Fischer company history. Fischer alpine skiing: history of the brand

Skiing as an element of entertainment, and later as a competitive sports discipline, originated quite a long time ago. The idea of ​​creating more convenient and narrow analogues snowshoes for hunting needs were met with approval, and the world saw, in fact, the first coming of skis as full-fledged equipment for practical use.

However, a truly powerful catalyst for the development of technologies for the production of ski paraphernalia was the inclusion of special disciplines in the program winter species sports and subsequent popularization healthy image life through skiing.

Today, close competition occurs not only on the ski tracks and designated areas: far beyond their borders, there is a struggle for primacy among manufacturing companies, unnoticed by many. A huge number of brands and trademarks are vying for a high place, but not everyone can achieve success. We have selected for you the 10 best manufacturers of cross-country skis, divided into three thematic categories. Places in the ranking were distributed taking into account the following criteria:

  • popularity of the company in Russia;
  • the level of quality of products sold;
  • the width of the assortment presented in domestic stores;
  • average cost level;
  • durability of the kits and resistance to wear.

The best manufacturers of budget cross-country skis


The best choice for beginners
Country: Russia (manufactured in China)
Rating (2019): 4.5

ATEMI can be considered a manufacturer in name only. At its core, it is an online store that cooperates with Chinese enterprises and sells sports equipment under its own brand. Among the entire variety of products in the ATEMI catalog there are only cross-country skiing, designed for classic move and for amateur level skating.

One of the brightest representatives of the range is the ATEMI Escape series. The basis of the skis in this series is a lightweight (but, alas, not the most durable) core, “packed” in high-tech ABS plastic (an inexpensive material with balanced characteristics of strength, ductility and hardness). The sliding surface is treated with extruded polyester, which provides not the fastest, but stable movement (very much depends on the method of applying lubricant). The cost of such a kit varies from 1200 to 1600 rubles, which is an excellent indicator for both beginners and avid ski lovers.

4 Larsen

The cheapest cross-country skis
Country: Finland
Rating (2019): 4.5

The Finnish company Larsen is the most loyal manufacturer and supplier of cross-country skis, based on their cost level. Almost all the kits in its assortment are versatile and suitable for both skating and classic skating, which is especially good for beginner athletes.

Many potential users ask a completely reasonable question about what quality guarantees skis can offer, the cost of which barely exceeds a thousand rubles (and in some cases does not exceed this level at all). The fact is that in their manufacture no revolutionary technologies and developments are used, since Larsen strictly adheres to traditional approach to production. A standard wooden core is placed under a plastic body, which makes the ski lighter and more flexible for maneuvering. As sliding surface extruded polyethylene is used, the degree of sliding of which greatly depends on the lubrication. Overall, Larsen skis are an ideal option for beginner athletes whose main goal is to master running skills.

3 Nordway

The best cross-country skis for the Russian climate
Country: Russia (manufactured in China)
Rating (2019): 4.6

A name known to almost all residents of our vast country. Nordway is the own trademark of the SportMaster chain of stores (read: company), which produces a huge number of different products.

Perhaps the above fact does not have a very positive effect on the quality of individual ski sets, but the situation as a whole is compensated by the low price. The most popular children's skis in the Nordway assortment are hybrid cross-country models designed for a combined skiing style. It is not possible to talk about any technological solutions in such a situation - everything was done with an eye on the old design school, albeit using modern materials. Be that as it may, skis from Nordway are certainly a means of mastering skiing skills and achieving a certain sporting level. And given their suitability for use in Russian climatic conditions, low cost and prevalence in the official distributor’s chain of stores, such skis will be the optimal choice for young and beginner skiers.


Optimal combination of price and quality
Country: Austria
Rating (2019): 4.8

A company whose period of wide popularity occurred in the 60s of the last century. The reason for this is prosaic: almost the entire range of winter sports equipment, available in Soviet stores, consisted of TISA brand clubs and skis. Alas, with the arrival of stronger opponents on the market in the person of Fischer, Madshus and a number of other companies, TISA gradually lost its customer base and turned into, albeit a strong, but middle peasant in such a merciless competitive segment. The company's sports flagships have been replaced by “peace-loving” classic ski models such as the Adventure Step, Sport Wax and Classic Step.

Some domestic experts prefer to classify TISA as a “national” manufacturer, since most sports history and the country's achievements were in one way or another connected with this company. In fact, the current brand is a kind of “restart” of the activities of the once existing factory, which since 1995 has been officially owned by the well-known Austrian company Fischer. Having such a strong technological base and rich history, TISA naturally receives fourth place in the ranking of the best.

1 Dynamic

Best quality budget cross-country skis
Country: France
Rating (2019): 4.9

Another clear example of how a more popular brand is released under a lesser-known trademark to meet the needs of a wide user mass. As in the case of TISA, which is backed by the Austrian company Fischer, Dynamic is a subsidiary of another large Austrian company - Atomic - and fully benefits from all the budgetary developments (and, equally, production lines) of the more eminent holder.

In domestic realities, in fact, only one model of cross-country skis is in great demand - the Dynamic VR52 Grip, created specifically for beginner athletes. It is sharpened in a classic way, characterized by a lightweight design, functionality and relatively low cost. By the way, the latter quality applies to the entire range of the brand, which, coupled with high strength, only benefits consumers.

The best manufacturers of premium cross-country skis

5 Atomic

High quality products. Huge selection of skis for beginners
Country: Austria
Rating (2019): 4.6

Another Austrian manufacturer of cross-country skis, which is a leader in the ski equipment category. young athletes. There are not many obvious prerequisites for this: in addition to the high quality of the kits (which is also true for “adult” models), the only thing that should attract consumers is the price level, fortunately, Atomic’s pricing policy is doing well.

All sets of skis for children are built on the basis of the same technology - High Densolite, which indicates the presence of a core made of lightweight synthetic material in the skis. Also, almost all models have a redistributed mass balance due to the use of 3D Touring profiles, which improves handling and compensates for energy consumption on auxiliary movements.

One of the company's brightest representatives is the ATOMIC RACE COMBI JUNIOR kit, built using a special Race profile to enhance the push-off effect and increase stability when cornering. This is a technologically advanced and popular classic in Russia, suitable for children and teenagers up to 168 centimeters tall. The cost of RACE COMBI JUNIOR does not exceed 5.5 thousand rubles, which is a good price indicator.

4 Salomon

The best ski manufacturers for women
Country: France
Rating (2019): 4.7

The French company Salomon is a prominent representative of universal manufacturers focused on the production of sports equipment and professional winter equipment. Despite the fact that the brand’s product range includes snowboards and alpine skis of various designs, the traditionally strong segment is cross-country skiing, which has inherited classic features with an admixture of new technologies.

While other brands try to create a product based on one single concept, Salomon introduces several of its own developments into production at once, focusing primarily on the unique characteristics. This measure has its place, but some combinations give completely unpredictable results.

An undoubted advantage of the company is its focus on the majority of sports-savvy users. Salomon's assortment includes a huge number of classic and amateur-level skate models, a prominent representative which is Salomon SNOWSCAPE 7 SIAM. Owners of these skis note the successful geometry, somewhat unexpected but positive sensations caused by a shift in the center of gravity, optimal rigidity and dynamic performance, as well as a pleasantly low price.

3 Madshus

Popular manufacturer. Optimal reliability parameters
Country: Norway
Rating (2019): 4.7

A Norwegian brand whose advertisements were on all TVs not long ago big country. As in the case of competing brands, the activities of this company are focused on the production of a wide range of products - from skis for slalom and ski jumping to classic and cross-country skis. skating move. By the way, the latter have a very flexible division and are produced for various groups users: more expensive ones are aimed at professional athletes(among them we can note the enchanting model Madshus Terrasonic Skate), and budget ones (such as Madshus Intrasonic Classic) are suitable for beginners and intermediate-level athletes. At the same time, it cannot be said that the price characteristic greatly influences the quality indicators of products. Yes, technologies of varying complexity of implementation are being used, but from the point of view of reliability during operation, they do not solve so much.

If everything is clear with cross-country skiing for beginners, then professional ones raise some questions regarding the results produced by athletes. Many users notice that the speed characteristics of skis highly depend on the correct application of lubricant, and all - even minor - inaccuracies are automatically transferred to physical qualities athlete.

2 Rossignol

Verified manufacturer. High quality of products
Country: France
Rating (2019): 4.8

One of the world's oldest ski brands, whose history has crossed the threshold of one century. Rossignol is a premium manufacturer of winter sports equipment, the first to master the technology of making skis based on carbon fiber and polymer plastic. Without stopping there, the French company is constantly in search of improving its already wonderful series, for which it is awarded the highest places (not lower than second) in ratings of various levels and scales.

If we think more globally and discard the division of manufacturers into categories, then Rossignol is one of those few whose mountain and running series are practically not inferior to each other in class. But since we chose the latter, we will follow a methodical story about it. And there really is something to talk about here. All cross-country ski sets have a sliding coating made of a particularly lightweight aramid laminate, which ensures a high degree of stability on varied terrain, as well as good edging. The strength of the ski is ensured by the use of a carbon layer right on top of the core and hard plastic right at the bottom of the product. Alas, all this magnificence has one serious drawback: despite the excellent performance, durability and quality, the cost of the kit seriously limits the number of buyers.

1 Fischer

The best combination of price and quality
Country: Austria
Rating (2019): 4.9

The first line of the rating is occupied by a well-known Austrian company, whose first products were trolleys and winter sleds. As technology improved and consumer demands increased, the big bosses of the company realized that it was time to expand the range of products, and in 1936 the first skis hit the shelves of sports equipment stores. The brand slowly gained popularity, but had to wait almost a century for global recognition - this achievement was achieved by the Austrians only in 2006, when they were officially recognized as the best supplier of skis for the Olympic Games in Turin, Italy.

Despite the fact that the company’s assortment includes a huge number of alpine skis, including an outstanding series of equipment for sports slalom (namely the RC4 Worldcup SC, developed in close collaboration with famous alpine skiers), it is the running sets that deserve special mention. The manufacturing technology of each individual series is distinguished by a dizzying variety: here the stiffening ribs are reinforced with titanium, and the nose part is covered with carbon, and even the core is made in a very intricate form. The cost of Fischer skis is far from budget, but is fully justified high quality and duration of operation.

The history of the Fischer company began in 1924, when Joseph Fischer Sr. opened a small workshop in the Austrian town of Ried for the production of wooden sleighs and carts, naming the company after himself. A year after its founding, the product range added touring skis, for which there was good demand then. Almost 90 years have passed since then. The workshop has grown into one of the largest ski factories in Europe with the latest equipment and powerful research laboratories. The true Austrian quality of goods has brought the Fischer brand worldwide fame, and the price-quality ratio of the product line has attracted the attention of a number of famous sports teams and vendors who began to place their orders here. Nowadays Fischer ranks first in the world in terms of ski production volume and offers the best prices with the highest quality.

Fischer's production and trading activities began as a typical small family business. At first, Fischer worked on individual orders, and, starting in 1936, switched to mass production. In March 1938, Austria was incorporated into Germany and functioned as a dependent state until 1945. During this period, the Fischer company worked very intensively, fulfilling not only civilian, but also military orders.

The accumulated experience and quality of ski products played a positive role. In the post-war years, Fischer increased production volumes, also entering foreign markets. By 1957, Fischer already sent a quarter of its products for sale abroad. However, on November 15 of the same year, a fire occurs at the enterprise, which causes serious damage to the company. However, production capacities are not only quickly restored, but also modernized along the way. After the restoration and reconstruction of the factory, production capacity increases and amounts to 50 thousand pairs of skis per year.

The following year, 1958, Professor Rudolf Ferch developed a new trademark for Fischer, representing three yellow equilateral triangles on a black background, combined into a single composition.

A year later, in 1959, the founder of Fischer, Joseph Fischer Sr., dies, leaving behind the world's largest ski business. Management of the company passes to two other family members - Josef Fischer Jr. and his sister Selma Sturmberger.

In the 1970s, Fischer skis introduced a range of famous athletes win competitions themselves high level– Olympic Games, championships, World and European Cups. During this period, Fischer equips approximately 200 leading skiers, biathletes and ski jumpers from many countries around the world. Thomas Wassberg (Sweden), Sergey Savelyev (USSR), Lars Erik Eriksen (Norway), Tommy Limby (Sweden), Evgeny Balyaev (USSR), Toni Innauer (Austria) won their victories on Fischer skis. In 1990 Russian biathlete Sergei Chepikov wins the overall classification of the Biathlon World Cup stages on Fischer skis.

In 1994, Fischer introduced a new product line to the markets ski boots, which turned out to be very successful. Thus, Fischer began to gradually capture adjacent markets, gaining a foothold in them and squeezing out competitors.

The series of victories for Fischer did not stop in the 2000s. Thus, at the 2010 Vancouver Olympics, the number of medals won by athletes on Fischer skis was 51%. Success in professional sports had a strong impact on sales in the mass market segment. At the end of 2011, the company's turnover increased by 20%. No less impressive growth was observed in 2012, when Fischer’s turnover increased by 16%.

What has ensured such strong sporting, marketing and financial results for Fischer over the past decades? Why does the company remain out of reach for so long for competitors who never give up trying to get ahead of it?

The answers to these questions can be found in Fischer's innovations, operating principles and philosophy. Thus, success in the development of new composite materials laid the foundation for the development of a new direction of the company’s activities - work in the aerospace industry. IN at the moment Fischer's partners include such well-known aviation companies as Boeing, McDonnel Douglas, Bombardier, Fokker, and the automobile concerns BMW, Rolls-Royce, and SAAB. Thanks to this cooperation, Fischer is always at the forefront of science and owns the most advanced technologies, which are used in the production of ski equipment.

One of the latest developments from Fischer is the unique aviation composite material AirCarbon, which simultaneously combines the highest strength, elasticity and ultra-light weight. Today, “Air Carbon,” as its name can be translated, has no analogues in the world. Same as in rackets for tennis, the use of AirCarbon in the construction of Fischer alpine skis provides them with unique properties with high strength and lightness.

The new Fischer ski collection includes the following technical and technological innovations:

· high longitudinal flexibility of the ski and high torsional rigidity

· the best strength and elasticity characteristics among all composite materials available on the market

instant absorption of vibrations

· light weight.

Russian biathletes and skiers, represented by their federations and national teams, have been cooperating with Fischer for a long time and speak of the company’s products with great respect. We can only hope that this mutually beneficial cooperation will lead our team to future victories at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.

Since its founding in 1924, the Austrian company Fischer Sports GMBH has been known for its developments and advanced technologies in production sporting goods. The world's largest leader in the production of cross-country and alpine skis is headquartered in Ried (Austria). The Fischer company specializes in the production of equipment for cross-country and alpine skiing, as well as hockey.

The ingenuity and pioneering spirit led company founder Josef Fischer Senior to launch his own business.

The history of the company began back in 1924. At a time when female athletes wore elegant skirts that did not cover their ankles, and men wore ties in addition to sports jackets. The ingenuity and pioneering spirit led company founder Josef Fischer Senior to launch his own business. He settled in Ried, Austria. For the first two years, sleds and handcarts were produced under the Fischer brand. The following year, skis are added to the list of products. By 1934, the company significantly expanded its ski production. On the way to becoming a ski factory, mountain Fischer skis begin to be produced in several stages. The staff at that time was 30 people.

Sales are growing. In the United States alone, 2,000 pairs of handcrafted Fischer skis have been sold. During the Second World War, production at the factory did not stop for a single day. Production also continues actively after its completion. During this period, Josef Fischer Junior joined the management of the Fischer company. He begins revamping production and develops the first ski press to speed up production. Before this, every couple wooden skis Fischer was made by hand. By 1957, the Fischer brand was already conquering the world market. A quarter of the production is intended for export. On November 15, 1957, there was a fire at the factory, after which the factory was rebuilt and its area increased to 8,000 m2, and production reached 50,000 pairs of alpine skis. The company's founder, Josef Fischer Senior, died of a heart attack in 1959.

Management of the Fischer company passes to his son Josef Fischer Junior and his sister Selma Sturmberger.

He leaves behind one of the largest ski companies in the world. Management of the Fischer company passes to his son Josef Fischer Junior and his sister Selma Sturmberger. In 1964, Fischer opened the world's largest ski factory near the town of Ried, equipped with modern woodworking equipment. Three years later, Fischer alpine skis are already produced using metal and fiberglass.

Egon Zimmermann won Olympic gold in downhill on Fischer “Alu-Steel” skis.

Also in 1964, Egon Zimmermann won Olympic gold in downhill skiing on Fischer "Alu-Steel". Over the next seven years, new warehouse, production and office premises will be built. And in 1971, after the commissioning of the second production line, Fischer presented its first collection of cross-country skis at the ISPO exhibition in Munich. In 1973-1975, the legendary Fischer C4 series of alpine skis appeared, which became popular among both athletes and non-professionals. Famous skier Franz Klammer shows never-before-seen average speed more than 70 km per hour!

Olympic gold for Franz Klammer in the downhill in Innsbruck

In 1976, Franz Klammer won Olympic gold in the downhill in Innsbruck on Fischer C4 skis. Franz Klammer on Fischer C4 skis wins Olympic gold in downhill in Innsbruck By 1978, more than 150 of the world's leading athletes are already using the best Fischer equipment. 1984 is a year of new achievements. Vacuum Technic and Composite Core technologies make Fischer skis the lightest skis available at that time.

Exhibition 1980

A big event in the history of the company was the opening of a new production line in Mukachevo (Ukraine) in 1988 on the basis of a ski factory that had been known since 1945. As a manufacturer of ski products, Fisher-Mukachevo is the largest in Europe. 1994 Munich, another ISPO exhibition. This time Fischer presented a collection of cross-country ski boots. And in the same season, their sales level reached 50 thousand pairs. In 2003, the company entered the global ski market with the first batch of alpine ski boots, which contain Soma-Tec technology of its own design. “The best part about skiing is taking off your boots” - everyone who has ever skied knows this joke. And as you know, every joke has something to think about.


And the Fischer designers thought. The result of these thoughts was the sensational appearance new technology designs ski boots FISCHER VACUUM. The first models with this technology, a line of 5 pieces, entered the market in the 2011-2012 season. and immediately became coveted by many skiers. It would seem that everyone is already accustomed to the fact that they should have their own shoes for various reasons, from individual selection of lasts to personal hygiene. But what skis can be YOURS in in every sense words, the fact that a shoe can only be for your feet, ideally suit only you alone - many have not even dreamed of this. There are some lucky people whose feet fit well into a last brand, but, as a rule, the majority encounter problems pain points on the foot, a last that is too wide or too narrow, insufficient fixation in the heel or instep, and other similar troubles.

Various models of FISCHER VACUUM boots

In the 2012-2013 season. FISCHER VACUUM was already presented in 10 models. Later, variations of the Vacuum technology appeared - Comfort Fit technology (10 models), Vacuum Fit and Vacuum Comfort Fit (6 models). The technology is created on the basis of a new, patented material VACU-PLAST, specially developed by order of the company taking into account modern requirements for ski boots. After a simple and comfortable thermal adjustment procedure, right in the store’s sales area within 20 minutes, the buyer receives a boot of an individual anatomical shape. At the same time, it becomes possible to individually adjust the inclination of the boot, canting and the degree of fixation of the foot - from sporty to super-comfortable. The adjustment process can be repeated many times, experimenting with your technique and riding style. For the first time in the history of alpine skiing, Fischer guarantees a perfect fit for boots right from the moment of purchase.

Alexander Khoroshilov has been devoted to the FISCHER brand for many years

Global changes for the better have come in the ski shoe industry! Today, Fischer maintains the principles of a family business, successful on an international scale thanks to the symbiosis of tradition and high technology. Throughout the entire period of the company's existence, a huge number of athletes from different parts of the world have won countless titles. highest awards in various disciplines at the most prestigious sports competitions using one or another Fischer product. Indeed, today the company’s activities are not limited to the production of skis and ski boots. This legendary brand produces a huge number of sports goods of impeccable quality: ski poles, bindings, backpacks and bags, covers for boots and skis, protection, hats, gloves, clothing, masks and goggles, helmets and headbands and many other useful accessories.

Ivica Kostellic is a long-time fan of the Fischer brand.

History of the Fischer brand in dates:

· 1924 - foundation of the Fischer company

1936 - opening of the factory and start of mass production

· 1949 - Josef Fischer develops the first ski press to speed up production, which was done by hand

· 1956 - the company employs 137 craftsmen and produces 53,000 pairs of skis per year.

· 1957 - there is a fire at the factory, the factory is rebuilt.

Rudolf Ferch develops new logo: Fischer triangle.

· 1958 - Professor Rudolf Ferch develops a new logo: the Fischer triangle.

· 1964 - Fischer opens a new, largest plant in the world in a place called Ried

· 1964 - Egon Zimmermann wins Olympic gold in downhill skiing "Alu-Steel"

· 1967 - the company has 775 employees and produces 330,000 pairs of alpine skis.

· 1967 - Fischer alpine skis incorporate metal into their design.

· 1971 - New production, warehouse and office premises were built. This completes the work on opening the second line of the factory.

· 1971 - The first collection of Fischer cross-country skis is presented at the ISPO exhibition in Munich.

· 1973 - the Löffler Company, which produces functional sportswear of the highest quality.

Franz Klammer wins Olympic gold in downhill in Innsbruck on Fischer C4 skis

· 1976 - Franz Klammer wins Olympic gold in downhill in Innsbruck on Fischer C4 skis

· 1978 - Fischer provides equipment for more than 150 leading skiers, biathletes and ski jumpers from 16 countries.

· 1978 - 13 medals won at the World Championships in Lahti (Finland)

· 1984 - Josef Fischer Jr. sets new standards in ski creation with the introduction of revolutionary production technology - Vacuum Technic and Composite Core

· 1988 - Josef Fischer and USSR Minister of Sports M.V. Gramov opens a modern joint factory in Mukachevo (Ukraine).

· 1988 - Winter Olympic Games in Calgary (CAN). Fischer skiers win 13 gold, 11 silver and 5 bronze medals in various disciplines.

· 1990 - This season, Fischer wins 73 victories in cross-country skiing, alpine skiing, ski jumping and Nordic combined.

· 1994 - Fischer presents a new line of its own cross-country ski boots at the ISPO exhibition in Munich.

· 1994 - On Olympic Games in Lillehammer (NOR), Fischer wins 17 gold, 15 silver and 14 bronze medals, becoming the most successful ski manufacturer at the Games. Fischer provides equipment to approximately 300 athletes representing 20 countries.

· 2002 - With 58 medals at the Olympic Games in Salt Lake City (USA), Fischer becomes the most successful ski brand.

· 2002 - Fischer buys out the shares of its Japanese partner and again becomes a 100% family-owned company. Josef Fischer Jr. Receives the EMC Award for Significant Contribution to Society in the Hall of Fame

· The year 2003 was marked by the release of the first ski boots under the Fischer brand. The company presented a new Soma-Tec production technology and the first line of its own ski boots.

· 2006 - Athletes competing on Fischer skis win 72 medals at the Olympic Games in Turin. The Fischer brand is once again the most successful ski manufacturer in terms of the number of medals won.

· 2006 - Fischer presents Carbonlite cross-country skis, the lightest professional cross-country skis (less than 1000 g in size 187) at the ISPO exhibition in Munich.

· 2010 - Fischer leads the world in the number of medals won at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver. Katrin Holzl (GER) becomes World Champion in giant slalom.

· 2011 - sensational appearance of a new design technology for ski boots FISCHER VACUUM. 5 models are presented.

· 2012 - Fischer again becomes the most successful ski and boot manufacturer for the third season in a row. Four of the seven possible Large Crystal Globes and ten of the thirteen Small Crystal Globes Crystal globes were won by athletes who gave their preference to Fischer equipment. In cross-country skiing, 75% of the winners were on the podium with Fischer skis, and 42% were also successful with Fischer boots. The situation is similar in biathlon: 58% skis and 35% boots. For the alpine skiing division, the season was unfortunately marked by setbacks, with a long list of injured athletes. As a result, Kale Palander (FIN), Marc Gini (SUI), Julien Cousineau (CAN), Stefan Hergl (AUT), Ivica Kostelic (CRO) and Katrin Hötzl (GER) were unable to repeat their achievements

· 2012 - model range of Fischer boots using FISCHER VACUUM technology. already represented by 10 models

· 2013 - 5 medals at the World Championships in Schladming, 16 podiums at the World Cup

· 2013-2014 - almost the entire range of Fischer ski boots can be purchased using FISCHER VACUUM technology

The most interesting technologies and features of Fischer in 2013-2014:

C-LINE HYBRID is the most advanced member of the All Mountain family, combining the technologies of sports carving models and the capabilities of Rocker technology. The ability to change the weight deflection of the ski allows you to customize the behavior depending on the skiing conditions.

VACUUM FIT using VACU-PLAST C-LINE technology, a series of alpine skis using race track technologies, new 3D geometry, full carbon jacket SOMA TEC

Fischer boots with Soma-Tec technology differ from traditional ski boots due to the unique position of the foot inside the boot.

Dual Radius System Various radii on the tip and tail of the ski, combined with a 3D cap structure, add aggression to the ski at the entrance to the turn and stability during the arcing phase.

Since its founding in 1924, the Austrian company FISCHER has been known for its developments and advanced technologies in the production of sporting goods. Head office of the world's largest leader in the production of cross-country skis located in Ried (Austria). The FISCHER company specializes in the production of equipment for running And alpine skiing, tennis, hockey And composite materials. The Company's production facilities are located in the city of Ried (Austria) and the city of Mukachevo (Ukraine). FISCHER's subsidiary is LÖFFLER.

Our representative office of the FISCHER company in Russia and the CIS countries (FISCHER LLC) has been successfully operating for more than 20 years and also is the official distributor Swiss company SCOTT SPORTS.

FISCHER corporate philosophy

The ingenuity and pioneering spirit led Company founder Josef Fischer Senior to launch his own business in 1924. The sleds and handcarts made in the first two years, despite all the difficulties, later gave him the idea of ​​creating the largest ski manufacturing company in the country. world. This entrepreneurial spirit and wealth of ideas still remain the driving forces that guide Fischer in its daily work - development, marketing and sales of first-class sports equipment.

Fischer's highest priority is to preserve our long history and location in Upper Austria. This requires sound finances, a strong brand, efficient business processes, highly qualified employees and high-tech production equipment. The company's "assets" are loyal customers who receive pleasure and a sense of satisfaction from the high technology of our sports equipment, the responsible and qualified work of our employees, president and owners.

Fischer's organizational structure has only a few levels of hierarchy: the emphasis is on personal responsibility, freedom in decision-making, mutual respect and trust. The opinion of employees is highly valued and therefore even the most complex problems are always resolved.

All our products are characterized by high quality and modern technologies. High technology, excellent quality and attention to the smallest details are our passion. Focusing on the interests of specific target groups begins already from the development stage, guaranteeing our customers the best products that satisfy absolutely all their requirements. Economics (economical use of resources), ecology (protection of health and the environment) and an understanding of our social responsibility ensure the future of the Company.

Fischer stands for pleasure in sports, innovation and high technology. All our actions are aimed at achieving these goals, and we invite our friends and clients to be part of the Team.