Ab roller exercises. Small gymnastic wheel for big changes in your figure

A gymnastic roller is a simulator that is ideal for athletes working on the definition of their muscle corset, and for losing weight people struggling with fat deposits in the abdomen, thighs and buttocks.

Among the many objects and equipment for strength training, the gymnastic roller is considered the most effective for strengthening the abdominal press. A simple-looking device, consisting of a wheel with a holder rotating on an axis, helps to tidy up your figure by working on the abdominal muscles, while pumping up your arms, legs, buttocks, and back.

The principle of operation of a gymnastic roller

The gymnastic roller very effectively fights excess fat in the abdominal area and forms an elastic muscle corset. It would seem that it could be simpler: anyone, even a beginner, can roll the wheel back and forth with the effort of the hands, fixing the initial and final position of the body. But it is precisely beginner athletes who have chosen a roller as a training apparatus who are not immediately able to cope with it, because when performing the exercises correctly, they actively work:

Complex load is the main goal of training with a gymnastic roller, as a result of which fat is removed from “problem” areas, and the abdominal muscles acquire the desired definition.

There are several types of sports equipment that are designed to “make life easier” for people who have started strength training. So, than more quantity roller wheels (there can be two or four), the easier it is to maintain balance during exercises. Manufacturers also offer gymnastic rollers complete with foot rests - undoubtedly, such a device adds convenience to organizing training. Beginners can pay attention to models with a return mechanism, which significantly reduces the load, “helping” return to starting position. A roller with a shifted center of gravity, on the contrary, is suitable for an advanced athlete, since spinning the wheel will require additional effort.

Advantages and Disadvantages

This universal abdominal exercise machine is in the arsenal of many athletes, as it has several undeniable advantages. This:

  • multifunctionality (along with the abdominal muscles, other muscles of the body also receive load);
  • compactness (for home training it is enough to free up only 2 sq.m. of apartment space; storage also does not require much space);
  • ease of use (the rubberized wheel rim does not make noise when moving on the floor and does not leave marks, and the textured surface of the handles prevents your hands from slipping);
  • accessibility (the price of a gymnastic roller ranges from 150 rubles for a “no bells and whistles” model to 1,500 rubles for a machine with pedals or a flexible cable).

The disadvantages include:

  • difficulty in using it for beginners (untrained, weak muscles are unlikely to cope with the weight own body, trying to return it to its original position);
  • lack of prospects for professional athletes (in contrast to the possibility of progress with increasing load when deadlifting and working with weights, a gymnastic roller only involves maintaining the existing form and working with own weight).

Exercise options with a gymnastic roller

Simple appearance using a simulator is not an indicator of the effectiveness of working with it: correct execution of exercises with a roller ensures the activation of several muscle groups at once. The main thing is to study systematically, observing the principle “from simple to complex.”

Before starting classes, you will need to prepare a gymnastic (or tourist) mat, as well as gloves that will help prevent the formation of calluses on your hands and prevent injuries due to slipping. The level of load when training with a gymnastic roller is regulated, firstly, by the starting position, and secondly, by the number of approaches.

1. So, for beginner athletes, the optimal starting position is “kneeling”: holding the handles of the wheel with straight hands, you need to roll the roller forward as far as possible, gradually lowering your torso parallel to the floor, and then, having fixed the position, return to the starting position, rolling the projectile hands in the opposite direction. To begin with, it is recommended to perform at least eight repetitions in one approach. Total approaches - 3-5. If the exercise turns out to be too difficult or practically impossible to perform, the number of repetitions at the initial stage can be slightly reduced.

2. The second level of difficulty is roller rolling from a standing position. With your feet shoulder-width apart, you should bend over without bending your knees, placing the roller wheel in front of you. It is necessary to roll the projectile forward until between the legs and top part the body does not form an obtuse angle. After the maximum muscle tension has been recorded, you should slowly return to the starting position, rolling the roller back. Optimal quantity repetitions in this more complex exercise should be at least 6 times with three to five approaches and two-minute breaks between them.

3. As an option for training the oblique abdominal muscles, you can use exercises with a roller, rolling it to the right and left side alternately.

4. The most difficult level, which only trained athletes with developed muscles can master, involves performing the exercise from a lying position. At the same time, your legs are closed, your toes should rest on the floor. The roller is rolled by hand to a standing position and back. The knees and arms should remain straight, and the torso should not touch the floor in the starting position. Six repetitions are enough for one approach.

