The right start to the day: morning exercises for men.

With age, the body changes, and after 40, metabolism slows down, hormonal levels change, and the body becomes less flexible and mobile. This affects not only physical condition, but also emotional. Every woman wants to be young and active at any age. We will help you with this!

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The best cure for age is activity! These 5 effective exercises for women after 40 will help not only bring the body into good shape, but will also help maintain youth and activity.

A set of exercises for every day

This is a set of exercises for every day. If you have not played sports before, then you need to start gradually, dosing the load. You can gradually increase the number of exercises, bringing them to normal.

It is not the quantity of exercises that is important, but the quality of their implementation. There is no need to rush, slow but correct will be better. The main thing is to reduce the risk of injury. For women at this age they matter strength training. It is these loads that stimulate muscle growth and help keep the body in good shape.

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Such loads stimulate the production of endorphins and serotonin, the hormones of happiness. Working out lifts your spirits. Regular exercise stimulates blood flow, improves brain activity, and sleep will become stronger and more productive.


  1. Burpee
    Classic burpee: squat, palms in front of you, lying down, push-ups, return to a squat and jump up from this position. This is one burpee. You can start with 10-15 repetitions and gradually increase the repetitions.
    The exercise seems difficult, but it’s worth trying and you will understand that this is a great workout. This is several exercises at once and a load on all muscle groups. This workout does not require special training and equipment. You can easily do it yourself at home. This best exercise to burn calories. Exercise increases endurance, lung capacity and strengthens the heart. Below is a training video that will help you do everything right.
  2. Squats
    This is the best exercise for strengthening the buttocks, thighs, abs, and back. This will help improve your sense of balance and coordination.
    It is important to do squats correctly. You need to stand up straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, keep your back straight. Pull your hips back slightly and squat. The main rule is that your knees should not go beyond your toes. It is best to perform deep squats. The weight needs to be transferred to the heels to work out well. gluteal muscle. It’s better to start with 20 repetitions and increase their number. Below is a training video.

  3. Plank
    The best exercise for the buttocks, back, abdomen and whole body. With its help, you can strengthen your abdominal muscles, improve your posture, speed up your metabolism, and even get rid of a bad mood.
    The main thing is to take the correct starting position. The lying position can be placed on the hands or elbows. It is better to do the plank on your elbows to avoid injury. The spine should be straight from the pelvis to the crown. Bending in the lower back is unacceptable. You don’t need to strain your arms, you need to tense the muscles of your abdomen and buttocks. Stay in this position for as long as possible. Repeat several times. And here is a training video.
  4. Lunges
    An ideal exercise that perfectly works the muscles of the legs and buttocks.
    You need to stand straight, keep your back straight, shoulder blades together, arms along your body. Your feet should be directly under your hips. We take a step forward, keep our body straight, lower ourselves down and transfer our weight to the leg in front. Keep the body straight, while lifting, strain back surface hips, return to the starting position. You need to perform 10–15 lunges on each leg. This video will help you do everything right.
  5. Bent leg abduction
    A wonderful exercise to keep your body in good shape.

    Starting position - standing on all fours, emphasis on your hands, alternately move your legs bent at the knees back and up. You need to do 10-15 repetitions on each leg.

Sport will help you be active and mobile, keep your body in good shape, and improve your condition and mood. These exercises are very useful and need to be done, you can do fitness, go to the gym, run, go to the pool.

Besides, regular classes exercise reduces the risk of cancer, diabetes and arthritis. Be active, healthy and young!

Physical exercises for women after 40 years at home

Physical exercise is beneficial at any age, and even more so after 40. Any set of exercises has an active and positive effect on the body. Exercises have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, promote weight loss, correct the figure, relieve stress and normalize work nervous system. By doing exercises, we release adrenaline, which increases blood pressure, and also increases heart rate.

Which complex to choose? And what kind of physical activity Is it better for menopause? It is perhaps impossible to answer this question unequivocally: a woman’s choice must be individual. Still, some recommendations can be given in this case.

