30 minute workout with Jillian Michaels. Rise - strength training

Slender figure with Jillian Michaels is not just a smartphone app, books, CDs and workouts on the official Lionsgate BeFit channel. Gillian gained fame as a trainer on the television project “Biggest Loser. There she showed herself as a tough and uncompromising girl. Running through the hot desert, jumping, a bunch of various movements and all this in order for the participants to lose weight. After the project and official “last day” training, Gillian’s personal business took off. Her workouts are high intensity interval cardio. Her approach to nutrition is calorie counting and “clean eating” rolled into one. How to lose weight with Gillian?

Theoretical preparation and nutrition

Gillian is not your kefir aerobics trainer fasting days and different “don’t eat before, don’t eat after, if possible, don’t eat at all.” In her book “Slim for Life,” she outlines the following nutritional principles:

  • you must eat. Be that as it may, and no matter how enormous the weight may seem, you cannot live on a leaf of lettuce and one chicken breast a day;
  • The diet should contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is not recommended to exclude whole grain bread, brown rice and other sources of carbohydrates. You need to dose them, and arrange timing according to the time of day. Gillian is based on the different rates of carbohydrate oxidation in different people. Let’s say, if you can’t sleep after a serving of fruit at night, it’s fast for you, and you can eat carbohydrates 4-5 hours before bedtime, and it’s advisable to include half an hour of light physical activity just before going to bed. But those who have eaten fruit and can sleep are not very lucky in this life. For the sake of losing weight, they will have to limit themselves to carbohydrates with a low glycemic index - buckwheat, oatmeal, legumes, and unsweetened fruits, and they should be distributed in small portions throughout the day;
  • Gillian believes that fast weight loss there is no problem. It is only important not to lower the calorie content of the diet below the basal metabolic rate, and not to eat only semi-finished products;
  • In general, Gillian calculates the diets for her clients according to the Harris-Benedict formula. And it assumes that their physical activity is from “light” to “moderate.” This is how she views her interval training. A remark is needed here. This is true for an American driving to a nearby store by car. And it may be too harsh a measure for our compatriot who walks around the city. In general, if you're losing more than a pound per week of calorie counting, you'll need to increase your caloric intake to avoid hitting an early plateau;

The Harris-Benedict formula looks like this:

Women: basal metabolic rate = 655.1 + 9.6 * body weight (kg); + 1.85 x height (cm); - 4.68 x age (years);

Men: basal metabolic rate = 66.47 + 13.75 * body weight (kg); + 5.0 x height (cm); - 6.74 x age (years).

Using this formula, you can only calculate the basal metabolic rate. To find out how many calories you spend per day in general, you need to supplement the formula with adjustments for the level of physical activity (for this you can use the same coefficients as in the calculation).

  • you need to build a diet from products such as oatmeal, brown rice, whole grain bread, white meat of all types of poultry and fish, salmon (limited, 2-3 servings per week, wild salmon), unsweetened fruits and berries, herbs, vegetables and salads;
  • You can eat at fast food, but you should take a salad without dressing, or any chicken burger without breading (in our country this is sold only in the Subway chain) on gray bread, or without bread at all;
  • in regular cafes we always take grilled meat or fish, brown rice as a side dish (if available) and a vegetable salad with dressing separately;
  • if you overeat, we don’t do fasting or “very training” days, we just return to the normal regime and continue to lose weight again;
  • Supplements you can take include green tea extract and fish oil in capsules. Vitamins - as prescribed by the doctor, the rest does not make sense.

Criticism of Jillian Michaels' meal plan

Everything looks great until official dietetics gets involved. ADA guidelines suggest that a person losing weight should not lose more than a pound per week unless they are morbidly obese. A faster pace, according to a respected organization, can lead to various health problems, and faster. Losing weight “at speed” is also associated with problems with the musculoskeletal system. Still, a low-calorie diet interferes with recovery from high-impact training, which should give Gillian's fans pause.

The American media also criticize Jill for allegedly feeding her subjects on the show fat burners with large doses of caffeine. However, in its later products, no pills appear as a mandatory part of the program.

