Order 1125 dated December 27. On approval of the features of the organization and implementation of educational, training and methodological activities in the field of physical culture and sports


Features of the organization and implementation of educational, training and methodological activities in the field physical culture and sports* are aimed at: o ensuring the unity of the basic requirements for the organization sports training throughout the territory Russian Federation; o continuity and succession physical education citizens belonging to different age groups; o improving the quality of training of the sports reserve; o increasing the coverage of children and youth regularly involved in physical education and sports. 2

A) educational programs of basic general and secondary general education, integrated with additional pre-professional educational programs in the field of physical culture and sports (hereinafter - integrated educational programs in the field of physical culture and sports) b) professional educational programs in the field of physical culture and sports c) additional general education programs in the field of physical culture and sports (general developmental and pre-professional) 3

1. Students enrolled in an educational organization and mastering educational programs in the field of physical culture and sports 3. Applicants persons who in the future could be enrolled in professional educational organizations operating in the field of physical culture and sports and implementing sports training programs 4 2. Athletes persons undergoing sports training enrolled in an educational organization

1. By groups of sports: game types sports; team sports; combat sports; complex coordination sports; cyclic species sports; speed-strength sports; all-around; sports involving animals participating in sports competitions; adaptive sports; national species sports; sports and technical sports; shooting sports; sports performed in the natural environment; service-applied and military-applied sports. 5

2. By stages and periods of preparation: 3. Training stage (stage of sports specialization) (periods: initial specialization; advanced specialization); 4. Improvement stage sportsmanship(entire period); 5. Stage of highest sportsmanship (entire period) - only for sports training programs. 2. Initial training stage (periods: up to one year; over one year); 1. Sports and recreational stage (entire period) - only for additional general developmental programs in the field of physical education and sports; 6

Independent work of those engaged in individual plans training sessions with a group (subgroup), formed taking into account the chosen sport, age and gender characteristics of those involved; individual training sessions, conducted according to the curriculum with one or more students, united to prepare for performance at sports competitions in a pair, group or crew; training camps participation in sports competitions and other events, instructor and referee practice, medical and rehabilitation activities, intermediate and final certification of students 7

When conducting more than one training session on one day, the total duration of classes cannot be more than 8 academic hours. at the stage of higher sportsmanship at the stage of improving sportsmanship at the training stage (stage of sports specialization) at the stage of initial training at the sports and recreational stage 2 hours 3 hours 4 hours 8

It is allowed to carry out training sessions simultaneously with students from different groups: Conditions are met: IF a) for educational programs implemented in the field of physical culture and sports; the difference in the level of training of students does not exceed two sports categories and/or sports titles; maximum is not exceeded quantitative composition united group *. the one-time throughput has not been exceeded sports facility; c) for additional pre-professional programs in the field of physical education and sports and sports training programs. b) according to sports training programs; 9

The transfer of students to the stage (period) of implementation of the educational program is carried out on the basis of the results of intermediate certification and, taking into account the results of their performance at official sports competitions in the chosen sport, upon completion of training in additional pre-professional programs in the field of physical culture and sports, the student (graduate) is issued a document a sample of which is established by the educational organization * Features of individual selection of students, as well as intermediate and final certification of students 10

The educational organization provides a continuous training process with students. Start and end dates training process(hereinafter referred to as the sports season) are determined taking into account the timing of physical education events and sporting events, in which students are planned to participate. Recruitment (individual selection) of students is carried out annually: a) into training groups of educational organizations that begin the sports season in the fall - no later than October 15 of the current year; b) to training groups of educational organizations that begin the sports season from the beginning of the calendar year - no later than February 15 of the current year; c) in other cases - in the manner established by the educational organization. 11

For general development programs - for the period established by local regulations educational organization for additional pre-professional programs - in accordance with federal state requirements to a minimum of content, structure, conditions for the implementation of additional pre-professional programs in the field of physical culture and sports and to the terms of study under these programs (hereinafter referred to as federal state requirements) for sports training programs - in accordance with federal standards of sports training 12

Long-term planning (for the Olympic cycle - 4 years), which allows you to determine the stages of implementation of an educational program or sports training program; annual planning allows you to draw up a plan for conducting group and individual training sessions and intermediate (final) certification of students; quarterly planning allows you to plan the work on conducting individual training sessions; independent work students studying according to individual plans; training camps; participation in sports competitions and other events, monthly planning (no later than a month before the planned date), instructor and referee practice, as well as medical, rehabilitation and other events 13

Work according to the curriculum of one teacher or specialist with a group of students throughout the entire sports season; simultaneous work of two or more teaching staff and (or) other specialists with the same students (group), assigned simultaneously to several specialists, taking into account the specifics of the chosen sport (group of sports), or in accordance with federal standards of sports training or federal government requirements; team method of work (work on the implementation of an educational and (or) sports training program of more than one teacher and (or) other specialist directly carrying out the training process in stages (periods), with a contingent of students assigned personally to each specialist) taking into account specific volume, complexity and specificity of the work. 14

C) as an educational organization that provides pedagogical support to an athlete who previously underwent education or sports training in this educational organization, but transferred to another organization providing sports training. b) as a directly implementing sports training program (in whole or in part of any component (module) of the program); a) as an organization directly implementing the educational program (in whole or in part of any component (module) of the program); Features of network interaction in implementation educational programs and (or) sports training programs by educational organizations and (or) scientific, healthcare organizations, and other organizations with the necessary resources, is cluster interaction: 15

A) ensuring increased efficiency of the training process, training of sports reserves and growth of the sports potential of students; b) organizing monitoring of educational and training activities; c) increasing the professional competence of teaching staff and other specialists carrying out the training process; d) development, implementation, analysis of execution and, if necessary, adjustment of educational programs and sports training programs implemented (planned for implementation) by an educational organization; e) support of experimental and innovative activities in the field of physical culture and sports, including within the framework of the activities of federal (regional) experimental (innovation) sites. 16

In general educational organizations that have specialized sports classes. in professional educational organizations and educational organizations of higher education in the presence of specialized structural units; in general educational organizations that have a boarding school, in which persons who have demonstrated outstanding abilities in physical education and sports study (hereinafter referred to as sports boarding schools); 17

Organization of meals for students the possibility of conducting two or more training sessions per day, combining educational and training activities the possibility of postponing the dates of the state final certification for students participating in training or attending official sports competitions 18

In educational institutions of higher education that provide training in undergraduate programs and specialty programs in specialties and (or) areas of training in the field of physical culture and sports; in professional educational organizations operating in the field of physical culture and sports, having a boarding school and implementing sports training programs, in which individuals who have demonstrated outstanding abilities in physical culture and sports study (colleges Olympic reserve, boarding colleges of the Olympic reserve, schools of the Olympic reserve, hereinafter referred to as professional educational organizations), and (or) providing training in educational programs of secondary vocational education in specialties and (or) areas of training in the field of physical culture and sports. The implementation of professional educational programs in the field of physical culture and sports is carried out: 19

Professional educational organizations and educational organizations of higher education, in relation to specialized structural units created to identify and support individuals who have demonstrated outstanding abilities, as well as those who have achieved success in physical culture and sports activities, plan, organize and carry out their activities taking into account the following: recruit the contingent students studying on a competitive basis from among individuals who have demonstrated outstanding abilities in sports and have previously undergone training in pre-professional programs in the field of physical education and sports or training in sports training programs; ensure the use of an individual curriculum for students who are members of sports teams of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, candidates for sports teams of the Russian Federation; participate, on the basis of a network form, in the implementation of educational programs in the preparation of sports reserves and high-class athletes for sports teams of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation. 20

When a student or a group of students leaves for training camps for a period of more than 10 days, the implementation of the educational program of secondary vocational education with these students is organized at the place of the training camps: a) using e-learning and distance educational technologies; b) through a network form of implementation of educational programs. Students' practical training is carried out in organizations providing sports training, physical education and sports organizations, or directly in the professional educational organization itself. The training process in a professional educational organization is carried out at the following stages of sports training: training stage (stage of sports specialization) stage of improving sportsmanship stage of higher sportsmanship 21

The number of students in a study group in a professional educational organization is established in accordance with its local regulations: a) people in basic general education programs; b) a person in educational programs of secondary vocational education. 23

In children's and youth sports schools, children's and youth sports adaptive schools, specialized children's and youth sports schools of the Olympic reserve (hereinafter referred to as sports schools) in other organizations additional education physical education, sports and tourism and local history (hereinafter referred to as other organizations of additional education) in general education organizations when organizing extracurricular activities of students in physical education and sports, including within the framework of school sports club in preschool educational organizations when they organize additional physical education and sports classes and (or) implement physical education programs 24

In sports schools, departments are opened for selected sports (groups of sports). The number of study groups in the department must be at least six (to open a department, at least three groups are required, with a subsequent increase in their number over the next three years to six). Sports schools, based on the results of individual selection of persons and the implementation of additional pre-professional programs, distribute the contingent of those involved in sports training programs and students in educational programs (pre-professional and general developmental) for each selected sport in accordance with the state (municipal) assignment, taking into account the following features: in children's youth sports schools must provide sports training for at least 10% of the total number of persons enrolled in a sports school in specialized children's and youth sports schools of the Olympic reserve and in specialized departments of children's and youth sports schools it is necessary to provide sports training for at least 30% of the total number of persons enrolled in a sports school For newly opened departments (including specialized ones) in sports schools, a two-year period is established, during which the above ratio of the number of students in sports training programs and students in educational programs must be ensured. 25

In sports schools that are specialized for children and youth sports schools Olympic reserve and included in the List of physical culture and sports organizations and educational organizations that train athletes and use the names “Olympic”, “Paralympic”, “Olympic”, “Paralympic” and words formed on their basis to designate a legal entity (in the company name) and phrases without concluding an appropriate agreement with the International Olympic Committee, the International Paralympic Committee or organizations authorized by them, formed by the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Sports Tourism of Russia dated /1 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, registration 17731), in specialized departments should not be dealt with less than 70% of the student population. By decision of the founder, further sports training for persons over 17 years of age is allowed in sports schools. Those who are successfully completing sports training and fulfilling the minimum requirements of the sports training program cannot be expelled from the sports school based on age criteria until they complete the development of this program at the appropriate stage of sports training. 26

Organization of activities of a school sports club; organization of a network form for the implementation of educational programs together with sports schools, other organizations of additional education, organizations providing sports training, physical education, sports and other organizations 27

Features of forming groups and determining the volume of weekly training load students taking into account the stages (periods) of preparation (in academic hours) are given in Appendix 1 to these Features. Features of the organization and conduct of training camps are given in Appendix 2 to these Features. 28


1 \ql Order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated N 1125 “On approval of the features of the organization and implementation of educational, training and methodological activities in the field (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia N 31522)

2 Document provided Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on March 5, 2014 N MINISTRY OF SPORTS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ORDER dated December 27, 2013 N 1125 ON APPROVAL OF THE FEATURES OF THE ORGANIZATION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF EDUCATIONAL, TRAINING AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES IN THE REGION STI OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS In accordance with part 9 of the article 84 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 53, Art. 7598) I order: 1. Approve the attached features of the organization and implementation of educational, training and methodological activities in the field of physical culture and sports. 2. Control over the implementation of this order is entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation Yu.D. Nagornykh. Minister V.L. MUTKO FEATURES OF ORGANIZATION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF EDUCATIONAL, TRAINING AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES IN THE FIELD OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS I. General provisions Approved by order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2013. N. Features of the organization and implementation of educational, training and methodological activities in the field of physical culture and sports are developed in accordance with Part 9 of Article 84 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ " On education in the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 53, Art. 7598) and are aimed at: ensuring the unity of the basic requirements for the organization of sports training throughout the Russian Federation; continuity and succession of physical education of citizens belonging to different age groups; improving the quality of training of the sports reserve; increasing the coverage of children and youth regularly involved in physical education and sports. 2. These Features of the organization and implementation of educational, training and methodological activities in the field of physical culture and sports (hereinafter referred to as the Features) establish specifics in relation to: 2.1. Educational programs implemented in the field of physical culture and sports: a) educational programs of basic general and secondary general education, integrated with additional pre-professional educational programs in the field of physical culture and sports (hereinafter referred to as integrated educational programs in the field of physical culture and sports); Page 2 of 14

3 Document provided b) professional educational programs in the field of physical education and sports; c) additional general educational programs in the field of physical culture and sports (general developmental and pre-professional) Educational organizations operating in the field of physical culture and sports and specified in paragraphs 13, 16, 20 of these Features of the Contingent of the educational organization (hereinafter referred to as those engaged in): a) persons enrolled in an educational organization and mastering educational programs in the field of physical culture and sports (hereinafter referred to as students); b) persons undergoing sports training, enrolled in an educational organization (hereinafter referred to as athletes); c) persons who in the future could be enrolled in professional educational organizations operating in the field of physical culture and sports and implementing sports training programs (hereinafter referred to as applicants). 3. Educational programs implemented in the field of physical culture and sports are developed taking into account the following features of the organization of training and methodological activities: 3.1. By groups of sports: team sports; team sports; combat sports; complex coordination sports; cyclic sports; speed-strength sports; all-around; sports involving animals participating in sports competitions; adaptive sports; national sports; sports and technical sports; shooting sports; sports performed in the natural environment; service-applied and military-applied sports For sports and sports disciplines recognized in the Russian Federation and included in the All-Russian Register of Sports (hereinafter referred to as the selected sport) By stages and periods of preparation: 1) sports and recreational stage (entire period) - only for additional general developmental programs in the field of physical education and sports; 2) initial training stage (periods: up to one year; over one year); 3) training stage (stage of sports specialization) (periods: initial specialization; advanced specialization); 4) the stage of improving sportsmanship (the entire period); 5) stage of highest sportsmanship (entire period) - only for sports training programs. 4. The features of educational activities in the field of physical culture and sports are the following forms of organizing the training process: training sessions with a group (subgroup) formed taking into account the chosen sport, age and gender characteristics of those involved; individual training sessions conducted according to the curriculum with one or more students, united to prepare for performance at sports competitions in a pair, group or crew; independent work of students according to individual plans; training camps; participation in sports competitions and other events; instructor and referee practice; medical and rehabilitation measures; intermediate and final certification of students. Features of forming groups and determining the volume of weekly training load Page 3 of 14

4 The document is provided to students taking into account the stages (periods) of preparation (in academic hours) given in Appendix No. 1 to these Features. Features of the organization and conduct of training camps are given in Appendix No. 2 to these Features. 5. The duration of one training session when implementing educational programs in the field of physical education and sports, as well as sports training programs, is calculated in academic hours, taking into account age characteristics and the stage (period) of training of those involved and cannot exceed: at the sports and recreational stage - 2 hours; at the initial training stage - 2 hours; at the training stage (sports specialization stage) - 3 hours; at the stage of improving sportsmanship - 4 hours; at the stage of highest sportsmanship - 4 hours. When conducting more than one training session on one day, the total duration of classes cannot be more than 8 academic hours. 6. It is allowed to conduct training sessions simultaneously with students from different groups: a) according to educational programs implemented in the field of physical culture and sports; b) according to sports training programs; c) for additional pre-professional programs in the field of physical education and sports and sports training programs. In this case, it is necessary to comply with all the conditions listed below: the difference in the level of training of those involved does not exceed two sports categories and (or) sports titles; the one-time capacity of the sports facility has not been exceeded; the maximum quantitative composition of the combined group, calculated in accordance with the note, has not been exceeded<2>Appendix No. 1 to these Specifications. 7. Educational organizations form their structure independently, taking into account the following features: 7.1. Departments (other structural units) providing training activities, which are opened: a) by groups of sports; b) for selected sports Groups of those involved in the training process are completed according to selected sports and stages (periods) of preparation, and in team sports and taking into account the planning of participation of those involved (forming a team of players) in physical education events and sports events included in Single calendar plan interregional, all-Russian and international physical education and sports events in accordance with the regulations (regulations) on their holding. 8. An educational organization implementing sports training programs creates a specialized unit in its structure, which enrolls persons from among those involved, graduates of an educational organization undergoing sports training on the terms of a state (municipal) assignment, and (or) other persons undergoing sports training under the terms of the contract for the provision of sports training services. 9. The features of individual selection of students, as well as intermediate and final certification of students, are: the transfer of students to the stage (period) of implementation of the educational program is carried out on the basis of the results of the intermediate certification and taking into account the results of their performance at official sports competitions in the chosen sport; upon completion of training in additional pre-professional programs in the field of physical culture and sports, the student (graduate) is issued a document, a sample of which is established by the educational organization in accordance with Part 15 of Article 60 of the Federal Law No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”. 10. The educational organization ensures a continuous training process with students, taking into account the following features: The start and end dates of the training process (hereinafter referred to as the sports season) are determined from Page 4 of 14

