Safety rules for swimming lessons. Safety instructions for sports school students when practicing on the water in the pool

All swimming pools must have rules of behavior and visiting. They are compiled by the pool management and take into account the characteristics of each pool. As a rule, visitors are allowed into the pool after familiarizing themselves with the internal rules for visiting the pool.

When going to the pool, you must take the following items with you:

  • Swimwear
  • Swimming cap
  • Towel
  • washcloth
  • Pool slippers

Rules for visiting the pool:

1. Comply with all requirements of the pool instructor or coach and pool management related to ensuring safety and compliance with the rules of visiting the pool.

2. Follow the class schedule and total time stay in the pool:

  • time of passing through the turnstile, to the locker room and taking a shower before the session 15 minutes before the start of the session
  • time spent in the pool bowl according to the schedule
  • Shower time after the session and stay in the locker room is 30 minutes.
3. Observe the following sanitary and hygienic requirements when visiting the pool:
  • hand over outerwear (street shoes in a sealed bag) to the cloakroom and enter the pool area only in clean, replaceable shoes suitable for visiting the pool.
  • the visitor must bring with him a bathing suit, a cap, a towel, and hygiene items: soap and a washcloth.
  • If one of the items is missing, the visitor is not allowed to attend classes.
  • To wash the body, it is recommended to use solid or liquid soap.

4. in order to ensure the capacity of the individual changing locker, hygiene items and swimming accessories should be carried into the locker room only in plastic bags or small bags.

5. Hygienic items must only be in unbreakable containers (plastic, polyethylene, etc.) The use of hygiene items in glass containers is prohibited.

6. Provide the pool staff with the opportunity to check compliance with the requirements for the availability of appropriate hygiene items.

7. take a thorough shower for 5-7 minutes (without a bathing suit with a washcloth and soap)

8. After finishing using the shower, be sure to close the hot and cold water taps.

9. after taking a shower, before entering the pool, provide medical personnel with the opportunity to check the quality of washing.

10. At the end of the session, visitors must rinse in the shower, dry themselves, wring out their swimming accessories and only then go to the locker room.

11. Entry into the water and exit after the session is carried out at the command of the coach or instructor. After giving a signal about the end of classes, the visitor must move to the nearest stairs to the exit

12. The visitor must notify the coach or instructor about early departure from the lesson.

13. Exercise only on paths designated by the instructor.

14. After the end of the session, leave the pool (shower and locker room area) within 30 minutes

15. Observe the following requirements for the use of paths and rules of behavior in the pool bowl:

  • When several people are swimming on the lane, visitors must stay right side, overtake on the left, rest in the corners of the track.
  • To free the mouth and nose from trapped water, use the drainage gutter.
  • All movements in the pool should only be done by walking.

17. When visiting the pool for the first time, undergo an introductory briefing on water safety rules and sign in the appropriate log.

1. When several people are swimming on the lane, visitors must keep to the right, i.e. Swimming in the pool is always done counterclockwise.

2. When swimming, you must overtake those swimming in front on the left.

3. Visitors can rest only in the corners of the path, without interfering with swimmers making a turn.
4. To free the mouth and nose from trapped water, use the drain gutter.

5. It is not allowed to jump from the sides and tables of the pool.

6. It is not allowed to push while swimming.

7. Hanging on the pool paths is not allowed.

8. It is not allowed to swim across the pool, except when moving from lane to lane and to stairs.

9. It is prohibited to create excessive noise or give false signals for help in the pool.

10. When swimming in the pool, it is prohibited to create obstacles for other visitors.

12. It is not allowed to swim without a cap, as hair will clog the pool filters.

The pool rules prohibit:

When establishing prohibitions and recommendations for behavior in the pool, management always proceeds solely from the need to ensure the safety of visitors in the pool, which is a place of increased danger. Swimming pool visitors are prohibited from:

