Winter Universiade: Student Olympics. What is the Universiade? Types of sports at the Universiades History of the origin of the winter and summer Universiades

The initiator of the organization of student sports games was in the early 20s. French chemical engineer, sports enthusiast J. Petitjean. The opening of a sports complex for students in 1923 in Strasbourg was timed to coincide with the start of the first student games.

A year later, student athletes gathered in Warsaw. In 1927, the games took place in Rome, and 3 years later - in Dortmund. And only in 1947 was it created International Union students (MSS) and its sports department, which later became known as the sports council. He spent winter games in the Swiss city of Davos and summer - in Paris. Representatives from 13 countries took part in them.

However, the activities of the MCC did not suit some reactionary leaders of the student sports movement. While MSS actively and successfully carried out youth and student festivals international competitions, a number of student sports organizations, having refused to participate in them, created the International University Sports Federation (FISU) in 1949 and began to hold so-called FISU weeks. Since then, the international student movement has split.

The great work carried out by youth organizations during festivals, the strong desire of young people for the unity of student sports, and the work to democratize FISU ultimately led to the fact that in 1957, at the competitions dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the National Union of Students of France, students from 29 countries, and in 1959 passed student games in Turin (Italy), in which 1,400 students from 44 countries participated. The games began to be called “universiade”.

In an effort to unify international university sports, student sports organizations Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania, the USSR and Czechoslovakia became members of FISU in 1959 and supported the idea of ​​Universiades. Since then, the authority of FISU in the international arena has grown significantly. The main goal of FISU is to promote the development of student sports, the physical and moral education of students and their cooperation in the interests of the unity of international student sports. FISU promotes student sports, organizes international student competitions, and defends the ideals of amateur sports.

A national student sports organization is accepted as a member of FISU if it truly unites all student-athletes in the country. Members of FISU are national sports organizations of 63 countries: in Europe - 27, Asia - 11, America - 10, Africa - 13, Australia - 2. A member of FISU from the Soviet Union was the voluntary sports society "Burevestnik", which had its representative in the leadership of the federation , who served as first vice president.

The Summer and Winter Universiade are held alternately every year. Every year FISU holds European and World Championships in judo, handball, football and traditional international competitions in athletics and table tennis.

In August 1973, the next summer Universiade took place in Moscow. This sports forum students brought together 4,000 athletes from 72 countries. The games program included competitions in 11 sports: athletics, basketball, volleyball, gymnastics, swimming, water polo, diving, fencing, tennis, freestyle and classical wrestling. The spirit of sincere friendship permeated everything sports.


Relevance of the topic. Youth analogue of the Olympics, World Student Games sports games or simply - the Universiade - for more than 50 years it has been the second most important and representative complex international event in the world sports arena. The Universiade is an international sports competition among students, held under the auspices of the International University Sports Federation (FISU). The name "Universiade" comes from the words "University" and "Olympiad". Unlike the four-year Olympic cycle, student competitions are held every two years. Students, postgraduate students and graduates of the two previous editions of the Universiade aged 17 to 28 years are allowed to participate in the competition. The Universiade program includes compulsory and optional (additional) sports.

The list of compulsory sports for each University Games is approved by FISU before the start of the application campaign. The inclusion of additional sports is made at the request of the host party (hostess of the Universiade), provided that the sports meet all the requirements of the International University Sports Federation. As part of the Winter Universiade 2019, awards will be awarded in 8 compulsory sports: alpine skiing, biathlon, cross-country skiing, hockey, short track, snowboarding, figure skating skating, curling. On at the moment Two optional types of programs are offered: orienteering and freestyle.

The International University Sports Federation has currently approved the following winter capitals: World Games- Granada (Spain)/Strbske Pleso (Slovakia) - 2015, Almaty (Kazakhstan) - 2017, Krasnoyarsk (Russia) - 2019. The history of the 29th World Winter Universiade 2019 in Krasnoyarsk began in 2012. On January 9, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed an order to the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin to begin implementing specific measures to prepare Krasnoyarsk for participation in the application campaign. On September 1, 2012, the application campaign for hosting the 2019 Winter and Summer Universiade began.

The Russian Student Sports Union (RSSU) sent a letter of intent to submit an application to host the 2019 World Winter Universiade in Krasnoyarsk to the President of the International University Sports Federation (FISU), Mr. Claude-Louis Gallien. As the application campaign progressed, the competing cities, one after another, withdrew their candidacies. Krasnoyarsk was the only one to submit its application book within the established time frame. The most difficult stage began - a fight not with rivals who could be weaker, but with oneself - it was necessary to prove to FISU the powerful potential of the Siberian region to hold international complex competitions for the first time in the history of the region. On November 9, 2013, in Brussels, the FISU commission decided to hold Winter Universiade 2019 in Krasnoyarsk. The 29th World Winter Universiade will be held from March 2 to 12, 2019. Athletes will compete for 69 sets of awards in 10 sports.

From the above, we formulated the theme “Universiade 2019”.

Research objectives:

Reveal the history of college sports;

Study the holding of the Universiade 2019 in Krasnoyarsk;

Consider preparations and projects for the Universiade.

To solve the problems, the following methods were used: theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature.

1. History of college sports

The youth analogue of the Olympics, the world student sports games or simply - the Universiade has been the second most important and representative complex international event on the world sports arena for more than 50 years.

The idea of ​​holding global sports competitions among students was first voiced in 1923 at an international student conference. However, until the 50s of the last century, these competitions were not of a mass nature and were not a prestigious event.

A new page in the history of the development of the student sports movement was opened in 1959, when the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFYD) and the International Union of Students (ISU) took control of the Youth Games. Large-scale sports festival It was intended to melt the ice in relations between the West and the countries of the Soviet camp that had formed during the Cold War, and to become a platform for uniting young people from countries that had recently been at war. Thus, for the first time in history, large-scale international sports competitions for students were held in the Italian city of Turin. They got their name - the Universiade - from the merger of two words: “university” and “Olympiad”.

The first Universiade of 1959 in Turin marked the beginning of a tradition that is carefully maintained to this day - at the award ceremony in honor of the winner, not the national anthem of his country is played, but the famous musical symbol of students - “Gaudeamus”.

The success of the Universiade in Turin, which brought together more than 1,400 athletes from 43 countries, gave rise to the rapid development of the international student sports movement. Already in 2005, in Izmir, Turkey, the number of participants in the Summer Universiade reached a record 7,805 people. And the most extensive geography of the Games was celebrated in 2003 in Daegu ( South Korea), when 174 countries sent their representatives to the competition.

Unlike the Olympic cycle, which lasts for four years, youth competitions are held every two years. Students, graduate students and graduates of the two previous editions of the Universiade aged 17 to 28 are allowed to participate in the competition.

The Summer Universiade program includes 13 compulsory sports: athletics, sports and rhythmic gymnastics, tennis, swimming, diving, basketball, fencing, football, volleyball, water polo, table tennis, judo.

As part of the Winter Universiade, awards are awarded in 7 types: alpine skiing, biathlon, cross-country skiing, ice hockey, short track speed skating, skating, figure skating, curling.

At the request of the host party, additional sports may be included in the Universiade program.

In total, 25 summer and 24 winter Universiade have already taken place to date.

2. Holding the Universiade 2019 in Krasnoyarsk

Winter Universiade 2019 - student sports competitions of the 29th (XXIX) World Winter Universiade, which will be held in 2019 in the Russian city of Krasnoyarsk. Previously, the Winter Universiade was not held either in the USSR or in Russia. Of the proposals put forward since 2010 by the Russian cities of Sochi, Yekaterinburg and Krasnoyarsk, the proposal from Krasnoyarsk was supported at the federal level and received official confirmation in January 2012. From this moment on, the city on the Yenisei River received the status of a representative of Russia in the bid campaign for the right to host the 2019 Universiade. The choice was determined, first of all, by the desire and ability of the Krasnoyarsk Territory to host student games. The capital of the region is one of the student centers in the country, where the Siberian Federal University is located.

To hold the Universiade in Krasnoyarsk it is planned to use the following sports facilities: Central Stadium, ice palace"Arena-North", Sports Palace named after. Ivan Yarygin, Biathlon Academy, Academy winter species sports, fun park "Bobrovy Log". It is planned to build additionally two ice palaces with a capacity of at least 3,500 people.

Potential candidates could submit official applications to host the Universiade until the fall of 2012. On 11 May 2013, the International University Sports Federation (FISU) announced that Krasnoyarsk (Russia) and St. Gallen (Switzerland) remained official candidates. On November 9, 2013, in Brussels (Belgium), by voting, the International University Sports Federation chose Krasnoyarsk as the host city of the 2019 Winter Universiade.

The student games in Krasnoyarsk will take place from March 2 to March 12, 2019. The Universiade program includes 8 compulsory sports (hockey, short track speed skating, figure skating, curling, alpine skiing, snowboarding, cross-country skiing and biathlon). At the stage of the application campaign, the conducting party offered 2 optional events (orienteering and freestyle). About 3,000 athletes from all continents are expected. The city is preparing to welcome more than 10,000 guests. The games in Krasnoyarsk will be the first winter ones in Russia! Symbols of the Universiade[edit | edit wiki text]

The Universiade logo is a predominantly snow-white voluminous polyhedron-snowball, made in the colors of the Russian flag, with red and blue solid and dashed edges and corresponding inscriptions with multi-colored Olympic stars from five continents.

The slogans of the Universiade are “Real Winter” and “Welcome to Winter”.

REALWINTER corporate slogan.

Corporate slogan WELCOME TO WINTER! 100% WINTER.

The mascot of the Universiade “U Laika” is a white Siberian husky standing on its hind legs with its right front paw raised in greeting with a red scarf around its neck, a symbol of energy, joy, friendliness and loyalty.

3. Preparations and projects for the Universiade

Krasnoyarsk will spend less money on preparations for the Universiade, as some facilities, such as ski resort Funpark "Bobrovy Log", Biathlon Academy and sports complex"Arena. North" are already operating on its territory. By 2015, the construction of the Winter Sports Academy facilities will be completed. “Thus, we will already be able to hold the “street” sports of the Universiade - alpine skiing, cross-country skiing, biathlon and snowboarding,” comments the head of the department physical culture, sports and tourism Sergey Kochan.

Krasnoyarsk lacks three ice palaces with a capacity of 3.5 thousand seats each and a large ice “ten-thousander”, where the opening and closing of the Universiade will take place. Besides sports facilities the city will also need a student village designed to accommodate 3 thousand people with modern information and medical centers.

“DK” saw what Krasnoyarsk could become by 2019, if it still manages to win the competition to host student sports competitions.

Rice. 1 - Student Village

Description: athletes participating in the Universiade will live in the village. In addition to residential premises, it will include its own infrastructure: medical facilities, post office, laundry, etc. The village is designed for at least 3 thousand people.

Rice. 2 - Marriott Hotel

Description: There will be 200 hotel rooms in the hotel.

Investment: 65 million euros.

Commissioning: end of 2013 (approximately).

Rice. 3 - Modernization of the infrastructure of the Yemelyanovo airport

Description: the modernization will affect the main elements of the airport infrastructure. It is planned to build a new passenger terminal, a hotel, a fuel refueling complex, and reconstruct the engineering and utility infrastructure of the airport. Modernization will increase passenger and cargo traffic at Yemelyanovo airport.

Commissioning: by 2030 (approximately).

Rice. 4 - Four indoor ice palaces

Disciplines: figure skating, hockey, short track.

Description: ice palaces will have different capacities. Three of them have 3.5 thousand seats, the fourth has 10 thousand seats. In particular, it is planned to host the opening and closing ceremonies of the Universiade in this building.

