How to get rid of big cheeks on your face. How to remove cheeks at home

No one gets younger over time, and if you want to preserve the former beauty of your face and body, even for a short while, you will have to devote some time to this. One of the main problems of women remains the appearance of sagging cheeks over the years. You can get rid of them and return your face to its previous appearance without even resorting to plastic surgery. Find out how.

How to get rid of cheeks at home

Not all women like their chubby cheeks. The reason for this is often weight gain, and it is possible and necessary to remove such a deficiency without liposuction of the cheeks. Not only the figure, but also the face can be slim. Much more stylish haircuts and hairstyles will immediately suit him, while chubby ladies have to spend a long time choosing an image to look impressive.

There are many ways to lose weight in your cheeks. Moreover, these methods, if not completely free, then cost pennies (if we talk about masks). The main thing that is required is patience, because without it nothing will work. As in any process of losing weight, it is important not only to take any actions aimed at reducing weight, but also to maintain proper nutrition, without which overweight won't go away. You will learn further about how to remove fat from your cheeks.

Exercises for cheeks and cheekbones

To reduce the contour of the face, you can do special exercises for slimming cheeks. It is important to perform them regularly, then the result will certainly please you. With the help of this complex you will get rid of not only full cheeks, but also a double chin. How to remove cheeks:

  1. Sit down and tilt your head back. Move your chin as if you want to grab your upper lip with your lower lip. Repeat 30 times.
  2. With your jaw closed (while keeping your head straight), try to stick out your lower lip as much as possible.
  3. Slightly tilt your head forward, begin to move your chin: stretch to your left, then to your right shoulder.
  4. Keep your head straight and the corners of your lips down. Start tensing your muscles and stay in this state for a minute.

Diet for losing weight on the face and cheeks

If you think there is a special diet for your cheeks, you might be disappointed that there isn't one. Losing weight in this part of your face will entirely depend on how much weight you want to lose overall. Uncontrollable hunger won't help, so start by eating a healthy diet. Review your diet: remove all fried and fatty foods from it, give up quick snacks. Devote at least two weeks to the diet, cleanse your body of toxins, and in combination with exercise, you will achieve the effect even faster and you will not need any cheek liposuction.

Healthy eating will help not only improve the contour of the face, but also make slim figure. Eat more vegetables, try to use honey instead of sugar, and give up flour products more often. The main thing in this matter is to be patient, because there is no way to quickly remove cheeks. Everything requires time and perseverance, and the result will definitely not be long in coming.

Cheek masks

Another great alternative for getting a beautiful face are various anti-cheek masks that you can make yourself from natural products. Here are a few recipes that will help you fight the roundness of your face:

  • Lemon mask. Stir 1 tsp. lemon juice and the same amount of honey with warm oatmeal (1 tbsp). Spread the mask over your face and leave for 20 minutes.
  • Yeast mask. Dilute 20 g of yeast with a tablespoon of milk, add an egg, a tablespoon of olive oil and honey (1 tsp). Thicken the mixture with rice flour. Apply the mask to your face and leave for 30 minutes.

Cheek slimming massage

Finally, the last free method is a facial massage to slim down your cheeks. How to remove cheeks with massage:

  1. Apply any nourishing cream. It is not advisable to use products with a lifting effect.
  2. Start stroking the skin of your face, move on to patting and pinching. There is no need to hurt yourself, because a massage should only bring pleasure. Direct the movements from bottom to top from the cheekbones to the temples.
  3. Start pinching and rubbing the folds. It would be a huge mistake if you start to stretch the skin too much. In this case, the completely opposite result will be obtained.

How to remove bulldog cheeks at home

Not only older women, but also girls and young men can experience sagging facial skin. Sagging largely depends on genetics. There is no need to worry about this problem, because there are many methods for tightening sagging cheeks at home. In this case, it is absolutely not necessary to resort to liposuction of the cheeks or other plastic surgeries.

