The benefits of swimming during pregnancy. What are the benefits of a pool and swimming for pregnant women? What are the benefits of this sport in the later stages?

There is often no urgent need to stop visiting the pool when planning a pregnancy and later, during pregnancy, if a woman leads an active lifestyle and regularly plays sports, in particular swimming. Exceptions to this rule can only be made primarily in those cases when a woman has any categorical contraindications. As for the rest, as for physical activity, it is only recommended to reduce their intensity, abandon strength exercises and muscle-focused exercises abdominals. Should you exercise in the pool? special gymnastics, which is practiced in groups for pregnant women. Such activities are an excellent preparation for the stress that the back muscles, pelvic and abdominal muscles are exposed to during pregnancy. Special wellness gymnastics complexes water aerobics are designed taking into account the state of the female body at various stages of pregnancy.

Water aerobics, swimming, diving help improve overall well-being and bring the whole body into increased tone. Visiting the pool twice or thrice a week helps to achieve optimal health and control body weight, which is a big plus when planning a child. Swimming also activates the growth of the endometrial layer, which is another positive factor in increasing the likelihood of successful conception, due to the fact that there is increased blood circulation in the pelvic area.

It is necessary, however, to pay attention to the fact that in choosing a place for swimming and other physical exercise In water, preference should still be given to an indoor pool. Since open reservoirs are often unreliable in terms of cleanliness and infection safety. After all, it is completely inappropriate if you still have to spend time and energy on healing some unexpected disease, which delays such a desired moment when a woman can feel the birth of a new life within herself.

When planning a pregnancy, swimming pool, based on this, requires a thoughtful and comprehensively balanced approach, and preliminary consultation with the attending physician. If all necessary conditions are met, the chances of successful conception, successful pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child increase.

Contraindications to the pool during pregnancy

Contraindications to the pool during pregnancy primarily lie in the threat of spontaneous abortion. The question of whether it is advisable for a particular pregnant woman to visit the pool should be decided during a consultation with a specialist under whose medical supervision she is during the period of gestation.

This possibility is excluded, in particular, due to the presence of any heavy discharge or, for example, placenta previa.

A reasonable decision would be to refuse the pool for those women who have increased uterine tone.

It is not advisable to go to the pool with acute forms of sexually transmitted infections, and in addition, if you have any other diseases that are in the acute stage. Of the latter, an example can be given, in particular, of exacerbation of tuberculosis.

Chronic appendicitis also classifies swimming, diving and water aerobics in the pool as activities unacceptable during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, women who have any of the systemic blood diseases should avoid visiting the pool.

The pool is prohibited in cases of uterine bleeding, eclampsia, and preeclampsia in pregnant women.

The inadmissibility of physical stress during swimming and performing exercises in water is determined by obstetric pathologies, symptoms inherent in gestosis, and also characterizing the phenomena of early or extremely severe toxicosis, which is accompanied by incessant vomiting.

Another contraindication is cases of recurrent miscarriage that have previously occurred in each previous pregnancy.

And, of course, one of the most important warning signs that the expectant mother needs to give up the pool is the occurrence of systematic pain contractions after a session.

Contraindications to the pool during pregnancy, taking into account all of the above, of course, exist. However, if a woman preparing to become a mother is not sick with any of the listed diseases, and there are no occurrences of all sorts of negative phenomena, we can confidently say that physical activity in water will be more beneficial than it can cause harm.

Swimming pool in early pregnancy

A swimming pool in the early stages of pregnancy, according to many, is certainly a positive factor. In some special miraculous way, swimming and water activities can immediately influence the better course of pregnancy. gymnastic exercises, of course, are incapable, but at least have a beneficial effect on general condition and the tone of the body of a woman preparing to become a mother. Therefore, it is often recommended to start visiting the pool literally in the first weeks in order to begin preparations for childbirth as early as possible.

So, after a consultation with the attending physician has established that there are no serious obstacles to this, the path to the pool is completely open.

Often, expectant mothers may be concerned about the possibility of easily contracting some unpleasant disease as a result of being in a public pool. After all, the limited volume of water in which it is immersed large number a wide variety of people seems to be an ideal environment for the development and reproduction of all kinds of infections and pathogenic bacteria. In this regard, it must be said right away that such worries are mostly unfounded. Many modern swimming pools are equipped with highly efficient, powerful water purification systems using special means in which there is no presence of chlorine.

In order to start practicing in the pool, you must register with special group for pregnant women under the guidance of an experienced instructor.

A swimming pool in the early stages of pregnancy, on the one hand, is a wonderful way for a woman to maintain herself in optimal physical shape, and on the other hand, it appears as a positive psychological factor of great importance. In the process of communicating in a group with the same expectant mothers, all the problems and anxieties that a woman has recede into the background, she gains a positive attitude and confidence that such activities will only benefit her baby.

Swimming pool in late pregnancy

Pool on later pregnancy has as its main goal not to achieve any significant improvement in overall physical condition or give the figure a special grace of lines. The very essence of visiting the pool, swimming, water gymnastics exercises - water aerobics during this period is to maintain oneself in physical shape with the least possible changes compared to what preceded conception and the beginning of intrauterine development of the fetus.

And, based on this, classes for expectant mothers do not involve any intense loads. It is recommended to limit yourself to simply walking and running in the water with high knees and accompanying this with swings of your arms and legs.

An important aspect is the need to perform stretching exercises. Under the influence of warm water in the pool, the ligaments become more elastic, which is of considerable importance for the birth process. And after the successful birth of the baby, this subsequently helps to restore the figure in a shorter time.

It is important to use muscles in exercises inner surface hips For this purpose, you can do the following. Holding the handrail in the wall of the pool with your hands, while resting your feet against the wall, raise your legs, spreading them as wide as possible. There is no need to rush so that the tissues have the opportunity to get used to this state. Next, you need to try to spread your legs even wider, as if doing the splits.

Swimming in the late stages of pregnancy, as we can see, helps to maintain the physical shape of a woman who is soon to become a mother, and can also help prepare her body for the process of childbirth.

Swimming during pregnancy in the pool

Swimming during pregnancy in the pool can be called one of the most effective methods, which are able to help prepare a woman for the process of childbirth.

First of all, everything becomes easier in water. And being in an aquatic environment, a woman in a positive emotional mood about the upcoming joys of motherhood can fully receive only one positive from this. She is not burdened by the weight of her own, bulky, pregnancy-altered body. She can feel lighter than a feather for a while! Water helps in the most wonderful way to overcome stress, get rid of anxiety and worry.

Swimming implies that during this process the pregnant woman’s body takes a horizontal position, which in turn reduces the load on the spine, skeletal and muscular systems. It involves a good level of physical activity, leads to the development of endurance and helps strengthen pectoral muscles. There is an assumption that the activation of blood flow in the chest muscles subsequently directly determines better production of breast milk.

Equally important is diving, which can accompany swimming.

Diving headlong under water, expectant mother gains valuable experience in holding your breath, which will be useful during labor. And the little man inside her will learn to do without oxygen for a while. After all, with the completion of childbirth, he will no longer be able to receive it from his mother, since the umbilical cord connecting them will be cut.

As practice shows, a child who has adapted to the phenomenon of such temporary hypoxia is more likely to move towards the exit in the birth canal and shows a better ability to adapt to the world around him after birth.

Swimming during pregnancy in the pool helps prepare a woman well for the birth process, both physical and psychological, and in addition plays a certain positive role in the development of the child.

Visiting the pool during pregnancy

Visiting the pool during pregnancy is possible only if the expectant mother does not have any direct contraindications. Among them, the main ones are: an increased risk of spontaneous abortion or premature delivery, the presence of skin lesions, a high degree of toxicosis, etc. The next step is to choose an institution that would meet all the necessary criteria. The pool must be clean and have safe and comfortable steps for entering the water. In addition, it is necessary that the staff of such a pool include a position of a full-time gynecologist.

While in the pool, a pregnant woman is required to strictly follow certain safety rules. First of all, it is necessary to learn how to evenly distribute physical activity, since excessive fatigue entails a deterioration in a woman’s general well-being.

Physical exercises in water must be accompanied by breathing exercises, which together contributes to both improving health and serves as excellent preparation for the process of childbirth.

Regarding swimming in the pool, we note that sports styles are categorically unacceptable for a woman preparing to become a mother. You need to swim calmly, without making excessive efforts, and, of course, do not set yourself the goal of becoming a champion in ultra-long marathon swims. You should limit yourself to short distances.

To avoid falls on the wet and very slippery pool tiles, and to avoid injury for this reason, it is recommended to walk exclusively on the paths. And in order to minimize the risk of getting a fungal infection of the feet, walking barefoot is undesirable; you need to wear flip-flops.

Visiting the pool during pregnancy requires the expectant mother to constantly monitor her well-being. Chlorination in the pool is undoubtedly a positive factor in terms of water disinfection, however, on the other hand, chlorine often provokes the development of dermatitis and all kinds of allergies on the skin. The smell of chlorine can also cause increased symptoms of toxicosis, which is especially typical for early dates pregnancy. Because of this, such great importance is attached to a mandatory preliminary consultation with a gynecologist.

Pregnancy and a chlorine pool

The benefits of swimming and physical activity in water during pregnancy are obvious. This is wonderful preventative measure against diseases cardiovascular system. There is also no doubt about their beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system. Complex special exercises water aerobics acts as one of the effective preparatory measures for childbirth to take place naturally, since as the birth approaches, it helps the child acquire correct position in the uterus.

However, visiting a swimming pool by a pregnant woman is associated with a number of unfavorable aspects. Pregnancy and a chlorine pool is one of them, which often becomes a subject of concern and uncertainty for expectant mothers.

Chlorine, as bleach is called, is used to destroy all kinds of pathogenic bacteria in water and prevent the spread of diseases. Chlorination of swimming pool water has been a common disinfection practice for decades, and negative consequences its application has never been widespread. This, however, should not serve as a reason to consider this remedy completely harmless. On the contrary, the insidiousness of bleach lies precisely in the fact that its harmful effects begin to become actual only as they accumulate in the human body.

When a pregnant woman swims in water containing chlorine, bleach is absorbed by the skin, and in any case, some amount of it is passed from the mother’s body to the child. During the process of gradual evaporation of bleach, chlorine gas is released, and when it is inhaled (and if you smell chlorine, it means there is its presence in the air), poisoning occurs for both the pregnant woman and the fetus. In small doses, this gas does not pose a significant danger, but over time its cumulative effect can have a negative effect.

Researchers from Belgium claim that if a woman carrying a child visits an indoor pool with chlorine water at least once a week, the harm to the fetus can be compared to that of regular smoking for an adult. In addition, there is an opinion that exposure to bleach makes a child more at risk of developing allergies and asthma. According to other experts in the field of pulmonary diseases, this connection is not obvious.

Be that as it may, such a combination as pregnancy and a swimming pool with chlorine poses the threat of at least dryness and irritation, allergic reactions on the skin of the expectant mother, and for the baby this can be fraught with a future tendency to allergies, the development of asthma and other systemic diseases breathing. Therefore, it is better to opt for those pools in which the water is purified in a different way, without the use of chlorine. Fortunately, today you can find enough of them to choose the most suitable one.

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Swimming is beneficial at any age. Women during pregnancy, when sports physical activity is contraindicated, can also benefit from water procedures.

Benefits of swimming

Pregnant women in the third trimester feel heavy and clumsy “on land”. That's why swimming for pregnant women- This is a way to feel light and be in a weightless state.

Water relieves tension in the body, muscles stretch easier, and fatigue goes away.

The upcoming birth is a burden on the body and its muscular system. Swimming exercises all the muscles in the body, thus preparing it for childbirth. The expectant mother will become strong and resilient, which will definitely help her during the birth of her child.

Immersing yourself in water is a very convenient way to exercise for tension and relaxation. This way the woman can rehearse contractions. When the skill is brought to automatism, the body itself will know how to give birth correctly.

You can go to the pool at any stage of pregnancy. Swimming during pregnancy will only bring benefits.

It is no coincidence that many maternity hospitals provide the possibility of water birth. Many people believe that contractions are easier to endure in water.


Of course, there are contraindications. But they are most often associated with the woman’s health condition. If there is a possibility of miscarriage and the expectant mother is prescribed bed rest, then naturally swimming will be prohibited. In any case, this issue is resolved with the doctor, only he gives a certificate allowing you to visit the pool.


Under the guidance of an experienced instructor, a woman can practice different exercises in the water. Here it is necessary to clarify that we are not talking about timed and speed swimming, but about tonic training that helps strengthen the body.

Complex water exercises can be performed even by women who cannot swim. There are known cases when a girl is pregnant. This is very encouraging for expectant mothers. They overcome an important milestone and become stronger not only physically, but also mentally. After overcoming yourself, thoughts about future childbirth are more confident and positive. This confidence translates into the ability to maintain composure during the birth of your baby.

Swimming and pregnancy can bring mental comfort to a woman. The expectant mother finds herself in a group of like-minded people when she visits the pool.

Diving during pregnancy

Diving is of great benefit before childbirth. Statistics on Japanese births show that babies born to diving mothers are born incredibly healthy and physically strong. This is not surprising, because during diving a woman holds her breath for a long time. It turns out to be a kind of breathing exercises. Such breathing exercises You can do it outside the pool, but it’s easier to do it in water, and besides, there is also physical activity that brings benefits.

Swimming is beneficial not only for a woman, but also for her baby. The upcoming birth is stressful for the baby; during birth, he will experience oxygen starvation. Therefore, breathing exercises with air retention train not only the mother, but also the baby. And if you think about it, the baby also swims, because inside the fetus it is in an aquatic environment.

What's the best way to swim?

As a recommendation, pregnant women are advised to choose crawl and breaststroke. very useful, it trains the muscles of the perineum, makes the leg muscles more elastic. It is undesirable because it is a very energy-consuming and “heavy” type of swimming. Also contraindicated. The reason is that the baby in this state will put pressure on circulatory system moms. But any of the available swimming styles gently trains the abdominal muscles.

Mom, being in the last weeks of pregnancy, experiences enormous stress on her body. The entire musculoskeletal system and spine carry extra pounds in the abdomen. Water is the most affordable way reduce the load. Due to its density, which approaches the density indicator human body, water helps you feel the state of weightlessness and forget about gravity.

You can go swimming long before conceiving a child. In any case, water procedures will be beneficial. It is worth paying attention to your bad habits. If a woman smokes, overeats, drinks alcohol, then pregnancy should become a powerful incentive to say goodbye to these habits.

Where can you swim

Water procedures are possible not only in the pool, but also in natural reservoirs. To be on the safe side, it is better to take a couple of friends with you, or go swimming where there are lifeguards. In pregnant women last stages Leg cramps may occur during pregnancy. Therefore, do not swim far or swim in deep places.

In addition, the water can be cold, for example, in mountain rivers. Do not go into the water if you can’t see the bottom or if everything is overgrown with algae. The best option: go no higher than your waist into the water. But the most ideal option is swimming in a pool with sea water. Salt, which is added to such water, disinfects everything around. This water contains a little chlorine, which makes bathing safer for your child.

If a woman has seen a doctor and he has not given any contraindications for swimming, you can begin choosing a suitable pool. There must be a gynecologist among the pool workers, the pool must be clean, and entry into the water must be safe and convenient. If all requirements are met, swimming will bring only benefit and joy to a woman.


Every woman expecting a baby strives to spend this period with maximum benefit for herself and the unborn child. During pregnancy, it is necessary not only to keep the body in shape, but also to prepare it for childbirth.

In this article we will dwell in more detail on swimming for pregnant women, its impact on different dates, and also provide useful practical tips.

Is it possible to swim in the pool during pregnancy?

According to medical experts, swimming is one one of the most gentle types of physical activity, which is important for the body of a pregnant woman. When exercising in water, the load on the body is evenly distributed, and almost all muscle groups are involved. The intensity of training is adjusted to the best of individual capabilities - from simple swims over short distances to training complexes exercises.

Swimming during pregnancy - pros and cons

Like any other physical activity, going to the pool during pregnancy can have useful action, as well as harm the health of the mother and child. Let's look at the main arguments that should be used when deciding to purchase a subscription.

The following indicators speak in favor of swimming in the pool:

  • Strengthening muscle tone and the body as a whole. At the same time, during training the body receives moderate loads - what is needed during pregnancy.
  • Relieving stress on the spine. Pregnant women who often experience back pain and shoulder girdle, feel significant relief as a result of training.
  • Strengthening the cardiovascular and nervous systems, as well as developing the respiratory muscles during swimming, allows you to effectively prepare for childbirth.
  • Increasing general immunity.
  • Decrease in the level of general and muscle tension due to the relaxing and massage effect water.
  • Feeling of moral satisfaction and a surge of strength after training.

Among the negative factors are individual contraindications to swimming during pregnancy, the risk of contracting an infectious disease and the negative impact of reagents used in water purification. With a careful approach to choosing a pool, two out of three potential problems can be eliminated.

Swimming in a chlorinated pool

Doctors' opinions on the question of whether pregnant women can swim in a pool with chlorine are divided.

On the one hand, doctors are clearly against pregnant women visiting chlorinated swimming pools. Chlorine, being a toxic substance, can enter the body through the skin. And also a certain amount of released vapors penetrates through the respiratory tract. Research by some scientists in this area has revealed the risks of further manifestations of allergic reactions and asthma in a child.

On the other hand, there is an alternative point of view - the chlorine content in public swimming pools is not so high as to cause harm to health, and the benefits of its use are disproportionately great. Bathers can be confident that the environment is clean and harmless (from the point of view of bacteria).

Despite the differing opinions of experts, pregnant women are still recommended to give preference to swimming pools using alternative water purification systems. If there are none in your city, before starting classes, consult with your doctor to exclude contraindications associated with the use of chlorine in the pool.


In some cases, you should avoid visiting the pool to avoid complications during pregnancy. The main contraindications may be:

  • Pronounced toxicosis. Being in the water is dangerous because... possible sharp decline blood pressure and deterioration of general condition.
  • Presence of inflammatory diseases. In cool water there is a high probability of exacerbation of hidden and mildly expressed inflammatory processes.
  • Cramps that accompany pregnancy may intensify during prolonged exposure to water.
  • Miscarriages and premature births in the past. In this case, doctors contraindicate swimming among many physical activities, so as not to provoke a change in the tone of the uterus.
  • other pregnancy disorders - bleeding, polyhydramnios, etc.

If one of the above signs is detected, it is recommended to visit the pool only after the approval of the gynecologist.

Swimming in the first, second and third trimester of pregnancy

In the first 12 weeks, doctors do not recommend visiting the pool. This is due to the fact that the mucus plug, which prevents pathogens from entering the cervix, is just beginning to form. During this period, the risk of exposing the fetus to infectious pathogens is highest.

Starting from the second trimester, swimming can be done in the absence of contraindications until the 36th week of pregnancy. At the end of the third trimester, the mucus plug begins to peel off, opening the canal again. The risk of bacterial infection increases again.

Exercises for pregnant women in the pool

Water exercises for pregnant women involve three types of loads:

  • swimming;
  • immersion;
  • aerobics.

A classic activity in the pool is swimming. One of the best technicians swimming for women in this position is rightfully considered the crawl. Doctors recommend monitoring your breathing; it should be even and calm. If necessary, you should take short breaks to relax.

Diving means diving under water and holding your breath for a short time. Such training strengthens many body systems and allows you to effectively prepare for childbirth.

Water aerobics classes in specialized groups for pregnant women train endurance and help improve muscle tone and elasticity. The complex also includes breathing exercises. The whole process takes place under the supervision of a trainer.

You can do exercises in the pool yourself. Below is one of the options for training in water, applicable in the second and third trimester:

  1. Starting position – standing, shoulders straightened. Jumping up at the same time left leg is thrown forward, the right one is thrown back. Hands work in the opposite direction. Switch sides after a few reps.
  2. Starting position – lying on your back (you can use support devices), legs extended along the surface of the water. The exercise consists of bending your knees and spreading them apart until your feet touch each other.
  3. Exercise “bicycle” at the side of the pool.
  4. Breathing exercise - inhale above the water and exhale very long into the water.
  5. Exercise “float” - clasp your knees with your hands and hold your breath under water. Exhale slowly into the water.
  6. Swing your legs while holding onto the side. Movements forward-backward, left-right, circular.

The set of exercises can be more varied and depends on physical capabilities and well-being.

What to consider when swimming

  • Be careful when choosing the shoes you will wear in the pool. Swimming shoes with rubberized sole will help you avoid falls on slippery tiles.
  • Avoid visiting the pool during peak hours. Choose a morning class time or a specialized group for pregnant women with a limited number of participants.
  • Reception food before the pool - no later than 1.5 hours before classes. At the same time, swimming on an empty stomach also negatively affects your overall well-being.
  • You need to enter the water gradually, getting used to the water temperature.
  • To avoid fatigue, do not stay in the water for too long. The optimal load is considered to be a bathing session of 30 minutes a day, 2-3 times a week.
  • After water procedures, it is not recommended to stay in a wet swimsuit for a long time. Before going outside, dry your hair thoroughly with a hairdryer.
  • During classes active exercises in water, you should choose a pool with additional safety measures. Additional handrails along the sides will help you stay steady when your health worsens under load.

Whatever the choice of activities when visiting the pool, the main thing is to enjoy the process. And the recommendations given will help make classes safe and beneficial for the health of the expectant mother and her baby.

A swimming pool for pregnant women is a real panacea, recommended by obstetricians and doctors. Numerous experiments have shown that lack of mobility poses a serious threat during pregnancy. Against this background, toxicosis increases, the risk of miscarriage increases, and labor weakens. Therefore, it’s time to get off the couch and take charge of your own health. This is best done during water aerobics classes.

2 diving;

3 swimming.

Let's look at each of them separately.

The goal of water aerobics classes is to maintain good physical shape. To do this, you must perform walking and running exercises in water, swinging your legs and arms. Mandatory exercise is stretching. Warm water helps increase the elasticity of the ligaments, which is so important in the postpartum period.

The benefits of a swimming pool during pregnancy

Complete immersion in water is a very useful procedure. It not only contributes physical development body, but also helps its psychological side. Regular diving increases the time you hold your breath, which will be useful later during pushing. It is also useful for the baby to get used to interruptions in the supply of oxygen, since this is precisely the problem that awaits him during childbirth.

Swimming for pregnant women is another important component of preparing for a significant date. In the water, the expectant mother will feel all the lightness of her own body, relax and forget about all the stress and anxiety. It is very useful to learn to relax, to feel how the water gently envelops your body.

Exercises in the swimming pool for pregnant women have undoubted benefits: they relieve the musculoskeletal system and spine, provide sufficient stress on the body, strengthen the muscles of the pelvis and chest, and increase endurance.

Visiting the pool during pregnancy. Contraindications

If we do not take into account experiments on own body and reckless training, we can say with complete confidence that water procedures are recommended for all pregnant women. However, your doctor should be aware of your water aerobics activities. He, better than anyone, will be able to assess the balance of risk and benefit for the unborn child and the health of the mother.

Despite all its benefits, a swimming pool during pregnancy can also cause harm in certain situations. These include the following phenomena:

  • infectious diseases;
  • pain after training;
  • chronic appendicitis;
  • threat of miscarriage;
  • systemic blood diseases;
  • severe toxicosis;
  • diseases in the acute period.

Which pool should a pregnant woman go to?

You shouldn't be fanatical about water procedures. If you are in a wonderful situation, you should take care of your health and be attentive to any threats. Therefore, when choosing a pool, it is better to give preference to a “specialized” option, which is intended specifically for pregnant women. Here you will be healthier and more fun. It is desirable that the water in the pool be sea or running. Compliance with the temperature regime is mandatory. If all these requirements are met, then such a swimming pool for pregnant women will certainly be not only useful, but also a pleasant place to spend your free time.

Health and good physical shape help a woman cope more easily with the stress of pregnancy and survive childbirth. joyful event in life. However, states of toxicosis and chronic fatigue, drowsiness, malaise, and sometimes more serious health problems that often accompany the period of waiting for a baby, as a rule, deprive a woman of the opportunity to engage in her favorite sports. Tennis, aerobics, running, sports dancing are difficult loads for pregnant women. But there is a way out - doctors recommend swimming.

Water and its healing properties are beneficial for both the expectant mother and her baby. The beneficial effects of water contribute to the training of the female body: muscles are strengthened, the body is toned, it becomes possible to relax and relieve stress. Purposeful relaxation in water makes pregnancy and childbirth easier. Swimming during pregnancy in the pool is recommended for women of all stages. These classes will help the expectant mother successfully prepare for childbirth, improve her health and nervous system, improve your mood. Staying in water in combination with physical activity has a beneficial effect on the health of a pregnant woman and on the psychomotor development of the unborn baby.

The benefits of swimming during pregnancy in the pool

  • When running, jumping in many sports, a woman’s body experiences great stress, tension and shock. During the swimming process, the expectant mother does not make sudden movements - they are smooth and do not require much effort. A woman, using a special vest, can lie quietly on the water, completely relaxing all her muscles. Physical activity during swimming is regulated and alternates with rest and relaxation.
  • Water has a healing effect on tired joints and muscles of a pregnant woman. They, like the whole body, do not overheat, but, subjected to gentle loads, are fully strengthened.
  • In the process of swimming during pregnancy in the pool, blood circulation improves, metabolism increases, the body is more actively freed from metabolic products, and body weight returns to normal.
  • Proper breathing is the basis of swimming. A woman learns to breathe deeply, and her lung capacity increases. These skills will be very useful during childbirth.
  • During pregnancy, a woman experiences great stress on the spine, muscles and veins. The buoyant force of water reduces the pressure on all systems, the expectant mother ceases to feel the weight of her body, which allows her to quickly get rid of swelling and eliminate symptoms varicose veins veins Swimming during pregnancy in the pool reduces the risk of thrombophlebitis during advanced pregnancy.
  • Regular swimming helps a pregnant woman maintain the beauty, strength and grace of her body. Studies have proven that swimming in a pool once or twice a week is superior in many cases to the effectiveness of swimming. daily workouts in the gym. To counteract the force of water, a woman needs to exert twice as much effort when moderate load for all muscle groups, which allows you to burn more than 600 kilocalories in one hour of exercise.
  • Swimming during pregnancy in the pool is a very important psychological factor. During such activities, a woman’s mood improves, her self-confidence increases due to the realization that her body is hidden under water, and she can move absolutely freely and naturally without worrying about what her temporarily changed figure looks like.
  1. You can practice swimming throughout pregnancy and until birth. In the first trimester, these activities will help you successfully cope with toxicosis; in the second, they will give you great pleasure and improve your mood. During advanced stages of pregnancy, swimming will help get rid of ailments, discomfort, heaviness and body pain.
  2. If you decide to go swimming in a pool, be sure to visit your doctor and get his permission. There are a number of contraindications for swimming in the pool during pregnancy: placenta previa, heavy vaginal discharge, threat of miscarriage, passage of the mucus plug before childbirth.
  3. Choose your swimming pool carefully. It must be clean, with good and reliable water disinfection and filtration systems. This choice is very important for swimming during pregnancy in the pool, since the weakened immunity of a pregnant woman cannot be exposed to the risks of contracting infectious diseases.
  4. Do not swim in dirty pools or open bodies of water - rivers, lakes, etc.
  5. Be careful not to dive, and avoid swallowing pool water. For the purpose of disinfection in swimming pools, chlorine is usually used in doses that are safe for the human body. However, getting chlorinated water into the mouth can cause nausea, vomiting and unnecessary worries about the health of the child in a pregnant woman.
  6. If you decide to devote your time to swimming while pregnant in the pool, take care of your safety in advance when attending such classes. Non-slip shoes will help you navigate wet floors without the fear of falling. And yet, walk around the pool area carefully, look carefully at your feet, since the balance of a pregnant woman’s body is very unstable: it is changed by a growing belly or dizziness, which, if the woman is careless, can lead to a fall and serious injury. The best support and assistance from your husband is when visiting the pool together or swimming in a group.
  7. The duration of swimming lessons during pregnancy in the pool should not exceed 40-50 minutes.
  8. Swim in a style that is comfortable for you, do not make sudden movements when using smooth movements- strokes. Avoid diving completely.
  9. Avoid overtiring. At the first feeling of fatigue, immediately complete the workout and get out of the water.
  10. After swimming, be sure to take a shower at a comfortable temperature and relax.

So, the advantages of swimming over other types of physical activity during pregnancy and at different stages of pregnancy are obvious. Swimming lessons will provide you with a decent physical fitness, will give a boost of energy and good mood for the entire period of waiting for the baby.