What does functional training mean? A set of functional exercises, what they are in fitness and an example of a training program

Every time has its own standards of beauty. In those years when Schwarzenegger shone at the Mr. Olympia competitions, athletes' training and nutrition programs were aimed at bloating their muscles. Chemistry was actively used to build muscles.

A pumped-up body is not synonymous with health and functionality.

From an aesthetic point of view, the attractiveness of hypertrophied muscles is highly controversial. For well-being and slim figure It is necessary to strengthen not only the biceps or broadest backs, but also small, stabilizing muscles.

Benefits and description of exercises

Isolated and functional training are opposite to each other in terms of tasks and final results. In the first option, work is done on a separate muscle group or muscle.

Example of isolation training:

  • extension of arms with a barbell from behind the head;
  • raising dumbbells to the sides;
  • lifting dumbbells in front of you;
  • extension and bending of the legs in the simulator;
  • block thrust.

There is no need to do them: these exercises work on individual muscles, while functional fitness allows you to concentrate on achieving your goals without wasting time and effort on ineffective isolation exercises.

Basic movements cover almost all muscle groups.

Lie on the floor, lean on your toes and elbows, head in line with the spine, twist your pelvis. Avoid lumbar deflection.

The exercise involves the abs, back, buttocks and stabilizers. Increases endurance.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned outward. The back is straight, do not round it. Start sitting down and back, as if you were trying to sit in a chair that is far away.

There is no need to squat low; it is enough when the thighs form a right angle with the shins. Pause for a second. As you stand up, engage your glutes. The buttocks, legs, spinal stabilizers, and abs are involved.

Grab the bar with your hands. Straight, reverse, wide or narrow grip connects different groups muscles, alternate them from approach to approach. Squeeze your shoulder blades together, pushing yourself up.

Reach the bar to the level of the middle of your neck, hold for a second, slowly lower to the starting position.

The exercise works your back, biceps, and abs.

Important! CrossFit is characterized by circuit training. They are based on a small number of multi-joint movements.

The goal of functional fitness, or crossfit, – not only to work out the whole body in a complex, but also to do it as naturally as possible, using natural human movements.

Basic exercises and equipment

The training system is based on the physiological movements of the body.

Her goal:

  • increase in general tone;
  • weight loss;
  • development of flexibility;
  • improving ligament elasticity and coordination;
  • strengthening the muscle corset;
  • stimulation of lymphatic drainage;
  • improvement of strength and endurance indicators.

These achievements are healthier and more important for daily tasks than having huge muscles. The classes do not require complex exercise equipment; the program is adapted to be performed at home or in park areas.

With its own weight

Start with homework. Push-ups, squats, lunges and planks are available to everyone.

A few rules:

  • When performing squats, control the position of your knee joints; they should not extend beyond your toes. The direction of movement of the pelvis is backward, as if you want to sit on a far away chair. Your back is straight, do not round your lower back.
  • Correct body position is very important to perform the plank. Do not let your lower back bend, twist your pelvis towards your ribs.
  • When doing pull-ups, you don't need to pull yourself using your arms. The movement begins in the shoulder blades.
  • Starting position for push-ups the same as for planks. Don't let your lower back sag.

To avoid harming yourself, take a few lessons from a trainer, ask him to set up the technique, and record a video. Monitor yourself in the mirror or film yourself and compare with a reference video.

With weights

Having mastered the initial course, complicate the task. When working out in the gym, use dumbbells, weights or weights. At home, you can use water bottles instead of dumbbells.

With gymnastic apparatus

The more varied the activities, the better the effect. Master the parallel bars and horizontal bar. Many outdoor sports grounds are equipped with these equipment. If you prefer to work out indoors, the simplest gym without expensive exercise equipment will suit you, and a horizontal bar or TRX loops can be equipped in your apartment.

A good addition to standard exercises will become rubber loops or regular gymnastic band: with their help you can pump up your whole body.

Cardio loads

This is the most important part of the training program aimed at strengthening cardiovascular systems s and increase endurance.

  • Walking. Gradually increase the intensity, including interval training, during which you move at your maximum pace for a minute and walk at your normal speed for two minutes.
  • Jumping rope. Gradually speed up the pace. Make the exercise more difficult by jumping on one leg.
  • Nordic walking. Works all the muscles.
  • Monotonous jogging. Indispensable for endurance and fat burning.
  • Cycling or exercise on an exercise bike. Many muscle groups are involved.
  • Seasonal activities. Swim in the summer and ski in the winter.

Lack of time is just an excuse. Involve your family in sports, combine fitness and communication with loved ones.

Weight loss training

You can use a set of functional exercises for weight loss. Any workout requires energy. With the same weight but different muscle mass, two people will have different metabolisms.

Muscles, even when at rest, require more energy than fat layer. By playing sports, you force your body to burn excess fat. A balanced diet with 10-15% of the body’s basic expenditure will help speed up fat burning.

To lose weight:

  • determine your current weight and height;
  • Calculate your body mass index by dividing your weight in kilograms by the square of your height in cm.

Before preparing your diet, determine your basic calorie consumption using the formula:

If you are an office worker and plan to study for an hour every other day, multiply the base expense by a factor of 1.35, subtract 10-15%. The resulting figure will be your daily calorie content. By exercising 3-4 times a week and creating a calorie deficit, you will definitely lose weight. If the weight does not change or even increases, then an error has crept into the calculations.

Create a program based on a circular principle, using exercises such as:

  • pull-ups with different types of grip;
  • push-ups from the floor and bench;
  • squats;
  • direct and reverse lunges;
  • all types of planks.

The enemy of progress is monotony.

With each session, make the task more difficult by shortening the rest between sets and adding repetitions. Monitor strength-endurance indicators, and over time add belt weights and sand bags on the limbs.

Features of the functional training program for women and girls

Start your classes with own weight, paying attention to the correct execution of each movement. Prepare your body. Warm up your joints with rotations: this will reduce the risk of injury. At the end of classes, you need a cool down and cardio.

  • make up training plan based on your own capabilities;
  • bring it correct technique to automaticity;
  • use weights only after you have learned to feel the movement;
  • do not abuse exercise machines: they are intended for isolated training;
  • use fitballs and bosu - with the help of this equipment you can complicate standard exercises;
  • master TRX loops: with their help you can load your entire body in one session.

Do not chase the speed of completing the complex or quick results. You must teach your body to work correctly.


The functionalities are as natural and physiological as possible, they do not require a mountain of muscles, super strength and superhuman endurance, which is why they are shown to absolutely all people, regardless of gender, age and initial physical condition.

The absence of contraindications allows you to start training at any time. During classes, listen to yourself and apply the load in accordance with your initial preparedness. If you have chronic diseases (hypertension, diabetes, kidney failure, etc.), consult a doctor.

The presence of hernias and protrusions of the spine is not a contraindication for functional loads.

Avoid jumping and other impact stress on the spine and joints.

There are no more excuses for laziness. Functional fitness does not require material costs, is available in the format of home workouts, allows you to comprehensively solve problems to improve your well-being, and is effective for losing weight.

According to a 2009 study, functional training outperformed classical strength training in athletes by 59%. Coordination of movements is developed 196% more than in those who engage in classical strength training. In addition, functional training is the least traumatic and joint-friendly form of fitness.


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Its peculiarity is that the training consists of movements that have to be performed daily. Exercises involve the entire muscular framework of the body, increase overall tone, improve balance and coordination.

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    What is functional training?

    Initially, functional training was used by athletes to improve professional skills. Figure skaters developed a sense of balance, throwers worked on explosive force, the stayers trained endurance, the sprinters trained the starting push.

    Now this type of training is widespread and practiced by many professional athletes and amateurs.


    Functional training is different from other types physical activity fundamental principles:

    1. 1. All exercises are based on actions performed by a person regularly.
    2. 2. The work is performed at a high pace, but for a short time (no more than 60 minutes).
    3. 3. The workout consists of multi-joint movements that involve various groups muscles.
    4. 4. The work is aimed at honing the technique of performing exercises, and not at pumping muscles.

    A distinctive feature of functional training is the complex effect of training - during the training, work is carried out in the following areas:

    • working out all muscle groups, incl. deep;
    • increasing the body's endurance;
    • improving coordination and dexterity of movements;
    • developing flexibility;
    • improved sense of balance.

    During classes, movements are performed in different positions (standing, sitting, lying), which allows you to use all muscles, including stabilizer muscles.


    The main advantage of this type of fitness is the following effects on the body:

    • has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
    • develops the musculoskeletal system and helps in the treatment of many of its diseases (for example, curvature of the spine);
    • improves overall physical fitness: keeps muscles toned, develops endurance, increases strength;
    • makes it easier to cope with everyday activities (climbing stairs, jumping over puddles, rocking a child and others);
    • promotes weight loss, fat burning and improved figure.

    This type of training is suitable for absolutely everyone, the main thing is to choose the right training program.

    Another advantage of functional training is its accessibility: classes are held in almost all fitness clubs and studios. You can train at home without additional equipment or with a minimum amount of equipment. There are programs for outdoor exercise using horizontal bars and parallel bars.

    In addition, training does not take much time, so it is suitable even for very busy people. The lesson lasts from 20 to 60 minutes, but during this time you can get a full load and work out all the main muscle groups.

    Disadvantages and contraindications

    One of the disadvantages is the high intensity of training. A high pace of work is one of the foundations of functional training, but for this reason classes are difficult for people without physical training.

    Training has a number of contraindications. Exercises should be approached with great caution if you have diseases:

    • cardiovascular system;
    • respiratory system;
    • digestive system;
    • musculoskeletal system

    In case of exacerbation of chronic diseases, the presence of inflammatory processes and various injuries, it is not recommended to exercise. In these cases, training can aggravate the condition and harm the body. Before starting classes, you should consult your doctor.

    Types of functional training

    This training gained its popularity largely due to its adaptability. In the modern fitness industry, the following areas are distinguished:

    View Description
    BaseIt involves bodyweight exercises without the use of additional equipment. The best option for beginners, people without physical training or athletes after a long break to get back in shape
    TRX (Total Body Resistance Exercises)Classes with your own weight and the use of special trx loops. They consist of two slings connected to each other and fixed at a certain height
    CoreBodyweight training on a special unstable platform. They are considered a speed-strength type of fitness and combine cardio and strength exercises for all muscle groups.
    BosuBodyweight exercises using a hemispherical platform. The load level can be adjusted by changing its elasticity. Both sides of the equipment can be used in training
    CrossFitHere are fulfilled basic exercises with free weights (dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells). This type of fitness is not recommended for beginners. First you need to hone the technique of performing the exercise.
    WorkoutDoing exercises outside. In this case they can be used street exercise equipment such as horizontal bars, parallel bars, ladders and others

    Bosu training

    All types of functional training are equally suitable for both men and women.

    Basic exercises and techniques for performing them

    The list of basic exercises is small, but has many modifications. Each of the movements can be performed using special equipment (trx loops, core platform or others).

    There are other highly specialized exercises, but most often these are variations or combinations of basic movements.


    This is a basic strength exercise in many areas of fitness, including functional training. The muscles of the legs, buttocks, and abs work here. Execution rules:

    1. 1. Create a slight arch in the lower back.
    2. 2. Lower your pelvis without lifting your heel;
    3. 3. Make sure that your knees do not go beyond the projection of your toes.
    4. 4. Lower yourself no lower than until your thighs are parallel to the floor.

    Possible variations: on one leg, with weights (barbell, kettlebell, dumbbells, elastic band), with a narrow or broad setting legs, with additional equipment.


    Another multi-joint strength exercise. In the classic version, it is performed from the floor, the starting position is lying down, arms are shoulder-width apart, hands are located strictly under the shoulders. Possible options: push-ups from equipment (loops, platforms), from knees, standing from parallel bars, on one hand, on fists, with clapping and others. Technique:

    1. 1. Place your arms straight on the floor. Keep your body straight without bending your lower back in each position of the exercise.
    2. 2. Keep your abs and buttocks tense.
    3. 3. Lower yourself down, then lift your body to the starting position.

    Push-ups work the biceps, triceps, deltoids and pectoral muscles, the muscles of the core and legs are involved. By changing the position of your hands, closer or further from the body, you can move target load from one muscle to another.


    This is a strength exercise aimed at working the abdominal muscles, back and arms; the legs and buttocks are less involved. The starting position is lying on your hands or elbows, which must be held for some time.

    Rules for performing the plank:

    1. 1. Keep your hands strictly under your shoulders.
    2. 2. Slightly tuck your pelvis, removing the arch in your lower back.
    3. 3. keep the body under maximum tension throughout the entire exercise.
    4. 4. Keep your breathing even and calm.

    The plank can be performed with your arms or legs resting on the equipment, alternately changing the position from lying on your elbows, alternately raising your arms and/or legs. There is an option to perform the reverse plank exercise, belly up.


    Burpee, or burpee, - basic aerobic exercise, combining push-ups, planks and jumps. Starting position - standing, then through a squat, transition to a lying position, classic push-up, pulling up the legs and jumping. On different stages When performing burpees, the work includes the muscles of the shoulders, triceps, biceps, chest muscles, abs, back, buttocks, hamstrings, quadriceps, calf muscles. Operating rules:

    1. 1. Keep your body straight without bending in the lower back.
    2. 2. Keep your feet together or shoulder width apart.

    Burpee requires preliminary preparation.


    This is a basic strength exercise with the main load on the abdominal and thigh muscles. It can be performed either while sitting on the floor or platform, or on parallel bars or a horizontal bar. In the first case, the body and legs are simultaneously pulled towards each other, in the second, the legs are raised towards the body. The corner can be performed statically, holding the body in the main position for a while. A simplified version of this exercise is a crunch, with your hands behind your head and your feet on the floor or towards your hands in a bent position.

    The technique of execution varies greatly depending on the variation of the exercise. Main rules:

    1. 1. Exhale with effort.
    2. 2. Keep your back straight, rounding is acceptable.
    3. 3. Maintain tension in the muscles even at the lowest point of descent.
    4. 4. Relax your neck, keep your head in a natural position.

    It is important to perform the exercise with strength, without jerks or sudden movements, to feel the work of the target muscle groups.


