Lesson for older children in kindergarten. Card index of outdoor games in the senior group of kindergarten

Water and Sand Center:"Laboratory"

1.Table with recesses for water and sand, with a plastic working surface; plastic mat, robes, sleeves.

2. Natural material: clay, pebbles, shells, minerals, various seeds and fruits, tree bark, moss, leaves, etc.).

3. Bulk products: peas, semolina, flour, salt, granulated sugar, starch.

4. Containers of different capacities (a set of small glasses, a set of transparent vessels of different shapes and volumes), spoons, spatulas, sticks, funnels, a sieve, communicating vessels.

5. A variety of available instruments: various magnifying glasses, a microscope, colored and transparent “glasses” (made of plastic), a set of glass prisms (for the rainbow effect), a compass, binoculars.

6.Various watches.

7. A set of mirrors for experiments with symmetry, to study the reflection effect.

8. Set for experiments with a magnet.

9.Turntables different sizes and structures (for experiments with air flows), weather vane, kite, windmill (model).

10.Equipment and materials for culinary experiments using vegetables and fruits.

11.Medical materials: pipettes, flasks, spatulas, cotton wool, gauze, syringes without needles, cocktail straws.

12. Collections of minerals, fabrics, paper, seeds and fruits, plants (herbarium).

13. Schemes, models, tables with algorithms for performing experiments.

Corner of nature “Mini Garden”, “Rosary”, “Wonders of Nature”

1.Plants must be:

Different environmental conditions (desert, tropical rainforest, subtropics);

With a variety of stem types (curly, climbing, tree-like, thickened, ribbed, etc.);

With different arrangements of leaves (alternate, opposite - paired, whorled);

Different types of existing genera (begonia, ficus, tradescantia, ivy);

With a pronounced dormant period (cyclamen, gloxinia, amaryllis).

Recommended plants: rex begonia and ever-flowering begonia - fight upper respiratory tract diseases; balsam, aloe or agave, tradescantia, asparagus - absorbs heavy metals, common ivy and aloe - belongs to phytoncidal plants, amaryllis - from its phytoncides some bacteria harmful to humans die faster than from garlic phytoncides, ficus is a good air purifier.

2.Plants characteristic of different seasons:

In autumn - asters, chrysanthemums, golden balls transplanted into pots or cut into bouquets;

In winter - winter garden: planting onions, garlic, dill, parsley, peas, beans, beans, oats, wheat; greenhouse for propagating plants by cuttings; seedlings of flower and vegetable plants; various experimental plantings;

In spring - branches of deciduous trees: poplar, maple, etc.;

In summer - bouquets of summer garden and meadow flowers, ears of cereals.

3. Aquarium with fish: guppies, swordtails, angelfish, etc.; aquatic insects, tadpoles, mollusks.

4. Watering cans, sprayer, sticks for loosening the soil, brushes, rags, aprons.

Nature calendar:"Weather station"

1. Picture of the season, model of the year, day.

2.Weather calendar for each month, where children schematically mark the weather conditions for each day.

3.Bird watching calendar – birds that have been seen are marked daily.

4.Drawings by children on the topic “Nature in different seasons.”

5. Solstice observation calendar.

6. Observation diary - sketch experiments, experiments, observations.

In the corner of nature, exhibitions of crafts made from natural materials, vegetables, fruits, etc. are organized.

There may be models of a forest, field, meadow, pond, anthill, park, zoo, models of natural landscapes of different regions (Arctic, desert, tropical forest), sea, mountains, natural attractions of the native land.

The proposed list of project topics is designed for use in senior preschool educational institution group(preschool educational institution). To implement project activities and to diversify the educational process, preschool teachers are recommended to use additional materials, interactive and multimedia technologies.

We recommend using the data project topics in senior group kindergarten(DOW) to implement the tasks of a preschool educational institution. Project topics about plants, living and inanimate nature, animals, the properties of materials and natural phenomena in preschool educational institutions are also effective way interaction with the environment of pupils in a preschool educational institution.

In the process of completing projects in the senior group of kindergarten, students will improve their interaction skills in activities with the teacher and other students. Project activities data-driven project topics in the senior group of preschool educational institutions- this is a conscious search for new knowledge that will interest pupils and raise the level of intellectual development of children.

Project topics for the senior group of preschool educational institutions

Baikal - the pearl of Siberia
We want to be healthy
Sorceress - water
Magic transformation of clay
The magical world of K.I. Chukovsky
Magic in the garden
The whole truth about sharks
Growing beans
Long live scented soap
Trees are our friends
Friendship should be treasured
Friends of Planet Earth
Christmas tree beauty
Animals of hot countries
Mysteries of space
Mysterious space
Healthy teeth - beautiful smile
Hello summer!
Hello theater!
Green pharmacy
Green planet
Wintering birds are our friends
Toys from a Russian hut
The art of creating a book
The history of the New Year's toy
To distant worlds
How the colors appeared on the palette
How did the telephone appear?
How to save our river?
How the bread came to the table
What kind of water do we drink?
Potatoes help bread
Book House
Tumbler doll
Onion is our good friend
People and dolphins
People and cats.
Little discoveries in my big family
Mammoths - ancient and powerful
The bear is fabulous and real
World of funny animals
Zebra world
world of cacti
World of whales
Horse world
The world of plants on the windowsill
World of Dogs
World of flowers
Can a hamster replace a bobak, and a boibak a hamster?
Is it possible to grow a large cactus at home?
Is it possible to grow a plant in a closed glass jar?
My green friends
My cat
My region
My favorite flower
My poodle
My hometown
Milk and dairy products
My small homeland
My family, my kindergarten
DIY cartoon
We love cleanliness

Our home
Our health is in our hands
Health Week
Fire is a dangerous country
Autumn tree
Basics of safety and life at home and on the street
The first flower is a snowdrop
Over the seas, over the waves
Based on the tales of A.S. Pushkin
Feed the birds in winter
Useful tops and roots
Polyethylene in the city of craftsmen
Look, dandelion!
The Lost World of Dinosaurs
Why did dinosaurs become extinct?
Why do volcanoes erupt?
Why do whales come to the surface and release a fountain of water?
Why does a cow give milk?
Why is sea water salty?
Why do waterfalls appear?
Why does the plant grow
Why does the Christmas tree have prickly needles?
Safety rules
About tops and roots
Walk in the forest
Travel around the world
Journey to the North Pole
Pushkin and music
The child has the right
Christmas tree
The role of plants in human life
Russia is my workshop
Sports games with ball
Mysterious komos
Among the Khanty in the taiga
The amazing world of space
The amazing world of fish
Photos - stories without words
Bread is the head of everything
I want to be like my dad!
What do crafts smell like?
What do we know about sunflowers?
What is a microscope?
What is an experiment?
What's in our salt shaker and sugar bowl?
What do I know about myself
Miraculous transformations, or What is cheese?
Wide Maslenitsa
Ecological trail
I am a man
I'm in the world of people

Counter relay
Golden Gate
Crucian carp and pike
Bear and bees
We are funny guys
Hunters and hares
Passed - sit down
Change the subject
Firefighters on the street
Planting potatoes
Sly fox
Chickens and hawk

Children stand in a line on one side of the playground: these are flowers in the garden. The driver - the gardener - is selected. He stands opposite the children at a distance of 3-4 m. The gardener says the words:
I'm going to pick a flower
Weave a wreath from flowers
We don't want us
Ripped off- (wave your arms in front of you).
And they wove wreaths out of us- ("spinner" with hands).
We want to stay in the garden- (stand on your toes, arms up).
They will admire us- (circling on your toes, arms up with your head tilted).
The children run to the other side. The driver catches. Caught - drives!

Counter relay
The players are divided into two teams. Each in turn is divided in half. The players line up opposite each other behind the lines. Players leading teams on the same side of the court are given baton (tennis ball). On command: "March!" they start running.
The runners, running up to the head players of the opposing teams, pass the baton to them and stand behind them. The person who receives the baton runs forward and passes it to the next player standing opposite, etc.
The relay ends when the teams change places on the court. Those who finish the dashes earlier win.
To increase the load, you can play the game with double runs: the player on the opposite side, after passing the baton to him, runs again to where he started running.
To teach kids how to pass a stick according to the rules athletics- give the player who is standing with his back the task of running around the column from right to left and then passing the baton to the player who went half a step to the right. You can invite the player waiting for the relay to stand with his back to the runner, leaving his column half a step to the side. Then the player, having received the baton, runs around the entire column and runs to the opposite one.
In a counter relay race, players can also be lined up so that each player who runs to the opposite half passes the baton to a teammate and remains in his place. The relay ends with the last player running.

At one edge of the site, a line indicates the house in which the geese are located. There is a shepherd standing on the opposite edge. On the side of the house there is a den in which there is a wolf. The rest of the place is meadow. Children playing the roles of a wolf and a shepherd are appointed by the teacher, the rest play geese. The shepherd drives the geese out into the meadow; they graze on the logs and fly.
Shepherd: Geese, geese!
Geese (stop and answer in unison): Ha, ha, ha!
Shepherd: Do you want to eat?
Geese: Yes. yes, yes!
Shepherd: So fly!
Geese: We can't
Gray wolf under the mountain
Doesn't let us go home.
Shepherd: So fly as you want
Just take care of your wings!
The geese, spreading their wings (with their arms extended to the side), fly home through the meadow, and the wolf, running out of the den, tries to catch them (touch them with his hand). The caught geese go to the den. After several runs (according to the rules of the game), the geese caught by the wolf are counted. Then a new wolf and shepherd are appointed. The game is repeated 3-4 times.
Initially, the role of the wolf is played by the teacher.

One of the players is chosen as an entertainer, he stands in the middle of the circle. The rest of the children, holding hands, walk in a circle (to the right or left as directed by the teacher) and say:
In an even circle, stand still,
One after another, together, together
We are going step by step. Let's do it... like this.
The children stop and give up. The entertainer shows some movement, and all the children repeat it. After 2-3 repetitions of the game (according to the conditions), the entertainer chooses one of the players to take his place, and the game continues. The game is repeated 3-4 times.
Directions. Entertainers come up with a variety of movements without repeating those shown.

The children walk in a circle, the trapper goes in the opposite direction in the other direction.
1. In the forest, in the little forest
2. Among the green oak trees,
3. The animals were walking,
4. They didn’t know the dangers
5. Oh! The trapper is coming!
6. He will take us into captivity
7. Animals run away!
Children run away different sides. The trapper is catching up.
Note: 5 pages - half squat, for each word a clap on the knees.
6 pages - three claps for each word.

Golden Gate
The game involves 10-20 people. They choose two players, they step aside and agree which of them will be the sun and which will be the moon. Then they face each other, hold hands and raise them to form a gate. The rest of the children join hands and walk in a line through the gate. At the same time they say (or sing):
Golden Gate
Not always missed:
Saying goodbye for the first time
The second time is prohibited
And for the third time
We won't miss you!
The gate closes at the last words and catches the one who did not have time to pass. The detainee is quietly asked which side he would like to take: the moon or the sun. He chooses and stands behind the corresponding player. The rest go through the gate again, and again one of the participants ends up in the moon or sun group. When all the players are distributed, a tug-of-war is arranged between the two groups. In this case, a rope, rope, stick is used, or children take each other by the belt.

Crucian carp and pike
Half of the players, standing 3 steps apart from each other, form a circle. This is a pond on the shore of which there are pebbles. One of the players, appointed by the teacher, portrays a pike; he is outside the circle. The rest of the players are crucians, they swim (run) inside the circle, in the pond. At the teacher’s signal “pike,” the pike quickly swims into the pond, trying to catch crucian carp. The crucian carp are in a hurry to hide behind one of the players standing in a circle and pretending to be pebbles. The pike catches those crucian carp that did not have time to hide behind the pebbles, and takes them to his house. The game is played 2-3 times, after which the number of crucian carp caught by the pike is counted. Then another player is assigned to the role of the pike. The game is repeated 3-4 times.
Directions. When repeating the game, when a new pike is chosen, the children depicting crucian carp and pebbles change roles.

The players stand in a circle, one in the center (the leader) with a flag.
Children in a circle jump around in a circle with the words: “I have a horse, this horse is fire!” The leader performs jumps on the spot. To the words: “But-but-but-but, but-but-but-but!” Stop in place and make a move bent leg- the horse hits with its hoof. The presenter does the same.
“I ride on it, on my horse. The children move in a circle, the horses running,” leading in a counter-movement in the other direction. To the words: But-but-but-but, but-but-but-but! - the outer circle remains, performs the movement with a bent leg. The leader continues moving. At the end of the words, he stops and extends the flag between the two players. One player runs to right side, the other to the left, trying to run faster and take the flag. The one who succeeded is the driver.

Bears and bees
The beehive (gymnastic wall or tower) is located on one side of the site. On the opposite side there is a meadow. To the side is a bear's den. No more than 12-15 people participate in the game at the same time. The players are divided into 2 unequal groups. Most of them are bees that live in a hive. The bears are in the den. According to a conditioned signal, the bees fly out of the hive (get off the gymnastic wall), fly to the meadow for honey and buzz. As soon as the bees fly away, the bears run out of the den and climb into the hive (climb onto the wall) and feast on honey. As soon as the teacher gives the signal "bears", the bees fly to the hives, and the bears run away into the den. Those who do not have time to hide are stung by the bees (touched with their hands). Then the game resumes. Stung bears do not participate in the next game.
Directions. After two repetitions, the children change roles, the teacher makes sure that the children do not jump, but climb down the stairs; if necessary, provide assistance.

We are funny guys
Children stand on one side of the playground outside the line. A line was also drawn on the opposite side of the site. To the side of the children, approximately halfway between the two lines, there is a trap. The trap is assigned by the teacher or chosen by the children. The children say in chorus:
We, funny guys, Well, try to catch up with us.
We love to run and jump. One, two, three - catch it!
After the word “catch,” the children run to the other side of the playground, and the trap chases the runners and catches them. Anyone whom the trap manages to touch before the runner crosses the line is considered caught. He steps aside. After 2-3 runs, the caught ones are counted and a new trap is selected. The game is repeated 4-5 times.
Directions. If after 2-3 runs the trap does not catch anyone, a new trap is still selected.

The players are divided into 2 groups of unequal composition. The smaller group holds hands and forms a circle. They represent a mousetrap. The remaining children (mice) are outside the circle. Those depicting a mousetrap begin to walk in a circle, saying:
Oh, how tired the mice are, we'll get to you.
Everyone gnawed, everyone ate, Let's set up mousetraps.
Beware of the cheat, we'll catch them all now!
Children stop, raise their clasped hands up, forming a gate. Mice run in and out of the mousetrap. At the teacher’s “clap” signal, the children standing in a circle lower their hands, squat - the mousetrap slams shut. Mice that did not have time to run out of the circle (mouse trap) are considered caught. Those caught stand in a circle, the mousetrap increases. When most of the children are caught, the children change roles - the game resumes. The game is repeated 4-5 times.
Directions. After the mousetrap has slammed shut, mice should not crawl under the hands of those standing in a circle or try to break the clasped hands. The most dexterous children who have never fallen into a mousetrap should be noted.

Hunters and hares
On one side of the site a place for hunters is outlined. On the other side there are houses for hares. Each house contains 2-3 hares. The hunter walks around the area, pretending that he is looking for traces of hares, and then returns to his place. At a signal, the hares run out of their houses into the clearing and jump on two legs, moving forward. According to the teacher's words "Hunter!" the hares run into the houses, and the child, pretending to be a hunter, throws a ball at them. A hare that is hit with a ball is considered shot. The hunter takes him to his place. The game is repeated several times, after which another hunter is chosen.
Directions. A hunter may have several balls in his hands. You cannot shoot hares in houses.

Passed - sit down
This game appeared in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century.
Children are divided into two teams and line up in columns, one parallel to the other. Each team chooses a captain who stands opposite his team at a distance of 3-4 m. The captains each have a ball in their hands. At the leader’s signal, the captain throws the ball (in any or predetermined way - from the chest, from the shoulder, from below, with both hands from behind the head, etc.) to the first player on his team. He catches it, returns it to the captain and immediately crouches down. The captain then exchanges passes with the second, third and other players on the team. Each player, returning the ball to the captain, crouches. When the last player in the column gives the ball to the captain, he raises it up, and the whole team quickly stands up.
The team that passes the ball from the captain to the players and back faster and more accurately is considered the winner.

Change the subject
On one side of the court, the players stand behind the line, forming 4-5 columns (the distance between the columns is approximately 1.5 m). On the opposite side of the platform, opposite each column, circles with a diameter of 60-80 cm are outlined. Each first person in the column holds a bag of sand, a cube or another object in his hands. The same object is placed in the center of each circle. At a signal, the players run to the circles, put down an object and take another, then run back to their place and raise the brought object above their heads. The one who does this first is considered the winner. Those who come running pass the objects to those standing behind them, and they themselves run to the end of the column. When everyone has completed the task, the column with the most winnings is marked.
Directions. The child can lift the object up only after standing in the column. The teacher makes sure that the children do not approach the line and leave free space for the returning player.

Firefighters in training
Children stand facing gymnastic wall in 3-4 columns (according to the number of spans). The first in the columns stand on the line. On each span of the gymnastic wall, bells are hung on a rail at the same height. At the teacher’s signal “one, two, three - run,” all the children standing first in the columns run to the gymnastics wall, climb onto it and ring the bells. They then descend and return to the end of their column. The teacher marks the one who called first. The game continues. All children must complete the task. The column with the most players who managed to call first wins.
Directions. The teacher makes sure that the children get off and not jump off the slats, and helps if necessary. The winnings are not counted for those who break the rules.

Planting potatoes
The players are divided into 2-3 teams, which line up parallel to each other at a distance of 2-3 steps. The intervals in the columns are half steps. A starting line is drawn in front of those standing in front. At a distance of 10-20 steps from the starting line, opposite each team, circles (holes) are drawn in a row or small hoops are placed - according to the number of potatoes in each bag. The circles are 1 step apart from each other.
The players standing in front are given a bag filled with potatoes (according to the number of circles-holes).
At the leader’s signal, players with bags run up to their circles (holes) and put one potato in each circle. Then the players return back and pass the bags to the next players. They run to their circles, collect potatoes in bags, return and pass the bags to the next players, etc. The returning player stands at the end of his column. The team that manages to finish laying out the potatoes faster than others and without mistakes is considered the winner.
If a player drops a potato while running, he must pick it up and put it in the bag and only then continue the game.
If during the layout the potatoes do not fall into the circle, they must be placed there, and only then can the player continue the game. a player can only run out when he receives a bag. All players must finish laying out and collecting potatoes.

Sly fox
The players stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other. To the side, outside the circle, the fox's house is indicated. At the teacher’s signal, the children close their eyes, and the teacher walks around the circle behind the children and quietly touches one of the players. Anyone who is touched by the teacher becomes a sly fox. The teacher invites the players to open their eyes and look carefully at each other, trying to find out which of them is the sly fox, and whether she will give herself away in some way. Those playing in chorus ask 3 times (with short intervals) (at first quietly, and then louder): “Sly fox, where are you?” At the same time, everyone looks at each other carefully. As soon as the question: “Sly fox, where are you?” - will be said a third time, the player chosen by the sly fox quickly runs out into the middle of the circle, raises his hand, the player chosen by the sly fox quickly runs out into the middle of the circle, raises his hand up and says: “I’m here.” All players scatter around platform, and the fox catches them (touches them with his hand). The caught fox takes him to his house. After the fox catches 2-3 children, the teacher says loudly: “In a circle.” The players form a circle, the game resumes. The game is repeated 5-6 times.
Directions. If the fox betrays itself in some way, the teacher assigns another fox. One of the players can choose the fox. If the fox cannot catch anyone for a long time, you can choose another driver. If the site is very large, you can mark its boundaries.

Chickens and hawk
One child is a hawk. Chickens are walking. Suddenly the presenter says: “Hawk!” The hawk rushes at the chickens, they freeze; whoever moves is taken by the hawk.
We play 3-4 times. We choose the most agile chicken. We change the hawk.