It is recommended to perform each exercise slowly, making sure to fix the starting and ending points of the body position. It is important to monitor your breathing, inhaling and exhaling air measuredly and rhythmically. A gradual increase in load should occur by increasing the number of repetitions and approaches per workout. Rest between sets can be jumping rope or running in place for 2 minutes.

Ab roller exercises are performed using a special gymnastics machine, which consists of a wheel and two handles located on the sides. It is recommended that already trained people who have well-trained abdominal and back muscles begin training on this apparatus.

Exercises with an ab roller for beginners should be carried out under the supervision of a coach or an experienced athlete. First, you can perform regular abdominal exercises. To perform the exercises, you must choose a perfectly flat floor surface. If the exercise is performed from the starting position on your knees, then you can place a gymnastic mat under your kneecaps.

Ab roller - video exercises

We invite you to watch a gymnastic video for the press in action - video exercises

The effectiveness of exercises on a roller has been tested by time. When studying at this simulator The abdominal muscles are most involved, as well as the back, arms, shoulders, buttocks and thighs. Weak muscles the abdomen is tightened, forming relief. With intense exercise, stabilizer muscles develop, helping to maintain body balance.

The ab roller has a positive effect on posture, strengthening the abs, spine and ligaments. With strong muscles and ligaments, you can prevent lower back injuries. The efficiency of the roller increases when correct execution exercises.

Remember that most of the load should be placed on the abs, and not on other muscle groups. So, how to do abdominal exercises with a roller:

Exercise No. 1 . Starting position: sitting on the floor, leaning on your knees. Hold the apparatus in straight arms, then place the wheel on the floor and roll it slowly and smoothly forward, while lowering your body towards your hips until your chest touches your thighs. After this, also slowly and easily return to the starting position. Do the movement slowly to stretch the muscles. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times.

Exercise No. 2 . In the starting position, lying on the floor on your stomach. In straight arms, directed forward, there is a wheel. Click on the projectile, bringing it closer to you. The back bends, and the legs do not rise, remaining on the floor. Move the wheel forward as far as possible. Stay in this arched back position for about three seconds, then slowly return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 10 times or more.

Exercise No. 3 . Knee rolls with an ab roller. Muscle groups involved: obliques, triceps, shoulders, back, hips. Starting position: standing on the floor on your knees. Grasp the roller handles from above with your hands. Roll the wheel forward until your arms are straight out in front of you.

The knees are in stable position, and the torso should move in the same direction as the arms. Pause briefly, then return to the starting position. Your body should always be in one line from the shoulders to the pelvis. You should not allow your pelvis to drop as you complete the movement. When returning to the starting position, do not use your arms, but only your abdominal muscles.

Exercise No. 4 . This exercise is well presented in the video at the top of the article. From a kneeling position. If you do not have enough strength to go all the way to a position parallel to the floor, you can install a forward movement limiter. For example, you can calculate the path of a wheel so that it can rest against a wall at the desired distance.

If the exercises are easy for you, then you can increase the load. Here are some tips for increasing the intensity of your roller exercises: Wear extra weight; place your feet on a height so that they are higher than the position of your hands; grab the handles with your palms facing up; lean not on two legs, but on one leg. Abdominal exercises on the horizontal bar are also effective.

Correct breathing . When doing exercises on a roller, it is important to comply with an important requirement - this correct breathing. If your breathing is uneven, the effect of the exercise will be insignificant. As you lean forward, inhale through your nose, and as you lift your body, exhale through your nose.

Contraindications . The roller is contraindicated for people with joint diseases, injuries, hypertension, problems with the spine and vestibular apparatus.

Gymnastic roller - compact trainer for home

A steel press is the dream of millions of people. But few people can work out their muscles in the gym with enviable regularity. And even at home, this sometimes turns out to be an impossible task. In addition, everyone wants to get the coveted cubes as soon as possible. But some exercises turn out to be ineffective, others soon stop giving results or simply get boring. For those who have ever encountered similar problems and dreamed of getting a powerful load, a gymnastic roller will come in handy - a simple piece of equipment that can compete with large exercise equipment.

Why do you need a gymnastic roller?