    The exercise is aimed at developing a sense of balance. The classic swallow is performed while standing. Technique:

    • Keep the knees of both legs straight;
    • tilt the torso forward until it is parallel to the floor;
    • keep your head, back and legs at the same level

    First, you can perform a swallow with support.

    There are various variations of performing the exercise: kneeling or lying down (in this case, the exercise is usually called the “boat”); change the position of the body, adding a deflection in the lower back; bend and straighten the supporting leg; perform exercises while standing on a special platform or hemisphere.


    This is an exercise with weights aimed at working the muscles of the legs and buttocks. The starting position is standing, legs shoulder-width apart, feet parallel to each other, then a step is taken, the body lowers perpendicular to the floor. Lunges are performed using dumbbells, barbells or additional equipment. Even beginners are advised to use small additional weights.

    Basic rules for performing lunges:

    1. 1. Maintain a 90 degree angle at your front knee.
    2. 2. Straighten your shoulders.
    3. 3. Look ahead.
    4. 4. Keep your back straight, without bending, slightly bending forward is possible.
    5. 5. Do not touch the floor with your lower knee.

    Possible options are to perform lunges on or from the platform (hemisphere), moving the legs to the side or diagonally, fixing one leg in a loop, and performing it in a jump.


    The exercise uses the muscles of the back, legs, arms and abs, that is, all major muscle groups.

    Basic rules of implementation:

    1. 1. Keep your back straight with a natural arch.
    2. 3. Look ahead.
    3. 3. Do not fully extend your knees even at the top of the movement.
    4. 4. Do not move your knees beyond the projection of your socks.
    5. 5. Exhale as you rise up.

    There are many variations of the deadlift. By changing the width of the legs, grip and level of inclination, you can shift the main load from one muscle to another and work on problem areas.

    Various jumping, running, rowing are also basic exercises. They are used during training in various variations, with or without weights. They are an additional cardio load during the training process.

    Rules for compiling and conducting functional training

    When starting functional training, you must first familiarize yourself with the general rules training process, draw up a lesson plan and purchase the necessary equipment.

    By following simple rules, you can independently prepare a full-fledged program.

    Principles of the training process

    When engaging in any type of fitness, it is important to observe general rules training. Main principles:

    1. 1. Warm up. Functional training uses two warm-up phases. First: muscle warming up. For him, jumping, running in place, jumping rope or others will be performed. Second stage: kneading muscles, joints and ligaments. To do this, perform joint warm-up, or basic exercises at an easy pace without additional weight.
    2. 2. Gradual increase in load. You need to start training at a calm pace. When using weights, start with light weights and gradually increase the pace and load. In the absence of physical training, exercise in a simplified mode for the first 2-3 weeks.
    3. 3. Compliance with the technique of performing exercises.
    4. 4. Monitoring your pulse and general well-being. It is important to keep your heart rate in the optimal working zone. It is calculated using the formula: (220 - age) * 0.7. In addition, ailments, excessive fatigue, and severe pain are good reasons to stop training or slow down the pace of work.
    5. 5. Regular training. In order to get a good result, you should exercise at least 2-3 times a week, but be sure to give the body time to recover.

    An additional rule for functional training is alternating the load. Strengthening exercises are replaced by aerobic and balance exercises, power load supplemented with cardio exercise.

    Rules for compiling workouts

    Circuit training example

    When preparing a training program, it is important to know the following rules:

    1. 1. Be guided by the athlete’s level of training. Of all types of functional training, at the initial stage it is recommended to engage in basic training, which involves working with your own weight; in some exercises you can use weights. In the first stages, their weight should not exceed 2-3 kg for girls, 5-6 kg for men.
    2. 2. Choose the optimal type of training. Fitness centers and gyms provide group functional training with special equipment. It is recommended to do circuit training at home. They involve doing exercises in a circle without stopping between them. A break of 1-2 minutes is taken after completing a full circle of exercises. 4-6 circles are performed per workout, each of which includes from 5 to 8 exercises.
    3. 3. Change your training program regularly. Muscles have the ability to adapt to the load; to prevent this from happening, it is recommended to change the program every month. If a training week consists of 3 sessions, each of them should be slightly different from the others. Changing exercises daily is also not recommended.

    Example of a training week

    A training week usually consists of 3 sessions and is completed over the course of a month. You can use it longer by adding or changing exercises.

    The higher the pace of work, the greater the fat-burning effect of the workout.

    Example training week(before each workout, warm up for 10 minutes, then cool down and stretch for 10 minutes):

    Day of the week Training

    Circuit training - four circles of six exercises, rest - a minute between circles. Training:

    1. 1. Squats - 20 times.
    2. 2. Push-ups - 10 times.
    3. 3. Elbow plank - 1 minute.
    4. 4. Burpees - 5 times.
    5. 5. Corner (twisting) - 20 times.
    6. 6. Lunges - 15 times on each leg
    1. 1. Lunges - 10 times on each leg.
    2. 2. Burpees - seven times.
    3. 3. Corner (twisting) - 15 times.
    4. 4. Push-ups - eight times.
    5. 5. Run in place - a minute.
    6. 6. Hand plank - one minute.
    7. 7. Deadlift - 25 times
    1. 1. Squats - 20 times.
    2. 2. Deadlift - 15 times.
    3. 3. Corner (twisting) - 20 times.
    4. 2. Push-ups - 10 times.
    5. 5. Elbow plank - one minute.
    6. 6. Burpees - five times

    Notes about this program:

    1. 1. Deadlifts and lunges are recommended to be performed with a small additional weight.
    2. 2. It is permissible to do push-ups from your knees.
    3. 3. If necessary, increase the rest between circles to 2 minutes.
    4. 4. All exercises can be performed in comfortable variations, observing general equipment execution.
    5. 5. Circuit training should not take more than 50 minutes; if it lasts longer, it is permissible to remove one of the exercises.

    Before starting training, you should consult your doctor.

    And a little about secrets...

    The story of one of our readers, Inga Eremina:

    I was especially depressed by my weight; at 41, I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers combined, namely 92 kg. How to remove overweight fully? How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure.

    But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

Functional training: what is it, how does it differ from cardio, what exercises does it consist of and how does it differ from other types of training? They became interested and again reached out to Alexandra Sergeeva, personal trainer directions gyms federal network of fitness clubs X-Fit.

1. Please tell me what “functional training” is?

Functional training is a set of exercises that, when performed, improves physical fitness and technique for performing the movements necessary in everyday life. The main movements of PT are movements in different planes, mainly while standing rather than sitting in the machine. The more varied and natural the movement, the better.

2. What are the fundamental differences between PT and standard training?

The fundamental difference between functional training and other training is that your muscles perform physiologically natural work for them, which occurs when you get up from a chair or try to sit down in a deep chair, or lift and hold a child in your arms, jump over a puddle or carry heavy suitcase, etc. It is worth noting that during PT, deep muscles are also involved, which are difficult to use during regular training.

"Farmer's walk" - you have to do the same thing in life!

3. Where can I start this type of training?

It is necessary to start functional training with an intensive warm-up, which consists of several stages. The first stage includes cardio exercise: light jogging, brisk walking with or without the use of exercise equipment (jumping rope). The second stage consists of exercises to improve joint mobility and ligament elasticity: bending, turning and circular movements. Additional warming up is necessary for those muscles that will be most involved during exercise.

4. Is it possible to use all muscle groups by training this way?

When doing functional training, it is possible to use all muscle groups, including the deep muscles that are responsible for stability and balance.

5. What equipment should be used during functional training?

During functional training, it is necessary to use equipment that allows you to make movements not along a fixed trajectory (as on conventional simulators), but along a free one. This could be an adjustable rod or crossover, shock absorbers, balls, free weights, weights or specialized equipment - TRX, ViPR, Equalizer, etc.

6. Why is functional training useful?

Functional training is useful for any fitness level. By toning the muscles in the process of performing various exercises, the body acquires relief, physical fitness improves and the skills of necessary daily movements appear.

7. Name the 5 most useful exercises from functional training.

The most useful exercises from functional training:

  • Single leg deadlift;
  • Swing;
  • "Martin";
  • Lifting a ball (weight) from the floor;
  • Jumps on a hemisphere and sideways.

Often in fitness, functional exercises are associated with intense strength training, but in fact, functional training is just the most common exercises aimed at general physical development:






    Torso rotations

The general point of functional movements is to strengthen muscles without the risk of injury.

Functional physical training

Functional exercises are not limited to simple squats using your own weight. As you progress, you can also use fitness bands, fitness balls, kettlebells, barbells and dumbbells. But before you start loading up, you need to learn how to properly perform simple exercises with your own weight.

Benefits of Functional Training

First of all, beginners, older people and people undergoing rehabilitation after various injuries will be able to appreciate the advantages of this type of training. Here are the main benefits of functional exercise:

    Improved posture

    Improved coordination and balance

    Strengthening joints

    The risk of injury is minimized

    Ease and simplicity of execution

    Work of the majority muscle groups

    Health effect

Comparison of strength and functional training

Strength training is exercises aimed at a specific muscle group. A bodybuilder bench presses a heavy weight, but this is unlikely to be useful to him in everyday life.

Functional training is integrated approach to the development of the entire neuromuscular system, applied to everyday movements.

Reading time: 24 min

It’s no secret that in the vast majority of sports the principle of specialization prevails: “What you train is what you get.” This is the shortest way to high achievements in the chosen area: a bodybuilder receives muscle hypertrophy and separation, a powerlifter receives maximum strength in three competitive movements, a weightlifter also receives strength, also in competitive exercises, but not maximum, but a slightly different property - dynamic, etc.

This approach also has a downside: narrow specialization leads to the fact that sports qualities and skills can be applied in real life not always and not everywhere. A bodybuilder, in fact, may not be as strong as he looks compared to the same powerlifter; a powerlifter is strong, but not durable; a weightlifter, on the contrary, has good strength endurance, but weak strength. In addition, representatives of traditional strength disciplines are often too confined within the framework of the exercises that they constantly practice.

How can we connect sport with practical life conditions, with the types of physical effort that an ordinary person has to make in everyday life? New trends in fitness largely solve this issue. Functional training is just such a discipline. It is built on the basis base loads and the actions that a person experiences and performs every day.

Functional training is a fitness discipline that is built on developing basic physical actions performed daily. For example, jumping, jogging, lifting light weights, cleaning the house, playing with children, etc. (of course, when we talk about such daily actions, we mean a person leading an active lifestyle). Most of these movements are multi-joint and quite complex in biomechanics. There is no “isolation” as such in functional training.

And there is one important feature here. Functional exercises work not only large and visible muscles, but also many small stabilizer muscles, which in classical strength training often end up “forgotten”. Pumping up such muscles is not amenable to psychological control; you cannot mentally concentrate on their training, as, for example, in strength exercises on any “target” muscles. In functional training, a number of special devices and training principles are used to solve this problem. (equipment and training will be discussed below).

What are the benefits of functional training?

Here are five main benefits of functional training that are important to know:

  1. This type of training develops simultaneously all the basic physical qualities person: force (in the form of still strength endurance first of all - but this is precisely the type of strength in ordinary life that is usually required), speed, aerobic endurance, flexibility, coordination of movements.
  2. Harmonious and balanced development of skeletal muscles, since the load is given to all muscle groups without exception and stabilizer muscles are actively involved in the work.
  3. Improves appearance athlete: fat is burned and “lean” aesthetic muscles are built (of course, without such extreme volumes as in bodybuilding).
  4. General healing effect on the body: metabolism accelerates, the trainee usually “gives up” bad habits, begins to eat properly and lead healthy image life.
  5. Another useful effect, which for some reason is often forgotten: functional training due to its exceptional diversity in terms of selection of exercises and equipment used expands the “sports horizons” of the trainee. A novice athlete is “discovered” by exercises with a barbell, kettlebell lifting, warmout and much more (in this, functional training is similar to).

In functional training they work ALL major muscle groups, and this is one of the main advantages of this sporting area. This system allows you to “get” stabilizer muscles and some other specific muscle groups. This is achieved by the huge variety and complex biomechanics of the exercises used.

Let's take a closer look at the sports qualities that were mentioned in the previous paragraph:

  1. Exercises with moderately heavy weights and weights own body certainly contribute increase in strength indicators, Moreover, this growth occurs in three directions at once. As a result of training stress, the trainee's muscles become larger and stronger, and this strength is "biased" towards endurance, since most exercises are performed in an above-average repetition range. The second “booster” for strength growth is central nervous system training. The exercises used are complex in terms of biomechanics, and the work follows a natural trajectory, so different muscle groups begin to work more harmoniously, “neurological mastery” of the exercises occurs, which also leads to an increase in strength indicators. The third direction is the training of stabilizer muscles already mentioned above, which reduces the risk of injury from training and makes a significant contribution to the development of strength.
  2. Speed: movements are performed in a high-speed, “explosive” style; in addition, many programs include sprinting. All this develops the athlete’s speed performance.
  3. Respiratory and cardiovascular endurance: the high pace of training and the “circular” principle of training that is actively used in the system, in combination with the same jogging, gives very good development of endurance.
  4. Flexibility: a number of exercises used in the functional training system (for example, Turkish get-ups with a kettlebell, “advanced” varieties of push-ups, weight rotation, etc.) develop flexibility of joints and muscles.
  5. Movement coordination: here the situation partially repeats the previous point. Results similar to complex multi-step movements (again the same Turkish rise), and more simple ones (one-leg pistol squat) directly depend on the coherence of muscle groups and the ability to maintain balance. An athlete who constantly practices such exercises will inevitably develop coordination.

What are the disadvantages and contraindications?

There are only two significant disadvantages to functional training:

  1. Low growth rates muscle mass. This system will help you build a lean, muscular body, but it will never give you bodybuilding muscle volume. To achieve big muscle hypertrophy training and nutrition must be different. Functional training is not bodybuilding.
  2. It will not be possible to achieve maximum results in any of the sports qualities due to the multidirectionality of training (same story as CrossFit).

Like any other training system, functional training has its contraindications:

  • Pregnancy (especially the second and third trimesters)
  • Various diseases of the heart and the cardiovascular system in general
  • Serious diseases and injuries of the spine
  • Kidney problems (care must be taken in jumping exercises)
  • Various diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system
  • Infections and inflammations accompanied by high fever

Who is functional training suitable for?

Functional training – universal training system, which is suitable for people of different ages, from teenagers 16 years old to the elderly, both men and women. Entry level physical training is also not of fundamental importance; there are options for training programs for both beginners and advanced ones.

Possibility to visit gym will significantly add variety to your training due to various equipment that is not available at home, but you can also train at home - in functional training there are many exercises that do not require any equipment at all or only the bare minimum.

The goals of the trainees may also be different: burning fat, general physical fitness, strengthening muscles and ligaments, developing endurance and simply achieving a “sporty” appearance.

Functional training for weight loss

A very large part of trainees (and among girls - the absolute majority) engage in functional training specifically for weight loss. Indeed, such training contribute to the active burning of fat deposits, and to a large extent this occurs due to the acceleration of metabolism already in the post-training time. In this way, functional training is similar to HIIT (however, these two areas are far from the same; the differences will be discussed below). A lot of calories are burned directly during workouts, which take place at a very high pace and involve different muscle groups at the same time.

Those who strive to burn fat and engage in functional training should remember that the number of workouts should be at least three per week. Less frequent sessions may not produce the dramatic metabolic shifts that will result in fat loss during recovery periods between workouts. The duration of the workout will depend on the intensity and level of training: minimum - 20 minutes, maximum - 60 minutes.

If you want to lose weight, then do not forget to eat with and adhere to the general principles of proper nutrition. If we talk about sports nutrition, then to speed up the fat burning process it is advisable to add and. This will help “dry out” faster.

Functional training for muscle mass

A priori: Functional training is not the best tool for building massive muscles. In this system, it is the movements that are trained, and not the strength and mass of the muscles, while the weight of the equipment used is deeply secondary. A moderate increase in muscle mass can only be noticeable in those trainees who have not previously trained at all with weights. Experienced bodybuilders who have switched to functional training may have to put up with some “deflating” of muscle volume, especially for men in the 90+ category.

For athletes who still want to achieve an increase in muscle mass by training using this method, the following principles can be deduced:

  • It is necessary to adjust the set of exercises in favor of movements with weights (barbells, dumbbells, weights, etc.) and power movements with your own body weight (pull-ups, push-ups, etc.).
  • The number of repetitions in the approach does not need to be raised above 12-15.
  • Limit yourself to two workouts per week.
  • If possible, change the emphasis in training, for example, in the first one, train mainly the upper body, in the second, the legs and back, avoiding excessive “crossing of loads.”
  • Proper nutrition: again, a high-protein diet and creatine, which increases “explosive” strength and muscle volume.

If you want to get a dry and lean body, then functional training is very suitable for you. Well, if you want to get a powerful and pumped up body, then it is better to give preference to bodybuilding and powerlifting, and perform functional training optionally for general development bodies.

There are five basic principles of functional training:

  1. The exercises are performed in a standing position or with emphasis on your hands (not sitting or lying down).
  2. Mostly free weight and body weight exercises are used.
  3. The training includes basic multi-joint exercises (not isolating).
  4. Functional training is performed in a high-speed (“explosive”) style.
  5. In this system, it is the movements that are trained, not specific muscles.

The characteristic features of functional training can be called low axial load on the spine and work of ligaments and joints in a “gentle mode”.

“Circular” training, which is common in other related training systems, is actively used, alternating aerobic and anaerobic exercises in a ratio of approximately 30% to 70% (this proportion is not a dogma, variations are possible).

Important aspects are also correct breathing, work in training maximum quantity muscles, an adequate assessment of one’s capabilities (advanced athletes need to approach the loads gradually, starting with programs for beginners) and proper recovery (a break between classes of at least 24 hours).

Exercises in functional training

As a rule, training in a functional style includes exercises from four main groups:

  • Exercises with moderate weights performed in an explosive style: various types squats; lifts, deadlifts, snatches and clean and jerks.
  • Exercises with your own body weight - pull-ups, squats, push-ups, etc.
  • Exercises to overcome the distance: running, cycling and rowing machines.
  • Specific exercises with special equipment (TRX loops, BOSU hemispheres, fitball, expanders, etc.).

The duration of functional training is usually short: from 20 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the level of training and goals of the trainee.

How to turn ordinary exercises into functional ones? Based on the above, here are a couple of examples of “transforming” ordinary exercises into functional ones:

Example 1: An athlete performs a dumbbell press while sitting on a bench, training the deltoids. What does it take to perform a similar movement in a functional style? First, get into a standing position. Secondly, reduce the weight of the equipment and perform the movement in a high-speed style, also involving the leg muscles, i.e. the press will turn into a clean and jerk. Thirdly, you can replace dumbbells with kettlebells - unbalanced equipment that will more actively engage the stabilizer muscles.

Example 2: Now let's turn deadlift into a functional exercise. To do this, you will need to significantly (possibly several times) reduce the weight of the bar. The barbell can be replaced with a heavy weight: for men 40-50 kg, for girls 16-24 kg. The exercise should be performed in a speed style 12-15 times, without fully straightening your knees at the top and avoiding excessive arching of your back. Athletes who lift well over 200 kg will find such weights ridiculous, but we must not forget about speed and the fact that it is movement that is being trained.

What are the differences between functional training and regular training?

  1. The style of performing exercises differs from that accepted in bodybuilding: exercises are performed quickly, in an “explosive” mode.
  2. “Isolation” as such is not used at all, all movements are only multi-joint.
  3. Not applicable strength training equipment– block and lever, only free weights.
  4. The bench is practically not used - all movements are only while standing or resting on your hands.
  5. During the training, almost all muscle groups are worked out; there is no division into training of individual muscle groups according to a weekly split.
  6. There is no clear division between the “strength” part of the training and the “cardio”; in functional training, exercises from both groups are mixed.
  7. Actively used circular method, which is practically absent in traditional bodybuilding.
  8. There is no psychological fixation to feel the work of a certain muscle group (and it is almost impossible to focus on the work of stabilizer muscles).
  9. The most important difference: It is not the muscles that are trained, but the movements. There is a gradual increase in the weights of the weights used, but this factor is not as important as in traditional training with iron.

What equipment will you need?

Exercises in functional training are extremely diverse, and accordingly, the situation with the equipment used is similar.

It is worth noting that a lot of functional exercises are performed with your own body weight or with simple dumbbells. Therefore, they are equally convenient to perform in an equipped gym, in a simple rocking chair, at home, and on sports ground. But you can also diversify functional training with additional equipment.

The following equipment is used in functional training:

  • Various types of weights: barbells, weights,...
  • Traditional gymnastic apparatus: rings, parallel bars.
  • Various types cardio equipment: rowing, treadmills, .
  • A variety of sports and fitness items that can be used both at home and in the gym:, heavy ropes,.

Is it possible for beginners to do functional training?

Functional training is available for beginners to sports at any level of physical fitness. The main thing is to choose the appropriate training program for beginners and start with adequate physical activity, gradually increasing the volume, intensity and complexity of training sessions.

The only requirement for beginners is to meet minimum health criteria (see list of contraindications above).

Tips for beginners:

  • Before starting training, clearly formulate for yourself the goals that you plan to achieve: burning fat, achieving an external effect - an “athletic figure”, improving general physical fitness, etc. Based on this, you need to build your first training program.
  • Soberly assess your physical capabilities by the time you start training and start training with adequate physical activity.
  • Learn self-control: keep a training diary, weigh yourself regularly and take anthropometric measurements.
  • In addition to training, don’t forget about nutrition: more protein and less “fast” carbohydrates in your diet. Use sports nutrition(primarily protein), vitamin and mineral complexes.
  • Improve your own results - this is main criterion progress. It is better to look at advanced trainees only as role models, but there is no point in entering into direct competition with them. In general, a competitive spirit is not about functional training; By practicing this system, you do not find yourself in the ring or on the weightlifting platform.

What are the differences between functional training and interval training?

Two areas of fitness - high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and functional training are similar in many ways: the exercises are often the same and the training of followers of both systems can be almost indistinguishable in appearance. And yet there are differences, and they lie in the original philosophy embedded in these systems.

HIIT involves alternating aerobic and anaerobic exercise in order to activate metabolic processes in the body to burn fat. In functional training, aerobic and anaerobic exercises are also combined, but their indispensable alternation is not a prerequisite for constructing a workout. In functional training, the most important thing is to practice movements, develop athletic qualities and “get” stabilizer muscles.

The goals of all trainees are different, but in general we can say that in HIIT the fat burning and aerobic component is more significant, and in functional training the share of strength exercises is higher - about 70%, and as a result, it is a little more focused on strength and muscle mass. Although if you look at training programs for HIIT and functional training, you will notice that these two sports areas are closely intertwined and have much in common.

Why should you do functional training?

  1. Functional training contributes to the diversified development of sports qualities: strength, endurance, speed, coordination, etc.
  2. Classes using this method are available to almost everyone, regardless of gender, age and physical fitness.
  3. You can train with a minimum amount of equipment without going to the gym - at home or on an outdoor sports ground.
  4. Functional training provides additional insurance against injury due to the development of stabilizer muscles.
  5. In this system there is no strict relationship between success in training and a person’s genetic data (in bodybuilding and powerlifting this dependence is very strong); good results Almost any trainee can achieve this.

Ready-made example of functional training at home

We offer you a ready-made version of functional training that can be performed at home. This is a great set of exercises for weight loss and muscle tone! You can make the exercise more difficult by using dumbbells or increasing the number of repetitions.

The indicated number of repetitions is calculated for the average level of the student. Beginners can reduce the number of repetitions by half, advanced ones, on the contrary, increase (based on your physical capabilities). Attention, the number of repetitions is indicated on one side. There is no need to take a long rest between exercises; 15-30 seconds will be enough.