Fasting days: options. Benefit

Our body needs to rest periodically. AND best way for this - .

Firstly, by limiting the intake of calories into the body, we unload it, and it focuses on digesting everything unnecessary. Thus, we give the body the opportunity to engage in self-cleansing, go through all the nooks and crannies and get rid of everything stale and unnecessary (i.e., toxins).

Secondly, fasting days give us the opportunity to control weight. Because the body digests everything that enters it immediately, without storing it “in reserve.” As a result, we kill all the birds with one stone: we cleanse our body, don’t get fat, and with long-term practice of fasting days, we also lose weight.

Some may say that this is a rather slow way of cleansing and losing weight. But, as you know, the quieter you drive, the further you will go. In addition, fasting days are a guarantee of health safety (unlike diets), a guarantee of weight loss without regaining it (which no diet can boast of) and, finally, limiting yourself to food only once a week is much easier than starve yourself for weeks.

So, the advantages of cleansing with fasting days are clear. It remains to find out how and what to eat these days. General rule for all fasting days - regularity (once a week and not skipping) and physical activity (promotes cleansing).

Fasting days on raw vegetables and fruits

It is advisable to eat a bunch of parsley in the morning. It has detoxifying, antiseptic, antispasmodic and pronounced diuretic properties, therefore it is especially useful for those who are swollen. Active urination will increase the movement of body fluids. As a result, liquid that has been stagnant for a long time and nitrogenous waste will be removed. Thanks to this, the functioning of all body systems will improve and swelling will disappear.

After parsley, you can eat raw vegetables, fruits and berries. This creates conditions for maintaining the greatest negative water balance, i.e. more fluid will be released than entered, which will lead to a smooth cleansing and alkalization of fluids in the interstitial space.

It is advisable to eat every hour, eating 100-150 g (per day you should get about 1-1.5 kg). Eat one type of fruit at a time. Vegetables can be cut into a salad, but you can season it with either lemon juice or vegetable oil, without adding salt.

On fasting days, you can drink water and herbal tea during the day whenever you want.

List of the most healthy vegetables, fruits and berries for fasting days:

Apricot - cleanses the blood, protects against cancer (thanks to carotenoids), supports the functioning of the muscular system.

Orange - activates all body functions, strengthens nerves and brain, neutralizes excess acid, relieves various inflammations, strengthens gums, blood vessels and immune system. Recommended for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Watermelon - has diuretic, choleretic and anti-inflammatory effects. Promotes the dissolution of salts, prevents the formation of sand and stones. Recommended for people suffering from arthritis, gout and atherosclerosis. If you decide to have a fasting day only on watermelons, then eat 2-2.5 kg per day.

Grapefruit - eliminates functional disorders of the liver and gastrointestinal tract, prevents the formation of stones and atherosclerotic plaques, and activates the activity of the cardiovascular system.

Strawberries - removes excess salts from the body during gout, liver and spleen diseases. Recommended for diseases of the cardiovascular system, inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, skin diseases, anemia, anemia, atherosclerosis, gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Cabbage - prevents the absorption of toxins from food, removes excess salts from joints, has cleansing, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, expectorant and diuretic properties. Recommended for chronic gastritis, liver and spleen diseases.

Strawberries - strengthens the immune system, regulates liver function, cleanses the gallbladder, and contains 300 substances beneficial to the body.

Lemon - has an inhibitory effect on influenza and cancer viruses, dissolves tumors, removes toxins from the liver, and removes heavy metals.

Lettuce leaves - remove water from the body and stimulate kidney function, lower blood pressure and strengthen muscles, support the process of hematopoiesis, and contain many valuable nutrients. Be sure to include salad in your diet not only on fasting days.

Carrots - improves the functions of the liver, stomach, vision, cleanses the skin, increases its elasticity.

Cucumber - helps remove excess fats from the body, improves the absorption of proteins and fats, has laxative, choleretic and diuretic effects. Recommended for heart failure, endemic goiter, gout, inflammation of the respiratory tract.

Peaches cleanse the blood, have a diuretic effect, stimulate digestion and metabolism.

Tomato - restores sexual functions, normalizes hematopoiesis, activates digestion. Recommended for impaired salt metabolism, overweight, inflammation and cirrhosis of the liver, dysbiosis, cardiac arrhythmia and atherosclerosis.