So, it is undesirable to take on a lot of physical activity at once: only 10-15 minutes daily light gymnastics capable of giving a positive result. High activity can negatively affect cardiovascular and respiratory systems, because during menopause the body becomes too tired from everyday stress, even if menopause passes without any complications.

During menopause, light jogging and swimming are recommended. Today, many sports clubs recruit groups of women of transitional age and teach them a special set of exercises designed for the physical capabilities of women over 40 years old. Their advantage is that, without overstraining the body, they allow you to get rid of excess weight and feel as good as your body allows. general condition during menopause.

We think that there is no reason to explain for a long time why you need to play sports. Firstly, in this way you can use up excess energy, and therefore get rid of fat. And secondly, strengthen muscle tissue. The fact is that during the process of losing weight, not only fat melts, but also muscle mass, and by doing physical exercise, you will only get rid of the fat layer.

By playing sports, you can strengthen the body, improve sleep, mood, increase resistance to diseases, and gain self-confidence. According to According to experts, the best time to play sports is in the morning. Moreover, by doing exercises before breakfast, you will force your body to extract energy from fat layers, and at the same time speed up your metabolism.

It is believed that the body wakes up at 6 am. However, you should not make sudden movements at this time. Best time for classes from 7 to 9 am. However, according to some doctors, 8 a.m. is the time for heart attacks and strokes. Of course, in this matter it is better to ask your body for advice. Believe me, he himself will tell you when he is more inclined to physical activity.

You should devote at least 20-30 minutes to training, although on weekends you can work out longer. Of course, under no circumstances should you eat right before class. The consequences of such an unreasonable act can be nausea and drowsiness. You should also drink carefully: little and in small sips.

Where to start

Before each lesson, a warm-up is required. It can be done in different ways:

❀ walk quickly around the room for 1 minute;

❀ jump rope a little;

❀ run in place, throwing your legs back strongly, as if trying to hit your buttocks with your heels;

❀ do 5-10 squats. Moreover, you need to literally jump out of the squat;

❀ Jump over an object for 1-2 minutes.

It is important that each warm-up ends with stretching exercises. This will help avoid injury and increase the flexibility of muscles and joints. For these purposes, we can recommend such a complex.

1. Left hand lift up. Then bend it at the elbow and touch your palm to your back, with your elbow pointing upward. With your free right hand, press down on your left elbow, then switch hands. The exercise is designed for 15-20 repetitions.

2. Standing on your right knee, grab your right foot with your right hand and press it with your heel against your buttocks. The same should be done with the left leg. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times.

3. To perform this exercise, sit on the floor and straighten your legs. Then, keeping your back straight, reach your hands towards your feet. Proceed to the next exercise after 8-12 repetitions.

4. Lying on your stomach, place your palms on the floor at shoulder level, and press your elbows to your sides. This exercise is a bit like a push-up. You should bend back, straightening your arms. Repeat 5-7 times (Fig. 1).

After warming up, start your main activities. Exercises can develop and strengthen various groups muscles, and it should be taken into account that nutrition should be organized based on the improvement in the parameters of the same part of the body.

Rice. 1. Warm-up: exercise No. 4

Exercises for a thin waist

Undoubtedly, nothing spoils a woman more than the absence of a waist. We must certainly free our pride from the fat belt that covers it. Unfortunately, for this you will have to completely forget about flour products and sweets; fried food is also undesirable, while boiled fish is very useful for the waist.

You must definitely perform the exercises below regularly and then you will achieve the desired result.

Exercise No. 1

Starting position lying on your back. Leaning on your arms extended along your body, slowly lift up to 45° outstretched legs to feel the tension in your abdominal muscles. Perform 3 sets of 15 reps.

Exercise No. 2

The starting position is the same. Raise your straight legs 10-15° up, then bend them one by one and pull them towards your stomach, it is important that the straight leg does not touch the floor. Perform 3 sets of 10 times (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Thin waist. Exercise No. 2

Exercise No. 3

Starting position: lying on your back with your arms crossed behind your head, legs slightly bent at the knees. “From a push”, reach your knees with your head, and then stretch your arms forward and reach for them. Perform the exercise in 3 approaches: 1st time, repeat it 7 times at a fast pace, 2nd - 5 times slowly, and 3rd - 8 times quickly.

