Tough and effective express diets. Express weight loss at home - principles of quick weight loss and diet

In the life of any representative of the fair sex, there periodically come moments when you need to lose weight, and lose weight urgently. There is no point (and no time) to explain this, there is simply an urgent need, and that’s all.

And the only way to do this is to go on one of the express diets that are developed for such cases. The task is difficult, but still doable, especially since the body will be cleansed.

Strict diets can give a result of 1 kilogram lost per day, although if the initial weight is high enough, plus excess fluid is removed, you can lose 5 kg in 3 days. Why are we talking about a period of 3 days?

Because express diets are a serious shake-up for the body, which cannot last longer than that without negative consequences for health.

During this time, the lack of vitamins will not become noticeable and your overall health will not suffer in any way. In addition, such a shake-up sometimes allows you to overcome the “plateau” effect and move stuck weight from its place.

Warnings for those who want to lose weight quickly

Of course, before going on any diet, it is advisable to consult a specialist on this matter, who will assess all the health risks, give some advice, etc. etc. But, to be honest, in practice no one does this, and if a woman needs results in 3 days, she will still go on an express diet.

Be that as it may, it must be said that people with gastrointestinal diseases, pathologies cardiovascular system, as well as cholelithiasis, such diets are contraindicated. And, despite the urgency and the chosen menu, it is important to support your body with vitamins.

It is also worth noting that fast diets are aimed primarily at removing excess fluid from the body (fat will not have time to be eliminated during this time), and this in itself is already a serious burden for the body - not only excess fluid will be eliminated.

How to lose weight by 3 and 5 kg in 3 days: review of express diets

Any express diet is based on a sharp reduction in calories consumed, so you have to forget about everything fried, fatty and sweet. But no matter what diet is chosen, it is necessary to maintain a drinking regime, drinking 2 liters of clean water per day. You need to start doing this immediately after waking up, drinking 1-2 glasses on an empty stomach.

It is considered the cheapest and one of the most effective. Although it is the most difficult to withstand, since for all three days you need to eat only buckwheat without salt, sugar and butter.

Yes, you can eat in unlimited quantities, but practice shows that you can’t eat a lot of such porridge anyway. Apart from buckwheat, you can only drink green tea and plain water.

This diet It is also considered to cleanse the body. As a last resort, you can add a little boiled chicken breast to buckwheat porridge and snack on some fruit (preferably an apple), but weight loss in this case will be lower.

Apple-kefir diet

This diet allows you to cleanse the intestines and eliminate excess liquid. The diet consists of alternating monodays - on the first day you need to drink 1.5 liters of kefir, on the second you need to eat 1.5 kg of unsweetened apples in several doses, and on the third you need to drink kefir again.

Also on these days you can drink green tea and water in unlimited quantities.

Actor's diet

Legend has it that this is exactly the diet that artists resort to, although it is possible that such a myth arose due to the inclusion of 1 glass of dry wine in the daily diet...

  • first day. Boiled brown rice (without salt and sugar) in any quantity and tomato juice. And yes, a glass of dry red wine. After 19-20 hours there is no more eating.
  • second day. Low-fat cottage cheese in any quantity and 1.5 liters of kefir. Wine.
  • third day. Boiled chicken breast in any quantity, green tea. And wine.

Chocolate diet

If it’s too hard to give up sweets, you can diet on them alone. Or more precisely, on dark chocolate (and no other!) and coffee without sugar.

The diet is considered quite harmful, but in terms of weight loss it turns out to be very effective. A day you can eat a bar of dark chocolate and drink coffee in unlimited quantities, adding skim milk to it if desired. And the diet is not as difficult to tolerate as it seems.

Balanced diet

Since express diets are often difficult precisely because of their monotony, there are sample menu for nutrition for 3 days, which is also aimed at eliminating all toxins:

First day:

  1. Breakfast: 1 glass of milk with a spoon of honey, grapefruit, bread;
  2. Lunch: 150 gr. boiled lean fish, 200 gr. fresh vegetable salad;
  3. Afternoon snack: 1 glass of low-fat kefir or yogurt;
  4. Dinner (closer to bedtime): 1 glass of low-fat kefir.

Second day:

  1. Breakfast: 100 gr. low-fat cottage cheese, 1 glass of warm water with a spoon of honey and a small amount of lemon juice, 1 grapefruit;
  2. Lunch: 150 gr. boiled chicken breast, fresh vegetable salad;
  3. Afternoon snack: natural low-fat yogurt;
  4. Dinner: 100 gr. low-fat cottage cheese, fresh vegetable salad. Kefir before bed.

Third day:

  1. Breakfast: 100 gr. low-fat cottage cheese, juice of 1 grapefruit;
  2. Lunch: 200 gr. oatmeal in water with pieces of fruit;
  3. Afternoon snack: 1 glass of warm water with a spoon of honey and lemon juice;
  4. Dinner: 150 gr. boiled lean fish, fresh vegetable salad. Kefir before bed.

How to lose weight in legs and thighs in 3 days

Legs and hips are considered problematic women's areas, and often you want to lose weight wearing them – so you can fit into your favorite jeans, etc. Exercise they don’t work that quickly, so the gaze turns again to express diets.

In fact, these areas are most affected by the consumption of dietary boiled meats and fermented milk products.

So you can eat chicken fillet, low-fat cottage cheese and kefir for three days, and the results in the legs and thighs will become slightly noticeable.

How to lose 3 kg in 2 days

Sometimes the deadlines are so tight that you don’t even have 3 days, when you need to lose at least 3 kg. It happens that special events sneak up unnoticed or suddenly you win a certificate for a free photo shoot or make a date...

And just for such situations there is a diet codenamed “For Models”. It is very important to adhere to the exact sequence of the presented diet and not change anything in it, since even the wrong order of taking foods can ruin everything.

  1. Breakfast: boiled egg, a glass of tea without sugar;
  2. Lunch: boiled egg, glass of tea without sugar;
  3. Dinner: 100 gr. low-fat cottage cheese, tea without sugar.

In between, you need to drink a lot of clean water. This diet is prohibited for those who have kidney problems. Another nutrition option for quick weight loss is to eat only low-fat cottage cheese in the amount of 250 grams for 2 days. per day, and drink plenty of water.

How to lose weight by 3 kg in 10 days

The most lasting results come from slow weight loss, and it also happens without stressing the body. Although 3 kg in 10 days also looks like quite an impressive result, especially if the initial weight is not too high.

In particular, reducing the amount of salt in your normal diet appears to be quite effective. This means that dishes should not be salted during the cooking process, doing this in a small amount already on the plate.

In addition, many products already contain salt - this is also worth considering. At the same time, you need to remove high-calorie sweets, baked goods, smoked foods, as well as very fatty and fried foods from the menu. The daily calorie content on such a diet should be 1300-1500 Kcal and the weight will gradually begin to decrease on its own.

