Exercises on uneven bars - how to do it, training program for beginners. Dips Workouts for Beginners and Professionals Dips Training Program

Push-ups on the uneven bars are among the basic exercises for the development of strength and mass of the triceps. In addition, this exercise is one of the main ones for athletes involved in horizontal bars and people practicing training with own weight. That is why the performance in push-ups on the uneven bars is a priority for them. In this article, we will analyze the question of how to increase endurance in this movement - in particular, increase the number of working repetitions.

Growth is based on load periodization

The vast majority of athletes do not have the right ideas about how the body adapts to power loads and the development of certain physical parameters. Therefore, their training programs are often monotonous and primitive, and therefore give a rather slow result. After all, their main principle is: “to do many repetitions in push-ups, you need to do push-ups as often as possible.” However, this principle is not entirely correct.

The greatest progress in this or that exercise is given by the periodization of the load - that is, the use of both heavy power and light multi-repetitive loads. When using this technique, the body not only adapts better to the load, but also develops additional physical parameters - strength, strength endurance, explosive force etc. And all this gives much more progress in the number of repetitions than with the monotonous training of push-ups on the uneven bars.

Training scheme of push-ups on the uneven bars

Before submitting the program, it is necessary to specify its main parameters:

  • The program is aimed at increasing strength and endurance (number of repetitions) in push-ups on the uneven bars;
  • Training 2 times a week Monday (hard) and Friday (light);
  • The heavy program will be based on push-ups on bars with weight;
  • The light program includes push-ups on the uneven bars, performed without additional weights to failure;
  • In addition to push-ups on the uneven bars, we will use additional auxiliary exercises;
  • Total duration of the program: 6-8 weeks.

Workout #1 (Monday)

Training#2 (Friday)

This program helps to increase the strength and endurance of the triceps, which directly affects the increase in the number of repetitions in push-ups on the uneven bars. Try this training scheme for 6-8 weeks and evaluate the results. Happy training!

Training on the horizontal bar and uneven bars is one of the most accessible and favorite among professional athletes and connoisseurs of active healthy lifestyle life. With the help of these shells, you can give the muscles the right level of load, pump up the triceps, chest, biceps, back, hips, legs.

Thanks to regular exercises according to the program for training on the horizontal bar and uneven bars, excess fat reserves will go away, your mood will rise, and your physique will look like the figure of a real athlete. And the opportunity to exercise for free and at any time on the horizontal bar and uneven bars turned training into an excellent alternative to the gym.

It may seem inexperienced that on the horizontal bar you can only pull yourself up, and on the simulator the bars can do push-ups. But in practice, everything is more exciting, because the exercises on these shells can be done in a variety of ways. And load like individual groups muscles and the whole body.

To start need to learn the grip, which are also used on the horizontal bar and uneven bars.

The main types of grips on the horizontal bar include:

  • Straight(palms pointing away from you);
  • Reverse th (palms turned to the face);
  • Mixed(a combination of direct and reverse at the same time).
  • Parallel(you need to do it at the same time, on two shells located close to each other, the palms look inward);
  • Wide(the distance between the hands is 0.5-0.8 meters);
  • Average(hands shoulder width apart);
  • Narrow(as close as possible to each other).

Pulling up wide grip it is important to load the back muscles. With a narrow and medium grip, the muscles on the chest and arms are actively involved.

Classes on a thick crossbar increase the complexity of classes, increase the cost of strength and energy.

train all year round- buy equipment for the house:

Rules for training on horizontal bars and parallel bars

Before starting classes on the uneven bars and horizontal bar training program, it is important to do a good warm-up for the whole body. You can go for a run, stretch your muscles. Each exercise must be performed carefully and smoothly, correctly. This will reduce the chance of injury and increase the effectiveness of your workout.

Avoid sudden movements, they can hurt.

At first need to exercise 3-4 times a week and alternate classes on the uneven bars and the horizontal bar with cardio loads. The two workouts should be "deload" workouts to give the body the rest and recovery time it needs.

Muscle Growth Exercises

To improve the relief of the body, it is necessary to combine training on the uneven bars and horizontal bars with lifting the barbell in the bench press. When you can do the exercises easily, you can increase the load by adding weight to the bar. To do this, add a couple of kilograms, put weights on your belt and legs.

For good muscle building, you need to train regularly and according to the regimen.

To create a training program on the horizontal bar and uneven bars, decide how many times a week you will train. If you practice 4 times a week, the first and second days of training should be intense mi. Devote the third day to rest. And then repeat all over again.

First day

Push ups:

  • from the floor with an average grip;
  • feet on the bench medium grip;
  • wide grip from the floor, legs on a high bench;
  • on the bars.

Hanging on the crossbar: straight legs raised to the head.

Second day


  • behind the head, wide grip;
  • wide grip to the chest;
  • medium grip;
  • narrow grip;
  • parallel grip.

Hanging on the horizontal bar: straight legs rise to the head.

Repeat the exercises as far as the physical form allows. When the capabilities of the body increase, you can more repeat load, and the number of approaches should be increased for each exercise.

Quad workout on the horizontal bar and uneven bars it differs from the two-time one, because it has no break A. The first two days you need to work out 1 circle of the program, then repeat the circle. Then need a break for one day(recovery).

Relief exercises

For body relief, a certain system is suitable, designed for 4 workouts per week. Two days of training, a break of one day and again two days in a row of classes. Then you can rest for two days. Every time you need to increase the number of repetitions and approaches.

First day

  • pull-ups: wide grip, wide grip behind the head;
  • push-ups: on uneven bars, wide grip from the floor;
  • vis: raise straight legs to the head;
  • bar press.

Second day

  • push-ups from the floor, medium grip, and then from the floor, feet on the bench;
  • lying on your back, raising two legs at the same time;
  • twisting on the horizontal bar;
  • hang on the bar, raise your legs to your head.

The third day

  • pull-ups: on the crossbar, reverse grip;
  • palms to the face, narrow grip.
  • push-ups: on uneven bars, from the floor with an average grip.
  • hanging on the horizontal bar, raise your knees and then on the uneven bars, raising straight legs.

Fourth day

  • push-ups: from the floor and from the floor, legs on the bench;
  • hanging with legs raised to a right angle;
  • press on the floor;
  • horizontal bar: twisting.

How to do push-ups?

Bars are a great exercise machine for the chest, arms and shoulders. And the implementation of the program of push-ups on the uneven bars involves abs, back and legs. True, the level of load depends on the technique of performing exercises.

At the beginning of the development of simulators, the horizontal bar and bars are important keep balance and not "dangling". Otherwise, you risk sprains and injuries. Standing along the crossbars, push off the ground with your feet, then grab the bars with your straight arms. Stay straight. Jump down smoothly. On the uneven bars you need to go out at the expense of the arms and shoulders.

Push-ups are important. Bend your knees (to a right angle), then cross them (as shown in the photo above). This will add stability. Lean slightly forward, while exhaling, bend your elbows to a right angle. Do not spread your arms to the sides, the elbows should be pressed to the body as much as possible.

On the exhale, straighten up. If you feel warmth in your triceps, you are doing everything right..

For elaboration pectoral muscles, go down below. But the angle at the elbow should be about 30 degrees. At first, it is better to refuse such complication. And when the body will be easy to do the initial version of the exercise, move on to the complicated version.

The break between sets should be up to 2 minutes.

Bars training program

From the first day of classes, the uneven bars training program will help you. Need to follow the program for three months. Then you can add new exercises, use the horizontal bar and the bars for the press, or complicate the already familiar exercises.

week no.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Approach 110 15 20 25 30 35 40 40 45 45 50 50 55 60 60 65 65 70 70 70
Approach 25 15 20 25 30 30 35 40 40 45 45 50 50 55 60 60 60 60 65 65
Approach 35 10 15 20 25 20 30 30 30 30 30 35 35 40 45 45 45 45 50 50
Approach 43 5 15 15 18 20 20 20 20 25 25 25 25 25 30 35 35 35 35 40
Approach 52 5 10 12 12 15 15 15 15 18 18 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 25 25
Total25 50 80 97 115 125 140 145 150 163 168 180 185 195 210 220 220 225 235 240

The horizontal bar training program

The training program on the horizontal bar and parallel bars will allow you to quickly gain an athletic physique. After 2-3 weeks, the first positive changes will be noticeable.

To get the most benefit, be sure to let your body rest. Even if it seems that the body will do without a break, treat yourself to a vacation for a day. And to get best result use the training program on the horizontal bar and bars. It will help you easily get into the right rhythm. As a result, you will achieve excellent success.

week no.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Approach 16 7 8 8 9 10 10 11 12 12 13 14 14 15 16 16 17 18 18 19
Approach 25 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12
Approach 35 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 11
Approach 44 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10
Approach 53 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10
Total23 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 60

The program on the horizontal bar and uneven bars is simple. Even if you have a low level of physical fitness, you can master the exercises in a couple of weeks. At first, the muscles will be very sore, so it is better to avoid heavy loads. But in a month daily exercise you will boldly engage in a training program on the horizontal bar and parallel bars.

Bars and a horizontal ladder are indispensable elements of any outdoor sports ground, along with a horizontal bar. This is no coincidence, they perfectly complement the crossbar. The fact is that on the uneven bars you can do not only traction movements; exercises, including elements for the development of endurance, flexibility and coordination, are much more for them than for the horizontal bar. At the same time, just like on the bar, you train the entire upper half of the body, including the core. And the horizontal ladder is a great grip tool.

Below is basic set exercises on uneven bars (which is divided into three groups according to the level of difficulty), a block dedicated to exercises on a horizontal ladder, and an express workout constructor.


You are here if you see the bars for the first time. Train 3-5 times a week for 3-4 weeks and sometimes try to do a full push-up (for the right way - see the first exercise in the next block). In this block, as in all others, the exercises are arranged in order of increasing difficulty.

Stand in front of the bars, along the crossbars. Place your hands on the bars (A). Jump out on straight arms, completely extinguishing the rocking of the body (B). Slowly drop to the ground without accompanying the return to the starting position with the work of the hands. Repeat.

Important As your strength grows, try to jump as little as possible and include as much as possible in the arm lifting phase.

