Diet with broccoli for effective weight loss menu. Broccoli salad with kefir

Among the many diets for weight loss, nutrition programs based on vegetables are very popular. They allow you to get rid of fat accumulations quickly enough, without starving, without harm to your health. Ingredients for such diets are inexpensive and available all year round. Such effective sources of weight loss include broccoli, or cabbage (the Latin name for the vegetable is Brassica sylvestris).

Broccoli is a subspecies of cauliflower, cultivated since the time Ancient Rome. In Italy, it is recognized as a worthy rival to the No. 1 product in terms of health benefits, the olive. It is not the leaf part of this vegetable that is edible, but not the fully opened inflorescences. Tender, very tasty “baskets” of asparagus cabbage are suitable for preparing salads, side dishes, soups, and fresh juices. Today, prominent politicians, actors, and show business celebrities use broccoli as a means of losing weight, preferring this vegetable to medications or expensive procedures.

Beneficial properties of broccoli for weight loss

There are several varieties of this garden plant. The most common is the calabrese, whose fork looks like a bluish-green umbrella with a handle. There are also Chinese, red, purple, and beneforte broccoli. The nutritional value and weight-loss benefits of all varieties are identical. Nutritionists recommend consuming this vegetable for those who want to adjust their weight due to its combination of several properties that promote weight loss.

Low calorie

The energy value of this product is only 30 kcal/100g. In addition, more energy is spent on digesting it than is supplied with it (this phenomenon is called negative calorie content).

High fiber content

Coarse dietary fiber fills the stomach, maintaining a feeling of fullness for a long time, since it is practically not digested in the gastrointestinal tract. This helps cleanse the intestines of waste, toxins, free radicals, and also, which is especially important for weight loss, reduces appetite.

Availability of vitamins and microelements

Despite their very small content, these components make the digestive system work more actively, providing conditions for faster calorie expenditure. Thus, broccoli contains phosphorus, necessary for converting fats into energy, and a number of metal group elements. These are sodium, potassium, calcium, manganese, copper, iron, zinc, selenium, magnesium.

Vitamins present:

  • A (retinol);
  • C (ascorbic acid);
  • E (tocopherol);
  • K (phylloquinone);
  • B1 (thiamine);
  • B2 (riboflavin);
  • B5 (pantothenic acid);
  • PP (nicotinamide);
  • U (methionine).

Availability of essential amino acids

These organic substances of carboxyl and amine groups are responsible for regulating the feeling of hunger; their list includes 9 items (valine, histidine, lysine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, isoleucine, leucine). According to the results of clinical studies conducted in the USA, additional use of amino acids in the treatment of obesity significantly accelerates the process of losing weight.


Kale can be harmful if consumed in excess. Then an excess of nutrients is formed in the body, which can cause side effects:

  • urticaria (an allergic reaction to vitamin A, which broccoli contains more than carrots);
  • indigestion (coarse fiber can cause irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa);
  • sleep disturbance (due to an overdose of B vitamins);
  • changes in blood composition (excess potassium sometimes leads to disruptions in hematopoietic processes);
  • violation of the structure of bone tissue (can be caused by excess calcium as well as by its deficiency).

Attention! The way you cook broccoli matters a lot. So, it is not recommended to fry this vegetable heavily in a large amount of fat, since such heat treatment produces carcinogens. It is not recommended to prepare soups from it, since the vegetable broth contains purine derivatives - adenine and guanine, harmful substances that can cause urolithiasis or general intoxication.


Broccoli is included in the diet of many diet programs for weight loss as one of the menu components. Diets where it serves as the main product are also very popular.

10 days

The dietary program is divided into two stages. It is not difficult to follow it, since the diet is very varied; snacks of fresh fruit are allowed between main meals. In addition to the main product, the menu includes:

  • other vegetables;
  • lean meat;
  • lean fish;
  • eggs;
  • bread;
  • potato;
  • vegetable fats;
  • fermented milk drinks.

As for the drinking regime, it is the same as with other types of diets for weight loss - 2 liters per day. You can drink clean filtered water; you can also drink fruit or vegetable juices, tea, and coffee. Sugar, smoked meats, hot spices, and alcohol should be completely avoided and salt should be limited.

Menu by day

Days Breakfast Dinner Dinner
1, 2 200 g of boiled cabbage, a cup of unsweetened tea. Cutlets from 150 g chicken fillet with cabbage (100 g) and chicken broth or puree soup from cabbage and chicken breast. Same as for breakfast.
3, 4 Stewed with 1 tbsp. l. butter 200 g calabrese and 1 bell pepper, a glass of mineral water. Stew of 150 g cabbage, onion, 2 tomatoes and a spoon of vegetable oil, a glass of fruit juice. Same as for breakfast.
5, 6 100 g cabbage in sour cream, 100 g stewed beef, a glass of low-fat kefir or yogurt. 200-300 g of steamed broccoli, a glass of herbal infusion. 150 g of boiled beef, a glass of mineral water.

This is important! If you follow a dietary regimen, you should strictly adhere to the specified menu and do not change the sequence of its stages. Each phase of the weight loss diet is designed to achieve certain goals: cleansing the intestines, starting metabolic processes, accelerating the breakdown of fats. You can repeat the 10-day broccoli diet after a two-month break.

3-day strict

Using this diet, you can lose 2-3 kg in 3 days, but it is not easy to follow: for preparing dishes, the express program involves using only two types of cabbage - cauliflower and broccoli. You need 1.5 kg of plant products per day; they should be steamed or baked. To improve the taste, you can add mild spices, herbs, and lemon juice. Drinking is allowed mineral water still or unsweetened tea.

Fasting days

This option for losing weight is suitable for supporters of a raw food diet, but is unacceptable for inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, colitis, enteritis). The daily diet consists of fresh vegetables and herbs. It includes:

  • 800 g broccoli;
  • 300 g tomatoes;
  • 200 g of lettuce;
  • dill, parsley or basil.

These products can be used to make salads, where you can add a little lemon juice or fruit vinegar. The number of meals is arbitrary. The daily fluid intake is at least 2 liters, you can drink clean water, green tea without sugar. Judging by the reviews, you can lose 2 kg in a day.

In all cabbage diets for weight loss, products are allowed to be consumed raw, boiled, stewed or baked. But even with such strict restrictions, the menu can be varied and the dishes can be deliciously prepared. Some simple recipes Cooking recipes with broccoli are given below.