The simulator looks simple and compact. Suitable for professionals and amateurs who want to lose weight. To practice, you only need desire and free space equal to a person’s height.

“Will a trainer with such a primitive design help you form a sculpted body?” beginners wonder. You can only underestimate an ab wheel until the first “test drive”. That's when the true level becomes clear physical training– the lagging muscle group immediately makes itself known. But don’t despair and at the first failures, hide the exercise machine in a distant closet. Success lies in gradual effort and systematicity.

In fact, the ab roller is one of the few exercise machines that quickly provides visible results. With its help, beginners strengthen the frame of ligaments and tendons, and experienced athletes maintain muscle tone and work out the relief.

However, the projectile causes controversy among coaches. Some sing an ode to him, others speak negatively about his effect on the spine. Of course, when stabilizer muscles are weak, the likelihood of injury increases. Whatever the experts say, you need to understand that a roller trainer does not replace basic exercises(crunches, leg raises, etc.), training with free weights or classical exercise machines. It only adds variety to exercises, acting not only on the rectus abdominis muscles, but also on all muscle groups middle part of the body. Isn't this a reason to get to know the projectile better?!

What are gymnastic rollers?

The classic trainer is a wheel with an axle threaded through it. Thanks to the wide axis, the hands are at a distance favorable to the joints.

Main types of gymnastic rollers:

  • single or double: has 1 or 2 wheels;
  • with variable load: the center of gravity shifts by changing the position of the handles;
  • with a return mechanism: helps to perform a return movement, thereby relieving the load from the lower back;
  • with tensioners (expanders).

A simplified version of the simulator is equipped with 2-4 wheels. Improved devices with expanders and leg attachments make exercise more varied and complex, help you achieve results faster, but are not suitable for beginners.

How does a gymnastic wheel affect muscles?

When performing exercises with a roller, the athlete works exclusively with his own weight. He holds the machine in a vertical position, rolling it back and forth along a given path. The main load falls on the press. The muscles of the arms, buttocks, back, calves, quadriceps and hamstrings are less involved. The main disadvantage of the simulator is that the body is initially lifted using the back muscles: with the force of the lower back, you begin to contract, involving the buttocks in the work. Only then do the abs and arms come into play. With a weak muscle frame, such a start can cause serious problems. If we add to this large number repetitions, injury cannot be avoided. For this reason, trainers advise starting with several exercises, gradually increasing their number and range of movements.

At correct technique performing a compact roller exercise machine brings you closer to the treasured cubes and has a number of positive effects:

You don’t have to be a master of sports to appreciate the benefits of exercises with a roller. It's definitely worth a try, but not for everyone.

Cautions and contraindications for exercise

There are often videos on the Internet with a call to action: “You’re weak!” At the same time, the athlete in the video can perform a hundred or even more repetitions. Of course, to reach this level you will have to sweat for months. For an unprepared muscle frame, this is hellish stress. Spontaneous loads end sadly: terrible sore throat, injuries and refusal to further exercise. Don’t overestimate your capabilities, don’t torture yourself to the point of dizziness. Three repetitions will be enough for an untrained person.

You need to gradually accustom your body to stress and follow the advice of professionals:

  • At first, perform the exercises from your knees, rather than standing on your toes;
  • place a mat under your knees that does not slip on the floor;
  • always do a warm-up;
  • do not make sudden movements or jerks;
  • control your breathing.

The level of difficulty in such training is quite high, so perform exercises with a gymnastic roller contraindicated:

  • teenagers under 16 years old,
  • pregnant women,
  • people with spinal problems,
  • for hypertension and cardiovascular diseases,
  • people who have recently received serious injuries or undergone surgery.

As for the negative reviews about the gymnastics video, experts are outraged by admiring stories about the miraculous effect of the projectile specifically on the abs. In fact, these exercises are more related to training comprehensive plan, promote coordinated work of the upper and lower body. You need to understand that you can’t work out your abs with just one exercise, but your overall strength, endurance, mobility and agility increases significantly.

Both physically strong men and fragile young ladies can exercise with an ab roller. You need to start small. Follow the principle: “the slower you go, the further you will go.” You can conduct classes several times a week, including a series of exercises with the simulator in your regular workouts.

As with any other training, the last repetitions should be difficult. Even in the most difficult moments, realize your full potential, do not hold your breath and always strive for the correct, ideal execution of the exercises.

Before adding roller exercises to your regular workout routine, try doing the moves during your free time. Do a short warm-up and do a few repetitions. It may turn out that you can only do 1-2 movements. A preliminary check will allow you to adjust your lesson plan in advance and better understand your mistakes.

Without proper breathing, achieve good results it will be difficult. In working out the press, this is one of the key points, because the abdominal muscles contract maximally only when exhaling. Remember three correct exercises much more effective than 10 with errors.

It is worth recognizing that exercises with a roller are not that varied. Those who do not have decent fitness experience need to master the technique of performing them from their knees. You will need a space of 2x2 m and a rug.

Exercises are performed after warming up as follows:

Exercise with knees near the wall:

  • choose a distance from the wall from which you can safely perform the exercise;
  • sit on your knees (distance between them is 10–15 cm);
  • take the abdominal wheel in your hands and slowly begin to roll it forward, tilting your body;
  • Roll the roller to the wall and slowly return to the starting position.

Exercise on straight legs against a wall:

  • stand at such a distance from the wall from which you will subsequently have enough strength to return to the starting position;
  • place your feet shoulder-width apart;
  • roll the wheel forward until it hits the wall;

In order to pump up muscles, get them beautiful outline or get rid of excess weight, unaesthetic fat deposits, it is necessary to expose the body to properly selected physical activity. Some people go to school for this gym or a fitness center, where, under the supervision of professional trainers, they exercise; others prefer to perform various exercises at home on your own. However, it will be very useful for both to use a gymnastic roller - this simple, but incredibly effective simulator will help create muscle relief and remove excess body fat.

Description of the simulator

This projectile in its simplest version consists of only two components - a wheel, which is put on the axis of the handle, but at the same time, it can be used to influence almost all muscle groups. In modern sports stores you can find many variations of a gymnastic roller - with two, three and even four wheels, with a trimmer cable, with a reverse mechanism. However, even without all these bells and whistles, a gymnastic ab roller is very effective, capable of competing in this regard even with a full-fledged home multi-station for fitness. Not to mention, any exercise without any equipment will not come close to the results that can be achieved with this video.

So, the man decided to buy himself such a projectile and for this he came to a sports store. If it is a good and large retail outlet, it will have many options for such shells, and this can make it difficult to choose. As a rule, all types of gymnastic roller are built according to the same scheme; only minor details differ:

  1. One or more wheels. Naturally, additional wheels increase the stability of the projectile and are therefore easier to use, especially for beginners who should not be distracted by maintaining balance and overexerting their muscles. But at the same time, one wheel on the roller allows you to train, in addition to muscles, vestibular apparatus and coordination of movements. But this is reasonable if the person is in good physical shape or already has some experience with such a video.
  2. The presence or absence of a rubber edging on the wheel. When practicing at home, it is highly desirable to have a gymnastics wheel with a soft rubber rim. This will improve traction on the floor and eliminate slips and falls, and also provide less noise during exercise.
  3. Return mechanism. Some types of rollers have a mechanical or even electronic return mechanism that allows the wheel to move back as you perform the exercise. This significantly reduces the load on the muscles, so it is perfect for beginner athletes.
  4. Roller with a shifted center of gravity. In this version of the projectile, the center of gravity of the wheel is shifted, as a result of which more effort must be made to rotate it. It is also intended for advanced users.

Reviews of those using one or another type of gymnastic roller vary; while some people are satisfied with a simple apparatus without any problems, others believe that the results of its use are rather meager. According to the latter, a gymnastic roller without additional load or, especially, with a return mechanism - this is only a temporary stage for a person to get used to such exercises.

However, this is not entirely true - if some people want to pump up their muscles and improve their relief with the help of a roller, then others (especially girls) simply need to remove fat deposits and make their figure toned. Therefore, the choice of the type of roller depends on the person’s initial physical fitness and the goals he wants to achieve using it.

An important and frequently asked question regarding the use of this video is the following: what muscles and their groups are involved when exercising with it? In fact, when the right approach Almost all major muscles work, especially in problem areas Oh:

  1. First of all, these are almost all groups of abdominal muscles; it is not for nothing that this apparatus is called an ab roller or an ab wheel.
  2. Muscles of the belt and free upper limb (arms).
  3. Muscles of the back and lower back.
  4. Main muscle groups of the thighs, gluteal muscles.
  5. Calf muscles (when positioned on the toes when performing exercises).

