Effective exercises for the shoulders and back. Effective exercises with dumbbells on the shoulders

Want pumped up big shoulders like Superman? You will be in great shape if you include these shoulder exercises in your training program.

Many men are too frivolous about their shoulders: they don’t give enough load, they don’t do isolation exercises. But in vain. After all, wide, massive shoulders are a symbol of masculinity, besides, they visually reduce the waist, giving the figure a tempting and so desired by many shape of the letter V. Did you know that the shoulders show the fastest result of training? This exercise program was developed by personal trainer and renowned osteopath James White, for which many thanks to him. The exercises are very effective, have a high intensity and are not particularly difficult. Productive deltoid muscle training!

The muscles of the whole body are involved. “This exercise works the whole body. It is very useful for strengthening skeletal muscles, increasing strength and endurance,” says James White. Start your workout with this exercise to warm up your muscles and tone them.

Seated Dumbbell Press

Put the bar aside and pick up a pair of dumbbells. You will need them for the rest of your workout. Sit on a bench - this position gives the maximum load on the shoulder girdle. “It’s not so much the weight of the dumbbells that matters here, but the range of motion. You don’t have to lift the dumbbells high at all, you just need to feel the tension in the muscles,” White says. Shift the weight from your feet to your shoulders.

The exercise is named after world champion Arnold Schwarzenegger. It is famous for the special rotational element at the end of the execution. This bench press is an advanced version of the dumbbell press, with which the V-shape can be acquired much faster. "It's a great way to press, and the good thing is that you can adjust the position of the shoulder to the anterior deltoids," explains James White. For those who don't know, the deltoids are the front of your shoulders. In any case, the next day you will understand what it is!

The slower you do this exercise, the better the result will be (and the more they will hurt, but this is normal). “Lateral raises are ideal for the middle part of the deltoids. Most often they are done in this mode: less weight - more repetitions, ”White says. Oh what a great exercise! You will love him by the end of 3 sets.

Mahi dumbbells to the sides in an incline

The muscles of the shoulders and back work. James White's favorite exercise. “This is one of the best exercises for the rear deltoids. Set the bench at a 45-degree angle and do the raises with your head and chest tilted towards your legs so you can focus on the exercise without being distracted by balance,” advises White. Very soon, your shoulders will cause the envy of others. Remember this - this is the best motivation!

Pull to the chin

Perfectly pumps the body. The elbows should be located higher than the arms for the greatest tension on the deltoid muscles. The trapezius muscles are also involved here. To achieve maximum results, when performing this exercise, it is recommended to adhere to the principle "More weight - less repetitions."

Front dumbbell raises

White recommends them as an additional load on the shoulders. "It's unlikely that after doing all the exercises, your shoulders need an extra load, but if you feel enough strength in yourself, then this exercise is for you," White says. We repeat once again that the principle “More weight - fewer repetitions” is important when performing.

A set of exercises for the shoulders

Grab a barbell and hold it at shoulder level with your palms facing forward. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and slightly bend your knees. Start the exercise. As you move up, straighten your legs slightly to raise the bar above your head. Slowly return to the starting position.

2. Seated Dumbbell Press

3 sets of 6 reps, rest 1 minute

Sit on a bench, pick up a pair of dumbbells. Starting position - grip from above, hands at shoulder height. Raise the dumbbells up until your arms are fully extended. Slowly return to the starting position.

3 sets of 6 reps, rest 1 minute

Sit on a bench, hold the dumbbells in front of you at chin level. Raise them up while twisting your arms so that the palms are turned away from you. Fully straighten your arms, pause, then slowly return to the starting position.

4. Pull to the chin

3 sets of 8 reps, rest 1 minute

Starting position - arms with dumbbells lowered. Press them lightly against your thighs. Raise the dumbbells up strictly vertically to the level of the collarbones, elbows pointing towards the ceiling. Lower the dumbbells down and repeat the exercise.

Use light weight dumbbells for the following exercises.

5. Lateral dumbbell raises

Take a pair of dumbbells in your hands, lower your arms down along the torso, palms facing inward. Keeping the upper part of the body motionless, start the side lifts of the dumbbells. Keep your elbows relaxed, slightly bent. Raise the dumbbells until your arms are parallel to the floor, then slowly return to the starting position.

6. Side raises of dumbbells sitting in an incline

3 sets of 10 reps, rest 1 minute

Sit on a bench, lean forward, press the dumbbells to your shins. Remaining in this position, begin side raises of the dumbbells. Raise the dumbbells to shoulder level, no higher. Lower your arms down and repeat the exercise.

7. Dumbbell Front Raises

3 sets of 10 reps, rest 1 minute

Take a dumbbell with both hands, lower your arms down. Raise the dumbbell high in front of you, elbows wide apart. Return to the starting position, then repeat the exercise.

Show me your finger at least one representative of the strong half of the population who does not want to have an ideal muscular figure, undoubtedly attracting the enthusiastic looks of everyone around. A significant place among the many prominent muscles on the body of a man is played by the shoulders.

It is the shoulders, according to the results of a survey among girls, that are one of the most attractive parts of the body. Strong broad shoulders are associated in women with reliable support for them in difficult times. Imagine that you signed up for a gym and today you are training this muscle.

Before starting to perform exercises on the shoulders, it is imperative to perform a thorough warm-up, both of the whole body and separately of the shoulders. Since shoulder exercises are characterized by injury risk, the warm-up requires a lot of attention! Consider the fundamental and most effective shoulder exercises, as well as the correct technique for their implementation.

Remember, the shoulders are red muscle fibers, and they are known to love high reps, 12 or more. You must carefully focus on the exercise and, despite the pain, perform it in the correct amplitude and correctly.

The interval between sets should not be long, about 45-90 seconds, so as not to let your shoulders relax.

Be prepared for a strong burning sensation in the shoulders, but it is worth enduring. As a result, you will undoubtedly get an excellent result!

To begin with, exercises for the shoulders are divided into two large groups: presses and swings. Shoulders, like no other muscle, require scrupulous, scrupulous and correct execution. The most correct technique in each repetition is the true key to success. Presses are basic exercises, in particular, aimed at increasing muscle mass. Mahi, on the other hand, are isolated exercises and are aimed at isolated study.

Shoulder presses

1) Bench press sitting or standing

2) Dumbbell or barbell press from various positions

3) Press from behind the head or from the chest

4) Press in the simulator

A good shoulder workout would be wise to start with the basic heavy press. After that, you should “finish off” the muscle with isolated swings. At the beginning of the lesson, you are full of strength and energy, so you are able to perform the most difficult exercise. Mahi are very traumatic exercises, due to the specific structure of the shoulder joint. They are recommended to be performed with small weights.

The military press is designed for high-quality deep study of the lateral and anterior deltoid muscles. The exercise is most effective in terms of strength from a standing position. The technique of the exercise is as follows: from a standing or sitting position, you need to completely bend in the lower back and grab the bar with your hands shoulder-width apart. Then lower your elbows down and hold at the level of your collarbones. Feet should be parallel to the floor and very stable. The head should be slightly tilted forward and not lifted, looking clearly in front of you.

Number of sets, repetitions: 1 warm-up, 3x12

Dumbbell or barbell press from various positions

Performing this exercise, it also actively affects the anterior and lateral deltoid muscles. The work of the triceps is also affected. Labor-intensive bench presses with large weights due to the head are quite traumatic for the joints. The dumbbell or barbell press is not recommended as the first exercise. The exercise should be started from the chosen position so that the forearms are parallel to each other, perpendicular to the floor. The head should be in a stable position straight, not tilting forward in any way. The body should be in a straightened position, with a straightened lower back. Then slowly lower the bar with the weight onto your trapezium. It is also worth paying attention to proper breathing. When lowering the neck - inhale, when lifting - exhale. Thus, the muscles are better enriched with oxygen.

Number of sets, repetitions: 1 warm-up, 4x12

Dumbbell presses

Exercises with dumbbells differ to a certain extent from exercises with a neck. When lowering and raising the dumbbell, the stabilizer muscles are activated, which control the stable stable position of the muscles. Also, the amplitude and dynamics of the bench press are partially increased. The total weight of the lifted load is usually 10-15% less than on the neck press. You will be able to lower the shells to a level lower than you would do it with a regular neck. However, it is more difficult to control two dumbbells, you should also adhere to the correct technique and proper breathing.

Number of sets, repetitions: 1 warm-up, 3x15

Breeding hands with dumbbells in a standing position

The exercise is aimed at working out the lateral head of the deltoid muscle. Dumbbell layout suggests the absence of cheating, that is, unplanned swinging of the body to facilitate the load. You should feel the burning sensation. It will be more effective to perform the exercise by slightly tilting the body forward. At the top point, you should fix your hands for a second, that is, do not swing with dumbbells. Also, at the top point, you should turn your wrists parallel to the floor, as if you are pouring water from a bottle. The pace of the swings should be moderate and smooth.

