Nutrition system be slim Tatyana Malakhova. What is Tatyana Malakhova’s weight loss technique based on?

Tatyana Malakhova is a thermal power engineer and the creator of her own weight loss method. It was the engineering approach to the problem of excess weight that made it possible to develop unique system nutrition, which is patented as an invention in the Bank of Inventors' Patents) entitled “A method for reducing excess body weight based on the use of the operating principles of thermal devices.”

After years of struggling with my own overweight Tatyana Malakhova developed her own nutrition system, which allowed her to lose more than 20 kg. Malakhova shared her experience with everyone, presenting her book “Be slim!” ®, where he talks about the weight loss system and explains in detail why popular nutritional postulates do not work.

Tatyana Malakhova’s diet is called differently: the very first name that appeared on the Internet was “Friendship Diet” (adherents also call it “DD” for short), but later the system acquired the name “Be Slim!”®. You can also find the name “Thermal Diet”. The fact is that, being a thermal power engineer by profession, Tatyana approached the process of losing excess weight from a professional point of view. And it’s worth saying that she succeeded, because she not only lost weight herself thanks to her method, but also gained many followers who successfully lost weight using her system.

Feature of the technique

Features of Tatyana Malakhova’s diet was the analogy drawn between the processes of food processing in the human body and the processes of fuel combustion in thermal power engineering. In order for the stove to produce maximum heat, it is necessary to take care of all components of the fuel use process. Likewise, in the human body, in order for food (fuel) to be processed as much as possible and generate active energy, and not turn into fat accumulation, it is necessary to take care, in engineering terms, about the efficiency of using energy from food. Indeed, unlike the stove, our smart body does not simply release energy “out”; it stores it in fat cells as a reserve of energy that cannot be spent here and now.

The main difference between Tatyana Malakhova’s diet is freedom of choice. The author invites each person to independently develop a menu and nutrition plan for themselves, using general tips and recommendations. Moreover, all recommendations are based on an in-depth study of the physics and biochemistry of the body. Hence the name – “Friendship Diet”, because the nutritional system presupposes a friendly approach to the body. Every person who wants to lose excess weight will be able to “agree” and “make friends” with their body.

According to the author, strict dietary restrictions and intense training are ineffective. The body simply gets exhausted and eventually acts against you. Yes, at first the excess weight goes away, but then the body begins to resist, turning on the protective functions of homeostasis and stopping losing kilograms or even accumulating them again. By adhering to this system, you can improve the process of losing weight and get rid of excess weight forever.

A unique result of the “Be Slim!”® nutrition system is that extra pounds are removed from problem areas. Those. if objectively extra pounds no, then there will be no weight loss at all. And if a woman who is losing weight, for example, has very curvy hips and small breasts, then mainly only her hips will lose weight, and if the right approach thin breasts can even improve their shape. We are what we eat. And food has magical properties that can lead to completely polar results with different nutritional approaches.

It is also noteworthy that the system does not accept calorie counting, because... Different products require different amounts of energy from the body for their processing and absorption. And, having eaten a bucket of fresh cabbage or a piece of cake with the same calorie content, those losing weight will receive diametrically opposite results.

Nutrition rules

By nutrition rules on the “Friendship Diet” Tatyana Malakhova means not only choice the right products, but also the choice of time, the choice of combinations of products in one meal, the order of consumption of products is also important, both in one meal and throughout the day. In addition, factors such as proper sleep, oxygen supply to the body, activation of lymph flow and blood flow are involved in losing weight.

The author recommends eating 3-4 times a day at equal intervals - a completely comfortable diet. In this case, the last meal should be no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime and preferably before 19:00, regardless of what time you go to bed.

Products differ not by name, but by category: carbohydrate products (cereals, legumes, fruits); protein products (meat, fish, eggs, fermented milk); products containing animal fat(meat, eggs, sour milk, cheese); products containing vegetable fat and fat similar in composition (fish, vegetable oils, nuts and seeds, avocados, olives); raw vegetables, cooked vegetables and mushrooms. Thanks to this division, everyone can create an as varied diet for weight loss as they like, guided by the rules of the “three Cs”: Quality, Quantity, Combination.

Important attention in the “Friendship Diet” is paid to the drinking regime at the rate of 30 mg of water per 1 kg own weight. You need to drink clean water between meals and not in one gulp, so that the moisture has time to be absorbed. Green and black tea do not saturate the body, but rather take away the water necessary for metabolic processes from the body. Only herbal tea can be suitable as a hot drink, but it cannot be considered a replacement for the required amount of clean water throughout the day.

On Natalia Malakhova’s thermal diet, the following products are prohibited:

  1. Semi-finished products and fast food. These products contain harmful fats, flavor enhancers and other additives harmful to the body.
  2. Salt. Not large number The body needs salt, but any food contains sodium, and most often we overeat salt many times, adding salt to our food. This leads to not only health problems, but also swelling, which is hated by all people who are losing weight. And up to half of the excess weight can be hidden swelling, located in an even layer throughout the body. It is worth remembering that prepared foods often contain large amounts of salt, this applies to various sauces, fast food, sausages and semi-finished products, and even baked goods and sweets.
  3. Sugar. We are talking not only about desserts, but also about products where, as many people think, there is no sugar, for example, ketchup or white bread.
  4. Foods with a high glycemic index. These are usually products containing simple carbohydrates, which provide a quick but not long-term release of energy. As a result, the body is not able to spend the energy received in such quantities and packs the excess into body fat. Such products include white rice, pasta, potatoes, flour products and almost all bread, boiled carrots, beets, pumpkin and ripe zucchini.
  5. Heavily fried and smoked dishes. These products are harmful in themselves. It is noteworthy that hot seasonings are not prohibited if they are live spices.
  6. Vinegar. It kills digestive enzymes, which significantly reduces the absorption of food into active energy and sends energy reserves to fat deposits.
  7. Alcohol. In addition to being high in calories, alcohol poisons the body and leads to overeating.
  8. Milk, since it is not digested by the body of an adult and includes protective functions in the body that are hidden to the eye. By and large, the adult body does not perceive milk in principle as food.
  9. Coffee. The drink increases the release of insulin, provoking hunger and excessive appetite, and takes water from the body for its absorption, dehydrating the cells.

