Self-defense lessons for beginners: free videos for self-study. Child self-defense system

Your child is constantly bullied by peers or older children. Someone will take away the car while playing in the sandbox and appropriate it for themselves, someone will hit you in the nose in kindergarten - the teacher cannot keep track of everyone, someone will trip him up near the entrance or call him names " mama's boy", "little one" or something else... Any parents' hearts immediately clench because the bad guys have offended their beloved son, and the question arises before them: is it worth teaching their child to fight?

Quite often, families fall into two extremes: the first is liberal, intelligent families who are alien to violence, when parents become unnaturally pale if the child, coming from kindergarten suddenly he will give out a strong word. Punishments here usually come down to a short-term complaint that “you’re already a big boy, you should understand that doing this (talking, thinking, breathing) is not good” or some kind of restrictions - for example, financial ones. The other extreme is when the cult of animal strength is preached in a family, the child must deal with his own strengths; for an example of such a parent, one can recall the sensational film “The Return,” in which the father specifically catches a bully so that the older brother can take his money one-on-one. And when this does not work out for him, the child is recognized as somewhat inferior.

In fact, it is easy to see that neither approach is 100% correct. Even if it is possible to create a kind of paradise on earth in the house, when the child cannot find a single sharp corner to bruise himself, it is unlikely that fate will always be so merciful to him. Sooner or later, a moment will come when innate eloquence and well-bred intelligence may not be enough - especially since he will not necessarily have to fight - he will simply fall, hit himself and ... lose the respect of everyone present due to the banal inability to recognize and endure pain, which is not only a consequence of the blow, but also very important information- what hurts, how it hurts, what kind of injury it indicates. After all, only through the experience of analyzing your own sensations can you easily figure out whether a bone is broken, a joint is dislocated, or a ligament is sprained. And you can only learn to understand your body through your own experience. As they say in one of Max Fry’s books, “what if there’s a nuclear explosion tomorrow?” - the child must be ready to experience his pain without losing himself.

Second approach

When a child is accustomed to pain from childhood, taught to fight to the last, not to spare the enemy - this type of self-defense is not very good for children. Firstly, excessive cruelty may be a good help for a future male truck driver, but it is a very bad adviser in personal life, family matters, and even simply in resolving the most ordinary business disputes. Quite often you hear even from the most senior politicians: “If only I could meet him (here the opponent is meant) in a dark alley, I would show him!” This demonstrates complete helplessness in a reasoned debate - it turns out that the discussion comes down to usual comparison muscles, as in the gibbon community. Human society, in my opinion, should use force in two cases - to discharge the energy of an organism sitting too long at the computer in the gym, or to eliminate a direct threat to life or physical health.
To resolve all other conflicts, words have long been invented, why not use them? As an additional argument against the cult physical strength You can also remember that in this case the child may well develop perversions on a sexual basis. It’s impossible, of course, to say that sadism is definitely bad (since crowds of sadomasochists will throw rotten tomatoes at the author), but are you sure that in the future you want to somehow find your tall child at home, who just accidentally strangled his wife (husband) ) in a fit of passion? Did you pray for the night Desdemona?..

What can be deduced from all of the above? It’s very simple - you need to find a middle ground and this is self-defense for children!

A child should be able to defend himself, cope with at least a not very sober bully or a raging peer, but you should not turn the entire process of education into mastering martial arts - unless you are the reincarnation of Bruce Lee and are going to raise an actor for the next filming of the film "The Raven", on who will kill him. Quite important here will be the rules invented by Polanik for his " fight club“The most important thing is that the child, learning to defend himself, learns to say stop.

Yes, of course, in everyday life, opponents are rarely able to stop when they reach a certain point, but you must not forget that in front of you is a baby, that he has much less strength than an adult, and his reactions have not yet reached perfection. Any training should be carried out using the training method, and not a test of survival - if a child is tired, exhausted, begins to respond more slowly, then the lesson must be stopped, even if he is stubborn and tries to fight - after all, children are extremely rarely able to soberly assess their strength . However, like many adults.
And when an eight-year-old girl tries to fight on an equal footing with her forgotten forty-year-old father, it can end very sadly for both. For example, a broken rib of the father... and this also happens - after all, no one taught the child to stop before, and he simply did not pay attention to the fact that the parent fell unsuccessfully.

