Kegel exercises and other exercises for the pelvic floor muscles. Exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles in women

There is a special type of gymnastics that does not change appearance and body relief, but no less important than regular training. Exercises to strengthen muscles pelvic floor in women are intended for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the pelvic organs. Weakening of the muscles of the perineum is fraught with various types of incontinence, prolapse and even prolapse of the uterus. In addition, regular exercises will help improve your intimate life and make you truly enjoy sexual intercourse.

Indications for strengthening the perineal muscles

Like anyone else gymnastics complex, this exercise is required for women leading a sedentary lifestyle, especially those working while sitting. In the absence of contraindications, all representatives of the fair sex should strengthen their pelvic floor muscles. With age, the muscles of the perineum lose tone, the birthing field is stretched and cannot properly perform its functions. When is it especially important to start training? intimate muscles?

  • When planning a pregnancy. By preparing the perineum and vagina in this way for upcoming stress, you can avoid many complications of pregnancy and childbirth.
  • During gestation. Gymnastics aimed at strengthening the pelvic floor muscles during pregnancy - almost 100% fast and easy guarantee labor activity.
  • After childbirth. The birth of a child is a huge burden on the body in general and the perineal muscles in particular. They stretch, contributing to prolapse of the pelvic organs. Regular training will help tone your intimate muscles in just a couple of months.
  • After 30 years, when age-related changes affect all organs and systems of a woman without exception. Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles is a mandatory part of the program to preserve youth and health. In addition, training will help harmonize marital relationships.
  • With already diagnosed pelvic organ prolapse Gymnastics for intimate muscles is therapeutic. By exercising regularly, you can significantly improve the situation and prevent prolapse (loss).
  • Enuresis or fecal incontinence also require treatment with physical exercise. Very often, it is exercises to strengthen the muscles of the perineum that help solve these delicate problems.
  • Congestion in the pelvis trigger inflammatory processes internal organs. Gymnastics will help restore blood flow and, accordingly, prevent or cure these pathologies.

Psychosexual disorders such as frigidity, anorgasmia or decreased libido are also reasons to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Training will help a woman improve the quality of her intimate life and avoid problems in her relationship with her sexual partner.


All women need to train the muscles of the perineum, as can be seen from the previous section. at any age. However, in some conditions of the body physical activity for the pelvic floor muscles contraindicated:

  • Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs in the acute stage. Cystitis, endometriosis, adnexitis and other pathologies require preliminary drug treatment.
  • Neoplasms of various nature. If malignant or benign tumors are diagnosed, it is strictly forbidden to do gymnastics for the muscles of the perineum.
  • Recent surgery, as well as a tendency to uterine and hemorrhoidal bleeding.
  • Any infection, accompanied by a rise in temperature and general intoxication of the body.
  • Venous insufficiency.
  • Cervical erosion.

During pregnancy, stress on the pelvic floor muscles should be avoided when increased tone uterus, gestosis or previous miscarriages.

Description and set of exercises for the pelvic floor muscles

To train the muscles of the perineum, a popular complex called Kegel exercises. This American scientist described and proved the importance of such training back in the middle of the last century. You can practice anywhere, since it is completely invisible from the outside, the main thing is to master the basic techniques.

There are actually three of them:

  • compression– tension of intimate muscles for a certain time;
  • reduction– rapid alternation of tension and relaxation;
  • pushing out- actions similar to labor attempts.

Very important during the lesson tense the muscles pelvic floor, not gluteal muscle and belly. To accurately determine the target muscle group, you need to hold the stream while urinating, sitting on the toilet with your legs apart. At the same time Neither the hips nor the buttocks should tense.

Frequent training is the key to rapid progress. Doctors recommend performing the proposed complex at least 5 times a day, especially since you can do this anywhere and at any time. Body position also does not matter (standing in transport, sitting at work, lying in bed):

  • Alternate compressions with relaxations. In this case, the duration of muscle contractions should be equal to the pause between them (for beginners - from 3 seconds, and as the muscles strengthen - 1-1.5 minutes). Do about 15 repetitions.
  • Contractions are performed at a fast pace for 5 seconds, then a pause of equal duration is made. Do at least 3 repetitions.
  • One of the most effective exercises- "elevator". At first, the muscles of the perineum tense weakly, then a little stronger, and finally, to the maximum. Relaxation occurs in reverse order, which allows you to work the deepest muscles. In this case, at each stage you need to linger for 5-10 seconds.
  • “Wave” refers to alternating contractions of the muscles of the anus and perineum(with fixation of voltage in each zone for 5-20 seconds). Beginners are recommended to repeat the element at least 5 times per workout, and as the muscles strengthen - 10 or more.
  • Push-outs are done 5 to 10 times with a delay in a tense state for 5-10 seconds. Women who have given birth are familiar with the pushing technique, but childless women need to strain the pelvic floor muscles as when defecating.

Train needed daily, from 5 times a day. The minimum number of repetitions for beginners is 5, and by the end of the first month of training - at least 20. You also need to fix the muscles in a tense state for as long as possible, starting from 5-10 seconds and increasing to 1.5 minutes as they strengthen.

Usually the first results regular classes noticeable within a month. To speed up the process, you need to follow several important rules:

  • Monitor your breathing during the workout. It should be deep and uniform, and delays (especially for pregnant women) are unacceptable.
  • Having determined the target muscle group, monitor your own sensations. You cannot use your abs, buttocks and thighs to perform exercises.
  • Don’t be lazy and perform the complex several times daily. However, excessive loads are also harmful (the total number of repetitions of each element per day is no more than 200).
  • If a set of exercises has been mastered perfectly and is performed without difficulty with maximum load, it is worth purchase special modern simulators.

It is also advisable to consult a gynecologist before starting classes. This will help avoid complications if there are certain contraindications.

Set of exercises (video)

After a month or two of regular training, all women note obvious improvements in the intimate sphere. Libido increases, the quality and quantity of orgasms increases and, accordingly, relationships with a partner become harmonious. In addition, a set of Kegel exercises for strengthening the pelvic floor muscles in women is reliable. prevention of pelvic organ prolapse and other genitourinary diseases.

Arnold Kegel exercises are a real find for men! The PC muscles (Kegel muscles) are always toned, even more pleasure from sex and prevention from diseases.

Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles is an important therapeutic and preventive procedure that is recommended for all men. Kegel exercises are a training complex that allows you to quickly and easily strengthen the muscular system of the perineum, which contributes to the normal functioning of the pelvic organs, increased sexual activity and the elimination of some pathological conditions.

In everyday life, the use of the pelvic floor muscles is quite limited, so over time they can lose tone and elasticity. Under the influence of negative risk factors, the process accelerates significantly and leads to many negative consequences. Kegel exercises the man keeps the muscles in tension, thereby preventing them from atrophying. However, the implementation of such a complex requires preliminary consultation with an andrologist, who will conduct an examination of the reproductive system and rule out the presence of contraindications.

This is not always possible; men should know the basic prohibitions:

  • Presence of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Any pathology of the genitourinary system in the acute stage;
  • Benign and malignant neoplasms;

Kegel exercises considered part traditional medicine. They are actively recommended by urologists, sexologists, andrologists and gynecologists to solve the following problems:

  • Elimination of weakness of labor and other pathological conditions during pregnancy and delivery (regular Kegel workout reduces pain during the natural birth of a child);
  • Treatment and reduction of the risk of urinary and fecal incontinence, more often in older women or girls who have undergone surgery;
  • Therapy and prevention of pelvic organ prolapse ( Kegel exercises the woman strengthens the pelvic floor, which prevents the loss of anatomical structures);
  • Increased sexual activity and intensity of orgasms (reaching peak pleasure directly depends on how trained muscle vagina);
  • Prevention of aging processes and increasing the resistance of the reproductive system to inflammatory diseases;
  • Restoring the birth canal after the birth of a child, as they are stretched (if there were ruptures or other complications during childbirth, then before performing Kegel exercises you need to consult a gynecologist).

In the presence of serious diseases of the reproductive system associated with decreased tone of the pelvic floor muscles, it is recommended to use more serious therapy, such as how to do kegel exercises may not be practical.

How to find the right muscles?

There are several ways to find the one you need muscle for subsequent training. The easiest way to feel the desired muscle apparatus is during urination, during which you should retain urine. To do this you will have to strain Kegel muscles, which will subsequently have to be trained. It is not recommended to train in this way, as you can get the opposite effect.

If the first method did not help to understand where the necessary anatomical structures are located, then Kegel muscles can be found by inserting a clean finger into the vagina. The woman should squeeze her finger inside, feel the muscles that are involved. You can visually detect the required muscle frame using a mirror. Only after understanding which structures will be involved should one understand how to do kegel exercises.

Preparation for training

The preparatory stage is very important for obtaining correct results and the absence of negative consequences. Kegel workout should be painless and not cause discomfort. To do this, you should first empty the bladder so that it does not become compressed.

Correct body position:

  • Make a system exercises should be lying on your back, placing one hand on the abdominal cavity;
  • All nearby muscles should be relaxed, and during the training only the pelvic floor structures are involved;
  • Legs should be bent at the knees for comfort and to achieve complete muscle relaxation;
  • Execution Kegel exercises can be done while sitting on a chair.

After completion, one of the factors indicating the correctness of execution is the absence of any discomfort.

How to do Kegel exercises?

Execution method Kegel exercises may differ in intensity and duration, depending on the initial condition of the muscles and the duration of the course. There are two training options: isolated exercises for muscle contraction or a combination of compression and expulsion.

First technique

Includes 4 types of exercises:

  • The man must perform three sets of rapid squeezing and unclenching of the muscles for 10 seconds at a similar interval. Then Kegel exercise accelerates: repeat squeezing and unclenching 9 times for 5 seconds at the same interval. Last stage consists of static muscle tension for 30 seconds, after which the woman relaxes for the same time and repeats the procedure twice more.
  • Second option Kegel exercises consists of quickly clenching and unclenching the muscles for 5 seconds, followed by rest. The procedure is repeated 10 times. Then tenfold tension and relaxation of the muscles is carried out three times. The last stage consists of maximally long (but not more than 2 minutes) tension of the pelvic floor, followed by 120 seconds of rest.
  • Following Kegel exercise consists of quickly tensing and relaxing the muscles 30 times, after which the muscles tense as much as possible for 20 seconds and relax for half a minute. Then you should do 40 quick contractions and releases, gradually reaching 100.
  • The most technically simple among Kegel exercises An option is to continuously squeeze and unclench the muscle system for two minutes. Gradually the duration is increased to 20 minutes.

Second technique

The workout includes three exercises:

  1. Gradual compression. The perineal muscles should be tensed as they were when stopping the flow of urine. Then you need to count to 3 and relax.
  2. Reduction. The fastest possible contraction and relaxation of the pelvic floor. You can use any of the instructions listed above.
  3. Pushing out. Moderate straining of the muscular system, as during childbirth or defecation.

IN Kegel exercises The main factors for obtaining a positive result are: systematic training, proper execution, adequate selection of intensity and gradual complication of the course. Women who cannot understand text descriptions of exercises and want to see the process visually can download special videos or descriptions in pictures.

Kegel exercises for men

Arnold Kegel was a famous gynecologist and developed effective system exercises for the female reproductive system, but practice has shown that men can also use it. Training helps:

  • Reduce the risk of hemorrhoids;
  • Restore the functionality of the prostate gland after surgery;
  • Improve control over the urinary organs;
  • Increase blood flow to the penile area (increased erection).

In men, the muscle group in question is called the pubococcygeus and can be found by placing two fingers behind the testicles without putting pressure on them. Then the man tenses, as if trying to stop the process of urination; a contraction of the desired muscle is felt under his fingers.

The location of the muscular system in women differs from that in men, so the question is relevant: how to do kegel exercises men. The training method looks like this:

  • You need to slowly tense the muscle, not holding your fingers on it, but feeling its work inside the body;
  • You should keep the muscle tense for 5 seconds, then relax;
  • Kegel exercise repeated 10 times, three times a day, every day;
  • The time of practice should be gradually increased, as well as the duration of static tension (ideally up to half a minute);
  • Beginners are recommended to train while lying down, but subsequently a man should be able to do exercises while sitting, standing, or while walking.

It’s easier for men to incorporate exercise into their daily routine, how to do kegel exercises They may be in the process of urinating, trying to hold back the flow of urine for a few seconds.

Expected results

So how to do kegel exercises If necessary continuously, for a long time, the first tangible results will appear only after 4-6 weeks. The effectiveness of the training will only appear if all recommendations are followed correctly. In the course of improving the pelvic floor using the technique Skittles, should be closely monitored general condition reproductive and urinary systems, especially for women who have pathologies of these organs.

A serious mistake that can affect the effectiveness of training is improper breathing. Many women find out how to do Kegel exercises, but they are not interested breathing movements. During training, you should breathe slowly and deeply, in no case holding air in your lungs when your muscles tense. It is also unacceptable to exceed the intensity of exercise, so as not to get the opposite effect.

Hi all! The part of the body called the pelvic floor brings a lot of trouble if it is in a neglected state. Let's strengthen it, there is enough for this effective gymnastics to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.

In the article “Exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles for women and men,” we will talk about several easy exercises available to every person.

1.Exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles for women and men from Dr. Kegel

Dr. Kegel has created an excellent technique that can increase the tone of the perineum. With its help, you can solve many women's gynecological problems.

Dr. Arnold Kegel (1894-1981)

In addition, in 1947 he developed a special simulator - a perineometer, which can measure the strength of the vaginal muscles.

The perinometer works like this:

It is known that the tissues located at the bottom of the pelvis support the rectum, internal genital organs, and bladder. But over time, they lose their elasticity, which is why various ailments of the pelvic organs appear, and the brightness of intimate life fades away.

Include the Kegel technique in your gymnastics, then you will feel like:

  • increased elasticity of pelvic tissues;
  • urinary incontinence cured;
  • increased self-control over orgasm;
  • vaginal tissue was restored after childbirth.

1.1 Exercises for women

Before you start exercising, learn to recognize which muscles need to be exercised. To do this, try holding the stream of urine while urinating. Did it work? They just need to be trained.

Kegel exercise for mild urinary incontinence

General rules:

1. Contraction of these muscles with a delay of 5 seconds.
2. Quick contraction, then relaxation of the anus and perineum for 10 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds.
3. Slow downward pushing, as during stool or childbirth.

With the help of these simple actions, women restore tissue tone even after removal of the uterus.

This technique must be performed in the following situations:

  • - if there is urinary incontinence. For urinary incontinence, you can also take medications such as Urotol, Spazmex, Vesicare and others.
  • - for hemorrhoids, as well as other diseases of the rectum;
  • - sexual disorders;
  • - with prolapse of the uterus, as well as other organs of this part of the body.

Kegel exercises help prevent tearing during childbirth.

1.2 Additional methods for strengthening the pelvic muscles for women

The load on this part of the body is provided by a special device in the form of a plastic cone. The cones are inserted into the vagina with the narrow end, after which the woman contracts the muscles, trying to hold it as long as possible.

Vaginal balls are also used for the same purposes. These are 2 balls with a diameter of up to 3.5 cm, which are connected by a cord with a loop so that they can be quickly removed. There are weights inside them that, when moving, hit the walls of the balls. The blows are sent to the walls of the vagina, due to this they acquire firmness and elasticity.

Vaginal balls to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles

Women are especially tormented by prolapse of the uterus, which ends up at the bottom of the pelvis. Contraction and relaxation of the anus and vagina help tighten the uterus without surgery. A vaginal massager will help strengthen the muscular environment of this part of the body, especially after childbirth.

1.3 Features of exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles for men

The complex is very useful for men too. They also have urinary incontinence, diseases of the genitourinary system, and rectum. Using this technique, a man can avoid prostate diseases and reduce the risk of hemorrhoids. The technique is the same as for women, but a man needs to shrink his perineum and also pump up his buttocks. Regular squats will help him with this.

Kegel exercises for men

Now, to consolidate what we have learned, I saw about Dr. Kegal’s system “Training the intimate muscles (pelvic floor) Kegel exercises”:

Tone up muscle tissue Yoga will help your pelvis. With its help you can relieve the lower back, improve activity gastrointestinal tract, prepare a woman for childbirth.

Here is a description of several exercises:

1. Take a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your hands on your buttocks. Elbows will point back. This will help ensure that your buttocks are not engaged during the exercise. Then try to pull in your pelvic floor muscles and hold this position for a few seconds, then relax them.

2. Get on all fours, interlace your fingers and place them on the floor. Place your head on your hands. Retract your pelvic muscles as much as possible, hold in a tense state for 10 seconds, and then relax. Repeat this exercise 10 times.

3. Lie on the floor with your stomach down, bend one leg at the knee, place your hands under your head. Now pull your pelvic floor muscles inward, fix this state for a few seconds. Then relax your muscles. Repeat this exercise 10 times.

4. Lie on your back, bend your knees and spread them shoulder-width apart. After this, pull in the pelvic muscles with all your might and then relax. Repeat this exercise 10 times.

5. Sit on the floor, cross your legs and straighten your back. Repeat drawing in and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles 10 times.

6. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your hands on your knees. Keep your back straight. Tighten and relax your pelvic muscles.

And now, according to tradition, a video on a given topic “Yoga exercises for the pelvic organs. Strengthening the pelvic floor:

In parting, I want to say: do these accessible exercises, read my blog articles to get one step closer to health!

Therapeutic Kegel exercises are considered the most effective for the pelvic floor muscles. Are they really as useful as many people think? Let's figure it out.

Just recently I visited my doctor to check the condition of my pelvic floor muscles after 6 births. To my surprise, the doctor did not find any problems with diastasis or pelvic muscles. We also talked to him about Kegel exercises and what can actually help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.

As it turns out, the kegel exercise has its place, but it is not suitable for everyone, and doing itIt is necessary in a comprehensive manner, and not as an independent exercise. Strengthening your pelvic floor muscles is important, but Kegel exercises may not be the best the best option for these purposes.

These exercises are mainly designed to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, also
known as the pelvic diaphragm. It is named after gynecologist Arnold Kegel, who explained the benefits of strengthening the pelvic floor muscles in a 1942 article. Over the many years of his work, he came to the conclusion that improvement muscle tone in this area it helps to cope with urinary incontinence, and also enhances orgasm in women and men.

Dr. Kegel also invented a device to measure the strength of the pelvic floor muscles. The set of Kegel exercises that he initially recommended were resistance exercises using aids and devices, and were not a normal exercise of muscle contraction and relaxation.

It is for this reason that many experts recommend Kegel balls or a special exercise machine in the form of natural stone eggs in combination with these exercises. My physical therapist explained that doing kegel exercises without additional load- it's just like straining your arm muscles, and if you add a special exercise machine to them, it's like using dumbbells in exercises for your arm muscles. Both options are effective, but best results and can be achieved for a long time only with the addition of weight.

Benefits of Kegel Exercises

The pelvic floor is made up of several layers of muscles that connect in opposite directions. Many people believe that the vagina is a tube that simply contracts and relaxes, but the pelvic diaphragm is much more complex and has multiple layers working together. In some cases, pin exercises are useful for strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. But there are cases when these muscles, on the contrary, need to be taught to relax, since they are in good shape. As Dr. Grogan explained:

Kegel exercises are not for everyone. For some women, the muscles in this area are constantly tense and short and tight most of the time. As a result, pain during intercourse, difficulty urinating, a feeling of tension or pain in the pelvic area and that feeling when “I still don’t see any results even though I exercise every day!”

In this case, Kegel exercises will not work.

There is no need to give up Kegel exercises altogether. Just remember that this is simply contracting and relaxing an isolated muscle group, similar to a dumbbell curl or hip extension! And many women (with the exception of the women described above) benefit from knowing about this exercise simply to feel better about their body and even spice up their sex life.

You also won’t have to worry about suddenly sneezing or coughing, because the contents of your bladder will remain in place, and you won’t have to worry about lifting/pushing/pulling anything heavy.

Do Kegel exercises work?

Here the situation becomes even more confusing. The answer to this question will depend on the reason that led to problems with muscle group pelvic floor, how Kegel exercises are performed, and many other factors. Dr. Grogan shared her experience on when these exercises are needed and when they are not needed:

When I was doing my internship as a physiotherapist in the area women's health, I had the wonderful opportunity to measure pelvic diaphragm muscle strength and study muscle control. Kegel exercises were especially helpful for women with incontinence complaints. They did have weak and uncoordinated pelvic floor muscles. I encouraged them to incorporate Kegel exercises into their core strengthening routine, and the results were amazing.

However, among my patients there were those who did not need Kegel exercises at all. Through my practice I learned to identify them and my main goal was to teach them how to properly relax and develop their pelvic floor muscles.

How to do kegel exercises?

Dr. Grogan gave some advice about correct execution this exercise. Here are her instructions:

  1. Lie on your back or side. This position reduces the pressure of gravity on the pelvic floor muscles, and it is more convenient to strain the muscles more.
  2. Think about your pelvic floor muscles. They are located at the base of the pelvis and encircle the vagina and anus. Try to squeeze and pull these muscles towards your head. Imagine that you need to tighten a cobblestone into your vagina. It sounds strange, of course, but it really works.
  3. Now relax your muscles and imagine that you are releasing the cobblestone so that it rolls out. That was one rep!
  4. Now do the same thing again, but this time, tense your muscles for 5-8 seconds before relaxing. Perform 5-10 repetitions. This approach to doing Kegel exercises is great for increasing the strength and endurance of your pelvic floor muscles. It is known that this will help cope with urinary incontinence, prolapse and prolapse of genital organs, such as the uterus, for example, and cure hemorrhoids. It will also bring color to your intimate life.

If you use Kegel balls or stones, then do the same, only insert the exercise equipment into your vagina before starting your workout.

How to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles? (with or without Kegel exercises)

If you do not have problems with the muscles of the pelvic diaphragm, then you can try others and more effective ways make them even stronger and more elastic.

Here are some more core and pelvic floor tips and exercises from Dr. Grogan (without the Kegels):

Move more throughout the day, every day

Humans were created to MOVE... and not sit in front of a computer all day (I have this same sin too!). We need to focus on how much and how we move throughout the day. Fill breaks and pauses with movement. Stand, sit, bend, rise, fall, jump. Just move! Leave your car in the parking lot and walk to work! Climb the stairs! Go camping this weekend!

And add more general strengthening exercises to your routine. daily life. Train several times a day, every day. In the video I have collected several simple and effective exercises, which will fit perfectly into any training plan. I called them “Bathroom Fitness”. You can do it at home. Try it!


Squats naturally activate your pelvic floor and core muscles, and the most important thing is to make the butt beautiful and elastic, thereby balancing the length and work of the pelvic floor muscles. I like to do air squats and deep squats (they're in the Bathroom Fitness video above).

Move like a lady

What else did Dr. Grogan say: “Those who know me personally know very well that I love to shake my butt and move my hips. Exercises like hip circles or figure 8 work your entire core, including your pelvic floor, hips, back, and abs. Slowly rotate your hips in a circle every day, and you will not be afraid of any back pain.”

All these exercises must be performed as correctly and gracefully as possible, maintaining posture. You can also try some breathing practices to strengthen your core muscles, planks, exercise therapy, and more.

Close the zipper

When we think about strengthening our core muscles and correct posture, we usually undertake to train the abdominal muscles. We stand up straight and draw in our stomach. But in order to truly and safely use the core muscles, which by the way protect the back and prevent prolapse of the pelvic organs, you need to start from the base of the core muscles, namely the pelvic floor.

There is no need to train individual parts of the body, you need to strive to use the core muscles as a whole.

Imagine a zipper that starts from the pelvic floor. Start zipping up with light Kegel exercises, then move on to your abdominal muscles, gently drawing your belly button in. NFinally, straighten your shoulders and do not let your back round. So, the zipper is closed!

Do this practice every day when performing everyday tasks such as vacuuming your apartment,taking out the trash or lifting dumbbells in gym. Zip up before performing a task, don't let it come undone during the process, and relax when you're done.

Final Thoughts

Striving for curves is great, walking and running are great, lifting weights is cool, but strengthening and toning your midsection—your core—is great. just as important as arm and leg exercises.

Exercises for the core and pelvic floor muscles should be in the fitness program of every self-loving woman. This doesn't just mean doing Kegel exercises with or without special simulators, but also move more, squat, walk, do stretching exercises and don’t sit in one place for a long time.

I usually ask women who come to me for an initial appointment: “How old are you? full years, how many births were there, how did they proceed, were there any ruptures during the birth, were forceps applied?” Answers to these questions usually help make an accurate diagnosis. I think that the gynecologist who examined the reader expressed a professional conclusion - the pelvic floor muscles. Normally healthy women in an upright position, the upper 2/3 of the vagina, urethra and rectum rest on the muscles that pull the rectum to the pubic symphysis. With these muscles, urogenital disorders occur - prolapse of the vaginal walls, prolapse, and urinary incontinence may occur. This is why it is so important to prescribe treatment in a timely manner. Strengthening the pelvic diaphragm is an urgent task in almost all pathological conditions in the pelvic area. Good result achieve first of all physical therapy aimed at restoring the tone of the pelvic floor muscles.
For example, in the early postpartum period, a special set of gymnastic exercises is performed. During the first postpartum week and the first week after discharge from the maternity hospital gymnastic exercises are performed daily 1.5-2 hours after breakfast in a lying position with the windows open. Over the next four weeks, the complex gradually becomes more complex, the exercises become more varied. To speed up the recovery process, it is recommended to repeat the postpartum gymnastics complex in the afternoon. The number of exercises should be varied according to individual capabilities! significantly enhances the effect of exercise during the first six postpartum weeks.

Gymnastics to restore the tone of the pelvic floor muscles after childbirth

1. Walking in place - 30 seconds, shuttle walking back and forth - 15 seconds, walking on toes - 15 seconds, walking with knees high - 30 seconds, with arm movements, with rhythmic breathing.
2. Starting position- basic stance, left leg moved to the side, right arm raised up. On the count of “one”, bend at the knee and lift up and to the right left leg, reach the knee with the elbow of your right hand; on the count of “two” - return to the starting position. Repeat the knee-elbow cycle 4-8 times with each leg, accompanying the movements with a long exhalation (air is blown out through the mouth) for four cycles.
3. Starting position - basic stance, legs apart, arms bent at the elbows, brought to the body, fingers clenched into fists. On the count of “one” - straightening right hand and fingers up and to the left, tilt the torso to the left and exhale; about “two” - return to the starting position, take a breath. Repeat the bends 2-4 times in each direction.
4. Starting position - the same as in the previous exercise. Raise your elbows to shoulder level. Perform body turns to the right and left, without lowering your arms, moving your elbow back in the direction of the turn. Breathing is rhythmic, at the pace of turns: 4 movements - inhale (through the nose), 4 movements - exhale (through the mouth).
5. Starting position - the same, arms to the sides. Perform springy forward bends, alternately touching the toe of the opposite leg with your hand. Repeat 2-4-6 times. Breathe freely.
6. Starting position - lying on, arms along the body. Perform alternately circular movements kicks ("") at an average pace with even breathing. Repeat for 30 seconds.
7. Starting position - lying on. Raise your straight legs at an angle and perform the “side scissors” exercise (spread your legs to the sides and cross them in front of you). Then perform the back-and-forth scissors exercise. Repeat each option 8-10 times without holding your breathing rhythm.
8. Starting position - lying on your back. On the count of 1 - leaning on your heels, head and arms, raise your pelvis, bend over, draw in your perineum and inhale; on the count of 2 - lower your pelvis, relax your muscles and exhale.
9. Starting position - lying on your back, arms extended upward. On the count of 1-2 - sit down, bending your knees and pulling them towards your hands, exhale. On the count of 3-4 - lie down, hands behind your head, stretch, take a breath. Repeat 8-10 times.
10. Starting position - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, pulled up to. Alternately lowering both legs to the right and left, first with the knees bent, and as you train, with the legs straightened. Repeat in both directions 2-4-6 times.
11. Finish the complex with light walking, breathing exercises, self-massage of hands and feet.
When performing exercises, I advise you to dose the load according to how you feel, avoid discomfort, prolonged increased heart rate.

Basic program for strengthening the muscles of the perineum (according to A. Kegel)

Slow compressions. Muscle tension on the count of 3 and relaxation (sit on the toilet, try to hold urination). The muscles you use to do this are the perineal muscles. If you can't find them right away, don't stop trying. Try, and everything will work out.
Abbreviations. Tension and relaxation of the above muscles as quickly as possible.
Ejections. Moderate downward straining, as with stool or.

Begin training with ten slow compressions, ten contractions and ten push-ups five times a day. After a week, add five exercises, continuing to perform them five times a day. Then add five more until there are thirty. In total, you need to do 150 Kegel exercises every day.
At the beginning of training, it may seem that the muscles do not want to remain tense during slow contractions. This is explained by the fact that contractions cannot be performed too quickly or rhythmically, due to the fact that the muscles are still weak. If your muscles get tired mid-exercise, rest for a few seconds and continue. Remember to breathe naturally and evenly during exercise. Do one to two hundred compressions every day.
A distinctive feature of this gymnastics is that it can be done almost anywhere - in transport, while walking, sitting in front of the TV, etc. I foresee incredulous exclamations from many readers, especially older ones: they say, what else have they come up with - for the perineum... Perhaps not all women will be able to perform these exercises at first. But after training, they will help their body not only get rid of stagnation in the pelvic area, but also to solve problems with vaginal prolapse, etc. After all, during exercise there is powerful stimulation in the pelvic area, which can affect the reduction or resorption of postoperative scars and sutures.

Exercise for urinary incontinence (according to Neumyvakin I.P.)

Walking on the buttocks. Sit on the floor, legs extended forward, and in this position, move your legs alternately, moving first forward (1.5-2 m), as far as the apartment allows, and then in the opposite direction. And so on as long as you like. When performing this exercise, not only the muscles of the perineum are involved, but also the muscles of the legs and buttocks. If it is difficult to move with straight legs, try bending them slightly at the knees, which will make the task much easier. This exercise will greatly help older women and relieve urinary incontinence.

Anatoly Vanin,
Candidate of Medical Sciences.