Commissioning: unknown.

student sports universiade springboard

Rice. 5 - Ski jump complex (within the Winter Sports Academy)

Discipline: Nordic combined, ski jumping.

Rice. 6 - Ski stadium on the site of the Rainbow children's camp (as part of the Winter Sports Academy)

Disciplines: cross-country skiing, ski orienteering.

Description: 60 km - the total length of the trails, of which 12 km are illuminated trails.

Commissioning: 2015 (estimated).

Rice. 7 - Biathlon Academy (within the Winter Sports Academy)

Discipline: biathlon.

Commissioning: operational since December 2011

What he has to do: build a lighting system, an artificial snowmaking system.

The Master Plan is one of the main documents during the preparation for the World Universiade. Its creation is a mandatory requirement of FISU for the capital of the University Games.

The master plan is an integrated schedule promising development and the functioning of the ANO “Executive Directorate of the 29th World Winter Universiade 2019 in Krasnoyarsk” during the preparation and holding of the Universiade 2019, which indicates the main functional areas, tasks and activities, as well as the timing of their implementation.

In October 2014, version 1.0 of the Master Plan was approved by members of the FISU Executive Committee and personally by FISU President Claude-Louis Gallien.

The first version of the master plan includes two sections:

strategic section containing key statistical information about the host city, principles and methodology for developing the document, content sports program Games, client groups, management system, risk management, the concept of the Winter Universiade 2019, its mission, goals, objectives, heritage, etc.;

a functional section in which 49 functional areas of preparation for the Universiade are specified both separately and in interaction with each other.

The master plan allows you to:

ensure management of the main list of tasks of the functional areas of the Directorate in preparation for the Universiade 2019;

plan the number of Games personnel within the organizational structure of the Directorate;

develop and implement programs and projects;

exercise centralized control over key stages of preparation for the Games at all levels;

receive regular end-to-end reporting, timely and reliable information for decision-making;

support an innovative approach to the implementation of main events in preparation for the Universiade 2019.

The implementation of each task implies the responsibility of the Directorate, as well as the involvement of other stakeholders - participants in the preparation and conduct of the Games.

The master plan is closely linked to the budget and resource planning processes, within which the necessary human resources and budget are calculated based on the generated programs and projects. The master plan will be used for monitoring project activities Directorates, for external use and reporting to FISU.

Monitoring of the implementation of the Master Plan is carried out through periodic organization (several times a year) of teleconferences, visits of FISU experts, meetings of the FISU Executive Committee, meetings of the Coordination Commission and the Supervisory Board, General Assemblies and other reporting events.

The result of the reporting activities will be a list of instructions/recommendations and dates assigned to them (checkpoints), which will become mandatory for execution by the Organizing Committee and will be included in subsequent versions of the Master Plan.

The Directorate must submit the second version of the Master Plan for approval to the FISU Executive Committee in November 2015.


The first Winter Universiade in Russia will take place in 2019 in the city of Krasnoyarsk, the geographical center of Siberia. Russia is the largest country in terms of area, where long winter reigns over most of the territory.

It is in Siberia at this time that you can engage in all types of winter sports, experience winter 100%. At the same time, “frost” and “winter” are not only stable associations for foreigners about Russia, but also special forces and images that are reverently depicted in Russian culture.

The Winter Universiade is a unique event! This is a holiday of winter, a holiday of hospitality, a holiday of youth and sports, charging with its energy, an atmosphere of friendliness and warmth. Here dreams come true, new talents are discovered, people from all over the world meet.

All this variety of meanings was reflected in the developed symbols and the general visual concept of the Universiade. The basis for the graphic implementation was the ideas of VERSATILITY, TRANSFORMATION AND GAME.

Of the obligatory elements in corporate symbols, it is customary to use the Latin “U” and the obligatory official corporate block of FISU stars.


2.Your Olympic textbook. Textbook manual for Olympic education / Russian Olympic Committee. - 22nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Soviet sport, 2010. - 144 p.


Mandatory program:

Biathlon Academy.

km - individual race, 10 km - sprint, 12.5 km - pursuit, 15 km - mass start.

km - individual race, 7.5 km - sprint, 10 km - pursuit, 12.5 km - mass start.

Mixed relay 2x6 km (women) + 2x7.5 km (men)

Alpine skiing

Academy of Winter Sports (core "Sopka"), fun park "Bobrovy Log".

Downhill or super combined, super-G, giant slalom, slalom.

Ski racing

Sprint (free style), 10 km - individual race (classic style), 4x10 km - relay race, 30 km - mass start (free style), Pursuit (7.5 + 7.5 km).

Sprint (free style), 5 km - individual race (classic style), 3x5 km - relay race, 15 km - mass start (free style), Pursuit (5+5 km).

Mixed relay (freestyle)

Short track

m., 1000 m., 1500 m., 5000 m. (relay race).

m., 1000 m., 1500 m., 3000 m. (relay race).

Ice Palace at 3500 on the street. Partizan Zheleznyak, Sports Palace named after. I.S. Yarygina, training ground indoor skating rink "Pervomaisky".

Men's tournament (up to 12 teams).

Women's tournament (up to 8 teams).

Figure skating

Ice Palace "Quiet Dawns", training ground Ice Palace "Rassvet".

Single skating.

Single skating.

Dancing couples, synchronized figure skating.

Ice Palace "Arena.North".

Men's tournament (up to 10 teams).

Women's tournament (up to 10 teams).


Halfpipe, Parallel Giant Slalom, Board Cross, Big Air and/or Slopestyle.

Additional sports program:


Academy of Winter Sports (core "Sopka").

Mogul, acrobatics, ski cross, ski halfpipe, ski slopestyle.

Ski orienteering

Winter Sports Academy (Rainbow core).

Long distance, average distance, sprint, relay race.

Mixed relay (2 m + 2 w).

Rice. P1 - Universiade mascot. Yulaika the dog


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In organizing and conducting educational and training work and sports competitions During extracurricular hours, both public student sports and non-sports organizations and associations take an active part in students’ activities. From the activity of an intra-university public organization - sports club The university largely depends on the sports life of students in the educational institution. Rectorate and department physical education provide him with possible material, methodological and practical assistance both in the work of individual sports sections and groups, and in the organization and conduct of competitions. A significant role in the organization of interuniversity sports competitions is played by the public association of students and employees of higher educational institutions - Russian student sports union (created at the end of 1993) and its regional organizations. Its Charter states that the main goal of the Union is to consolidate the efforts of all interested organizations in the development of physical culture and health work, student sports, harmonization of physical and spiritual education, strengthening the health of students in higher educational institutions and preparing athletes to participate in competitions at various levels. It is based on the results of student sports competitions held by the Union that the composition of the student team for Russian and international sports competitions is determined. The Russian Student Sports Union carries out international student sports relations. He is a collective member International University Sports Federation(FISU), which aims to promote:

    development of student sports at all levels;

    physical and spiritual education of students;

    bringing students of all countries closer together and their cooperation in the interests of the unity of international university sports.

One of the tasks of FISU is to organize international student sports competitions in various types sports According to the FISU Commission for the Study of University Sports, at the beginning of the 90s. The most popular sports among students from all countries were: football, volleyball, athletics, basketball and swimming. However, the programs of the FISU Universiade, held every two years, and the FISU Championships include a much larger number of sports and periodically undergo some changes. After the collapse of the USSR, a period of protracted reorganization of the student sports movement followed. With the organization of the Russian Sports Union at the end of 1993, Russian students took their first independent steps in the international student sports movement on a completely different organizational basis and different material and technical support.

8.Olympic Games and Universiade

The Olympic Games and the Universiade are two major multi-sport competitions that symbolize the concepts of “fair play” and “true sportsmanship”. The World University Games are an analogue of the Olympics at the student level. In terms of the number of participating countries and the number of athletes, the Universiade is comparable to the Olympic Games. The Olympic Games and the Universiade are inextricably linked. We can say that the World University Games serve as a source of personnel for the Olympics, because more than 60% of the Universiade participants subsequently perform at Olympic Games Oh. Many famous athletes achieved success at both the Olympic Games and the Universiade, including basketball player Sergei Belov, discus thrower Tamara Press, high jumper Valery Brummel, volleyball player Vyacheslav Zaitsev. Nikolai Andrianov stands separately on the list of champions. The great Soviet gymnast became a six-time champion of the Universiade and stood on the podium 15 times at three Summer Olympic Games in Munich, Montreal and Moscow. The last athlete to achieve a golden double was rhythmic gymnast Evgenia Kanaeva, who won gold at the Olympic Games and Universiade in 2008 and 2009, respectively. The Universiade is the second most important and representative international complex sports event after the Olympic Games. The Universiade is held every two years and is attended by undergraduate and graduate students aged 17 to 28 years. The World University Games were first organized in Paris in May 1923 by Jean Petitjean (Jean Petitjean intended to call them the “University Olympic Games”, but Pierre de Coubertin convinced him to give the games a different name). The games were organized under the auspices of the International Confederation of Students (ICS), formed in 1924 in Warsaw.

In 1959, the joint (ICS and FISU) World University Games were organized for the first time in Turin.

The Italian delegation proposed a new name for the Games - "Universiade", meaning: "universality", "unity", "university". It was also decided there that in honor of the winners of the Games, not the national anthems would be performed, but the student anthem “Gaudeamus Igitur”. Since 1960, the World Winter Universiade began to be held. The games' mascot first appeared at the 1981 Winter Universiade. Nowadays, every college game is required to have its own mascot. In the USSR, the Universiade was held only once - in 1973 in Moscow. 23rd Winter Universiade took place from January 17 to 27, 2007 in Turin (Italy). 24th Winter Universiade took place from February 19 to March 1, 2009 in the city of Harbin (People's Republic of China). The Russian youth hockey team, mainly consisting of Tatarstan hockey players, took first place. 25th Winter Universiade will be held in Erzurum (Türkiye) from February 12 to 22, 2011, 26th- in the city of Maribor (Slovenia) in January 2013 year. 24th Summer Universiade took place from August 8 to August 18, 2007 in Bangkok (Thailand). 25th Summer Universiade took place from July 1 to July 12, 2009 in Belgrade (Serbia). 26th Summer Universiade will be held in Shenzhen (China), 27th – in the city of Kazan (Russia). The record for the number of participants at the Summer Universiade – 7,805 people – was set by 22 Summer Universiade in August 2005 in Izmir (Turkey), and the record for the number of countries represented – 174 countries – was in 2003 in Daegu (South Korea). Soviet students have performed at the Universiade since 1957. The champions of the Universiades were world record holders V. Brumel, I. Ter-Hovhannisyan, I. Press, T. Press and others. In 1957, the All-Union DSO "Burevestnik" was created in the USSR, which in 1959 became part of FISU. Since 1994, the legal successor of the Burevestnik DSO is the Russian Student Sports Union (RSSU). Currently, the RSSS is headed by Oleg Vasilyevich Matytsin. In August 2005, for the first time in the history of the Summer Universiade, Russian team took 1st place in the unofficial team competition. The team of 415 athletes won 65 medals, of which 26 were gold.

History of the international student movement. Holding world championships among students. The current state of the international sports student movement. Involving young people in physical education and sports. Success in the competition.

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    College sports have almost the same long story, the same as the Olympic movement. Already in 1905, the first International student competitions were held in the United States. In 1919, the Frenchman Jean Ptitjean created the International Confederation of Students, and its creator negotiated with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to hold special student Olympics.

    Your own way

    The IOC did not agree to this. As a result, the World University Games were born in 1923 in Paris. They changed the name several times: Student World Championship, International Student Sports Week, World University Games. At first they were exclusively summer, but over time they began to be held in winter. Even in Nazi Germany, an alternative appeared in the form of the sports program of the World Festival of Youth and Students. By the way, I supported the idea of ​​a festival and not championships Soviet Union. In 1953 the Festival was held in Moscow.

