Roller skating is fun and has health benefits. Roller skating - the benefits are obvious

Roller skating - are the benefits obvious or is it just fun? Doctors unanimously say that summer is the best time for... aerobic training. Roller skates may be a great choice for you! The benefits of rollerblading are comparable to. Moreover, when exercising on roller skates, the risk of joint damage is minimized, since the legs glide and do not hit a hard surface (as when running). Toned body And good mood- that's what roller skating can give us!

The modern choice is roller skating

One hour of rollerblading at a speed of 10 km/h. burns 350 calories, one hour ride at 16 km/h. burns up to 600 calories! And don’t be confused by the fact that roller skates were originally invented for simple movement. At the turn of the 70s and 80s, roller skating turned from a whimsical hobby into a real sport, in which masters and virtuosos eventually appeared who amazed the world with their abilities.

Roller skates (as we are used to seeing them) first appeared in 1863 thanks to the development of James Leonard Plimpton. But only in 1970 did technology make it possible to make roller skates accessible to the public; young people even attended discos on roller skates. However, if the initial models had 4 wheels in two rows, then already in the 90s of the last century one strip of wheels appeared on the rollers, which made the rollers more similar to.

Let's roller skate

Before putting on the rollers, do a short warm-up. You must warm up your leg muscles. To do this, it is enough to do five squats. After fastening the rollers, you need to allow your legs to “get used to” the constant instability. Grab your hands at any support at waist level and do a few squats. Then shift your weight from one leg to the other, alternately extending your legs.

The initial stance consists of slightly tilting the body forward. Feet are shoulder-width apart and knees bent. Only with time will you be able to determine the stance in which you are comfortable.

Beginner's first steps

For any beginner, self-doubt comes first. But allay your fears. You can learn to roller skate very quickly! To do this, you just need to put on the rollers more often - especially in the first days after purchase. The body is very smart and can easily adapt to new way movement.

In the first days of roller skating, it is necessary to wear protection - it is better not to practice without a helmet, elbow pads and knee pads. Not only will you feel more psychologically confident, but you will also avoid abrasions, contusions and bruises.

Where are we going?

To start mastering roller skating, choose a wide area with a smooth surface - and no slides! It could just be a long street or square in the center of your city. The main problem for any beginner is braking. When calculating your route, mark in advance the points where it will be convenient for you to stop - this could be a staircase railing, curbs, or a wall. Of course, the ideal option would be to learn to roller skate with someone more experienced than you.

The first goal of the first day is to ride as far as possible and learn the feeling of balancing while moving. Over time, you will feel more confident and will be able to ride longer. During the first training sessions, it is strongly recommended not to drive into holes, trip over pebbles or run into debris - this can interfere with your movement.


The very first exercise that a beginner should master is rollerblading. Don’t be embarrassed by the fact that you don’t eat, but rather walk – you absolutely must master this skill! When performing the exercise, you should set the main goal for yourself - to feel balance. The exercise is performed by alternately lifting the legs off the ground. You have to take small steps. When you can walk slowly without much difficulty, try to roll a little on the asphalt with each new step. Remember that when walking on roller skates, you should only push off with your toe. While driving, you need to push off with all four wheels. The main mistake beginners make is that they try to push off with the front wheel. This is wrong.

"Ski run"

This exercise is designed to help you get used to rollers. Initial position: feet shoulder-width apart and parallel to each other. At first right leg goes forward, and the left goes backward. And vice versa. Unlike ski run This exercise does not require you to lift your heel off the asphalt. Remember that all wheels must touch the surface! Move your legs back and forth at low speed. This exercise is useful for “feeling” balance on roller skates. Over time, you should gradually spread your legs wider, but remember that the center of gravity does not shift towards one of the legs, but should always be strictly in the middle. And another important note - the legs must move at the same time, if you move one leg first, then the other, it will not do any good.

But this is impossible!

The main rule that you must learn to maintain the skates you just bought is to avoid skating in puddles and sand. Such a ride will destroy the rollers in no time. The thing is that sand and dirt get into the bearings, create additional friction and ultimately damage the chassis altogether. If you think that after a spectacular ride through a puddle you can continue skating, then you are mistaken - after just a couple of hours you will not be able to turn the wheels on the rollers. If there is a puddle on your way that you can’t get around, the ideal option would be to simply go around it by taking off your skates.

