Exercises for armpit elasticity - what to do if your armpits are flabby? Types of fat deposits and how they are related to the “ears” on the hips.

The younger a woman is, the more elastic her skin is. Unfortunately, over time, lifestyle, bad habits, pregnancy and, of course, age do their dirty work - the elasticity of the skin weakens, smoothness and firmness disappear. Age also affects the armpits, which have to be hidden with clothing even in the summer.

Are there ways to make your armpits firmer again?

The best exercises for elasticity and a beautiful line of the armpits - tightening the armpit area

Women for whom flabby armpits- this is really a problem, they usually look for it right away radical methods her decisions.

Although there is set of exercises, allowing you to correct this age-related “defect”. And it’s absolutely not necessary to sign up for fitness (especially when you don’t have time for it) - we do the exercises right at home, without being particularly distracted from our work.

The main emphasis is on the triceps, biceps and deltoids.

  • Warm up. First we warm up. You can simply dance to rhythmic music or (if space allows) jump rope. Next, we remember our physical education lessons and rotate our straightened arms back and forth.
  • For the deltoid muscle. From a standing position and with your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your arms with the dumbbells down, then bend them at the elbows and raise them to the sides to shoulder level. Perform 10 times 2. Raise the dumbbells to chest level and, without bending your arms, lower them. We do it 10 times. 3. Hands with dumbbells at your sides. Then we raise our straight arms to the sides to the level of the armpits and lower them. We do it 10 times.
  • For biceps. 1. From a “standing” position with your feet shoulder-width apart: lower your arms with dumbbells down, press your elbows to your waist and completely bend your arms at the elbows. We do it 10 times.
    2. First, bend one arm with dumbbells at the elbow, then the other (one at a time). We do it 10 times.
  • For triceps. 1. From a “standing” position with feet shoulder-width apart: we bend down, press our hands with dumbbells to the body, bend and straighten them at the elbows, pressing them to the waist. We do it 10 times.
    2. In the “lying” position on your stomach: stretch your arms with dumbbells along the body, then lift them up. We do it 10 times.
  • No dumbbells. Squatting down, we firmly rest our hands on the hard seat of the chair and do push-ups 5-8 times.
  • A meter from the wall, we rest our hands on it (approx. - at chest level) and do push-ups, trying to keep your body as straight as possible and “glued” your heels to the floor.
    We perform it in 5-6 steps.
  • We join our palms in front of us as in prayer. We press our palms against each other as hard as we can for 6-8 seconds, rest for 10 seconds and repeat. We do it 30 times.
  • In the “lying” position on your back, bend your knees , raise the dumbbells up, then spread our arms to the sides and lower them to the floor along the body. We do it 20 times.

If you don't have dumbbells, you can use regular dumbbells. plastic bottles 1.5-2 liters (with water, of course).

Exercises and women's secrets for getting rid of fat in the armpit area - losing weight in the armpits

Whoever says that fat deposition and sagging skin in the armpits is genetic, don’t listen to anyone! Sport 100% refutes this “axiom”.

The most popular exercises to get rid of armpit fat:

  • In the summer season, the most important correction method is swimming! Run to the shore of a pond or to the sea! As a last resort, go to the pool (get yourself such a good habit). You should swim crawl - this is the most effective style for elasticity of the armpits. Your norm: three times a week for 40 minutes. You will be able to see the results in just a couple of months.
  • Don't like water? Don't have a nice swimsuit? Let's go to the gym! . The first is more effective, thanks to the involvement of not only the axillary muscles, but also the thighs, buttocks, and calves. Your norm: three times a week for 45 minutes.
  • Pull-up on the horizontal bar. If you can’t do more than 0.5 pull-ups and hang out like a sausage among young, handsome athletes with blue eyes while you’re shy, ask your dad (husband) to hang a horizontal bar at home. With its help, you will strengthen both the skin of your armpits and your back muscles.
  • Push-ups from the floor. Also labor-intensive and complex, but extremely effective method. At the same time, you will lift your chest muscles. We place our palms wide, and our chests need to touch the floor (the smaller the chest, the more difficult it is, but the faster the result will come). We do it whenever possible (as far as we have enough strength, preferably 12-15 times), but 5 approaches daily.
  • Let's shake off the “old times”! This way you will help improve blood circulation in the right places. We stand up straight, spread our arms to the sides and, moving forward first one shoulder, then the other, shake our chest. Remember the “Gypsy” dance! Leave your hips motionless! This is important. Your norm: every morning for 3 minutes.
  • Pilates circle. It will be useful not only for your armpits, but also for all other muscles. Therefore, if you haven’t bought it yet, now is the time! A very effective projectile that allows you to quickly restore your muscles to their former elasticity. 1. So, we stand up straight, raise the circle to chest level and powerfully squeeze it with both hands so that from the circle you first get an oval, and then an ellipse. Squeezing the projectile, we freeze for 5-6 seconds. Your norm: 15-20 compressions daily. 2. Raise your arms with the projectile up and repeat the same thing, but above your head. The norm is the same - 15-20 compressions.
  • And dumbbells again. An excellent exercise that allows you to remove “fat” from your armpits and raise your breast size no matter what. It’s better to do this on a simulator, but in its absence we simply lie down (on a hard sofa) on a bench so that upper part the body “hovered” in the air from the top of the head to the ribs. If you can catch your feet on something, great. If you can’t, ask your child to sit on your feet. Next, we spread our arms with dumbbells (note: with bottles) to the sides. Then we bend our elbows at a level just below the bench and “flapping our wings”, bending and straightening our arms. Your norm: 2 approaches per day, 15-20 times.

Additional beauty products for armpits - against sagging and sagging

To make the exercises even more effective, we use the entire product in a comprehensive manner!

Cosmetic methods:

  • Cool shower every day - with mandatory massaging of the armpits with a hard sponge (to increase blood flow). Very helpful.
  • We use creams and special lotions with a lifting effect.
  • 2-3 times a week – scrub for sagging skin.


  • No strict diets! They only weaken your skin tone.
  • We introduce fish, any low-fat dairy products and dietary meat into the diet.
  • The maximum calories per day are 2000-2500, which are stretched by 5-6 times.
  • The evening meal is the lightest. For example, kefir with apple or orange.
  • The most high-calorie meal is the penultimate one.
  • We replace fast carbohydrates (bun buns, potatoes, bananas and butter, sugar, etc.) with complex ones. That is, for legumes and broccoli, brown rice, sauerkraut, etc.

Radical method:

  • If age no longer suggests drastic changes even when using the entire range of methods, surgery remains. For example, lapectomy, when a specialist injects a special solution into the armpits to help break down excess fat at the cellular level. At the same time, ultrasound is used to enhance the effect. Well, the end is lymphatic drainage.
  • Another method is brachioplasty, which is sometimes performed in combination with liposuction.

Dancing will help you gain not only good figure, but also optimism, which for some reason is always lacking.

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Ears on the hips, or in scientific breeches, are not the best decoration female figure. They are not observed in men, so ears are a purely female problem and associated with the peculiarities of the functioning of the female body.

A little theory

Adipose tissue in our body has two types. The fat layer located directly under the skin serves to store nutrients.

It accumulates quickly and is quickly consumed, especially during weight loss diets and increased physical activity.

Another type of fat is called reserve fat and appears in women, or more precisely, in teenage girls around the age of 13. The body at this age begins to form fat reserves inside the tissues, which are of great strategic importance - they contribute to the production of estrogen, the female sex hormone.

By the age of 20, the process of puberty ends, and the need for reserve fat disappears. However, our thrifty body is in no hurry to get rid of it, as evidenced by the ears on the hips.

Ears on the thighs: how to get rid of them

Well, now that everything is clear, we can ask the question: how to remove ears on the thighs as quickly as possible, preferably within a week?

No way, you won’t be able to get by in a week, because ears are fatty tissue overgrown with a protective film, and diets won’t help here. The only way to get rid of ears is to transform adipose tissue into the muscle.

The mechanism here is this: by pumping up the muscles located next to the ears, you increase their need for nutrients and energy. And since their closest source will be the ears, the muscles will gradually “eat” them.

Thus, the only way to get rid of ears is special exercises which can be performed both in the gym and at home.

There is also a positive aspect in the fight against ears: you not only get rid of this dubious decoration, but also effectively pump up the muscles on the outer and inside thighs, buttocks, abs, so the result will exceed your expectations.

The most impatient, who are most interested in how long it will take to get rid of ears, should remember that nothing is done quickly in such matters.

But, most likely, after 2-5 weeks you will notice the result: your hips and butt will become more elastic and toned, and barely noticeable protrusions or even a flat area will remain in place of the ears.

Best ways losing weight

A set of exercises to get rid of ears

The complex is small, but the exercises have a clear target orientation and give good effect subject to strict adherence to the technique of their implementation.

To understand all the nuances, look at photos and videos on the Internet, and if you work out in the gym, ask the instructor to check whether you are performing them correctly.

Before you start exercising, be sure to do at least: leg swings, jumping rope, squats, etc., then the muscles will warm up properly, and the lesson will pass more efficient.

Here are the main basic exercises:

  • Swing your legs while lying down . Lie on the floor with your right side, bend slightly right leg, and make sharp swings with the left one, moving it back a little and raising it above the floor by 45°.

After doing 30 swings with one leg without a break, turn over to the other side and repeat the exercise with the other leg.

  • . Feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, arms extended forward parallel to the floor. Do 30 squats, then bring your legs together and do another 30.

  • . Standing straight, make a large lunge forward with one leg, while the foot of the second leg is pressed firmly to the floor.

Perform 30 squats, keeping your back straight and not touching the floor with the knee of the leg that is behind you. Switch legs and do another 30 squats.

  • Leg lift. Get on all fours, stretch one leg out parallel to the floor, lower it and raise it again, and so on 30 times. Then change legs and perform another 30 lifts.

Now you know how to remove the ears on the thighs, the exercises described above, provided daily workouts will save you from this dubious decoration.

Perhaps not everything will work out right away - for an untrained body the load may be too great. Then reduce the number of repetitions of each exercise by half and gradually increase them to normal.

How to remove ears on the thighs using additional products

  • Hula hoop for at least 10 minutes every day.
  • Jog, preferably on an incline.
  • Avoid the elevator and only use stairs on foot.
  • While sitting, lying down or standing, alternately tense and relax your buttocks. This can be done both in the office and in the kitchen.
  • Follow the principles of a healthy, balanced diet, sleep at least 7-8 hours - this helps normalize metabolism and get rid of bulges on the thighs.

Fatty round projections with outside The thighs, which are at the same level as the buttocks, are called “ears”. They look rather unattractive and spoil a woman’s silhouette, preventing her from feeling comfortable in tight-fitting outfits and on the beach. Naturally slender people who exercise to maintain excellent shape, it is difficult to understand this problem. Most of those who have to constantly struggle with overweight, they know about “butt ears” firsthand.

Women's physiology is different from men's, since the fat that accumulates under the skin, which the body accumulates in case of starvation, is most often deposited on the hips, or more precisely, in the upper lateral area. The result of such frugality is that, instead of a smooth hip line, ugly protrusions are formed, similar to ears. It is possible to get rid of them, but only by taking a set of appropriate measures, including massage procedures, normalization of nutrition and, of course, properly selected exercises aimed at burning subcutaneous fat in the problem area.

Small formations of fat under the skin, if not dealt with, can grow over time, becoming similar to “breeches.” There are several reasons for this:

  • Excess body weight. In some women, excess fat is distributed evenly throughout the body, while in others it forms into prominent ears on the hips, buttocks, and abdomen.
  • Sedentary lifestyle. The almost complete absence of any activity involving the muscles of the outer thigh leads to the fact that subcutaneous fat in this area is not exposed to any influence.
  • Heredity. Some even slender girls, due to genetic predisposition, may develop rounded protrusions on the sides of their thighs.

You can get rid of unwanted fatty formations under the skin, called “butt ears,” but only with integrated approach, which includes the following important points:

  • Changing eating habits. The diet must consist exclusively of useful and healthy foods, and the total daily caloric intake is reduced.
  • You need to move more. You can't sit in one place. You need to jump, run, walk, and do energetic dancing.
  • Make exercise a part of your life. You need to perform not just the first complex you come across, but a special one aimed at working out the problem area. Active influence on this area gives the body a clear indication that it is not suitable for building up fat folds.
  • Massages and wraps. These procedures allow you to target the outer thighs and “stir up” the subcutaneous fat, which gives an impetus to its use, that is, to be involved in the process of breakdown.

Using the entire arsenal allows you to overcome even those ears that were inherited and make the hip line ideal.

How to eat properly so that the “ears” on your hips go away?

The accumulation of fat is facilitated by excess calorie consumption, when the amount incoming exceeds the amount expended, and the remainder is deposited in the fat depot. And in order not to feed the “popin’s ears”, the diet must not only be radically changed in favor of choosing healthy and wholesome food, but also reduce the total daily caloric intake. The diet must include all useful and nutritious substances, as well as a sufficient amount of fluid, which supports metabolism and cleanses the body.

Proper nutrition that helps burn “butt ears” is based on the following principles:

  • Drinking regime. You should definitely drink from 1.5 to 2 liters of exceptionally clean and high-quality water per day.
  • Small portions. You need to forget about three meals a day. The daily diet is divided into five or six meals, and portions are made extremely moderate.
  • Fresh and cooked vegetables and fruits. They are a low-calorie source of minerals and vitamins. They are rich in fiber, which helps cleanse the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Porridges made from dark types of cereals. They are rich in carbohydrates that are slowly absorbed in the body, which give a long-lasting feeling of fullness, which helps to cope with a calorie deficit for those who are used to eating more.
  • Low-fat dairy products, meat and fish. The latter are recommended to be steamed, boiled, or baked.
  • Elimination of harmful products. No pastries, sweets, muffins or fast food.