Put your hands on the bars and come out on straight arms. Move your legs forward a little, as in the photo (A). Without changing the position of the body, pull your knees as close to your shoulders as possible (B). Return to starting position and repeat.

3. Access to the uneven bars + negative push-ups

Stand in front of the bars, along the crossbars. Place your hands on the bars (A). Jump out on straight arms, completely extinguishing the rocking of the body (B). Now slowly, for 6-8 counts, lower yourself down, bending your arms (B). Jump to the ground, returning to the starting position. Repeat.

Put your hands and feet on the bars, stretch the body in line with your legs, as in the photo (A). Bending your elbows, lower yourself as low as possible (B). Return to starting position and repeat.


If you can already do push-ups from the bars a couple of times, go to this block. The goal is to learn how to perform 20 or more regular push-ups at a time. In parallel with the increase in performance in push-ups, do not forget other exercises for experienced ones in order to achieve a versatile and most harmonious development.

Put your hands on the bars, kick off the ground with your feet and come out on straight arms. Slightly bend your knees and take your pelvis back. In this position, the body will lean forward slightly, which will reduce the range of motion in the shoulder joints, protecting them from injury (A). Bend your elbows and lower yourself to a position in which your shoulders (part of the arm from the elbow to shoulder joint) will become almost parallel to the floor (B). Push up with your arms fully extended. Repeat.

Put your hands on the bars and come out on straight arms. Move your legs forward a little (A). Without changing the position of the body, raise your legs slightly bent at the knees to the horizontal or higher (B). Slowly return to the starting position and repeat.

Put your hands on the bars and come out on straight arms. Keep your legs and torso vertical (A). Raise your right leg to the horizontal or slightly higher (B). Lower it, returning to the original, and raise left leg(IN). This is one repeat.

Stand on straight arms, then raise your legs slightly bent at the knees so that your feet are higher than the bars (A). From this position, slowly turn the body and legs, first to the right (B), and then to the left (C). When turning, try not to bend your elbows too much. This is one repeat.

5. Straight leg raises + corner twists

Stand on straight arms, bringing your legs slightly bent at the knees slightly forward (A). Gently raise your legs above the bars (B). Now, keeping the resulting corner, turn first to the right (C), and then to the left (D). Return to the starting position by lowering your legs down. Repeat.

Stand on straight arms, then raise your legs slightly bent at the knees so that you get a right angle between the hips and the body (A). Bending your elbows, go down, keeping the corner (B). Return to the starting position without lowering your legs and repeat.

Place your palms on the ground a little wider than your shoulders, and put your straight legs on the bars, as shown in the photo. Make sure that the body is in a single line with the legs (A). Without arching at the waist, bend your arms and lower yourself as close to the ground as possible (B). Return to straight arms and repeat.

Important This exercise not recommended for people with health problems of cardio-vascular system and those with visual impairments.

Come to the bars from the side and grab the bar closest to you with your right palm from below, bring your legs slightly forward, keep your free hand behind your back (A). bend down left hand at the elbow and pull yourself up to the bar (B). Return to starting position and repeat. After doing the required number of repetitions with one hand, do the same with the other.

Important In the process of performing this exercise, do not bend in the lower back and do not fail the pelvis down.

Stand on straight arms (A) and walk on your arms, alternating them (B), to the end of the bars. Drop to the ground, turn around and continue. One pass counts as one repetition.

Stand on straight arms (A). In jumps of 10–20 cm (B), trying to help yourself with your legs and not bend your elbows too much, move forward to the end of the bars. Drop to the ground, turn around and continue. One pass counts as one repetition.

Stand on straight arms (A). Shrug (B). Return to the starting position without bending your arms. Repeat.

Important This exercise will not only make it easier for you to perform many exercises on the horizontal bar, but will also be extremely useful for preventing injuries to the shoulder joint.


We offer experts only the most complex and interesting. Move on to this block gradually: keep doing the advanced exercises, but add 1-2 expert exercises to them, mastering more and more sophisticated exercises, doing more repetitions in them and combining exercises in combinations.

Stand on straight arms (A). Bend your elbows and lower yourself down (B). Now move back a little and put your forearms on the bars (B). Return to position (B), then push up and return to the starting position. It was one repeat.

Stand in a horizontal position on the uneven bars, placing your hands and feet on them. Extend the body in line with the legs (A). Bend your elbows and lower yourself down (B). Now sweep your whole body back a little and place your forearms on the bars (B). Moving in reverse order, return to the starting position. Repeat.

Stand with straight arms on the bars, turning your back to the crossbar. IN starting position arms should be slightly bent at the elbows (A). Bend your arms and lower yourself as low as possible without placing your feet on the ground (B). Return to starting position and repeat.

Stand on straight arms (A). Swing your legs forward and throw them over the bars, spreading them apart (B). Leaning on your feet, move the body forward and rearrange your hands in front of you (B). Then throw your legs over the bars, bringing them together and taking them back (D). Using the gained inertia of the swing of the legs and body, immediately begin the next repetition.

Stand on the side of the bars. Grab them with an overhand grip and hang with your feet off the ground (A). Powerfully pull yourself up (B) and quickly throw your shoulders over the bars (C). Now push up on straight arms (G). Moving backwards, return to the starting position. Repeat.

Important Try to ensure that the entire upward movement is performed in one coordinated movement.

Stand on straight arms (A). Turn to the right and quickly move your left hand to the right bar (B). Continue rotating to the right by moving right hand onto the bar at the back (B). Place both hands back on the same bar (D). Continuing the rotation, return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side. Two circles (clockwise and counterclockwise) count as one repetition.

Exercises on a horizontal ladder

Hang on the rungs of the stairs, holding them narrow grip. Bend a little in thoracic region and look up (A). Bend your elbows and lift up (B). Get back on straight arms and sweep your right hand to the side so that you get a medium grip at shoulder width (B). Pull up again (D). Straighten your arms and now move your left hand to the side so that the grip is wider than your shoulders (D). Pull up (E). Return to the starting position, repeating everything in reverse order. Do one pull-up with each grip variation. All 5 pull-ups will count as one rep.

Hang from the bar (A). Move the right hand forward first (B) and then the left (C). Continue walking in this way to the end of the stairs. Drop to the ground, turn around, grab the bars again and keep going. Count the round trip as one repetition.

Hang from the bar (A). Helping yourself with your feet, jump immediately sweep both hands forward to the next crossbar (B). Continue jumping non-stop to the end of the stairs. When finished, jump off, turn around and repeat. Count the round trip as one repetition.

Hang from the bar (A). Move to the next bar by placing your hands on it in turn (B). Now raise your legs slightly bent at the knees to the horizontal (B). Lower your legs, take the next step and raise your legs again. Proceed in this way to the end of the stairs. When finished, jump off, turn around and repeat. Count a one-way pass as one rep.

Hang on the ladder with your back to the direction of travel (A). Take turns placing your hands on the bar behind you (B). Continue moving backwards to the very end of the stairs. When finished, jump off, turn around and repeat. Count the round trip as one repetition.

My own coach

Here's an example of express training on uneven bars and horizontal stairs.

1. If you are not doing anything else, train according to this scheme 4 times a week.

2. If you go to the gym, then 2 times is enough as a warm-up before working with weights.

Pay attention: in the description of training, the designation "MAX" is used - "Perform the maximum repetitions."

1. Access to bars 10 * 5 1. Regular dips 4*MAX 1. Triangle 3*MAX
2. Push-ups in a horizontal stop 4 * MAX 2. Turns in the corner 4 * 10 (in each direction) 2. Korean push-ups 4*MAX
3. Knee lift 4*MAX 3. Diagonal push-ups 3*MAX 3. Exit by force on uneven bars 6*MAX
4. Pull-ups with a narrow, medium and wide grip 3 * MAX 4. Reverse pull-ups on bars with one hand 4*MAX (each hand) 4. Rotation 360 degrees 2*MAX (both ways)
5. Hanging transitions on hands 2*MAX 5. Walking on hands 3*MAX 5. Pull-ups with a narrow, medium and wide grip 4 * MAX
6. Hanging jump transitions on hands 2*MAX 6. Transitions backwards 3*MAX
Rest between sets as you feel good, until full recovery. Do this workout 2-3 times a week. Rest between sets - 60-90 seconds. Such training with the proper level of preparation can be carried out 3-4 times a week. Since you are an expert, then do this method 4-5 times a week. Rest no more than 45-60 seconds between sets.

Valuable tips
If you want to make your own workout, then follow the simple rules. After warming up, start with a simple exercise to work into your workout. Then devote some time to mastering the new element, after which load the core. Finish off with a couple of grip exercises (for example, on a horizontal ladder).

Since you opened this article, it means that you are no longer a beginner in training and you can even do a dozen or two push-ups on the uneven bars. This is not bad, but a real man should calmly make a fifty-kopeck piece. Surely, when you were little, you heard how grown-up uncles agreed in the yard to "throw a half-a-dozen"? They spoke just about push-ups on the uneven bars! Now you have grown up, which means that it is time for you to pump strength and endurance too!

Instead of an introduction

I wrote this program for those who already do 20-30 push-ups on the uneven bars and want to increase this number to a serious value of 50 repetitions.

If your level is lower, then I recommend that you first devote time to training the base, maybe even go through my program once and then come back here.

Well, we're starting!

Week #1 - What if...

The first week of our program will be introductory. Because you must first get to know the enemy before attacking him. All wise commanders do this, and if you are not yet a wise commander, then especially for you, Sun Tzu published the treatise "The Art of War". You can google it, but be careful with the search results for "Sun". Anything happens.

But back to training. Before you attack a fifty kopeck, you need to try to make a fifty kopeck. And that is exactly what you will do. But first...

Warm up:>

This is a warm-up, so start it at a calm pace and do not chase anywhere. Your task is to warm up before the main workout, and at the same time, put 100 push-ups from the floor in your pocket. After that, you can proceed to the main workout:

What if...:>

10 dips, rest 1 minute.

50 dips, rest 5 minutes.
40 dips, rest 4 minutes.
30 dips, rest 3 minutes.
20 dips, rest 2 minutes.
10 dips, rest 1 minute.