Workouts with Gillian: from the simplest to the mind-blowing

Jill writes that half an hour of training a day is enough for you in any case. Whatever your goal is, to lose weight, or tone muscles, or gain the desired shape, you can achieve it in such a short period of time. You just need to combine cardio and strength exercises in one cycle, do interval training and not skip classes. Jillian recommends her clients 1 day of rest, and 1 day of “cross-training” without weights. Typically, her clients spend 5 days a week lifting dumbbells and doing interval jumping, 1 day a week doing something like dynamic yoga, and 1 day walking around the neighborhood as a form of relaxation. Gillian's video programs help solve any problem within the framework of such a plan. They are available on the official BiFit Lionsgate channel and can be used for free.

  • Yoga Meltdown

Gillian's first yoga workout contains elements of Ashtanga Vinyasa, a sequence of dynamic poses. They are combined with static holds of lunges, squats and push-ups, which should “tighten” the muscles, according to the author. The intensity ranges from low to medium, there are only 2 workouts, and they are suitable for any level of training. This is the only Jillian program available that does not involve jumping.

  • Yoga Inferno

An advanced yoga program is more complex not due to difficult poses. They are just accessible to every person with a little experience of home fitness training. It is “inferno” thanks to jumping, which is designed to help us burn more calories. The program is intended for those who are afraid to train even with such micromotors that we see in other videos. But the “calorie burning” factor is very individual. With Inferno, you can use both a lot if you move at full amplitude and put effort into each jump, and quite at the level of regular home carpet gymnastics.

  • 30 day Shred (Lose weight in 30 days)

This is a series of 3 training cycles, which must be alternated for 10 days each. The program runs every day and is interval training according to the principle of 1 strength exercise, 1 cardio exercise (there will be jumping and burpees, do you love Jillian yet?) and 1 abdominal movement. This cycle is repeated 2 times for each group of exercises, which constitutes interval training. At the beginning - warm-up, at the end - stretching. Everything is quite standard, it is recommended to do exercises with light dumbbells. But if you do it with difficult ones, you can even get good muscle definition.

  • Shred it with weights

Kettlebells are trending in the US. Gillian also decided to make a video with weights. For which, in principle, she paid dearly. This cycle was not criticized only by the lazy. Swings with the wrong technique, jerks using only the muscles of the arms and shoulders, female models who show absolutely everything wrong... But with all this, if you learn how to do jerks and jerks correctly, this is an excellent workout for losing weight. But not for a beginner, but for an “advanced” level. This is Jill's most energy-intensive program, especially if you use 12 and 16 kg weights, and not the “micro” ones we see with models.

  • Hard body

“Extended” workouts up to 40 minutes in the same interval style as 30 daytime weight loss, but with more complex exercises. True, complex here means combinations of squats with dumbbell biceps curls, and not working with above-average weights. You will spend about a minute under load, which allows you to classify this program more as cardio training than strength training. There are also several levels of difficulty, and you can also increase the weight of the dumbbells.

  • Training for Biggest Loser

These are several videos - Banish Fat Boost Metabolism No more Trouble Zones and interval cardio with the participants of the show. Training helps those who are used to alternating cardio and strength training every day. In “Burn the Fat” you will jump, do kickboxing punches and pump your abs, in “Problem Zones” you will do squats, push-ups and lunges with micro dumbbells. These are hour-long programs, according to most users - the most complex.

Jillian's Online Program

You don't have to limit yourself to ready-made videos. Gillian has an online weight loss program builder. You pay money and receive a customized smartphone application training exercises, diet, control and community access. This program has good reviews; it differs from everything listed above not in its approach, but in the variety of food recipes (American, of course, if you don’t like burgers, sandwiches, salads and macaroni and cheese, you don’t have to buy this), as well as exercises.

Criticism of Gillian

Serious people criticize training with Gillian for being traumatic for a beginner. In fact, before doing the same squats with biceps curls, it would be better to learn how to do these two exercises separately with normal technique. In addition, training a beginner’s cardio system can be achieved with simpler goals - rowing, elliptical trainer and walking, for example. Well, strength training in the world of fitness still means working with heavier weights than micro dumbbells. Meanwhile, classes for a person who already knows how to move correctly can really bring more benefits than normal walking and working on cardio equipment. It is recommended that you start your weight loss workouts with Jillian and work your way up by combining her cardio videos with more serious strength training.