Number of sets, repetitions: 1 warm-up, 4x16

Alternating arm raises with dumbbells in front of a mirror

The lifts act centrally on the front bundle of deltas in an excellent way. The trapezoid at the highest point is also partially involved. However, this exercise should not be used often in your program, since the front bunch of deltas is actively involved in various chest presses (straight, inclined, with dumbbells).

Stand in front of the mirror, taking dumbbells in both hands, then raise them alternately to a level just above the shoulder, turning your hand towards you or, alternatively, away from you. Perform the movement smoothly, without involving other muscles. At the top point, set the fixation to the hand. The number of repetitions should be increased to 15-20.

Number of sets, repetitions: 1 warm-up, 3x18

Breeding arms with dumbbells in an incline

The purpose of this exercise is to carefully work out and isolate the posterior deltoid muscle bundle. In an angled position, your muscles are much more amenable to loading. The technique of the exercise should be moderately smooth with a short delay at the top point. Stand in front of a mirror at a 45-degree angle and extend the dumbbells straight out in front of you. The body must be in a stable position. When lifting weights, the thumb should be just below the little finger. Your main task is to control the weight and not let it freely walk up and down. There is also the option of performing tilted arms from a position while sitting on a chair.

Basic shoulder exercises consideredI am the best and most effective at gaining muscle mass. It is these exercises that allow you to make really big and wide shoulders. Many athletes pay special attention to shoulder training, as well-developed shoulders give the athlete's figure a powerful top.

Unlike other parts of the body, the shouldersit is considered to be the most traumatic parts of the body, and they are much more difficult to pump up, due to the complex structure of the deltoid muscles. Therefore, they require a particularly clean and correct technique for performing each repetition.

To minimize the risk of injury, you need to properly warm up your shoulders before training. As a warm-up on the shoulders, you can make circular movements with your hands, various swings.

Basic shoulder exercises:

Standing barbell press

This pack The exercise perfectly develops the front deltas, making them wider and stronger.

Bench press from behind the head while standing

This exerciseIt develops the middle deltas well, making them wider and more massive.

Seated Dumbbell Press

This exercise iscalls the anterior and partially middle deltas. The big plus of this exercise is that the range of motion is much greater (than in barbell presses), and this allows you to better work out your shoulders.

Arnold press

This exercisedevelops the front and middle deltas. Due to the rotation of the brushes, the deltas are exposed to a deeper effect.

Barbell row to the chin with a wide grip

This exercise is excellent.o develops the middle deltas, making them truly strong, wide and massive. The grip should be wider than the shoulders.

Bent-over barbell rear delta row

This exercise is the best exercise for developing the rear delts. Makes them big and massive.

Sincerely, Sergey Garbar ()

Shoulders- this is one of the most popular muscle groups, which literally every man who visits the gym strives to pump up and increase in volume. This is due to the fact that a man’s beautiful and broad shoulders are one of the main advantages that others pay attention to. The beautiful and slightly pumped up shoulders of the girls give her great sexuality and beauty of the figure. About, how to build shoulders.

First, consider the structure of the muscles of the shoulder girdle:

Exercises for training the muscles of the shoulder girdle

Shoulder muscle or deltoid muscle, consists of three bundles of muscles - anterior beam (anterior delta), middle beam (middle delta) and rear beam (rear delta). For each of these bundles of the shoulder muscle, specialized exercises are designed that effectively load one or another part of the deltas. These exercises will be discussed below.

1. Bench press from behind the head while sitting

Bench press from behind the head- an effective exercise for influencing the muscles of the shoulder girdle. Bench press from behind the head basically loads the middle bundles of the deltoid muscles and the upper part of the trapezius muscles, as well as the triceps and serratus anterior. The rhomboid, infraspinatus, small round and supraspinatus muscles are also subjected to a load, although less.

bench press from behind the head:

Exercisebarbell press from behind the headperformed sitting on a bench or standing. Put the barbell on your shoulders behind your head, holding it with an overhand grip:
- inhale and squeeze the bar up over your head;

Keep your back straight, without slouching or bending too much in the lower back. You can protect yourself from injury by placing the barbell bar on the rack. There are many simulators that allow you to perform this exercise in a simplified form and in safe conditions.