Contrast shower for face

A very useful remedy that will help remove cheeks is a contrast shower. It can and should be done regularly, every time you take a bath yourself. It's very simple: pour hot or cold water on your face. In this case, you can alternately inflate and deflate the cheeks, drawing air into them. Such gymnastics and contrasting water treatments have a positive effect on facial skin, rejuvenating it and making it more elastic.

Facial massage for facelift at home

Sagging facial skin should be massaged with the palm of your hand or fingertips. This process helps improve blood circulation and has a rejuvenating effect. Regular massage for sagging cheeks can be done in a salon by a professional or on your own at home, which is no worse. For the procedure, it is advisable to acquire a special oil that helps increase skin elasticity.

One of the ways to remove cheeks using massage requires a special herbal decoction. Almost any will do, but chamomile, birch, and mint are especially good for the skin. Soak the tip of a towel in the broth and lightly hit yourself in the face with it. Problem areas You need to knead them thoroughly, tap them with your fingertips. Create vibration-like movements. By performing this massage on a regular basis, you will soon forget about this problem.

  • Fold your lips together as in the first exercise, pressing your upper lip to your teeth. Smile only from the corners of your mouth, lifting your cheeks up. Repeat the exercise 20 times. Hold your last smile for 30 seconds.
  • How to visually reduce cheeks

    Want to know how to visually make your cheeks appear smaller using makeup? There is a simple technique for this that can help make the facial contour more slender, like the models in the photo. You will need a dark blush that matches your skin tone, a light powder, a thick brush and 5 minutes of free time. Use powder to tint your face, and apply blush along the sunken line that is formed when the lips are folded into a duck, starting from the cheekbones. Do not overdo it with cosmetics; distribute the blush evenly.

    Video: Facial exercises to lift cheeks

    Fat cheeks - reasons

    If you want to lose weight in your cheeks quickly, you first need to figure out why they look plump. And only then will you be able to understand what needs to be done to solve this problem.

    Often the causes of large cheeks are:

    • Excess body weight.
    • Hormonal treatment.
    • Unbalanced diet.
    • Swelling due to a certain disease.

    Sometimes the cheeks and cheekbones can be visually enlarged due to the shape of the face, for example, rectangular or round.

    Many women and men try to solve the problem of chubby cheeks too quickly. For example, they are looking for ways to remove cheeks in a week. But it is impossible to do this in such a short period of time, and in addition, it is important to take into account all the characteristics of the body.

    Unfortunately, if you are experiencing health problems, or are undergoing a certain course of treatment, reducing your cheeks with simple ways won't help. In addition, fat is not always the cause of voluminous cheeks. Facial puffiness or hormonal imbalance can also make cheekbones and cheeks appear large. However, if they have become unattractive due to poor nutrition and improper care of your face, everything can be fixed!

    The right diet will make your cheeks smaller

    Proper nutrition- a guarantee of a slim figure. By following healthy eating habits and knowing your portion sizes, you will never face the problem of being overweight.

    Avoid the following list of foods and drinks in your diet:

    • Alcohol (especially beer).
    • Instant coffee with milk powder.
    • Pasteurized juices.
    • Delicious baked goods.
    • Candies.
    • Dairy desserts (glazed cheese curds, yoghurts, curd mass).
    • Sausages and smoked meats.
    • Sauces (ketchup and mayonnaise).

    It is these foods that cause plump and large cheeks. This food contains chemical composition and is high in calories. Therefore, in the body it so easily turns into fat and is successfully deposited on the cheeks, chin and other parts of the body.

    The following products are considered less dangerous, but also harmful to health:

    • Pasta.
    • Canned food.
    • Cheeses (over 30% fat content).
    • Potato.
    • Jams and jams.

    Addiction to harmful products leads to excess weight. Foods high in calories turn into fat, which can be actively deposited in the most vulnerable parts our body: face, arms, stomach and thighs.

    Workouts for weight loss

    If you have sagging cheeks and large cheekbones due to excess weight, diet and facial exercises will not eliminate your problem. To solve it completely, comprehensive measures are needed. Physical activity and proper diet will help reduce total weight body, which will also stimulate the reduction of your cheeks.

    At overweight body, you should not neglect sports, because weight loss and elasticity of facial skin depend on them. Often, the diet does not remove fat from your body, but removes fluid from the body, which leads to short-term weight loss. In addition, after losing weight through diet alone, you risk having saggy, flabby cheeks and cheekbones. And all because due attention was not paid to sports.

    In order to lose weight, you need to perform physical activity that burns fat. One of these is cardio training. It is recommended to do it for 20 minutes a day, consistently 3-4 times a week. After cardio should be performed strength exercises- 20 and stretching - 5-7 minutes.

    Massage and gymnastics for the face

    How to lose weight in your cheeks with massage and facial exercises? One of effective ways is the Zogan rejuvenating technique. The author of this massage is a woman from Japan, Yukuko Tanaka.

    In addition to how to remove cheeks, this technique helps to quickly restore elasticity and firmness of the skin. What does Yukuko Tanaka herself say about her invention? Here's what:

    “After 25 years, our skin smoothly enters the aging stage. What do we see? The first wrinkles, dullness and sagging skin appear. Zogan massage offers the following benefits for your face:

    • Eliminates swelling.
    • Relaxes facial muscles.
    • Relieves swelling.
    • Removes dark circles under the eyes.
    • Soothes the skin.
    • Reduces wrinkles.
    • Forms correct facial contours (eliminates double chin, makes cheekbones expressive).”

    Therefore, if you don’t know how to visually reduce your cheeks and do it quickly, be sure to try this massage. Spend only 5-7 minutes a day on this procedure. A pleasant result is noticeable after two weeks.

    How to do Zogan massage correctly, see the view below.

    Facial exercises will also help improve skin condition and reduce cheeks and cheekbones. What exercises do you need to do to achieve this effect? Watch the video below.

    In what cases should you not massage:

    • Skin rashes.
    • Cuperosis.
    • Increased blood pressure.
    • Open wounds on the face.
    • Colds.
    • Botox injections.

    Contraindications to facial gymnastics:

    • General weakness.
    • Hypertension.
    • Dizziness.
    • Cosmetic injections (Botox).
    • Plastic surgery on the face (after 2 years of surgery, gymnastics is allowed).
    • Dysfunction of the facial nerve.

    If you don’t know how to shrink your cheeks at home, remember that for this purpose you need to do a number of things:

    • Maintain proper nutrition.
    • Exercise.
    • Perform massage and facial exercises.

    And only after following the above methods can you achieve a good result.

    To learn how to remove the cheeks of a man and a woman at home, watch the video below.

    • or such a feature of appearance was passed on to you by inheritance,
    • or as the Rabbit from the unforgettable cartoon “Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All” said, “this means someone is eating too much.”

    If your face is rounded when you gain excess weight, then this can be easily dealt with. It is more difficult to get rid of the problem if the shape of your face is inherited from you. In this case, only cosmetology will help.

    How to remove cheeks using cosmetology:

    1. Do plastic surgery to reduce cheek volume
    2. Non-surgical SMAS face lift for cheek lift
    3. Thermolifting: laser or radio wave.

    How do cosmetic procedures for cheek reduction work:

    1. Surgical cheek reduction

    Between the buccal muscle and the superficial muscles of the face there is a fatty formation, the so-called Bisha lump. The lumps have a very high density, so overall weight loss with sports activities or special diets doesn't make them smaller.

    The surgeon will suggest that you remove these lumps and reduce excess volume in your cheeks. How does this happen?

    Under local or general anesthesia, the surgeon makes a small (1-2 cm) incision on inner surface cheeks to access excess fat. Excess fat is either removed completely or moved to the cheekbones to create additional volume. Next, the incision is sutured with a cosmetic suture.

    The likelihood of complications is minimal. In rare cases, an inflammatory process may develop. The most important thing is to find an experienced doctor, since the facial nerves and ducts of the salivary glands pass next to the lumps. It is important not to damage them.

    2. Cheek lift using SMAS face lifting machine

    If you want to tighten your cheeks without surgery, then this procedure is ideal for you. Altera deeply affects the skin tissue without incisions or violating its integrity.

