Sports tourism history, types, description, photos, videos. The essence and characteristic features of sports tourism as a specific type of tourism activity Sports and tourism refers to the direction

– this is an officially recognized sport, this is a philosophy of life. About the first component sports tourism Let's talk in detail today.

Sports tourism is a sport

Excerpt from the Sports Tourism Competition Rules; sport code number 0840005411Ya:

Sports is a sport based on competitions on routes that include overcoming categorized obstacles in the natural environment (passes, peaks, rapids, canyons, caves, etc.), and on distances laid in the natural environment and on artificial terrain.

Sports are divided into two large categories: route (or “hiking” in human terms) and distance (these are competitions in tourism techniques, as they called them in the last century).

Sports hiking (route) is where sports tourism began

So is it a sport or entertainment, recreation, as most people think? Let's take a closer look:

1. This is serious physical activity. As an example, I can cite my champion hike in 2007 in Koryaki and Chukotka: in 32 days our group covered 814.8 km (329.5 km on foot in the mountainous region, making 15 first ascents and 485.3 km of rafting on a sports catamaran); starting weight backpacks were prohibitive (except for food and kerosene for a month, we “carried” specialized mountain and water equipment); Every day we worked on the route for up to 11 hours (pure running time - this is the travel time without taking into account stops, lunches, etc.). I understand perfectly well that this was an extra-class route, but even in simpler category hikes the physical load is high. This marathon distances which athletes do not overcome in 3-4 hours, as in athletics, and for days, weeks...

2. These are prohibitive emotional stress. A small group of people (all have their own shortcomings) are in close psychological contact for a long time (from 6 days to a month or more). Additionally, heavy physical activity, a strict daily routine, negative factors of weather and high-altitude acclimatization, as well as almost constant hunger, have an effect. food must be “carried” on oneself and therefore, for example, our norms on high-category hikes were 400 grams per day. Anyone who thinks that this is normal, I recommend going on such a diet, although without physical activity.

3. High technical skill. Firstly, it is working with special equipment. For example, mountain or water. Do you think it's easy? – sit in a sports kayak in the pool and just try to resist overkill (turning over) for a few minutes, and now remember what an athlete-tourist does in a kayak in a mountain stream. Or put on crampons and walk on the ice of the lake for a hundred meters without stumbling once, while a tourist pedestrian or mountaineer “runs” in crampons along steep glaciers. And there are a sea of ​​such examples. To avoid becoming extreme, you need to professionally use special equipment. Secondly, it is navigation in difficult mountainous terrain. Nowadays GPS navigators help, but it doesn’t happen like in a car, when the electronic mind “knows” the way; in the mountains, a mistake can cost your life, and okay, if it’s yours, it’s much worse if it’s the life of a friend who believes and trusts you. Thirdly, this is planning a route when you have never been to the area before, when you only have maps and descriptions of past hikes (sometimes 10-20 years ago).

Now answer the question yourself: is hiking a sport or entertainment?

Competition (distance)

Competitions are also held in sports trekking, but we will consider the second part of sports trekking, which I now call “distance”. Currently, this section is trying to become independent, just as orienteering “gone” in its time. Or how rock climbing evolved from mountaineering. But for now we are together.

Competitions in tourism appeared to train and test complex technical elements in areas close to cities. Both before and now, competitions are short distances (from 500 m to 6 km), heavily saturated with technical obstacles (steep descents and ascents, overhead crossings, log crossings, etc.). This is pure sport - minutes, seconds... This is an interesting discipline that has its own “tricks” and tricks.

Today we looked at sports, as an official sport, in the future we will tell those who go on serious sports trips.

Have you seen these guys who take cross-country courses at the stadium in winter and rush to the climbing walls? Or are you thinking about taking up some serious hiking? Maybe you're just wondering if hiking is even considered a sport? Then our article on sports tourism is for you.

What is sports tourism?

If we speak in the strict language of the Federation of Sports Tourism and Wikipedia, then this is a sport in which groups of tourists compete in overcoming natural obstacles. Sounds confusing! Simply put, a hike becomes sporty when regulated difficulties appear in it (we’ll talk about them and the categories below) and elements of competition.

What's the benefit of all this? Why complicate your life when you can take it easy and choose a simple route - you rightly ask. Firstly, titles and ranks are awarded for completing difficult paths. The second is participation in group and individual competitions. Don’t forget about the pleasure of realizing that “I could do it”, the feeling of being a pioneer on difficult and less popular routes.