2. Bench press from the chest

Barbell Chest Press- This is the most basic exercise, which most of all loads the anterior and middle parts of the deltoid muscles, the clavicular part of the pectoral muscle, the upper part of the trapezius muscles, the triceps, the anterior serratus muscles and the deeply located supraspinatus muscle.
The bench press from the chest can be performed both in a sitting position and in a standing position. Performing this exercise in a standing position, you should not bend your lower back too much.
To increase the load on the front parts of the deltoid muscles, bring your elbows slightly forward. For a more intense impact on the middle sections of the deltoid muscles, it is better to push the elbows apart (spread apart).

The mechanics of the exercise bench press from the chest:

The bench press from the chest can be performed both in a standing position and sitting.The bar must be held in front of you with an overhand grip, placing it on the upper chest:
- take a breath and squeeze the bar vertically up;
- exhale at the top of the movement.

barbell chest press :

1. Narrow grip, elbows forward: the front parts of the deltoid muscles, the clavicular part of the pectoralis major muscle and the long head of the triceps are mainly involved.
2. The grip is wide, the elbows are laid to the sides: the anterior and middle parts of the deltoid muscles and the upper sections of the pectoral muscles are mainly involved.

3. Seated Dumbbell Press

Seated Dumbbell Press - this exercise is primarily designed to train the middle parts of the deltoid muscles, as well as the upper sections of the trapezius muscles, anterior serratus muscles and triceps.
It can be performed alternately - either with one or the other hand, and in turn - with each hand separately.
Only trained athletes can perform it while standing.

The mechanics of the exercise sitting dumbbell press:

Seated dumbbell press is performedsitting on the bench. G hold the anteli with a grip from above at shoulder level, palms turned forward:
- take a breath and squeeze the dumbbells up to straight arms;
- At the end of the movement, exhale.

4. Alternating Dumbbell Press with Wrist Rotations

Alternate dumbbell press with wrist twists - this exercise develops the deltoid muscle, mainly its front part, as well as the clavicular part of the pectoralis major muscle, triceps and anterior serratus muscle.

Exercise mechanics

The exercise is performed while sitting on a bench. Keep your back straight, turn your elbows forward. Hold the dumbbells at shoulder level in the supination position (thumbs turned outward):
- inhale and squeeze the dumbbells vertically, turning the wrist 90 ° so that the hands take the pronation position (thumbs turned inward);
- At the end of the movement, exhale.

Exercise optionsalternating dumbbell press with wrist twists:

This exercise can be performed while sitting, leaning on the back of the bench, so as not to arch the lower back too much.
Only trained athletes can perform it while standing:
- alternately - with one or the other hand;
- in turn - with each hand separately.

5. Lifting dumbbells to the sides in an inclination forward

Forward bend dumbbell side raises- an effective exercise that mainly involves posterior deltoids. By closing the shoulder blades at the end of the movement, you will engage the middle and lower parts of the trapezius muscles, rhomboids, teres major and infraspinatus muscles.

Exercise mechanics lifting dumbbells to the sides in an inclination forward:

The exercise is performed while standing. Spread your legs slightly and bend at the knees, tilt your torso forward, bend your back, hold the dumbbells in your hands, slightly bent at the elbows:
- take a breath and take the dumbbells to the sides;
- At the end of the movement, exhale.

6. Dumbbell Side Raises

Side dumbbell raises- a very effective exercise that develops the middle part of the deltoid muscle, consisting of several bundles attached to the humerus. Using not very heavy weight allows the arms to make more precise movements necessary for full impact on the middle part of the deltoid muscle, which is especially effective in the initial phase of execution in all positions (arms along the body, behind the buttocks, in front of the hips).

It should be noted that the lateral raises also develop the supraspinatus muscle, located under the deltoid muscle in the supraspinatus fossa of the scapula and attached to the greater tuberosity of the humerus.
During lateral lifts, the pennate bundles of the middle deltoid muscle, which has great strength but little contraction potential, work in conjunction with the anterior and posterior deltoid muscles to bring the arm into a horizontal position.
The amount of actin* and myosin* in the fibers of the fusiform muscles corresponds to their cross section (A). The amount of actin and myosin in the fibers of the pennate muscles (A) corresponds to the sum of the oblique sections A1 and A2.
* Actin and myosin are muscle fiber proteins, which are the main contractile elements with a maximum contraction force equal to 5 kg/cm2 of cross section.

Exercise mechanics dumbbell side raises:

Exercise in progressstanding. The legs are slightly apart. The back is straight, arms along the body. Hands with dumbbells slightly bent at the elbows:
- inhale and raise your arms to the sides to a horizontal position;


1. Hands raised to a horizontal position: the deltoid muscles are involved.
2. Hands raised above the horizontal position: the upper and front parts of the trapezius muscle are involved.

By raising your arms above the horizontal position, you can develop the upper part of the trapezius muscle.. Many prefer not to go above the horizontal line in order to primarily emphasize the load on the middle part of the deltoid muscles. Never use too much weight in this exercise. It is repeated 10 to 25 times with a short pause for rest. Changing the trajectory of movement to achieve a burning sensation gives better results. For more intensity between repetitions, hold your arms in a horizontal position for a few seconds, observing isometric tension.

7. Lifting dumbbells forward alternately

Alternate forward dumbbell raises- This exercise works mainly on the front of the deltoid, the clavicle of the pectoralis major, and to a lesser extent on the middle of the deltoid.

All arm raises also involve agent muscles that connect the scapula to the chest, such as the serratus anterior and the rhomboids, which stabilize the movement of the humerus.

The mechanics of the exercise dumbbell lifts forward:

The exercise is performed in a standing position. Spread legs slightly. Hold the dumbbells with an overhand grip in front of the hips:
- take a breath, first raise one arm forward to shoulder level, and then lower it, perform the same movement with the other hand;
- Exhale at the end of the movement.

8. Lifting the dumbbell to the side with one hand lying on your side

Lifting a dumbbell to the side with one hand lying on your side- The highlight of this exercise is that the main effort is concentrated already at the beginning of the movement. Best results can be achieved by doing 10-20 repetitions.

Exercise mechanics lifting the dumbbell to the side with one hand lying on your side:

reclining sideways on the floor or on a bench. Hold the dumbbell with an overhand grip:
- take a breath and raise your hand up to a vertical position;
- exhale at the end of the movement.

9. Lifting the bar forward

Forward lifts - A very effective exercise that targets the anterior deltoids, upper pecs, infraspinatus, and to a lesser extent the trapezius, serratus anterior, and short head of the biceps.
Raising the bar above shoulder level will increase the load on the back of the deltoid muscle.
This exercise can also be performed with any simulator with a lower block, turning your back to it and passing the cable between your legs.

Exercise mechanics forward lifts:

The exercise is performed in the position standing. Legs apart. The back is straight, the stomach is drawn in. Hold the barbell below the hips, taking it slightly wider than the shoulders with an overhand grip:
- take a breath and lift the barbell forward on straightened arms to eye level;
- At the end of the movement, exhale.

10. Shoulder front broach

Shoulder front pull is one of the best exercises for the shoulders, This exercise directly engages the deltoids, trapezius muscles, and biceps, and additionally involves the muscles of the forearms, buttocks, sacropsoas, and abdominal muscles.
This basic exercise allows you to achieve an athletic physique.

Exercise mechanicsshoulder front broach:

The exercise is performed in a standing position.Legs apart. The back is straight. Hold the bar of the bar below the hips, taking it slightly wider than the shoulders with an overhand grip:
- inhale and stretch the bar up along the body, raising the elbows as high as possible until the bar reaches the chin. Then slowly return to the starting position, straightening your arms;
- At the end of the movement, exhale.
The deltoid muscle raises the arm to a horizontal position. The trapezius muscle additionally involves the scapula in this movement, allowing you to raise your arm even higher.


In this article, only the basic 10 exercises for training the muscles of the shoulder girdle are considered. These exercises allow you to effectively build muscle mass in the shoulder girdle. In addition to these 10 exercises, there are a lot of auxiliary exercises for the muscles of the shoulder girdle, performed in simulators and with the help of blocks. These auxiliary exercises are mainly intended for a large drawing of the relief of the shoulder muscles.

The illustrations for the article are taken from Frederic Delavier's book - "The Anatomy of Strength Exercises".

According to sportlife.dp.ua

Making big shoulders is a goal for bodybuilding beginners as desirable as it is. The voluminous muscles of the shoulders make the back wider and give the upper body a V-shape. Do not forget that heavy basic exercises on the back effectively pump the arms (biceps, triceps and shoulders). It is the “base” that will provide you with a large mass.

When doing isolated shoulder exercises, you will use much lighter weights and increase them more slowly than with basic exercises. But isolation alone is not very effective if the goal is muscle growth.

How often do shoulder exercises?

If you go to the gym, then you do not need to allocate a separate workout for the shoulders. 2 exercises are enough - one basic with a barbell and the second isolating with dumbbells. It may be necessary to allocate a separate workout for the shoulders if you have been bodybuilding for a long time, noticed that your shoulders are “lag behind” and want to pay more attention to them.

The deltoid muscle of the shoulder consists of three bundles:

  • front beam - responsible for raising the arm in front of you
  • lateral beam - takes the hand to the side
  • back beam - takes the hand back

To work out the deltas, basic (involving many different muscles) and isolating (the maximum load falls on the muscle being worked out) exercises are used. Shoulder press exercises are considered the best and most effective.

The most effective shoulder exercises

Basic shoulder exercises

Barbell press up from behind the head and Barbell press up from the chest

video - bench press up from the chest

The bench press is one of the best exercises for building mass in the deltoid muscles of the shoulders.

Bench press up from behind the head

The main work is performed by the lateral and anterior bundles of the deltas.


  • sit on a bench, put the barbell on your shoulders;
  • chest forward, shoulder blades together;
  • the grip is slightly wider than the shoulders - at the lower point of the forearm are perpendicular to the floor;
  • squeeze the barbell over your head until your arms are straightened, while your head leans slightly forward;
  • slowly lower the bar to the base of your neck and repeat.

If you want to reduce the load on the spine, do the exercise while sitting on a bench with a back.

Barbell press up from the chest

The bench press from the chest shifts the load on the front beams of the deltas.


  • while lowering the bar to the chest, bring your elbows forward a little;
  • press the bar up in the same way as with the press from behind the head - do not lean back or forward, the arms with the bar are in the same plane with the body - perpendicular to the floor.

EZ-bar pull to the chin

video - EZ-bar thrust to the chin

The chin row is best performed with a curved EZ bar or dumbbells. This takes the extra stress off your wrists and will keep them in a more natural position during the exercise.


  • take the barbell with a grip slightly narrower than the shoulders;
  • slightly bend your arms at the elbows;
  • pull the bar up with the help of the muscles of the shoulders, trying to involve the biceps and triceps as little as possible;
  • the shoulders are always above the forearms, the goal of the exercise is to raise the shoulders to parallel with the floor or slightly higher, and not to touch the chin with the barbell.

Isolated shoulder exercises

Breeding arms to the side with dumbbells while standing

video - spreading arms to the sides with dumbbells while standing

Breeding hands with dumbbells while standing is an isolating exercise for the middle bundles of the deltoid muscles.


  • stand straight, arms slightly bent at the elbows;
  • raise the dumbbells through the sides until the shoulders are parallel to the floor;
  • the elbows need to be turned up (they will look at the ceiling), while turning the wrists and hands so that the little finger at the top point of the movement is higher than the thumb;
  • lower your arms slowly and repeat the exercise;
  • arms are slightly bent at the elbows.

Remember, in this exercise, your goal is not to raise the dumbbells as high as possible, but to bring your shoulders into a position parallel to the floor.

To ensure that the maximum load falls on the shoulders, do not swing the body and do not perform the movement due to inertia.

Breeding dumbbells to the sides on an incline bench

video - breeding dumbbells to the sides on an incline bench


  • lie on an incline bench face down;
  • slightly bend your arms with dumbbells at your elbows;
  • raise your arms up through your sides until your shoulders are parallel to the floor;
  • do not throw your hands down, keep muscle tension.

Seated Dumbbell Press

video - sitting dumbbell press

The technique for performing the exercise is similar to the bench press.

Arnold press

The Arnold press is one of the most effective shoulder exercises that targets the anterior deltoids.

video - Arnold press


  • take the dumbbells in your hands with your palms facing you;
  • bend your elbows and press your shoulders to the body (do not spread your elbows to the sides);
  • squeeze the dumbbells up, rotating your wrists at the moment when the elbows are at the level of the chin;
  • lower the dumbbells down by rotating your wrists in reverse order.

Lifting dumbbells in front of you

Most of the load falls on the front deltas.

video - lifting dumbbells in front of you


  • starting position - standing, hands with dumbbells should be on the front surface of the thighs;
  • grip - palms facing you;
  • raise your arms in front of you, slightly bending them at the elbows;
  • the goal is to raise the shoulders to parallel with the floor;
  • you should not lift the dumbbells with a jerk or help yourself with the help of the torso - this will reduce the load on the deltas.

During the warm-up before training, be sure to do exercises on the shoulders with a light, “warm-up”, weight and. This will save you from shoulder injuries, which are very common among those involved in bodybuilding and strength sports.