    The concentrated ultrasonic waves of the device heat up the soft tissues. As a result, the process of fat burning in the problem area is activated and blood circulation improves, the facial frame is tightened.

    Altera will help remove “chubby” cheeks not only for young, but also for older women.

    Altera is the only procedure that affects not only the skin, but also the underlying layer - SMAS. Also, Alter's ultrasonic waves trigger the process of synthesis of new collagen and elastin fibers, so the results of the procedure increase over the course of several months.

    Until now, many cosmetologists claim that it is this technique that shows the safest and most long-term result of facial slimming and skin rejuvenation.

    3. Reducing cheek volume with

    Another way to get rid of cheeks without plastic surgery. Different types thermolifting lead to one effect - heating of tissues, right down to subcutaneous fat. At a temperature of 42 degrees, proteins denature (fold), and collagen fibers (the framework for the skin) become denser and compressed. Damage to collagen leads to stimulation of new collagen.

    What do we see as a result? Cheekbones, cheeks and chin are tightened, the skin becomes firm and elastic, wrinkles are smoothed out.

    It compares favorably with other methods of hardware cosmetology, since the result is visible after 1-2 sessions. We recommend 3-5 sessions per course, after which the strengthening of regeneration and cell renewal processes continues for 6 months. The result lasts for 2 years, but for prevention you need to carry out 1-2 procedures every six months

    A full face with a pronounced double chin does not add attractiveness to either men or women. Clearly defined cheekbones and sunken cheeks, on the contrary, decorate and make the appearance noble. Anyone who wants to restore the coveted thinness to their face certainly wants to achieve a similar result as quickly as possible. However, given the importance of the time factor, most people, due to their busy lives, are looking for ways to help lose weight in the face at home.

    To some people, the problem of facial fullness seems far-fetched, which is completely unfair. Fat accumulates not only on the hips, stomach, and arms. Its excess appears on both the chin and cheeks. The result of this is the loss of a clear oval, the impression that the cheekbones are completely absent. Neither women nor men want to put up with such a situation.

    Considering the seriousness of the problem, since the fullness of the face really spoils a person’s appearance, there are a huge number of sites, methods and even books devoted to this problem. Most of these benefits suggest that people who want to get rid of a double chin and prominent cheeks perform special gymnastics that reduce body fat.

    What results do the authors of facial slimming exercises promise?

    In manuals offering a complex of gymnastics, they write about the following positive effects that specially designed exercises allow you to achieve:

    • getting rid of a double chin;
    • reduction of the face in the cheeks;
    • acquisition of a chiseled shape by the chin.

    Even a third chin, if you already have one, will become smaller.

    How much time should you devote to gymnastics?

    There are no innovations here. To lose weight in your face, you need to devote the same amount of time to exercise as other workouts for weight loss, that is, at least perform two full-fledged complexes per week. You can do gymnastics either on Tuesday and Friday, or on Monday and Thursday.

    It all depends on your own preferences. Other workouts for weight loss do not affect the face, so exercises for achieving cheekbones and sunken cheeks can be performed along with aerobic and other exercises. In other words, it is permissible to do exercises both for losing body weight and for losing weight on the face on the same days, and if there is no time for them during the working week, then on weekends.

    There are a huge number of exercise options, but the most common ones can be combined into two alternative programs.

    Variation one

    It is a set of the following manipulations:

    1. Closing the eyes, performed 15 times in each of 4 approaches, between which they take a break of half a minute.
    2. Nodding your head up and down, which are also done in 4 sets of 15 repetitions, but with a break of just a minute.
    3. Raising eyebrows, performed in 3 sets with 8-10 repetitions in each and rest between sets from 1 to 2 minutes.
    4. Frowning brow arches with the same number of sets and repetitions (3X8-10) as lifts, as well as a rest of 60-120 seconds after each complete cycle.
    5. Nod to the side which are done in 5 sets of 10-12 nods and 1 minute of rest after each approach.
    6. Barbell curls, which are done 10 times in each of 10 sets with a minute's rest between them.

    The last exercise should be done with maximum large scales so that the muscles on the face tighten.

    Variation two

    Similar to the first complex, it is a program of six exercises:

    1. "Zhmurok" One eye is closed 18-20 times in each of 4 sets, between which there is a pause of 1 minute.
    2. Nod of a raised head. In each of the 5 cycles, you need to do 5 full nods, trying to stretch the double chin to the maximum at the extreme point, and after each approach take a three-minute rest.
    3. Opening and closing the mouth. You need to complete 3 approaches, with 8-10 repetitions in each of them. The pause between cycles is 1-2 minutes.
    4. "Chewing gum." They move their jaw for one and a half minutes, imagining that they are chewing gum, then a break of 3 minutes. Repeat 3 more times.
    5. Side smile. Perform 2 sets of 10-12 times each with a break of 1 minute after a full approach.
    6. Puffing out cheeks and “fish”. First, they simply puff out their cheeks 36-40 times, and then do the same number of repetitions, but protruding their lips and sucking their cheeks inward.

    Similar exercises are in every manual that offers to get rid of facial fat through special gymnastics.

    Do exercises help you lose weight in your face?

    The answer to this question has already been found subconsciously or through personal experience by everyone who does not want to see their own reflection in the mirror with a double or even third chin. It is obvious, and, of course, negative. The gymnastic manipulations and similar complexes described above can in no way affect subcutaneous fat in the facial area. There are and cannot be any prerequisites for this.

    Any weight loss requires compliance with two important conditions - diet and exercise. Fat deposits are not formed from air, but are the result of an unbalanced diet. Can be done for hours various exercises, but if they are accompanied by overeating, eating fast food, and so on, the calories spent by a person during training return again.

    This also applies to losing weight on your face. It’s hard to imagine that half an hour of “twitching” your eyes, eyebrows, mouth and chin can somehow miraculously make fat melt away. The proposed exercises only involve the dermis, and the subcutaneous body fat are not involved in the work in any way.

    What method is effective against facial fat?

    Only a calorie deficit allows you to achieve a clear oval, hidden under a double chin and impressive cheeks. A fat face is the result of obesity, that is, the accumulation of fatty deposits in the body, and they are formed as a result of the fact that daily caloric intake exceeds the amount of energy expended.

    If you normalize your diet by starting to eat healthy foods, fat will begin to disappear from absolutely all parts of the body, including the face. This is the result of the fact that the body begins to break down fat deposits to obtain the energy required to perform any activity carried out by a person, as well as the flow of vital processes.

    When there is no deficiency, energy comes with food, and the excess is also stored in the fat depot. Thus, the result of overeating is directly reflected on the body and face.

    Summing up

    Another important nuance The thing everyone should remember is that there is no local way to lose weight. It is impossible to remove fat from just one part of the body. A person either loses weight or gains weight in both body and face. It is impossible to have prominent cheekbones and sunken cheeks if you have first, second or third degree obesity.

    With age, all women notice obvious changes in the oval of their face. The muscles responsible for facial expressions begin to weaken, the skin loses its elasticity, and sagging cheeks appear. This problem is also observed during sudden weight loss; the skin simply does not have time to tighten. Therefore, you need to lose weight gradually in order to extra pounds disappeared proportionally. There are many factors influencing the appearance of sagging cheeks and a double chin.

    • Facial skin aging. Age-related changes are the primary cause of sagging cheeks. With age, around 35-40 years, the skin wears out, loses its elasticity and firmness, and sags, creating the effect of a “sullen clown.”
    • Excess weight. The skin of a fat person has a loose structure. Fat accumulates in the subcutaneous layers, filling the contour lines of the cheeks and chin, which is why the oval of the face looks ugly.
    • Fluid accumulation. Poor diet, hormonal imbalances and other health problems can cause water retention in the body. It is necessary to prevent the occurrence of edema.
    • Ultraviolet rays. Constant exposure to the scorching sun leads to loss of elasticity of the epidermis. Ultraviolet light accelerates aging and causes unwanted pigmentation. Therefore, be sure to protect your skin by using high-quality creams with SPF filters. Limit exposure to hot sun and wear wide-brimmed hats.
    • Genetic inheritance. If you have chubby cheeks or sagging skin at a young age Perhaps one of your relatives had the same problem, and you inherited these shortcomings. In this case, more thorough systematic care will be required.
    • Wrong lifestyle. If a woman smokes, drinks alcohol, eats junk food and leads a sedentary lifestyle, she should know that her face will age prematurely.
    • Incorrect care. Poor quality cosmetics lead to the appearance of wrinkles at a young age. Moisturize, nourish, scrub your face and use only light foundations and makeup bases.

