Gymnastics for facial muscles by Evgenia Baglyk. Home face building for the face: lesson from Evgenia Baglyk for the eye area

To explain how to deal with this problem, we will first tell you how it appears.

Ways of occurrence of nasolabial fold

There are two ways this deep wrinkle can occur.

First- this is age-related tissue ptosis, that is, when you look at yourself and see that your nasolabial lip is a deep overhanging fold - not a dash, not a line, but an overhanging fold. This is your first signal that all the muscles in the central part of your face have sagged.

In this case, you should pay special attention to the zygomatic and cheek muscles, and train the muscles responsible for raising the corners of the mouth. Then, when you tone them all, the center of the face will rise up and, accordingly, will not overhang so much. And then the nasolabial fold will become smaller and smooth out completely. This is the first option.

And the second option, when it appears due to facial clamps. How does this happen? Along the nasolabial line, which we may have, there are muscle sutures. What does it mean? Here we have the orbicularis oris muscle. They are attached to it different muscles, zygomatic major, minor muscles that raise the corner of the mouth, lip, and so on.

They are all attached one after another to the orbicularis oris muscle. And it turns out to be a muscle seam. Therefore, when one of these muscles, either the orbicularis oris muscle, or the zygomatic muscles, or the muscles that raise the upper lip and angles, spasm, then this muscle suture is more pronounced. And the stronger the spasm, the more naturally the nasolabial fold is visible. And how to deal with this option?

You need to track your facial expressions very well. Look at what you are doing wrong, that is, most likely you are pursing your lips. A lot of women here like to do this, completely unconsciously without controlling themselves. This means that you either purse your lips, somehow tighten the corners, strain, bite, chew your lips, and so on.

Or you like to flare your nostrils, make all sorts of disgusting grimaces and put into spasm the muscles that are attached to the orbicularis oris muscle.
You need to track all these facial expressions and reduce them to a minimum. At first glance, this seems like such a frivolous method of dealing with nasolabial folds, but, believe me, extensive experience shows that this is exactly the case. Monitor your facial expressions, give yourself at least a month of, let’s say, facial conscious life, and you will see that your nasolabial nose will become much less noticeable.

Exercise for the nasolabial fold

You stretch your mouth into an oval, into a smooth, beautiful oval, so that there is tension from the zygomatic bones to the orbicularis oris muscle. It is very important here to make sure that the lower part - the chin and lips - are not too pinched. Many people want to pull it out more, and therefore they bend the lower part. Don't do this! Everything should be very smooth and beautiful for us.

So, stretch it out, hold it for 10 seconds and relax. You can do this exercise every evening, do about 3 or 5 approaches. You can also use this exercise throughout the day.

Make sure that you perform this exercise very well, that is, for you, what is the indicator that you did it correctly? When everything is completely smooth, that is, you have pulled it out and there is no crease left. Then you did it right. The more often you do the exercise, the faster you will notice the results.

2. Cheeks

Let's move on to the next problem area - the cheeks. This is an important part of the face, these muscles are paired, quite large, come from the corners of the mouth and are attached to the masticatory muscle, that is, they form the lower third of the face.

Therefore, when the cheeks lose tone (cheek muscles), this part of the face immediately becomes flabby, bulldogs appear, and the contour of the face floats.

Why do so many problems arise with performing exercises for the cheek muscles? Because it is in the central part of the face that we have many muscles intertwined, and therefore, if you do not have skills in working with the face, then it is not always easy for you to work one muscle in isolation, so other muscles are additionally tensed, and the exercise turns out incorrect.

Starting position – we extend our mouth into the letter “o”. You don't need to open your jaw all the way, you don't need to try to open your mouth as much as possible, you need to tighten the nasolabial triangle.

Extended - this is your starting position, remember it, and it should not change during the entire exercise, because it often happens like this: you do it 10 times, do it 15, then you look, and your mouth position is completely different. Your lower jaw gradually rises upward. This shouldn't happen.

So, we remember that we extended our mouth, and it does not move a millimeter until you finish the exercise. If your chewing muscles get tired, it’s difficult for you to keep your mouth open, do several techniques: 10 times - rest, 10 times - rest. The most important thing is to do it efficiently, not too much, but precisely with quality! Do it 10 times, but the path will be perfect.

Take two fingers. Two - because this way you will have a larger area of ​​pressure, and you will pump your cheek more effectively.

We have extended the mouth into an oval, we place our fingers behind the cheek, do not bend them with hooks, do not move them anywhere, you just place them along the cheek. Now, without lowering or raising the lower jaw, we begin to pronounce the letter “o” so that our lip remains even, smooth, and we strain the cheek muscles well. You first press with your cheek, then you extend your mouth. Don't start squeezing your fingers with your mouth - this is the most common mistake!

If the same thing happens to you, you will not pump up your cheeks, you will only give yourself a spasm of the upper lip, and, as an option, your nasolabial will again become stronger, so this is very, very important!

We make a movement with our cheek as if you are drawing air in. Practice this movement separately first if you are not sure you can do it correctly.

Now your mouth is an oval, place your fingers on both sides and begin to press your cheek on your fingers. You should always feel the tension in your cheeks more than your upper lip. Be sure to pay attention that the corners of your mouth always stretch forward, that is, you say the letter “o” and try to direct the corners forward.

When the corner of your mouth moves back, you have a nasolabial fold. Again, don’t forget about this thing: when you strain your mouth very hard, your muscle seam becomes stronger. When you press your cheeks on your fingers and see that stripes are being drawn, it means that try not to strain your cheek so much, even if it works a little less for you, but you will protect yourself from such creases here.

3. Complex exercise for the chin and neck

The next exercise is complex, it will help you tighten the oval of your face and pump up your neck.
Moreover, this exercise will be very useful and will suit those people who have displacements in cervical spine. If you have such a problem, you should not bend, make various turns, or shift your head, because your situation may worsen.

But this exercise can be done by all people, even those who have neck problems.

So, you sit on the edge of a chair (stool or sofa), lift your chin up. Your back is completely straight. This is very important! If you are slouched, you will not be able to do the exercise correctly.

We sit straight, and now we raise our chin, freeze, we take a breath and lean back as we inhale. Your neck is very tense. As you exhale, you come back, lean back again - come back, lean back - and come back.

What's the point here? The essence this exercise the point is that your head does not move anywhere, that is, your neck muscles tense as much as possible so that your head remains in its original position. If you relax your neck muscles and your head falls back, then your muscles don’t work, they just stretch.

We take a breath, sit straight, and lean back. You see that everything is tense in you: both your neck and the area under the jaw, and we return, again we deviate - and we return. The further you deviate, the better your neck pumps, so you can start with a small distance to get used to it, and then gradually increase this distance.

If you are doing, say, near a table, you can stick to the table if you are not sure that you will hold on. It is recommended to do this exercise no more than 15 times, because it is very strong, and we do not need to pump our neck. We only need to strengthen it and make the muscles more elastic and elastic.

Double chin

All of our neck muscles are attached to the lower jaw, that’s all. That is why, when you actively train your neck, you will always have a more beautiful and toned lower contour than a person who does not do this. Pay attention to athletes who do not specifically train their faces, but they always have a very beautiful facial contour for this very reason.

When you do this exercise, your neck muscles will be trained, your neck will become more toned, beautiful, and everything unnecessary will burn and will not.

4. Cheekbones

Next we move on to the cheekbones. We elongate the mouth into an oval, again, when we work with, we work on the cheeks, cheekbones, we always have the same position, the mouth is elongated into an oval.
You should pull your upper lip well over your teeth.

You can do it by trying to wink, you can do it by trying to squint, raise your eyelid, or squeeze your nose—try it in different ways.

If your cheekbones are already moving, we stretch your mouth into an oval and fix the nasolabial folds with your fingers. We have a muscle seam here and to avoid creases, we hold this area.

We pinch this entire area: the upper lip and the area near the nose, exactly the place where the muscles of the orbicularis oris muscle are attached. You need to press very hard, you have to block the movement, you have to feel that it’s not just that you’ve closed it and can’t see what’s happening, but you’ve pressed it so hard that the muscle can’t jump out from under your fingers. This is extremely important!

Remember also about the lower jaw, because if during the exercise it gradually rises and you end up with your mouth practically closed, then, of course, your exercise will not be correct and effective. Moreover, remember about the upper lip, which should be as tight as possible, and about the fingers that fix the muscles.

5. Eyes

And the last popular exercise for.

Bags and swelling

The first exercise for bags and swelling. We close our eyes, press the upper eyelids tightly to the lower ones, and work with the pupils. We will roll the pupils under the forehead and lower them down, while the eyes are closed, the upper eyelid resists the movement of the pupil and, moreover, you place your fingers - not directly under the eyelashes, but along the bone. We place it, press it, you will feel both the upper eyelid as much as possible, and you will feel the lower eyelid.

We closed our eyes and raised them, rolled them down and lowered them, raised them and lowered them. You should immediately feel the upper eyelid and should feel movement under your fingers, also: up - down, up - down.

Here's a simple exercise. Don’t put too much pressure under the eye, you don’t need to fix anything here, you just kind of give it a little additional load. If your eyes are swollen, do it in the morning and your appearance it will be much better.

Crow's feet

The next exercise is for crow's feet. What are these small wrinkles anyway? Essentially, this is a clamping of the orbicularis oculi muscle. The orbicularis oculi muscle is a sphincter, that is, it always contracts to the center, and therefore, when you squint, when you close your eyes tightly, this movement occurs. This means that your muscles are clamped in a circle, and where muscle fibers more, the skin wrinkles more.

What can we do to smooth out our crow's feet? We need to straighten the orbicularis oculi muscle, that is, straighten it into its starting position. To do this, we bulge our eyes.

Look forward and bulge very much as naturally as possible, there is no action of the eyebrows, the eyebrows are completely relaxed. We bulged our eyes very much, held it for a few seconds - relaxed, bulged our eyes again - held it, relaxed. Do this movement. The more you can bulge your eyes, the more effective the exercise will be.

Your eyes will visually enlarge, and you will see that you have much fewer small wrinkles. When you open your eyes wide, try to push the eyeball forward, namely, make your eyes “5 kopecks each.”

These were the most popular and effective exercises. Take care of your face and be beautiful!

Facial care in the minds of many people includes external cosmetic procedures, taking vitamin complexes, and applying makeup to maintain attractiveness at any age. Over time, no mask can hide sagging cheeks, deep wrinkles, or sagging skin.

The essence of face building is to strengthen the face from the inside, through systematic training of all muscles, including those that are little involved in daily facial stress, but which affect the shape and condition of the face.

History of Facebook building

The origins of the developed rejuvenation system are found in the first third of the last century in the romantic history of real life. It consisted in the fact that the plastic surgeon really wanted to help a ballerina he knew who had a beautiful, trained body and a faded face. A similar approach to solving the problem suggested itself. The doctor created a training system for facial muscles that replaced plastic surgery.

The result of using a set of systematic exercises was so impressive that as a result, the successful experience of rejuvenation became popular not only in Europe, but also in America. Restoring the correct facial contour and strengthening muscle tone turned out to be quite accessible without expensive procedures.

In practice, the face-building method was used in the correction, restoration, and activation of the facial and neck muscles in patients who had suffered a stroke, injury, or suffering from cerebral palsy. Gradually, effective exercises began to be used in the beauty industry.

Slender body shapes, as you know, are achieved through systematic exercises, physical activity, and training under the supervision of an instructor. Visiting fitness centers, gyms and gyms has become part of everyday life for many.

Training facial, chewing and other muscles should be just as common in everyday life, because the face, neck, and décolleté, unlike other parts of the body, are the most vulnerable to environmental influences.

External skin protection should be combined with internal muscle work, as everyday as washing your face in the morning.

Basic principles of Facebook building

Face building for the face replaces massage, gives the skin elasticity as after a facelift or beauty injections. Everyone can exercise control over age-related changes in the face and prevent this process. Complex simple exercises It is not inferior in effectiveness to expensive drugs or procedures for eliminating bags under the eyes, sagging neck, and sagging skin.

The developed system of exercises does not require special skills, special tools, means, or conditions. The name of the complex is telling, the literal translation from English means “face building”, it can be interpreted as the formation of the contour and condition of the face by training all the muscles involved.

  1. Use of the complex after the age of 25 with the first manifestations of “fatigue” of the face, decreased skin elasticity, and decreased blood flow.
  2. Inclusion in training process all muscle groups of the face, neck and forearm area. IN everyday life Only 15% of them are actively working. Lack of demand for other muscles causes premature fading.
  3. Systematic training is the main condition for success in the face-building system.

Compliance with the principles and rules gives positive results after just two weeks of training.

What does Facebook building do?

Just as bodybuilding shapes the muscles of the body, face building is involved in modeling the face. Physiologists note that to maintain beautiful shape, skin elasticity, tone problem areas Almost 60 facial and masticatory muscles must work actively. Their condition affects the appearance and expression of our business card. At the same time, muscles are involved in everyday life

  • 15-20% - active;
  • up to 25-30% - passive;
  • up to 50% - very sluggish, episodic.

The main thing is that face building for the face at home is available to everyone. Regular training, leading to the strengthening and elasticity of all muscles, will allow

  • correct the “fallen” oval of the face;
  • strengthen the cheekbone areas;
  • improve complexion by normalizing blood supply to tissues;
  • remove bags under the eyes;
  • remove swelling on the face;
  • remove double chin;
  • reduce the depth of nasolabial folds;
  • get rid of facial wrinkles;
  • give lips volume.

Facebuilding helps eliminate the consequences of bad habits: resting your cheeks with your hands, squinting in the sun without protective glasses. Correction of individual areas gives the effect of rejuvenation without surgical intervention.

Facebook building with a trainer

The modern face-building system is justified and presented by a fitness trainer with extensive experience, Evgenia Baglyk.

Studying the structure of the facial part of the skull, attached muscles, lymph nodes, nerve endings, mastering various techniques and testing them on oneself, and using extensive practice led to a careful selection effective elements and the formation of our own online school on the Internet “Facebuilding with Evgenia Baglyk”. The most popular exercises are collected into a single complex.

Evgenia Baglyk became the founder of the project, accessible to men and women of different ages, different countries. The author of the modern training took the safest, most reliable training methods so that, having achieved results, she could share her success with other people.

Home Facebook building. Preparation

Simple rules for preparing and conducting classes will help make the complex as effective as possible:

  • before starting a workout, you need to clean your face and neck so that the skin can breathe;
  • the use of gloves in exercises using the fingers is encouraged;
  • It is recommended to first use self-massage techniques to relieve tension from the shoulder and neck area in order to increase blood circulation;
  • You need to practice in front of a mirror, sitting, keeping your back straight;
  • increase the load gradually, lingering on problem areas;
  • alternate dynamics and statics, i.e. create muscle tension and hold it for 10 counts;
  • work in a pleasant atmosphere, with positive thoughts and emotions.

Home Facebook building. Exercises

The exercises of the “Facebuilding with Evgenia Baglyk” complex are alternated in order to involve different groups facial muscles. The basic lesson includes several classic multidirectional exercises, simple and popular.

  1. Zigzag. Recommended for removing wrinkles, eye bags, strengthening ligaments eyeballs And small muscles century

Without turning your head, direct your gaze as far as possible to the right, then up, move down to the left, then up and back down to the right. Repeat this cycle at least 5 times, increasing the load to 10 zigzags.

  1. Strengthening the cheeks. The correction is performed by filling the mouth with air as much as possible. Muscle tension is created by closing the lips, then pressing the face with the hands. There should be a feeling of warmth due to the rush of blood. Helps lift muscle tone.
  2. Correction of the cheekbone area. Reduces facial swelling, forms the correct facial contour. Done using a language that does circular movements and massages the inside of the cheeks and lips. First, the rotations go clockwise, then counter-clockwise - on one side; then do the same on the other side. The rotations end with working on the lip area. The exercise is effective for preventing and reducing the so-called “jowls”.
  3. Double chin removal. Tilt your head back a little and lift your chin. With one hand, grasp the front of the neck with a slight downward pull. Smile without opening your lips. Return to starting position. Perform 10 times.
  4. Smoothing out the “rings of Venus”. Lower your head and smoothly make turns to the left, then to the right. Avoid sudden movements and jerks. Strive for maximum range of motion. Exercise strengthens the neck muscles, increases mobility, and even relieves headaches.
  5. Correction of forehead wrinkles. Place three fingers on your forehead, lightly pressing your eyebrows with your ring finger. Raise and lower eyebrows. Overcoming the resistance of your fingers. The temporal and supracranial muscles are activated.
  6. Elimination of vertical wrinkles on the bridge of the nose. Place your index fingers at the base of your eyebrows. Move and spread your eyebrows under light pressure. The nasal and supracranial muscles are trained.
  7. Smoothing of nasolabial folds. Press your index fingers to the nasolabial folds from the nose to the chin, press your lips as much as possible against your teeth and relax one at a time, at least 5 times.

Visiting Evgenia Baglyk’s website and watching the video will expand your understanding of face-building and introduce you to classical techniques, facial expressions, and articulatory gymnastics.

There are about three dozen exercise options using the face-building system. Among them are dynamic and static classes. It is recommended to perform individual elements 5 times at the beginning of training, then increase the number of repetitions to 20. Short breaks are required between approaches.

Benefits of Facebook building

The advantages of the facial muscle correction technique are obvious: without financial costs and additional time, you have the opportunity to work on your rejuvenation. Important factors is

  • lack of equipment;
  • combining training with other activities;
  • improved mood from the faces and grimaces that are included in the training complex.


Facebook building is accessible to the vast majority of people, but there are still restrictions on the training process

  • in case of facial nerve disorders;
  • during a hypertensive crisis;
  • within two years after facial surgery.

After breaks in systemic exercises, a short warm-up or a light warming massage is required at the beginning of the workout.

Mastering the science of face building is a fun, useful and natural activity for those who want to remain young and beautiful at any age.

Facebook building. Reviews

  • Facebook building helps, it’s proven. Results appear, but to consolidate, you need to change some of the exercises. Age-related changes still appear, but are less noticeable. Among friends they are more pronounced. The main thing is not to move away from healthy image life. Otherwise, you can ruin the entire effect of the classes.
  • I have been doing Facebook building for 5 years. I am 33 years old. There is nothing to correct yet; training is needed for prevention. My friends already have their first wrinkles. I advise everyone not to leave negative emotions on their face, otherwise no amount of exercise will help. You cannot wrinkle your forehead, squint, rub your eyes with your hands, or prop up your cheeks while sitting at the table. It is easier to get rid of bad habits than to eliminate the consequences through training.
  • I started training late, when other people began to discuss my problems on my face. Something had to be done. There is no money for operations, so this is the only chance for me to fix my face. Of course, you cannot return youth, but improvements are still noticeable. The double chin shrank, the jowls became lighter, and I became confident that it would not get worse. Facebook building has become a vacation. We do exercises with our granddaughter. It's pampering for her, but it's good for me.

Author's biography: the idea of ​​​​the origin of gymnastics

Baglyk began her journey while working as a fitness trainer, when a client complained about the short-term results from cosmetic procedures. But you really want your face to match your toned body from training. The conversation made Evgenia think: if the muscles of the body grow with physical activity, then how do facial muscles differ? With the right load, you can achieve an increase in the volume of the facial muscles, which will entail a general tightening of the skin, preventing age-related “drip” downwards. Regular work will prolong youth without contouring, tighten the skin without resorting to surgery.

Despite her young age, the girl was inspired by the idea of ​​prolonging her youth, sharing it with her mother, she received full support. She even agreed to become the first model of a novice trainer. The painstaking path to an individual training method began. It was necessary to study the structure of each muscle and the synergism of their action during active facial expressions. The girl attended many practices teaching the technique, absorbing world experience.

In the photo: Evgenia Baglyk with her mother

Having obtained the necessary knowledge and gone through personal research, Evgenia Baglyk creates a method of rejuvenation of her own authorship, unlike others. After all, each movement was developed taking into account the structure of a specific muscle and the optimal degree of load for a positive result.

Evgenia Baglyk: features of the complex for the face

The developed one teaches not only the technique of execution, but also reveals the inner women's world, allowing yourself to blossom by loving yourself. Working with a face requires hard work, perseverance and patience. You shouldn’t give up on classes and think there’s no point unless you see the expected result in the mirror in a week. If done regularly, building brick by brick, because building is translated as construction, you can get an excellent effect from the exercise:

  1. Relief from swelling due to better lymph drainage;
  2. Improving skin oxygen supply;
  3. Relieving tension from the face;
  4. Developing control of facial expressions;
  5. Smooth forehead, clear oval;
  6. Lifting upper eyelid will make your eyes wider and more expressive;
  7. Smoothing nasolabial folds;
  8. Clear outline of cheekbones;
  9. Skin hydration and elasticity, absence of wrinkles.

This type of gymnastics has no age restrictions and is recommended for women of any age. individual complex, based on needs. There are exercises that correct deficiencies, and you can train to maintain and prolong youth.

Evgenia insists on conducting face-building classes in the morning, when the body is just beginning to wake up and is ready to absorb the benefits of aerobic exercise. The body is relaxed, only the face is working.

You should position yourself in front of a mirror to control the movement at each stage of the execution, following the instructions exactly. It is important not to tire the muscles or cause harm, so the exercises are accompanied by recommendations on the frequency of repetitions and exposure time.

If you follow all the minimum rules, after a month of working on facial beauty, you can get the first fruits, enjoying a blooming appearance.


Like any aerobic exercise on the body, exercises from Evgenia Baglyk have their limitations:

  • Women who have fillers or use Botox injections should not start the complex, since due to increased blood circulation, the drugs will dissolve faster;
  • After plastic surgery, you should also not start classes;
  • Diseases associated with the facial nerves;
  • Hypertension;
  • Feverish conditions accompanying ARVI.

Important! For diseases of the thyroid gland, it is necessary to select exercises for the neck with caution so as not to provoke exacerbations.

Facial fitness with Evgenia Baglyk you should start under the supervision of a trainer, who will guide and suggest the correct positioning of the hands, the technique of execution, and help you choose a complex. This is not always possible, then video webinars come to the rescue.

Ear wiggle- this is not a joke, but very important exercise for a facelift. It is necessary to force the ears to move upward, stretching the skin, which will strengthen the temporal muscles. There are no special restrictions on repetitions.

Bulging eyes tone the orbicularis muscle. The eyes must be opened with effort, as if in surprise, requires 6 repetitions at an average pace.

Pressure with the tip of the tongue alternately tightens the sublingual area from the inside onto the upper and lower teeth, the number of repetitions is unlimited.

Facebook building from Evgenia Baglyk Exercises for the neck

The load on the neck muscles contributes not only to external changes, but also to an improvement in general condition, a decrease in the manifestations of osteochondrosis, a decrease in pressure, and relief from headaches.

Exercise to relieve tension from the neck and shoulders

  1. Alternately raising one shoulder and further lowering one after the other. This will warm up the muscles well and eliminate tension in the area.
  2. Repeat 8-10 times.
  3. Next, simultaneous lifting and releasing of the shoulders 8-10 repetitions. Only the shoulders work, the arms are relaxed.

Lower contour tightening

The exercise has no restrictions; only the neck muscles are involved in the work.

  1. Sitting, straightened and stretched out, you should make a pendulum movement with your body.
  2. Smooth posture is maintained throughout the entire exercise.
  3. Repeat 15 times, at the end hold for 5 counts.

Simple exercises for cheeks and cheekbones

Lifting the central part of the cheeks and cheekbones

The exercise combats the “sliding” of the face downwards and the formation of jowls (bulldog cheeks). Before starting classes, you need to wash your hands, as your fingers will help in the exercise.

  1. Open your mouth and fix the oval.
  2. The index fingers are placed along the bottom row of teeth.
  3. Straining your cheeks, try to press your fingers into the center.
  4. The lips remain relaxed throughout the exercise. Repeat 10-12 times, holding the last one for several counts.

After work, the muscles should be relaxed by inflating and deflating the cheeks several times.

Pumping the zygomatic muscles

The exercise forms everyone’s favorite “apples”, relieves spasm of the muscles located near the nose, preventing the formation of creases.

  1. The mouth is elongated into an oval, the index fingers are located under the upper lip with a slight slope.
  2. Using the force of the lip, the fingers must be moved downwards, the lower jaw is relaxed.
  3. Repeat 10-12 times.

No wrinkles near the mouth

Orbicularis muscle training

The exercise lifts the corners of the lips and smoothes out wrinkles. Warm-up that increases blood circulation: slap your lips as if making the sound “p”, repeat up to 10 times.

  1. The palms are placed on the cheeks, the fingertips are fixed with a pressing movement on the corners of the mouth.
  2. The lips are slightly pulled forward, depicting a light kiss. Tension is felt under the palms and around the mouth.
  3. Repeat up to 15 times, holding on to the last one for several counts.

Afterwards, you should relax your lips, imitating the snort characteristic of a horse. This type of relaxation can be repeated throughout the day, relieving tension.

Forehead correction

Work with the frontal muscles

The technique restores their elasticity, lifting the eyebrow arches.

  1. The palms are placed on the forehead along the line of the eyebrows, also pressing the temporal muscle.
  2. The eyebrows are raised 30 times, stopping at the last one.

An exercise that removes a horizontal fold on the bridge of the nose

The effect occurs due to the toning of the interglabellar muscle.

  1. The fingers are arranged in a fan shape, pressing the area under the eyebrow and along the middle of the bridge of the nose. You should not strain the muscle too much.
  2. The bridge of the nose moves slightly downwards, pretending to frown, overcoming the resistance of the fingers. The movement is like vibration.
  3. Repeat 30 times, holding on to the last one.

After working out the frontal muscles, you need to relax them by tapping over the entire surface of the forehead.

Bringing beauty back to your eyes

Strengthening the intrinsic eye muscles

Exercise helps eliminate swelling.

  1. It is performed by drawing zigzags with the eyes from top to bottom and back.
  2. Do 10-20 times.
  3. Then you should clap your eyes at a fast pace.

Upper eyelid strengthening

  1. Average and index fingers are fixed at the edges of the eyes, the eyes are closed tightly, pressing on the lower eyelid.
  2. Relaxation by frequent blinking.

Lower eyelid treatment

The exercise removes hollows and the tightening area under the eyes.

  1. Just as in the previous exercise, V-shaped arrangement of fingers, gaze directed upward, tighten and relax the lower eyelid.
  2. Repeat 10-15 times, holding on to the last movement.
  3. Relax your muscles by blinking quickly.

Advantages of the technique

Having familiarized yourself with the minimum set of exercises, you can already come to the following conclusions:

  • The technique is completely universal, applicable to different age categories;
  • Face building classes for the face after 50 years are simply necessary to withstand the impending changes;
  • Training the neck muscles helps in the fight against osteochondrosis;
  • The stability of the fixation avoids the formation of creases;
  • The nutrition of tissues and their saturation with oxygen improves, which helps get rid of wrinkles and increase elasticity.

Correction of facial contours involves surgery or contouring through injections from a cosmetologist - the procedures are expensive and have a lot of contraindications. Opponents radical methods practice facial gymnastics (facebuilding) and note a lasting positive effect.

Facebook building against a wrinkled forehead

Emotional people are more susceptible to the formation of wrinkles on the forehead due to active facial expressions. The habit of wrinkled forehead when applying eye makeup also harms the skin. Special exercises will help tone the frontal muscles and tighten the skin. The classes are based on the usual movements of the eyebrows with the creation of resistance with the fingers. The training is led by Evgenia Baglyk, the founder of an international online school for Facebook building.

How to remove nasolabial folds

The wrinkles formed by the nasolabial folds are the deepest. The causes of “nose lips” are lethargy and muscle strain. The online lesson contains 3 exercises for cheeks and lips, plus relaxation techniques. The face expert gives recommendations on the frequency and intensity of training.

Exercises for an ideal face shape

Online fitness for a toned face. The class is designed for simultaneous counting exercises. The equipment you will need is your own hands and a simple pencil. The complex is convenient for use at home or in the office.

How to make lips bigger and plumper

Lips like Jolie's are ideal for many women. There are exercises to add volume to your lips. The point of the lesson is to increase blood flow and gradually pump the orbicularis labii muscle. Funny names of the exercises - “duck”, “horse” - indicate the ease of implementation. As a result of training, lips are filled with bright color, wrinkles around the mouth are tightened.

Nose exercises

Beginning face builders usually get fixated on problem areas and forget to train their nose. At the beginning of the lesson, the facial gymnastics trainer dispels myths on the topic of correcting the shape of the nose and gives two effective exercises. At the end of the lesson, viewers will learn about the prospect of regular training and positive effects. The advantage of the lesson is a detailed demonstration of hand actions during gymnastics. Correct position fingers prevents the appearance of creases and wrinkles.

Basic facial exercises

The forehead, eyelids, lips, chin and cheeks are problem areas that need correction and tightening with age. The set of exercises from the video is designed to work on all problem areas in one lesson. A warm-up is shown to increase blood circulation and prepare muscles, performed before class. The lesson talks about precautions and contraindications.

Facebook building from bulldog cheeks

Sagging cheeks are caused by loss of muscle tone with age or as a result of sudden weight loss. The classes shown in the video lesson are quite difficult for beginners. When performing, you need to control the nearby muscles and not automatically engage them in the work - this is the difficulty. The video also gives interesting exercises to work on the nasolabial area.

How to remove a double chin

A double chin can appear early and significantly spoil the appearance, giving the face extra age and fullness. To prevent and remove wrinkles, you need to strengthen the neck and chewing muscles. The training video provides exercises using resistance to arm strength and shows rotational movements with a stretching effect. The complex is simple and suitable for daily practice.

How to pump up your cheekbones and tighten your face shape

Responsible for lifting the oval large number muscles. The exercise tones the muscles of the face and neck through tension, stretching and relaxation. The author of the lesson combines exercises with self-massage. Massage movements along the right lines in the right direction allow you to deceive the laws of gravity and keep your face toned for a while.

Mimic muscles of the face - a detailed review

For a deep dive into the topic of face fitness, we invite you to learn more about muscle structure faces. The video tutorial clearly demonstrates anatomical structure on a 3D model. The author talks about the functions of each muscle: moving the eyebrows, lowering the corners of the mouth, etc. Having an idea of ​​the muscles being trained makes it easier to perform the exercises correctly.

Gymnastics for facial rejuvenation

Regular face gymnastics improves color and general condition skin. You can diversify your workouts by purchasing special facial exercise gadgets in Chinese online stores. Choose any of the complexes you like or create individual ones based on those proposed in the article.

As you know, nature does not tolerate emptiness, so an organ that does not work gradually atrophies - the body believes that if it is not in demand, then it does not represent any value. In order for our body to remain strong and strong, we train long and diligently, do massages and various physiotherapeutic procedures to maintain beauty and health.

But for some reason we constantly forget that our face also has muscles that can and should be trained. If you don’t do this, you won’t be surprised at early aging, the appearance of sagging cheeks, double chin, flabby neck, bags under the eyes and deep wrinkles on the forehead.

Of course, you can go to a good plastic surgeon, pay a lot of money for the operation, and then recover for another six months after it. However, even after the most successful operation, no one can guarantee that within a year or two the muscles will not weaken again and the same problems will reappear that they just got rid of with such difficulty.

A special system of “fitness gymnastics for the face,” called face building, will help you cope with aging. It includes many different fitness classes for different muscle groups, as well as plastic and lymphatic drainage massages.

This system does not require any special skills or use of tools, special means and equipment. An online course of exercises for different areas of the face called “Facebuilding with Evgenia Baglyk” turned out to be a particularly effective and accessible method.

Founder of the project

A talented fitness trainer with extensive experience, Evgenia Baglyk once wondered why the signs of aging of the body are successfully combated with exercises, various workouts and minimally invasive methods, but to correct facial features and cheekbones they mainly use “heavy artillery” - dangerous and not always acquitted plastic surgery.

She began to collect information on the issue that interested her, carefully study it, study in detail the structure of the bones of the facial part of the skull and the muscles attached to them, the location of the main nerve endings and lymph nodes.

As a result, Evgenia developed her own system of exercises, which represent a kind of fitness for the facial muscles, personally tested by the author. Evgeniya tested many existing techniques and selected, in her opinion, the best and most effective, modified them and added a number of movements from her own extensive practice. When she realized that her system was working, Facebook building with Evgenia Baglyk became available to all men and women, as the author began to lead own program on the Internet.

What problems does Facebook building solve?

Like any muscles in the body, those on our face can be successfully “pumped up” and trained, making them denser, stronger and more elastic. At the same time, Facebook building with Evgenia Baglyk does not mean at all that your appearance will be covered with the same bumps as on Schwarzenegger’s biceps. Firstly, they are graceful, it is physically impossible to bring them to such a state with fitness, and secondly, no one will lift weights with their faces.

But with the help of exercises you can get the following benefits:

Facebook building with Evgenia Baglyk is a universal course for men and women of all ages. Young people will be able to get rid of small imperfections and eliminate unnecessary body fat, correct the skin after losing weight, getting rid of sagging cheeks and changes in the oval, improve the blood supply to the skin and its nutrition, and acquire a beautiful, fresh complexion. For those who are older, face building with Evgenia Baglyk will give correction to various areas, removing sagging skin, making tissue more elastic, tightening the outline and smoothing out deep folds. Such fitness will allow you to completely eliminate that part of the wrinkles that is directly related to facial expressions and incorrect habits, for example, sleeping on an unsuitable pillow or resting your cheek with your palm.

Exercises for different facial muscle groups

When you read user reviews about face-building with Evgenia Baglyk, you understand that the effectiveness of this gymnastics largely depends on how hard a person practices fitness and how much time is willing to devote to exercises. The author of the technique herself warns on the website that to get an excellent result, you must strictly follow the trainer’s instructions, and the correction will appear no earlier than in two weeks.

In order for the result to always be the same high level, Facebook building with Evgenia Baglyk should become part of a person’s daily life. Just like we regularly visit gym and others sports activities, training your facial muscles should become a common daily practice. If you don’t devote enough time to classes or do it periodically, even excellent result achieved over a certain period will quickly fade away in the absence of constant practice.

One of the most popular complexes from Evgenia Baglyk is the following:

Read also: Getting rid of wrinkles on the forehead: effective exercises

These five exercises are the simplest and most popular of Eugenia's many classes. By visiting her website or watching numerous videos on the Internet, you can find a lot of useful things for yourself and improve your appearance with simple and effective methods. You can train on your own, carefully listening to the recommendations of the creator of the system, receive individual lessons via Skype, or personally attend Evgenia’s classes in Kyiv. Those who perfectly master the practice of face-building and feel the talent of a trainer are given the opportunity to teach other people this wonderful science - to be young and beautiful in a natural way.

Practicing cosmetologist. Higher medical education. Author of this site. The beauty of the skin excites me both as a specialist and as a woman.

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