Jillian Michaels is a famous television fitness trainer. The results her students achieve make even the most desperate people believe in themselves. Training with Jillian Michaels is always interesting and varied. They are full of exercises from a variety of fitness areas: Pilates, aerobics, yoga, kickboxing and others. To enhance the calorie burning process, Gillian uses various weights, such as weights and dumbbells. Due to accessibility and simplicity sports equipment, which are used during classes, and most importantly due to the really noticeable results, Jillian Michaels’ programs have truly become a hit among people working out at home.

Body revolution

An unprecedented program from Jillian Michaels - “Body Revolution”. The course lasts 90 days. There are 3 phases in the program:
1) acceleration of metabolism, fat burning;
2) heavy exercise that completely changes your body;
3) consolidation of the result and polishing new forms.
Each phase lasts one month (you need to work out 6 days a week) and consists of 6 workouts: two workouts - cardio, two workouts for the “front of the body” and two workouts for “ back bodies."
So, you will have to study according to this schedule:
Monday: Shoulders, triceps, chest, quads, abs;
Tuesday: Back, back of legs, buttocks, abs;
Wednesday: Cardio
Thursday: Shoulders, triceps, chest, quads, abs;
Friday: Back, back of legs, buttocks, abs;
Saturday: Cardio
Sunday: rest.
When doing this program, you don’t need to do other exercises, because the whole point of the “Body Revolution” is to give the muscles of one of the body zones a rest during the 2-day break between working out this zone, when others will be training. By adhering to this principle, you will achieve maximum great results, transforming the owl's body beyond recognition.
Happy training!

“Conquer Yourself” (“The Biggest Winner! How to Win by Losing”)

The “Conquer Yourself” course from Jillian Michaels is recommended to all those who love intense and varied workload under the guidance of a qualified, positive, likeable and very proactive trainer!!! For those who already have a certain fitness base and want to increase the intensity of their training with a magic kick!!!
The program consists of strength and cardio loads, dynamic and static load on the muscles.
The complex includes 5 programs with different loads:
01. Shape-Up Front - Exercises for triceps, shoulders, chest and abs with cardio elements.
02. Shape-Up Backside - Workout for the back of the body: buttocks, legs, triceps.
03. Cardio Kickbox - Intense cardio training with elements of kickboxing.
04. Maximize Back In Action - Workout for biceps, back, hips, legs, abs with cardio elements.
05. Maximize Full Frontal - Workout for shoulders, hips, triceps, chest, abs with cardio elements.

"Extreme Shed & Shred"

The course consists of two levels lasting 45-50 minutes. As always, there are mandatory warm-ups and cool-downs. The 1st level consists of 4 circles of 5 exercises, and the second level consists of 6 circles. The workout is replete with elements from kickboxing, jiu-jitsu, yoga and strength exercises.

As usual Gillian suggests different levels the complexity of the exercises, which in this course is carried out mainly due to different weights of weights - dumbbells (you will need a set of dumbbells from 1.5 to 4 kg). Although you are encouraged to simplify some exercises a little, this training Still, it’s not for beginners, and it’s better to start with something else, since Gillian’s training is for every taste. By following this program, you will achieve truly impressive results in just one minute. short time, so be prepared for anything.

“Lose weight in 30 days” (“Ripped in 30”)

“Lose Weight in 30 Days” (“Ripped in 30”) is another program from Jillian Michaels, designed for 30 days. Compared to “Slim Figure in 30 Days,” this training course is even more intense and is a worthy continuation of this popular workout. Jillian's signature 3-2-1 interval system is again present here - 3 minutes of strength exercises, 2 minutes of cardio and 1 minute of abs. The workouts are also short (only 24 minutes), which will be pleasant for those who cannot stand long workouts, or for those who combine 2 workouts in one day. short workouts instead of one long one.
There are already 4 levels in this program (only a week for each). Each one is harder than the next, but the first level cannot be called easy either. This course is still intended for intermediate or high level preparation.
If you feel ready to begin the 30 day journey, go ahead! Impressive results!

