Exercises to increase endurance. We increase our own endurance through circuit training

To pump up muscles and ensure a beautiful, sculpted body, it is necessary to develop the strength of muscle fibers and endurance of the body through exercise. There are special classes that develop physical abilities and the ability to withstand stress for a long time.

You can practice at home or gym. Create a set of strength and endurance exercises for yourself, stick to the chosen regimen, and the results will not be long in coming.

Training rules

The training program will be beneficial and will be most effective if you perform the training movements, observing a number of important rules and recommendations:

  • Take proper breaks. The body needs rest during training, but do not relax completely, it will be difficult for the muscles to start working after that. It is enough to change the intense load to a calmer and lighter one, for example, perform body rotations and bends.
  • The training time to develop endurance at the very beginning should not exceed 20 minutes. Increase it gradually. When the body adapts, train for half an hour. Then you can increase the lesson to 40 minutes. As soon as you feel that you are practically not tired while doing targeted exercises, practice for at least an hour.
  • Exercises for endurance and strength development must be separated. Do not do speed-strength complex on the same day.
  • Don't overwork yourself or push yourself to the point of exhaustion. Training should bring pleasure and positive emotions. Cultivating resistance to long-term stress should not be perceived as a duty or a sport, it is the basis healthy image life.
  • Do it correctly breathing movements. It is important that as much oxygen as possible enters the body during training. It oxidizes fat cells and causes muscle tissue be strong and flexible at the same time.

Remember safety precautions wherever you exercise, at home or in the gym. Follow the principles proper nutrition. The menu should contain less sweets and starchy foods, more vegetables, fruits, and dairy products. Control drinking regime. Practice to your favorite music.

What is the load?

There are two types of endurance: muscular and cardiovascular. The first is how long and at what speed the muscles will contract and recover. Training comes down to numerous repetitions of basic exercises.

Cardiovascular endurance comes down to how long you physical activity the lungs, heart and blood vessels can work. They help develop the ability of these organs.

Endurance exercises come in different directions, the main types are:

  • Aerobic exercise. This includes activities aimed at actively burning calories and fat, reducing weight, and increasing the performance of the cardiopulmonary system.
  • . The bottom line is that a cycle of several, 3-5 exercises, performed in several repetitions, as if in a circle. It is best to do 4-8 circles in one session. Gradually you need to increase the intensity and reduce the training time.
  • Speed ​​training. They are perfect for increasing the work of the heart muscle. The principle of execution comes down to repeating movements as quickly as possible. Speed ​​training can be practiced when the body gets used to the systematic load.
  • Special training. Its main goal is to develop the endurance of a specific muscle group. This option is used by athletes involved in a certain sport that requires the ability to withstand the functional load on a specific part of the body for a long time.

A general endurance program should consist of: different types loads. Try different options, monitor the body’s reaction, form your own effective program, tailored specifically to the needs of your body. Exercises must be performed systematically 2-3 times a week.

Types of activities

Developing endurance is beneficial for men, women and even children. By dedicating an activity to aerobic exercise, you will be able to strengthen your heart and lungs, dissolve lactic acid in your muscles, and increase the amount of energy. The following exercises have a similar effect:

  • Running. It is best to run at intervals, alternating a faster pace with a slower one. You should start jogging with 10-15 minutes a day, gradually increasing the time and distance. You can exercise in the gym or at home on a treadmill.

  • Jump rope. relieve physical tension in the muscles. You need to exercise for at least 15 minutes every day. You should push off with your full foot; you can practice different jumping techniques.

What else is useful for jumping rope, watch this video:

  • Squats. They help to develop overall endurance. You can perform squats using the classic technique, as well as do the “pistol” exercise, when you squat on one leg while the other leg is extended forward.

  • Horizontal bar. Initially, you can just hang on the horizontal bar. Then perform 4-5 approaches, doing the maximum number of pull-ups.

  • Leg kick exercises. Standing on all fours, you should alternately raise your legs in the back-up direction. The movement must be made before feeling light fatigue.

  • Press. not only make muscles abdominal wall elastic and sculpted, these exercises also help develop the body’s endurance, improve breathing, and strengthen the musculoskeletal system.

Tilts, swings, turns - everything contributes to the fact that our body perceives better and easier in the future power loads. Many people are interested in what sports are good for developing endurance? Best options- this is cycling, rollerblading, skateboarding, swimming, as well as any games on fresh air.

Efficient scheme

  • do a warm-up for 5 minutes;
  • perform jumping ropes, alternating legs (20 times on each);
  • jump 20 times without a rope, with your feet together;
  • We walk in place for 1 minute to rest and restore our breathing;
  • squat 30 times;
  • We swing our legs for a minute, restore strength;
  • pumping up the abs (40 reps);
  • kick kicks (2 sets of 15 times);
  • perform pull-ups (2 sets with the maximum number of repetitions);
  • run for 20 minutes in or at the stadium;
  • Raise your arms up and inhale, bend forward and twist in half as you exhale.

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Endurance is one of the key qualities of an athlete, which is important for both men and women. It is not customary to pay attention to it, however, in fact, endurance can and should be trained. This will expand the body's capabilities and diversify the training program.

About the training program

In total, there are five qualities that are important for an athlete. This is also true for fitness enthusiasts:

  • muscle strength;
  • muscular endurance;
  • flexibility;
  • cardio training;
  • quality of physique and proportionality.

Thus, in order for the body to be fully developed and pumped, pay attention not only to building muscle and burning excess fat. Conduct various types of training aimed at developing certain qualities of an athlete.

Endurance is the ability to perform work for a long time without feeling tired. The more you can exercise without deteriorating, the greater your endurance.

This quality of an athlete manifests itself in sports activities which require repeating the movement many times in a row:

  • running;
  • swimming;
  • rowing;
  • crossfit;
  • training with free weights, on machines with a large number repetitions and others.

Fast and slow muscle fibers

Muscles consist of two types of fibers - . The first ones are responsible for strength indicators and power. They overcome great resistance, but get tired quickly. Athletes who want to increase muscle size and muscle mass, train with large scales and a small number of repetitions - this ensures the growth of fast fibers, which creates a noticeable increase in muscle volume.

Slow fibers, in turn, do not produce high power, but are able to work for a long time without experiencing fatigue. They are responsible for endurance. With the development of slow muscle fibers, muscles do not grow in size. Good examples of athletes with developed slow-twitch muscle fibers are marathon runners and cyclists.

Such athletes look thin because they have little fat in their bodies. But at the same time slow muscle fibers are highly developed, and they can move for a long time without experiencing fatigue.

Lesson plan for the week

To increase endurance, you need to regularly conduct intense training with relatively low loads. Suitable as exercises strength training as well as cardio training. You can use classic strength exercises, but you need to work with light weights to perform a high number of repetitions.

Here is an example of a weekly lesson program. It includes strength exercises that are performed in a mode of 5 sets of 30 repetitions - in this case they turn into effective movements for strength endurance. It also includes running long distances or exercise on an exercise bike, the duration of these aerobic exercises is 30 minutes.


  • Lifting the bar or;
  • for triceps;
  • Barbell press in a standing position on the shoulders;
  • to work out the abs;
  • or an exercise bike.
  • lying down;
  • for triceps;
  • on the shoulders;
  • for working out the abs;
  • Exercise on a treadmill or exercise bike.
  • Bicep curls with dumbbells;
  • for working out the chest;
  • lying down to work out the chest;
  • - 5 repetitions of 30 repetitions;
  • Straight abdominal crunches;
  • Treadmill, exercise bike.
  • for triceps;
  • on the shoulders;
  • Straight abdominal crunches;
  • Treadmill or exercise bike.
  • for working out the triceps;
  • Arm curls;
  • Straight crunches to work out the abs;
  • Treadmill or exercise bike.

Thus, regular and isolation exercises are suitable for this workout to work the muscles. If you practice at home, replace some of them with analogues available to you.

Working with light weights for a large number of repetitions is not the only feature of this training. If when working to develop strength different groups the muscles are divided by day - for example, on the first day they do the arms, then they are given several days to rest, while training the chest, and - in training to develop endurance, the same muscle can be loaded for several days in a row.

Another feature of the training is that it is better to do the exercises, each of which usually consists of 3 movements. After completing one set of the first exercise, you need to move on to the second, then to the third, then return to the first. Also, a superset can consist of 2 or 4 movements.

Additional exercises

There are many other exercises that can be used in strength and endurance training. To add variety to your workout, add some of these movements into the mix.

  • Barbell Squat: Grasp a barbell on your chest, then squat with it, stand up and lower the barbell. After this, repeat the cycle.
  • Lunges with dumbbells: Hold dumbbells in your hands and place them at shoulder level. Walk around the hall with lunges.
  • Jackknife: Lie on the floor, raise your straight legs up and bend your body with your arms straight up, directing it towards your legs.
  • : rest your elbows and toes on the floor, keep your body straight and extended in a straight line. Hold the position for three minutes or more.
  • Running or an exercise bike can be replaced by others aerobic exercise.
  • : This exercise for increasing endurance is popular primarily among boxers. The duration of jumps for endurance training is about half an hour.
  • Classes on a rowing machine - this type of installation can not always be found in the gym, but it allows you to effectively train the whole body, giving a powerful load, which will come in handy for developing endurance.
  • Swimming, like working on a rowing machine, works the entire body. Good exercise to develop endurance, the duration of one session is, as in the case of other aerobic exercise, 30 minutes.
  • Skis - effective exercise which can be done outdoors in winter. The advantage over running and cycling is that you get your hands involved in the work.


For endurance training to be effective, provide your body with sufficient energy. It's also important to give your muscles the nutrients they need to recover.

The best way to recharge before training is to eat light carbohydrates. To do this, use . If you do not charge yourself with enough carbohydrates before exercise, during training the body will consume not only glycogen and fats, but also proteins from the muscles as an energy source.

At other times during the day, eat a nutritious meal containing proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. When training for endurance, 65% of the diet should be carbohydrate foods. Allocate another 15% to proteins and 15% to fats.

Proper and balanced nutrition will allow you to train intensively and achieve good results in developing endurance and will protect muscles from destruction during exercise.

Circuit training at home is a set of exercises aimed at working the entire body and burning fat. It differs from others in that the exercises are performed 10-12 times without interruptions. The complex includes 11 exercises that are performed in a circle. After this, you should rest for 5 minutes and then begin the next circle. Such training is available for women and men. Let's figure out how endurance training is organized at home.

Read also the article “” on our portal.

Complex for men

Plans to make before starting endurance exercises at home:

  • reduction of adipose tissue;
  • increased endurance;
  • strengthening the vascular and cardiac systems.

Important! This training will become excellent option for a man who only has dumbbells in the house. Their weight is selected individually so that they do not have to be changed; otherwise, the technique will lose effectiveness.

System physical activities crossfit consists of complexes of various and simple exercises. Thanks to the body's broad adaptive response to intense training, it allows you to develop qualities such as strength and endurance, increase physical capabilities and keep the body in excellent shape.

Before starting your workout, you need to warm up. This will help warm up the muscles and prepare them for stress. At home, stretching is most often performed. If possible, you can go for a run and jump rope.

Construction of the workout:

  • twisting into supine position on the floor. The oblique muscles are being worked on;
  • push-ups with arms wide apart. The muscles of the chest and back work;
  • squats with small dumbbells. Leg pumping;
  • press of two dumbbells in a standing position. The muscles of the sternum and back are worked;
  • alternate arm curls with dumbbells;
  • row of two dumbbells with the body tilted forward;
  • pullover with one dumbbell in a lying position;
  • swing two dumbbells in different directions;
  • raising two legs in a sitting position;
  • bench push-ups from behind;
  • performing lunges with dumbbells in hands.

Important! You should start with four circles and gradually increase them to six. The training time should be at least 60 minutes. The pulse should be about 120 beats per minute.

Complex for women

Endurance training at home for women follows a similar principle as for men.

It always starts with a warm-up and includes: circular movements shoulders, hips, then “scissors” with hands, three minutes of fast push-ups from the knees, as well as squats.

Important! For training, you will need dumbbells, and you should immediately select the optimal weight so as not to waste time changing them. The more intense the workout, the better it will be final result in weight loss and pumping the whole body.


  • weighted squats. The technique is similar to regular squats: your feet should be shoulder-width apart and your back straight. You need to put dumbbells on your shoulders. You should squat so that your thighs are parallel to the floor. The exercise helps pump up your legs and buttocks;
  • knee push-ups. A horizontal position is assumed. The stomach should be pulled in and the back should be straightened. Place your palms strictly under your shoulders. Legs need to be bent at the knees. Bending your arms, lower your body down. It is forbidden to bend. The exercise allows you to pump up your abs and triceps;
  • push-ups with arms wide apart with weights. The situation is similar to the previous one. Take a dumbbell in your hand and attach it to your chest. Body support: knees and one hand. In this position you need to do push-ups. The sternum and back are being pumped;
  • weighted squats and arm curls. Pumps up your legs and biceps. You need to lower your hips parallel to the floor, then bend and straighten your arms. At least 20 times.

What should a real athlete be like? Strong or resilient? Of course, both. Try these explosive strength and endurance workouts and find out what being tough really means to you.

You can't claim to be truly strong if you bypassed the development of general endurance, devoting all your time to muscle growth. However, if you've been a real nerd, the suggested endurance workouts will appeal to you!

In this article, you'll learn how to develop different types of endurance through intense barbell routines and a variety of cardio exercises.

ENDURANCE - the body's ability to develop sustained effort over a period of time. The level of endurance is determined by the time during which a person can perform a given physical exercise.

In the world of bodybuilding and powerlifting, strength and recovery are heavily emphasized and endurance is not given the importance it deserves. However, endurance is an important component of good physical fitness, which is important when lifting significant weights.

IN general view, it will allow the body to recover faster and train longer. You'll also recover faster between sets, meaning you'll have shorter rest times later on.

Many powerlifters and strength athletes believe that working on endurance will have the opposite effect and slow down the recovery process. Often powerlifters strive to gain or maintain existing weight, and therefore do not include any intense training for speed and endurance, such as martial artists.

Remember that endurance for strength athletes is not work until he starts to choke, endurance primarily helps to be in good shape and speed up recovery.

If you strength athlete, be sure to dilute strength training with work on developing aerobic (general) endurance. Start slowly, adding one short cardio session each week.

Endurance is extremely important for staying healthy and maximizing your performance. In powerlifting, moreover, training is associated primarily with a low range of repetitions (up to 5-6), which do not develop overall endurance. But it's not that simple. Let's consider the question in more detail.

What is endurance: general and special

There are general and special endurance. General endurance is the ability to perform work of moderate intensity for a long time during global functioning. muscular system. It is also called differently aerobic endurance.

A man who can stand it long run at a moderate pace for a long time, is able to perform other similar work at the same pace (swimming, cycling, etc.). The main components of general endurance are the capabilities of the aerobic energy supply system, functional and biomechanical economization.

General (aerobic) endurance plays a significant role in optimizing life activity, acts as an important component physical health and, in turn, serves as a prerequisite for the development of special endurance.

Special Stamina- this is endurance in relation to a certain motor activity. Special endurance is classified:

  • according to the signs of motor action with the help of which a motor task is solved (for example, jumping endurance);
  • according to the signs of motor activity, under the conditions of which the motor task is solved (for example, gaming endurance);
  • by signs of interaction with others physical qualities(abilities) necessary for the successful solution of a motor task (for example, strength endurance, speed endurance, coordination endurance, etc.).

Special endurance depends on the capabilities of the neuromuscular system, the speed of consumption of resources of intramuscular energy sources, on the technique of mastering motor action and the level of development of others. motor abilities.

To avoid misunderstandings, in this material By Special Endurance we will mean Strength Endurance.

Different types of endurance are independent or have little dependence on each other. For example, you can have high strength endurance, but insufficient speed or low coordination endurance. Therefore, we recommend placing emphasis in training on comprehensive, balanced and versatile development.

Exercises to develop aerobic endurance

Aerobic endurance is determined by the lactate threshold. The higher your lacatate or aerobic threshold, the greater your aerobic endurance. This type endurance is primarily related to cardiovascular function and is trained using continuous and interval training. All types of efforts can be divided into three types:

  • Short - from 2 to 8 minutes
  • Medium - from 8 to 30 minutes
  • Long - from 30 minutes or more.

When considering and applying the following exercises and complexes to yourself, select those that, working with them in conditions that suit you personally, will help improve the necessary qualities of motor abilities. In general terms:

  • Continuous training helps in improving maximal oxygen uptake (V02max);
  • Interval training is essential to improve muscle activity hearts.

Brisk walking, trekking, running or trail running

By trying the exercises in this order, increasing in intensity, you will find your optimal format for developing aerobic endurance. Walking and running can be done both on a treadmill and outdoors. Start with 20-30 minutes once a week, and then add another walk as you progress.

Walking does not put much strain on your joints, and besides, this pleasant time in the fresh air should do you good: it improves your complexion and saturates your lungs with oxygen.

Running up the stairs

Not a suitable park nearby? You can always run 3-4 times to the top floor of your house. Not interesting enough? Take a couple of 1.5 liter bottles with you.

Running up stairs is effective option Cardio loads. In one hour of such exercise, almost 1000 kcal are burned, and it is not at all necessary to run for this entire hour - you can vary the load or combine running with other exercises or dilute the intervals with a calm walk. Most incline treadmills simulate a similar load.

While jogging up the stairs, many muscle groups work - buttocks, legs, back and abs. Running into a 10-story classic Soviet high-rise building in 1.5-2 minutes and then descending evenly will create exactly the right type of load.

In 20-30 minutes of stable work, those 10-12 intervals, you will strengthen cardiovascular system, increase the overall endurance of the body, improve joint mobility, strengthen bones and ligaments.

Running uphill and into hills

Alternatively, for those who feel more comfortable on the trail, hill running can be recommended. This type of running is suitable for those who have already acquired some physical fitness and is extremely useful for powerlifters: thanks to running, they can increase the load in the gym. Find a suitable long hill and train harder. Stick to long sprints of 200-300 meters. Depending on the angle of inclination, you should run into it no earlier than 1 minute. Ideally, also up to 2 minutes.

You can also start with short sprints of 30-50 meters. In addition, jogging can also be done on a flat surface. You can also do a sprint every few minutes while walking.

Riding a mountain or road bike

Cycling, like walking or running, is easy on your joints and is another way to exercise outside. You can, of course, work in the gym, but it quickly gets boring. Follow the same plan as when walking. First, once a week for 20-30 minutes, then add duration or another workout.

In-gym equipment to improve aerobic endurance

Rowing exercise

Sit on the rowing machine. Keep your back straight, body slightly tilted forward, knees bent. Straighten your legs until your arms reach level upper press. Come back, straightening your arms and bending your knees, moving your body forward again.

Stand on the elliptical, adjust the machine manually, or select a specific program. Adjust the height as necessary. Use the knobs on the machine to change the intensity of your workout.

Characteristics of Key Exercises for Development of Fundamental Motor Abilities

In the situation of choosing the intensity of training and building its structure, we recommend that you be guided by the following logic for developing the necessary qualities and types of load.

Target quality

Load interval

Work-rest ratio


Number of repetitions

Number of episodes












1-2 min

1: (1-0,5)





1-8 min


Reduction, oxidation of fats

Strength endurance exercises

Strength endurance is the ability to realize large impulses of force during the required period of load with a slight difference between the maximum possible and the realized impulse of force. Or, in other words, it is the ability to withstand fatigue when working at almost maximum power for up to 3-4 minutes, performed primarily due to anaerobic-glycolytic energy supply.

From this definition it is clear that strength endurance is manifested only in the case of heavy weights and significant muscle contractions. If the weights are small and the muscles contract far from full power, then it is more correct to talk about general aerobic endurance. The most interesting workouts, for example, in crossfit complexes

Training strength endurance depends on the load characteristic of a particular sport, and should form a level of special load “above average” with close to maximum number repetitions.

Sled pull

Recently, such deadlifts have become very popular in the world of powerlifting and crossfit. They can be performed on training or rest days. However, you need to start carefully so that they do not interfere strength training. You don't have to buy an expensive sled. And it’s enough just to tie a rope to the working weight or use support levers.

Technique. Find a suitable area and wrap the rope around your waist. You have a weight that you will pull on yourself. Start at a slow pace, 1-2 times a week for 10 minutes. If this does not affect your work in the gym, then you can increase the weight.

You can work on strength endurance using almost any strength exercise. To determine the training structure, you can use the following guidelines based on RM (Repetition Maximum) values:

You can add more complex barbell complexes if you are already sufficiently prepared and confident in the technique of each individual exercise.

Complex with barbell "Bear"

The complex involves using light weights and performing a series of exercises without rest, without lowering the bar. One of the popular complexes in CrossFit is known as “Bear”.

The bar is loaded with relatively light weight. You start by placing a barbell on your shoulders and do deep squats with the barbell on your chest. When lifting up, the bar moves behind the head. Next, you place the bar on your back and perform deep squats with the barbell. Again, when lifting, the bar should be behind your head. Finally, place the barbell back on the floor and start over. You did one rep, but you need to do 6 reps with a light weight. This challenging set of exercises will make you sweat.

Complex with barbell Bear

There are many options for endurance training and strength development. Remember that you need to start small, gradually adding loads. As soon as there is progress in endurance, it will immediately be reflected in the gym. The workouts will seem easy, and you will cope with them faster.

And an additional version of strength training from CrossFit.

Strength endurance. Running and barbell

AND street training in styleworkout.

Endurance training on horizontal bars

* - The service is in beta testing

In the same way, women can tailor their CrossFit training to develop aerobic, strength endurance, or a combination of both, and significantly improve their training.

Building workouts to develop endurance

When starting work on developing endurance, it is necessary to adhere to a certain sequence of training.

  • At the initial stage, it is necessary to focus on developing aerobic capabilities, improving the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, strengthening the musculoskeletal system, i.e. development of general endurance.
  • At the second stage, the volume of loads should be increased in a mixed aerobic-anaerobic mode.
  • At the third stage, increase the volume of loads through the use of more intense exercises performed by the methods of interval and repeated work in mixed aerobic-anaerobic and anaerobic regimes, and selective impact on individual components of special endurance.

Nutrition to Improve Endurance

This technique will help you increase your endurance during training. sports supplements- isotonics, energy drinks, creatine, beta-alanine, amino acids, bcaa and pre-workout complexes. This sports nutrition specifically designed to improve sports and fitness performance for men and women. Just add it to your diet and go ahead to conquer new heights!

Endurance Training Supplements for Men

Olimp Sport Nutrition | Beta Alanine Xplode?

Recommendations for use: one serving before training.
Recommendations for preparation: depending on body weight: up to 70 kg - 3 g dissolved in 80 ml cold water. 70-85kg - dissolve 6 g in 160 ml of cold water. Over 85 kg - dissolve 9 g in 240 ml of cold water.

The advantage of Olimp Sport Nutrition "Beta Alanine Xplode" is that it is presented in powder form. This way you can choose the right portion size depending on your body weight.

Olimp Sport Nutrition | Knockout 2.0?

Take one serving (6.1 g of powder or ½ scoop) 30 minutes before training mixed with 250 ml of water

Ingredients: L-citrulline, beta-alanine, citric acid, L-arginine hydrochloride, taurine, L-tyrosine, silicon dioxide, flavors, caffeine, guarana seeds, barley extract, acesulfame K, sucralose, sodium cyclamate, cayenne pepper seed extract , black pepper seed extract, ramus serrata leaf extract, carotene, carmine, riboflavin, E150c, E150d, E133, indigo, chlorophyll and chlorophyllin, curcumin, anthocyanin, paprika extract, betanin, plant carbon.

VPLAB Nutrition | Ultra Men's Sport Multivitamin Formula?

1 capsule 2 times a day

Taking the vitamin and mineral complex VPLaboratory Ultra Men's Sport Multivitamin Formula will help eliminate nutrient deficiency in the body, which causes premature fatigue, insufficient recovery and decreased body tone.

BioTech | Creatine Monohydrate?

5g (1 teaspoon) in the morning on an empty stomach, before and after training for 4 weeks

Its neutral-tasting powder form makes it easy to mix with other supplements such as weight gainers or protein shakes.

100% creatine monohydrate is used by athletes to increase muscle strength and endurance and also to catalyze an increase in cell volume and increase muscle mass. How does creatine monohydrate work? Many studies have shown that creatine increases muscle strength and mass. Since then, creatine monohydrate has become the most popular and most effective supplement in the world of strength athletes.

USPLabs | Modern BCAA+ ?

mix 2 scoops per 350-400 ml of water or other drink and take 30 minutes before and immediately after training

Why is there so much leucine? The reason is that leucine plays a key role in increasing the concentration of mTOR and, therefore, the concentration of this amino acid should be at the highest possible level.

Time to think about the general physical training, and especially about endurance. A set of exercises aimed at working all muscle groups.

Nowadays, not everyone can devote several hours a day to physical exercise in the gym or pool, and I’m no exception.

And then I remembered one simple set of exercises. The exercises are simple, but are aimed at working all muscle groups and training endurance. It won't take away from you large quantity precious time. Just five to ten minutes to warm up and eight minutes for the set of exercises itself.

What exactly are we talking about and what do we need for this? Just five exercises: pull-ups (on the bar), push-ups, abdominal swings ( horizontal bench), throwing out legs, jumping with alternating legs.

1. Pull-ups. Nothing new, the body is stretched out, legs together, pull-ups on two hands, at the highest point the chin is above the bar. Inhale while moving down, exhale when moving up.

2. Push-ups. Everything is the same as they taught in school. Feet together, keep your back straight (no bending). Down - inhale, up - exhale.

3. Abdominal pumping. From a lying position on your back, bend at the waist, raise your body and reach your chin to your knees. Hands clasped behind your head, elbows spread to the sides. Inhale when extending, exhale, respectively, when lifting the body. If there is no one to hold your legs, you can fasten yourself to a bench with some kind of belt.

4. Leg throw. Both palms are on the ground, the body is in a full squat state. The legs are thrown back, with the back arched, then we return to the starting position. Exhale while throwing your legs back.

5. Jumping with alternating legs. Hands clasped behind the head, elbows apart, body perpendicular to the ground, back straight. One leg, bent at the knee, is in front, the other is straightened and extended back. We alternate legs. Inhale when jumping, exhale when landing.

And now about the number of repetitions and tempo. Exactly eight minutes are given for the entire complex, which must be evenly distributed between all exercises and rest.

So (we don’t change the sequence):

Pull-ups - 20 times.

Push-ups - 60 times.

Abdominal pumping - 40 times.

Leg kicks - 40 times.

Jumping with changing legs - 45 times in 1 minute.

If you do not fit (which is quite natural) in the allotted number of repetitions of each exercise, do not be discouraged. It is important to meet the allotted time, not forgetting at least a thirty-second rest between exercises, and perform the entire complex as efficiently as possible at a high pace.

This set of exercises is used as a warm-up in the training of special forces soldiers, so it is aimed not at pumping muscles a la Schwarzenegger, but at endurance.

Also, the development of endurance, and therefore the rhythm of breathing, contributes to jumping rope and running.

Good luck in your work!