Did you know that instructor and mountain guide are also titles that need to be earned? Before having the right to lead a group of people, a person studies and passes exams.

As a sport, tourism has existed for 70 years, with its roots in post-war sports sections. The government actively encouraged such endeavors, and circles and clubs grew and multiplied. There was a need for minimal control over the safety of the hikes and compliance with the preparedness of the participants. A federation and its substructures - route and qualification commissions - have emerged. It is the ICC that assesses the difficulty of the hike and gives the group permission to complete it.

Types of sports tourism

The division by type has become arbitrary in recent years, as combined routes have become popular. Still, let us remember that tourism happens:

  • Walking is the most famous and affordable way travel. Preparation for it (with the exception of the highest category of difficulty) is simple and does not require special equipment, as in mountaineering or water tourism. Walking tours can easily be combined with sightseeing.
  • Mountain - a type of hiking at altitudes above 3000 m. On the way of a mountain tourist there are passes, ridges and more areas of complex terrain. The older brother (very much older) of mountain hiking is mountaineering. Everything here is harsh and romantic, as in Vysotsky’s songs - sudden changes in temperature, mountain peaks, mastery of teamwork. Climbers will need skills in working with ropes, rock climbing, and walking in a bundle.
  • Aquatic is perhaps the most diverse of all species. People travel along rivers, lakes, and seas on kayaks, catamarans, rafts, canoes, boats, and even inflatable women! There was such a not very sporting, but fun event in the Leningrad region. Rafting can take place in calm water or be replete with rapids, rifts and other obstacles. Sailing tourism stands apart, which is half water and half “using vehicles” (thanks to Vicki for the powerful design).
  • Skiing - possible in winter and involves moving on snow and ice. Characterized by high mileage and the known possibility of a strong drop in air temperature.
  • Speleo - these tourists are not afraid of confined spaces and bravely climb underground into natural and artificially created caves. The most seasoned professional speleologists explore “wild” unexplored caves and pave new routes.
  • Bicycle, motorcycle, auto, horse - let's call it transport. Includes covering long distances on roads of varying quality - from highways to very rough terrain. Instead of horses there may be camels or dog sleds, it depends on the natural conditions and the imagination of the organizers of the trip.

All types of tourism are available to both beginners and experienced professionals. Categories have been created to differentiate routes by difficulty and required level of training.

Difficulty categories

Initially, it was necessary to classify the paths according to degrees of difficulty for the safety of tourists. Knowing the category and level of training of the group, the commission allowed or did not allow the route to be completed.

Non-category hikes and PVD (weekend hikes) also have their own degrees - from 1 to 3. The basic principles for ranking categorical hikes are collected in our table. In most types of sports tourism categories 6, in sailing- 5, and in equestrian - 3.

*We didn’t go crazy and decide to repeat 2nd grade math. Numbers from 1 to 3 and letters A and B indicate the category of passes. It is they, and not ridges or peaks, that are more often used when determining the complexity of a future route on a mountain tour. We won’t bore you with the details, let’s just say that the easiest pass 1A can be climbed by a beginner if he has suitable shoes and trekking poles. Passes above 2B require special mountaineering skills and a certain amount of adventurousness in character!

How to get here?

Sports tourism is not a closed sect for a select few; anyone can join it. The main condition is readiness to train and improve physical fitness. Well, and adequacy, of course.

To take up tourism as a sport, go on category hikes, look for clubs accredited by the Federation in your city. Alpine clubs are often created on the basis of universities and other educational institutions. Sports sections for children and adolescents operate at children's creativity centers and Houses of Culture.

Be prepared that to join you will be asked to pass a physical training standard and pay a membership fee. Outside the hiking season, participants train at the base and go on short weekend hikes. Particular attention is paid to endurance training and the ability to work in a team.

In addition, the club teaches:

  • Provide first aid and evacuate the victim using available means.
  • How to behave in extreme conditions.
  • Choose a place and set up camp.
  • Start and maintain a fire.
  • Cooking food on the go.
  • Create a menu layout taking into account the length, complexity of the trip and the composition of the group.
  • Work with ropes, organize railings and crossings.
  • Find your bearings on the area.
  • Walking under a backpack for many kilometers (our favorite).
  • Select, care for and repair personal equipment.

The first insignia that can be obtained for a sports and tourism club is the “Russian Tourist” badge. Participation in competitions, successful completion of category routes, experience in organizing hikes gives the right to apply for a category from 3 to 1 in increasing order. Recognized athletes receive the title of “Candidate Master”, “Master of Sports” or “Honored Master of Sports”.

And yet, sports tourism is more than just ranks and badges. This is the spirit of true freedom, unity with nature, courage and camaraderie. We hope you already want to try it!

The article reveals the characteristic features of sports tourism as a specific type of tourism activity. A comparison is made of sports tourism as a type of tourism activity and sports tourism as a sport, and characteristics of both types of sports tourism are given.


Badaliants Sergey Viktorovich,

Don State Technical University

Associate Professor of the Department of Service, Tourism and Hospitality Industry

Rostov-on-Don, Russia,

E -mail: [email protected]


Badaliants Sergey Viktorovich,

Associate Professor of the Department of “Service, Tourism and Hospitality Industry” of the Don State Technical University,

Rostov-on-Don, Russia

E-mail: [email protected]


The article reveals the characteristic features of sports tourism as a specific type of tourism activity. A comparison is made of sports tourism as a type of tourism activity and sports tourism as a sport, and characteristics of both types of sports tourism are given.


T he article describes the characteristic features of sport tourism, as a specific type of tourist activity. A comparison of sport tourism as tourist activity and sports tourism as a sport, is a characteristic of both types of sports tourism.

Key words: tourism, sports tourism, sports, competitions, Russian tourism.

Key words: tourism, sports tourism, sport, events, Russian tourism.

Tourism as a diverse phenomenon includes large number forms and types. A large number of types of tourism create great opportunities for the development of tourism activities in the country. The most important type of tourism is sports. The importance of developing this type of tourism activity is beyond doubt, since sports tourism solves two important problems:

    Contributes to meeting the population's needs for tourism products;

    Stimulates the development of sports, increasing physical activity population and, as a result, improving the health of citizens.

Currently, there is no consensus among researchers regarding the definition of sports tourism. Different authors put different meanings into this category, and the existing definitions can be divided into two large groups:

    Sports tourism as a sport

    Sports tourism as a form of tourism activity.

Proponents of the first approach (for example, Birzhakov M.B., Kazakov N.P.) define sports tourism as a sport based on competitions on routes that include overcoming categorized obstacles in the natural environment (passes, peaks (in mountain tourism), rapids (in water tourism), canyons, caves, etc.), and at distances laid in the natural environment and on artificial terrain. The main feature of sports tourism as a sport is that it is aimed primarily at athletes or people in good physical shape. The goal of sports tourism as a sport is to overcome natural obstacles by using various tactics and techniques. Makarenko V.S. adheres to a similar point of view, defining the main task of sports tourism as providing the opportunity (during the entire tour) to engage in the chosen sport.

Proponents of the second approach (for example, R.A. Safronov and G.K. Avagyan) give the following definition. Sports tourism is a type of tourism associated with physical activity and the organization of non-standard tours to exotic and environmentally friendly natural reserves and includes unusual travel, non-traditional vehicles. In our opinion, this definition is too narrow, since it does not include a large number of forms of sports tourism. In addition, sports tourism is not necessarily associated with tours to ecologically clean and exotic natural reserves. For example, one of the very popular types sports tourism - cycling tourism can take place along the highway, through city blocks, etc.

In our opinion, according to the second approach, sports tourism is a form of tourism activity associated with the preparation and conduct of sports trips, visiting tourist places that require stable physical activity for the tourist, or attending sports entertainment events.

Based on this definition, we can distinguish the following two types of sports tourism as forms of tourism activity:

    Active sports tourism, the main feature of which is stable physical activity for the tourist and his direct participation in the sporting event.

    Passive sports tourism (sports event tourism), associated with a tourist’s attendance at sporting events.

In addition, the differences between sports tourism as a form of tourism activity lie in the fact that when practicing sports tourism as a sport, high demands are placed on physical training person. The only exceptions are some types of sports tourism, such as hiking, where such requirements are not always put forward. With sports tourism as a form of tourism activity, such high requirements are not imposed, since the main goal of sports tourism as a form of tourism activity is precisely to gain new experiences, as well as to maintain good physical shape. That is, the consumer of a tourism product in the field of sports tourism does not strive to achieve victory in any sports competition; he is more interested in new experiences, as well as his own physical form. In addition, for tourists attending sporting events, the goal of maintaining physical fitness is not at all relevant when choosing a tourism product.

