BOOCH diet (protein-carbohydrate alternation). BUTCH diet (protein-carbohydrate alternation)

    Finding effective diets for weight loss is a favorite pastime of all housewives. However, the approach in the spirit of “what should I eat to lose weight” does not always justify itself. Moreover, many advertised diets are dangerous to health.

    Often things reach the point of absurdity when home-grown “nutritionists” take the principle sports nutrition with “vigorous” modifications and pass off as full-fledged and extremely effective system losing weight. This is exactly the fate that befell the BUTCH diet, which was not originally intended for the general public.

    What is BUCH?

    Before describing the principles of nutrition, the dangers and benefits of this method, we will answer the question, what is BEAM?

    The abbreviation BUCH stands for protein-carbohydrate alternation. This is not even a diet, but a way of eating based on basic principles rational calorie consumption and calculation of BZHU using periodization. If you add the word “diet” to this, you get a substitution of concepts. When people talk about the BUT diet, they mean an extremely small part of the principle of periodization of nutrition, which is not effective enough compared to the general principles. In addition, the main task of alternation is not in losing weight, but in drying.

    So, protein-carbohydrate alternation is as follows:

  1. A calorie deficit is created by completely eliminating carbohydrates on certain days.
  2. By cutting out carbohydrates, the body depletes glycogen reserves.
  3. In the next 2-5 days, the body, which has not had time to rebuild itself, uses it as its main fuel. adipose tissue.
  4. To avoid catabolism and muscle tissue breakdown, it is recommended to consume increased amounts of protein on carbohydrate-free days.
  5. On the 3-6th day, a “carbohydrate load” occurs, which deceives the body, not putting it into “economy mode”.

Important: To deplete glycogen stores, you will have to exercise at high intensity, otherwise periodization will lead to nothing. Without critical loads, the body will reduce glycogen consumption and begin to break down muscle tissue, which will not lead to the weight loss you wanted!

In words everything is simple. In fact, even experienced athletes consider protein-carbohydrate alternation one of the most stringent nutritional plans. It requires the use of scales, eating according to the clock and incredible willpower.

Note: Unlike classical diets, problems begin with individual nutritional adjustments, since under periodization conditions it can take longer than the diet itself.

Before using BEAM you need to learn:

  1. Calculate the number of kilocalories consumed during training and non-workout periods training days.
  2. Calculate the calorie content of food.
  3. Skillfully determine the glycemic index and carbohydrate load.
  4. Understand what “green carbohydrates” and “fiber” are.
  5. Adjust nutrition in accordance with the current state of the body.
  6. Determine the period of digestion of various types of proteins.

If you are in periodization mode for a long time, you will have to stock up on T3 hormones and digestive enzymes to avoid the development of a pre-diabetic state. Additionally, you need to have a budget to support your body on no-carb days.

As can be seen from the basic tenets of nutrition, protein-carbohydrate alternation is not intended for people who do not exercise. In other words, for housewives with low physical activity Periodization will be ineffective - rather, on the contrary, it will lead to even greater weight gain.

Key Benefits

We hope readers have already understood that BUTCH is not just another diet for weight loss. Now let's figure out why this principle of nutrition has gone beyond bodybuilding and has become popular not only among athletes, but also among ordinary citizens.

Protein-carbohydrate alternation with the right approach really effective. There are many reasons for its popularity:

  1. There is no feeling unwell during drying.
  2. High rate of weight loss during periods of no carbohydrates.
  3. Minimization of catabolic processes.
  4. There are no metabolic disorders. After a diet the right way out there is no rollback effect.
  5. Maximum preservation of muscle mass while losing body fat.

If the principles of alternation were not so difficult to implement, this approach to nutrition could be called ideal.

Does this diet have any disadvantages?

Periodization in nutrition was originally developed for bodybuilders in preparation for performances.

All of its disadvantages follow from this, because of which it has not found widespread use even among athletes:

  1. High level of difficulty. Even if you follow all the principles, you will have to adjust your diet. This will require several cutting cycles to determine the optimal ratio of days/calories/protein/carbohydrates.
  2. Inability to use on an ongoing basis. The principle of alternation is to shock the body and deceive it. However, after 30 days of such exhaustion, a chronic lack of glycogen, which is usually not restored in full during the loading days, will lead to a slowdown in metabolism and, accordingly, to leveling out the results.
  3. The principle of the pendulum. In fact, periodization means that a person loses weight for two days and gains one day. If you give in on a busy day or make a mistake in periodization, instead of a minus you will see a solid plus on the scales.

Despite its effectiveness, this is a potentially unhealthy diet.

While following the BUCH, the following problems are possible:

  • decreased productive function of the thyroid gland;
  • dangerous increase in load on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • constipation;
  • sudden mood changes;
  • development of gastritis, pancreatitis and other gastrointestinal diseases;
  • general weakening of the body at the end of the cycle;
  • decrease in speed and strength indicators;
  • increased likelihood of developing diabetes;
  • development of kidney failure and other kidney problems;
  • change in the ratio of digestive enzymes.

And this is far from full list unpleasant and harmful changes in the body during long or incorrect alternation.

Protein-carbohydrate alternation is contraindicated:

  • with vitamin deficiency;
  • predisposition to gastritis and duodenal ulcer;
  • lack of digestive enzymes;
  • lactation;
  • renal failure;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • weak heart;
  • impaired metabolism;
  • predisposition to diabetes;
  • during menstruation.

You cannot practice such nutrition during the period of growth and development of the body (that is, up to 23 years).

Despite all these side effects, the diet continues to be promoted quite aggressively by various “diet experts.”

How to eat properly?

How to correctly create a protein-carbohydrate alternation?

To do this you need to do several things:

  1. Calculate the number of kilocalories consumed separately for training and non-training days. Already at this stage many people have problems. The main one is that only by knowing the kilocalorie consumption on training days can you correctly calculate the load. Standard numbers (1200-1500 kcal) will not work.
  2. Calculate your own net weight (without body fat).
  3. Next, based on net weight, calculate the required amount of proteins.
  4. On protein days there are no carbohydrates at all; the only exception can be made for carbohydrates contained along with fiber in green vegetables (up to 50 g of carbohydrates).
  5. On fasting days, you should not greatly exceed your calorie intake. It is enough to restore the glycogen reserve that was depleted during the first day of training. Those. calorie content should not exceed 110% of that spent on the first training day.
  6. Part of the calorie deficit on carbohydrate-free days can be compensated by using non-carbohydrate large quantity omega 6 fats.

Proteins are calculated as follows:

  • 3 hectares of complex proteins (whey + casein + missing amino acids) per kilogram of net weight on a training day;
  • 2 hectares of complex protein on a non-training day;
  • 1 g of protein per kilogram of body per day of carbohydrates.

Let's consider an approximate calculation of calorie content, which you need to focus on when preparing your diet.

Eligible Products

Let's find out what you can eat while following the protein-carbohydrate alternation.


Protein sources are complex. 60% casein protein should provide a long-lasting feeling of fullness. Another 30% comes from complete “egg/meat” protein, which supplies the body with all the necessary amino acids. The remainder is milk/whey protein.

What is allowed:

  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • whey, milk, kefir.
  • lean steamed meat, fish, or boiled chicken breast.

What is prohibited:

  • fried meat;
  • fatty meat;
  • egg yolk;
  • full fat milk;
  • sour cream.


Sources of carbohydrates – exclusively. On loading days, small amounts of fructose are allowed.

What you can eat:

  • green vegetables (onion, celery, cucumber, etc.);
  • porridges with a low glycemic index - oatmeal, buckwheat, rice;
  • whole grain bread with bran (in extremely low quantities);
  • fiber-rich foods.

What not to do:

  • soda;
  • products containing sugar;
  • corn porridge;
  • starchy foods (potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke);
  • carbohydrates with a high glycemic index (baked goods, baked goods, bread);
  • muesli - due to the presence of cereals with a high glycemic index.


As for fats, if desired, salads can be seasoned with olive oil. Allowed fish oil. These are all sources of Omega 3. Anything else is not recommended.

Calculation example

A 92 kg man with a body fat percentage of 18%, actively involved in sports 3 times a week. The average kilocalorie consumption on training days is 3000-3500. On non-training days 2000-2500. Net weight – 75 kg.

Based on this, on a carbohydrate-free day its calorie content will be calculated as:

  • 75*3 – 225 g protein – 924 kcal.
  • 30-50 g of green carbohydrates (less if possible) – 123 kcal.

The total calorie intake is 1140 kcal on a carbohydrate-free day. The total kilocalorie deficit is about 2000 kcal per training day. Standard cycle BUCH – 4/1.

On the day of loading, his meals should be:

  • 75 g protein – 308 kcal.
  • 5-10 g omega 6 fats – 92 kcal.
  • Total calorie content is 3500-3850 kcal.
  • This means that the remainder falls on carbohydrates - up to 700 g of carbohydrates. Mostly complex.

The total weekly kilocalorie deficit is about 4000-5000 kcal. When converted to adipose tissue, this amounts to 444 hectares of fat per week. 0.44 kg of 17 kg body fat is about 2.5% of body fat weekly, or 10% of body fat loss per month. Those. at the end of the month the man will have lost 89-90 kg, having reduced fat layer up to 17.2%.

Attention: After seeing the calculations, many will consider the result low. However, keep in mind that the example used was an athlete with a small amount of body fat (about 18%).

For people with a higher fat ratio, weight loss will be more significant. So, for example, for a person weighing 92 kg, with a fat ratio of about 35%, weight loss per month will be about 6-7 kg. This once again confirms the fact that the diet is intended for pure cutting (reducing fat while preserving muscle), and not for pure weight loss, in which all tissues are burned.

Menu for a low-carb day

Editor's note: This section is presented for informational purposes only. The principles of menu design are indicated in the previous section.

The menu for a no-carbohydrate day is generally similar to a no-carbohydrate diet. The number of meals is divided by 5. The total calorie content is up to 1400.

Detailed daily food menu:

Menu for carbohydrate day

You can download and print both menus using .

Gentle variation (used/used)

There is a gentle version of the diet. Its effectiveness remains controversial in both the short and long term. However, it is obvious that it causes significantly less harm to the body and can become a replacement for classic calorie counting, which will provide up to 1-2 kg of weight loss monthly. Rough plan Butch diets with a menu for every day in a gentle version can be found in the table below.

Protein and carbohydrate days are similar to the previous points. For the bookkeeping day, the calculation is as follows:

The selection of products is not necessarily rigid. It is enough to select analogues with a similar amount of BJU per 100 g of weight.

Entry and exit from the diet

If, despite everything, you still decide to try protein-carbohydrate alternation, we hasten to disappoint you: nothing will work out on the first try. The fact is that your body does not yet know how to adapt to using adipose tissue as a backup nutrition. Most likely, already on the 2nd day of giving up carbohydrates, your health will worsen and your metabolism will slow down.

Advice: You should first try several cycles of a carbohydrate-free diet. But even so, the protein-carbohydrate rotation is aimed at the long-term pendulum. This means you need to enter the diet correctly and exit it correctly.

How to do it correctly:

  1. A week before the start of BCH, you need to calculate your daily consumption and kilocalorie consumption.
  2. For 7 days, you need to reduce your calorie intake by 10%, thus creating a small deficit.
  3. On the day before starting the diet, it is recommended to do a small deload.

And only after that start alternating. This input will allow the body to react more softly to changes in nutrition, which is especially important for people who do not play sports or are going dry for the first time.

It looks something like this:

  1. Kcalorie consumption - 3000, consumption - 2500.
  2. On the second day, consumption is 2700, consumption is 2500.
  3. On the third day, consumption is 2430, consumption is 2500 (the first signs of a shortage).
  4. On the fourth day, consumption is 2200, consumption is 2400 (we reduce the level of training loads).
  5. Consumption - 2000, consumption - 2300.
  6. 6th consumption - 1800, consumption - 2300.
  7. 7th consumption - 2500, consumption - 2500.

We leave the diet in reverse order. At the same time, it is important that the exit from the diet begins after a day of loading with carbohydrates (and not unloading).

What to combine with?

Note: This section is intended exclusively for professionals.

Protein-carbohydrate alternation practically does not reduce training performance. However, if your goal is to reduce body fat as much as possible in the pre-competition period and you are not using testosterone metabolites (i.e. androgenic steroids), then certain supplements will enhance the effectiveness of your training.

These include:

  1. L-carnitine. On an ongoing basis, in order to increase performance during training - 2-3 capsules 30 minutes before classes. (Read more about that here).
  2. BCAA 2-1-1. To reduce catabolic processes in muscles. Exclusively after training, since otherwise the amino acids will not go into the muscles, but as energy. (details about that here).
  3. (and its analogues) in the minimum permissible dosage. Use is allowed only if the carbohydrate load coincides with the training day. The drug will allow you to continue to burn fat tissue, despite the presence of glycogen in the blood.
  4. Clenbuterol and its analogues - in half the dose on protein days that coincide with training. Clen is a powerful thermogenic that stimulates lipolysis in the blood.

And one more important point: no matter how much you want to dry yourself, no change training plan it won't work. Be sure to add cardio exercise to your pulse zone fat burning.

Dangerous advertising variations

Unfortunately, the BEACH diet has many simplified schemes. The purpose of all these miracle techniques and simplifications is to popularize the diet. To do this, “miracle nutrition” sellers use performance data from the classic rotation and do not mention possible side effects. At the same time, a huge list of products is offered as a menu; the principles of the diet are often violated.

This leads to the following consequences:

  1. Reducing the effectiveness of the diet. Yes, it becomes safe, but the pendulum can show on the scales is not at all a minus.
  2. Increasing intensity. This happens when women try to rape their bodies with milkweed and other nonsense. Then such a diet has a more stringent caloric restriction (which does not always coincide with consumption), and ensures rapid loss of water and muscles in the shortest possible time. The result on the scale is stunning (up to 7-10 kg per week), but if you stick to such an express diet for a long time, you risk going to the hospital.

Let's consider the most dangerous options for BUCH power supply.

There is no point in going into detail about this diet.

Let's just list the reasons why its effectiveness is questionable:

  1. Strict link to the number of calories (without initial data, consumption, consumption, weight, body fat).
  2. The presence of a fixed 2/1/1 scheme (2 no-carb, 1 half-and-half, 1 carbohydrate load). Without individual adjustments, the chance of meeting exactly this nutritional balance is approximately 7-10% of all those who tried it.
  3. Not a word about the use of glycogen and the need for physical activity.
  4. There is no entry or exit from the diet.

Even if we remove all questions regarding the danger, followers of BUCH Malysheva will face an inevitable rollback effect when, upon exiting the diet, the weight returns in excess.

Powell Diet

The Powell Diet is the other side of the coin. It is relatively effective, although dangerous. The main disadvantage of the Powell diet is that it is not a protein-carbohydrate alternation. This is an alternation of low and high carbohydrate carbohydrate days at a fixed calorie content.

This means that if you follow all the principles described in the diet, its effectiveness will be approximately equal. Again, a fixed calorie content does not take into account the real needs of the body, so figures of 1200-1500 kcal, although they create a deficit, are often excessive for people leading a more or less active lifestyle.

And most importantly: the duration of the Powell cycle is 3 months, while even the most stringent versions of a low-carb diet have a periodization (6 weeks of diet, week of a smooth exit).


In general, protein-carbohydrate alternation is extremely effective way reset extra pounds, you just need to remember the fundamental principles:

  1. This is not a diet, but a principle of nutrition.
  2. It is suitable exclusively for people involved in speed-strength sports while maintaining training intensity.
  3. The maximum period of use is 4 weeks.
  4. Alternation cannot be used more than 2 times every 3 months.
  5. It is important to provide vitamins and minerals.
  6. Individual adjustments are needed, starting with calorie calculations and ending with alternation periods.

You shouldn’t get too hung up on weight indicators, since unlike other “miracle diets”, BEACH burns exclusively fat, while others eat the body along with muscles, ligaments, skin and teeth.

Even athletes use BEACH on final stages preparation for competitions, when only 3-5 kg ​​remains before the competition weight and it is very important to preserve all muscle mass.

It's quite difficult to choose the right one effective diet and not harm your health if you don’t understand proper nutrition and can’t consult a nutritionist. There is a great risk of running into an ineffective menu that will remove excess water from the body, but will not burn a drop of fat. The BUTCH diet is not one of those.

Starvation diets very quickly give the appearance of results, but if you want an elegant figure forever, and not for a month, then you will have to go a little slower towards your goal. A protein-carbohydrate diet may not give an immediate effect, but it is the most sustainable and healthy - on average, you will lose from 800 to 900 g from each cycle.

This requires a special menu that must be followed for several days - there are different recipes for 4 days, the whole week, a month and twelve weeks. The diet takes on a “protein-carbohydrate-mixed” cycle.

The abbreviation BUC stands for “protein-carbohydrate alternation.” This is a popular method of losing weight by cutting among athletes, picked up and taken note by ordinary people who want to adjust their weight.

From positive aspects diets can be noted:

  • the weight will not return;
  • the mood is good, since we still eat foods that affect our stable emotional state;
  • calorie intake is almost normal (up to 1000 - if you lead sedentary image life and up to 1500 – active).

Try to take breaks between stages. If you follow this diet constantly, the body begins to get used to it and does not respond to a change in diet. Also, on a carbohydrate and mixed day, you need to be physically active, it is advisable to train at this time.

There are contraindications for the BUC diet - diseases gastrointestinal tract and kidneys.

Mechanism of action

Frequent changes in diet are a kind of catalyst for energy processes that will force the body to give up part of its accumulated reserves.

When reducing carbohydrates in the diet, the body begins to intensively use the available resources of our fat deposits, since there are no new energy supplies. Most of the dietary menus. And this is correct, but you should approach everything wisely.

The fact is that after such a sudden energy starvation, a rebound inevitably occurs - nutritionists call this the “pendulum” principle. The more the body had to give, the more it will begin to make reserves and your weight will return with interest.

This menu is one of the few that ensure stable weight loss and its fixation at the proper level. The BUTCH diet strains the body to a much lesser extent and in the future it eliminates the repetition of weight gain, unlike other diets.

Alternate days when only protein or carbohydrates are consumed can trick the body into losing fat stores without it noticing. In addition, when the diet does not slow down the metabolism, this is a significant advantage, since weight loss is continuous and due to fat, not muscle.

Diet plan

Typically, the BEACH diet has a 4-day cycle, which is repeated an infinite number of times until the desired result is achieved.

Four day cycle:

Calculation of daily diet intake

  • number of meals per day – at least 5;
  • We calculate the menu for 1500 kcal and no more;
  • products are steamed, baked and boiled; oil cannot be used;
  • distinguish between complex and simple carbohydrates.

On “protein” days of the diet, we reduce not only the consumption of carbohydrates, but also starch and fructose:

Vegetables and fruits from which you can make salads all week or a diet cycle: celery, lettuce, broccoli, spinach, onions, cabbage of all kinds - i.e. everything that is green and crunchy. Fruits: grapefruits, kiwis, apples.

By the way, if you feel more hungry after eating an apple, bake it rather than eat it raw.

A carbohydrate day, as mentioned above, should consist of complex carbohydrates, which take a long time to process and slowly release glucose into the blood. You can also find them by searching " glycemic index" Products with low or medium levels will suit you.

An approximate list from which you can compose recipes for yourself during a diet: long-grain and brown rice, pasta and wholemeal bread, beans and other legumes, oatmeal, lentils, mushrooms. You can cook porridge with nuts and fruits, or eat them simply as a dessert: almonds, peanuts, cashews, dried apricots, prunes, cranberries, etc.

If you absolutely cannot live without meat, then it should be small (up to 100g) and lean, for example, a little beef.

A mixed diet can consist of dark and red poultry meat, low-fat cottage cheese, green peas, asparagus, apricots, plums and other neutral sources of carbohydrates and proteins.

You can make up your own recipes, but to give you the right message, here are some delicious dishes for such cases.

Dishes for protein days diet

Name Ingredients Preparation
Cottage cheese omelet for breakfast Prepare this omelet in the oven. Beat eggs, mix with cottage cheese and herbs, add salt to taste. Wipe the frying pan with olive oil (do not pour it, just grate it) and put it in the oven under the lid at 180 degrees and in 20-25 minutes it will be ready.
Chicken salad with squid and eggs
  • 500 g squid;
  • 3-4 pcs. eggs;
  • 200-300 g chicken fillet;
  • onions, herbs, salt and pepper to taste.

The traditional recipe also contains vinegar and mayonnaise, but we can’t have it for obvious reasons.

Clean and boil the squid and fillets, cut into strips. Same thing with eggs. Separate the boiled chicken into fibers. Mix, add chopped herbs and salt. The salad is suitable for the 2nd breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Chicken breast in kefir
  • 100 g chicken fillet;
  • 50 ml kefir;
  • 50 ml water;
  • salt, pepper, herbs.
We prepare this dish in advance. Chop the chicken, herbs, mix it all with salt and pepper. Add kefir, water and marinate in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Heat up the frying pan. Simmer the fillet for at least 5 minutes on each side.
Fish in Polish
  • 500 g fish fillet
  • 1-2 carrots;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 onion;
  • pepper, salt, herbs.
The fillet must be boiled, removed from the bones and divided into 2-3 cm pieces. Do not pour out the fish broth. Separately, boil 1 egg and grate it. Divide the second egg into white and yolk. Mix the fish, eggs and spices and pour in the broth so that the fillet is completely covered. Cover with a lid and simmer for 5-7 minutes.

Also you can find diet recipes meatball soup, Greek salad with shrimp, stuffed squid and many other delicious and low-calorie things.

Dishes for carbohydrate diet days

Name Ingredients Preparation
Pancakes with mushrooms
  • 1 cup wholemeal flour;
  • 1 cup blanched champignons;
  • 0.75 cups low-fat kefir;
  • 0.5 glasses of mineral water;
  • 1 tsp olive oil;
  • 1 tsp parsley;
  • 1 tsp onion;
  • 1 garlic clove;
  • a pinch of baking powder;
  • salt.

Chop the greens and grind the garlic. Grease the frying pan without excess oil. Add mushrooms and herbs, salt and pepper. Continue for 20 minutes with the lid on and 20 minutes without (see readiness).

Dough – sift flour, add salt. In another bowl, beat kefir, water, egg and oil. Pour the resulting mixture into the flour and mix thoroughly. Lightly oil the pan and bake.

Wrap the filling in pancakes and eat warm. If desired, you can make tomato sauce for them.

Pasta salad
  • 1 pack of wholemeal pasta;
  • 1 can of green peas;
  • onion 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • green bell pepper – 1 pc.;
  • 1 can of black olives;
  • you can add tomato.

For the sauce, mix 1 tbsp./l olive oil, 2/3 tbsp./l sugar, 3 tbsp./l onion, 0.5 tsp./l salt, a third of a glass + 1 tbsp./l vinegar, 1 garlic clove, 1 tbsp mustard, pepper to taste.

Boil the pasta and cool, mix with chopped herbs and pour in the sauce. You can leave it in the refrigerator for several hours. Drain off excess liquid before eating.

You can also try making vegetable sandwiches, spinach garlic noodles, wide noodle lasagna and various types pasta with sauce.

Dishes of the mixed stage of the diet

In the morning we prepare dishes from carbohydrates, in the afternoon from carbohydrates and proteins, and in the evening from only protein. You can use the same recipes.

It has been proven that they are most effective protein diets. Avoiding carbohydrates allows you to lose weight quickly. However, maintaining a diet is difficult. In addition, eliminating carbohydrates from the menu causes a number of health problems. A girl who eats only proteins may begin to feel dizzy and have problems with bowel movements. Hair that was silky and shiny before the diet will lose its luster without carbohydrates and become dry and brittle.

BUTCH diet for weight loss allows you to avoid such problems. Its use involves alternating protein and carbohydrate days. The weight loss method was developed for athletes who want to get lean and not lose muscle mass. The diet allows you to lose fat without affecting your muscles. By developing the right workout regimen, a person can even build muscle mass while losing weight. The BUTCH diet is suitable for people who want to achieve results and not lose them for a long time. There are several types of weight loss regimens. A fashionista may give preference to the type of diet that suits her best. The weight loss plan is not for everyone. In addition, the method may lead to a number of negative consequences. About the effectiveness of the BEACH diet, its pros, cons and sample menu for weight loss, we'll talk further.

BUTCH is an unusual diet. It involves alternating protein and carbohydrate days. Feeding cycles may vary. Experts advise choosing a suitable nutrition system depending on the well-being and condition of the body of the person losing weight. The most active is considered to be the 3-day scheme.

Having chosen this type of BUC diet, the girl will have to eat as follows:

  • 1 day – only protein foods,
  • Day 2 – mixed nutrition,
  • 3 shadow – only carbohydrate foods.

The scheme will have to be followed throughout the entire period of figure correction using the BEACH diet. On protein days, you can eat a small amount of carbohydrate foods.

Having given preference to the BUTCH diet, the girl will have to completely give up eating fat. This means that all dairy products allowed under the diet must be low-fat. Salads can also be eaten only without oil. To ensure that compliance with the BUC weight loss regimen does not affect the condition of the girl’s hair and skin, experts advise adding 10 ml to the diet linseed oil and 1 mg fish oil. Last resort can be purchased by going to the pharmacy. Fish oil contains amino acids that take part in metabolic processes.

Pay attention! Today, fashionistas don’t have to wince when consuming fish oil. The product is available in the form of soluble capsules. After swallowing the drug, the fashionista will not feel the taste.

A protein-carbohydrate diet for weight loss involves not only a 3-day alternation. There are varieties of weight loss schemes, the cycle of which is 2 days. This means that on day 1 the fashionista will have to eat only protein foods, and on the second – only carbohydrate foods. The scheme is suitable for maintaining shape.

Pros and cons of the BEACH diet

The weight loss method is suitable for people who are not used to dealing with hunger. The diet involves eating a wide range of foods, which will allow a person not to suffer due to lack of food. The probability of failure is minimal. The extra kilos go away smoothly. The scheme for losing weight on proteins and carbohydrates is simple. It does not involve daily counting of calories received. You can stay on the BUTCH diet for several months. If a girl decides that she wants to stop using the weight loss regimen, there is no need to specifically exit the diet.

The technique has other positive features, the list of which includes:

  • The BEACH diet helps speed up metabolism,
  • the method gives results in 100% of cases,
  • during the BEACH diet, a person will be able to maintain a high mental tone,
  • the body will not lack carbohydrates,
  • a person can independently select products from the list of permitted ones,
  • weight loss on proteins and carbohydrates occurs due to fat, not muscle mass.

However, not everything is so rosy. The BUTCH diet cannot be used by people who are obese. This problem should only be solved by specialists. In addition, the method can lead to health problems. There are cases where the BEACH diet led to gastritis.

The list of disadvantages of the method of body correction using proteins and carbohydrates includes the following features:

  • weight loss by eating carbohydrate and protein foods occurs much more slowly than with most other diets,
  • sticking to the menu, a person risks developing stomach problems and ulcers,
  • the method has a complex menu that is difficult to adjust individually.

If a person wants to lose only a few pounds by alternating carbohydrates and protein foods, experts advise avoiding fatty foods completely. The menu needs to include 15% animal fats.

Contraindications to following the BUC diet

A menu consisting of proteins and carbohydrates does not apply to methods that imply a balanced diet. For this reason, not all people who want to lose weight can use the BUTCH diet.

A person will have to choose a different menu if:

  • he has heart problems,
  • the girl is expecting a child or breastfeeding him,
  • liver and kidney diseases are present,
  • the person losing weight is still too young or has reached old age,
  • There are inflammatory processes in the body.

Regardless of whether a fashionista has one of the above problems, experts advise starting body correction on proteins and carbohydrates with a visit to a specialist. The doctor will be able to say for sure whether the BUTCH diet is suitable for the girl, and will select an alternative option if the answer is negative. Following the recommendations will help prevent the occurrence of health problems and the worsening of existing diseases, if present.

How to create a BUTCH diet menu

If a person decides to lose weight using the BEACH diet at home, eating proteins and carbohydrates should be moderate. Experts do not ask a fashionista to count calories, but if she wants to exercise control, the energy value of the daily menu should not exceed 1200 kcal. During active physical activity, the permissible figure can be increased to 1600 kcal.

Pay attention! The amount of food that can be consumed on each day may vary. The indicator is influenced by the weight of a person who wants to get rid of extra kg.

During a protein day, it is necessary to give preference to products consisting of this substance. At the same time, per 1 kg of human body weight there should be 3 g of protein. Carbohydrate consumption on this day should be kept to a minimum. However, experts do not recommend complete abstinence from foods containing this type of substance. There should be no more than 0.5-1 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of weight. When the day of eating food consisting exclusively of protein is completed, a person is faced with a high-carbohydrate day. During this period, the situation changes. Now the amount of carbohydrates in the daily diet should be 4 g per 1 kg of weight, and proteins – 0.5-1 g.

The carbohydrate day is replaced by a day of mixed nutrition. During this period, a person will have to consume approximately the same amount of proteins and carbohydrates. When creating a menu, it is necessary to take into account that the amount of the first substance should not exceed 1.5-2 g per 1 kg of weight, and the second - 2-3 g. The BEACH diet does not have a clear period after which it is necessary to take a break. However, experts do not advise overusing the method of weight loss on carbohydrates and protein foods and sometimes give your body a rest. Despite the fact that the method of losing weight involves giving up fat, experts recommend not following the rule on days when there are practically no carbohydrates in food. So, a person can supplement his daily menu with nuts. If a person plays sports, in addition to the standard diet at night, it is necessary to drink a glass of a high-protein shake. If physical activity is minimal, the drink should be replaced with kefir or fermented baked milk.

Pay attention! The amount of kg that can be lost with a diet of protein and carbohydrate foods directly depends on what foods a person eats. The daily menu should be based on the basics proper nutrition. So, on protein days, when there is an almost complete refusal of carbohydrates, it is strictly forbidden to eat sausages, and on carbohydrate days - chocolate.

Statistics show that 1 kg lost can be regained on the first carbohydrate day. Don't be afraid of this feature. The extra kg appears on the scale again due to the fact that carbohydrates retain water in the body. The fluid will go away in a couple of days, and progress in losing weight will again become noticeable. When eating carbohydrate foods, the event may repeat. You should not abuse products of this type. When going through a carbohydrate day, you need to strictly follow the indicated standards.

Recipes for dishes allowed on the BUC diet

Protein-carbohydrate alternation allows a girl to eat a wide variety of dishes during weight loss.

To eat deliciously and lose weight at the same time, a fashionista can prepare food using one of the following recipes:

  • Protein soup. To prepare, a fashionista will need to take 5 chicken eggs and separate the yolk from the white. Then you need to take the chicken breast, put it in a pan with water and put it on the fire. When the liquid boils, you need to drain it, then fill the pan with water again and continue cooking. After making sure that the meat is ready, it must be removed from the pan, cut into pieces, and then returned to the broth again. Next, you need to beat the white, previously separated from the yolk, and add it to the soup. Then spices and chopped herbs are added to the products.
  • Curd jelly. To prepare the dish, you will need to take 15 g of gelatin, add water and leave to infuse for 30 minutes. When the period is over, add 200 g of cottage cheese and 1 tbsp of cocoa powder to the resulting mass. The mixture must be cooked over low heat, stirring constantly and waiting until completely dissolved. When the mass is ready, it needs to be cooled and then put in the refrigerator.
  • Omelette with mushrooms. Break 2 eggs, add 150 g of milk, 1 tsp of flour, herbs, spices. The resulting mixture needs to be whipped. Then you will need to take 3 champignons, cut them into slices and fry in olive oil until half cooked. Next, add a little milk to the mushrooms and simmer them for 3 minutes, waiting until the products reach a creamy state. Pour the pre-prepared egg mixture into another frying pan and start frying. Noticing that the omelette has set at the bottom, you need to add the mushroom mixture to it. After waiting another 2 minutes, you need to fold the omelette in half, add 20 g of grated cheese on top, heat and serve.

A fashionista can include other fruit and vegetable dishes in her daily menu. However, when preparing a diet, you need to take into account the rules of a protein-carbohydrate diet.

BUTCH menu for every day

If a girl wants to lose weight, a daily menu and a detailed description of the butch diet can help with this. Today, there are varieties of nutritional plans designed for both a week and a month. They involve the consumption of carbohydrates, but at the same time control their amount, allowing you to lose weight. Usually girls choose option 1 as a guide.

An approximate menu for 7 days of the BEACH diet, including protein days and carbohydrate days, is presented in the table below:

Name of the day Eating Sample menu
Monday – protein Breakfast 2 eggs + vegetable salad + tea or coffee without sugar and milk
Lunch Cottage cheese with cinnamon or herbs
Dinner Chicken + stewed vegetables
Dinner Steamed fish + glass of kefir
Tuesday – protein Breakfast Omelet + cottage cheese + tea or coffee
Lunch Protein shake
Dinner Baked fish + vegetable salad
Dinner Chicken + fermented baked milk
Medium – protein Breakfast Chicken julienne with champignons (dressing – natural yogurt) + tea or coffee
Lunch Protein salad (squid + chicken + egg)
Dinner Beef + vegetables + grapefruit
Dinner Squid + kefir
Thursday – carbohydrate Breakfast Oatmeal with milk without fat + banana
Lunch Fruit of your choice
Dinner Baked fish + brown rice with tomato sauce + vegetable salad
Dinner Vegetable salad + kefir + fermented baked milk or yogurt
Friday – moderate Breakfast Oatmeal or buckwheat + 2 eggs + tea or coffee
Lunch Kefir + 1 bread + 1 slice of cheese
Dinner Chicken or beef + rice with vegetables
Dinner Cottage cheese with herbs + boiled squid with sour cream + mineral water without gas
Saturday – protein Breakfast Chicken omelette + vegetable salad + tea or coffee
Lunch Kefir or natural yogurt
Dinner Tuna baked with spices + stewed vegetables
Dinner Chicken + kefir
Sunday – protein Breakfast Cottage cheese + 2 eggs + tea or coffee
Lunch Protein shake
Dinner Beef with stewed vegetables + brown rice
Dinner Boiled squid + broccoli + kefir

The protein-carbohydrate alternation diet (or, more simply, the BUTCH diet) can finally reconcile the two opposing camps of meat-eaters and carbohydrate lovers. Admirers of protein diets are sure that without protein it is impossible to maintain muscle tone, fans of carbohydrates retort that without glucose the brain will stop working... On the BUTCH diet, instead of deciding what is more important, chicken or grain, you can take the best from both main ones nutritional components - and at the same time effectively lose weight while maintaining a good mood!

The sweet word “carbohydrates” in the BEACH diet does not at all mean eating candy and baked goods: the body of a person losing weight will get starches and sugars from healthy sources, such as whole grains, cereals, vegetables and fruits. When choosing food for protein-rich days, you should also look carefully at the foods you eat, choosing the freshest and leanest ones.

Benefits of the BEACH diet

  • 1 Thanks to alternating protein and carbohydrate days, metabolism does not slow down, as happens when following, fat reserves are burned evenly.
  • 2 The BEACH diet allows you to maintain a good mood and mental tone: they often cause depression. In addition, on carbohydrate days, the body receives glucose to fuel the brain.
  • 3 Protein-carbohydrate alternation goes well with physical activity, supplying both energy (carbohydrates) and proteins ( building material for muscles).

BUTCH diet: monthly schedule

The 30-day BUTCH diet was invented by American nutritionist Jason Hunter, a recognized expert in sports and health nutrition.

The nutrition plan, subject to the rules, promises weight loss of minus 7 kg. However, the author notes that the effect is directly dependent on how much excess fat the person losing weight managed to accumulate: more obese people will be able to boast of a larger “plumb line”.

At the same time, Jason Hunter developed his BEACH diet with the expectation that it would be suitable not only for most healthy people, but also for those who suffer from diabetes (however, in any case, an in-person consultation with a therapist is required before starting the diet).

The 30-day BUCH diet is based on eating lean meat, nutrient-rich vegetables and fruits, fiber-rich carbohydrate foods and, of course, plenty of clean, still drinking water.

Diets that limit the intake of carbohydrates as much as possible provoke the body to switch to an unhealthy mode of “conservation” of essential elements. As a result, metabolism slows down, and weight loss that started well stops. Most often, a person losing weight on a “diet of refusal” complains of feeling “lethargic”: the body saves energy, and the brain, feeding on glucose, clearly feels its lack. If, in addition to avoiding carbohydrates, the diet consists mainly of protein-rich foods, this negatively affects the functioning of the excretory systems; kidneys suffer.

The advantage of the BEACH diet is that it does not provide for a complete rejection of any of the macronutrients (protein, fats, carbohydrates): the body receives them all, and constantly, but according to a special system that allows you to effectively get rid of fat reserves.

BUCH diet plan for 30 days

According to Jason Hunter's theory, carbohydrates (carbohydrates) provide the body with the energy necessary for vital activity (and physical exercise). Insulin, the constant level of which is maintained when consuming carbo, stops fat burning. However, when protein is consumed, the production of another pancreatic hormone, glucagon, is activated. Acting in antiphase, these two hormones “kill all birds with one stone” - they allow you to get rid of excess fat without muscle dystrophy and poor health associated with a lack of energy and nutrition for the brain.

  • Day 1: Carbohydrate Day - Powerful Metabolism Stimulation
  • Day 2: low carb day - focus on protein processing with "carbohydrate support"
  • Day 3: protein day - only protein foods with a small amount of non-starchy (leafy) vegetables

After the third day, the scheme is repeated from the beginning. In total, Jason Hunter’s BUTCH diet for 30 days consists of 10 carbohydrate, 10 low-carbohydrate and 10 protein days. On any day you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water. You should eat 5-7 times a day in small portions, observing a three-hour interval: this will allow you to burn calories evenly throughout the day, maintaining the optimal speed of metabolic processes.

Carbohydrate and protein products for the BUC diet

No matter how attractive the expression “carbohydrate days” may sound for lovers of sweets and baked goods, alas, it is better to refuse sweets and cakes during them. Best choice carbohydrate products with a low and medium glycemic index will become, ensuring the slow processing of starches into sugars and, accordingly, slowly releasing glucose into the blood. Among them:

  • cereal porridge (it is healthier to soak the cereal for a day before cooking so that the beneficial substances are released during the fermentation process)
  • starchy vegetables
  • durum wheat pasta
  • whole grain crispbreads and breads
  • fruits

On mixed low-carb days, it is recommended to eat carbohydrate foods in the first third of the day (cereals, fruits), combine carbohydrates (preferably vegetables) with protein in the second third, and switch to protein in the late afternoon, in preparation for tomorrow’s “carbohydrate load.”

On protein days you will benefit from:

  • lean meat (chicken breasts, turkey)
  • seafood, fish
  • chicken eggs
  • dairy products (cheeses, especially fresh pickled ones, kefir, cottage cheese)
  • nuts (pine nuts, almonds)

On protein days, you can add some fresh cucumbers, lettuce, and fresh herbs to the menu.

All animal products, even lean ones, contain a certain amount of unremovable fat - this is normal, fat is necessary for the cells of the body. Salads, porridge and pasta on the BUCH diet are moderately seasoned with high-quality vegetable oil (olive, flaxseed, first cold pressed) to ensure the supply of unsaturated fatty acids. Food should be steamed or grilled without oil; it is also allowed to bake without fat or boil.

Portion volume and sports activities on the BUC diet

Jason Hunter emphasizes the importance positive attitude And good mood throughout the entire duration of the diet, therefore, it offers a flexible approach to the issue, capturing the needs of the body and focusing on the achieved result.

Since the BEACH diet implies fractional meals, you can take a serving size of 200-250 ml as a sample, making sure that the total daily caloric intake is not less than 1000 calories. If you eat 5 times a day, the portions will be larger; if you eat 7 times, the portions will be smaller.

  • Carb days: 3 grams of carbohydrates
  • Low carb days: 2.5 grams protein + 1.5 grams carbohydrates
  • Protein days: 3-4 grams of protein

Regular physical activity helps you lose fat and strengthen your muscles. However, you should not overload yourself in the gym at the same time as starting a diet, especially if you noticeably suffer from excess weight- this will be a dramatic test for a weakened cardiovascular system. Water aerobics or aerobic training (simple walking) remain excellent option for those who want to get their weight in order, but have previously been a rare guest in the gym.

However, if you are ready to combine the BUTCH diet with active training, it makes sense to organize the load in such a way that its maximum intensity occurs on carbohydrate days.

BUTCH diet: four-day cycle

Protein-carbohydrate alternation is especially loved by athletes, as it allows you to get energy for training and burn fat, building muscles. Many professionals who have studied their body well develop for themselves individual plans BOOCH diets, which provide for double days and a special calorie calculation system. The four-day cycle of the BEACH diet is also quite popular, differing from Jason Hunter’s basic diet in its increased protein intake. It looks like this:

  • Days 1 and 2: protein (3-4 grams of protein per 1 kg of desired weight)
  • Day 3: carbohydrate (5-6 grams of carbo per 1 kg of desired weight) + 1 glass of milk in the morning and protein dinner (cottage cheese or egg)
  • Day 4: mixed (2 grams of protein per 1 kg of desired weight + 2 grams of carbohydrates per 1 kg of desired weight)

The cycle is repeated, but no more than 12 times.

The principle of choosing products remains the same - whole grains and dairy, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits, lean meat, poultry and fish remain a priority. The added fats are represented by high-quality vegetable oil; recommendations for drinking plain water are general dietary, from 1.5 to 2 liters per day.

“Classical Powell cycle”: BUTCH diet for 12 weeks

American trainer Heidi Powell, together with her husband Chris, invented her own original method of protein-carbohydrate alternation, intended primarily for those who lose weight in the gym.

Its validity was confirmed by researchers from the University Hospital of South Manchester. Looking at female volunteers who combined exercise with one of two eating plans: the Mediterranean diet or a diet that included a significant reduction in carbohydrate intake three times a week, they concluded that the former lost an average of 2.5 kg per month, and the second - 4.5 kg each.

And recently, the visual effect of the BUCH “classic cycle” diet was given to everyone who owns the English- Chris Powell started hosting a weight loss TV show.

The “Classical Powell Cycle” is a BUTCH diet scheduled for a week. Its peculiarity is that both proteins and carbohydrates are present in the menu every day, but in special proportions (approximately 30/70) and with strict consideration of the total calorie content of the daily menu. The diet is preceded by a powerful “loading day”, on which you are supposed to “eat” 2500 kcal. This starts metabolism, which then works according to the following regime:

  • Day 1 - 1200 kcal, low carbs, high protein
  • Day 2 - 1500 kcal, high carbohydrates, low protein
  • Day 3 - 1200 kcal, low carbs, high protein
  • Day 4 - 1500 kcal, high carbohydrates, low protein
  • Day 5 - 1200 kcal, low carbs, high protein
  • Day 6 - 1500 kcal, high carbohydrates, low protein
  • Day 7 - cheat day, 2000 kcal from any sources

There are a great many methods to help you get rid of excess weight, but there are few that will actually help eliminate fat reserves, rather than reduce weight by burning muscle mass and removing water from the body, while causing colossal damage to your health.

In order not to encounter the above, you need to be wary of promises of super-fast weight loss and carefully study how this or that method affects the human body. After all, quite a lot of time passed before you discovered folds on your stomach and sides and cellulite.

So why should you get rid of all this extremely quickly?

All metabolic processes, both the acquisition and loss of fat reserves, have their own laws. Fighting a scourge without knowing anything about how it proceeds is a hopeless task.

The best option is to choose a specific methodology, the basis of which is scientific and practical knowledge, and achieve the desired goal.

A BEACH diet, or otherwise protein-carbohydrate alternation, can help in this matter.

Basics of protein-carbohydrate alternation

As the name suggests, main principle This diet involves alternating days in the diet with a predominance of protein or carbohydrate foods.

Why is alternating proteins and carbohydrates effective?

In order for the hated fat reserves to finally leave your body, you first need to use up all the muscle and liver glycogen. To do this, reduce the amount of carbohydrates in what you eat. However, not everything is so easy.

If the body is already critically short of carbohydrates, a person begins to feel it. The body is under stress, and in order to quickly obtain the necessary energy, it destroys muscle tissue, only then moving on to fat reserves.

To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to find the right balance between reducing carbohydrate reserves and their intake into the body.

Only then will the energy generated as a result of the breakdown of fat deposits begin to be used.

The BUTCH diet is structured like this:

After all of the above, the course is duplicated, which allows you to gradually waste fatty tissue.

The most important thing is that when following such a diet, you do not need to sharply restrict your caloric intake. Just stick with it daily norm 1200 and 1400 kilocalories for women and men, respectively. In addition, do not forget about physical activity and sports.

As a rule, you need to follow a diet for at least one month. More is allowed, the main principle is that the number of days must be a multiple of four.

In a similar article on our website you will find.

BUTCH mode diet

A week of the BUTCH diet is four days. You need to follow it for no more than a month, after which you should take a break in order to give the digestive system time to recover.

If you want to stick to this regimen for a long time, you need to alternate food as often as possible.

  • First and second days- proteins. The volume of protein obtained should be calculated using the following formula: your weight multiplied by three.

If your weight is fifty-five kilograms, then your body needs one hundred seventy-five grams of protein per day. Fat should not be consumed more than twenty-five grams. The second day is similar to the first.

  • Third day- carbohydrates. Calculated by body weight multiplied by four. If, again, you take a weight of fifty-five kilograms, then you need to get about two hundred and twenty grams of carbohydrates per day.


  • vegetables;
  • a lot of bread;
  • fruits.

You can eat some chocolate. Remember that even on this day, the last meal should be protein.

  • On On the fourth day we adhere to a balanced diet. If you want, duplicate the previous menu, but consume both proteins and carbohydrates. The total number of calories received per day should not exceed 1200.

Detailed menu for the week

There is no need to try to diversify the weekly menu of the protein-carbohydrate diet in any special way - you can eat the same foods. However, if you are too tired of them, you can add something new to your diet.

Optimal weekly menu:

  1. Protein day.
    • Breakfast: tea with cottage cheese,
    • Lunch: fish, cucumber and omelette,
    • Dinner includes either a piece of beef or chicken breast;
  2. Carbohydrate day.
    • Breakfast is muesli,
    • Lunch: bread, porridge and vegetable salad,
    • Dinner: boiled fish or meat;
  3. Mixed day.
    • Breakfast: oatmeal with yogurt,
    • Lunch: buckwheat or rice with fish,
    • Dinner: stew.

Before going to bed, be sure to drink a lot of kefir, yogurt or fermented baked milk. Tea with sugar is also allowed.

Monthly menu, scheduled by day

You can determine the cyclical nature of your diet using several options, for example, one carbohydrate, two protein, one mixed, and the like. Don’t forget to add unsaturated fats to your body while losing weight: season vegetable salads with oil, add nuts or seeds to your dishes.

So, an approximate menu of the BUTCH diet for a month:

  1. Squirrels.
    • For breakfast: non-starchy vegetables with vegetable oil, cottage cheese, two eggs.
    • Lunch: stewed vegetables, beans, chicken breast.
    • Dinner: boiled fish and vegetable salad;
  2. Carbohydrates.
    • Breakfast: porridge cooked in water, with raisins, whole grain bread.
    • Lunch: boiled rice, grilled veal, vegetables.
    • Dinner: not very fatty cold smoked cuts, Brussels sprouts salad;
  3. Mixed days.
    • Breakfast: low-fat rye bread, kefir.
    • Lunch: seafood salad, stewed vegetables.
    • Dinner: omelet with mushrooms and kefir.

Everyday Diet Recipes

Mushroom omelet

You will need:

  • two eggs;
  • three mushrooms;
  • twenty grams of hard cheese;
  • one hundred and fifty grams of skim milk;
  • one teaspoon of flour;
  • olive oil;
  • green;
  • spices.
  1. Mix milk, herbs, flour, spices with eggs, beat the mixture.
  2. Chop the mushrooms and then fry them in oil until semi-cooked.
  3. Pour in a little milk and simmer until the mixture has the consistency of liquid mushroom cream.
  4. Fry the egg mixture in another frying pan.
  5. Once the dish is set at the bottom, add the cream of mushroom.
  6. After two minutes, fold the omelette in half, sprinkle with grated cheese, heat for a couple of minutes, and then serve.

Cottage cheese jelly

What you will need:

  • two hundred grams of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • a glass of water;
  • fifteen grams of gelatin;
  • one tablespoon of cocoa.
  1. Let the gelatin brew by filling it with water according to the diagram.
  2. Mix it with cocoa and cottage cheese.
  3. Place the mixture on slow fire and stir until completely dissolved.
  4. Cool, then place the jelly in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Chicken sausage

What you will need:

  1. Clean the meat and grind it using a blender.
  2. Mix garlic, cottage cheese, herbs, all this also needs to be chopped.
  3. Form a sausage from this mass and place it in a baking sleeve.
  4. Bake in the oven for half an hour.

Rice and mung bean porridge

What you will need:

  • 30 grams of rice;
  • 30 grams of mung bean;
  • carrot;
  • bulb;
  • spices.
  1. Two hours before the start of the cooking process, soak the mung beans.
  2. Simmer the chopped onion and carrots in a saucepan.
  3. Add water, add mung beans and cook until half cooked.
  4. Add rice and continue cooking.

Fish cutlets

What you will need:

  • fish;
  • bulb;
  • garlic;
  • eggs.
  1. Clean and cut the fish.
  2. Bring to a boil, then remove all the bones from the meat.
  3. Make minced fish, garlic and onions, add an egg.
  4. Make cutlets.
  5. Fry without oil.

Chicken meat in cottage cheese sauce

What you will need:

  • chicken;
  • cottage cheese;
  • green;
  • garlic.
  1. Boil the meat, remove the bones and cut.
  2. Prepare a sauce from cottage cheese, herbs and garlic.
  3. Pour the sauce over the chicken and let it soak.

Fish in the oven

What you will need:

  • fillet of any fish;
  • lemon juice;
  • seasonings
  1. Pour lemon juice over the fish and sprinkle with seasonings.
  2. Bake.
  • Don't overeat. When adhering to a diet, you should eat in moderation, consuming. Otherwise, instead of fat, it will begin to be destroyed muscle mass. Remember that protein and carbohydrate days should be the same in calorie content.
  • Without fanaticism. When eating proteins, you can allow yourself a cucumber or other vegetables once. They have almost no calories, but at the same time they add a little variety to your diet.
  • Don't diet for too long. If you want to turn it into your own nutrition system, at the beginning, constantly take breaks between courses. For example, about five cycles in a row, then a break equal to the same time.
  • Practice. This diet is loved by athletes who are “drying” their bodies, as it promotes the burning of fat, not muscle. Physical activity- an important component in a weight loss program.


This diet is not suitable for you if you have the following problems:

  • kidney diseases;
  • pancreatic diseases;
  • liver diseases.

Benefits of the BUTCH diet

The diet is really very effective!

Disadvantages of the BUCH diet

It is almost impossible to find information about the disadvantages of this power system on the Internet.

But we will still try to list the main ones here:

  • Excess weight does not come off so quickly, as it could be if you follow a classic diet. This is due to the body’s transition to metabolic saving mode during carbohydrate days, as a result of which during this period some of the nutritional components are converted back into fat.
    This creates a sort of “pendulum effect”: from fat burning to its synthesis. Some stubbornly deny this, this position is reliably confirmed by studies during which lipid metabolic rate was measured;
  • There is a risk of gastritis, peptic ulcer and disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • It is difficult to adjust the diet to suit yourself due to the complexity of the regime. Many women complain that they cannot adequately calculate caloric intake. Therefore, according to statistics, about thirty percent of those who lose weight using this diet do not achieve the desired result;
  • Although the diet is very popular and approved by many experts, the superiority of its effectiveness has not yet been confirmed.