This scheme is called . Even through the screen, I already feel how indignation boils in you. But you're not a teapot, so don't boil. I write the amount in the approach that you need to do, but I understand that you will not do it. And you understand. So calm down, and do your maximum in each such big set, then get off the bars, give yourself 60 seconds of rest, jump up again and finish the set. You will probably need several of these stops, especially on the highest approaches. That is life. It is as inevitable as the fact that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Come to terms with it. If it's hard, get a bonsai home, it helps.

At this point, you are most likely already stuffed into the trash, but the training is not over yet, because you have to do ...


4 sets of 25 push-ups with a rest of 2-3 minutes.

Week #2 - Hellfire

Did you return to the site refreshed and rested? It better be like this, because today your muscles will just BURN!!! But before that, do a warm-up before training, repeating the exercises for :

We will consider this a pre-warm-up, and now go to the warm-up!

Warm up:>

4 sets of 25 push-ups from the floor with legs on the bench with a rest of 2-3 minutes.

Well, now you are warmed up and ready to attack the bars with all your might. Let's see how you can cope with the first task, which is called OSCILOSCOPE! Difficult? Let's go by syllables - OS-CI-LO-GRAPH. No idea what is it? Picture to help:


(Latin oscillo - I swing + Greek γραφω - I write) - a device designed to study (observe, record, measure) the amplitude and time parameters of an electrical signal supplied to its input, either directly on the screen or recorded on a photo tape.

Surely at this moment you are in general confused what all this has to do with training? See the diagram below and you'll understand.


Do push-ups on the uneven bars according to the following scheme: 20,10,15,10,20,1,15,10,20,1,20,10,15,10,20,1 with a rest of no more than 60 seconds between sets.

Where there are large numbers of repetitions (10, 15, 20) - you do ordinary push-ups on the uneven bars, but where there is 1 repetition - you do according to the following scheme - you start from lower position and slowly rise up (for 10 seconds),
then down (for 10 seconds), then up again (for 10 seconds).
This is 1 rep.

Good luck.

How does it feel? Did you like making singles? Are your muscles on fire? And we're only half way to hell! If Dante were training with you, he would say that we are now on the 4th lap and will soon meet with Plutos. And that means taking a few minutes off before your next set!

So, are you ready to get out of this hell? Then you have to go through the wheel of Samsara! What?! Do you know anything about Samsara?! How did you plan to achieve success on horizontal bars and parallel bars without this knowledge???

Samsara or samsara (Skt. संसार, saṃsāra IAST "wandering, wandering"):>

The cycle of birth and death in worlds limited by karma is one of the basic concepts in Indian philosophy: the soul, drowning in the "ocean of samsara", seeks liberation (moksha) and getting rid of the results of its past actions (karma), which are part of the "network of samsara".

Enriched your horizons? Great, now listen to how the wheel of Samsara looks like in the form of an exercise:

Wheel of Samsara:>

Take emphasis on the bars at their very edge,
do 5 push-ups, move your right hand to the bar where your left hand is, do 5 push-ups, move your left hand to the bar where your right hand was at the beginning, do 5 push-ups, move your right hand to the bar where your left hand is, do five push-ups, move your left hand to its original bar.

In fact, you will do a U-turn on the spot (well, 20 push-ups in between), your task is to move forward a little on each circle,
only in this way can you reach the end of the bars and get out of hell.

Nobody said it would be easy, right? If at some point you realize that you no longer have strength, or if you see that you are stuck in place and not moving forward, then get off the bars, rest a little, and return to the exercise from the place where you left off. Your main task is to reach the end!


4 sets of 25 push-ups from the floor with legs above the hands with a rest of 2-3 minutes.
4 sets of 25 push-ups with a rest of 2-3 minutes.

I think you deserve a good rest, so come back in a week and we'll continue on to 50 dips per set and in good quality!

Week #3 - Feeling Powerful

Half way done, half way still to go. How do you already feel the devilish power in your muscles? Not yet? Well, after today's workout, you can feel it!

After a light pre-warm-up, move on to our standard push-up warm-up, which will prepare you for the upcoming work. As you may have guessed, this week we will add another hundred repetitions!

Warm up:>

4 sets of 25 push-ups from the floor with legs on the bench (legs above arms) with a rest of 2-3 minutes.
4 sets of 25 push-ups with a rest of 2-3 minutes.
4 sets of 25 push-ups from the bench (arms above legs) with a rest of 2-3 minutes.

Pummeled? Great! Today's first episode will be completely different from anything you've done before. This time, no complex names and abstruse oriental terms, only push-ups on the uneven bars, only hardcore!

3,2,1, Let's go!:>

You do 3 sets of 5 reps, then a maximum of push-ups and so on three times. Rest between 5 no more than 30 seconds, rest after the last five and before the maximum - 2 minutes.

Pretty good huh? I also like this series, because it is somewhat reminiscent of the launch of the Vostok-1 spacecraft! The first three sets go just like 3, 2, 1 and drove to the max! But this is not the time to indulge in emotions, because the second series is already waiting for you!

Force Penetration:>

Take emphasis on the uneven bars at the very edge,
do 1 rep, go to the end of the bars forward and do 2 reps, go (back) to the end of the bars back and do 3 reps and so on until you reach 10.

If at some point your strength leaves you, you can get off the bars, rest for a minute and come back. You start the return by performing the last number of push-ups performed.

This series is already much more serious, because few people are able to move normally on uneven bars without preparation. Forward is still okay, but moving back is a real test even for those who have been practicing on street playgrounds for more than a year. And also on the hands scored after the last series, so this is generally a separate test. Which you must pass if you want to succeed!

I don't know if you were paying attention or if you were too busy training, but in the first week you only had 1 circuit, in the second week you already had 2 circuits, and now you are in your third week, which means that you have one more thing to do before you go to cool down!


The word "robot" in the title of today's plan is not just that. Robots do not experience emotions. They are just machines that run the programs they have. Cycle after cycle, algorithm after algorithm, not thinking for a second, not stopping for a second, not evaluating for a second. Become a robot. This is your only chance to reach the end.

I am a robot:>

Get on the bars, do 1 pushup, pause for 5 seconds, do 1 more pushup, pause for 5 seconds, do 1 more pushup, and so on, until you have done 100 pushups in total.

You have to give all your best, because without it there will be no results. If you can't do all 100 pushups per set, then get off, pause for 3-5 minutes, and come back. And so on, until you finish it.

One of the biggest problems people have when doing 50 bars per set is emotional and physical fatigue. And in order to overcome it, you need to develop an emotional and physical endurance. And it is for this purpose that Caracal has specially developed this scheme.

If you did everything right, then it’s unlikely that you will have enough strength for anything else today, so just take a hitch and go home to rest. You have a week of rest ahead of you and then test your new highs!


3 sets of 30 push-ups from the floor with legs on the bench (legs above arms) with a rest of 2-3 minutes.
3 sets of 30 push-ups with a rest of 2-3 minutes.
3 sets of 30 push-ups from the bench (arms above legs) with a rest of 2-3 minutes.
3 sets of 30 push-ups from the floor with legs on the bench (legs above arms) with a rest of 2-3 minutes.


When you look back, it always seems that time has flown by very quickly. So these 4 weeks of training for push-ups on the uneven bars flew by like one day. Whatever the case, if you trained hard and followed all my instructions, your level should have risen significantly! And this means that after a few days of rest, you can try to make your maximum on the uneven bars and it will definitely be more than 50! And don't forget to thank me in the comments after that.

The training program, which is carried out on the horizontal bar and uneven bars, is designed to strengthen the muscles of the arms, chest and back. But these same exercises have a beneficial effect on the overall tone of the body, improve the functioning of the heart, respiratory system, endurance.

Contrary to popular belief, uneven bars are needed not only for boys, but also for girls - this will help you look feminine, maintain a toned figure at any age.

The horizontal bar and bars provide an excellent opportunity to develop the muscles of the arms, chest and back, increase overall tone and drive off excess fat. It doesn't have to be under the guidance of a coach. You can choose the program yourself.

For maximum efficiency, a few simple rules should be adopted:

Is it possible to pump up on the horizontal bar and uneven bars?

You can, and it's very effective. In the process of work, mice have to lift own weight body, and this is a rather big load. If the exercises have become too easy, you can increase the number of approaches, change the height of the bars or use special weights - they are put on the legs and increase body weight.

Exercises on the uneven bars and the horizontal bar are available to almost everyone.

The results will be different - it all depends on the frequency of training, the characteristics of the regimen and natural data, but they will definitely be. Therefore, if the goal is to pump up, then it will be achieved with due diligence.

In addition, classes on the uneven bars improve the tone of not only the muscles of the upper body, but also the press, back and partly the legs (for them you can perform additional exercises, which will be discussed later), so that regular classes on the horizontal bar will help to harmoniously develop the body.

Advantages and disadvantages of training on the horizontal bar and uneven bars

The horizontal bar remains very popular among fans of a sports lifestyle. Recently, a separate direction of performing tricks on the horizontal bar and uneven bars has emerged. This is due to its accessibility - you can find a crossbar in any yard, and if you don’t want to go out, you can put a horizontal bar at home, fixing the door in the opening.

The bars are a little more difficult, but they can also be found in parks or on the streets. sports grounds. You do not need to buy additional equipment, so classes on the uneven bars and horizontal bars practically do not require financial costs. The second advantage is the simplicity and simultaneous variety of exercises on the horizontal bar.

You can choose a program for yourself without consulting a trainer, while harmoniously developing all the muscles of the body. Classes on the uneven bars are safe - a person is more likely to not be able to do the exercise at all than to do it wrong and get injured, so such exercises can be recommended for beginners.

But besides the advantages, there are also disadvantages that are directly related to the advantages. You can work out in the yard only in good weather, and in winter and in the rain you will have to spend money on a gym or give up training.

The exercises are quite difficult for beginners.

If we are talking about girls, then among them there are many who cannot do the exercises the first time, and this repels them from such activities, destroys motivation. If classes take place in a group, then people with poor preparation are “in the tail”, it is most difficult for them to study, and they leave the group. But any group activities have this disadvantage.

Grip types

Among athletes, there is often debate about how to properly stay on the horizontal bar. In fact, there is no right grip - all possible options are necessary and useful, but the load is distributed in different ways.

Types of grips for the horizontal bar:

For bars, only a direct grip is possible - in another combination, it is impossible to perform exercises on them. The distance between the bars can be changed by adjusting the complexity of the exercises.

Mode and frequency of classes

The training program on the horizontal bar and uneven bars is effective only when the rules of the classes are followed.

The structure of each lesson looks like this:

In the complex, you can add exercises to stretch the muscles. Beginners can limit themselves to one approach, and add the rest if possible. The frequency of training depends on the goal.

To pump up muscle mass, should be practiced according to the 1 + 1 scheme, i.e. Day 1 - active loads, the next - rest.

During rest, active growth occurs muscle tissue. Then you can complicate the circuit by making several training days contract. Important for maintaining tone daily workouts small intensity. They will not add muscle mass, but will allow you to maintain a taut shape.

Common mistakes

The exercises on the horizontal bar have their own difficulties that must be taken into account in the classroom.

The table lists common mistakes and rules that will help you avoid them:

Proper execution Mistakes
Breath Inhale in the starting position, exhale - at the moment of the greatest load Voluntary breathing. The athlete gets tired faster, performs fewer approaches
Hand movements Smooth, elbows do not fully extend Sudden movements and full extension of the elbows increase the risk of injury.
Muscle movements not involved in the exercise The neck is completely relaxed, the legs and abs are tensed only when the exercise technique requires it. The tension of "extra" muscles reduces the effectiveness of the main load
Use of weights Weights are used only by experienced athletes Switching to weight training too early increases the risk of injury, accelerates fatigue

Women's set of exercises on the horizontal bar and uneven bars

The training program on the horizontal bar and bars for girls has no fundamental differences from the men's. The main difference is that girls are usually less trained, and they have to start classes with small loads and light exercises that boys do at school. But over time, girls achieve results no worse than boys.

Warm up

Training must begin with a warm-up - it allows you to prepare the muscles, circulatory and respiratory system to active work, reduces the likelihood of injury. The duration of the warm-up is 5-10 minutes. It includes exercises for the neck, shoulder girdle, brushes, lower back and legs.

Particular attention should be paid to the arms and shoulder girdle, and include in the warm-up rotation in the shoulders, including in opposite directions, warm-up of the wrist joints and elbows.

chest exercises

Exercises for the muscles of the chest and back allow you to increase the strength of the arms, create muscle relief. Contrary to popular belief, pumped up muscles of the shoulder girdle will not make the chest beautiful and neat - there are no muscles in the mammary gland itself, so it will look the same as before training. Significantly improve appearance it is possible only with a small chest (1-2 size).

To develop the chest muscles on the horizontal bar, pull-ups are performed with a reverse and wide grip, the number of approaches depends on the degree of preparation. On the uneven bars for the same purpose do different kinds push-ups - corner, chest style, diagonal and others.

Exercises for the abs

Program intense training on the horizontal bar and uneven bars includes exercises for the harmonious development of the whole body.

Performing exercises for the press on such shells is associated with great efforts of the abdominal muscles - it is more difficult to perform them than the usual flexion-extension of the body on the floor, the press works more intensively, and the result is more noticeable.

Similar exercises for the press are performed on the horizontal bar and uneven bars - raising the knees, and then straight legs, twisting, raising the toes to the shoulders. Knowing your own body and an adequate assessment of the level of fitness will help dose the load.


Stretching is needed to relieve tension from the muscles after exercise. It is performed at a calm pace, which makes it possible to restore breathing after class. Also, girls have a belief that if you stretch, the muscles will not grow too fast, they will form a relief, but they will not be too voluminous, they will retain a feminine look.

The main exercises for stretching the arms are stretching the straight arm to the opposite shoulder and placing the arm bent at the elbow behind the head. With your free hand, you need to pull your hand towards the body in the first case and down in the second. Stretching exercises must be performed very carefully so as not to damage the ligaments and joints.

Training plan

The training program on the horizontal bar and uneven bars is compiled individually for each student. For a beginner, the best option is to exercise every evening to keep fit or according to the 1 + 1 scheme to build mass. The plan of each lesson should include a warm-up, 3 exercises on the crossbar or parallel bars, stretching and breathing recovery.

Before you make a training plan, you need to decide on the goal and choose the exercises that will correspond to it. If the goal is to maintain sportswear, then it is better to take 3 exercises for different groups muscles (chest, arms, abs) and perform the same complex every day.

If the goal is to gain muscle mass, then you should choose 3 exercises for each muscle group and alternate them (arm day, chest day, press day). Exercises on the horizontal bar and uneven bars are conveniently divided into different days. If the training plan is drawn up correctly, then the result becomes visible within a month, even for those who do not shine. physical training.

The main thing is the regularity of classes and correct execution exercises. If the result is not satisfactory, then the lesson plan can and should be changed, adjusting to individual characteristics. As an example, one can find ready plans online training, but you need to be prepared for the fact that they may suit someone, and someone will have to refine them.

The best horizontal bar exercises for girls

It is better for girls to start classes with enough simple exercises This will help you adapt to physical activity will improve the overall tone of the body. Even if a girl cannot or does not want to pump up her relief, classes on the horizontal bar will have a beneficial effect on her physical form, allow you to remove overweight and create the perfect toned figure.


Hang is the simplest exercise that can be done on the horizontal bar. It is not performed on the uneven bars.

Performing a hang on the horizontal bar:

Vis is perfect as initial exercise. The main task of hanging is to relax the muscles of the back, neck and arms, straighten the spine. It helps to deal with the consequences seated image life, and excess power loads.

Pull knees to chest

This abs exercise is great for beginners. It is performed on the horizontal bar and uneven bars.

Technique for performing on the horizontal bar:

  • starting position - hanging with slightly bent elbows;
  • legs bent at the knees, brought together, in this position they rise to chest level;
  • return to starting position.

All movements are performed smoothly, especially the return to the hang. In the initial stages of classes, it will be difficult to raise your legs to desired height, but you need to try to raise your knees as close to correct position. Over time, you will be able to do the exercise correctly. The most common mistake is trying to raise your legs with a sharp movement.

This is less effective than gentle lifts and puts you at risk of damaging your elbows. On the uneven bars, the starting position looks like this - the arms support the body above the projectile, the elbows are slightly bent. Performing exercises on the press on the uneven bars is somewhat easier, but the load on the hands is higher.

Hanging leg raise

Starting position - hanging on the crossbar, as in the previous exercise. You need to perform the lift in several stages, especially for beginners.


  • vis (starting position);
  • lifting the knees to the chest;
  • straightening the legs so that the feet are above the crossbar (be sure to raise the pelvis);
  • return to the starting position (possible through knees bent at the chest).

Exercise develops the press and muscles of the thigh, buttocks and back. On uneven bars performed by experienced athletes.

Hanging twists

Twisting is performed upside down. To do this, you need to hold on to the crossbar with your knees and perform flexion and extension of the torso. The exercise can be performed after the hanging leg raises are mastered ( reverse twist).


Another exercise for the press. It is performed in the hang on the crossbar. From this position, you need to raise your straight legs to a horizontal position so that they form a right angle with the body (hence the name of the exercise). In this position, you need to linger for 10-15 seconds or more if endurance is being trained. It is performed on the horizontal bar and uneven bars.

Australian pull-ups

This simplified version pull-ups on the crossbar. The crossbar is set lower than usual, and in the initial position the body is horizontal or at an angle and touches the heels of the floor. When doing pull-ups, you need to pull your shoulders to the crossbar, your face should be above it.

Training program on the horizontal bar and parallel bars for girls.

In this case, the arms do not lift the entire weight of the body, but only part of it. Over time, you need to raise the bar higher, gradually moving from Australian pull-ups to classic ones.

Training program on the horizontal bar and uneven bars for beginners

The training program on the horizontal bar and uneven bars for beginners includes simplified exercises. You need to start small - by hanging every day, so that at least 30 minutes spent in a hanging position are accumulated per week. This will relax the spine and back muscles, reducing the risk of injury in the future.

Then you can move on to pull-ups. If the person cannot do this on their own, one can start with the Australian version or ask another person to back it up. Abdominal exercises are performed in the following sequence - pulling up the knees, lifting the legs and corner, twisting. At first, it is desirable that the person involved be insured.

A daily complex for beginners can consist of hanging, pull-ups and knee raises.

Even an incompletely performed exercise strengthens the muscles and brings closer the day when the exercises will be performed correctly, and it will be fashionable to move on to more complex ones.

Training program on the horizontal bar and parallel bars for weight

To build muscle mass, you need intense exercise. It is worth thinking about this when fitness can be called medium or high. A set of exercises is developed for each segment that needs to be pumped up.

During the training, exercises for 1-2 segments and the press are performed. The more approaches, the better, and the duration of each approach should be no more than 8 times. The training scheme is 1 + 1, then 2 + 1 and so on. Work with weights for the limbs and torso is acceptable.

The training program on the horizontal bar and parallel bars for relief

The study of muscle relief is an activity for those who have accumulated the desired muscle mass. It requires not only properly selected loads, but also a diet, which is called drying. The selection of exercises is aimed at developing the desired muscle groups.

The program of training on the horizontal bar and uneven bars for strength

Pull-ups for strength are an opportunity to work out volume and relief at the same time. To achieve this, it is required to combine intense loads with isolating exercises (on the relief). The program is compiled by analogy with mass training - each workout is devoted to a specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body, exercises for strength, isolation exercises and abs are performed.

Contraindications to exercise

The main contraindication to exercises on the horizontal bar and parallel bars is injuries to the arms and shoulder girdle (joints, bones, ligaments, muscles). It is impossible to perform the exercises correctly, and it is very easy to damage an already injured area. As for diseases of the spine, they should consult a doctor.

Caution should be exercised in diseases of the bones, cerebral vessels and intercostal neuralgia. The training program on the horizontal bar or uneven bars can be selected for any level of fitness. For beginners, you can start with a hang, and experienced athletes can choose a complex set of exercises that work out individual muscle bundles.

Article formatting: Anna Vinnitskaya

Video about exercises on the uneven bars

Horizontal bar-bars-emphasis: