The skill of working with the deir chakras. Dmitry Verishchagin, Kirill Titov

Dmitry Verishchagin

Animation technique. DEIR skill system. Direction: "Working with entities and creatures"

DEIR - a system of skills for further energy-informational development of a person - is a consistent system for teaching a person the skills of energy-informational interaction with the world.

We ourselves are fundamentally composed of energy and information that direct signals in our brain and the movement of matter in our body ...

All the movement of the world at its very core is energy and information.

We, like fish in the ocean, are constantly surrounded by a single energy-information field of the Universe and are in a state of continuous energy exchange with it.

By directing energy exchange, you direct your life.

And so it is and has been since the beginning of time.

Energy Information Development Manifesto

Man is, first of all, spirit, soul and mind merged into a single living entity.

The information in us guides our energy, our energy reveals new information to us.

Man is an energy-informational being.

All our limitless possibilities begin with the conscious direction of our energy.

Each new awareness, recognition, discovery gives birth within us new way more perfect energy-informational action.

Each time, having taken a new step forward, we can say to ourselves that we are moving along the path of further energy-informational development of ourselves.

And it depends only on us how far we will go, who we will turn into and in what spaces we will live, as long as time exists in the universe, because energy is indestructible, and information is omnipresent.

We are a free part of the free spirit of our world.

General parting word

By opening this book, you get a chance to change your life forever, entering a new stage of evolution. You will discover the true causes of health, illness, deeds and human destiny.

Things that are unthinkable for ordinary people will be available to you. Do not waste your strength in vain pursuit of vain achievements. You have a great goal - the discovery of a new world and the search for your place in it.

You will gain the ability to heal, and this gift will come to everyone in their own way. Use it for good. Help selflessly.

Your soul will go through a process of strengthening, and you will be able to lead other people. Bring them light and joy, not darkness and pain.

You will no longer depend on karma and karmic illnesses. Help others achieve the same.

You will own the true tool for changing the world - faith. May your faith bring good not only to you.

You may need help to make it all the way to the end. Find it in travelers like you. Get to know each other in the crowd. Learn from each other. Remember each other.

Having ascended to a new stage of development, you will be a part of a new energy unity, a unity of free people. Give each other support. Remember each other and share energy with each other, because the price of freedom is high and sometimes beyond the power of one.

Remember us who were the first to enter the new world. We are focusing a new energetic unity for you. Contact us in difficult times, and we will come to the rescue. Contact us in a moment of prosperity, and we will be able to come to the aid of millions of others. There is no death. We will respond from beyond.

Add your rays to the light of the new energy unity.

Create a new free humanity. You deserve it.

Book one


Hello dear readers! I am glad to meet you again in the pages of this new book. I hope you are also pleased with our meeting, and I believe that you were looking forward to it. We are in the process of assimilation of the fifth stage of the Further Energy-Informational Development. I am proud that you are following this path and achieving amazing results, which is confirmed by your numerous and detailed letters received by me.

But I foresee some of your bewilderment: the technique of animating objects - what is it about? After all, it seems that we planned to talk with you on the pages of the sixth book about something else, namely: about interaction with the Higher Forces of our world, about ways of influencing reality ...

But… But the five steps of DEIR are so much and so little at the same time! And it often happens that in order to understand our capabilities, we need a hint. This book is one of those tips. By the way, we have several such auxiliary books planned for publication.

We Russians need new opportunities to get used to the difficult conditions of a free life. We really need these opportunities in order to restore the greatness of our country, so that law and order will triumph in it, and so that we finally become deservedly happy in our homeland. For the happier, which means stronger man the stronger his country.

The natural logic of events simply demanded to postpone for a while our plans for the release of a manual that continues to acquaint you with the techniques of the fifth stage, and pay attention to additional, practical areas of the DEIR skills system.

Your responses, letters that came after the publication of the fifth book, as well as numerous questions that arise among full-time course students and followers of the DEIR system, testified: before moving on to the next, higher level, you need to more reliably, thoroughly and steadily gain a foothold here, in our earthly, material world, in our everyday human life. After all, your questions all as one revolved around the same problem: we, even those who have mastered the skills of the five steps of DEIR, are not so easy to quickly learn how to apply them for everyday practical purposes. That is, you can do almost anything your heart desires, but it takes time and effort, including energy. How to be? The soul is already happy and free, but the material world puts all sorts of obstacles in our path...

Why do we experience such difficulties? Yes, because there is a huge gap between the knowledge of general laws, the possession of general skills and the possession of practical skills. It's like the difference between knowing math and knowing bookkeeping. Our practical, private skills are still insufficient - and the world still remains unfriendly to us. And it remains unfriendly to us because we ourselves did not make it friendly. So what's the problem? Gotta make it friendly! We have enough strength and skills for this.

That, in fact, is what this book is about. It will outline the topics developed within the framework of an additional direction of the DEIR system, called "Working with Essences and Creatures" (abbreviated RCC). This direction allows us to significantly expand our capabilities and strengthen our position in the material world.

So, in this book, we descend a little from heaven to earth. But do not think that it will be uninteresting and boring! I promise you a lot of amazing discoveries, exciting adventures and experiences. Do not also think that this direction is purely practical, utilitarian. We need it not only to strengthen our position on Earth, but also to advance even further and higher in our energy-informational development. So this direction is by no means a step backwards for you and me. On the contrary, only those who have mastered all the previous five (or at least four) steps of DEIR will be able to master the methods presented in the book. Because to a very large extent, what we will learn here is the practical application in earthly reality of the knowledge and skills we have already acquired.

That is how it is, but, as we have already said in the previous book, to a very large extent our material world lives according to the laws (if it can be called laws) of chaos. At least, this is how higher regularities appear at our level. And chaos is chaos. The most unforeseen situations and accidents can occur in it. In order to avoid troubles with us, it is necessary to pay attention to very many areas of our life. And attention is not always enough! After all, it is often occupied with things that seem to us much more important than these trifles and accidents. And this is what happens: we came to the market, saw something very tasty and attractive on the counter, gaped ... and the wallet was gone! We got distracted - and simply did not follow how he was taken away. And so it happens in a person's life with many important things.

Dmitry Verishchagin

Animation technique. DEIR skill system. Direction: "Working with entities and creatures"

DEIR - a system of skills for further energy-informational development of a person - is a consistent system for teaching a person the skills of energy-informational interaction with the world.

We ourselves are fundamentally composed of energy and information that direct signals in our brain and the movement of matter in our body ...

All the movement of the world at its very core is energy and information.

We, like fish in the ocean, are constantly surrounded by a single energy-information field of the Universe and are in a state of continuous energy exchange with it.

By directing energy exchange, you direct your life.

And so it is and has been since the beginning of time.

Energy Information Development Manifesto

Man is, first of all, spirit, soul and mind merged into a single living entity.