    After World War II (in 1949), a unified International Federation of University Sports (FISU) was finally created. Its goal was to organize a single world student competition and strengthen relationships with the IOC and higher education institutions around the world.

    By 1959, it was possible to create the truly first world student Olympics. It was given a name made up of two keywords - university and olympiad.

    In 1960, the first Winter Universiade took place in the first French capital of Chamonix.

    Since then, 28 winter competitions have taken place. They were received mainly by small towns in mountainous areas where there are good conditions for winter sports. Most often these were towns in the Italian Alps, but capitals also hosted competitions.

    In general, Soviet and Russian students dominated the Universiade. From the very beginning, the indigenous sports were ski jumping, Nordic combined, figure skating, cross-country skiing, and alpine skiing. Then they added hockey, speed skating and biathlon. In recent times, curling, snowboarding, short track speed skating and freestyle, popular among youth, have been added.

    A short list of Winter Universiade events can be found below.


    Year Place Sports Leader in medals Leaders by 3+2+1* Heroes (medals). Hockey champion (men)
    I 1960 Chamonix (France) Ski jumping, Nordic combined, figure skating, cross-country skiing, alpine skiing Austria (8) France (17 points) Marie-Josée Dusonche (France, alpine skiing) - 3 each (2, 1.0).
    II 1962 Vignard-sur-Olonne (Switzerland) Hockey added Germany and France (7) Germany (18) Barbie Henneberger (Germany, alpine skiing) - 4 (3, 1, 0). Czechoslovakia.
    III 1964 Removed hockey USSR (8) USSR (18) Fritz Wagnerberger (Germany, alpine skiing) - 4 (3, 0, 1).
    IV 1966 Sestriere (Italy) Hockey added USSR (12) USSR (26) No one took more than two medals. USSR.
    V 1968 Innsbruck (Austria) Speed ​​skating has been added USSR (19) USSR (35) Katie Nagel (USA, alpine skiing), Alexander Zhekulyaev (USSR, speed skating) - 3 each (3, 0, 0). USSR.
    VI 1970 Rovaniemi (Finland) The same USSR (37) USSR (79) Rose Fortna (USA, alpine skiing), Nina Stankevich (USSR, speed skating) - 3 (3, 0, 0). Czechoslovakia.
    VII 1972 Lake Placid (USA) The same USSR (29) USSR (62) USSR.
    VIII 1975 Livigno (Italy) Alpine skiing, cross-country skiing Italy (12) Italy (31) Bruno Confortola (Italy, alpine skiing), Yuri Vakhrushev, Valery Isaev (both USSR, cross-country skiing) - 3 (2, 1, 0).
    IX 1978 Splinderuv Mlyn (Czechoslovakia) The same USSR (14) USSR (31) -
    X 1981 Jaca (Spain) The same USSR (18) USSR (40) -
    XI 1983 Sofia (Bulgaria) Added biathlon, Nordic combined, ski jumping, figure skating, hockey USSR (24) USSR (53) USSR.
    XII 1985 Belluno (Italy) Added short track Canada (19) Canada (36) (USSR, cross-country skiing) - 3 (3, 0, 0). USSR.
    XIII 1987 Strbske Pleso (Czechoslovakia) The same Czechoslovakia (29) Czechoslovakia (70) Vladimir Nikitin (USSR, cross-country skiing) - 3 (3, 0, 0). Czechoslovakia.
    XIV 1989 Sofia (Bulgaria) The same USSR (30) USSR (60) USSR.
    XV 1991 Sapporo (Japan) The same Japan (30) Japan (61) Canada.
    XVI 1993 Zakopane (Poland) The same Japan and USA (30) Japan (32) Russia.
    XVII 1995 Jaca (Spain) The same South Korea (14) South Korea (28) Kazakhstan.
    XVIII 1997 Muju (South Korea) The same Japan (25) Japan (52) Czech Republic.
    XIX 1999 Poprad (Slovakia) Snowboard added Russia (30) Russia (77) Ukraine.
    XX 2001 Zakopane (Poland) The same Russia (31) Russia (59) Slovakia.
    XXI 2003 Tarvisio (Italy) Added curling Russia (32) Russia (66) Russia.
    XXII 2005 Innsbruck (Austria) Freestyle added, curling removed South Korea (23) Austria and South Korea (50) Russia.
    XXIII 2007 Turin (Italy) Added curling Russia (35) Russia (67) Canada.
    XXIV 2009 Harbin (China) The same Russia (51) China (102) Canada.
    XXV 2011 Erzurum (Türkiye) The same Russia (39) Russia (81) Alena Prohazkova (Slovakia, cross-country skiing) - 4 (4, 0, 0). Russia.
    XXVI 2013 Trentino (Italy) The same Russia (50) Russia (96) Veronika Nowakowska-Zimniak (Poland, biathlon), Bo Reum Kim (South Korea, short track) - 4 each (2, 2, 0). Canada.
    XXVII 2015 Granada (Spain), Strbske Pleso (Slovakia) The same Russia (56) Russia (114) Anastasia Slonova (Kazakhstan, cross-country skiing) - 4 (2, 2, 0). Russia.
    XXVIII 2017 Almaty (Kazakhstan) The same Russia (71) Russia (156) Dmitry Rostovtsev, Liliya Vasilyeva (both - Russia, cross-country skiing) - 4 (3, 1, 0). Russia.

    * For gold - 3 points, for silver - 2, for bronze - 1.

    Krasnoyarsk - the new capital

    The second largest city in Siberia has a special mission in connection with such a significant event.

    Firstly, big international events are very rare for Siberia. We can only remember the biathlon starts in Tyumen region, student world chess championship in Novokuznetsk, world bandy championships in Khabarovsk, Kemerovo and Irkutsk, as well as international tournaments for the same game in Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Abakan, Irkutsk, Khabarovsk. Thus, the Universiade symbolizes a new stage in the development of the largest region of Russia.

    Secondly, Krasnoyarsk is a city of enormous industrial, and therefore defense, significance. Therefore, foreigners' access to this city was previously very limited. The Universiade in Krasnoyarsk will thus become another symbol of Russia's openness and peacefulness.

    Thirdly, the Winter Universiade in Russia will take place for the first time.


    At the Winter Universiade in Krasnoyarsk, two sports will debut in the program for the first time: bandy, beloved in Siberia, and ski orienteering.

    Some people started preparing at the age of 4

    It is worth noting that some young athletes They begin to prepare for the Universiade from a young age. Don't underestimate the popularity of winter sports!

    They will build a sports city

    To host the World Winter Universiade, the city is already completing a complete reconstruction sports facilities among which:

    • Winter Sports Academy. It includes the Sopka sports complex, the Snezhny sports block, the half-pipe of alpine skiing and freestyle slopes, the Freestyle block, the Raduga sports complex, the Ski block, the ski stadium, and the Gorny block. Freestyle skiing, snowboarding, cross-country skiing and orienteering will take place here.
    • Sports and recreation park "Bobrovy Log". Alpine skiing competitions will be held here.

    • Sports complex "Platinum Arena". The opening ceremony and competitions are planned here.
    • Ice arena"Crystal". Will accept hockey tournaments.
    • Complex "Biathlon Academy". The name speaks for itself.
    • The Arena-North complex will host short track speed skating.
    • The famous wrestling Sports Palace named after Ivan Yarygin will have an ice hall for curling.
    • After reconstruction (the large ice field will be covered with a roof and the stands will be re-equipped), the Yenisei Stadium will host bandy matches.
    • The Pervomaisky indoor skating rink will host ice hockey matches.
    • The Rassvet Ice Palace also appears as a reserve and training facility for puck players.

    In a word, the World Winter Universiade in Krasnoyarsk will be held fully armed.