A simple diet for 5 days is effective. Easy diet for a week at home

Gaining excess weight is possible for everyone, but getting rid of it is much more difficult. What to do if an important event is taking place soon, but you can’t fit into your favorite dress?

There are various options for diets of 5 kg in 5 days, which at home will allow you to tone your body.

Express methods are very effective, the main thing is to follow all the rules, only then will you be able to achieve what you want.

Diet 5 kg in 5 days No. 1: Mono-nutrition

The essence of the weight loss technique is as simple as possible - it is based on one product that must be consumed throughout the diet.

Benefits of the weight loss system

1. Excess weight goes away very quickly.

2. The body is cleansed of waste and toxins.

3. No big expenses required.

Best option mono-diets - lose weight on buckwheat. In the evening, 1 glass of cereal is steamed with 2 glasses of boiling water. By morning the porridge will swell and be ready to eat. In addition to buckwheat, you are allowed to drink kefir, green tea and plain water without gases. When preparing cereals, it is strictly forbidden to use salt and other spices. This diet gives 5 kg in 5 days excellent result. Every day you will lose 1 kg of weight, but it all depends on the initial indicators; you can lose more weight.

Diet 5 kg in 5 days No. 2: Separate meals

The weight loss system is easier to tolerate than the previous one.

Among its advantages are the following:

The person will not feel hungry;

The risk of regaining lost kilograms at the end of the diet is reduced;

The rules are as simple as possible;

Guaranteed result – at least 5 kg are lost in 5 days.

The essence of separate nutrition is a little similar to a mono-diet. The only difference is that one product will need to be consumed during the day, and not all 5 days.

1. Day 1 – protein. Before you start losing weight, your body needs to be given a portion of protein. It is recommended to eat only meat during the day. You should choose dietary products - chicken, lean veal or turkey. Meat is consumed only boiled or baked.

2. Day 2 – vegetable. The next day you are allowed to eat only vegetables, preferably fresh ones. The emphasis is on cucumbers (remove excess fluid from the body), celery (burns fat), cabbage (also considered an effective fat burner). Eating potatoes is prohibited. You can make a salad without salt from fresh vegetables and eat it 4-5 times a day, 200 grams each.

3. Day 3 – fruity. Absolutely any fruit is allowed, with the exception of grapes and bananas. If there are no stomach problems, it is recommended to spend a day on grapefruits.

4. Day 4 – cereal. Porridge can only be cooked with water. It could be the same buckwheat, rice. These cereals allow you to cleanse your body of excess liquid, accumulations of waste, toxins and heavy metal salts.

5. Day 5 – cottage cheese. This is the best end to the diet. Cottage cheese quickly gives you a feeling of fullness, so it is simply impossible to eat too much of it. In addition, it is very beneficial for human health.

A technique based on the rules of separate nutrition gives excellent results. The person will eat and at the same time lose excess weight. The technique is ideal for those who do not have the willpower to withstand mono-eating.

Diet 5 kg in 5 days No. 3: Drinking

Some weight loss methods say that you can stick to a drinking diet for a month. This is wrong. Nutritionists and doctors say that this is dangerous for health. Drinking diet 5 kg in 5 days removes a lot of fluid from the body and speeds up the process of burning calories.

The essence of the technique is that for 5 days you are allowed to drink only certain drinks.

1. Regular still water. It is no secret that for health you need to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day.

2. Vegetable and chicken broths without adding salt and other spices.

3. Any fermented milk drinks whose fat content does not exceed 2%. Kefir is especially useful. It not only speeds up the fat burning process, but also cleanses the intestines, removes waste and toxins.

4. Herbal and green tea. It is not recommended to add honey or sugar to the drink, as sweeteners awaken the appetite.

5. Fresh juices from fruits or vegetables. Not store-bought, but home-cooked.

The drinking diet is very strict, since in addition to liquid it is strictly forbidden to consume other foods. During all 5 days of following the method, a person must make up his diet from the drinks presented above. The result is impressive - at least 5 kg of weight is lost. Then the main thing is not to “break down on the refrigerator”, but to try to get out of the diet correctly, otherwise the weight will return.

Losing weight based on the principles of calorie counting

The essence of losing weight is that a person should consume fewer calories than he burns during the day. If you urgently need to lose 5 kg, the maximum permissible energy value of the daily menu is 500 Kcal. Having drawn up a correct plan, it is not difficult to adhere to such a rule.

Sample daily menu

1. Breakfast. 80 grams of low-fat cottage cheese without salt and sugar, you can add fresh dill to it. It is acceptable to drink either green tea or black natural coffee.

2. Lunch. Boiled chicken fillet (100 grams contains 100 kcal). The meat is very satisfying, you won’t feel hungry.

3. Evening. You need to have dinner 3 hours before going to bed. It is better to do this with one glass of low-fat kefir.

If during the day a person feels an acute feeling of hunger, snacking is not prohibited.

Can be used in large quantities the following products:

Green apples;

Fresh cucumbers;



Diet 5 kg in 5 days No. 5: “Hungry” weight loss

The practice of fasting is becoming more and more popular every day. The fact is that by abstaining from food for a certain amount of time, a person not only loses excess weight, but also cleanses his body.

A diet of 5 kg in 5 days according to the principles of fasting implies that only water is allowed to be consumed throughout the entire period. Of course, it is not so easy, but the result is very impressive. It is strictly forbidden to adhere to the weight loss method for longer than the stated period, as you will feel weakness and discomfort.

Important! On the first day of fasting, you need to do an enema to cleanse the intestines. It is allowed to add a small amount of honey to drinking water to improve taste.

How to improve results: useful recommendations, rules for organizing the weight loss process

Each 5 kg diet in 5 days has its own nuances. However, there are some recommendations and rules that are important to follow, regardless of the chosen weight loss technique.

1. Sport. It is important to understand that with a passive lifestyle it is very difficult to lose weight and maintain the results of the diet. Certainly, modern woman cannot always afford to find the time and money to visit a fitness club. It's not scary. You can exercise without leaving home. You need to train yourself to start every morning with 20 minutes of exercise. This will be useful not only for weight loss, but also for the whole body.

2. A sharp weight loss leads to sagging skin and a deterioration in its general condition. In order to avoid this, it is recommended to take a bath every day for 5 days of the diet. essential oils and herbs. You can also use various body scrubs. Such procedures will make the skin elastic and firm, will improve the results of the diet.

3. Regardless of the chosen technique, a person must comply drinking regime. The minimum required amount of water per day is 2 liters. Carbonated and alcoholic drinks are strictly prohibited. It is also recommended to give up such a bad habit as smoking.

4. Diets of 5 kg in 5 days can “reward” a feeling of weakness. For this reason, during weight loss it is advisable to additionally consume pharmacy multivitamin complexes to avoid dehydration.

5. Any spices are prohibited, they only awaken the appetite, which increases the risk of failure.

The presented diets 5 kg in 5 days are really very effective. When choosing a technique, it is important to take into account your personal characteristics of the body; it is best to consult with your doctor. If a person has diseases related to the stomach or other organs digestive system, express weight loss is not suitable for him. During pregnancy and lactation, it is also better to avoid sudden weight loss.

18/07/2015 00:51

Do you dream of losing weight quickly? Nutritionists have developed several tough but effective diets for you. Some doctors do not advise adhering to a strict diet, so before you go on a diet, be sure to consult with a specialist.

Buckwheat diet

By following such a popular diet, you will notice the effect within 3-7 days. Not everyone can stick to a diet.

You should adhere to a strict menu for 7-14 days:

  • For breakfast eat buckwheat - there are no restrictions. Eat as much as you want. Wash down the porridge with low-fat kefir. You can drink 1 liter of kefir per day.
  • At lunch . You can eat 1-2, or an orange.
  • Dinner . Avoid late dinner. After 6 pm you should not consume anything. For dinner you can drink half a glass of kefir.

Note that you can drink green tea throughout the day . Buckwheat should not be salted, sweetened or added to porridge with oil. There is no need to cook it. Pour boiled water over the core in a ratio of 1 to 2 and let it brew for 1 night. In the morning your porridge will be ready.

Pros of the diet:

  1. The calorie content of such buckwheat porridge is approximately 70-169 kcal.
  2. Buckwheat brings useful and vital elements to the body - calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, as well as B vitamins.
  3. The kernel can strengthen blood vessels.
  4. The body's resistance to infections will increase.
  5. The condition of the skin, nails, and hair will improve.
  6. Removes waste and toxins from the body. Cleansing occurs due to the fiber contained in it.
  7. Helps you quickly lose weight and get rid of cellulite.

Disadvantages of the diet:

  1. Lack of salt and sugar in the body.
  2. The appearance of headaches, dizziness, weakness.
  3. Reduced blood pressure.
  4. Risk of exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  5. You should take vitamins to avoid health problems.

Everyone can adhere to the buckwheat diet, except for some categories of people.

It is contraindicated:

  • Pregnant women.
  • Nursing mothers.
  • For children.
  • Diabetics.
  • Hypertensive patients.
  • Athletes.
  • People with gastrointestinal diseases, kidney or heart failure.
  • For those who have undergone abdominal surgery.

If you have not tried dieting, then you should not start an experiment with this method of losing weight. Buckwheat diet showing to those who have great willpower and motivation.

Expected results: You can lose 7-12 kg!

Kefir diet

A very effective diet. It is based on the well-known fermented milk product, the energy value of which is only 40 kcal.

The diet has many varieties. The diet, menu and duration depend on which type you choose.

We list the most common kefir diets:

  • Basic
  • Carbohydrates – 30%, approximately 1-1.5 g per 1 kg of body weight.
  • Squirrels – 30%, at the rate of 4-5 g per 1 kg of weight.
  • Fats – 40%.

You can't follow a diet limited quantity time.

Should be excluded from the diet : sugar and products that contain it, tea, coffee, rice, pasta, bread.

These products can be replaced with protein-containing ones : meat, fish, vegetables, herbs, fruits.

It is important to consume at least 2 liters of water per day.

Pros of the diet:

  1. A quick way to lose weight.
  2. Formation of ketones, which lead to improved metabolism.
  3. Muscle mass increases.


  1. Beneficial substances are washed away.
  2. The risk of diseases of all organs and systems.
  3. Inflammation of chronic diseases.
  4. Possible dizziness, irritability, dehydration.
  • For breakfast You can eat 1 soft-boiled egg.
  • At lunch You will eat low-fat cottage cheese (125 g) and unsweetened tea.
  • For afternoon tea You can repeat the lunch dish.

The main difference between this diet is that there is no dinner! There should be 3 hours between meals. As with other diets, exclude salt and sugar.

The models' diet lasts for 3 days. You can repeat it only once every 2-3 months.

Among the advantages of such fasting days, one can only name efficiency.

There are many more disadvantages:

  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • "Hunger."
  • Weakness.
  • Dizziness.
  • Lack of nutrients.

Diet contraindicated:

  • People with chronic diseases.
  • For those who suffer from diseases of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, and liver.
  • Pregnant.
  • Nursing.

An effective diet for 5 days allows you not only to lose weight, but also to normalize the work of everyone internal organs. Most often, losing weight is a long process during which it is possible to lose extra pounds, however, there are situations when you need to quickly lose weight (for example, before an upcoming special event, or before a trip to the sea).

Below we will talk about the most popular diets, following which will help you get rid of 8-9 kilograms within 5 days.

The final result of losing weight will directly depend on the condition of the body, the amount overweight, lifestyle and habits.

Features of a fast diet

A five-day diet for weight loss is considered the most optimal option - it has a short duration, due to which it is easily tolerated by the body. This diet is suitable for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. The diet mainly includes low-calorie foods that help you lose weight even without active training and in the absence of high physical activity.

There are a huge number of techniques that help you lose weight in just 5 days. All such diets can be schematically divided into several categories.

  1. Nutrition is based on foods that can improve performance gastrointestinal tract. The diet of such diets includes large quantities of vegetables and fruits, as well as fermented milk products;
  2. The second category of diets is based on partial fasting. The diet includes exclusively low-calorie foods, while strict restrictions are imposed on portion sizes;
  3. The most stringent are mono-diets, which are based on eating only 1 or 2 foods for all 5 days. It is extremely difficult to follow such a diet, but it makes it possible to get the maximum effect.

There is another category of diets for fast weight loss, which combine all the described characteristics. All of them pursue one goal - in a limited amount of time the body must cleanse itself of waste and toxins, remove excess water and burn fat.

Remember that due to an express diet, the body begins to experience a deficiency of vitamins and beneficial microelements. In this regard, it is imperative to include the use of multivitamin complexes in the daily diet. Vitamins will help restore strength and speed up the process of adaptation of the body to new nutritional conditions.

Advantages and Disadvantages

As mentioned above, following an express diet for 5 days allows you to quickly lose weight with minimal stress on the body. This diet has other benefits:

  • The level of psychological stress is reduced as much as possible - due to the awareness of the short duration of food restrictions, a person can withstand a short diet much easier than a long one;
  • The diet is easy to follow. Basically, the daily diet includes elementary foods that do not require special preparation;
  • Complete cleansing of the body. In addition to losing weight, the diet effectively removes waste and toxins from the body within 5 days;
  • The size of the stomach decreases;
  • The habit of eating right and not overeating is formed.

Despite all the advantages, this diet also has a number of disadvantages:

  1. The body lacks vitamins, minerals and trace elements for normal existence;
  2. Performance is significantly reduced;
  3. In the first days, weakness and loss of strength are felt;
  4. Required the right way out from the diet, otherwise the lost kilograms will quickly return to their place in double volume.

In order for the 5-day diet to bring maximum results, it must be followed with great responsibility. Factors such as general condition body, the presence of diseases, hereditary predisposition to obesity.

You should avoid losing weight quickly if you have a weakened immune system or any other health problems.

Proper preparation for an express diet

Despite the fact that a fast diet for 5 days has minimal negative effects on the body, it is necessary to prepare for a strict diet in advance. If you go in and out of a diet without control, you can not only minimize the expected result, but also cause irreparable harm to the body.

Preparation for weight loss is carried out depending on the future menu. So, if there are no familiar foods in your diet, you should give them up for a week, gradually reducing the amount. If a product that is unusual for daily food intake is introduced into the diet, you should also gradually get used to it. Directly 1-2 days before the start dietary nutrition It is necessary to carry out fasting days that will help the body quickly adapt to new food.

Another tip: stock up on the necessary food products for 5 days in advance, so you will eliminate the need to visit the store during the diet and reduce the likelihood of failure.

Variations of 5-day diets

Now there are a huge variety of diets that provide for rapid weight loss within 5 days. It is simply impossible to describe all types of diets in one article. Below we will look at the most popular 5-day programs that have proven their effectiveness in practice.

Diet "Actor's"

Considered the most extreme and effective technique for fast weight loss. She earned her name thanks to her popularity among actors. The diet includes a wine day, but you can always replace the alcoholic drink with a glass of grape juice.

The essence of the diet is to reduce calories consumed per day to a minimum. The acting diet is classified as a mono-diet due to the fact that the daily diet includes no more than two different products. Depending on the products consumed, it is customary to distinguish next days diets:

  • Tomato-rice (a glass of boiled rice + an unlimited amount of freshly squeezed tomato juice);
  • Wine or juice (700 ml of red wine or juice + 200 g of hard low-fat cheese);
  • Fermented milk (liter of kefir or yogurt, or 800 g of cottage cheese);
  • Meat (any lean meat in limited quantities);
  • Fruit (pears and apples in unlimited quantities).

If you follow the diet for 5 days, you can lose up to 5 kilograms. It is necessary to exit the diet gradually, observing proper nutrition for 10 days.

Protein diet

A protein diet allows you to quickly and comfortably get rid of extra pounds ov. You can consume protein foods in almost unlimited quantities. The diet oversaturates the body with proteins, this negatively affects the functioning of the liver, kidneys and cardiovascular system. Following a diet for 5 days is considered the best option - minimal harm will be done to the body, and you will be able to lose up to 5 kilograms.

The diet is based on the ability of proteins to burn body fat. To achieve results, it is enough to follow a disciplined diet and perform basic physical exercise. The following rules must be observed:

  • You need to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day (the first glass is drunk 20 minutes before breakfast);
  • Food intake is carried out on a fractional basis - at least 6 meals per day, the last one three hours before bedtime.

Throughout the diet, the diet includes lean meat and fish, eggs, as well as low-fat fermented milk products. It is advisable to steam meat and fish, or bake in the oven without oil. The diet does not provide specific portion sizes - you should eat before light feeling saturation.

The problem of losing weight deserves a competent and clear approach. Everyone knows that every person’s body is special. What is suitable for one is not a fact that it will be useful for another. In every person's life, there have probably been situations when they needed to lose a few extra pounds in a short period of time. In this case, you should use a diet that will last only five days.

The five-day diet is easily tolerated by the body, as it has a short duration. The only rule in this case is to under no circumstances extend it, no matter how great the desire to achieve brilliant results. Otherwise not excluded negative consequences for the body. Before starting a diet, you should consult a specialist. After all, some of these five-day plans provide for a rather strict diet, often with monotonous foods.

Orange-egg diet for weight loss for 5 days

For example, you can consider orange-egg diet, which must be observed for five days. This diet is clearly not suitable for people with kidney disease or high stomach acidity. The idea is that throughout the entire period you need to eat 3 oranges and 2 eggs every day in each of three meals - breakfast, lunch, dinner. The egg should be cooked as an omelet. In between, you should drink plain water, still mineral water, and green tea. During this you can lose about 3 kilograms.

Mododiet for 5 days with alternation

There is another five-day diet that is recommended for use by motivated people who do not have health problems. Its peculiarity is that every day you will need to take the same type of food. On the first day, in accordance with the rules of the diet, it is prescribed to eat no more than a glass of boiled rice. The second day's diet consists of six boiled potatoes. On the third day, it is recommended to eat at least 1.5 kilograms of apples. On the fourth day, you can eat no more than a kilogram of cottage cheese with low or zero fat content. On the fifth day you are allowed to drink freshly squeezed juices from vegetables and fruits. In addition, you can drink every day mineral water, tea and coffee without sugar. After the diet ends, you should return to your normal diet gradually. In the first days, it is recommended to eat cereals, low-calorie dairy products, lean meat, berries and fruits. If all the conditions are met, then there is a chance at the end of five days to part with five extra kilograms.

Geisha diet for 5 days

The most effective results can be achieved with the Geisha Diet. With its help you can lose from 4 to 7 kilograms all in the same days. Throughout the entire period, you are allowed to eat only boiled and unsalted rice without additives. You can drink green tea with milk. Rice grains perform a cleaning function, removing waste and toxins. This property is known for certain. Green tea with honey has a diuretic effect. Thus, all harmful substances and unnecessary fluid will be removed from the body. This is the basis of this high efficiency"Geisha Diets" If preference is given to this method of losing weight, then it is best to buy brown rice. It is known for its high fiber content, which in turn will provide a large number vitamins and microelements, as well as prevent the formation of excess fat. As for water consumption during the diet, it is not limited. You can drink clean water in any quantity. You can also double the cup of tea prescribed by the diet.

Let's take a closer look at the menu effective diet- “Geisha Diets.” For five days, she recommends following the following diet:

Breakfast should consist of 0.5 liters of green tea with added milk; sugar should be avoided. The ratio between these two liquids should be 1:1.

For lunch, you can cook one serving of rice, preferably brown, without adding salt or oil. You can drink 250 ml of low-fat heated milk.

Old English diet for 5 days

Another type of diet that needs to be followed for five days is the “Old English” diet. It will allow you to achieve an amazing effect. If you stick to it, you can lose up to ten kilograms. According to researchers, the key to its success lies in the consumption of foods that are easily perceived by the human body at the genetic level. The main source of nutrition these days is at the maximum natural food. The main place is given to oatmeal, eggs, butter, cheese, chicken, legumes, vegetables, fruits, bread. You can drink black tea, but without adding sugar or milk. This diet determined the name of the diet, since it includes traditionally “English” products.

The detailed menu of the “Old English” diet is as follows:

First day
For breakfast you should eat a portion of oatmeal and drink a glass of black tea.
Lunch includes a serving of chicken broth with a slice of wheat bread and black tea.
During lunch, you can again drink a glass of tea.
For dinner you should eat one wheat bread sandwich with butter and drink a traditional serving of tea.

Second day
For breakfast, eat a portion of oatmeal and drink black tea.
Eat two for lunch boiled eggs, a piece of bread with butter, and a glass of tea.
A standard portion of tea is provided for lunch.
You can have two apples for dinner.

Third day
For breakfast you should eat a third of a cup of jam and drink a glass of tea.
For lunch you should cook one boiled chicken leg and drink a glass of tea.
Drink a serving of black tea during lunch
Dinner includes a serving of boiled beans

Fourth day
For breakfast, prepare a portion of oatmeal and a glass of black tea.
For lunch you can eat an omelette of three eggs, preferably chicken.
During dinner, eat two pears.

Fifth day
For breakfast, spread a slice of wheat bread with butter and add a piece of cheese, and drink a portion of black tea.
For lunch, eat a boiled chicken leg and drink a glass of low-fat warm milk
Drink a glass of black tea during lunch
For dinner you should eat two boiled potatoes and drink a glass of tea.

Also common is the “5x5” diet (5 kg in 5 days)

The entire period is divided into days, during which you need to eat separately. On each of these days, you are allowed to eat only one type of food: meat, vegetables, fruits, cereals, cottage cheese and water. The key to success lies in strict adherence to the sequence of alternation; you cannot eat different foods in one day.

This diet is quite easy to follow. It is a combination of five mono-diets. The main advantage of such a diet is that the lost weight will not be regained after returning to a normal diet. The truth should then be adhered to proper diet including healthy foods.

Such high achievements associated with the specifics of burning fat cells while maintaining separate nutrition. Throughout the diet, dehydration of the body is not allowed. Fat cells, on the contrary, are consumed and these are not muscle cells, but the subcutaneous ones we need. And this mechanism of action will allow you to achieve the desired results and keep the body in good shape.

The final result will be determined by the initial weight. All people are different from each other and have their own structure and health characteristics. And everyone also loses weight at different rates and with different results from each other. If excess weight greatly exceeds the norm, then it is possible to lose from 6 to 8 kilograms.

Five day diet menu

The first day is meat
Breakfast includes 150-200 g of boiled beef.
For lunch you should prepare 100-150 g of boiled chicken.
Dinner consists of 200 g of boiled or stewed turkey.
Bonus! In order to give the meat flavor, it is allowed to add spices and seasonings during cooking, but under no circumstances add salt. If you don’t eat meat on principle, you should instead include tofu, legumes, and cottage cheese with 0% fat in your diet, that is, foods that provide the body with proteins.

The second day is vegetable day.
Breakfast consists of a salad of radishes and cucumbers, two pieces each.
For lunch, stew the eggplant with garlic and 1 tsp. olive oil.
Dinner consists of 100 g of boiled kohlrabi cabbage.

The third day is fruity.
Breakfast consists of avocado with the addition of 2 tsp. honey
You can eat four tangerines for lunch
Dinner consists of 200 g of dark grapes.

The fourth day is cereal day.
For breakfast, eat 5 tbsp. boiled rice and 2 tbsp. pine nuts.
Lunch consists of 8 tbsp. boiled rice and 15 pieces of almonds.
Dinner 6 tbsp. boiled rice and 2 pieces of walnuts.
Bonus! Brown, unpeeled rice is suitable for these purposes. Instead of rice, you can eat oatmeal, the flakes of which should be soaked before consumption, but not boiled.

The fifth day is water and curd day.
You can have 5 tbsp for breakfast. low-fat cottage cheese, after half an hour, drink 2 glasses of still water.
Lunch consists of 7 tbsp. cottage cheese and 3 glasses of water.
For dinner, eat 5 tbsp. cottage cheese and drink 2 glasses of water.

All days must follow in strict order. The first day allows the body to get protein, the second cleanses the intestines, the third increases glucose levels, the fourth saturates with carbohydrates, the fifth optimizes the balance of water and salts.

Thanks to which you can quickly lose weight, without torturing yourself with strict prohibitions. Diet for 5 days helps you lose up to 5 kg excess weight, which makes it attractive to those who want to restore their slender shape after lavish holidays or a gastronomic vacation. Hence, by the way, the name - “5x5”...

5 Day Diet: Divide and Eat!

The essence of the 5-day diet is to alternately divide the entire period of express weight loss into days with separate meals, namely: meat, vegetable, fruit, cereal and curd-water days. The main thing here is not only to maintain consistency, but also not to mix different foods during each day.

This rapid weight loss technique is quite easy to follow. It, as you understand, consists of 5 different one-day mono-diets, during which you need to maintain a monotonous diet. The weight you lose during the 5-day diet is practically not regained if you follow the correct and healthy diet after leaving this diet.

This effective result is due to the fact that when eating separately, fat cells are burned in a special way. The fact is that during this period the body is not greatly dehydrated, and moisture remains in the cells, but fat cells are just consumed - and not muscle cells, but subcutaneous ones. This unique mechanism allows you to maintain the result after leaving such a fast diet and keep the body in good shape.

The final result depends on your initial weight - after all, we are all different, we have our own individual characteristics of structure and health. This means that we all lose weight at different speeds and with different final indicators. For example, if it significantly exceeds normal weight for your height and constitution, you can lose 6 or 8 kg.

Diet menu for 5 days

Day 1: meat.

  • Breakfast: 150-200g boiled beef.
  • Lunch: 100-150g boiled chicken.
  • Dinner: 200g boiled or stewed turkey.
  • NB! To prevent the meat from seeming bland, you can use spices and dry herbs, but do not add salt. And if you are one of the opponents of meat-eating, then you can make up your mind protein menu from tofu, beans or low-fat cottage cheese.

Day 2: vegetable.

  • Breakfast: salad of 2 radishes and 2 cucumbers.
  • Lunch: stewed eggplant with garlic and 1 tsp. olive oil.
  • Dinner: 100g boiled kohlrabi cabbage.

Day 3: fruity.

  • Breakfast: avocado with 2 tsp. honey
  • Lunch: 4 tangerines.
  • Dinner: 200g dark grapes.

Day 4: cereal.

  • Breakfast: 5 tbsp. boiled rice and 2 tbsp. pine nuts.
  • Lunch: 8 tbsp. boiled rice and 15 almonds.
  • Dinner: 6 tbsp. rice and 2 walnuts.
  • NB! It is best to use brown or "wild" rice. You can also replace rice with oatmeal, which are pre-soaked but not boiled.

Day 5: water and curd.

  • Breakfast: 5 tbsp. low-fat cottage cheese and after 30 minutes. 2 glasses of still water.
  • Lunch: 7 tbsp. cottage cheese and 3 glasses of water.
  • Dinner: 5 tbsp. cottage cheese and 2 glasses of water.

You cannot “shuffle” or interchange days - the order in this diet plays a big role. The first meat day enriches the body with protein, nourishes muscle tissue and enhances metabolism. Vegetable day - improves intestinal motility and helps remove food “garbage” from the body. A fruit day replenishes the glucose level in the body, thereby preventing it from “falling” into despondency and apathy. Cereal day - provides the necessary amount of complex carbohydrates to maintain the proper level of energy and prevents the occurrence of a “ravenous appetite”. A water-curd day restores the water-salt balance in the body.

How to get out of a diet

No special way out of this diet is required. But just like after any fasting day, you should not immediately lean on eclairs, bananas or pork steaks - it is advisable that protein products, fiber and complex carbohydrates.

And one more valuable advice “on the road”: if you decide to lose a little weight, including with the help of an express diet for 5 days, you will greatly help yourself if you visit the fresh air at least 2-3 hours. And the point here is this: fat in the body burns only when this very body needs energy, but does not receive it from the outside. And fat cells burn not “in situ” (that is, in adipose tissue), but exclusively in muscle mitochondria. The more intensely you walk and move, the more fat cells will move into the muscles and burn there. And as we have known since our school days, any combustion process is possible only in the presence of oxygen. The more oxygen, the faster everything burns. Summary: the more you move in the fresh air, the more intensely your muscles are filled with oxygen, which means the more fat they burn.