"Killer Buns and Thighs"

While many suffer with their hated bellies, others try to struggle with other places - thighs and buttocks. If you're one of them, Jillian Michaels' Killer Buns and Thighs workout is just what you've been looking for!
In total, this program has 3 levels of 45 minutes each, and in each of them your legs will simply beg for mercy.

Kickboxing (“Kickbox FastFix”)

The workout consists of three parts, each of which is aimed at working one part of the body. The first is aimed at working the upper body, and the second tones the lower, while the third is completely devoted to intensive work with the abdominals.
If you have never practiced kickboxing before, now is the time to start. Killer and fun kickboxing cardio will allow you to burn a huge amount of calories, thanks to which you will get a beautiful and toned body.

Strength training (“Shred-It with Weights”)

Let's meet! Strength training from Jillian Michaels! Now Gillian will add additional weight to her already familiar intense workouts, which will inevitably lead to maximum fat burning.
The course includes 2 levels (15 days each), each of which lasts 30 minutes (5 minutes warm-up, 5 minutes cool-down, intensive part - 20 minutes). Following Gillian, you will see amazing results in just 30 days - a stunning change in your proportions and toned muscles.
In her strength training, Jillian uses a kettlebell-like apparatus, but if you don't have a kettlebell, don't despair - you can use a 1 to 3 kg dumbbell. Jillian used the principles to create this workout kettlebell lifting, which provides a significant increase in the number of calories burned.
The first level is suitable for beginners and intermediates. By performing the exercises suggested by Gillian, you will significantly increase your strength and endurance, learn the basic combinations of racks, squats and presses and basic exercises(such as “swing”, “bridge” press, “dead” rows...).
The second level is already intended for intermediate and advanced students. During training, you use the pushing technique and corset muscles. Muscle corset and the upper part must have significant strength, because The exercises used at the level will require maximum effort from you. You will learn exercises such as deep squats with presses, single leg circles, split snatches and Russian swings. The recommended weight of the kettlebell is already 2 - 8 kg.
If you dream about beautiful relief, Gillian is waiting for you! Good luck!

“Yoga” (“Yoga Meltdown”)

Yoga from Jillian Michaels is not yoga in the classical sense; it can rather be called power yoga. The course consists of 2 levels, lasting about 30 minutes. This course is good because by practicing it, you can significantly improve your stretching and coordination of movements (this is for those who have problems with balance), which in turn will have a positive effect on the quality of performance. heavy exercise from other programs. But this does not mean at all that with its help you will get rid of excess fat. Gillian's training is as effective as always.
Since the lesson time for the first level is not indicated, you can determine it for yourself. For example, when you feel that doing the first level exercises no longer causes you much difficulty

« Flat stomach in 6 weeks" (“6 Week Six-Pack”)

Just yesterday, a dream that seemed impossible could come true in just 6 weeks. The “6 Week Six-Pack” program with Jillian Michaels will help you with this!
The training is divided into 2 levels of three weeks each. The level for which this program is designed is intermediate, so it is better for beginners to start with others. The duration of the classes is only 30 minutes, but these 30 minutes will not let you relax for a second. As always, the charming girls-assistants will show you lightweight and standard versions of the exercises.
The overall impression of the course is worthy of continuation of the 30-day programs “Slim Figure in 30 Days” and “Lose Weight in 30 Days.” But 3 weeks of training at the same level, and therefore with the same exercises, can get boring. Although, if you have set yourself the goal of acquiring gorgeous abs, you can be patient.

