Recommendations for the development of extreme sports. Research project “Extreme Sports”

One of the most useful activities is sports. Some people do it because they want to look good, others because they like the boost of energy that the sport gives them. But there are also those who engage in extreme sports to get a good dose of adrenaline. Not everyone dares to engage in this sport, as it is quite dangerous. In this rating we will talk about the most extreme and dangerous sports.


This is a young sport that is rapidly gaining popularity, the basis of which is movement under the influence of the traction force developed by the kite held and controlled by the athlete. This is a very fashionable and dynamic, spectacular and quite extreme sport. With the help of the wind, the kite tows you where you want, not the wind. Any place with wind towards the shore is suitable for kitesurfing. A large open body of water and a convenient place for the kite to take off and land are very important. Many people kitesurf along the ocean coast and on large lakes and rivers. It all depends on the level of the surfer and his place of residence.


It is the art of moving and overcoming obstacles, a discipline based on a simple philosophy: there are no boundaries, only obstacles. Many people who practice it perceive it as a lifestyle. Currently, it is actively practiced and developed in many countries. The essence of parkour is movement and overcoming various obstacles, both existing architectural structures such as railings, parapets, walls, etc., and specially manufactured structures. A person who practices parkour is called a tracer. People who have been doing parkour for quite a long time do it beautifully and clearly, but beginners sometimes cannot do without abrasions, bruises and fractures.


Downhill riding on a long skateboard in a prone position appeared in Southern California in the 70s of the last century. Over time, race organizers began to take a more serious approach to issues of safety, regulation of routes and equipment requirements. The rules of street lag are now regulated by several racing associations, and the sport itself is included in the demonstration program of the summer X-Games. There are about 1,200 active riders in the world, but it can be assumed that there are many more of them and not all of them live by the rules of official organizations.

The only safety equipment riders have is a helmet, elbow and knee pads, gloves and sports suit. This is quite a bit, considering that it is difficult to force a skateboard that has accelerated to quickly slow down. In street lag, riders brake against any objects that get in their way - walls, cars, stones and trees. Obviously, only the luckiest riders do not get injured when stopping this way!


This is a timed rafting on mountain rivers with the passage of natural and artificial obstacles on special 6-, 4- and 2-seater boats inflatable boats. Rafting is a team sport and each participant performs certain functions during the rafting, and the crew as a whole follows the instructions of the leader-captain. As a sport, it was included in the All-Russian Register of Sports in 2003. Rafting is a commercial type of rafting, meaning no previous experience is required to participate in the rafting. This is also a rather dangerous sport, especially when it comes to routes of the 3rd and higher difficulty categories. The main dangers are: overcoming powerful rapids and waterfalls, falling into rubble and underwater pockets, getting injured, hypothermia, remoteness from civilization and, as a rule, lack of communication with rescue services.


Scuba diving with special equipment that provides an autonomous supply of air for breathing underwater from several minutes to 12 or more hours, depending on the depth, type of breathing apparatus and the diver’s consumption of the gas mixture. There are 3 types of diving: recreational diving - diving for relaxation and pleasure, professional diving and sport diving. To practice scuba diving, you must have a set of skills that can solve the vast majority of diving problems. These skills and knowledge are acquired through training and are confirmed by a certificate from one of the scuba diving associations. Diving is always associated with danger to life and health. Primary hazards: drowning, decompression sickness, barotrauma, gas poisoning and oxygen depletion or technical breakdown.


Bull taming or Rodeo is a cowboy sport involving taming wild horse, riding bareback on a horse, catching a bull with a lasso, fighting with a wild bull and taming it using a lasso, riding a wild bull. Distributed in the USA, Canada and Australia. The cowboy must not only stay on horseback for 8 seconds, but also show the animal's potential by spurring it. No other sport is as dangerous for bodily injury as bull rodeo. Here is a complete set for medical research: sprains and tears of muscles and ligaments, fractures of various degrees of severity, impacts, etc. The rider takes a risk every time he mounts a bull.


A type of technical diving performed in caves where there is a so-called overhead environment. In essence, this is the same diving, only in underwater caves. It is a very dangerous sport and places extremely serious demands on the swimmer's skills, equipment reliability and equipment configuration. The main danger of cave diving is that emergency ascent is difficult or impossible. But there are other dangers. There is a risk of getting lost or not calculating the air supply - therefore, an air reserve. There is always a chance of being left without artificial light, so you need to be able to swim and navigate in complete darkness. There is a danger of damaging the equipment by hitting a wall or ceiling. A large amount of silt can impede visibility for a long time, and just like in the dark, you will have to look for a way out blindly.


Paragliding is paragliding using the lifting force of rising air currents. Such flows arise due to wind and terrain, for example, when the wind blows towards a mountain or when there is an upward flow of heated air. The steam glider is a simple system consisting of a fabric wing, ropes and a system. The movement is carried out due to the special shape of the wing of the paraplane, into which air is drawn, due to which the wind picks it up and carries it in any direction. Paragliding is a rather dangerous, but very fashionable type of extreme aviation sport.

The athlete is required not only to be in good physical shape, but also to have a good knowledge of physics, the atmosphere, the behavior of air flows, etc. As a rule, the flight begins at the top of mountains, hills or rocks, where a powerful air flow rushes upward at high speed, going around the top. The pilot should not be either an alarmist or a reckless driver. It’s the same with risk - smart calculation is always better. And not only for the pilot himself. After all, he is not alone in the sky and, risking himself, can create a dangerous situation for other paragliders.


The top three most extreme sports are mountaineering - climbing to the tops of mountains. Sports essence mountaineering consists of overcoming obstacles created by nature on the way to the top. IN sports competitions in mountaineering, the object of the competition is the height of the peak, the technical complexity of the route taken, its nature and length. When passing through mountainous terrain and glaciers, there is a danger of falls, dislocations, fractures, avalanches and other dangerous situations that can happen even if safety precautions and all mountaineering rules are followed.


Variety skiing, freeride, the essence of which is to descend along untouched snowy slopes, far from prepared trails, with a lift to the beginning of the descent by helicopter. Using a helicopter for ascent allows you to find various options for descending from mountains in pristine, untouched nature, where there is no other way to quickly climb. Depending on the type of helicopter and its carrying capacity, there may be several people in a group of skiers. The group is usually accompanied by a guide, good knowledgeable going down one slope or another. Where there are mountains, there is always risk and danger. To practice heli-skiing, skiers must be proficient in the technique of descending virgin snow on slopes of varying steepness. To ensure safety, each skier must have an avalanche transceiver, an avalanche probe, a shovel and other necessary equipment to quickly search for people in an avalanche, because there is a danger of being caught in an avalanche.


The most extreme and dangerous sport that uses a special parachute to jump from fixed objects. BASE jumping is considered the most dangerous type of skydiving and is currently considered an extremely extreme sport. The height from which a base jumper jumps can be from 40 to 1000 meters, while ordinary skydivers jump from a height of at least 1000 meters. The lower the object, the higher the skill of the jumper is considered, and the more dangerous jump. Another difficulty of this particular sport is that you need to open the parachute in just a few seconds at the very beginning of the jump.

For BASE jumping, specially designed parachutes are used, which are significantly different from ordinary ones. They do not have a reserve parachute, since it is not useful at such a low altitude, and there are no safety devices. Another difficulty in BASE jumping is that the landing usually occurs on limited surfaces, and therefore requires a lot of experience from the BASE jumper in piloting a parachute. Attempting to base jump on your own without the proper equipment and skills will usually result in severe injury or death.