You can, of course, send your children to a special section martial arts or any other sports section. However, first you need to talk with the parents of other children already studying there or simply with coaches in the same area - it is very important that there are no frequent cases of injuries - after all, not every teacher adjusts the rules for training Japanese mercenaries (for whom the age limit for entering school is one year) for ordinary city children who, from birth, are tormented by allergies, scoliosis, anemia, myopia (myopia) and excessive care of parents who for some reason were sure that if a child is released into the sun before the age of five, then he, in accordance with the best vampire films, it will immediately burn.
If everyone collectively prays for the coach, and no one asks the children to break bricks with their foreheads in the second lesson, then it’s better to let a professional teach him, because a good physical fitness will not hurt any excellent student. Just don’t combine freestyle wrestling with playing the violin - after all, I work here different groups muscles, and injuries in sports are inevitable, so sooner or later the child will either fail the concert or competition, and this will not be good for him. And besides, it’s not easy to imagine what some Arnold Schwarzenegger would look like with a violin in his hands.

So the conclusion is quite simple:

To make life in society easier, the ability to stand up for oneself is a very useful thing, but self-defense for children should not become an obsessive paranoid idea and the meaning of life. Harmony of physical and mental development is the peak to which every parent should strive.

Mainly boys are involved. But girls also need to know basic self-defense techniques.

Many girls like boyish activities. So you can safely enroll your daughter in any type martial art. Firstly, it will improve her physical fitness and during an attack she will at least be able to quickly escape. And secondly, during training she will learn techniques that can help her in difficult situations.

Self-defense is not always an attack. Not every girl has the strength to cope with the enemy. But it is possible and necessary to emerge unharmed from a dangerous situation. For example, you can distract the attacker or strike him, and while the enemy has not come to his senses, quickly retreat from the scene.


  • The most important thing in both attack and defense is confidence. In extreme situations, it is important not to get confused. can give sports training.
  • Use available items. Little girly fists can't always handle challenging task- hit the enemy. Take a look around. Perhaps there is something nearby that will help. Even sand, which can be thrown into the eyes of an attacker, or the keys to an apartment will help protect you. Girls who already wear perfume or hairspray can use it for self-defense. Just remember to always carry them in your purse. The standard option is a gas spray for self-defense.
  • A person has parts of the body that are more vulnerable than others. This is the nose, eyes, knees, solar plexus, throat, groin. They are the ones who need to be protected first. And you need to aim at them when hitting the enemy.
  • When striking, you need to use blocks. If the attacker tries to throw a punch, react quickly and block. At this moment, it is important not to get confused and, before the enemy comes to his senses, to strike back.


If perfume, hairspray or a spray can are not at hand, you need to discourage the enemy in other ways. The best defense is an attack. Any blow must be struck with all force. Putting your whole weight into it.

Not all of the above vulnerabilities available to the child. The opponent may be taller, so hitting the nose or eyes is not always impossible.

  • The most common blow is to the groin. He will discourage the attacker for a long time, so there will be time to escape.
  • More accessible places are the kneecap and shin. After such a blow, it will be much more difficult to catch up with the runner.
  • The easiest technique for a child is to step on his foot hard. Hitting the arch of the foot is good if the attacker has thin shoes.
  • A blow to the solar plexus will disrupt the enemy's breathing rhythm.
  • A hit to the chin will also help fight off an attacker. It affects the cerebellum and will unsettle the enemy.

Be sure to have conversations with your daughter about self-defense. And in free time dad can practice basic kicks with her, show her where and how to be. Such activities may not be useful to her in life, but they certainly won’t be superfluous.

We live in a society where every person should clearly know how to protect themselves in an emergency. And this applies not only to adults, but also to young children, who very often become victims of criminals. Having taught a child effective techniques self-defense, you can prepare it to repel aggressive actions from one or several opponents at once. After completing a personal self-defense course, a child will receive a set of knowledge and skills that will help him make informed decisions in extreme situation. Thanks to this, he will feel much more confident on the streets of Moscow, in everyday communication with peers and older guys.

Features of teaching children self-defense techniques:

  • Increased agility and reaction speed. During training, the child is given physical activity aimed at developing and strengthening the body. In the future, this will help him in mastering various types sports, including martial arts.
  • Effective retreat skills. Self-defense in real life does not always consist of carrying out some kind of strikes or throws. Children must know how to fall correctly, break through several opponents, and also get away from pursuit.
  • Quick assessment of the level of danger. In a good section, children are explained in detail how to adequately assess their own strengths. Gradually, the child, visiting the section, learns to keep any situation under control, acting thoughtfully and calmly in extreme conditions.