We can also highlight another important feature of sports tourism as a sport – competition. Competitiveness (competitiveness) is the most important feature sports activities. “A characteristic feature of sports activity is that competitive struggle is presented in it in its purest form.” If we turn to the definitions of the concept “sport”, then in almost any of them we will find the corresponding indication: “Competition is one of the main and integral features of sports activity” or “A characteristic feature of sport is that it is inconceivable without competitions and competitions,” etc. d. etc. In this case, indeed, sport can be interpreted as a competitive activity itself, the specific form of which is the system of competitions. A system that has historically developed primarily in the field of physical culture of society as a special area for identifying and unified comparison of human capabilities.

For sports tourism, as a type of tourism activity, competition is not a defining feature; it may be absent altogether. Sports tourism involves covering walking, cycling, skiing and other routes, and their goal is precisely to gain new experiences, and not to win a specific competition. Tours can take place in one team, or can be carried out by one person, while the tourist in this case does not compete with anyone, and the goal of covering the tourist route in a certain time will not be decisive.

The competitive nature of sports tourism as a sport also predetermines its rather risky nature. So Ovchinnikov Yu.D. and Talyzov S.N. They quite rightly note that “engagement in sports tourism as a complex sport carried out in a complex natural and social environment, of course, carries certain risks and requires the athlete to have versatile knowledge, skills, experience and good physical, technical and psychological preparation.”

Many types of sports tourism are extreme, and therefore the level of risks increases significantly. Extreme tourism, which many researchers distinguish as an independent form of tourism, is not so much an entertaining as a “testing” trip: tourists are, rather, engaged in self-knowledge and self-affirmation.

Sports tourism, as a form of tourism activity, in turn, carries lower risks, which are associated with less importance or no competition at all when passing tourist routes. In turn, passive sports tourism does not carry any risk of injury at all, since it consists of passive observation of sporting events.

Thus, we can highlight the following differences between sports tourism, as a sport and as a form of tourism activity.

Table 1. Comparative characteristics of sports tourism as a sport and as a specific type of tourism


Sports tourism as a sport

Sports tourism as a specific type of tourism

Subject's participation in a sporting event

Direct participation

Both direct participation and participation as a spectator at a sporting event are possible.


Competitive nature

May be either adversarial or non-adversarial in nature.

Main goal

overcoming natural obstacles by using various tactics and techniques.

obtaining new impressions and maintaining the tourist’s physical shape (for active sports tourism)

Physical fitness requirements

High (for active sports tourism) and absence of any requirements (for passive sports tourism)

Injury hazard

High (for active sports tourism) and low (for passive sports tourism)

Thus, the analysis indicates qualitative differences between sports tourism as a sport and sports tourism as a specific type of tourism. Understanding the data is very important for the development of sports tourism as a form of tourism activity in the country, since this type of tourism has enormous potential. Conducting major international sports competitions in Russia, such as the 2014 Winter Olympics, Summer Universiade in Kazan 2013, the upcoming 2018 FIFA World Cup provide a surge of public interest in sports in general and sports tourism in particular. Using this interest to popularize sports, healthy image life, as well as the development of sports tourism in the country should become one of the main tasks of the state.


    Badaliants S.V. Prospects for the development of rural tourism in Rostov region// In the collection: Modern concepts of the development of science Collection of proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. Responsible editor: Sukiasyan Asatur Albertovich. 2015. pp. 106-109.

    Badaliants S.V. Rural tourism as a factor in the development of rural areas of the region//Rostov Scientific Journal. 2017. No. 7. pp. 47-54.

    Birzhakov M.B., Kazakov N.P. Safety in tourism. – St. Petersburg: Gerda Publishing House, 2008. – 208 p.

    Visit N.N. Social nature modern sports. – Chisinau: Shtiintsa, 1979. – 84 p.

    Makarenko V.S., Sobodyr A.V. Specifics of the development of sports tourism in the Rostov region//Fundamental and applied scientific research. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference. Executive editor A.A. Zaraisky. 2017. pp. 116-119.

    Matveev L.P. Generalizing theory of physical culture at the current stage of its formation // Theory and practice of physical culture. – 2009. – No. 9. – P. 16-17.

    Ovchinnikov, Yu. D. Sports tourism as a sport and form of activity / Yu. D. Ovchinnikov, S. N. Talyzov // Physical culture. Sport. Tourism. Motor recreation. -2017. - T. 2, No. 2. - P. 117-120.

    Safronov R.A., Avagyan G.K. Sports tourism as a specific type of tourism // Innovative economics and modern management. 2015. No. 3 (4). – pp. 44-48.

One of the most dynamic and active species sport is sports tourism, training for which takes place in a natural environment. Its meaning is to overcome obstacles created by nature itself. Athletes' routes can run through caves, passes, mountain peaks, water rapids, canyons and artificial terrain.

More than one generation of people has been involved in sports tourism in Russia. Thanks to them, this sport is constantly developing and improving. When engaged in sports tourism, athletes are constantly in a special atmosphere, which encourages them not to stop at the results achieved.

Sports tourism began to exist in the mid-20th century, and in 1949 it was included in the Unified All-Union Classification. The first competitions were held in 1970 dedicated to tourist trip. This travel site tells a lot about sports tourism.

Many sports tourism enthusiasts belong to non-profit clubs. But you can do it yourself. Sports tourism has been assigned the state number 0840005411Ya, which indicates its inclusion in the All-Russian Register of Sports.

Sports tourism is divided into several independent types, which are listed below.

Bicycle tourism;
Tourism related to cars and motorcycles;
Water tourism, which is divided into separate categories;
Horse tourism;
Sailing tourism;
Tourism associated with skiing routes;
Walking tourism;
High mountain tourism;
Combined tourism;

Sports tourism can be practiced by people of different ages. This is how competitions are held in children's, youth and adult age categories.

Family sports tourism is very popular. This type sport is of great interest among people with disabilities.

Sports tourism has several areas that are constantly developing, for example:

Group and solo travel;
Among the types of sports hikes, short routes are popular;
Distance discipline;
Extreme tourism;
Passing routes on artificial terrain indoors.

Sports tourism has varying degrees of difficulty, which depends on the area of ​​the hike, the age of the participants (hikes for children and youth groups have up to three degrees of difficulty), the type of obstacles and many other factors. Moreover, each direction of this sport is divided into several categories. For example, ski and cycling tourism is divided into six categories of difficulty, and equestrian has three.

Each athlete can claim to be assigned any category of category, which indicates the level of his skill. In sports tourism, you can get the rank from third youth to master of sports of international class.

For each area of ​​sports tourism, mandatory competitions are held, which are divided into classes and social and age types.


Federal State Educational Institution

higher professional education

"St. Petersburg State University of Water Communications"

Faculty of Humanities

Department of International Business, Management and Tourism


Sports tourism


4th year student

groups EU-42
Kuznetsova N.N.


Divina N.A

Saint Petersburg


1.1 History of sports tourism……………………………………………………...4 1.2 Types of sports tourism………………………………………………………6 1.3 Forms of sports tourism……………..……………………………...7 1.4 Types of travel in tourism……………………………………..9

2. Classification of routes………………………………………….……10

3. Rank in sports tourism……………………………………....…...10

4. Tourist and sports events……………………………...……....11




Sports tourism is an independent and socially oriented sphere, a way of life for a significant segment of society; effective remedy spiritual and physical development personality, education of respect for nature, mutual understanding and mutual respect between peoples and nations; a form of “public diplomacy” based on real acquaintance with the life, history, culture, customs of peoples, the most democratic type of recreation, characterized by a specific form of folk art, free choice of the form of own activity of all socio-demographic groups of the population, starting with children preschool age ending with pensioners.

Sports tourism in Russia is national species a sport with many years of tradition. It includes not only a sports component, but also a special spiritual sphere, and the lifestyle of the travel lovers themselves. The centers for the development of sports tourism are still non-profit tourist clubs (“tour clubs”), although many tourists engage in it on their own.

The sport “Sports Tourism” is included in the All-Russian Register of Sports under number 0840005411Ya (2006-2009).

1.1 History of sports tourism

Sports tourism is a sport based on competitions on routes that include overcoming categorized obstacles in the natural environment (passes, peaks (in mountain tourism), rapids (in water tourism), canyons, caves, etc.), and at distances , laid in the natural environment and on artificial terrain.

Sports tourism in the USSR, as a sport, is included in the Unified All-Union sports classification in 1949. Upon assignment sports categories and the title of master of sports, the number and complexity of the hikes completed, as well as the experience of independently leading them, are taken into account. Difficulty is determined by the duration and length of the routes, the number and variety of natural obstacles. Multi-day hikes (hiking, skiing, water, mountain, cycling, car, motorcycle and moped) are carried out along routes of 5 difficulty categories. Routes increased complexity, especially categories 4-5, require good general physical and special training. Hikes are carried out, as a rule, with the assistance of sports and tourist clubs, councils of sports societies, and physical education groups. As a means of year-round training for tourists, the so-called. weekend hikes and competitions in types of tourist equipment (all-Union competitions are held for some).

The procedure for the formation of tourist groups, the rights and obligations of their participants and leaders, documentation, development and preparation of routes, etc. are regulated by the “Rules for the organization and conduct of amateur tourist trips and travel on the territory of the USSR” (approved by the Central Council for Tourism and Excursions of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions in 1972).

Sports tourism is the preparation and conduct of sports travel with the aim of covering an extended expanse of wild nature on skis (ski tourism), by means of rafting (water tourism) or on foot in the mountains (mountain tourism). The sports trip is carried out by an autonomous group of 6-10 people. It happens that travelers do not encounter any traces of civilization for a month. To complete the route, you must not only be strong, dexterous, courageous and persistent, but also have a wide range of special knowledge from obstacle-overcoming techniques to human physiology in extreme conditions. Unlike a regular trip, a sports trip includes a set of natural obstacles classified by difficulty. As a rule, in mountain and ski tourism such obstacles are mountain peaks and passes, and in water tourism - river rapids. The classified obstacles form the basis of the methodology for comparing travel according to their complexity. This is similar to assessing the difficulty of gymnastics programs or figure skating. The most difficult journeys, executed brilliantly, are nominated for the Moscow Championship and the Russian Championship.

The organization and conduct of sports trips are subject to the Rules, which are approved by the Tourist and Sports Union of Russia. These Rules accumulate the experience of many generations of travelers. Therefore, their implementation guarantees the level of safety achieved in sports tourism. This is controlled by a system of route qualification commissions (RQC). In particular, the ICC checks the group’s preparedness to set out on the route and whether the experience of the travel participants matches its complexity. In accordance with the Rules, sports travel can have six categories of difficulty (c.s.). If the travel of the first c.s. are feasible for beginners, then travel is the sixth class. extreme even for the strongest and most experienced travelers. Indeed, mountain “sixes” in some sections can include climbing to peaks over 7000 m high, ski “sixes” are hundreds and hundreds of kilometers of travel in forty-degree frost along endless Siberian ridges, water “sixes” are mind-blowing rafting along the crazy rivers of the Altai and Srednyaya Asia.

The sports tourism system created over decades minimally limits the initiative of travelers. Currently, a sports trip can be arranged to any point in the world, and anyone can become a group leader, as long as he has experience participating in a trip of the same category of complexity and experience leading a trip that is one category easier. The remaining team members must have experience participating in a simpler (one category) trip. In addition to this basic principle, the Rules provide exceptions to more fully take into account the actual experience of travelers (for example, mountaineering experience or experience in other types of sports tourism). The master level in sports tourism is associated with leadership in travel of the highest (5th and 6th) categories of complexity. Therefore, making two trips a year, a gifted athlete reaches this level in 5 - 6 years.

1.2 Types of sports tourism

The following forms of sports tourism can be named depending on its organization: sports tourism can be individual and mass.

Individual (custom) tours are tours formed at the request and with the direct participation of the tourist. He is offered a choice of different service options for each type of service at the intended vacation spot. The services chosen by the tourist are formed into the tour program. Typically, such orders are formed at agencies and then sent to the tour operator for implementation. The main advantage of individual trips is that they allow you to visit anywhere in the world and, even through classical Europe, find an original route. After all, such a product is created according to the requirements of each specific tourist.

Group tours involve the sale of a pre-planned standard set of services, focused on a specific type of recreation, as well as the social class of tourists and their age, and sold to tourists in one package. The peculiarities of preparing and conducting this type of tour (a single program for everyone, strictly linked to the timing and schedule of the trip) do not allow making any changes to the composition of the services offered, so the tourist can either buy it entirely or refuse to purchase it altogether. This type of comprehensive service is called package tours (from the English package tour - package tour). Ready-made package tours allow tour operators to use special rates, and their cost is usually lower than the combined retail prices for the individual services included in the package.

1.3 Forms of sports tourism

It is customary to distinguish forms of tourism depending on the origin of tourists, the length of stay, the age of travelers, and the time of year.

1. Forms of tourism depending on the origin of tourists. Depending on the origin of travelers, tourism is divided into internal (travel within the Russian Federation by persons permanently residing in the Russian Federation); and international (travel for tourism purposes outside the country of permanent residence. This is a travel system carried out on the basis of international treaties, taking into account current international customs).