IN modern life Aggression is too common.
Physical inactivity and the accumulation of negativity begin to corrode a person from the inside. This often ends in heart disease, nervous breakdowns, dissatisfaction with oneself, the people around you, and life.
To get rid of this condition and find new emotions, many begin to look for activities associated with risk, extreme sports, with an injection of adrenaline and a splash of emotions.
Today there are many opportunities to take reasonable risks, to know oneself, to discover the talents hidden deep within a person. It is sport associated with risk that allows a person to discharge accumulated negative energy and relieve aggression.
Extreme sports are directly related to risk. This is increased injury, even a threat to life, this is voluntary consent to be exposed to mortal danger. Participants in these types consciously perform actions that others completely reject.

But extreme sports have many positive aspects:
- a person, doing extreme sports, acquires self-confidence, which has positive effect to different areas of activity, to work and family relationships;
- self-esteem increases, the possibility of self-realization increases, complexes and fears are overcome, which gives a feeling of freedom and confidence;
- this sport helps a person overcome negative emotions, teaches him to concentrate in different life situations and to be collected;
- makes it possible to rethink values, overcome stereotypes, change opinions about others, awakens interest in life.
Extreme sports are characterized by high speeds, depths, heights. To prevent an athlete from being injured, serious physical and psychological preparedness is needed.

Eat negative side in extreme sports:
- dependence on extreme sports is akin to a drug addiction, that is, there is a need to increase doses of adrenaline;
- when doing extreme sports, a person no longer knows how to get pleasure in any other way;
- immersed in extreme sensations, a person can escape reality, giving preference only to sports;
- these sports are associated with nervous exhaustion due to constant adrenaline;
- loads on cardiovascular system disrupt the vestibular apparatus over time.

The most popular types of extreme sports.
1)Diving - the most popular type sports Combining sports and hobbies, it attracts people of different interests and different levels physical training. This is a dive into water world with special equipment, scuba gear, in order to study the underwater world.
2) Surfing - balancing on a special board on a big wave. Enough ancient look sports
3) Parkour is the art of moving while overcoming difficult obstacles.
4) Snowboarding is one of the most popular spectacular extreme sports associated with descending the snowy slopes of a mountain on a board using acrobatic tricks.
5) Rock climbing – climbing on rocks or a climbing wall without insurance.
6) Kayaking - rafting along difficult, rapids, difficult currents, sections of the river in long narrow boats.
Other types of extreme sports include parachuting, mountaineering, winter swimming and others. Doing extreme sports is a vocation, it is character, it is the will and the ability to take reasonable risks, receiving strong emotions and unusual release.

Extreme is a special urge for the soul and body to throw out as much adrenaline and emotions as possible. Extreme is a state “on the edge”, it is a simultaneous outburst of positive and negative emotions, awareness of one’s own greatness and powerlessness.
Extreme people are people who are ready to risk their own (and not only their own) lives all day long. These are those who clearly understand what they are risking, but, nevertheless, are constantly on the edge, filling their lives with fresh, bright colors.

Philosophy of extreme sports
The philosophy of extreme sports is ambiguous. For many, it is about getting extremely intense sensations, balancing on the brink of life and death. There are also people for whom extreme sports is an opportunity to constantly maintain a heightened sense of life. Extreme athletes are usually distinguished by such characteristics as courage, strong willpower, and excellent physical shape (despite the abundance of injuries).

Extreme and sports
Some modern views Sports, which began to be promoted in the world since the 50s of the 20th century, gradually began to be called extreme. These sports include: BMX, trials, skateboarding, snowboarding, parachuting, rock climbing. Extreme sports are born every day. They are characterized by a high degree of danger to the life and health of the athlete, large number acrobatic stunts, high level adrenaline, which is released by an athlete during sports.

Extreme Sports
Aquabike - racing on jet skis.
BASE jumping - parachute jumping from fixed objects.
Wakeboarding - riding water skiing with performing tricks.
Bicycle Moto eXtreme (BMX) - performing tricks or cross-country racing on special bicycles.
Alpine skiing is a descent from the mountains on special skis.
Kitesurfing is movement on the surface of the water under the influence of traction force developed by a kite held and controlled by the athlete.
Canyoning - crossing river canyons without the help of floating devices.
Mountain biking is a descent from a mountain on a special bicycle.
Paragliding - paragliding using the energy of rising air currents.
Parkour is overcoming obstacles of various types without the use of additional means.
Rafting is a rafting trip on a special type of inflatable boat.
Surfing - riding a wave using surfboards, or short fins and special gloves.
Power extreme.
Rock climbing is climbing on natural or artificial terrain.
Skateboarding - performing tricks on a skateboard.
Snowboarding is a descent from snow-covered slopes and mountains on a special snowboard.
Trial is a sport involving overcoming obstacles on a bicycle, motorcycle or truck.
Freeboarding is a descent from asphalt slopes on a special freeboarding apparatus.
Extreme roller skating (Agressive inline skating)

It is known that people release large amounts of adrenaline when engaging in extreme sports.
Adrenaline (epinephrine) (L-1(3,4-Dioxyphenyl)-2-methylaminoethanol) is the main hormone of the adrenal medulla, as well as a neurotransmitter. Its chemical structure is a catecholamine. Adrenaline is found in various organs and tissues and is produced in significant quantities in chromaffin tissue, especially in the adrenal medulla.


Tourism is life in all its diversity, concentrated in a short period of time, characterized by a certain goal setting and method of implementation.

Extreme tourism is a sport of courageous people; overcoming difficulties, people prove how inexhaustible human capabilities are. Extreme sports strengthen a person's character.

Many organizations are involved in tourism, but they do not prepare people for extreme situations. Extreme tourism is like a teaching about survival, the main thing is not just to know how to behave in a given situation, but also to be able to do it, because when a risk appears, it’s too late to start learning something.

Extreme tourism is the very top of all tourism. When a person has already achieved a lot in overcoming the obstacles that lie in wait at passes and rifts, then immediately there is a feeling that something is missing and this means that the time has finally come to cross the line.

Extreme is not a sport, it is pleasure and an interesting pastime. Extreme tourism is a way of life! This is what I will try to prove in my work.

1. Basic concepts and definitions

Extreme tourism is a promising direction in the field of recreation and entertainment. Since about the 2000s, many people, especially those living in economically developed countries, have lacked thrills. A person, having arranged his life, protecting himself from natural disasters, begins to understand that he lacks adrenaline.

First of all, we need to consider the concept of “extreme”.

There is no specific definition of what exactly should be considered an extreme sport or tourism. There are various types of professional activities or entertainment associated with great risks to health and, in general, to life in general. But what is extreme for some people may be work for others.

The same route can be very extreme for a person who is just starting to do this and a very easy walk for a trained tourist or athlete.

The sedentary lifestyle of a modern person, especially an urban person, who does not regularly engage in sports or simply physical activity, leads to the fact that a person absolutely cannot tolerate any stress. As strange as it may sound, the ever-faster pace of life in society entirely leads to a less active lifestyle for its members. The man is missing physical activity and movements. This implies that for such tourists, an ordinary 5-kilometer hike with a light backpack or climbing a hill 300 m high becomes a serious test. Even any tourist trip of IV–V category of difficulty, according to many experts, is already considered extreme. Difficulty category in extreme and sports tourism determined by the duration of the trip in days (for category IV no less than 13 and for category V no less than 16 days) and length in kilometers. The minimum distance is determined for mountain hikes (category IV – 150 km, category V – 160 km). For walking travel, this figure is determined at 220–250 km, skiing – 250–300 km, water travel – 225–250 km, cycling – 800–1100 km, motorcycle travel – 3200–4000 km, automobile travel – 4500–5000 km. Therefore, the concept of “extreme tourism” is very relative.

In this regard, many adventure tourism companies are introducing their own categories of routes.

Nowadays, many new exotic terms have appeared in the tourism sector: “trekking”, “rafting”, “jeeping, or jeep safari”, “diving”, etc. However, upon closer examination, these are the same old types of walking, water, automobile, underwater and other tourism.

Of course, new technologies, materials and equipment have allowed traditional tourist destinations to move to a qualitatively new level. In addition, due to general democratization and the acceleration of information exchange in the world, the number of regions open to visit and study has sharply increased. Thanks to the active research activities of scientists and enthusiasts, hundreds of new amazing objects of nature, history and culture are discovered every year in the world. It should be noted that the opinion that almost every corner of planet Earth has been explored and there is nothing special to discover is greatly exaggerated. Until now, in many places (and not necessarily very remote and inaccessible from the centers of world civilization) no human has yet set foot.

Along with traditional methods active recreation and entertainment over the past few decades, many completely new, and even exotic options for using free time have appeared in the tourism sector.

Some of them, such as kiting, arose from a combination of other types of extreme sports and combine water-air or air-land types of entertainment. Others, such as traveling on water on inflatable skis or space tourism, are fundamentally new.

An innovative direction in extreme tourism is also theatrical entertainment (“military tourism”, travel in the style of “Indiana Jones”, etc.), as well as historical and scientific research (archaeological, geological, paleontological, ornithological, etc.) types of tourism.

Very widespread at the end of the 20th – beginning of the 21st centuries. received eco-tourism, which is very often associated with extreme sports.

Russia is one of the few countries on the planet that preserved its natural wealth by the beginning of the 3rd millennium. Its potential for the development of environmental (including extreme) trends is enormous. In recent years, a large number of state nature reserves and national parks have been created in Russia - currently their number has exceeded 130. On the territory of many of them, a wide variety of tourism products and services are offered, including for lovers of “acute” emotional impressions. Some of the most famous are the national parks “Stolby” (Krasnoyarsk region), “Losiny Ostrov”, “Yugyd-Va”, Vodlozersky, Kenozersky and others.

Currently, there is no established classification of types of extreme tourism and entertainment. As has already been said, this is due to the relativity of extreme. Therefore, the classification below should be considered as a generalized one, characterized by the basic definitions of tourism.

2. Classification of types of extreme tourism

2.1. Water types of extreme tourism

Particularly popular among aquatic species extreme tourism enjoys diving.

Diving is one of the most extreme sports. He is very dangerous, but at the same time surprisingly fascinating. In Russia, after perestroika, diving became widespread. The first diving clubs appeared in the 90s. By 2001, in our country the number of divers who received a diver's certificate was about 15 thousand.

But compared to other countries, diving in Russia is very poorly developed and expensive, so most tourists prefer to do it abroad. For example, in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt or in Southeast Asia and other countries.

Wakeboarding - is a combination of water skis,

snowboarding, skateboarding and surfing. The boat moves at a speed of 30-40 km/h with additional ballast on board. The boat leaves behind a wave, which the raider uses as a springboard. Jumping from the so-called springboard, the raider can perform various tricks. Just like diving, wakeboarding began to develop in the 90s. For wakeboarding you need a specialized boat, which is very expensive, so in Russia it is poorly developed due to its high cost.

water skiing - one of the most famous types of outdoor activities. This type of extreme tourism was born in America, when an American decided to experience ordinary winter skis on the water. After that, this sport began to constantly progress. Now it has become so spectacular and popular that in 1998 the Olympic Committee even recommended introducing water skiing into the program of the Athens Olympics in 2004. However, the IOC has not made a final decision on this issue. Nowadays water skiing in Russia is practiced perhaps only on the Black Sea sea. True, it will be quite difficult for an ordinary tourist to fully enjoy water skiing, or rather very expensive... Windsurfing - This is an oval board made of carbon fiber with a rough surface for stability, with stabilizer fins on the lower plane and a small sail that is attached to the board. Windsurfing is derived from surfing. A surfer is helped to move along the surface of the water by the force of the wave, and a windsurfer is helped by the force of the wind. With good wind, you can reach speeds of up to 10-12 m/s, and the record today is acceleration of up to 70 m/s. Kayaking– is very popular abroad and is slowly gaining popularity in Russia. There are three main directions in kayaking - rowing slalom, rodeo and rafting. Slalom kayaking is all about maneuvering, feeling and feeling the boat and the water. Rodeo, unlike slalom, is also an element of the game. Freestyle kayak is performing certain tricks on a boat due to various river topography. During rafting, you can go on a kayak hike along rivers of any difficulty, or you can choose some mountain river and carry out play rafting. You can choose individual obstacles in the form of shafts and waterfalls. And in order to feel confident, you need to have skills in slalom and rodeo techniques. Kitesurfing It's a surfboard with a kite attached to it. This board allows you to feel the force of the wind and the board's glide through the water. With the help of the wind, kitesurfing will take you where the tourist wants, not the wind. This type of extreme tourism can be practiced in almost all beach resorts in Russia. Rafting – This is a descent down a mountain river on special rafts or canoes. Rafting is one of the most visited tours, completely safe even for the most young tourists. Rafting tours are carried out almost anywhere in the world. 2.2. Land-based types of extreme tourism Speleology. Judging by the fact that speleologists are people who free time go to caves with huge backpacks, then this is tourism. But at the same time, speleology is a science. Literally: “the science of caves,” a branch of geology, namely cartography and hydrogeology. And most importantly, caves are the last white spots on the map of the world, the last opportunity to go where not only has no man set foot before, but also where the gaze of his eyes or cameras has never fallen. Speleologists explore this mysterious underground world. Spelestology - This is the science of artificial underground structures. Spelestology is closely related to speleology, only spelestologists are not interested in caves. They are interested in penetrating some underground city structures that are inaccessible or uninteresting to others. In order for any dungeon to be of interest to spelestologists, it must be unused at the present time and be of a certain historical interest. These include abandoned quarries, mines, water conduits, wells, underground passages, underground temples and monasteries, and so on. X-racing- this is when the same people are so well and universally trained that they can climb rocks, ride a horse, kayak or raft along rapids, rush through the mountains on a bicycle and rappel down a waterfall... These people unite in teams, and participate in competitions where their goal is to cover a distance of 3-4 hundred kilometers as quickly as possible, using their skills. This is called “multi-sport”, or “extreme” (and more often even “adventure”) racing. More than 200 extreme races are held annually in the West. For example, the largest races in the UK, organized by the Extreme Racing Association of the United Kingdom and Ireland.

Jeeping. With the development of the automotive industry and the increase in the number of road transport, auto tours are becoming increasingly common.

Nowadays, traveling by car is commonly called jeeping. Jeeping is an extreme trip in jeeps and other off-road vehicles, which usually takes place off-road. Often interesting tourist sites are located far from well-trodden convenient roads or highways, and tourists have to follow forest roads, steppe or desert, overcome natural obstacles, including water fords.

To overcome obstacles, cars must have increased cross-country ability. Jeeps or SUVs meet these purposes. Currently, almost all automobile factories or concerns produce a variety of SUV models. The condition of roads in Russia makes this type of transport one of the most popular in our country.

A jeep safari is a trip to nature or to a reserve in jeeps. For those who want to get a thrill, the tourist centers organize off-road trips to the mountains, deserts and other sparsely populated and inhabited areas.

To drive a car in difficult conditions, you must have certain driving skills. Off-road driving training is one of the most important travel services that is provided both before and during a jeep safari adventure tour.

2.3. Mountain types of extreme tourism Mountaineering – It is considered one of the most extreme types of recreation. As a rule, mountaineering is done mainly in the summer, but for thrill-seekers it can be done in the winter. Difficult weather conditions and avalanches only add to the thrill of the trip. One of the main problems of mountaineering in Russia, in addition to its high cost, is the small number of experienced instructors. And they are necessary for amateur climbers to climb. Basically, there are few mountaineering instructors due to low wages. And by the way, it’s not uncommon to meet a Russian instructor abroad. Alpine skiing and snowboarding. Alpine skiing is one of the oldest forms of active recreation. But, despite this, every year the number of people wishing to go skiing is only increasing. In addition, now the ski service is much more diverse than 10 years ago. Almost any ski resort There are slopes for both professionals and beginners. Snowboarding – snow descent from mountain slopes on a specially equipped board. Compared to alpine skiing, this is a more aggressive, active and extreme type. In Russia, snowboarding gained mass recognition in the 90s. Now in Russia you can purchase a variety of equipment from the world's leading manufacturers, as well as get skating lessons from experienced instructors.

Freeride – These are off-piste descents. The possibility of avalanches, difficulties in orientation and other mountain hazards limit the capabilities of advanced riders. To one of best places For off-piste skiing in the world, many include Krasnaya Polyana and Dombay (Caucasus).

2.4. Air types of extreme tourism

Classic parachuting. It includes 2 types: jumps for precision landing and a set of figures in free fall.

Group acrobatics consists of parachutists building different figures from maximum quantity. The number of parachutists in a team is 4 and 8. There are also teams of 16 athletes. Usually those figures that will need to appear are announced in advance (for example, “star”).

Dome acrobatics consists of building formations from the canopies of opened parachutes. It is very different from other species parachuting, because work on the result goes on before the parachute itself opens. When performing figures, skydivers come into contact with the parachutes of other athletes, which is why canopies often collapse. Therefore, this requires special equipment. Domes must be stable and well loaded. After all the formations are constructed, the most dangerous part of the exercise comes, this is when the parachutists must separate from each other and make an approach to land. If the canopies are caught on each other, even activating the canopy release locks may not help and the canopy will not come off. Opening a reserve parachute in such a situation is quite dangerous. This makes canopy acrobatics one of the riskiest forms of skydiving. Freestyle – one of the youngest types of parachuting. When a skydiver is in free fall, his job is to show off complex elements beautifully. Practicing and training these figures on the ground requires special equipment, which is not available at every drop zone. The small amount of equipment is the main reason for the underdevelopment of freestyle in Russia. Skysurfing – This is ski jumping to perform various figures in free fall. Skysurfing appeared in Russia relatively recently and immediately became popular. The aerodynamics of a skier are very different from simple free fall, so ski jumping is almost a different sport. All elements are performed in free fall. B . A . S . E . jumping – uh it is one of the most dangerous sports, even among extreme ones. A BASE jumper does not require an airplane or other flying equipment. He makes do with an ordinary elevator, and often with his own feet and hands, plus climbing equipment. The baser climbs onto the roof of a high-rise building, a mountain or rock, a television tower and jumps down. There are very few companies in Russia specializing in this type of outdoor activity. Very popular types of recreation are hot air ballooning and hang gliding. Hang gliding It is one of the fastest growing world famous sports. Today there are about 90,000 hang gliders around the world, plus about a thousand new delta pilots take to the skies every year. The devices of today are incredibly stable, durable, and flights on them can be limited only by weather conditions and the experience of the pilot himself.

2.5. Exotic types of extreme tourism.

Space tourism – This is the most expensive and most exotic type of extreme tourism – a trip to Earth’s orbit. So far, space tourists can be counted on one hand - American millionaire Denis Tito and South African citizen Mark Shuttleward. First week's stay at the International space station cost $12 million, the second - $14 million. Later, the lead singer of the group N "Sync, Lance Bass, was preparing for the launch on the ISS, but due to lack of funding, his launch did not take place. However, Rosaviakosmos claims that in the future will be able to reduce the cost of tours and will gladly accept applications for space travel from any citizen of the Earth. But after the famous Shuttle crash, sending tourists into space stopped indefinitely. Kitesurfing. A person standing on a board accelerates with the help of a paper kite, the string from which he holds in his hands. The obligatory and perhaps the only condition is wind. You can practice kitesurfing in fields, in the mountains and on flat terrain, and the most chic thing is to ride a board through reservoirs covered with an ice crust and dusted with snow. And the beds of rivers or lakes are perhaps the windiest places. Amazing all-season versatility allows kites to be used in winter and summer. The kite allows you to reach speeds that are more than twice as fast as the wind. The realistically achievable speed of movement is 60-70 km/h. Jailoo tourism is also one of the most exotic and extreme types of tourism. It lies in the fact that the tourist lives in a primitive tribe with all the delights of a nomadic life. This type of tourism is developing very well in the pastures of Kyrgyzstan. It offers sleeping right on the floor of a shepherd's yurt, next to a smoky fireplace, fresh lamb and kumiss, as well as horseback riding in the mountains and pastures. Tourism to the North and South Poles. More recently, they began organizing cruises to the Arctic and Antarctic. A lot of people want to visit extreme climatic conditions and look at exotic animals. And the Arctic and Antarctic are the most ecologically clean places on Earth. Traveling to exotic places on the planet. For example, you can go to Chernobyl or travel through the virgin jungle. In Chernobyl you can observe an eerie picture: an extinct city, concrete slabs covered with tall grass and wild nature. New plants appeared in the zone and almost extinct animals were revived. White-tailed eagles, lynxes and gray wolves live here. And in the wild jungle, the tourist literally merges with nature, estranged from the entire civilized world. So, having considered the main types of extreme tourism, we can observe a great variety in its directions. Some types of tourism were born from classical sports (skiing, cycling etc.), others represent completely original categories of tourism. Every day new extreme entertainment appears, as human imagination and the desire to test one’s strength are limitless, and technological progress helps with this. 3. Psychological characteristics of people involved in extreme tourism. 3.1. Psychology of extreme situations. Recently, interest in the problem has increased psychological preparation person to act in extreme situations. This explains the increased attention to the mental state of athletes, which requires psychotherapeutic and psychoprophylactic work. Extreme situations include: cold, heat, thunderstorms, precipitation, earthquakes, fires, forest fires, avalanches, floods, storms, rockfalls, landslides, landslides, thin ice, solar radiation, biological hazards. Participation in extreme tours is accompanied by mental and emotional stress. Such situations can often bring not only pleasure, but also lead to overstrain and disruption of the highest nervous system. The situation is becoming stressful. Because of all this, some extreme tourists experience neurotic disorders. Under these circumstances, the mental preparation of an extreme tourist is one of the most important medical measures in tourism. The ability to carry out high-quality mental activity while maintaining an optimal level of psycho-emotional stress, physical and mental health, regardless of external conditions and unfavorable factors.

Engaging in extreme types of tourism allows us to consider this activity as a natural model of emotional stress, and its study is of practical interest in solving the problem of adaptation, behavioral disorders and the prevention of mental health disorders.

3.2. Psychology of human behavior in emergency situations.

Certain conditions in which a person may find himself cause him a state of psychological and emotional tension. For some, this causes the mobilization of all internal resources, while for others it causes a decrease in performance, deterioration of health, and physiological and psychological stress phenomena. This depends mainly on the individual characteristics of the person, working conditions and upbringing, and understanding of the degree of danger.

A person’s psychological state and moral strength play a decisive role in all extreme conditions and difficult situations. They determine readiness for conscious, confident and prudent actions at any critical moments.

3.3. Psychological readiness.

Extreme situations require high moral and psychological fortitude, endurance and determination and willingness to provide assistance to victims.

The grave picture of destruction and devastation, the immediate threat to life, have a negative impact on the human psyche. In some cases, they can disrupt the process of normal thinking, weaken or completely eliminate self-control, which leads to unjustified and unpredictable actions. As a rule, overcoming fear is facilitated, first of all, by a sense of personal responsibility and awareness of the significance of the work that is being done. Danger and risk to health, the importance of the work performed - all this raises the significance of what is being done in one’s own eyes and in the opinion of society as a whole.

Unprepared psychologically, not hardened people develop a feeling of fear and a desire to escape from a dangerous place, while others experience psychological shock, accompanied by muscle numbness. At this moment, the process of normal thinking is disrupted, control of consciousness over feelings and will is weakened or completely lost. Nervous processes (excitation or inhibition) manifest themselves in different ways. For example, some people’s pupils dilate - they say, “fear has big eyes”, breathing becomes impaired, the heart starts beating “the heart is ready to burst out of the chest”, spasms of peripheral blood vessels - “turned white as chalk”, cold sweat appears, muscles weaken - “hands drop.” or your knees buckled,” the timbre of your voice changes, and sometimes you are speechless. There are even cases of death due to sudden fear.

Contrary to popular belief, we should not - and indeed cannot - avoid stress. But we can use it and enjoy it if we understand the mechanism better and develop an appropriate philosophy of life.

3.4. Optimal stress level.

Affection and gratitude, as well as their opposites - hatred and the desire for revenge - are more than all other feelings responsible for the presence or absence of harmful stress (distress) in human relationships.

Strong positive or negative feelings are closely related to conditioned reflexes, which were first studied by the Russian physiologist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov. Unlike innate unconditioned reactions, conditioned reflexes are acquired as a result of repeated combinations and learning. We learn from experience the need to avoid anything that causes negative emotions or leads to punishment, and we learn those forms of behavior that bring encouragement and reward, that is, cause positive feelings. At the cellular level, learning depends mainly on chemical conditioning and comes down to the production of protective substances such as hormones or antibodies and the modification of their action by other chemical compounds (for example, nutrients). We have seen many times that short-term stress can lead to gains and losses. They can be accurately counted, and signs of physiological resistance can be objectively measured. When the entire body is subjected to short-term intense stress, the result is either beneficial (as in shock therapy) or harmful (as in shock). When only part of the body is stressed, the result may be increased local resistance (adaptation, inflammation) or tissue death, depending on the circumstances. The response to a stressor is regulated in the body by a system of opposing forces, such as corticoids, which either promote or suppress inflammation, and nerve impulses that release adrenaline or acetylcholine. We have also learned to distinguish syntoxic compounds from catatoxic ones, which are signals to tolerate or attack. There is a stereotypical physical pattern of response to stress, regardless of its cause. The outcome of interactions with the environment depends as much on our reactions to the stressor as on the nature of that stressor. You need to make a reasonable choice: either accept the challenge and resist, or give in and submit. We have discussed in some detail the medical aspects of the complex relationship between the chemical exposures to which we are exposed and the body's responses to those exposures. Mental stress caused by relationships between people, as well as their position in society, is regulated by a surprisingly similar mechanism. At some point, a conflict of interests arises - a stressor; then balanced impulses appear - orders to resist or endure. The body's involuntary biochemical reactions to stress are governed by the same laws that govern voluntary interpersonal behavior.

Thus, we come to the conclusion that any person who wants to engage in any type of extreme tourism must be prepared psychologically. On the one hand, character building occurs naturally - after all, most people involved in extreme tourism - professional athletes. The formation of their character, skills, behavior patterns occurs from childhood, when they begin to go to one or another sports sections. For them it really is a way of life.

But it also happens that an ordinary person at a certain stage of life wants to test his strength, assert himself, or simply gain a new interesting experience. In such cases, preparation is necessary both physical and psychological. There are special training centers and extreme clubs for this purpose.

Any person should understand the risks that accompany such hobbies and should be fully aware of what they are doing. Therefore, preparation must be professional and comprehensive in order to eliminate dangerous moments for the health and life of an extreme tourist or to help cope with any difficulties.

4. Geography of distribution of types of extreme tourism.

The geography of extreme tourism is very rich and diverse.

In all countries of the world, tourists seeking thrills will find something to their liking.

For example, in New Zealand, which is generally the birthplace of numerous types of extreme tourism, local residents claim that it was they who invented rafting many years ago.

Many factors contributed to the emergence of extreme sports in New Zealand. The country is not particularly rich in historical and architectural monuments, but it has magnificent nature and conditions (a lot of caves, protected areas, high mountains and wild rivers). New Zealanders are highly imaginative and creative in the field of extreme tourism. To attract tourists, they come up with and complicate various attractions. For example, if we consider diving, many experts believe that the most interesting place for him - Bay of Islands - on the northern island of New Zealand. There are magnificent coral reefs there, and in one place called Port Gore you can even see a whole cemetery of sunken ships, and moving around it is sometimes very dangerous. For example, one of the sunken ships here is the cruise ship "Mikhail Lermontov". Many divers say that the souls of the dead sometimes appear in these places. And also for extreme sports enthusiasts there is the opportunity to climb into a special cage and descend to the depths, where they can meet real white sharks, which are one of the most dangerous predators in the world.

The famous “Bungee”, which is also called Bungy Jumping, was also invented in New Zealand. Jumping from a television tower or bridge head down is the best way adrenaline release. More recently, extreme sports enthusiasts have been offered jumps from helicopters or in canyons at heights of up to 400m. And some specialized travel agencies organize such jumps even into the mouths of volcanoes, which, of course, are no longer active.

One of newest types extreme is a water bug. A man in a helmet and a life jacket lies down on a board and throws himself into a stormy river. The athlete flies over rapids and rapids, clinging to the rescue board.

Jetboat is also one of the extreme sports in New Zealand. This is rafting on metal boats on calm rivers, and the extreme thing is that this boat is equipped with a powerful engine, which allows you to quickly spin on the spot, swim against the current and perform various pirouettes at high speed.

Traveling through caves (Caring) - New Zealanders also managed to complicate it. Now tourists not only move through the caves, but have the opportunity to do this using canoes or inflatable rafts along underground rivers or lakes and admire the stalactites and stalagmites from the water.

New Zealanders haven't missed out on karting either. They replaced the small wheels of cars with huge tires that allow them to overcome large bumps, holes and sometimes even rivers.

In New Zealand, in the center of Auckland, there is an extreme attraction called “Slingshot”. This is the so-called “ejection chair”. Two people are seated in this chair, buckled in, and then a button is pressed. The chair flies into the sky, turns over several times, and then smoothly lands on the ground.

Zorb is one of the newest types of recreation. These are two huge plastic balls (one is slightly smaller than the other and is located inside). A person is placed inside this ball, his arms, legs and belt are fastened, and then the ball is thrown from the mountain and he flies at breakneck speed, bouncing on bumps.

The Americans are also not lagging behind; in the USA there is such a type of extreme tourism as tornado hunting. The objective of this hunt is that the tourist must drive as close as possible to the tornado and photograph it point-blank. This is very fascinating because... A tornado or tornado is one of the most dangerous natural phenomena. In the United States, tornadoes and tornadoes most often occur in areas such as Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska and Texas. In these places, the months from April to June are especially dangerous. But the most extreme tornado hunting is hunting in thunderstorms and pitch darkness at night. Tour operators also deal with this adventure, but for such a dangerous extreme you should choose a reliable and trusted tour operator.

Travel agencies in Rio de Janeiro offer guests to get acquainted with the dark side of the city. They conduct excursions and meetings with gangsters from local gangs. This adventure is very dangerous for tourists and local authorities question this kind of gang walks because it is very unsafe. One of these travel agencies was accused of idealizing criminal activity, to which the owner of the organization replied that the government was to blame for the crime situation in the city.

In Las Vegas there is a very extreme attraction called Big Shot. Here tourists are shot as if from a cannon, this is done using compressed air. The tourist flies to a height of 160 feet for a few seconds.

In Thailand, tourists looking for thrills can enjoy moto taxis. Thai moto taxi drivers are very fast speed, sliding between cars and breaking the rules, they will take the tourist anywhere in the city. The main thing for tourists is not to forget to wear a helmet.

Mexico is also not far behind. In Acapulco, Mexico, water parachuting is well developed. Tourists can experience a sea of ​​adrenaline and at the same time admire the local beauty.

In Spain, the Encierro bull running has become very popular. Many people come here for this interesting and life-threatening adventure. A tourist runs away from a furious bull through narrow streets. He gets a sea of ​​adrenaline by risking his life every second.

In South Africa, near Dyer Island, as well as in New Zealand, the most popular has become such an unforgettable and no less dangerous extreme adventure as divers swimming among white sharks. A person is put in a special cage and lowered into the water, and the sharks, in turn, try to get the prey.

In Russia, they came up with such an extreme journey as flying on a Mig-29 jet plane. This is a very expensive pleasure, but a tourist can feel almost like an astronaut. He is raised to a height of 25 kilometers, where he can observe the Earth from the stratosphere, dark space and the bright sun.

And some Russian travel agencies offer tourists trips to abandoned cities in the areas of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. Many experts claim that this is a completely safe trip for health, but I still think you need to purchase special equipment to make the trip 100% safe. This trip is very popular among Europeans.

In the Perm region, the first off-road track recently appeared, which meets all international standards. This “miracle track” was opened by the Dilos-Extreme company. A track for snowmobiles and ATVs has opened in Demidkovo. The opening of this facility is not only a big step towards safe recreation on extreme equipment, but also a great contribution to tourism in the Perm region.

The project was completed by 5th grade students: Anastasia Burmistrova and Maria Usovik.

Recently, the number of fans of extreme sports has been growing rapidly. An extreme sportsman is a person who has excellent physical shape and a desire to resist the natural forces of nature. As a rule, extreme sportsmen are very brave, fearless and gambling people.



Municipal budgetary educational institution gymnasium No. 2


"Extreme Sports"

Completed by: 5th grade students

Burmistrova Anastasia and

Usovik Maria.

Head: Short

Svetlana Alexandrovna.

Surgut, 2015

Project goal:

Find out what sports are called extreme and why?

Project issues:

1. Why do people love extreme sports?

2. How do extreme sports differ from ordinary sports?

Project plan:

1.Formation of the project theme; goals and objectives.

2.Acquaintance with literature and Internet sources.

3.Formulation of the main issues of the project.

4.Prepare an information presentation.

5.Carry out an oral survey of the opinions of various people on this issue.

6. Prepare a newspaper about extreme sports.

We put forward the following hypothesis:

More and more young people began to look for themselves in extreme sports. Why do they do this?

Object of study: extreme sports.

Subject of the study: people's opinions on this issue

Where did the word Extreme come from?

Extreme m (English extreme - opposite, having a high degree, excessive, special) - outstanding, extraordinary actions, usually associated with danger to life.

Recently, the number of fans of extreme sports has been growing rapidly, as well as the extreme sports enthusiasts themselves. An extreme sportsman is a person who has excellent physical shape and a desire to resist the natural forces of nature. As a rule, extreme sportsmen are very brave, fearless and gambling people. Extreme sports enthusiasts are willing to risk their health to get an extra dose of adrenaline into their blood.

From history...

The first extreme sport appeared in Japan. Some modern sports that have been promoted in the world since the 1950s have gradually come to be called extreme sports. These sports include: trial, skateboarding, snowboarding, parachuting, rock climbing, speleology, rope jumping, etc. Extreme sports are characterized by a high degree of danger to the life and health of the athlete, a large number of acrobatic stunts, and a high level of adrenaline that is released by the athlete while playing sports.

People who want to engage in extreme sports must be in good physical shape and in a good mood, that is, they must be psychologically prepared. In addition, an extreme sportsman must know the laws of nature and be able to resist them, and also an extreme sportsman must have excellent reactions and be ready to make quick decisions. Naturally, if necessary, extreme sports enthusiasts must take risks, which in turn must be justified.

Extreme sport itself represents a certain line or line that is between life and death; on this line there is an extreme sportsman who confronts the forces of nature.

Extreme sports help a person relieve mental stress, or vice versa - get some adrenaline. Every year their new trends are developing, as the army of fans is growing rapidly. Sports, which seemed extreme 30 years ago, are today perceived as ordinary. And feeling this, they do not stand still and are constantly improving. In our presentation we will introduce you to some extreme sports. Why do people love extreme sports?

In order to understand why people love extreme sports, it is very important to understand what these sports are, why they are called extreme and why they are divided according to the level of enjoyment they receive.

In recent years, the term "extreme sports" has become very popular. They can be divided into three main types: air, land and water. People who started doing extreme sports probably became disillusioned with regular sports or simply became bored with them. traditional types sports A person who has started doing extreme sports wants to get a thrill and discover something new. Despite their great popularity among young people, these sports are not used in schools. They are mostly practiced on an individual level, although in many cases it is possible to get help from a professional trainer.

Extreme sports are often the subject of discussions based on the definition of which sport can be called extreme. Despite their great popularity among young people, these sports are not used in schools. They are mostly practiced on an individual level, although in many cases it is possible to get help from a professional trainer.

How do extreme sports differ from ordinary sports?

We can say that this is a sport that differs from the usual one, that is, it is associated with increased injury or even a threat to life, and this is considered the norm for it. Of course, we can say about almost any sport that it has dangers and risks. But there they mostly happen by chance, which cannot be said about extreme sports, where an athlete, knowing in advance, takes risks. Unforeseen circumstances in such sports are something that one goes for consciously, and not something to run away from, one prepares oneself in advance, starting with the most ordinary things at school, gradually improving one’s skills and tricks, and ultimately doing something that cannot be done by anyone. descriptions.

What character traits and physical qualities develop extreme sports?

Do extreme sports affect a person’s character, because it seems that extreme sports should make a person’s physical body stronger, faster, more resilient and more flexible, but does sport do the same to our character? Here, opinions are divided: more than half believe that extreme sports influence a person’s character, including us.

We think that you will be interested in learning about quite rare extreme sports.

Parkour. The art of moving and overcoming obstacles in urban environments. Currently, it is actively practiced and developed in many countries around the world. The essence of parkour is movement and overcoming obstacles of various types. These can be considered both existing architectural structures (railings, parapets, walls, etc.) and specially manufactured structures

Heli-skiing. A type of skiing, the essence of which is to descend on untouched snow

slopes Using a helicopter for ascent allows you to find various options for descending from mountains in pristine nature, untouched by human invasion, where there is no other way to quickly climb.

Diving. This is swimming underwater with devices that provide an autonomous supply of air (or other gas mixture) for breathing under water from several minutes to 12 or more hours, depending on the depth, type of breathing apparatus and the diver’s consumption of the gas mixture.

Surfing. Wave riding on special light boards. There are several similar sports that differ in the technical means used (for example, windsurfing - sailing on a board).

Skysurfing. Ski jumping to perform various figures in free fall. A relatively young type of parachuting. It has developed rapidly in a short time. The aerodynamics of a skier are very different from a simple free fall when jumping with a parachute. The vertical fall speed is approximately 230 km/h. Enough dangerous sport. In free flight, unforeseen circumstances may arise. So that the ski does not interfere with emergency situations, there is a mechanism for uncoupling it.

Rock climbing. A type of sport and active recreation that involves climbing a rock or climbing wall. Having originated as a type of mountaineering, rock climbing is now an independent sport.

Underwater rugby . The author of underwater entertainment is the Germans. In this sport, players have to develop several skills at once to perform successfully. You must be able to move quickly and maneuver underwater, be strong to fight for the ball and be able to hold your breath for a long time. You also need to get used to complex tactics, which, in addition to the usual back and forth, left and right, also involve up and down movement.

Paragliding. Flight thanks to rising air currents can lift an athlete to an impressive height. The world record was 4526 meters above sea level. Sliding from such flows, you can go down in free fall, enjoying the amazing view from above. Paragliding could well be an excellent sport for singles, because this is where a person can be left alone for a long time.

Polo on Segways. In this game, players are divided into two teams and must score as many goals as possible into the opponents' goal within the allotted time with their hammer sticks. The main pleasure of Segway polo is that the electric device cannot accelerate faster than 20 km/h, as a result, it is impossible to beat a competitor due to superior speed. In such a game, agility, the ability to control your body and vehicle, and perform semi-acrobatic tricks with a stick in your hands come to the fore. At the same time, real players must have an excellent vestibular apparatus.

24 Hours of Le Mans race.This auto race is not only the most popular and prestigious endurance competition on the planet, it is also the oldest. The start and finish are separated by exactly 24 hours, and the word survival is absolutely applicable to Le Mans here - the famous track has already become the site of the death of 21 racers. However, such extreme conditions have not deterred many people who want to take part in the race for 90 years.

Florentine football.When they start playing football without rules, it only adds to its spectacle. The most ancient varieties of this game are exactly different. Florentine football is full of adrenaline, sweat, tears and even blood. Some even believe that this is the most masculine game in the world, because against its background, both rugby and hockey look rather reserved and subject to rules.

What extreme sports have developed in Surgut?

There are many extreme sports in Surgut, but not all are actively developing. Here is a story about extreme sportsmen from Surgut.

The water run of Ugra hydrocyclists started on the banks of the Ob River. Extreme sports enthusiasts from Surgut, Nizhnevartovsk and Nefteyugansk went on a trip along the route Surgut - Trom-Egan - Russkinskaya. In total, about 40 people gathered for the Ugra voyage, but the state inspection for small vessels did not let everyone through.
The final preparations before a trip always take several hours. It is necessary to check the technical condition of the iron horse and wetsuit, the availability of life jackets, because extreme sports enthusiasts will float away from Surgut - 320 kilometers away, to the village of Russkinskaya. The group includes both beginners and experienced travelers.
During the run, the Surgut group will be joined by extreme sports enthusiasts from Nizhnevartovsk and Nefteyugansk. The journey will last about 3 days. Route: Surgut - Trom-Egan - Russkinskaya and back.
However, while still on the shore, three participants were removed from the start. The reason is the lack of any documents for personal water transport. Unregistered jet skis did not undergo technical inspection, which means that no one can predict whether the extreme sportsman will reach the final point or not. One way or another, outlaw extreme sports often lead to tragedy.
This year's disappointing statistics - three deaths - are proof of this. GIMS employees note that almost half of Surgut extreme sports enthusiasts are “illegal” hydrocyclists who are not registered anywhere. It is quite difficult to track their level of training. That’s why similar water races are held so that extreme sports enthusiasts can gather in a civilized, and most importantly, controlled environment.

What extreme sports have developed in Surgut?

Various extreme sports have developed in Surgut, but not all are actively developing. A single center for extreme sports has appeared in the city. It is located on Hare Island - in the area of ​​treatment facilities. The administration is already thinking about a road that will connect sports facility with the city. The idea to place all technical types under one roof appeared when the question of building a new motocross track arose.

We found out...

Four Surgut travelers became the first Russians to cross the Bering Strait on jet skis. The expedition “In the Footsteps of Vitus Bering” ended the day before. The brave souls shared their impressions with an STV correspondent over the phone from Chukotka.

“The total length of the route we covered is about 1,900 kilometers. Here in Chukotka no one believed in this project, and we had many administrative obstacles. This includes the border zone, visas, and everything, everything that you may not even suspect. We overcame all this and got maximum pleasure, impressions, and adrenaline,” says one of the travelers, Andrei Prudnikov.

Yugra voyage.

Extreme sports enthusiasts from Surgut went on a trip along the route Surgut - Trom-Egan - Russkinskaya. In total, about 40 people gathered for the Ugra voyage. The route was 320 km. The group included both beginners and experienced travelers.
During the run, the Surgut group will be joined by extreme sports enthusiasts from Nizhnevartovsk and Nefteyugansk. The journey lasted about 3 days.

We conducted an oral survey on the topic: “How do you feel about extreme sports?” And we received the following answers:

Never! I'm a terrible coward! For me, a ride in an elevator is already extreme, what kind of parachutes are there!

Valentina is 15 years old.

It’s normal, but not for everyone, some are very extreme, I jumped from a parachute, and I liked it very much.

Alina is 34 years old.

Snowboarding, skydiving, paragliding, rope jumping, rafting, rock climbing - I really like it!

Ekaterina is 19 years old.

I love snowboarding - it’s the only way I can survive the winter! I want to jump from a parachute, but I’m terribly afraid of heights, but in general I have a positive attitude towards extreme sports, the main thing is not to go too far in this matter and be careful. I also dream of learning to surf!

Daria is 29 years old.

I have a good attitude, I love snowboarding and alpine skiing, I'm going to skydive this summer.

Julia is 21 years old.

I'm fine. I love Le Mans racing. All my life I dreamed of at least going to these races. Simply a mesmerizing sight!

Vasily is 68 years old.


In conclusion, I would like to say that extreme sports makes us stronger, braver and more experienced, allowing us to look at life from a different perspective. But always and in all your endeavors you should be guided by common sense and not get into trouble. Nothing has more value than human life and health. And the list of dangerous extreme sports competitions can be continued almost indefinitely, because humanity itself does not stand still.


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Slide captions:

Project Extreme Sports Completed by: 5th grade students Usovik Maria Burmistrova Anastasia Supervisor: Korotkaya S.A.

The goal of the project is to find out what sports are called extreme and why?

We want to answer the following questions: Why do people choose extreme sports? How do extreme sports differ from ordinary sports? What character traits and physical qualities do extreme sports develop? What extreme sports have developed in Surgut?

Our project plan Formation of the project theme; goals and objectives. Formulation of the main issues of the project. Acquaintance with literature and Internet sources. Prepare a briefing report and presentation. Carry out an oral survey of the opinions of various people on a given problem. Prepare an information newspaper about extreme sports.

We put forward the following hypothesis: More and more young people began to look for themselves in extreme sports. Why do they do this?

Where did the word Extreme come from? Extreme (English extreme - opposite, having a high degree, excessive, special) - outstanding, extraordinary actions, usually associated with danger to life.

An extreme sportsman is a person who has excellent physical shape and a desire to resist the natural forces of nature. As a rule, extreme sportsmen are very brave, fearless and gambling people. Extreme sports enthusiasts are willing to risk their health to get an extra dose of adrenaline into their blood. Recently, the number of fans of extreme sports has been growing rapidly, as well as the extreme sports enthusiasts themselves.

A little history... The first extreme sport appeared in Japan. Some modern sports that have been promoted in the world since the 1950s have gradually come to be called extreme sports. Such sports include trial, skateboarding, snowboarding, parachuting, rock climbing, speleology, rope jumping, etc. Extreme sports are characterized by a high degree of danger to the life and health of the athlete, a large number of acrobatic stunts, a high level of adrenaline, which is released by the athlete during time for sports.

People who want to engage in extreme sports must be in good physical shape and in a good mood, and must be psychologically prepared. In addition, an extreme sportsman must know the laws of nature and be able to resist them, and also an extreme sportsman must have excellent reactions and be ready to make quick decisions. Naturally, if necessary, extreme sports enthusiasts must take risks, which in turn must be justified.

Extreme sport itself represents a certain line or line that is between life and death; on this line there is an extreme sportsman who confronts the forces of nature.

Extreme sports help a person relieve mental stress, or vice versa - get some adrenaline. Every year their new trends are developing, as the army of fans is growing rapidly. Sports competitions that seemed extreme 30 years ago are now perceived as ordinary. And feeling this, they do not stand still and are constantly improving.

Now let's answer the questions asked.

Why do people love extreme sports? In order to understand why people love extreme sports, it is very important to understand what these sports are, why they are called extreme and why they are divided according to the level of enjoyment they receive. In recent years, the term "extreme sports" has become very popular. They can be divided into three main types: air, land and water. People who take up extreme sports have probably become disillusioned with conventional sports or simply become bored with traditional sports. A person who has started doing extreme sports wants to get a thrill and discover something new. Despite their great popularity among young people, these sports are not used in schools. They are mostly practiced on an individual level, although in many cases it is possible to get help from a professional trainer.

How do extreme sports differ from ordinary sports? Extreme sports differ from ordinary ones, as they are associated with increased injury or even threat to life. And this is considered the norm for him. Of course, we can say about almost any sport that it has dangers and risks. But there they mostly happen by chance, which cannot be said about extreme sports, where the athlete knows in advance that he is taking a risk. Unforeseen circumstances in such sports are something that one goes for consciously, and not something to run away from, one prepares oneself in advance, starting with the most ordinary, gradually improving one’s skills and tricks, and ultimately doing something that defies any description.

What character traits and physical qualities do extreme sports develop? Do extreme sports affect a person’s character, because it seems that extreme sports should make a person’s physical body stronger, faster, more resilient and more flexible, but does sport do the same to our character? Here, opinions are divided: more than half believe that extreme sports influence a person’s character, including us.

The most extreme sports

Parkour The art of moving and overcoming obstacles in urban environments. Currently, it is actively practiced and developed in many countries around the world. The essence of parkour is movement and overcoming obstacles of various types. These can be considered both existing architectural structures (railings, parapets, walls, etc.) and specially manufactured structures

Heli-skiing is a type of alpine skiing, the essence of which is to descend along untouched snow slopes. Using a helicopter for ascent allows you to find various options for descending from mountains in pristine nature, untouched by human invasion, where there is no other way to quickly climb.

Diving. This is swimming underwater with devices that provide an autonomous supply of air (or other gas mixture) for breathing under water from several minutes to 12 or more hours, depending on the depth, type of breathing apparatus and the diver’s consumption of the gas mixture.

Surfing. Wave surfing on special light boards. There are several similar sports that differ in the technical means used (for example, windsurfing - sailing on a board).

Skysurfing Jumping with skis to perform various figures in free fall. A relatively young form of parachuting. In a short period of time it developed rapidly. The aerodynamics of a skier are very different from a simple free fall when jumping with a parachute. The vertical fall speed is approximately 230 km/h. Quite a dangerous sport. In free flight, unforeseen circumstances may arise. To prevent the ski from interfering in emergency situations, there is a mechanism for unhooking it.

Rock climbing A sport and active recreation that involves climbing a rock or climbing wall. Having originated as a type of mountaineering, rock climbing is now an independent sport.

Underwater rugby The author of underwater entertainment is the Germans. In this sport, players have to develop several skills at once to perform successfully. You must be able to move quickly and maneuver underwater, be strong to fight for the ball and be able to hold your breath for a long time. You also need to get used to complex tactics, which, in addition to the usual back and forth, left and right, also involve up and down movement.

Paragliding Flight, thanks to rising air currents, can lift an athlete to an impressive height. The world record was 4526 meters above sea level. Sliding from such flows, you can go down in free fall, enjoying the amazing view from above. Paragliding could well be an excellent sport for singles, because this is where a person can be left alone for a long time.

Polo on Segways. In this game, players are divided into two teams and must score as many goals as possible into the opponents' goal within the allotted time with their hammer sticks. The main pleasure of Segway polo is that the electric device cannot accelerate faster than 20 km/h, as a result, it is impossible to beat a competitor due to superior speed. In such a game, agility, the ability to control your body and vehicle, and perform semi-acrobatic tricks with a stick in your hands come to the fore. At the same time, real players must have excellent vestibular apparatus

24 Hours of Le Mans This car race is not only the most popular and prestigious endurance competition on the planet, it is also the oldest. The start and finish are separated by exactly 24 hours, and the word survival is absolutely applicable to Le Mans here - the famous track has already become the site of the death of 21 racers. However, such extreme conditions have not deterred many people who want to take part in the race for 90 years.

Florentine football. When they start playing football without rules, it only adds to its spectacle. The most ancient varieties of this game are exactly different. Florentine football is full of adrenaline, sweat, tears and even blood. Some even believe that this is the most masculine game in the world, because against its background, both rugby and hockey look rather reserved and subject to rules.

What extreme sports have developed in Surgut? Various extreme sports have developed in Surgut, but not all are actively developing. A single center for extreme sports has appeared in the city. It is located on Hare Island - in the area of ​​treatment facilities. The administration is already thinking about a road that will connect the sports facility with the city. The idea to place all technical types under one roof appeared when the question of building a new motocross track arose.

We found out... Four Surgut travelers became the first Russians to cross the Bering Strait on jet skis. The expedition “In the Footsteps of Vitus Bering” ended the day before. The brave souls shared their impressions with an STV correspondent over the phone from Chukotka. “The total length of the route we covered is about 1,900 kilometers. Here in Chukotka no one believed in this project, and we had many administrative obstacles. This includes the border zone, visas, and everything, everything that you may not even suspect. We overcame all this and got maximum pleasure, impressions, and adrenaline,” says one of the travelers, Andrei Prudnikov.

Yugra voyage. Extreme sports enthusiasts from Surgut went on a trip along the route Surgut - Trom-Egan - Russkinskaya. In total, about 40 people gathered for the Ugra voyage. The route was 320 km. The group included both beginners and experienced travelers. During the run, the Surgut group will be joined by extreme sports enthusiasts from Nizhnevartovsk and Nefteyugansk. The journey lasted about 3 days.

In conclusion, I would like to say that extreme sports makes us stronger, braver and more experienced, allowing us to look at life from a different perspective. But always and in all your endeavors you should be guided by common sense and not get into trouble. Nothing has more value than human life and health. And the list of dangerous extreme sports competitions can be continued almost indefinitely, because humanity itself does not stand still.

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