Broccoli and chicken soup


  • cabbage 220 g;
  • chicken fillet 200 g;
  • water 0.5 l;
  • bulb;
  • small carrots;
  • 1 tsp. vegetable oil.

Preparation: chop the onion with a knife, grate the carrots, cut the meat into small pieces. Pour water and cook for about half an hour. Then add the cabbage disassembled into florets, a pinch of salt and cook for another 10-15 minutes. Drain the broth and use a blender to turn the rest into a homogeneous mass. Combine the puree with the required amount of broth, add butter and a pinch of salt. Serve garnished with greens.

Italian diet cutlets


  • minced chicken fillet - 600 g;
  • boiled asparagus cabbage - 200 g;
  • bulb;
  • egg;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt.


Option 1. Grind the onion, boiled broccoli florets and egg in a blender, add minced meat, salt, sour cream, mix well. Form cutlets from the resulting mass. Steam for 15-20 minutes.

Option 2. Do not add cabbage to the minced mixture; place individual inflorescences entirely inside the cutlets. Steam for 15-20 minutes.


To prepare 2 servings of this vegetarian dish you will need:

  • 250 g calabrese;
  • 1 red onion;
  • 1 sweet pepper;
  • 2 large tomatoes;
  • 1 spoon each of canned capers, tomato paste, fruit vinegar and chopped basil.

Finely chop the vegetables and onions, add all other ingredients except tomatoes and herbs, add water or vegetable broth, and cook covered for 20 minutes. Then add tomato paste and basil, keep on low heat for another 5 minutes. Serve chilled.

Calabrese omelette

Boil the cabbage forks, disassembled into inflorescences, in salted water (about 10-15 minutes), then put it in a deep bowl, pour in a mixture of 2 beaten eggs and 100 ml of milk. Bake in the oven for 5 minutes.

Broccoli in sour cream sauce

To prepare the sauce you will need 250 ml of low-fat sour cream, a couple of cloves of garlic, a pinch of salt, and dill or basil. The greens need to be finely chopped, crush the garlic, then mix all the ingredients. Boil broccoli in lightly salted water for 1-2 minutes, cool, transfer to a salad bowl, pour over the sauce, and stir gently.

Vegetable salad

The ingredients of this tasty, satisfying and healthy salad for weight loss are boiled broccoli and carrots, as well as fresh cucumbers and onions. They are cut into thin strips (carrots can be grated on a coarse grater), a spoonful of lemon juice and olive oil is added, and mixed carefully.

Calabrese and tomato salad

Wash the calabrese inflorescences and steam for 5 minutes. Scald the tomatoes with boiling water, remove the skin, cut into small beautiful slices. Prepare a sauce from butter, lemon juice and finely chopped basil or dill. Place the salad on a plate and pour the sauce on top. The number of ingredients is arbitrary.

Liquid broccoli and yogurt salad

This dish, very popular among healthy eating supporters, is prepared very simply: broccoli, disassembled into florets and steamed, is mixed with yogurt and olive oil. For 300 g of vegetables you will need a glass of low-fat yogurt.


All varieties of cauliflower cause allergies in some people. Such people will have to choose a different weight loss diet that does not contain these vegetables. If the acidity of the gastric juice is high, it is not recommended to eat broccoli raw.

Contraindications to the use of this vegetable are:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • acute or chronic pancreatitis (diseases of the pancreas);
  • cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder);
  • acute cholangitis (inflammation of the bile ducts);
  • rehabilitation period after abdominal surgery (due to large quantity fiber, which increases the load on the gastrointestinal tract).

Broccoli is an ideal product for weight loss. This type of cabbage has low energy value, but has many beneficial properties. Not all people like the flavor profile of broccoli because they likely don't know how to cook it properly. There are many recipes that allow you to experience the taste of this vegetable in a new way.

The main reason why it is worth including broccoli in the menu of a person losing weight is the low calorie content of the product - only 30 calories per 100 grams. Such a small amount of calories allows us to talk about this vegetable as a product with a negative calorie content. This means that to assimilate it, the body spends more energy than cabbage carries.

In addition, this type of cabbage promotes weight loss because:

  1. It is rich in fiber which promotes the removal of waste and toxins from the intestines naturally, and also saturates well. A cleansed intestine without toxins is the main reason for the healthy microflora of the digestive organs, and this ensures rapid metabolism. The absence of “extra” in the intestines affects the volume of the waist and abdomen - when it is not overloaded with harmful deposits, the stomach appears much smaller.
  2. It is rich in proteins, the composition of which is practically in no way inferior to the composition of animal proteins.
  3. It is rich in antioxidants, which slow down the aging process and promote fast regeneration cells. This is very important for any weight loss, because these substances help the skin to be beautiful and healthy, which means it quickly adapts to changes in body volume, to be smooth and elastic.
  4. It contains many vitamins and beneficial microelements, without which a healthy metabolism is impossible. In particular, these are B vitamins, which are responsible for the speed of all metabolisms: lipid, fat, protein, vitamin C, which promotes fat burning and strengthening the immune system, and vitamin A, necessary for healthy and beautiful skin.
  5. According to recent studies, Broccoli is rich in substances that have healing properties A. That is, if there are prerequisites for the appearance of ulcers in the digestive organs, then this can be avoided through regular consumption of the product.
  6. It helps reduce blood cholesterol levels, which, in general, has a positive effect on the functioning of all organs. At the same time, substances from broccoli strengthen blood vessels, bone tissue and immunity.

How to cook deliciously?

General tips on how to cook broccoli so it tastes good:

  1. Try to choose fresh rather than frozen products. If this is not possible, then look at appearance cabbage - the more integral the inflorescences and the smaller the crumbs, the fresher it is and the easier it is to get a tasty dish from it.
  2. It is important not to overdo the cooking time. The indicator of cooking should be the color and firmness of the broccoli. For it to be tasty, the color must still be rich green (not dark green or marshy), but at the same time, the toothpick must easily fit into the base of the inflorescence.
  3. The best combinations for broccoli are soy sauce, sour cream, lemon juice, eggs. You can adjust the taste using salt.
  4. If you don’t like the taste of this product at all, then you can use it as one of the components of dishes - add it to minced meat or dough for vegetable pancakes, to vegetable soups, stews.

For a couple

Steamed broccoli is the healthiest for a person losing weight, because with the minimum calorie content of the finished dish, most of its beneficial properties are retained.