Coaching staff

In the modern world, danger can be expected from anywhere, which becomes a cause of concern for parents of young children. It is possible and necessary to teach a child to protect himself, since today self-defense is an urgent need for children.

Experts in the field of self-defense advise sending a child to the section only when he turns 12 years old - this is the best age to start successful training

It is best if parents send their child to a special section. The trainer will teach the rules of personal safety and simple techniques that will help the child in the event of a conflict situation. However, not all parents have this opportunity, so self-defense for children should be studied at least at home.

Knowledge of self-defense techniques can help a child not only in a critical situation when the threat comes from an adult, but also in ordinary street fight. The task of parents is not only to teach basic techniques, but also to explain to the child what they should be used for.

Important! Self-defense techniques learned by a child should not be used to provoke a fight, but only to protect against a possible attack.

In addition, it is important to teach the child to correctly assess his own strengths and the forces of the enemy. So, an eight-year-old child cannot overcome an adult during an attack, but in his arsenal there should be techniques that can help him break free and run away. In this case, the child will have the effect of surprise on his side, since the potential attacker does not expect the child to be able to resist.

Aikido Basics for Children

Aikido is a form of martial arts that can only be learned through training with a trainer. No video tutorials or step by step instructions will not be able to teach basic techniques.

The essence of aikido comes down to the fact that during a fight a person turns the opponent’s strength against himself. This type of martial art uses knowledge of the inertia of movement and determination of the center of gravity. In other words, if an adult swings at a child, the child should use the attacker's strength against the attacker, but not try to hit him himself. This is achieved by learning special techniques.

Aikido is designed for defense, not offense. In martial arts important role given to body position and center of gravity. Initially, all techniques are designed for the fact that the enemy is obviously stronger, so you can defeat him only with his own strength. This type of martial art is based on learning special stances that will not allow you to knock you down, but will help you break free, hold back a blow, or even knock down your opponent using the inertial force of his own blow.

Simple techniques for a street fight

Selection correct techniques self-defense for children will allow the child to save himself not only from attacks by an adult, but also to stand up for himself if he is regularly offended by his peers

You can teach your child self-defense and the rules of self-defense not only in the section, but also at home. At home, you can learn simple techniques that will allow your child not to get confused in a street fight.

The basis of self-defense is three blows: straight, lower and side. With a direct impact, the body works. The person puts one hand forward and holds the other a little closer to the chest (boxing stance). The arm gains strength from the shoulder; the muscles of the back and the entire body help increase the blow. The blow goes straight, directly with the fist.

A low blow is a blow to the jaw or chest. The child should slightly bend his knees, placing one slightly forward - this will help him stay on his feet. When hitting, a springing movement is made, the blow itself comes from the back and chest.

A side kick is a spinning kick. Essentially, this is a wide arm swing with the body turned out and the arms slightly bent.

Although the description of such strikes seems simple, it takes time to learn. Important here correct stance, the position of the center of gravity and the force of inertia. Since the child's weight is insufficient to make a really strong blow, such techniques are designed primarily to confuse the opponent and gain a small temporary advantage. Self-defense video lessons will help you accurately learn the technique of performing simple strikes.

Useful skills for children

The child must understand that under no circumstances should anyone get into a car with strangers.

In addition to self-defense classes, the following skills are important for children in dangerous situations.

  1. When attempting to abduct, the child must try to attract the attention of others. If possible, you should not talk to strangers and try to run away in case of danger. This is only true if the kidnapping attempt takes place in a crowded area. Otherwise, it is better for the baby not to irritate the kidnappers by screaming, since the attacker’s reaction cannot be predicted. If a child has been kidnapped and taken somewhere, he must remember the surroundings and the characteristics of the kidnappers, so that he can then describe them to law enforcement officials. Advice for parents: if possible, install a radio transmitter or set up tracking on your baby's phone.
  2. If a child is taken hostage, no active action should be taken. It is important to remember: help is at hand. Loud screams, attempts to break free, or hit the terrorist can lead to dangerous consequences, since the attacker may be under the influence of drugs, which is why his reaction will be unpredictable.
  3. In a street robbery, the child must give what the attacker demands. Usually this is enough for the robber to leave the person alone.

It is better to learn self-defense techniques with children in martial arts classes. Benefits of working with a trainer:

  • development of physical strength and endurance;
  • correct execution technique;
  • improvement of discipline.

The coach will teach the child not only how to strike, but also how to correctly calculate his own capabilities. In addition, in wrestling sections they teach discipline, so the parent can be sure that the child will never be the first to start a fight.

You should also explain to your child how to behave with strangers. The baby must early age know that you cannot trust strangers, disclose personal information, or make close contact. If a stranger approaches your baby on the street, you should either quickly return to your parents if they are within walking distance, or run to a place with a large crowd of people. Also, the child must understand that under no circumstances should he get into a car with strangers, even if they appear to be old friends of his parents, or go somewhere with a stranger.

What to teach a child?

In addition to self-defense techniques, parents should teach their child how to behave in case of potential danger. At home, you should practice techniques that can help your child evade an intruder. It is important to use the baby’s strengths here - light weight, short stature, mobility. In addition, it is important to remember that it is usually very uncomfortable for an adult to fight a short opponent, which is a clear advantage for a child.

What could be more important in the life of almost any person? Of course, these are children. And any parents, sooner or later, begin to think about the safety of their child, especially when he is alone on the street or at school.

Danger can lie in wait for a child anywhere. The task of every parent is to teach their child self-defense techniques when a dangerous situation arises, and in this case there is a need for self-defense lessons for children and adolescents

However, there is no need to rush to give him to the section as early as possible. Experts in this field advise doing this only when the child turns 12 years old - this is the best age to begin successful education.

At this age, children are already more intelligent, able to concentrate and endure. But if your goal is to get a “black belt”, then it is best to start training earlier – from the age of 6.

How to decide on a section

For children under 12 years of age, wrestling types such as sambo or judo, or traditional ones (jujutsu and aikido) are best suited. Wrestling at this age will be an almost natural activity for children than the technique of striking.

In addition, when wrestling, it is easy for a child to control his actions and the level of their application, which reduces the risk of injury during training.

In adolescence, a child already has the right to independently decide on the choice of section and direction that is more attractive to him.

For teenagers, the most suitable and useful classes may be martial arts, sambo lessons or hand-to-hand combat. In addition, there are special self-defense sections for children over 12 years old and teenagers.

The main thing in choosing is to take into account the character of the teenager, since each direction has its own philosophy and style, be it boxing, hand-to-hand combat, taekwondo, hapkido or other martial arts.

The choice of coach is also important. He must have a special physical education and sports education and qualifications in a certain type of martial arts, as well as experience.

Types of directions

Whatever direction the child chooses, there are several universal self-defense techniques for children - this is the striking technique: straight, lower and side.

Let's take a closer look at these areas:

    1. Different types of boxing– these types are suitable for self-defense during a street fight with hooligans. Classic boxing – consists of strong blows on the opponent's body and head. Thai boxing is a type classic boxing, but using knees and elbows.

      Kickboxing is a combination of classic boxing and karate, with the use of some techniques Thai boxing. These areas are more suitable for teaching children over 11-12 years old.

    1. Sambo and other types of hand-to-hand combat– these are equipment for protection in extreme conditions. They are aimed at quickly incapacitating an opponent. Significant force and physical training. They practice painful blows with fists, elbows, legs and head. It must be taken into account that this sport is the most traumatic and is not suitable for every child.
  1. Various types of wrestling– judo, Greco-Roman wrestling. Most the best technology is considered judo, where the main requirement is the development of the technique of using throws and grabs. Wrestling is suitable for strong, well-developed children.
  2. Martial arts of the East– this includes taekwondo, aikido, kudo, tai chi. For example, the aikido style aims to neutralize an opponent without harming him. severe harm, using throws and steps. This direction is well suited for small, “skinny” children. To master this technique well, you need to practice for at least 5-7 years. All types of martial arts differ in the degree of their effectiveness.

For basic self-defense, for example, in a street fight, it will be enough for a child to master several techniques, strikes and stances.

When choosing one direction or another for teaching a child self-defense techniques, it is worth considering not only physical development the child, but also his psychological state.

If a child attends a section, he will be physically developed and mentally prepared for possible defense against an offender.

In addition, in any case, he will be familiar with the primary techniques of self-defense, no matter what direction is chosen.

Mastery of basic self-defense techniques will help a child gain self-confidence and achieve harmony in physical and moral development.
Watch an interesting video about children's sambo: