J.Lo's nutrition. Jennifer Lopez: secrets of slimness and beauty

The star will soon celebrate her 47th birthday, and she still looks perfect. Famous Hollywood diets and cool personal trainer? Yes, you can’t do without it, but at the same time there is also publicly available knowledge that Jennifer Lopez relies on

The star will soon celebrate her 47th birthday, and she still looks perfect. Famous Hollywood diets and a cool personal trainer? Yes, you can’t do without it, but at the same time, there is public knowledge that Jennifer Lopez relies on. They are the foundation for excellent shape at her age. Let's look at Jennifer's main guidelines regarding training and nutrition.


Therefore, in order to maintain your figure in in great shape she has to devote a lot of time to cardio training. But the actress and singer does not spend hours on the treadmill, but finds more inventive options. For example, dancing is also an excellent cardio activity, thanks to which you can combine both a great workout and your favorite activity. Several days a week, Jennifer Lopez works out with a choreographer.

Another secret is the fact that she almost always has access to exercise equipment and it’s not so easy for her to miss a workout. After all, the star’s house is equipped with a small gym, so if you don’t have time to go to the fitness club after the next filming, you can always work out your workout at home. And on tour, Jennifer can easily throw a jump rope into her bag, which is actually a very useful thing.

One of Jennifer Lopez's sports hobbies may seem quite unusual to some. JLo is a fan of triathlon - a continuous workout consisting of three stages: swimming, cycling and running. It was triathlon that helped her, after giving birth, not only restore her excellent shape, but also improve it. JLo then lost about 15 kg. After such outstanding results, the star became actively interested in triathlon and participates in many charity tournaments in this sport.

Directly in the gym, JLo pays significant attention to the main women's areas: . She uses exercises such as lunges, leg swings, jump squats, and plie squats. Another very interesting workout- This is a squat with a chair. You will need to sit on a regular chair, but leave this action unfinished, as soon as you feel that you are touching the chair, you need to freeze for a couple of seconds and return to starting position. Great way work your buttocks.

And of course, like most Hollywood stars, J.Lo is big and has stretch marks. This is for her best method relax and put your thoughts in order.

Nutrition Jennifer Lopez

JLo is one of the few stars who not only loves to eat, but also does not deny herself it. At a minimum, she avoids any radical diets, and her diet includes chicken breast, fish, eggs, and sometimes quite high-calorie pancakes. Despite her love for food, the star copes with this problem thanks to fractional meals. for 5-6 small servings.

There are also quite sophisticated methods in our arsenal. These include the chocolate diet. The star resorts to it if she needs to lose 5-6 kg in a short period of time. This diet lasts only a week, but requires strict limits. During these 7 days you eat only 80 grams of dark chocolate divided into 5-6 servings. As for drinks, black coffee without sugar is allowed, which can be diluted with skim milk (this coffee can only be drunk 3 hours after eating chocolate). The diet is really strict and in many ways similar to fasting, so J. Lo uses it quite rarely. This diet has many contraindications; it is not suitable for people with liver problems, as well as for hypertensive patients and diabetics.

Like many, she tries to drink at least 2 liters of water a day, but unlike others, she drinks ice water, which speeds up metabolism and forces the body to burn more calories. This method should also be used carefully, as there is still a risk of catching a cold.
JLo's beautiful figure is built more on training than on nutrition. The Latin American star prefers not to restrict herself too much in food, but then fully compensates for these weaknesses in the gym. However, in emergency cases, he may resort to strict diets.

Jennifer Lopez's weight loss technique

Diet Jennifer Lopez is a combination of several techniques that help the singer in emergency situations. When J.Lo needs to lose a few pounds and tone her body, the singer uses a concert diet.

Diet Jennifer Lopez lasts 2-3 days and relieves the singer of 3 extra kilos, removes all excess liquid.

Jennifer Lopez diet menu:

Breakfast: a glass of water after waking up, then a cup of cocoa without sugar, an apple or orange.

Dinner: 200g low-fat cottage cheese, 200g melon or other fruits.

Dinner: 200g boiled chicken breast or fish with a side dish of 300g vegetables.

Second breakfast and afternoon snack include dried fruits, and before bed you can eat some low-fat yogurt.

Jennifer Lopez's diet: the star's daily diet

As J.Lo herself says, it is not a diet that helps her stay in shape, but a properly formed diet for every day. Diet is just a way to spur the body to burn fat. Also, the actress and singer does not forget to play sports. We present to your attention the diet plan of Jennife Lopez, which helped the star lose weight after giving birth.

· Breakfast: oatmeal cooked with milk and fruit. Porridge can be replaced with cottage cheese.

· Lunch: yogurt with muesli in a ratio of 200:150.