You can prepare it like this:

  1. Separate broccoli and cauliflower into florets, add green beans or green peas. The proportions should be approximately 2:1:1.
  2. Stir and salt the vegetables.
  3. Cook in a double boiler or multicooker on the “Steam” mode for 12-15 minutes. Check broccoli and cauliflower for doneness with a toothpick.
  4. Season the prepared vegetables with the juice of a third of a lemon.


Baked broccoli tastes best when baked with meat, fish or eggs. Most fans of this vegetable like the combination of eggs + cabbage.

Here's how to bake broccoli:

  1. Disassemble the cabbage into florets and add salt.
  2. Bake in a hot oven for 3-5 minutes.
  3. Pour the raw, well-mixed eggs over the cabbage and bake for another 5-7 minutes.


Boil broccoli, disassembled into florets, in lightly salted water. You can add a little leek for flavor. Cooking time: no more than 10 minutes.

Ready cabbage can be seasoned with lemon juice, yogurt, and sour cream with minimal fat content.

Dietary recipes

Steamed, baked and boiled broccoli can be used as a side dish for meat and fish dishes. In addition, there are many recipes for preparing this vegetable with other ingredients, resulting in a complete dish for a main meal or snack.

Buckwheat with broccoli

Buckwheat porridge with broccoli - great option breakfast, because such a dish is rich in carbohydrates and fiber and also contains enough protein.

Required Products:

  • 60 g dry buckwheat;
  • 150 g broccoli;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • Salt;
  • Fresh cucumber and tomato.


  1. Boil buckwheat and broccoli separately.
  2. Mix the porridge with cabbage.
  3. Beat the egg and add a little salt.
  4. Pour the egg over the porridge and broccoli mixture.
  5. Bake in the oven for 3-5 minutes.
  6. Serve with fresh vegetables.

Smoothie recipe

A smoothie is a thick diet drink made from raw vegetables and fruits. Ideal for detox diets or as a snack when following dietary nutrition. The effects of consumption are cleansing the intestines and saturating the body with vitamins.

Broccoli smoothie is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • 100 g broccoli;
  • 20 g of greens: dill and parsley;
  • Cucumber;
  • 30 g celery root;
  • Half a lemon;
  • Kiwi;
  • Salt.

Cooking steps:

  1. Disassemble the broccoli into florets, cut the kiwi, cucumber and celery into cubes, chop the greens.
  2. Place all ingredients in a blender and blend thoroughly until the mixture becomes homogeneous.
  3. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into the smoothie, cool for 5-10 minutes in the refrigerator and drink.


A very tasty and low-calorie soup can be prepared from different types cabbage


  • 100 g broccoli;
  • 50 g cauliflower;
  • 50 g white cabbage;
  • 50 g onion;
  • A piece of whole grain or rye bread;
  • 40 ml sour cream with 10% fat content;
  • A bunch of greenery.


Chicken casserole

This is a great dish for lunch or dinner, suitable for both proper nutrition, and for protein diets.

You will need the following products:

  • 200 g chicken fillet;
  • 150 g broccoli;
  • 50 g onion;
  • 40 ml sour cream 10%;
  • Egg.


  1. Cut the fillet and onion into cubes, separate the broccoli into florets, and mix the ingredients in random order.
  2. Beat the egg with sour cream, add salt.
  3. Pour the remaining ingredients into the egg-sour cream sauce and bake at 190 degrees for 18-20 minutes.

Light salad

This salad goes well with fish or meat.

For it you will need:

  • 100 g broccoli;
  • 100 g white cabbage;
  • 100 g pickled seaweed;
  • Salt;
  • Half a lemon.


  1. Boil broccoli in lightly salted water for 10 minutes.
  2. Chop white cabbage.
  3. Mix all types of cabbage, season with fresh juice of half a lemon.

Broccoli and chicken diet

Broccoli for fast weight loss It is best consumed while following a dietary diet. One of them is the broccoli and chicken diet.

The following products are allowed:

  • Chicken meat, preferably sirloin;
  • Broccoli in limited quantities;
  • Negative calorie green vegetables: zucchini, cabbage, cucumbers, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower;
  • Citrus fruits, green apples;
  • Eggs;
  • In limited quantities - cereals;
  • Low-fat cottage cheese;
  • Green tea.

Sample menu for this diet for a week:

Day Breakfast Snack Dinner Snack Dinner
1 Buckwheat porridge with broccoli Any citrus Soup from different types of cabbage Boiled chicken egg Boiled chicken breast, light broccoli salad
2 Buckwheat porridge, vegetable salad Broccoli smoothie Chicken broth, broccoli and steamed zucchini Cottage cheese with fiber Chicken broccoli casserole
3 Oatmeal, broccoli salad green apple Broccoli smoothie Boiled chicken fillet, steamed broccoli
4 Citrus fresh Buckwheat porridge, broccoli salad Any fruit
5 Buckwheat porridge with broccoli green apple Soup from different types of cabbage Hard boiled egg Salad of boiled broccoli, chicken fillet and onion
6 Oatmeal with water, steamed broccoli Citrus fresh Broccoli salad and baked chicken breast Cottage cheese with fiber Chicken and Broccoli Casserole
7 Scrambled eggs with broccoli, onions and herbs, tomato Broccoli smoothie Zucchini, onion and broccoli soup with chicken meatballs green apple Boiled chicken breast, steamed broccoli with green peas

This diet is designed for a week, during which time you can lose up to 5 kg. It is very important to drink plain clean water 20-30 minutes before each meal. Benefits of losing weight this way:

Broccoli and kefir diet

You can quickly lose weight on broccoli by following a three-day mono-diet on this type of cabbage and kefir with minimal fat content. During these days you can lose up to 5 kg and cleanse your body well. Authorized products:

  • Broccoli cooked in any way, except frying in any oils - unlimited;
  • Kefir up to 1% fat content - up to 1.5 liters per day;
  • Cucumbers;
  • Green apples;
  • Green unsweetened tea.

It is very important, as with all dietary diets, to observe drinking regime. This will help speed up metabolic processes and suppress the feeling of hunger. It is better to give up salt during the diet and this will allow you to lose another 1-2 kg due to the release excess liquid from the body.

Diet for 10 days

The 10-day broccoli diet is an option for proper nutrition with daily consumption of this product and a significantly reduced calorie content. You are allowed to consume 1200 calories per day. During this time you can lose up to 6 kg.