5 The document was provided taking into account the timing of physical education and sports events in which participants are planned to participate; Recruitment (individual selection) of students is carried out annually: a) into training groups of educational organizations that begin the sports season in the fall - no later than October 15 of the current year; b) to training groups of educational organizations that begin the sports season from the beginning of the calendar year - no later than February 15 of the current year; c) in other cases - in the manner established by the educational organization. The training process in the educational organization is carried out in accordance with the annual educational (training) plan (hereinafter referred to as the curriculum), calculated: for general development programs - for the period established by local regulations of the educational organization; for additional pre-professional programs - in accordance with federal state requirements for the minimum content, structure, conditions for the implementation of additional pre-professional programs in the field of physical education and sports and for the duration of training under these programs (hereinafter - federal state requirements); for sports training programs - in accordance with federal standards of sports training; The training process is subject to annual planning in accordance with the following deadlines: forward planning (for the Olympic cycle - 4 years), which allows you to determine the stages of implementation of an educational program or sports training program; annual planning, which allows you to draw up a plan for conducting group and individual training sessions and intermediate (final) certification of students; quarterly planning, which allows you to plan the work on conducting individual training sessions; independent work of students according to individual plans; training camps; participation in sports competitions and other events; monthly planning (no later than a month before the planned date), instructor and referee practice, as well as medical, rehabilitation and other activities. Planning for the participation of teaching staff and (or) other specialists involved in the implementation of educational programs and sports training programs is carried out with taking into account the following features: a) work according to the curriculum of one teacher or specialist with a group of students throughout the entire sports season; b) simultaneous work of two or more teaching staff and (or) other specialists with the same students (group), assigned simultaneously to several specialists, taking into account the specifics of the chosen sport (group of sports), or in accordance with federal standards of sports training or federal government requirements; c) team method of work (work on the implementation of an educational and (or) sports training program of more than one teacher and (or) other specialist directly carrying out the training process in stages (periods), with a contingent of students assigned personally to each specialist) taking into account the specific volume, complexity and specifics of the work. 11. Features of network interaction in the implementation of educational programs and (or) sports training programs by educational organizations and (or) scientific, healthcare organizations, and other organizations with the necessary resources is cluster interaction: a) as an organization directly implementing the educational program ( in whole or in part of any component (module) of the program); b) as a directly implementing sports training program (in whole or in part of any component (module) of the program); c) as an educational organization that provides pedagogical support to an athlete who previously underwent education or sports training in this educational organization, but transferred to another organization providing sports training. 12. Features of methodological (scientific and methodological) activities in educational organizations Page 5 of 14

6 The document provided takes into account: The organization and conduct of activities directly by the educational organization itself or on the basis of cluster interaction with an organization for which methodological (scientific and methodological) activities in the field of physical culture and sports are one of the main activities. To organize and carry out methodological (scientific and methodological) work in an educational organization, the staffing table includes the rates of instructor-methodologist (methodologist) at the rate of one instructor-methodologist (methodologist) rate per six rates of trainer-teachers, while it is possible to create a corresponding structural unit ( methodological department, office, service) The directions of methodological (scientific and methodological) activities of educational organizations are determined taking into account the following features: a) ensuring increased efficiency of the training process, training of a sports reserve and growth of the sports potential of students; b) organizing monitoring of educational and training activities; c) increasing the professional competence of teaching staff and other specialists carrying out the training process; d) development, implementation, analysis of execution and, if necessary, adjustment of educational programs and sports training programs implemented (planned for implementation) by an educational organization; e) support of experimental and innovative activities in the field of physical culture and sports, including within the framework of the activities of federal (regional) experimental (innovation) sites. II. Features of the implementation of integrated educational programs in the field of physical culture and sports 13. The implementation of integrated educational programs in the field of physical culture and sports is carried out: in general educational organizations with a boarding school, in which persons who have demonstrated outstanding abilities in physical culture and sports study (hereinafter referred to as schools -sports boarding schools); in professional educational organizations and educational organizations of higher education in the presence of specialized structural units; in general education organizations that have specialized sports classes. 14. The development of integrated educational programs in the field of physical culture and sports is carried out by educational organizations specified in paragraph 13 of these Features, independently on the basis of approximate basic educational programs of the appropriate level and focus, developed in accordance with Part 11 of Article 12 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ "On education in the Russian Federation". 15. General education organizations, independently or on the basis of a network form of implementation of educational programs, form specialized sports classes with an extended day of study and an in-depth training process, taking into account the following features: the possibility of conducting two or more training sessions per day, combining educational and training activities; organizing meals for students; the possibility of rescheduling the state final certification for students participating in preparation or attending official sports competitions. III. Features of the implementation of professional educational programs in the field of physical culture and sports 16. The implementation of professional educational programs in the field of physical culture and sports is carried out: in educational organizations of higher education that provide training according to the programs Page 6 of 14

7 The document is provided to undergraduate and specialist programs in specialties and (or) areas of training in the field of physical education and sports; in professional educational organizations operating in the field of physical education and sports, having a boarding school and implementing sports training programs, in which persons who have demonstrated outstanding abilities in physical education and sports study (Olympic reserve colleges, Olympic reserve boarding colleges, Olympic reserve schools , hereinafter referred to as professional educational organizations), and (or) providing training in educational programs of secondary vocational education in specialties and (or) areas of training in the field of physical culture and sports. 17. Educational organizations specified in paragraph 16 of these Features organize and carry out educational, training and methodological activities taking into account the following features: training of personnel in the field of physical culture and sports is carried out using the sports infrastructure; In order to identify and support individuals who have demonstrated outstanding abilities, specialized structural units are created in educational organizations, the procedure for staffing and financing of which is established by the founders of the relevant educational organizations, taking into account the creation of opportunities for combining training activities and the educational process. 18. Professional educational organizations and educational organizations of higher education in relation to specialized structural units created in order to identify and support individuals who have demonstrated outstanding abilities, as well as achieved success in physical culture and sports activities, plan, organize and carry out their activities taking into account the following: recruit the contingent students studying on a competitive basis from among individuals who have demonstrated outstanding abilities in sports and have previously undergone training in pre-professional programs in the field of physical education and sports or training in sports training programs; ensure the use of an individual curriculum for students who are members of sports teams of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, candidates for sports teams of the Russian Federation; participate, on the basis of a network form, in the implementation of educational programs in the preparation of sports reserves and high-class athletes for sports teams of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation. 19. Professional educational organizations organize and implement educational activities taking into account the following features: Integrating sports training with separate part or the entire volume of an academic subject, course, discipline (module), implementation of an educational program or carrying out sports training outside the framework of educational programs of secondary vocational education When a student or group of students leaves for training camps for a period of more than 10 days, implementation of an educational program of secondary vocational education with these students organized at the location of the training camp: a) using e-learning and distance learning technologies; b) through a network form of implementation of educational programs. Students' practical training is carried out in organizations providing sports training, physical culture and sports organizations, or directly in the most professional educational organization. The training process in a professional educational organization is carried out at the following stages of sports training: a) training stage (stage of sports specialization); b) stage of improving sportsmanship; c) stage of highest sports mastery All applicants upon admission to a professional educational organization undergo mandatory medical examinations (examinations) in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 697 “On approval of the list of specialties and Page 7 of 14

8 The document is provided in areas of training, upon admission to training for which applicants undergo mandatory preliminary medical examinations (examinations) in the manner established when concluding an employment contract or service contract for the relevant position or specialty" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 33, Art. 4398), the results of which are taken into account during the competitive selection: a) screening training camps; b) the results of the candidates’ performances at official all-Russian and international sports competitions; c) the results of entrance tests established by the professional educational organization on the basis of the relevant admission procedure; for training in educational programs of secondary vocational education and the list of entrance tests for admission to training in these programs, established in accordance with Part 8 of Article 55 of the Federal Law No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”; d) other forms determined by the local act of the organization. The number of students in a study group in a professional educational organization is established in accordance with its local regulations: a) 8-15 people in basic general education programs; b) 4-8 people in educational programs of secondary vocational education Transfer of students, including ahead of schedule, to another training group (to next stage training) is carried out on the basis of a local regulatory act of a professional educational organization, taking into account the decision of the coaching (methodological) council based on the completed volume of training activities, established control standards, results of sports competitions, and also in the absence medical contraindications. IV. Features of the implementation of additional general education programs in the field of physical culture and sports 20. The implementation of additional general education programs in the field of physical culture and sports is carried out: in children's and youth sports schools, children's and youth sports adaptive schools, specialized children's and youth sports schools of the Olympic reserve (hereinafter - sports schools); in other organizations of additional education of physical culture, sports and tourism and local history (hereinafter referred to as other organizations of additional education); in general education organizations when organizing extracurricular activities for students in physical education and sports, including within the framework of a school sports club; in preschool educational organizations when they organize additional physical education and sports classes and (or) implement physical education programs. 21. Sports schools, based on the results of individual selection of persons and the implementation of additional pre-professional programs, distribute the contingent of those involved in sports training programs and students in educational programs (pre-professional and general developmental) for each selected sport in accordance with the state (municipal) assignment, taking into account the following features: in children's and youth sports schools must provide sports training to at least 10% of the total number of persons enrolled in the sports school; in specialized children's and youth sports schools of the Olympic reserve and in specialized departments of children's and youth sports schools, it is necessary to provide sports training to at least 30% of the total number of persons enrolled in the sports school. For newly opened departments (including specialized ones) in sports schools, a two-year period is established, during which the above ratio of the number of students in sports training programs and students in educational programs must be ensured. 22. In sports schools, departments are opened for selected sports (group of sports). Page 8 of 14

9 Document provided The number of study groups in the department must be at least six (to open a department, at least three groups are required, with a subsequent increase in their number over the next three years to six). 23. Features of the activities of specialized departments of a sports school are not only the implementation of additional pre-professional programs in the field of physical education and sports, but also the implementation of sports training programs at the stages of improving sportsmanship and higher sportsmanship. In sports schools that are specialized children's and youth sports schools of the Olympic reserve and included in the List of physical culture and sports organizations and educational organizations that train athletes and use the names "Olympic", "Paralympic", "Olympic" to designate a legal entity (in the company name) ", "Paralympic" and words and phrases formed on their basis without concluding an appropriate agreement with the International Olympic Committee, the International Paralympic Committee or organizations authorized by them, formed by the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Sports Tourism of Russia dated N 420/1 (registered by the Ministry of Justice Russian Federation, registration N 17731), at least 70% of the student population must study in specialized departments. 24. By decision of the founder, further sports training for persons over 17 years of age is allowed in sports schools. Those who are successfully completing sports training and fulfilling the minimum requirements of the sports training program cannot be expelled from the sports school based on age criteria until they complete the development of this program at the appropriate stage of sports training. 25. Other organizations of additional education, if they implement sports training programs, along with the specified programs, implement additional educational programs in the field of physical culture and sports, taking into account the requirements of these Features, with the exception of the requirements established in paragraphs General educational organizations if they implement additional general education programs in the fields of physical education and sports use the following opportunities: organizing the activities of a school sports club; organization of a network form for the implementation of educational programs together with sports schools, other organizations of additional education, organizations providing sports training, physical education, sports and other organizations. FEATURES OF FORMING GROUPS AND DETERMINING THE VOLUME OF WEEKLY TRAINING LOAD OF STUDENTS, TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT OF STAGES (PERIODS) OF PREPARATION (IN ACADEMIC HOURS) Appendix No. 1 to Features Stage of preparation Period Minimum group size (persons) Optimal (recommended) quantitative composition of the group (persons) ) Maximum th quantitative composition of the group (people)<2>Maximum volume of training load per week in academic hours Page 9 of 14

10 Document provided Stage of highest sportsmanship Stage of improvement of sportsmanship Entire period Entire period Training stage (stage of sports specialization)<1>In-depth specialization and Initial specialization and Established by an educational organization Initial training stage Over one year Up to one year Established by an educational organization Sports and health stage Entire period up to 6<3>Page 10 of 14

11 educational, training and methodological activities in the field Document provided Note:<1>In team sports, the maximum group composition is determined based on the rules for holding official sports competitions and in accordance with the application form for participation in them.<2>When conducting classes with students from various groups the maximum quantitative composition is determined by the group that has the lowest indicator in this column. For example: a) when combining students into one group in the training schedule at the stage of improving sportsmanship and at the training stage, the maximum number of participants cannot exceed 10 people; b) when scheduling students into one group at the training stage (in-depth specialization) and at the initial training stage, the maximum number of participants cannot exceed 12 people.<3>In groups of the sports and recreational stage, in order to reach more participants, the maximum volume of training load per group per week can be reduced, but by no more than 10% of the annual volume and by no more than 2 hours per week, with the possibility of increasing during the holiday period, but no more than 25% of the annual training volume. FEATURES OF ORGANIZING AND CONDUCTING TRAINING CAMPS Appendix No. 2 to Features No. Types of training camps Maximum duration of training camps by stages of sports training (number of days) excluding travel to the venue and back Optimal number of participants in training camps Stage of highest sportsmanship Stage of perfection development of sportsmanship Training stage (stage of sports specialization) Stage of initial training Sports and recreational stage 1. Training camps for athletes included in the list of candidates for sports teams of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation 1.1 Training camps In accordance with Page 11 of 14

12 educational, training and methodological activities in the field Document provided by those involved in the list of candidates for sports teams of the Russian Federation by the list of candidates for sports teams of the Russian Federation 1.2. Training camps for those involved in the list of sports teams of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation In accordance with the list of members of sports teams of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation 2. Training camps in preparation for sports competitions 2.1. Training camps to prepare for international sports competitions 2.2. Training camps to prepare for championships, cups, championships of Russia 2.3. Training camps in preparation for other All-Russian sports competitions 2.4. Training camps to prepare for official sports competitions of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, men, women: a) main composition: team sports (sports disciplines) - 1.5 teams; tennis, table tennis, badminton, as well as combat sports included in the program Olympic Games(including weightlifting) - 4 teams; other sports - 2 teams; b) reserve composition: team sports (sports disciplines) - 1 composition; tennis, table tennis, badminton, and Page 12 of 14

13 educational, training and methodological activities in the field The document also provided combat sports included in the program of the Olympic Games (including weightlifting) - 4 compositions; other sports - 1 squad. - juniors, juniors; boys, girls: a) main composition: team sports (sports disciplines) - 2 teams; tennis, table tennis, badminton, as well as combat sports included in the program of the Olympic Games (including weightlifting) - 4 teams; other sports - 2 teams; b) reserve squad: tennis, table tennis, badminton, as well as combat sports included in the program of the Olympic Games (including weightlifting) - 4 squads 3. Special training camps 3.1. Training camps for general and (or) special physical training At least 70% of the group involved, Page 13 of 14

14 educational, training and methodological activities in the field The document is provided to those undergoing training at a certain stage 3.2. Recovery training camps 3.3. Training camps for a comprehensive medical examination Up to 14 days - - Participants in sports competitions Up to 5 days, but no more than twice a year - - In accordance with the comprehensive medical examination plan 3.4. Training camps during the holiday period - - Up to 21 days in a row and no more than two training camps per year At least 60% of the group of trainees undergoing training at a certain stage 3.5. Tryout training camps for applicants 3.6. Training camps to identify promising athletes for recruiting sports teams of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and sports training centers - Up to 60 days - - In accordance with local regulations of the educational organization Up to 21 days, but no more than twice a year - - In accordance with a plan for recruiting sports teams of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation Page 14 of 14

M I N I S T E R S T O S P O R T A R U S S I C F E D E R A T I O N S I N D R I C A Z 2013 DRAFT On establishing the features organization and implementation of educational, training and methodological

1 Stages of program implementation Sports and recreational Initial preparation Training Improvement Sports Improvement sports The main task of the stage is to expand motor capabilities

APPROVED by order dated October 27, 2015. 120 Regulations on the rules of organization and implementation of educational activities in the municipal budgetary institution of additional education “Children and youth

APPROVED by Director of the Municipal Budgetary Institution Pre-Youth Sports School of the Temryuk District Municipality A.V. Novitsky 2015 ADOPTED by the pedagogical council of the MBU Pre-Youth Sports School of the municipal formation Temryuk district Minutes of 2015

MINISTRY OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS OF THE KRASNODAR REGION MEETING of heads of municipal institutions of physical culture and sports “Features of the organization and implementation of training

I. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1 The educational process at the Municipal Budgetary Institution Pre-Youth Sports School "Tver" (hereinafter referred to as the Youth Sports School "Tver") is organized in accordance with a scientifically developed system of long-term sports training, providing

1. General provisions 1.1. Regulations on the organization of the training process in the municipal budgetary institution of additional education, children's and youth sports school of the Timashevsky municipal formation


2 3 Contents I. General issues of organizing sports training in the Russian Federation... 7 1.1. Regulatory and legal framework for organizing sports training.... 7 1.2. Subjects of sports training....

ON THE TRANSITION TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SPORTS TRAINING PROGRAMS 2 Basic regulatory documents regulating the organization of sports training Federal Law of December 4, 2007 329-FZ “On Physical

ADOPTED by the Pedagogical Council, protocol dated 04/06/2016 3 APPROVED by the Director’s Order dated 04/11/2016 110 AGREED BY the Parents Council, protocol dated 03/27/2016 1 REGULATIONS on the formation of groups of students, determination

04/03/2013 N 164 " " (: 08/31/2013 Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on May 28, 2013 N 28556 MINISTRY OF SPORTS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ORDER of April 3, 2013 N 164 ON APPROVAL OF THE FEDERAL STANDARD

APPROVED by order dated November 10, 2016. 200 reviewed and recommended for approval at a meeting of the pedagogical council, minutes dated November 1, 2016. 2 Regulations on the rules for organizing and implementing educational

"On approval of the federal standard of sports training for the sport of checkers" (as of 12/08/2015) (prepared by the Ministry of Sports of Russia) www.consultant.ru "Annotation to the document The project proposes

Ch and p Ii and g (: v p of justice of the Russian federation REGISTERED from ^ ^ ^ " MINISTRY OF SPORTS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION (MINISTRY OF SPORTS OF RUSSIA) 2-7 VapT-a-----2С1з - g PRI KAZ t t g About approval


Implementation of pre-professional programs in the field of physical culture and sports in organizations of additional education and sports training programs 2, paragraph 6 of Article 33 of the Federal Law “On Physical

Administration of the Leningrad Region Committee of General and Professional Education of the Leningrad Region Letter dated March 27, 2015 19-1969/15-0-0 “About methodological recommendations on development and design

"On approval of the Federal standard of sports training for the sport of handball" (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on October 14, 2013 N 30176) www.consultant.ru Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on October 14

Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation Implementation of pre-professional programs in the field of physical education and sports in additional education organizations 2 Introduction of pre-professional programs

Title of the document Order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated August 30, 2013 N 679 “On approval of the Federal Sports Standard” (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on October 14, 2013 N 30176) Source of publication The document was published

GOVERNMENT OF ST. PETERSBURG RESOLUTION On the remuneration system for employees of state sports training institutions of St. Petersburg and other state institutions of St. Petersburg in the field

1. General provisions 1.1. This Regulation on the mode of organizing the educational process for students in the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution of Additional Education for Children “Kingiseppskaya”

"On approval of the Federal standard for the sport of badminton" (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 02.08.2013 N 29238) www.consultant.ru "On approval of the Federal standard for the sport of badminton"


Document provided by ConsultantPlus Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on May 28, 2013 N 28557 MINISTRY OF SPORTS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ORDER dated March 27, 2013 N 147 ON APPROVAL OF THE FEDERAL STANDARD

Accepted Approved by the Pedagogical Council Director of the Municipal Educational Institution "TsDYUSSH" MUDO "TsDYUSSH" protocol _4 M.A. Shamsulvaraev "_25" 12 2015_g. 2015 Regulations on the procedure for the development and approval of general education programs


ISSUES OF THE ACTIVITY OF SPORTS SCHOOLS Sports schools, sports schools of the Olympic reserve - physical education and sports organizations providing additional education services for children in the region

Development and implementation of sports training programs based on federal standards of sports training for sports Federal Law of December 4, 2007 329-FZ “On Physical Culture and Sports”

1. Basic concepts. Educational program - a set of basic characteristics of education (volume, content, planned results), organizational and pedagogical conditions and, in cases provided for

“MAIN DIRECTIONS OF STATE POLICY FOR MODERNIZING THE SYSTEM OF PREPARATION OF SPORTS RESERVE AT THE PRESENT STAGE” Deputy Director of the Department of Science and Education of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation

Municipal autonomous educational institution of additional education of the municipal formation of the city of Irbit “Children and youth sports school” 623856 city of Irbit, Sverdlovsk region, st.

CURRICULUM MBOUDO Youth Sports School FOR 2017-2018 ACADEMIC YEAR The curriculum of MBOUDO Youth Sports School was compiled in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2014. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Articles 2,75,84,108),

ORDER On approval of the Federal standard of sports training for a sport wrestling In accordance with Part 1 of Article 34 of the Federal Law of December 14, 2007 329-FE “On Physical Culture and

Appendix to the order of the Committee on Physical Culture and Sports BASIC REQUIREMENTS OF PRE-SPORTS TRAINING FOR THE SPORT TABLE TENNIS I. Requirements for the structure and content of programs, including

Appendix to the order of the Committee on Physical Culture and Sports BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR PRE-SPORTS TRAINING FOR AIKIDO SPORT I. Requirements for the structure and content of programs, including mastery

Document provided Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on May 21, 2013 N 28451 MINISTRY OF SPORTS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ORDER dated February 21, 2013 N 73 ON APPROVAL OF THE FEDERAL SPORTS STANDARD

Accepted Approved by the pedagogical council by Order of the MAUDO MAUDO "Youth Sports School "CFR" "Youth Sports School "CFR" Minutes of 09/08/2015 1 of 09/10/2015 077/2 Regulations on the procedure for admission, transfer, expulsion, reinstatement


"On approval of the Federal standard for the sport of weightlifting" (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on May 21, 2013 N 28451) www.consultant.ru Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on May 21, 2013 N 28451 MINISTRY

State professional educational institution "Novokuznetsk School (Technical School) of the Olympic Reserve" Sports training program Type of sport: Table tennis The program was developed in

Order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated 02/18/2013 N 62 “On approval of the Federal sports standard for the sport of taekwondo” (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 05/21/2013 N 28450) Registered with the Ministry of Justice

Document provided by ConsultantPlus Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on July 23, 2013 N 29135 MINISTRY OF SPORTS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ORDER dated June 18, 2013 N 399 ON APPROVAL OF THE FEDERAL STANDARD

Appendix to the order of the Committee on Physical Culture and Sports BASIC REQUIREMENTS OF PRE-SPORT PREPARATION FOR THE TYPE OF SPORT SPORTS OF THE DEAF (SPORTS ORIENTING) I. Requirements for structure and content

Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on April 17, 2014 N 32011 MINISTRY OF SPORTS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ORDER dated January 27, 2014 N 32 ON APPROVAL OF THE FEDERAL STANDARD OF SPORTS TRAINING BY TYPE


General provisions.. These Regulations on the remuneration of employees of the Municipal educational budgetary institution of additional education for children of the youth sports school 0 in Sochi have been developed

Organization of the educational process and sports training The institution implements the following additional general education programs in the field of physical education and sports in the group of sports sports

“APPROVED” President of the Federation orienteering Omsk region / A.I. Belov / October 2017 REGULATIONS On the procedure for the formation and selection of athletes for inclusion in the sports team

REGULATIONS on the process of sports training of the State Budgetary Institution "Sports School of the Olympic Reserve" 45 "Proletarsky Sambist" Moskomsport Moscow, 2014 1 1. General provisions 1.1. These Regulations on the process of sports