Beetroot - has an anti-sclerotic effect, improves metabolic processes, hematopoiesis, intestinal motility, normalizes heart rate, prevents cancer, resolves tumors, eliminates constipation, and has a rejuvenating effect.

Celery - cleanses the blood, helps burn excess fat, recommended for kidney failure, rheumatism, gout, liver, lung and kidney diseases.

Currant - has an antibacterial effect and neutralizes poisons in the body, strengthens blood vessels.

Apples - restore acid-base and salt balance; integrity of mucous membranes. You can arrange fasting days only on apples, then to 1-1.5 kg of apples you should add 1 glass of freshly squeezed tomato juice.

Other fasting days

Rice day. Boil 250 g brown rice(unrefined) without added salt. Make sugar-free puree from 1.5 kg of apples. Divide the rice and mashed potatoes into 5 servings to eat throughout the day. If you don’t want to cook the puree, you can grate an apple into it every time you eat rice.

Curd day. For the whole day you should eat 250 g low-fat cottage cheese with sunflower oil, salad of grated carrots, cabbage and turnips with a handful of nuts, 2-3 glasses of green tea without sugar.

Whey day. During the day you need to drink 1 liter of whey with 80 ml of fresh wheat grass juice, 1.5 liters of low sodium mineral water. You can have a snack twice with unsalted boiled potatoes or stewed vegetables.

Alena Petrova

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The human body should sometimes be given rest and help cleanse it. For example, after various holidays with feasts, it is recommended to cleanse the intestines to remove toxic substances and excess liquid. To do this, you can perform special fasting days to cleanse the intestines.

Pros of unloading

Numerous positive aspects fasting days. Because when cleansing the intestines, a person’s overall well-being improves. Therefore, we can say that after fasting days to cleanse the intestines, the following improvements occur:

  • The complexion noticeably improves, a healthy natural glow appears
  • Improves the functioning of the digestive system
  • Metabolic processes in the body are normalized
  • Excess water is removed from the body, and with it several extra pounds disappear.

Basic rules

It is necessary to follow some rules when carrying out fasting days. They are:

  • Drink plenty of fluids - you should drink about 1.5 liters of water per day
  • On fasting days it is better not to perform various physical exercises
  • On fasting days, eat in small portions, but often - about 5 times a day.

Fasting days should be observed once a week. The duration of the unloading course is 2 months.

Between fasting days, you need to choose proper nutrition and maintain healthy image life to maintain the results obtained after unloading.

Types of fasting days for the intestines

There are many options for fasting days for the intestines. The essence of each is the consumption of certain foods that help remove harmful substances from the intestines and the body as a whole. The most popular types fasting days can be called the following:

  • Fasting day for the intestines on water
  • On porridge
  • On kefir
  • on apples
  • On juices

Such fasting days refer to mono-diets - that is, during fasting you need to consume only one main product. Sometimes it is allowed to use some other products in addition.

Mostly these are vegetables or fruits.

Examples of fasting days for the intestines

You can consider in detail some examples of fasting days for the intestines.

Day of intestinal unloading on kefir

Cleansing with kefir is considered one of the most popular. They are very effective and contribute well to the removal of toxic substances and toxins. In addition, kefir helps speed up metabolism and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
For cleansing, you should take about 2 liters of kefir, but not less than 1.5 liters for consumption per day. You need to choose a low-fat product. If the feeling of hunger is very strong, then you can eat an apple, grapefruit, cucumber or orange.

Juice day

Fasting days on juices can be called very effective method to cleanse the intestines. You can drink both fruit and vegetable juices - at least 2 liters per day. You can prepare various cocktails from vegetables with the addition of herbs.

Fasting days for the intestines are great way maintaining health and maintaining excellent body condition.

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10 options for fasting days for weight loss. Let's get rid of ballast!

Dreaming of resetting extra pounds, we try one diet after another. We try to choose the right diet, but we still secretly count the days until hour “X”, when we can relax and allow ourselves at least one cake. Or maybe, instead of long “hunger strikes,” you should just arrange fasting days for yourself from time to time? But in this matter, it is important not to harm your body and choose a regime that will only bring benefits. And, perhaps, pleasure.

Fasting days: benefit or harm?