    A diet compiled according to the rules described above helps not only in the fight against “ears” on the hips, but also allows you to improve your body’s health and become slimmer.

    Massage and wraps against protruding “ears” on the hips

    They allow you to intensively target the fat deposited on the outer thighs. Mechanical treatment of the problem area breaks up the formations. Helps to deal with ears perfectly:

    • Vacuum or manual massage according to the rubbing technique. The oil mixture helps enhance the effect. It is prepared from 10-15 ml of olive or other vegetable oil, to which a couple of drops of essential oil are added. This can be juniper oil, lemon or orange.
    • Wrapping with cling film. Ginger, coffee, grated chocolate, and ground green tea are used as a warming mixture to make fat “melt.”

    Both procedures should definitely be included in a set of measures to combat “golf” on the hips.

    Regular training, which includes exercises with movements aimed at working the outer part of the legs, ensures a smooth and perfectly aligned thigh line. Physical activity plays an important role in the breakdown of fat deposits, which are converted into energy necessary for exercise. Simultaneously with getting rid of the formations, the muscles are strengthened and the hips acquire a beautiful shape.

    It is recommended to exercise at least twice or thrice a week. It is best to train in the daytime between 11.00 and 14.00 or in the evening between 18.00 and 20.00. Exercises are required no earlier than two hours after eating and no later than 120 minutes before going to bed. Training at home begins with a preparatory warm-up and ends with a stretching warm-up.

    The complex includes the following exercises:


    • With feet shoulder width apart. The stance must be stable throughout the squats. The arms are extended in front of you and the back is straightened. The squat is not done full, and the thighs at the bottom point are parallel to the floor. The number of repetitions is at least 20.
    • With feet wide apart. The feet are wider than the shoulders and the toes are pointed apart. When squatting, you need to point your knees toward your feet, making sure to work the outer thighs.

    Deep lunges

    Ten times on each leg, lunging forward.


    • Kick back from a standing position. Lean on the wall or the back of a chair. You need to do at least 20 swings on each leg.
    • With your feet from a lying position. First, they lie on their side, focus on bent arms, and swing upward with their straightened upper leg. The minimum number of times is 20.

    Leg abduction

    It is done in a standing position. Hands rest on the lumbar region. The leg is abducted, turning the heel outward, tensing the muscles abdominals. Do 25-50 repetitions on each leg.


    Lying down, bend the knees, feet are at shoulder level and rest on the floor, arms are placed freely along the body, the pelvis is raised so that the body and hips are on the same level, but the arms are top part their backs are on the floor. Do the slide at least 30 times.

    It is quite difficult for girls starting to play sports to master a set of exercises on their own. In order to perform all movements technically correctly and breathe correctly, help will come from various videos rollers.

    Summing up

    The only way to defeat the hated fat formations on the lateral thighs is by changing the rhythm of life. You need to not only move a lot, do special exercises, but also eat right, and do not neglect wraps and massages using mixtures that warm up fat deposits.

    Triceps exercises for women at home
    CrossFit at home

Hello! Today we will talk about how to remove bulges on the thighs at home and in the gym. But first, let me start with a short introduction...

What nonsense...

What kind of nonsense can be found on the Internet, and in glossy magazines about this...

This topic is one of the most desirable for sellers of various kinds of useless crap.

Why tell people the truth if you can make good money by lying and selling various nonsense products?

I found it on the Internet and decided to show you some of the MOST CRAZY arguments about getting rid of the “breeches” or “ears” on the thighs.

Are you ready to laugh? Let's go.

Hmm... Converting fat tissue into muscle tissue? SERIOUSLY?

Friends, there is no such mechanism in nature that can magically transform a FAT CELL into a MUSCLE CELL! This is extreme nonsense.

What does it mean to be isolated from the outside world?

The fact is that fat exists:

  1. Functional (subcutaneous).
  2. Spare.
  3. Visceral.
  4. Structural.
  5. Brown (brown).

We'll talk about them below.

“Isolated from the outside world” - this, as I understand it, is the most difficult to consume, but this does not mean that the body stores it in a separate bag, but that there are much more ALPHA-2 adrenergic receptors in these places!

This type of receptor promotes the accumulation of fat in places “convenient” for storage. These places are different for men and women.

For men:

  • Stomach.
  • Waist.

For women:

  • Waist.
  • Hips.
  • Buttocks.

Therefore, “ears” on the hips are found mainly in women.

In men, this phenomenon is extremely rare and is mainly associated with hormonal imbalance.

The following nonsense that I saw on the Internet:

Shockwave therapy, right? Melting fat cell reserves?

“What did I just read?” - the first thought that came to my mind.

You can believe that the waves somehow affect the mechanism for the release of fatty acids and glycerol from fat cells, but believe that the fat directly melts under the skin...