1. Visit the pool if available medical contraindications for health reasons, in the presence of skin diseases, infectious diseases, bleeding, or feeling unwell.
2. Visit the pool while under the influence of alcohol, drugs or toxic substances
3. Bring firearms and bladed weapons, stabbing objects, glass objects, explosive, flammable, poisonous and toxic substances, as well as gas canisters.
4. Smoking, eating and drinking alcohol in the pool
5. Use fins and masks (without the permission of the pool workers)
6. Bring swimming rings, boards and other objects into the pool (without the permission of the pool workers)
7. Swim without a swimming cap
8. Entering the water with chewing gum
9. Throwing foreign objects into the pool
10. Make noise, use obscene language, behave defiantly, insult visitors and pool workers.
11. Rub cosmetics (creams, ointments, etc.) into the skin to avoid allergies among visitors.
12. Perform cosmetic procedures in the pool (manicure, pedicure, peeling, etc.)
13. Damage equipment and use equipment without the permission of the instructor or for other purposes.
14. Walk barefoot in the pool
15. Take photos and videos without permission from the pool management
16. Enter the pool in street shoes and shoe covers.
17. Enter service and technical premises.
18. Touch, turn on, turn off and adjust any engineering equipment.
19. Contaminate the premises and structures of the pool
20. Use the pool's office phones.
21. Enter the pool stands. Only group presence of spectators in the stands is allowed, in cases of preliminary
agreed upon by management (competitions, demonstration performances etc.)

  1. Exercise in the pool on an empty stomach or earlier than 1.5-2 hours after eating (especially for children!)
  2. Use washing gels in the shower (due to the special chemical properties - as a result of the use of gels, a film is formed on the human body that requires careful and prolonged rinsing; if the body is washed poorly using the gel, the quality of the water in the pool deteriorates.
  3. Bring large bags into the indoor pool locker room.

All these rules of behavior in the pool and rules for visiting the pool apply to both children and schoolchildren.

The pool is a place of increased caution, and therefore all visitors, in order to avoid injuries and accidents, must follow certain rules of conduct and safety regulations.

Safety precautions in the swimming pool for visitors

All pool visitors must comply with a number of sanitary and hygiene standards. It is prohibited to enter the pool wearing outerwear and street shoes. It is necessary to be in the swimming area only in clean shoes suitable for visiting the pool - flip-flops or flip-flops.

A pool visitor must have a number of things:

  • A certificate from a doctor about your health status;
  • Swimsuit/swimming trunks;
  • Swimming cap;
  • Towel;
  • Shower product;
  • Flip flops;

Safety precautions in the pool during training

Visitors to the pool are under the close supervision of an instructor or trainer and, for their safety, are required to comply with all their instructions and requirements. Let's list the basic rules of behavior in water during classes:

  1. The signal about the beginning and end of training is given by the coach or instructor. He also gives a sign when you can enter the water or leave the pool.
  2. Movement in water is always counterclockwise. This is important to remember when several people are swimming on the same lane. Keep to the right so as not to disturb your neighbors on the path.
  3. Overtake people swimming in front on the left side.
  4. If during training you are tired and want to rest, it is better to do this in the corner of the pool path so as not to disturb other visitors.
  5. Use the drain gutter if you need to clear your mouth or nose of water that has gotten into them.
  6. During training you cannot:
    – swim without a cap;
    – jump from the sides of the pool;
    – push;
    – “hang” on the track;
    – swim across the pool, disturbing the peace of other athletes;
    - make noise;
    – simulate signals for help;
    – interfere with other swimmers by creating obstacles;
    – chew gum while swimming.