Of course for professional athlete This video still will not replace full-fledged exercise equipment, since the maximum load when using it is limited by a person’s own weight. However, reviews confirm the opinion that this equipment will help “not lose shape” for an athlete who was forced to interrupt his training, or can serve excellent option warm-up.

For beginner bodybuilders or people who want to keep their body in good physical shape, the gymnastics wheel is perfect. Especially considering the fact how little space it will take up even in the cramped apartment when stored, and to practice on it you only need a couple of square meters of flat space on the floor.

How to exercise with a roller

After the video has been selected and purchased, it is necessary to develop a scheme of exercises on it. Typically, all schemes are divided into classes for beginners, for more experienced ones and for people in very good physical shape. However, practice and reviews show that it is not always correct, for example, for experienced users to do exercises only from their own scheme.

It is better to start with simpler and less strenuous exercises in order to warm up the ligaments and muscles, otherwise there is a risk of getting a serious sprain.

Of course, this advice may not be followed if the exercise on a gymnastic roller is preceded by other warm-up options (running, jumping in place, stretching).

Beginners as well as experienced athletes should use a gymnastic roller as a warm-up, performing the exercise as follows. Starting position: standing on the floor on your knees. You need to grab the handles of the gymnastic roller and, keeping your arms straight, slowly roll it forward until your torso is parallel to the floor (but you must not lie down on the floor!). After the same slow motion and with straight arms you need to pull the wheel towards you, returning to the starting position.

In the event that exercises with a gymnastic roller according to the previous description have already become commonplace, you can complicate the exercises. To do this, the roller is grasped by the handles, a person bends down from a standing position and slowly rolls the wheel away from himself until his arms, torso and legs line up in a straight line parallel to the floor. The emphasis should only be on the roller wheel and toes. Then you also slowly need to return to the starting position.

If a person has very good sports uniform, then you can make the exercise even more difficult. To do this, you need to lie on the floor with your arms extended with the wheel forward, and from this position begin to gradually rise until your lower back reaches the top point, and then slowly lower to the starting position.

In addition to a specific exercise regimen, you need to know a few more basic rules for practicing with a gymnastic roller:

  1. Beginners can do 6-9 repetitions in one approach as part of their exercise, that is, rise and fall 6-9 times. According to the second training scheme, you need to do no more than 6 repetitions, and according to the third – no more than 3-4, after which you need to take a break for 5-10 minutes, during which you can jump rope or on the spot. In total, you can do up to 6-8 approaches, but in this matter it is important to listen to your body and not push it to the point of complete exhaustion.
  2. An important factor in the effectiveness of training with a roller, both for the purpose of losing weight and for training muscles, is proper breathing. The best option is to inhale through your nose when lowering your body down and exhale through your mouth when going up. With irregular breathing, the supply of oxygen to working tissues is disrupted, due to this the breakdown of fats is inhibited, and a lot of lactic acid accumulates in the muscles, which causes sore throat and slows down the growth of new muscle fibers.
  3. It is also important to perform all the exercises described above slowly and evenly. Slow execution guarantees longer muscle tension, which increases the effectiveness of the exercise. And vice versa, fast and, especially jerky, “skating” on a gymnastic roller leads to the fact that almost 70% of the time the muscles are relaxed and do not experience any useful load.

Such daily exercise 15-25 minutes will help maintain excellent physical fitness for both men and women, contribute efficient combustion excess fat deposits. If a man wants to use this apparatus to create a beautiful and uniform muscle definition, then he should alternate such exercises with pull-ups on the horizontal bar. This will additionally stimulate muscle growth in the back and shoulder girdle.

Wheel, gymnastic roller - that's what it's called sports equipment, which is used for strength exercises. Most often it is used by those people who form their beautiful figureflat stomach with pronounced “cubes”, triceps and biceps, a sculpted back and chest. But this video will be an excellent choice for those who want to lose weight. It is a wheel of different diameters with handles.

Read in this article

The benefits of a gymnastic roller for weight loss

If we consider exercises with a roller for weight loss, then it is worth highlighting the following points:

  • the load is forceful on the body, which means that all muscle groups “work”;
  • breathing during exercise becomes frequent and deep - the body is saturated with oxygen, which stabilizes and accelerates metabolic processes (metabolism);
  • within 24 hours after training, the body still continues to burn fat.