Play activities in kindergarten. Program and methodological recommendations. For children 3-7 years old Gubanova Natalya Fedorovna

Senior group (from five to six years old)

Role-playing game

The desire to reproduce the world of adult relationships gives rise to a 5-6 year old child’s need for partnership interaction, which is realized in longer communication with other children. The role-playing game in this group reaches its peak. Imitating the relationships of adults in their public life intensifies due to the expansion of children’s ideas about the world around them, the further development of gaming skills, and the complication of gaming plans. There is a need for a chain of roles (loaders - drivers - sellers - buyers), coordination of role actions (loaders unload the goods brought by the driver, the seller checks the availability of goods, buyers are waiting for new products), the ability to agree on a game, and determine role behavior according to plot twists. For example, while the loaders are unloading goods, customers decide in different ways what to do: stay at home at this time, go to another store, or stand in line until the end of unloading.

The teacher plays the role of an adviser and partner in the game and can offer several stories, for example, in the theater game he asks: “Who works in the theater? How to behave in the theater? What can you watch in the theater? What is an intermission? Leading questions give the most general idea of ​​the content that should be specified.

Dramatizations provide invaluable assistance in developing a role-playing game. In dramatization games, children of this age act out plots from various works of art. Children can imagine the theater, the work of its employees, and the behavior of the audience on the basis of existing experience (they attend performances in kindergarten or visit the theater with their parents), gain knowledge from conversations about the theater, and find themselves in the role of prop men, directors, costume designers, etc. d.

Play actions can be generalized and schematic, but the knowledge acquired in dramatic games and in preparation for them helps to recreate the world of the theater: children build theatrical stages from improvised modules; determine the place where the wardrobe, buffet, auditorium, dressing rooms will be; indicate the main lines of the plot (“Come on, as if we are a family, today is our mother’s birthday, and we are all going to the theater”; “And now we will prepare the play. You are an actress, and I am doing your makeup. Go to your dressing room "), roles are assigned, and the game begins.

V.V. Zenkovsky argues that the function of the game is not so much to understand the surrounding world, but to give the child’s activity a form that, without taking away from reality, “will weaken direct interaction with it by introducing the work of fantasy.” The activity of a child of this age in a role-playing game can be aimed at coming up with a theme for the game, specifying the content, determining the composition of the roles, searching for and making attributes, and arranging the place of the game.

Play is not a frozen phenomenon; It is during the course of the action that details are thought out, new ideas are implemented, additional roles appear (“Listen, is it really possible that there is no usher? Let’s call someone,” “We won’t have time to finish the scene, there aren’t enough steps. Tell the director that the performance is delayed, let him announce"). The more incidental creative decisions there are, the more dynamic the game develops; there is a place for jokes, enthusiasm, and invention in it. The teacher praises the children, he is passionate, he experiences emerging situations, and in the game a community of caring participants is formed, an attractive gaming group appears. He is not yet stable, but next time his peers will certainly agree to the proposal to start the game.

In a role-playing game, its content is enriched due to a deeper correlation of the model (role) with real actions; this indicates a transition of the game to more high level. This is how the game creates long interacting chains, numerous branches, and associations of groups of players. For example, a hospital complex is working: doctors examine patients, dentists treat teeth, therapists measure pulses, do warm-ups; An ambulance delivers patients injured by a fire. There is a house near the hospital where the fire started, fire trucks and fire brigades are rushing there. The teacher supports the game, connects to it if necessary (“I purchased new equipment for the office. Here is a device for massage,” etc.).

The teacher notes the level of children's gaming skills: some children are more proactive, occupy a leading position among their peers, others take the most active part in the game, unite in a plan with other children; Some children, skillfully distributing roles, remain outside observers, because they like to act out only ready-made plots and do not know how to come up with their own. To develop gaming skills, it is necessary to involve the most passive children in the game, give them tasks (“Please take this letter, we urgently need a postman”), awaken the desire to play a bright, but not difficult role (“You will be the Snow Maiden, you will go to kindergarten and help distribute gifts at the holiday").

The teacher encourages the child to be independent in play, and he strives to act like an adult. Subject to competent pedagogical guidance, role-playing games contribute to the formation of children’s emotions and feelings. During the games, the teacher encourages them to express emotions in relation to the game material, character, toy, and the children give vent to their feelings: “The house turned out to be beautiful, like a real one, it’s comfortable for a bunny to live in it, and I’ll make a fence near the house”; “Carlson makes everyone laugh, he will soon fly to visit the Kid to cheer him up”; “The lion cub is beloved, good, obedient; I’m happy to dress him for walks and take him to kindergarten.” Through understanding the emotional state of the characters, the child learns to empathize and outlines the further course of events (“The cat is sick, we need to treat him and not let him go outside so he doesn’t freeze”). Special exercises will help children understand that there are the most different emotions. The teacher tells a fairy tale, highlighting the character’s emotional state with intonation and words. One of the guys takes a suitable pictogram depicting an emotion from the stand and shows the others; Children accompany the teacher's story with facial expressions and gestures.

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Older group (five to six years old) At this age, children develop a strong interest in establishing positive interactions with peers. The uniqueness of the social situation is that the preschooler’s social circle is expanding,

From the book Construction and manual labor in kindergarten. Program and methodological recommendations. For children 2-7 years old author Kutsakova Lyudmila Viktorovna

Senior group In the senior group, work continues on the development of the phonemic side of speech and mastering elementary graphic skills. Development of the phonemic side of speech. In the older group, work continues with the sounding word, determining its length

From the book My Child is an Introvert [How to Identify Hidden Talents and Prepare for Life in Society] by Laney Marty

Middle group (from four to five years old) Subject environment Introduce children to the world of objects necessary for different types activities: labor, drawing, games, etc. Clarify and activate in their speech the names and purposes of objects in the immediate environment. Create

From the book 150 educational games for children from three to six years old by Warner Penny

Senior group (from five to six years old) Subject environment Clarify and activate the names of various objects in children’s speech. Explain the purpose of unfamiliar objects. To form an idea of ​​objects that facilitate human work in everyday life and create comfort

From the book How to stop a child from being naughty author Vasilyeva Alexandra

Middle group (from four to five years old) Subject environment At this age, preschoolers awaken interest in subjects that have no place in their personal experience. This interest must be satisfied. Children also continue to be introduced to objects in their immediate environment.

From the author's book

Senior group (from five to six years old) Role-playing game To improve and expand the play ideas and skills of children. Develop a desire to organize role-playing games. Encourage the choice of a theme for the game; teach to develop the plot based on the knowledge gained from

From the author's book

Senior group (from five to six years old) Role-playing game The desire to reproduce the world of adult relationships gives rise to a 5-6 year old child’s need for partner interaction, which is realized in longer communication with other children. Role-playing game in this group

From the author's book

Senior group Construction Continue to develop children’s ability to establish connections between the buildings they create and what they see in the life around them; create a variety of buildings and structures (houses, sports and play equipment, etc.). Learn to highlight

From the author's book

Senior group At the age of 5-6 years, the child’s voluntary attention becomes more stable. Personality is developing and interests are expanding. Communicative independence is formed, in which the child satisfies the need for business communication. Child

From the author's book

Senior group of kindergarten and preparatory class At five years old, children are simply amazing - this is a wonderful age. Introverts learn to compare their inner world with the outside world, observe the behavior of peers and elders, try to master what they

From the author's book

From five and a half to six years Approaching school age your child experiences a literal explosion of physical, cognitive and social abilities. Everything he has learned so far becomes building material for subsequent learning. Carry on

Senior preschool age- these are children aged 5-6 years. At this age, the child begins to prepare for school activities. Therefore, the attention of parents and teachers of the senior group is focused not only on the development of personal qualities, but also on honing the skills necessary for entering the first grade.

Preschool educators and teachers working in secondary groups will be able to find in this section a lot of useful lesson notes, leisure and entertainment scenarios for children 4-5 years old.

Activities, games and holidays with children 5-6 years old.

Includes sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 96187.
All sections | Senior group. Senior preschool age. Children 5-6 years old

Summary of educational activities with TRIZ elements “Lost Books” for the senior group Target: creating conditions for children’s cognitive activity in the process of searching for extraordinary solutions to assigned problems. Tasks: - introduce children to the process of creating a book, the work of printing house workers. - activate creative thinking, imagination, teach to find...

Photo report "Summer crafts with children senior preschool age" "Summer meadow" "This is how the pond turned out" "Making an anthill" "And here the ants have crawled" "Now we're populating the hive" And at the end of our summer project, a wall newspaper "Photo report about our trip with...

Senior group. Senior preschool age. Children 5-6 years old - Comprehensive thematic planning for music education in middle-high and senior preparatory groups for November

Publication “Comprehensive thematic planning for music education in...” Comprehensively – thematic planning in music education in middle-high school and older - preparatory groups(for November. 2nd part NOVEMBER. Theme. “Home, city, country, Motherland, planet.” 29. 10 - 09. 11 Objectives. To introduce children to musical works, in ...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Project “Plasticineography as a means of developing the creative abilities of older preschoolers” SPEECH AT THE DISTRICT METHODOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION SEMINAR-WORKSHOP FOR TEACHERS OF PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Topic: “Use of pedagogical technologies for the formation of cognitive activity of preschool children” PROJECT: “PLASTILINOGRAPHY AS A MEANS OF DEVELOPMENT...

Teacher Isaeva Anna Aleksandrovna Dear colleagues! I bring to your attention a small photo report on painting gingerbread with glaze. The Gingerbread Art Museum has recently opened in our wonderful city of Zlatoust. AND main character exhibitions, of course, are carrots. But since we don't...

Card index of fun games for older children Card index of fun games for children of the older group Prepared by: teacher Ivanova O. V. Fun games No. 1 “Potato” Purpose: To encourage emotional responsiveness, develop communication skills with adults and peers. Move: All players stand in a circle and pass the ball to each other...

Senior group. Senior preschool age. Children 5-6 years old - Conversation “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia” in the older mixed-age group

Goal: tell children about the holiday “Day of Family, Love and Fidelity” Objectives. Developmental: develop an active social position; coherent speech and verbal-logical thinking; to form the ability to reason, develop creative imagination, visual creativity....

A collection of games on speech development for older preschoolers Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution of the city of Nizhnevartovsk, kindergarten No. 45 “Sparkle” COLLECTION OF GAMES THAT HELP ACTIVATE SPEECH ACTIVITY OF SENIOR PRESCHOOL CHILDREN “ONE WORD, TWO WORDS” Author-compiler: O. N. Berdyugina...

Scenario sports festival. "Health Day" Art. group "B" Goals and objectives: 1. Formation of a culture of healthy lifestyle. Expanding knowledge about healthy way life, and preventive measures. 2. Propaganda physical culture and sports like the best remedy from any diseases. 3....

Summer relay game “The Mischievous Rain” for children aged 5–6 years old in the senior group Summer game - relay race in kindergarten for children 5-6 years old Relay race for children of the senior group “Mischievous Rain” Stage 1: pretending to be raindrops, jump from start to finish and from finish to start. The legs must be pressed tightly together. Stage 2: run from start to finish and from...

Knowledge and skills of a child of senior preschool age.

Child's stay in middle group smoothly prepares him for the final stage of transition to the preparatory stage.

Physical development

A child aged 5-6 years can and should be given a load, encouraging him to physical activity, manifestation of strong-willed qualities. Will be a good help sports sections, regular active recreation under adult supervision. The premises in which preschool children stay must provide the necessary conditions for active games, physical exercise. For this purpose, preschool educational institutions provide physical education halls, physical education corners equipped with ladders, mats, ropes, balls and other attributes. At home you can use wall bars and other sports equipment.

Intellectual development

By the age of six, a child should learn to focus his attention on the subject being studied for half an hour, be able to listen and take an active part in the discussion. Over the course of the year, children learn to compose a coherent story of at least 5-6 sentences, compare objects according to their physical properties, and find 5-7 differences in pictures. With distinction, they answer questions about their family, full name, both their own and their parents’, address, and residence. By the age of 6, a child more confidently masters spatial and temporal concepts, distinguishes between parts of the day and seasons, and orients himself in the concepts of left and right. Mathematical concepts come down to familiarizing the number series up to 10 in the direct and reverse order, increase and decrease of set (+;- 1). Acquaintance with geometric shapes, both volumetric and planar. Graphic skills become more pronounced; preschool children learn to work not only with a pencil, felt-tip pen, but also with a pen.