How to improve punching at home. Hand punching exercises

To train a strong blow, you need to know by what principle such power appears. There are several ways to develop the ability, in order to achieve this, one should train correctly and regularly. The power of impact is influenced by the development of correct technique.

What determines the force of impact?

Some technical nuances that affect the formation hard hit:

  • body weight;
  • speed;
  • hand trajectory and technique.

In order to form such opportunities in yourself, it is recommended to contact the trainer and find out at what moment you need to relax your fist, and at what moment you should clench. He will explain the correct position of the legs and the trajectory of the movement of the arms and legs. Kick and kick stance:

  • if punched right hand, then the right heel should rise slightly at this moment, and the left foot does not move;
  • legs are placed shoulder-width apart, even a little wider;
  • in the direction of movement of the hand, foot right leg unfolds a little.
  1. An opponent can easily determine if at the very beginning you take your hand back and start hitting.
  2. When a blow is struck, the weight of the body is shifted forward and the knees are bent.
  3. A great effect during the strike is created by the movement of the body.
  4. During the movement of the fist, the hips turn towards the opponent.
  5. Before the very beginning of the blow, a breath is taken.
  6. The tighter the fist is clenched, the more power is imparted in the blow.
  7. You should quickly move your torso towards the opponent when throwing your fist.

Tactics work successfully if all techniques are performed simultaneously.

The fist must be compressed as hard as possible upon impact.. The most important component is lifelong training, only after a long time is power achieved.

Formation of explosive energy, speed and strength

If a person is right-handed, then you should not concentrate on training, only the right hand, both hands should be involved in the work.

How to increase hitting speed

To form the strength and speed of the blow, you should develop the upper body - these are the shoulders, triceps and back muscles. Required exercises:

Ball kicking technique

To develop strength and speed, boxers often use training with the ball:

This workout is not intended for apartment conditions, so you need to find a more suitable area for your purposes.

Jump while crouching

Correct stance: hands lie on the sides, the body is even, and the legs are shoulder-width apart. Squat down until your knees are in line with your hips. Next, a strong jump is made up with raised hands. A minimum of 20 repetitions is performed and with a gradual increase in weight with dumbbells in hand.

Striking exercises at home

Effective ways to develop impact force. Training is done regularly. It is necessary to distribute for a month, some sign at intervals of 4 days, while others more often, so that there is no accumulation a large number exercise in one day. Recommended exercises:

This list of workouts will help build endurance, speed and punching power. Tendons and muscles will become stronger. If you follow the regime, the result will begin to appear after 3 months.

Important! Powerful punching power is needed in different situations, but it should be used in self-defense. Don't forget your consequences.

Hitting Precision Technique

Nothing will happen to the opponent, even if strength is developed and hitting protected places. You need to look for weaknesses. A knockout consists in a strong load on the cerebellum when a blow is struck to the head - this is from an anatomical point of view. This organ sends a signal to the Central nervous system and turns off the whole body. This can happen if you hit the:

  • back of the head;
  • jaw;
  • temple.

To immobilize the enemy, there are other painful points in the body. If you accurately hit the target, the opponent will be demoralized and incapacitated. Where to hit:

The pain threshold for a knockout is different for everyone, but if you apply a force of 150 kg, then almost any opponent can temporarily lose consciousness. This may help if, if beat sharply and suddenly. The jaw has 15 kg of impact power. In normal

Then you are ready to perform exercises that will increase your hand speed!

Speed ​​kills, everyone knows about it. Many great fighters have it: Muhammad Ali, Thomas Hearns, Ray Leonard, Mike Tyson, Roy Jones, Floyd Mayweather, Manny Pacquiao, I could go on and on.

Being able to hit an opponent with a punch before he hits his own is perhaps one of the most great benefits in boxing. The split second difference can make the difference between raising your hand to win and getting yourself off the canvas. Even if you weren't born with speed, you still need it. Even if it is not part of your style, you still need to develop it. And I ask you to include these important exercises in your regular program, because everyone knows: SPEED KILLS!

I know the goal is speed, but don't rush yourself through these exercises. Most important factor in achieving maximum strength is relaxation. Relaxation is primarily a state of mind, which then becomes a material reality. Keep your mind clear and don't focus too much on one thing. Relax! Relax! Relax!

Instead of adding strength and accuracy to speed, focus on balance and coordination. A lot of beginners try to put both strength and speed together at the beginning, but this only slows them down and forces them to charge up for punches. Don't charge into your punches and don't try to focus on hitting the target. Instead, give your arms free rein, just try to keep your balance under you and your movements coordinated with the speed of your arms.

Sharp and Relaxed Breath = Sharp and Relaxed Movement

Shadow Fight (Pure Speed ​​Training)

Shadowboxing is everything! The more time I spend in this beautiful sport of boxing, the more I realize that sometimes shadowboxing is all you need. This simple practice allows you to practice every technique without wearing out your joints or straining your body. This underrated exercise can help you develop just about everything in boxing: footwork, balance, strength, technique, and of course in our case—SPEED!

Shadow boxing is perhaps the purest form of speed exercise. There are no bags to stop your punches, no gloves that push your hands down with their weight. You strike in the air with only the weight of your arms. Without slowing you down, this is the fastest speed you can move your arms. You can hit as fast as you can imagine your combinations. Shadowboxing can develop your speed of mind, your speed of punching, and your speed of getting your arm back in place.

Shadow Boxing Exercises:

Start moving around the ring and relax your whole body. Don't worry about fully clenching your hands. Throw punches correctly, but not in such a way that your shoulders tense up and get tired. You need your whole body to be relaxed when you shadowbox for speed!

Here are the beat numbers I use:

1 = left jab
2 = right straight / right cross
3 = left hook
4 = right hook / right overhand
5 = left uppercut
6 = right uppercut
*opposite if you are left-handed

OK, HERE THEY ARE! Follow them and combine!

Basic jab

  • 1, move around the ring, 1
  • 1 step back 1
  • 1 step forward 1

Double jab

  • 1-1 (two steps forward)

built jab

  • 1-1-1

Jab, Right Cross

  • 1-1-2
  • 1-2-1
  • 1-2-1-2
  • 1-2-1-1

Left Hook

  • 1-2-3
  • 1-2-3-2


  • 1-2-3-2-1
  • 1-2-1-2-3
  • 2-3-2
  • 2-3-2-1
  • 2-3-2-1-2

Artful Combinations

  • 1-1-3
  • 1-3-2
  • 1-2-3-3-2
  • 1-3-1-2
  • 1-2-3-1-2
  • 5-6-2
  • 5-1-2-3-2
  • 1-6-2-1-2


  • 1-6-3-2
  • 3-6-3-2
  • 1-2-5
  • 1-2-5-2

Long Combos (focus on sharp, fast breathing!)

  • 6-5-6-5-2-3-2
  • 1-2-5-2-3-6-3-2
  • 1-1-2-3-6-3-2
  • 5-2-1-6-3-2-1-2
  • choose any of the above combinations and combine it with any other

Work 3 rounds. Exhale with every punch and with every movement. Don't worry about doing all the combinations in the list above. Stick to your favorites and then try a new one or two each time. You should NOT be tired. If you are tired, you are too tense. Relax your shoulders even more and maybe even slow down a bit. If you're running out of air punching air, imagine what it would be like in the ring.

When you step during combos, take VERY SMALL steps. You only need to take 2-3 cm steps so your legs can move as fast as your arms. If you take big steps, your feet may still be in the air, leaving your punches without support on your feet and without power.

Don't worry about power! Some sequences with double backhands or double righthanders will feel weak. Once again, you're only working on speed, not strength. Just let your hands fly out and add some rhythm. Take a few pauses from time to time between combinations and then return to speed again.

One final note, watch Manny Pacquiao doing shadowboxing in the video below. What he does is a perfect example of speed shadow boxing. Harsh breathing, very small steps, focus on fast punches. He doesn't focus on single hits, he focuses on whole combinations. And for the 923084723rd time, RELAX!

Quick Punches On The Bag (Speed ​​Endurance)

Fast punches are not always speed. Sometimes it's endurance. Moving a weight faster always takes more energy. So it's pretty hard to apply quick strikes or even practice fast punches if you don't have the stamina for that.

Throwing strings of fast punches can wear anyone out. At first you don't realize it, but as soon as you get tired, your slower opponent suddenly becomes faster than you. An even bigger danger from fatigue is that your punches become too slow to hit your opponent. So let's work on speed endurance so you can throw fast punches throughout the fight—not just the first round.

Exercise Beats With Intervals:

Find yourself a partner and stand with him different sides bag. One boxer keeps the bag motionless while the second boxer strikes the bag non-stop for 15-20 seconds. Then you change. Do this until the 3-minute round is over and then take a minute break. 2-3 rounds of this exercise is great way finish training on the bag.

Some Thoughts About This Swift Punching Drill:

  • Don't waste time bothering someone to count down 15-20 seconds for you. Instead, just count in your head or out loud while you throw punches. When you're done, just stop and your teammate will instinctively know to start throwing punches.
  • You can perform various variations on the bag. In the first interval, throw normal punches, aiming high (palm down, aim at a point on the bag 15-20 cm above your head). In the second interval, throw vertical punches, aiming at shoulder level on the bag. By "vertical punches" I mean punches where the palm is facing away like a "fixed fist". In the third interval, throw SMALL short uppercuts to the bag at body level. Keep repeating until the end of the round.

The interval punching exercise develops the endurance of your arms and shoulders. Which is VERY important in the later rounds of a fight or sparring. It doesn't matter if your whole body doesn't get tired...

When your arms and shoulders get too tired
your punches become too slow to hit your opponent.

Sure, you can still have your power in the later rounds, but if you don't have speed, that power won't matter! So work to make sure you're building arm and shoulder endurance. In case you haven't noticed, this fast punching exercise is a boxing rendition of the Tabata exercises (in case you want to know more about the theory behind this training method).

A very important reminder, do not get too proud and try to hit the bag at this pace for all 3 minutes. Rest pauses allow your arms to regain energy to hit at top speed. You should always train at your true top speed (running 100% when you're exhausted is not "true top speed"). Think about it, sprinters don't train for speed by running 2 miles at a time. Instead, they run short distance sprints, take a break, and repeat (aka Interval Sprints). The pauses allow their legs to regain energy in order to run at full speed again. This way you spend more of your time training at full speed instead of the half speed that happens when overly selfish beginners work 30 minutes non-stop!

Another point about not skipping breaks is that your workout can be better when you constantly have to stop and start again. Striking non-stop is easy when you're already on the move. But stopping and starting again like in a real fight is much harder when you have to keep running your rhythm. So please don't skip breaks. 15-20 seconds for each, then change!

Forced Speed ​​Workout (Pneumatic Bag and Bag Stretch)

Pneumatic bag and pear-stretching it excellent equipment to develop speed. In addition to improving accuracy, timing, reflexes and coordination, they are also very good for "forced hand speed" exercises. Hitting fast is pretty easy if you only hit when you feel like it. Unfortunately, this is never the case in real combat. In real fights, you always HAVE to hit even when you don't want to. Since you're throwing these punches, more in a panic reaction than as an act of your own intent, these "forced punches" wear you out faster. So let's get back to the pneumopear and stretching pear, they force you to hit even when you don't want to. No matter how tired you are, you MUST hit the bag.

The pneumobag and stretching bag also have their own exceptional qualities. The pneumobag develops endurance of hands and endurance of shoulders. The punching bag helps improve accuracy and timing. This projectile forces you to constantly react quickly and think quickly. Learning how to work the stretch bag is an art in itself. I'll save this long explanation for another day. For now, just know that these projectiles will improve your hand speed. Spend 2-3 rounds on a pneumopear and stretching pear.

Resistance Training for Speed ​​Muscle Development

Pushups (Explosive Speed)

Push-ups, when done with a speed-focused technique, can help you add speed to your punches. Since everyone's hands are different, you need to find the ideal position for where to place your hands and how low to stoop. Focus on speed, not strength. You need to finish this set FAST!


  • Because of my long arms and thin frame, I prefer to do push-ups where I only go down a third. This means that I only work the triceps in this "stretched" phase of the pushup. I do about 10 short sets with only 10-15 reps each. Once again, I only work at the top of the push-up to maximize fast speed and try to explode with every push-up. Focus on going down quickly and up quickly (most people go down slowly, get up quickly). When you pause, pause at the top of the push-up, not at the bottom.


  • Lower yourself into a push-up position, but place one hand on the medicine ball. As soon as you do the push-up, quickly move your body to the other side of the ball, resting on the ball with your other hand. Do push-ups as fast as you can. 3 sets of 15 reps. Another variation you can do is take 2 medicine balls and place them wider than shoulder width apart. Keep one hand on the ball and the other hand on the floor between the balls. As soon as you do a push-up, you move your body to the side, so both hands are constantly moving to the side and to the center. (If you need a more detailed explanation of this exercise, leave a comment). Once again, 3 sets of 15 reps.


  • Another type of pleometric style push-up that I like is the clap push-up. You can do 3 sets of 10-15 clapping push-ups. What is important is to spend a minimum of time in the bottom push-up position. You don't have to fly high, but just make sure you don't spend too much time with your arms bent in the bottom phase of the pushup.

Resistance Training for Speed


You can also develop fast punching speed with harnesses and isometric training. The harnesses apply a constant force when you strike. This constant resistance allows you to develop speed and explosive power throughout the movement. Regular weight training can't do this because the weight is only heavy in the beginning. Once you push out the weight, your momentum makes it easier to work as you extend your arm. Swimming can be a very good aid to constant resistance training because the water is constantly working against you.

Isometric Workout

Isometric training is a type of training in which you apply force, but your body does not move at all. But how can you apply force without moving?! You can do isometric arm training by walking up to a wall and getting into a punching position where you could theoretically punch the wall. Now push off the wall for 10-15 seconds, 3 sets at a time. You can stand at different angles that mimic different punches and target different muscles (chest, shoulders, triceps).

Theory behind isometric workout on speed is based on the fact that you train your hands as if they were rubber bands. You're training your arm muscles to store energy so that once the hold is over...CLICK—your arm pops out like a charged rubber band.

Muscle Return

Hand-back speed is something that MANY boxers miss out on in speed training. Everyone loves to work on percussion muscles like the chest and triceps, but rarely does anyone work on return muscles like the back, lats, and back muscles shoulders. What many boxers don't realize is that the return phase is half the movement of a punch, so being able to bring your arms back faster allows you to punch again much faster!

I have also noticed that many beginners in training do nothing but work on the bag. The bag is a solid object, meaning if you hit the bag it will always bounce your arm back, which doesn't train your recovery muscles. Sure, you can easily hit the bag for 10 rounds, but what happens when you spar? After you miss just a few punches in the ring, your arms will be completely tired and you won't know why. It's because you're not used to missing and you're not used to hitting the air, and your return muscles (back, back of shoulders, and lats) aren't developed to get your arm back fast enough.

The best exercises to strengthen the muscles of the return arm:

A fight with a shadow

  • You're constantly throwing punches in the air doing shadowboxing, which forces you to use your muscles to bring your arms back. Try shadowboxing at 100% speed with gloves on and you'll realize how weak your return muscles are. You don't need to add weight or do anything else. Even regular shadowboxing will help you balance your back body muscles with your front body muscles.


  • Pull-ups are a great exercise for your back and lats. Do 3 sets of 6, 8 or 12 reps. Whatever you can do, just do it. Now yours top part the body will no longer look so hunched over.

Stretching exercises

  • I'm too lazy to list all the names of the exercises. Any exercise that mimics the movement of throwing out the arm should do. I have TRX Suspension bands in the gym and they are great for this, but lowering the rope or stretching the stretch ropes will also work.


Loose, relaxed muscles have the potential to move faster. Don't fight with painful sensations in your shoulders or body. Make sure you spend good stretches and spend considerable time warming up your muscles. Even on non-training days, try to stretch. Many of the fastest fighters I've met have often turned out to be the most flexible people I know. (I wrote an article about .) FYI, you should stretch for MINIMUM 30-45 minutes before each workout and then another 10-20 minutes at the end of each workout. Professional boxers, and, perhaps elite athletes, usually do it in double size.

Final Thoughts on Hand Speed ​​Exercises

Speed ​​starts from the head and ONLY THEN in the body…

If you can't think fast, you'll never be able to move fast.

…be that as it may, your body cannot box on autopilot. Relax your mind, concentrate and stay focused, but be aware of everything that is happening around you. Don't focus on every single hit. Try to focus on the whole combination or the whole bunch. Each combination of punches has its own purpose, whether it be to approach short distance, or land a hook to the body, or just to get an opponent on the defensive to create space for you to escape.

Oh, and one more thing. Don't try to do every exercise above on the same day and every workout day. Use multiple variations and focus on one thing a day rather than everything every day.

If you want to know how to increase punching power , then you need to find out what it is formed from, and for this you need to know its principle. A person often confuses the meanings of the words weight and mass. If the body has a large mass, then the amount of its inertia is correspondingly higher. This can be called the most important aspect of strength in martial arts.

From this we can conclude that a blow from a heavyweight is more difficult to block than a lighter athlete, no matter how much he is trained and has no developed strength hands. Thus, it can be said that mass adds strength .

In order for your punches to become stronger, you must master the correct use of body weight. In order to develop and increase the power of punching as much as possible, you need your own movements start from the feet.

However, you should know that during a strike it is important to connect all parts of your body. After all, the birth of energy and its transmission are two completely different things. The athlete must be aware of the production of energy and the fact that in order to transfer energy, all parts of the body must be connected.

You can get an effective result only in this case, if you put the weight of your body into the blow. During a blow, the arm should not be fully extended, otherwise the joints will begin to dislocate. Strikes should be delivered from a variety of angles. , because in this way you can deliver stronger and more powerful blows to the enemy.

To strike, you need to pay attention to factors such as:

  • place the feet wider than the shoulders;
  • the heel rises first;
  • the foot should be turned in the direction of the movement of the hand;
  • in the event that the blow must be delivered with the left hand, then the right foot remains in place, and the heel of the left foot rises and vice versa.

Key Features

In order to get an effective result, athletes need to pay attention to several simple advice, as well as strictly observe the peculiarities of the strike technique . For example:

  • knees should be slightly bent, and your main weight should be transferred forward;
  • hips need to be turned towards the enemy;
  • during the impact, the body must move in full;
  • you need to sharply turn the body, and at the same time do not pull the body forward;
  • clench the punch fist as hard as possible;
  • During each stroke, be sure to exhale.

If you observe these features and do everything correctly, then the impact force can be significantly increased and the desired result can be obtained.

Develop strength and punching power with basic training

There are some simple exercises, which will help develop the power of impact. You can even do them at home, without the help of a professional trainer.

  • Kicking the ball

Prepare a heavy ball, preferably a boxing ball. If there is no such ball, then you can take a basketball.

Take the starting position - keep the body straight, and place your legs slightly wider than your shoulders. Grab and lift the ball high above your head, then hit the ball hard on the floor. Repeat this exercise should be no less than fifteen times.

  • Squat jumping

First you need to place your feet shoulder-width apart, and insert your arms at your sides. You need to squat so much when your knees are on the same level with your hips. Then you need to jump up, while raising your hands up. You can repeat jumping squats for as long as you have enough strength. Regularly performing these jumps, you can achieve an effective result. Well, if you want to reach desired result faster, then pick up dumbbells.

Develop hitting speed

To develop the speed of impact, there are the following simple, but very effective ways:

  • punches with dumbbells.

During the strike, the body must be fully engaged. In addition, you need to constantly train muscle mass forearm. The muscles of the forearm are located very close to the shock part, that is, the fist, so that the weight of these muscles will be most effective.

Develop upper body muscles

In order to train the spinal muscles, triceps, and shoulders, you can perform the following exercises:

  • push ups;
  • pull-ups;
  • triceps exercises;
  • kettlebell lifting.

Stretching helps you achieve good results, especially if weights are hung on the belt. Try to perform pull-ups to the maximum result. When pushing up, the hands should be located close to each other. Note that the back should be flat, so in no case do not bend it.

During push-ups, the back muscles, triceps and chest muscles are well trained and developed. Many people want to strengthen hand cysts. To do this, complicate the training process and.

To perform triceps exercises, you need to prepare a bench. Put your palms on the bench and lean on them. Note that you need to stand with your back to the bench. Squat slightly and begin to let go and rise, leaning on your hands. Fulfill this species exercise about 20 times.

Kettlebell lifting is the most effective view classes. It is from a strong hand and muscle mass that the force of impact depends, so their training plays a key role during the impact. This exercise has its variations. Everyone who wishes to do this exercise must choose one option. A more suitable variant of the exercise is determined, taking into account the physical readiness of the athlete.

Professionals advise to use regularly during training carpal expander. To develop the impact force, it is desirable to purchase the hardest projectile. The expander should be squeezed sharply with all your might. Exercise with an expander will help develop not only the forearm, but also the interdigital muscles.

As a result, the fist becomes stronger and more powerful. jump rope also positively affect the development of muscle mass. Try to raise your hips high while jumping, and reach your knees to your chest.

Sledgehammer exercises are one of the most practical and common. With a sledgehammer, you can deliver strong blows on unnecessary tires. When performing such training, it is precisely those muscles that take part during the strike that develop and strengthen.

It is also useful to train with a partner. by the most effective blows those are considered here blows that the athlete does not expect . It is necessary to deliver unexpected blows to the opponent so that he does not have time to react. The so-called "a fight with a shadow".

If you perform this exercise daily and do it for at least ten minutes, then very soon you can feel a positive result. If you want to develop an explosive strike, then you should do push-ups on your palms and on your fists. You can do three sets per day and repeat the exercise ten times.

All of the above exercises help to effectively and quickly develop muscle mass as quickly as possible, as well as make the tendons of the hands more resilient and stronger. If you regularly and competently perform training and observe the technique, then in a week or two weeks the result will be noticeable. Well, if you cannot achieve the desired result on your own, then you should turn to the help of professional trainers.

Workouts for development beat speed very specific. With a simple power swing, we only enslave the muscles and lose the speed of impact. Therefore, in other shock sports, they use special exercises, the simplest and most effective of them we will consider in this.

Hand Speed ​​Exercises

Work with your weight

This work is done fairly quickly, done about 2-3 times a week. There are four exercises for top speed, between sets, rest for about 20 seconds with the obligatory relaxation of the hands.

1). 10 quick push-ups from the floor on the fists. Runs at maximum speed.

2). 10 explosive push-ups on fists with hands touching the chest.

3). 10 simple push-ups with cotton.

4). Five explosive push-ups on each hand, hands change alternately after one repetition.

Working with a medical (stuffed) ball

Several exercises are performed while sitting with a medical (stuffed) ball weighing about 10 kg.

  1. Sitting opposite each other long distance, about 4 meters, athletes throw the ball to each other with both hands from the chest. 30 repetitions are performed.
  2. From the same starting position, athletes throw the ball with one hand.
  3. From the same position, athletes throw the ball over their heads.
  4. Turning sideways to each other, the athletes throw the ball with the body turned 180 degrees from left to right and vice versa.
  5. From a supine position, with straight outstretched arms, the athletes throw the ball with a change in the starting position to a sitting position.

Watch this video exercise with a stuffed ball to develop the strength and speed of punching.

Working with rubber

For such workouts, you need two rubber bands, not too stiff so that you can pull them with your hand without losing technique in the amount of 10 repetitions, and a mount to which you can attach them. We hold one end of the rubber in our hand, and attach the other to the mount. We begin to perform with the hand in the amount of 15-20 repetitions, then we remove the tourniquet, and we break through without rubber. In this way we train any blow. It is important that the rubber should not be too hard, the technique of hitting is observed.

All the exercises considered are performed separately from each other, since they do not require a lot of time, it is convenient to do them at the end of the workout. Remember to relax and shake your limbs after each set. With regular training, athletes have a significant increase in speed-explosive functions, sharpening the performance of strikes and increasing endurance.

Boxing training. Explosive power stroke:

Explosive strength and anaerobic endurance training:

Useful Tips - How to develop explosive speed for punches:

Explosive Muscle Strength Training:

4 exercises for the development of explosive strength:

Hand speed exercise with dumbbells:

Punching and movement speed training - the complete guide:

Development of speed and force of impact:

Increasing the strength and speed of impact:

Increase hand and punch speed:

Knockout punch is a set of exercises for developing the speed and power of punches:

The video is posted in the public domain on a third-party resource, the editors of the blog are not responsible for the content of the video and its quality and do not guarantee its availability and the ability to view it in the future

That's all for me. See you on my blog pages.

We wish you success!

Hello, dear readers of the site. Our conversation today will certainly be interesting and useful for men and women, since, in addition to the sports component, it touches on such an important aspect as effective self-defense. Pumped up, of course, look impressive. However, sometimes it is not impressive enough to avoid or resolve a conflict, acute situation. Agree that from this point of view, training punches will be the trump card in the sleeve that will help resolve the issue in your favor.

From a sports point of view, exercises aimed at developing the strength of impact, as you will see later, are strengthening, training endurance, reaction and much more. Interested? I'm sure yes. Then change into training clothes and please follow me.

You can do most of the exercises on your own, and if you have dumbbells and a punching bag, then we can do it at home. Therefore, I suggest not to sit for a long time and go straight to training.

How to achieve surprise

Let's start our lesson by making your blow as unexpected as possible. Try from a relaxed standing position, on a sound signal, sharply gather and strike. How is the reaction? Lame? Then work on it in this way, trying to minimize the gap from the signal to the completion of the strike. Do a similar workout, replacing the beep with touch. Ask family members to help with this. The goal is the same - to reduce the gap to a minimum. Naturally, this is how sharpness is developed.

Another great speed exercise is hitting the newspaper. Ask someone to hold or simply attach a sheet of newspaper to the clothesline with clothespins and try to hit it as sharply as possible. If at some point you managed to break through the sheet with your fist, you are a master of sharpness and speed.

I advise you to do this kind of training with two or more, as there are exercises that will require the help of a partner. Comrade nearby? Well then remember boxing. Even if you didn’t do it, you must have seen such exercises on TV or in films.

If the mood is serious, then get boxing paws. Let your partner, putting them on, change the position of the hands all the time: higher, lower, further, closer. The main thing is not to exceed the impact distance. In turn, try to beat as quickly as possible, sharply, so that the partner does not have time to take the paw away.

Also try to strike the body, while the partner unexpectedly for you will bounce sharply. You need to have time to orient yourself and hit until the partner jumps out of the area in which you can reach him. Agree that this is a great speed workout?

How to get punching power

To achieve a knockout effect, in addition to speed, it is also necessary to train the force of impact. This is where push-ups come to the rescue. Push-ups on fists, on fingers, with claps. Initial position- hands are shoulder-width apart, maybe a little wider. When lowering, try not to spread your elbows, but to lead them along the body. It is necessary to push up sharply, quickly.

When working with a pear, try to punch it. Hit not on it, but inside it. Another good exercise- is to swing the bag and beat oncoming blows. When doing any exercise with a punching bag, take care of your wrist.

Incredibly useful both for a strong punch and for the endurance of the whole organism. Start with a weight of 1-1.5 kg. Take the dumbbells, stretch your arms out in front of you and start swinging quickly: up, down, left, right. Do 3 sets of 3 minutes, allocating 30 seconds for each direction of the swings. Such training not only strengthens the shoulders, making them as hardy as possible, but also raises the pain threshold. How? And you do these 3 by 3 - you will understand.

You can also shadowbox. Also, with dumbbells in your hands, perform various combinations on an imaginary opponent. The longer the training is, the stronger, more powerful the blows will be, the higher the speed without weights, the more enduring and rhythmic you will work.

How to harden your hands

By the way, a very good question. Indeed, hard, hardened outer parts of the hands are important for knockout. Here again, push-ups come to the rescue. We've already done push-ups. Now try to perform the same exercise on the phalanges, on the knuckles. I'm sure it will hurt at first. Therefore, start such classes, for example, on a towel.

Over time, the surface on which you do push-ups should become as hard as possible, and pain should disappear completely. Such training will also protect you from unnecessary, unnecessary hand injuries, and this, you see, is important.

Feeling the power behind you, the ability to hit the enemy with one sharp movement of the hand, of course, greatly adds confidence. However, try to apply these skills exclusively in sports, and resolve conflicts as much as possible in each individual situation in a peaceful way. Believe me, you will not be less respected from this.

Strengthen your health, train your body, remember to warm up, oh correct breathing. I do not say goodbye, because tomorrow we will meet again at the same place. See you.