Sample menu:

Day Breakfast Snack Dinner Snack Dinner
1 Oatmeal, hard-boiled eggs, piece of whole grain bread Apple Broccoli smoothie
2 Smoothie made with oatmeal, banana, chia seeds and kefir Handful of nuts Chicken Breast and Broccoli Casserole Berry smoothie with chia seeds
3 Lazy oatmeal with berries, seeds and raisins, topped with kefir Citrus Buckwheat porridge, broccoli salad, turkey meatballs Kefir with bran Fish cutlets, broccoli salad
4 Buckwheat porridge, scrambled eggs with broccoli and peas Kiwi Veal Broccoli Casserole Kefir with fiber Seafood stewed with onions and carrots, boiled broccoli
5 Rice porridge with raisins Handful of nuts Cottage cheese with berries Boiled cod baked with broccoli egg
6 Oat pancakes with honey 30 g prunes Fish soup, broccoli, cabbage and seaweed salad Broccoli smoothie Boiled squid, mixture of broccoli, asparagus and steamed green peas
7 Oatmeal with cottage cheese Applesauce Baked chicken fillet, tomato, broccoli smoothie 2 hard-boiled eggs Baked red fish fillet, steamed broccoli
8 Bulgur, vegetable salad Sandwich made from whole grain bread and red fish Vegetable stew with broccoli and any lean meat Yogurt with chia seeds Boiled beef, boiled broccoli
9 Barley porridge with mushrooms Fruit salad Soup from different types of cabbage, chicken cutlet Kefir with flax seeds Omelet with broccoli and green peas
10 Oatmeal baked with berries Citrus fresh Stewed beef, baked zucchini and broccoli Cottage cheese with berries Rabbit stewed with vegetables, broccoli salad

  • Maintain drinking regime;
  • Don't skip meals;
  • Walk more;
  • Minimize salt consumption; spices and store-bought sauces should be completely abandoned;
  • Do not overeat and, if you feel full before the portion is eaten, stop eating.
  1. Gradually increase caloric intake by 100-200 calories per day until the daily intake is what a person needs for smooth weight loss or weight maintenance.
  2. Expand the diet by introducing 1 product every 3 days.
  3. Continue to eat small meals, follow a drinking regime and eat only healthy foods after leaving the diet throughout your life.

With such a low calorie content, it is better to refuse intense energy-intensive workouts and give preference to cardio exercises in the form brisk walking and short exercises in the morning. To tighten your figure effectively: breathing exercises on an empty stomach - they do not require much time and effort, and the results are very positive.

Fasting day

A fasting day on broccoli will help you cleanse your intestines well and lose up to 2 kg. This is a good way to start any diet. Allowed to eat:

  • Broccoli, prepared in any gentle way without the use of oils;
  • Broccoli smoothie;
  • Citrus fruits, kiwi, green apples and sour berries are in the first half of the day.

During such a fasting day, you need to drink at least 3 liters of clean water.

It is best to spend a fasting day drinking - this will not only cleanse the body, but also “rest” the organs of the digestive tract. It is also good to include a day on broccoli in a detox program designed for several days.

How broccoli helps you lose weight

The broccoli diet is popular due to the guaranteed results and unique benefits of this vegetable. Bright green cabbage contains a set of vitamins, minerals and micro- and macroelements. In terms of the content of vitamins A and C, broccoli is superior to the popular orange, and the combination of iron, calcium, folic acid, selenium, magnesium and calcium makes this vegetable truly irreplaceable. In addition, broccoli is low-calorie: only 30 kcal per 100 grams!

Nutritionist Oksana Skitalinskaya emphasized the benefits of broccoli:

- This cabbage should be on the daily menu not only for those losing weight. Broccoli helps the liver produce immune cells, interferon, and enzymes that cleanse the blood of toxins. And our immunity depends entirely on the health of the liver.

How to cook broccoli for weight loss? All beneficial substances will be preserved if cabbage is:

  • Steam it. You need to cook it for no more than half an hour in a double boiler. A broccoli diet will not be so tasteless if you add lemon juice and a minimal amount of salt to the vegetable.
  • Boil. Just 5 minutes in boiling water is enough to cook cabbage. Broccoli and chicken soup is one of the lowest-calorie and at the same time nutritious dishes, thanks to which the broccoli diet is not as difficult to tolerate as its low-calorie counterparts.
  • Stew. With this method of preparation, a certain percentage of nutrients is lost, but not much. It is advisable to stew cabbage without oil. You can add flavor to it by adding parsley, dill, mint or basil.

Nuances of the broccoli diet

The broccoli diet for 10 days has its advantages. The first and important aspect: the entire menu is based on broccoli. Eating cabbage three times a day for 10 days is hard, but the results are worth it. The broccoli diet itself is divided into 5 periods of 2 days each. If in many types of diets one period is repeated 2-4 times, then in this version there are 5 two-day blocks. The first 4 blocks are main, the last 2 are auxiliary, they consolidate the result. Therefore, the broccoli diet has important nuance: you need to endure all 10 days.

Basic diet rules:

  • In the menu, it is best to use cabbage prepared in a healthy way - steamed or boiled. Then broccoli for weight loss will be most useful;
  • the menu includes boiled and baked meat (chicken or beef), kefir, broths, fresh vegetables and fruits (low in sugar and starch), rye bread;
  • During the 10-day diet, it is better to give up coffee, as it interferes with the absorption of calcium and also washes potassium, sodium, and magnesium out of the body, that is, it reduces it to “no” beneficial properties broccoli;
  • For all 10 days you need to reduce the amount of salt. The broccoli diet will be more effective if under-salted dishes remain on the menu;
  • You should follow the drinking regime (drink 1.5 - 2 liters of clean water per day).

It should be remembered that such a diet is contraindicated for diseases of the pancreas, high acidity of the stomach, as well as for those who have an individual intolerance to broccoli.

Ten-day diet menu

The broccoli diet is special in that its menu does not include snacks. The schedule is strict: morning, lunch, dinner. But, if you wish, you can snack on vegetables and fruits, make mixes and salads from fresh vegetables and fruits. If you follow all the recommendations, you will not experience a feeling of extreme hunger on the broccoli diet for weight loss.

First two-day block (days 1-2):

  • 8:00 – 200 g boiled or steamed broccoli, a cup of black unsweetened tea;
  • 13:00 – 150 g boiled or steamed broccoli, 250 ml chicken broth and 150 g lean chicken meat. If you beat the broth, boiled meat and cabbage in a blender, you will get a delicious broccoli soup for weight loss;
  • 18:00 – 250 g of boiled or steamed broccoli, a cup of black unsweetened tea;
  • 20:00 - you can drink a cup of unsweetened tea.

Second two-day block (3-4 days):

  • 8:00 – Broccoli stew. Prepare as follows: 200 g of broccoli, a clove of garlic and 1 bell pepper are cut and stewed in olive oil for no more than 10 minutes. You can wash down the dish with a glass of non-carbonated mineral water 10 - 15 minutes after eating;
  • 13:00 – also broccoli stew, but this time with tomato. Take 150 g of broccoli, half a large onion, 2 fresh tomatoes and a tablespoon of olive oil. All chopped vegetables are placed in a frying pan and simmered for 10 minutes. Wash it down with a glass of any freshly squeezed juice;
  • 18:00 – for dinner the same as for breakfast.

Third two-day block (days 5-6):

  • 8:00 – broccoli and meat salad. Boil 100 g of beef and 100 g of broccoli, cut it all, add salt and season with 2 tablespoons of low-fat sour cream. Wash it down with a glass of low-fat kefir or yogurt;
  • 13:00 – 200 g of boiled broccoli, 20 g of low-fat cheese and a portion of black bread. Juice or unsweetened tea of ​​your choice;
  • 18:00 – 150 g of boiled beef and 150 g of steamed broccoli. Drink a glass of water.

Fourth two-day block (7-8 days):

  • 8:00 – 200 g boiled or steamed broccoli, 2 hard-boiled eggs, a cup of any unsweetened tea;
  • 13:00 – soup with chicken broth. Preparation: 250 ml of unsalted chicken broth, 150 g of boiled chicken, 150 g of boiled broccoli, 2 bunches of parsley. Beat with a blender;
  • 18:00 – 250 g of broccoli (raw or steamed), a glass of freshly squeezed tomato juice.

Fifth two-day block (9-10 days):

  • 8:00 - salad of 150 g of broccoli and 2 medium carrots (raw or steamed), a glass of low-fat yogurt;
  • 13:00 – salad of 150 g of fresh or steamed broccoli and 150 g of boiled beef or hake (flounder), dressing – olive oil with lemon juice;
  • 18:00 – 200 g of broccoli and 1 large potato with skins, baked in the oven. A cup of any unsweetened tea.

After 10 days, the broccoli diet is over. You should remember about a smooth exit from it and the gradual introduction of the usual menu. The diet should be expanded gradually over two weeks. During the first week, familiar low-fat meals are introduced. In the second week, you can restore your usual diet. It should be remembered that healthy eating– deposit slim figure.

The benefits of broccoli and how it helps you lose weight, see the video below.

We continue to look for effective and “tasty” diets for quick weight loss. This time we'll talk about broccoli. A weight loss program based on this product promises a loss of 8 kilograms in 10 days - a fairly quick and impressive result. Now we’ll find out how you need to eat it in order to correct your figure so much.

Diet rules

Any low-calorie product, sooner or later, becomes the basis for a method of losing weight. Although, there are also high-calorie “opponents”, such as or. In the case of broccoli, also known as cabbage, the principles and rules of the technique remain classic. The selected product should become the basis for the menu for 10 days.

Reviews about the diet note that the feeling of hunger will not haunt you. The rich variety provides a long-lasting feeling of fullness, making it not difficult to follow this technique. Like, broccoli is considered a negative product. 100 grams of this cabbage contains 27 kcal. The body spends more energy to digest and process coarse fibers than it receives. Because of this, weight loss occurs even when a person is full.

In addition, broccoli is a real storehouse of useful ones, there is:,. All of them together prevent early cell aging, improve brain function, and improve mood. , which here also have similar properties in abundance, they protect every cell from the effects of harmful components and help preserve youth.

Broccoli can be used to prevent colds. and it contains almost as much as citrus fruits. In the fight for beauty, this cabbage will be a good helper, as it contains the “beauty vitamin” - beta-carotene. With such a range of beneficial properties, it is not surprising that broccoli has become the basis of a separate diet.

The entire diet is divided into five stages, each of which lasts two days, resulting in one decade. The diet for each stage changes, but cabbage remains in advantage. On this diet you won’t have to eat only broccoli; the menu will be supplemented with other healthy and low-calorie ingredients. Balance and variety in nutrition immediately adds advantages to this technique.

At the first stage, cabbage will be combined with lean meat, in the second there will be a mono-diet on broccoli, the third stage involves additional consumption of fermented milk products and beef. In the fourth phase, bran bread is introduced, and in conclusion you will need to eat fish and cabbage for two days.

The diet includes three classic meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner. Between meals you can drink still, unsweetened and herbal decoctions. Freshly squeezed juices can be drunk only when hungry; they are not suitable for quenching thirst, as they add calories. It is advisable to exclude it from the diet altogether.

Portions will be small, so it is better to prepare for the diet in advance. A few days before the start of the course, you need to reduce the amount of food consumed. Such measures will make it easier to start and endure the diet, and the body will adapt and will not experience stress.

Who the method is not suitable for: contraindications

Despite the fact that broccoli has many beneficial properties, consuming it in excess can be harmful. People with high acidity or diagnosed with stomach or intestinal ulcers should avoid such a diet. The coarse fibers of this vegetable can complicate the situation and worsen the patient’s well-being.

Adhering to such a diet is not recommended for adolescents, pregnant women, mothers during lactation and the elderly. It is imperative to make sure that there is no intolerance to the main product of the diet. To do this, before starting the course, it is advisable to eat a good portion of broccoli and monitor your condition and skin. You can start a diet only if your health has not changed. For the purity of the test, it is advisable to write down everything that was eaten in three days.


For the entire period of the diet you will need cabbage, fish, lean meat and dairy products. in the fourth stage, you can optionally replace it with any low-calorie product, but this will not particularly affect the results.

An important requirement of the method is to limit salt; it is not recommended at all for any type of weight loss. Instead, natural herbs and greens, mild spices are suitable. Sugar should also be excluded, all drinks should be without sweeteners, sweeteners also include this.

The diet should be structured so that dinner is 3-4 hours before bedtime. If the desire to eat does not go away, it is better to allow yourself a glass of kefir or without additives; health, after all, is more important.

Diet by stages
Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Stage I – 2 days
Boil or steam 200 g, eat with or without 100 g of cabbage prepared in a dietary way, 150 g of boiled cabbage without skin and 250 g steamed or boiled cabbage. You can wash down your dinner with chamomile infusion or linden tea.
Stage II – 2 days
Stew 150 g of cabbage, 100 g of chopped cabbage and a clove. You can add tea to your breakfast Fry half an onion, 1-2 medium tomatoes and 200 g of broccoli in olive oil The breakfast menu is repeated. You can immediately prepare a double portion in the morning.
Stage III – 2 days
Boil 100 g of lean cabbage, separately make a salad from 100 g of boiled cabbage and lean cabbage Boil 200 g of broccoli without additives, drink a glass separately (up to 2.5%) Boil or simmer a small piece of lean beef (150 g)
Stage IV – 2 days
Salad of two hard-boiled eggs, 100 g of boiled cabbage. You can eat the ingredients separately and drink some black tea. Boil 200 g of broccoli and a small bunch in chicken broth. There is soup with a piece of bran bread (can be replaced with) 100 g steamed cabbage, 1 medium tomato and a slice of bran bread
Stage V – 2 days
Boiled and broccoli salad, total volume no more than 200 g, washed down with tea A piece of boiled white fish (you can choose any low-fat variety) and 100 g of steamed cabbage Eat 200 g of boiled or steamed cabbage with one baked cabbage (can be boiled in its jacket)

During the diet, you can take a complex of vitamins, but this is not necessary, since the diet is quite balanced. You definitely need to monitor your well-being; if the prescribed nutrition is severely lacking, it is better to expand your diet with one or two small snacks.

To diversify the menu, you can cook cabbage in different ways. Boiled can be replaced with baked or even mashed.

Broccoli puree can be eaten hot or cold, depending on your preference. For one serving of the dish you will need 250 g of raw cabbage, which should be divided into inflorescences and washed. The hard lower stems are removed, since they need to be cooked longer so as not to “translate the product”; they can be left for soup. Place the inflorescences in a saucepan with water and cook covered for 10-15 minutes. When the vegetable becomes soft, you need to blend it with a blender. If you don’t have a blender, you can simply rub it through a sieve or mince it. Pour 100 ml into the prepared mass, you can add greens.

Broccoli in the oven will be a tasty side dish even after a diet. To prepare such a dish you will need a minimum of time and ingredients. The cabbage inflorescences need to be peppered and sprinkled a little; you can add three tablespoons of kefir. Place the workpiece in foil, squeeze a few cloves of garlic on top and mix. Bake everything under covered foil for 40-60 minutes at 1800.

It is advisable to combine the diet with minimal physical activity. From sports activities It is recommended to choose lighter options; heavy loads with such nutrition will only do harm. Slow walks in the park are suitable, fresh air will provide a lift in mood, and positive emotions will help to endure strict restrictions. You can do meditation, it has a great effect not only on the mind, but also on the spine, and improves posture. Stretching exercises are also allowed, so during the period of dieting and stretching the muscles will remain in good shape.

Quitting the diet

There is no clear schedule for exiting this technique. But you definitely shouldn’t binge on food immediately after losing weight. Even a small portion of fried potatoes or fatty meat can cause damage, primarily to the stomach. During the program, the digestive organs will adjust to a certain way of eating, so they need to be returned to their usual diet gradually.

In the first couple of days, you need to give up heavy foods, rich broths, and confectionery. It is better to replace dinners with the usual cabbage; if desired, it can be replaced with regular or. During the day you can eat boiled vegetables, stews, and fish. During the diet, if you strictly follow it, your taste buds should get a little used to unsalted food. It is advisable to take advantage of this moment and minimize salt intake in your daily diet.

In order not to break down immediately after the diet, it is advisable to treat yourself to light homemade desserts. Suitable with jelly, a little marshmallow or meringue. This “indulgence” will reduce your appetite and further improve your mood.

Diet results

The results of the broccoli diet amount to 8 kilograms lost, according to those who recommend it. Reviews of those losing weight, however, show an average loss of 5 kilograms over the entire course. Some people are lucky enough to lose 12 kilograms.

The results of the program depend on the build of the person losing weight and how scrupulously the diet was followed. So, for example, girls with an initial weight of up to 60 kg lose an average of 5-6 kilograms. Those who started the diet weighing up to 80 kg lost twice as much. Additional products and disruptions also affect results.

If malnutrition has a significant impact on your well-being, it is better to play it safe and eat something. In order not to ruin your diet completely at such moments, it is advisable to get rid of non-dietary foods altogether. It will be better if the refrigerator is filled with healthy and low-calorie foods. This cannot always be done, for example, if relatives do not want to follow the broccoli diet. In this case, you will have to rely on endurance and willpower.

To help yourself stick to the diet until the end, you can visualize the desired image. Regular images help many people skinny girls. Such pictures can act as an additional motive: what we see is more powerful than what we imagine.

Conclusions about the diet

The broccoli diet follows the usual principle of menu restriction. You will eat up to 700 g of food per day, and the caloric content of each day will be no more than 1200 kcal. The advantage of this technique is that the selected product saturates well. It turns out that losing weight is much easier and, compared to many other methods, safer. The same fibers that saturate cleanse the intestines well, improve digestion and gastrointestinal motility.

A product with a negative calorie content is simply a godsend for those losing weight. No matter how much you eat, the body will still spend more energy, which means more fat. True, this is only possible if you do not mix broccoli with kebab. It works in a similar way, which is not inferior in results.

In addition to losing weight, a course of broccoli is accompanied by cleansing of the skin and strengthening of hair. Contained in it and strengthen cardiovascular system, improve memory and mood. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system, vitamin A complements the beneficial properties, improves vision and strengthens bones.

Even after a diet, it is recommended to eat a portion of this cabbage for dinner. This way, your figure will last longer, and you will feel better in the morning. The broccoli diet is easy to follow, available at any time of the year, gives good results. In the fight against extra pounds it's definitely worth a try.

– a fairly nutritious product that will help you lose weight without starving. Cabbage can be eaten in almost unlimited quantities, since the calorie content is only 30 Kcal per 100 grams of product. Among the main positive aspects of the diet are:

  • saturating the body with useful substances and vitamins;
  • practically the lowest calorie diet, with the exception of perhaps a diet based on sauerkraut and some mono-diets;
  • antioxidant effect;
  • preventive action against certain diseases.

The duration is ten days, every two it is supposed to change the diet. That is, there are five power modes in total.

Broccoli diet for 10 days: menu

First two day period

  1. Breakfast: two hundred grams of steamed broccoli (the dish can be salted), as well as a cup of unsweetened tea.
  2. Lunch: light chicken broth, one hundred grams of boiled broccoli. to taste, coffee is not advisable.
  3. Dinner: 250 grams of boiled cabbage, a cup or two of tea, sugar is prohibited.

Second two-day period

  1. Breakfast: stewed cabbage with bell pepper. To prepare, pour olive oil into a frying pan, then, after heating, throw in two hundred grams of broccoli, a clove of garlic, passed through a garlic clove and chopped pepper. Cook the dish for 20 minutes over low heat, adding water if necessary.
  2. Lunch: stewed broccoli with tomatoes. The recipe is identical, only the ingredients you need are 150 grams of cabbage, half an onion and a couple of chopped tomatoes. Dishes are allowed to be salted. You can wash down your food with natural juice or mineral water.
  3. Dinner: the menu is similar to the first meal.

Third period

  1. Breakfast: cabbage, cream and boiled beef. The preparation is as follows: boil one hundred grams of meat and chopped broccoli. Then put everything on a plate, chop the beef too, season the dish with cream or sour cream. You can drink kefir with a minimum percentage of fat.
  2. Lunch: two hundred grams of boiled cabbage, natural juice.
  3. Dinner: 150 grams of low-calorie meat, steamed or boiled, tea or plain water.

Fourth period

  1. Breakfast: one hundred grams of boiled broccoli, steamed, unsweetened tea.
  2. Lunch: broccoli soup, glass of juice.
  3. Dinner: a couple of slices of rye bread, vegetable salad with broccoli, tomato juice.

Fifth period

  1. Breakfast: boiled cabbage (one hundred grams) with two carrots.
  2. Lunch: one hundred grams of dietary corn, boiled or steamed, the same amount of boiled broccoli.
  3. Dinner: two hundred grams of broccoli, cooked in your favorite way, one jacket potato.

On a diet, it is allowed to add salt to dishes, but sugar is prohibited. Any drinks are possible, but it is better to limit yourself to natural juices, black or green tea. Of course, sweet purchased water is prohibited.

Broccoli diet 10 days: reviews

Kirilenko Alexander: “We can say that this is one of the most effective diets. In 10 days I lost almost 5 kilograms. Of course, it’s unusual to be on a cabbage diet, because previously I liked to eat pizza in the evenings and enjoy cake and tea.”

Dobrovina Veronica: “I love broccoli, so a diet based on this product is a pleasure. I lasted 10 days, it was easy, although I started to get a little tired of the cabbage at the end of the diet. Various broccoli recipes saved me. During the entire diet I was able to lose a little less than 6 kilograms.”

Kurtaeva Marina: “I was able to evaluate the effectiveness of the diet only the second time. At first I lost my temper, but then I gathered my will into a fist. In ten days I lost seven kilograms. The situation was saved by broccoli recipes, and, fortunately, there are many of them.”

Broccoli diet: results

During the first six days of the diet, you can lose up to eight kilograms, and in all 10 days - about 12. On average, women and men lost 7-8 kg over the full period of the diet, and only a few were able to lose more than 10 kg. Perhaps they take longer, or these are characteristics of the body.

Broccoli has a number of beneficial properties:

  • reduces the feeling of hunger due to the presence of coarse dietary fiber;
  • contains a lot of vitamins;
  • is able to saturate the body, as well as almost completely provide the necessary micro- and macroelements.

Cabbage contains large quantities vitamin A, PP, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, E, K. Includes macroelements such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and phosphorus. Microelements include iron, zinc, copper, selenium and manganese.

Some components exceed daily norm the body, for example, vitamin C contains 89.2 mg per hundred grams, while only 60 mg is needed for the normal functioning of body systems.

In addition, it contains some amino acids that are difficult to find in other foods. For example, valine, leucine, lysine, threonine, isoleucine and tryptophan.

Green beans and broccoli diet

In combination, broccoli on a diet has more benefits than individually. We’ve sorted out the properties of cabbage, so let’s look at green beans.

This product has the following properties:

  • contains vegetable protein, which is absorbed much better than animal protein:
  • contains fiber, which dulls the feeling of hunger;
  • the calorie content of beans is even lower than broccoli, and is 23 Kcal per 100 g of product;
  • green beans help cure some infectious diseases due to the presence of large amounts of sulfur;
  • the plant speeds up metabolism;
  • Beans are good for diabetics, as they help normalize the amount of sugar in the lymph.

The broccoli and beans diet is incredibly healthy, with it you are sure to achieve your goal without much difficulty. In addition to losing weight, it gets rid of the “garbage” that has accumulated over time.

The duration of the diet is a week. There should be five meals daily, and it is important that dinner is a few hours before bedtime.

Broccoli diet - menu

We will not provide a menu for each day of the diet, but will only make a list of possible dishes and products for each meal.

  1. One hundred grams of beans and the same amount of cabbage are perfect for breakfast. The ingredients can be steamed or boiled. It is allowed to season dishes with olive oil. You can also eat a few pieces of rye bread and oatmeal in the morning.
  2. Second breakfast includes fruits or berries. It is forbidden to eat only bananas and grapes. 200 g – standard portion.
  3. Lunch can consist of broccoli and bean soup, dietary fish, or chicken fillet.
  4. For an afternoon snack, eat low-fat yogurt or drink kefir.
  5. Dinner includes a vegetable salad with two main ingredients, or you can simply boil broccoli and beans.

It is allowed to wash down food with any natural drinks, for example, freshly squeezed juices, tea, etc. Drinking alcohol and... If you can’t imagine life without that last drink, then limit yourself to just a cup a day. Sugar and cream should also not be used. Salt is okay, but in moderation.

And remember that any diet will give more effect along with exercise. Practice at home for at least thirty minutes.

You can go on a diet again no earlier than two months after its completion.

Broccoli and cauliflower diet

Essentially this diet no different from the diet on broccoli and green beans. The duration of such a diet is seven days. A sample meal menu is presented below.

  1. Breakfast: 150 grams of boiled broccoli and 100 grams of cauliflower. You can reduce the amount of vegetables, add a couple of toasters. Wash everything down with kefir, juice or tea.
  2. Second breakfast: you can make a cabbage salad and season with olive oil, or eat some fruit.
  3. Lunch: here you are allowed to eat a piece of lean meat or fish, light soup, pureed cabbage soup, or oatmeal.
  4. Afternoon snack: vegetable salad, baked vegetable or fruit salad with low-fat yogurt.
  5. Dinner: You can also bake vegetables here. A small portion of lean meat and soup are also allowed. Cabbage should be included in one of the dishes.

