The best medicine for weight loss in the pharmacy. The cheapest and most effective weight loss medicine that can be bought in pharmacies

Good afternoon

Let's touch on the topic of pharmaceutical drugs for weight loss. When I say pharmaceutical, I mean that these drugs went through multiple studies before they hit the shelves and have an impressive evidence base of their effectiveness. The presence of various certificates is also good, but, as you understand, in today's realities, they are not any proof of quality.

So the last stronghold of quality and working weight loss drugs is the pharmacy. I understand that dubious products may appear there, but there is hope to find something that really helps.

Of course, we will also talk about dietary supplements, because among them there are quite high-quality products.

The most effective weight loss products sold in pharmacies

Weight loss medications are mainly divided into two types based on the type of effect on the body: appetite blockers and fat blockers. As their names suggest, appetite blockers act on the central nervous system and suppress appetite. Fat blockers prevent fat from being completely absorbed.

Appetite blocker Reduxin

A real medical product created to combat overweight is Reduxin(not to be confused with the reduxin-light pacifier, we’ll talk about that too).

Therefore, it is released only with a doctor’s (endocrinologist) prescription and has strict indications for use.

Centrally acting drug for the treatment of obesity

Dosage form

Blue capsules; the contents of the capsules are white or white powder with a slightly yellowish tint.


Sibutramine hydrochloride monohydrate 10 mg;

Excipients: microcrystalline cellulose, calcium stearate.

Capsule composition: titanium dioxide dye, erythrosine dye, proprietary blue dye, gelatin

Pharmacological action

Sibutramine is a prodrug and exerts its effect through metabolites (primary and secondary amines) that inhibit the reuptake of monoamines (mainly serotonin and norepinephrine). An increase in the content of neurotransmitters in synapses increases the activity of central 5HT-serotonin and adrenergic receptors, which increases the feeling of satiety and reduces the need for food, as well as an increase in thermal production. By indirectly activating beta3-adrenergic receptors, sibutramine acts on brown adipose tissue.

Speaking in simple language, reduxin dulls the feeling of hunger and accelerates metabolism, forcing the body to spend more energy.

Indications for use

Reduxin should be used only in cases where all non-drug measures for weight loss are ineffective - if the weight loss over 3 months is less than 5 kg. Treatment with Reduxin should be carried out as part of complex therapy for weight loss under the supervision of a physician with practical experience in the treatment of obesity. Complex therapy includes both changing diet and lifestyle, and increasing physical activity. An important component of therapy is the creation of prerequisites for permanent changes in eating habits and lifestyle, which are necessary to maintain the achieved weight loss even after drug therapy is discontinued. As part of therapy with Reduxin, patients need to change their lifestyle and habits in such a way as to ensure that the achieved weight loss is maintained after completion of treatment. Patients should be clear that failure to comply with these requirements will lead to repeated weight gain and repeated visits to their doctor.

As you might have guessed, this drug is not a magic pill that will save you from extra pounds forever. During the course of treatment and after it, it is necessary to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle in general. When taking Reduxin, you are not promised quick and fantastic results. The average is minus 2 kg per month.

Reading reviews about this drug, what alarmed me most was that many people note a deterioration in mood, even depression, after completing the course of treatment. This is due to the fact that Reduxin suppresses the production of its own serotonin and, after stopping the drug, some time must pass until it returns to normal. It is also necessary to familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications and side effects - the list is quite extensive.

Please note: the drug is prescribed only if standard weight loss methods (proper diet, physical activity) do not help. This is not a medicine for the lazy - this is last resort when nothing else helps!

Price of the drug: about 1600-1800 rubles per pack of 30 capsules (course for a month). The duration of the course is from 3 months to a year.

More expensive analogues: Meridia, Obestat, Goldline

Fat blocker Xenical

The next medical drug for weight loss can be called Xenical. Also available by prescription only

The effect of this medicine is that it inhibits the action of an enzyme such as lipase. Lipase is responsible for the breakdown of fats that come with food. When taking Xenical, up to 30% of fats are not absorbed by the body and are simply excreted in feces (maybe that’s why the name?).

Clinical and pharmacological group

Drug for the treatment of obesity - gastrointestinal lipase inhibitor

Release form, composition and packaging

Hard gelatin capsules, turquoise color, opaque; on the body there is a black inscription “XENICAL 120”, on the lid - “ROCHE”; the contents of the capsules are white or almost white pellets.


microcrystalline cellulose - 93.6 mg, sodium carboxymethyl starch (Primogel) - 7.2 mg, povidone K-30 - 12 mg, sodium lauryl sulfate - 7.2 mg

Indications for use

Long-term therapy for obese or overweight patients, incl. having risk factors associated with obesity, in combination with a moderately hypocaloric diet.

In combination with hypoglycemic drugs (metformin, sulfonylurea derivatives and/or insulin) or a moderately hypocaloric diet in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus who are overweight or obese.

So, how to take this drug? Since its main purpose is to block fat, every time you eat a fatty meal, you need to take a Xenical tablet. This leads to very important, but ignored by many, factors:

  • If your diet does not contain fatty foods, then taking Xenical does not make any sense. Therefore, if you started to lose weight with the help of a balanced diet, then these pills are absolutely useless to you.
  • If during the course of this drug and after it you do not change your diet and it is rich in fats, then after the course your weight will very quickly return to its original values. So to achieve stable results, you will still have to reconsider your diet.

Side effects

And now I will tell you very scary things about the side effects of Xenical.

If you decide to take this medicine, then this is what awaits you with a high degree of probability: as I wrote earlier, fat that is not absorbed thanks to Xenical is excreted in the feces; the presence of a very large amount of fat in the feces causes the appearance of oily discharge from the anus, flatulence, diarrhea, and fecal incontinence. I don’t know about you, but I really don’t like the diagnosis of “fecal incontinence”. It’s like what happens with birds who don’t know how to control their bowel movements and shit everywhere and all the time. Do you need it?

But that's not all. There is such a procedure for cleansing the large intestine - colon hydrotherapy (“shower for the intestines”). Water is injected into the rectum through a tube under slight pressure (from 12 to 15 liters in one procedure), then this water is pumped out, removing the feces.