What can you eat on Tatyana Malakhova’s diet to lose weight? The list of products is extensive:

Interesting! Sometimes you can afford a glass of dry red wine.

Menu for the week

Tatyana Malakhova’s diet does not offer a ready-made menu - in fact, it can be anything and include any products according to your desires and capabilities. The main thing is that the composition of the dishes complies with the rules for combining products with each other in meals and in the order of consumption, both in meals and in general during the day, and also contains a complete, balanced composition.

Important! Malakhova gives you freedom to create a menu for this diet, but in order to lose weight, you must remember that you need to eat 35-50 g of fat per day, as well as 1 g of protein per 1 kg of your weight. Moreover, both excess and lack of fats and protein can lead to the accumulation of kilograms.

How to go out correctly

Since Tatyana Malakhova’s diet for weight loss is not a diet as such, it does not require a special outlet. In fact, it’s not even a diet, but a system healthy eating which you can stick to for the rest of your life and stay slim.

Malakhova recommends that after you see the desired numbers on the scales, you slightly change the diet menu by introducing fattier animal products into your diet. Sometimes you can include in your diet something that was prohibited during the weight loss stage.

An undoubted advantage would be physical activity, for example, in the form of moderate exercise or regular walks, as well as breathing exercises.

Who is it suitable for?

Diet of Tatyana Malakhova “Be slim!” ® is suitable for those people who are thinking about their health and appearance, and want to slowly but surely get rid of excess weight. The average rate of weight loss will be 4-5 kg ​​per month, which is considered the optimal speed.

The advantages include:

  • freedom to choose products;
  • accessibility;
  • lack of specific products;
  • gradual weight loss;
  • absence of sagging skin due to the supply of the necessary nutrients to the body for skin renewal even in old age;
  • correction of the figure in areas of excess fat accumulation;
  • setting up healthy metabolic processes in the body, correcting metabolism and hormonal levels;
  • the ability to adhere to a nutritional system for life.

How much can you lose?

When asking this question, it is worth remembering that each organism is individual, and your success depends only on you, your consistency and determination. You can discard everything that is objectively superfluous - and no more. Among the adherents of the system there are women who managed to get rid of half of their weight (from 130 kg to 65 kg) in about 1.5 years. And this at the age of 66 and without sagging skin.

Important! The more your initial weight, the faster the hated kilograms will go away.

Contraindications and disadvantages

Despite the freedom to choose products and undoubted advantages, the “Friendship Diet” also has disadvantages:

  1. Despite its simplicity and loyalty, this nutrition system has certain rules that must be followed, which, in fact, is required by any diet and weight loss system.
  2. Tatyana Malakhova’s diet is difficult to follow for busy people who are not ready to devote time to themselves, since the technique requires not only regular meals, but cooking instead of eating processed foods.
  3. At the beginning of using the system, processes of restructuring the body and its self-regulating cleansing to remove toxins are inevitable, which can cause ailments and a predisposition to colds, as well as temporary skin rashes in some cases.
  4. If there are no raw vegetables in your usual diet, then the body will need a period of adjustment and adaptation to produce new digestive enzymes and rebuild the internal environment of the intestines.

There are no contraindications to Tatyana Malakhova’s diet - simply because it is not a diet in the generally accepted sense, but a set of rules for efficient fuel use, where food is the fuel. In any case, let us remind you that when changing the type of diet, it would be useful to consult a doctor.

Any person with any chronic problems can create a suitable diet for themselves according to the rules of the “Friendship Diet”, after consulting with a doctor. However, it must be borne in mind that for children the norms for nutrient intake differ from the norms for adults, and therefore, until the age of 14, the standards of the “Friendship Diet” should not be applied without adjustment.

The main principle of Malakhova’s diet is the formation of a healthy relationship with food. The task is to make friends with your own body, which is reflected in the alternative name of the diet - “Friendship Diet”. Losing weight learns to choose healthy products and combine them correctly when creating a menu for the day.

Basic rules of the Malakhova diet:

  • the daily caloric intake should be at least 1200 kcal;
  • the number of meals per day is three to four, the intervals are recommended to be equal, snacks are excluded. Meals should be equal in volume and calorie portions;
  • the break between dinner and breakfast is 14 hours, so dinner should not be done later than 4 hours before bedtime;
  • You need to eat slowly, chewing thoroughly; on average, each meal takes 20 minutes. During the meal, you should not be distracted by reading, TV, etc.;
  • the diet should be rich in complete proteins and polyunsaturated fats. The norm for fat is 30-35 g per day, complete protein – 1-1.5 g per 1 kg of body weight;
  • you should take into account the compatibility of products and follow the order of their consumption during the day;
  • It is better not to subject the products to culinary processing, but if this is not possible, gentle types of it are used;
  • vegetables should be on the menu daily;
  • per day you need to drink up to 2 liters of pure non-carbonated water in small sips and small portions. You should drink 15-20 minutes before a meal and no earlier than an hour after it. In the morning, immediately after sleep, it is recommended to drink a glass of warm water;
  • You should not drink drinks during meals, only some time after it. For every cup of coffee or tea you drink, you need to drink two glasses of pure still water in excess of the norm.
The calorie content of the daily diet during the diet should be at least 1200 kcal.

On average, on Tatyana Malakhova’s diet, 15-20% of the initial weight is lost in five to six months.