Document provided by ConsultantPlus Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on May 21, 2013 N 28451 MINISTRY OF SPORTS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ORDER dated February 21, 2013 N 73 ON APPROVAL OF THE FEDERAL STANDARD

Appendix to the order of the Committee on Physical Culture and Sports BASIC REQUIREMENTS OF PRE-SPORT TRAINING FOR THE SPORT OF SAMBO I. Requirements for the structure and content of programs, including mastery

1. General provisions 1.1. Curriculum of the MBU DO "Youth and Youth Hockey School" named after. A. Cherepanova (hereinafter referred to as the Institution) is compiled in accordance with the following regulatory documents: Law of the Russian Federation “On Education

APPENDIX 1 to the regulation “On remuneration of labor for employees of municipal institutions of additional education for children with a sports orientation, subordinate to the department of physical culture and sports of the administration


Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on May 28, 2013 N 28556 MINISTRY OF SPORTS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ORDER dated April 3, 2013 N 164 ON APPROVAL OF THE FEDERAL STANDARD OF SPORTS TRAINING BY SPORT

MINISTRY OF SPORTS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION (MINISTRY OF SPORTS OF RUSSIA) ORDER “01” April 2015 306 On approval of the Federal sports standard In accordance with Part 1 of Article 34 of the Federal Law of December 4, 2007

August 5, 2013 Order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation dated June 18, 2013 399 On approval of the Federal standard of sports training for the sport of table tennis (has not entered into force) In accordance with part

REGULATIONS on the procedure for implementing disciplines (modules) in physical culture and sports at Dagestan State University 1. General provisions 1.1. Regulations on the order of implementation of disciplines (modules)

Additional pre-professional program in the field of physical education and sports in the sport “Football” ABSTRACT The program is compiled on the basis of the Federal standard of sports training in the sport



In accordance with (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 53, Art. 7598)

I order:

1. Approve the attached features of the organization and implementation of educational, training and methodological activities in the field of physical culture and sports.

2. Control over the implementation of this order is entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation Yu.D. Nagornykh.


at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
March 5, 2014,
registration N 31522

Features of the organization and implementation of educational, training and methodological activities in the field of physical culture and sports


I. General provisions

1. Features of the organization and implementation of educational, training and methodological activities in the field of physical culture and sports are developed in accordance with Part 9 of Article 84 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 53, Art. 7598) and are aimed at:

ensuring the unity of the basic requirements for the organization of sports training throughout the Russian Federation;

continuity and succession of physical education of citizens belonging to different age groups;

improving the quality of training of the sports reserve;

increasing the coverage of children and youth regularly involved in physical education and sports.

2. These Features of the organization and implementation of educational, training and methodological activities in the field of physical culture and sports (hereinafter referred to as the Features) establish specifics in relation to:

2.1. Educational programs implemented in the field of physical culture and sports:

a) educational programs of basic general and secondary general education, integrated with additional pre-professional educational programs in the field of physical culture and sports (hereinafter referred to as integrated educational programs in the field of physical culture and sports);

b) professional educational programs in the field of physical culture and sports;

c) additional general education programs in the field of physical education and sports (general developmental and pre-professional).

2.2. Educational organizations operating in the field of physical culture and sports and specified in paragraphs 13, 16, 20 of these Features.

2.3. Contingent of the educational organization (hereinafter referred to as those involved):

a) persons enrolled in an educational organization and mastering educational programs in the field of physical culture and sports (hereinafter referred to as students);

b) persons undergoing sports training, enrolled in an educational organization (hereinafter referred to as athletes);

c) persons who in the future could be enrolled in professional educational organizations operating in the field of physical culture and sports and implementing sports training programs (hereinafter referred to as applicants).

3. Educational programs implemented in the field of physical culture and sports are developed taking into account the following features of the organization of training and methodological activities:

3.1. By groups of sports:

team sports;

team sports;

combat sports;

complex coordination sports;

cyclic sports;

speed-strength sports;


sports involving animals participating in sports competitions;

adaptive sports;

national sports;

sports and technical sports;

shooting sports;

sports performed in the natural environment;

service-applied and military-applied sports.

3.2. For sports and sports disciplines recognized in the Russian Federation and included in the All-Russian Register of Sports (hereinafter referred to as the selected sport).

3.3. By stages and periods of preparation:

1) sports and recreational stage (entire period) - only for additional general developmental programs in the field of physical education and sports;

2) initial training stage (periods: up to one year; over one year);

3) training stage (stage of sports specialization) (periods: initial specialization; advanced specialization);

4) the stage of improving sportsmanship (the entire period);

5) stage of highest sportsmanship (entire period) - only for sports training programs.

4. Features of the implementation of educational activities in the field of physical culture and sports are the following forms of organization of the training process:

training sessions with a group (subgroup) formed taking into account the chosen sport, age and gender characteristics of those involved;

individual training sessions conducted according to the curriculum with one or more students, united to prepare for performance at sports competitions in a pair, group or crew;

independent work of students according to individual plans;

training camps;

participation in sports competitions and other events;

instructor and referee practice;

medical and rehabilitation measures;

intermediate and final certification of students.

Features of forming groups and determining the volume of weekly training load for students, taking into account the stages (periods) of training (in academic hours) are given in Appendix No. 1 to these Features.

Features of the organization and conduct of training camps are given in Appendix No. 2 to these Features.

5. The duration of one training session when implementing educational programs in the field of physical culture and sports, as well as sports training programs, is calculated in academic hours, taking into account age characteristics and the stage (period) of training of students and cannot exceed:

at the sports and recreational stage - 2 hours;

at the initial training stage - 2 hours;

at the training stage (sports specialization stage) - 3 hours;

at the stage of improving sportsmanship - 4 hours;

at the stage of highest sportsmanship - 4 hours.

When conducting more than one training session on one day, the total duration of classes cannot be more than 8 academic hours.

6. It is allowed to conduct training sessions simultaneously with students from different groups:

a) on educational programs implemented in the field of physical culture and sports;

b) according to sports training programs;

c) for additional pre-professional programs in the field of physical education and sports and sports training programs.

In this case, all the following conditions must be met:

the difference in the level of training of those involved does not exceed two sports categories and (or) sports titles;

the one-time capacity of the sports facility has not been exceeded;

the maximum quantitative composition of the combined group, calculated in accordance with Note 2 of Appendix No. 1 to these Specifications, has not been exceeded.

7. Educational organizations form their structure independently, taking into account the following features:

7.1. Departments (other structural units) providing training activities that are opened:

a) by groups of sports;

b) in selected sports.

7.2. Groups of those involved in the training process are completed according to selected sports and stages (periods) of preparation, and in team sports - and taking into account the planning of participation of those involved (forming a team of players) in physical education events and sports events included in the Unified calendar plan of interregional, All-Russian and international physical education events and sports events in accordance with the regulations (regulations) on their holding.

8. An educational organization implementing sports training programs creates a specialized unit in its structure, which enrolls persons from among those involved, graduates of an educational organization undergoing sports training on the terms of a state (municipal) assignment, and (or) other persons undergoing sports training under the terms of the contract for the provision of sports training services.

9. Features of individual selection of students, as well as intermediate and final certification of students are:

transfer of students to the stage (period) of implementation of the educational program is carried out on the basis of the results of intermediate certification and taking into account the results of their performance at official sports competitions in the chosen sport;

upon completion of training in additional pre-professional programs in the field of physical culture and sports, the student (graduate) is issued a document, a sample of which by the organization in accordance with Part 15 of Article 60 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

10. The educational organization provides a continuous training process for students, taking into account the following features:

10.1. The start and end dates of the training process (hereinafter referred to as the sports season) are determined taking into account the dates of physical education events and sports events in which the participants are planned to participate.

10.2. Recruitment (individual selection) of students is carried out annually:

a) to training groups of educational organizations starting the sports season in the fall - no later than October 15 of the current year;

b) to training groups of educational organizations that begin the sports season from the beginning of the calendar year - no later than February 15 of the current year;

c) in other cases - in the manner established by the educational organization.

10.3. The training process in an educational organization is carried out in accordance with the annual educational (training) plan (hereinafter referred to as the curriculum), calculated:

for general developmental programs - for the period established by local regulations of the educational organization;

for additional pre-professional programs - in accordance with federal state requirements for the minimum content, structure, conditions for the implementation of additional pre-professional programs in the field of physical education and sports and for the duration of training under these programs (hereinafter - federal state requirements);

for sports training programs - in accordance with federal standards of sports training.

10.4. The training process is subject to annual planning in accordance with the following deadlines:

long-term planning (for the Olympic cycle - 4 years), which allows you to determine the stages of implementation of an educational program or sports training program;

annual planning, which allows you to draw up a plan for conducting group and individual training sessions and intermediate (final) certification of students;

quarterly planning, which allows you to plan the work on conducting individual training sessions; independent work of students according to individual plans; training camps; participation in sports competitions and other events;

monthly planning (no later than a month before the planned date), instructor and referee practice, as well as medical, rehabilitation and other events.

10.5. Planning for the participation of teaching staff and (or) other specialists involved in the implementation of educational programs and sports training programs is carried out taking into account the following features:

a) work according to the curriculum of one teacher or specialist with a group of students throughout the entire sports season;

b) simultaneous work of two or more teaching staff and (or) other specialists with the same students (group), assigned simultaneously to several specialists, taking into account the specifics of the chosen sport (group of sports) or in accordance with federal standards of sports training or federal government requirements;

c) team method of work (work on the implementation of an educational and (or) sports training program of more than one teacher and (or) other specialist directly carrying out the training process in stages (periods) with a contingent of students assigned personally to each specialist) taking into account specific volume, complexity and specificity of the work.

11. Features of network interaction in the implementation of educational programs and (or) sports training programs by educational organizations and (or) scientific, healthcare organizations and other organizations with the necessary resources are cluster interaction:

a) as an organization directly implementing the educational program (in whole or in part of any component (module) of the program);

b) as a directly implementing sports training program (in whole or in part of any component (module) of the program);

c) as an educational organization that provides pedagogical support to an athlete who previously underwent education or sports training in this educational organization, but transferred to another organization providing sports training.

12. Features of methodological (scientific and methodological) activities in educational organizations take into account:

12.1. Organization and conduct of activities directly by the educational organization itself or on the basis of cluster interaction with an organization for which methodological (scientific and methodological) activities in the field of physical culture and sports are one of the main activities.

To organize and carry out methodological (scientific and methodological) work in an educational organization, the staffing table includes the rates of instructor-methodologist (methodologist) at the rate of one instructor-methodologist (methodologist) rate per six rates of trainer-teachers, while it is possible to create a corresponding structural unit ( methodological department, office, service).

12.2. The directions of methodological (scientific and methodological) activities of educational organizations are determined taking into account the following features:

a) ensuring increased efficiency of the training process, training of sports reserves and growth of the sports potential of students;

b) organizing monitoring of educational and training activities;

c) increasing the professional competence of teaching staff and other specialists carrying out the training process;

d) development, implementation, analysis of execution and, if necessary, adjustment of educational programs and sports training programs implemented (planned for implementation) by an educational organization;

e) support of experimental and innovative activities in the field of physical culture and sports, including within the framework of the activities of federal (regional) experimental (innovation) sites.

II. Features of the implementation of integrated educational programs in the field of physical culture and sports

13. The implementation of integrated educational programs in the field of physical culture and sports is carried out:

in general educational organizations that have a boarding school, in which persons who have demonstrated outstanding abilities in physical education and sports study (hereinafter referred to as sports boarding schools);

in professional educational organizations and educational organizations of higher education in the presence of specialized structural units;

in general education organizations that have specialized sports classes.

14. The development of integrated educational programs in the field of physical culture and sports is carried out by the educational organizations specified in paragraph 13 of these Features, independently on the basis of approximate basic educational programs of the appropriate level and focus, developed in accordance with Part 11 of Article 12 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On education in the Russian Federation".

15. General education organizations, independently or on the basis of a network form of implementation of educational programs, form specialized sports classes with extended training days and an in-depth training process, taking into account the following features:

the ability to conduct two or more training sessions per day, combining educational and training activities;

organizing meals for students;

the possibility of rescheduling the state final certification for students participating in preparation or attending official sports competitions.

III. Features of the implementation of professional educational programs in the field of physical culture and sports

16. The implementation of professional educational programs in the field of physical culture and sports is carried out:

in educational institutions of higher education that provide training in undergraduate programs and specialty programs in specialties and (or) areas of training in the field of physical culture and sports;

in professional educational organizations operating in the field of physical education and sports, having a boarding school and implementing sports training programs, in which persons who have demonstrated outstanding abilities in physical education and sports study (Olympic reserve colleges, Olympic reserve boarding colleges, Olympic reserve schools (hereinafter referred to as professional educational organizations), and (or) providing training in educational programs of secondary vocational education in specialties and (or) areas of training in the field of physical culture and sports.

17. Educational organizations specified in paragraph 16 of these Features organize and carry out educational, training and methodological activities taking into account the following features:

17.1. training of personnel in the field of physical culture and sports is carried out using the sports infrastructure;

17.2. In order to identify and support individuals who have demonstrated outstanding abilities, specialized structural units are created in educational organizations, the procedure for staffing and financing of which is established by the founders of the relevant educational organizations, taking into account the creation of opportunities for combining training activities and the educational process.

18. Professional educational organizations and educational organizations of higher education, in relation to specialized structural units created to identify and support individuals who have demonstrated outstanding abilities, as well as those who have achieved success in physical culture and sports activities, plan, organize and carry out their activities taking into account the following:

carry out recruitment of students on a competitive basis from among persons who have demonstrated outstanding abilities in sports and have previously undergone training in pre-professional programs in the field of physical culture and sports or training in sports training programs;

ensure the use of an individual curriculum for students who are members of sports teams of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, candidates for sports teams of the Russian Federation;

participate, on the basis of a network form, in the implementation of educational programs in the preparation of sports reserves and high-class athletes for sports teams of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

19. Professional educational organizations organize and carry out educational activities taking into account the following features:

19.1. By integrating sports training with a separate part or the entire volume of an academic subject, course, discipline (module), implementation of an educational program, or carrying out sports training outside the framework of educational programs of secondary vocational education.

19.2. When a student or group of students leaves for training camps for a period of more than 10 days, the implementation of the educational program of secondary vocational education with these students is organized at the location of the training camps:

a) using e-learning and distance learning technologies;

b) through a network form of implementation of educational programs.

19.3. Students' practical training is carried out in organizations providing sports training, physical education and sports organizations, or directly in the professional educational organization itself.

19.4. The training process in a professional educational organization is carried out at the following stages of sports training:

a) training stage (sports specialization stage);

b) stage of improving sportsmanship;

c) stage of highest sportsmanship.

19.5. All applicants upon admission to a professional educational organization undergo mandatory medical examinations (examinations) in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 14, 2013 N 697 “On approval of the list of specialties and areas of training, upon admission to training for which applicants undergo mandatory preliminary medical examinations ( examinations) in the manner established when concluding an employment contract or service contract for the relevant position or specialty" (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 33, Art. 4398), the results of which are taken into account during competitive selection.

The forms of competitive selection are:

b) the results of the candidates’ performances at official all-Russian and international sports competitions;

c) the results of entrance tests established by a professional educational organization on the basis of the appropriate procedure for admission to educational programs of secondary vocational education and the list of entrance tests for admission to study under these programs, established in accordance with Part 8 of Article 55 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On education in the Russian Federation";

d) other forms determined by the local act of the organization.

19.6. The number of students in a study group in a professional educational organization is established in accordance with its local regulations:

a) 8-15 people in basic general education programs;

b) 4-8 people in educational programs of secondary vocational education.

19.7. Transfer of students, including ahead of schedule, to another training group (to the next stage of training) is carried out on the basis of a local regulatory act of a professional educational organization, taking into account the decision of the coaching (methodological) council based on the completed volume of training activities, established control standards, results of sports competitions, and also in the absence of medical contraindications.

IV. Features of the implementation of additional general education programs in the field of physical education and sports

20. The implementation of additional general education programs in the field of physical education and sports is carried out:

in children's and youth sports schools, children's and youth sports adaptive schools, specialized children's and youth sports schools of the Olympic reserve (hereinafter referred to as sports schools);

in other organizations of additional education of physical culture, sports and tourism and local history (hereinafter - other organizations of additional education);

in general education organizations when organizing extracurricular activities for students in physical education and sports, including within the framework of a school sports club;

in preschool educational organizations when they organize additional physical education and sports classes and (or) implement physical education programs.

21. Sports schools, based on the results of individual selection of individuals and the implementation of additional pre-professional programs, distribute the contingent of those involved in sports training programs and students in educational programs (pre-professional and general developmental) for each selected sport in accordance with the state (municipal) assignment, taking into account the following features:

in children's and youth sports schools it is necessary to provide sports training to at least 10% of the total number of persons enrolled in the sports school;

in specialized children's and youth sports schools of the Olympic reserve and in specialized departments of children's and youth sports schools, it is necessary to provide sports training to at least 30% of the total number of persons enrolled in the sports school.

For newly opened departments (including specialized ones) in sports schools, a two-year period is established, during which the above ratio of the number of students in sports training programs and students in educational programs must be ensured.

22. In sports schools, departments are opened for selected sports (group of sports).

The number of study groups in the department must be at least six (to open a department, at least three groups are required, with a subsequent increase in their number over the next three years to six).

23. Features of the activities of specialized departments of a sports school are not only the implementation of additional pre-professional programs in the field of physical education and sports, but also the implementation of sports training programs at the stages of improving sportsmanship and higher sportsmanship.

In sports schools that are specialized children's and youth sports schools of the Olympic reserve and included in the List of physical culture and sports organizations and educational organizations that train athletes and use the names "Olympic", "Paralympic", "Olympic" to designate a legal entity (in the company name) ", "Paralympic" and words and phrases formed on their basis without concluding an appropriate agreement with the International Olympic Committee, the International Paralympic Committee or organizations authorized by them, formed by the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Sports Tourism of Russia dated 05.05.2010 N 420/1 ( registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 07/07/2010, registration N 17731), at least 70% of the student population must be engaged in specialized departments.

24. By decision of the founder, further sports training for persons over 17 years of age is allowed in sports schools.

Those who are successfully completing sports training and fulfilling the minimum requirements of the sports training program cannot be expelled from the sports school based on age criteria until they complete the development of this program at the appropriate stage of sports training.

25. Other organizations of additional education, if they implement sports training programs, along with these programs, implement additional educational programs in the field of physical culture and sports, taking into account the requirements of these Features, with the exception of the requirements established in paragraphs 21-23.

26. General education organizations, if they implement additional general education programs in the field of physical culture and sports, use the following opportunities:

organizing the activities of a school sports club;

organization of a network form for the implementation of educational programs together with sports schools, other organizations of additional education, organizations providing sports training, physical education, sports and other organizations.

Appendix No. 1. Features of forming groups and determining the volume of weekly training load for students, taking into account the stages (periods) of preparation (in academic hours)

Appendix No. 1
to Features

Preparation stage

Minimum group size (persons)

Maximum number of group members (people)

Maximum volume of training load per week in academic hours

Stage of highest sportsmanship

Entire period

Stage of improving sportsmanship

Entire period

Training stage (sports stage

In-depth specialization

Set by educational


Initial specialization


Initial training stage

Over one year

Set by educational

Up to one year


wellness stage

Entire period


In team sports, the maximum group composition is determined based on the rules for holding official sports competitions and in accordance with the application form for participation in them.

When conducting classes with students from different groups, the maximum quantitative composition is determined by the group that has the lower indicator in this column. For example: a) when combining students into one group in the training schedule at the stage of improving sportsmanship and at the training stage, the maximum number of participants cannot exceed 10 people; b) when scheduling students into one group at the training stage (in-depth specialization) and at the initial training stage, the maximum number of participants cannot exceed 12 people.

In groups of the sports and recreational stage, in order to reach more participants, the maximum volume of training load per group per week can be reduced, but by no more than 10% of the annual volume and by no more than 2 hours per week, with the possibility of increasing during the holiday period, but no more than 25% of the annual training volume.

Appendix No. 2. Features of organizing and conducting training camps

Appendix No. 2
to Features

Types of training camps

Maximum duration of training camps by stages of sports training (number of days), excluding travel to and from the venue

Optimal number of training participants

stage of highest sportsmanship

stage of complete
improving sportsmanship

training stage (sports specialization stage)

initial training stage

telial stage

Training camps for athletes included in the list of candidates for sports teams of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation

Training camps for athletes included in the list of candidates for sports teams of the Russian Federation

In accordance with the list of candidates for sports teams of the Russian Federation

Training camps for athletes included in the list of sports teams of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation

In accordance with the list of members of sports teams of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation

2. Training camps to prepare for sports competitions

Training camps to prepare for international sports competitions

Men, women:
a) main composition:
team team sports (sports disciplines) - 1.5 teams; tennis, table tennis, badminton, as well as combat sports included in the Olympic program

Training camps to prepare for championships, cups, championships of Russia

games (including weightlifting): - 4 teams; other sports - 2 teams;
b) reserve composition: team sports (sports disciplines) - 1 composition; tennis, table tennis, badminton, as well as combat sports included in the Olympic program

Training camps in preparation for other All-Russian sports competitions

games (including weightlifting), - 4 teams; other sports - 1 squad;
juniors, juniors, young men; girls:
a) main composition:
team team sports (sports disciplines) - 2 teams;

Training camps to prepare for official sports competitions of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation

tennis, table tennis, badminton, as well as combat sports included in the program of the Olympic Games (including weightlifting) - 4 teams;
other sports - 2 teams,
b) reserve personnel:
tennis, table tennis, badminton, as well as combat sports included in the program of the Olympic Games (including weightlifting) - 4 teams

3. Special training camps

Training camps for general and (or) special physical training

At least 70% of the group of students undergoing training at a certain stage

Recovery training camps

Up to 14 days

Participants in sports competitions

Training camps for comprehensive medical examination

Up to 5 days, but no more than twice a year

In accordance with the comprehensive medical examination plan

Training camps during the holiday period

Up to 21 consecutive days and no more than two training camps per year

At least 60% of the group of students undergoing training at a certain stage

Up to 60 days

In accordance with local regulations of the educational organization

Training camps to identify promising athletes to recruit sports teams of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and sports training centers

Up to 21 days, but no more than twice a year

In accordance with the plan for recruiting sports teams of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against.

Order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2013 N 1125
"On approval of the features of the organization and implementation of educational, training and methodological activities in the field of physical culture and sports"

In accordance with Part 9 of Article 84 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 53, Art. 7598) I order:

1. Approve the attached features of the organization and implementation of educational, training and methodological activities in the field of physical culture and sports.

2. Control over the implementation of this order is entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation Yu.D. Nagornykh.

V.L. Mutko

Registration No. 31522

The features of educational, training and methodological activities in the field of physical culture and sports have been established.

Thus, the specifics of the relevant educational programs have been determined. The latter are divided into integrated, professional, general developmental and pre-professional.

They are developed according to groups of sports (game, team, combat sports, complex coordination, cyclic, speed-strength, all-around, using animals, adaptive, national, sports-technical, etc.). For recognized sports and sports disciplines in our country, included in the All-Russian Register of Sports. By stages and periods of preparation (sports and recreational, initial training, sports specialization, improvement of sports skills, etc.).

The volume of the weekly training load was determined taking into account the stages (periods) of preparation.

The specifics of organizing and conducting training camps, individual selection of students, as well as intermediate and final certification of students are described.

The beginning and end of the training process (sports season) are determined taking into account the timing of physical education and sports events in which students are planned to participate.

Recruitment (individual selection) for training groups of educational organizations that begin the sports season in the fall is carried out no later than October 15 of the current year. If the sports season starts at the beginning of the calendar year, no later than February 15 of the current year. In other cases - as the educational organization decides.

The goals of scientific and methodological activities are to increase the effectiveness of the training process, monitoring educational and training activities, professional growth of teaching staff, etc.

Order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2013 N 1125 "On approval of the features of the organization and implementation of educational, training and methodological activities in the field of physical culture and sports"

Registration No. 31522

This order comes into force 10 days after the day of its official publication