This procedure is usually performed by a qualified healthcare professional. So, specialists conducting colon hydrotherapy note that patients who have previously taken Xenical stand out from all others. Literally pieces of fat are excreted along with their feces, and they are so large that even the excretory tube becomes clogged. By the way, this is why Xenical is often prescribed simultaneously with colon hydrotherapy. This is done in order to remove fat from the large intestine in a timely manner.

If you read carefully, you probably no longer want to purchase this drug. And I absolutely agree with you.

Price: 1300-1500 rubles per package with 21 capsules

Analogue: Orsoten

This is where effective medications for weight loss end, and the remaining space on the stand of weight loss products in the pharmacy is occupied by dietary supplements of varying degrees of effectiveness.

Inexpensive and effective diet pills in the pharmacy

MCC (microcellulose)

MCC is a drug with a proven effect. The essence of his work is outrageously simple. You take a few tablets a few minutes before meals, they swell in your stomach and make you feel full. As a result, you eat significantly less, and cellulose itself does not provide any energy value. Weight loss occurs through a significant reduction in diet.

Dosage form

tablets Composition 500 mg MCC (100% dietary fiber)

Pharmacological action

reduces blood sugar and cholesterol levels, promotes stable weight loss, binds toxins and reduces the load on detoxification organs, reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors, increases the overall level of physical performance

Selling Features

Without a license

Indications for use

obesity, diabetes, atherosclerosis; with coronary heart disease; for microbial and chemical intoxication, for poisoning with heavy metals (to remove them from the body); to normalize digestive function (for gastroenterological diseases); for the prevention of neoplasms.

I really don’t like expressions like “removes waste and toxins”, “improves performance”, “reduces the risk of developing diseases”. I see all this as just advertising. But this does not negate the fact that in terms of weight loss, MCC can be a very good helper.

MCC is inexpensive - about 150 rubles per pack of 100 pieces, but it is recommended to take it in large doses: 5-10 pieces in the first three days (30 minutes before meals), and 10-20 pieces in all subsequent days. The course of admission is 3 months.

Chromium picolinate

Chromium picolinate is a compound that is used in dietary supplements intended for weight loss. But I would call this action indirect. Chromium is an element that takes part in the regulation of the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates in the body. Chromium picolinate is used in dietary supplements because this form is considered the most suitable for absorption.

The effect of the drug is due to the effect of chromium picolinate - increasing tissue sensitivity to insulin, which, in turn, helps reduce blood sugar levels and prevents the triggering of the mechanism for the development of obesity. The effect of chromium picolinate on appetite regulation mechanisms reduces cravings for sweets and starchy foods.

It is produced by various Russian companies specializing in the production of dietary supplements, so the price varies from very cheap to very expensive. From 150 to 2000 rubles. Available in both capsules and drops.

I would not mark this remedy as effective, but in the realities of today's life, we are constantly in a deficiency of vitamins and microelements. So if you are stuck on one number for a long time in the process of losing weight, then it is quite possible that chromium picolinate will get you back on track.

That's basically all I was able to find at the pharmacy that actually works. All other dietary supplements contain either unknown ingredients or simply the inscription “unique formula for weight loss.” That is, they offer to take their word for it that they really help you lose weight. According to the principle “I give it a try.”

I don’t want to waste your time with a detailed analysis of the heaps of junk on the shelves, but I want to highlight very popular advertised products that you have probably seen and may even be planning to purchase. Let me try to dissuade you.

Mangosteen for weight loss. Reviews, price and whether it can be bought at a pharmacy

Mega popular product. Type “weight loss products” into the search and advertisements for “Mangosteen” will follow you everywhere.

Let's look at the claimed properties of this wonderful product:

  • Controls appetite. In reviews, many users report a decrease in appetite due to glycogen synthesis triggered by mangosteen. By suppressing the feeling of hunger, the ingredient sends signals to the brain that the body is full even after a small amount of food.
  • Activates metabolic processes, promoting intensive shedding of extra pounds.
  • Normalizes hormonal levels, providing positive action on the endocrine and other systems.
  • Promotes rejuvenation and cleansing of impurities and toxins. The drug is filled with antioxidants (xanthones) that slow down the aging process.
  • Optimizes digestion and improves gastrointestinal function.
  • Has a tonic effect, filling with energy.
  • Has a beneficial effect on the skin.

Did you notice? They promise you everything at once. You will lose weight, become healthier, and look better. And of course, nearby are hundreds of reviews from those who have already tried and were completely delighted with this drug.

What is mangosteen

In fact, mangosteen (that's the correct name) is a fruit native to Southeast Asia. And like any other fruit, it contains vitamins and antioxidants. But this does not make it a super weight loss product. Sellers emphasize that mangosteen contains xanthones and that they are the main driver of the weight loss process.

I won’t argue, it may be true that xanthones are super antioxidants that burn your body right before your eyes. subcutaneous fat. May be. The question is: how much mangosteen is in a jar of Mangosteen? Sellers claim that one jar of the drug requires 25 mangosteens. 25 Mangosteens is about 3 kg. One kilogram of this fruit today costs about 300 rubles. This means that it will cost about 900 rubles just for fruits (I say this in prices in Taiwan, I’m just converting from baht. In Russia, mangosteens are much more expensive). Plus packaging, transportation, advertising. Well, you understand, the product is not cheap.

Now let's look at the price at which they offer it to us: on average 990 rubles per can. Of this amount, about 300 rubles goes to advertising, about 400 is the seller’s net profit. And the cost is around 300 rubles (of course, everything is approximate to understand the general principle). Question: what could be in a jar that costs 300 rubles? Answer: anything.

Such a dubious substance is not sold in pharmacies.

I hope I was convincing enough and saved you money.

There is another drug that is aggressively and widely advertised, but its effect is very, very doubtful.

This drug is called Reduxin-Light.

Reduxin Light. Composition and properties

In addition, the manufacturer claims that his drug contains more than just CLA. That it's enhanced special formula with the addition (tadam!) of microcellulose. Indeed, an incredible formula: sell 60 tablets at a price of 1600-1900 rubles, instead of 100 tablets at 150 rubles.

Maybe I'm too biased, maybe this remedy really gives good results. But the price is too high for cellulose and active substances with unproven effects.

Which weight loss tea is best to choose at the pharmacy?

Yes, I almost forgot about such a category of pharmacy products for weight loss as tea. The choice of these teas is actually very extensive and it can be very difficult to make a choice. I will definitely devote a separate article to this, but now I will note only the most important point.

You can choose absolutely any tea based only on your taste preferences. There will be no critical differences.

All teas marketed as weight loss teas have one main property: diuretic. Therefore, the result from them will always be the same: a quick expulsion of fluid from the body and, as a result, some weight loss (1-2 kg per day) and a slight decrease in body volume.

This is a very healthy effect, but under no circumstances should it be abused. Along with the fluid, the necessary microelements are also quickly washed out of the body and the water-salt balance of the body is disrupted.

That's all for today, I hope I have put some order in your heads regarding medical weight loss. There is only one conclusion so far: a magic pill has not yet been invented.

Weight loss medications that really help and are sold in pharmacies. Problem excess weight worries men and women of all ages. The reasons lie with a sedentary lifestyle, consumption of excess calories, hormonal changes, and diseases of the endocrine system. But overeating is the most common cause of extra pounds.

You need to lose weight comprehensively, using various ways:

Weight loss drugs that really help and are sold in pharmacies are “heavy artillery”; they are used when conventional methods fail to cope with the task. Some of them can be purchased independently, and some only with a doctor's prescription. This is justified by side effects and the need to monitor weight loss: sudden weight loss can lead to illness.

Drug groups

The most effective drugs for weight loss in pharmacies can be divided into several groups:

  1. Dietary supplements (nutraceuticals).
  2. Anorexics.
  3. Lipase inhibitors.
  4. Diuretics.
  5. Laxatives.
  6. Hormonal.

All of the medications listed are used orally. The effectiveness of external products is controversial; to a greater extent, they affect the condition of the upper layers of the skin, smooth it out and accelerate blood flow. Minor fat burning occurs during massage with their use.

dietary supplements

The peculiarity of dietary supplements is that they are as safe as possible, have a small percentage of side effects, and can be taken for quite a long time.

"Turboslim" is a supplement that is available in various forms - tablets, capsules, bars, drops, tea, coffee, cocktail. The daily tablets contain algae extracts, guarana and papaya extracts, citrus bioflavonoids, vitamin C and B3.

By acting as a complexon, they have the following effects:

  • speed up metabolism;
  • improve interstitial fluid circulation;
  • remove waste and toxins;
  • stimulate lipid metabolism;
  • prevent fat deposition and break down existing fat.

Night tablets with lemon balm extract soothe nervous system and have a beneficial effect on sleep. Active components promote fat burning. Sena extract regulates intestinal function and prevents the development of constipation, which is typical of some diets.

Turboslim tea is produced based on green tea with herbal additives. Together with coffee, they have the same effects - they remove excess fluid and improve the functioning of the gallbladder.

Side effects rarely occur in the form of intestinal disorders, allergies, insomnia. Contraindicated for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, illnesses cardiovascular system, atherosclerosis, sleep disorders.

The price of tablets ranges from 260 rubles for 20 pieces to 920 rubles for 60 with the addition of carnitine and lipoic acid.

Coffee will cost 260 rubles for 10 bags, tea the same price for 20 filter bags.

Biologically active additive L-carnitine is an amino acid that is involved in the delivery of fatty acids to the mitochondria of the cell. They are necessary for the production of ATP, an energy substrate. With a lack of this amino acid, metabolism slows down, fatty acids accumulate in cells and cause obesity.

Daily norm Carnitine is contained in 400 g of raw meat, but it is lost during heat treatment. Therefore, pharmacologists produce it in the form of tablets, liquids and include it in drinks for sports nutrition.

Side effects from use are not observed even when using doses that are several times higher than the daily dose. Some people experience insomnia after taking the usual amount of carnitine. It can be easily avoided if you drink it 6 hours before bedtime.

If you need a weight loss product at the pharmacy that is effective and inexpensive, then you can buy L-carnitine produced in Dnepropetrovsk in tablets at a price of 70 rubles for 40 tablets. As part of fitness products, these same products cost from 600 to 2000 rubles.

Nutraceutical dietary supplements include microcrystalline cellulose. These are the ones that are made from cotton and serve as a meal replacement. In some cases, tablets are added to food. They swell in the stomach and create a feeling of fullness. When passing through the intestines, cellulose adsorbs waste and toxins.
Tablets are taken 20-30 minutes before meals or completely replace meals. Softened in water, they can be added to minced meat, porridge, and dough. They will retain their properties, but will not be felt. The daily dose is a maximum of 25 tablets. It is important to drink enough fluids and follow a low-calorie diet.

A side effect in the form of constipation develops when the dosage is exceeded and less than 2 liters of water are consumed.
Diet pills are effective and inexpensive in the pharmacy; you can buy from 110 to 200 rubles for 100 pieces, depending on the manufacturer.


Drugs from this group will help reduce appetite and lose weight. They act through the adrenaline or serotonin system. Maintenance high level serotonin creates a feeling of satiety and maintains a good mood.

Lipase inhibitors

Fats from food are digested using the pancreatic enzyme lipase. If its production is blocked, then lipids will not enter the blood and will be released naturally. Reducing their intake will lead to gradual weight loss.

Medicine suggests using Orlistat, trade name Xenical. After ingestion, capsules bind to lipase, and it loses its ability to break down fats. This reduces the calorie content of what you eat.

Side effects develop:

  • increased gas formation;
  • fatty feces;
  • frequent urge to defecate;
  • fecal incontinence;
  • allergy.

Contraindicated in case of intolerance, malabsorption syndrome, cholestasis, pregnancy. Take Xenical after meals, but if the food does not contain fat, then skip the dose. To reduce side effects, you should try not to eat fatty foods.
Price from 800 to 3700 rubles.


Drugs in this group remove excess fluid, which is invariably retained in the body of someone losing weight. This happens at the stage active weight loss approximately 2-3 weeks from the start.

A woman notices that while following a diet and adequate physical activity, the weight has stopped losing at the same rate or has stopped moving. In this case, it is possible to use diuretics for a short course, but after consultation with the doctor.

Preference should be given to mild herbal teas with a diuretic effect. They do not have such pronounced side effects as medications (potassium loss, headaches, cardiac dysfunction, increased glucose).
Diuretic tea can be brewed from leaves and fruits: lingonberries, rose hips, birch,.


For constipation that occurs during a diet, sometimes to facilitate the process of losing weight.

These include pharmaceutical drugs:

  • magnesium sulfate;
  • buckthorn bark;
  • hay leaves;
  • Bisacodyl;
  • Lactulose;
  • Lavacol;
  • Regulax.

They cannot be used for a long time; they can cause a colossal loss of electrolytes, which will affect the entire body. Exceeding the dose leads to abdominal pain and diarrhea. It is possible to develop paradoxical constipation with long-term use of drugs.
The price of laxatives ranges from 30 rubles for Bisacodyl to 630 for Endofalk.

Medicines for weight loss offered by homeopathy normalize weight by normalizing metabolism, the functioning of the digestive system and reducing appetite. The most effective drugs are made in Germany.

"Argentum nitricum" is made on the basis of silver nitrate, reduces cravings for sweets. The dosage and regimen of use is determined by a homeopathic physician. The usual period is from 2 months. Contraindicated in the presence of leukemia, autoimmune diseases, tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis. The drug can cause allergies. The price for ordering in online pharmacies is 9-20 euros.

“Kalkarea carbonica” uses carbonated lime in its composition and is taken for a long time, from 2 months. The dosage gradually changes during this time. Hypersensitivity to components or allergies may occur. Order price 4-17 euros depending on quantity.

Antimonium Crudum is produced on the basis of antimony. The action is aimed at calming the nervous system and relieving irritation. Used as prescribed by a doctor for 2 months, starting with low dilutions and gradually increasing the dose. Possible allergies. Price from 7 to 19 euros.

Hormonal agents

Male obesity is often associated with low testosterone levels. In this case effective treatment its drugs are prescribed by an endocrinologist. Convenient forms for independent use are tablets and gels. But the use of hormones is impossible without appropriate diet, physical activity and lifestyle changes.

The use of hormones has a positive effect on potency and libido, which decrease with obesity in men.
Sometimes, as prescribed by a doctor and under his supervision, thyroid hormones are used in combination with Clenbuterol. They provide a quick weight loss effect, but they must be used with great caution.

The drugs reduce the feeling of hunger and increase the catabolic effect of other hormones. Side effects may occur in the form of tachycardia, headache. It is important to enter and exit the course correctly: this is done by gradually increasing and then decreasing the dose.

Why doesn't the weight come off when proper nutrition and playing sports?

There is no magic pill that will lead to weight loss on its own without effort on the part of a person. For this to happen correctly and not harm the body, you need integrated approach.
To do this they combine proper diet, physical activity, physiotherapy.

And it doesn’t matter what the method of eating is called - Japanese, Kremlin, seven-day or any other diet. The main essence of all of them is to reduce the calorie content of food by reducing the amount of fat, simple carbohydrates(sugar, starch), alcohol.
Nutrition is based on the consumption of vegetables, fruits, lean meat and fish, fermented milk products and cereals.
Physical activity must be dosed and evenly distributed. General strengthening physical exercises, running, swimming, game types sports, dancing.

Laser therapy, pressure chambers, mud therapy, mineral, radon, sulfide baths, sauna, massage have a stimulating and restorative effect, calm the nervous system, and improve skin condition.
Formation of correct eating habits and healthy image life contribute to good control of your own weight.

Many people on our planet are obese. This happens due to inconsistency correspondence between the number of calories entering the body and their expense.

The reasons for this are: overeating, large amount in food easily digestible fats and carbohydrates, a sedentary lifestyle, the presence of endocrine diseases, stress, consumption of alcoholic beverages, etc.

Many people fail get rid of excess weight using affordable means, and they try

T pills for weight loss very often advertised. And therefore, people The question arises: how safe and effective are the advertised tablets? After all, people most often buy them unwilling go on diets exercise. They are ready to buy diet pills for any money in order to achieve the desired result and lose weight.

Correct weight using proven methods diet pills possible. You will achieve good results provided correct selection diet pills.

The most effective diet pills

Let's take a look at their range and find out which tablets are effective and which are not:

1. Reduxin. A drug that corrects body weight is in great demand.

Produced in capsules.

How it works: influences on specific receptors saturation center, which are in the hypothalamus (part of the brain), prolonging the action hormones - serotonin and norepinephrine, which are released nerve endings. As a result, a person for a long time does not wants to eat and eats less food. Also, Reduxin increases metabolic rate and speed fat breakdown. Also, it has an anti-atherosclerotic effect (reduces the amount of low-density lipoproteins that form atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels).

Reduxin – it is recommended to take with caution, because the appetite decreases due to its effect on the brain. Sometimes it's dangerous. Since energy consumption is increases due to thermogenesis.

Side effects th effect: increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, feeling of discomfort.

Contraindications: hypertension, coronary heart disease, thyroid disease, adrenal disease, cerebral stroke, bulimia nervosa, obesity due to lack thyroid hormones.

This drug is prohibited inUSA, countriesEuropean Union.

Its use is possible only as prescribed by a doctor, because uncontrolled use of the drug can lead to death.


Produced in capsules. Manufacturer Switzerland

How it works: capable block lipase (digestive enzyme, which highlights the mucous membrane of the stomach and small intestine, which is secreted into the lumen of the duodenum with bile and pancreatic juice. Thanks to lipase, dietary fats are broken down and absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract). Since Xenical blocks lipase, fats are not digested and do not accumulate.

Side effects th effect: possible diarrhea, which accompanied by abdominal cramps and gas formation in the intestines; possible with theatorrhea (excess fat in the stool), oily discharge from the intestines.

Contraindications: bile stagnation, chronic malabsorption (nutrients are poorly absorbed in the stomach and intestines).

Conclusion: can only be used as aid for weight loss (it is not effective).


Produced in capsules.

How it works: similar Xenical.

Side effects th effect: similar to Xenical + headache+ feeling tired, anxious.

Contraindications: similar to Xenical.


Produced in capsules.

How it works: similar Reduxin.

Side effects th effect: headache, insomnia, constipation, dry mouth, rapid heartbeat, increased blood pressure.

Contraindications: cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, coronary heart disease, obesity due to hypothyroidism, bulimia nervosa, mental illness, alcoholism, congenital nervous tics.

5. LiDa is a dietary supplement.

How it works: in this dietary supplement contains: hyarcinia, guarana - tonify, and sweet potato, pumpkin powder, Jerusalem artichoke - replenish nutritional deficiencies and remove fat.

The effect of this drug is controversial.

Side effect: headache, insomnia, nervous agitation, rapid heartbeat, constipation, swelling of the mammary glands.

Contraindications: heart disease, previous heart attack or stroke, mental disorders.

6.Turboslim - dietary supplement.

Produced in the form of: capsules, tea, liquid concentrate for dilution.

How it works: often used for weight loss capsules. You are losing weight due to burning fat, excretion from the body metabolic products (the drug has a diuretic and laxative effect).

Side effect: liquid stools due to what from the body fluid is intensively excreted, as well as beneficial intestinal microflora, primarily ions potassium; nausea, abdominal cramps, rapid heartbeat, increased blood pressure.

Contraindications: hypertension, heart disease, thyroid disease, adrenal and kidney disease, intestinal diseases.

7. Thai pills for weight loss.

How they work: they contain phentermine, a substance that stimulates the brain, stimulates the psyche, but suppresses appetite. Remember - this substance - analogue of Amphetamine!

Side effects th effect: mental dependence, nervous exhaustion, the appearance of irreversible changes in the psyche, toxic effects on the myocardium.

Contraindications: drugs containing phentermine prohibited by Russian legislation.

    Microcrystalline cellulose.

How it works: analoguedietary fiber.When hitinto the intestinal lumen, cellulose swells,without being absorbed, butcallingIfeeling of fullness.

Also, microcrystalline celluloseabsorbstoxins and wastesand outputsthem from the body.

Side effectstheffect:spasmsin the stomach.

Contraindications: inflammatory processes, tumors, bleedingin the gastrointestinal tract.

9. "Bomb No. 1" as advertised - burns fat quickly.

How it works: according to advertising - supposedly acceleration occurs exchange substances, combustion fat But, we have doubts in the effectiveness and safety of the drug for the body.

Side effects th effect: nausea, possible vomiting, weakness, headache, upset stool.

10. Monastery collection for weight loss

Made in an ecologically clean place in Belarus - St. Elisabeth Monastery.

Supposedly helps to lose weight by 10 - 15 kg in a couple of months no diets and physical exercise. They need to be replaced ordinary weight loss tea that you need to drink three times one cup per day. Let's look at the real properties of the product:

This is a herbal tea consisting of 7 specific herbs: fennel, chamomile, linden flowers, black elderberry flowers, peppermint, dandelion, senna.

Research on this product was allegedly conducted in 2013, but it is not clear who conducted it. The manufacturer’s website states that out of two hundred people who took part in the experiment, 22 lost 10 kg, others lost 10 kg. 3 - 7 kg.

The manufacturer says that a composition of seven perfectly selected herbs helps lose weight, improve health, cleanse the body of waste and toxins.

Let's look at the properties of each herb separately:

— fe nhel:

Manufacturer's opinion: It reduces appetite, eliminates cravings for sweets, improves metabolism, and prevents the formation of fat.

Herbalist's opinion: helps with colitis, flatulence, bloating, improves appetite and contributes to process improvement digestion.

Of course, a specific aroma this weed can repel cravings for food, can give a diuretic effect, laxative effect, which will help you lose some weight. And, undoubtedly, this herb improves the digestion process. But this herb cannot prevent the formation of fat.


Manufacturer's opinion: it will remove toxins, improve process of assimilation food, will help you lose weight with the “plateau effect”.

Herbalist's opinion: has antimicrobial, sedative, analgesic, anti-inflammatory properties. But, chamomile in combination with diuretics and laxatives can cause dehydration, exacerbation of existing diseases, and headaches.

Contraindications for use: diseases kidney, ulcer.

c linden branches:

Manufacturer's opinion: has a diuretic effect, diaphoretic effect, removes toxins, prevents swelling, normalizes hormonal background.

Herbalist's opinion: indeed they have such properties and also have an antimicrobial effect. As for the normalization of hormonal levels, I doubt it, but linden flowers are present phytoestrogens, the effects of which scientists argue.

Contraindications for use: presence cardiac diseases.

c branches of black elderberry:

Manufacturer's opinion: enhancing the effect of herbs, improving digestion, normalizing endocrine processes, eliminating the cause of weight gain.

Herbalist's opinion: black elderberry has a diaphoretic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory effect. Does not affect endocrine processes. Doesn't fight the reasons weight gain.


Manufacturer's opinion: removes the feeling hunger, brings it back to normal Gastrointestinal tract, promotes rapid saturation.

Herbalist's opinion: has a diuretic, choleretic, sedative effect. It actually reduces appetite. Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. But, at the same time, it lowers blood pressure, which causes a loss of strength and decreased performance in hypotensive patients. Also, it worsens potency in men.


Manufacturer's opinion: has a diuretic effect, reduces appetite, improves digestion, supplies the body with potassium.

Herbalist's opinion: really reduces appetite, has a strong diuretic effect. Has laxative effect. But, this plant cannot supply the body with potassium.

with Yenna:

Manufacturer's opinion: mild laxative effect, prevents absorption of fats.

Phytotherapist's opinion: senna - a powerful laxative that injures the intestinal mucosa, causing inflammation intestines along the entire length. Does not interfere with absorption fat

This trav oh you can only use urgently, for evacuation of feces. And not regularly! Otherwise, you will develop d istrophy of the intestinal mucosa, tissue necrobiosis, possible development of cancer.

Herbalist's opinion about the benefits monastery tea:

The monastic collection will help you lose weight - due to prolonged dehydration of the body (which is very bad for the body), laxative properties of herbs. You will even help you lose weight 10 - 15 kg in a couple of months - due to the removal from the body of large amount of liquid, feces. But at the same time, you will not lose fat, you will get vitamin deficiency.

And the presence of senna in the collection, in general crosses everything out benefits from its use.

11. Chinese red tea extract.

How it works: reducesappetite,speeds up metabolism, involved in metabolismfat.

TOursits useten days.

Weight is reducedfor the accountet volume reductionemafat accumulation.

12. TOarnivitis(is a dietary supplement - manufacturerRussia).

How it works: reducescellulite,promotes burningfat,brings it back to normalexchangesubstances, you age more slowly, comes back to normalcondition of the skin, nails, hair.

Compound:naturale substances. Therefore, thesethe tablets are safe for health, notwill callallergies.

Disadvantage: long lasting application.

13. Turboslim tabletsDay/Night have lowprice.


How it works: cleansesthe body from toxins and excess fluid.

Turboslim Day capsules - haveinvigoratingheraction,and Turboslim Night capsules -I calm you downt, havelaxative effect.

Side effects: discomfort due to constant loose stools,MaybearoseovationdysbacteriosisA,inflammationIintestines.Prohibited dliteralem.

Main groups diet pills

    Anorectics are centrally acting drugs that reduce appetite by affecting the satiety center located in the brain. In the Russian Federation, this group is represented by drugs based on Sibutramine hydrochloride. There are products that deserve attention, and there are dummies.

    Diuretics l for laxatives for weight loss - they reduce weight by removing fluid from the body through urine and feces. What causes it to develop? dehydration, beneficial intestinal microflora and electrolytes are washed out. Often, manufacturers “cheat” and make tablets based on senna, pharmaceutical diuretics.

    From this list, only p weight loss preparations based on cellulose. After all, it cleanses the intestines, rids the body of waste and toxins.

Contraindicatedand I: inflammationin the intestines, obesity.

    Fat burners are the most common group diet pills. The breakdown of fat speeds up metabolism. And the manufacturers don’t tell us why the acceleration occurs metabolism.

Which diet pills are the most effective and safe?

The answer is simple - there are none. To lose weight, you don’t have to take pills; you just need to eat a balanced diet and take regular exercise:

Reduce the amount you consumeir, carbohydrates;

— Ne drinkalcoholfood drinks;

- Noteataftersix in the evening;

Eat dtimidly,eatoften and smallO, no snacks;

Eat boiledlean meat and seafood;

Drink at least two liters of water daily.

Contraindications to taking any diet pills:


    infancy periodfeeding,


Before taking any diet pills - consultwith a nutritionist.

Recently, studies were carried out over a month obese patients. They didn't play sports ate as usual without restrictions. Under the control of scientists were: fluctuations weight, volume, well-being.

According to research results, it turned out to be a good way to lose weight Carnivitus, doubtful you can set an action Turboslima, Xenicala.

Dangerous drugs have become - Meridia, Reduxin, Lida/Dali.

C Prices of diet pills available everyone. They can be viewed on the website of any pharmacy..


    N are always effective dears!

    Buy diet pills from an authorized dealer or pharmacy. If you purchase a medicine much cheaper than its true cost, you can buy a “dummy” or a harmful substance that will not correspond to its intended purpose.

Diet pills containing extracts of medicinal herbs are in great demand. A good remedy Pineapple extract (bromelain) is considered for weight loss; it is able to dissolve fats and effectively remove them from the body.

Diet pills - o review s

Diet pills - reviews

Having decided to use the help of pharmacy products for weight loss, a woman can come to a real stupor: the assortment is simply huge. Among such a variety, choosing pills specifically for your body is an extremely difficult task, requiring certain knowledge. Is there such a thing as a magic diet pill?

Text: Tatyana Lapshina, pharmacist, biochemistry teacher (Moscow)

I’ll lose weight by the weekend: diuretic teas

When losing weight, a woman is meticulous about every kilogram she loses. The morning for such a person begins with the question: what awaits me on the scales today? Shifting the arrow downward turns into a real celebration. It’s hard to get rid of such an incentive, because you want to lose weight super quickly. Remedies that can urgently rid us of a couple of extra pounds include diuretics (for example, senna) or teas.

How does this work?

The mechanism of how teas work is very simple - they rid the body of fluid. The effect is noticeable immediately: weight decreases, volumes decrease, and the body looks more toned.

However, their excessive intake can lead to catastrophic consequences: along with water, our body will also leave the salts necessary for metabolic processes. And impaired water-salt metabolism is not always easy to restore.

Important: when using diuretics, it is difficult for a person to discern the boundary between the effect and side effects - it is very blurred.

You can use these tools when you need to lose weight quickly: a wedding, a date, an important meeting. It will not be possible to get long-term results, because the body is not a fool - it will return the fluid quickly.

I'm not hungry at all: appetite regulators

Chocolate, pasta, bread, yummy... Stop... you can’t, I’m on a diet! How to stop eating? The story is familiar to everyone who has ever tried to limit themselves in food. The pharmaceutical industry was able to respond to consumer requests here too – drugs to reduce appetite.

How does this work:

The most famous substance for controlling appetite is sibutramine (Meridia and Reduxin). By influencing the functioning of nerve cells, this component “deceives” our head. It begins to seem to her that the body has received a sufficient amount of food. I definitely don’t want to overeat anymore.

Important: such drugs can only be used under the supervision of a doctor: almost everyone experiences side effects. An unquenchable feeling of thirst, headaches, insomnia, depression - these are just a few of the companions of these remedies. Medicinal substance acts on the central nervous system, so these symptoms are quite reasonable.

“Reduxin” and “Meridia” should not be used by persons with mental disorders, problems with the liver, kidneys, pregnant or lactating women. The list can be continued. A competent pharmacist will not dispense these drugs without a prescription, because only a doctor can prescribe such serious medications. Do not buy products on your own, otherwise you will struggle with unwanted effects for a long time.

Without a prescription, you can buy another drug to control appetite at the pharmacy - “Dietressa”. Homeopathic in nature, the drug, according to the manufacturer, affects the hunger center in the brain, but without the side effects of sibutramine. The audience of buyers here is divided into two camps: satisfied and not. You can purchase the drug at the pharmacy with complete peace of mind, but you will have to evaluate the effectiveness yourself.

I eat whatever I want and lose weight: fat blockers

Diet - difficult task, because you have to limit your consumption of fatty, sweet, and floury foods. At the pharmacy you can find drugs that can brighten up your diet, allowing you to eat your favorite fatty foods.

How does this work:

There is only one main player here – orlistat. It is contained in drugs such as Xenical and Orsoten. But they have significant side effects. What are we talking about? Fat blockers act on an enzyme that breaks down fat into smaller components in the intestines. By binding to enzymes, such drugs prevent fats from entering the blood.

Important: fats that do not enter the blood will be excreted naturally. As a result, a person will experience: loose stools (diarrhea), fecal incontinence, nausea, and abdominal pain.

The symptoms are unpleasant, aren't they? But many do not pay attention to all this and continue to eat. However, there is another effect, psychological: by observing without “embellishment” how much fat is actually eaten at the table, a person simply changes his diet: eating fat becomes simply scary.

Photo by PressPhoto

A large percentage of people suffer from excess weight - this is due to sedentary work, absence physical activity, unhealthy diet, stress, bad habits. Weight loss medications are becoming an assistant in the fight for the desired figure. The use of any weight loss means must be agreed with a doctor, who will take into account the characteristics of the body and prescribe the optimal course. Medicines for weight loss that actually help and are sold in pharmacies are different. Before you start using them, you need to study the characteristics of each group of drugs.

Types and groups of drugs for weight loss

Doctors prescribe medications for weight loss when treating obese people. However, they are also resorted to by those who have normal weight and wants to lose a few extra pounds. In order not to provoke diseases in the body from taking medications incorrectly, you need to know which medications help you lose weight without harm to your health. Among the products that can be purchased without a doctor’s prescription, there are two groups:

  1. For internal use (tablets, capsules, meal replacements, dietary supplements, teas);
  2. For external use (anti-cellulite creams, massagers, patches, hygiene products for weight loss, special shorts).

Preparations for internal use sold in pharmacies have different effects on the body. Experts divide such drugs into three groups: drugs to suppress appetite, to normalize metabolism and to prevent the absorption of fat.

How do they work:

  • Appetite suppressants cause a feeling of fullness, which eliminates the desire to eat more fats and carbohydrates;
  • Medicines to normalize metabolism activate the body’s metabolic processes, the body processes fat faster, toxins and cholesterol are eliminated, fatty liver is reduced;
  • Drugs to reduce fat absorption block the enzyme that breaks down fat molecules, which reduces its deposition in the body by a third.

Effective weight loss drugs that you can buy at the pharmacy work better and help you achieve good result, if you combine their intake with maintaining a correct lifestyle, playing sports, balanced diet. According to their mode of action, pharmaceutical products are divided into the following groups:

  • Anorexics. Drugs in this group suppress appetite by affecting the nervous system. After completing a course of treatment, a person does not feel the need for the amount of food that was before, and begins to eat less. New eating habits are formed that do not allow you to gain weight again. extra pounds. Anorectics have a gentle effect on the body and are available in different forms: capsules, sprays, tablets and even aroma compositions. There are anorectic drugs for weight loss, which contain caffeine. Anorectics often contain chemicals, which are not safe for the body. Such medications have side effects - dizziness, bad mood, insomnia. In addition, they are contraindicated for people suffering from problems of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, and thyroid gland.
  • Nutraceuticals(meal replacements). Nutraceuticals for weight loss contain special substances, vitamins, and minerals that promote satiety. Tablets or capsules are taken instead usual intake food and contain a minimum of calories. The main component of many nutraceuticals is microcrystalline cellulose. Once in the stomach, the substance swells - this reduces appetite. MCC is produced from cotton, and its properties have much in common with vegetable and fruit fiber. In the reviews, many women note that the recommended dose is not enough for complete saturation.
  • Diuretics. Representatives of this group medicines for weight loss are presented in pharmacies in the form of teas. The diuretic, mild laxative effect that diuretics have helps cleanse the body and remove harmful substances and toxins. Uncontrolled use of such drugs can cause unpleasant side reactions: diarrhea, dehydration, and leaching of beneficial substances. Diuretics do not burn body fat and help you lose weight when combined with an active lifestyle.
  • Fat burners. These include medications for fast weight loss based on fruit extracts and chitosan. The first type of drugs accelerates fat metabolism during physical activity, when blood pressure levels become higher. The second type of fat burner reduces the absorption of fat molecules during food consumption. When leading a passive lifestyle, the effectiveness of these drugs is low.

To lose weight correctly, you need to take weight loss products that help burn fat without harm to your health. To avoid serious side effects and illnesses, it is necessary to avoid taking medications containing the following substances without medical supervision:

  • Teroid hormones (thyroxine, triiodothyronine). In combination with Clenbuterol they cause fast burning fat, however, at the slightest violation of the dosage, the body’s own production of these hormones is permanently blocked.
  • Dinitrophenol. It spasms cellular respiration, which activates the processes of fat breakdown. Taking the drug provides up to half a kilo of fat loss per day, but in case of an overdose, even a small one, it can be fatal.

Effective pharmaceutical drugs for weight loss that really help

Pharmacies offer various weight loss products. These are preparations based on herbal components (LiDa capsules, drops "", "Turboslim",), hormone stimulants (""), nutraceuticals ("", "", "MCC"), anorectics ("", "") , diuretics (“Monastic collection for weight loss”, “Supersystem 6”). The products differ in price and mode of action; they must be selected together with a doctor, who will take into account the characteristics of the body and select the right fat burners for women and men.


The drug "Reduxin" for weight loss contains sibutramine. An anorexigenic substance acts on the central nervous system, thereby reducing appetite and providing a feeling of satiety. The drug is prescribed by a doctor and is intended for the treatment of obesity in people with a body weight of more than 30% of normal. Taking the drug lasts 3 months with daily use of 1 tablet. Sometimes nutritionists extend the course to 6 months.

Contraindications to the use of the drug: organic causes of obesity, anorexia or bulimia, generalized tics, mental illness, taking MAO inhibitors, disorders of the cardiovascular system, pregnancy, lactation, disorders of the liver and kidney functions. Side effects of the drug for weight loss: dry mouth, dizziness, nervous disorders, loss of appetite, increased blood pressure.


The drug "Xenical" contains a substance called orlistat, which interferes with the absorption of fats. Used to treat obesity. During use, it is recommended to reduce the consumption of fatty foods, as the drug can cause spontaneous bowel movements of fat. Course of use: 1 tablet before meals for 6-12 months.

Contraindications to the use of the drug: cholestasis, hypersensitivity to active or auxiliary substances, feeding period. Side effects: disorders gastrointestinal tract, headache, upper respiratory tract infection, weakness, flu, anxiety.


"Goldline" is a weight loss medicine that contains the substance sibutramine. Analogue of "Reduxin". Reduces appetite and provides a feeling of satiety, affecting the central nervous system. Prescribed only by a doctor and intended for the treatment of obese people. For effective weight loss you need to take 1 tablet per day for three or six months.

Contraindications to taking the drug: generalized tics, organic causes of obesity, anorexia, bulimia, mental illness, taking MAO inhibitors, disorders of the cardiovascular system, disorders of the liver and kidney functions, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Side effects of the drug for weight loss: dry mouth, dizziness, nervous disorders, loss of appetite, increased blood pressure.


The peculiarity of Clenbuterol is its effect on thyroid hormones, which activate lipolysis. The main active ingredient of the drug helps burn fat and prevents overeating due to appetite suppression. Used by athletes during drying. Doctors prescribe a drug to treat asthma (the drug thins the secretions and relaxes the bronchial muscles). For weight loss, use: 1 day – 20 mg, for the next 5 days the dose is increased by 20 mg every day. For 6 days the dosage is 120 mg, the next 2 days – 80 and 40, a break of 14 days is taken.

Contraindications to the use of the drug: myocardial infarction, arrhythmia, hypersensitivity to components, thyrotoxicosis. Adverse reactions: tachycardia, extrasystole, increase or decrease in pressure, tremor, anxiety, headaches, gastrointestinal upset, allergic reactions.


The herbal preparation "LiDa" occupies a high place in the ranking of popular weight loss products. The composition includes thirteen plant components. Capsules reduce appetite, speed up metabolism, tone up, help break down fats, and have a diuretic effect. The course of treatment is 180 days, one tablet per day before or after meals.

Contraindications: history of stroke, cardiovascular disease, old age, gastritis and other gastrointestinal pathologies, pregnancy, breastfeeding, individual hypersensitivity to the components of the weight loss product. Side effects of the drug: allergic reactions, increased blood pressure.


The pharmaceutical product belongs to the group of dietary supplements, enhances the body's metabolic processes, removes toxins and harmful microorganisms, breaks down fats, and prevents the deposition of fat molecules. "Turboslim" is a line of new drugs for weight loss. It includes “Turboslim night”, “Turboslim day”, “Turboslim tea”, “Turboslim coffee”. Course of use of weight loss products:

  • “Turboslim day”, one capsule for breakfast and lunch (4 weeks).
  • “Turboslim night” during dinner, 1 diet pill (4 weeks).
  • “Turboslim tea” – a cup in the morning and evening with meals.
  • “Turboslim coffee” – 1 time in the morning.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the drug, problems of the cardiovascular system, atherosclerosis, insomnia, pregnancy and lactation. Side effects: itching, skin rashes, increased excitability, insomnia, tachycardia, intestinal upset.


The drug "MCC" contains microcrystalline cellulose and promotes weight loss by reducing the feeling of hunger after taking the drug. Weight loss course – 30 days. It starts with taking 1 tablet a day, gradually the dosage increases to 10, then to 15, and then again decreases to 1. Application: crush the tablets, add a little water. Eat and drink clear liquid (250 ml). Be sure to drink several liters of plain water per day during the course.

Contraindications: pregnancy and breastfeeding, adolescence, hypersensitivity to components, gastrointestinal diseases, ulcers, anorexia. Side effects of the drug: heaviness in the stomach, constipation. Study it in detail.

Monastic collection for weight loss

Weight loss tea “Monastic Collection” was invented in Belarus, and now it is popular in many countries - in Russia, Ukraine and the rest of the CIS countries. The drug contains many natural ingredients - linden flowers, mint, senna, fennel and others. Tea suppresses appetite, improves gastrointestinal function, improves immunity, improves overall well-being and mood. How to take: 200 ml of infused herbal collection 3-4 times a day.

Contraindications: gastritis, hypertension, ulcers, heart failure, thrombophlebitis, serious pathologies of the liver and kidneys, childhood, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Side effects: burning, hives, itching.

Weight loss patch

The active substances in the slimming patch affect subcutaneous fat, accelerating lymph and blood flow, activating metabolism, and removing toxins. Pharmacies offer such brands as “Lusero”, “Soso”, “ Slim Patch"and others, they vary in composition. Application: dry the skin where the patch will be attached, stick it on, wear according to the instructions. The duration of use of the weight loss product is no more than 30 days.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components of the drug, pregnancy and feeding, menstruation, thyroid pathologies, kidney disease, diabetes, adolescence. Adverse reactions: hyperemia, itching, burning at the site where the patch is attached.

Homeopathic medicines

Homeopathy offers weight loss medications that have received real good reviews from doctors who study the effect of homeopathic remedies on the body. Medicines promote weight loss by accelerating metabolism and normalizing work digestive system, decreased appetite. Examples of popular homeopathic remedies:

  • "Argentum nitricum". Contains silver nitrate, which helps reduce sugar cravings. It is used from 3 to 30 hundredth dilution for 2 months. The dosage is prescribed by a homeopathic doctor. Contraindications: leukemia, tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis, chronic viral and autoimmune diseases. Side effects of the drug: allergic reactions.
  • "Calcarea carbonica". Contains carbonated lime. Helps control appetite. From 12 to 30 hundredth dilution is used for 2 months, the exact dosage is determined by the doctor after examination. Contraindications to the use of the drug: individual sensitivity to the components. Side effects: allergies.
  • "Antimonium crudum." Contains antimony. The active substance relieves irritation from the fact that a person cannot eat as much as he wants. Taken in low and high dilutions (up to 30 hundredths) according to a doctor’s indication for at least 2 months. Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the active substance in the drug. Side effects of the weight loss product: allergies.

Video: what drugs help you lose weight