    Unwanted defects on the face appear if you sleep on a high pillow, drink a lot of fluids at night, constantly slouch, or read while lying on your back. But if you wish, you can lose weight in your face and cheeks at home in a month of intensive care.

    Proper daily care

    How to remove sagging, sunken and thick cheeks at home? We need to approach this problem comprehensively; only targeted actions will help achieve a great effect.

    • Cosmetics. Anti-aging serums and creams are just additional funds, and they will not be able to remove the problem of sagging cheeks on their own. It is better to choose daily care cosmetics from one series and apply them in a course. You can achieve maximum results by periodically changing the products, then the skin will not get used to the active ingredients. Every week you need to do deep cleansing with a lifting effect, use scrubs and nourish your skin with creams.
    • Hard massage. For this procedure you will need a small towel made from natural fabrics. Daily massage increases blood circulation and gives skin tone. Positive effect observed when using a solution of sea salt or decoctions of medicinal herbs. It is recommended to carry out the procedure in the morning. The wet towel should be patted vigorously on the face, but do not overdo it, as bruises may remain. Thanks to the massage, the cheeks are noticeably tightened and the complexion is evened out.
    • Contrast procedures. Most effective method remove swelling. You need to wet the napkin hot water, squeeze lightly, apply to your face and wait until it cools down. Then repeat the operation, but using cold water. If there are herbs to carry out cosmetic procedures, then you can use not just water, but an infusion as a base. If you do this simple procedure every morning and evening, you can get rid of noticeable sagging skin in just a week.
    • Cosmetic ice. In the morning, be sure to wipe your skin with ice cubes, especially your cheeks. It is better to use infusions of medicinal herbs as a basis. Chamomile, celandine, and mint are effective. This procedure allows you to quickly remove swelling and increases the elasticity of the epidermis.
    • Compresses at night. For the procedure you will need a saline solution and a fabric face mask. After cleansing the skin, apply a napkin soaked in the solution, hold for a quarter of an hour, then wash and apply a moisturizer with a lifting effect. The compress should be done 2-3 times a week; only with regular procedures can the desired effect be achieved.

    Laughter helps reduce skin sagging; when you smile, it activates maximum quantity facial muscles. At the same time, the oval of the face is perfectly corrected and subcutaneous fat is removed.

    Diet for losing weight around a round face. Why do cheeks grow?

    How to lose weight in your face with diet and how to get rid of fat cheeks? It was easy to eat the cheeks, but hard to get rid of. Therefore, you need to stick to a diet. It is recommended to create an individual diet with a specialist, but there are basic rules for everyone. These rules apply to both boys and girls.

    • Drink more water. The volume of water, about two liters daily, non-carbonated mineral or table water, improves skin hydration and maintains its tone. When there is a shortage of water, the human body begins to make reserves of it, which often becomes the cause of edema. You can drink green tea, but without sugar. It has a tonic effect and reduces hunger.
    • Fractional meals. Eat small meals. As a rule, there are three main meals, and additionally three snacks. The last food of the day should enter the body no later than 4 hours before bedtime. Chewing your food thoroughly will tighten your cheeks due to the fact that your facial muscles will be more actively involved.
    • Eliminate harmful foods. During a diet, remove salt and sugar from your diet, they interfere excess liquid excreted from the body. You should exclude sweets, broths with a high fat content, smoked foods, baked goods, strong coffee, tea, and carbonated drinks. You can remove fat from your cheeks only by strictly limiting your food intake.
    • Eat vegetables and fruits. You should increase the amount of vegetables and fruits you eat, guarantees good result. They contain a lot of vitamins, fiber and other useful substances. They can be eaten not only raw, but also after boiling or stewing. When cooking, add a little vegetable oil, but do not use spices.
    • Avoid alcoholic drinks. To avoid wondering how to remove cheeks or a double chin, stop drinking beer and wine. It is these drinks that lead to swelling.
    • Eat dairy products. They help in weight loss due to their calcium content. Doctors say that consuming calcium in an amount of 1200 mg per day helps rapid decline weight. If you eat hard cheeses or cottage cheese, the beneficial element will be much easier to absorb by the body.

