Push-ups against a vertical wall. Handstand push-ups

One of the basic and very effective workout exercises is wall push-ups. And if you are going to achieve some results in yard sports, you cannot do without them.

Moreover, this type of push-ups does not require any special facilities or costs.

After all, upside down push-ups can be performed both near a wall and near any Swedish wall or even near a pole.

Why is this exercise necessary?

The most important thing when playing any sport is the meaningfulness of the actions taken. So, if any exercise is performed incorrectly, it will not only not bring any benefit, but rather even cause harm. And here, first of all, it is worth considering what they are used for.

Classic push-ups, performed in a lying position, can include the most different groups muscles. However deltoid group not fully used, but only the front beams. And those athletes who want to visually, and not only visually, broaden their shoulders, first of all should focus on push-ups against the wall. Since this exercise promotes the development of the middle, posterior and anterior areas deltoid muscles. Besides, this lesson helps strengthen the trapezius and triceps. The muscles of the upper chest will not be left without work.

Execution technique

Even though vertical push-ups are considered basic, you also need to have some strength base to perform them. First of all, you must be able to do push-ups in the classic way, taking a prone position. If there are no problems with this, you can move on.

To begin, take the following position: your arms are placed on the floor, your hands are located at a distance of approximately 40 cm from the wall, your legs rest on the wall itself. Thus, try to maintain a static position for about one minute. If you can withstand such a load without problems, you are ready to do push-ups against the wall.

To do this exercise, stand in the same handstand again. Then, bending your arms at the elbow joints, begin to lower yourself down. Ideal performance if the top of your head touches the floor. However, if you cannot achieve such a result, do not worry, this skill will come as soon as you begin to actively train. This exercise must be done to failure. Then gradually increase the amplitude based on your capabilities.

In the future, and for those who find this simple, you can perform push-ups in a rack not only on your palms, but also on your fists. This method will certainly contribute to the development and strengthening of the wrist. However, before doing this, it is better to practice the classic method of push-ups on your fists.

So if you want to achieve good results without much expense, be sure to use rack push-ups in your workouts. Moreover, these exercises are included in the list of standards for performing workout classes.

Push-ups for girls are complex exercises, allowing you to get strong muscles of the back, legs, shoulders, chest, arms and abs. At the same time, push-ups for girls also provide additional help in losing calories, since during their execution, about one hundred calories are consumed in three sets with ten repetitions.

Also different types push-ups for women, who redistribute the load differently among the main muscles and develop more intensively exactly those that are necessary.

Push-ups for girls - benefits:

  • Pumped up pectoral muscles provide beautiful, firmer, more convex and toned breasts
  • Any push-ups make your stomach flat, since they cannot be physically performed without straining your abdominal muscles.
  • All types of exercises remove fat from the legs and thighs.
  • Trained back muscles will help perfect posture and the ability to walk in heels for a long time.
  • Developed shoulders will make the figure more balanced and symmetrical, visually reducing too wide hips.
  • Your arms will be beautifully toned without any loose masses.
  • Increase overall endurance and physical strength, which is very important for a modern independent woman.

Total in modern sports There are more than fifty types of push-ups, of which three types of truly feminine push-ups stand out:

  1. The easiest push-up from a wall, the benefit for women is to prepare the muscles for a stronger load without overexertion. It is performed from a standing position half a step away from the wall, facing it. Palms should be pressed at chest height and shoulder width. Perform push-ups by rising onto your toes so that the weight rests entirely on your hands.
  2. Kneeling push-ups for women are performed while standing on your knees with your arms extended forward. The arms are slowly bent until the nose almost touches the floor. This exercise allows you to reduce the load on your back at first and will allow you to pump up the muscles of your chest and arms in order to move on to more complex types.
  3. Push-ups from the knees for girls are performed in the same way, but the body is positioned at an angle rather than horizontally, while the feet and legs are lifted off the floor.

Men usually neglect these exercises, considering them too easy, however, for an untrained girl they are ideal as an initial option for further increasing the load.

With gradual increase muscle strength you can move on to more difficult “male” exercises, which a push-up program for girls can also contain:

  1. Incline push-ups are push-ups from a bench or any other support, the height of which depends on the level of development of the future athlete. At the same time, the legs rest on the toes, are supported in a perfectly straight position, hands are placed on the shoulders, elbows are moved slightly to the sides until rib cage does not reach the support, after which they are completely straightened.
  2. Classic – familiar to everyone, push-ups from a lying position, performed on straight toes and arms with an ideal straight line of the body. The exercise pumps up the chest, triceps, and shoulders.
  3. Triceps push-ups, as the name implies, are performed to pump up the triceps. It is performed from the “lying down” position with the arms placed rather narrowly and the toes of the feet spread wide apart.
  4. Circular push-ups are a type of push-up designed to focus on the back and stomach. They are performed like classic ones, but the weight of the body is transferred to one hand while inhaling after lowering due to the circular movement of the torso - to the other. Lifting is done while exhaling.
  5. With spread palms - an exercise performed like a classic one, but with wide-set palms to enhance the emphasis on the pectoral muscles.
  6. With a side step, performed to pump up the chest and triceps: from the starting position in a lying position with your arms placed close to each other, while inhaling, take a step to the side with one hand, then bend both arms, as in classic exercise, and as you exhale, you return to the starting position.
  7. Opposite ones allow you to alternately load the chest and triceps. Performed from a lying position with one arm extended back and the other to the side. When performing the exercise, you need to bend the elbow while inhaling so that the elbow of the arm moved to the side moves sideways, and the other one moves back. Hands need to be changed periodically.

More complex exercises for experienced athletes:

  1. Upside down push-ups are classic push-ups with your feet placed on a support to increase the load.
  2. Push-ups with a jump are also performed like classic ones, but the lowering is done while exhaling, and the lifting is done while inhaling and very sharply with a jump, while you can clap your hands under the chest or with your palms on the sides. The purpose of the exercise is to develop the speed and power of the strike.
  3. Push-ups on chairs or pedestals are performed like inclined push-ups from a bench, but the arms have individual supports and are spread wider than the shoulders, and the lowering is done not to the support, but to the maximum possible depth. When they are performed, the load also increases.
  4. For more intensive muscle development, classic push-ups are performed on only one arm with the other behind the back, periodically changing the loaded limb.
  5. Loaded push-ups - classic push-ups with additional weights on the back.

Training program

The most popular today is the 30-day push-up program for girls, which is designed so that even a completely undeveloped lady can learn to do up to a hundred push-ups per workout over the course of a month.

This push-up program for girls is built gradually and allows you to increase maximum quantity spins ten times.

Push-up program for girls table for 30 days:

Number of spins. Only 5 approaches.

12, 10, 8, 12, 8

13, 9, 11, 13, 9

16, 14, 10, 11, 12

16, 18, 12, 12, 14

20, 18, 13, 13, 16

23, 21, 15, 15, 17

25, 23, 17, 15, 21

27, 25, 25, 15, 19

As can be seen from the table, the push-up scheme for girls is designed so that in just a month you can learn to do more than a hundred push-ups for those who have difficulty performing the exercise only a couple of times. Push-ups for 30 days for girls are designed in such a way that both a very weak girl who cannot do more than one push-up, and an experienced athlete can increase the number of push-ups. In the first case, you can start doing light types of push-ups, and after completing the course, switch to classic ones and start all over again, and in the second case, start immediately from a certain level, for example, from the third week, and logically continue the table.

Also, the push-up table for girls is designed in such a way that classes are held every other day, since daily training is contraindicated due to the required time for the restoration of muscle tissue and the nervous system.

Push-up rules

The basic principles of how to do push-ups correctly for girls are exactly the same as for men:

  1. Before training, always do a warm-up to reduce stress. muscle tissue. Five to ten minutes of cardio exercises followed by swings or arm rotations are suitable.
  2. Start with minimal loads.
  3. Gradually increase the pace.
  4. Do not overstrain or injure muscles.
  5. Do not exercise more often than every other day. Daily workouts divided into morning and evening are permissible only for those girls who can do push-ups freely more than twenty-five times per set.
  6. Do the exercises correctly.
  7. Maintain breaks between approaches of at least 60 seconds, and in case of weight loss - at least 120 seconds.

How to do push-ups correctly for girls is also an important question, on which the quality of the result depends. The female version of push-ups is no different from the male version in terms of technique:

  • Keep your body as straight as possible without bending your back, hips or knees.
  • Don't wiggle your hips.
  • Do not twitch during the exercise, but perform it smoothly at a measured pace.
  • For convenience, you can spread your elbows a little.
  • It is advisable to keep your head straight, looking ahead, which in the case of classic push-ups means straight.

The generally accepted standard for how many times a girl should do push-ups is 15–20 at a time.

This is the norm for push-ups for girls from the age of seventeen, which is approved in the school curriculum, but, unfortunately, most girls are actually able to do push-ups three times, which indicates the level physical development below the minimum acceptable value.

The true meaning of how many push-ups a girl should do depends on many factors: health status, period of the menstrual cycle, diet (on a diet or not), etc.

If there is no way to find out experienced trainer individually, how to do push-ups correctly for girls, then you need to be guided by your initial physical data and feelings after training:

  • You can’t overwork yourself, otherwise there will be problems with nervous system, hormonal levels, sleep and appetite.
  • But you can’t train in such a way that you don’t feel tired, otherwise there will be no point.
  • It is optimal to continue training to such an extent that the muscles begin to ache, but this pain goes away after exercise.

The benefits of push-ups for girls are enormous, as they not only help to quickly build physical strength, but also significantly improve appearance, increasing sexuality, however, if it is impossible to perform for some reason, you can replace them with presses, dumbbell flyes or other alternative exercises for the same muscles.

Vertical push-ups – the most powerful exercise for the muscles of the shoulder girdle and triceps. Due to the strange position of the body (we rarely have to stand on our hands), it cannot be called so natural. And beginners should first of all master. However, the vertical version of them is an imitation of lifting weights overhead. Pushing upward movement. And it is basic in the training of most athletes.

About how to use progressions in exercises with own weight, we talked in the article about. Let me remind you that we have also already looked at progressions in such important exercises as, and. And this, by the way, is already quite enough to create a strength training program!

Now let's put more load on the shoulders. But there is nothing to be afraid of. We will do everything smoothly and gradually as usual. Because there is no other option to achieve what you want except to go towards it step by step.

1. Incline pike push ups

First, we do the usual emphasis while lying on a bench or chair. Then we move the pelvis back so that the back and arms line up. In this position, push up from the support until your head touches.

2. Incline pike diamond push ups

The same as in the previous exercise, only we place our hands close to each other - large and index fingers touch, forming a rhombus or “diamond”. Hence the name in the English version - “diamond”.

3. Pike push ups

We rest our hands on the floor, trying to move our legs as close to our hands as possible. Push up until your head touches the floor. Just in case, you can add a towel.

4. Pike diamond push ups

As in the previous paragraph, only the palms are “diamond-shaped”. These exercises are also known as “Chinese push-ups.”

5. Decline pike push ups

Place your feet on a bench or chair. Legs to the body at an angle of 90 degrees. We do push-ups with our heads to the floor.

6. Decline pike diamond push ups

Everything is the same, but we again place our hands until the fingers touch.

7. Wall bent waist handstand push up

Now we rest our feet against the wall at approximately stomach level. Alternatively, you can place your feet on a table or window sill. Or any other surface at this height.

8. Wall bent waist handstand diamond push ups

Again we narrow the position of the hands to “diamond”.

9. Wall half handstand push up

We stand on our hands against the wall. It can be like in the photo with your face, or with your back. We lower ourselves halfway from the head to the floor.

10. Wall handstand push ups

Now we do push-ups to the full amplitude - until our head touches the floor. For safety reasons, place something soft under your head.

11. Wall handstand diamond push ups

If you have reached this level, then you hardly need any explanation.

12. Wall raised handstand push ups

Here the amplitude of movement is already increasing due to various types of supports.

And be sure to watch this video with different push-up variations. Just don't be scared. Advanced versions are there at the beginning, and progression options are at the end of the video.

When preparing this article, materials from the site were used:

If you are new to the world of sports and fitness, but have decided to take care of yourself and your body, or are undergoing recovery from injuries or surgeries, then it is best to start training with simple push-ups against the wall. The exercise does not require colossal physical abilities; any person, even those very distant from sports, can perform it. Nevertheless, this version of push-ups effectively affects muscle activity and capable of short time bring weakened human muscles back to normal.

Anatomical certificate

What muscles work when performing the exercise?

First, let's find out which muscles work during this exercise. When performing wall push-ups while standing, several muscle groups are involved in the work: pectoral muscles, abdominal muscles, biceps, back muscles (latissimus and serratus), rhomboid muscles. A comprehensive exercise involves all top part body, which, in turn, contributes to the development of healthy posture and straightening of the spine.

Active muscles when performing vertical push-ups from a wall (or from a crossbar) The purpose of the exercise is to strengthen weakened muscles of the arms, abdomen, back, and increase strength; prepare human muscles for high physical activity, i.e., performing push-ups from the floor, bench, with weights. After such training, you will very soon be able to switch to exercises in simulators and using sports equipment, return to sports (if before the injury or before a long rest or vacation you were engaged in sports activities). Wall push-ups are recommended for men and women of all ages to maintain healthy joints, ligaments and muscles.

Technique for performing push-ups while standing against a wall

The exercise, due to its simplicity and versatility, can be performed both at home and in the gym. Studying technology is an important step on the path to practice. It depends only on the technique whether push-ups will be beneficial or will go in vain. Thus, we offer two options for performing wall push-ups: with wide and narrow arms.

Option 1. With arms wide

In such push-ups, a large emphasis is placed on the pectoral muscles, while the back and abdominal muscles are less active. The main difference is that the hands are on long distance from each other. Number of approaches: 3, number of repetitions: 15–17.

  1. Stand so that there is approximately 1 step between you and the wall.
  2. Straighten your arms towards the wall and focus.
  3. Place your hands wider than your shoulders so that you can comfortably bend your elbows.
  4. Begin to tilt your body towards the wall, bending your arms elbow joint.
  5. Your fingers should point either up or slightly to the sides.

Option 2. With narrow arms

To connect to work triceps muscles(aka triceps) place your hands closer to each other. You will feel the load smoothly move from your chest to your arms. In this version of push-ups, the muscles of the abdomen and back work to a lesser extent.

  1. Take a step away from the wall, lean forward, keeping your back straight.
  2. Focus on outstretched arms.
  3. Collect your feet, press your legs together.
  4. Place your hands less than shoulder-width apart.
  5. Start bending your elbows, leaning towards the wall and pushing away from it.

Number of sets and reps: 3 x 15.

Push-ups from the wall: correct technique with wide stance of the armsVideo instructions for the exercise:

Non-classical variations of the exercise include: push-ups from the wall sideways on one arm and push-ups from the wall with clap.

This is a more complicated version of push-ups that you can try as a variety in your workouts. After all, muscles tend to get used to the same load, and in order to actively develop them, you need to modify the exercises or select alternative ones.

Options for performing one-arm wall push-ups Target muscle: triceps. Technique:

  1. Stand with your side to the wall.
  2. Place your emphasis on your left (or right) hand so that your palm is parallel to the floor and your fingers point not up, but to the side.
  3. Start leaning your body toward the wall, bending your elbow.
  4. Follow the breathing technique: starting position exhale, bend to the side - inhale.
  5. Change hands after performing the exercise.

The number of approaches for each hand is 2.

Number of repetitions: - 15.

Video instruction on how to do push-ups from a wall sideways on one arm.

Many people have probably seen how they do push-ups with cotton. But why make cotton? Does it affect anything? Clapping push-ups are aimed at training explosive strength. The goal of such push-ups is to develop powerful strength in a small amount of time (fractions of a second). You simultaneously develop agility, speed, strength and activate the fat burning process. If you have weak triceps and have problems with overweight in the area of ​​the shoulders and arms, do wall clap push-ups.

Wall push-ups with clap: developing explosive strength Technique:

  1. Stand against a wall as in a classic push-up.
  2. Focus on straightened arms, palms facing up.
  3. Bend your body forward, bending your elbows.
  4. While bending over, make a sharp push back and make a clap.
  5. After the clap, return to the starting position.
  6. Your body should work like a pendulum: push back - shift the center of gravity - clap - starting position in an inclined position.

Video instruction: push-ups from the wall with cotton

The benefits of wall push-ups for girls

The benefits of push-ups for girls cannot be overestimated: it is both a fight against excess weight and maintaining body tone. The exercise uses the pectoral muscles, which determine the shape and firmness of the breasts. Constantly tense abs when performing push-ups creates flat stomach. In addition, excess fat on the arms (especially in the triceps area) and sides disappears. Wall push-ups are a high-quality way to recover after illness, injury, surgery, or childbirth. Exercise stimulates blood circulation, which supplies oxygen to cells internal organs and improves their performance.

The advantages of this type of push-ups are as follows:

  • Working with your own weight (no need to sign up for a gym).
  • Effective load on the upper body (many women do not pick up barbells and dumbbells, fearing to pump their arms and shoulders to masculine sizes).
  • Simplicity of the exercise (wall push-ups are easy for beginners).
  • Push-ups help you lose weight.
  • Push-ups “prepare” the muscles for more complex exercises.

Wall push-ups develop physical strength, thanks to them you can achieve significant success in performing technically difficult exercises

To achieve perfect technique and excellent results from push-ups, follow these rules:

  • Control your movements, take your time.
  • Keep your whole body in one line (when bending, stand on your toes, lift your heels off the floor).
  • In classic push-up variations, do not spring, do all movements smoothly.
  • Don't squeeze your shoulder blades.
  • Don't lift your head up.
  • Alternate classic wall push-ups with alternative ones.
  • Perform push-ups during every workout as a warm-up or main element.

Wall push-ups are an exercise that can prepare you and your muscles for serious physical activity. If you are a beginner, then include it in every workout, and if you are a professional, then do not neglect it, but use it as a warm-up. Follow the basic recommendations for performing the exercise, hone your technique, strive to do more and better. Developed muscles are not only beautiful, but also useful.

Standing wall push-ups can be used as an independent type of exercise, they can be included in a set of workouts that you do daily, and it is also great option warming up muscles before strength training.

These seemingly simple movements are actually very useful for shaping slim figure and toned muscles.

What muscles work?

This type of exercise allows you to work out the muscles of the upper body well, harmoniously distributing the load between the pectoralis major, teres major and latissimus dorsi.

This is important for those who are just starting out physical training, since the discomfort will be minimal. What does this exercise train?

During wall push-ups The following muscles are involved:

  • Large pectoralis;
  • Large round;
  • Latissimus dorsi;
  • Anterior serrated back;
  • Straight abdomen;
  • External oblique abdomen;
  • Triceps shoulder.

Benefits of wall push-ups for women

Those who constantly perform this type of exercise have toned stomach, firm breasts. Also, such training will help you improve your skills. This movement is also recommended for. The shape of the breast is determined by the presence of adipose tissue and large relief pectoral muscle: If this muscle well developed, the chest is raised.

Push-ups are among the exercises that are involved in the formation muscle corset. They help fight fat deposits in the back area and promote weight loss. This one of basic movements, which is recommended to be included in various workouts for women. They are also included in training complexes to restore muscle tone.

Important! You need to exercise regularly. This will help you get results faster - if you skip workouts, it will be difficult to get the effect of push-ups.

Use at the initial stage of training

Before you start strength training With the use of weights, women need to prepare and strengthen their muscles and ligaments. To do this, it is necessary to include wall push-ups in the set of exercises performed for a certain time.

When you feel that the muscles have become stronger and developed sufficiently, you need to add a more complex version of the movement - push-ups from the bench.

This will help strengthen shoulder girdle, and hands. This type exercise strengthens and develops the elbow and wrist joints.

To complete it no need for any devices or equipment.

In gyms before use large scales As a warm-up, not only women, but also men use various variations of push-ups.

Technique for performing the classic version

The technology for performing push-ups against a vertical wall is not complicated, however, it is important to follow correct technique, otherwise the exercise will not bring any benefit.

Push-ups from a vertical wall can be done in two versions:

In the first option, place your hands shoulder-width apart. In the second version, we place our palms narrower than shoulder width, and press our elbows to the body. Narrow hand placement will help.

We perform the exercise as follows:

  1. We stand facing the wall, chin raised, shoulders turned. We step back from the wall one step.
  2. We rest our hands on the surface, placing them at chest level.
  3. Bend your arms at the elbow joint until your head touches the wall. We come back and do a series of push-ups - ten times for starters.

Each time we increase the number of repetitions, bringing it to fifty times or more.

Pay attention! They will be extremely useful for girls.

For detailed techniques, watch the video:

When performing exercises, you need to remember some rules that will help you get the maximum effect:

  1. Complication of movement. You can make push-ups more difficult in the following way: step back from the wall not one step, but as far as possible, while increasing the angle between the body and the support.
  2. Correct body position. Throughout the entire exercise, the body should represent a straight line. The back should not be rounded; the chin should be slightly raised. In this position, the muscles receive maximum load and are worked most effectively.
  3. Application of various options. By performing different variations of push-ups, you can shift the load to different muscle groups and work out all the muscles and chest well.
  4. Execution pace. Perform the exercises at a measured pace, take your time, focus on working the target muscles.
Pay attention! At narrow setting the triceps are worked out more strongly, since the main load goes to the shoulder.

A more complicated version - push-ups

You can do hand push-ups from a bench in two versions:

In the first version, we do push-ups in the same way as against a wall, only we use a bench, table or other stable structures as a support. By changing the angle of the body, the load increases

The second option is known as " reverse push-up from the bench." To do this, you can use a gymnastic bench, or, as an alternative, ordinary chairs:

  1. We stand with our backs to the bench.
  2. We sit down with our palms resting on the edge of the bench. We stretch our legs forward and rest on our heels. Keep your back straight.
  3. We do not spread our elbows to the sides; we keep them parallel to the body.
  4. We perform the exercise by sitting down with emphasis on our hands until the formation in the elbow joint right angle.

Repeat the required number of times in several approaches.

Girls who have set themselves the goal of learning how to do push-ups from the floor, usually begin to use step-by-step push-ups from the wall, from a bench, then move on to the classic version from the floor. The time of each stage usually depends on physical training, and averages two or three weeks. So it’s quite possible for girls to learn how to do push-ups; it just takes time and persistence.

Various breast lift methods If you want to use push-ups to combat sagging breasts, pay attention to other methods to solve the problem:

  1. You can choose a set of exercises both for and for him. Also find out.