Roller skates: how to choose and why they are useful. Roller skating: benefits for your figure and a good mood

Regular fitness, boring exercise machines and other sports equipment, including dumbbells, begin to get boring over time. I want to master it new look a sport that would be quite interesting, and most importantly, healthy. In this case, I advise you to take a closer look at roller skates - these are great way stay in shape and just have a fun and active weekend.

In some countries, roller skates are a very stylish and modern remedy movement, and not only for children and adolescents, but also for the older generation. There are no age restrictions. But remember that rollers put a lot of stress on your back, leg muscles and especially your knees. It is necessary to use special protection or belts for the back to avoid stretching the muscles and damaging the ligaments.

The benefits of roller skates

If you don't have heart problems vascular system, and the vestibular apparatus is well developed, then mastering roller skating will not take very much time. I recommend that beginners do several exercises on their arms and legs before skating, since they will be the ones where the load will be placed first. Be sure to use a protective helmet, gloves, and knee pads to avoid serious bruises in case of a fall.

Choosing roller skates

It is best to make such a purchase in a specialized store. sporting goods. Now manufacturers present simply a huge selection of videos, both for beginners and professionals, for children and adults. Before purchasing, make sure that the package includes appropriate protection along with the rollers: a helmet, knee pads, elbow pads and gloves to protect your hands.

Roller skates are chosen in almost the same way as shoes, that is, they need to be tried on. Don’t look at the price of the rollers; expensive doesn’t mean comfortable and high quality. But don’t look at too cheap models either, you can easily come across a Chinese counterfeit. Having put on the rollers, stand on them; your feet should feel light and comfortable. This is very important, because you will have to stand on them for several minutes, or even hours, and maintain your balance. If the rollers put a lot of pressure or rub your feet, you are unlikely to get much pleasure from skating.

For the first training, find a place with a flat surface and fences. You can go to a specialized place for roller skating. As soon as success awaits you on a flat road, and you learn how to roller skate and brake well, you can move on to skating on the street, in parks and squares. Be sure to use protection the first time!

Safety rules while roller skating

  • While riding, don't wear headphones, otherwise you may not hear the noise of an approaching car.
  • Beware of roads and highways, where roller skating is most dangerous.
  • It’s also better not to learn roller skating in the dark; there may be unexpected obstacles on the road that you risk not noticing.
Rollers – fairly new and interesting view a sport that you can safely master with your family. Such active sport helps to have a great time free time, as well as maintain your figure and health. 8

Health 06/12/2015

Dear readers, today on the blog I propose to talk about the benefits of rollers for our health and slimness. This topic is very relevant now. After all, summer is a golden time for lovers active recreation. Ball games, cycling, roller skating. According to observations, there are more and more fans of video clips every year. Both children and adults ride. You can often see young mothers on roller skates and with a baby stroller in parks.

And just recently I observed the following situation: a gray-haired man in full roller skate gear, standing on roller skates, trying to maintain his balance. Agree, the picture is touching; passersby could not help but smile. So, to paraphrase a well-known expression, we can say that all ages are submissive to videos. I remember our walks with our daughters on roller skates. How wonderful it was! And for a pleasant pastime, for your mood, and for your health, of course.

So what are these “miracle skates” and when did they appear? What are the benefits of videos and what is it about them that attracts everyone, young and old?

The evolution of commercials in historical facts

  • The first mention of roller skates dates back to 1743; the name of the inventor remains unknown.
  • The first famous roller skater was the Belgian Jean-Joseph Merlin, who demonstrated roller skates to the public in 1760.
  • In 1819, rollers, consisting of a wooden base, three wheels and leather straps securing the skates to the leg, were patented by the Frenchman Ptible.
  • From Europe, the fashion for roller skates quickly migrated to the USA. The Americans improved their design by adding a fourth wheel, and the petibleds became quads. The wheels of this model were located in two rows. “Quads” evolved until 1979, adding wheels with two bearings and brakes to their design.
  • The year was 1979 and the Olson brothers showed the world a new model of roller skates. The wheels of this model were located in one line. The model was enthusiastically accepted by roller skate lovers and completely replaced the “quads”.

A lot of time has passed since then, the videos continue to improve, and the number of their fans continues to grow.

Types of rollers

Having firmly decided to at least try on skates and at most learn how to ride them, you can begin choosing skates

The main thing is not to get confused in the variety of models and choose those roller skates that are suitable for a beginner.

The videos can be divided into three main groups.

First group - skates entry level. If you have never stood on roller skates before this moment, then you need to start with them.

And the series ends with roller skates for extreme skating. They have a particularly durable design, which is designed for performing roller tricks.

In order to stir up interest and not deviate from the intended path, we will try to find the answer to the second important question– what are the benefits of rollers?

Roller skating. Benefits for your figure

So, what are the benefits of roller skating for your figure and simply for your health?

  • Roller skating is like a “magic pill” from stress, troubles and problems. The problems, of course, will not be solved by themselves, but the “joy” hormones that are produced in the body during roller skating will help improve your mood and give you a positive attitude .
  • The videos give incredible results feeling of freedom and lightness . According to experienced roller skaters, “it’s like wings are growing behind your back.”
  • Roller skating puts stress on all major muscle groups: legs, arms, hips, abdominal and back muscles. Thanks to this, a muscle corset is formed that protects internal organs, makes us stronger and more resilient .
  • Trains the cardiovascular system , enriching the body's cells with oxygen.
  • The benefits of rollers are undeniable for the figure. When we move, we not only strengthen our muscles, but also spend from 280 to 400 calories per hour. So, if you fall in love with roller skates, you will get a slim, fit figure as a pleasant bonus. And if you add to skating special exercises on roller skates, you can achieve amazing results. So rollers can completely replace exhausting workouts in gym everyone who wants to improve their figure.
  • Roller skating more gentle look physical activity compared to running and jumping. This view sports will do to those who take care knee joints from heavy loads.
  • Improves coordination of movements and the ability to balance.
  • Have you noticed how gracefully roller skates move? Roller skating develops plastic movements .
  • Passion for videos, as a rule, leads to a rapid increase in acquaintances among like-minded people. So you can not only get a boost of energy and improve your figure, but also make new friends .
  • Roller sport, like any other, is capable of bring the family together. Is there anything better than Sunday rollerblading with your kids?

Roller skating clothing

The main rule when choosing clothes for riding is that they should be loose and durable. Many skaters prefer denim, as it suffers least from contact with the asphalt surface, and loose T-shirts. Properly selected socks, preferably high ones and without rough seams, will save your feet from calluses and absorb moisture. If you wear prescription glasses, tuck your hair under a special headband so that it does not interfere with your vision while driving.

When should you stop using roller skates?

No matter how exciting ice skating is, people with illnesses vestibular apparatus, it’s worth giving it up. After all, in this case, falls are inevitable and you can get serious injury.

By the way, about falls. Before teaching roller skating, an experienced instructor teaches beginners how to fall correctly. You only need to fall forward, avoiding falling on your back and butt. Also, don’t forget about protection: knee pads, wrist guards, elbow pads and a helmet will help you avoid trouble. Fortunately, rollerblading falls are not as common as you might think.

They were a curiosity, especially in small towns. It was considered something childish and frivolous, but today both young and old are riding them more and more confidently.

Why is this sport so popular? What are the benefits and what are the harms? Is it worth starting? Is it too late? The age for roller skating is from three to one hundred years. Every age has its own health benefits.

Regular roller skating (even two to three times a week) develops and strengthens almost all the muscles of the body, which has a positive effect on overall well-being. After 40 minutes of riding at an average pace (10-12 km/h), fat begins to be burned, especially good news is that the increased impact falls on the outer and inner surfaces of the thighs and buttocks. Also, positive effect observed for the back muscles. Body coordination in space improves, since every movement on roller skates is a search for optimal transfer of body weight.

In addition to strengthening muscle corset, frequent walks on roller skates have a beneficial effect on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, as blood circulation increases, as well as on the nervous system, promoting calm and psychological relief through sports.

Limitations of the condition for successful skiing

There are no special restrictions, however, if there are doubts in individual cases, it is better to consult with your doctor. Roller skating is a relatively traumatic sport, so it is recommended to use a set of protection for the elbows, wrists and knees, and a helmet is advisable. Unsuccessful falls on these parts of the body can lead to broken bones, sprains, bruises and abrasions.

You can learn to ride on your own, however, if you take a few lessons from experienced trainer(it can be found in roller schools in your city or privately), this will save you time and effort, because the coach will teach you how to properly maintain body balance, show you the nuances and subtleties when driving off curbs, when unexpected obstacles appear. It will also teach you how to fall correctly! This is very important in this sport.

Falling is not at all scary if you know how to do it as safely as possible. Who knows, maybe roller sport is yours and you will begin to study its interesting branches: slalom, freeskate, speedskating, roller derby and achieve considerable success in these disciplines! What's nice to do different types This sport is possible at any age.

With or without a trainer - in any case, give yourself a short warm-up before training - this will help warm up the muscles and ligaments, thus avoiding discomfort. Another important point in order to enjoy and benefit from skating: high-quality roller skates and accessories. On the one hand, offers for sale of unknown and delightfully cheap roller skates from supermarkets sound tempting, but remember: the stingy pays twice.

Rollers from trusted brands differ from cheap fakes not only in price. To ensure maximum comfort and safety, roller boots are modeled taking into account the anatomical features of the foot, and parts are made from proven materials and tested in different conditions. The foot in a roller boot should be well fixed; for skating, it is advisable to use special compression sports socks.

To sum up this type of fitness, like roller skating, we can say that it is an accessible and useful, relatively safe sport that leads to an improvement in overall well-being and mood.

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Today, roller skating is very popular among the younger generation, but for some reason older people avoid this type of physical activity. While doctors and scientists unanimously claim that rollerblading is an excellent alternative to jogging. In European countries, this physical activity has long gained popularity among middle-aged people due to its proven health benefits. The benefits and harms of roller skating are the key question of this article.

Roller skating: sport or recreation

For most, the difference between just walking and race walking obviously. The situation is similar with roller skating. Initially, they were used by speed skaters and figure skaters to extend special training. The fact is that to move on roller skates, the same muscles are used as when moving on ice on regular skates, this makes it possible to gain beneficial properties from classes all year round and not depend on seasonal ice. Simply sliding on the blades changes to spinning wheels on the ground.

Thus, for some, roller skating can serve as a normal enjoyable time spent in nature, while for others it can be a workout. In addition, it is possible to combine videos with dancing or aerobics. But no matter how you use it, it is physical activity for the body. At the same time, roller skating is a huge benefit for your figure.

What are the benefits of roller skating?

If you start roller skating to help your health, you can notice the effect within about 2-3 months. Moreover, in the future the results from the classes will increase. In order to get all the beneficial properties from training and avoid harm, it is best to exercise on embankments or in green areas, on specially designated paths or smooth paths in the park. First of all, being on the fresh air.

As you know, movement is life.

  • Thanks to leisurely walks, the functioning of the heart and the entire body is normalized. cardiovascular system. The vessels come to the required tone.
  • The legs, lower back, buttocks, hips and ankles are strengthened.
  • Thanks to the need to control balance and balance, the properties of the vestibular apparatus are trained and coordination is improved.
  • In addition, the happiness hormone endorphin is released, which helps lift your mood.

Thus, roller skating benefits all fans of this type of sports activity. These skills can also be trained during bicycle rides, but in a city apartment there is not always space to accommodate bicycles, and roller skates do not require much space. No less important is the use of roller training against excess weight.

What muscles work when roller skating?

Among the main muscles that work during roller skating are:

  • inner thigh muscles;
  • adductor gluteal muscles.

Important! Movements during skating are as close to natural as possible, which especially contributes to achieving positive results and benefits the figure.

Particularly noteworthy is the fact that roller training does not put excessive stress on tendons, joints and ligaments, unlike running. This fact significantly reduces the risk of harm to them, and at the same time, training has a lot of positive properties.

After starting classes, at first all parts of the body will hurt, this moment is worth enduring, because this is useful pain, it will not cause harm.

  • While skating, the ankle will work, as well as the inner and outer surfaces of the thigh.
  • Pulling your legs back when moving on roller skates will help remove the riding breeches.
  • At the same time, the muscles of the buttocks will constantly work.
  • When climbing a hill, the press comes into play.
  • To maintain equilibrium and balance, it is used shoulder girdle and lumbar region, posture is corrected.

The benefits of roller skating are obvious for both men and women.

The benefits of roller skating for weight loss

When a person has a big overweight, every movement for him is associated with joint overloads and lumbar region, And intensive training in such a situation can cause significant harm. Losing weight by walking or running is a big problem, since the joints endure enormous stress. However, the use of rollers can be of great benefit in this matter, without causing harm. Useful properties of such physical activities for people with excess body weight are invaluable.

Losing weight through roller skating is much easier on the body. It should be noted that fat is burned in problem area. Roller skating will be especially beneficial for women, since very often the fair half of humanity wants to lose weight locally in problem areas. When riding, a person gets all the benefits from physical activity, while harmful properties sports are significantly reduced.

How many calories are burned when roller skating?

An hour of leisurely roller skating will help you get rid of 400 kcal, but if you speed up, their amount reaches 900 kcal.

Thus, the beneficial properties of roller skating benefit the figure, train the body and coordination, and give a person self-confidence, ease and grace of movements.

The benefits and harms of roller skating for children

Roller skating brings great benefits to a child's body. If you take into account all the recommendations, harm is excluded.

So, the beneficial properties of roller skating:

  • Strengthening the buttocks and legs. It should be noted that those muscles are used that cannot be worked in other types of physical activity.

    Attention! This benefit of roller skates is also relevant for many girls who are concerned about the condition of these parts of the body.

  • Since the baby needs to maintain balance when skating, the back, stomach, and shoulder girdle are trained in the process.
  • Coordination improves. Thanks to this, the child’s gait changes, it becomes lighter and more graceful.
  • Roller skating helps train the cardiovascular system, making it more resilient.
  • During skating, combustion occurs. large quantity calories without additional harm, which allows the child to maintain a slim and fit body.
  • The baby's visual apparatus is trained, since during the ride the child is forced to look either into the distance or around him.
  • Physical activity is good for nervous system, because the voltage is released.
  • Roller skating has overall health benefits because physical activity in the fresh air helps oxygenate the blood, which hardens and strengthens the child's body.

Roller skating techniques and rules for beginners

Preparing for riding:

  • Before starting the roller skating procedure, you need to do a short warm-up, especially pay attention lower limbs. Otherwise, you can get harm from the exercises and nullify all the beneficial properties of the workout. It would be best to squat about 10 times.
  • In order to avoid harm to health and to avoid chafing your feet, check that the rollers fit snugly on your feet and that the foot inside should not move.
  • When the skates are fastened, you need to stand on your feet and stand for a while to understand how to maintain balance.
  • After balance is found, you need to try to lift one and the other leg in turn and not fall.

Riding technique:

  1. The first step is to work out the riding stance. You should place your feet shoulder-width apart, with your knees slightly bent. The center of gravity shifts forward.
  2. Afterwards you can try to push off.
  3. When training, be sure to wear a protective helmet on your head, knee pads and elbow pads.
  4. At first it is better to move at low speed, it is better to focus on the length of the distance.

Important! A small, flat area with a smooth surface is best suited for beginner roller skating. The speed of mastering the basics of this sport and the beneficial properties of training can depend on the correct choice of place for skiing.

Roller exercises for weight loss

As mentioned above, even regular roller skating is beneficial for those who want to lose weight. But if you do some exercises, you will lose weight much faster, since energy consumption will be higher:

  • "Hourglass". With this exercise you can tone your muscles. inner surface hips. As you know, this is one of those areas that is most difficult to work on. To perform this exercise, you will need to move forward or backward, while periodically bringing your legs together and spreading them.
  • "Snake". The legs should be parallel and slightly bent at the knees; when moving forward, the body should be tilted to the right and left alternately. The movement should be wave-like. The exercise helps work the hips and ankles.
  • "Wave" . This exercise is similar to the previous one, only one leg should be placed behind the other.
  • Riding on an incline. Excellent results can be obtained when driving uphill. The exercise strengthens the abs, while the stabilizer muscles responsible for retracting the abdomen work.

For whom roller skating is contraindicated?

  • If you have diseases of the vestibular system, you should not stand on roller skates. People with this disease have poor balance and fall constantly.
  • If you have had a head injury, you should forget about roller skating for at least two months.
  • If you have vision problems, you will definitely need contact lenses. The speed when moving is quite high, you need to have time to navigate: glasses can easily break and injure your face and eyes.
  • If a person has flat feet, it is necessary to use special insoles-instep supports, only in this way the properties of the training will be beneficial, and the person will not suffer harm from the exercises.

How to choose videos

For beginners, the most common roller skates are suitable. The models are quite rigid and can be adjusted to your feet. If after walking in such shoes for five minutes there is no feeling of discomfort, then the size is appropriate. It is important that the shoes fit exactly to size.

Professional roller models have a list of modified parameters. There are rollers for fitness, hockey and speed. All varieties have their own material, fastenings and special wheels. After developing your skating style, you can choose more suitable roller boots.

Clothing and protection for roller skating

When choosing clothes for roller skating, you should focus on the basic rule: it should be loose and fairly durable. Rollerbladers often prefer jeans because they suffer less from contact with the asphalt surface. It is better to purchase special sports socks: they absorb moisture better and save your feet from chafing.

Don't neglect your helmet and elbow and knee pads. Beginners do not always manage to fall correctly, and protection will save the joints from injury. In addition, you can pay attention to special shorts, you can find them in sports stores: they have protective inserts in the tailbone and lower back. In this outfit you won’t be afraid to master skating.


The article examined the benefits and harms of roller skating, the conclusion can be made very simple: if you follow the recommendations and safety precautions, this type of physical activity is very useful for people of different ages. The main thing is not to exercise if there are contraindications, and then the beneficial properties of this sport will help improve your well-being.

Roller skating is one of the most enjoyable and useful species sports It helps strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks, burns fat, increases endurance and improves coordination. These are the main advantages of this discipline. But, in addition, it is an excellent form of relaxation and a means of communication.

This sport is suitable for both young and old people and does not require special training. But it is roller skating that helps relieve stress and get a charge of positive emotions. There are a number of other advantages of this kind sports activities. We invite you to familiarize yourself with them so that you can get on roller skates as soon as possible.

Roller skating strengthens the heart and improves motor skills

Benefit #1: Burns fat effectively. In terms of its effectiveness for losing weight, roller skating is comparable to running. An hour-long run can burn 700 kcal. And regular roller skating two to three times a week results in a loss of 1 kg of weight.

  • It is important to keep your heart rate at the same level during training. This will help start the weight loss process and avoid feeling tired.

Advantage No. 2. Does not overload the joints. During roller skating, less stress is placed on the joints than when running.

  • Skating does not require sudden movements, like running. This helps avoid overexertion that occurs when running.

Benefit #3: Strengthens the heart and improves cardiovascular function. Strong Heart It pumps blood better, which means it more efficiently supplies oxygen to all tissues of the body.

  • This gives a surge of strength and prevents rapid fatigue.

Benefit No. 4. Develops the muscles of the legs and buttocks. During roller skating, all major muscle groups work. The muscles of the legs and buttocks are most intensively involved. Therefore, this sport is suitable for those women who want to give sloping hips and firmness to their buttocks.
Roller skating also strengthens the muscles of the back and abdomen. Thanks to this, the spine becomes straight and the posture becomes beautiful.

Benefit #5: Improves fine motor skills. The need to maintain balance while roller skating results in individual muscles bodies begin to interact with each other.

  • The sense of balance develops fine motor skills, which are useful not only in sports, but also in everyday life.

Roller skating has no contraindications or side effects

Benefit No. 6. Cleanses the body. Roller skating involves open space. Such training is more useful than indoor exercises. It helps cleanse the body.
Advantage No. 7. Has no contraindications. This sport is safe. But before you go to the city, you should master your driving technique well. Then the risk of injury is minimal.

  • There are no age restrictions. All generations can roller skate: children, parents, grandparents.

Advantage No. 8. Vehicle. On roller skates you can get everywhere where asphalt roads and sidewalks lead. When the weather is favorable, it is worth changing the car for rollerblades and driving them, for example, to work. This trip will allow you to breathe clean air.

Benefit No. 9. Develops communication. Roller skaters often organize their own events - marathons, excursions, masquerades and even roller discos.

  • Roller skating gives you the opportunity to try something new and meet interesting people.

Benefit #10: Relieves stress. Rollerblading is a great way to relax. Depending on your mood you can choose fast speed or, conversely, a leisurely ride. Either way, it will help relieve stress.