular and functional systems of the body of young weightlifters. Long-term training of young weightlifters should be strictly focused on their age capabilities (first of all), and also be built in accordance with the level of physical, technical and functional readiness of the body.

It is known that in many cases the passport age of children and adolescents does not always correspond to the biological age. Thus, our research (L.S. Dvorkin) showed that out of 60 young weightlifters 12 years old (and in this case schoolchildren from Yekaterinburg and Pervouralsk were studied), 35% reached the first degree of puberty and 5% reached the second, in 13 years – 38 and 31%, respectively. Consequently, out of 60 children aged 12 years, 40% entered puberty, i.e. the period of puberty, which characterizes adolescence (for boys - 13-16 and girls - 12-15 years). Consequently, this part of the young athletes we studied, in terms of their biological maturity, should be classified as adolescence, and not childhood. It can be assumed with a high degree of truth that an even greater difference in passport and biological age is observed in children of the southern republics (although such studies have not been conducted in recent years).

Based on many years of research, we settled on the following age periodization option when planning the stage-by-stage training of young weightlifters:

UTG – 1 (8-9 years) – first junior school age;

UTG – 2 (10-12 years) – second junior school age;

UTG – 3 (13-14 years) – first adolescence;

UTG – 4 (15-16 years) – second adolescence;

UTG – 5 (17-18 years old) – boys;

UTG – 6 (19-20 years old) – juniors.

Based on this age division of educational and training groups, it is proposed to divide the long-term training of young weightlifters into the following 6 stages (Table 5.2-5.7):

The first stage is preliminary physical and functional preparation (8-9 years);

The second stage is basic physical and functional training (10-12 years);

The third stage is basic sports and psychological-functional training (13-14 years);

The fourth stage is in-depth basic sports and psychological-functional training (15-16 years old);

The fifth stage is the final basic sports psychological and functional training (17-18 years old);

The sixth stage is basic master training (19-20 years old).

Training of high-class athletes, starting from childhood, is built strictly according to certain stages, where the main attention is paid to the implementation of those tasks that are typical for a particular age group. In structure, such training of young weightlifters consists of six stages, differing from one another both in the ratio of general physical fitness and physical fitness, the fulfillment of category standards, and the use of certain means in the training process.

Based on this, special attention should be paid to the issue of staffing study groups in sports school from among children who do not have any health problems who want to engage in weightlifting.

At the first stage, the task is to recruit children's groups from primary schoolchildren 8-9 years old for preliminary physical and functional training for at least two years. At the second stage of training for young weightlifters aged 10-12 years, the foundation of their basic physical and functional training is laid for 3 years. At the third stage, the process of creating a strong basic sports and psychological-functional readiness of young athletes aged 13-14 years is intensified, which continues for 2 years. The need for good basic sports and psychological-functional training lies in the fact that at this age young weightlifters begin to take an active part in various competitions. After passing the sixth stage, young athletes aged 19-20 reach the level of members of the national team.

Table 5.2

The first stage is preliminary physical and functional preparation (8–9 years)
Table 5.3

Second stage – basic physical and functional training (10–12 years)
Table 5.4

Third stage – basic sports and psychological-functional training (13–14 years old)
Table 5.5

The fourth stage – in-depth basic sports and psychological-functional training (15–16 years old)
Table 5.6

Fifth stage – final basic sports and psychological-functional training (17–18 years old)
Table 5.7

Stage six – basic master training (19–20 years old)
So, dividing the long-term training of young weightlifters into six stages is very arbitrary. However, it allows for more correct and rational planning of the training of high-class athletes, taking into account the age-related characteristics of the body.

At the first stage of long-term training, mandatory performance of sports categories is not provided; we propose to focus only on the indicators of medical and pedagogical control and control tests. And in the future, this control will be the main one, since at the first stage it is necessary to orient children and adolescents not so much to perform sports categories, but to create a strong basic physical and functional preparation, taking into account age-related characteristics. This thesis should be clarified with the following example. As a rule, a capable child quickly increases his results during the first two years of training and by the end of the first stage of training can fulfill the II category or even the I category standard for adults, which allows him to immediately move into the group of athletes training under the third stage program. However, fulfilling the requirements of this program for most children would be premature, since the body of young athletes has not yet reached the required basic level of functional and physical fitness. A neglectful attitude towards these requirements and an unjustifiably early transition of a young athlete to a narrow sports specialization, as a rule, leads to the acceleration of the training process, the rapid depletion of the body’s natural capabilities and, ultimately, to the cessation of the increase in sports results at an older age.

5.6. Regulatory principles of weightlifting training for young athletes

In childhood and adolescence, muscle strength and speed-strength qualities increase markedly, subject to their active development. Therefore, the effectiveness of using these exercises both in physical education lessons at school and in independent studies is especially great in this age period of a person’s life. Such activities, as has been shown in our research and the research of many domestic and foreign scientists, do not lead to negative changes in the development of the functional capabilities of the body, do not retard growth, and promote normal physical development. However, in order to carry out strength exercises with weights, you must adhere to certain load standards, taking into account a particular age. For this purpose, model characteristics of these standards were developed (Tables 5.8-5.11). Each student can, based on these standards, quite easily choose for himself the workload that corresponds to his age group.

Modern means and methods of weightlifting sport open up great prospects for the physical education system of the younger generation, providing the opportunity not only to achieve already at a young age desired heights of athletic excellence, but also to use weights for mass strength training. This is especially important to consider at the present time, when young people’s interest in athletics has increased.

Weightlifting programs for youth sports schools have been published since 1968, but only almost 10 years later, based on the accumulated experience of working with young weightlifters and positive results scientific research came to the conclusion that it is possible to use higher training loads not only in adolescence, but also in childhood.

Table 5.8

An approximate version of general strength training for schoolchildren
1 OSB – general strength training, SSP – special strength training.

2 50–60 P 6, where 50–60 is the weight of the barbell as a percentage of the maximum result,

6 – number of lifts in one approach.

Table 5.9

Benchmark indicators of the state of strength training of schoolchildren (dynamic exercises)
1 50 – weight of the barbell as a percentage of body weight.

Table 5.10

Control indicators of the state of strength training of schoolchildren (static stress)
Table 5.11

Control standards in weightlifting training of schoolchildren, % of body weight
When organizing mass weightlifting training, a multi-year process should be built strictly according to certain stages, where the main attention is paid to the implementation of those tasks that will be characteristic of a given age group. The training of young weightlifters is divided into six stages, which differ from one another in goals and objectives, the volume of training load, means and the ratio of general and special physical training.

Thus, this chapter has revealed a number of sports and pedagogical aspects of long-term training of weightlifters, allowing, in combination with already known achievements of theory and methodology, to build this process taking into account the objective laws of the development of mass sports and modern requirements based on the need for widespread involvement of young people in sports activities. heaviness.

Training of a young weightlifter Leonid Samoilovich Dvorkin

5.2. Problems of long-term training of young weightlifters

The modern level of weightlifting sports requires the organization in our country of systematic long-term training of young athletes in the most optimal age periods - adolescence and youth. Moreover, such long-term training of weightlifters should be based on identified general patterns that objectively emanate from the process of developing sportsmanship and age-related characteristics of the development of the body.

Numerous studies of the 70-80s conducted in the field of youth sports convincingly proved the advantage of a systematic approach in the process of many years of work with young athletes, starting from their first steps in sports. During these same years, there was an intensive scientific search for the development of effective means and methods for training young athletes in various sports, as well as methods for selecting gifted schoolchildren in order to replenish the reserve of high-class athletes.

In weightlifting sports, individual scientists began to study the issues of systematic training of young athletes in the 50-60s. So, B.E. Podskotsky in the late 50s - early 60s published a number of works and scientifically substantiated from a pedagogical point of view the step-by-step process of many years of training of young weightlifters, starting from 14-15 years old. Subsequently, from about the mid-60s, using complex research methods and on the basis of practical work with young weightlifters, research was continued on the scientific substantiation of the system of long-term training in the age period from 12 to 18 years. The results of these works are presented in a number of scientific and scientific-methodological works by L.S. Dvorkina, A.S. Medvedev and in our joint publications.

The need to organize many years of targeted training for young weightlifters was indicated in the scientific works of the AI. Kurachenkova, A.I. Falameeva, M.T. Lukyanova, N.S. Ippolitova, A.S. Prilepina and others. One of the characteristic features of these and other works is that they talk about a gradual increase in the level of special physical training of young athletes. Training of young athletes should not be aimed at achieving high athletic results in the first years of training. Sports training, notes a number of authors, should be carried out in the initial period with the prospect of long-term growth, which continues after the transition to the adult group.

In the initial period of training, the greatest emphasis is placed on general physical training. So, at the general physical training, according to N.V. Zimkin, is allocated an average of 50-80% of the time during this period. The need for preferential all-round physical development of young weightlifters was indicated in the works of the Academy of Sciences. Kurachenkova, B.E. Podskotsky, M.T. Lukyanova, AN. Falameeva, L.S. Dvorkina, A.S. Medvedeva, N.S. Ippolitova, A.S. Prilepin and many others.

Back in 1982, the author made an attempt to formalize the process of many years of training of young weightlifters based on the knowledge available in the theory and practice of weightlifting sports. A “formula for step-by-step training of weightlifters” was proposed for the age period from 12 to 22 years. This formalized system includes the following stages: preliminary and initial preparation, educational and training stage, stage of sports improvement and stage of higher sportsmanship. Consequently, a young weightlifter, starting from the age of 12 in sports, has the opportunity to reach the stage of highest sports mastery by the age of 20-22. This concept of long-term training of young athletes is especially clearly substantiated in the works of NA. Fomina, V.P. Filina, M.Ya. Nabatnikova and in the monograph “Fundamentals of Management for the Training of Young Athletes” edited by M.Ya. Nabatnikova. Numerous facts and practical analysis of the training of the best athletes in the world allow us to conclude that the majority of high-class athletes went through all of the above stages, although they were not the same in terms of age periodization.

In weightlifting sports, increasing attention has been paid to the selection of young athletes. However, very few developments in this direction have been published. This is even evidenced by the fact that in the textbook “Weightlifting for Youths” by M.T. Lukyanov and A.I. Falameev there is no section on the selection of young men. There are no such sections in textbooks on weightlifting for students of physical education institutes, published in different years.

In the work of B.E. Podskotsky “Features of selection for weightlifting with teenagers aged 13-14 years”, published in 1970 in the yearbook “Weightlifting”, it was noted that since weightlifters from the age of 13-14 began to be trained recently, we do not yet have proven recommendations, which would help us see in a teenager a future weightlifter of a certain weight category and high class. The same idea is carried out in the textbook “Weightlifting”, published in 1981, i.e. almost 10 years later: “A very difficult problem is the selection of teenagers and young men who have the potential to achieve high sports results in the future. Such selection is one of the pressing issues in the development of weightlifting..."

Significant selection work was carried out by N.S. Ippolitov with schoolchildren aged 14-15 years. The author justified the selection methodology over a two-year period, divided into three stages. The author chose exercises with weights, standing jumping exercises and short-distance running as the main test indicators for determining the most capable.

It is known that modern teenagers and young men reach sports maturity much earlier than was the case, for example, 10-15 years ago. This is due to the fact that in many sports early sports specialization has been introduced from childhood and adolescence. An analysis of the growth in the qualifications of young weightlifters over many years of training (from youth level to master of sports) showed that the achievement of higher sports results at a young age is, in general, closely related to the duration of sports activities (Table 5.1).

During the period of initial training (up to two years), a pronounced increase in sports qualifications was not observed in the majority of young weightlifters we studied. This is explained by the fact that the training methodology we used did not set the task of forced performance of sports categories. Thus, after the first year of such classes, 11.8% of athletes did not reach the category level in weightlifting; 51.3% completed only the youth level and only 35.2% completed the III level. Moreover, these were athletes who, before joining the weightlifting section, as a rule, had been engaged in comprehensive physical training in other sections for 1-2 years. Of the observed young weightlifters, only one managed to complete category II in one year (out of 68 people). Subsequently, the number of the most gifted athletes increased: in the second year they amounted to 2.9% and in the third – 8.8%. However, during the first 6 years of training, only 2.9% of the total number of trainees fulfilled the master of sports standard.

Table 5.1

Increase in sports qualificationsyoung weightlifters (%)

During mass sports training in weightlifting in adolescence and youth, it is not at all necessary to set the task of fulfilling the category standard at any cost. This process should proceed naturally, without forcing, since the main task of this period is to increase the level of physical fitness, in particular strength capabilities. For individual gifted athletes, the optimal rate of increase in sports qualifications to the level of the 1st category and CMS should be considered one level per year. This condition was met by 35.2% of students who completed category I in the first year of training. But then their number decreased from year to year and after 2 years of training it amounted to 30.9%; after three – 26.5% and after four – 17.6%. After seven years of training, one athlete from this group fulfilled the standard of an international master of sports.

The majority of athletes improved their skills at a slower pace and achieved the standard of a master of sports in an average of 6-10 years of training. With mass weightlifting training, such rates of growth in sports qualifications are quite acceptable, since among these athletes there will be individuals (workers, employees, students) who devote significantly less time to sports compared to members of the national team.

Poor all-round training at the initial stage of specialization, poor health in adolescence, which is the reason for missing classes, should be considered as the reasons for the slow improvement of the qualifications of the majority of the weightlifters studied; regular weight loss before competitions, violation of the sports regime, irregular training, etc. In addition, the lack of a good material base for mass weightlifting and athleticism plays an important role.

From the book Preparing a Young Weightlifter author Dvorkin Leonid Samoilovich

1.4.2. Peculiarities speed-strength training weightlifters Although the leading quality of weightlifters is muscular strength, the ability to develop maximum strength and the ability to demonstrate it within a short period of time are not related to each other. Can

From the author's book

Chapter 4 The influence of sports on the functional capabilities of young weightlifters 4.1. The influence of weight training on the functional state of the neuromuscular system of young weightlifters Development muscle strength and endurance are closely related to the resulting

From the author's book

4.1. The influence of training with weights on the functional state of the neuromuscular system of young weightlifters The development of muscle strength and endurance is closely related to the occurrence of morphological, biochemical and physiological changes in the body as a result of training

From the author's book

4.2. The influence of weight training on the functional state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems young weightlifters To study the heart rate in adolescents and young men, the principle of continuous recording of the pulse rate directly during

From the author's book

4.4. Characteristics of the health status of young weightlifters in the process of many years of training When admitting to the sports section, it is important to examine the physical and functional state of the body of schoolchildren and their health. As shown by studies of 12-14 year old weightlifters

From the author's book

Chapter 5 Sports and pedagogical aspects of training young weightlifters 5.1. Sports training and its features Training is usually understood as a specialized process aimed at achieving high athletic results in a chosen sport. Target

From the author's book

5.3. Critical remarks on the issue of age periodization in the process of long-term training of young weightlifters Long-term training of weightlifters is associated with solving a number of problems. Among them, one of the important ones is the substantiation of optimal age

From the author's book

5.5. Modern system of long-term training of weightlifters At the present stage of development of weightlifting sports in our country and abroad, vast experience has been accumulated and significant scientific and methodological material has been collected related to the training of weightlifters of various types.

From the author's book

Chapter 6 Educational work and psychological preparation young

From the author's book

6.3. Physical and moral education of the personality of young weightlifters Morality is a set of spiritual and mental qualities that ensure a person’s compliance with the rules of behavior in society. Moral qualities include discipline,

From the author's book

6.4. Psychoregulatory training and personal aspects of education of young weightlifters Psychoregulatory training in the system of sports training of young weightlifters is considered as one of the important aspects of the moral orientation of training. In the process

From the author's book

6.5. Methodology for the formation of value orientations of young weightlifters for physical and moral education The methodology of the systems approach allows us to consider the system for the formation of value orientations of young weightlifters for physical and moral education

From the author's book

7.1. Current tasks technical training young weightlifters Sports training of young weightlifters should be aimed from the very beginning at thoroughly mastering the technique of movements when performing various weightlifting exercises, and in particular

From the author's book

Chapter 8 Basic strength training for young weightlifters 8.1. Organization of a training experiment Research of the Academy of Sciences. Vorobyova, Yu.V. Verkhoshansky et al. showed that exercises with weights provide the opportunity for a more pronounced manifestation of speed muscle strength.

From the author's book

From the author's book

11.5. Pedagogical control over the state of physical fitness of young weightlifters 11.5.1. Basic indicators of strength and speed-strength qualities For the pedagogical assessment of physical fitness, data from numerous studies were used

The modern level of weightlifting sports requires the organization in our country of systematic long-term training of young athletes in the most optimal age periods - adolescence and youth. Moreover, such long-term training of weightlifters should be based on identified general patterns that objectively emanate from the process of developing sportsmanship and age-related characteristics of the development of the body.

Numerous studies of the 70s and 80s conducted in the field of youth sports have convincingly proven the advantage of a systematic approach in the process of many years of work with young athletes, starting from their first steps in sports. During these same years, there was an intensive scientific search for the development of effective means and methods for training young athletes in various sports, as well as methods for selecting gifted schoolchildren in order to replenish the reserve of high-class athletes.

In weightlifting sports, individual scientists began to study the issues of systematic training of young athletes in the 50s and 60s. So, B.E. Podskotsky in the late 50s - early 60s published a number of works and scientifically substantiated from a pedagogical point of view the step-by-step process of many years of training of young weightlifters, starting from 14-15 years. Subsequently, from about the mid-60s, using complex research methods and on the basis of practical work with young weightlifters, research was continued on the scientific substantiation of the system of long-term training in the age period from 12 to 18 years. The results of these works are presented in a number of scientific and scientific-methodological works by L.S. Dvorkina, A.S. Medvedev and in our joint publications.

The need to organize many years of targeted training for young weightlifters was indicated in the scientific works of the AI. Kurachenkova, A.I. Falameeva, M.T. Lukyanova, N.S. Ippolitova, A.S. Prilepina and others. One of the characteristic features of these and other works is that they talk about a gradual increase in the level of special physical training of young athletes. Training of young athletes should not be aimed at achieving high athletic results in the first years of training. Sports training, notes a number of authors, should be carried out in the initial period with the prospect of long-term growth, which continues after the transition to the adult group.

In the initial period of training, the greatest emphasis is placed on general physical training. So, at the general physical training, according to N.V. Zimkin, is allocated an average of 50-80% of the time during this period. The need for preferential all-round physical development of young weightlifters was indicated in the works of the Academy of Sciences. Kurachenkova, B.E. Podskotsky, M.T. Lukyanova, AN. Falameeva, L.S. Dvorkina, A.S. Medvedeva, N.S. Ippolitova, A.S. Prilepin and many others.

Back in 1982, the author made an attempt to formalize the process of many years of training of young weightlifters based on the knowledge available in the theory and practice of weightlifting sports. A “formula for step-by-step training of weightlifters” was proposed for the age period from 12 to 22 years. This formalized system includes the following stages: preliminary and initial preparation, educational and training stage, stage of sports improvement and stage of higher sportsmanship. Consequently, a young weightlifter, starting from the age of 12 in sports, has the opportunity to reach the stage of highest sports mastery by the age of 20-22. This concept of long-term training of young athletes is especially clearly substantiated in the works of NA. Fomina, V.P. Filina, M.Ya. Nabatnikova and in the monograph “Fundamentals of Management for the Training of Young Athletes” edited by M.Ya. Nabatnikova. Numerous facts and practical analysis of the training of the best athletes in the world allow us to conclude that the majority of high-class athletes went through all of the above stages, although they were not the same in terms of age periodization.

In weightlifting sports, increasing attention has been paid to the selection of young athletes. However, very few developments in this direction have been published. This is even evidenced by the fact that in the textbook “Weightlifting for Youths” by M.T. Lukyanov and A.I. Falameev there is no section on the selection of young men. There are no such sections in textbooks on weightlifting for students of physical education institutes, published in different years.

In the work of B.E. Podskotsky “Features of selection for weightlifting with teenagers 13-14 years old”, published in 1970 in the yearbook “Weightlifting”, it was noted that since weightlifters from 13-14 years of age began to be trained recently, we do not yet have proven recommendations that would help us see in a teenager a future weightlifter of a certain weight category and high class. The same idea is carried out in the textbook “Weightlifting”, published in 1981, i.e. almost 10 years later: “A very difficult problem is the selection of teenagers and young men who have the potential to achieve high sports results in the future. Such selection is one of the pressing issues in the development of weightlifting..."

Significant selection work was carried out by N.S. Ippolitov with schoolchildren aged 14-15 years. The author justified the selection methodology over a two-year period, divided into three stages. The author chose exercises with weights, standing jumping exercises and short-distance running as the main test indicators for determining the most capable.

It is known that modern teenagers and young men reach sports maturity much earlier than was the case, for example, 10-15 years ago. This is due to the fact that in many sports early sports specialization has been introduced from childhood and adolescence. An analysis of the growth in the qualifications of young weightlifters over many years of training (from youth level to master of sports) showed that the achievement of higher sports results at a young age is, in general, closely related to the duration of sports activities (Table 5.1).

During the period of initial training (up to two years), a pronounced increase in sports qualifications was not observed in the majority of young weightlifters we studied. This is explained by the fact that the training methodology we used did not set the task of forced performance of sports categories. Thus, after the first year of such classes, 11.8% of athletes did not reach the category level in weightlifting; 51.3% completed only the youth level and only 35.2% completed the III level. Moreover, these were athletes who, before joining the weightlifting section, as a rule, had been engaged in comprehensive physical training in other sections for 1-2 years. Of the observed young weightlifters, only one managed to complete category II in one year (out of 68 people). Subsequently, the number of the most gifted athletes increased: in the second year they amounted to 2.9% and in the third - 8.8%. However, during the first 6 years of training, only 2.9% of the total number of trainees fulfilled the master of sports standard.

During mass sports training in weightlifting in adolescence and youth, it is not at all necessary to set the task of fulfilling the category standard at any cost. This process should proceed naturally, without forcing, since the main task of this period is to increase the level of physical fitness, in particular strength capabilities. For individual gifted athletes, the optimal rate of increase in sports qualifications to the level of the 1st category and CMS should be considered one level per year. This condition was met by 35.2% of students who completed category I in the first year of training. But then their number decreased from year to year and after 2 years of training it amounted to 30.9%; after three - 26.5% and after four - 17.6%. After seven years of training, one athlete from this group fulfilled the standard of an international master of sports.

The majority of athletes improved their skills at a slower pace and achieved the standard of a master of sports in an average of 6-10 years of training. With mass weightlifting training, such rates of growth in sports qualifications are quite acceptable, since among these athletes there will be individuals (workers, employees, students) who devote significantly less time to sports compared to members of the national team.

Poor all-round training at the initial stage of specialization, poor health in adolescence, which is the reason for missing classes, should be considered as the reasons for the slow improvement of the qualifications of the majority of the weightlifters studied; regular weight loss before competitions, violation of the sports regime, irregular training, etc. In addition, the lack of a good material base for mass weightlifting and athleticism plays an important role.