Exercise No. 4

Starting position: lying on your back and leaning on your elbows. Pull your shoulders back and keep your head straight. Before starting the exercise, slightly raise your straightened legs and do not lower them until the end of the workout. Then slowly lift 1 leg and point out your toes, then do the same with the other leg. You should feel tension in your abdominals. Perform 2 sets of 20 reps.

Exercise No. 5

Starting position: lying on your stomach, arms bent at the elbows. Leaning on your hands, try to bend back as much as possible, throwing your head back. Then move your arms back so that they are parallel to the floor. Stay in this position for 3-5 seconds (if possible). Perform 3 sets of 3 times.

Exercise No. 6

Starting position lying on your stomach. Holding your hands behind your head, you need to bend back and then return to the original position. The exercise is performed at a slow pace for 3 sets of 10 times (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Thin waist. Exercise No. 6

Exercise No. 7

The starting position is lying on your back, straight, and your arms crossed on your chest. Slowly raise and lower your torso. Perform 3 sets of 10 reps.

Exercise No. 8

Starting position lying on your back, right leg bent at the knee, left straight, right hand on the back of the head, the left one is extended to the side. Exhaling, bend left leg towards the right shoulder, which at this moment pull towards the left knee. Then return to the starting position. Perform 3 sets of 10 times at a slow pace.

Exercise No. 9

Starting position: lying on your back with your arms outstretched to the sides. At the same time, slowly raise 2 legs 90° and then lower them. You should feel your abdominal muscles tighten." Perform 3 sets of 15 reps.

Exercise No. 10

Starting position: standing, hands on your belt, feet shoulder-width apart. Turn your body to the right and left, while keeping your legs in place. Perform 3 sets of 20 reps.

Exercises for perfect thighs

Almost every woman considers her hips to be hers. problem area. Eating fried meat and fish, as well as performing a special set of exercises aimed at strengthening muscles and reducing the volume of the hips, has a very good effect on their condition.

Exercise No. 1

Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hips, knees and feet turned outward. Place your right foot on your toes and slowly squat down. Perform 3 sets of 4-5 repetitions on each leg.

Exercise No. 2

Starting position: standing, hands resting on a chair. Slowly move your leg to the side and return it to the starting position. Perform 3 sets of 12 times with each leg (Fig. 4).

Exercise No. 3

Starting position: kneeling, leaning on your palms and elbows. You can't bend your back! Without straightening your legs and keeping your toes forward, you need to lift your thigh up and then return it to its original position, without touching the floor with your knee. This exercise performed in 3 sets of 5-8 times with each leg.

Exercise No. 4

Starting position: standing, hands on your belt, feet shoulder-width apart. Lunge backwards (flexion angle 90°) alternately with your right and left leg. The back is straight, and the knee should not go beyond the toe. Perform 3 sets of 10 reps.

Exercise No. 5

Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees slightly and place your hands on your hips. Then, evenly distributing your weight on both legs, swing your hips to the right. At the same time, pull in your stomach and relax your shoulders. Perform 10-15 times in each direction.

Exercise No. 6

Starting position: lying on your stomach with your head raised, arms bent at the elbows. Place your palms on the floor and place them close to your torso. Then, tensing the muscles of your buttocks, lift your straight legs up. Perform 3 sets of 10 reps.

Exercise No. 7

Starting position: lying on your back, knees bent. Keeping your feet on the floor, lift your pelvis off the floor while simultaneously extending your left leg forward. You can't bend your back! Perform 3 sets of 10 times with each leg (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Perfect Hips. Exercise No. 7

Exercise No. 8

Starting position standing on your left leg. Stretch your right leg back and, bending your torso forward, lower your arms down. Perform 3 sets of 10 reps on each leg.

Exercise No. 9

Starting position: standing and slightly leaning forward, right leg forward, hands behind your back. Squat in this position as low as possible. Perform 3 sets of 10 reps with each leg.

Exercise No. 10

Starting position: standing, 1-2 kg dumbbells in hands. Holding dumbbells in your hands, transfer your body weight to your left leg, while extending your right leg forward, keeping your foot relaxed. Then, slowly bend your left leg and lean down slightly. Keep your back straight. Returning to the starting position, repeat the exercise on the other leg. Perform 3 sets of 10 times on each leg.

Exercises for full breasts

Women's breasts have excited the feelings of men for thousands of years; poets have sung them in their poems. ancient world and our contemporaries. The sculptors gently stroked the breasts of their sculptures, sculpted from clay and plaster, trying to achieve the perfection of their forms, inviting the most beautiful girls, searching for them all over the world. Artists painted them with light strokes, allowing art connoisseurs to admire this part of the female body, hidden under heavy jewelry and ruffles of luxurious dresses or naked to the point of indecency.

Women's breasts have excited and continue to excite the consciousness of many men of the past and present, which is why modern woman tries to attract the attention of the stronger sex to this part of her body, decorating it with exquisite collars, jewelry and unimaginable styles of dresses. By the way, men help a lot in this. After all, it was from their hands that women received a corset that allowed them to make a full waist look aspen, and small breasts as exciting and desirable. Women enjoy using this device to this day, and although current time a real corset is considered quite an expensive pleasure; styles of dresses and blouses imitating this detail of a woman’s toilet have come into fashion.

We’ll talk about how to preserve the beauty of your breasts and the elasticity of your skin without the help of a corset, so that when you remain naked, you don’t get upset and disappoint your man. However, do not despair if your breasts are not at all the currently fashionable size 3 and have sagged a little after feeding your beloved baby or have lost their shape with age. Now the topic of female breasts has become very relevant: it is discussed both in the press and on television. At the same time, there is a lot of talk about how to help women regain their previous shape or correct it a little.

First, let's figure out why women lose their lovely shapes over time. This happens primarily because there is very little muscle in this part of the body - mainly fatty tissue, which cannot be “pumped up” by physical exercise. The muscles that support the chest from above and the intercostal muscles are pumped up with the obligatory application of effort, i.e., moving the pan from the table to the stove or watering flowers from a watering can, you will never strengthen these muscles.

Few women manage to maintain the shape of their breasts after breastfeeding, since due to the appearance of milk in the mammary gland, the skin stretches and, as a result, the breasts sag. Moreover, the larger the breast, the more changes it undergoes.

Modern medicine and cosmetology offer several methods of breast correction. These primarily include additional physical activity on the shoulder girdle and thoracic region, massage, special creams, water treatments and surgical correction. To begin with, we bring to your attention 2 sets of exercises to strengthen the chest muscles and shoulder girdle, which will not take much time to complete.

First set of exercises

Exercise No. 1

Place your palms together in front of your chest, pressing one on the other, and slowly raise them above your head, making sure that your elbows remain apart as far and as long as possible and your shoulders are down. Relax your arms and lower them down to your sides.

Exercise No. 2

Bend your elbows in front of your chest and grab your left elbow with your right palm and your right elbow with your left. Now begin to press your palms on your elbows, trying to bring them together. It is impossible to do this, but with this movement the muscles are very tense. Do this exercise for 5 seconds first, and then gradually increase the time to 10 seconds.

By performing this exercise, you can see how well the muscles of the chest and shoulder girdle are tensed.

Exercise No. 3

With this exercise you can stretch the intercostal muscles and neck muscles. To do this, you need to straighten your shoulders and stand straight, throw your head back and place your palms on your forehead. They need to lightly press on the forehead, while keeping the back straight, count to 10 and straighten the head, and lower the palms down.

Exercise No. 4

This exercise helps correct posture; By doing it regularly, you will get used to walking with a straight back and shoulders back.

