Preparing for a hike in the mountains workout. Preparing for a commercial hike in the mountains

The upcoming trip to the mountains... This is an exciting event that brings a special flavor to ordinary life. In the minds of people who have already been lucky enough to go to the mountains, it awakens memories of previous campaigns, of those beauties that were lucky to see, of those adventures that they had a chance to experience. Thoughts come about some shortcomings and omissions that should not be repeated in the new campaign.

And, of course, the question of how to prepare for the campaign is acute. What to bring with you, what things will be needed, and what can you do without? How much food and water to take? What equipment is needed? And if for people with experience in hiking in the mountains, the answers to these questions do not cause any particular difficulties, then for those who are going to hike for the first time, difficulties may arise. In this article, will try to make it easier and suggest how to prepare for a hike in the mountains, what minimum things are needed to conquer your first mountain peak.

1. With whom and where to go

The first question to be solved is with whom to go to the mountains. It is the answer to it that will determine all further preparation for the campaign, the route and duration of your trip. The thing is, people handle physical activity differently. And psychological ones are added to them in the campaign. So before preparing, it is worth critically assessing the situation with the emerging company.

If the team will be all beginners, without hiking experience, or children who will also find it difficult to endure the hike, then it is better to limit yourself to a one-day trip along some simple route. This will give everyone an opportunity to evaluate their strengths, the psychological compatibility of team members, and test new equipment for themselves. In addition, in such a one-day trip, the weight of the equipment that you need to carry on yourself will be minimal (tents and sleeping bags will not be useful to you).

If the company is reliable and hardy, the desire to go hiking in the mountains with an overnight stay outweighs all fears about possible difficulties the first hike, and they promise good weather - then good luck :) Plan the desired route of the hike, study information about it on the Internet (now many write about their hikes): distances of crossings, parking places, places along the road where you can replenish water supplies, places a little off the route, which are worth a look.

In our time of the prevalence of GPS-devices, it will not be superfluous to get a paper map of the area of ​​the planned trip. Electronics can fail at the most inopportune moment: run out of power, "switch off", crash or get lost, and in this case, a paper map will be, if not a salvation, then certainly a good helper.

And we come to the second point of our advice.

2. Weather. When to go

It will not be superfluous to find out the weather forecast before the upcoming trip. The fact is that in the mountains the weather is often very changeable, but if, according to forecasts, prolonged rains are promised, you are unlikely to get pleasure from a hike in such conditions. Therefore, it is wise to go in dry weather or when short rains are forecast.

The best time for hiking is from the beginning of May to October, when there is almost no snow in the mountains or when there is still no snow, and the air temperature allows you not to freeze even in the absence of warm clothes.

The next important point is the equipment that will be needed for a comfortable hike.

3. Equipment for hiking in the mountains

3.1. Backpack

A tourist on a hike is like a snail, only instead of a “house” he has a backpack with all the things necessary for the hike behind him. A backpack for the duration of the trip will become your reliable friend. True, the whole trip you will have to carry this friend on your back. And believe me - it's much better than the usual carry some bags or packages in your hands (a BIG mistake of some beginner tourists).

You need to take a backpack modern (and not the old "kolobok") and based on the number of days that you have to spend in nature. A “city” backpack is quite suitable for a one-day trip (you can, of course, have a more spacious one), but for 2-3-5 ... days you will simply need a backpack with a volume of at least 65–80 liters.

The limited volume of backpacks and the weight that you have to carry on a hike teach you not to take extra things with you and be content with a minimum.

The weight of a “friend” behind your back significantly affects the speed and comfort of movement on a hike. Strive to starting weight backpack in a short-term (3-5 days) campaign did not exceed 12-15 kg.

Before hiking, adjust the backpack under you so that the main weight falls not on the shoulders, but rests on the hips (when using the waist belt of the backpack).

3.2. Karemat, or tourist rug

Karemat is an item that has long and seriously become the basis of tourist equipment. It serves to protect your body from dampness, cold, wind and even dirt. On it you can and will sit on halts, collect things when folding the camp, warm yourself by the evening fire, sleep on it so as not to catch a cold from the cold ground.

Even with a one-day hike, it is strongly recommended to take a karemat with you, as it will allow you to rest comfortably and gain strength at a halt. And it’s just much more pleasant to sit or lie down on a karemat than on the ground, stone or grass.

During sleep, the thickness of the mat allows, within certain limits, to even out surface irregularities, but for tourists who are more demanding on the conditions of sleep and rest, self-inflating tourist mats have been invented. They increase the level of comfort on a hike, especially while sleeping. But, unfortunately, they are not without drawbacks: they can be quite easily pierced or burned, and thereby deprive them of superiority over ordinary karemat.

3.3. Tent

On a camping trip with an overnight stay (overnight stays), a tent is your protector. It should protect from wind, precipitation, insects and other living creatures. Thanks to this, you will have a comfortable rest and the opportunity to recuperate for the continuation of the trip the next day.

