What to eat before a run. Proper nutrition when jogging, what to eat before jogging

For some, running is a means to maintain good physical shape. Others start running - no matter at home on the exercise machine or in the park in the morning - to lose weight. But whatever goal you pursue, without a competent combination physical activity and proper nutrition is indispensable. Do you even need to eat before a run? Maybe the results will be better on an empty stomach? Together with MedAboutMe specialists, we’ll figure out what to eat before the start.

To eat or not to eat?

Running training is serious physical activity that requires significant energy expenditure. You need “fuel” that will help you run faster and longer. And this fuel will be the right snack. Before a running workout, you don’t have to eat your first meal, your second meal, and your dessert in one sitting. But you definitely need to eat!

Running on an empty stomach is the prerogative of experienced athletes. But even “experienced” runners don’t allow themselves to do this. Having a snack 1-2 hours before training is a law for them! For a beginner, jogging on an empty stomach can turn into a real nightmare - there is a risk of completely “running out of steam” somewhere in the second kilometer and experiencing all the “delights” of dizziness and fainting. And working out on an empty stomach will not help you lose weight faster. But this is exactly what many of those who have set themselves the goal of throwing off everything “extra” do. During “hungry” running, intensive fat burning does not occur - cells disintegrate not in fat tissues, but in muscle ones. And this is already bad!

What you eat before your run will ultimately affect your workout results!

The main emphasis should be on foods high in carbohydrates (cereals, bakery and pasta whole grains, dairy products, fruits and vegetables) - they will charge you with energy for a long time, help you run lightly rather than crawl to the finish line, and help strengthen muscle tissue.

Before training, you should avoid foods high in fat and protein. It takes a long time to digest and can cause heaviness in the stomach and heartburn during intense running. Large portions of meat, mushrooms and nuts, any fast food, fatty and spicy dishes - all this should definitely be left for another time. Avoid foods high in fiber - some vegetables and fruits (broccoli, pear, apples, cabbage, eggplant), all legumes. Such a snack will increase the risk of not reaching the finish line due to digestive upset.

Expert commentary Marina Patskikh Benzalich, nutritionist, endocrinologist, doctor of the highest category, postgraduate student of the Department of Therapy of the Federal State Budgetary Institution State Scientific Center FMBC named after A. I. Burnazyan

Runners' diet must contain all the nutrients necessary for the body. Much attention should be paid to the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in products.


A lack of carbohydrates leads to the body beginning to “recycle” its own muscle tissue. At the same time, the metabolic rate may also decrease. And low blood sugar gradually becomes chronic, which leads to a “brutal” appetite and a decrease in the intensity of training. Excess carbohydrates in food is also dangerous. Their surpluses are “converted” into adipose tissue in problem areas.

The recommendations for carbohydrates are as follows. During regular vigorous workouts lasting more than an hour, you should consume 25-75 g of carbohydrates with a high glycemic index. During long-term training or preparation for competitions, immediately after exercise (15-30 minutes), you need to consume 1 g of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight.

Healthy carbohydrate-containing products - rye, brown rice, wheat and soy flour, oatmeal, buckwheat, grain bread, vegetables (primarily carrots, beets, lettuce, broccoli, pumpkin, bananas, apples and citrus fruits, cherries), juices, dried fruits.

Runners also need fats, including saturated fats! They are responsible for the condition of joints, ligaments, skin, and testosterone production.

The recommended amount of fat in food for beginning athletes is no more than 25% of daily calorie content diet. For those who are more active - 15% of the daily calorie intake. For example, with a daily calorie content of 2000 kcal, fats will account for approximately 500 kcal, i.e. 45 g of fat that needs to be distributed throughout the day (with 5 meals a day - 9 grams for each meal).

Remember unsaturated fats! Their content in the menu should be 10-15% of the daily diet. Add olive oil to your dishes linseed oil, rich in fatty acids, and nuts.

Protein is made up of amino acids. And these are the main components of muscles! Proteins protect and restore muscle tissue, increase the endurance of athletes. During physical activity, some amino acids are used as “fuel” to obtain energy. Proteins do not accumulate in the body. They must be ingested daily with food!

The best proteins for runners are chicken, liver, red meat, fish, eggs, mushrooms, cottage cheese, yogurt, whey protein, lentils, almonds, cashews, peanuts, beans. These foods contain important branched chain amino acids.

Snack 1.5-2 hours before jogging

It is believed that a hearty meal 1.5-2 hours before a run is ideal for experienced and beginner athletes. This is the nutrition plan that should be followed by those who have set themselves the goal of losing weight. This is, in fact, a full meal without serious restrictions - during this time the food will have time to be digested, all the nutrients will reach their destination in the body. Run briskly and with a smile on your face, rather than dragging your feet along the ground.

But here in real life This regime is difficult to adhere to. Just imagine what time you have to get up in the morning before your morning run! You need to have time to have a hearty breakfast, wait until the food is digested, and only then put on your sneakers with a sense of accomplishment. Not everyone is ready for such “feats.” This mode is more for daytime and evening runs.

The calorie content of the dishes that you eat 1.5-2 hours before training should be in the range of 300-500 kcal. Carbohydrates, a small amount of protein and healthy fats are what an athlete needs before a run.

It’s not for nothing that buckwheat won the title of the most nutritious among the rest. It has a high content of B vitamins. Buckwheat contains even more iron than meat! But it is this microelement that is involved in the delivery of oxygen to internal organs and muscles. The run will be energetic and easy - without shortness of breath or heaviness in the stomach!

Make yourself some buckwheat porridge to fuel yourself up before your running workout. You will save time if you brew the cereal in boiling water in the evening - the porridge will be ready in the morning. Complement it with vegetable salad in vegetable oil - tasty and very filling! For salad, choose fruits with low fiber content - tomatoes, zucchini, radishes, carrots. If you have time, make a vegetable stew. Drink green tea or cocoa. You can also make a vegetable smoothie or a fruit and milk shake as a drink.

Oatmeal is no less healthy than buckwheat. Moreover, the content of “slow” carbohydrates that provide energy is even higher in oatmeal! One of best options for a nutritious breakfast. Oatmeal contains a sufficient amount of biotin (in 100 g of product about 40% of daily norm), the deficiency of which can lead to increased fatigue, lethargy, and muscle pain. Runners should not allow this to happen!

Before your run, eat a serving of oatmeal with boiled lean meat (for example, chicken, rabbit or turkey). The meal can be supplemented with stewed vegetables. Do you like sweet porridge? Great! Add a spoonful of honey or jam to the dish, finely chopped sweet fruits or berries. And don’t forget that the “correct” oatmeal is not those instant cereals that are so abundant on store shelves! These are high in sugar. There will be no benefit from breakfast, except for extra calories.

Expert commentaryYulia Welsh, nutritionist, nutritionist, psychologist

You have ahead running training? You need to make sure that while jogging your stomach doesn’t ache from hunger in advance. After all, running on a full stomach is harmful to the body and uncomfortable. Your main task is a “light” version of the meal, which will give maximum energy! Fresh vegetables, legumes and mushrooms should be excluded from the menu so as not to feel discomfort in the intestines during training.

If you have the opportunity to eat a full meal, at least 1-2 hours before training, you can eat a hearty lunch, including a side dish of complex carbohydrates (durum pasta, buckwheat, rice, quinoa, bulgur), easily digestible protein (fish, chicken, turkey) and cooked vegetables.

If your workout is early in the morning, eat rolled oats porridge with dried fruits and a few nuts. This is the perfect option! Thanks to biotin in the composition oatmeal, you will show excellent result in endurance.

You can also make a hearty snack of toasted toast (use whole wheat bread!) with avocado or nut butter.

Snack an hour before your run

Not much time left before your run? This is not a reason to forget about breakfast!

Ideally, the calorie content of the prepared dish should not exceed 300 kcal, otherwise you will run with a full stomach and will not get the expected results from the workout. The products contain easily digestible carbohydrates and some protein.

A serving of fermented milk product will give you the necessary amount of carbohydrates for effective training. Considering the high protein content in yogurt, one jar will be enough (100-150 g) to refresh yourself.

Drinking fermented milk product is not suitable! It takes longer to digest and can cause stomach discomfort during a run. Therefore, choose classic natural yogurt - without dyes or flavors. A completely low-fat product is also not suitable - even if you are on a diet. It contains a lot of sugar.

You can add some berries or chopped fruit to the yogurt and sweeten it with honey.

Whole wheat bread

A good option for a quick snack before a run if you don't have much time. Whole grain bread contains a lot of “slow” carbohydrates - you’ll definitely have enough energy to vigorously run a couple of kilometers!

Of course, you don’t need to eat half a loaf of bread. Make a sandwich or sandwich. The filling can be: a small portion of boiled meat with tomatoes, cottage cheese with fruit, a thin layer of nut butter. It will fill you up perfectly, but there will be no heaviness in your stomach.

Vegetable smoothie

A vegetable smoothie will definitely not leave you hungry before a workout! Here are the suitable options:

1 carrot + 1 stalk of celery + tomato. 1 carrot + half an apple + a bunch of parsley + water. 150 g pumpkin pulp + 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal + 100 ml milk (or water) + 1 tsp. honey 200 g pumpkin pulp + banana + water. A bunch of watercress + half a green apple + cucumber + half a banana + water. Kissel

Make yourself some berry jelly. Put away instant drink mixes - they are definitely not suitable! Prepare your own from fresh fruits. By the beginning of the workout, the starch from the jelly will have time to “convert” into glucose, giving the necessary boost of energy before the workout, and the berries will enrich the body with vitamins and microelements. Kissel is a natural alternative to those carbohydrate gels that are so popular among runners.

Drink a cup (no more than 250 ml) of jelly with an unsalted cracker or a small slice of whole grain bread. Strawberry, peach, plum, cherry, apricot jelly - these are suitable drink options. If you want to sweeten it, use honey, not sugar.

Snack in 15-30 minutes. before jogging

Time to go for a run, but don't have time to grab a snack? Let’s do without “hungry” fainting during training and still have a little refreshment!

Snack in 15-30 minutes. Before jogging, this is a small portion of easily digestible carbohydrates. No sandwiches or buns, not even vegetable or fruit salads or smoothies! You won’t get too excited, but there are still foods that will give you energy for a productive workout.

Bananas contain a lot of carbohydrates that are quickly absorbed by the body. They are also high in potassium and magnesium, which promote muscle recovery. This fruit is considered a great food to eat before and after a workout.

Eat half a banana (maximum - a whole one) and go for a run.

Honey is an ideal energy product. This is a natural "sweetener" that dietary nutrition It is recommended to replace sugar.

If you don’t have the energy to run, eat 1-2 tablespoons of honey.

Dried fruits

Dried fruits will be an excellent snack before a run if you didn’t have time to eat in time. A boost of energy is guaranteed!

Eat some dried apricots or raisins (1 tbsp will be enough!). Be careful with prunes - for many they become a “laxative”.

Don’t rush to drink a portion of coffee “for vigor” immediately before training. The energy may surge within you. But coffee during intense physical activity can cause heartburn and indigestion.

To cheer up, it is better to drink green tea with a spoon of honey or a small portion of cocoa.

If we are talking about aerobic training on a treadmill or any other similar exercise machine, then before exercising the athlete should eat a small portion of glucose. The reason is that during training, blood sugar levels drop, and the main source of nutrition for the brain is glucose! Subcutaneous fat cannot be wasted during physical activity, based on the biological processes of the body. Its reserves will only be used during rest after training and subject to strict adherence to a diet (no-carbohydrate, low-carb and low-fat). And during the training period, intramuscular fat is actively consumed, the reserves of which are replenished during rest from subcutaneous fat. That is why, in order to avoid hypoglycemia and have a productive workout, you need to eat glucose before training!

It's time to dot all the I's and finally find out: is running in the morning useful and what does it give? We are happy to share this information with you!

Running in the morning: good or bad?

Supporters of evening jogging claim that morning exercise is strictly contraindicated. However, this “fact” is completely fiction. On the contrary, running in the evening puts more stress on the body than any other workout. Reason: high overvoltage. And although there are many supporters of evening jogging, just imagine how, after a working day, you can force your tired body to get ready for a workout? This is violence against own body. That's why sports training professional athletes occurs only in the mornings, until 4 pm.

Running in the morning has pros and cons. TO positive aspects applies:

  • A huge boost of energy;
  • Awakening digestive system;
  • Smart training of the heart muscle;
  • The valve apparatus of blood vessels works better in the morning (swelling of the feet is common after evening jogging);
  • Clean, healthy air;
  • Discipline training;
  • Increased brain activity;
  • You will no longer have the excuse “I didn’t have time, I’m too tired.”
  • Get up an hour earlier than usual;
  • Heels are contraindicated;
  • Beginners have terrible muscle pain in the first week;
  • Be sure to eat a hearty meal after a run (for those who are used to drinking coffee and leaving for work);
  • It's hard to overcome laziness.

What to choose – running in the morning or in the evening – is, of course, up to you. However, if you want to lose weight, work for results, health and discipline, morning jogging is the number 1 remedy.

The realization that you will have to deprive yourself of an hour of sleep acts like a magical anti-runner for beginners. In addition, the thoughts often come to me: “Oh, I still need to get ready, look for socks, an MP3 player. The headphones are lost again... No, I won’t run. I’ll find everything and start tomorrow.” It was like that, wasn't it?

It’s very easy to remove all excuse factors – get ready in the evening. Place everything you need for running on the edge of the bed or on the table: clothes, player, headphones, house keys, fitness tracker. This way you will save time on getting ready up to 15 minutes.

Several loud alarm clocks at intervals of 1-2 minutes will help you get up in the morning and not miss a run.

The motivation for running in the morning is self-esteem. Don’t you really want to realize that you’re a wimp who couldn’t lift your butt off the bed? No one will drag you by the hand if you don’t want to. If you are satisfied with fat thighs, butt and sides, continue to sleep. Remember, this is a time when others are making themselves better. Doesn't happen ideal figures by nature it is hard work.

How to start a morning run correctly?

Most newcomers make the gravest mistake - they came to the stadium and ran. No warm-up, no breathing exercises, and then we went home without a cool-down. This is not only fraught with an immediate loss of breathing, but also with a total load on the “oak” joints. When the body has just woken up, it is not suitable for heavy physical exertion, especially on the joints. The most important rule, and rule number 1 is to warm up first.

Stretch your neck shoulder girdle, do 20 bends forward and to the sides. Work the hip, knee and tarsal joints by doing circular movements 15 times in each direction. Jump on each leg and together 10 times (only on the ground!). Take a few deep breaths and start running at an easy pace.

The essence of warming up for running in the morning is to warm up your entire body and muscles. When you start to sweat, you can run. Don’t worry, you will have enough strength, even if it seems otherwise. After a week, warming up will no longer take up a lot of energy.

As for breathing, this is a particularly important point for running in the morning for weight loss, the results of which directly depend on the technique breathing exercises. Always develop your breathing: on the way to work, to school, to the running field. Take deep breaths and push as much air out of your lungs as possible. Then change to short inhalations and exhalations, deep again and hold your breath for 30 seconds. This way you stretch the intercostal muscles and prepare chest to intensive work.

Is it possible to eat before running in the morning?

Running in the morning on an empty stomach is not recommended by doctors or athletes. The body wakes up hungry and requires energy for active work. It doesn’t matter whether you’re planning to lose weight or just tone up your figure, you need to have breakfast before a run. These can be light smoothies made from yogurt and muesli, banana, oatmeal with milk.

Portions should not exceed 100 grams, otherwise jogging will turn into a test for the stomach.

After your workout, be sure to eat protein and low-carb foods. For example, an omelette with cottage cheese and a couple of tomatoes.

- a long-known fact. In accordance with the time of training, it is divided into evening and morning. Each type has its own positive and negative sides. However, the overwhelming number of students prefer to study in the morning. And here the problem arises regarding the time of eating breakfast: before or after training. In fact, that's enough important question, since the general well-being during exercise and the efficiency of running will depend on its decision.

The benefits of morning running

First, it’s worth considering the main ones. Discarding all controversial opinions, it has been proven that running can provide the following:

  1. The endurance threshold increases. In order for this process to take place in an accelerated and effective manner, you should systematically increase the time spent on training.
  2. It is strengthened, which becomes possible due to blood circulation, which is activated during jogging at a moderate pace. This promotes oxygen saturation of all organs and tissues, the functioning of which gradually improves.
  3. In addition to strengthening blood vessels, the heart muscle also undergoes excellent training.
  4. Provided good mood. According to scientific evidence, after half an hour of running, the human body begins to production of happiness hormones. The elevated mood continues for an hour after the end of the training process. As a result, running is an excellent means of promoting.
  5. A beautiful one is formed physical fitness. Through running it becomes real, which will allow you to tighten your figure and... However, achieving benefits is possible only if you comply. Without it, runs will be useless.

To have breakfast or not?

And now the time has come for the main question: is it worth eating before a run or is it better to eat after it’s over?

1. The goal is to lose weight

Many reputable experts claim that in order to lose weight breakfast should be postponed before completing training. Indicative are the results of a study conducted in Belgium over 6 weeks, the purpose of which was to identify the effect of breakfast order and exercise on weight loss. The essence of the test was as follows:

  • the subjects were 28 men leading an active lifestyle;
  • during the study period, the calorie content of their usual diet was increased by 30%, and the amount of fat by 50%;
  • subsequently, the men were divided into 3 groups: the first group did not perform morning classes, the second - had breakfast before running, the third - had a meal after classes;
  • the results of the tests were: the first group of men gained an average of 3 kg; second - 1.5 kg, third - retained its original weight parameters.

This made it possible to determine what promotes better fat metabolism. Those. To lose weight, running before breakfast is important. It was also found that this principle only applies to morning workouts.

Thus, in order to lose weight, you should not overeat before training process. However, it is necessary to use:

  • liquids, for which tea sweetened with sugar would be an ideal option. The latter will give energy, and the liquid will cause blood thinning, which in the morning always has a viscous consistency. If you do not consume a sufficient amount of fluid during jogging, the heart will be put under stress, since pumping thick blood is a more complex process than when working with liquid blood;
  • carbohydrates. The amount of intake of such nutritional components should be appropriate intensity and duration of classes. So, for an expected workout lasting 15 minutes, it will be enough to drink semi-sweet tea or. If it is class time, then it is required more carbohydrate "fuel". Then the drink can be supplemented with cereal cookies.

2. Losing weight is not necessary

Even if there is no need to reset excess weightYou shouldn't eat too much before a run, since at the end of classes the desire for the next meal will disappear, as a result of which the muscles will remain hungry. But some find it quite difficult to exercise on an empty stomach. Then it is advisable dividing breakfast into 2 parts:

  • before jogging - carbohydrates;
  • after - squirrels and .

Several breakfast options

The following recipes will make your breakfast and jogging results ideal:

1. Oatmeal with honey bananas

Optimally give preference unprocessed oatmeal, appearance which resembles flattened grain, and the cooking time is 10 minutes.

Porridge can be diluted with bananas:

  • the fruit is cut into slices and placed in a frying pan with the addition of a small amount of brown sugar and cinnamon;
  • oatmeal can be prepared with water or milk;
  • After preparing the porridge, bananas are laid out on it, after which the dish is poured with honey.

2. Whole grain pancakes

To prepare them you will need:

  • mix a glass of fruit juice with a couple of eggs, a glass of flour and half a packet of baking powder and vanilla;
  • small pancakes are formed from the resulting mixture;
  • The finished pancakes are topped with honey or syrup.

Video. Nutrition Basics Before and After Running

Food is fuel, the effectiveness of which will be especially noticeable during physical and mental stress. What you eat 30-60 minutes before your race will affect your performance. Therefore, you need to take the choice of products seriously. Proper nutrition especially important before long or intense runs. If we are talking about something spontaneous and short-term, then, in this case, running on an empty stomach is also possible.

Typically, runners focus on foods rich in... The optimal diet before a long run will consist of foods containing 50-75 grams of carbohydrates (the amount depends on the length of the distance).

For training, 15-30 grams is enough, while the food should be low in fat and contain little fiber. For easy runs of less than an hour, you'll need to eat about 15 grams of carbohydrates. If the race is for an hour or more, focus on 30 grams.

Remember that everyone’s body is different, so the data is indicative; You will still have to experiment on yourself to determine the optimal carbohydrate content of food before running.

Examples of products for runners

For races under 1 hour (grams - amount of carbohydrates):

  • - contains 27 g (they are high in carbohydrates; bananas are generally a great food for a pre-workout snack).
  • Peach - 14 g.

For races over an hour:

  • Greek yogurt (225 g) - 30 g carbohydrates (add half a cup of berries - plus another 10-12 g carbohydrates).
  • Banana with a spoon or two of nut butter - 33 g (peanut or almond butter can be used - 4 g per tablespoon).
  • A glass of boiled oatmeal (or half a glass of dry) - 30 g.
  • 2 slices of whole wheat bread, spread with nut butter (2 tbsp) - 27 g.
  • 1 cup whole wheat pasta - 30 g.
  • Half a glass of boiled - 20 g.

These are examples of healthy foods that will give you a great boost of energy before your run.

Should you drink while running?

You can take water with you and drink a little if you are very thirsty. In general, drinking needs to be taken seriously. An hour before the race, you must drink 350-500 ml of water.

  • Always eat foods containing carbohydrates before your race. Carbohydrates will provide nutrition and also help the body burn fat and release proteins for muscles.
  • Before running, eat foods that are easy to digest and low in fat and fiber.
  • After eating, wait 30 minutes before running - this will allow the digestion process to begin normally, and you will receive a portion of the fresh energy released after the digestion process begins. Plus, you won't have a heavy stomach feeling like you would if you ran right after eating.
  • Fill your stomach two-thirds full; Don't fill your stomach to capacity.

What not to eat before running

  • Foods rich in fiber, such as pears, apples and legumes
  • Large amounts of carbohydrate foods
  • Too fatty foods (soups with sour cream, fried potatoes, burgers, etc.)
  • A glass of coffee or an energy drink won't help your running at all. Better eat natural food.

Nutrition After Running

You should not eat immediately after running. After at least 15-30 minutes, when the body has calmed down, you can eat fruit, drink a smoothie or eat something light. And after an hour, you can already eat heartier food that contains enough carbohydrates to restore energy, as well as food containing.

Morning jogging is a challenge to yourself. Those who run every morning know firsthand that running takes too much strength and energy. While jogging, you not only burn a lot of calories, but you are also pretty exhausted. Even though running in the morning is a great activity, many people forget to eat after a run. If you don’t know what you can eat after a run, then this article will help you figure it out.

Chicken breast

Chicken breast meat is quite low in calories. It is considered one of the healthiest for any meal. Chicken breast can be easily and deliciously prepared, you just need to choose the right spices. Bake the meat in a sleeve or in foil in advance, before you go for a run. When you return, all you have to do is heat up the finished dish. To stay full throughout the day, I recommend cooking the breast along with brown rice.

Useful property: Chicken breast contains selenium. This will help reduce the risk of arthritis later in life.


Carbohydrates have a pretty bad reputation, but not among morning joggers. Every athlete should eat enough carbohydrates to replenish their energy levels. Bananas are high in carbohydrates and are great to eat after a run. You can make a healthy smoothie from milk, banana and strawberries. Just mix all the ingredients in a blender and leave to beat for 2 minutes.

Useful property: Bananas contain a unique blend of vitamins and minerals that improve endurance in athletes.

Fruit salad

I like fruits because they are sweet, juicy, and contain many vitamins. Eating fruit for breakfast is very good for your health. I suggest after morning jog eat a salad of orange, grapefruit, apple and blackberry. These fruits contain antioxidants and are ideal for a healthy breakfast.

Useful property: The antioxidants and fiber found in fruits help maintain normal blood pressure and heart health.


When it comes to seafood, there is no better alternative for me than salmon. This fish is rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. This breakfast after a run will help you quickly regain your strength. You can cook salmon fillet with baked potatoes or asparagus. If you add a little olive oil to the dish, your breakfast will become even healthier.

Useful property: Salmon contains substances that improve brain function and help improve cognitive abilities.


Due to their high antioxidant content, regular consumption of almonds helps reduce cholesterol levels. Almonds are runners' favorite nut. After a run, I recommend adding some almonds to any healthy smoothie. If you want to eat a hearty meal, you can safely add chopped almonds to durum wheat pasta.

Useful property: Eating almonds will have a positive effect on the beauty of your skin and hair.


I have nothing to say here. Oatmeal is a world-famous healthy breakfast option. This porridge with milk contains excess fiber, complex carbohydrates and protein. After a morning run, oatmeal is the most ideal option to feel cheerful and energetic throughout the working day. To diversify the taste of your porridge, you can add pieces of fruit, honey, nuts, and dried fruits.

Useful property: Oats contain a lot of fiber, which helps lower bad cholesterol levels.

Greek yogurt

For a quick post-run snack, consider eating Greek yogurt with pieces of fruit and almonds for breakfast.

Useful property: Greek yogurt is rich in protein, which helps in building muscles and increases metabolic rate. This helps you burn more calories.

What do you like to eat after a morning run? Share with us in the comments.