· Dinner: turkey cutlets with shrimp salad, or baked tenderloin with vegetables. Sometimes pancakes with cheese.

· Afternoon snack: milkshake and fruit (apple or orange).

· Dinner: meat with broccoli and mushrooms, or fish with rice, or oysters.

· Before bed low-fat yogurt.

Jennifer Lopez has a real sweet tooth, so she created a special sweet diet, in which you can eat 100 g of chocolate bars with coffee or tea without sugar for several days. This will help avoid breakdowns.

0 July 25, 2018, 5:20 pm

Yesterday I turned 49 years old. The singer celebrates her birthday on the beach in a bikini. The star admits that sport is what makes her life better, and she considers movement the key to happiness. Let's talk about the star's favorite exercises.

There are a thousand and one excuses for not going to the gym, but Lopez has learned to strictly follow her fitness regime: “I rarely miss a workout. Sometimes, of course, I can work late, but in such cases I tell myself: just do it , just one hour."

Experts advise setting realistic goals for yourself. If you know that you won’t be able to get up and go to the gym at five in the morning, don’t pretend, but start small. If you need extra motivation, go to the gym with a friend, or reward yourself with a manicure or massage after a good workout (not a trip to the candy store).

Jennifer doesn’t starve herself to stay slim (where else can she get the strength for punch training!). Instead, she sticks to a nutrition plan designed for her by nutritionist Hailey Pomer. The singer's diet includes a lot of protein-rich foods and non-starchy vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers, bell peppers, zucchini). The star also eats healthy fats and complex carbohydrates, which are found, for example, in brown rice and sweet potatoes. And, of course, no alcohol (except just a glass of champagne on your birthday) and cigarettes. Lopez also tries to teach her children to eat properly.

I give them a lot of greens, fruits and grains. They already know from childhood what it is healthy image life,

- she said in an interview.

When it comes to exercising, she prefers to work out early in the morning. "I don't like to work out in the evening when I don't have the energy anymore. I go to sports three or four times a week. When I'm in New York, I work out with David Kirsch. When I fly to Los Angeles, I work out with Tracy Anderson. I like to alternate load".

Trainers have different approaches: Kirsch is a fan of planks, push-ups and boxing, while Anderson chooses complex exercises with low weight. Variety in training not only prevents you from getting bored, but also ensures the tone of all muscles. And, of course, J.Lo can’t do without dancing at rehearsals and concerts.

Jennifer has crazy discipline, so even if she misses classes for good reasons, she then works with even greater intensity. She knows how to focus on every step and listens to her body, which is why her workouts are effective,” David shared.

Spiderman push-ups

This is a more complicated version of push-ups. Your hands are on opposite sides of the Bosu ball (a hemispherical platform with a diameter of a little more than 60 cm with a rubber dome 30 centimeters high, the elasticity is adjusted by deflating or pumping air through a special hole), and every time you do push-ups, you pull up one knee closer to the elbow.

As soon as you lift your leg, you force the muscles to stabilize the body. If you lose your balance, you will fall. This exercise involves pectoral muscles, abs, triceps and deltoids. If you have little time for training, then it can generally consist of only this exercise, said David.


Lunges with dumbbells in your hands work great back surface hips. And this, as you know, is one of the most problematic areas for women. But not J.Lo.

She pays close attention to her Kardashian. Starting position: feet together, hold small dumbbells in your hands. Right foot need to take a big step in right side. In this case, the toes of the feet point straight forward. Bend forward and touch the dumbbells to the floor on either side of your outstretched leg. In this case, the buttock, knee and ankle (in this case the right one) should be located on the same line perpendicular to the floor surface. Then you need to get up and return to the starting position and change legs. Lunges can be done not only forward, but also to the side.

Fitball exercises

Jennifer performs some of the exercises on a fitball (this is a large elastic ball from 45 to 95 centimeters in diameter), using ordinary dumbbells for loading. One of JLo's favorite exercises is pulling a fitball towards her body.

To repeat the exercise, stand in a plank position with straight arms, placing your feet on an exercise ball. Bend your legs in hip joints and, working with your abdominal muscles, roll the fitball towards you, pointing your pelvis upward. It is important to keep your arms and legs straight and not raise your chin (your head should be down). Then smoothly return to the starting position.

Sumo wrestlers exercise

And one more thing powerful exercise for the buttocks, Hollywood trainer Lopez borrowed it from sumo wrestlers. What to do: stand up straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. bend left leg in the knee, lift it up and make it Roundabout Circulation. Return your leg back to the floor and make a side kick with it (swing to the side), then immediately squat down, as sumo wrestlers do (after several repetitions, the buttocks will “burn”). Now you need to straighten your knees and jump, lifting your toes and heels off the floor. If you have mastered the “sumo lunges”, then try the advanced version - deep plié squats on your toes.


JLo is a fan of triathlon - a continuous workout consisting of three stages: swimming, cycling and running. It was triathlon that helped her regain her shape after the birth of Maximilian and Emma (then she lost about 15 kilograms in record time).

Squats with a chair

Another very interesting exercise- This is a squat with a chair. You will need to sit on a regular chair, but leave this action unfinished; as soon as you feel that you are touching the chair, you need to freeze for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position. A great way to work your glutes.

Walking platypus

This is a variation of the low squat. The fastest, the most effective training for your buttocks. She's working through inner side hips and makes the rear elastic and toned,

- said David.

Instagram photo, Gettyimages.com

Jennifer Lopez: " The sexiest butt in the world"
Diet for weight loss Jennifer Lopez diet, exercise and beauty!
Weight: 60 kg Height: 1.65 m. Age: 07/24/1969
Place of birth: Bronx New York, USA.

Jennifer Lopez, actress, singer and producer, is the richest Latina in Hollywood according to the Forbes list. Jennifer Lopez, also known as J.Lo, has a charming figure. Moreover, over time it seems that she is becoming slimmer.

How does Jennifer Lopez manage to lose weight with her diet?

Diet secrets of Jennifer Lopez.

How does she manage to be beautiful and in great shape? To have slim figure And toned body J.Lo's body is capable of dancing for hours. The singer needs to be in great shape and for this she is ready to work hard.

Healthy diet for weight loss Diet Jennifer Lopez.
Jennifer Lopez's diet secret: Jennifer Lopez eats everything, but in moderation, and only occasionally enjoys the delicacies of Caribbean cuisine . Follows a diet rich in proteins and vegetables.

The diet was created nutritionist David Kirsch especially for the singer, nutrition and fitness specialist. It includes two phases: weight loss and stabilization.

Phase one.

At this phase, any alcohol, oils and fats of animal origin, sugar, both alone and as part of dishes, salt, soy sauce and other salty seasonings are completely excluded. The carbohydrate content is very limited. No fruits, cereals, breads or legumes. Eat nothing but green vegetables, tomatoes, celery and lean protein in the form of fish, chicken breast, egg whites, low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese. Drinks: coffee and green tea without sugar. This phase lasts two weeks.

Breakfast: 6 egg white omelette, a portion of stewed spinach, black coffee.

Second breakfast: 100 g low-fat yogurt, a small salad of green vegetables.

Lunch: a portion of steamed chicken breast and stewed vegetables without oil or salt.

Dinner: a portion of steamed fish with a green salad and water with the juice of 1/2 lemon.

Snack: 7 almonds.

Phase two.

In phase 2, weight loss continues, but you gradually add complex carbohydrates and fruits. Jennifer Lopez's diet does not include sweets. JLo snacks on sweetened jelly when necessary. This phase lasts one month.

First week: add 3 tablespoons of any sprouted grain to the approximate diet in the morning.

Second week: one additional green apple is added.

Week three: another apple and a serving of whole grain bread.

Week four: a serving of legumes, a cup of berries or a slice of melon.

Phase three.

You can eat all the foods that were “added” in the previous phase; in addition, you are allowed to indulge in 2 glasses of dry wine and 10 grams of dark chocolate per week. If you stick to a similar diet always in combination with training, you will maintain your figure for a long time. That's exactly what Jennifer Lopez does. She also does a lot of fitness - strength training, Pilates, tai bo and dance rehearsals before performances.

She never drinks alcohol. And when he wants to lose weight, he simply removes carbohydrates (pasta, rice) from his daily diet.
Additional diet supplement for Jennifer Lopez: Drink more than 3 liters of water daily to reduce appetite. Eat more vegetables before meals to relieve hunger.
JLo works really hard to keep her gorgeous body in shape. With the help of her personal trainer, Gunnar Paterson, when not traveling, she trains for 60 to 90 minutes, 4 to 5 times a week. For normal people, her trainer recommends exercising for 60 minutes 3 times a week.
Jennifer Lopez at a concert

Her other way to keep her sexy body in shape? Sing and dance.
During a concert tour, a singer can easily lose about 2,000 - 4,000 calories in one night! At the age of 5, Jennifer Lopez took dance classes in the Bronx. And since then she hasn’t stopped doing it.

Jennifer Lopez's personal trainer explains the exercises: Jennifer Lopez continues to do exercises that include warming up with weights and stretching exercises. cardiovascular system. Besides, practices yoga And Krav Maga, exercises of the Israeli army self-defense system.

Jennifer Lopez works very hard in training, but always explains to her trainers that she does not want to reduce the size of her “backside,” her weapon of seduction.
Perfect ass Jennifer Lopez. Who do men think about when they are told about the most perfect and beautiful butt? Most people think about JLo.
What should an ideal butt look like? What makes it perfect?
The most important characteristic- elasticity, shape and size. It should also be soft and without cellulite, it can change and improve as it gluteal muscles, athletes and beauties know that these are “responsive muscles”, and therefore the butt can be corrected and transformed.

Exercises to improve your butt from Jennifer Lopez:
2 types of exercises are required: To lose fat, JLo does aerobic exercise. To strengthen the buttocks, she adds exercises for the muscles and development of the leg muscles. To enlarge her butt, in addition to exercise, she takes proteins for muscle growth.
Buttocks: The secret of beauty? A very sexy butt and buttocks are Jennifer Lopez’s weapon to conquer the male sex.

Jennifer Lopez will reveal hers to you best secret beauty: "Train your buttocks by tensing and squeezing your gluteal muscles. Every time I can, standing or sitting when possible, I tighten my buttocks (namely, I should make my butt firm). I repeat this exercise several times during the day. Try it too , a few minutes every day, I assure you that you will notice a difference on your buttocks in 15 days!”
Use cellulite creams
Jennifer Lopez uses skin creams and anti-cellulite creams as an addition to exercise. The singer claims that creams provide good temporary visible result, but don't wait for definitive results. JLo applies creams after showering, and uses scrubs and exfoliators for softer, more beautiful skin.
Jennifer Lopez's advice to hide cellulite.
"To hide cellulite, my quick solution is to tan: either the usual way or using self-tanning creams."

On the red carpet with my husband

Jennifer Lopez in a bikini after pregnancy

Makeup: The Beauty Secret of Jennifer Lopez, a hot Latina with her own makeup style that has even become fashionable. Even though she dresses very glamorously, her makeup is usually, on the contrary, very simple. The secret of makeup is to give your skin a natural look.

Her makeup is characterized by its radiance. It is light, almost ethereal, like a light breeze. To do this, she pays attention to the use of monochromatic tones that are almost transparent. Her lips and cheeks are only slightly emphasized and it is on her eyes that she sometimes wears more makeup. Jennifer Lopez's tips:
Make sure your skin is glowing. Don't use too much

Makeup, there is no need to wear heavy makeup to appear divine. Jennifer Lopez without makeup!
Look at JLo's skin and terrible hair. In another photo, spectacular and explosive. On the red carpet they are real divas, but on the street they are... ordinary girls.

How did Jennifer Lopez lose weight?

In search of her ideal weight loss method, J.Lo tried many diets: spinach, chocolate, Hollywood, Dukan and others. As a result, the celebrity lost only a few kilograms, which returned very quickly.

Over time, Lopez found the ideal set of measures for herself that allows her to always be in shape:

  1. Diet. Once a month for 7 days, J.Lo goes on a diet. During this time, the singer completely gives up salt and sugar, which helps remove excess fluid from the body. The main foods on the diet are vegetables, fruits, dairy products, and lean meat.
  2. Sport. Jennifer Lopez is actively involved in sports. Trains her twice a week personal trainer. Sports loads singers are varied - cardio, aerobics, strength exercises. The singer especially loves the Israeli military system hand-to-hand combat– Krav Maga. With this system you can perfectly work out the muscles of the abdomen, arms and legs. After classes at gym the actress meditates.
  3. Dream. JLo always tries to get enough sleep and believes that sleep should last at least 8 hours a day.

Jennifer Lopez Concert Diet

IN everyday life Jennifer Lopez loves to treat herself to different delicacies. And he considers it absolutely wrong to limit yourself to food all your life. At the same time, the singer prefers fractional meals and eat at least 5 times a day.

During the diet, J.Lo limits herself to food and does not allow indulgences. As a rule, the singer goes on a diet before concerts, when she needs to tone herself up.

Approximate menu for Jennifer Lopez's concert diet:

  • breakfast: 1 glass of water on an empty stomach, after 20 minutes you can eat one fruit - an apple, an orange, several pieces of melon and a little cottage cheese or oatmeal without sugar (150 g);
  • second breakfast: one glass of low-fat yogurt or milkshake;
  • lunch: a little boiled poultry (100 g), vegetable salad (150-200 g), one fruit;
  • afternoon snack: dried fruits or one fruit;
  • dinner: a little boiled meat (100 g), poultry and vegetables;
  • before bed: a glass of low-fat yogurt.

The duration of J.Lo's concert diet is from 2 to 7 days. We remind you that you should not consume salt and sugar during the diet.

Jennifer Lopez shares her secrets of nutrition and self-care: