An effective solution to the problem of excess weight: Ab Gymnic weight loss belt. How does the Ab Gymnic belt work?

Losing excess weight and tightening your skin after losing weight is not at all difficult if you have Ab Gymnic. Consumer reviews claim that, thanks to its effects, it helps not only to lose weight, but also to acquire a beautiful, slender and trained body.

About the effect of the belt on the body

Perfect toned body- not a dream, but a reality if you eat Ab Gymnic belly. Reviews from some people note that when using it, the muscles become more elastic, the abs appear, and the shape of the legs and buttocks improves. The device is also used to relieve pain in the lower back. The weight loss device works quickly, gently and effectively. Just choose individual program(there are 6 of them in total), and sculpted and toned muscles will not keep you waiting.

Men use it to increase muscle tone, give them a piquant relief, and women, when using it, can easily get rid of several centimeters in the waist and hips. The device also helps remove cellulite. The result after using the myostimulator can be observed after a few days.

The action of the belt is based on electronic impulses converted by itself, which force muscle tissue contract more intensely. This process helps strengthen and build muscle tissue. During intensive operation of the device, the muscles absorb a huge amount of energy, which is obtained from fat deposits that are decomposed due to the action of this device. As a result of this process, the muscle tissue becomes stronger, stronger and more structural, and the body gets rid of excess weight.

The Ab Gymnic myostimulator belt does not exhaust the body as much as active physical activity. The process of losing weight with this device turns into pleasure and takes a minimum of time, and the achieved effect lasts for a long period.

About the operating modes of the unit

Some real people say that using only a belt it is impossible to lose weight, and the result after its use appears only in combination with other weight loss measures) can work in six programs, these are:

  • "Karate Kick" Allows you to quickly work a specific muscle area at a speed of five pulses per second. This mode prepares the body for the main load and warms up the muscles well.
  • "Impulse massage". Accelerates the work of muscle tissue up to one impulse per second. Using this mode, it is easy to pump up sculpted biceps and significantly reduce weight.
  • "Processing". This type of operation of the device allows for active physical exercise, the duration of which is 10 minutes. Here the fluids in the body are drained and a fairly deep massage of the skin is performed.
  • "Shock training" It is a system of classes where you work through quickly and slowly various groups muscles. During this process, deep activation of internal tissue reserves occurs.
  • "iron man". This degree load is designed to obtain maximum results. This is a fairly large and fast set of exercises, where speed elements are mainly used.
  • "Fat Burner" This operating mode provides operation at the lowest frequency. Allows you to deeply work on the muscle structure and surrounding tissues.

In addition to the six programs presented, the device uses ten load levels.

Ab Gymnic: using the device according to the instructions

Before using the myostimulator belt, you should carefully read the instructions, which inform you about the sequence that must be followed when working with the device. Basic rules:

  • It is necessary to insert CR 2032 batteries into the device, observing their polarity.
  • Make sure that the device is not turned on. When the device is turned off, no indicator should be lit.
  • The silvery areas on the back side need to be lubricated with the special electrically conductive gel included in the kit (if you don’t have it, you can use any greasy cream).
  • The belt must be secured to the body with straps, adjusted to fit your figure and secured with Velcro.
  • After preliminary preparations, turn on the device by pressing the On/Hi button. In this case, the white light should light up without pulsing.
  • To select a mode, click on MODE.

  • To increase the load speed on the myostimulator, you need to double-click On/Hi. The first press will start the device into operation, the second will enhance its effect on the body. In total, the device uses ten speed modes. Each short press of this button will increase the speed by one.
  • The Off/Low button will help reduce the impact of the belt on the body, which reduces the intensity of the load by one unit with each press.
  • To complete the procedure, you need to press the Off/Low button and hold it for a while.

Before the procedure, you should lubricate the area of ​​future treatment with gel and rub it into the dermis. Then you need to put on a belt and secure it to your body with a belt. After this, you need to select the operating mode.

The first procedure should last no more than three minutes. Each time the duration of the manipulations should be increased until 10 minutes is reached. The course of use of the device depends on the condition of the body and the desired result. On average it lasts 1-3 months.

If you just need to give your body a beautiful and fit look, and do not need to lose weight, then you should use the Ab Gymnic myostimulator 2-4 procedures per week. Each session should last 20-30 minutes. The general course consists of 3-4 months.

Device control buttons

The Ab Gymnic device (how to use this device was described above) has three main buttons and a safety relay that turns off the belt if it is operated continuously for about 10 minutes. So, the control buttons include:

  • On/Hi, or “start/high speed”. Using this button, the device starts working. It also regulates the intensity of the pulses. After pressing the button once, the speed muscle contractions increases by one point. The higher the level, the more intense the muscles contract.
  • Off/Low, or “off/low speed”. Each short press of this button reduces the operating level of the device by one unit. A long press will turn off the device.
  • Mode, or “menu”. Here the user selects the most suitable program for himself and adjusts the exercises to suit himself, as well as selects the color and indication on the device.

These are the most important buttons of the device; not only high-quality work, but also the effect that the Ab Gymnic myostimulator can give depends on their correct use.

Special instructions for safe use

When using the Ab Jimnik device, you do not need to peel off the large sticker located on the back of the belt, since it acts as an insulator. If for some reason it accidentally comes off, then this area should be secured with tape.

Ab Gymnic Belt Gel must be applied each time the device is used as it conducts electrical impulses. Without its use, a slight tingling sensation will be felt on the body, and redness on the skin may occur. The same negative phenomena can occur if the myostimulator does not adhere tightly to the skin.

Before using the device, you should make sure that the belt contacts are completely covered with gel, otherwise the skin in these places may turn red. The device must be moistened throughout its use. If your belt has not been properly cared for and has accumulated large number fat, this can cause irritation of the dermis. Therefore, this device should be maintained and promptly washed with water. The belt is not machine washable and fabric softener should not be used when cleaning it.

Before each procedure, the device must be tested for functionality. If there are any deviations from the norm, then such a device cannot be used.


The device is not medical, but is intended only to increase physical stress on the muscles. The myostimulator belt cannot be used for epilepsy, cardiovascular diseases, or sclerosis. "Ab Dzhimnik" is not used if there is a built-in pacemaker, liver and kidney failure is present, as well as if there are stones in the ureter and kidneys. The procedure is not used for acute processes caused by gastrointestinal diseases. The device is contraindicated in case of viral infections, as well as in the presence of special sensitivity to current pulses.

The device should not be used in the face and neck area, as excessive contractions in this area may cause muscle spasms and cause suffocation. In addition, the device is not used in the sternum and head area, as well as in places where the skin is damaged.

The belt is contraindicated during critical days in women, during pregnancy and immediately after childbirth. If you have a chronic medical condition, you should consult your doctor before using a weight loss device. To avoid side effects from the effects of the myostimulator, it should not be used for more than 30 minutes a day.

Technical characteristics and equipment

When purchasing the device, the package includes:

  • Myostimulator belt with a microcomputer built inside.
  • Long and short strap for fixing the device on the body.
  • Electrically conductive gel for myostimulation.
  • Two CR 2032 batteries.
  • Detailed instructions in two languages: Russian and English.

The presence of a protective hologram on the packaging confirms the originality of the Ab Gymnic belt.

The instructions for the device describe the following technical specifications:

  • powered by two CR 2032 batteries with a power of 1.5 V;
  • total power of the device - 3 V;
  • the maximum current is 50 mA, and the average is 30 mA;
  • the length of pulse waves fluctuates around 80-400 μs;
  • the amplitude of electrical pulses varies from 0 to 100 V at a load of 500 Ohms;
  • the belt parameters are 70x100x20 mm;
  • weight is 230 g.

The batteries included should be enough for 1000 exercises. If the device begins to function slowly or turns off during operation for up to 10 minutes, then the batteries should be changed. The electronic part of the belt is fastened using two buttons to its main part. If the device is dirty, the electronic part is unfastened and the pad is thoroughly washed with a damp cloth. After processing the myostimulator, the electronic part is attached. Do not crush the device, immerse it in water or put it in a washing machine.

With increasing intensity of exposure, muscle contractions become more active, but are not observed painful sensations. If there is tingling during the session, you need to apply more gel or any fatty cream. The load should be increased gradually. You should start from levels 1-3 and gradually reach 10.

Benefits and guarantees

So, is the Ab Gymnic belt a scam or does it really work? Here people's opinions are divided, and those who are satisfied with this device note the following advantages of its use:

  • more fast build-up muscle mass than with regular training;
  • giving shapes relief;
  • active weight and body fat reduction;
  • getting rid of cellulite;
  • increasing the smoothness and elasticity of the skin;
  • six training modes and ten load levels;
  • getting rid of waste and toxins;
  • improved blood circulation throughout the body;
  • tightening sagging skin;
  • safety of use.

The device is classified as professional, which ensures quick results. In addition, the manufacturer provides its customers with all the necessary guarantees:

  • quality certificate;
  • original packaging, hologram;
  • the company is officially registered and provides all necessary contacts;
  • Convenient and fast delivery of goods;
  • in case of a defect, the money is returned to the user immediately;
  • Quality guarantee is given for a year.

A muscle stimulator for weight loss will easily help you gain a beautiful and toned body, train your back and abdominal muscles, make your body strong and resilient without exhausting stress on the body, replace an hour's jogging, two hundred abdominal exercises, about three hundred bends from side to side, one hundred and twenty squats, forty leg raises on the bar and ten minutes of bicycle exercise.

Product cost

You can only purchase the Ab Gymnic belt online from official suppliers in the USA. The price of the device ranges from 590 to 1400 rubles. When ordering a product, you should take into account the cost of its delivery. As a rule, the device is delivered by Russian Post, first class. Often, various promotions are held at points of sale of the device, thanks to which you can purchase a myostimulator at a discount.

Ab Gymnic belly slimming belt: reviews

Opinions regarding the effectiveness of the device for weight loss were divided into two groups: positive and negative.

The first believe that the Ab Gymnic belt has an effective and harmless effect on the body. Reviews from such people note tightened muscles, weight loss in the waist up to 10 cm. They claim that it helps to strengthen the back and gain abs without special effort. Some say that such muscle training can be combined with everyday household chores. With such a device you can lose up to five kilograms in two weeks.

Some people buy several belts at once and work on several muscle groups simultaneously. The device is ideal for busy people who do not have enough time for exercise and visiting gym. Many men have gained amazingly sculpted arm muscles after using Ab Gymnic.

Have you often thought about getting rid of excess weight that is hindering your life? Probably often, but never got around to it, right? I know it from myself. After all, first you need to try a bunch of different diets on yourself to understand which one is right for you. But what are the health benefits of frequently changing your diet? In my case, constant dieting resulted in stomach problems. That's why I started looking for a simpler and safe way weight loss, and found it here.

Ab Jimnik: feature of this product

It looks like an ordinary belt - as it may seem at first glance. But let me begin, perhaps, to explain the essence from afar. We all know that our body consists not only of water and bones, but we are also surrounded by a huge network of nerve fibers and muscles. It is these two parts of the human body that account for the work of this belt, which is a myostimulator. Everything is quite simple: the belt sends a signal in the form of a small electrical impulse to a receptor located on the surface of the body, and the information instantly travels through nerve cells and their processes to the brain. That is, as I understand it, this is the ordinary work of muscles, or rather muscle fibers.

It should be mentioned that this mechanism does not cause any discomfort, you are in any position convenient for you, you receive a dose of endorphin (the hormone of happiness) due to the fact that your muscles are working well. By the way, I read others real reviews buyers of this product. People generally respond well to this belt.

“A friend gave it to me on March 8th. At first I didn’t believe that you could pump up your abs with such a thing. But after the first use, even my muscles ached like after a workout.”

What is the current price and where can I buy this belt?

If you are in Russia, then the price is about 1190 rubles; in Ukraine this product costs about 500 hryvnia. It may become more expensive because the belt works and soon everyone will know about it and there will be a boom. This product can be ordered on the company’s official website - I personally did this to protect myself from buying a fake. My order was delivered to Moscow quite quickly. I checked the package using a video I found on YouTube, in the public domain:

Facts in favor of Ab Jimnik

Why did this belt become my assistant in losing weight? Ab Gymic does not require its owner to buy anything else. That is, I understood that it was more profitable to purchase a weight loss belt once than to spend endlessly on:

  1. Drugs in the pharmacy that are suspicious, like Biologically Active Additives or Taiwanese herbs for weight loss.
  2. Purchase in store only healthy products, from which one begins to vomit already at the first meal.

I think that all girls, like me, want not only to lose their extra pounds, but also have beautiful body. And, guided by my own experience of using Ab Dzhimnik, I can recommend it. Because the belt really makes the muscles work with renewed vigor, “corrects” those places that need correction - the back, abdomen ( problem areas most women). The main thing is that a person is not required to do anything beyond sports loads. Fat goes away even if you just sit in a chair or lie on the sofa. I lost a total of 2 kg in a month, and the weight loss was noticeably real in the abdomen and sides (the sides disappeared altogether, but, of course, I still need to “work” on my tummy).

By the way, I read that not long ago researchers conducted an experiment that proved the feasibility of this method of losing weight. It turned out that with 15 minutes of using this belt, the proportion of fat burned is equal to that of whole workout with pull-ups, push-ups, abdominal pumping and squats. At the same time, doctors' reviews about this thing are not bad, because there are no chemicals in it, as in most weight loss drugs. What's wrong with passively pumping muscles when the machine does everything for you?!

Promises of the manufacturer and my opinion about Ab Dzhimnik

So, it is still true that with regular use of a myostimulator, a person will experience:

  1. Slenderness.
  2. The muscles are always pumped up.
  3. The inflow and outflow of blood improves, which will help get rid of shortness of breath and heaviness.

The conclusions I came to after using the belt for three weeks:

  1. Ab Gymnic really reduces fat layer and sagging skin in difficult areas (hips, sides and buttocks).
  2. The belt helped me not waste time exercising in the gym.
  3. The result of losing weight is noticeable after 2 weeks.
  4. This method of losing weight was painless and safe for my health, unlike others.

By the way, I wanted to help my friend order this device in Moscow, and we bought it for her at a discount a week ago. It turns out that this often happens on the manufacturer’s website.

Expert opinion about this myostimulator

"This good remedy for muscle training. I would say - an ideal remedy for the lazy and those who really don’t have time for the gym. I admit, I myself use this device in the evenings - it’s nice to know that even in those moments when you are relaxing in front of the TV, your muscles are working. Of course, a gym is a gym, and we need to move for health, but where the gym doesn’t work ( difficult weight loss), only the myostimulator belt remains.”

Ivan L., fitness instructor

Ab Gymnic: instructions and how I used it

First, I want to talk about the characteristics of this myostimulator (for me this is a dense forest, but perhaps someone understands this and will be interested). The instructions in Russian say that the duration of one pulse lasts up to 400 microseconds, the frequency is from 10 to 80 Hertz, the amplitude is up to 100 W. The belt itself runs on regular batteries.

Now for the application. I wanted quick and long-lasting results when losing excess weight, so I used the belt every day!!

I wore it for just a short five to ten minutes, as was written in the instructions. After about two weeks, when I saw the first result, I switched to a calmer mode: I turned on the stimulator 3 times a week.

And here’s what else is important: before using the belt, the area on which it will act must be lubricated with gel, which will help ensure better conduction of electrical impulses throughout the body.

So, I can assure and confirm with my example that the belt really has an effect, and the muscles actually ache after the first use. That is, the belt makes them work! If you don’t have time for sports at all, then this device is worth buying.

The Ab Gymnic belt is designed for people who don't have enough time to go to the gym. You don’t need to sit on, walk a lot and pick up special dietary dishes. Electrical appliance stimulates muscles, due to which body fat start to burn. You don't need to do anything else - just put the muscle stimulator on your stomach.

Belt properties

Ab Gymnic is a simple, convenient and miniature device. Due to the fact that the belt is equipped with a microcomputer that regulates the supply of current, the muscles contract and become toned.

Absolutely all muscle groups can be trained with this muscle stimulator:

  1. Trapezium, back muscles;
  2. Arms, forearms and shoulders;
  3. Buttocks, calf muscles And .

Ab Gymnic can be used anywhere, anytime. Due to its small dimensions, the device is practically invisible under clothing. Thanks to electronic impulses, muscle tissue becomes denser. Consequently, muscles require more energy, which, subject to compliance, they take from adipose tissue.

Positive aspects of the myostimulator:

  1. Time saving;
  2. Lack of high physical activity;
  3. No strict diets;
  4. No need to take special ones;
  5. General benefits for the body;
  6. Weight loss, fat burning;
  7. Strengthening any muscle groups.

In addition to weight loss and figure correction, the Ab Gymnic belt has other positive effects on the body. It is used as a massage, improves the structure of the skin, and helps the body remove excess fluid, which causes swelling.

With regular use, you have:

  1. Restoring muscle elasticity;
  2. Proper blood circulation;
  3. Prevention and reduction of manifestations of scoliosis and osteochondrosis;
  4. Stimulation of the process of breakdown of fatty tissues.

The price of the myostimulator is quite low, around half a thousand rubles. In online stores the cost ranges from 1000 to 1500 rubles. But in most stores and pharmacies the price is much more modest - only from 500 to 1000 rubles. The Ab Gymnic package includes:

  1. Belt, the size of which can be adjusted;
  2. Batteries (2 pieces);
  3. Myostimulators (2 pieces);
  4. Gel (100 ml);
  5. Instructions for use.

The downside is that the batteries that are included in the package run out quickly, and you will soon have to buy new ones. Gel is also not enough.

If you cannot find a similar water-based gel in stores, you will have to use plain water. However, when using water, the electric shocks will be much more painful and unpleasant. If you save the gel, then the person will experience discomfort, so you need to apply the gel in large quantities. Also, Ab Gymnic should not be used for long periods of time during the day, as this may cause pain or tingling in the heart area.

Instructions for use

Anyone who has no contraindications can use the Ab Gymnic belt. Age and gender don't matter important role. The myostimulator is easy to use. The device is equipped with three buttons with which you set the operating mode of the belt and the timer, which is necessary for safety reasons. We turn off the belt ourselves after 10 minutes.

  1. On/Hi button – turns on the device and increases the intensity of its operation. The intensity has 10 levels. The higher the level, the stronger muscles are being reduced.
  2. Off/Low button – switches off and reduces the intensity of work.
  3. Mode button – select modes (there are six in total).

Modes and their description:

  • Karate kick. The most powerful mode. 5 pulses occur in one second;
  • Pulse massage. In one second, 1 pulse;
  • Workout. Deep massage;
  • Impact training. Quick Strikes turn into slow ones and vice versa;
  • Iron Man. This set of exercises is considered professional, since it contains many fast impulses and elements;
  • Fat burner. The pulse purity is quite low.


  1. On inside The device has a large sticker, which is an insulator. It must not be torn off under any circumstances.
  2. Make sure you apply enough conductive gel to the contacts beforehand.
  3. Rinse the belt thoroughly under warm water to avoid causing skin irritation.
  4. Do not wash the device in a washing machine or wash it with conditioners!
  5. Before each session, check the operation of the device to see if it is functioning normally and whether it has lost its properties.

It was stated above that Ab Gymnic turns off automatically after 10-20 minutes. This is the maximum time the belt can be used in one day.


The result is achieved quite quickly! By using the Ab Gymnic belt regularly, you get:

  1. Tight muscles;
  2. Slim body;
  3. Improved skin structure;
  4. No cellulite manifestations.

Using Ab Gymnic every day for 10-15 minutes, you burn 5000 kilocalories per month! According to the manufacturer, myostimulators replace an hour and a half workout in. Thanks to pulse massage, the body is cleansed of excess liquid and toxins. The belt creates minimal physical activity, and metabolic processes in the body are accelerated.

After just the first week of training your muscles with the Ab Gymnic belt, you will notice that the muscles you are training have become significantly stronger! If you have achieved the desired result, then to keep yourself in shape, use my stimulator three times a week for 10 minutes.

Strengthening the action

The best results are achieved when combining the device with physical activity. Ab Gymnic increases the effectiveness of your workout by one and a half times! Muscles work harder. However, the person does not feel any discomfort or fatigue, the training proceeds as usual.

  1. As you know, fat is burned at elevated body temperature. Therefore, some use warming ointments, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. Rub the ointment onto the area you intend to exercise, then place the Ab Gymnic on top. After finishing classes, do not wash off the ointment, but do light exercises for 10-15 minutes. The ointment does not need to be washed off.
  2. Anti-cellulite cream. If you trained your thigh muscles, then after removing the belt, massage anti-cellulite cream into the trained area. In this case, warming ointment will not be needed.
  3. . Such creams are sold in pharmacies and cosmetics stores. After exercise, rub the cream in with massaging movements. As a rule, it should create a warming effect.

Ab Gymnic is a weight loss belt made using advanced scientific technologies. It is intended to help all those who want to achieve figure correction. Reviews about this device speak for themselves - it really reduces fat deposits in the abdominal area.

The Ab Gymnic belly slimming belt is an advanced device designed to correct the figure in the abdominal area, reviews of which speak better than any words of praise. This effective remedy to reduce fat accumulation in the waist area and the appearance of the long-awaited abs.

Ab Gymnic slimming belt offers several programs and load levels for weight loss and training:

  • Karate kick - intensive training abdominal muscles. The pulse rate reaches five in one second. Used for high-quality warming up and preparation for the main set of classes.
  • Pulse massage– effective stimulation of muscle function. The pulse speed is one per second. It is the basis of training; with the help of this program, muscles are pumped up and the waist is reduced.
  • Workout is a ten-minute intensive session that provides deep tissue massage as well as effective drainage of bodily fluids.
  • Impact training– a complex of impulses designed for slow and fast processing. Stimulates internal tissues at the base and engages all muscle groups.
  • iron man- this program is professional and allows you to achieve the maximum acceptable result from using the Ab Gymnic belly slimming belt, which is better to buy on the official website.
  • Fat burner– constant low-frequency massage of muscles and perimuscular tissues makes it possible to work out fat well, gradually burning it and removing the so-called “orange peel” - cellulite.

Ab Gymnic is suitable for those who were unable to reduce their waist size using other methods and are desperate to achieve at least some result. The device will also be useful for those who do not have time to adhere to strict diets and regularly attend workouts at the fitness club. The Ab Gymnic belt is universal - when creating it, it is possible to use different programs and load levels.

It is very easy to figure out how to use the Ab Gymnic belt, since the kit includes instructions in Russian, which detail how to use it, hygiene rules, nutritional recommendations, etc.

A weight loss product that we will also recommend to you is Herbel Fit.

More and more more people in our country are overweight and obese, so more and more new ways to quickly and effective loss weight. One of the most effective is the Ab Gymnic belt, real reviews of which we will provide below. This belt and its analogues have two main goals, namely facilitating weight loss and pumping up the abdominal muscles.

Belt myostimulator Ab Gymnic is a flexible accessory that warms the body, thereby speeding up metabolism and fat burning within problem areas of the body, such as the stomach or thighs. The product is practically invisible under clothing and can be worn over underwear or bare skin. It can be worn during daily activities, for example, when washing dishes or physical activity, especially aerobic exercise such as running, cycling or hiking. During these efforts, the temperature rises and blood flow in the muscles is activated, which leads to the loss of water and the destruction of subcutaneous fat.
also used to beneficially protect the kidneys and lumbar region while riding a motorcycle. This device is made of neoprene and high-tech plastic, which, due to their ability to expel heat, were used in the manufacture of suits for astronauts. As astronauts began to lose weight quickly, other materials were used for their clothing, but neoprene found a completely new use.

The Ab Gymnic belt can be purchased in a universal size that adapts to the user's needs. The product is equipped with various programs and intensity levels, which together have an effective effect on the waist area, reducing its volume and creating relief.
The Ab Gymnic belt (instructions for use included) uses impulses to cause muscles to vibrate, thereby heating the part of the body to which it is applied. This leads to improved blood circulation and oxygenation.

After analyzing the reviews about the Ab Jimnik belt, you can identify the main advantages of this product:

  • The presence of several training modes allows you to warm up, work out and deeply relax your muscles, so that there is no soreness even after very intense workouts.
  • The effectiveness of the weight loss program is visible already on the 5th day of use.
  • The increase in useful muscle mass is noticeable on the 10th day of use. The body gains noticeable relief.
  • Instant anti-cellulite effect. The skin becomes elastic and smooth.
  • Using this accessory you can achieve excellent results, devoting only 15-20 minutes a day to training.
  • Blood supply to all muscles improves, muscle tone increases.
  • This is a professional myostimulator that guarantees good results for women and men of any build.

The principle of operation of the belt is comparable to massage procedures - adipose tissue kneads, which has a beneficial effect on the body, reducing cellulite and increasing skin elasticity. The belt, made of neoprene, creates a sauna effect, which leads to the exudation of toxins. It, in turn, has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. Ab Gynnic does not have to be used only for weight loss in the abdominal area. Using this device, you can correct problem areas in the hips, arms and other parts of the body.

Ab Gymnic belt effect and real customer reviews

Contrary to what we often hear in commercials, reviews of the Ab Gymnic weight loss belt they say that the product works not only on those parts of the body on which we put it on. By placing the device on the stomach, we can make the entire silhouette slimmer and more elastic. This wonderful device can even be used while lying on the couch and doing nothing - even then the result will not take long to arrive. The Ab Gymnic abdominal belt itself (the reviews about it are the most positive) cannot build muscles without minimal physical activity, it only supports this process, but to lose weight it is enough to put it on and set it to the desired mode.

Remember, in order to get best effect, it is recommended to use proper nutrition and physical activity. Such a belt can increase your motivation for losing weight, because using it, you will quickly see the first results of your efforts.

Although this weight loss belt can help fight for slim figure and increase motivation for weight loss, it is recommended to use it in addition to healthy eating and regular physical activity. It is worth remembering that it is necessary to regularly replenish the water level in the body. Using the product with common sense can greatly alleviate the loss extra pounds and achieve the desired reliefs faster.

Instructions for Ab Jimnik

The gadget comes with instructions for use, which describe in detail all the features of the product, indications, contraindications, nuances of modes and programs, etc. If you want to achieve the desired result safely for your health, we recommend that you carefully study the instructions so that unnecessary problems arise later.

When using an accessory, you need to lubricate the area where it is placed with a special gel. In principle, a special gel can be replaced with any cream with a slight fat content, but no substitute can transmit impulses so efficiently and accurately. This is the same as in ultrasound, where a special gel is used for better conductivity, and here. If you take substitutes (for example, cream), out of 10 impulses they can transmit only 5, or even 4. Therefore, if you want to receive real results in the shortest possible time, do not save money - buy Ab Gymnic belt gel, the price of which is not so high.

Reviews from doctors about the Ab Gymnic belt

Many medical experts recommend that overweight patients, as well as women after childbirth, use the Ab Jimnik weight loss belt. This accessory is especially relevant for those people who are overweight, but due to health problems (for example, heart) cannot play sports.

When using this type of weight loss aid, you must be aware of proper hygiene. In particular, when the accessory is used during training. If you want to use it every day, it is recommended to install it in two different areas. If you wear a device around your waist all day, your skin will not breathe well, which increases the risk of diseases such as mycosis.

Belts may be harmful to pregnant women and people with pacemakers and other similar devices.

Ab Gymnic belt - deception, scam and negative reviews

By exploring numerous forums dedicated to this device, you can come across a variety of reviews. We present you with several negative reviews that will help you avoid falling for scammers and purchase a truly high-quality product.

“Oh, I hope no one ends up in my situation... So that’s how it was. One day I was sitting at the computer and saw a pop-up window on some website. This is how they offered to buy the Ab Gymnic belly slimming belt for cheap. Well, I fell for it and bought it. The product arrived quickly, but no matter how I put it on and what modes I used, the result was zero. It was a shame! After all, I was already determined to lose 5 extra kg quickly and without much effort. I told my friend about my disappointment, and it turned out that she also uses this device, and it helps her a lot. The next day she brought me her belt. It turned out that what I had was a fake - this was obvious even with external comparison. After using my friend’s accessory for 5 days, I have already lost 2 kg. This is incredible! "

Ivanna, Ryazan, 28 years old.

“Listen, delivery 11 days! Where is this good? In the modern world, you can receive a product in 2-3 days... I’m happy with the product itself, the relief is already showing up, before this I couldn’t “awaken” it in a rocking chair for a year.”

Stas, Kazan, 32 years old.

« I did not use this particular product, since the cost is still high for me. I bought a cheaper analog (something about 150 UAH at that time). But I didn’t get any results after 5, 10, or 20 days of use. In short, I was unhappy and threw away the belt. Now I’m reading online reviews from doctors and real users about the Ab Gymnic myostimulator belt and thinking, maybe the problem is that I bought a belt from a different company and it’s cheap? They say you shouldn’t skimp on your health. So I ordered Ab Jimnik the other day. I haven't arrived yet, but I'm waiting. I'll leave another review later».

Natalia, Moscow, 23 years old.

« This accessory is an expensive pleasure... Now, if it were six hundred rubles cheaper, I would buy it right away!».

Valentina, Samara, 47 years old.

After analyzing the negative reviews and analyzing the situation on the market, we can conclude that there are a lot of fakes of the Ab Jimnik belt, which not only spoil the reputation of the original manufacturer, but also do not provide desired results users. Also, some users do not like the price of the product.

Positive customer reviews

You can find much more positive reviews on the Internet than negative ones.

“I read on the Internet about this miracle remedy for the press. Some write about quick results, others share complete disappointment, others ordered fakes and pour out their indignation online. Well, despite such varied reviews, I still decided to order the belt. I received it the next day after ordering - nice. I started using it according to the instructions (I connected both the power supply and physical exercises). Believe it or not, I noticed the effect on the fourth day! The folds smoothed out, and on the 15th day the first outlines of the abs already appeared. Satisfied!”

Ivan, Tyumen, 42 years old.

« Got rid of cellulite in 6 days. Record! Thanks to the manufacturers

Irina, Chelyabinsk region, 35 years old.

« Never suffered overweight, has always been thin. But after giving birth, I swam a little in the abdominal area. I got back into shape quickly, but my former abs didn’t return, no matter what I did. In short, I spent the beach season in despondency and in the city. What kind of swimsuits are there... A friend advised me to buy an Ab Gymnic belt. So I did. Over the fall, my stomach retracted, I would even say, “sucked in.” And a beautiful press appeared. Now I’m planning to go somewhere warm for the winter, I need to show off in a swimsuit and lie in the sun! Fortunately, now nothing is holding me back

Sasha, Moscow region, 23 years old.

« After 2 years in the gym, I was not able to achieve the same abs and relief as in a month of using the Ab Gymnik belt. I recommend

Modern weight loss methods involve the use of the latest devices with a corrective effect. The innovative Ab Gymnic abdominal belt removes problem areas and promotes the formation of an athletic corset and an impeccable waist. The dietary effect is achieved electrical impulses, which arrive at problem areas.

Ab Gymnic slimming belt

If you are overweight and don’t have enough time and energy to play sports, it’s time to turn to the help of modern dietetics, which offers several new products at once. One of them is the Ab Gymnic myostimulator, which acts on the fat layer, weakened muscles and tissues with impulses electric current low frequency. In this progressive way, they are voluntarily reduced, increased activity, and maintained in good shape.

Before you buy such an innovative belt in an online store, you need to find out in detail all the pros and cons of such a purchase. This modern device really helps productive weight loss; moreover, it has a healing effect on the body of women and men. Among the main advantages it is necessary to highlight following points:

  • The abzhimnik is inexpensive, the cost is no more than 1,500 rubles in the catalog on the official website;
  • The Ab Gymnic belt stimulates systemic blood circulation, prevents congestion blood;
  • The abzhimnik has unique technical characteristics and high quality indicators;
  • this unique Ab Gymnic belt can be safely used for pumping different parts bodies;
  • Abgymnic is easy to use on a daily basis;
  • Abzhimnik improves skin condition, improves it appearance.

However, the Ab Gymnic weight loss belt also has its significant drawbacks. They stop the buyer from purchasing a complete set and force him to choose another method of getting rid of overweight. Using an electronic device to lose weight has its own medical indications, and the belt does not apply to all categories of buyers. If we talk about the disadvantages of such an acquisition, they are detailed below:

  • emergence discomfort during the session;
  • the need to periodically change batteries in this electric belt;
  • lack of the effect of professionally pumped abs;
  • impact on subcutaneous fat, no effect on muscle fibers;
  • The price is not affordable for everyone, there are medical contraindications.

Ab Gymnic belt - instructions

When practicing bodybuilding, such an innovative device is considered absolutely ineffective, but for a beginner it is easy and productive to work with it at home. After just a few sessions, the skin becomes smooth, cellulite disappears, and the hips and waist acquire a perfect appearance. The instructions say that the use of this belt for weight loss is permitted only after consultation with a local therapist or nutritionist. Ideally, Abgymnic can replace hiking gym, side-by-side and grueling runs on fresh air.

If you come across the instructions for the Ab Gymnic belt, they cannot become a guide to action; consultation with a specialist is necessary. Only after this can you order a new product. If you use the Ab Gymnic device correctly and it works correctly, the corrective effect will be noticeable already in the second week of regularly following the recommendations prescribed in the instructions.

How to use the Ab Gymnic belt

If you wish to have firm buttocks, an impeccable waist and muscle tissue without fat, you must definitely buy a belt for training the Abgymnic abdominal muscles. Structurally, it is a wide strip of fabric with a small control unit, which can be adjusted using Velcro. Put the belt on lumbar region spine, firmly fix it, choose a comfortable body position and turn on the power to the specified device.

It is recommended to first apply a special gel to the problem area, which comes with the Abgymnic belt. There is no pain during the session, but a barely noticeable tingling sensation can give the buyer a feeling of discomfort and tension. Current impulses are felt not only in problem areas, but also in the back area, providing pain relief after a long day of work. sitting position.

Ab Gymnic belt - contraindications

The Ab Gymnic instructions have been translated into Russian, so each buyer, before making such a purchase, can carefully read the existing restrictions on use. Medical contraindications to the Ab Gymnic belt are indeed available, and they can be both absolute and relative. A negative effect can be obtained in the following clinical pictures:

  • when using a belt during menstruation;
  • for chronic heart diseases;
  • during pregnancy;
  • for epilepsy;
  • for colds;
  • in case of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, varicose veins veins;
  • in the presence of skin diseases, open wounds and even abrasions.

Ab Gymnic belt - reviews from doctors

Many patients are sure that such a purchase is a scam, so they leave their negative reviews on thematic sites of the World Wide Web. But the opinions of doctors are contradictory. Some experts are confident that the Abzhimnik belt, at its affordable price, can change the buyer’s figure beyond recognition. Others categorically insist on the low effectiveness of this new device for productive weight loss. It won’t hurt to study doctors’ reviews about the Ab Gymnic belt, but it’s better to consult individually with a specialist.

Mark Romanov, therapist

Using the Ab Gymnic belt is useless for your figure, it's just a waste of money. I advise my patients to buy a gym membership rather than lie on the couch with a belt, waiting for a miracle that won’t happen anyway. Ab Gymnic is another “canard” that only lazy and short-sighted people can believe. You shouldn't put yourself in this category.

Marina Versentyeva, nutritionist

The Ab Gymnic belt works on the subcutaneous tissue and promotes the rapid breakdown of fat masses accumulated over the years. The product is very effective in practice, and is also available at home. It can be worn under clothes, and no one will even guess that at that very moment a person is diligently losing weight, unnoticed by others.

Alla, 35 years old

Ab Gymnic became the most disastrous online purchase. At first I was so happy that there was finally a way to lose weight quickly. After two weeks of daily use, I finally realized that the belt did not work, the desired effect was zero. I gave it to a friend, so she, naive, has been using it for the second month without results and still believes in a miracle.

Ekaterina, 29 years old

And I managed to tighten up problem areas on my buttocks. Cellulite disappeared imperceptibly, and the skin on the butt became smooth and pleasant to the touch. During the beach season, there was no shame in wearing an open swimsuit and walking along the beach. Personally, I am very pleased with this purchase and do not intend to abandon my passive, but at the same time impact training with Ab Gymnic in the future.