Japanese martial arts. Types of Japanese martial arts

If you don’t feel too confident when seeing a girl off in the evenings, and the last fight ended for you already in the eighth second, it’s time to change something in this life.

For example, stop downloading gym useless in close combat calf muscles, and do something more serious.

In just 6-18 months, anyone can learn to fight well. Here are the top five efficient systems self-defense:

No. 5: Kyokushinkai Karate

This most spectacular form of karate was invented 60 years ago by the legendary Masutatsu Oyama. They say he's just tired of looking like an antique martial art degenerated and became less and less contactable. As a result, already in the 1960s, Oyama’s brainchild was called nothing more than “karate for millions.”

If you choose kyokushinkai, then within a year and a half You will be able to pass the exam for the 6th kyu - a student “grade” with a yellow belt. This means that you can deal with one or two smokers in the gateway without a lighter.

#4: Kickboxing

Legend has it that the term “kickboxing” was coined in the early 1970s by Chuck Norris. Whether this is true or not, this fusion of boxing and oriental martial arts has become very popular all over the world. No dans, kyu or other tameshiwari. Instead, the battle familiar to the Slavic soul, where blows are delivered in full force- legs and arms. In a word, everything you need to stand up for yourself if something happens.

Of course, it is much easier to advance in kickboxing if you have completed a technical educational program in boxing or taekwondo. But after a year and a half classes “from scratch” you will feel that you are worth something in this world.

#3: Jiu-Jitsu

This martial arts veteran is over 400 years old. But if earlier this samurai training complex taught how to not only break an enemy, but also quickly send him to the next world, today it is simply self-defense for everyone.

Unlike karate, in jiu-jitsu the emphasis is not on strikes and blocks, but on bending, choking, painful holds and throws. It was not for nothing that even the policemen of Tsarist Russia studied the techniques of this system at the beginning of the 20th century. To master jiu-jitsu at a level sufficient for self-defense, you will need 8-10 months.

No. 2: Kadochnikov system

The “youngest” self-defense system was born in the restless head of the head of the laboratory of the Krasnodar Military School, Alexei Kadochnikov, in 1983. Despite the fact that it is taught in special forces, it is accessible to everyone - from a teenager to a housewife.

The only negative: to find out how “it” works, you don’t need to have so much good shot from both hands, how much to know physics, psychology and anatomy. Kadochnikov himself did not show the techniques, but explained the physical laws or principles underlying them. Therefore, if you manage to find a science-savvy instructor, within 7-8 months training, you will tear black belts like napkins.

#1: Krav Magá

Unique school contact combat which is “professed” in the Israeli army, police and special forces. Has nothing to do with competitions, sparring, medals or any philosophy. And therefore it is considered the most effective and useful in real life martial art.

Krav Maga was developed in the 1930s by Imi Lichtenfeld, who in this way decided to teach skinny Slovak Jews to fight off attacks from muscular stormtroopers.

In this Israeli “struggle” everything is logical and thought out. The emphasis is on countering an armed attack. And even to the smallest detail, defense with improvised means (from a pencil to a diplomat) and a group fight are worked out.

The main thing in Krav Maga is to understand the reflexes of both your own and your opponent. If you are mobilized, you can actually complete the course and become invincible in just 6 months.

Fight and martial arts are popular among athletes around the world. They are conventionally divided into three groups: drums, wrestling and mixed. Each of these categories includes certain types of wrestling that have similar characteristics.

Impact types

A special feature of striking martial arts is the fact that only striking techniques are allowed in them. In some types, the fight is carried out using punches and kicks, in others you can fight with knees or elbows. Athletes who engage in striking types of wrestling are vulnerable to those who study mixed martial arts. The fact is that they are defenseless against fighters of mixed styles when the fight is transferred to the ground.

Strike martial arts include:

  • Boxing.
  • Taekwondo.
  • Thai boxing.
  • Karate.
  • Kickboxing.


This martial arts originated in Korea. It is called by different names: taekwondo, taekwondo and taekwondo. Main distinctive feature This type of wrestling in sports involves the active use of legs. Direct strikes and spinning strikes are allowed in the duel. Athletes have great endurance and speed. Despite the fact that taekwondo originated 2000 years ago, it has only been considered a sport since 1955.


Boxing is a sport that developed from fist fighting. Over time, rules were regulated and special training methods were developed. The fight takes place in a ring fenced on all sides. Athletes perform in soft gloves. Competitors who are on equal terms take part in the competition weight categories and having similar sports categories. The rules prohibit performing potentially dangerous actions.

Boxing is one of the most difficult sports. The fact is that the battle environment is rapidly changing. Athletes must have instant reactions and good spatial orientation. Moreover, boxers must quickly make decisions and carry out technical actions. Dexterity, speed, accuracy, good self-control and rationalism - all these qualities are inherent in a boxer. The body must be very resilient. During training, athletes learn to use their strength economically but effectively. Success in competitions depends on how much effort the athlete puts into improving the technique and tactics of combat.

Thai or Thai boxing

One of the most famous boxing arts is Muay Thai, also known as Thai boxing. Initially, this type of boxing was developed as an army and military martial art. The monarch's personal guards were fluent in Thai fighting techniques. They trained to fight back against an enemy that greatly outnumbered them.

By the 21st century, Muay Thai had become more of a sporting form of wrestling than a real martial art. The rules have undergone significant changes and have become more flexible. As a result, the once deadly martial art became much less effective.


This martial arts originated in the 60s of the last century. It has become widespread in many countries of the world. There are several types of kickboxing:

  • American. It is based on full contact fights. This means that during a fight you can strike with any force, aimed at any part of the body, including the head. You can fight with your feet and hands.
  • Japanese. To be honest, Japanese kickboxing is a modernized Thai boxing. The types of wrestling that formed the basis of Japanese kickboxing are very similar to modern martial arts. They have only two significant differences. Firstly, elbow strikes are prohibited. Secondly, the scoring system has been changed. In 1981, many kickboxers were caught in criminal gangs, so a number of large Japanese schools closed. Subsequently, Japanese kickboxing came under the auspices of the K-1 organization, which took it to a new level.


Translated from Japanese, this word means “the path of the empty hand.” It is based on various striking techniques. The fight is fought with the hands. The rules prohibit the use of grabs and throws, but the use of certain types of weapons is allowed, among them cold steel. The main task of athletes is to force the opponent to change his stance. The greatest role in karate is played by the sense of balance, as well as the speed and speed of the fighters.

Wrestling types

Athletes who practice judo, jiu-jitsu, sambo, grappling or martial arts have good developed endurance, however, their speed qualities leave much to be desired. This is due to the fact that the fight is most often fought in the clinch or on the ground, that is, it is less dynamic than in striking types of wrestling. At the same time, the above varieties of sports are very spectacular.


In Japanese, the word "judo" means "the gentle way." It was in this country that this combat sport originated. Judo is based on all kinds of painful holds, throws, chokes and holds. Judo athletes follow the principle of unity of body and spirit. When performing certain technical actions, they spend less energy and physical strength. This is the main difference between judo and other types of wrestling and martial arts.

Since 1964, judo has been one of the Summer Olympic sports. This martial art is subject to clear rules, therefore, at the moment of the fight, the mind controls the body, due to which judo is educational in nature. Athletes not only take part in competitions, but also explore technique, learn self-defense techniques, and also improve their spirit and physical training. In total, there are more than 200 national judo federations on 5 continents of the world.


Sambo is a martial type of wrestling. This martial arts is used for self-defense; it can be used to incapacitate an opponent. However, there is another type of sambo – sports sambo. It has a beneficial effect on the spiritual development of the individual, promotes the development of perseverance, self-confidence, and trains a person in discipline and self-control. Besides, sports sambo– a type of wrestling that hardens the body and brings a person into good physical shape. Sambo is a unique martial art. It is the only one sports competition, competitions for which are held in Russian.


The concept of “jiu-jitsu” is used to describe a special fighting system that is very difficult to describe in words. First of all, it should be noted that jiu-jitsu is hand-to-hand combat. As a rule, athletes do not use weapons. The use of additional items is strictly regulated. This martial art is based on punches and kicks, throws, blocks, holds, strangulations and ties. At the same time, it is not important brute force an athlete, but his agility and dexterity. Maximum results are achieved with minimal effort. If you follow this principle, you can learn to control your body and use energy effectively, regardless of your level of fitness.

Freestyle wrestling

Freestyle wrestling is a sport whose goal is to put the opponent on the shoulder blades, that is, on the carcass. The fight is strictly regulated by the rules. The fight between athletes lasts about 5 minutes. If the match ends in a draw, another 3 minutes are added to the main time. If after this time none of the fighters has won, then the fight continues. Points are awarded for purely executed freestyle wrestling techniques. You can perform various actions with your feet, including sweeps, hooks, and steps. In addition, grappling is allowed. Freestyle wrestling techniques include throws and other technical actions performed with the hands.


Grappling is based on the principles of several martial arts, including jiu-jitsu. The rules prohibit the use of techniques called “crucifixion” and “full nelson”. You cannot pull an opponent by the hair, grab his toes and hands, bite, press on his face with his hands and knees, scratch or apply pressure to his ears. Grappling is rational wrestling. The winner is the athlete who is able to correctly build battle tactics.

This type Sports promotes the development of flexibility, strength, and plasticity. During training, athletes learn to defend themselves using their entire body, not just their arms and legs. The sense of equilibrium and balance plays a very important role. Sometimes grappling is called a fight with the last of your strength, since often opponents bring each other to an unconscious state with the help of suffocation, pinching and various painful techniques.

Mixed styles

Universal types of wrestling belong to the group of mixed martial arts. They use various striking techniques, choking and painful techniques, as well as wrestling elements. Athletes who engage in these types of wrestling have a technical and strategic advantage over other wrestlers. There are several nuances with which you can distinguish between mixed martial arts.

  • Kimono is not used in all types.
  • The amount and type of equipment used during competitions.
  • Prohibition on the use of painful and/or choking techniques.
  • The amount of time allotted for wrestling on the ground and for the duel.
  • The number of points awarded for various techniques.

Since it is impossible to master absolutely all technical actions allowed in wrestling and striking types of wrestling and martial arts, not all techniques are used in competitions. Coaches discard some of them if they consider a particular technical action to be ineffective. Therefore, each fighter has his own fighting style, which makes mixed martial arts the most spectacular. These include:

  • Combat sambo.
  • MMA (Mix Fight).
  • Hand-to-hand combat.

Hand to hand combat

This sport has its roots in extreme antiquity. It is divided into two groups:

  • Army. The military was the last to resort to fighting with arms and legs without the help of improvised means. For many centuries they studied this discipline. Bayonet fighting, knife fighting and fighting without the use of weapons - all these are components of the army hand-to-hand combat. This fighting system is aimed at quickly incapacitating opponents.
  • Police hand-to-hand combat has its own specifics, since law enforcement officers often deal with unarmed lawbreakers. In this case, the enemy must be neutralized without causing injury to him. Therefore, police hand-to-hand combat was based on punches, kicks, sticks, techniques of disarming and releasing from grips.


The main types of wrestling include kung fu, or, as it is also called, wushu. There are at least 300 varieties of this martial arts. Among them, Wing Chun stands out, which means “eternal spring”. It is aimed at people who are not remarkable physical fitness. Lack of weight and size is not a problem for Wing Chun wrestlers. This sport is based on influencing the enemy’s unprotected pressure points, such as the groin, eyes and throat. For the most part, punches are thrown below the belt, so special flexibility is not required for athletes.


MMA is an acronym that stands for Mixed Martial Arts, which translates as “mixed martial arts.” This type of wrestling in sports contains the most effective techniques from various martial arts. Athletes are divided into several weight categories. In battle, protective ammunition is used. Boxing gloves have been replaced with pads that are open with inside. They not only allow you to perform throws and various painful techniques, but also protect athletes from all kinds of injuries. The rules prohibit the use of blows to the groin area, throat and spine. In addition, technical actions aimed at capturing small joints cannot be performed.

Wrestling at the Olympic Games

To the program Olympic Games includes 4 types of martial arts. Among them are wrestling, boxing, judo, taekwondo.

  • Wrestling is an Olympic sport that has been part of the Games program since Antiquity. It is conventionally divided into two styles, one of which is freestyle wrestling. As mentioned earlier, in this sport it is allowed to perform technical techniques with the legs. Greco-Roman wrestling competitions are also included in the program of the Olympic Games. They are known as classical wrestling. The fight takes place in a circle marked on the wrestling mat. Leg holds are prohibited.
  • Boxing first took part in the Olympic Games in 1904. Since 2012, not only men, but also women compete in this discipline. The rules of modern boxing are based on laws called the rules of the Marquis of Queensberry. They appeared at the end of the 19th century in England.
  • Judo has been considered an Olympic sport since 1964. This type of wrestling is based on techniques from jiu-jitsu and other martial arts. Competitions are held on a hard wrestling mat, on which a square is outlined. Judges award points for correctly executed throws and techniques. Participants in the fight wear a kimono. The special shape allows you to perform all kinds of technical actions, including spectacular throws.
  • Taekwondo was included in the Olympic Games program in 2000. The fight is held on a hard carpet, the participants wear a special uniform and protective equipment. Opponents perform kicks to the opponent's head and body.

Participants of all Olympic events martial arts are divided into weight categories. In addition, the rules of fights and refereeing are clearly regulated.

National martial arts

There are less popular, but even more spectacular types of wrestling. These include the national martial art called capoeira, which arose from the fusion of African and Brazilian cultures. It is a synthesis of dance, acting and acrobatics. Athletes fight accompanied by national Brazilian music.

Various types Japanese wrestling have become widespread in all corners of the planet. However, not only karate and judo, but also kendo originated in the Land of the Rising Sun. The peculiarity of this martial art is that athletes use bamboo swords in competitions. The competitors wear special armor for training. For each cleanly executed blow that hits a certain part of the opponent’s body, points are awarded. Kendo is now part of the curriculum in Japanese schools.

Many people wonder which martial art is best to take up in order to feel confident in a conflict situation on the street. It was this question that prompted me to write this short article to help beginner martial artists.

In this article I will not say anything about street hand-to-hand combat or about applied martial arts in general. We will talk exclusively about those martial arts that I consider the most effective for street fight to this day and of which I am a fan.

I would like to immediately make a small reservation: martial arts, which have applied value, are inevitably associated with hardships and hardships training process. When you come to class, you will definitely get hit on the head, it will most likely be painful and hard for you, but the knowledge and experience that you will gain will be one hundred percent real. Once you start practicing one of the martial arts listed in this article, you are guaranteed to learn at least something; all that remains is to choose the optimal direction just for you.

I’ll start by announcing a truth that absolutely all people who are interested in martial arts know: if you have never done anything before and are starting from scratch, then BOXING is an ideal option for street self-defense. The thing is that boxing is a super-universal sport. Having received good base in boxing, further growth in the world of martial arts will not present any problems for you.

One of the main advantages of boxing, compared to other types of martial arts, is the relative simplicity and incredible effectiveness of the technical arsenal practiced. That is why, if you do not have a lot of time and you are faced with the task of learning to fight as quickly as possible, boxing, due to its hyperspecialization, provides the best ratio of the time spent and the knowledge and technical skills acquired during this time. Among other things, the methodology for training boxers in our country has been worked out quite well, so when you come to almost any gym you will receive high-quality training services.

However, this direction also has disadvantages, which are the reverse side and continuation of its advantages: due to a rather narrow technical arsenal, the boxer remains vulnerable to a huge range of techniques used in hand-to-hand combat, such as throws, kicks, elbows, knees, wrestling technique, close combat technique, etc…. However, this is no reason to worry: in my experience, about eighty percent of the techniques used in street fights are hand-to-hand techniques. middle distance. It’s rare that the average fight’s arsenal exceeds a few crooked punches and a couple of simple kicks. Having learned to defend against basic kicks and counterattack with standard boxing combination, you will protect yourself for the rest of your life.

In order to confidently master the boxing technique, you only need to spend about 3 years studying it, after which you will not have problems communicating with people with a reduced level of culture.

Second in order, but not in importance, in my personal ranking of the most effective martial arts for a street fight is Thai boxing, or as it is also called, Muay Thai. The advantages of this martial art are that the technical arsenal used is as close as possible to that in a street fight. Strikes are delivered with all parts of the body (except the head), work is carried out both at medium and long distances, and in the clinch.

The Thai clinch is a strong thing. It is a set of simple twists, carves and throws, which, when organically combined with Muay Thai striking techniques, become an incredibly effective weapon and a way to create a lot of problems even for experienced mixed martial artists! In my deepest conviction, this is the technical arsenal closest to real, applied hand-to-hand combat, and this is exactly what the application of wrestling elements should look like in practice, in real life. In my opinion, the amplitude throws and takedowns that are popular in wrestling circles are not suitable for street fighting.

Despite the significant role of the ground in mixed martial arts competitions, it is extremely undesirable to take the fight to the ground in a street fight. And if you do find yourself on the ground, which is quite likely, your main task is to get back to your feet as quickly as possible. Don’t even think about messing with anyone, otherwise you will get out of extreme situation You may not make it out alive and healthy, since the rules governing your safe stay on earth sports competitions, do not work on the street.

However, in order to sufficiently master the technical arsenal of Muay Thai, you need to spend significantly more time than if you took up English boxing. The combination of striking techniques of the arms and legs requires greater coordination and motor aptitude, which is why the required frequency of visits gym to obtain reliable self-defense skills will be higher than that of boxing.

For those who don’t want to bother and spend a lot of time on martial arts, this option is not ideal. However, if you feel enthusiastic, have a craving for martial arts and have enough time to attend training regularly, then Thai boxing is your choice.

And finally, if you want to take martial arts seriously and get the maximum practical value from your training, then I would strongly recommend that you go for combat sambo. Combat Sambo is the most comprehensive combat system I know of. It has absorbed all the best and has shown itself to be extremely effective not only within our country, but also in the international arena. This is an open, flexible system of hand-to-hand combat, which is constantly evolving and improving, cultivating all possible martial arts techniques and conducting competitions according to the most free rules.

The technical arsenal of Sambo is inexhaustible. It is impossible to fully master it. It includes both wrestling techniques and striking techniques of arms and legs, techniques of painful and choking techniques, a special section for special services, a section for working with weapons, techniques for all-out combat, detention, convoying, etc.... In general, if we briefly summarize all of the above, sambo is an encyclopedia of the best knowledge available to a person in the field of sports and applied martial arts today. If you decide to take up combat sambo, then be patient, because you simply will not conquer this peak.

By practicing sambo, you will not gain highly specialized skills, as you would in boxing, but a fairly wide range of knowledge, which you will be able to apply in a wide range of situations.

However, if we are talking about a self-defense option and you are interested in solving applied problems on the street, winning fights, then the combat sambo arsenal will be redundant and not optimal for you, since it contains many techniques specialized for the conditions of conducting a competitive fight that are not desirable for use in real fight. What you can do painlessly on the carpet, in good lighting, after warming up and stretching, is guaranteed to cause you a lot of trouble when trying to do the same thing on the street, where the surface is most often uneven and hard, and there is not much space to perform the technique. , the enemy may not be alone or armed, and temperature changes and “cold” muscles are guaranteed to lead to injury when trying to show off a “beautiful” technique. Well, this is not the fault of Sambo as a system: the point is, as I already said, that the selection of the most effective and efficient technical actions in any combat sports takes place based on the conditions and rules of the fight. With the same success, a sambo fighter will experience difficulties entering the cage at a mixed martial arts competition, where he does not have his usual wrestling jacket, which makes it difficult to perform many techniques. But it’s worth making a reservation: eighty percent of the technical arsenal practiced in combat sambo, suitable for universal use in any street situation.

In addition, if you do not have sufficient time resources to deeply immerse yourself in this martial art and thoroughly master it, it is better to take a closer look at one of the options listed above.

Therefore, to summarize, it is necessary to outline the main features of the above styles of hand-to-hand combat: take up boxing if you are short on time and want to learn how to fight..., if you have more time (about 3 free evenings a week), choose Muay Thai, but if you are a fan martial arts and are going to get carried away with it seriously and for a long time, then combat sambo is your choice!

The truth, in my opinion, always lies somewhere in the middle. Speaking of solving applied issues (winning on the street), I personally would lean towards training in Thai boxing (Muay Thai). In my opinion, training in hand-to-hand combat is a rather labor-intensive and complex activity that requires regularity and consistency. By practicing Muay Thai a little more often, you will gain incomparably more experience and master a much more diverse technical arsenal than in English boxing, and at the same time not redundant, as in combat sambo. That is why in my personal ranking of the most effective martial arts for a street fight, Thai boxing takes first place!

They were successful at any time, but now they have reached the world level as one of the areas of sport. There are now a great variety of types of martial arts, and they can be divided into two large groups: martial arts and European.

Types of martial arts:

Karate. This martial art originates from the island of Okinawa. The very first Okinawan style of karate was especially brutal, and was not at all similar to the one that everyone knows now. Only after moving to Japan in the 19th and 20th centuries did karate styles become more athletic and less combative. Therefore, this type of martial arts is deservedly considered Japanese, and is so popular all over the world and in Russia, in particular.

Kung Fu. In China, this word is used to describe all Chinese martial arts in general. This term is akin to the Russian one - “hand-to-hand combat”, which implies any combat training person. However, in China its more common synonym is wushu. Has become very popular recently wing chun.

Jujutsu. Another Japanese martial arts that was previously used in battle by Japanese samurai. His technique is similar to those of karate, judo and aikido.

Judo. This martial art was developed on the basis of jiu-jitsu, and is now a type of wrestling.

Aikido. It also originated from jiu-jitsu and is currently very popular. His technique is to push his opponent off balance and use his strength against him.

Taekwondo. This martial art was created in Korea. There, in the Korean special forces, taekwondo-keksul is still used - a more martial style, but it is impossible to master it outside of this country.

Muay Thai. This type of martial art is more common in Thailand; it is very dangerous, as it is based on strikes with knees and elbows.

Types of European and Russian martial arts:

Boxing. The most popular and oldest form of European martial arts, the goal of which is the ability to strike without damaging the hand.

Savat. This type of martial arts is also called French boxing. The peculiarity of this technique is the use of kicks to the lower level, trips and sweeps.

Sambo. Sambo was developed on the basis of the national techniques of wrestling and judo in the USSR for use in law enforcement agencies and in sports.

In addition to these main types of martial arts, there are also such as capoeira, kickboxing, Krav Maga, combat hopak and many others.

Martial arts are a set of skills, techniques and techniques aimed not so much at attack, but at protecting loved ones and self-defense. Most of them originate in the East and Asia and have ancient history and many directions and styles.

There are an incredible number of different martial arts. They can be classified according to the method of combat: with and without the use of weapons; wrestling with legs, arms, grip; on ancient arts and completely new ones. It can also be classified according to region: European, Eastern and other martial arts. Speaking about European fighting techniques, we can mention Greco-Roman wrestling, which has been included in the program of the Olympic Games, World and European Championships for quite some time. It originated in ancient Greece and received modern development in France. Boxing is an ancient martial art with special gloves; it can also be seen in the Olympic “arena”. Unlike Greco-Roman wrestling, which does not use legs, savate or french boxing built mainly on kicking techniques.

Baritsu is a mixed English martial art described by Arthur Conan Doyle in the books about Sherlock Holmes, thereby making it even more famous. German jujutsu teaches self-defense skills. Sambo is a hand-to-hand combat technique created in the USSR, based on judo techniques. Fencing is a very beautiful and elegant form of martial art, which is a set of techniques for wielding hand-held bladed weapons.

There are many more martial arts that originated in the east, and often their essence is much deeper than just combat and self-defense. China has the most different techniques and fighting styles. For all of them there is a common name - kung fu or wushu, almost all of them originate from the famous Shaolin monastery.

Japan rightfully owns the most popular martial art in the world - karate. Contact between rivals is kept to a minimum; victory is achieved by delivering crushing blows to the limbs. pain points. In contrast, judo and jiu-jitsu use a lot of grabs, holds, chokes and throws.

Aikido is a relatively young fighting technique that strengthens not only the body, but also the spirit. Sumo is unusual and spectacular view Japanese martial arts. Heavy opponents can only touch the ring with their feet - everything else is considered a defeat.

Japanese martial arts using weapons include kendo, nunchaku-jutsu, kobujutsu and kabudo. Kendo masters are fluent in the Japanese sword - the katana. Nunchaku-jutsu teaches techniques with nunchaku - an oriental edged weapon, which is two sticks connected by a chain or cord. And the other two types of martial arts use in their practice improvised objects and special edged weapons designed for defense and attack.

In other parts of the world, self-defense has also been turned into a sport and an art. Capoeira is a fascinating Brazilian wrestling dance where only kicks are used. Kuresh is a Kazakh belt fight; it is an integral element of the national holiday Sabantuy. Korean tehwando, hard American kickboxing, Thai boxing - all these martial arts have found their place in Russian martial arts schools.

Despite the fact that achieving results in any type of martial arts is not easy and you will have to go through many injuries and unfortunate failures, practicing any martial arts will not only give you a feeling of self-confidence and your abilities, but will also raise your overall social status.

Many scientists have proven that the first martial arts originated in the east. Their roots are in India, but they became especially widespread and developed in Asian countries. The large number of wars over snakes inherent in these countries raised the art of fighting to a new level, and based on different religions and laws of states, a huge number of variations of martial arts schools were created.

Kung Fu

There is an opinion that kung fu, as a type of martial arts, was founded by the Indian monk Badhiharma, in China he was called Damo. According to legend, he is a prince from the south of India, who renounced his privileges and became a Buddhist monk. Traveling around China, he began to live in the Shao-lin monastery. The local pilgrims seemed to him weak in body and unable to lead the hermit lifestyle of a Buddhist. Having decided to help his brothers, he began to train them with general physical exercises. These classes turned out to be effective, and the monks began to constantly improve. Later, on the basis of the exercises, a system of combat defense against robbers, of whom there were a lot in those days, arose.


Wushu-talou is sporty look martial arts. Candidates compete in sets of exercises composed of techniques from many types of wushu, adding acrobats to their performances.

The results depend on the difficulty of the exercises, the correctness of their execution, the clarity of the movements, etc. Sanda - sparring in free form. This style allows full contact with the opponent. The participant must have a helmet that protects the jaw and temples, a mouthguard, boxing gloves, a vest, and an attack pad. Many people bandage the shin bone and thigh bone to protect against injury.


Jiu-jitsu is a collective concept for Japanese species martial arts, which includes fighting with and without weapons. This style was used by samurai if they fought against an armed enemy. Due to the development of armor making techniques, the damage caused by weapons was reduced to a minimum, therefore in an efficient way defeats of the enemy were captures and throws. The principle of martial arts is based on using the inertia of the enemy against him, which allows you to win battles in different weight categories. Thanks to the development of many schools of jiu-jitsu, there are a large number of techniques and techniques. By using this style, you can take full advantage of different types of wrestling. Many dojos taught weapons in addition to hand-to-hand techniques.


Taekwondo is a type of eastern martial art that came from Korea, the creator of which was army officer Choi Hong Hi in the fifties of the last century. The concept of taekwondo consists of several parts: “te” - leg, “kwon” - fist, “do” - art, road. The founder of the school himself is of the opinion that taekwondo is training of the spirit and body, together with the development of fighting techniques without weapons, as well as powerful blows arms and legs, allowing you to fight with several opponents at once. A feature of the style is the presence large quantity techniques performed while jumping.

Muay Thai

Muay Thai is a type of martial art created in Thailand, formed from techniques traditional martial arts"Muay Boran" peasants. It has similar techniques with similar types of martial arts, for example, paradal sōrei (Combodia), lehwei (Myanmar), tomo (Malaysia). The word "Muay" is derived from the Mavya Thai phrase - "free fight". The peculiarity of the style is the use of eight human limbs, along with arms and legs, knees and elbows are also used. Unlike budo martial arts, Muay Thai does not have sets of exercises (kata); various combinations have been introduced to replace them, and punches are practiced on boxing bags.


Kudo (Daido Juku Karate Do) - an oriental type martial arts, which came from Japan, which linked the movements and strikes of various types of martial arts. The creator of this school is Azuma Taksashi in the 80s. The rules of sparring allow the use of wrestling techniques, as well as striking movements with all limbs throughout the body, with the exception of the groin, back and back of the head. Choking techniques are allowed, as well as wrestling on the ground.

Shotokan karate do

Shotokan is a fairly common martial arts style in karate. This style was founded by Funakoshi Gichin, a student of karate masters from Okinawa - Itotsu and Asato. The traditional style was the martial version and was similar to the Okinawan schools. Subsequently, a major contribution to the development of the style was made by Funakoshi’s son, Giko Funakoshi, who created a sporty and less aggressive version of Shotokan. Among karate styles, Shotokan stands out for its versatility. It was created as a symbiosis of speed and strength, which explains the choice of style symbolism - the tiger. Shotokan techniques are designed to be powerful, but at the same time fast strikes with legs and arms, at close or medium range.

Strengthens health, promotes mental and intellectual development, teaches discipline and self-control. These displays are suitable for any sport. In this article, we invite you to talk about the benefits of martial arts, what they teach, and which martial arts in the world are the most popular.

We will not sin against the truth if we say that martial arts are most useful for children. This is due to the fact that children, due to their natural curiosity and strong learning abilities, grasp everything literally on the fly; they do not need much convincing and retraining. However, the benefits of martial arts for adults are undeniable. When practicing martial arts, a person:

  • becomes healthier physically and spiritually,
  • develops coordination of movements and reaction speed,
  • becomes more self-confident and able to stand up for himself,
  • learns to be disciplined and purposeful,
  • learns to respect his teachers, colleagues and opponents.

We can talk endlessly about the benefits of martial arts training. But what to choose? What types of martial arts are there in the world? There are 3 classes of martial arts in total:

  1. wrestling (classical (Greco-Roman) wrestling, freestyle wrestling) - there is practically no need to strike. The goal of the fight is with the help techniques lay the enemy on his shoulder blades, while classical wrestling your arsenal of techniques, in freestyle - your own, which is slightly wider than in classical wrestling (grabs of the opponent’s legs, sweeps are allowed),
  2. striking (boxing, kickboxing) - contact types of martial arts that involve striking the opponent with both hands (boxing) and legs (kickboxing),
  3. Oriental martial arts - they are placed in a separate class, because it is not just a sport, it is a whole philosophy. Eastern martial arts develop physical qualities students, and also pay attention to their spiritual education.

Chinese martial arts

All Chinese martial arts have been developed over the past 2000 years. There are a lot of them, like the Chinese. There are different types of classifications of Chinese martial arts. We will briefly talk about each of them.

According to geographical classification there are:

Historically, there are 18 provinces in China, and each of them practices its own styles of martial arts. The most famous are Shanxi, Hebei and Henan.

According to the nature of their manifestations, martial arts are:

  • physical (external) - wushu, teaching how to avoid conflict situations, sanda
  • spiritual (internal or religious) - Shaolin martial arts (Shaolinquan, Hung Gar, Wing Chun, dragon and white crane style), Taijiquan, Baguazhang, Tan Tui, Xingyiquan and Kyeshikan.

Naturally, it is impossible to unambiguously determine the best martial art in China; there are many differences in them, and + - every student will find something for themselves.

Japanese martial arts

Japanese martial arts are also numerous. On our website we have already written about and, so now we will tell you about what other types of martial arts in Japan there are:

  • Jiu-jitsu is the progenitor of many types of wrestling. The founder of jiu-jitsu, Okayama Shirobei, based his teaching on the principle that gentleness conquers evil. Jiu-jitsu involves performing throws, strikes and force on joints, as well as choking techniques,
  • judo (from the Japanese “soft way”) - does not involve striking an opponent, its goal is to put the enemy in a helpless position and defeat him,
  • Kendo (from the Japanese “way of the sword”) is a modern Japanese fencing art, descended from the samurai and presupposing the unity of three elements: “ki” - spirit, “ken” - sword and “tai” - body,
  • sumo is a type of wrestling, the goal of which is to defeat an opponent by forcing him to touch the floor in the ring with any part of the body except the feet,
  • Kempo is a type of ancient martial arts, which is a combination of many martial arts techniques. Nowadays the name "Kempo" is used to refer to martial arts in general,
  • Kobudo - (from the Japanese “ancient military way”) is the collective name for the arts of mastering various types of oriental bladed weapons.

To finally make your choice, visit a reputable martial arts center in your city.

Russian martial arts

It is believed that the concept of “Russian martial arts” in the traditional sense of the word does not exist. Obviously, this happened because Russian martial art resembles dance. Any national dance is a martial form of plastic movement. If we add to plasticity an accurate understanding of the work of muscles and the skeletal system, we will get a perfect combat form of movement. The Russian school of martial arts has identified the following types of martial arts in the list of martial arts:

  • Cossack saved, which has much in common with martial arts. According to this teaching, a person can transfer his consciousness to Navya (astral body), Klubya (mental body), Kolobya (Buddhic body) and Divya (Devaconic body). By transferring energy into one of the bodies, a person can escape from an attack and inflict crushing blows on the enemy,
  • fist fighting is a competitive male practice of fighting at a medium distance, allowing punches and kicks, throws, grabs, as well as various movements,
  • hand-to-hand combat - a universal system for teaching defense and attack techniques,
  • sambo is a young type of martial arts and self-defense system, developed in the Soviet Union, based on Japanese judo and traditional folk wrestling,

Naturally, in each of the listed types of martial arts there are world-famous martial arts masters: Jet Li in wushu, Fedor Emelianenko in mixed martial arts, Muhammad Ali in boxing, Alexander Karelin in classical wrestling, Masutatsu Oyama in karate, Wally Jay. in jiu-jitsu and many others. All of them serve as role models and proof that nothing is impossible in the world.

Types of martial arts can be roughly divided into three categories:

  • Drums;
  • Wrestling;
  • Mixed.

Strike martial arts

Strike styles include martial arts such as:

  • Boxing;
  • Thai boxing;
  • Kickboxing;
  • Karate;
  • Taekwondo.

In striking martial arts, only striking techniques are allowed. For example, in boxing only punches are allowed. In kickboxing, Muay Thai, karate, taekwondo only punches and kicks without wrestling. In Muay Thai, knees and elbows are also allowed, which makes this sport the more universal of the above.

The lack of wrestling technique in these fighting styles makes fighters of these styles vulnerable to athletes studying mixed martial arts, since after the fight is transferred to the ground they will become defenseless against fighters of mixed styles. But if the fight is conducted according to the rules that exclude wrestling, then the strikers will have an advantage.

Wrestling martial arts

Wrestling styles include the following styles:

  • judo;
  • sambo;
  • jujutsu;
  • freestyle wrestling;
  • grappling.

The following are allowed in different proportions:

  • wrestling in a standing position (in a clinch);
  • wrestling on the ground;
  • painful and suffocating (not everywhere) techniques.

Athletes of these sports are distinguished by physical development and endurance, but are inferior to strikers in speed qualities, as they are accustomed to working in the clinch or on the ground, which is tougher and less dynamic than in striking styles. But this does not deprive these sports of entertainment and breadth of technical techniques.

Mixed martial arts

These types of martial arts include such disciplines as:

  • Army hand-to-hand combat
  • Combat Sambo
  • Wushu Sanda
  • MMA (Mix Fight)

Data types of martial arts They differ in that they use both elements of striking techniques of arms and legs, and elements of wrestling technique in the clinch and on the ground, as well as painful and suffocating (not everywhere) techniques. This makes these martial arts universal and gives a strategic and technical advantage over fighters of exclusively striking or wrestling styles. Mixed styles differ from each other in some nuances. These nuances are:

  • the presence or absence of a kimono;
  • the amount of protective equipment used at competitions;
  • time allotted for wrestling on the ground;
  • permission or prohibition on the use of choking and some painful techniques;
  • time allotted for the fight;
  • the number of points awarded for a particular technical action.

Since it is impossible to fully cover all the features of wrestling and striking techniques in the time allotted for training, therefore, some of the techniques, which are considered to be less effective when conducting a fight in mixed styles, were thrown out. mixed style. And only those technical actions that are considered the most effective are retained.

It is important to note that the arsenal of technical elements of combat varies from school to school, so coaches have different views on the effectiveness of certain techniques. Therefore, the fighting styles of different fighters have a huge variety and make these sports very spectacular.