Fat burning workout for the gym. In the gym: circuit training to burn fat for girls

All people who come to the gym want to look slim and beautiful. To do this, both men and girls try to lose weight and build up a little muscle so that the body takes on a more or less aesthetic appearance. But very few people know how to do it correctly. Therefore, in this article I will tell you about specialized fat burning workouts in gym for girls and men.

In order not to mislead you, I want to say right away that such workouts that would purposefully burn subcutaneous fat– does not exist. Each type of load is designed for its own purpose. To lose weight, you need to burn a lot of calories, and one way to burn a lot of calories is by working out.

We can do a workout that will take large number calories. That is why it will be a specialized fat-burning workout. In this article I will write two training programs, which are intended for training in the gym for girls and men. The meaning of these programs is the same, there will just be some differences in the exercises, depending on your gender.

These schemes are very intense, so they are contraindicated for beginners. I recommend using these schemes for advanced athletes who do not have pronounced medical contraindications to heavy loads. Include this scheme when fat is burning worse and worse, while the diet contains fewer and fewer calories. Such a workout will put new stress on the body and allow you to burn more calories than usual, which will ultimately have a positive effect on weight loss. In these programs I will combine anaerobic style(strength training)+ aerobic style (cardio workout). Also, different rep ranges, rest periods, and different training methods will be taken into account.

Before each workout, be sure to do a good warm-up. A good warm-up includes 3 stages: general, joint and stretching. Each stage lasts on average 5 minutes. General warm-up is any cardio at a slow pace (brisk walking, orbitrek, exercise bike, etc.). Articular – these are various swinging movements of the arms and legs, jumping, lunging, bending, turning, etc. Well, stretching, I think, is understandable (stretch muscles). The first two stages are mandatory, and the third is optional (you can do stretching at the end of the workout, it will be like a cool-down).

Still very important point– this is technology. Technology should always come first. Initially, practice the correct technique for performing the exercises, and then begin to gradually increase working weights. Given training plan built according to the FULL BODY type (working all muscle groups in one workout). Since the load on muscle goes much less (than if you were doing split training), we can work through them more often than usual.

Fat burning workout in the gym for girls:

  1. Warm-up
  2. Rest – 30 seconds
  3. (emphasis on buttocks)– 9 reps
  4. Barbell row to the chin wide grip– 9 reps
  5. Bench press horizontal bench narrow grip– 9 reps
  6. Rest – 2 minutes
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds - fast pace (pulse: 160 beats per minute)
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds - fast pace (pulse: 160 beats per minute)
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds - fast pace (pulse: 160 beats per minute)
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds - fast pace (pulse: 160 beats per minute)
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds - fast pace (pulse: 160 beats per minute)
  1. Rest – 2 minutes
  2. Traction vertical block chest – 9 reps
  3. Bench press on a horizontal bench – 9 reps
  4. Standing barbell curl - 9 reps
  5. Rest – 2 minutes
  6. Interval running on a treadmill - 5 approaches in this style:
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds - fast pace (pulse: 160 beats per minute)
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds - fast pace (pulse: 160 beats per minute)
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds - fast pace (pulse: 160 beats per minute)
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds - fast pace (pulse: 160 beats per minute)
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds - fast pace (pulse: 160 beats per minute)
  1. Rest – 2 minutes
  2. Straight-legged deadlift with barbell – 12 reps + Lying leg curl in the machine – 20 reps
  3. Standing overhead barbell press – 12 reps + Bent over dumbbell swings – 20 reps
  4. Triceps push-ups – 12 reps + French press lying barbells – 20 reps
  5. (pulse: 120 – 130 beats per minute)
  6. Bent-over barbell row – 12 reps + Hummer row – 20 reps
  7. Dumbbell press incline bench(30 degrees) – 12 repetitions + Flyes in the simulator for pectoral muscles– 20 repetitions
  8. Barbell curl reverse grip– 12 reps + Dumbbell curls with supination – 20 reps
  9. Exercise bike or Orbitrek – 10 minutes (pulse: 120 – 130 beats per minute)

At first glance, it seems that this is some kind of hellish fat-burning workout, the duration of which is about 3 hours. But don’t worry, it’s only at first glance that it seems so big. In practice, you can do all this in 80 minutes (including warm-up). 80 minutes is ideal, when the gym is practically empty and no one bothers you + you are already involved in the training cycle. And if you have just started training according to this program + there are a lot of people in the gym, then in this case the training can last up to 2 hours (this is not very good, since in this case the training loses its intensity and meaning). For an explanation and overview of the program, see the end of the article.

Fat burning workout in the gym for men:

  1. Warm-up (fast walking – 5 minutes + joint warm-up– 5 minutes)
  2. Exercise bike or Orbitrek – 7 minutes (pulse: 120 – 130 beats per minute)
  3. Rest – 30 seconds
  4. Squats with a barbell on your shoulders (emphasis on quadriceps)– 6 reps
  5. Wide grip barbell rows - 6 reps
  6. Bench press on a horizontal bench with a narrow grip – 6 reps
  7. Rest – 2 minutes
  8. Interval running on a treadmill - 5 approaches in this style:
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds - fast pace (pulse: 160 beats per minute)
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds - fast pace (pulse: 160 beats per minute)
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds - fast pace (pulse: 160 beats per minute)
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds - fast pace (pulse: 160 beats per minute)
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds - fast pace (pulse: 160 beats per minute)
  1. Rest – 2 minutes
  2. Wide grip pull-ups - 6 reps
  3. Bench press on a horizontal bench – 6 reps
  4. Standing barbell curl - 6 reps
  5. Rest – 2 minutes
  6. Interval running on a treadmill - 5 approaches in this style:
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds - fast pace (pulse: 160 beats per minute)
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds - fast pace (pulse: 160 beats per minute)
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds - fast pace (pulse: 160 beats per minute)
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds - fast pace (pulse: 160 beats per minute)
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds - fast pace (pulse: 160 beats per minute)
  1. Rest – 2 minutes
  2. Straight-legged deadlift with barbell – 10 reps + Seated leg extension – 15 reps
  3. Military standing press – 10 reps + Bent over dumbbell swings – 15 reps
  4. Dips – 10 reps + French bench press – 15 reps
  5. Exercise bike or Orbitrek – 10 minutes (pulse: 120 – 130 beats per minute)
  6. Bent-over rows – 10 reps + Hummer rows – 15 reps
  7. Incline bench press (30 degrees) – 10 reps + Chest flyes – 15 reps
  8. Barbell curls with reverse grip – 10 reps + Dumbbell curls with supination – 15 reps
  9. Exercise bike or Orbitrek – 10 minutes (pulse: 120 – 130 beats per minute)

Main factors:

  1. Rest comes only when it is prescribed. That is, exercises No. 4, 5 and 6 are performed in just 1 approach and without rest between these approaches. Rest only under numbers: 3, 7, 9, 13 and 15. Everything else is done without rest.
  2. Interval running on a treadmill - 5 approaches in this style (40sec + 20sec = 1 set). For convenience and example (to be clear) I described all 5 approaches.
  3. Exercises No. 16, 17, 18, 20, 21 and 22 are performed in superset style.
  4. In those exercises where 6 – 9 repetitions are written, you do 3 seconds negative phase + 1 second positive phase (in this style, one approach should last from 30 to 40 seconds for girls and from 20 to 30 seconds for men).
  5. In those exercises where 10 – 20 repetitions are written, you do 1 second negative phase + 1 second positive phase (regular easy pace).
  6. Number of workouts per week: 3 workouts (Monday, Wednesday, Friday... or... Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday).
  7. All exercises, rest and cardio must be done in strict order. Do as it is written (for convenience, everything is signed with numbers).
  8. I have selected the most best exercises(In my opinion) . But, if you don’t like something, you can replace these exercises with your own. Just follow these rules:
  • Exercises No. 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12 – basic
  • Exercises No. 16,17,18,20,21,22 – basic + isolated
  • Don't combine muscle groups(one after another) where the same functions are used (for example: back + biceps = pulls + pulls). As you can see, I put the chest between them, and in the end it turns out: pulls - pushes - pulls.
  1. For the first time, you can reduce the amount of interval running to 2 - 3 approaches + add 20 - 30 seconds of rest between each approach and each superset. This, of course, will slightly reduce the intensity of the workout, but will allow you to enter the training cycle smoothly and without much stress.

Fat burning workouts in the gym for girls and men– are contraindicated for those people who have serious medical contraindications for their health (especially the heart). This is a very intense and difficult program, so be careful. If you are a beginner, then start with easier programs to prepare your body for such stress (you can find easier programs on this website, in the category: “weight loss”)


It is often believed that best way Losing weight for girls is more about following a diet than doing fat-burning workouts. However, due to metabolic differences between the male and female body, while for girls the most in a fast way achieving a fit and elastic body are precisely active training (1).

The main task of fat-burning training for girls is not at all maximizing the calories spent during sports, but switching the body to the mode of using glucose (that is, carbohydrates) as the main source of energy. This literally changes the metabolism, causing the body to actively get rid of existing fat reserves.

Features of female metabolism

The main difference between female metabolism is that girls’ bodies prefer to use free fatty acids as a source of energy for training, rather than carbohydrates, like men’s bodies. It is precisely because of this factor that in typical “problem areas” - at the waist and hips (2).

The only time when women's athletic metabolism is similar to men's is the beginning of the menstrual cycle. During this period, minimal estrogen levels cause the body to use carbohydrates for energy as a priority - just as in male body(3) . And it is during this period that fat-burning workouts will be most effective.

Fat burning workout at home

Most in a simple way Conducting a fat-burning workout at home will be using the technique. The essence of such training is to alternate, without any break, 30-40 seconds of active load with 60 seconds of moderate intensity load. The total duration of the training is 20-25 minutes.

First, warm up for 3-4 minutes, then 5-7 cycles of HIIT training - 30-40 seconds maximum fast torsion pedaling an exercise bike, jumping rope, or any other activity available at home; then - 60 seconds moderately quick workouts(exercise bike at a medium pace, and so on). After completing two cycles, take a break of 30-60 seconds.

Fat burning workout in the gym

In the gym, girls have much more opportunities to conduct a successful fat-burning workout. One of the most effective for depleting glycogen reserves will be the so-called “” - a set of exercises performed one after another, with minimal breaks and the maximum possible number of repetitions.

The immediate choice of exercises depends, first of all, on the available sports equipment and reliable knowledge correct technique performing these exercises. Seven exercises make up one fat burning cycle. After completing the cycle (“circle”), a break is taken for 30-90 seconds, then the cycle of exercises is repeated. A total of 5 to 7 cycles.

Fat burning exercise cycle:

  • Pull-ups on a low bar (option -)
  • Squats with arms extended forward
  • Fitball push-ups
  • Raising dumbbells in front of you
  • Reverse triceps push-ups
  • Press crunches or
  • Jumping rope

Fat Burning Workouts - Metabolism

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is essential for triggering a range of fat-burning processes - from optimizing the use and glucose in the body to generally accelerating metabolism. Circuit training, in turn, increases the level of growth hormone, which is directly responsible for burning subcutaneous fat reserves.

Another category of effective fat-burning workouts for girls are basic strength exercises, performed with relatively heavy weights and 12-15 repetitions. The role is that such training will force the body to switch to using carbohydrates as its main fuel. Among other things, muscle recovery will also require carbohydrates.

How do diet pills work? Are they effective for weight loss?

Strength fat burning workout

In itself, strength fat-burning training for girls should consist of five exercises, performed 12-15 times with an average working weight. The goal is to repeat the exercises as technically as possible and to fully feel the muscles working. The break between approaches is 30-45 seconds, between exercises - 60 seconds. Before starting the workout, warm up.

Note that if you are unfamiliar with the technique of performing these strength exercises, then it is better to consult with your gym. In this case, you will not only reduce the possible risk of receiving sports injury, but will also significantly increase the effectiveness of your training. At the end of the workout, do 20-30 minutes of fat-burning cardio at a medium pace.

  • - 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions
  • - 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions
  • - 2 sets of 10-12 repetitions

Since the main goal of fat-burning training for girls is to change the metabolism of glucose in the body, it is extremely important to give up any sources (including sugar, sweets, baked goods and any flour products), giving preference to complex carbohydrates high in fiber (that is, vegetables and various cereals).

In addition, a diet for fat burning should contain quite a lot of healthy vegetable fats (primarily olive and fats) and - in total, about 30-40% of the total calorie content of the daily diet. Sources of protein in the diet should be nuts, lean lean meat and, optionally, sports nutrition(whey protein).

Sample menu:

The basic daily calorie intake is 2000 kcal (a 25-year-old girl, 170 cm tall and weighing 55 kg, playing sports 3-4 times a week). Deficit for weight loss, 15% - 1700 kcal. The recommended amount of protein is 110-125 g, fat - 80-95 g, carbohydrates - 60-80 g.

  • Breakfast: 3 egg omelet, whole grain toast, one medium piece of fruit.
  • Lunch: steak (100-150 g), brown rice(70-100 g), a little grated cheese.
  • Afternoon snack: two servings, a handful of almonds or other nuts.
  • Dinner: chicken breast fried in olive oil (100-150 g), side dish of broccoli or green beans.


The main task of fat-burning training for girls is not at all maximizing calories burned, but changing the body’s metabolism in order to switch it to the mode of spending glucose and carbohydrates. That is why, to achieve quick results and successful weight loss, it is recommended to follow a diet with a maximum limitation of fast carbohydrates.

Scientific sources:

  1. Gender Differences in Metabolism,
  2. Why is Stubborn Fat Stubborn?,
  3. Period Workout: Lifting the Curse,

There is a lot of discussion in the fitness world about what kind of physical exercise best for fat burning. But here one question arises: why should people choose just one thing? Can't they just combine several forms of effective training, such as high-intensity cardio, moderate-intensity cardio, and strength training to lose weight and achieve optimal results?

Just a second. Was something said about strength training? For weight loss? Whaaat?

Yes, it's true. Strength training is one of the best ways to increase your weight loss effect when combined with a proper and balanced diet. So, what does this miracle program look like? There are three main components:

1. Strength training (3 days a week)

This part of the program is designed specifically to increase strength and slightly increase or at least maintain muscle mass. This is important because if you lose too much muscle during the weight loss process, you will slow down your metabolism. And very often in such cases people end up turning into a smaller but flabby version of themselves, instead of becoming more toned and firmer.

What your set/rep count pattern looks like will depend on your training history and fitness level. But in general, more advanced lifters can perform fewer reps with heavier weights, while intermediate lifters should stick to moderately heavy loads, and beginners need to master exercise technique first before they can start adding weight.

2. High intensity interval training (2 days a week)

Various types interval training(often called HIIT) can be very confusing, but they become extremely simple once you know that they involve periods of intensity followed by periods of rest, and are performed over a relatively short period of time (usually 4 -20 minutes).

They can be very effective catalysts when it comes to fat loss if they are planned and executed correctly. You can use weights, barbells, dumbbells, own weight and much more. There may be times when you are traveling and all you have on hand is yourself and your weight, so this is the best equipment.

However, you need to be careful when doing these workouts, so check out these helpful tips:

  • Design your training program correctly. An example of careless exercise selection would be doing overhead squats after you've done overhead push-ups. Are your shoulder muscles completely tired and you want to hold a weight overhead and squat down? I don't think so!
  • Take your fitness level into account. If you're completely new to barbells and you think it's a good idea to do a workout that has a few barbell exercises in it? If you answered no, then you are right.
  • Choose the right training equipment. There are several ways to do interval training. You can use your own body weight, kettlebells, barbells, dumbbells and more. There may be times when you are traveling and all you have on hand is yourself and your own weight, so this is the best equipment. If you have access to a gym, then schedule a workout that will cover all the functionality of the gym.

3. Moderate intensity cardio

Although traditional, moderate-intensity, "aerobic" cardio (heart rate in the 120-140 bpm range) has been completely criticized in the fitness industry over the past 10 years, it is still very valuable and has its uses.

This is a fantastic way to improve your base. aerobic exercise, which allows you to recover faster between exercises during strength training or high-intensity interval training, so you can use heavier weights or shorter rest periods. Cardio workouts like these are also great for improving overall recovery from workouts throughout the week so you can feel more refreshed and rested.

Finally, they can help reduce stress and anxiety. Many of us are in a dominant state of sympathetic nervous system, causing us to constantly feel stressed, anxious or apathetic. This cardio can help you switch to a dominant parasympathetic nervous system state, allowing you to relax, feel less anxious, and even sleep better.

Common Misconception: Most of us think that traditional cardio is something like walking on a treadmill or elliptical trainer about 30 minutes, but it's not. You can perform any exercise, the main thing is to monitor your heart rate, as long as your pulse is in the range of 120-140 beats/min, you will lose weight by burning fat, which will be used as a source of energy.

Weight loss program in the gym for girls

So what does a proper training plan look like?

This is an example for more or less trained athletes; Always pay attention to your level of preparedness.

  • Monday— upper body + HIIT;
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday- lower body + HIIT;
  • Thursday- rest;
  • Friday- full body workout;
  • Saturday- moderate intensity cardio;
  • Resurrection- rest.

Before each workout, you need to warm up properly to warm up all the ligaments, joints and muscles. This will protect you from injury and allow you to exercise more productively and burn even more calories.

Monday (upper body + HIIT)

  1. Pull-ups (ask for help if necessary): 3-4 x 6-10 reps
  2. Dumbbell bench press: 3-4 × 6-10 reps

3a. Cable row with cable: 3 × 10-12 reps

3b. Push-ups (make more difficult as needed): 3 × maximum quantity repetitions

4a. Front Band Stretch: 3 x 12-15 reps

4b. Pallof press with rotation: 3 × 10


Wednesday (body + HIIT)

  1. Front Squats: 4 x 6 reps
  2. Romanian deadlift: 3-4 × 6-10 reps

3a. Gluteal bridge: 3-4 × 10-12 reps

3b. Bulgarian split squats: 3-4 × 8-10 reps

  1. Band Leg Raise: 3 x 6-10 reps

Cool down: 4-15 minutes of moderate cardio


Friday (full body workout)

  1. Deadlift: 4 × 4-6 reps

2a. Single leg squat (box/chair): 3-4 x 8-10 reps

2b. Standing one-arm dumbbell row to chest: 3-4 × 8-10 reps

3a. Kettlebell swings: 3-4 × 8-12 reps

3b. Traction upper block: 3-4 × 8-12 reps

4a. Mountain Climber (slow): 3-4 x 8-10 reps

4b.Reverse crunches: 3-4 × 10-15 reps


Moderate intensity cardio for 30-40 minutes with a heart rate of 120-140 heart beats per minute.


Small additions:

  • Exercises numbered by only one number (i.e. 1 or 2) are performed separately. Exercises marked with a number and letter are performed in a superset (for example, climbers and reverse crunches), which means you do one set of mountain climbers, then move on to doing reverse crunches (no rest) and return to mountain climbers until all sets are completed.
  • If the exercise is performed separately, then rest for 90-120 seconds between approaches. If the exercises are in a superset, then rest for 30-60 seconds between supersets.
  • Make sure you always try to raise more weight, but always leave 1-2 reps “in reserve”, which means you could do 1-2 more reps with good form.

A training program for girls whose goal is to burn fat can be designed for training in the gym and at home. In the first case, even if she exercises independently in the gym, the athlete will be able to achieve the desired result and get her body in shape as quickly as possible, in just 3-4 weeks of regular exercise on the machines. Despite the fact that performing complexes with additional weights in itself is considered the most effective method to lose weight, this approach to figure correction should be systematic in every sense. It requires correction of a person’s diet, following basic recommendations for changing the current lifestyle and regular exercise of a specific intensity, depending on the goal of the girl’s training.

In order for an athlete, without the help of a fitness trainer, to be able to competently create an exercise plan for a month or longer, she must understand what exercises to lose weight she needs to do, based on age characteristics physiology of the female body. To minimize the risk of harm to health, a woman should study the recommendations of experts on how to properly distribute cardio and strength training in a training program, as well as how to eat properly while losing weight.

How to organize independent weight loss in the gym: recommendations for beginners

In order not to get confused when visiting the gym for the first time, you need to know the sequence of actions: where to start and how to properly finish your weight loss workout. Independent preparation of fat-burning training should be based on the principle of gradually increasing intensity and constant monitoring of the main physical indicators female athletes (pulse range, respiratory rate, blood pressure and general well-being).

Where to start

It is recommended to start training for weight loss with cardio exercises. If there are no medical contraindications, the girl should warm up her muscles on a treadmill or exercise bike. It is important to ensure that the pulse is below 120 beats per minute. Otherwise, instead of burning fat, the reverse process will occur: loss muscle mass and a decrease in overall skin tone or an increase in the volume of the lower body. If for health reasons a girl cannot exercise on cardio equipment, she can also prepare her body for further stress with the help of a jump rope, squats without weights (for the number of repetitions) or base loads on a sports bench (warm up your legs, buttocks, abs and arms).

The main part of fat burning training should initially consist of performing classical exercises with simple equipment, such as dumbbells, kettlebells or barbells. To quickly lose weight while working out in the gym, women should give preference to circuit training aerobic mode(pulse up to 120 beats per minute).

Meal plan to lose weight

To get rid of fat, it is not enough for a girl to just work out intensively in the gym. In this case, it is extremely important for her to also monitor the quantity and quality of food consumed daily. According to the recommendations of experienced fitness trainers, when losing weight you need to give up:

  • products with a high content of sugar, salt, dyes, preservatives;
  • fast food;
  • semi-finished products;
  • products containing wheat flour;
  • dishes, the calorie content of each of which is more than 1/3 of the daily caloric intake, calculated individually taking into account physical activity, age and the presence of diseases;
  • diets that promise instant results without harm to health.

Almost every meal when losing weight should include complex carbohydrates(the main source is cereals, vegetables), proteins (fish, chicken, turkey) and a small amount of fat (increased content in fermented milk products and red fish). A woman should drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day, and on training days increase this volume by 400-500 ml.

Important! Ideally, a diet for losing weight should be based on the principle: the amount of calories burned during exercise exceeds the amount contained in the food consumed during the day.

Is it possible for a woman to lose weight by exercising?

It is a mistake to believe that classes in gym are only suitable for gaining muscle mass and will not be effective in losing weight or maintaining a girl’s current weight. By working out on exercise machines, an athlete will be able to achieve the desired result, regardless of its focus. This opportunity can be realized thanks to an integrated approach to the organization training process, namely the correct alternation of cardio and power loads within the framework of one circuit training and individual selection of working weight in each exercise, depending on the initial data and goal of the woman.

For example, for those who visit the gym in order to “dry out” the body and give relief to the legs, buttocks and abs, the optimal emphasis in the training program would be on a rapid increase in working weight. Girls who want to get rid of subcutaneous fat, on the contrary, need to train their endurance by working out all muscle groups with minimal weight. By exercising “by the number of approaches” and not “by weight”, a person losing weight will not be able to build muscle due to the minimal number of tears muscle fibers during the lesson.

When losing weight, the pulse range is 110-120 beats per minute, and when building muscle mass - 120-140 beats per minute.

Maybe fitness is more effective

To burn subcutaneous fat in the back, butt, sides, abdomen and arms, women also attend group fitness classes. You should draw your conclusions about the effectiveness of this method of losing weight taking into account its objective advantages and disadvantages:



Additional motivation for the girl in the form of other group members doing the same program as her.

Lack of an individual approach during load selection.

Universal training intensity, suitable for the vast majority of those losing weight.

The need to adapt to the class schedule within a specific area.

Constant supervision of the instructor during the lesson.

High cost compared to a gym membership.

The minimum number of contraindications (even people with hypertension can go to the gym).

No subsequent increase in load for an already prepared body.

Important! Due to the large number of fitness areas for losing weight, before purchasing a monthly subscription to a specific group, you should first purchase a weekly one in order to experience the level of actual load and intensity of the upcoming workouts.

Which exercise machines are suitable for burning fat?

To lose weight and also tighten the main muscle groups (hips, buttocks, arms, stomach), experienced instructors recommend that girls use the following as the basis for their training:

  • exercises with sports equipment;
  • a treadmill (or other cardio equipment available at a particular gym);
  • ellipsoid (most often used in bodybuilding when preparing athletes for competitions);
  • semi-horizontal leg press machine.

Regular maintenance of muscles in tone, accompanied by training cardiovascular system, will help a girl not only make her body slim, but also improve her health, minimizing the risk of developing age-related diseases in the future (hypertension, osteochondrosis, arrhythmia, and so on).

Selecting effective exercises for fat burning

In order for a woman’s body to become beautiful, and the motivation to visit the gym not to weaken over time, the athlete needs to wisely select exercises for her complex.


The benefit of strength exercises lies in their ability to accelerate the metabolism of losing weight, both during morning classes, and training in the evening. For fat-burning workouts, fitness instructors recommend choosing basic loads:


Brief description

Squats with sports equipment

Taking the working weight equipment and placing it on the shoulders (when working with a barbell) or in the hands (when using dumbbells or kettlebells), the athlete needs to exhale and bend her knees until a right angle is formed. Then, without stopping at the bottom point, while inhaling, return to the starting position.

Dumbbell or kettlebell press from a lying position

The girl should sit on a horizontal bench, holding a sports equipment of working weight in her hands (the grip depends on the area of ​​the hands that needs maximum development). As you exhale, you need to straighten your arms so that the selected weight is strictly at the level chest, and then return to the original position.

Hyperextension with weights

Sit in a hyperextension machine with your legs tightly secured under the bolsters, and take a metal plate in your hands, pressing it tightly to your chest. With each exhalation you need to raise top part body due to the gluteal and dorsal muscle groups. Having fixed the body in this position for 3-5 seconds, you should slowly return to the IP while inhaling.

Important! The working weight in the first classes should be minimal (no more than 5-7 kg) and gradually increase as the body gets used to physical activity in the gym.


Cardio training is considered the most effective for both male athletes and girls who want to correct their figure. This type of exercise not only accelerates metabolic processes, but also forces the body to spend additional calories to provide a person with the necessary energy during sports. Most often, fat-burning workouts include cardio exercises such as:

  • running or walking at a fast pace on a treadmill;
  • exercise on an exercise bike;
  • walking in an ellipsoid or on a stepper;
  • jumping in place;
  • running with high hip lifts;
  • squats at a fast pace without weights;
  • "burpee";
  • jumping rope.

In order for cardio exercises to contribute to weight loss, and not just train the heart, it is important for the athlete to ensure that when performing exercises of this type, the pulse does not exceed the maximum permissible value - 120 beats per minute.

Rules and scheme for fat burning training

In order for a workout in the gym to help you get rid of excess weight as quickly as possible, when preparing it, it is important for a girl to know the basic rules:

  1. Give preference to exercises for large muscle groups. To restore protein, the body will require a large amount of energy, which it will take mainly from fat deposits.
  2. Support physical activity throughout the day. Leading a passive lifestyle after an active workout in the gym will double the fat burning process. This occurs due to the slowing down of metabolic processes in the body that accompanies relaxation.

During the gym session itself, it is important to give the body time to rest. Such intervals will be restored heart rate, normalize the pulse and provide the athlete with enough energy to perform the next exercise. An approximate scheme for a fat-burning workout (not circular) looks like this:

  • cardio;
  • rest (no more than 1 minute);
  • strength training (about 4-5 exercises with 30 seconds rest between sets);
  • rest (no more than 1 minute);
  • cardio.

Important! If discomfort occurs during sports, it is necessary to stop training and consult with a therapist as soon as possible about undergoing an examination of the athlete’s body condition.

Examples of ready-made complexes for a month

The sequence of exercises for a girl to lose weight in a gym depends on the number of sessions the athlete plans per week.

Classes 3 times a week

  • running on a treadmill at a moderate pace - 30 minutes;
  • straightening the legs in the simulator from a semi-horizontal position - 3 sets of 20 repetitions;
  • deadlift on straight legs – 4*15;
  • arm extensions in a weight training machine – 3*20;
  • Bench press on an inclined bench – 3*15;
  • knee push-ups – 1 min;
  • holding the body in a horizontal position (“plank”) – 1 minute;
  • “burpee” – 1 min.
  1. Wednesday:
  • walking in an elliptical – 30 minutes;
  • lunges with weights – 30 times for each leg;
  • stepping up a hill – 4*20 for each leg;
  • slopes with dumbbells – 3*15;
  • pull-down of the lower block in the simulator – 4*20;
  • raising legs from a lying position – 1 min;
  • jumping rope – 5 min.
  1. Friday (circuit training - a total of 5 circles with a break between them - 1 minute, and between exercises - 10 seconds):
  • running on a treadmill – 3 min;
  • squats with a barbell on the shoulders – 15 times;
  • hyperextension with a metal plate – 20 times;
  • leg press in the simulator – 15 times;
  • “pullover” with a dumbbell from a lying position – 20 times;
  • “burpee” – 30 times.

We train according to the scheme 2 times a week

  1. Tuesday:
  • riding an exercise bike – 30 min;
  • arm extensions with dumbbells from a lying position – 4*20;
  • raising sports equipment (dumbbells or weights) while standing – 4*15;
  • leg bending in the simulator – 3*25;
  • raising your toes while standing on a metal plate with dumbbells or a barbell in your hands – 4*20;
  • twisting, lying on the floor – 1 minute;
  • plank – 1 min;
  • running on a treadmill – 45 min.
  1. Thursday:
  • “burpee” – 3 minutes;
  • curling arms in the simulator – 3*30;
  • upper block thrust – 3*20;
  • hyperextension – 4*20;
  • squats with sports equipment – ​​3*30;
  • leg press in the simulator – 3*20;
  • hanging leg raises – 1 min;
  • plank – 1 min;
  • walking in an ellipsoid or on a stepper – 35 min.

How to create an individual plan

To individual program training as quickly as possible helped its owner lose overweight, its preparation requires compliance with basic recommendations:

  • increase the load gradually;
  • start and end the workout with a warm-up and cool-down, respectively;
  • choose most of the exercises based on which part of the girl’s body needs more work;
  • to determine the initial working weight it is necessary to perform basic exercises programs using sports equipment different weights;
  • devote at least 1 hour to cardio exercises in total for 1 workout.

If a girl doubts that the program she has compiled will really be effective in burning fat, it is worth using the services personal trainer. The specialist will not only describe a set of exercises taking into account the initial parameters, the desired result of the client and the presence of contraindications, but also, if necessary, give recommendations for a smooth transition to proper nutrition.

How to lose weight quickly

Regardless of the frequency of training in the gym, a girl will not be able to lose weight quickly. The fat burning process, subject to an integrated approach, will give the first results only after at least 3-4 weeks after making adjustments to the losing weight lifestyle. You can speed up this process by using:

  • strict adherence to the principles of proper nutrition (not diet);
  • devoting sufficient time to sleep (at least 8 hours a day);
  • consuming large amounts of liquid (at least 1.5 liters per day);
  • inclusion of natural fat burners in the diet;
  • a properly designed training program in the gym (a combination of cardio and strength exercises, proper selection of working weight, correct execution of exercises).

Is it effective for beginners to exercise without a coach?

Exercises without a professional trainer in the gym will be effective for a beginner only if he has previous experience in the gym.

If a girl sees exercise equipment for the first time, then independent studies Not only will they not contribute to her weight loss, but they can also cause injuries of various types (tendon ruptures, sprains, bruises, and so on).

A personal trainer, by monitoring the correct execution of the complex, ensures the safety of his client, and in an emergency he will be able to adjust the program, for example, if discomfort occurs or the initial working weight is incorrectly selected.

To form a girl’s most complete understanding of the process of losing weight in the gym, she needs to familiarize herself with the opinions of professionals on this issue.

Yulia Igonina, personal trainer

Julia recommends that her clients take into account the days of their cycle when drawing up a plan for fat-burning exercises and adjusting their diet. A woman’s hormonal background, which changes throughout the month, has a direct impact on her general well-being, appetite, mood and strength for physical activity.

Artem Ziminko, psychologist

Artem believes that the key to success in losing weight for women is psychological comfort. A girl who smoothly switches to proper nutrition and does not put pressure on herself strict restrictions, will get the desired result much faster than an athlete who “lives” in the gym and is constantly on various diets, not experiencing pleasure from what is happening.

Maria Zakharenko, nutrition specialist

Maria is confident that the girl will be able to achieve results in losing weight by at least giving up flour products and sweets. Adjusting your diet will not only help active weight loss women, but also maintaining her health, as well as normalizing hormonal levels and psychological state.

Useful video

Key Findings

  1. Proper organization of the weight loss process consists not only of a competent combination of various types of physical activity, but also of adjusting the woman’s diet and lifestyle.
  2. When losing weight, a girl should focus on her cycle, as well as psychological comfort, which directly affects the effectiveness of classes in the gym.

The woman's body is ready to fight overweight both in the gym or in group fitness classes, and at home. It is important to understand that just playing sports is not enough. Safe body work involves integrated approach, which ideally should be carried out by a girl under the guidance of experienced specialists.

What, in your opinion, is the most effective way for girls to lose weight? Express your opinion and share your experience on this issue!

Cardio training is one of the favorite and proven ways for girls to lose weight. Thanks to cardio, extra pounds begin to fall off.

This occurs due to increased work of the heart and blood vessels, as well as oxygen saturation of the blood. In combination with strength training, cardio training gives powerful results. Cardio training has a good effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Cardio Training Goals

Coming to the gym for the first time, every girl wants to lose weight first of all, because it is with intense cardio training a large amount of fat is burned.

At the same time, it doesn’t matter at all which exercise machine the fair sex chooses for this, since cardio training accelerates metabolic processes throughout the body, and not in its individual parts.

The second most popular goal of cardio training is strengthening the cardiovascular system. It is the heart that receives enormous load during such activities. Due to blood circulation in the body, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, and the blood is saturated with oxygen.

Cardio exercise also promotes profuse sweating. Along with sweat a large number of toxins and harmful substances are removed from the body, which affects the health of the skin and the body as a whole.

Basic rules of cardio training for burning fat

  • Monitor your heart rate. If heart rate (HR) low, then you will not achieve the desired result. And, conversely, if the heart rate is high, there is a risk of harm to health.

Reference. If you don't have a fitness tracker or heart rate monitor, just measure your heart rate with your hand.

  • Intervalize your workout. You should not engage in monotonous aerobic exercises - you need to both pick up speed and slow down, not forgetting about rest. Modern treadmills, steppers and other cardio equipment are equipped with special interval programs that are designed specifically for burning fat.

Photo 1. Working out in the gym on a treadmill. On this simulator You can set up an interval training program.

  • Do cardio even if you are overweight. Don't be intimidated by the treadmill, even if you've never worked on one before and you find it difficult to maintain high speeds due to your large body weight. Cardio exercise is the best way to burn fat, so at least walking at a brisk pace is highly recommended.

Important! Choose the load according to your own feelings. If you realize that you are working to the limit, you can slow down the pace a little. Overweight girls are advised to carefully monitor the condition of their knee joints, since they suffer first of all due to weight.

  • Combine cardio and strength training. The stronger your muscles, the better they burn fat. You don't have to pick up dumbbells right away 8 kilograms each and try to lift them - start with small weights.
  • Change the types of cardio exercises. For example, if you work out in the gym, then from time to time switch from a treadmill to an elliptical, etc. This will help to engage different groups muscles, and also speed up fat burning.

Control and maximum heart rate

You can control your pulse during cardio training either independently or with the help of special devices. For example, there are now many fitness trackers and smart watch , which sync with your smartphone and track your heart rate using apps. Many models of cardio equipment have special devices that monitor heart rate.

Photo 2. Special fitness bracelet for measuring heart rate. Worn on the wrist, it looks like an electronic watch.

In order to burn fat, the pulse must be in the area 120-150 beats per minute. Long-term cardio exercise is recommended for 50-60 minutes with average Heart rate (120-130 beats per minute).

Recommended number and duration of training per week

It is recommended to do cardio training several times a week. Optimal quantity classes - 2 or 3 per week. You can create a schedule like this: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This is a classic cardio workout. It is also recommended to do break between training days. That is, we train on Monday, rest on Tuesday, train on Wednesday, and so on.

Cardio training should last more than 40 minutes. Doctors have long proven that the body begins to burn fat only after the first 40 minutes Cardio loads. Average training time - 60 minutes. It is better to exercise in the morning, as at this time the body awakens, and increased fat burning continues throughout the day.

Reference. Be sure to break up long cardio sessions into smaller sets, e.g. 20 minutes run, 1-2 minutes rest.

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How to choose intensity

Selecting workout intensity depends on your general sports training and health status.

For girls with excess body weight, too much cardio exercise may simply be contraindicated, and for girls with a couple of extra pounds, “calm” workouts will not bring results.

If you feel that you are starting to suffocate and there is pain in your legs, then It's better to reduce the load. And vice versa: if one speed is easy for you (on a treadmill, for example), then move on to a higher one, and so on. In time you will find the one highest point intensity of the load and will focus on it.

The harm of excessively long training

Undoubtedly, too much cardio training can harm the body. From intense exercise, diseases such as myocardial fibrosis (the formation of fibrous tissue on the heart muscle), scarring and overgrowth of the heart muscle fiber can develop, which over time can lead to loss of its elasticity. For an ordinary person who visits the hall 2-3 times a week, there is nothing to fear.

Such diseases are susceptible professional athletes(cyclists, runners, etc.) whose training takes place every day for several hours a day. Don't get too carried away with cardio - health is more important. 60 minutes per workout will be enough.

Separately, it is necessary to say about knee joints. If they are weakened or you have a high body mass index, then you should be careful with intense cardio.

How to drink water during cardio

There is an opinion that drinking water during training is strictly prohibited.

This hypothesis is justified by the fact that a fat cell contains some water and so that the body consumes water from fat, It is necessary not to drink during training.

But This is absolutely not true. Yes, there is water in fat cells, but in order for the body to start using up these reserves, it is necessary not to drink, not just for several hours, but for several days. So this is one of the modern “fitness myths”.

There is simply no point in giving up water during cardio training. Water should be consumed as and when you want. Moreover, if you breathe incorrectly, your throat often becomes dry, and in order not to damage the mucous membranes, you need to periodically drink water.

Diet restriction for weight loss

The main rule of losing weight is: “Burn more calories than you consume.” That is, if you consume on average per day 2000 kcal, to lose weight you need to reduce this number by 500.

Average daily calorie content for weight loss for girls - 1500 kcal. To speed up the process of losing weight, cardio exercise is undoubtedly necessary.

To burn one kilogram of fat you need to spend 7700 kcal.

With daily consumption 1500 kcal can be painlessly reset for the body 1 kg per week.

Gym training program for weight loss in girls

First determine your average, maximum and minimum speed as follows: minimum - slightly higher than your “normal” walking speed; medium - walking at a fast pace or light jogging; the maximum is the speed at which you work “to the limit.”

Attention! Take care of your body when running maximum speed. If you start to feel out of breath, there is pain in your legs, slow down.

1 day

Warm up. It includes:

  • forward bends - 15 times;
  • tilts to the right and left - 15 times in each direction;

  • squats - 15 times;
  • body turns - 15 times to the right and 15 times to the left;
  • circular swings hands - 15 times for each;
  • circular movements of the head - 15 times in each direction.

First approachtreadmill 20 minutes at minimum speed.

Rest 2 minutes.

Second approach - 20 minutes on average speed.

Rest 2 minutes.

Third approach - 20 minutes at maximum speed.

Day 2

Cardio: stepper.

First approach - 20 minutes at minimum speed.

Rest. During rest - 3 sets of 15 squats.

Second approach: 20 minutes at medium speed.

Rest. During rest 3 sets of 15 leg raises from a lying position.

Third approach: 20 minutes at maximum speed.

Rest. Exercise is performed while resting "butterfly" with dumbbells for 3 sets of 15 times. Bend your elbows parallel to your face, take dumbbells and move your arms out to the sides.

Photo 3. Variant of the “butterfly” exercise. Hands with dumbbells perform swing movements to the sides.

You can use the trainer "Peck-Deck", in common parlance - “butterfly”, if you have one in your gym.

Fourth approach - 20 minutes. Select an interval program on the stepper. If it's not there - 2 minutes we practice at low speed, 4 minutes- on average, 6 minutes- at maximum. So in a circle for 20 minutes.

Day 3

Cardio: elliptical.

Warm up (as described in the first day).

First approach: 20 minutes at medium speed.

Rest. During rest 3 sets of 15 squats.

Second approach: 20 minutes at maximum speed

Photo 4. Exercise on an elliptical cardio machine. During training, both legs and arms are involved.

Rest. During rest, do abdominal exercises. We carry out 3 sets of 15 times. 3 sets of 15 reps- hyperextension.

Third approach - 20 minutes. We select an interval program on the ellipsoid (if there is one) or act in the following way: exercise 2 minutes at minimum speed, 4 minutes- at medium speed, 6 minutes- at maximum speed. Repeat the “circle” for 20 minutes.

Rest. During rest - 3 sets of 15 butterflies, as described in the second day + 3 sets of 15 dumbbell raises because of the head.

Fourth approach - 20 minutes training on a treadmill at medium speed

Attention! If you are overweight or have a hard time, then in the presented training plan replace high speed to medium. Do not use dumbbells that are too heavy for exercises, as this can cause injury to your arm muscles.

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