This, of course, is very strange nonsense, considering that we know that everything in nature is balanced and fat and any other cell cannot simply be evaporated under the influence of a “magic” wave.

The weight of the cage has to go somewhere, right?

Fat cells can be used as energy, a protective shell for fragile human organs, or thermal insulation (fat cells do not remove heat well, so they can protect the body from hypothermia).

In general, I see no point in dwelling on this. Any reasonable person will understand that this is a common marketing scam.

Although, perhaps, incredible discoveries await us in the future, and who knows where science will lead us.

Nature, right? The procedure for losing weight. Correct?

It's not about in the right order weight loss, but the ability of a certain type of tissue to interact with hormones through RECEPTORS.

  1. Those places, roughly speaking, where we have more alpha-2 adrenergic receptors, gain fat more easily.
  2. Those places where there are fewer alpha-2 adrenergic receptors and more BETA-2 adrenergic receptors are more difficult to swim with fat.

Indeed, there are so-called “convenient” places for fat accumulation in our body, which were determined as a result of anthropogeny. Which did not interfere with further life activities.

But for nature to determine the order in which the body loses weight, yes. This is something.

I'm always surprised here. How can a person not want to work on himself, watch his diet, engage in the CORRECT type of physical activity from the point of view of losing weight, but he wants to lie on the bed, rub himself with all kinds of body stuff, use a “super mitten” to get rid of problem areas.



The hormone cannot circulate only in one place (for example, in the stomach or buttocks), it will rush throughout the bloodstream, through both circles of blood circulation, penetrating wherever it can reach (through capillaries, vessels, veins, arteries).

You can briefly increase the concentration of hormones in a certain place using pumping, for example, but all this is weakly effective, especially with natural training.

And I don’t see the point in burning fat only in one place. In my opinion, this, in most cases, is simply a manifestation of human laziness, and not a necessity.

“Why then does fat burn at different rates in different places?”

In some places fat burns more slowly, and in others faster, because... Our body has CONVENIENT PLACES for storing fat reserves (buttocks, hips, waist, etc.).

Previously, it was very convenient for our ancestors to store fat in these places, because... this did not interfere with continuing further life activities (hunting, fighting for females, mating, running away from predators, etc.) and allowed them to accumulate energy IN RESERVE.

In these places there are fewer capillaries and the sensitivity of receptors to hormones is LOWER (so that reserve energy reserves burn more slowly)!


Where there are more capillaries (where it is easier for blood to reach) and the sensitivity of receptors to hormones is higher, fat will “burn” more easily (since it is easier for hormones to penetrate fat cells and “bind” with the necessary receptors).

Fat burns in different places at different speeds, because... different:

  • Those places where there are more ALPHA adrenergic receptors are more prone to the accumulation of excess fat (thighs, abdomen, buttocks, etc.).
  • Those places where there are more BETA adrenergic receptors (type 2, especially) are less prone to the accumulation of fat reserves (calves, hands, etc.).

That is why many people are confused and believe that you need to lose weight only in one part of the body (for example, in the stomach or thighs), although the process of lipolysis and fat burning will occur throughout the body, in conditions of a lack of calories.

Another important caveat.

LIPOLYSIS or FAT DISSOLUTION is not a guarantee of getting rid of it!

After lipolysis, fat enters the bloodstream in the form of fatty acids. The fatty acids can then be used as energy. If they are not used (as a result of stress from diet or physical or mental activity), then the fat will return to the cell, because. the body understands that “no energy was needed.”

Well, I came across another comical moment:

“Sauna effect”, right? Hm. Interesting. I've heard that this is roughly comparable in effectiveness to the "lazy ass effect."

But seriously.

You need to remember one simple thing: The fat burning process itself is a chemical reaction.! There is no "BURNING" happening.

LIPOLYSIS- This is the process of splitting triglycerides into fatty acids and glycerol.

FAT BURNING– is the use of fatty acids and glycerol released into the blood as a result of lipolysis as an energy source.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to lose weight if fat is compressed, heated, shaken, etc.

Once again, just a little more detail.

Fat in our body is stored in fat cells in the form of TRIGLYCERIDES!

Fat is stored energy (reserve reserve), which nature provided so that we do not die in times of famine. When there is a need for fat consumption, the triglyceride must first be broken down into: FATTY ACIDS AND GLYCEROL!

This process of converting triglycerides into fatty acids and glycerol is called LIPOLYSIS (fat breakdown)!

For example, the liver processes some of the fatty acids into ketone bodies to nourish the brain, in the complete absence of carbohydrates during.

For the heart, muscles, and kidneys, fatty acids also become an important source of energy during fasting or low-carbohydrate, cyclical, no-carbohydrate diets.

LIPOLYSIS IN OUR BODY IS TRIGGERED BY HORMONES! Or rather, the BRAIN. The brain sends signals to release one or another hormone depending on the external and internal environment.

The BRAIN is the “control command post” of our body. All decisions are made there, and all the most important information for survival, interaction with the outside world and more is collected!

Every substance or hormone that is produced in our body does so with a purpose.

Through the signals that the brain sends to the organs to produce certain hormones, it controls all the vital functions of the body.

All this is very exaggerated, I think you understand this, but the mechanism of action is clear!

External influence –> Brain signal –> Hormone production –> Triggering the necessary reactions.

One of these reactions is LIPOLYSIS (fat burning)! Lipolysis begins with hormonal stimulation (through the action of certain hormones).

Here are the main ones:

  • ADRENALINE and NORADRENALINE (when there is danger or you are experiencing extreme rage);
  • CORTISOL (with heavy physical, psychological stress or with a strong feeling of hunger);
  • GLUCAGON (for strong feelings of hunger and low sugar levels);
  • SOMATOTROPIN (at night to restore the system, ensure construction and energy processes);

These are just some of the hormones that can trigger LIPOLYSIS (there is also thyroxine, insulin) in our body, but they are the main ones!!!

The most important hormone in terms of fat burning is ADRENALINE!

  1. With a high concentration of adrenaline in the blood ( physical work and activity, fear, extreme situations etc.) there is an effect on BETA-adrenergic receptors of types 1, 2 and 3, and LIPOLYSIS starts!
  2. With a small concentration of adrenaline in the blood (low physical activity, relaxation, laziness, etc.), an effect occurs on ALPHA-2 adrenergic receptors and ANTI-LIPOLYTIC ACTION is triggered (lipolysis stops)!

FAT BREAKDOWN (lipolysis) IS A CHEMICAL REACTION (the breakdown of triglycerides into fatty acids), so it is a mistake to buy all sorts of weight loss belts, fat burning ointments, various vibrating massagers, etc. ALL THIS DOESN'T WORK!!!

“Why then does a person lose weight after a massage, bath or sauna?”

Because during these procedures, BLOOD SUPPLY IMPROVES and the supply of necessary hormones to fat cells is simplified!

Vessels and capillaries dilate, blood flows faster and the delivery of certain hormones that cause lipolysis becomes easier.

But this is only SIMPLIFYING THE PATH to your fat cells (“widening the roads” for hormones). HORMONES that cause lipolysis will not be produced unless they are created favorable conditions for their development (stress, workload, anger, rage, etc.)

The fact is that fat cells, like all other cells in the body, contain a lot of water.

When exposed to heat on the skin, fat and other cells of the body LOSE WATER! They become smaller in volume. But the most important thing is that the NUCLEI OF FAT CELLS DO NOT GET SMALLER! The cells simply shrank.

What do you think will happen after you drink one or two glasses of water after a bath or sauna? YOUR FAT CELLS WILL COMPLETE THE DEFICIT OF MOISTURE and return to their previous state.

This information is very unprofitable for massage and SPA salons, but why tell people the truth if it cannot be sold at a high price?

It’s better to say that “the magical effect of a steam phyto-barrel magically relieves you of extra pounds without any extra effort."

How to remove ears on thighs

I think you understand how much different kinds of crazy information exists everywhere on this issue.

I generally remain silent in glossy magazines. There, women are so brainwashed that they happily run and buy another “miracle cream” or “miracle device” for zero magnificent fat burning in the right places.

I will try to give you the most efficient and shortest way.

Types of fat deposits and how they are related to the “ears” on the hips

As I said, there are different types of fat tissue in our body.

I will list it again, explaining in parallel where and how these fat deposits are stored.

  1. Functional(subcutaneous) is the so-called “rapid response fat.” When glycogen is used up, subcutaneous fat comes into play. This is not entirely beneficial for the body, but it is subcutaneous fat that acts as the first “cushion” during hunger.
  2. Spare- this is exactly the fat that is interesting to us, because... exactly this type fat is the DENEST and is deposited precisely in those places where there are the MOST alpha-2-adrenergic receptors! These places include the hips in women. We'll talk about it in more detail below.
  3. Visceral(abdominal) – one of the most dangerous species fat, which is located mainly AROUND THE INTERNAL ORGANS. The number of visceral adipose tissue cells should not exceed a conventional level of 10-15% of the total number of other cells in the body. Otherwise, problems with varicose veins, hormones, cardiovascular system and oncology
  4. Structural– this fat is retained in the body even in conditions of COMPLETE EXHAUSTION. This type of fat is involved in many vital functions, for example, it participates in the construction of cell membranes and the myelin sheaths of nerve fibers. But one of the most important properties of structural fat is its combination with proteins, and the formation of lipoprotein complexes.
  5. Brown(brown) – this type of fat can burn and release energy almost instantly. Other types of fats in the body do not have this opportunity. The fat actually has a slightly brown color, which is given to it by the foci of hematopoiesis. There is a lot of this type of fat in babies, because... They are the ones who require a lot of energy to heat and grow cells.

As it became clear, it is the RESERVE fat in our body that fills such hard-to-reach places as the hips, buttocks and abdomen.

It has a very dense structure and is used by the body as energy very reluctantly. It is on its reduction that we need to focus.

But it's not that simple.

Since the body has other, cheaper sources of energy (glycogen, subcutaneous fat, etc.), these will be the first to be burned (used as an energy source), and only then the reserve fat.

Problem area fat (reserve fat) is primarily related to the GLYCEMIC INDEX of carbohydrates and insulin levels.

Let's look at the basic rules that must be followed to get rid of ears on the thighs.

Basic rules for removing ears on the hips

So what do I suggest?

  1. First of all, exclude foods with a high glycemic index from your diet.

I believe that this is the BASIS that will lead you to getting rid of the “breeches” in the hip area in the shortest way.

Let's go over the main points I mentioned above.

Elimination of high GI foods

Glycemic index(GI) – is a kind of QUANTITATIVE INDICATOR of the absorption of carbohydrates.

This is a QUANTITATIVE indicator, NOT A SPEED indicator! The speed will be the same for everyone (the peak will be in about 30 minutes for both sugar and buckwheat), but the AMOUNT of glucose will be different!!!

Simply put, different foods have DIFFERENT abilities to raise blood sugar (hyperglycemic potential) and therefore have different glycemic indexes.

  • THE SIMPLER the carbohydrate, the MORE it raises your blood sugar (higher GI).
  • HOW HARDER carbohydrate, the LOWER the blood sugar level rises (less GI).

Foods with a high glycemic index should be eliminated first if you are struggling with body fat. problem areas(areas with a large number alpha-adrenergic receptors of the second type).

A high amount of glucose in the blood causes our pancreas to produce large quantities o INSULIN to lower sugar levels.

Insulin– a transport hormone that is an ANTAGONIST of somatotropin (growth hormone, which is one of the main fat-burning hormones).

In other words, if you eat large amounts of food with a high GI (sweets, marmalade, marshmallows, any sweets, chocolate, cookies, ice cream, white rice etc.), then you STOP fat burning.

You can look at high GI foods on my blog in the table at this link:

Regulation of nutrition and calculation of the “equilibrium point”

Every organism on planet Earth requires a certain amount of energy every day to carry out its life activities.

Energy is spent in two directions:

  1. Basic energy pool (metabolism, brain activity, body warming, in general, everything that happens INSIDE the body).
  2. Expendable energy pool (all our physical activity per day, including how much we walked, at work, etc.).

In order to start losing weight, we need to follow just one most important rule:

We must spend MORE energy every day than we get from food.

But how do we know that we spent more than we ate?

This is why we need an EQUILIBRIUM POINT, i.e. the amount of calories at which our body does not gain weight or lose weight.

It is calculated very simply.

  1. Distribute your meals over 6-7 times a day (all of your daily calorie content divided into these 6-7 meals).
  2. You eat the same food every day, at every meal (not in the sense of always eating eggs for breakfast, lunch and dinner, for example, but at every meal, every day the same thing, the menu will be lower). It is important not to go hungry. Eat without forced restrictions. This doesn't mean you have to binge on every meal. No. The amount of food you consume will not change, you will just start eating the right foods more often, in small portions. The more often you eat, the faster your metabolism. The less often you eat and in larger portions, the slower it is.
  3. Every day you weigh yourself and count the total number of calories per day (we learned this with you).
  4. After a week, add up the calories for all days and divide by the number of days (by 7 if in a week). This will be your starting point. The number of calories from which we will “push” on the way to your weight loss.

Important: every week we do control weighings. If, with a given amount of calories, you haven’t gained weight or lost weight in a week, then this is your equilibrium point.


  • Buckwheat.
  • Brown rice
  • Chicken.
  • Fish.
  • Chicken eggs.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • (optional, if you want something tasty).

It is VERY IMPORTANT to do this, because... nutrition is 70-80% of success!

The next thing I focus on.

Physical activity in the gym, which promotes the production of anabolic and stress hormones

You can talk as much as you like about how “It’s boring to lift weights!”, “We work out very well in group classes,” “Swimming is much healthier for the body,” “Gears will make a man out of a girl!”, but I will say this :

Eat effective types physical activity from the point of view of fat burning, and there are practically useless ones!

In most cases, group classes, cycling, step dances, body sculptures and other nonsense give practically NO results.

The stress received in the gym as a result of overcoming a high-volume load contributes to the production of anabolic hormones, which trigger lipolysis of fat cells.

Fat cells are broken down into fatty acids and glycerol, which enter the blood.

Other types of physical activity carry the wrong load. There is no question of the production of anabolic and stress hormones if you are jumping around like crazy in group classes.

This is precisely the reason for their low effectiveness in terms of fat burning.

The purpose of a high-volume load with iron (in the gym) is precisely to create a FAVORABLE hormonal background to launch processes that contribute to the reduction of fat deposits.

I have a very cool article, so I don't see any point in going over the same in detail.

Be sure to check it out.

Yohimbine is the active substance and the same name of an alpha-blocker drug for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, produced in different forms (the most common is 5 mg tablets).

This drug is used by bodybuilders for cutting, losing weight and increasing libido (especially important after a course of steroids).

By the way, the study of this group of alkaloids began due to the fact that scientists wanted to find out the mechanism of action of the well-known veterinary drug “Equine pathogen”.

By the way, this is exactly what I mentioned in the title. This drug BLOCKS ALPHA-2 ADRENORESEPTORS and makes it more difficult for the body to accumulate fat (including on the thighs).

For example, yohimbine, which I now drink myself:

It works noticeably, helps not to lose heart during drying)) I always buy it at the lowest price that is on the market right here. Use it for your health)

I don’t see any point in talking about other drugs, because... they are too dangerous!

The above drugs and supplements are practically harmless (if taken without fanaticism).

In general, remember that there are fat burning ACCELERATORS, but there are no SUBSTITUTES.

The most the right way is to develop eating habits! Then you yourself will be able to control the weight loss process and feel great.

Additional procedures (optional)

Here we will talk about baths, saunas, various weight loss creams and more.

I won’t focus too much on this. Why? Due to the LOW effectiveness of these procedures for fat burning.

Baths and saunas, as well as various “fat-burning” creams, cannot trigger the processes of lipolysis and fat burning in your body, but they can slightly simplify the path of stress and anabolic hormones through capillaries and blood vessels that have expanded as a result of heating.

Those. you seem to simplify the “roads” for the penetration of the necessary hormones into adipose tissue.

All this has extremely low effectiveness, but I had to tell you this so that you do not have overly optimistic hopes about these types of procedures.

How to remove ears on thighs at home

The above basic rules work IN ANY CONDITIONS, friends.

The body doesn't care where you load it!

The main thing is to ensure that you progress your loads at home.

What you will need:

  1. Collapsible dumbbells (up to 20-25 kg each).
  2. Incline bench with adjustable angle.

With this equipment you can perform a huge number of various exercises, For example:

  1. Squats with dumbbells.
  2. Deadlift on straight legs with dumbbells.
  3. Lunges with dumbbells.
  4. Bulgarian squats (when hind leg lies on a bench to increase the range of motion).
  5. Bent-over dumbbell row.
  6. Incline dumbbell press.
  7. French press with dumbbells.
  8. Seated arm extensions behind the head with dumbbells.
  9. Lifting dumbbells for biceps.

These are the first exercises that came to my mind, although you can come up with much more!

Everything else: nutrition, supplements can be easily taken and eaten at home. There are no problems here.

You don’t have to do cardio at first, but then start walking later. briskly, smoothly transitioning to a very slow run.

If you wish, friends. Let your imagination run wild!


I was not surprised about the complete misinformation around this topic, because... for those who lie and sell useless products to get rid of bulges on the thighs - this is PROFITABLE. They make money by deceiving other people.

I make money by giving people results.

Therefore, I hope many interested girls will read this article.

Main points of the article.

Fat happens:

  1. Functional (subcutaneous).
  2. Spare.
  3. Visceral.
  4. Structural.
  5. Brown (brown).

Mainly RESERVE FAT is deposited on the hips, because... there are many alpha-2 adrenergic receptors in these places.

Basic rules to get rid of ears on the thighs:

  1. Eliminate foods with high GI from the diet.
  2. Regulating the diet and calculating the “equilibrium point”.
  3. Physical activity in the gym, which promotes the production of anabolic and stress hormones.
  4. Cardio exercise that accelerates the use of fat drops by cell mitochondria.
  5. The use of fat burning accelerators and alpha-2 adrenergic blockers.
  6. Additional procedures (optional).

Ears can also be removed at home if you can ensure PROGRESSION OF THE LOAD.

That's all, dear friends.

I hope it became clear to you how to remove ears on your hips. There's nothing complicated about it.

Do not fall for the tricks of various sellers of dubious weight loss products and other grief experts. Listen to your body and constantly develop.

All the best to you.

P.S. Subscribe to blog updates. It will only get worse.

With respect and best wishes,!