Roxalana Romanova

One of the aspects of personality development is physical development, which is most directly related to human health. The foundation of health, physical and mental, is laid in childhood. Whether this foundation will be strong enough depends entirely on the adult, on how the children will be raised, what good habits they will acquire. It is important to instill in children preschool age taste for physical education, swimming pool activities, need for such activities. This is not easy to do. Physical culture and sports are an effective and valid means of educating spiritual and physical health the younger generation. Education program in kindergarten provides for the formation of motor skills and abilities, development physical qualities, upbringing correct posture, hygiene skills, mastering knowledge about physical education. Work on physical education V preschool institution begins with the development of children habits to adhere to the regime, needs for daily activities, developing the ability to study independently exercise, fostering a love for sports and interest in their results. The main task of physical education is to preserve and strengthen health children which promotes the all-round development of the child.

Lack of attention to creating conditions for physical education can lead not only to mistakes, but also lead to various injuries and damage the child’s health. Therefore, organizing classes on physical culture and activities in the pool require strict adherence to the rules safety precautions that must be developed in every preschool institution, taking into account its characteristics, and at the same time meeting certain requirements.

Statistics show that health levels preschoolers are quite low, therefore, injuries should not be allowed children in preschool educational institutions. Health protection children, its strengthening is a subject of special concern for adults. After all, the child is still so small that he cannot protect and strengthen his health without the help of an adult.

Before you start exercising in the pool, you need to introduce children with rules for visiting the pool, with safety precautions. How to do this? What does the child respond to with pleasure? Bright pictures, funny poems - that's what a child - understandable and familiar to preschoolers.

I tried to develop the material in such a way as to clearly reflect exactly the conditions in which children find themselves, namely our swimming pool, which is familiar to children.

I made cards with an image on one side, facing the children. On the back of the card is the text that I read out.

When demonstrated, the child sees the image, hears the text and associates it with an already familiar environment, thereby achieving a greater effect.

1. Form a line, hold hands

Come into the locker room

Don't push, don't push,

And calmly undress.

2. We leave packages and bags on the bench,

And we hang pants and jackets on the hanger.

3. We only walk on paths,

Don't push, don't run.

We go to the cheap one,

It will rain

4. Now we went down the stairs,

The coach helped us

Now let’s listen carefully to the lesson!

5. We need diligence to complete the task,

We don't bother each other

And we don’t grab it with our hands!

6. If you really need to get out of the pool

You must definitely ask permission.

7. Children should not shout loudly,

pushing, grabbing legs...

8. The lesson is over,

The coach helped us get out.

We don’t run, we walk calmly,

Very slippery! Carefully!

9. You need to dry yourself quickly,

You need to get dressed quickly.

Dry your hair with a hairdryer,

To leave dry

10. Thank you for your efforts

Let's say goodbye together!

Certainly safety precautions in the pool is not limited to a one-time reading. We, together with the teacher, honey. At every lesson, the pool sister reminds you how to behave correctly, helps you, and insures you. After all, children come to us for good mood and we are trying to do everything for this.

  • 1.1. Children of preschool age and students from the 1st grade who have undergone occupational safety instructions, a medical examination and have no contraindications for health reasons are allowed to take swimming lessons.
  • 1.2. When conducting swimming lessons, follow the rules of behavior, the schedule of training sessions, and the established schedules of classes and rest.
  • 1.3. When conducting swimming lessons, students may be exposed to the following dangerous factors:
    • - injuries and drowning when jumping into water head down when the water depth is insufficient and when the bottom of the reservoir is not surveyed;
    • - bathing immediately after eating or drinking physical activity;
    • - drowning when swimming in natural bodies of water not in specially designated, unequipped places that do not meet sanitary requirements.
  • 1.4. When conducting swimming lessons, equipment for rescuing drowning people must be prepared, as well as a first aid kit with a set of necessary medications and dressings to provide first aid for injuries.
  • 1.5. The victim or an eyewitness to the accident must immediately report the accident to the teacher (teacher, educator), who must provide first aid to the victim and inform the administration of the institution about this.
  • 1.6. During classes, students must follow the order of conducting training sessions.
  • 1.7. Students who fail to comply with or violate labor safety instructions are held accountable, and all students are given unscheduled instruction on labor safety.

Safety requirements when conducting gymnastics classes.

  1. Schoolchildren who have passed a medical examination and safety instructions are allowed to participate in gymnastics classes.
  2. Classes are held in the hall according to the schedule approved by the school director. The gym opens 5 minutes before classes start.
  3. Entry to the hall is permitted only in the presence of a teacher.
  4. Students must be in sports uniform established sample.
  5. Students who are late for the start are not allowed to attend classes.
  6. Installation and transportation of sleeping rows in the hall is carried out only as directed by the teacher.
  7. It is prohibited to perform exercises on faulty or contaminated sports equipment, without insurance, without using gymnastic mats, or with wet palms.
  8. After classes, all equipment must be put back in place in accordance with their placement diagram in the hall.
  9. Students can leave the gym during classes only with the permission of the teacher.
  10. It is not allowed to practice sports equipment without a teacher (instructor, trainer).
  11. IN gym There should be a medical kit with a set of necessary medications and dressings for first aid.


Security requirementsduring classesin athletics

Run on short distances during a group start only in their own lane. Avoid sudden stops.

When jumping, place rubber pads under the heels of your shoes (if you have thin soles). Carefully loosen the sand in the hole at the landing site. Do not perform jumps on uneven, loose or slippery ground. Don't land on your hands.

Before throwing a grenade, discus, spear, hammer, look to see if there are people in the direction of throwing. Do not throw the projectile.

Do not catch the shot with your hands low to avoid bruising your fingers on the ground. Do not catch the shot while standing, keeping your feet together to avoid the shot falling on your feet.

Do not cross areas where throwing, running and jumping activities are taking place. Be especially careful when practicing throwing.

During group exercises, do not stand to the right of the thrower, do not go after the projectiles without permission. In wet weather, before throwing, wipe the projectiles (discus, cannonball, hammer, grenade) dry.

Rakes, shovels and shoes should not be left at work areas. Place the rake with its teeth down, shoes with its spikes down.


General safety requirements for sporting competitions include the following:

  1. compliance with age standards for the beginning of specialization in sports and admission to competitions
  2. Participants in the competition can only be persons who have passed a medical examination and instruction. TO sports competitions Students of preparatory and special medical groups are not allowed;
  3. the rules of the competition must be strictly observed by all participants;
  4. participants are allowed to compete in sportswear and shoes appropriate to the sport, season and weather, and are obliged to follow the rules for wearing them;
  5. there must be a first aid kit to provide first aid to victims;
  6. each accident should be immediately reported to the head of the competition and the administration of the institution;
  7. If there is a malfunction of inventory and equipment, the competition is immediately stopped and the manager is informed about this.


Security requirementsduring competitionsbasketball, volleyball(sports games)

Do not carry foreign objects.

Nails should be cut short.

Have shoes that prevent slipping. Don't play on damp floors.

When playing on damp grass, be careful: bend your LEGS more at the knees and take shorter steps.

Do not play with debris on the floor.

Before starting the game, check for foreign objects and protruding parts of equipment on the court. In games of basketball, football and lapta, the front walls of the hall must be free.

Calculate your speed to avoid collisions. It is prohibited to put your hands forward to prevent a collision.

Watch neighboring pairs when performing exercises in formation, as if they make a mistake, the ball may fly in your direction.

When the whistle blows, immediately stop all game activities and return to face the teacher.

Strictly follow the rules of the game - this prevents injury.

Don't neglect warming up before you start playing, otherwise you may get injured during the game.

Do not be on the court during games and competitions in which you yourself are not participating.


Safety requirements for organizing and conducting tourist trips.

  1. Schoolchildren who have undergone a medical examination and instruction are allowed to go on hikes;
  2. all participants in the hike are obliged to comply with the rules of behavior, the established modes of movement and rest; participants in the hike are prohibited from changing the established route and leaving the group’s location without permission;
  1. on a hike, a group of students must be accompanied by two adults;
  2. to provide first aid, the group must have a first aid kit with a set of necessary medications and dressings;

About the accident, the victim or his
an eyewitness must immediately report to management
to the body of the hiking trip.


Safety requirements before starting gymnastics classes

Instructions for schoolchildren when practicing gymnastics

Practice on gymnastic apparatus only with a teacher or his assistant. Place a gymnastic mat in the areas where the apparatus dismounts. When laying mats, make sure that their surface is level.

When performing exercises in a stream (one after another), maintain sufficient intervals.

When performing jumps and dismounts from a projectile, land softly on your toes, squatting springily.

Do not perform complex elements and exercises without insurance.

Remember that when performing exercises on gymnastic equipment, safety largely depends on their serviceability. Clean the working surface of the crossbar regularly; it should be smooth and free of rust.

Do not perform exercises on equipment with wet palms or if there are fresh calluses on them, as well as on dirty


After classes, wash your hands thoroughly with soap. If you experience pain in your hands during exercise, redness of the skin, or if abrasions (water blisters) appear on your palms, stop exercising and seek advice and help from a teacher, doctor, or nurse.

Do not stand close to the apparatus while other students are performing exercises.

Be careful when moving and installing gymnastic equipment. It is prohibited to carry or transport heavy gymnastic equipment without the use of special carts and devices.

By changing the height of the bars, loosening the screws, lift both ends of each pole at the same time, extend the legs of the jumping apparatus alternately on each side, having first tilted the apparatus.

When lifting or releasing the beam poles, hold onto the pole, but not its metal support. Every time before performing, check that the locking screws are secure.


General safety requirements for skiing lessons.

  1. Classes are open to schoolchildren who have undergone instruction, a medical examination and have no contraindications due to health reasons.

2. Classes are held according to the schedule in specially designated places approved by the management of the educational institution.

3. Shoes and clothing of those involved must meet the established requirements. Ski boots should be loose, soft and dry. Mittens or mittens are required.

4.The length of the skis must correspond to the height of the skier and not exceed the level of an outstretched arm ( plastic skis may be a little shorter). Ski poles must be correctly fitted and reach shoulder level (for skating, slightly longer poles are used).

  1. Movement to the place of training is carried out on skis or with skis carried on the shoulder or under the arm. When skiing, a teacher should go in front, and a social instructor should go behind, or vice versa. Unauthorized failure and independent skiing are prohibited.
  2. The interval when skiing over a distance of 3-4 m, when descending from the mountain - at least 30 m.
  3. The ski route should be laid in a place protected from the wind; it should not intersect with frozen bodies of water, dense bushes, roads or railways. The width of the track must be at least 3 m, and at turns and descents - at least 5 m.
  4. During the course, skiers should not overtake each other on narrow sections of the route and slopes that are difficult to see. You should not stop on the slopes and cross the ski track on them.
  5. If you fall on a descent, you must quickly clear the route and remember that poles pushed forward pose a particular danger on the descent. In case of a forced fall, it is safer to fall on your side. It is better to perform braking during descents using “plough” and “side slip”.

10. If during classes (competitions) for any reason you had to leave the race, you must notify the teacher, instructor, panel of judges(personally, through a friend or controller).

11. During ski lessons, you must have a first aid kit to provide first aid.


Safety requirements when conducting classes ski training

Skis must be selected according to height and be in good condition. The following are considered malfunctions: cracks, chips, breaking the toe or heel of skis, deformation of the plane (propeller).

The fastenings installed in the center of the ski and firmly attached to it must be adjusted so that boots or felt boots can be attached to the skis without outside help.

You can use rigid fasteners (they are more reliable) or standard rubber ones, but not homemade ones.

Sticks selected according to height should have a tip, a ring and an adjustable length strap for the hand.

Ski boots must be properly sized: tight or very loose shoes can lead to chafing or ankle injury.

You should systematically lubricate your boots with shoe polish: this will protect them from moisture and soften the leather. You should not lace your boots too tightly and tie the laces around your shins - this will impair blood circulation and your feet will get cold faster.

After classes, be sure to dry your shoes: walking in damp shoes leads to scuffs. Under no circumstances should you dry your boots on a radiator or stove, as this will make them hard and warp.

Wear shoes with two socks (cotton and wool). Socks must be dry. In extreme cold, you can wrap your toes in newsprint.

Clothing during ski training should protect from cold and wind, be light, comfortable, and not restrict movement. To avoid colds in the lower back, the sweater should be of such length that it covers the trousers even with a strong torso tilt forward.

When exercising in cold weather, be sure to wear warm underwear made from natural (not synthetic) fabrics. Put mittens on your hands.

It is forbidden to practice without a headdress. A sports cap (in severe frost, two if they are thin), covering the ears. If there is no such cap, you must additionally use special headphones.

Having received the equipment (or taken your own), you should check its serviceability and untie your skis before going outside.

When going outside, do not immediately get on your skis, let them cool down, otherwise a crust of ice will form on them, which will prevent sliding.

If you are late for class, you need to notify the teacher of your arrival so that he knows the exact number of students. You cannot leave class without the teacher's permission.

Endurance exercises should be performed regularly throughout the year. A low level of endurance is one of the causes of injuries, because a tired person is less attentive and coordinated.

Possession correct technique doing exercises is the best prevention of injury. You need to listen carefully to the teacher’s explanations, try to correctly and accurately perform the introductory and preparatory exercises.

You must strictly follow the rules of conduct on the ski track. When skiing along a distance, maintain an interval of 3-4 m when descending - at least 30 m. When descending, do not put yourself forward ski poles. If there is a need for a quick stop, squatting, fall on your side (be sure to hold the poles from behind).

After descending, you must not stop at the foot of the slope. Remember that others are following you.

Do not cross the ski track along which skiers are moving down the slope.

Do not jump from a springboard: this requires special training and jump skis.

During classes skiing There are frequent cases of frostbite in exposed areas of the face and neck. If there is behavior or loss of sensitivity in the skin of the ears, nose, or cheeks, you should immediately remove the wound. First, rub the skin in the neighborhood (until it turns pink), and then on the frostbitten area itself. This can be done with a dry hand, and not with snow, since in the latter case you can damage the skin and cause infection.

If during classes (competitions) you were forced to leave the race for some reason, be sure to notify the teacher, instructor, or panel of judges about this (personally, through a controller or a friend).

Also inform your teacher about any breakage or damage to your ski equipment. If it is impossible to make repairs on the way, then, having received the teacher’s permission, move to the school, ski lodge or the nearest populated area.

Do not take off your clothes while running the distance and after it ends, this will lead to a cold. It is better to take off excess clothing before starting the run, and put it on again after it is completed.

Before entering the room, clear the snow from your skis, and when you enter the room, tie them up.

Do not drink cold water immediately after ski training to avoid a sore throat.


Safety requirements after swimming lessons.

After leaving the water, wipe yourself dry with a towel. If possible, wash yourself in the shower and get dressed immediately.

Prohibited : after finishing classes, get into the water!

Safety requirements before starting swimming lessons

Enter the water quickly and do not stand motionless while swimming. If you feel chills, quickly get out of the water and inform your teacher (supervisor) about it.

Do not swim immediately after eating or after heavy physical activity (playing football, wrestling, running, etc.). The break between eating and bathing should be at least 45-50 minutes. In cold weather, after swimming, do some light gymnastic exercises to warm up.

Do not swim for more than 30 minutes if the water is cold. In this case, 5^6 minutes is enough. On hot sunny days, wear a swimming cap or cover your head with a white scarf.

Do not jump into the water head down if you have ear problems, especially if your eardrum is damaged. After suffering from a middle ear disease, place a ball of cotton wool lubricated with Vaseline into the auricle when bathing and swimming.

Do not stay underwater for long when diving.

When you get out of the water, dry yourself and get dressed immediately.

If you feel tired, calmly swim to the shore. If you experience seizures, do not get lost, try to stay afloat and call for help.

When helping you, do not grab onto the rescuer, but help him tow you to the shore.

Do not swim if you feel unwell or have a fever. If you feel weak, consult a doctor.


  1. Enter the water without the permission of the manager;
  2. Swim close to motor boats etc.; swim in big waves;
  3. Pushing a friend from the shore into the water.


General safety requirements for swimming lessons

  1. Students who have undergone instruction, a medical examination and have no contraindications due to health conditions are allowed to take swimming lessons.
  2. The schedule of training sessions, certain exercise and rest regimes, and established rules of behavior must be strictly observed.
  3. Classes are held only in the presence of a teacher. Late arrivals are not allowed to attend classes.
  4. In the pool it is strictly forbidden to make noise, run, push, dive, cross into someone else's lane, give false signals for help, enter the tower and jump from it without the permission of the teacher, hang on the paths, throw swimming boards from the sides into the water or from water to tiles.
  1. Swimming lessons should be provided with means for rescuing drowning people and a first aid kit for providing first aid to victims.
  2. After suffering from middle ear disease, before swimming, you should put a cotton ball lubricated with Vaseline into the auricle.
  3. When you feel tired, you need to calmly swim to the shore. If you experience convulsions, do not get lost, try to stay on the water and call for help. When providing assistance, do not grab onto the rescuer, but help him tow you to the shore. If you feel weak or unwell after swimming, you should consult a doctor.
  4. If you witness an accident, you should immediately report it to the teacher and, if necessary, provide all possible assistance.
  5. Students who violate general safety requirements during swimming lessons are held accountable, and the entire group (class) is given an unscheduled briefing.


Ensuring safety measures during games is achieved by following the following basic rules:

  1. Classes should be held on sports grounds and in the halls standard sizes, meeting the requirements of the rules of the game.
  1. Before playing, participants must remove all jewelry (rings, bracelets, earrings, etc.). Their fingernails should be cut short, and their glasses should be secured with an elastic band and have a horn frame.
  1. During classes, it is necessary to maintain discipline and strictly follow the requirements and instructions of the judge, teacher, coach, and team captain.
  1. To obtain access to classes, you must obtain permission from a doctor and undergo instructions on the use of exercise equipment;
  2. students must comply with the rules for using exercise equipment, established training and rest schedules;
  3. study in gym must wear the prescribed sports uniform and shoes;
  4. all exercise equipment used must be provided with safety instructions;
  1. the gym must be equipped with a first aid kit for first aid.


Safety requirements for excursions

Students who have undergone instruction are allowed to take excursions. Accurately follow all orders of the manager and his deputies. Immediately report any danger, injury, or delay to any of the participants to your supervisor. While traveling by rail:

  1. leave the carriage only with the permission of the manager;
  2. do not stand in vestibules;
  3. while the train is moving, do not open the doors, do not lean out of the carriage;
  4. board the train and get off the platform only when the train has come to a complete stop.

Do not use passing vehicles, use only equipped cars and buses.

Strictly follow traffic rules:

  1. When driving along the road, do not break down. Drive along the left side of the road, facing traffic.
  2. Be extremely careful when crossing the road, do not interfere with the movement of the group.

Follow the rules of behavior on the territory of the visited objects. Treat historical and cultural monuments with care. Respect the customs and traditions of the local population. During a nature excursion:

  1. do not make fires;
  2. do not drink water from untested reservoirs;
  3. do not taste mushrooms, berries, fruits, plants;
  4. do not touch animals, dangerous reptiles and insects;
  5. keep up and do not change the route of movement, cutting off certain sections.