The information in us guides our energy, our energy reveals new information to us.

Man is an energy-informational being.

All our limitless possibilities begin with the conscious direction of our energy.

Each new awareness, recognition, discovery gives rise within us to a new way of a more perfect energy-information action.

Each time, having taken a new step forward, we can say to ourselves that we are moving along the path of further energy-informational development of ourselves.

And it depends only on us how far we will go, who we will turn into and in what spaces we will live, as long as time exists in the universe, because energy is indestructible, and information is omnipresent.

We are a free part of the free spirit of our world.

General parting word

By opening this book, you get a chance to change your life forever, entering a new stage of evolution. You will discover the true causes of health, illness, deeds and human destiny.

Things that are unthinkable for ordinary people will be available to you. Do not waste your strength in vain pursuit of vain achievements. You have a great goal - the discovery of a new world and the search for your place in it.

You will gain the ability to heal, and this gift will come to everyone in their own way. Use it for good. Help selflessly.

Your soul will go through a process of strengthening, and you will be able to lead other people. Bring them light and joy, not darkness and pain.

You will no longer depend on karma and karmic illnesses. Help others achieve the same.

You will own the true tool for changing the world - faith. May your faith bring good not only to you.

You may need help to make it all the way to the end. Find it in travelers like you. Get to know each other in the crowd. Learn from each other. Remember each other.

Having ascended to a new stage of development, you will be a part of a new energy unity, a unity of free people. Give each other support. Remember each other and share energy with each other, because the price of freedom is high and sometimes beyond the power of one.

Remember us who were the first to enter the new world. We are focusing a new energetic unity for you. Contact us in difficult times, and we will come to the rescue. Contact us in a moment of prosperity, and we will be able to come to the aid of millions of others. There is no death. We will respond from beyond.

Add your rays to the light of the new energy unity.

Create a new free humanity. You deserve it.

Book one


Hello dear readers! I am glad to meet you again in the pages of this new book. I hope you are also pleased with our meeting, and I believe that you were looking forward to it. We are in the process of assimilation of the fifth stage of the Further Energy-Informational Development. I am proud that you are following this path and achieving amazing results, which is confirmed by your numerous and detailed letters received by me.

But I foresee some of your bewilderment: the technique of animating objects - what is it about? After all, it seems that we planned to talk with you on the pages of the sixth book about something else, namely: about interaction with the Higher Forces of our world, about ways of influencing reality ...

But… But the five steps of DEIR are so much and so little at the same time! And it often happens that in order to understand our capabilities, we need a hint. This book is one of those tips. By the way, we have several such auxiliary books planned for publication.

We Russians need new opportunities to get used to the difficult conditions of a free life. We really need these opportunities in order to restore the greatness of our country, so that law and order will triumph in it, and so that we finally become deservedly happy in our homeland. For the happier, and therefore stronger the person, the stronger his country.

The natural logic of events simply demanded to postpone for a while our plans for the release of a manual that continues to acquaint you with the techniques of the fifth stage, and pay attention to additional, practical areas of the DEIR skills system.

Your responses, letters that came after the publication of the fifth book, as well as numerous questions that arise among full-time course students and followers of the DEIR system, testified: before moving on to the next, higher level, you need to more reliably, thoroughly and steadily gain a foothold here, in our earthly, material world, in our everyday human life. After all, your questions all as one revolved around the same problem: we, even those who have mastered the skills of the five steps of DEIR, are not so easy to quickly learn how to apply them for everyday practical purposes. That is, you can do almost anything your heart desires, but it takes time and effort, including energy. How to be? The soul is already happy and free, but the material world puts all sorts of obstacles in our path...

Why do we experience such difficulties? Yes, because there is a huge gap between the knowledge of general laws, the possession of general skills and the possession of practical skills. It's like the difference between knowing math and knowing bookkeeping. Our practical, private skills are still insufficient - and the world still remains unfriendly to us. And it remains unfriendly to us because we ourselves did not make it friendly. So what's the problem? Gotta make it friendly! We have enough strength and skills for this.

That, in fact, is what this book is about. It will outline the topics developed within the framework of an additional direction of the DEIR system, called "Working with Essences and Creatures" (abbreviated RCC). This direction allows us to significantly expand our capabilities and strengthen our position in the material world.

So, in this book, we descend a little from heaven to earth. But do not think that it will be uninteresting and boring! I promise you a lot of amazing discoveries, exciting adventures and experiences. Do not also think that this direction is purely practical, utilitarian. We need it not only to strengthen our position on Earth, but also to advance even further and higher in our energy-informational development. So this direction is by no means a step backwards for you and me. On the contrary, only those who have mastered all the previous five (or at least four) steps of DEIR will be able to master the methods presented in the book. Because to a very large extent, what we will learn here is the practical application in earthly reality of the knowledge and skills we have already acquired.

Additions to background classes.

  1. Task: without delving into far-reaching matters, to supplement each background lesson with approximately 30-45 minutes of useful practical aspect (goes at the beginning) - that is, background for every day. Do not choose - but simply give in order, depending on the date of the lesson (if background topics for different levels go in parallel, then the same additional topic goes accordingly)! Prepare for each lesson on your own, after consulting with the organizer (club director) before starting and making a summary and a copy of it in the archive of the branch.
  2. Introductory: each topic is preceded by an introductory lecture for 20-25 minutes, important parts of the outline of which are presented, for each such lesson it is MANDATORY to prepare and provide lectures with ACTUAL examples from life and history. Mandatory: when compiling an introductory note, the examples and images contain visual, auditory and kinesthetic associations.
  3. The exercises themselves: since only the cores of the techniques are given (technique 2-3, no longer necessary), supplement them with words, working texts (it is especially important that you have the “bricks” of texts by steps, but do the text of the background lesson in advance) and the circumstances will have to you on your own. In doing so, note that you must give the participants a clear understanding of the result of a successfully completed exercise - and draw a conclusion about the practical application of this result. If the exercise should bring results not within the walls of the club, but later, then describe what result should be expected.
  4. Conclusion: in conclusion, rehearse the results, using all three modalities (audio, visual, kinesthetic). If techniques are ambiguous in terms of capabilities, then mention that it is better to supplement inner world and the behavior of others, and not to remake them - that is, this is an aspect of creation. And on a light note - a break and a transition to the background ones. Naturally, if the School has a similar seminar, then mention it.
  5. Reminder: Techniques are taught in class only. No "let's repeat, because I was not there, but we are interested." Topics should be known in advance. The distribution of techniques outside of classes is prohibited according to the order of the School.


  1. It is useful to carry out the initial buildups of the background (ET fluxes and saturation) at the beginning of this part of the lesson.
  2. "st". - technique after 4. (sometimes after 3). Just determine what to give - depending on the group and its preparation. Don't run ahead of the steps. No need.
  3. It is not allowed to independently supplement classes with techniques without agreement. Express yourself in the introduction and conclusion. Unauthorized insertion into the techniques of some kind of Merkaba or other inductive abracadabra will be considered as a possible argument for termination of employment. Any technical additions (although, since the classes are one-time, there is no particular need for this) must be agreed via the Internet (by letter, private message on TKB or publication by the organizer in the appropriate section.)
  4. Admission - senior consultant - or under the responsibility of a senior consultant. In his absence - under the responsibility of the organizer (his signature on the preparatory notes).
  5. Another very important place where mistakes are often made is the explanation of the exercise before the participants do it. Clearly imagine the beginning of the exercise, the actions during the exercise, including non-verbal, the results (recorded information). Each step must be clearly explained - how we do it, what we do, and what we celebrate - otherwise it turns out to be a mess in our heads and actions.
  6. Yes! Often I do not mention that the eyes need to be closed - so keep in mind: unless otherwise stated, then the eyes are closed!

01.08 Do not get drunk, do not feel caffeine, do not get poisoned (c) DEIR School, 2002

introductory. Parties, friends, yes, just life itself. Sometimes, for example, you want to drink coffee - but there is already too much caffeine. You can repel a chemical attack, and just enjoy a delicious drink.

Techniques. 1. Move the food taken down a little and keep it in the stomach, and only after an hour begin to move it down (into the intestines). 2. Take an unpleasant state, become it (identification with sensation), and then open it to the wind, water - anything moving, so that the state will take away (note - after this you will need to sleep)

Exercise - take coffee, take a sip, feel the exciting effect, let the air carry it away.

Conclusion. This works especially well with alcohol - just remember that this method does not destroy Chemical substance, but simply stretches its action in time space.

02.08 How to adopt an image that is most pleasant for the interlocutor (c) DEIR School, 2002

introductory. Often a person does not even address you at all. And in general, the result of negotiations depends on how he perceives you.

Techniques. 1. Listen to how a person addresses you: there will be words that indicate your image in his eyes. “Listen” (the image of someone listening), “see” (the image of someone carefully peering), “you must” (the image of a person performing a duty), “need” (the image of a person preoccupied with a task). We accept the internally necessary state, create an energetic connection with the interlocutor - and then ask him about the impression (as if he was talking to a long-term acquaintance and a very pleasant person). 2st. As the conversation progresses, we listen to the consciousness of the interlocutor (3st), catch the images and slowly begin to give ourselves features and facial expressions that correspond to the expected qualities (it is enough to feel a new face energetically saturated). The effect is the same, but much stronger.

Exercise in pairs: one tells something, the other just listens (story 1), takes on a face that contradicts expectations (story 2), takes on the desired face (story 3). impressions are compared.

Conclusion. You yourself understand the advantages of the method.

03.08 Convert negative to positive(c) DEIR School, 2002

introductory. It is necessary, but also simple: after all, any negative is energy, and by changing its emotional symmetry, we get a completely digestible and healthy dish. And the symmetry is easy to change by dragging the negative through a point (to explain the change in symmetry when dragging through the zero dimension).

Techniques. 1. We feel negative. Having strengthened the VP, we bring it out. We form a point between ourselves and the clot. We drag a clot through it and absorb it. We observe a surge of pleasant emotions and energy. (just work with the negative that is relevant for the listener at the moment) 2. Form a dot in front of the shell. The partner begins to drive the negative - we are completely covered, directing all energy sources from the outside through the point. We are seeing a surge of positivity.

Conclusion. By the way, this is a very good shield in aggressive conditions.

04.08 *How to check the direction for a person(c) DEIR School, 2002

introductory. We get lost, we get lost, we find ourselves. A person can be found at a distance. You can locate a person.

Techniques. 1. We strengthen the EP - and direct it to the partner from the chest chakra / solar plexus (they made an arrow there; for the elders - they did not forget to make the chakra). We pay attention to our own sensations in the solar plexus area. There is a kind of backwater - a feeling of back pressure. Now we represent in place of your partner Boris Berezovsky (or Zhirinovsky, or there the Pope of Rome J). But we direct energy to the place occupied by the partner in space. We pay attention to the fact that the energy immediately begins to leave, dissipate in space. Again sent to a partner - again there was a backwater.

Conclusion. Works at any distance and with any object. Is there a bus on the highway, where is your friend, where is the settlement .... Space for imagination.

introductory. Sometimes our actions are really inadequate to the situation and doomed. But it's one thing to get full program, and the other is to recognize it in time and so that the circumstances themselves contribute to the timely disclosure of the situation - after all, then it is not even perceived as a failure ... it’s just that the circumstances have changed. It is quite easy to do this - you just need to ensure sufficient energy saturation of the circumstances.

Techniques. 1. We take a situation - of course, any situation consists of you and the people participating in it. We establish contact with these people and begin to pump up energy - just a lot, to the limit. Now the situation will either begin to rapidly unfold in your direction, or rapidly collapse. 2. For other people - only this needs to be updated - a ball is simply created, a cocoon around this person. In this situation, the circumstances around him will begin to be resolved much faster.

Exercise: two people, several objects between them. The experimenter (to himself) outlines one of the objects that the partner should not take. When he takes it, it will be considered a failure. The partner begins to take items one at a time (so that one day he will reach). It is noted when he took the item. Now an energy connection with a partner is being established and strengthened. The subject is assigned to another. It is noted that the partner takes the item faster.

Conclusion. Naturally, the situation can be slowed down - due to the selection of energy.

06.08 *Attract the attention of the opposite sex(c) DEIR School, 2002

introductory. Everything is just simple here - despite the fact that all personalities are advanced, etc., communication between the sexes is built on a fairly ancient basis, tested by nature. Energetically, accordingly, the lower chakras are primarily involved (well, here you can use fragments of a psychological text.

Techniques. 1. Exercise on heterosexual couples. They talk, noting the starting level of attractiveness of the interlocutor. Now we strengthen the CPU - we direct them to the partner from the lower chakras - to the lower chakras. We feel the emerging feedback- and we begin to strengthen it. The partner notes the change in perception. 2. Remote option - without any conversation, the same technique is performed, pay special attention to disperse the partner's flows in the zone of the lower chakras. We register the effect (yes, just ask how the partner felt).

Conclusion. It's clear.

07.08 Control territory (c) DEIR School, 2002

introductory. Supervision of children, control of what is happening in the apartment, at work. Sometimes it is necessary.

Techniques. 1. Strengthened the CPU, pumped the ET a little. We begin to increase the ET in the head area - the eye-ear zone (like the brim of a hat) is of particular interest - we cover the desired territory with this formation, like a veil. We note how all, even small, movements of colleagues are felt. We carried out a reduction of consciousness to the point YE (upper point YE), with a slight pumping of the EP, we increase it so that it covers the area we need. The effect is the same - only less energy is spent.

Conclusion. In general, control of the territory is a method that helps to focus and give more attention to the task being performed. Important, necessary and convenient.

08.08 Remove induction (c) DEIR School, 2002

introductory. Induction is the scourge of modernity, and not only. The main misfortune of a non-specialist, a person of everyday psychology - and the main misfortune of a person who is actively interested in a field of knowledge that is still unknown to him.

Techniques. 1. Being in an energetic connection with the inductor, we strengthen the CPU a little and register the structures that have been activated in our own etheric body and affected by the inductor. We saturate them with energy a little, roll them into a clot and bring them out through the eyes (the rustic version - through the mouth, “spitting out” towards the inductor). The negative remains with the inductor. - We simply unite with the inductor point YE and broadcast to him your impressions of his words, preferably with amplification. Same effect.

Exercise: the partner tries to induce the experimenter (according to karma, according to personal characteristics, well, as usual) - the experimenter fights back.

Conclusion. In general, when talking with a stranger, you always need to control the induction component. This will help to avoid problems and troubles. Save time, energy and health.

09.08 *Get news(c) DEIR School, 2002

introductory. When life is boring, when there is not enough information, when you need at least a sip fresh air- then this method will help.

Techniques. 1. We formulate a question. We saturate a large, very large ball with it, pumping it energetically as soon as possible (bright, hot, heavy, elastic). We place the ball near ourselves (you can “stick” it to the outer part of the shell). Soon someone will tell you what you want to hear, involuntarily trying to gather energy. 2. We just make a ball (again, very large and very saturated) and release it outside, keeping in touch with it. Soon someone will appear with news - this or that.

Exercise (only 1 each): we talk with a partner, decide which moment the partner should reveal in more detail, perform the technique, track how the conversation enters the ground that interests you.

Conclusion. It's great to live when no-no yes and a bell rings or in an overheard conversation slips the information that you need to complete your mental picture ...

10.08 * Relieve stress(c) DEIR School, 2002

introductory. In the evening, or just when the tension is high but not needed yet, or just to get a breather.

Techniques. 1. Strengthen the flows to the limit. We feel the tension of the body as uncomfortable energy structures, bring them outside, discard them. We feel the tension of the psyche, as an additional concentration of flows in the virtual space - we bring it out - we discard it. Now the flows can be strengthened even more - and evenly fill your ET. Now we slowly reset the flows, and with this reset, the voltage goes away.

Conclusion. The absence of tension in ET and FT is an important condition for correct and consistent problem solving. If it's not easy for you to think, for example, use this method.

11.08 Make a person hear what he wants (c) DEIR School, 2002

introductory. Here the person will hear your words, but it will seem to him that they illustrate and confirm his position.

Techniques. 1. We unite with a person according to Vishuddha (we made a chakra, if necessary). We are starting to energize. We speak with a lower voice and a little pressure (as in the phrase “how about!”), Accompanying our words with increased energy. 2 (after 3). The second voice mode, energy supply to Vishuddha, distraction of attention.

The exercise is paired, the partners are talking, the subject seeks the consent of the experimenter, the experimenter expresses a different opinion. When performing an energy technique, the subject notes that the experimenter begins to agree with his opinion.

Conclusion. You understand that communication is an imprecise thing. Both correctly understood things and misunderstood things are useful in it - the main thing is that they are under your control. A chic method to remove conflicts and calm people ...

12.08 *Correct the image in front of the mirror(c) DEIR School, 2002

introductory. Sometimes, of course, this is necessary. To seem a little more attractive, a little more impressive, a little prettier, a little like someone else ... It's quite easy to do - because the soup is easily modified.

Techniques. 1. Strengthened the CPU. They sent them to the face. We begin to work as a sculptor, the rule is - where there is more flow, that area seems larger and is perceived brighter, and vice versa. For example, the eyes - pumping will enhance their color and slightly increase. We remove the flow from the ears - they are perceived weaker. We form a kind of energy mask. We remember it and fix it by adding NP. 2 (after 3). The same + We form an image that we would like the interlocutor to perceive, impose reflections in the mirror on the face under control, fix the NP.

Conclusion. How the interlocutor perceives you is the most important thing. Using this technique, you can greatly expand your social range.

13.08 Remove awkwardness, shyness and uncertainty (c) DEIR School, 2002

introductory. The feeling of awkwardness is, in general, the feeling of a non-existent phenomenon. Awkwardness is not what others see or perceive, but what you yourself feel or are afraid to feel. Sometimes you have to deal with it, especially if you are a shy person. Energy methods will help to do this - after all, the whole problem of awkwardness - is in the continuous revision of the scheme of action by consciousness. It's kind of like a mental stutter. By isolating the pattern of behavior energetically and not concentrating on it anymore, this problem can be overcome.

Techniques. 1. Felt the desired pattern of behavior. Created its layout in sensation. Saturated the CPU (with their preliminary amplification). Energetically energized. Immersed in ET, spliced ​​with it with increased flows. Reduce CPU before action. 2.(after 2). The same + scrolled through the scheme of action in the VIP, felt the interfering elements, isolated these sensations and threw them out of the ET, after which At once pumped the body of the CPU to the uniformity of sensations. Before action, reduce the level of CPU in the body.

Pair exercise - the experimenter chooses an embarrassing question or action for the experimental subject, performs a technique, performs an action or asks a question. It is best to conduct meditation first for one half of the group (experimenters 1), then for the other (former subjects).

Conclusion. The social benefits are obvious.

14.08 *Make your smell attractive(c) DEIR School, 2002

introductory. Few people know that a person actually perceives smells very well - he is simply aware of them to a much lesser extent than, for example, dogs. But smell is very important in social relationships. Half of the cases of instinctively emerging trust or dislike is determined by the smell of the interlocutor. But it can also be made attractive by default - thus replenishing your arsenal with a powerful tool.

Techniques. 1. Smell your own scent. This is not something that really feels like a smell - this is a change in the air that appears when the back of the hand is close to the face (we compared the smell from the window and the perception of air in 15 centimeters from the hand). It's just a certain warmth, saturation of the air. They remembered the smell - they closed their eyes - they strengthened the CPU - they saturated their sensation of this smell with the energy of the VP - they surrounded themselves with this cloud - they opened their eyes. 2 (after 3). The same + added the necessary sensations (fear, anxiety, desire, joy) to the sensation.

The partner reports his impressions.

Conclusion. The older the channel for receiving the signal, the less it is realized and the more the psyche depends on it. They shouldn't be neglected.

15.08 Force to keep a distance (c) DEIR School, 2002

introductory. It is necessary - well, at least in transport, at least on the beach, at least at the company, in order to avoid familiarity.

Techniques. 1. CPU boost. Expanding the boundaries of the etheric body from the front due to the EP - stabilization of the structure due to the NP. NP pumping - so that the VP shield simply “rings”. 2 (after 2) Same with modification: the shield is created from the program (“they are removed”). 3. (after 3) The same + a clot is added to the shield, made when planting a bad design into the ball (action intention + negative desire)

Exercise: in pairs of conversation modeling - it is noted that the partner reflexively takes a long distance.

Conclusion. Instinctively maintaining distance is part of charismatic behavior.

16.08 * Make a person turn around (c) DEIR School, 2002

introductory. Well, sometimes you need to just reach out to the person you see, but you’re too lazy to shout or you can’t turn.

Techniques. 1. We strengthened the CPU a little pumped up the ET, especially the arm, extended the arm of the ET, closed it directly on the channel of the partner’s CPU (like on a tree trunk) - moved it until the sensation of the strongest contact was reached - began to increase the contact - the target became worried and turned its head. 2 (after 3) - the same for the active chakra. Can be combined with simultaneous translation of action intent.

Exercise in pairs - the experimenter asks the subject several times, influencing him with one of the questions. Observes a pronounced orienting reaction.

Conclusion. This part of the influence helps to significantly save words and keep people's attention when communicating.

17.08 Reserve time and effort for an emergency (c) DEIR School, 2002

introductory. However, sometimes it is necessary. Good to have with you. After all, time is a subjective thing for a person, and in order for it to become, as it were, more, you just need to have speed and high clarity.

Techniques. 1. Strengthen the EP - to the limit - slightly increase the NP - a feeling of acceleration, excitement begins to appear - we form a clot from this energy - hard, dense, fast - reduce it to the size of a cherry - hide it somewhere in the body (it can be like a capsule with poison - in the tooth;) - reduce the level of flows. When using, crush this ball and direct all the released energy to the area from the base of the skull to the Ajna chakra.

Exercise - a technique is performed, a mathematical exercise is offered (or just read a page of text)

Conclusion. You should always have an ace up your sleeve.

18.08 Duplicate of the ethereal body - the atmosphere in the house and the removal of attacks (c) DEIR School, 2002

introductory. Reception is convenient in that it allows you to maintain stability without requiring significant effort. After all, the atmosphere in the house - and the potential direction of influence is aimed at energy center. On the other hand, it is completely uninteresting to support very much high level energy is inconvenient. You can make such a center just like that. It doesn't have to be related to you.

Techniques. 1. We strengthen the flows - we pump up the ET to the limit - we take it one step forward - by a sharp increase in the flows and turn to the side we interrupt the connection with it, instructing us to fill the physical body with energy (thus growing the second ethereal) - we transfer the spare ET to the right place (just ethereal rearrange by hand). 2st the same + the connection will break + 3 steps or 2 steps each, as in programs for luck and luck, add a program for what this body should do.

Exercise - the experimenter performs the exercise, the subject enters into a conversation with him, tracking the energy exchange - and observes that the exchange is somehow established with a slightly different region of space.

Conclusion. You will soon notice that you can evade the most powerful influences and, in general, you can work like a transistor, which, due to a slight voltage, redirects more powerful energy flows.

19.08 How to make an object attractive(c) DEIR School, 2002

introductory. It is suitable for a \ gift, for a product ... but you never know what else.

Techniques. 1. We made a ball - saturated it, in addition to energy, with our feelings of warmth, joy, contentment, peace. We place the ball on the object. 2 (2st) - added a program for efficiency - that the subject is taken in hand. 3 (3st) + intention of action with a positive desire.

Exercise - how many objects, the experimenter charges one, the subject evaluates the attractiveness

Conclusion. It is worth remembering that energy saturation is always attracting attention.

20.08 Feel the danger(c) DEIR School, 2002

introductory. Any person is useful flair. For danger, for surprise, for chance. There are many examples in history how the course of events changed only thanks to intuition.

Techniques. 1. Slightly strengthened the CPU - pushed the ET border a meter forward, a meter back, a meter on the sides. Saturate this VP extension. 2st. +Created a link between the virtual space and this extension.

Exercise: the partner must reach out and touch the protection zone. The task of the experimenter is to predict which area the partner is going to touch. Only the partner is used here as just a random event source - so don't climb him with intent!!!

Conclusion. When you feel something, listen to your feelings. Better to be overdressed than underdressed.

21.08 * Maintain the health of another(c) DEIR School, 2002

introductory. Obviously.

Techniques. 1. We strengthen the flows - we go outside into the ET - we unite our ET with a partner - we feel where there is a drop in energy and pump up weak points, and then all the ET. - also add energy to the VIP partner.

Exercise - paired - the subject evaluates the improvement in well-being.

Conclusion. It is clear - after all, our loved ones cannot always cope on their own, but they really want to help them ..

22.08 Secure the aircraft (ship) car for travel (c) DEIR School, 2002

introductory. Better to do after background. Movement is always a source of increased danger. And while moving, it is worth reducing the likelihood of surprises.

Techniques. 1. We made a ball - enlarged it as much as necessary - activated the space protector - launched it into the ball, and the ball was combined with the desired object. - we added a negative desire to the ball with the intention of action and made it a hollow sphere so that it would surround the protected object.

The exercise is a few pieces of paper, the experimenter protects one, the subject crushes everything, but for some reason the right one turns out to be less wrinkled.

Conclusion. In general, when moving, control the field.

23.08 *Provoke the desired reservation (c) DEIR School, 2002

introductory. It is convenient for a person to accidentally share his thoughts (or rather let it slip)

Techniques. 1. Strengthening the EP - focusing the EP - supplying the EP to the vishuddha of the experimental - pumping the EP. 2(3st) + attention span.

Exercise: a person talks evasively about a subject, the experimenter forms an impression about this subject using a technique.

Conclusion. A very good technique for negotiating, obtaining information about a particular subject - even if he does not directly participate in the conversation. It is worth pushing the interlocutor a little ...

24.08 Accelerate the reaction (c) DEIR School, 2002

introductory. The fastest one wins. Sometimes the rate of a reaction itself allows it to pass through difficult situation without even noticing her. For example, at work: do you think that the upstart is preparing in advance? He's just so...

Techniques. 1. Strengthening the CPU - supplying VP to the solar plexus area of ​​​​the partner - pumping, we save the connection, we perform a sharp action. 2 (3st) + starting push

Exercise - the partner gives the experimenter objects, making pauses, that is, acting spontaneously. The partner, using the technique, speeds up his reaction, about which the test subject himself informs him.

Conclusion. You will see the effects yourself - well, you can tell something from the DEIR practice ...

25.08 *Make clothes attractive(c) DEIR School, 2002

introductory. Clothing is an important social marker. It's a sin not to use it.

Techniques. 1. We strengthen the EP - we make a ball - we translate into the ball a feeling of warmth - joy - we put it on clothes. 2 (after 3) the same + positive desire with the intention of action.

Exercise: the partner evaluates the clothes (or piece of clothing) of the experimenter, then the technique is performed and he describes the impressions.

Conclusion. Fashion dandies and fashionistas ... this is not the main thing. What matters is the style. And style is the perception of clothes by others. Only and everything.

introductory. Sometimes you just need to stay calm - without spending money on defense and without mastering the situation.

Techniques. 1. A sharp weakening of the EP. 2 (after 3) the same + reduction to JE 3 (after 5) pumping out energy from the “bad” and “good” zones.

Exercise. The partner tells anecdotes and follows the reaction of the experimenter. The experimenter performs the technique and listens to the joke again. The response is weaker. The energy balance is being restored. The partner tells the joke for the third time - the reaction resumes.

Conclusion. If you just sit by the river, you will see how the corpses of your enemies float along it ...

27.08 Remove cargo years; make an older person strongerc) DEIR School, 2002

introductory. Let me just say that this is a temporary measure. But it allows you to remove the burden of the past years from a person. Especially with his psyche and well-being.

Techniques. 1. They simply pumped up the Sahasrara region with energy. 2 (after 3) - YE united - felt the volume of energy failure in the virtual space in the Sahasrara region - added energy.

Exercise. They just made each other more cheerful - and moved, evaluating the result and evaluating the reaction speed of the partner .; after 3 st - they simply called people of different ages forward so that the listeners could be convinced of the presence of a failure, and only then filling in and assessing the subjective result.

Conclusion. In my opinion, this is just what a person should do. Someday we will all be older.

28.08 Refresh taste (c) DEIR School, 2002

introductory. It is important - because our body, and especially the digestive system, depends on the taste of products, including (in general, the older the sense organ, the more we depend on it). But alas, we have eaten barbecue or bread so many times that we already perceive as a taste just a memory of it. Let's see how it is.

Techniques. 1. Take a sip of water. They pumped it out sharply, removed the energy of the CPU from the mouth. Take another sip and appreciate the change in taste. They also removed the energy - another sip.

Conclusion. It is very good for health and pleasant for life..

29.08 Make the person happy with the gift(c) DEIR School, 2002

introductory. Holidays, surprises, gifts. I want to do something nice for a loved one.

Techniques. 1. We just make a ball, saturating it with CPU energy (with a slight predominance of VP) - we grow it, increase it in size, inflating it more and more and saturate it with a feeling of joy, warmth, fun - then we compress it when pumping NP to the size of a cherry - we put it into the object. The stream will be released gradually. 2 (2 st) + in a clot a program for good luck and luck with joy as a goal 3 (3 st) + in a clot the intention of confidence and positive desire.

Exercise. We checked with the item that we hand over to the experimental subject. They gave it to hold once empty - they charged it and gave it again.

Conclusion. It's just that the gift is gradually dissolving, feeding your friend with energy.

30.08 Return to reality (c) DEIR School, 2002

introductory. It's just that often a person is lost in his own soup, and it is simply necessary to get him out.

Techniques. 1. We establish an energy connection with a person - we sharply pump out both flows - we focus his attention on ourselves - allowing him to gain energy from the external environment, and not from his own flows. 2 (3st) - + translation of the intention of revision (4st). Contact of the NE in the OP, visual control, reduction of the area of ​​the NE and focusing it in the center of the head (temporary effect in DEIR)

Exercise. The partner begins to dream out loud and evaluates the intensity of their fantasies. The technique is performed and it is observed how he begins to become more attached to reality.

Conclusion. Ordinary consciousness and ordinary subjective space is an enemy for any person. It is the egergorial space that uses it. Therefore, sometimes a person needs to be pulled out - especially when he behaves like a programmed one.

31.08 Blocking the programming influence of the media (c) DEIR School, 2002

introductory. Modern media have a powerful impact on the psyche and energy of a person - news, computer, newspapers, advertising posters, etc. These influences are of two types - programming and emotional, respectively, they use NP and EP.

Movies (thrillers, thrillers…), TV games (“who wants to become a millionaire”, “people against”, etc.), computer games (“run-shoot”), lotteries (“Russian loto”, “field of miracles”, etc. ) – VP

Give examples - a child gamer; after the news - obsessive thoughts; devastation after working at the computer, etc.

Protection is simple - to strengthen another flow, on your own or with the help of an object, or to harmonize yourself with the help of ES.

Counter Techniques:

  • Exercise - one tells a joke, the second reinforces the NP.
  • Exercise - one tells a joke, the second includes SNW.
  • Exercise - one explains something boring (for example, a refrigerator device) or talks about politics, the second strengthens the VP.
  • Exercise - one explains something boring (for example, how a refrigerator works) or talks about politics, the second includes a nuclear weapon.

Conclusion. The programming of a person from the media is constantly happening, and one must be able to deal with this influence. And controlling your CPU is easy, you can also help loved ones, so to speak, alleviate their plight.

01.09 Help to fall asleep (c) DEIR School, 2002

introductory. When stressed, sleep problems arise for loved ones, a large amount of energy has accumulated in their heads in the central parts of the brain (stem, stem parts), and this energy must be pumped out, causing a slight drop in voltage in the center of the brain. Then return it to the cerebral cortex.

Techniques. 1. Pumping out energy with hands from the projection of the center of the brain and returning it to the cerebral cortex - with a slight swaying of the field. 2. Simply energy contact through the eyes and swaying of the field in the brain. 3(st) Combination of the NE in the OP and the displacement of its NE in the lower-lateral areas.

Exercise: The experimenter induces drowsiness in the subject.

Conclusion. Control the energy state of the head of loved ones.

02.09 Remove damage (c) DEIR School, 2002

introductory. Corruption is the introduction of the creature's EI into the ET. Corruption carries elements of both VP and NP. It is set only consciously.

Location - above the shoulder, in the inner field.

Cause - a powerful change in mood (sharp negativity), obsessive thoughts, strong and persistent anxiety, despondency, hopelessness.

Your feelings - a viscous protrusion, "something" above the shoulder (s).

On vision - a dark or light clot in the inner field.

In the reference state, the place is a dark or light clot, anxious and sensitive sensations.

Counteraction - rejection (like a ball) and forcing (into a battery, stone, water); the use of constriction, or using the object (KNW).

Counter Techniques:

  • The use of constriction;
  • With the help of an object (QYAO).

Conclusion. Explain to the audience that damage is put ONLY consciously. In reality, very few people have this kind of lesion. Often used by inductors to create dependency on themselves (“You have such a huge corruption - and only I can help you”). Shooting is not difficult if you use a banner or an object from the DEIR school.

03.09 Locate (c) DEIR School, 2002

introductory. Quickly call the location of a person in business, one of the most important conditions for success. Naturally, not only in him, but also in many other areas of life - the future mother-in-law, employer, friends and parents of a loved one, etc.

Techniques. 1. We strengthen the VP. We begin to serve the interlocutor in the area of ​​​​the solar plexus. At the same time, we speed up the pace of speech a little. When the interlocutor begins to react to the energy supply (also accelerates a little, turns pink), we begin to slow down and give NP, forcing the interlocutor to follow us. So two or three cycles (the cycle is slow, several minutes, depending on the speed of the interlocutor's reaction) 2st. The same + contact YE in 3 stages and pumping the “good” zone of the test subject.

Exercise. The experimenter starts a boring and uninteresting story for the experimental subject. Subject registers his perception. The technique is then performed until the subject indicates an emerging interest.

Conclusion. Conclusion - increased social success, quick adaptation, easier than in psychology (hence - faster than NLP-you)

04.09 Don't let events mix together(c) DEIR School, 2002

introductory. Sometimes it is very important - when events, phrases, intonations follow one after another and you start to get lost. Well, yes, it can be overcome.

Techniques. 1. Strengthened the CPU - formed an energy connection with a partner or with an event (and if the situation simply implies that you are sitting like a duck on the water under all sights, then with the space around you). Task: when energy flows in, you absorb it - when it is pulled out, you give it away. 2 (4st) the same, but with the saturation of the VP VIP.

Exercise: the partner gives the experimenter objects, which he must arrange in a certain order (for example, the first letters of the name are vowels in one pile, consonants in another, or dark-light, or three piles ... whatever). The experimenter sets the rhythm and has more and more free time.

Conclusion. Emphasize the importance of this topic; in a tough competition, the winner is the one who has everything in order at the event level.

05.09 Determine area of ​​dominance.(C) DEIR SCHOOL, 2002

introductory. For what - it is clear. These are already social games: by working with the area of ​​dominance, you can subdue a person, you can cause his conflict or aggression in the right side. And, on the other hand, bypassing the area of ​​dominance, you always pass by personal contradictions. You can also talk about the psychology of dominance (well, at least one dominates on sexual patterns, and the other on socially hierarchical ones)

Techniques. 1. We establish a border with a partner - we clearly focus on the border itself. Your partner starts the conversation by trying to tell you what they think you should and shouldn't do in class. In this case, the boundary shifts, one area will react especially strongly. Accordingly, by squeezing this zone, you subdue it; by acting higher or lower, you bypass it; by holding back, you maintain the status.

Conclusion. Confirmation of significance + 2-3 examples.

06.09 Increase the memorability of any information. (c) DEIR School, 2002

introductory. Improving the quality of memorized information, followed by quick and clear activation - exams, professional certification, lawyer in court, lawyer-necessary articles, etc.

Techniques. 1. We strengthen the CPU We pump energy into the source of information. We stop the CPU. We load the information, at the same time slightly strengthening the NP. When an even NP is established, we wait a couple of minutes, then we stop amplifying the flows. After 5 minutes, we remember with the strengthening of the NP. 2st. We look at the source of information. We close our eyes. We determine which area of ​​the VIP "responds" to the source of information. We shift the point YE into it and load the information (it’s very good if the source of information pumps up the VP a little in advance). We are distracted. To reproduce, we shift the RAE to the same area and strengthen the NP.,

Exercise: We read 1 page of any text very quickly with our eyes and after 5 minutes we reproduce it from memory. We repeat the same simply when strengthening the NP - we evaluate the degree of improvement. We take another page, perform the technique - after 5 minutes we reproduce and note how much better it is reproduced.

Conclusion. Strengthening memory, with constant use, output to the reflex.

07.09 Reduce physical fatigue and fatigue(c) DEIR School, 2002

introductory. Fatigue is the result of, among other things, energy stagnation in muscular system or in virtual space. Accordingly, by removing this excess, fatigue can also be removed.

Techniques. 1. We strengthen the CPU (primarily the VP) - we begin to pump the body. There is a feeling of a kind of warm sponge, which interferes with pumping a little. We begin to strengthen the NP - the sponge becomes more pronounced - in some parts of the body, the energy of the EP turns out to be simply “stuck”. Again we strengthen the EP - and we begin to remove the stuck clots directly through the surface of the ET, through the shell to the outside. The correct uniform flow of energy through the body is established - and there is a feeling of greater freshness and a reserve that has appeared. 3st. The same + clearing the virtual space in the same way.

Conclusion. Increasing social activity, strengthening physiological reserves.

08.09 Get rid of sectarian recruiters (c) DEIR School, 2002

introductory. Obviously, it's important. These are pure inductors. But they have a weak point: what they call for is the truth for themselves. Therefore, induction does not cost anything to wrap in the opposite direction. Naturally, no enlightenment will come for them - but when your induction collides with a zombifying worldview, enough negativity will be released for them to dissolve.

Techniques. 1. We feel the energy flow from the inductor. We strengthen the VP. We saturate the VP of the zone near the body - primarily in front of the chest. We pull the VP from the inductor. We accompany the withdrawal with our counterinductive words. 2st. ditto + We accompany our counterinduction with the intention of action with a negative desire.

Exercise. One person is trying to induce another. The other fights back, turning the induction back - for example, if the question of "salvation" is raised, it is quite possible to respond that you are "judging", so what is your salvation, you wasted agitator!

Conclusion. The trick is that the outburst of negative emotions from your intervention outweighs the potential benefits of spreading your fingers.

09.09 Do not let the child be programmed (c) DEIR School, 2002

introductory. Protect children from external influences without entering into conflict with them (examples ....).

Techniques. 1. We strengthen the VP. We direct it at the covered person in solar plexus and we begin to strengthen and weaken the flow, setting our own rhythm, reorienting the person in your direction. 2 after 3rd grade + attention to the person being covered. 3 (after 4) + VIP cleaning right along the induction.

Exercise. In triplets. One tells something fascinating to the subject. The experimenter begins to cover for the subject, who notes a sharp decrease in the story's fascination.

Conclusion. Improving relations, reducing aggression towards us on the part of a teenager ..

10.09 How to reveal the meaning of words (c) DEIR School, 2002

introductory. This is an important thing. As a rule, we understand not what is said or written, but what we are ready to hear ourselves. And then, when a person reveals in his behavior what he said, we are surprised - but it was just a defect in our understanding. For understanding, it is necessary to reveal all the "corners" of the word - that is, all the meanings that are archetypally conditioned - and only then try to impose them on the perceived energy portrait of a person. By the way, a very important technique for comprehending the meaning of a metaphorical or confusing text - for example, the Bible.

Techniques. 1. We take a word or phrase (from a book). We strengthen the VP - we charge the text of the VP. We reset the VP in the body and slightly strengthen the NP. Let's look at the phrase. We close our eyes. We begin to strengthen the NP, directing it to a phrase visible to the inner eye. As the phrase NP becomes saturated, its meaning begins to change. (in the case of an exercise with words spoken aloud - after completing this part of the exercise, we open our eyes, look at the interlocutor - and feel what exactly he meant, what these words meant to him). 2st. the same - but after saturation we shift the phrase across the virtual space and get even more meanings.

Exercise. The man says a phrase. The experimenter conducts the exercise - and then tells the subject how he understood it. Subject corrects.

Conclusion. Focus on increasing the degree of understanding of the topic. Improving the understanding of the meaning of the text.

11.09 Hide the important in yourself (c) DEIR School, 2002

introductory. A person is caught for supervalue. Especially inductors and psychics. Therefore, some things in your life should be hidden - or rather, not hidden themselves, but your attitude towards them is hidden. First of all, at the energy level.

Techniques. 1. Determine the significant components of the problem. We saturate their image with NP and, as it were, “swallow” with our eyes. Now your reaction is changing, and the perception of others is changing. 2st. Let's remember the problem. We define it personally important elements. We are looking for their source in the VIP. We saturate VIP VP. We pump out VP from important areas. We saturate them with NP.

Exercise 1. Working with a partner - the partner in the dialogue determines areas that are important for a person (for example, political beliefs or opinions on a particular problem) - the experimenter conducts the technique and the partner registers a non-personally conditioned dialogue. 2st. as in the 3rd step on reading the intention - the intention begins to be read worse.

Conclusion. They removed it inside and completely got rid of the opportunity to hurt you to the quick, to induce you to some kind of action, and so on.

Formation of personal charisma [Integral skill] Titov Kirill Valentinovich

A little about the school of skills DEIR

A little about the school of skills DEIR

How much time it sometimes takes to understand that the obvious has always been there. And how we appreciate those people who pointed out to us this evidence in time. Isn't it for this reason that the teaching profession commands respect and appreciation. After all, we use the knowledge gained for ourselves, forever keeping in the memory of those who showed us the right path.

Tens of thousands of people study at the courses of the DEIR School. In these courses, people who already know how to do what is described in the manuals of Dmitry Sergeevich Verishchagin help beginners to adopt these skills. Teachers and employees of the clubs of the DEIR Skills School themselves, successfully using these skills, help students of full-time courses to quickly comprehend this science - energy information science.

Not a single book can give you what a living person who sees the world in its energy-informational manifestation can give. Learn from those who have embarked on the path of energy-information development before you.

The DEIR School of Skills is a system for transferring skills to achieve health, strength and well-being. As mentioned earlier, training takes place in five stages. Each stage provides new opportunities and opens up previously invisible obstacles for the walker.

First stage helps protect yourself from programming and manipulation.

Second step helps to learn to live with a sense of absolute freedom.

Third step helps to better understand unfree people.

Fourth step helps you get stronger.

Fifth step helps to understand that we are inseparable from living nature and that the movements in nature are reflected in us, and our movements are reflected in nature.

In addition to these five levels of growth, there are also thematic programs that develop important areas of human life and society. These tutorials are divided into the following topics:

program "Health" dedicated to teaching methods of personal recovery;

program "Influence" dedicated to the development of skills for social effectiveness;

welfare program devoted to the methods of formation of individual well-being;

development program dedicated to new discoveries of the energy-information world;

program "Place of Power" is devoted to methods of integration into the natural habitat.

To list all those discoveries that have already been made, the pages of this book are not enough. And how much is yet to be discovered!

From the book Wisdom [Skill System of Further Energy-Informational Development. Stage V, second stage, parts 1 and 2] author

From the book Egregors of the Human World [Logic and Interaction Skills] author Verishchagin Dmitry Sergeevich

DEIR Skill System, Stage 2, Step 0 Creating an Integral Sense of PurposeA technique is used to enhance the sense of purpose. For starters, just to track the effect of holding in your mind the full internal equivalent of an idea, just take some of your own.

From the book Art [Skill System of Further Energy-Informational Development. Stage V, third stage] author Verishchagin Dmitry Sergeevich

DEIR skill system, step 2, step 5 Technique for applying programs for the effectiveness of our actions These programs will be useful to us when we set the behavior of one or another egregorial aspect that determines the actions of other people. The essence of the technique is that

From the book Confidence [Skill System for Further Energy-Informational Development. V stage, first stage] author Verishchagin Dmitry Sergeevich

DEIR Skills School Level 4 Step 1 A Achieving a Basic Sense of "I Am" This technique is both simple and complex. We somehow got used to feel "whole". But let's try to judge whether this is so. Well, we have a body. But the loss (God forbid) of an arm or leg, and

From the author's book

DEIR Skill System Stage 4 Step 1 b Consciously shifting the sense of "I am" Do not lose the basic sense of "I am." The outer parts of our consciousness are still held by our attention as if away from you, thrown aside - do not let them back. But let

From the author's book

DEIR skill system, step 3, step 8 Practical telepathy - detecting and capturing intentions

From the author's book

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 1 Creating an Influence Destroyer Creating energy-informational mechanisms, or, in common parlance, "entities", is a relatively simple task. It is much more important to solve the tasks of setting it up. So, we need emotional figures that

From the author's book

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 2 Creating an avatar Actually, we have more than enough theoretically suitable material for an avatar. Any memory, in which we ourselves are, contains our image, which for us has elements of bodily sensations, those

From the author's book

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 3 Evaluation of the forthcoming interaction with the egregor In order to check the relationship with the egregor, we will, in fact, need to control the interaction of two variables: the egregor in the form in which we understand it, that is

From the author's book

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 4 Programming the interaction with the egregor So, we have an area of ​​​​egregorial interaction that needs correction. It makes no sense to assume that we are “guilty” of this or the egregor is “guilty”. This, of course, is not so - the egregor has his own

From the author's book

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 5 Purposeful establishment of egregor contact with people Indeed, the effect of egregorial presence (remember, we talked about it, described the situation when you are going to talk about something important, well, then the phones start ringing,

From the author's book

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 6 Formation of EHF and AF To make it easier for us, let's try to use such an energetically powerful egregorial layer as people's love. Any people of any state definitely needs some kind of figure at the top, attitudes towards

From the author's book

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 3 Inclusion of a person in egregorial interaction with the help of EHF and AF

From the author's book

DEIR skill system. Egregors. Step 8 Creation of a stable and coordinated channel of interaction between a person and an egregor through EHF and AF Indeed, the need to independently activate EHF and AF every time they are needed brings certain

From the author's book

From the author's book

DEIR Stages The DEIR Skills School conducts face-to-face classes on 5 levels of the basic course 1. RELEASEStudying this methodology in short terms will help you: understand the principles of energy work; learn powerful ways to protect against external influences; rotate any