Scientists note that the era of abundant food has come for humanity, by historical standards, quite recently. Before this, people ate much less frequently, and in ancient times everything depended on the results of the hunt - on lucky days there is food, but if you are unlucky, then a hunger strike is guaranteed. And there was no talk of any regularity. Therefore, many modern nutritionists note that from the point of view of evolution, proper balanced nutrition is not only daily consumption healthy products, and also small one-day fasts.

Practice shows that the correct schedule of fasting days is two per week. It is not recommended to arrange them in a row, it is better with a break, for example, on Tuesdays and Fridays or Mondays and Thursdays. Of course, there is no need to completely eliminate food intake; the main goal is to reduce the calorie intake to 500 for the whole day. At the same time, give preference to foods rich in protein and fiber, and minimize the amount of carbohydrates and completely eliminate alcohol.

The mechanism for losing weight while following the regime of fasting days is quite simple. In the absence of “heavy” food for one day, the body gradually adapts, and the next day, without any conscious restrictions, we eat much less. A strict, albeit short, one-day “diet” helps a person subsequently feel full more quickly.

In addition to losing weight, fasting days, if all the rules are followed, help cleanse the body - they relieve stress gastrointestinal tract, giving him the opportunity to “rest” and recover. Also, with systemic use of the regimen, an improvement in the condition of the skin and a decrease in the risk of pathologies of the liver and gall bladder are observed.

But fasting days have disadvantages and even dangerous nuances:

  • At first it is difficult to get used to this regime - headaches and problems with concentration are possible.
  • If you have stomach or intestinal diseases, you should consult your doctor. For example, fruit and vegetable days can provoke an increase in the acidity of gastric juice, and this is a direct path to gastritis or even an ulcer.
  • On “fasting” days, it is better not to be nervous and avoid physical activity.

It is advisable to do a little preparation for the “hungry” day. The day before it is better to choose lighter foods - at least for dinner. It is also worth eating more fiber and kefir or other fermented milk foods.

Now let's look at some of the most effective types fasting days for weight loss with menu examples.

Fasting day on buckwheat: don’t cook, but steam

Buckwheat is considered one of the classic foods for the diet, because it is rich in vitamins and dietary fiber, which help normalize intestinal function. Thanks to amino acids, the proteins contained in buckwheat are very similar to the components of meat products. However, you should not rely too much on its benefits - it is recommended to carry out a “buckwheat” fasting day no more than once a week.

Contraindications. Individual intolerance, diseases of the stomach and intestines.

  1. Some people recommend not cooking buckwheat, as it loses almost everything beneficial properties, and steam it. Before you arrange a fasting day, take 250 g of buckwheat, pour boiling water over it overnight in a ratio of 1:3 without salt and seasonings. During the day you need to eat 5 servings of buckwheat, you can add a little greens.
  2. A more “gentle” version of buckwheat day - 400 g of boiled buckwheat can be supplemented with 250 g of mushrooms and herbs, but refrain from seasonings and salt. Divide the meal into 5-6 meals, and in the evening you can drink 200 ml of low-fat kefir.

Kefir day: difficult, but possible!

This option for a fasting day is considered suitable for getting rid of the consequences of heavy feasts. Kefir has an excellent effect on digestion and immunity, removes stagnant fluid, and cleanses the body of toxic toxins.

Taste preferences are individual, but many note that kefir day is not the easiest. Therefore, a little preparation would be a good option: you should eliminate heavy fatty foods from your diet a day before.

Contraindications. Lactose and casein intolerance, stomach ulcers, gastritis, other gastrointestinal diseases.

  1. A difficult option is 1.5 liters of low-fat kefir, consumed in portions 5-6 times a day. You can drink mineral water without gas in any quantity.
  2. Kefir-curd version, softer - 1 liter of kefir and 400 g of cottage cheese, some fresh berries. Breakfast: a glass of kefir and a couple of tablespoons of cottage cheese. After 3 hours: a glass of kefir. Lunch: cottage cheese seasoned with kefir and berries. After 3 hours: a glass of kefir. Dinner: cottage cheese seasoned with kefir.

Fruit fasting day: feel light

Fruits are a real storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. And fruit fasting days help improve digestion and improve the condition of hair, skin and nails. However, such a one-day diet is suitable only for those who adhere to proper nutrition as a principle of life, i.e. rarely allows himself flour, sweet, spicy and other “harmful” foods.

Contraindications. Any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract that worsen when the acidity of gastric juice increases, i.e. gastritis and gastroduodenitis with high acidity, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum and a number of other pathologies.

Recipe. 1.5 kg of any fresh fruit, you can drink still mineral water. Sometimes it is recommended to give up bananas and grapes.

During a fruit fasting day, you may feel slightly weak and dizzy. If these conditions become serious, you should consult a doctor.

Apple Day: Fighting Hunger

The opinions of nutritionists cannot be called unambiguous - some argue that apple days are the most effective, healthy and at the same time easily tolerated without the feeling of hunger. Others warn of the laxative effect of large portions of this fruit. Here it is worth starting from the individual characteristics of the body - if an eaten apple provokes appetite, and the reaction of the stomach leaves much to be desired, then it will be difficult to endure a whole apple day. But apples help improve kidney function and are rich in vitamins and antioxidants.

Fasting diet - benefits for the body and figure

Our body is unique - it functions like a well-oiled mechanism and responds to the slightest changes in diet by losing or gaining weight. It is for this reason that, even following the most strict and clearly defined diets, you, contrary to all expectations, will one day stop losing weight. This happens for one simple reason - a “plateau effect” occurs, which professional nutritionists know firsthand.

Is it possible to deceive the body?

An abrupt cessation of weight loss is due to the fact that the body begins to suspect something is wrong a few days after a complete restructuring of your diet. Most often, diets involve an extreme reduction in calorie intake. This immediately works for the benefit of our figure - excess fat is broken down to ensure the normal functioning of all organs and systems. However, after just a few days, the body begins to behave very anxiously - it worries that it has found itself in conditions of starvation for a long period, and begins to panicky put aside all the nutrients for future use in order to protect itself from exhaustion.

Despite this physiological feature person, the “plateau effect” can be avoided. A fasting diet that should be followed for one day will help you do this. In the following days, there is no need to give up your chosen diet; with short-term fasting, you do not complete the main stage of losing weight, but only give a shake-up to your metabolism, speeding it up. Returning to your usual nutrition system, you will again notice how extra centimeters and the kilograms will disappear.

Why fasting diets don't work

Despite the fact that nutritionists have proven the effectiveness of fasting days, you may not notice the desired result. This happens for the following reasons:

  • improper nutrition in the intervals between fasting;
  • irregular cleaning;
  • the presence of chronic or acute diseases.

Remember that to cleanse the body and lose weight, one day spent on a meager diet will only be useful if you have already chosen the right balanced diet for yourself and have excluded harmful trans fats (cakes and pastries), fast food, processed foods, soda and others harmful products. It is important not to skip your fasting days - do them once a week, preferably on a weekend.

How unloading works

The main goal of a one-day or longer fasting diet is to cleanse the body of waste, toxins and excess fluid. At this time, you will not have to sit only on water (although such diet options do exist), you will just need to significantly reduce the calorie content of your food (compared to your usual diet).

The following products help you lose weight and cleanse your body:

  • fermented milk (fat content - 1.5%, no more);
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • buckwheat porridge;
  • Hercules;
  • lean varieties of meat and fish.

Diets based on nutrient groups are also widely used, for example, protein or carbohydrate days for the purpose of restructuring metabolic processes. The essence of eating foods from one group is that they do not put a large burden on the gastrointestinal tract and allow the body to digest everything that has accumulated in it during normal food consumption.

Such techniques are suitable not only for weight loss, but also for improving the condition of the skin, since they cleanse the intestines of toxins and waste, which most often cause acne and pimples.

Psychologically, it will be quite simple to endure several days on a low-calorie menu; it is much more convenient than various long-term diets. However, it is worth remembering that even if you follow the diet for 1 day, you need to properly prepare for it and exit it correctly. To do this, you should not overeat on the evening before the fasting day; it is best to get by with a glass of kefir or a light vegetable salad. On the first day after unloading, you also do not need to immediately pounce on high-calorie foods; it is best to gradually introduce familiar dishes into your diet over several days.

Options for fasting diets

The most common in our time are one-day mono-diets for cleansing the body and losing weight - they include eating one product. However, there are longer-term nutritional systems that will help get rid of excess weight not as fast as express diets, but much more effective.

Fasting diet for 3 days

This nutrition system consists of three simple mono-diets, which are followed every day in turn. Throughout the entire period dietary nutrition You need to drink at least 2 liters of purified non-carbonated water an hour before a meal or an hour after it.

  • Day 1 – steam 1 cup of buckwheat with boiling water in the evening, without adding sugar, salt or other ingredients. In the morning we divide the porridge into 5 parts, which we consume throughout the day.
  • Day 2 – protein day. During this time, we should eat no more than 500 g of boiled chicken fillet without skin and fat; you can also drink green tea and still water with lemon between meals.
  • Day 3 – drink 1.5 liters of kefir with a fat content of no more than 1.5% in small portions throughout the day. Don't forget to follow drinking regime.

In order to begin discussing this topic, you need to decide on this question - why do you need unloading? To cleanse the body, or to lose weight? To speed up weight loss or to improve the health of the body? The type of fasting days, of which there are a great variety, also depends on the answer to these questions. In addition, different types of unloading are used in different ways.

By the way, you should also keep in mind that the content of our topic is for healthy people. Those who have any chronic diseases or other ailments should always consult with their physicians before applying these tips.

You also need to take a sober approach to the matter - what many today understand as a fasting day is self-deception. You will not become slimmer by having a fasting (or even fasting) day every six months. You need to do this regularly and constantly in order to have a stable and good result. When asked how often you need to observe such a day, we can answer you that no more than once or twice a week, but in no case in a row. It’s good if you choose certain days (for example, Thursdays) when you will stick to a fasting diet. Your body will get used to this schedule, and even if it was hard for you the first time, then all subsequent times it will be much easier for you. Moreover, fasting days at a certain time are more effective than at random.

Although here you also need to be careful. Some experts believe that fasting more than once a week can force your body into lean mode, which can have a negative impact on weight loss.

Let's summarize - if you want to lose weight, then you need to stick to fasting days once or twice a week, if you just want to maintain your weight in one state or cleanse your body - once a month will be enough.

Today there are many ways to spend your fasting day, so it’s best if you choose for yourself what you like, because then the result will also please you.

Fasting days- this is good, first of all, because toxins and waste are actively removed from the body, the acid-base balance returns to normal, which has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system. All this is explained by the fact that the diet these days is low-calorie, metabolism accelerates, which is why weight is quickly lost.

Now we will give you an example of some fasting days, from which, we hope, you will be able to choose something for yourself that will suit your taste.

Curd fasting day.

A cottage cheese fasting day involves eating half a kilogram of cottage cheese a day in about five sittings, not all at once. In addition to cottage cheese, you can drink a couple of glasses of kefir and three glasses of weak tea (you can replace it with rosehip infusion). It is desirable that both cottage cheese and kefir be low-calorie.

Fasting day on apples.

The apple fasting day includes in your daily diet eating one and a half kilograms of apples, also in five doses. You can replace apples with cucumbers (only without using salt), as well as watermelon pulp.

Milk fasting day.

A milk fasting day involves drinking one and a half liters of milk per day in the same five doses. If desired, you can replace milk (for example, if you don’t like it) with kefir, yogurt, or low-fat yogurt. Then it would be more correct to call this diet a fermented milk fasting day.

Salad fasting day.

A salad fasting day involves eating salads from fresh vegetables or fruits five times a day. You can season such salads with either vegetable oil or sour cream, but without using salt. Each meal should be about three hundred grams.

Protein fasting day.

There is also such a thing as a protein fasting day. They are much easier to tolerate than simple ones, when using them you do not feel hungry, in addition, they greatly contribute to weight loss and can be carried out with enviable consistency. Most common protein diet– this is the consumption of boiled meat (the amount per day should be about 350 grams), divide it into six meals and eat every three hours. It’s good if more meat falls into the morning portions, and less into the evening portions. In addition, you can add a little fresh vegetables to your diet (just without fanaticism, there should be very few of them).

If your goal is not to lose weight, but to get rid of toxins and waste, then these days you should eat very light food, a very small amount. It is worth removing proteins from the diet for this day, simple carbohydrates and fats. It is optimal to eat only vegetables and herbs. It is worth dividing the entire amount of food into six equal parts and eating every three hours. A light dinner the night before (with the same vegetables) will also bring you more benefits, and in the morning, cook a light vegetable soup for yourself. It will be very good if you can leave your body without breakfast, drinking just a glass tomato juice. On this day you need to drink a lot of fluids and eat a lot of fiber.