Fish diet

For fish lovers and those who want to lose 3 kg in 10 days, the following diet is suitable:

  • 1-2 glasses of water immediately after waking up;
  • breakfast (half an hour before your meal you need to drink a cup of green tea without sugar): 150 gr. boiled fish and 1 bran bread, a cup of green or herbal tea;
  • second breakfast: any fruit except banana;
  • lunch: 150 gr. boiled, baked or stewed fish, 200 gr. salad of fresh vegetables and herbs, seasoned with vegetable oil and/or lemon juice;
  • dinner: a serving of stewed vegetables or fresh salad, a cup of green tea without sugar;
  • 1 glass of kefir before bed.

You need to eat this way for all 10 days, but the diet is quite easy to tolerate, as it provides the opportunity for variety through the use of different types fish and vegetables. As a rule, those who are losing weight do not suffer from hunger, since fish is a source of protein.

Time spent in conditions of limited nutrition is quite difficult to bear, so it is important to know some secrets and tips for greater efficiency and convenience.

You can choose your diet for yourself, but in order to lose about 3 kg in 3 days you need to do it taking into account the necessary daily calorie content– 1000 Kcal. You can fit into such a corridor with meat, fish, vegetables and cottage cheese.

You can supplement your diet by consuming bran – 3-4 tbsp. spoons a day, washed down with kefir or tea.

Bran has no calories, but at the same time fills the stomach. And for the purpose of additional cleansing of the body, you can drink activated carbon.

And about one more option fast diet You can find out from the following video.

Given: a dress in the closet that doesn’t fit after a long period of time winter holidays, and a week before the solemn event. For this case, there are effective express diets.

Yes, it’s true what they say: someone else’s soul is in the dark, and a woman’s soul even more so. It would seem that since the New Year you have been living in peace, swimming in a sea of ​​champagne and sweets, and everything suits you, but when another bright holiday begins to loom ahead - March 8th, your eyes seem to open - it wouldn’t hurt to lose a couple of extra pounds! Otherwise, the dress you bought one size smaller last year will remain hanging on the hanger, instead of decorating your divine (and let anyone dare to disagree!) figure on the glorious Women’s Day. Well, there is still a whole week before the holiday and 9 express diets that will help you get back into shape. The main thing is to start, and an excellent result will not keep you waiting!

Diet of Claudia Schiffer

Seeing Claudia Schiffer, you begin to envy - either because she is lucky with her figure, or because of her fast metabolism, or all at once. But she is a human being just like the rest of us, and she also has her weaknesses. And she has to pay for her weaknesses with extra pounds, which she sheds with the help of this diet.

In the morning, one soft-boiled egg. After 3 hours - approximately 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese, washed down with tea, after another 3 hours, again 150 g of cottage cheese and tea. After that, until the next morning, only mineral water. And no sugar or salt.

Result: It is enough to stay on such a diet for two or three days, and you will lose from 3 to 5 kg. The diet can be repeated only after 3-4 weeks, as it is too difficult for the body.

Express diet of Anita Tsoi

Another method based on personal experience and the example of singer Anita Tsoi, who for 14 years tried to get rid of not just a couple of extra pounds, but half (!) of her weight. This diet is no less strict, but just as effective.

You need to distribute 1–2 kg of fresh cucumbers and 2 liters of water (green tea is possible) per day. At night – a glass of kefir (preferably low-fat).

Result: In the morning next day– minus 2–3 kg and a fresh complexion. And the diet is quick, and the result is good, but if you don’t like cucumbers and are not able to drink so much water or green tea, in this case there is another diet that offers to cleanse the body of toxins and a couple of extra pounds in 4 days.

  • By the way: green tea enlarges breasts

4 days diet

On the first day - cleansing - you can drink freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices without sugar. Start your morning with a glass of beetroot and carrot drink - it gives strength and stimulates the intestines. Then you can safely experiment by making various fruit and vegetable cocktails. The only limitation is that you can drink no more than 1.5 liters of juices per day, plus as much pure water and green tea as you like.

The second day is cottage cheese and kefir. Take half a kilo of low-fat cottage cheese, 1.5 liters of one percent kefir and divide this volume into 5 equal parts. Every 2.5–3 hours you need to eat a portion of cottage cheese with kefir, and half an hour before and an hour after a meal, drink a glass of clean water or green tea.

The third day is salad day. During the day you need to eat about 1.5 kg of salad from leafy green vegetables with 2 tbsp. l. vegetable, preferably olive or linseed, oil.

Finally, on the last, fourth day, we again drink freshly squeezed juices.

Result: In 4 days of the diet, an average of 2 extra kg is lost. If this diet option does not suit us, then we have another option for a quick and people-tested slimming option. The diet is called “Estonian”.

Estonian diet

The Estonian diet is a quick and proven way to regain your slim figure in 6 days. Not difficult, but quite hungry.

  • Day 1: 6 boiled eggs.
  • Day 2: 500 g low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Day 3: 700 g chicken fillet.
  • Day 4: 200 g of boiled rice.
  • Day 5: 6 medium boiled potatoes.
  • Day 6: apples.

Result: Lose 3 to 6 kg in 6 days

European diet

Designed for 7 days.

  • Day 1 – 1 liter of milk, 200 g of yogurt.
  • Day 2 – 200 g low-fat cottage cheese, 1 liter of juice without sugar.
  • 3rd day – 1 l mineral water without gas, 200 g boiled potatoes.
  • Day 4 – 200 g of fish, 1 liter of juice without sugar.
  • Day 5 – 1 kg of apples, 1 liter of still mineral water.
  • Day 6 – 200 g of boiled meat without salt, 1 liter of juice without sugar.
  • Day 7 – 1 liter of kefir, 200 g of yogurt or cottage cheese.

You can drink unsweetened tea, mineral water and fruit juices. But not all, but only orange, grapefruit, pomegranate and apple.

Result: minus 4–5 kg in a week!

"Extreme" diet

For breakfast, if you can call it that, dilute a tablespoon of honey in 150 ml of water and add 5-7 drops of lemon juice. After 10–15 minutes, drink a cup of tea or coffee.

For lunch, treat yourself to boiled turkey and any vegetables (no more than 500 g).

Dinner will be liquid. Boil 150–200 g of white cabbage in 150 ml of water without salt for 15–20 minutes. Drink the finished broth one sip at a time, extending the “pleasure” for 30–40 minutes. Hungry? Be patient. Cabbage decoction, as well as its juice, is used in the treatment of obesity. There are practically no calories in this “dinner”, so it will be hard. If you feel really unbearable, drink a glass of low-fat kefir before going to bed.

Result: In 3 days 5 kg are lost. It is not recommended to follow this diet for more than 3 days. If necessary, you can repeat it after 2 days.

"Buckwheat" diet

Quite filling, but monotonous, so it’s not easy to endure. However, let the thought warm you that you will not only lose extra pounds, but also cleanse your body. Buckwheat removes toxins and heavy metal ions from the body and reduces cholesterol levels. In addition, it contains proteins and carbohydrates, as well as B vitamins, iron, potassium, calcium and others. minerals. Thanks to this buckwheat diet does not cause as much damage to the body as most popular mono-diets.

So, a no-frills diet menu: for a whole week we eat exclusively buckwheat porridge. In this case, the buckwheat is not boiled, but poured with boiling water and left overnight (in a good thermos). It is important to use as little salt as possible and forget about spices. At one time we eat 5 tbsp. l. porridge. You can eat as much porridge as you like during the day, but your last meal is 4 hours before bedtime. In addition to buckwheat, 1% kefir or yogurt is allowed (maximum 1 liter per day). Occasionally before bed, you can eat a fruit, preferably citrus fruits, to replenish the vitamin C deficiency. Drink plenty of water, at least 2 liters per day.

Result: This mono-diet is very effective - it allows you to get rid of 7-12 kg in a week!

Multifruit diet

Designed for fruit lovers. Go on this diet and enjoy! Oranges, kiwis, apples - 10 days of the diet will fly by. Fruits are not only tasty, but also moderate in calories, do not contain fat, but are rich in vitamins and minerals.

  • Breakfast: a glass of orange juice.
  • 2nd breakfast: 4 tbsp. l. boiled rice with pineapple and kiwi.
  • Lunch: vegetable salad consisting mainly of fresh green vegetables, boiled cabbage (broccoli or cauliflower), 200 g of boiled lean meat.
  • Afternoon snack: a glass of juice from orange, carrots, pineapple and apples, grain bread, kefir.
  • Dinner: fruit salad of pineapple, orange, kiwi and apples. Stewed vegetables without fat (eggplant, zucchini, etc.).

Result: Such a diet in 10 days will allow you to lose 4–5 kg, improve your mood and well-being.

Japanese diet

The Japanese diet is passed down by word of mouth, copied into a notebook and carefully followed, because it not only helps you lose 7 kg in 14 days, but also changes your metabolism, preventing excess weight come back! The secret to "accelerating" metabolism is to increase the volume muscle mass, which increases energy consumption (about 70 kcal is consumed per 1 kg of muscle, and only 4 kcal per 1 kg of adipose tissue). Therefore, along with diet, it is recommended to exercise. It is prohibited to add sugar, salt to food, consume alcoholic beverages and flour products. It is important not to cut yourself any slack and strictly adhere to the proposed diet plan, otherwise the expected improvement in metabolism will not occur.

1st day
Breakfast. Black coffee.
Dinner. Fish in any form.

2nd day

Dinner. Fried or boiled fish, vegetable salad with vegetable oil, fresh cabbage.

3rd day
Breakfast. Black coffee, cracker.
Dinner. Large zucchini fried in vegetable oil.
Dinner. 2 hard-boiled eggs, 200 g of boiled beef, fresh cabbage salad with vegetable oil.

4th day
Breakfast. Black coffee.
Dinner. Raw egg, 3 boiled large carrots with vegetable oil, 15 g of hard cheese.
Dinner. Fruits.

5th day
Dinner. Fish in any form, glass tomato juice.
Dinner. Fruits.

6th day
Breakfast. Black coffee.
Dinner. Half a boiled chicken, fresh cabbage or carrot salad.
Dinner. 2 hard-boiled eggs, 200 g of raw carrots with vegetable oil.

7th day
Breakfast. Tea.
Dinner. 200 g boiled beef, fruit.
Dinner. Any of the dinners, except dinner on the 3rd day, or boiled crabs.

8th day
Breakfast. Black coffee.
Dinner. Half a boiled chicken, fresh cabbage or carrot salad.
Dinner. 2 hard-boiled eggs, 200 g grated raw carrots with vegetable oil.

9th day
Breakfast. Raw carrots with lemon juice.
Dinner. Big fish in any form, a glass of tomato juice.
Dinner. Fruits.

10th day
Breakfast. Black coffee.
Dinner. Raw egg, 3 large boiled carrots with vegetable oil, 15 g of hard cheese.
Dinner. Fruits.

11th day
Breakfast. Black coffee, cracker.
Dinner. Large zucchini fried in vegetable oil.
Dinner. 2 hard-boiled eggs, 200 g of boiled beef, fresh cabbage salad with vegetable oil.

12th day
Breakfast. Black coffee, cracker.
Dinner. Fish in any form, vegetable salad, cabbage with vegetable oil.
Dinner. 100 g of boiled beef, a glass of kefir.

13th day
Breakfast. Black coffee.
Dinner. 2 hard-boiled eggs, boiled cabbage salad with vegetable oil, a glass of tomato juice.
Dinner. Fried or boiled fish.

All express diets attract quick results, and it seems that any weaker half can hold back their appetite for a week or two. Alas, in reality the undertaking turns out to be a serious test, not only for willpower, but also for health. A sudden change in diet is a serious stress for the body. And agreeing to such an “adventure”, you will have to be on guard all the time - if the slightest ailment appears, the diet should be stopped.

In addition, 80% of diets end in another set of extra pounds, when the next day after the restrictions are lifted, the hungry “go all out.” Here, too, you will need a strong will. But still, before you start debilitating restrictions, ask yourself the question: is losing extra pounds worth the loss of mood and well-being? After all, you are cheerful and cheerful, which means you are charming and attractive precisely at the weight at which you are now. So why these sacrifices?

Do you need to lose weight urgently? It's time to remember that there are so-called express diets that will help you lose a few kilograms in record time.

What do you need to know?

An express diet is an eating regimen with particularly intensive measures to achieve a goal. The method is based on a significant reduction in food calories (by 30-50% of the daily value). Recommended products help eliminate internal edema and stimulate intestinal function. This is how weight loss is achieved.

Nutritionists warn: such methods are considered quite harsh. It will take serious attitude and discipline.

Important! If at the end of the diet you do not adhere to the principles rational nutrition, there is a risk speed dial extra pounds.


Let's look at the most effective express diets with different durations and diets.

For 2 days

  • Apple

You will need no more than two kilograms per day, divided into three meals. In the morning or afternoon, you can also eat 100 g of lean meat (steamed or boiled). Ideal if the fruit is local. Imported products may contain a rich range of chemicals for better presentation and preservation.

  • Cucumber

For two days - a salad of parsley and olive oil. You can add just a little bit of it, but vegetables and herbs are allowed in arbitrary quantities. Salt - zero. For breakfast or lunch, you can complement the salad with boiled chicken fillet (100 g).

  • Curd

Up to two hundred grams of low-fat cottage cheese every two to three hours. You can sweeten with honey (no more than a teaspoon).

  • "Model"

If the thought of food monotony terrifies you, try the following technique. For breakfast and lunch - boiled chicken egg. A glass of green tea in the morning, in the afternoon - pineapple juice. Dinner will consist of low-fat cottage cheese (150 g) and.

Please note: tea should not be packaged, and juice should not be from a box, as these are highly unnatural products.

For 3 days

An express diet for 3 days is considered today the most effective in terms of the ratio of effort and result.

  • By Cosmopolitan

For clarity, the menu is presented in the table:

  • Juice

The option is quite tough, as it involves the absence of solid food. You will need two liters of freshly squeezed juice per day. Recommended fruits: apples, pineapples, lemons, oranges, pomegranates. Recommended vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, pumpkin, beets. Beetroot juice should not be drunk in its pure form. A variety of juices is a must!

  • Kefir

In addition to the obvious effect, it has another advantage - you don’t have to cook, because it’s easy to buy in a store. One and a half liters of drink should be divided into five doses.

  • Gentle

It got its name due to a certain variety of products. Breakfast options: one boiled egg or 200 ml of yogurt (natural only) plus an apple or banana. For lunch, we recommend 200 g of young boiled potatoes or 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese. For dinner, you are allowed 50 g of steamed chicken fillet or a little pasta, always made from durum wheat, plus lettuce or fresh tomato. Drink only still water. Feeling hungry? You can drown it out by snacking on bell peppers or cucumbers.

If well tolerated, the three-day diet can be extended for another day. But remember: the above schemes can be used for a maximum of 4 days. Then you need a smooth exit from the diet, without overeating and indulging in unhealthy foods/dishes.

Express diet for a week

For the patient and disciplined. The options are as follows:

  • With yogurt or kefir

When choosing yogurt, immediately reject the numerous jars and boxes with flavoring additives and a long shelf life. It's great if you have a yogurt maker at home.

You will need two liters of kefir/yogurt per day. Divide into five steps. quench your thirst with still water.

  • On buckwheat

The only food of the day is buckwheat (two kilograms), boiled in water, without salt, sugar or other spices/seasonings. It is recommended to have five to six meals a day, two hours between dinner and going to bed. Drink only still water.

  • According to Dukan
  • Chicken

You will need a chicken carcass weighing approximately 1.2 kg, without skin, steamed. The same six meals, each should contain both white and red meat. Drink only water.

  • Vegetable

Every day, eat half a kilogram of any vegetables in six meals, which can be stewed, steamed or not heat-treated. No oil is added. Two liters of drinking water is required; in addition to this, green tea is allowed. Drinks can be sweetened with honey (three teaspoons per day).

10 days – 10 kg

Another popular technique and at the same time a serious cause for disappointment. Not everyone achieves the result stated in the name of the diet. For most people, weight loss using the 10x10 method is about half as much.

Nutrition principles:

  • meat and fish cannot be fried, but can be boiled (preferably steamed) or baked;
  • vegetables – stew;
  • every morning begins with a glass of still water with a slice of lemon;
  • salad dressing - a small amount or lemon juice;
  • if a meal involves eating meat with vegetables, then the weight of vegetables should be half that of meat;
  • It is not recommended to drink during meals, it is advisable to wait half an hour before or after.
  • lean meat and poultry;
  • fatty fish (contains essential fatty acids);
  • one egg every two days or one egg white daily;
  • tomatoes (not cherry tomatoes), eggplants and zucchini, radishes and radishes, greens, cabbage vegetables, asparagus;
  • sprouted grains;
  • mushrooms;
  • water, coffee, tea (do not sweeten).
  • potatoes and beets;
  • everything fatty, smoked, canned (pickles, marinades);
  • semi-finished products (pates, sausages);
  • alcohol;
  • fruits and their juices, except lemons;
  • sweet berries;
  • high fat dairy products.

The diet is good because it provides the body with the necessary protein. This measure perfectly protects against attacks of hunger.


Any express diet for weight loss, designed for at least a couple of days, even a week, becomes serious stress for the body. In the presence of certain diseases/conditions, the reaction may be unfavorable: sleep disturbances, the formation of chronic fatigue syndrome, exacerbation of chronic ailments.

Quick weight loss methods are prohibited if:

  • hormonal balance is disrupted (endocrinological problems are identified);
  • there are diseases of the digestive tract, including the gallbladder, kidneys, and liver;
  • underwent abdominal surgery in the previous few months;
  • pregnancy has occurred or lactation has begun (continues);
  • there is any disease in the acute stage, as well as during the recovery period;
  • excess weight appeared for unknown reasons or very quickly.

Be careful!

Even if there are no complaints, it is advisable to visit a therapist before starting a diet and agree on the upcoming event with him. Did the doctor give the go-ahead? On special diet days, listen to your feelings. You should be concerned if:

  • there is an unbearable feeling of hunger;
  • mood has sharply and significantly worsened, to the point of extreme nervousness or depression;
  • gastrointestinal upset occurred;
  • muscle pain, dizziness, and extreme absent-mindedness appeared.

All these symptoms indicate a negative perception by the body of the measures chosen for weight loss. A change in diet and consultation with a doctor is necessary. Remember that without careful attention to yourself, even the most effective express diet will not give the desired result.

There is a type (rather, a small group) of people who, even with a very high-calorie diet filled with junk food, are not prone to obesity. It’s sad to realize, but the fact remains that all other people are at constant risk of “gaining” extra pounds.

How good it is that, in addition to long-term restrictive diets, there are a number of effective express diets that literally dissolve the hated body fat. Typically, the duration of a low-calorie diet is from , and the weight is about 5 kilograms.

Any of the well-known models of express weight loss is based on creating a menu with the lowest possible calorie content, designed for a short period of time. The main mechanism of action of diets of this kind is the accelerated elimination of excess fluid by the body, a decrease in the volume of the stomach, as well as a noticeable decrease in appetite. If desired, this “springboard” can be used in the future, developing the habit of eating in reduced portions, strictly monitoring the calorie content of each product. After all, as you know: it’s not difficult to eat, it’s difficult not to eat later...

Important: A sharp short-term change in diet for the purpose of losing weight will not harm your health. However, it is worth remembering that long-term calorie restriction directly leads to various negative consequences!

Express diet principles:

  1. A couple of days before the start, it is advisable to begin preparing the body by eliminating from the diet harmful products, or replacing them with healthy analogues (sugar - with sweeteners; white loaf - with whole grain bread).
  2. The diet is based on the principle of low calorie content - no more.
  3. Strict refusal of salt and sugar, fatty, fried, smoked, salty, pickled and high-calorie dishes and foods.
  4. Alcohol is strictly prohibited.
  5. Be sure to follow the correct drinking regime– on average, drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day.
  6. Taking auxiliary medications with a diuretic or laxative effect is strictly prohibited.
  7. The last meal is no later than 19:00.
  8. Sports activities are not required.

The above rules are common to many express diets, and can be supplemented based on the rules of a specific diet. If you want to quickly lose weight, you can use it, but first consult your doctor.


Express diets are, of course, not suitable for everyone. Only an exceptionally healthy person who is not familiar with such ailments as:

  • any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system;
  • chronic endocrine diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • bulimia and anorexia.

The presence of any chronic disease transforms the weight loss experiment into a health risk status. A restrictive diet will have a particularly negative effect on the nervous system.

Important: Pregnant women and nursing mothers this type Diets are strictly prohibited. There are a number that are safe and balanced.

Variety of express diets

There are quite a lot of diets that involve express weight loss at home. The main task of someone losing weight will be to choose the most pleasant and suitable option for themselves. It is necessary to soberly assess your strength, because some will endure a hunger strike, and others will not. You should focus on achieving results, and not on fighting your own body.

Express Detox

A diet aimed at improving the health of the body by, as well as losing weight up to 5 kilograms. An express diet of this type itself lasts three days, but you need to start preparing the body two to three weeks in advance.

Detox Plan:

  1. The diet includes 6 meals daily. The detox itself lasts 3 days.
  2. The menu is made up of vegetables (cauliflower, Beijing, broccoli, zucchini, eggplant, beets, bell peppers, carrots, cucumbers), fruits (apple, orange, grapefruit, pomegranate), and all types of grains (especially sprouted ones).
  3. The drinking regime is observed.
  4. Pharmacy vitamin complexes cannot be taken.

The power supply is as follows:

Day 1

Snack: Smoothie made from half an apple, cabbage, carrots, olive oil

Lunch: Steamed wild rice (100 g), boiled chicken breast (50 g), raw carrots (1 pc.)

Snack: Glass of water (250 ml)

Dinner: Kefir 1% fat (200 ml) + banana (1 pc.) + mint decoction (200 ml)

Day 2 On an empty stomach: A glass of water with lemon juice (250 ml)

Breakfast: Pineapple (100 g) + natural carrot juice (200 ml)

Snack: whole grain muesli with water (100 ml) + herbal tea (200 ml)

Lunch: Fish stewed in tomato (100 g), leafy green salad (100 g) + linden broth (200 ml)

Snack: Half a grapefruit

Dinner: organic yogurt (100 ml) + banana (1 pc.)

Day 3 On an empty stomach: A glass of water with lemon juice

Breakfast: Sour green apple

Snack: Smoothie made from cabbage, carrots and celery with olive oil + natural tomato juice (200 ml)

Lunch: steamed wild rice (100 g) + asparagus in sour cream sauce (60 g) + boiled chicken (30 g) + rose hip decoction (200 ml)

Snack: Half a grapefruit

Dinner: Kefir 1% fat (200 ml) + banana (1 pc.) + herbal tea (200 ml)

There is a liquid option, which is also called an express diet for 3 days minus 5 kg. It is allowed to consume only a variety of thin liquids. The meal plan for each day is as follows:

  • On an empty stomach: Freshly squeezed juice from berries or fruits (200 ml);
  • Breakfast: Liquid cocktail (For example, from a quarter of an apple, half a stalk of celery, a piece of ginger and one piece of beetroot, diluted with water 1:1);
  • Snack: Herbal tea (200 ml)
  • Lunch: Vegetable broth (200 ml);
  • Snack: Freshly squeezed juice (150 ml);
  • Dinner: Green smoothie (For example, from various leafy salads and herbs diluted with water 1:1).

On express detox days, green and black tea, coffee, sparkling water, as well as spices, especially salt, sugar and hot pepper, are strictly prohibited.

This diet option is suitable for monthly ridding the body of accumulated excess. The reboot is calculated for 72 hours, for a full three days. It is advisable to choose days on which minimal physical and brain activity is expected. The diet provides for alternating mono-mode.

Reboot recognized great start to go to proper nutrition. In addition to losing 3-5 kilograms in three days, the diet involves further extremely careful and gradual expansion of the diet.

Medical express diet

The most physiological and painless way to get rid of 2-4 extra pounds. It is easily tolerated, the effect is visible after the first fasting day.

Exit from the diet must be smooth; salt and sugar should be introduced into the diet extremely carefully - there is a risk of edema and rapid gain of lost kilograms.

Protein express diet

Either jockey or meat - this diet, which promises express weight loss in a week, has many names and variations. Only the basis of the diet remains unchanged - protein products. Due to prolonged digestion, the feeling of hunger is much less pronounced than with other express options for weight loss. There are options for three, five, seven and fourteen days of the diet.

The principle of the diet is based on two days with three meals a day of meat dishes cooked without oil, alternating with one liquid day, during which 2 liters of clean water and 3 glasses of meat broth are drunk. The scheme is as follows:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Meat Liquid Meat Liquid Meat

On the eighth (presumably meat) day of the protein express diet, add 3 glasses of freshly squeezed vegetable juice, one for each meal. On day 9, porridge is prepared for breakfast, meat for lunch, and 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese is eaten for dinner. Each subsequent day, the menu is diversified by adding new vegetables, cereals and fruits, one per day, gradually reaching a properly balanced healthy diet.

The protein express diet for 5 days is considered especially popular - reviews of those who have lost weight talk about losing more than 5 kilograms in two preparatory and three mono-days. Interestingly, in a week of leaving the diet you can lose up to 3 kilograms. The power supply scheme is built according to the following rules:


There are many restrictive diets available. Everyone who is losing weight will definitely find a suitable menu, combined with the individual characteristics of the body and lifestyle. The main thing is not to overestimate your capabilities, because any diet for the body is a lot of stress, and it is especially important to minimize all its negative consequences.

If you urgently need to get your figure in order, an express diet for 7 days will help you. The menu of such a diet is usually strict. But the results of 5-10 kilograms lost in just a week are worth persistently enduring food restrictions.

The essence of the technique is alternating mono-diets. The dishes will not require much time from you to prepare, and the ingredients for them can be easily found in every refrigerator. However, despite its accessibility and effectiveness, the program also has contraindications: organ diseases gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, allergies or intolerance to certain products.

  1. 1st day - drinking. You only use liquid food. First of all, this is purified drinking water, of which you should drink at least 1.5 liters. Remember that hot and ice water is poorly absorbed by the body. It is optimal to drink 200 ml of water at room temperature at a time. Herbal teas, vegetable and meat broths are also allowed.
  2. Day 2 - vegetable day. There are a variety of vegetables in your diet. They can be eaten raw, boiled, stewed, baked. Avoid potatoes and beets, and do not use oil when cooking.
  3. 3rd day - drinking.
  4. Day 4 is fruity. You eat as much fruit as you like. It is advisable to add grapefruits or pineapple to your diet, which naturally bind and remove fats from the body.
  5. Day 5 - protein day. Protein-rich foods are at your disposal: lean fish, meat and poultry, low-fat dairy products and eggs.
  6. 6th day - drinking.
  7. Day 7 - balanced diet. You eat a little bit of everything, making your menu more varied: meat and vegetables, fruit slices, eggs.

Buckwheat diet - menu for 7 days

The buckwheat diet is a well-deserved leader among weight loss systems. The rich composition of cereals makes it one of the “queens” of products. By eating buckwheat for a week, you can lose up to 10 kg. However, increasing the duration of the diet is strictly prohibited due to its imbalance.

The daily menu includes:

  • 1 glass of steamed cereal without salt and other additives;
  • 1 liter of kefir with 1% fat content;
  • green and herbal tea.

Distribute all products evenly throughout the day. Kefir can be drunk as a separate meal, or washed down with porridge.

Japanese diet for 7 days - menu

Among the advantages of the Japanese diet is a fairly nutritious and balanced menu, as well as a result of 5-7 kilograms lost, which persists for several years.

The oriental method menu includes:

  • lettuce leaves;
  • boiled chicken eggs;
  • natural coffee without additives;
  • natural green tea;
  • freshly squeezed juices;
  • dishes made from lean fish and meat;
  • low fat fermented milk products;
  • vegetables.

Cook all dishes without adding oil. It is better to boil, stew, bake or steam meat, vegetables, and fish. Dress salads with low-fat yogurt. Important rule- drinking 2 liters of clean water daily.

Diet 7 petals - menu for every day

When starting this diet, draw and cut out a flower with 7 petals. On each of them write the name of the product under whose sign 1 of the 7 days of the program will take place. After going through the diet stage, tear off the petal from the center. This will become an interesting game moment for you and at the same time an incentive to further adhere to the rules of the technique.

The weekly system includes 7 mono-diets. The total weight is 3-7 kg. According to reviews, this program allows you to lose weight without special effort and does not suffer from acute hunger.

  1. The 1st petal is fishy. Prepare all sorts of fish dishes without oil and with a minimum amount of salt. Fish broths and fish soup are allowed. Use dried herbs and fresh herbs to enhance the flavor.
  2. The 2nd petal is vegetable. On your menu - any number of your favorite vegetables, cooked without adding oil.
  3. The 3rd petal is chicken. For this day, lean skinless poultry is suitable, dishes from which will be limited only by your imagination: broths, fillet cutlets, baked chicken, pieces of poultry fried without oil in soy sauce, etc.
  4. The 4th petal is cereal. You eat cereal porridge, whole grain bread, seeds, bran.
  5. The 5th petal is curd. Your menu includes natural low-fat cottage cheese with yogurt without sugar or additives.
  6. The 6th petal is fruity. Any amount of fruit, raw or baked. Fresh juices without added sugar are also allowed.
  7. The 7th petal is drinking. All day long you cleanse your body by drinking only drinking and mineral water without gas.

Dukan diet for 7 days - menu

The method of the famous nutritionist Pierre Dukan includes 4 stages during which you will lose all those extra pounds, and your figure will become exactly the one you dream of.

Stage 1 is the most aggressive blow to fat deposits. It lasts approximately 7 days and is called an “attack”. During this period, you eat exclusively protein foods: lean varieties of beef, veal, horse meat, poultry, fish. Your diet should also include chicken eggs and fermented milk products with 0% fat content. Required condition- daily use 1.5 tbsp. oat bran.

During the attack phase you can lose 3-10 kg. The result depends on your initial weight. But success can be consolidated only by continuing the Dukan diet, next steps of which “alternation” (“cruise”), “fixing”, “stabilization”.

Oatmeal diet - menu for 7 days

An oatmeal diet is good not only for weight loss, but also for normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Oatmeal contains a lot of useful substances, which makes it indispensable for diabetics, as well as for people with gastrointestinal and heart diseases.

Oatmeal should be cooked in water, without adding salt or oil. Simply add rolled oats flakes to boiling water and boil them for 10-12 minutes. In addition to porridge, you can eat fresh vegetables and fruits, low-fat dairy products.

Sample menu for 1 day

  • Breakfast: rolled oats porridge with fruit or raisins, a cup of green tea.
  • Snack: 1 piece of fruit or a glass of natural yogurt.
  • Lunch: oatmeal porridge with 1 tsp. honey, a glass of natural yogurt or kefir.
  • Afternoon snack: 1 fruit.
  • Dinner: oatmeal porridge with nuts, 1 unsweetened fruit, a cup of green tea.

Kefir diet for 7 days - menu

Kefir is known for its positive impact on the functioning of the digestive and excretory organs. In addition, despite its low energy value, it is a fairly nutritious product. It is not surprising that the kefir diet is one of the most popular in Russia today.

In order for the technique to have an effect and be beneficial for the body, it is necessary to choose only a fresh and natural product. Be careful when purchasing and do not confuse real kefir with a kefir product, the value of which is several times lower. From the moment you open the bottle, kefir loses its properties within 24 hours, so do not open the container if you know that you will not need the product in the near future.

Every day you need to drink half a liter of fermented milk drink. In addition to kefir, various products in the amount of 400 g are added to the diet daily.

  • Monday: 4-5 potatoes, baked without oil.
  • Tuesday: low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Wednesday: fruit.
  • Thursday: boiled chicken fillet.
  • Friday: fruit.
  • Saturday: Your diet includes only clean drinking water.
  • Sunday: fruit.

Given: a dress in the closet that doesn’t fit after long winter holidays, and a week before the special event. For this case, there are effective express diets.

Yes, it’s true what they say: someone else’s soul is in the dark, and a woman’s soul even more so. It would seem that since the New Year you have been living in peace, swimming in a sea of ​​champagne and sweets, and everything suits you, but when another bright holiday begins to loom ahead - March 8th, your eyes seem to open - it wouldn’t hurt to lose a couple of extra pounds! Otherwise, the dress you bought one size smaller last year will remain hanging on the hanger, instead of decorating your divine (and let anyone dare to disagree!) figure on the glorious Women’s Day. Well, there is still a whole week before the holiday and 9 express diets that will help you get back into shape. The main thing is to start, and an excellent result will not keep you waiting!

Diet of Claudia Schiffer

Seeing Claudia Schiffer, you begin to envy - either because she is lucky with her figure, or because of her fast metabolism, or all at once. But she is a human being just like the rest of us, and she also has her weaknesses. And she has to pay for her weaknesses with extra pounds, which she sheds with the help of this diet.

In the morning, one soft-boiled egg. After 3 hours - approximately 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese, washed down with tea, after another 3 hours, again 150 g of cottage cheese and tea. After that, until the next morning, only mineral water. And no sugar or salt.

Result: It is enough to stay on such a diet for two or three days, and you will lose from 3 to 5 kg. The diet can be repeated only after 3-4 weeks, as it is too difficult for the body.

Express diet of Anita Tsoi

Another method will help to remove a couple of centimeters from the waist, based on personal experience and the example of singer Anita Tsoi, who for 14 years tried to get rid of not just a couple of extra pounds, but half (!) of her weight. This diet is no less strict, but just as effective.

You need to distribute 1–2 kg of fresh cucumbers and 2 liters of water (green tea is possible) per day. At night – a glass of kefir (preferably low-fat).

Result: The next morning - minus 2-3 kg and a fresh complexion. And the diet is quick, and the result is good, but if you don’t like cucumbers and are not able to drink so much water or green tea, in this case there is another diet that offers to cleanse the body of toxins and a couple of extra pounds in 4 days.

  • By the way: green tea enlarges breasts

4 days diet

On the first day - cleansing - you can drink freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices without sugar. Start your morning with a glass of beetroot and carrot drink - it gives strength and stimulates the intestines. Then you can safely experiment by making various fruit and vegetable cocktails. The only limitation is that you can drink no more than 1.5 liters of juices per day, plus as much pure water and green tea as you like.

The second day is cottage cheese and kefir. Take half a kilo of low-fat cottage cheese, 1.5 liters of one percent kefir and divide this volume into 5 equal parts. Every 2.5–3 hours you need to eat a portion of cottage cheese with kefir, and half an hour before and an hour after a meal, drink a glass of clean water or green tea.

The third day is salad day. During the day you need to eat about 1.5 kg of salad from leafy green vegetables with 2 tbsp. l. vegetable, preferably olive or linseed, oil.

Finally, on the last, fourth day, we again drink freshly squeezed juices.

Result: In 4 days of the diet, an average of 2 extra kg is lost. If this diet option does not suit us, then we have another option for a quick and people-tested slimming option. The diet is called “Estonian”.

Estonian diet

The Estonian diet is a quick and proven way to regain your slim figure in 6 days. Not difficult, but quite hungry.

  • Day 1: 6 boiled eggs.
  • Day 2: 500 g low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Day 3: 700 g chicken fillet.
  • Day 4: 200 g of boiled rice.
  • Day 5: 6 medium boiled potatoes.
  • Day 6: apples.

Result: Lose 3 to 6 kg in 6 days

European diet

Designed for 7 days.

  • Day 1 – 1 liter of milk, 200 g of yogurt.
  • Day 2 – 200 g low-fat cottage cheese, 1 liter of juice without sugar.
  • Day 3 – 1 liter of still mineral water, 200 g of boiled potatoes.
  • Day 4 – 200 g of fish, 1 liter of juice without sugar.
  • Day 5 – 1 kg of apples, 1 liter of still mineral water.
  • Day 6 – 200 g of boiled meat without salt, 1 liter of juice without sugar.
  • Day 7 – 1 liter of kefir, 200 g of yogurt or cottage cheese.

You can drink unsweetened tea, mineral water and fruit juices. But not all, but only orange, grapefruit, pomegranate and apple.

Result: minus 4–5 kg in a week!

"Extreme" diet

For breakfast, if you can call it that, dilute a tablespoon of honey in 150 ml of water and add 5-7 drops of lemon juice. After 10–15 minutes, drink a cup of tea or coffee.

For lunch, treat yourself to boiled turkey and any vegetables (no more than 500 g).

Dinner will be liquid. Boil 150–200 g of white cabbage in 150 ml of water without salt for 15–20 minutes. Drink the finished broth one sip at a time, extending the “pleasure” for 30–40 minutes. Hungry? Be patient. Cabbage decoction, as well as its juice, is used in the treatment of obesity. There are practically no calories in this “dinner”, so it will be hard. If you feel really unbearable, drink a glass of low-fat kefir before going to bed.

Result: In 3 days 5 kg are lost. It is not recommended to follow this diet for more than 3 days. If necessary, you can repeat it after 2 days.

"Buckwheat" diet

Quite filling, but monotonous, so it’s not easy to endure. However, let the thought warm you that you will not only lose extra pounds, but also cleanse your body. Buckwheat removes toxins and heavy metal ions from the body and reduces cholesterol levels. In addition, it contains proteins and carbohydrates, as well as B vitamins, iron, potassium, calcium and other minerals. Thanks to this, the buckwheat diet does not cause as much damage to the body as most popular mono-diets.

So, a no-frills diet menu: for a whole week we eat exclusively buckwheat porridge. In this case, the buckwheat is not boiled, but poured with boiling water and left overnight (in a good thermos). It is important to use as little salt as possible and forget about spices. At one time we eat 5 tbsp. l. porridge. You can eat as much porridge as you like during the day, but your last meal is 4 hours before bedtime. In addition to buckwheat, 1% kefir or yogurt is allowed (maximum 1 liter per day). Occasionally before bed, you can eat a fruit, preferably citrus fruits, to replenish the vitamin C deficiency. Drink plenty of water, at least 2 liters per day.

Result: This mono-diet is very effective - it allows you to get rid of 7-12 kg in a week!

Multifruit diet

Designed for fruit lovers. Go on this diet and enjoy! Oranges, kiwis, apples - 10 days of the diet will fly by. Fruits are not only tasty, but also moderate in calories, do not contain fat, but are rich in vitamins and minerals.

  • Breakfast: a glass of orange juice.
  • 2nd breakfast: 4 tbsp. l. boiled rice with pineapple and kiwi.
  • Lunch: vegetable salad consisting mainly of fresh green vegetables, boiled cabbage (broccoli or cauliflower), 200 g of boiled lean meat.
  • Afternoon snack: a glass of juice from orange, carrots, pineapple and apples, grain bread, kefir.
  • Dinner: fruit salad of pineapple, orange, kiwi and apples. Stewed vegetables without fat (eggplant, zucchini, etc.).

Result: Such a diet in 10 days will allow you to lose 4–5 kg, improve your mood and well-being.

Japanese diet

The Japanese diet is passed down by word of mouth, copied into a notebook and carefully followed, because it not only helps you lose 7 kg in 14 days, but also changes your metabolism, preventing excess weight from returning! The secret to “accelerating” metabolism is to increase the volume of muscle mass, which increases energy consumption (about 70 kcal is consumed per 1 kg of muscle, and only 4 kcal per 1 kg of fat tissue). Therefore, along with diet, it is recommended to exercise. It is prohibited to add sugar, salt to food, consume alcoholic beverages and flour products. It is important not to cut yourself any slack and strictly adhere to the proposed diet plan, otherwise the expected improvement in metabolism will not occur.

1st day
Breakfast. Black coffee.
Dinner. Fish in any form.

2nd day
Dinner. Fried or boiled fish, vegetable salad with vegetable oil, fresh cabbage.

3rd day
Breakfast. Black coffee, cracker.
Dinner. Large zucchini fried in vegetable oil.
Dinner. 2 hard-boiled eggs, 200 g of boiled beef, fresh cabbage salad with vegetable oil.

4th day
Breakfast. Black coffee.
Dinner. Raw egg, 3 boiled large carrots with vegetable oil, 15 g of hard cheese.
Dinner. Fruits.

5th day
Dinner. Fish in any form, a glass of tomato juice.
Dinner. Fruits.

6th day
Breakfast. Black coffee.
Dinner. Half a boiled chicken, fresh cabbage or carrot salad.
Dinner. 2 hard-boiled eggs, 200 g of raw carrots with vegetable oil.

7th day
Breakfast. Tea.
Dinner. 200 g boiled beef, fruit.
Dinner. Any of the dinners, except dinner on the 3rd day, or boiled crabs.

8th day
Breakfast. Black coffee.
Dinner. Half a boiled chicken, fresh cabbage or carrot salad.
Dinner. 2 hard-boiled eggs, 200 g grated raw carrots with vegetable oil.

9th day
Breakfast. Raw carrots with lemon juice.
Dinner. Large fish in any form, a glass of tomato juice.
Dinner. Fruits.

10th day
Breakfast. Black coffee.
Dinner. Raw egg, 3 large boiled carrots with vegetable oil, 15 g of hard cheese.
Dinner. Fruits.

11th day
Breakfast. Black coffee, cracker.
Dinner. Large zucchini fried in vegetable oil.
Dinner. 2 hard-boiled eggs, 200 g of boiled beef, fresh cabbage salad with vegetable oil.

12th day
Breakfast. Black coffee, cracker.
Dinner. Fish in any form, vegetable salad, cabbage with vegetable oil.
Dinner. 100 g of boiled beef, a glass of kefir.

13th day
Breakfast. Black coffee.
Dinner. 2 hard-boiled eggs, boiled cabbage salad with vegetable oil, a glass of tomato juice.
Dinner. Fried or boiled fish.

All express diets attract quick results, and it seems that any weaker half can hold back their appetite for a week or two. Alas, in reality the undertaking turns out to be a serious test, not only for willpower, but also for health. A sudden change in diet is a serious stress for the body. And agreeing to such an “adventure”, you will have to be on guard all the time - if the slightest ailment appears, the diet should be stopped.

In addition, 80% of diets end in another set of extra pounds, when the next day after the restrictions are lifted, the hungry “go all out.” Here, too, you will need a strong will. But still, before you start debilitating restrictions, ask yourself the question: is losing extra pounds worth the loss of mood and well-being? After all, you are cheerful and cheerful, which means you are charming and attractive precisely at the weight at which you are now. So why these sacrifices?

Beautiful ladies are always interested in express weight loss methods, because life is filled with moments that require urgent, almost instantaneous shedding of extra pounds. If there are a few days left before an important event in your life, and your favorite outfit does not fit at the waist, it is quite acceptable to use the express method. You should always strictly follow the requirements of the diet and do not increase its duration on your own. Long-term dietary restriction can damage your health.

One of the options for a quick diet lasting up to five days. Weight loss up to 5kg.

    breakfast: one boiled egg, unsweetened tea;

    second breakfast: lean cottage cheese, kefir;

    lunch: 150g boiled fish, vegetable salad with lemon juice, fruit;

    dinner: unsweetened tea.

A type of express weight loss is fasting days, which in a three-day period give a result of minus four kilograms. The fasting scheme is as follows: a day to enter the diet, a day to fast, a day to exit fasting. The diet of the first day involves a limited amount of fats and carbohydrates. You can drink water and green tea. There are fruit and vegetable salads with added oil, but without salt. Dinner is excluded. On the second day, only water in a volume of 3-4 liters is allowed. The diet of the third day is the same as the first day, and then gradually introduce your usual food into the diet.

There are many such diets, so when choosing, follow several rules:

    take into account the individuality of your body and personal eating preferences, otherwise losing weight will be difficult;

    keep in mind that all express diets are mono diet, consisting of one or two products that should be available to you;

    Quick-cooking dishes will reduce the time you spend in the kitchen and eliminate the temptation to overeat.

  • Express diet for 3 days
  • Express diet for 5 days
  • Five day diet menu
  • Express diet for 7 days
  • Reviews about the express diet

Express diet for 3 days

Every real woman constantly monitors her weight. For this, various power systems can be used, but in some incomprehensible way, on the eve of important events, 2-3 extra pounds at the waist. What to do? The main thing is not to panic. To quickly correct your figure, you can use an express diet. Remember, this is an emergency, short-term measure, and not a nutritional system for a long period of time.

The diet consists of three days with limited nutrition and a diet of varying content. During this period, be sure to drink clean, still water (up to two liters per day). Drinks allowed are tea, coffee, and lean milk. Eliminate sugar in drinks and food, limit salt as much as possible. After eight o'clock in the evening, do not eat if you want to get the planned result. Separately, each day can be used as a deload, once a week.

Diet by day:

    The first day has protein diet from 900kcal. Throughout the day you are allowed to eat lean cottage cheese - 400g and natural yogurt 3.2% fat - 4 cups. The frequency of meals is every 2-2.5 hours.

    The second day has a carbohydrate diet of 800 kcal. The menu consists of fresh (stewed) vegetables - 700g, fruits - 700g. Allowed vegetables: cabbage and bell peppers, carrots and zucchini, green beans, celery and onions. Add vegetable oils (1 tbsp) and herbs to dishes. Allowed fruits: apples, bananas, pears, persimmons, citrus fruits. Fresh apples increase appetite; it is better to eat them baked.

    The third day has a diet of proteins and carbohydrates in the amount of 800 kcal. Its menu consists of grapefruit - 4 pieces and hard-boiled eggs - 4 pieces. Eating should occur every 2-2.5 hours, foods alternate with each other at each meal

Walking in the fresh air or playing sports will help speed up the effect of this diet, and in the shortest possible time the problem of extra three to four kilograms will be solved. Consider a limited diet, which can be stressful for the whole body. The normal functioning of all organs will be ensured by taking vitamin complexes, and if you have chronic diseases, it is better to abandon such a harsh method of losing weight.

Express diet for 5 days

There are a great variety of methods for maintaining weight in a stable state, but they require a long time and a systematic approach. This diet is suitable for those who have an urgent need to lose five extra pounds and are limited to a time frame of five days. The proposed method of losing weight will not only normalize your appearance, but it won't do any harm immune system. You will need patience, strict adherence to your diet, and compliance with certain rules upon completion of the diet.

Five day diet menu

First day.

    Breakfast: carrot-orange salad, seasoned with lean yogurt, unsweetened coffee.

    Second breakfast: lean kefir – 1 glass.

    Lunch: one green apple, 8 pieces of soaked prunes.

Second day.

    Breakfast: lean cheese – 100g, black coffee – 1 cup, sugar – 1 spoon.

    Lunch: lean kefir (ryazhenka) – 1 glass, boiled egg.

    Dinner: unsweetened pear – 2 pieces and orange – 2 pieces.

Third day.

    Breakfast: lean milk – 2 glasses.

    Lunch: beet and cabbage salad with carrots and lemon juice, a glass of honey water.

    Dinner: warm milk – 1 glass, spoon of honey.

Fourth day.

    Breakfast: oat flakes soaked in the evening - 100g, green tea, honey - 1 teaspoon, a slice of lemon.

    Lunch: cabbage-cucumber salad with boiled egg, unsweetened green tea.

    Dinner: lean kefir – 1 glass.

Fifth day.

    Breakfast: lean cottage cheese – 100g, lean yogurt – 100g, orange.

    Lunch: raw vegetables of your choice and without limitation.

    Dinner: berries to taste, apple, orange.

Throughout the diet, you should definitely drink 2-3 liters of clean water. After losing weight, lean meat, rye bread, cereals, etc. are gradually added to your diet until you return to your normal diet. Avoiding overeating and late-night meals helps maintain weight. You must clearly understand that any diet forces all organs to work under stress, especially an express diet, so it is wiser to choose a long-term nutrition system to normalize weight and follow it with discipline.

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Express diet for 7 days

A weekly diet involves losing weight by five to six kilograms. Any weight loss system is based on the rejection of sugar and salt. Sugar is the foundation for weight gain. Salt is a low-calorie product, but tends to increase appetite, so eliminating it will provide more comfortable conditions during the diet. Drinking during weight loss should be in the form of raw (mineral) water in the amount of 2-3 liters, you can also drink freshly squeezed juices fortified with iron and milk.

European seven-day diet menu

    1st day: lean yogurt – 200g, lean milk – 1l.

    2nd day: lean cottage cheese – 200g, freshly squeezed juice – 1l.

    3rd day: boiled potatoes – 200g, water – 1l.

    4th day: boiled fish (sea) – 200g, freshly squeezed juice – 1l.

    5th day: green apples – 1 kg, water – 1 l.

    6th day: boiled meat (poultry, veal), freshly squeezed juice - 1l.

    7th day: lean cottage cheese -200g, lean kefir - 1l.

Distribute the above products for each day evenly into 5-6 daily doses. To make juices, use apples, grapefruits, pomegranates, and oranges. Preparation for the diet begins two days in advance and consists of reducing the amount of salt and calorie content of food by half. Remember - the diet is designed for seven days and no more. Any weight loss method will benefit you if you are in good health. Illness, overwork, stress, lack of sleep are contraindications for the diet.