    Losing weight in your face so that your cheekbones appear and your cheeks appear hollow is quite difficult. Need to combine integrated approach: diet, proper skin care and tightening exercises.

    Set of exercises

    Many women are interested in how to make their face thin with exercise. Reduce cheek size and change to better side Everyone can do facial features in about a month. Exercises are selected individually, based on the problem that is most pressing.

    We tighten the facial muscles

    The exercise is best done in the morning. It engages the main facial muscles and tones them.

    1. Inhale deeply and puff out your cheeks, pursing your lips tightly.
    2. Place your palms on your cheeks and cover your ears with your fingers.
    3. Press your hands firmly on your cheeks without letting the air out of your mouth.
    4. You need to perform the exercise for 5-6 seconds. The number of approaches is in the range of 5-10 times.

    Correcting the shape and size of the cheeks

    The exercise allows you not only to eliminate cheek defects, but also to get rid of nasolabial folds.

    1. Curl your lips together as if you were pronouncing the letter “O”.
    2. Press your tongue firmly into your cheek.
    3. Do it actively circular movements tongue.
    4. Repeat the exercise on each side 10-20 times.

    Strengthening the muscles of the face and neck

    Exercise will help eliminate expression wrinkles around the eyes and strengthen the muscles of the face and neck.

    1. Open your mouth slightly and form an “O” shape with your lips.
    2. Press your lips against your teeth as hard as possible.
    3. Press down index fingers to the area of ​​the face under the eyes.
    4. Smile widely and return to the starting position.
    5. Repeat the exercise at least 20 times.

    Try to move only your lips, other parts of your face should be motionless. At correct execution the muscles around the eyes tense, you can control this with your index fingers.

    Correcting the chin

    Exercise makes it easy to lose weight in your face and cheeks and get rid of a double chin.

    1. Sit comfortably on a chair, straighten your back.
    2. In this position, tilt your head back.
    3. Cover your upper lip with your lower lip.
    4. Stay in this position for a while.

    You should not strain your neck too much in the first days. There should be no discomfort after performing this exercise, so the execution time depends on the characteristics of the body.

    Getting rid of chubby cheeks

    The exercise is quite simple and interesting. Models the oval of the face and strengthens the cheeks.

    1. Take a pencil into your mouth and clamp it between your teeth.
    2. Move the pencil through the air and you can “draw” shapes or words.
    3. The duration of the workout is at least 3 minutes.

    By doing gymnastics every day, you can reduce the roundness of your face. This workout uses all facial muscles.

    1. Open your mouth wide.
    2. Wrap your lips inside your mouth and press them against your teeth.
    3. Tighten your lips and cheeks tightly.
    4. Sit in this position until your muscles become tired.
    5. After a short break of 5-10 seconds, repeat all over again.

    Making cheekbones

    The more beautiful the oval of your face, the younger you will look. By performing this simple gymnastics, you can tighten your cheeks and make your face much younger.

    1. Stand or sit straight.
    2. Clearly pronounce the vowel letters of the alphabet: “A”, “U”, “O”, “Y”, “I”, “E”.
    3. Try to tense all the muscles of your face at once.

    The point of this exercise is to tense and work the facial muscles. When performed regularly, the entire face noticeably loses weight and the cheekbones become more noticeable.

    If you are wondering how to remove cheeks, exercise, proper diet, giving up bad habits and an active lifestyle will help you notice positive results within a week. To lose weight on your face, you need to work hard on it.