If you do exercises with a gymnastic roller daily for 15 minutes or 2-3 times for 40 minutes, you will not only lose weight, but also strengthen your body. muscle tissue. This means that as you lose weight you will not become loose skin, cellulite will disappear, and your entire figure will become slimmer.

Advantages and disadvantages of gymnastic equipment

If we consider the advantages of the “wheel” sports equipment, we can conclude that it is suitable for both women and men. Experts highlight the following positive points:

  • the simulator is small in size and does not require a lot of space in the apartment;
  • the cost of the wheel is extremely small, but this does not make its effectiveness any less - training both on expensive simulators with an instructor and on a roller independently brings the same result;
  • during the exercises, the abdominal muscles (abs and obliques) are especially actively worked out;
  • when performing the complex correctly physical activity It turns out to affect other muscle groups - the legs and buttocks, the sides and arms, and the back.

Gymnastic rollers

Thanks to the complex effect on the muscles, it is possible to increase the overall tone of the body - energy is added, endurance improves, and sleep is normalized.

Many are sure that the gymnastic roller has no disadvantages, but this is not entirely true. Doctors and trainers warn that unprepared physically It will be not just difficult for people to perform even basic exercises, but almost impossible. Therefore, before starting the training complex, you will need to slightly strengthen the abdominal muscles - classic exercises on the abs will prepare the body for more serious loads.

Exercises for the abs, from the abdomen and sides

Classes should take place in a comfortable environment, so some kind of rug is placed under the knees. One thing to remember right away important point– all exercises must be performed so that the chest does not touch the floor, and the torso is not strictly parallel to it. The fact is that it will be almost impossible to rise from such a “deep” position - you need to train the body gradually, without jerking.

Some individual complexes There is no gymnastics on the wheel, since all problem areas are worked out at once - the abs, stomach and sides:

  • Get on your knees and grab the handles on the apparatus with your hands. Leaning on the wheel, you need to move forward as much as possible, tilting your torso. Without delay at any point, you need to immediately return to the starting position.
  • Lie on your back, rest your feet on the handles of the gymnastic roller, bend your legs knee joints, place your arms along your body. Raise your buttocks above the floor to the maximum possible height and move the wheel back and forth with the lower part of your legs. This exercise works great on the gluteal and thigh muscles.
  • Sit on the floor with straight legs, place the sports equipment on the side, and grab the handles. The wheel should move to the side, “dragging” the body with it. Immediately return to the starting position. The exercise is performed in both directions.
  • Stand up straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, take a gymnastic roller in your hands. Lower it to the floor, bend over, and begin to roll forward. Having reached the farthest point (if possible), return to an upright position.

These 4 exercises will give the desired result only if you follow the recommendations:

  • Before each workout you need to do a warm-up. 5-10 minutes are enough for the muscles to “warm up” and the joints to prepare for the load. You should perform regular exercises from exercises.
  • The slimming roller can only be used for smooth and calm movements. People with overweight and will not be able to perform the exercises too quickly, but this indicator needs to be increased each time.
  • Each of the 4 exercises must be repeated at least 10 times, preferably 15. It will be difficult for untrained people to fulfill this requirement, so you can increase the load gradually.

Proper training is when a person literally “falls” after exercise, sweat pours from him, and his breathing increases significantly. But severe pain should not be felt, although such discomfort may be felt in the first days - this is how stagnant muscles react to the load.

To learn how to properly perform an exercise with a gymnastic roller, watch this video:

Will it help your back?

Losing weight is only possible if the muscles of the whole body are toned. The gymnastics roller is an excellent back workout – the muscles along the spine become stronger and their endurance increases. With regular training, posture is corrected, a person, even at rest, moves with straight shoulders and a retracted stomach - this already happens reflexively.

It is very important to understand that the load on the back during exercise is heavy. People with spinal diseases (any) should not start losing weight in this way without first consulting with their doctor. Just one careless movement, an accidental jerk of the wheel can lead to injury to the intervertebral discs and pinched nerve endings.

The gymnastic roller can be used for weight loss - it is really effective. Instructors believe that additional training will not be needed, such a large load is placed on all muscle groups of the body. But the results will not be noticeable immediately, but only after 1 - 2 months.