Place your lowered hands behind your back and lock them together. Now try to lift this lock up from your palms and stay in this position, taking as deep a breath as possible and holding your breath for a few seconds. This exercise is especially useful for those who have sedentary work(Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Lush breasts. The first set of exercises. Exercise No. 4

It is enough to repeat all the described exercises 10 times. Since they do not require special preparation or gymnastic equipment, they can be performed even during the working day, only leaving the workplace for a short time.

Don’t be afraid to spend a few minutes doing a set of exercises and take a break from work so that you can start it with new strength and energy.

Second set of exercises

This is another simple set of exercises, some of which can be performed at work, without even getting up, and some at home, sitting or lying on the mat.

Exercise No. 1

Starting position: keep your arms straight above your head. Then spread them apart as far as possible, and when bringing them together, tense your muscles as if you are overcoming resistance. Feel how the muscles of the shoulder girdle and chest, and the chest itself, tense (Fig. 7 a, b).

During the exercise, the arm muscles also do not remain idle, which is not at all out of place for those who prefer to wear sleeveless clothes in the summer, because flabby arm muscles immediately catch the eye, so this phenomenon also needs to be combated.

Rice. 7. Lush breasts. Second set of exercises.

Exercise No. 1: a) “arms up” position, b) “arms to the sides” position

Exercise No. 2

Raise your arms above your head and bend your elbows slightly, bringing your palms together. On the count of “one, two, three,” press one palm on the other with equal force, and on the count of “four, five, six,” relax your hands. When performing this exercise, you will feel how the chest muscles “play”.

Exercise No. 3

The exercise described above can be done a little differently. Why sit on the floor cross-legged or in the “lotus” position. Bend your elbows at chest level and clasp your palms together. Now try to “play” your chest muscles in this position.

Exercise No. 4

To perform this exercise, you don’t have to change your position, but you need to take dumbbells weighing from 1 to 2.5 kg in your hands. Bend your elbows and lift and lower the dumbbells.

By performing this exercise, you will, firstly, train the muscles of the chest and shoulder girdle, and secondly, get rid of the “empty bags” on your forearms, which are especially visible in open clothes. By the way, this exercise can be performed without dumbbells right at your workplace. To do this, it is enough to strain your arms, raising them from the starting position, and relax, lowering them.

Exercise No. 5

The same exercise can be performed by spreading your arms with dumbbells to the sides. If you are at your workplace or do not have the opportunity to use dumbbells, remember to imitate their presence by tensing your muscles when raising your arms to the sides and relaxing them when returning to the starting position.

Exercise No. 6

Continuing to sit in the same position, perform the exercise with a very original sports equipment- a terry towel rolled into a bundle, and the longer it is, the better.

Stretch the terry tourniquet on straight arms at chest level without straining the muscles. See if you have spread your arms a sufficient distance, approximately 145° from the chest (an arm straightened forward at chest level is 90° in relation to it, and a hand moved slightly to the side at the same level is 145°), and the towel is not sags, which means this is its optimal length. On the count of “one”, sharply spread your arms to the sides and take a deep breath, freeze in this position on the count of “two, three” and do not breathe, and on the count of “four” bring your arms back to the starting position and exhale.

Exercise No. 7

Pick up an expander. By stretching it, you train the muscles necessary to support the chest, while at the same time strengthening the muscles of the arms (Fig. 16).

Rice. 8. Lush breasts. Second set of exercises. Exercise No. 7. Stretching the expander

In addition, sports stores now sell very original equipment, more reminiscent of a police baton or rolling pin. It is made of plastic, but very tight rubber. This “rolling pin” must be taken by the handles located at the ends and bent in the same way as strongmen twist iron rods into horseshoes.

Repeat all the described exercises no more than 10-12 times. Since they are not forceful, there are no special contraindications to them, so you can start doing them right now, and then make them a permanent habit.

When performing any of the proposed complexes or individual exercises that you like best, think about how the muscles of the chest and shoulder girdle become more elastic. Imagine how blood moves faster through the vessels that penetrate them, enriching each cell with oxygen, while the chest rises up and the shoulders straighten.

Men's health after 40 years - what is it, what does it consist of? A sedentary lifestyle, problems with blood circulation, frequent stress, junk food, tobacco smoking, and alcohol have a negative effect on him. A man should maintain his psychological state and visit doctors on time.

  • Sedentary lifestyle. Those men who move little have overweight and prefer to travel by car, after forty years they have all the prerequisites for undermining men's health after 40. Prevention can be a weekly visit to the fitness room, walking. This will protect you from prostatitis, attacks of radiculitis and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Problems with blood supply. Regular exercise in the morning will save you from congestion in the prostate and improve heart function.
  • Frequent stress. This phenomenon reduces potency and increases the likelihood of diseases in the male sphere.
  • Neglect warm clothes. If a man does not wear underpants in the cold and wind, the result will be diseases of the urethra and prostate.
  • Junk food. If a man does not pay attention to his diet and often eats at fast foods, he risks developing sexual weakness by the age of forty to fifty.
  • Bad habits. Nicotine and alcoholic beverages depress the male reproductive system and provoke diseases.
  • Reluctance to visit doctors. Many men at first deliberately do not “see” the developing pathology, and then simply do not want to go to the doctors. The longer they delay treatment, the more difficult it is to correct the problem later.
  • Use of advertised drugs. Without knowing the essence of the problem, a man often independently prescribes dietary supplements and dietary supplements, using them uncontrollably. Meanwhile, such products cause serious harm to health.
  • Self-medication. Decoctions, compresses and lotions, a man agrees to all these procedures as long as he does not visit doctors. But such methods are dangerous for humans and their bodies.
  • A pessimistic attitude in the absence of pleasant moments depresses sexual function and sometimes has a stronger effect than pathologies of the genitourinary system.

What to do to maintain potency

Sports activities, morning exercises, training to increase endurance will not only help you keep yourself in good physical fitness, but they won’t let you grow old prematurely. Activity improves potency and develops the physical capabilities of the body.


A man who has crossed the age of forty should pay attention to his menu. Metabolism slows down, all this negatively affects the condition of the body. The basis of the diet should be fish and lean meat, vegetables, and fruits. These products provide vital energy without allowing extra pounds be deposited on the sides.

What must be present in a man’s diet after forty years:

  • Porridge. Remember that many cereals contain hormones that improve male libido.
  • Seafood. They contain zinc, which has a positive effect on the reproductive system. These are shrimp, oysters, squid, etc.
  • Nuts. They are eaten without salt, without frying, without removing the skin. To improve potency, pistachios, almonds, and walnuts are suitable.

  • Avocado. It contains a natural hormone that improves potency.
  • Figs A product with a high content of amino acids, it is very beneficial for the heart muscle, cleanses the kidneys and liver, and enhances men's health.
  • Onions and garlic, in addition to improving erection, strengthen the entire body and increase blood supply to the penis and scrotum.
  • Another great remedy for men is ginger. It enhances male libido.
  • The famous ginseng root is a method that helps even with advanced problems in the male sphere. It is rubbed in small portions on a fine grater. A single portion will fit on the tip of a knife. In the pharmacy chain you can buy drugs created on the basis of this root: capsules, tinctures, tablets.
  • Bananas not only saturate the human body with energy, but also improve body endurance and increase stress resistance. Bromelain contained in bananas strengthens erections.

  • Dark chocolate contains a number of substances similar to caffeine. They give energy, give strength and invigorate a person. In addition, this product produces endorphins, improves heart function and improves libido.
  • During the period of vitamin deficiency, it is recommended to drink herbal tea. Take lingonberry leaves, raspberry leaves and parsley in a ratio of 1 to 1 to 1. Fill with boiling water and leave for 15–20 minutes. You should drink a glass of this tea at least once a day. It improves the functioning of the prostate gland, cleanses blood vessels, lymph and blood.

Alcoholic drinks

You should drink beer, cognac, wine and other alcoholic drinks carefully so as not to harm your body. They are allowed to be used in holidays without going beyond reasonable limits. Drunkenness, in addition to sexual weakness, can lead to the development of many diseases.

Improving ourselves

Many men relax after forty, thinking that the main milestones in life have already been taken, there is nothing to learn, and all goals have been achieved. This is wrong. Brain cells die with age. This leads to senile dementia. For this reason, the brain should be trained with puzzles, reading, chess, crossword puzzles, Sudoku and other available methods.

Changing the mood

Constant personal crises, depressive and apathetic attacks should be relegated to the background and enjoy life. The more optimistic a person is, the better his mood, motivation, health and male libido.

Quality rest

Often men overload themselves, constantly being stressed and working, because for several centuries their main function has been the role of breadwinner. But periods of work and rest should alternate with each other. You need to be able to relax and sleep at least 7 hours a day.

Examination by specialists

According to doctors, men over forty must visit a urologist at least once a year. This will help diagnose the occurrence of diseases of the genital area and quickly cure them.

To prevent our body from being sleepy and sluggish in the morning, especially if you are over 40 years old, you should do light morning exercises. If you put all excuses aside and systematically devote time to this, then soon you will no longer be able to do without early sports exercises. So what do you need to know in order to morning exercises who passed 40 with ease and brought joy? And what kind of exercise should I do?

First, you should understand that morning exercises and morning training are two completely opposite activities! Exercise is aimed at bringing the human body into a working state, improves mood and overall tone, eliminates drowsiness and lethargy, which sometimes lasts up to 2-3 hours!

By spending an extra 10-15 minutes in the morning on your lungs, you can increase your performance and general condition of the body for the whole day. Also, the aging process, if you are over 40, will slow down, and your immune system will become noticeably stronger. To understand what kind of exercise to do, you need to know that morning exercises use only those exercises that are aimed at mobility, flexibility and breathing. Heavy load and intensity are completely eliminated. Also, it should not contain exercises for endurance and strength.

Morning exercises for those over 40 are good because almost everything starting points The exercises used are sitting or lying down. Thus, even the laziest will be able to do exercises in the morning without even getting out of bed! And so that morning exercises do not bring negative thoughts, program yourself in the evening.

Just before going to bed, imagine how you get up, do some exercises, how this will improve your mood and general condition of the body! And then in the morning it will no longer be so difficult to get up, you will even be happy to sports exercises V early time days! The brain itself will push you to do morning exercises.

Morning exercises for those over 40

So what kind of exercise should you do in the morning? All morning exercises for those over 40, are based on one principle - to wake up the body, start the main processes and in no case overtire it. To do this, you can use the following exercises:

  • It is best to start your morning exercises with walking or light jogging. It is necessary to warm up the body for subsequent exercises.
  • To straighten the spine and improve blood circulation in the joints of the shoulder girdle and arm muscles, you should lift on your toes, while raising your arms up and down, not forgetting about breathing correctly.
  • To make your movements more graceful and flexible, do regular squats! Also, thanks to this exercise, known since childhood, the mobility of the leg joints will increase.
  • Again, for the spine, but now for its mobility and elasticity, tilt your torso back and forth and left and right. Exercise will also help wake up the muscles of the torso and give them flexibility and elasticity.
  • You should also perform swinging movements with your arms and legs to increase the tone of the muscles and joints of your legs and arms. Do the exercise with maximum amplitude!
  • Run in place. This basic exercise will help the body wake up quickly and start all metabolic processes in the body.

To improve the effect, do morning exercises at fresh air. If it is not possible to go to the nearest park, then use a balcony or loggia for these purposes! As a last resort - just at the open window.

To make exercise bring more joyful emotions, change exercises more often. Monotony is depressing, and by changing your morning routine, you can avoid this. Also use simple dancing to music, or aerobics. The main thing is to remember that under no circumstances should you overload your body in the morning. Otherwise, instead of the desired awakening and good mood Fatigue will appear, which will interfere with the normal functioning of the body.