Caution is strongly recommended on wet asphalt! The problem is that on a wet surface there is no traction between the wheels and the road. Therefore, after rain, it is not recommended to do complex maneuvers and, especially, tricks with jumps. Pay maximum attention to your center of gravity during this time. Remember that on a wet surface the range of motion should be smaller.

How to roller skate correctly? The answer to this question can be obtained from a short video tutorial:

The information received will be enough for you to start your roller skating training. And summer is a great time for such active recreation. If you're tired of aerobics, don't like strength training, but at the same time want to feel the joy of movement, then roller skates are your choice! Roller skating - the benefits are obvious! Your body will thank you!

Now we can trace one very interesting trend - more and more more people spend their holidays not in cafes and bars, but on fresh air, and often also engage in active sports. Biking and roller skating provide an opportunity to have a good time, getting a dose of fun, adrenaline and subsequently healthy sleep. After all, after an active trip, the body completely relaxes and gets the opportunity to fully relax - and this over time can develop into a habit, the benefits of which will be undoubted.

Why is this useful?

When roller skating, you not only get a feeling of freedom, but also a load on all muscle groups, develop coordination of movements, and improve your balancing skills. The muscles of the calves, thighs, feet and buttocks work especially actively. The muscles of the back and lower back are also subject to heavy load, but the abs and arms are much less involved. A pleasant addition is the development of plasticity and smoothness of movements, and the ability to transfer weight from foot to foot increases the ability to control your body.

Now it’s worth understanding in more detail what benefits a person can benefit from roller skating:

  1. The cardiovascular system and breathing are trained, even if you are riding on a flat surface. The overall endurance increases, and the maximum benefit will be if you, for example, ride along hills and slopes, not to mention performing tricks - but this is only for professionals, because it is unsafe.
  2. Your body becomes more plastic and flexible. Don’t assume that just by starting to skate, you will acquire the grace of a cat. But over time, increasing the duration of the races and conducting them for longer high speeds, you will notice positive changes in its plastic.
  3. Your muscles will become stronger and excess weight will gradually disappear. A typical walk on roller skates for an hour burns approximately 500–600 calories. During an intense ride, they burn in greater quantities.

Don’t neglect the positive effects on your psyche that occur with this type of relaxation:

  1. Everyone knows that during physical activity, endorphin, the hormone of happiness, is released into the blood. Roller skating copes with this task perfectly, and literally an hour and a half on skates will give you the opportunity to relax, throw off the burden of problems and look at any situation from a more positive angle.
  2. No one obliges you to do races alone. A walk with like-minded people will give an additional boost of positivity, increase self-esteem and sociability.
  3. An active weekend will have a positive impact on the work week, increasing your mood and productivity. And the quality of the work performed will be much higher.

Lose weight on roller skates

Few people start roller skating in order to lose weight - but everyone loses weight when they start roller skating. Moreover, this method of losing extra pounds works no worse than doing fitness or running. Hips, calves, and buttocks are actively developing. Moreover, they do not grow in volume, but lose their flabbiness and looseness, become denser and tighten. Therefore, those who actively and for a long time engage in this sport are constantly in good physical fitness.

Let's take the hips as an example - what are the benefits of skating for them? IN everyday life muscles of the internal and outer surface The hips are practically not involved, but when skating they work very actively. An alternative to their development is a lot of monotonous exercises in the gym.

And for those who dream of flat stomach, you should ride downhill more often. If you regularly repeat such races, you can get seductive abs without even performing additional exercises.

But you shouldn’t go too far with hard rides, otherwise it can be harmful. Muscles, especially in young people, recover quickly, but you should still listen carefully to pain. You need to be especially careful with your joints - cartilage and ligaments take quite a long time to adapt. This is especially true for older people, who should be extremely careful with this.

They say that roller skating is much more effective than any diet. And many scientists agree with this, as they have conducted a number of studies in this area. According to the data they received, to get rid of one extra kilos you need to burn 7000 calories. For a regular roller skate, whose weight does not exceed 70 kg, this amount of energy is burned during a 12-hour ride at a speed of 18 km/h. But it’s unlikely that anyone will devote half the day to this activity. Therefore, there are other estimates that in six months you can lose 9 kilograms by doing daily races in a gentle mode, which burns about 400 calories per day. And this takes into account respites and adaptation. There is no harm here, but the benefits are obvious.

Roller skating helps maintain good health sports uniform

Those who doubt their abilities

Unfortunately, when many people think about roller skating, the first thing that comes to mind is falls and bruises. Yes, this happens and is not so rare, but the harm from these unpleasant moments can be reduced to a minimum if you wear protection and adhere to safety precautions when skating. After all, even on an ordinary walk, no one is safe from falling. Let's look at the main fears of people who are thinking about starting to ride:

  • Many people are afraid that they will not be able to maintain their balance. This is self-deception, you will learn this very quickly, because even if you are not very confident in your first races, this only indicates that your body has simply forgotten how to hold itself upright. Yes, there is a small percentage of people who, due to problems with the cerebellum and vestibular apparatus, really cannot maintain balance. But such cases are very rare.

It is worth remembering that the problem of falls may also lie in one mistake made by beginners - you do not need to ride on fully straightened legs. Bend your knees and hip joints- this will make balancing while riding much easier.

  • The second fear is the fear of breaking something. Riding on asphalt can lead to unpleasant landings, wrist injuries, humerus and abrasions, which is caused by a reflex when a person falls - putting out the arm as an additional support. But this problem can be solved by using protective equipment. First of all, these are gloves with fixation of wrists, knee pads and elbow pads. Thick clothing will also protect against abrasions.
  • Many people are very worried about head injuries. To avoid them, you should not forget about the main element of roller skater protection - a helmet, which is not neglected even by people who professionally engage in roller skating.

A few words in conclusion

Now you have an idea of ​​the benefits of this outdoor activity. As elsewhere, this activity has both positive (positive effects on health) and negative (abrasions and potential injury) sides. But if you are determined to take up roller skating, don’t skimp on quality skates and equipment.

Regardless of the goals you pursue when starting to ride, this choice is definitely the right one, since this activity will bring many useful changes to your rhythm of life. Even half an hour of skating a day will benefit not only the body, but also the psyche of the skater, because his gait will become graceful, his figure will be toned, which will definitely increase self-esteem and well-being. So, let go of your fears and regrets and enjoy fun and rewarding hours of roller skating.

The benefits of roller skating

Spring came, and again the yard was filled with children in helmets and knee pads. These are teenagers taking their first steps on roller skates. And although they are still far from graceful skating, the desire for perfection in these girls is already inherent in nature. The boys are trying to make sudden movements.

Roller skating – sport or recreation?

We all know the difference between a walking step and race walking. The same is true with roller skating. Initially, they were used by speed skating athletes to extend special training. After all, the driving force of roller skates is the same muscle effort as when skating. Only the sliding of the blades on the ice is replaced by the movement of the wheels on the asphalt.

Therefore, for some, roller skating can be just a pleasant way to spend time in the fresh air, but for others it can be a competitive element. In addition, you can combine dancing and acrobatics with roller skates. Anyway this is physical activity on the body to a greater or lesser extent.

Benefits for the body when roller skating

Any person who goes on roller skates with the aim of improving health will receive the effect of exercise for two months, subsequently increasing the positive aspects.

Classes should be held with health benefits, preferably in green areas. These may be specially designated paths, or there may be smooth park paths under asphalt. The first advantage will be being in the fresh air.

Movement is life. As a result of leisurely walks, the heart becomes stronger and circulatory system. Vascular tone is restored. At the same time, the happiness hormone endorphin is released, and the person feels elated.

In order to make the skates move, the efforts of many muscles in the legs and lumbar region are required. Some of the muscles of the buttocks, thighs and ankles receive a specific load, while becoming stronger.

Constant control of balance and balance helps training vestibular apparatus, purchased better coordination movements. The same parameter can be trained with the help of a bicycle, but not every city apartment has a place for it, and there is always a corner for storing skates.

Use roller skates to fight overweight relevant. In an hour of leisurely skating you can lose 400 kcal, and intense training with acceleration - 900.

It combines walks in the fresh air, being in pleasant company, improving health and maintaining an aesthetic shape. In addition, roller skating gives a person inner confidence, graceful movement and an easy gait.

For whom are videos contraindicated?

There are people who suffer from diseases of the vestibular system; they can fall out of the blue and have poor balance. Of course, roller skates are dangerous for them due to inevitable and frequent falls.

Some diseases lead to weak bones. Such people are accompanied by fractures throughout their lives. Some have habitual dislocations. Since the load on the joints of the legs when skating is large, you should not tempt fate.

You can't roller skate with glasses. If you have poor vision, the best solution would be contact lenses. Glasses can fall, break, and are dangerous. For people with severe flat feet, it is necessary to insert arch supports into the boots.

Rollers and weight loss

In a person with a lot of weight, every movement is associated with shock loads on the knee joints And lumbar region. Therefore, losing weight by walking or running is problematic; the joints are overloaded. But the videos will provide an opportunity smooth movement without shock load.

Weight loss when roller skating is smoother. This removes fat from problem areas. You have to constantly push off with your skate, using your gluteal and external muscles hips. And pulling up the leg works intrinsic muscle. When moving, there is a contraction of those muscles that are not usually involved in work.

The abdominal and lumbar muscles work at the same time. That is, a person receives full balanced physical activity without additional shock load on the joints, and slimness appears. Thanks to the change in gait and the appearance of ease in movement, this is very noticeable. Depending on the intensity of your workout, you can lose up to 900 kcal in one workout. At the same time, the muscles become stronger, the mood improves and the gait becomes easier and more graceful.

Correcting the figure

The usual places where fat reserves are deposited have long been known. The buttocks become steep, riding breeches in the hip area prevent you from wearing jeans, and the stomach becomes a prominent part of the figure. Steep shoulders and a stoop add their own touches to the look. Exhausting, monotonous fitness classes in a stuffy gym help little.

In this case, you should stand on roller skates and endure the first days, when every muscle will ache debilitatingly and demand mercy. When walking on this apparatus, the ankle muscle and the inner and outer surfaces of the thighs will be involved. The movement of the skate when you move your leg back to the side will help you get rid of the breeches on the outside. In order to push off, the leg is pulled up by the inner surface of the thigh. And they work constantly gluteal muscles. In addition, this is a constant pulling of the load.

As the load increases and you climb a hill, your abdominal muscles begin to work intensively, pumping up your abs. At the same time, the shoulder girdle and lumbar region work to maintain balance and balance. By maintaining balance, your posture straightens. And all this - in the fresh air, in light clothes and with pleasure. It will take about two months for noticeable muscle development, but by then training will become a part of life, and there is no limit to perfection!

Doubts away!

You can often hear various arguments from a person as an excuse for engaging in health improvement. Roller skating refers to the statement that a person has poor balance. But everything requires training. How can you learn to maintain balance while sitting on a sofa or in a chair? Only training will help you create an obedient body.

The fear of causing injury to oneself becomes the second argument of an insecure person. But there are elbow pads, knee pads and a helmet. In addition, you can protect your palms in case of a fall with leather gloves with a high clasp so as not to injure your wrist. Legs can be covered with tight tights. And this equipment will only be needed at the first stage, until you feel confident in your legs.

With each workout, your self-esteem will rise and others will notice it. The lightness of the body makes the gait flying and movements graceful.

Which videos to choose?

For the first steps, the simplest recreational skates are suitable. They are tough and fit to your feet. If, after walking in these shoes for about five minutes, you do not feel any discomfort, then this is your size. It is necessary that the shoes fit exactly on your feet.

Skates for professionals have a number of modified parameters. There are rollers for fitness, for hockey players and speed models. They have different shoe materials, fastenings, and different wheels. As you get better at skating, you will choose your style and different shoes. The style of riding is changing, specialists are working and new models of this are appearing. sports equipment.

Let's roller skate

  • 1 Let's go rollerblading
    • 1.1 Limitations of the condition for successful skiing

Just ten years ago, roller skates were a curiosity, especially in small towns. It was considered something childish and frivolous, but today both young and old are riding them more and more confidently.

Why is this sport so popular? What are the benefits and what are the harms? Is it worth starting? Is it too late? The age for roller skating is from three to one hundred years. Every age has its own health benefits.

Regular roller skating (even two to three times a week) develops and strengthens almost all the muscles of the body, which has a positive effect on overall well-being. After 40 minutes of riding at an average pace (10-12 km/h), fat begins to be burned, especially good news is that the increased impact is on the external and inner surface thighs and buttocks. Also, positive effect observed for the back muscles. Body coordination in space improves, since every movement on roller skates is a search for optimal transfer of body weight.

In addition to strengthening muscle corset, frequent walks on roller skates have a beneficial effect on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, as blood circulation increases, as well as on the nervous system, promoting calm and psychological relief through sports.

Limitations of the condition for successful skiing

There are no special restrictions, however, if there are doubts in individual cases, it is better to consult with your doctor. Roller skating is a relatively traumatic sport, so it is recommended to use a set of protection for the elbows, wrists and knees, and a helmet is advisable. Unsuccessful falls on these parts of the body can lead to broken bones, sprains, bruises and abrasions.

You can learn to ride on your own, however, if you take a few lessons from experienced trainer(it can be found in roller schools in your city or privately), this will save you time and effort, because the coach will teach you how to properly maintain body balance, show you the nuances and subtleties when driving off curbs, when unexpected obstacles appear. It will also teach you how to fall correctly! This is very important in this sport.

Falling is not at all scary if you know how to do it as safely as possible. Who knows, maybe roller sport is yours and you will begin to study its interesting branches: slalom, freeskate, speedskating, roller derby and achieve considerable success in these disciplines! What's nice to do different types This sport is possible at any age.

With or without a trainer - in any case, give yourself a short warm-up before training - this will help warm up the muscles and ligaments, thus avoiding discomfort. Another important point in order to enjoy and benefit from skating: high-quality roller skates and accessories. On the one hand, offers for sale of unknown and delightfully cheap roller skates from supermarkets sound tempting, but remember: the stingy pays twice.

Rollers from trusted brands differ from cheap fakes not only in price. To ensure maximum comfort and safety, roller boots are modeled taking into account the anatomical features of the foot, and parts are made from proven materials and tested in different conditions. The foot in a roller boot should be well fixed; for skating, it is advisable to use special compression sports socks.

To sum up this type of fitness, like roller skating, we can say that it is an accessible and useful, relatively safe sport that leads to an improvement in overall well-being and mood.

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Rollers and health

Dear friends! There are a lot of facts on the Internet about physical activity and roller skating in particular. Unfortunately, they are not always true. In this article we wrote the truth and only the truth. Every fact is based on at least one study or authoritative recommendation.

Although roller skates were invented by man, and in nature no one moves like this, this type of load fits surprisingly harmoniously into physiology and biomechanics human body. The benefits of such training are undeniable, which we will tell you about below.

American Heart Association (AHA), one of the most authoritative organizations in the world dedicated to heart disease cardiovascular diseases, recommends roller skating as an activity that helps reduce the risk of stroke, heart attack and type 2 diabetes. As a result of such activities, our heart strengthens: it becomes more resilient. Surprisingly, it can be trained just like any other muscle in our body. It is usually said that the pulse during such loads reaches 120-140 beats per minute. But this doesn't always correspond real situation things, because trained people have a very low heart rate initially. Therefore, the AHA recommends focusing on the following signs: your heart is beating faster, but you can carry on a conversation (specialists can calculate the exact individual heart rate during special testing). The recommended minimum duration of roller skating is at least 150 minutes per week. As a result, in addition to training the heart muscle, it also reduces blood pressure in patients with hypertension(by no less than 5 mm Hg) and the level of cholesterol in the blood drops.

When roller skating, almost all of the 640 muscles in our body are used. The main load, of course, falls on the legs, but in addition to this, the muscles of the abs, back, chest, upper shoulder girdle, hands In these muscles, blood circulation and metabolism improve, their tone increases, and “toxins” are more actively removed from the cells. We also have great news for girls - when roller skating, your legs become especially slender and attractive, because, unlike running and cycling, the inner thigh muscles work much more actively.

What’s important is that roller skating is an excellent fat-burning exercise. With this type of training, all conditions for weight loss are met. However, it is important to remember that the active use of fat deposits begins only after half an hour, when all glycogen reserves are used up. Therefore, it makes sense to extend the workout to at least 40-45 minutes. As for the intensity, it is the same as for training the heart - moderate. According to rough estimates, in half an hour at this pace you can burn 285 kilocalories.

Few people know, but roller skating is also considered an exercise that helps prevent osteoporosis, that is, increased bone fragility. During its contraction, the muscle pulls on the tendon, which creates microstress on the bone and stimulates the formation of new bone tissue. Thus, it is constantly supported high level metabolic processes that prevent calcium loss. The recommended frequency of exercise equivalent to roller skating is 30 minutes per day for most of the week. The benefits are maximum if you start exercising in at a young age and continue these trainings throughout your life. However, it is never too late to start roller skating, because the effect will be in any case. But if you already have osteoporosis and are receiving treatment, then it is better to refrain from such loads due to the increased risk of fractures with minimal trauma.

Roller skating also improves your coordination. It becomes easier for you to maintain your balance if you suddenly stumble or slip. This is especially important for middle-aged people, including due to the increasing risks of osteoporosis. The body's stabilizing muscles will react much faster, and you are more likely to avoid falling. If you suddenly fall, you will have time to regroup and the injury will be less. This happens because, firstly, the stabilizer muscles become stronger and it is easier for them to implement a quick and sudden contraction. And, secondly, the conduction along the nerve fiber, which activates these muscles, accelerates, which means their reaction becomes faster.

Another health benefit is the minimal impact load on the joints. According to the University of Massachusetts, rollerblading puts 50% less stress on your muscles than running. Thus, we get almost the same benefit, and the harm is half as much. Roller skating can be recommended for initial and even moderate manifestations of osteoarthritis. This is especially true for those patients who have overweight. Regular training on roller skates helps reduce joint pain, increase mobility and even slow down the progression of the disease.

In living conditions in a metropolis, the positive impact of roller skating on functioning is very important. nervous system. It has been proven that exercise of this nature can reduce stress, depression and insomnia. According to various studies, after 4-24 weeks, patients with sleep disorders fell asleep much faster, slept longer and generally rated their sleep quality better than before starting training. The most likely mechanism for these changes is related to changes in the production of cortisol, the stress hormone, and an increase in the production of endorphin, the “happy hormone.” It is no secret that some people even become “addicted”, since the improvement in mood and general well-being can be so pronounced.

Oddly enough, physical activity and roller skating in particular help maintain mental clarity and protect against various brain diseases. There is a study that the risk of senile dementia in people who exercise regularly is 59% less. And people who developed Alzheimer's disease were significantly less active than healthy people. The mechanisms of this protection are not completely clear, but they may also have to do with the secretion of cortisol. Thus, roller skating benefits not only your body but also your mind.

Have fun and be healthy!

After the publication of this article, many skaters contacted us with their questions; you can read selected ones in the second part of the article.

Tarasova Anna Konstantinovroller and snowboarder General practitioner, rheumatologist Member of the International Osteoporosis Foundation. Member of the Russian Association for Osteoporosis. Member of the Association of Rheumatologists of Russia.

Roller sports can be confidently classified as active sports, and regular roller skating training can more than replace gym. With calm skating, approximately 400 kilocalories per hour are consumed, with fast skating - 900 kilocalories per hour. Roller skating has a beneficial effect on work cardiovascular system, especially when training in the fresh air - the body is saturated with oxygen, the state of health immediately improves, the muscles tighten and become toned after just a few times of skating.

Giving the child to sports activities, parents pursue certain goals for his physical and social development in the right direction. For example, swimming classes help strengthen the immune system, create a good, strong figure for children, and develop endurance. Dancing or gymnastics classes shape beautiful figure in girls, develop femininity and grace in them.

So what are the benefits of roller skating for children?

We list all the points in order!

Roller skating is an active sport that builds muscle mass.

When roller skating, the following muscle groups are involved: foot muscles, calf muscles, thigh muscles, gluteal and psoas, back muscles. To a lesser extent, but also involved, are the arm muscles and, with some exercises, the abdominal muscles. All these muscles develop even during normal skating at a walking pace. During classes, instructors make sure that the load is uniform to form a beautiful figure.

Coordination and balance develop at an accelerated pace.

This is explained by the fact that when children roller skate, they must transfer their weight from one leg to the other in order to glide successfully. And this is not at all easy, because the weight is the head, body, hips, try to move it all on one leg and stand there for at least a few seconds, and even in a full set of protection! In addition, do not forget about the design of the roller - when skating, you are not standing on a flat sole, but on a thin base in which the wheels spin. So, by riding near the house for several hours a week, rest assured that the child is developing skills in controlling his body and harmony of movements. Of course, in the classroom this development accelerates many times, because the training programs include a lot various exercises to develop balance.

General plasticity and aesthetics of movements develops.

If your child roller skates, rest assured that you will be saved from “bear gait” in the future! If you want to achieve “cat-like” flexibility, which, for example, often appears after dancing, then you can get it on roller skates. It begins to develop when the child is already confidently skating and learning various complex elements aimed at stretching and balance.

Correct posture is formed.

While rollerblading, children automatically tense their back muscles to avoid falling backwards - a “muscle frame” grows, which keeps their back straight and prevents them from slouching.

Endurance develops.

If a child regularly roller skates, especially in places where there are slopes, then a few hill climbs a couple of times a week - and the issue of standards for running in physical education will be closed!

Good health in the future.

Roller skating is a completely new youth sport, which gives it a special charm and fashion. Before you know it, your child will the right approach By the time he starts training, he will immerse himself in this sport and forget about the computer and TV. “Life in motion” attracts children, so in the future, be calm - the child will simply get tired of sitting at home for a long time, he will want to improve physically, and the foundation of a healthy body is laid in movement.

Correct life values ​​are formed.

A social environment for children who are passionate about roller sports - athletes who have no idea of ​​sitting in hallways, drinking beer, smoking cigarettes. Most of their free time their thoughts are occupied with sports progress, learning new tricks, and achieving records. So if your child has a lot of energy and you don't know where to use it, you've found just the right thing!

Both adults and children know very well about the benefits of sports for the body, which is why adults love to organize events like this for children. Riding on roller skating- this is also a very healthy activity, because it will train all muscle groups, in addition, roller skating is extremely fun, and positive emotions are extremely important.

Roller skating is considered to be healthy and active recreation, you can buy roller skates for the whole family and skate in the fresh air in the summer, and in the roller rink in the winter. The muscles most involved during skating are: back, lumbar, calf, thighs, buttocks, feet. The abdominal and arm muscles also work. In addition, aesthetics and plasticity of movements, harmonious control of one’s body are developed. We recommend that you do this while walking: additional exercises– these could be squats, which help develop a sense of balance.

Roller skating is an excellent option for those who want to get rid of excess weight, only it must certainly be long-term and with intense loads - thanks to this, fat reserves will be lost, posture will improve, and toxins will be released. It should be noted that in about half an hour intense workout you can say goodbye to 500 calories. We have already mentioned the work of muscles, thanks to such a load they become denser, in addition, one should not underestimate the positive effect on the functioning of blood vessels, joints and the heart.

In order to maximize the benefits of such walks, you need to take care of the proper equipment. So, the first thing you need to do is choose the optimal roller model - they should be comfortable and of high quality. You can’t do without protective equipment: a helmet, knee pads, elbow pads and gloves. If you have never skated before, be sure to use the services of an experienced roller skater who will tell you how to move correctly and how to behave in a given situation.

Women who dream of a slim figure, as a rule, are sure that to achieve this they will have to resort to grueling training on exercise machines. However, training on exercise machines is monotonous, difficult and quickly becomes boring for many representatives of the fair sex. Unlike other types of fitness and running, roller skating is a pleasant, easy and fun way to lose weight.

The history of rollers began in the 17th century, when the Belgian Joseph Merlin attached wheels to his shoes and appeared in this form at a masquerade ball. Now millions of people in different parts the world enjoy this sport.

Roller skating: beauty, health and... a happy family

What benefits of this sport?

  • you can ride with those who are dear to you: husband, son, daughter, girlfriends - this is opportunity to spend time with family and friends together for the benefit of everyone;
  • walks in the fresh air improve complexion and intellectual abilities;
  • develops plastic, coordination of movements, the indescribable pleasure of controlling your body;
  • because of the possibility of falling backwards, you will have to constantly strain your back muscles, and this contributes to formation of correct posture;
  • Rolling promotes more effective lung function.

In roller skating, the benefits of strengthening the heart muscles are invaluable: if you are in constant motion on skates, then your heart makes 135 - 160 beats per minute, and under these conditions it occurs active fat burning. So the question doesn’t even arise whether you can lose weight by roller skating - you can, easily and with pleasure!

Stylishness, comfort and safety - the three pillars of equipment for rolling

The first thing you need to start with if you decide to take up such a life-affirming sport is purchasing reliable equipment.

There are many different models of skates for different purposes: skates for recreation, hockey, universal models, models for young girls and boys, off-road rollers, speed skates, slalom skates. By purpose videos are divided into three main groups:

  • fitness skating (in parks and streets),
  • speed skating (on special tracks),
  • aggressive skating (on stairs and railings).

Therefore, first, decide for what purpose you are buying them: whether you will skate in them from time to time, whether you want to buy rollers for weight loss, or maybe you want to learn some spectacular tricks. If your goal is slim figure, choose sports rollers (fitness), they are more reliable than recreational skates, although more expensive and somewhat stiffer.

When choosing skates for beginners, you should pay attention to the fact that the boot is light, soft and comfortable. Take your time when trying on skates - stay in them for 10 - 15 minutes. If you feel something is rubbing or pressing on you, ask for a softer shoe or boot. Unlike regular shoes, they break in very slowly and by no more than half a size, so your comfort is the main condition. Presence of brake skating is a plus for beginners.

Among the most famous companies producing roller skates are Bauer, Roges and K-2. Average price per model is about $150.

What should you wear for roller skating to make rolling a lot of fun and at the same time protect you from injury? IN helmet, knee pads, elbow pads and, of course, gloved. Tall gloves that fit tightly on the wrists will protect you from skinned palms and broken wrists when you fall. It is better to choose a helmet not in the form of a helmet, but a bicycle one, with many thickenings and jumpers. The kit will cost about $40.

But don’t worry: falls, especially among beginners, are quite rare. They happen much more often to those who master complex tricks. Main, Don’t neglect reliable equipment. Plus, it will add style to your look.

Clothes for roller skating can be anything, but a significant advantage will be its convenience and tightness- this will protect you in case of a fall. Jeans in this regard do not lose their relevance. Long shorts with protection on the hips are also good.

Roller skating can be learned quite quickly. The main thing to remember is a few rules:

  • do not ride on sand, wet asphalt, or surfaces of unusual shapes;
  • remember that you can fall, But just forward, in the palm of your hand, your arms should be bent at the elbows and it is advisable to slide on them along the asphalt, as this softens the blow;
  • the body cannot be tilted back, otherwise you will fall;
  • Don’t forget about the people around you, about bicycles or cars passing nearby.

You will quickly master roller skating techniques if you follow the following plan of action.

  1. It is important to learn how to hold correct stance. Stand up and place one hand on a curb or wall. Place your feet so that your heels are together and your toes are pointing different sides, bend your knees And tilt your entire body. Walk around in this position a little to get used to this body position. You can even walk on the grass to prevent your skates from rolling around.
  2. After mastering correct stance try it take a ride: weight on one leg, toe of the second slightly outward. Now push off with the four wheels of your second leg - you're off! At first you can slide on one leg, and push off with the other, and then change legs.
  3. Please note: if you move forward, the main weight falls on two rear wheels, and when moving backwards - to the two front ones.
  4. Only the leg that pushes off is straightened. The supporting leg should always be bent, this makes it easier to maintain balance. In general, you will improve your coordination quite quickly; the benefits of rollers in this are very great.
  5. You can stop by placing your foot with the brake slightly forward and slightly pressing him. The weight should be on the other leg, since You can't press the brake- you can fall.
  6. Later learn to stop "plough": spread your legs wide, toes slightly inward - the skates are slowed down due to the resistance of the surface on which you are skating.

roller skating

Achieving a slim figure through roller skating is not a difficult thing. It is only important to move in the same rhythm for at least 30 - 40 minutes a day. Roller skating burns calories instantly: in an hour of intense eating, up to 900 calories are burned, and slow - 400 calories.

At the same time, your mood will certainly improve, because feeling of freedom from rolling cannot be conveyed - it must be experienced. Currently, roller skating is penetrating fitness clubs, since this method perfectly trains muscles and promotes the production of endorphins- hormones of joy.

What muscles work when roller skating? Calf muscles and muscles of the foot, lumbar, back muscles, muscles of the thighs and buttocks, abdominal muscles. To strengthen the muscles of the arms and shoulders, which are less used when skating, you need to make turns more often. And if you want perfect abs - practice riding uphill.

Roller skating for weight loss is not the only option. You can roller-dance, do acrobatic freestyle, travel and even play sports games. The possibilities are limited only by your desire. There is no age for rollers, it's too late- you can practice at 15 years old or at 50. There are contraindications only for those who have impaired functioning of the musculoskeletal system. If you have poor vision, then to be safe, you should change your glasses to contact lenses.

Remember: learning this sport is not a problem. The main thing is your willingness to put some effort into it.