People with gastritis, other gastrointestinal diseases and pancreatitis are prohibited from eating broccoli. Contraindications are also possible in case of individual intolerance.

Broccoli diet - reviews

Moskovchuk Tatyana: “It is worth noting that the diet is effective, although it was difficult for me personally to adhere to. As the diet requires, I gave up sugar and all harmful foods, studied at home for exactly thirty minutes, I don’t have the strength for more, and I don’t even want to.”

Sopchuk Anna: “I didn’t like the diet. I tried it both with beans and cabbage + beans. Although the diet is not as meager as in mono-diets, on the third day I could not stand the taste of broccoli, “somehow” I tolerated beans. I had to look for another method of losing weight.”

Sasha Gorpishina: “I survived a week on broccoli and beans, but I won’t repeat this diet again, because cabbage really gets boring. It is healthy, low-calorie, but personally, in recent days it has started to cause a gag reflex in me. I managed to lose 5 kg. I'm satisfied with the result."

Broccoli at night when dieting

Often in the evening you wake up with an excessive appetite. Almost all diets prohibit evening snacks, but not cabbage. Broccoli is a product that can be eaten in any quantity. The vegetable can be boiled or cooked in a double boiler. You can diversify the second dinner with a few carrots, spinach, avocado or salad. It is not advisable to use other products.

If the feeling of hunger does not leave you, eat foods rich in plant protein. This can be chickpea (Turkish nut) puree, almonds, pistachios, walnuts. In addition, yogurt, kefir or low-fat cottage cheese also satisfies hunger.

Broccoli - recipes, diet

Eating only boiled broccoli is very difficult. Fortunately, there are unusual ones that will make the diet easy and relaxed.

Broccoli with mushrooms


  • 350 g cabbage;
  • 350 g champignons;
  • 15 g ginger;
  • 35 ml vegetable oil;
  • 50 g cheese;
  • 900 ml water;
  • 25 g sour cream;
  • salt, pepper, cumin.


  1. Peel and cut the mushrooms into slices.
  2. Peel the ginger and grate it.
  3. Boil water, salt it and throw in the pre-washed and separated broccoli. Cook for about three minutes.
  4. Heat a frying pan in oil and add mushrooms to the bowl.
  5. After ten minutes of cooking, add ginger and spices. Cook for another three minutes.
  6. Then throw in the cabbage and season everything with sour cream.
  7. Finally, sprinkle the dish with cheese. Let the ingredients sit for ten minutes with the lid closed.

Diet: Broccoli soup


  • 300 g broccoli;
  • 210 g spinach;
  • 850 ml vegetable broth;
  • eight shrimp;
  • 55 ml soy sauce;
  • 15 g ginger;
  • 200 ml cream;
  • 4 slices of bread;
  • 20 g sugar;
  • 50 ml olive oil;
  • 10 g sesame seeds;
  • several cloves of garlic;
  • salt.


  1. Chop the onion and fry in oil.
  2. Grate the ginger and wash the vegetables.
  3. Prepare a broth from vegetables, throw chopped cabbage into the hot stew.
  4. Add ginger, onion, sauce and sugar.
  5. After seven minutes, add the spinach to the pan and cook the dish for about five minutes.
  6. Then pour in the cream and salt the dish.
  7. When the soup has cooled, pour it into a blender and puree it.
  8. Separately, boil the shrimp in salted water. Let them cool, then remove shells, etc.
  9. Rub the peeled garlic and cut into two cloves onto the bread.
  10. Finely chop the bread slices and fry.
  11. One serving of the dish should include a couple of shrimp and a few cubes of bread.

How to cook broccoli on a diet

You can also bake broccoli with fish. One of the recipes is presented below.


  • 500 g broccoli;
  • 500 g hake;
  • 150 ml milk;
  • 200 ml water;
  • 60 g whole grain flour;
  • 150 g Dutch cheese;
  • 55 g butter;
  • 25 g lemon juice;
  • vegetable oil;
  • half a glass of bread crumbs;
  • pepper, salt.


  1. Boil the cabbage with salt, then drain the water. Divide the broccoli into pieces.
  2. Grease a baking dish with vegetable oil, lay out the cabbage, and then the prepared fish.
  3. Pour lemon juice over the dish and add salt.
  4. Grate the cheese. In a separate bowl, mix 45 ml of melted butter, flour, water and milk. Season the dressing with salt and pepper. Add cheese, mix well.
  5. Pour over the fish.
  6. In a separate container, combine the remaining melted butter with bread crumbs and sprinkle the dish with them.
  7. Cook for twenty minutes at 185°C.

Dietary broccoli

You can also make an omelet from broccoli. To do this you will need:

  • 200 g broccoli;
  • one egg;
  • 50 g sour cream;
  • a piece of cheese;
  • spoon of ground rye crackers.


  1. Divide the cabbage into pieces, wash and boil.
  2. Place broccoli on a greased baking sheet.
  3. Separately mix the egg, sour cream and grated cheese.
  4. Pour the dressing over the vegetable and sprinkle croutons on top.
  5. Cook in the oven for half an hour at medium temperature.
  6. Bon appetit!

Diet broccoli soup


  • 400 g turkey;
  • 500 g broccoli;
  • 500 g zucchini;
  • two liters of water;
  • 10 ml vegetable oil;
  • ground pepper and chili, salt, spices to taste, dill.


  1. Wash and grind the meat.
  2. Boil water, throw the turkey in it, cook for about one hour.
  3. Divide the cabbage into florets and wash it.
  4. Also wash the zucchini and cut into small slices.
  5. Place vegetables in a preheated frying pan and cook for approximately four minutes.
  6. Once the meat is cooked, add the broccoli and zucchini to the pan.
  7. Salt the dish and add seasonings. Cook the soup for ten minutes.
  8. Finely chop the chili pepper and herbs.
  9. Pour the dish into a blender and puree it.
  10. Garnish the soup with pepper and dill, pouring into bowls.

How to replace broccoli in your diet

Broccoli is a unique product that cannot be replaced by anything. There are no other similar products with identical taste. If broccoli is on your diet menu, then you will have to eat this product. Things are better - you can use cauliflower, but then you will have to increase the cooking time, since the product takes longer to boil.