Important Features tents are capacity, water resistance of the bottom of the tent and its walls, weight. Quite reliable and suitable for hiking in the mountains can be considered tents in which the water resistance of the bottom is from 5000 mm of water column, and the walls - 3000 mm.

As the practice of a large number of tourists has shown, cheap tents are not able to protect from rain and quickly start to get wet. Along with all its content. During precipitation, in the case of unreliable shelter, the situation can be improved by a piece of polyethylene thrown over such a tent in time.

If you do not have experience in setting up a tent that you take with you on a hike, it is recommended that you practice setting it up at home. After all, it is absolutely possible that you will have to put up a tent either in the rain (as quickly as possible), or at dusk, or even in the dark (by the light of flashlights).

3.4. Sleeping bag

It is the sleeping bag that will not let you freeze at night while you sleep. Important characteristics of the sleeping bag are its weight and the air temperature for which it is designed. In the “right” sleeping bag, it should be comfortable to sleep in underwear. If you start to freeze at night, the sleeping bag is not chosen correctly. In this case, you need not be lazy and warm.

Good sleep is one of the components of good health and mood on a hike. Therefore, during the trip, store sleeping bags in such a way as to prevent them from dampening and getting wet (in plastic or thermal bags), and when damp, dry them in the wind and sun.

3.5. Lanterns

Be sure to bring flashlights with you. One per person. It is more convenient to use headlamps. In this case, when performing some tasks, you will have both hands free, and you can highlight the right place only by turning your head.

Before hiking, be sure to check the condition of the flashlight batteries.

During a hike, it makes sense to periodically check that the flashlight in the backpack does not turn on spontaneously (from accidental pressing) and thereby does not discharge the batteries.

3.6. Knives

Camping knives are needed mainly in the "kitchen". That is, when cooking. Therefore, you should not take them with you a lot and different (big and scary). The length of the knife blade of 8-11 cm is enough. It will be enough to take with you one knife for one or two people.

Folding knives with several additional items proved to be convenient and practical: openers for cans and bottles, a corkscrew, an awl. Such a small set solves most of the problems that arise in the campaign.

One important note - the knife must be sharp. This is the whole point of it.

3.7. Dishes

In the campaign, the dishes are divided into two types: general and individual. The individual one is the one from which you eat and drink, and the general one is the one in which everything is prepared.

An individual set of dishes consists of a bowl, a mug and a spoon. It is quite possible to do without a fork (in the campaign, a completely unnecessary item and weight).

Common utensils are, as a rule, a set of pots in which food is prepared for everyone (first, second) and drinks (tea, coffee, compote). From practice, the most convenient and affordable are sets of aluminum (remember the weight of the equipment) round-shaped bowlers, folding according to the “matryoshka” principle. Preferably with lids (they reduce cooking/boiling time and protect food from insects and other possible debris). Can be used as bowls.

In the absence of such a set of pots, they can be replaced with several ordinary aluminum (again, weight) pans.

It is worth grabbing a sponge and not a large number of detergent to keep dishes clean.

For the first trip, it is not necessary to purchase all of the items listed (this does not apply to the karemat - it is inexpensive, it can be useful for a picnic, fishing, and even relaxing in the garden). After all, it may well turn out that hiking in the mountains is not your thing ... Therefore, consider borrowing equipment from acquaintances / friends or renting it. Today, equipment rental is a common practice in many tourist equipment stores.

4. Food and nutrition on a hike

Thanks to a hike in the mountains, you will not only breathe fresh and clean air, admire the beauties, overcome distances and heights, but also work up an appetite. That is, we are faced with the task of organizing meals for the group.

Generally accepted is three meals a day - breakfast, lunch and dinner. If such an order is supported by the majority of the members of the group, then it is worth adhering to it during the campaign. Therefore, in order to plan everything correctly and purchase products in an organized manner (and not according to the principle of “who will take what”), it is worth discussing in advance and compiling a menu for all the days of the planned trip. This will diversify the diet, avoid unnecessary surplus products, take into account the wishes and preferences of the expedition members. Well, already directly during the trip, it will be possible to change something in the dishes, depending on the general wishes and moods of its participants.

5. Cooking hot food

Cooking hot/warm food is important point proper nutrition on a hike. Food can be cooked using various burners, or in the old fashioned way - on a fire. Each of these methods has its pros and cons.

5.1. Cooking on a burner

If you choose the first method, then necessary equipment a burner and fuel for it (gas or gasoline, for example) will be added, which you will have to carry with you. It is necessary to approximately calculate the amount of fuel for the entire trip and distribute it among the participants.

  • Of the advantages of this method - the ease and speed of cooking hot food, regardless of the place and weather conditions, clean dishes (not smoky), the absence of a fire at the place of preparation.
  • Of the minuses - additional weight.

5.2. Cooking on a campfire

Firewood will be needed to cook on a fire. To collect them, by and large, an ax or a saw is not needed (therefore, they are not in the list of equipment), since branches that have fallen from trees are often enough.

  • Pros: no need to carry extra weight; the fire allows you to warm up and dry things; in the evening, after a day of hiking, the fire has a relaxing effect, it is pleasant to sit near it and chat before going to bed.
  • Cons: waste of time and effort on collecting firewood, it may be difficult to make a fire in rainy weather, bonfires remain at the place of making a fire, dishes are covered with a layer of soot. Plus, there are also situations when there is no firewood at the parking lot (on the tops of the mountains or under them, where there is no forest at all); at popular parking places, all more or less dry firewood has long been collected by other tourists.

In any case, in this paragraph we will mention the means for making fire (matches, lighters). It is advisable to have them for each of the participants in the campaign and store them in such a way as to avoid getting them wet.

6. Water

During a hike, the body can lose a large amount of fluid, the reserves of which need (and just want to) constantly replenish. Therefore, it is important to provide for places to replenish water supplies during the trip (when studying the area, outline the location of springs and streams). On average, on a hot day, each participant can drink 1.5–2 liters of water. This is not counting the fluid that enters the body during breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Before the trip, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the options for mechanical water purification with improvised means. In order to avoid health troubles, water of dubious quality should be boiled well before drinking.

Store and transport water conveniently in plastic bottles. If the parking is organized far from the water, then for its transportation you can make a camping bucket out of a plastic bag and some kind of cloth bag (for example, a cover from a sleeping bag or a tent).

7. Hygiene and medicine

To maintain hygiene on a hike, you should not forget to take a toothbrush and toothpaste with you (you can use one tube for all), soap (may be useful for washing things, bathing, washing dishes), wet wipes (allow you to “wash” during a hike in the absence of water hands, “take” an evening shower, “wash” the dishes, in general, a very useful thing), toilet paper (it successfully replaces napkins, rags on a hike), ear sticks, a small towel.

A separate item worth mentioning is sunscreen, which in sunny weather must be used on exposed skin. Otherwise, you risk spoiling your entire trip with unpleasant sensations in burnt places.

First-aid kits need to be arranged in two: general and individual (s).

  • In general, there should be remedies for pain, poisoning, indigestion, a bandage, an antiseptic, an anti-allergic drug, elastic bandage, various patches.
  • In a personal first-aid kit - individual medicines, Activated carbon, patch. If there is a “predisposition” to stretching the muscles and tucking the lower leg, then an elastic bandage will not be superfluous.

8. Clothes and shoes for hiking in the mountains

Clothes and shoes should be selected according to the season. You don't need to carry a lot of things with you.

Hiking clothes

Here you can give a few recommendations: take two sets of clothes - one for hiking, the second for “going out to people” (you can sleep in it in case of cold nights; and it’s also very nice to change into something clean after the hike and already get home in it ). It is better to use pants that "turn into elegant shorts with a slight movement of the hand." This will allow you to easily change the style of clothing depending on changes in weather and vegetation density. From above, it is recommended to use sports T-shirts with a moisture-wicking layer (one T-shirt for one or two days of hiking). The back under the backpack will sweat in any case, no matter how fashionable and thoughtful it may be, but such a T-shirt will save you from discomfort chill, which "give" ordinary cotton clothes.

As a "insulation" it is best to use fleece sweaters (thickness is selected according to the weather and season) and windbreaker jackets.

In sunny weather, it is important to use a hat (preferably with a wide brim), and in case of strong winds, have a bandanna or buff that will cover and protect your ears.

Don't forget about underwear, which needs to be changed every day.

A pair of socks for every day (they tend to wear out during the whole day of hiking, and it often happens that there is no way to wash them).

Hiking shoes

Since your legs will be the main means of transportation during the hike, they need to be protected. And first of all it concerns shoes. It should be comfortable. Not necessarily some super-duper trendy and special. But matched to the weather and preferably closed (that is, not sandals, etc.). And by no means new. Otherwise, the risk of rubbing painful blisters is very high.

If even your comfortable shoes start to rub somewhere, don't be brave and don't be patient, but stop and use a band-aid (or another sock, or even both) in order to avoid further chafing.

Take a second pair of shoes that will be convenient to use at a halt and overnight stays. For this, simple flip-flops are quite suitable.

In case of rain, the best protection is a poncho (the lightest and most wear-resistant - vinyl), which will cover both you and your backpack. The fact is that the covers that come with modern backpacks, in case of heavy rain, are not able to protect either the backpack itself or its contents from getting wet. And the rain jacket calls Greenhouse effect, in which you do not get wet from rainwater, but at the same time, under the jacket, soak all the clothes with sweat. Poncho, in parallel with protection from rain, protects the body from overheating and allows it to breathe freely.

9. What else to bring

Garbage bags, several sheets of paper, a pen or pencil.

Always take documents, a supply of money with you when traveling (cases are different). And, of course, a camera that will capture the unique moments of your travels and adventures.

The article uses photos by Pierce Piercecomua.

P.S. A huge, earnest request - do not leave garbage behind. Take it with you or, in extreme cases, burn it. Remember that other people will come to these places after you. Let them also enjoy the beauty of the mountains, and not lament over the mountains of garbage.

How to prepare yourself for a trip? What are the fitness requirements? Am I strong enough? Who will be with me in the group, and how many of us? What will happen if it rains? At what age can children go hiking?

How to prepare yourself for hiking in the mountains?

If you have regular physical activity, such as fitness, swimming, sports, or work related to physical activity, then consider that you are already ready for a trip to the mountains.

But if all the loads are reduced to a five-minute transition from a stop to the door, you need Necessarily get ready. Yoga classes usually do not provide the necessary physical form. It would be nice to start preparing a few months in advance, but you can do it in a month.

Most The best way prepare yourself for a hike, no matter how trite, running. It’s tedious to wind circles in the stadium, so it’s better to run around the park, wasteland or just along the streets (choose where the air is cleaner). Enough to run 2 times a week, you can even 1 time in 5 days. If the break in training reaches 7 days or more, there will be a rollback, which will have to make up for 2 workouts. Always run up severe fatigue. Breathe only through your nose! If you experience pain or shortness of breath, switch to walking. After training, do not stop immediately, walk for a couple of minutes. Start with 5-15 minutes, work up to 45 minutes of continuous running. If you can run 20 minutes without extreme fatigue, your physical fitness can be considered average, the hike will already be easy.

You can regularly (at least 3 times a week) go to the gym, swimming pool, ride a bike.

Or you can use natural helpers "complicating life": if you are a resident of a high-rise building, give up the elevator. Always only on foot, without options and exceptions. If you live low, even better: walk through the top floor. You can also walk part of the way that you travel daily by transport. Choose a path away from the highway, better in the park. Study the map of the city, maybe you can go somewhere directly and generally do without transport. It is better to carry any load in a backpack, otherwise your hands will quickly get tired. Such simple methods are no less effective than the gym, because they can be used daily, without interruption. In addition, they take less time and are completely free.

What are the fitness requirements? Am I strong enough?

Enough strength! It would be a wish! When choosing the pace of movement, the conductor always focuses on the weakest. We need to rest more - we will rest more. The route can be adjusted locally. For example, include radial sorties without backpacks. Who is stronger - will go to the mountain. Who is tired - guards backpacks. But you will have to sweat for sure. It is not possible to say in advance whether it will be easy for you to hike or not. But he will give you. To understand that the necessary minimum is already there, you can conduct such a test: go up to the 9th floor, go down and go up again. Do not lean on the handrail. At your average pace, breaks of up to 1 minute are allowed. after ascent and descent. Breathe deeply as often as possible. If severe shortness of breath occurs along the way, stop the test. If you succeeded, and the resulting shortness of breath is not critical, you will not be the last one.

Who will be with me in the group, and how many of us?

desire to go to offline hike works like a filter. Random people don't get here. If I find out that the interlocutor went on a hike- I immediately perceive it as "my own, dear." Tourists mostly polite, educated. IN campaigns friendships are often formed that last a lifetime. So you will be good and sociable, versatile developed people, from communication with which you can derive considerable benefit. The conductor always pays attention to each participant and corrects his best to create maximum comfort for everyone.

Well, how many - we limit the groups to 15 participants. Most often 6-8 people in a group.

What will happen if it rains?

Of course, we will wait out heavy rain under an awning, which we always take with us, or under other shelters. If the rain is light or weak, we will continue to walk under the protection of raincoats. Usually getting wet is associated with cold and sickness. Of course, if you sit wet in the wind, you will freeze and get sick. And if you walk, especially under a backpack, it’s not at all cold and not dangerous to health. Most of all, rain is dangerous for shoes: they can become unstuck from getting wet and from overheating when dried by a fire.

At what age can children go hiking?

Children from the age of 6 are allowed on our trips. The child must want to go camping. Try the family one day trip first hiking with children without an overnight stay, then two days. If the child likes it and wants more, you can take it. If there are several who want to take the children, then we will go separate group on a specially designed lightweight "children's" route.

Water tourism is a very popular pastime among travelers, even though it is considered an extreme form of tourism. Just like hiking, its water counterpart implies overcoming a certain route, but in this case, a route along the surface of the water. In the following, we describe in more detail the common types. water tourism, about how to choose equipment, route and how to behave on the water.

Popular types of water tourism

Rafting is one of the most common types of water tourism, which is carried out with the help of spacious inflatable boats- rafts. On one such raft, from 6 to 8 people can raft down the river. This type of boat is great for traveling on turbulent rivers, as it is highly stable.

Kayaking. Everyone must have heard about it. popular form water trips, in which tourists have to raft down the river in a sports narrow boat. On the surface, this type of boat does not seem very stable, but in fact it is quite the opposite. Depending on the capacity of the kayak, two or three people can raft down the river in it.

Sailing tourism. It implies tourism on sailing ships - yachts, sailing catamarans, boats and rafts. Of course, there is no point in rafting down the river on them, but they are perfect for swimming on a lake, sea coast or reservoir.

Preparing for a water trip

Water tourism is not just a rest on the river, it is extreme view tourism. It is impossible to go on a water trip unprepared: each participant must study the route, choose equipment and learn how to handle the vessel, be prepared for dangers. Beginners, who panic most easily in unforeseen circumstances, should consider being accompanied by an experienced instructor.

Route selection

Water tourism has a classification of rivers according to the degree of difficulty, according to which beginners should try their hand at the rivers of the first category of complexity (there are six in total).

As a rule, these are flat rivers with slight current, where the only obstacles encountered on the way are shallows, protruding stones and sometimes some artificial obstacles, for example, in the form of dams or low bridges.

We collect equipment for tourism

Depending on the conditions of the water trip, its duration and the personal needs of the participant, tourist equipment can include a wide variety of items. Therefore, below we will present a minimum list of those things that water tourism involves:

  • 2- or 3-man tent and sleeping bags;
  • ax and knife;
  • matches (store in a waterproof container);
  • a flashlight and batteries - for the duration of a night walk;
  • a sealed first aid kit with a set of all necessary medicines;
  • unbreakable dishes;
  • cash and documents packed in a vacuum bag;

In the midst of summer holidays, The Village asked experienced hikers Alexey and Anna Lensky to compile instructions for readers on how to dress, what to take with you and what to expect if you go hiking for the first time in your life.

On my first trips, Alexey and I went, even when they were quite children, at two or three years old. I went back to hiking in school, and my husband has been hiking all his life. For some time, Alexei helped with the organization and equipment in other clubs. Then we thought, "Why don't we do something different?" Our project is aimed primarily at beginners who have never gone hiking. We want to show that camping is not only sleeping in a tent, wild conditions and kilograms on your shoulders, but also something more.

Take matches, a burner and plexiglass

If a person goes camping on his own, you need to pick up a tent, an ax, a saw, a taganok, a cable (optional), cans (bowlers), foam, a sleeping bag, a seat. Other equipment may be needed depending on the type of trip. Be prepared for the fact that if it is not possible to buy additional groceries on the way, then a men's backpack with equipment for a week's hiking trip will weigh 30 kilograms, a women's - 20 kilograms. It is easier with a water trip: everything is carried by a kayak.

They usually take a standard set of products with them: cereals for cereals and side dishes (rice, buckwheat, millet), pasta, milk powder or condensed milk, dried fruits, nuts, freeze-dried meat, freeze-dried vegetables or soups “in envelopes”, crackers, chocolate, sweets, non-brittle biscuits, tea, coffee, sugar. If it is assumed that there will be reservoirs, you need to take tackle: freshly caught fish is great for dinner. Food is cooked on a fire, but just in case, you should take a gas burner (a burner is required in rocks and snow). And don't forget spare cylinders. For ignition, you will need matches, hermetically packed lighters, plexiglass, which burns in any conditions, even in the wind.

Be sure to take the medicines that you take regularly. We ourselves take a standard first aid kit with us: dressings, hemostatic, painkillers, antibiotics. You can take means from insects and ticks. But it is better to vaccinate against ticks in advance, because they are done in two steps. Be sure to take your passport and policy. We do not arrange medical insurance on hikes in the Moscow region, but if a person wants, he can insure himself.

Prepare three sets of clothes

We provide all equipment to our clients. A person is only required to take a fork, a spoon and hygiene products. We recommend taking with you the things you pack for your trip to the country, plus rubber boots in the spring if it rains, and sunscreen in the summer. In the first trip, it is better to play it safe and take clothes for any weather.

The set of clothes differs depending on the type of hike, but you should have three mandatory sets with you: walking (light, quick-drying, protecting from wind and sun), camping (protecting from mosquitoes, such as cotton) and for sleeping. Camping kit and sleepwear should be packed carefully to keep them dry at all times. You can’t walk in these clothes, even if the running gear gets wet: we put on wet clothes and go. Shoes should be specialized trekking shoes: sneakers, boots, sandals - carefully selected and worn in advance.

On the May holidays, a 70-year-old grandmother went with us. It was her first hike, and for some reason she did not take warm clothes: she put on a thin jacket, jeans and moccasins. The weather was minus: frost appeared on the tents at night.
In the end, my grandmother, a man of the old Soviet school, froze and sat silently. Only when she began to turn blue and it became noticeable, we warmed her.

Choose routes along the rivers

If the trip takes place far from civilization, it is necessary to register with the Ministry of Emergency Situations. To do this, 15 days before the start of the trip, the head of your group or you yourself submit an application to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in your region or to the emergency rescue unit.

We now have two popular water routes: along the Volga (it is very picturesque, there are many caves, the ancient city of Staritsa) and along the Medveditsa River, a tributary of the Volga. It is difficult to cross Medveditsa in the summer because of the shallow water. Of the hiking trips, the banks of the Nerskaya River are popular. We try to lead groups on less traveled routes and change them. We ourselves go hiking every weekend, but we are ready to go in the middle of the week if a large group gathers.

For the first independent hike, it is better to choose those routes that someone has already walked many times. To do this, do not be too lazy to spend an evening on the Internet and carefully study the reviews. Of course, it is better to start with routes closer to home. You should not immediately choose difficult routes like Elbrus and Nepal.

Take care of your health and take the kids

We have one requirement for those going on a hike - to be a healthy person, because if you have some specific disease on the way, we will not be able to help. If something happens to a person - for example, he breaks his leg - then the instructor is removed from the route, calls a local ambulance (in mountain hiking - Ministry of Emergency Situations) and accompanies the person to the hospital.

Cycling and water trips last two days: from Friday evening to Sunday evening. Hiking - one day. The number of people in the group also varies: water - up to 20 people, hiking - up to 40, cycling - 10-15.

We ask our hikers in advance who eats and does not eat, whether anyone has any allergies. Many couples take their children with them. The ideal age for a child is three years when he can already sit in one place and he can already be occupied with something. But all children are different, and parents themselves decide whether they are ready to take the kids on a hike. Our youngest son, for example, first "went" on a hike at three months old.

The water passage goes like this: one of the instructors meets the group at the railway station and gets with it to the city closest to the start of the route. When the group arrives at the station, a bus is already waiting for them, which brings them to the starting point. There are already tents, kayaks, water is boiling for dinner, people are getting to know each other. On the first day, everyone goes to bed early, wakes up at 09:00 in the morning and prepares breakfast.

After breakfast, the briefing on the water begins, and at about 11 o'clock we start rowing. If they meet along the way interesting places(for example, churches and monasteries), we make stops and walk. People like the so-called "pairing" in kayaks, when all the kayaks are connected to one raft, on which you can have lunch. In the evening we are looking for a campsite where novice hikers learn to put up tents and make a fire. At 10 pm on Sunday we return to Moscow.

Learn to switch

Everyone finds something different in hiking: someone runs away from the city, someone has nothing to do on the weekends, for someone a hike is a way to remember childhood. For most city dwellers, this is a way to get to know yourself, to change the situation, to switch. Hiking is akin to a primitive way of life. You do not care that tomorrow you need to hand in a report or urgently pick up the children from kindergarten. Your task is to make fire, eat, find a roof over your head and not freeze at night. You find yourself anew in this simplicity and wildness.

One girl once wrote to us in a review that a hike is overcoming yourself: you carry a 20-kilogram backpack, your back hurts, your legs are covered in blood, but you still go, climb the mountain, and in this and there is a thrill. Kaif - to see wild places, crazy beauty. You drive 200 kilometers from Moscow and find amazing places.

Material preparation: Ekaterina Aniskina


Friends, here we will tell you step by step how to take part in hiking with the Pohod V Gory club and explain the rules for preparing for commercial travel. You will learn how to properly plan a trip, be prepared for it physically and psychologically.

Where about what: article navigation

Do you want to go hiking?

Congratulations - you're on the right track! We will take care of most of the organization problems and inform you as much as possible about what to expect in each specific region. But, of course, you will also need something.

How to go uphill with our club

    Choose a hike.

    Fill out an application or just contact us.

    Chat with the manager: he will help you decide on the tour (if there is any doubt about this), advise tickets, throw off a list of necessary things.

    Buy tickets and let us know.

    Gather your gear.

    Arrive at the meeting point.

    Pay for the program.

How to choose a hike

We offer really many hikes around the world. To decide, you can use the top bar of the site, where there is a "Directions" button. Click on the country of interest to you and see the options.

You can use our timetable, choose one of the categories (Climbing, Equestrian, New Year's…)or part of the world (Europe, America) on a globe. Keep in mind that we lead to this or that country only during the season - you don't have to worry about it :).

How to search for a suitable hike (click):

If you have problems with the choice, contact the manager - he will help you find your ideal trip!

How to apply

Choose a date and click on the "Apply" button, which is next to each tour. After that, a short questionnaire will appear on the screen. Fill it out, send it and our manager will contact you. If the button is missing, it means that the tour is not in the schedule. If you want HIM, ask the manager when the next event is planned. We also accept custom orders.

Reservation of a place in a group and purchase of tickets

After submitting an application, we record you as possible participants, a coordinator will contact you, who will tell you how best to get there, help with tickets, look for promotions and cheaper options. The place is finally reserved for you only after presenting us with a scanned copy (or photo) of tickets to the starting point. Remember: we can only advise, but buying tickets is a personal task for everyone tourist.

In the "hot seasons" seats on trains and planes sell out like cakes. For New Year's, May and other holiday trekking is a must book your tickets the same day they go on sale! Ask your coordinator to remind you of this, check the dates in advance and set an alarm, hang the appropriate piece of paper on the refrigerator ... Otherwise, you are at great risk of being left without a vacation.

Program payment

For most tours we do not have prepayment. You give the money to the instructor at the meeting, but you can transfer it to us in advance. We accept prepayment on bank cards of Sberbank and PrivatBank. You can read more about payment methods and the compensation scheme.

Gathering equipment

When the place in the group is yours, it's time to complete the backpack. For each track on the site there is a list of things. Click the "Equipment" button and read. In addition, the manager will send you this list again. Your task is to take what is written in it, no more and no less.

If you are missing something from the list and need to buy more,we have a whole that will help you navigate the materials, designs,types of equipment etc . There is a list of shops that we recommend. If you are going with us to the Carpathians or Georgia and do not want to buy the missing equipment, you can use our rental. This method will allow you to make sure on a budget that you need it, because high-quality mountain ammunition costs by no means a penny.

Where to find lists and information about equipment (click):

Products are purchased by the instructor and distributed among the participants on the spot. In addition, water will be added on the trail. Leave enough space and weight in your backpack.

Remember that the assembled backpack must meet two main parameters: 1) Fit everything you need for the trip and 2) Be liftable, because YOU will have to carry it;).

Group gathering

So, everything is ready, it remains only to arrive at the meeting point on time. You will be notified in advance of the place and time of the meeting. Sometimes we meet participants at the airport (Kathmandu, for example) or at the railway station (eg in Ivano-Frankivsk), but in most cases, the meeting is held in one of the hostels in the city where the tour starts. If you are running late and let us know, others can wait for a reasonable amount of time. But if there is no communication with you, then the instructor will delay the others no longer than possible without a subsequent change in the route.

If you are late to the meeting point, and the guys left without you - it's not the end of the world. In 99% of cases, we find a solution and reunite latecomers with the rest. Contact your coordinator. Most likely, you will be able to catch up with them in an alternative way, at the very least, missing one running day. Commercial trips usually involve regular communication with civilization.

Individual preparation for the trip

The steps above are only half the battle. They guarantee you that you will get into the mountains with an experienced guide and company, you will be provided with the most comfortable conditions for the route, you will not be left hungry and alone, they will help you in incomprehensible situations. However, it is important how YOU will perceive what is happening. After all, you have to go - for a long time, up, down, with heavy luggage, sometimes in the rain or the scorching sun, through a swamp, piping, among mosquitoes, without a shower, with strangers ... More than once you ask yourself: - Why? And even curse us :).

There is no point in asking: Why do you go to the mountains?

He who walks knows himself. And who does not go - still do not understand.

We can say that this is not easy for an ordinary person. It may be that a few days in the mountains will be the most difficult in your life. But the thing is that these difficulties are usually comparable to delight: the harder the path to the top, the fuller the range of sensations there ... Yes, you yourself know. Well, or you will understand :). And come back.

But there are ways to reduce unwanted " side effects". Let's talk about individual preparation for commercial active tour: what you need to learn and do on your own to get the maximum buzz and how not to spoil the trip for others.

Physical upgrade

Every "experienced" tourist knows: how better shape the easier it is to go. This Golden Rule always works: in any mountains, on all peaks, in any weather and backpack weight. Even the toughest climbers use it because it valid.

Regardless of your current physical form remember: the better you “pump” it, the easier it will be in the mountains.

Pre-trek workouts

Now briefly about what exercises will help you effectively prepare for trekking.

Long distance running

It is considered the most efficient way to increase endurance, develop the muscles of the legs and the respiratory apparatus. Run slowly, at least 5 km, ideally over rough terrain (can be replaced with curbs, etc.). Do not forget about squats, which will help strengthen the muscles of the legs.

Up the steps

Workout fans believe that walking up and down the stairs with a heavy backpack on your shoulders prepares you for the mountains as much as possible. And they are right - this is exactly what a tourist experiences when climbing to the top (only the views are more beautiful)). If you are going for the first time, be sure to try this exercise. At least you will clearly understand what awaits you.

Press, back

Throwing things on the shoulders requires developed muscles press. If you don't include ab exercises in your schedule, it's best to dress your backpack neatly or ask someone for help. The back and shoulders must be in good shape, they have to withstand a lot of weight.

If you train regularly for at least a month, you will enjoy spending time in the mountains. Before some trekking, you need to start training at least three months in advance (to the Everest base camp, for example). Such tours are marked "Difficulty: 5". But even if you are just become doing exercises in the morning, walking to work and giving up the elevator, it will already be great and positive.

Psychological preparation

Surprisingly, it is with her that beginners have problems. It seems to some that the desire to go is enough and it will overcome difficulties. Others simply do not understand what they will have to face and underestimate the importance of psychological training. How to mentally prepare for trekking? In this case, the main weapon is awareness. Read and remember.

Hunger and fatigue lead to aggression

Everyone who has been in the mountains understands that at the end of the day people get tired and become more irritable than usual. How to deal with it? Remember - no one is to blame for what is hard for you. No instructor, no comrades, no trail. Do not get angry at the "mountain goats" who run far ahead of you. It's not their fault that they practiced more or drank less beer the day before;). Instead of baseless accusations, it is better to direct your destructive thought to analyzing problems and making plans that will correct the situation. And what a breakthrough it will be if you implement them upon your return!

If another participant comes into conflict with you, simply ignore it. After all, hunger and fatigue speak in him, he is worthy of sympathy, and not reciprocal attacks. Yes, and people do not perceive the arguments of reason in this state. Politics work well AtThree evenings are wiser. Usually, with the beginning of a new day, problems resolve themselves.

Be tolerant

We respect everyone. But from the beginning to the end of the program, we forget about nationalism, racism, chauvinism, differences in political and religious views, and other rubbish. These things may work in cities, but in nature something else is relevant. Loyalty, selflessness, kindness, mutual support, readiness to help a friend - that's what we remember in the mountains. There are many interesting topics for conversation: books, music, hobbies, movies, travel... We can say from experience that if each participant confines himself to them, the atmosphere will be positive, trusting and amazing in all respects.

We don't take the lead

Initially, the person everyone should obey is the instructor. However, in any large group (and sometimes in a small one) there is someone who knows best, gives advice, shares epic experiences and questions every decision of the guide. Unfortunately, this continues exactly until the first critical situation. If you are such an “alpha”, please note that: 1) the instructor has studied the trail and the region like the back of his hand and you simply cannot oppose anything new to him; 2) sometimes doubts about the actions of an experienced guide can jeopardize the safety of everyone; and 3) the guide is also human. Sooner or later he will answer, and then do not be offended;).

Let's remember the words of Vysotsky's song. The mountains will put everyone in their place and you should not go out of your way to prove something to someone. On the third day, and so it will be clear who is worth what.

"Drag the guy to the mountains - take a chance,
Don't leave him alone
Let him be in touch with you in one -
You'll understand who you are there."

Do you want to be an important member of the team? Take on the role of a campfire or melt snow daily for hot tea - you will be madly honored and adored.

We respect the desires of others

It is strange to talk about this to an adult and independent public, but excesses happen in a motley team. For example, gentlemen-photographers regularly sit in some bushes, trying to catch a shot with a butterfly, or wait at the top for suitable lighting (when the rest get wet or cold). Couples in love who want to watch the sunset in their arms can cause a midnight search for a place to camp. Friends, in our desires we make a healthy compromise: we take into account each, but we fulfill it without prejudice to others. If someone does not agree with this state of affairs, choose for yourself photo tours or a vacation at a base in the mountains.

Light flirting in a tent

allowed by mutual agreement without prejudice to the general morale of the group;). When preparing for trekking, we do not advise you to fantasize too much about this. As experience shows, by the evening tourists are too tired for such entertainment. As they say: less hope - less disappointment.

Now you know what to expect on a commercial tour and what will be required of you. But there are cases that cannot be foreseen.

Getting ready for force majeure

It is in unpredictable situations that it is easiest to break down and fall into extreme states: panic, depression, apathy, aggression. It is important to realize that a journey simply cannot go 100% according to plan. Do it at home, and then it will be easier for you to accept any tricks of fate.

Friends, we admit that preparing a hiking trip is a difficult and painstaking work that only very experienced people can perform correctly and adequately. Many years of practice allows us to solve many issues for which you do not have enough time or knowledge. And even in this case, something can go wrong: the weather deteriorates, the border or the track is closed, a horse dies on a horseback trip, someone gets sick. Because we are talking about mountains, and often high ones: the Himalayas, the Andes, the Alps… We are talking about traveling to really distant countries and wild corners of the world: Patagonia, Indonesia, Vietnam… We are talking about groups where strangers gather who live their own lives. lives, believe in different gods and politicians (or do not believe). In such conditions, even we cannot foresee EVERYTHING :). Accept the possibility of force majeure as a fact and don't let it ruin your trip. By the way, sometimes accidents lead us to absolutely amazing places that cannot be found on the map, or introduce us to amazing people. Sometimes fate knows best where to make adjustments. And then it's worth listening to :).

In each case, we try to make your stay as comfortable and safe as possible. Let's discover the mountains of the world together!

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