Principles of food compatibility within the Malakhova diet:

  • It is not recommended to mix animal and vegetable fats, for example, frying meat or fish in vegetable oil;
  • foods high in carbohydrates (cereals, pasta, bread, legumes) are incompatible with animal (saturated) fats. You can combine them with vegetable oils (unsaturated fats), but it is better to use a small amount of oil;
  • Carbohydrate foods cannot be combined with protein foods. Only vegetables can be a side dish for meat or fish.
  • dairy and lactic acid products are not combined with carbohydrates;
  • It is not advisable to combine fruits with other types of food; they are not recommended to be consumed as dessert. Vegetables, on the contrary, can be combined with any food.


Advantages of Tatyana Malakhova's diet

Thanks to uniform weight loss during the diet, there is no risk of sagging skin. After a diet, extra pounds rarely return (provided you eat moderately), since your metabolism has time to readjust.

The diet is quite varied and balanced, which helps to avoid monotony and hunger.

Thanks to Malakhova’s diet, together with extra pounds waste and toxins leave the body, but muscle mass does not decrease.

Disadvantages and contraindications of Tatyana Malakhova's diet

From the point of view of those losing weight, the main disadvantage of Malakhova’s diet is slow weight loss. This nutrition system is not suitable for those who urgently need to lose weight.

In the first weeks, constipation and skin rashes may appear, which disappear over time.

Malakhova's diet is contraindicated for people with peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis in the acute stage, adolescents, pregnant and lactating women.

Before starting a diet, consult your doctor.

What products are allowed?

Allowed products include those with a glycemic index (GI) below 50, including:

  • vegetables, fruits, berries, dried fruits;
  • natural seasonings (garlic, herbs, spices, lemon juice);
  • low-fat fermented milk products, low-fat cheeses;
  • whole grain bread, cereal, beans, lentils, soybeans, peas, nuts, seeds, sprouted wheat grains;
  • fish and seafood;
  • lean meat and poultry;
  • cereals (except for semolina, corn and rice), durum wheat pasta;
  • vegetable oil;
  • dark chocolate with cocoa content more than 70%;
  • tea, coffee.

What products are prohibited?

It is prohibited to consume foods with a glycemic index above 50, including potatoes, corn, rice, as well as sausages, smoked meats, processed foods, canned food, sauces, alcoholic beverages, salty, spicy, fatty and fried foods.

Tatyana Malakhova's diet menu

An example of Malakhova’s diet menu for seven days:

First day

Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese.

Second breakfast: fruit.

Lunch: stewed vegetables, chicken fillet.

Dinner: vegetable salad, fish.

Second day

Breakfast: fruit, low-fat kefir.

Second breakfast: cheese.

Lunch: boiled vegetables, turkey.

Dinner: vegetable salad, squid.

Third day

Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese, seeds.

Second breakfast: fruit.

Lunch: fresh vegetables, fish.

Dinner: vegetable salad with herbs, boiled peas.

Fourth day

Breakfast: low-fat kefir, greens.

Second breakfast: fruit.

Lunch: boiled vegetables, beans.

Dinner: vegetable salad, lamb.

Fifth day

Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese, berries.

Second breakfast: cheese.

Lunch: stewed vegetables, rabbit.

Dinner: vegetable salad, mussel soup.

Sixth day

Breakfast: low-fat kefir, sprouted wheat grains.

Second breakfast: fruit.

Lunch: boiled vegetables, beef.

Dinner: vegetable salad, boiled lentils.

Seventh day

Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese, fruit.

Second breakfast: seeds, nuts.

Lunch: pineapple stew.

Dinner: vegetable salad, shrimp.

The correct sequence of use must be observed different types products during the day. Morning: carbohydrate foods with a GI of 35–50 or proteins. Fat is excluded. Day: variations are possible - carbohydrates (GI up to 40) with vegetable fats, proteins with carbohydrates (GI up to 25) and fats or fruits. Evening: animal proteins combined with raw vegetables that have a low GI and minimal carbohydrate content.

The average serving is 300-400 g; if a meal contains a lot of vegetables, a serving weighing 500 g is allowed. A serving of fruits (berries) per day should not weigh more than 400 g. It is forbidden to eat fruits (berries) after 16:00.

Tip 1. To determine the compatibility of products, Tatyana Malakhova suggests this method: present the desired products in one plate, for example, herring with strawberries or sausage with bananas. If it is impossible to imagine a combination, you should not eat such foods during the same meal.

Tip 2. The correct dressing for the salad is important: vegetable oil if vegetables are served with fish, fermented milk product (for example, low-fat yogurt) if vegetables are served with meat.

Tip 3. For some people, fresh fruits increase appetite, in which case they can be replaced with baked ones, for example, baked apples or pears.

Tip 4. The menu can be varied with grilled products.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

"BE SLIM!" Author's technique from Tatyana Malakhova.

three whales

the principles of our nutrition are based on “three pillars”

1. right choice products,
2. mutual combination of products
3. time and sequence of food consumption

The essence of the “friendship diet” nutrition system comes down to ten commandments, each of which is equally important.

ten commandments successful diet
1. The energy value of food eaten per day cannot be lower than the body’s energy consumption for basal metabolism.

2. always have breakfast and never skip meals.

3. four (possibly three) meals a day at equal intervals, without snacks, of approximately equal satiating capacity and energy value.

4. the desired night break between dinner and breakfast is 14 hours, dinner no later than 18 hours, in extreme cases - 4 hours before sleep.

5. Chew your food thoroughly (this is unlikely to help society, but it certainly helps digestion!).

6. Meals should take at least 20 minutes and consist exclusively of meals.

7. drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day evenly in small portions 15-20 minutes before meals and no earlier than 40-60 minutes after meals.

8. use gentle types of culinary processing, whenever possible, consume foods in their natural (or close to natural) state.

9. observe the principle of compatibility of products and the order of their consumption during the day, constantly diversify the diet.

10. exclude or reduce to an absolute minimum carbohydrates with a GI above 50, industrially produced foods and drinks, processed foods, industrial seasonings, alcohol, salt, caffeine-containing drinks.

what needs to be monitored when losing weight

1. amount of fat (35-50 g per day), vegetable and fish fats are preferred.
2. the amount of proteins (1-1.5 g per 1 kg of body weight per day), including due to vegetable proteins(legumes, cereals, nuts).
3. the amount of fruit (up to 400 g per day, and not at night), if your diet is not vegetarian, ideally as a separate meal and in no case after meals.
4. recommended serving size: at least 360-400 grams. if the majority of the portion is a salad of raw vegetables, then the portion can and even preferably be increased to 500 grams or more.
5. even distribution daily calorie content between meals.
6. eating raw vegetables before the main course.
7. amount of fluid consumed (at least 1.5 liters of water per day, excluding other drinks).

If you follow these recommendations, there is no risk of “eating” extra calories, since they can only enter the body through foods that lead to fat loss. as a result, there is a decrease in fat mass without loss and even with an increase in muscle mass, while simultaneously “cleansing” the body of previously unresolved toxins and wastes accumulated in gastrointestinal tract and his general health.

The list of animal proteins that promote weight loss (in order of decreasing effectiveness) looks something like this:

1. fatty sea fish
2. lean sea fish
3. egg white
4. cottage cheese 0% (up to 100 grams per day)
5. river fish
6. Moregads
7. turkey breast (without skin)
8. chicken breast (without skin)

neutral (not affecting weight) products: the leanest meat, offal (only without fat!), whole egg. here are vegetable proteins (mushrooms).

everything that is not included in this list does not help you lose weight, but hinders it. including cutlets, meatballs and other culinary masterpieces using meat or poultry in the form of minced meat or in sauces (beef stroganoff, goulash, etc.).

for information: “10 commandments” and the basic principles of the friendship diet were developed by Tatyana Malakhova and first posted on the Internet at:

T. Malakhova, p. 236 - recommendations for people with digestive diseases
1. Start your morning meal with fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, acidopheline, natural yogurt.
2. Rolled oats are preferable among cereals.
3. We partially replace raw vegetables with vegetable juices if the latter is well tolerated. First, dilute it with water 1:1
4.Avoid onions, radishes, radishes, celery, daikon, raw cabbage, raw beets.
5. We try to prepare “warm” salads with partial replacement of raw vegetables with lightly boiled, blanched, heated in a double boiler, or, in extreme cases, baked. in the oven (boiled cabbage or cauliflower, broccoli, baked onions, etc.)
6. In raw form, we give preference to different types of lettuce, greens, peeled cucumbers, soybean sprouts, beans, sunflowers.
7. in the most difficult cases, instead of salad before eating, drink a glass of fruit and vegetable diluted with water. juice or a cocktail of juice and kefir. After drinking, start eating 15 minutes later.

choosing the right products
everyone knows that it is necessary to limit fatty, sweet, starchy foods, eat more vegetables and fruits, avoid fried, smoked foods, etc... and what of this do we put into practice? Yes, almost nothing, and if we use it, it’s randomly and haphazardly.
so basically balanced system healthy eating definitely lies choosing the right products, which, just as importantly, is necessary combine correctly among themselves! Please note that “separate nutrition” has nothing to do with it

1. milk:

4. lunch:

Mon - belly squirrels
Tue - sun squirrels\fish
Wed - belly
th - plant\fish

5. dinner:

2) refills:

sample menu one day

The menu is compiled without taking into account water during the day. The 1st glass of water (preferably 1.5-2 glasses) is drunk immediately after waking up. in the future - no later than 20 minutes. before meals and no earlier than 40 minutes. after them. Between meals, always keep a bottle of water handy and drink as soon as your eyes set on it. in just a day you need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water (other drinks are not included in this figure). When drinking coffee or green/black tea, each cup of these drinks should be compensated with an additional glass of water.

1st option
1. breakfast at 8-00
homemade “muesli”: steamed oatmeal (3-4 tbsp.) + dried apricots (30 g) + cottage cheese 0% (80-100 g)
After 40 minutes you can drink coffee or tea. but best of all is a glass of clean water.
2. afternoon tea at 12-00
1 glass of kefir 0-1%, after 20 minutes - 2 tangerines, 1 apple
3. lunch at 15-00
fresh tomato, grilled chicken breast, garnished with steamed vegetable mixture, seasoned with 1 tsp. olive oil
4. dinner at 18-00
salad of iceberg, sweet pepper, cucumber, avocado, onion, herbs, hard-boiled egg, shrimp, seasoned with lemon juice and 1 tsp. olive oil
An hour after dinner you can drink a cup of green tea.

2nd option
1. breakfast
cottage cheese 0% 150 g + 1 grated carrot + 3 pcs. dried apricots
2. lunch
salad of tomato, cucumber and sweet pepper (150 g)
thick vegetable soup with beans without potatoes and carrots (200 g)
buckwheat porridge (150 g) with herbs and onions.
3. afternoon snack
fruit and vegetable salad with sesame seeds (2-3 tsp)
(apple, pear, orange, sweet pepper, cucumber, grapes, cabbage - 350 g in total).
4. dinner
fish baked in yogurt with dill, garlic 150 g
side dish of raw vegetables to your taste - 250 g

3rd option
1. breakfast
1/2 grapefruit > wait 20-30 minutes. >
3 tbsp. l oatmeal + 1 tbsp. l. wheat germ + 100 g soft cottage cheese 0% + strawberries
2. 2nd breakfast
glass of kefir 1% > wait 20-30 minutes. >
apple (you can add more fruit)
3. lunch
salad of red cabbage, cucumber, tomato, radish, greens, dressed linseed oil and lemon juice + tuna 100 g + tofu cheese 50 g + 1 slice of whole grain bread
4. dinner
soft cottage cheese 0% 150 g + 1 finely chopped cucumber + wheat sprouts 1-2 tbsp. l. + herbs and garlic to taste

4th option
1. breakfast
carrot salad; cottage cheese 1% (100 g), mixed in a blender with prunes; oatmeal (3 tbsp.) with 3 pcs. figs
2. 2nd breakfast
kefir 1% > wait 20-30 minutes. >
apple, pear, 1/3 mango
3. lunch
salad: cucumber, tomato, red pepper, iceberg lettuce, leek, parsley, sunflower seeds and cedar. nuts; turkey breast carcasses. (100 g), stewed green beans; natural yogurt (125 g)
4. dinner
cabbage, carrot and seaweed salad; 2 egg omelette, approx. in the microwave, 1/2 tomato; natural yogurt

“advanced” menu option for those who are interested in optimizing the weight loss process or want to get rid of “wrong” eating habits at once

1. breakfast
- salad: 3 grapefruit slices, 1 stalk of celery, 1/2 carrot, you can sprinkle with sesame seeds.
- immediately after it: 3 tbsp. l. oatmeal soaked overnight in kefir 0-1% (preferably 0%) + 70-80 g cottage cheese 0% + 10 nuts (for example, 7 almonds and 3 walnut halves). Instead of oatmeal, you can take buckwheat (100 g of the finished product).

2. 2nd breakfast
- cocktail a la “sybarite”: 80-100 g of cottage cheese 0% diluted with kefir 0-1% to the thickness of low-fat sour cream, add approx. 170-180 g of finely chopped fruit (for example 1/4 grapefruit + 1/2 green apple + 1 kiwi). or mix all ingredients (except kiwi) in a blender.

3. lunch
- vegetable salad 200 g (add fresh carrots/beets in an amount of no more than 30-40 g) with 3 tsp. olive oils
- fish (110-130 g, preferably fatty red) + boiled/stewed vegetables 100 g.

4. dinner
- vegetable salad 300 g (add fresh carrots/beets in an amount of no more than 30-40 g), seasoned at home. cheese (60-70 g).
- low-fat poultry/meat (up to 100 g) or 1 egg + 1 egg white.

fundamentally important points:
1. diversify the menu. prepare different salads for lunch or dinner. avoid repeating protein dishes and vegetable side dishes on adjacent days, alternate porridge for breakfast.
2. avoid sweet fruits with a relatively high gi (bananas, pineapples, persimmons, red apples).
3. drink at least 2 liters of water per day and exclude other drinks.
4. This option is aimed at an active lifestyle. in the absence of additional physical activity The smaller value should be taken from the specified amount of protein.

1. milk:
a) avoid milk as much as possible.
b) kefir in combination with fruit is only 0%, well, 1% - at worst. if it is added to a salad for lunch, which has a slight fat deficiency, then 5% is possible. but it is better to avoid kefir with a fat percentage above 1.
c) cottage cheese - let's say yes to cottage cheese, if you have a choice of what to buy - kefir or cottage cheese, preference should definitely be given to cottage cheese! it does not have such a high water content, so the harm to gastric juice is minimal. what are we doing on dd? That’s right, we help the pancreas work at 100%, and don’t cripple it (this is just one of the reasons why cottage cheese wins over kefir). Besides, you can eat it as a snack with fruit, it’s so delicious! as well as with porridge or even salad. but the cottage cheese should be 0%. 1% is extreme, but not welcome. Just forget about the higher fat content.
d) yogurt is a neutral option. I buy it when cottage cheese is out of reach. it can be eaten directly with fruit, porridge, etc. the same thing about the percentage of fat - 0% or 1% - extreme.

2. oatmeal\rolled oatmeal - flight of fancy - you can add whatever you want according to dd. I love sweeteners (dried fruits) and junk (bran, flaxseed, sesame, etc.). Those with a sweet tooth can have cocoa.
You can add nuts, but then you can’t add fruit (fruit = sugar with fat, no, no) or chocolate (the result is a bad mixture of animal fats and vegetable fats. Plus, chocolate contains sugar, and sugar with fat, no, no).
salads for breakfast are welcome. with or without oatmeal/rolled oatmeal.

3. fruits - any with a gi of 50 or lower. of course, as a snack with cottage cheese or yogurt. or after kefir, after 20 minutes. total weight of fruit per day is 400g. including dried fruits, which we count to 1:3 - 1g. dried fruit by 3g. "live and wet" fruit.
It is not recommended to eat fruits later than 15-16 hours. It’s better to finish them off in the first half of the day.

4. lunch:
a) fresh vegetable salad - eaten first. Before you put meat in your mouth, you need at least half of the salad to be eaten.
1) vegetables with a high fiber content are welcome, but you can also “dilute” the salad with watery vegetables (tomato, cucumber, etc.).
2) refills - in fact, everything is simple -
- if you eat animal protein - meat\poultry\eggs for lunch, vegetable (olive, sesame, almond, etc.) oil is not recommended. because The diet contains animal fats. and mixing live + grown fats is not desirable due to different mechanisms for the breakdown of fats in the body: for animal fats - one scheme, for vegetable fats - a completely different one. What is our goal for DD? Right! do not interfere with the body doing its pure work, do not complicate already difficult processes, and it will respond in the same way and in the same place - it will give beauty, harmony, health
in general, in this case we use lemon juice or kefir/yogurt 0%, or something else useful.
- if you have vegetable protein - cereals\legumes or fish for lunch, feel free to add oil to the salad or lemon juice, or kefir\yogurt 0%, or anything else healthy. and with that, with and that is possible, in short.
on the day of vegetable proteins/fish, you can add nuts to the salad
It is ideal to alternate these 2 types of lunches. for example, lunch:
Mon - belly squirrels
Tue - sun squirrels\fish
Wed - belly
th - plant\fish
3) be sure to add steamed/boiled/stewed vegetables (but not boiled!). this will allow us not to pounce on carbohydrates in the evening and not crave something like that
girls, for some reason we ignore such vegetables

5. dinner:
- no steamed/boiled/stewed vegetables for dinner!
- no grains/legumes for dinner (due to the high carbohydrate content! dinner is the time to save carbohydrates)!
- be extremely careful with fats (fatty foods settle on the sides and bellies at night = no seeds or nuts at night)!
only salad + protein, better bird or fish - they satiate better. plus, protein melts fat while you sleep
a) a salad of fresh vegetables (preferably from hard vegetables - cabbage, daikon, radishes, cucumbers, etc. avoid sweet vegetables (beets, carrots)!) - eaten first. Before you put meat in your mouth, you need at least half of the salad to be eaten.
1) vegetables are welcome with a high fiber content.
2) refills:
- with poultry: lemon juice or kefir\yogurt 0%;
- with fish: oil, or lemon juice, or kefir/yogurt 0%, or anything else healthy.
b) chickens breast is encouraged to be as lean as possible, fish, on the contrary, is fattier ( fish oil it doesn’t stick on the sides and belly because it’s good)

Tatyana Malakhova, whose weight loss method has become incredibly popular only in recent years, developed her own nutritional system only because she herself suffered from excess weight and illness for many years. Having tried many diets, including starvation, Tatyana created her own diet, thanks to which she now weighs 60 kg (for comparison, at the age of 10 Tatyana weighed 64 kg!).

Tatyana Malakhova says that, in principle, it doesn’t matter what method a person uses to lose weight, let it be the diet of Margarita Koroleva or Kim Protasov, the main thing is a balanced and rational nutrition, combined with physical activity.

Tatyana Malakhova’s weight loss method is primarily based on freeing a person from food addiction. Who among you doesn’t know the feeling - yes, I’m full, but if I eat that little piece over there, nothing will happen to me? And it is this last piece, which you did not need because you were not hungry, that is deposited on the body in the form of fat.

Dependence can manifest itself to various harmful products, no matter what it is - baked goods, sweets or fatty sausages. Tatyana Malakhova believes that a person who cannot give up sweets resembles a smoker or an alcoholic who cannot say “no” to a bad habit.

A person can try to lose extra pounds for many years, try everything that modern dietetics and plastic surgery offers, including gastric resection or non-surgical liposuction. However, with food addiction, a person will never be able to resist eating harmful, unnecessary and unnecessary things. In this case, he will never be able to maintain the result if he lost weight at the cost of some incredible efforts, and he will never be able to lose weight if he does not get rid of food addiction.

Read the book “Be Slim.” Tatyana Malakhova’s weight loss technique will allow you to get rid of food addiction in just two weeks. You will calmly walk past foods that previously made you salivate. In this short period of time you can completely change your taste preferences. It will not be difficult for you not only to replace harmful products useful, but also get incredible pleasure from using them.

The leitmotif of Tatyana Malakhova’s entire philosophy, the main principle of her nutritional method is that you need to think about your future, about your health today, so that tomorrow it is not too late.
In her book, Tatyana Malakhova gives answers to many questions that concern overweight people:

Questions about Tatyana Malakhova’s method

  • Is the product’s easy digestibility a plus or a minus?
  • If you speed up your metabolism, is it useful for losing weight?
  • Why are overweight people having huge internal energy reserves Are you always hungry?

Tatyana Malakhova sincerely admits that her answers to these questions do not coincide with the traditional views of nutritionists, but her system, nevertheless, copes very effectively with excess weight.

What is Tatyana Malakhova’s weight loss technique based on?

Surprisingly, it’s a fact - by education, Tatyana Vladimirovna Malakhova is a thermal power engineer. However, it was the principles of heat engineering that became the basis of her diet. Having analyzed and tried numerous diets on herself, she came to the conclusion that fats are burned in the human body like fuel in an engine.

What to eat and what to avoid

Eating foods with a high absorption rate will greatly affect your blood sugar and adversely affect your figure. As a result, it is necessary to give up junk food.

Arriving under the strictest ban:

  • potato and cereal dishes;
  • canned foods;
  • dried fruits and pumpkin plants.

Both chicken meat and low-fat fish or seafood are a means of providing the body with healthy proteins.

It is necessary to include fermented milk products in the diet to improve the absorption of nutrients in the body.

Buckwheat or wheat porridge can be used as side dishes. Dishes are prepared only by steaming and without adding salt. Bread is only allowed to be baked from whole grain flour.

Another name for Tatyana Malakhova’s weight loss method is called, the diet of which is based on three pillars: this correct selection products, their compatibility, time and order of food consumption. In addition, Tatyana Malakhova argues that it is much more correct in the process of losing weight to keep track of not calories, but the ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Malakhova's diet does not require a sudden change in diet. According to reviews and advice from people who have tried the method on themselves, you can do this gradually and still lose weight. If you wish, you can treat yourself to a glass of red semi-dry wine, eat chocolate, but only black, with a cocoa content of at least 70%. Sweets are completely replaced with fruits.

The technique works gradually and in six months on average you can lose 10-15 kg. Constantly following Tatyana Malakhova’s nutrition system will allow you to never worry about overweight. Therefore, this diet for weight loss receives many positive feedback.

Tatyana Malakhova’s nutritional system is not just a diet, it’s a lifestyle that will allow you to stay slim and maintain your weight, it’s vitality and youthfulness of the body, it’s good health, which does not require radical restrictions. The very title of the book sounds like a message - “Be slim”!

What are diets for? The answer to many will seem very simple, because the essence of dietary programs is to lose weight at any cost and by any means. This is how it really happens. How should this happen?

The thing is that a huge number of diets (which are now and have always been in fashion) give rise to even more absurd programs in which people lose a huge amount of health along with the extra grams.

Writer and nutritionist Tatyana Malakhova does not approve of diets in which you limit yourself to a meager supply of food, tighten your diet and workouts, stuff yourself with liters of water, and at the same time the final plumb line turns out to be several times less than promised. In her book “Be Slim,” Tatyana presented her own weight loss program, which takes into account the “holes” and shortcomings in modern techniques, making it easier for women to lose weight and protecting their health from the consequences.

Tatyana’s author’s diet under the pleasant and inviting name “Friendship” appeared on the Internet recently, but has already won a lot of positive reviews. At the same time, the author personally tested the compiled methodology on herself and lost extra pounds.

How does Malakhova’s nutrition course differ from many similar ones? The fact is that the author invites each woman to independently develop a diet plan and diet, using her experience and advice. Thus, the menu can become tasty, nutritious, healthy, economical in terms of finances and effective for weight loss.

The whole essence of the diet is revealed in its name - “Friendship”. Malakhova invites every woman to take a closer look at her body, get to know its needs better and make “friendship” with it. That is, we should stop starving him, exhausting him with heavy training, prohibiting unnecessary snacks, and insisting on increased fluid intake. All harsh conditions, according to the author, lead to the opposite effect - the body “closes in on itself,” metabolism is disrupted, digestion stops, and all this does not contribute to productive weight loss.

The author advises pampering the body only with tasty, healthy, healthy, fresh and natural food. Therefore, your diet should not contain stupid, industrial, chemical and carcinogenic products, as well as harmful liquids. We will look at exactly which ingredients should be excluded in the next section of the article.

  • it is advisable to switch to a fractional nutrition system, have 4-5 snacks a day;
  • Eating is prohibited at night last time you should eat 3-4 hours before bedtime;
  • the break between snacks should be about 4 hours;
  • before breakfast you should drink a glass of cool plain water without salt and gas;
  • The drinking regime is not strict, but drinking 4-6 glasses of liquid (including juices, teas and other drinks) is encouraged;
  • breakfasts in this program are mandatory, because they activate work digestive system, as well as metabolism;
  • try not to overeat, starve or break your diet;
  • we do not eat the same dish several times a day, the diet should be varied, and not familiar to a Soviet family;
  • We drink all drinks 30 minutes before or after a meal, but do not drink the food itself;
  • dinner should be light and may include steamed or stewed vegetables, which reduce the need for sweets;
  • The duration of the diet is not limited, but when the desired result in losing weight is achieved, you can introduce several previously prohibited products into the menu;
  • night rest should be performed at the same time and be at least 8-9 hours;
  • choose carbohydrates with a low glycemic index;
  • you should eat fresh vegetables in the form of salads and slices during every meal;
  • fruits are always eaten separately from other foods;
  • We eat food for 20 minutes or more, chewing each piece thoroughly and enjoying the process;
  • daily calorie content should not be lower than 1200 kcal;
  • if you do not exercise and lead a quiet lifestyle, your daily fat intake should not exceed 30 g;
  • We do not mix animal and plant lipids during one meal.

The main advantages of Malakhova’s diet:

  • freedom in drawing up a diet plan and choosing products for it;
  • easily tolerated, satisfying, nutritious;
  • balanced in all respects, which eliminates the need to use dietary supplements and vitamin complexes;
  • suitable for both men and women, as well as teenagers and older people;
  • combines with training and does not deplete muscle mass(provided that you have chosen enough proteins and slow carbohydrates for the daily menu);
  • effective - every week of the diet burns up to 2-3 extra kg;
  • The duration of the diet is not limited, which will definitely allow you to achieve your weight loss goals;
  • there is no need to count calories, weigh portions and study the qualitative composition of products;
  • the diet has a minimum of disadvantages and contraindications;
  • all products for creating a menu are useful and healthy, as well as affordable;
  • the diet does not require culinary skills, all dishes take a minimum of time and effort to prepare;
  • a low-calorie menu allows you to reduce the volume of your stomach, which will help you feel full even with small portions in the future;
  • The diet helps strengthen the immune system and speed up metabolism.

A set of products for Tatyana Malakhova’s diet, examples of diet

Let's talk about which products are approved by Tatyana for a healthy and low-calorie diet, and which should definitely be excluded from the diet.

Salt, like “white death,” has a negative effect on all fronts of the body and, of course, affects weight loss. If this food additives If there is a lot in the body, the consumed liquid will be retained in the cells, giving the tissues a swollen appearance. Since the fluid begins to be retained, various wastes, poisons, carcinogens, salts, toxins, radicals and metabolic products remain in the cells along with it, which in total gives a weight gain of up to 2 kg. Be sure to control your salt intake, as it is already found in moderate quantities in some foods. Try to avoid industrial sauces, dressings, ketchups, marinades, pickles and preserves. And also from semi-finished products, fried foods, fast food, snacks, crackers and chips. All these products, in addition to salt, contain many harmful fats, carcinogens, chemicals and industrial additives, as well as simple carbohydrates that promote fat accumulation.

Tatyana also criticizes the presence of sweet foods, sweets, desserts, cakes and chocolate in the diet. The benefits of such products are only spiritual, but they harm the figure, and badly! If you want something sweet, then it’s better to allow yourself a couple of squares of natural dark chocolate, tea with honey, sweet berries and fruits, dried fruits, meringues, marshmallows, marmalade, jelly. Some of these sweets even contain dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, valuable proteins and fructose.

Malakhova recommends giving up such familiar foods as white rice, flour products, and potatoes. Why? By all indicators, these products have a high glycemic index, so they negatively affect weight in all respects.

Why is alcohol harmful? Most of these drinks are high in calories, sweet and carbohydrates, and also exacerbate the feeling of hunger, which inevitably leads to overeating. If you really want to raise a toast at the holiday, allow yourself no more than 2 glasses of table wine.

Also harmful to health and weight are fatty, fried, spicy, smoked foods that do not provide any benefit to the body.

What to choose when creating an optimal and satisfying menu:

  • vegetables, garden herbs, mushrooms;
  • legumes and soy products;
  • fruits and berries;
  • low-fat dairy and fermented milk products;
  • seafood, lean fish;
  • lean meat and poultry;
  • whole grain porridge (buckwheat, brown rice, oatmeal);
  • nuts, seeds, seeds

The optimal ratio of components in the daily menu is as follows: one gram of protein per kg of human weight, about 30-50 g of fat (50 for an athlete and an active girl), up to 0.4 kg of fruit.

Ideal nutrition plan from Malakhova:
Breakfast should include whole grain porridge and fermented milk products.
Snack - a portion of fruit separately from other foods.
Lunch can consist of vegetables in any form, animal proteins.
Dinner should be light - fresh vegetable salad and proteins.

An example of Tatyana Malakhova’s “Friendship” diet for a week is listed below. Weight loss is about 3 kg, after which the course can be repeated until the desired results are achieved.

We drink drinks, as you remember, half an hour before and after meals. It is allowed to consume fresh vegetable and fruit juices, nectars, berry smoothies and fruit drinks, jelly and unsweetened compotes, tea, herbal infusions, ginger drink, whole grain coffee and cocoa, and mineral water.

Breakfast consists of oatmeal with dried fruits and a small portion of lean cottage cheese.
Snack - 1 apple and a couple of tangerines (one orange).
We have lunch with fresh tomato, steamed vegetables and boiled chicken breast.
Dinner consists of a vegetable salad with chicken eggs, avocado and shrimp. Season the salad with lemon juice and olive oil. After half an hour, drink a glass of green tea.

We have breakfast with a salad of grated fresh carrots, beets and walnuts. We also eat a portion of cottage cheese.
Snack - fruit salad (citruses, apples, pears, sesame seeds, avocado), seasoned with lean unsweetened yogurt.
Lunch consists of spring salad, bean soup with chicken broth (do not add potatoes). Also included is a portion of buckwheat and a little minced chicken (2 tablespoons).
Dinner consists of steamed fish on a bed of vegetables and cabbage salad.

We have breakfast with boiled brown rice with saffron, raisins and honey. Also add half a grapefruit and a little cottage cheese.
Snack - a glass of berries. After half an hour we drink a glass of bifidoc.
Lunch consists of a vegetable salad, boiled seafood with lentils and a slice of bran bread.
For dinner there is a cottage cheese casserole with vegetables, herbs and garlic. After dinner we drink a glass of kefir.

Breakfast includes pumpkin porridge with pear and pistachios. Cottage cheese is also included.
Snack - a few slices of melon or watermelon.
Lunch consists of Greek salad. For the main course we eat asparagus stewed with egg and steamed turkey fillet.
Dinner consists of boiled fish, stewed eggplant with garlic and yogurt.

We have breakfast with oatmeal with dried fruits and nuts, seasoned with lean yogurt.
Snack - 1 small pomegranate and an apple.
Lunch consists of a salad (kelp plus Korean carrots), a light creamy soup of celery, broccoli and zucchini. The second one is served with stewed vegetables and pieces of veal.
Dinner includes a two-egg omelette with vegetables, mushrooms and soy cheese. Cabbage salad with cucumber is also included.

Weekends That's why it's a weekend to give your body a rest. Over the next two days, we prepare any products you like from the 5-day menu, and also treat yourself to healthy desserts in the morning.

And, of course, let’s give an example of a “branded” menu for 1 day, especially loved by Malakhova’s fans:
Breakfast consists of oatmeal porridge with water (up to 200 g).
Snack - Sybarite cocktail. It is prepared like this: put 50 g of lean cottage cheese, one kiwi, a quarter of grapefruit and half a green apple into a deep saucepan. Pre-cut the fruits into small pieces. Beat the resulting mixture with a blender until smooth, adding at the same time a little lean bifidoc to taste.
Lunch consists of salad (half a beet, 1 medium carrot, olive oil and walnuts). You can also allow yourself some animal proteins (steamed fish or boiled chicken breast).
Dinner should include a light vegetable salad, for example: half a carrot, a stalk of celery, a third of grapefruit, lemon juice and sesame seeds. Also add 1 boiled chicken egg and a slice of low-fat cheese.

How to get out of Tatyana Malakhova’s diet

The diet itself is simply a healthy eating program, quite satisfying and balanced, so there is no need to leave it. After achieving results, you can revise the menu a little, start eating wholemeal pasta, whole grain bread, potatoes, some fried foods (without crust), and also sometimes treat yourself to sweets and mild alcohol. Also increase the caloric content of your diet a little, stop at 1600-1800 kcal per day. After overeating, holiday feasts and night gluttony, do fasting days on your favorite foods. And, of course, try to limit the harmful foods mentioned above in the article, as well as salt and sugar in their pure form.

After a diet, always make breakfasts high in carbohydrates and filling to provide an energy boost for the whole day. Snacks should consist of fruits, berries and vegetable salads, as well as fermented milk products. Lunch should be complex, including a liquid dish, a side dish (porridge or vegetables), and meat products. For dinner you can eat fish or chicken eggs, as well as a light vegetable salad or cottage cheese.

Don't forget about drinking - all drinks should be unsweetened, unsalted and healthy. Try not to drink food, drink at least 4 glasses of liquid per day.

Also, after leaving the diet, you should resume training, active games and dancing. It will not be superfluous to visit the bathhouse and sauna, and massage problem areas.

Disadvantages of Tatyana Malakhova’s diet, contraindications

Many people say that the “Friendship” diet has no disadvantages, they say, only positive qualities and health benefits. Maybe so, but let’s look at some of the nuances. Firstly, despite all the “democratic” and “loyalty” of the diet, it contains a huge set of different rules and restrictions that are difficult to keep track of and difficult to adhere to. It is even difficult for working people to follow such a diet, because for every meal there is a salad of fresh vegetables.