Will a hoop help you lose weight at your waist? How to twist an iron hoop for weight loss

Wasp waist and an elastic belly is the cherished dream of every woman. To achieve this goal, various means can be used: simulators and sports equipment, proper nutrition and diets, active lifestyle.

However, the simplest and in an efficient way correction of the figure in a specific area is a hula hoop. Let's consider why it is useful, the presented variations of models and home practice techniques.

Hula hoop - what is it and what is it eaten with?

Exercises with a hula hoop for weight loss give excellent results, thanks to which it can be safely used to eliminate extra centimeters at the waist. The rectus and oblique abdominal muscles are trained, the load is placed on the back, and the hips become more elastic.

Despite the fact that you are literally standing still, fat burning processes cover the entire body. Most of the muscles of the body are in a tense state. The effect can be compared to running.

However, unlike physical activity outdoors, you can make the activity as comfortable as possible - turn on your favorite music, movie or TV series. Time flies by very quickly in such an environment, you don’t feel the full weight of the load, which means the training will be easy and quick.

The word "hula hoop" is of American origin - a combination of the Hawaiian dance "hula" and the word hoop "hoop".

Hula hoop exercises for weight loss are distinguished by their double action - internal and external. The internal influence occurs due to the creation of a load on the heart, due to which the pulse quickens and lipid burning processes are launched. Working out with it can be equated to moderate-intensity cardio training.

External influence is provided by the pressure of the hoop on subcutaneous fat; the technology of influence is similar to the technique of anti-cellulite massage.

Is hula hoop effective for weight loss? To answer this question, consider its advantages:

  • a useful massage of the waist and sides, which can break down lipid reserves;
  • strengthening the muscle group of the trunk;
  • improved coordination;
  • intense calorie burning;
  • normalization of blood circulation;
  • straight line of the back and retracted stomach;
  • significant reduction in the volume of the abdomen and hips;
  • prevention of varicose veins;
  • maintaining the heart muscle and vascular elasticity in tone.

How to choose the “right” model?

Which hula hoop is best for weight loss? Let's watch:

  1. Metal

A classic look, known to all girls from school physical education classes. It is the easiest to use, perfect for a beginner. It is light weight, so it is quite easy to twist it. Painful sensations and bruises on the body after use are practically eliminated. You can purchase such a model for 300-400 rubles.

  1. Folding models

The most successful variation for those who travel frequently or have regular business trips. Thanks to the simple mechanism for assembling and disassembling the model, you can carry it everywhere without missing a workout. The cost of compact equipment varies within 1000 rubles.

  1. Weighted

Massive models, the weight of which reaches 2-2.5 kg. They provide serious stress to the abdominal muscles. Coping with such a “trainer” is not easy, but its use leads to more fast weight loss. A heavy hula hoop costs about 700 rubles.

  1. Massage hula hoop

A popular model that has convex pimples on the back of the circle. With their help, a high-quality massage of the problem area occurs, resulting in broken body fat. The model allows you to simulate the desired figure in a short time. Average price– 2,200 rubles.

  1. With calorie sensor

An innovative development that counts the number of revolutions, their speed and intensity, calculating the calories expended during the training process. The effectiveness of the hula hoop has been confirmed by numerous positive reviews. This model calculates the daily load for safe descent weight, helps to correctly adjust the waist. The average price is 3000 rubles.

How to choose a hula hoop for weight loss, based on the individual characteristics of the body? First of all, you should focus on your physical fitness. If you are just starting your journey to improve your figure, then you should choose the simplest options. If you try a massage or weighted one right away, you will end up with a lot of bruises and an unpleasant training experience. And such an attitude is unlikely to allow regular classes.

Preparation for training

How to twist a hula hoop correctly to remove your stomach and sides ( additional exercises for losing weight in these parts of the body, you will find in) - the most important issue in the process of body correction. This must be done on an empty stomach.

If you do not have the opportunity to train in the morning, then try to use it 3-4 hours after eating. Otherwise you risk getting discomfort in the stomach and disrupt the digestive process.

Initial training should not be done on a naked body. It is necessary to let the body get used to such loads, otherwise there is a risk of bruising even when using a metal hoop. Wear light cotton T-shirts in the first weeks of classes, then you can begin to do “naked body” loads.

Basic classes

Does hula hoop help you lose weight? The answer is unequivocal - yes, and at the same time very effective.

  • stand straight so that your feet are shoulder-width apart. In the future, try to reduce the distance between your legs. The closer they stand to each other, the more difficult it will be to twist, and, therefore, the results of the lesson will increase;
  • stand inside the hula hoop, lift it to waist level, press it to your back, tilt your body slightly to the right. Next, we sharply turn the waist in the opposite direction, while releasing the hoop - we start the movement;
  • we commit smooth movements to maintain rotation. We gain momentum and reduce the time it takes to complete a circle. If your feet are shoulder-width apart, your body weight is transferred from one foot to the other. Don't use your buttocks or hips to rotate. Only the waist, neck and legs should work;
  • weight loss with the help of a hula hoop is achieved due to the tense state of the abs during the training process. If you do not feel the characteristic tension, then you need to place your legs closer to each other and work more with your waist;
  • if you feel that the hoop is lowering, you need to speed up your movements. This will raise the hula hoop to the desired level and prevent it from falling;
  • twist the hoop in the direction that is comfortable for you. However, over time, try to change the directions of movement, alternating them.

How long does it take to spin a hula hoop?

It is recommended to start with 7-10 minutes of daily training, gradually expanding the duration to half an hour. 30 minutes is optimal time classes. During this period, fat burning processes are activated, but there is no damage to health internal organs.

Excessive duration of active massage can affect the appearance of intestinal disorders and diseases of the abdominal organs.

Additional techniques

Does hula hoop help with weight loss? Yes, and not only in the waist area. It can be used to train other muscle groups.

  • To maintain arm muscle tone.

Straighten your wrist, put the hoop on your hand and give it an intense type of movement. This workout should not exceed 3 minutes.

  • For feet

Similar exercises can be done for your legs - lie on your back, place one leg parallel to the floor, straighten the other perpendicular to the surface. Using your hands, put the hula hoop on your leg and set it to move. This technique is quite complex, but the impressive load is compensated by the minimal execution time.

  • For hips

Use the standard position, but move the line of rotation slightly lower. It will be more difficult to twist the hula hoop in this position, but the problem area is treated well. How long do you need to twist it to lose weight? To correct your hips, 15-20 minutes of sports massage is enough.

  • For the press

In order to increase the load on the abs during classical training, try to constantly bend forward slightly, while maintaining the given rhythm of movement. Transfer your body weight from your feet to your toes, returning to starting position.

  • To increase efficiency

Back-and-forth training has a good effect. To do this, change your usual semicircle movement to faster and more rhythmic lunges. It will be quite difficult to maintain balance and not drop the hoop, however, the training time will be significantly reduced while maintaining the level of load.

  • What if you don’t turn it?

Twist the hula hoop on your hips - great way losing weight, but you can improve your body with its help in other ways.

Take it in your hands and lift it up, tilt it in each direction at least 10 times. Next do circular rotations body with maximum downward inclination.

Efficiency of use - calorie counting

It is impossible to say how many calories are burned during one workout. After all, the result depends on its duration, sustained rhythm, regularity and initial individual data.

Let's look at the average training results:

The conclusion follows: to lose weight, you need to hula hoop for at least 10 minutes a day. In this case, training should be regular, at least 5 times a week. Don't blame yourself for being tired after a long day at work. Set aside 10 minutes every day for a simple activity accompanied by pleasant music or an exciting movie.

Is it safe to hula hoop?

Using a hula hoop for weight loss has its contraindications:

  • pregnancy, even if the period is very short;
  • gynecological ailments (it is especially dangerous to exercise if you have uterine fibroids);
  • you should not train with a hula hoop if your kidney disease is worsening;
  • back injuries or slipped discs.

because the topic of losing weight is relevant to me now... I’m collecting useful information for myself and I’ll also share it with you girls.

Does a hoop help you lose weight?

Many of us played brightly colored plastic or lightweight aluminum hoops as children. This simple activity, which seemed just a game, turns out to be an excellent tool in the fight against extra centimeters and kilograms, especially in combination with If you already have it, take it out and start training right now, those who don’t have a hoop can purchase it at any sporting goods store or online.

The hoop perfectly removes inches from the waist and sides. Spinning a hoop practically replaces a massage session. Hoops can be different: massage hoops with rubberized balls, segmented, aluminum, metal weighted, soft light and weighted hoops. Which hula hoop to choose is up to you, but Weighted massage hoops fight extra centimeters more effectively, and soft hoops can be used as an expander to do stretching exercises. Light gymnastic hoops have a general strengthening effect on the body.

  1. The hoop has a lot of advantages: firstly, it is simple and easy to use, practicing with it is not at all tiring, and no special skills are required to start practicing.
  2. Secondly, during the lesson you can do some other pleasant activity at the same time, for example, watch TV, talk on the phone, read a book or even learn a few foreign words.
  3. Thirdly, hoop training is a full-fledged workout, during which calories are burned, muscles are strengthened and beautiful shapes waist, abdomen and hips.
  4. Fourthly - this wonderful massage, during which lymph circulation improves, which promotes fat burning and reduces the appearance of cellulite.
  5. Fifthly, these activities and skin condition.

How to start hoop training?

  • Before you start training with heavy massage hula hoops that burn fat, it is better to spin a regular light hoop for several days. You need to start with 5 minutes and gradually increase to 30. Then, if these activities do not cause any discomfort, you can start practicing with heavier models or make your existing hoop heavier by pouring sand into the cavity.
  • Gradual increase in load necessary in order not to injure anything in the body. If you start training with a heavy hoop right away, there is a high risk that you will simply “break” your kidneys or damage your spine.
  • Classes with massage hoop require special approach. Exposure to rubberized or plastic protrusions can be very painful for the body. Severe hematomas may occur. The appearance of bruises is a completely normal and normal process; over time they will disappear, and exercising with a hoop will no longer cause you pain. But it’s still worth being on the safe side, so at the very beginning of classes, wear some kind of elastic belt around your waist and a thick T-shirt or thick sweater. Over time, the need for a belt will disappear, and the hoop will no longer cause such bruises.
  • For greater efficiency, when spinning the hoop, keep your feet shoulder-width apart, draw in and tense your abdominal and lower back muscles. The main thing in these classes is regularity. Exercise at least 10-15 minutes a day, but every day, then desired result You will achieve it much faster.
  • Remember that over time the body gets used to the load and stops burning calories, so constantly increase your training time, rotate the hula hoop in different sides, combine with cardio and power load. After each session, be sure to stretch. This will help reduce the risk of injury and make your body more flexible and beautiful. 10 minutes of hoop training burns about 100 calories, approximately the same amount is spent when running.

  1. Abdominal and back diseases
  2. Pregnancy and several months after childbirth
  3. Critical days
  4. Old age

Here are a few simple tips , which will make your workouts even more effective.

  • For the muscles to work full force, you need to expel excess air from the stomach, for this you need to do several breathing exercises before training, for example, take a deep breath through your nose, inflating your stomach, like balloon, and exhale sharply. Perform 4-5 repetitions. Then repeat, but working with the pectoral muscles.
  • It is best to spin the hoop on an empty stomach..
  • Try to make the range of motion of your waist as small as possible and leave your shoulders and buttocks motionless.
  • Do not eat for 1-1.5 hours after training, as during this time the muscles continue to work and calories are burned.

  • Use a thermal belt; it will not only protect you from bruises and abrasions, but will also increase calorie burning.
  • Don't let your waist and abdominal muscles relax throughout your workout.
  • To extra centimeters went away faster, be sure to follow a diet or adhere to.

Slim waist and flat tummy- this is not only following the generally accepted canons of beauty, but also an indicator good health. Sports fit woman always attracts admiring glances. Will help you get closer to the ideal an ordinary hoop familiar from childhood. If you train with it regularly and correctly, then in a month you can see minus 3-4 kg on the scales, and up to 6 cm will be removed from your waist.

An article about the benefits and harms, contraindications of hoops for weight loss. Training rules and complete sets of exercises with a hoop.

With the help of diet and exercise you can significantly reduce fat layer whole body. But certain zones are reluctant to be corrected with nutrition or a set of exercises alone. Special devices are used. In the case of the stomach and sides, this is a weight loss hoop - an indispensable tool for thin waist.

Is a hoop effective for weight loss?

A weight loss hoop is a sports equipment, so training with it will definitely be effective. It is only important to do the training correctly and exercise regularly.

IMPORTANT: The hula hoop itself will not affect weight loss. It acts only as part of a set of measures for weight loss of the whole body, namely, it is intended for modeling the waist.

A home hoop performs the following functions for the body:

  • Hula hoop training involves the abdominal and back muscles. In addition, fat on the sides and abdomen comes under the influence of the hoop. All this allows you to train the muscles of the waist area and break down fat deposits on it.
  • There is stimulation of internal organs located in the abdominal cavity: stomach, intestines, kidneys, liver. The motility of these organs accelerates, and along with it metabolic processes
  • Any hoop, even the simplest and lightest, produces an effect comparable to a massage. Subcutaneous fat is mechanically broken down, which helps accelerate its burning. Exercises with the apparatus activate blood circulation in the abdominal and side areas, which also affects the rate of fat breakdown
  • During training, tissues receive more oxygen and recover faster
  • Regular exercises with hula hoops develop coordination of movements.
  • Hoop training falls under the category of cardio exercises. They strengthen the respiratory and cardiovascular system
  • The cartilage and discs of the spine receive additional nutrition, as a result of which the spine becomes more flexible

IMPORTANT: In addition to losing weight in the waist area, gymnastic hoops have positive effect on digestive system, allow you to avoid osteochondrosis, radiculitis, and gastrointestinal diseases.

Video: How to spin a hula hoop for weight loss

Which hoop is more effective for weight loss? Types of waist hoops

There are many types of weight loss hoops. They are made of different materials, differ in size, weight, and equipment with additional devices.

Types of hoops for weight loss:

  • simple sports hula hoops made of plastic or metal
  • weighted
  • composite
  • massage
  • soft
  • magnetic
  • hoops with built-in calorie counters

Each of these projectiles is effective in its own way. Many of them must be used at some stage of training.

  • Thus, simple plastic and lightweight hoops are suitable for beginners who are just honing their hula hoop skills.
  • Following the light exercise machine, you can purchase a metal one - it is heavier, which means it has more mechanical impact on fat deposits
  • Weighted models continue to make workouts more challenging
  • With a soft hoop you can perform not only classic spins, but also many other exercises that are beneficial for your figure.
  • Hula hoops equipped with calorie counters differ only in that on a small screen you see the result of the exercise - the number of calories burned in one approach

According to reviews, massage hoops are still the most effective. These are the shells inside which have plastic, rubber balls, suction cups or other protrusions. Such exercise machines are available in a wide variety and can be either light or weighted. And their effectiveness is achieved due to the enhanced massage effect.

Iron hoop for weight loss. Photo

Metal hoops are usually made of aluminum and iron. Aluminum projectiles are very light; along with plastic ones, they are classified as hoops for beginners. In addition, such exercise machines are easily deformed and will not last you long, because the metal in them is completely fragile.

Iron hoops are classified as weighted versions. They are usually purchased after sports plastic or aluminum hula hoops to increase the load on the abdominal area.

Initially, iron exercise machines are hollow inside. Wanting to make the most of their equipment, those losing weight eventually make a hole in it and pour sand inside. So, without changing the hoop, you can get an even heavier model.

IMPORTANT: If not properly prepared, an iron hoop with sand will leave bruises on the skin. It is also dangerous to start training with such a hoop because of the risk of injuring internal organs.

Massage hoop for weight loss with spikes, benefits and harms

Massage hoops differ from others by the presence of massage elements in the form of balls, spikes, and suction cups. Massage hoops also include magnetic hoops and flexible hula hoops.

  • The massage elements are made of plastic or silicone. During rotation, in addition to the pressure that breaks up fat deposits, such a hoop also provides massage effect. Regular balls or spikes massage the skin, suction cups stick to the body for a moment and thus also create an additional massage effect

IMPORTANT: Many massage models have the function of removing balls and thorns. If you want to use the massage hula hoop as a regular apparatus, pay attention to this model.

  • Most massage machines are collapsible. They consist of identical segments, thanks to which the projectile can be enlarged by adding a segment, or reduced by removing a segment. Collapsible models are easy to store and transport. However, frequent disassembly of the hoop may result in the fastenings becoming unusable
  • Such simulators can only be damaged if they are used incorrectly. It is recommended to spin the hoop for no more than 30-40 minutes. Longer workouts can have a negative impact on internal organs. And if you start practicing with a hula hoop massage without preparation, you can seriously injure both internal organs and the tissues and skin of the waist area

Soft hoop for weight loss, photo

Due to its flexibility, a soft hoop creates the same massage effect as a spiked exercise machine. In addition, it can be used as an expander for a variety of exercises. With the help of a set of trainings with a soft hula hoop, you can not only pump up abdominals, but also arms and legs. Compared to others, this is one of the most expensive options for a home waist trainer.

Magnetic hoop for weight loss, benefits and harms

The magnetic massage hoop contains magnets at equal distances from each other. This exercise machine is indispensable for a thin waist, as it performs the same functions as any other hula hoop.

In addition to the weight loss effect, magnets also increase blood flow in the tissues of the abdominal area and accelerate metabolic processes in them.

Weighted hoop for weight loss, before and after photos

Weighted hoops are more effective due to more weight the projectile itself. Typically, weighting is carried out due to the material from which the hula hoop is made. For example, iron models or models with massage balls are considered weighted.

IMPORTANT: There are several weight categories hoops starting from 0.7 kg and ending with 3-4 kg. Choose a heavier exercise machine only after you have worked out with the previous weight model for several months.

Sports hoops for weight loss. Is it worth buying?

  • Sports hoops are classic exercise equipment made of plastic or aluminum. You can find such shells in any sports store. They cost less than other models, but they bring much less effect.
  • However, this is an indispensable simulator for beginners. This is where you should learn to spin the hula hoop correctly and for a long time. Some people who are losing weight, on the contrary, call a sports hoop the most effective, because in order to hold a light projectile, you need to apply more force than to rotate a heavy one.

How to quickly learn how to spin a hoop? Video

If you don't know how to spin a hoop, be prepared for it to fall constantly at first.

IMPORTANT: Even if you regularly drop the hoop, do not stop training and try again. The first classes may last only 5 minutes, this is normal.

You will need comfortable clothing, a well-ventilated and spacious room, preferably equipped with a large mirror. And, of course, the simplest plastic hoop in size.

  • Take your starting position. Place your feet hip-width apart and keep your back straight. Lower the hoop from above so that you are exactly in its center. You must grab the projectile with your hands from above
  • Push the hoop forcefully to one side. It should touch your waist
  • Perform rotational movements only with the abdominal muscles. The chest and hips must be fixed
  • The smaller circles you draw with your waist, the more effective the exercise will be.

If you feel the hoop falling, try holding it without using your hands. To do this:

  • bend your knees slightly and use your hips to throw the projectile up
  • accelerate your waist rotation and thus hold the machine

Video: How to learn to spin a hoop?

How to spin a hoop to slim down your sides? Video

In order to see the first results, follow the basic rules of training for your waist.

  • Spin the hoop daily
  • One workout should last at least 20 minutes
  • Rotate the hula hoop in both directions an equal amount of time to equally affect the entire waist area

Here are ways to enhance the benefits of hoop training:

  • Wear weights on your feet or pick up dumbbells
  • Combine spinning with leg or arm exercises
  • Spin the hula hoop with your stomach pulled in, this will put more pressure on your abs. You can also combine regular torsion with torsion with retracted abs

In addition to the classic twisting of the machine around the waist, there are effective exercises for the sides and abdomen.

  1. Rotate the hoop 5 circles in each direction. When changing direction, freeze for a few moments. With this exercise you will work all the oblique abdominal muscles.
  2. Change the position of your legs as you hula hoop. The wider your feet are, the more you engage the muscles in your legs and buttocks. Try twisting the apparatus for several minutes with your knees completely closed - this way you will achieve maximum stimulation of the abdominal muscles.

Video: Exercises with a hoop for weight loss

To spin the hula hoop on your hips, try starting to rotate it in this area. This may seem difficult at first. It’s easier to twist the hula hoop at your waist and gradually lower it lower until the projectile reaches the desired position.

IMPORTANT: To keep the machine on your hips, use the method that helps you adjust the hoop at your waist - start spinning the hula hoop quickly and quickly.

How to spin a hoop on your leg? Will spinning a hoop make your legs lose weight?

There is a method of twisting a hoop on one leg. To do this, lie on your back, stretch your leg up and, with numerous efforts, try to twirl the hula hoop on it. This is an extremely difficult way to use the projectile. In addition, there is little data on its effectiveness due to the complexity of the exercise itself.

Experts do not recommend this method of losing weight on the thighs, since at the point of contact of the hoop with the leg there are lymph nodes, the effects of which are undesirable. This is especially true for heavy exercise equipment, metal, and massage.

How long does it take to hula hoop to lose weight?

You need to start practicing with a hoop literally from a few minutes a day. This is due to the risk of damage to internal organs and external tissues during prolonged exercise without preparation.

When you get in shape, daily workouts should be 15-40 minutes. Exercises that are too short will be ineffective, and exercises that are too long can be harmful to health.

Contraindications for twirling a hoop: who should not twirl a hoop?

  • pregnancy
  • first months after childbirth
  • gynecological diseases (uterine fibroids, retroflexion, etc.)
  • diseases of organs located in the abdominal cavity
  • problems with the spine ( intervertebral hernia, displacement of the vertebrae, previous fractures)
  • skin diseases in the area of ​​contact with the hoop

Bruises after hoop: normal or not? How to remove bruises after hoop?

As a result of training with a hoop, many people who lose weight develop bruises. This is a natural and not dangerous consequence, since, despite the significant layer of fat that sometimes accumulates at the waist, the blood vessels in this area pass quite close and react to the impact.

However, the appearance of hematomas is rather not the norm, but a consequence of an incorrectly selected hula hoop and failure to follow the rules for handling the projectile. Here are some tips on how to avoid bruises when twirling a hula hoop:

  • For a weighted or massage model, wear a thick sweater around the waist
  • The smoother your movements, the fewer bruises you will get.
  • Place your feet as close to one another as possible
  • Increase the load gradually, starting from 5 minutes a day

Important: To get rid of bruises that have already appeared, use pharmacological agents: bodyagu, rescue balm, etc. If after training you notice the appearance of bruises, apply something cold to them.

What should the diameter and weight of the hoop be?

To choose the right hoop size, place it in the store next to you. The hula hoop should reach the bottom of your ribs.

The weight of the hoop depends on your level of training. Projectiles weighing 1 kg or more are considered weighted and should be purchased if you have been practicing hula hoops for some time.

How to make a hoop with your own hands at home?

You can make a real weighted hoop yourself at home. Detailed instructions Watch the video for making a hula hoop with your own hands.

Video: DIY hula hoop

How can you replace a hoop so that your weight loss doesn’t slow down?

If you accidentally lost access to your favorite home gym, but you don’t want to stop losing weight, there are ways to replace the hoop. In its effect, hula hoop is comparable to a massage. Therefore, for classes without a hoop, tie a warming belt around your waist, which will continue to warm up subcutaneous fat.

Performing movements that imitate twisting a hoop, you will still tense your waist muscles. Make tilts to the right and left. And finish the workout with a 5-10-minute pinch massage of problem areas.

Is it worth buying a hoop to slim your waist: tips and reviews

It’s worth buying a weight loss hoop – experts ask you not to doubt this. Even if your belief in its effectiveness for the waist is not strong, training with a hula hoop is still a movement. And any movement when losing weight is many times better sedentary image life, so exercises with a hoop will be effective in any case.

Benefits of hoop training:

  • There are practically no contraindications
  • Suitable for people with any physical fitness
  • training equipment is inexpensive compared to other equipment
  • The hoop is convenient to store at home
  • workouts are fun and easy

Video: Hula Hoop. Errors and contraindications. Choice and learning. Thin waist

(7 ratings, average: 3,29 out of 5)

The training device known as a hula hoop or fitness hoop has long attracted the attention of women struggling with extra pounds and dreaming about slim figure. Similar hoops are now available in various modifications, which sometimes makes it difficult to choose them for certain purposes.

This article will help you decide on the types of projectile, tell you about its correct use and answer the main question - Is it possible to lose weight with a hoop?

Is it possible to lose weight with a hoop?

Yes, you can lose weight with the help of a hoop - this equipment gives effective load on the most problematic areas of the waist for fat deposits. But there are a number of common myths associated with this, which are best dispelled right away.

Common myths about losing weight with hoops:

  • You shouldn’t expect miracles from training with a hoop: quick and easy reset. extra pounds– to achieve results you need to work and follow certain rules;
  • There is no “breaking” of the fat layers at the waist with the hoop - this is physiologically impossible;
  • As an independent means of weight loss, the hoop is not very effective;
  • Without accompanying adjustments in nutrition, such training can have results close to zero;
  • A hoop is one of the simplest fitness equipments, but it is not the safest of them.

Exercises with hula hoops for weight loss are most effective:

Most of all, a fitness hoop helps beginners with little or no training experience in losing weight.

It will not only provide acceptable physical stress for a beginner, but will also accustom the body to physical education discipline, because twirling a hula hoop is much more fun than running or doing abs.

In the first month, the hula hoop can be used as the only fitness equipment. Then you need to gradually increase the load using additional exercises.

After achieving serious results in fitness, the hoop can be used to warm up before the main workout or quickly tone the body.

Pay attention!

After gaining experience, you can spin a fitness hoop with full or partial concentration: during the training process you can not only listen to music, but even watch TV - the effectiveness of the exercises will not suffer from this.

Hoop for weight loss: effectiveness and benefits

In some sources you can find statements that a few ten-minute exercises with a fitness hoop a day are enough to lose weight.

This is not true. In fact, working with hula hoops is considered low-intensity fitness, so long-term one-time approaches are needed for serious results.

According to generally accepted rules, effective calorie expenditure begins after 20 minutes of cardio training, provided that the pulse is at the level of fat-burning indicators.

Some people believe that it is better to use heavy equipment to lose weight. Indeed, weighted fitness hoops work more efficiently, but only if there is sufficient rotation amplitude and tempo. And not every woman can do this, given the required minimum time for one approach.

Consequently, in terms of effectiveness, the weight of the projectile is in third place after the intensity and duration of training.

The fat-burning effect increases the complexity of the exercises - for example, fitness dancing with a hoop or balancing on one leg while rotating the apparatus.

Often to build perfect figure Shedding extra pounds alone will not be enough - hula hoop allows you to remove cellulite and tone your muscles by tightening your waist. The anti-cellulite effect depends most on the massage properties of the hula hoop, which requires its increased weight. That's why It is better to have several hoops of different weights and shapes in your arsenal.

At the same time, you need to keep in mind that a fitness hoop is not entirely suitable for fully working out muscles. Yes, it can put a significant load on the muscles of the entire body. But it is inferior in terms of the amplitude of muscle contraction, since the legs take on a significant share of the work. Therefore, for the full effect of muscle tightening, you need to add special strength exercises to the waist.

This is what you will get when the right approach for training with a fitness hoop:

  • Blood circulation is activated and lymph in the waist area, which brings additional oxygen to the cells, oxidizing fat;
  • Strengthens the cardiovascular, respiratory and excretory systems;
  • Posture improves, the waist is modeled, the muscles of the legs, buttocks, abdomen and back are strengthened, and the flexibility of the spine develops;
  • Training vestibular apparatus , spatial coordination and overall endurance improves;
  • Biologically active zones are stimulated, peristalsis improves, varicose veins and cellulite are prevented;
  • Maintains body tone and relieves stress.

Important to remember! You should not go to extremes during training, experiencing increased stress and discomfort - when rotating a hula hoop, there should be a feeling of pleasant warmth in the waist, not pain.

Which hoop is best for weight loss: how to choose

From 1958 (when the fitness hoop gained wide popularity) to the present day, many varieties of this apparatus have been developed. His right choice plays important role in achieving results and should be based on:

  • On individual body composition;
  • Taking into account the fitness of the body;
  • Accordingly for the purpose of use.

The main parameter of body composition is height. The diameter of the hula hoop is selected according to this:
With increasing height, the diameter of the projectile increases. When choosing, you need to place it on the edge next to you - the one that reaches the waist or just above it (40-60 mm) is suitable. The limit is the level of the false edge.

Sometimes it is advised to buy a hula hoop that reaches only to the thigh, but this recommendation applies to hoops used for gymnastics, and not for cardio training and weight loss. The most universal diameter is from 90 to 120 cm.

The weight of the equipment used depends on the degree of fitness of the body.

For women who do not have fitness experience, first they need to buy a light hoop weighing from 1 to 1.5 kg.

Gradually you can increase the weight to 2 - 2.5 kg. Heavy projectiles weighing 3 kg or more can only be used if you have experience, strong core muscles and the absence of medical contraindications.

If you know how to spin a hoop, then you need to try it before buying - the process should not cause any significant difficulties or painful sensations.

Not every fitness hoop model is suitable for weight loss, so below are the characteristics of the main modifications of this equipment and the purposes for which they are used.

Important to know!

At first, even a light hoop may cause bruises on the waist, so beginners are not recommended to rotate the apparatus on unprotected skin. Use thick sportswear or a special protective belt.

Massage hoop for weight loss

This type of fitness hoop has a smoothed wave-like structure on the inner surface - this is the most universal massage modification. It can be used without restrictions as the main projectile.

But more specialized models are also produced, inner surface which has built-in massage modules.

Usually these are freely rotating balls that give a pronounced massage effect. However, it is better to use such hoops as an additional exercise machine, since the time for a relatively safe active waist massage is 10-15 minutes, and this is for full workout not enough.

It is recommended to use a massage hoop if there is cellulite on the waist and if there are problems with intestinal motility. Contrary to popular belief, there are no particular benefits to resetting excess weight massage hoops do not have.

Hoop with spikes for weight loss

This is a specialized type of massage fitness hoop designed to actively stimulate the skin of the waist.

Instead of smooth bulges or balls, angular spikes or modules with suction cups are built in here
. Both have a stimulating effect on the biologically active zones of the skin. Therefore, such a device is more of a reflexology tool than a fitness machine.

It should be used with caution in sessions of 10 minutes. Bruises from this variety appear most often. It is also the myth about “breaking up fat” with spikes that is usually associated with it.

Hula hoop for weight loss

Hula hoop is used as a general collective name for a fitness hoop - this name was chosen by its popularizer R. Knerr, who found the similarity of the torsion of the projectile with the movements of the Hawaiian dance “Hula Hoop”.

But hula hoop is also called a classic lightweight type of hoop, made in the form of a hollow plastic tube, originally used as a toy for children and adults.

The hula hoop is often used in gymnastics, but it is of little use for weight loss. But this is an excellent tool for those beginners who do not know how to spin a hoop at all - it is easiest to learn this with it.

Interesting fact!

In the 50s of the last century, Richard Knerra tried to patent a fitness hoop as his “invention,” but he failed. Despite the fact that in popular culture The hula hoop entered precisely after the wide commercial campaign of this man; willow, grape, rattan, grass and even bamboo hoops have been twirled around the waist of many peoples since ancient times.

And the first wave of popularization occurred back in the 14th century. - English aesculapians attributed the spinning of wooden rings on the waist to pain in the womb and heart disease.

Heavy (weighted) hoop for weight loss

Heavy and weighted fitness hoops are considered to be equipment weighing more than 2 kg. There is an opinion that they are ideal for losing excess weight, but it was stated above that this is not entirely true.

In any case, beginners should not use them because... They will not be able to develop sufficient amplitude and maintain the required approach time. Severe bruising and even contusions to the ribs or legs are also possible if a rigid model is used.

A weighted hoop differs from a heavy hoop in that its weight can be adjusted with external attachments or internal fillers. This allows you to gradually increase the weight without changing the projectile. However, the balance of models with water or sand fill is poor, making training difficult.

Soft hoop for weight loss

A soft outer shell often found on heavy-duty fitness hoops helps minimize bruising and bruising around the waist.

But full-fledged soft projectiles are considered to be models that do not have a rigid frame and that can be bent in arbitrary directions. They are made from reinforced polyurethane or rubber. Lightweight polyurethane models are mainly used as safe children's toys, and heavy rubber ones are used as a universal inflatable resistance band called "GymFlextor".

The Gymflextor is the most effective of all hula hoops.
– it allows you to perform many strength exercises, although not everyone will be able to twist such a hoop around the waist, since this is a classic heavy variety. But buying such a universal exercise machine is a win-win option and it won’t hurt in your fitness arsenal.

Hoop with magnets for weight loss

A fitness hoop with magnetic blocks is produced as a type of massage hoop. It is believed that magnets enhance the preventive and fat-burning effect of massage through the influence of a static magnetic field and weak currents on the cellular and intercellular environment of living tissues.

Magneto-therapeutic effects change the physicochemical orientation of ionized macromolecules and free radicals, which optimizes the metabolic rate. This gives an increased effect of oxidation of fatty tissues, and also improves immune and nervous processes in the body.

In most CIS countries (including Russia), the therapeutic effects of magnets are considered scientifically substantiated, although controversial. However, in Western countries (for example, in the USA), magnetic therapy is considered a pseudoscience and restrictions are imposed on the sale of corresponding accessories (as therapeutic ones).

Important to remember!

When losing weight through cardio training, loads should be added gradually, since a sharp increase in them can lead to problems in the functioning of the heart and liver due to toxic products of the breakdown of fatty tissue.

Iron hoop for weight loss (metal)

It is a simple hollow stainless or chrome-plated tube. This variety has optimal weight, balance and increased strength.

The metal fitness hoop is excellent option for training for weight loss– the amplitude of its rotation can reach maximum values ​​and the time for one full approach is maintained relatively easily.

Aluminum hoop for weight loss

It is a lightweight version of the metal hula hoop. Best suited for beginners who can confidently spin a hoop, but have no experience in fitness.

Such a projectile leaves fewer bruises, does not cause contusions, but in its unsheathed form it stains the waist from friction. If handled carelessly, modern aluminum models can break.

Pay attention!

Now on sale you can find collapsible hoops of any modification. This is very convenient, but keep in mind that cheap models often have weak connections, which is why they fly apart during training or even break at the joints.

Exercises (exercises) with a hoop for weight loss

Before any fitness activity, the body needs pre-warming. It is advisable to do the warm-up with a massage apparatus.

Warm-up with a hoop

Take the starting stance - feet shoulder-width apart, holding the hoop in your hands straight in front of you.

With a gradually increasing amplitude, make turns of the body left and right (you can roll the projectile along the waist), bends back and forth. Try to always keep your back straight.

Basic exercise

Starting position – feet at a distance of 10-20 cm from each other, a fitness hoop is put on the waist and supported by two hands. Select the direction of rotation and spin the projectile in that direction, simultaneously picking up the given acceleration with rotational movements of the waist.

Having achieved stable retention of the rotating projectile at the waist, begin to increase the speed and amplitude. Raise your arms up and try to control the height of the hula hoop rotation on your body.

Horseback Rotation

While rotating the projectile, you need to try to spread your legs wider and squat down a little. This exercise effective for buttocks and thighs.

Spinning on your feet

Bring your feet together and try to rotate the hula hoop only on your legs - hips or knees. This complex exercise allows you to get rid of the “breeches” effect.

Spinning to the rhythm of a fitness dance

While spinning the hoop, gradually add elements of fitness dance to the rotational movement: perform leg lifts, simple and cross steps back, forward, and to the sides.

Add arm movements and body tilts, try balancing on one leg. The hoop should be constantly rotating. This exercise replaces running and puts stress on the entire body.

How to spin a hula hoop correctly for weight loss

To successfully perform weight loss exercises with a hoop, you need to follow a number of rules.

Rules for performing exercises with a hoop:

Be careful!

Hula hoop exercises are contraindicated for older people, those with pelvic diseases, lumbar region spine, exacerbations of skin, kidney and liver diseases, pregnancy, during menstrual periods.

How long do you need to hula hoop to lose weight?

From the very beginning, beginners should temporarily forget about losing extra pounds and focus on the regularity of exercise and technique so that the body gets used to additional loads and doing the exercises are fixed on a subconscious level.

The first fitness sessions with a hoop should be short-term – 3-6 minutes in 2-4 approaches at a comfortable pace.

The main goal is to learn how to confidently twirl the hula hoop so that the technique becomes a reflex., not requiring attention. During this period, the load should be gradually increased by 1-3 minutes per day. After the 1st week, you can increase the amplitude and rate of rotation of the projectile.

After 1-2 weeks, the technique will be perfected, the pace will be increased, and the training time will exceed 20 minutes, which will begin to give the first results in losing weight - the body will spend not only glycogen reserves, but also break down stored fats.

By the end of the first month, the training time at an average pace should be 35-45 minutes. You cannot increase it to an hour or more - this has a negative effect on the spine. From this period it is allowed to train not every day, but at least 4 times a week.

After the first month, you need to add additional exercises with hula hoop to the main ones - this will speed up the weight loss process. Here's an example weekly program for the second month of classes.

Day one:

Day two:

  • Basic exercise (hula hoop) – 30-40 minutes;

Day three (day off):

  • Warm-up hula hoop with a massage apparatus – 10 minutes (including with hands);

Day four:

  • Basic exercise (hula hoop) – 30-40 minutes;
  • Additional exercises – abdominal pumping (15-30 repetitions in 2 sets), leg lifts (15-30 repetitions in 2 sets);

Day five:

  • Basic exercise (hula hoop) – 30-40 minutes;
  • Additional exercises - squats (20-40 repetitions in 2 sets), push-ups (10-20 repetitions in 2 sets);

Day six (day off):

  • Basic exercise (hula hoop) – 30-40 minutes;

Day seven:

  • Any other physical activity - swimming, cycling, skiing, sports games, hiking, housework/dacha, etc.

Important to remember! Classes should be carried out 1 hour before and 2 hours after meals. Drinking water during training is allowed, but little by little and without gas.

Results: how much weight can you lose by spinning a hula hoop?

The speed of weight loss greatly depends on excess weight - the more it is, the more noticeable the result, because... adipose tissue during fitness loads they work as additional “weighting equipment”. That is, it is much more difficult for a slender girl to lose 1-2 kg than for a woman who is 5-6 kg overweight.

In the first initial month of classes, you shouldn’t expect stunning results, but they will still happen– You can lose 1-2 kg in any case, provided you adjust your diet.

From the second month, when the body can tolerate high loads, daily training with a hoop for 45 minutes can remove 3-4 kg per month. But if you do not have a lot of excess weight, then it is better to avoid such a pace, because it is harmful to your health. A safe rate of weight loss is 1-1.5 kg per month.

Exercises with a hoop for 35 minutes 4 times a week will help you lose weight by one size within 1-1.5 months - this is a more gentle and justified regimen.

In one session lasting 35 minutes, you can burn from 200 to 600 kcal, depending on the set pace. Typically, 300-350 kcal are burned during a moderate-intensity workout.

How much does a weight loss hoop cost, price and where to buy

Weight loss hoops can be purchased at sports stores. But the prices there are not always adequate and the same models are offered 30-40% cheaper by specialized market bathyscaphes.

There are many offers on the Internet, but this option is more for those who know exactly what model they need. For beginners, it is better to have the opportunity to choose a projectile for themselves using direct testing.

Prices for fitness hoops depend on the manufacturer, model and all sorts of additional options.. These shells are affordable to anyone - the average price range ranges from 200 to 2000 rubles.

For example:

  • Decent quality metal hoop of the Russian type “Larsen” costs only 250 rubles;
  • Aluminum Chinese unspecified quality – 300 rub.;
  • Regular plastic hula hoop of good quality - 200-300 rub.;
  • Simple massage hoop without additional modules – 350 – 450 rub.;
  • Massage-magnetic “Orbit” type model – about 1000 rubles.;
  • Massage hoops with spikes cost from 500 to 1000 rubles.;
  • Modular massage projectiles (balls, suction cups, etc.) – from 700 to 2000 rub.;
  • Expander hoop like a gymflexor is worth it from 1300 to 2000 rub.;
  • Chinese folding hoop with built-in revolution and calorie counter - average 1000 rub.

Important to know!

When training for the first time, it is useful to monitor your pulse to determine its fat-burning level. To do this, you need to subtract your age from 220 and multiply by 0.5. The resulting value is your fat burning indicator, which you can compare with a heart rate monitor.

Experienced fitness trainers are confident that losing weight with a hoop is quite possible., but not every projectile is suitable for this. Also important for the result is the initial stage of mastering the rotation technique, the regularity of training and its sufficient duration.

Useful videos about losing weight with hoops

    As a child, I twirled a hoop for fun, and now I tried to do it in training mode. It’s a completely different matter, because this is not a game and you have to make an effort to get results. But I was able to do it in 2 months. remove sagging “ears” from jeans and tighten your waist. My hoop is a simple metal one.

    I periodically do either fitness or just physical education. But for some time my stomach lost its tone and began to hang down if you lie on the sofa sideways, folds appeared. Maybe the age is already showing. I rushed to pump up my abs, but it didn’t help much. Then I bought a soft exercise flexor and began to slowly master it. This is not a very simple matter - the hoop has a decent weight and at first it was somewhat uncomfortable. But gradually I increased the rotation time to 15 minutes and by the end of the first month my stomach regained its elasticity, although there was still excess fat. I bought an additional lighter hoop and use them alternately every other day. I used to think that hula hoop was child's play, but now I've changed my mind. I recommend these shells to everyone who has wrinkles at the waist and a flabby stomach.

    I immediately bought a beautiful massage hoop for 1,600 rubles. But it weighed more than 2 kg, it was difficult to twist it, and even through the neoprene belt I got bruises at first. In 2.5 months of hard work, I tightened my stomach and from that moment I began to use a regular light hula hoop, because I realized that if there is little fat at the waist, then it is better not to twist a heavy hoop for a long time - there were painful sensations in the intestines.

    You can start spinning a hoop from five minutes a day (you can do it twice a day), adding one minute every day, and eventually bring the time of one workout to half an hour. After this, you can move on to more complex types - a hoop with weights or massage attachments. Or you can combine both options.

    After the first birth, I was able to lose 10 kg in half a year with the usual metal, Soviet type. But that was 16 years ago. Now, with age, the extra ones have appeared again, I started to twist a little again, but there are problems with the spine, which complicates the process of fighting.

Every girl will benefit from a weight loss hoop. This amazing sports equipment more effective than many other slimming products.

What are the real benefits of hula hooping for your figure?

The undeniable advantages of training with a hoop

Resourceful women have long and successfully used all kinds of hula hoop models as a means of losing weight, and they have identified a whole range of advantages:

  • the projectile is extremely easy to use;
  • Spinning a hoop can replace training;
  • exercise helps burn extra calories;
  • the result appears relatively quickly because the projectile is effective;
  • the hoop can be harmoniously combined with many other physical activities;
  • to spin a hoop beautifully and effectively, you don’t need any special skills or significant physical training, it is enough to understand the principle of how to keep it in the desired area of ​​the body;
  • the hoop is easy to carry and does not require much space to store it;
  • the projectile helps improve the condition of the internal organs of the body.

Considering that the hoop has such an extensive list of advantages, it is obvious that this equipment is attractive and affordable for any woman.

What are the benefits of twisting a hoop around your waist?

Indications for practicing hula hoop are the presence of excess fat on the body, riding breeches on the hips, full waist, weak muscle tone, sedentary lifestyle, cellulite and other problems. By frequently exercising with a hula hoop, you can not only enjoy its benefits, but also notice a lot of positive changes:

  • over time it is possible to make the waist thinner;
  • if you combine hoop training and a fat-burning diet, you can achieve the effect of reducing your waist;
  • Regular rotation of the hoop strengthens muscles;
  • such a defect as riding breeches disappears;
  • intense aerobic exercise when walking with a hoop, it affects the body no worse than running;
  • blood microcirculation and tissue nutrition with oxygen at the cellular level improves;
  • metabolism accelerates (in other words, metabolism);
  • coordination of movements becomes more perfect;
  • endurance increases.

To evaluate real results, you can look at the before and after photos that girls involved in fitness post on the Internet. Beautiful figure- the result of hard training and proof of the effectiveness of hoops.

How to organize exercises with a hoop for weight loss?

Gradual increase in loads

To tone the whole body, you need to approach training correctly, for this we will look at how to practice with a hoop. For beginners, it is better to buy a lightweight model. After adapting to a light hula hoop, you can move on to more complex options with massage elements and weights. To warm up the body before rotating the hoop at the waist, it is advisable to do any warm-up.

Preventing Hula Hoop Bruises

Sometimes beginners develop bruises on the body; this is a normal phenomenon, but it is better to resist this as much as possible by wearing thick clothes or a protective belt and wrapping a towel at first.

Correctness and regularity of training

To enhance the effect of rotating the hoop on the waist or hips, you need to set your feet according to the width of your shoulders or place them a little wider, constantly keeping your abdominal and lower back muscles tense. Only regular classes will give visible result. Time for such a short and have a nice workout There will always be one if you want. The abdomen and sides are reduced in volume and tightened, the waist and hips acquire a sporty and slender shape.

It is customary to twist the hoop in a clockwise direction. To avoid back injuries, you should move gently and evenly, without jerking, especially when working with heavy implements.

Hoop training time

Now let's touch on the topic of how long to spin the hoop for... effective weight loss. If we consider the issue of training time in a global sense, then it is better to train constantly. One-time sessions of performing exercises with a hula hoop will not give anything. To achieve at least some results, you will need several months of diligent study together with proper nutrition without fasting, overeating and harmful foods.

Next, we will cover the issue of the duration of one workout. The first exercises with a hoop can be limited to 5 minutes, not counting the warm-up, then you should gradually increase the time of training. Ideally, experts recommend spinning a hoop to lose belly fat for half an hour a day. If you experience discomfort or difficulties, then consult a specialist, read reviews from doctors or watch videos from professionals on the Internet; they will tell you how to twist the massage hoop correctly and for how long, so as not to harm yourself and achieve figure correction.

It is believed that slimming your hips and waist by exactly one size can be achieved by working out with a hoop for about 10 weeks, at least a quarter of an hour a day.

Motivation for hoop training

You shouldn’t expect instant results from hula hoop classes; instead, it’s better to enjoy the gymnastics and anticipate how your body will change. To increase your motivation for training and lift your spirits, you need to choose positive, invigorating music and practice to it. Look at photos and videos about how other girls transformed themselves thanks to hula hooping and other workouts, this sets you up for success and makes you work on yourself. If you're bored, you can combine hula hoop twirling at home not only with listening to music, but also with movies. Now watching your favorite TV series will bring undeniable benefits.

An integrated approach to figure correction and weight loss

We recommend combining gymnastics with hoop and bodyflex, you will soon get an amazing figure. You also need to remember that all workouts for weight loss and body shaping work correctly only in combination with an individually selected diet. To change your body, it is enough to create an optimal healthy calorie deficit, that is, during the day you need to spend more than you consume.

Types and possibilities of hoops for weight loss

Materials and weight of hula hoops

A projectile made of plastic or aluminum is a classic option at a low price. Such products are ideal for beginners; due to their lightness and small diameter, they are easy to use. Surely, in your childhood you came across aluminum hoops. Projectiles made of rubber or rubber have a more impressive weight; they can weigh from 1 kilogram.

If you need more serious loads, then it is better to choose not a plastic hoop, but one that is made of other heavy materials or has weights and weighs 2-3 kg. When a person does not know how much a hoop should weigh for comfortable and effective exercise, then it is best to purchase a product with the ability to remove and add weighting elements.

There is an interesting solution to add weight to a simple metal projectile: you can pour sand into the cavity through a small hole and close it. Hula hoop with sand is heavier. This can be done not only with iron, but also with plastic hoops.

classic plastic hula hoops for beginners and children

Anti-cellulite massage hoops

To reduce the severity of cellulite, you don’t need to rely on the hoop to be inexpensive, the main thing is that it performs the function of an intense body massage. Interesting designs with magnets. There are also a lot of good ball hoops on sale. Active elements are located inside the circle. There is a huge selection in this product category, so it won’t be difficult to find a decent massage hoop.

The hula hoop must be equipped with balls that are soft enough and swivel. Studded products are also available. If a hula hoop with a massage function is too hard and the protruding elements are motionless, you can get severe bruises and even abrasions on the waist and hips. As a result, the exercise will cause harm and pain. Regardless of which projectile you choose - a magnetic hoop, a hoop with spikes or balls, it is important that the product is of high quality.

weighted anti-cellulite massage hula hoop with spikes

Ultra-modern weight loss hoops

Modern manufacturers of fitness products offer soft hoops. There are many practical silicone models. There are convenient folding hula hoops, where a circle is assembled from individual parts. Inflatable hoops have also recently begun to be produced; they are made of thick rubber; they also help women strengthen their muscles and become slimmer. Many people like the wonderful motivating smart equipment - the hula hoop with a built-in speed and calorie counter; the gadget can also show the recommended load depending on the physical fitness and characteristics of the person.

soft hula hoop

dismountable massage hula hoop with balls

smart hula hoop with counter

Based on the above classification, it is impossible to determine which hoop is better, but we can conclude that each model is good in its own way. Agree, the main thing is to be able to use this projectile wisely. If you can’t decide which hoop to buy for weight loss, then consult a fitness trainer, he will tell you which model is right for you, depending on your physique and abilities.

How to hula hoop to lose weight?

Warm up with hula hoop

To warm up and prepare your whole body for gymnastics, you need to start each workout with a warm-up. Place your feet width apart shoulder girdle, we spread our arms 30 centimeters from one another, holding the hula hoop with our hands, lift it above ourselves, then bend to one side, then to the other, bend back and forth. Stretching your arms forward together with the hoop, make slow turns on both sides. In general, the warm-up can be anything, the main thing is that it helps you get ready for productive hula hoop spinning and protects you from injuries.

Technique of rotating a hoop around the waist

A set of exercises must be compiled in accordance with your problem areas. For example, if you are concerned about your large waist circumference, then the emphasis will have to be on working on this area. We stand up straight, you can slightly bend your legs at the knees, placing your feet shoulder-width apart and slightly pointing your toes outward. We place the hoop on the waist and start the rotation process with our hands; we should try to maintain and increase this movement by performing circular movements pelvis and whole body.

When performing pleasant gymnastics with a hoop, you need to remember about the rigidity of the abdomen. Tighten your abdominal area and, if possible, pull in your stomach, in which case the hoop will spring well against your body. To get the effect, you need to keep the hoop rotating for at least 5 minutes. It is advisable to do several approaches with a hoop, performing other fat-burning exercises in between.

Hula hoop vs. breeches on the hips

The well-known problem of excess fat in the thigh area can also be eliminated using a hoop. You need to learn how to hold a rotating hula hoop on your hips. Admittedly, this will not be easy to do at first. But you can do it for 40 seconds, in 5 approaches.

Hula hoop instead of running

To correct body shape in the abdomen, hips and other problem areas, it is recommended to run. A similar effect can be easily achieved using a hula hoop. When the skill of long-term rotation of the hoop on the waist has become established, you can begin training in which you should move with maximum speed about 30-45 minutes. We don’t take a break and try to step sideways, backwards, forwards. Thanks to this aerobic training, which requires only a hula hoop and your desire, you can burn a lot of excess subcutaneous fat and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

List of popular brands of weight loss hoops

Today you can find a great variety of equipment on sale - standard and with massage elements. We recommend paying attention to these popular time-tested brands:

  • "Healthy hoop";
  • Jemimah Health Hoop;
  • "Acu hoop premium";
  • Passion Health Hoop;
  • “Acu hoop pro” (Acu hoop pro);
  • Health Hoop Punghwa Ltd.;
  • Bradex;
  • "Make a body";
  • Junior Health Hoop;
  • "CharCoal Magnet";
  • "Power hoop"
  • "Atemi"
  • "Vita Health Hoop";
  • "Gezatone Fitness HOOP Evo";
  • "Dynamic Health Hoop S (W)";
  • "Body Health Hoop";
  • "Make a waist";
  • "Magnetic Health Hoop".

If it is not possible to choose a hoop to suit your needs in real retail outlets, you can use the services of numerous online stores.

Harm and contraindications for exercising with a hoop

At the hoop, like many useful species There are contraindications for fitness. This does not mean that hula hoop has disadvantages, but only says that with the wrong approach to training and incorrect use of the apparatus, you can harm your health. Let's call the most important points to prevent harm to the body from hula hooping:

  • heavy hoops are not suitable for beginners, otherwise they will develop numerous bruises in the ankle area, since the apparatus often falls at first;
  • you cannot hula hoop immediately after eating, this has a negative impact on digestion, training can be started on an empty stomach or, in extreme cases, 2 hours after a moderate meal;
  • in case of serious illnesses, you should not spin a hula hoop or engage in other types of fitness without consulting your doctor (for example, hula hoop is contraindicated in case of urolithiasis, intestinal inflammation, kidney inflammation, gynecological diseases such as fibroids, spinal diseases);
  • hula hoop can be harmful to people with skin diseases (the most serious of them are lichen, psoriasis, allergic and other rashes);
  • All pregnant women should not spin the hula hoop at any stage, or immediately after childbirth.

If you try hard and hone your technique, then in half an hour proper activities with a hoop you can lose up to 200 kcal. High loads give even more impressive results - burning up to 300 kcal. Good luck with your weight loss.