How to start playing sports at home from scratch: first steps. Home fitness: how to exercise properly at home How to exercise at home

You can build a toned and seductive body at home, without spending money on gym memberships. To select a complex effective exercises, you need to know the characteristics of your own body, and understand which areas need to be corrected, and which areas need to be kept in good shape.

It's time

To achieve visible result It’s not enough to wave your arms once a week between TV shows. Training should be regular, lasting 30–40 minutes. It is necessary to set aside time in the evening or in the morning when you can be alone with sports, and not check every 5 minutes whether the soup has boiled in the kitchen, and whether it’s time to load a new portion of laundry into the washing machine.

Important: You need to fully devote yourself to your studies so that they do not seem boring or tiring, and bring results. Train at least 4 times a week, ideally daily.

Makeshift gym

It’s better to practice in a spacious room where you don’t have to bump into furniture or try not to touch the chandelier with your hands. If the house is filled with bedside tables and chairs, you can move light objects to the side and return them to their original position after training.

The equipment does not have to be expensive. A small rubber mat is enough if the floor is parquet or laminate. If there is a huge carpet under your feet, you can put a rug or thin blanket on top.

It’s good if there are a couple of dumbbells in the house, but don’t despair when the apartment is empty and there’s no money to go to a sporting goods store. Conventional weighting agents are used plastic bottles: filled with water or sand. The alternative is ordinary land.

Over time, you can replenish your arsenal with fitballs and ordinary jump ropes.

Important: There are a lot of exercises that do not require additional accessories. Enough own weight, and desires to improve the body.


When working out at home, you don't have to look stylish or stunning. The main and only requirement for sports uniform– convenience and practicality. Elastic trousers or shorts that stretch well are suitable, plus a loose T-shirt or T-shirt that does not restrict movement.

If it is convenient to practice without clothes, and such appearance does not shock your husband, or there is no one at home, you can get rid of everything unnecessary. But you should still leave on socks that will protect your feet from cold and blisters.

Important: If you need to get rid of belly fat, you should wrap problem area woolen scarf or scarf. Thanks to the fabric, sweating increases, and subcutaneous fat gradually melts.

Preliminary studies

People who find it difficult to work on their body at home are advised to keep a special diary.

It is worth writing in it:

  • The maximum number of push-ups that could be done on the first day.
  • Initial weight.
  • Waist or buttock measurements (depending on which part of the body is to be corrected).

After 2 weeks of classes, make a comparison, and if your performance has improved, praise yourself for your efforts with cosmetics or a beautiful thing.

On the verge of possibilities

Training must be intense, otherwise the effect will be zero or minimal, but for beginners who have done push-ups last time in the tenth grade, it is recommended to start with light exercises.

For the first 2-3 days, limit yourself to morning exercises or evening warm-ups, gradually introduce squats and push-ups. 3 sets of 2–4 repetitions with short breaks are enough. It is recommended to monitor your pulse. The maximum frequency of strokes can be calculated by subtracting the current age from 220.

Example: A 30-year-old person should not exceed 180–190 beats/sec. When performing cardio training, stay at the level of 100–130 beats.

Important: Do not overload the body on an empty or full stomach. Optimal time for classes – 1–1.5 hours after a light snack.

Complex 1: Tabata Technique

You will have to spend 4 minutes a day, which is equivalent to 2 hours of training in the gym. You need to give preference to one thing: squats, abdominal loads, push-ups or a regular plank.


  • Be sure to do a 5-minute warm-up to warm up your body.
  • Time yourself to do 20 seconds of quick push-ups or squats.
  • Stop for 10 seconds to catch your breath and relax a bit.
  • At least 8 repetitions with short breaks.

Loyal option for beginners:
During the first 2 weeks, you need to perform the exercise for 3 minutes, and allocate 2 minutes for rest. At least 3 repetitions. Give only 80% so that the body adapts to new loads.

Complex 2: Fitball

Balancing on the ball develops the muscles of the hips, back, arms and abs. Exercises are useful for people who spend a lot of time at the computer.

  1. Saddle up the equipment with your feet on the floor. Your knees should be bent at right angles. Straighten your back and tighten your abdominal muscles as much as possible. Sit in this position for 5 seconds, then relax. Minimum 6 repetitions.
  2. Stand with your legs wide apart. With outstretched arms, grab the ball and hold it in front of you. Slowly lower yourself down, squeezing the equipment, and lifting it up. Returning to starting position, give up sports equipment. The minimum number of repetitions is 10.
  3. Take the starting position on your back, straightening your legs and stretching your arms above your head. Squeeze the ball with your upper limbs. Simultaneously raise and lower your arms and legs without lifting your lower back from the floor. Sports equipment must be transferred from the upper limbs to the lower ones, and vice versa.
  4. Place your ankles on the exercise ball so that your knees are bent at a 90º angle. Clasp your hands and hide them under the back of your head. Tighten your abs and lift your head and shoulders off the floor. The lower back lies on the ground. Freeze for 2-3 seconds and lie down slowly.

Complex 3: Works the whole body

You will have to spend 40–50 minutes training. Start with a light warm-up, and then do exercises for all muscle groups.

Buttocks and thighs:

  • classic squats and plies;
  • swing your legs back and forth and to the sides;
  • raising lower limbs lying on your stomach.


  • twisting, the lower back should not be lifted off the floor;
  • bending to the sides with your hands behind your head;
  • raising the legs in a supine position.

Arms and chest:

  • Mandatory push-ups from the floor and wall;
  • armed with dumbbells, spread your upper limbs to the sides, standing straight or leaning forward;
  • a plank that engages your arms, chest and back, and abdominal muscles.

Nuances of home training

  1. It will be more fun and easier to study if you choose energetic music. To keep your body in good shape, you can dance every day instead of exercise.
  2. Yoga is a godsend for lazy housewives who want to lose a couple of kilograms and develop flexibility.
  3. In order not to give up training at an early stage, it is useful to make friends in social networks with like-minded people to whom you can brag about your successes and ask for advice.

Simulate perfect body at home is no more difficult than in the gym. It is enough to set a goal for yourself, choose a complex ideal exercises, and add everything proper nutrition. And in order not to break down and quit classes at the initial stage, you can introduce a reward system for small and large achievements.

Video: fitness club at home

Regular exercise is the best thing you can do for your health. Most people are interested in a healthy lifestyle, but they do not dare to do anything, because they often do not know where and how to start playing sports.

Soon after you start exercising, you will notice and experience all the benefits that physical activity can bring to your body and overall health.

Be that as it may, include sports in your daily life It will take time and require determination and discipline from you.

If you are thinking about taking up exercise but don't know where to start, this article is for you. It contains all the necessary information on where to start, when is the best time to exercise and how to make exercise a part of your life.

It has been proven that regular exercise can significantly improve and improve your health. Therefore, before moving on to the question of how to properly start playing sports, let's first talk about the benefits of exercise.

They help achieve and maintain healthy weight bodies, muscle mass and reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases.

On top of that, studies have shown that exercise improves your mood, boosts your brain, helps you sleep better, and increases your libido.

And that's not all - they help maintain good energy levels.

In short, exercise makes you strong and changes your life for the better.

Conclusion: Exercise can improve your mental activity, reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases and help you lose weight.

Types of exercises

There is a huge amount various types exercises.
Here are the most common ones:

  • Aerobic exercises: They are typically the foundation of any fitness program and include periods of constant movement. Examples are swimming, running and dancing.
  • Power: Helps increase muscle strength and endurance. Examples include resistance exercises, plyometrics, weight lifting and sprinting.
  • Rhythmic gymnastics: Basic body movements performed without the help of exercise equipment at an average aerobic pace. Examples are lunges, squats, push-ups and pull-ups
  • High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): Involves alternating short periods of high-intensity exercise followed by low-intensity exercise or rest.
  • Boot camp exercises(from English - “training camp for beginners” : Time-controlled, high-intensity exercise routines that combine aerobic and resistance exercise.
  • Exercises to develop resilience: Strengthen muscles and improve coordination of movements. For example, Pilates, tai chi poses and general strengthening exercises.
  • Flexibility exercises: They help restore muscles, improve coordination of movements and prevent injuries. Examples of such exercises are yoga or individual muscle stretching movements.

The exercises listed above can be performed individually or in combination. The main thing is that this or that exercise suits and pleases you.

Conclusion: The most common types of exercises are aerobic exercises, strength training, rhythmic gymnastics, HIIT, boot camps, exercises to develop flexibility and stability. You can perform them individually or in combination.

Where to start?

Your sports path starts here. There are a few important things to consider before you start training:

1. Check your health

Preparation for such an important stage of your life must be thorough. If you decide to take up sports seriously, then first consult your doctor and undergo a full medical examination.

This is the main condition for those who are not used to physical activity, as well as for people in the age category 45+.

Timely o The screening will identify any health problems that may increase the risk of injury during exercise.

A visit to your doctor will help further optimize your training and make it easier for you and your trainer to choose the right training program.

2. Make a plan and set realistic goals.

Once you have decided to start exercising on a regular basis,
try to make a plan that will consist of goals and ways to achieve them. So, how to start exercising at home from scratch?

Start with simple actions and goals and make them more complex as your level improves. physical training.

For example, if your goal is to run 5 kilometers, then you can add a few shorter distances to your plan to start with.

When you can handle more short distances, add more meters until you complete all five kilometers at once.

If you start with small and achievable goals, you will increase your chance of success, which will motivate you throughout your journey.

3. Make exercise a habit

Another key component to a successful start, and equally important, is that you need to find time to exercise and make it part of your schedule.

This will be easier to do if exercise becomes a habit and takes place on a regular basis. This will train you to be disciplined and responsible.

According to research, replacing one bad habit with another healthy one ensures that the new the habit will set in into your life and will become a part of it for a long time.

Moreover, if you create a schedule or exercise every day at the same time, for example every day after work, this will allow you to turn training into something familiar.

Conclusion: Before you start exercising, check your health and create a plan with achievable goals. Then turn exercise into a habit by incorporating it into your daily routine and life.

How many exercises should you do?

There's no need to be professional athlete with high performance or get used to long hours of training to start playing sports today.

You can distribute these 150 minutes yourself according to the days of the week, as is most convenient for you, that is, when it is best to exercise, you decide for yourself. For example, you can exercise for 30 minutes 5 times a week or 35-40 minutes every other day.

Recent studies have shown that if you spend 150 minutes at a time or two in the gym, it will be the samegood for your health and well-being, as well as daily workouts at home or classes every other day.

Your workouts should start at a moderate pace, gradually increasing in intensity as your fitness level improves.

Lastly, even though daily exercise is essential to good health, it is also important to give your body proper rest.

If the body is not given time to recover and rest, then the risk of injury (stress fracture, muscle strain) and overtraining syndrome increases several times.

Too much intensive training can weaken your immune system and increase the body's susceptibility to infectious diseases, leading to hormonal imbalance, depression and chronic fatigue.

Weekly training program

Where to start training and when is the best time to exercise?! Below is an example of a simple weekly workout program that does not require the use of additional equipment and will take 30-45 minutes a day. It will give you a rough idea of ​​how to get started with exercise and help you create your own fitness program.

It can be changed depending on your level physical fitness and complicate it as desired. It can start with any type of exercise.

Monday: 40-minute jog at a moderate pace or brisk walking.

Tuesday: Day of rest.

Wednesday: Brisk walking for 10 minutes. Next, perform the set of exercises below, resting for a minute after each set, not exercising. After that, stretch.

  • First set of exercises: 3 sets of 10 lunges on both legs, 10 push-ups, 10 sit-ups from a supine position
  • Second set of exercises: 3 sets of 10 chair push-ups, 10 stretches, 10 air squats

Thursday: Day of rest.

Friday: 30 minutes cycling or jogging at a moderate pace

Saturday: Day of rest.

Sunday: Run, jog, or take a long walk for 40 minutes.

This program is just a simple example of how to start training from scratch.

Conclusion: There are a wide variety of exercises that you could easily do. The workout plan above is provided as an example to give you a general idea of ​​where to start exercising at home.

1. Consume the required amount of fluid

Drinking fluids throughout the day is very important to maintain adequate fluid levels in the body.

During training, it is also important to drink enough fluids to maintaining an optimal pace of work, especially if it’s hot outside.

After a workout, you should also drink a lot of water, as it helps the body recover faster for the next workout.

2. Optimize your nutrition

Make sure your diet is balanced enough to meet your body's nutritional needs.

All food groups are necessary to maintain optimal energy levels in the body and get maximum benefit from your workouts. Carbohydrates are especially important because they fuel your muscles before exercise.

Carbohydrates are also important post-workout as they replenish glycogen stores and aid in the absorption of amino acids into muscles during muscle recovery.

Protein protects your muscles from breakdown during physical activity, restores damaged tissue after them and promotes the growth of muscle mass. Consuming certain proteins after exercise speeds up the muscle recovery process.

And finally, regular consumption of “healthy” fats helps fight overweight, and these fats are a source of energy for muscles and the body as a whole during training.

Every beginner should know and remember this.

3. Warm up

Before starting any workout, be sure to warm up. Warming up significantly reduces the risk of injury during exercise and improves your performance. sports results.

It increases body flexibility and reduces post-workout pain.

Just start your workout with simple exercises aerobics such as arm swings, leg sweeps and walking lunges.

You can warm up using simplified versions of the exercises you are going to do during your workout. For example, walking before running.

4. Cool down

Cooling down is also important as it helps the body return to its normal state. This is essentially just a short break, but it is just as necessary as a warm-up.

A few minutes of cool-down restores normal blood circulation and breathing, reducing the risk of pain after training.

After doing, for example, aerobic exercises, you can simply walk slowly, and after doing resistance exercises, you can do stretching exercises.

5. Listen to your body

If you are not used to exercising every day, then be mindful of your limits.

If you feel pain or discomfort during an activity, stop, there is no need to force yourself to do something you don't like. Rest before exercising again. Training through pain is not a good idea as it can lead to injury.

Remember also that training harder and faster does not mean better.

It will take a long time before you can achieve truly visible and tangible results. Just stick to your chosen training program and try to complete at least most of it.

Conclusion: Drink enough fluids, eat balanced meals, warm up before and cool down after, listen to your body and learn to love yourself.

How to stay motivated

So, that's a start, but to stay motivated and make exercise a habit, try to approach your workouts with ease and positivity and really enjoy the process. This approach will relieve you of anxious thoughts and fears that often arise in people who decide to start training from scratch.

You can adjust and change any program for yourself and depending on your preferences and desires.

If you don't home person, then go to gym, join a fitness group (yoga or pilates), hire personal trainer, take up a team sport or choose your favorite sport. These are just a few options that will help increase your motivation and gainsatisfaction from playing sports.

If you train with a group or a friend, it will push you to work at a good pace, due to indirect competition, increase your motivation for a longer period and help you become confident in your abilities.

Keeping track of your progress, such as recording the weight you lift or the time you run, will also keep you motivated as you want to beat your personal best.


This article is devoted to only one question: where and how to start playing sports correctly?

Deciding to play sports can sometimes be difficult. However, clearly defined goals will help you stick to your training program over the long term.

There is a large number various types exercise and you can do whatever you want. Choose what's right for you, and change and vary the types and amounts of exercise as you like.

Start small, gradually improve your fitness level and give your body rest from time to time to avoid injury. Listen to your body, it will tell you when is the best time to exercise.

Joining a fitness group or tracking your achievements can help you stay motivated and reach your goals. It is also important not to forget about a balanced diet and sufficient fluid intake.

What are you waiting for? Make the only one right choice in favor of a healthy lifestyle: start training today!

Flatplan is a service for creating interior design projects. When working on a project, designers consult with specialists: they know how to create the ideal kitchen, and an experienced one knows how to arrange a study. In a joint project, we seek advice from experts from different fields.

This time, master of sports in bodybuilding Denis Gusev will tell you how to create a zone for sports at home.

The first Russian to win the American Professional Bodybuilding Federation tournament. He performed at the famous Mr. Olympia in Las Vegas.

Denis has been leading since childhood healthy image life: rational nutrition, athletics and bodybuilding. To have a body like Denis, you need to regularly visit the gym. But to lose weight and just keep fit, you can train at home. You don't need a large apartment with a separate room for this.

For those who really want to study, the area does not matter.

The main thing is to properly organize the space and choose exercises.

How to organize your workout space

Very often, people's sporting impulses are destroyed by an unsettled life. It seems like you want to work out, but when you think that your family will trip over the dumbbells, the desire immediately disappears.

To begin, select a small part of the room. Lay a rubber mat on the floor: it will protect your laminate if something heavy falls.

You should not use special floor coverings in apartments: mobile mats are more convenient, and if necessary, they are easy to hide. To decorate the walls you need to choose a good washable paint.

Tip from Flatplan

There should not be a lot of furniture in the sports corner. Small cabinets or shelves for towels and equipment can be placed on the walls. This will save space for training.

It would be great if there was a place for a mirror. It will help control the correctness of the exercises and fuel the excitement when the reflection begins to change for the better.

Even if such a sports corner does not fit into your apartment now, perhaps you should look at the familiar environment in a new way and change something. And no, we do not suggest painting the walls in the bedroom with anti-vandal paint and installing a treadmill instead of a bed. The guys from will help you arrange the apartment so that you can live and spend time in it comfortably free time just the way you like it.

Flatplan is a service where you can get a design project, an estimate and a step-by-step repair plan for a fixed price. First, you take a test on the site, then meet with the designer and discuss the details. You can ask for a non-slip floor or additional sound and heat insulation of the walls: the complexity of the project and the area of ​​the room do not matter. The price of the design project will still be 29,900 rubles.

How to choose equipment

To support good shape, you don’t have to set up a whole gym at home. For power load, home cardio and heavy interval training, three inexpensive equipment will be enough for you.

1. Collapsible dumbbells

They consist of a bar and discs with different weights, allowing you to increase the load as you progress.

2. Expander tape

Set of ribbons with different resistance replaces half of the gym.

3. Fitball

A large elastic ball helps develop balance and pump up those iron abs.

With this equipment, your workouts will always be interesting and different. You will be able to adjust the load and perform new exercises every day.

If you want even more variety, you can buy:

  • pull-up bar;
  • massage roller and balls for warming up and relaxing after training;
  • jump rope for a good warm-up and crazy cardio;
  • non-slip floor exercise mat;
  • weights on the legs for high-quality development of the hips and buttocks.

How to choose a program

So, now you know how to arrange a sports area in your apartment. All that's left is to try.

As a bonus, Denis Gusev developed especially for Lifehacker readers home workout, which each of you can repeat in your updated apartment.

This workout is ideal for both losing weight and strengthening muscles. If you want to lose weight, choose long, moderate-intensity cardio workouts. Do you dream of gaining muscle mass - choose strength exercises with dumbbells and an expander and try to perform them until your muscles fail, when you physically cannot do a single repetition. You need to develop endurance and breathing - try intense interval training, or HIIT. Plus, they burn calories quickly and speed up your metabolism, so you continue to burn more calories after your workout.

The workout consists of ten exercises and is performed according to the following scheme:

  • The exercises are performed one after another, in a circle.
  • Each exercise is performed for 40 seconds, followed by 40 seconds of rest and the next exercise. To avoid switching intervals manually, download a Tabata workout timer app.
  • At the end of each circle, rest for 2–3 minutes.
  • Perform 3-4 circles depending on how you feel.

This is only a small part of the exercises with an expander, fitball and dumbbells. New exercises can be found on sports websites or apps such as GymRun or Jefit.

But remember: even the hardest workouts will not produce results without a review of your nutrition.

No matter how hard and correctly you train, if your nutrition is not structured, there will be no result.

Why 90% of people can't get in shape? Because they force themselves to study.

To achieve your goal, you must truly love the process of training. It should bring you pleasure and a sense of accomplishment. And so that laziness and reluctance to waste time on the road do not bother you, practice right at home. To make this convenient and the atmosphere uplifting, contact Flatplan. Submit an application, and in just a week you will have a thoughtful design project with purchase checklists and drawings for builders.

There are many ways to keep your figure in shape or bring it to perfection. The most common are numerous diets and equally varied options for physical activity. Naturally, good diets help get rid of extra pounds. But sometimes excessive enthusiasm for only this method of improving the figure leads to negative consequences in the form of painfully low weight, which is called “skin and bones.” That is, despite its effectiveness, none of the diets will be able to form elastic, toned body. This role is assigned sports exercises such as fitness, aerobics, gymnastics, etc. And now you will find out how to exercise at home.

Exercising at home can be no less effective than in the gym

You can also exercise outdoors, in a park, or in any other quiet place.

Special equipment will help you make your workouts more effective.

How to exercise at home

You probably have a natural question. Why at home? After all, there are different sports clubs, halls, etc. Of course, if you have enough free time and funds, then you can entrust the work to professional trainers who will draw up for you individual program training and monitor their progress. But not everyone is comfortable working out in front of other people, or because their schedule is too busy, they simply don’t have time to go to the gym. Therefore, the first step towards improving your figure can be regular home workouts.

It's great if you find yourself an exercise partner. As they say, it's more fun together :)

But there are also certain difficulties. First of all, this is a lack of discipline. At home you are relaxed and can often be distracted by something. You may simply forget about training or miss the time. Not to mention the selected exercises, which are not always selected taking into account the benefits for the body. Of course, they give some effect, but it leaves much to be desired. Therefore, before you decide, what sports to do at home, must be learned important rules which will help you create the most optimal training plan.

But we are still only on the way to the ideal and everyone has their own, so in the first stages one training session will be enough. In general it is believed that the most good time for exercise comes after lunch, around 4 o'clock in the afternoon. But this is all relative. Just like the supposedly mandatory morning exercises. If the recommended time is difficult to fit into your schedule, then you can choose other more convenient hours for training.

At home you can study at any time convenient for you

Exercises for sports at home

So, we have decided on the basic theory and rules in preparation for classes. Now let's get down to practice. Before starting any physical exercise, be sure to warm up. Spend just 5 minutes stretching your muscles and subsequently they will be well warmed up even for difficult loads. Or not very difficult. You can plan everything to your liking and find a suitable way how to lose weight by exercising at home.

So, for example, if you don’t like too active body movements, then you can do yoga. It allows you to increase the flexibility of the body, cleanse the aura, enter a trance and plunge into nirvana. A good way to heal not only the body, but also the soul. But practicing yoga presupposes having at least some knowledge in this area. They can be obtained from specialized literature or video courses.

Jogging in the park fresh air much nicer than a treadmill in a stuffy gym

There are also simpler options that help burn calories even for beginners, without much knowledge in the subject of sports. For example, dancing. Here you won’t have to overload your brain with incomprehensible methods of approaches, intensity and number of repetitions. All you need is simple good mood and some favorite rhythmic compositions. Moreover, besides obvious benefit for the figure, dancing also gives a good charge of positive emotions.

All exercises are available at home and do not require special equipment.

We can’t forget about the most enjoyable type of home sport. Among the means to combat excess weight, sex ranks first in terms of the amount of pleasure delivered as a result of training. And the most calories will be spent if you bring the exercise to the finale, that is, orgasm. But keep in mind that just like other activities, this sport (note that lying on a log is not sportsmanship) you need to spend at least an hour every day.

You can buy a pair of dumbbells - exercises with weights will quickly lead you to the desired result

Now you should have no doubts if the question suddenly arises, is it possible to exercise at home– it’s not only possible, but also necessary, without putting anything off until tomorrow. Get started today. In this case, the greatest effect will come from those exercises that suit you best. Focus on your training, believe in your success and you will certainly do well.

Hello, dear homebodies! I am contacting you this way because you want to know what exercises you can do at home. So you like to “stay” at home, just like me.

The Internet is filled with information about where and how to exercise. There are a lot of video tutorials, tips, all kinds of recipes... They say that everyone who wants to lose weight needs motivation, strict schedules, gym memberships, space for exercise and various clever devices.

To be honest, I don’t like all this. I believe that sports should be done with pleasure, and what’s more, you don’t need an expensive gym membership to do this, which is why it is accessible to everyone! Even for those who have no money for sports clubs, exercise equipment, no free personal space, little time and opportunities in general.

A woman doesn’t need to invent anything special for her favorite figure! The secret is simple - just your desire is enough. Do you want to choose a sport for home to lose weight? Then read this article and find out exactly what kind of sports you can do at home!

No restrictions!

Control over all aspects in our lives is definitely important. And I don’t urge you to become completely uncontrollable, give up on everything and just do something just to do it. No way.

Just judge for yourself, control means being in constant tension. And where there is tension, there is no pleasure. No matter how strong your incentive, the stress of constant control - over weight, daily eating, sleep, work, finances and other things - will kill any desire to make yourself better, kill your strength and, most importantly, the pleasure and ability to enjoy what you do .

Sports at home

What you need to consider to make home workouts effective and comfortable:

  • The first thing you should highlight for yourself is desire, pleasure and freedom. Remember these concepts. If you want to do it, you can do it physical exercise everywhere, wherever and whenever. If you really want, there will be opportunities, and nothing will stand in the way.
  • Place. A large room, or a large kitchen, maybe you can make a small rearrangement if there is very little space. But finding it is not so difficult. Comfortable and sufficient space is essential for a good workout.
  • Time. Or you will plan and create a schedule that you will stick to. Or, if you have a lot of unforeseen things to do, decide for yourself only what needs to be done, and when - it doesn’t matter - when the right time comes.
  • Form. Top, sneakers, thermal underwear to enhance the effect. That's all you need.
  • Shells. You don’t have to buy anything, but my arsenal is this: dumbbells, hoop, jump rope, mat. These are the most convenient and simple devices for super effective training anywhere, including at home.
  • Water. and definitely. It is possible that you will drink not during training, but after, but it is better to have it at hand.
  • Everything is around. Use everything you have at home that might be useful: chairs, steps, walls, whatever.
  • It is best to choose a place and time where you will be alone at home, and nothing and no one will prevent you from working out well and quickly. I even advise you to turn off your phone and turn on the music louder, for a good mood.
  • It’s better to do a little stretching than to suffer with pain later. Especially if your classes are not regular. By the way, one of your goals. just make them regular. This is very important to get best result. Exercising once in a while will not bring much benefit.

Don't go too far with your studies. Start small and gradually increase the load or time. Everything is good in moderation. Remember this.

It is important to take note that regularity and motivation in sports are very important, especially if you are planning. The more often and regularly you practice, the more results you will get. If your desire to lose weight, look beautiful and be healthy is great, you will not have any problems.

There's plenty to choose from

What specific sports are available to us at home? Their selection is huge. Starting from a five-minute charge and ending full workout, no worse than in the gym.

1. Exercises at home. If you have treadmill, you can . But, as a rule, these paths take up a lot of space, and running in the fresh air is much more pleasant. Therefore, of all the home exercise machines, I prefer the bike trainer. It is compact and efficient. Beautiful legs, toned abs, and endurance are guaranteed to you.

2. If there are no simulators, it doesn’t matter either. Try something else, like yoga. Fortunately, there are a lot of training videos: find them, watch what and how to do, and go ahead. The rug is the only thing that might be useful.

3. You can also do stretching. Stretching is useful not only in terms of losing extra pounds and cellulite, but also helps keep the body in good shape and develop muscles. Perhaps you have always dreamed of doing the splits? No matter how old you are, no matter how much of a log you feel, your body can pleasantly amaze you just if you large quantities regular workouts.

4. If you don’t do much intense fitness and dancing at home, calmer Pilates will always come to the rescue.

5. A beginner should not be afraid of all these terms. Having discarded them, you can generally safely do any physical exercise, remembering your physical education lessons at school. Start your workout with a warm-up: neck, shoulders, arms, waist, hips, knees, feet. Search the Internet for exercises for all types of muscles. Try each one. And then identify your favorite ones and do them. Then change to others, refresh, increase the load.

If you seriously and for a long time decide to train at home, my advice is: buy 1-3 kilogram dumbbells, depending on your training, a hoop, and a jump rope. All! Believe me, this will be enough for you to effectively train at home.

If you want to specifically invest in a home gym, then only square meters can hinder your imagination, nothing more. But I also advise you to buy a comfortable rug, do not lie on the floor, it can be cold.

And sneakers that you won't wear outside. Specifically for home workouts. and doing some exercises will be much more comfortable for you in soft, lightweight, easily bendable sneakers, special for fitness - sketchers.

And it would be nice to put an orthopedic insole there if they do not provide this. Since every second person has problems with their feet, and the load when jumping rope is significant. And it can cause harm. We don't need this, and we will provide for it.

It would be nice to also buy a holding top and breeches from, which will create a sauna effect and contribute to greater loss weight, and getting rid of cellulite. Well, the top will support what is no less valuable to us and needs support - the breasts. I think that's all I wanted to tell you.

Dear girls, be healthy and happy, and also appreciate every moment of your life and yourself especially. If you are confident that you are beautiful and you make efforts for this, then you will always be beautiful a priori to everyone! And remember:

See you in , and all the best to you!