And in conclusion, we will give you some tips that will help make your fasting days a little more effective. To begin with, drink as much liquid as possible, namely regular drinking or still mineral water. Because the less fluid you drink, the less fat your body burns

Before the start of the fasting day, it will be very good if you drink a spoonful of vegetable (preferably olive) oil on an empty stomach in the morning, and then for the rest of the day it would be good to drink one or two cups of choleretic liquid. These measures will help get rid of stagnation in the liver, in addition, it will normalize stool function. If you are in doubt about how much food you should eat during this day, then focus on your weight and the activity you will be doing. After all, it is also very important how much energy you spend this day. The average amount of food is approximately one and a half to two kilograms of vegetables and no more than 700 grams of protein product per day.

In order to determine whether such days are necessary and what benefits they provide, you need to know exactly what they are. Fasting days called a mini-diet lasting one day. During this time, the body not only rests, but also removes harmful accumulated substances.

Not everyone can withstand long and strict diets but still want to lose weight. A fasting day involves a slow and gentle restart of the body. After such a rest, a person begins to look at foods and their consumption differently. A fasting day helps to get out of a kind of suspended animation and activate internal reserves.

Unloading involves eating less high-calorie and fatty foods. Often, fasting days are arranged not for the sake of losing weight, but in order to cleanse the body, rid it of waste and toxins that accumulate in the body from an unhealthy lifestyle and heavy food. A person who feels some relief the next day will no longer be able to pounce on food indiscriminately.

Mono-product principle

In order for fasting days to be useful, you need to approach them wisely. They cannot be carried out without prior preparation. If you are psychologically depressed by the very thought of having to nibble on carrots and apples throughout the day, then you should choose foods that will not only benefit you, but will also be enjoyable for you. Shutterstock We are, of course, not talking about salty, fried foods or fast food. The approach should be purely individual: some people like steamed fish, others like kefir or fermented baked milk. Mono-diets have their advantages. There is no need to get distracted and think about what you can eat. A pre-prepared and thoughtful menu will deprive you of the opportunity to make dangerous choices during a diet. You can choose some products: boiled fish, cottage cheese without sugar (you can add a little honey or jam), kefir, apples, any vegetables except potatoes, any unsweetened fruit (except bananas), any porridge with water.

Of all types of foods, it is best to choose vegetables or fruits. Protein fasting days (fish, cottage cheese, kefir) put a lot of stress on the kidneys and are only indicated for people with excellent health. Fasting days from a large number carbohydrates are indicated for people with high activity. They allow you not to slow down throughout the day.

Choosing a day to unload

Fasting days are not chosen according to the residual principle: when there is time. The success of unloading often depends on how wisely you choose the day. Of course, a lot depends on the lifestyle of a particular person and his physical activity. The main thing is internal readiness.

Obviously, a fasting day will not be successful if you arrange it during meetings with family and friends, festive feasts, important events, competitions, when maximum concentration on any subject is required.

It is best to arrange a deload on a regular weekday, which is no different from any other. Activity during the day should be habitual.

Smooth entry and exit

Preparation and exit from the fasting day must be mandatory. A smooth entrance is needed so that the body does not experience unnecessary stress and discomfort on the important day. And the exit helps to maintain the result obtained, otherwise all achievements will come to naught.

On the eve of the fasting day, you need to reduce calories in the evening. Eating after 18.00 is highly undesirable. For dinner there should be something light, such as salad or kefir. Fried potatoes, sausage or fatty foods are excluded. You can go to the bathhouse in the evening to further cleanse the body and reduce the load on the kidneys and liver.

After a fasting day in the morning, you can start breakfast a little later, if possible. Eat porridge, bread, drink juice. If you feel great, then vegetables and fruits are suitable. In short, breakfast should resemble a continuation of the fasting day.

The body behaves differently during fasting days. Some may experience lethargy, while others may experience increased activity. Depending on this, you need to set the amount of physical activity. Sleep should be complete, at least 8 hours a day.

If you have seriously decided to cleanse your body, one fasting day will be of little benefit. It is recommended to carry out such procedures every week.

Finally, do not forget about the most important means of cleansing - water. The correct drinking regime will ensure that you remove waste and toxins, allow you to maintain good health throughout the day and nourish the cells with the necessary moisture, thanks to which the skin and internal organs will work like a clock. During the day, drink filtered, slightly warmed water in small sips.