“No More Trouble Zones”

“No More Trouble Zones” is a workout created by Jillian Michaels specifically to target women’s problem areas. Lasting 50 minutes, it will not be easy for beginners and those who have just recently started doing fitness. But in this case, you can gradually increase the time of training, starting, for example, from 20 to 30 minutes. As an option, slowly add exercises from this course to your regular classes, and only then, when you feel the strength, switch completely to a lesson with Gillian.
In total, the course is divided into 7 segments, consisting of 5 exercises repeated twice. This principle allows you to speed up your metabolism during exercise and for several hours after it.
In training, many exercises are done with weights. You will need dumbbells 1.5 - 3 kg. Choose the weight depending on your training. You should feel the burden, but not get tired of it. Start with 1.5 kg, if necessary, move on to heavier shells.
By strictly following Gillian's instructions, you will soon have the body of your dreams and be able to wear tight-fitting clothes without the slightest doubt. Good luck!

“Burn Fat Boost Metabolism”

The “Banish Fat Boost Metabolism” workout by Jillian Michaels, lasting about 50 minutes, includes 6 sets of exercises, in which each exercise is repeated 2 times. The training is full of elements from kickboxing and aerobics, all of them are very diverse, due to which the training does not have time to get boring in such a time. Gillian composed the complex in such a way as to really start and speed up the metabolism, so that the effect lasts for several hours after training. Well, where metabolism is accelerated, fat does not live long.
As for the level of preparedness of people who want to engage in this program, the training is quite intense and long; for beginners, “Shreds” is more preferable, which takes only 20 minutes, and this practically guarantees that you will not abandon it after the first lesson, citing inability to study for so long.
However, if you decide on “Lose fat, speed up metabolism” - stick with it. Gillian will not leave you alive. You will work out all muscle groups and make your heart literally jump out of your chest, but it will be worth it. The coach will constantly demand more from you. And by conscientiously performing the complex, after a while you will actually be able to do it! This is wonderful, isn't it?
If initially it is difficult for you to perform this complex, but you absolutely do not want to change it to another, enter into training gradually, adding a little every day. Start with 20 minutes and don't forget to do a final stretch at the end.
When you complete the complex “from start to finish,” you can expect to lose up to 1.5 kilograms per week, which is a truly amazing result.

“Slim figure in 30 days” (“30 Day Shred”)

Kls. The program is divided into 3 difficulty levels, each of which takes 10 days. The “Slim Figure in 30 Days” course can be taken by both those who are trained and those for whom training is new. After all, in the video you can see options with both standard and low complexity exercises.
Classes begin with a mandatory warm-up and always end with relaxing and stretching exercises. Each level has 3 cycles, each of which in turn consists of 3 types of exercises: strength (3 minutes), cardio (2 minutes), abdominal exercises (1 minute). By following this schedule, you will be able to burn calories to the maximum and achieve amazing results. Jillian Michaels will push everything possible out of you, by the middle of the cycle you will be sure that you can’t take it anymore, but this is not true! The body is capable of more than we sometimes think, and Gillian’s training is proof of this.
After the first workout, you will feel every cell of your body, it will hurt, but the pain will be incredibly pleasant, because you have done it - you have begun the path to transformation! By the 5th day you will realize that the training is no longer as difficult as it seemed at the beginning, but this impression will only last until the first day of the second level.
On the first day of level two, it will become clear that you are not, in fact, the fitness giant you began to think. The exercises will become more rigorous and intense. The main load on the second level falls on top part body, therefore, most likely, the next day it will make itself felt shoulder girdle– again it hurts, but it’s nice.
Having reached the third level, and already preparing to feel an even greater load again, you will be a little surprised, but the third level will not cause any special difficulties. The body, which has already become accustomed to constant intense exercise in 20 days, can easily cope with the exercises proposed by Gillian. 10 days at a similar pace and you’ve completed Jillian Michaels’ “Slim Figure in 30 Days” program

If you want to lose weight and regain your self-confidence, Jillian Michaels' weight loss workout "Slim Figure in 30 Days" will help you.

If you exercise regularly and watch your diet, you will definitely be able to lose weight. overweight and purchase beautiful shape. Most best way Make sure of this - start training!

If you exercise regularly and watch your diet, you will definitely be able to lose excess weight and get in great shape!

Jillian Michaels: how sports can change lives?

If the awkward teenager Jillian Michaels, who was less than 160 cm tall and weighed about 80 kg, was told that one day she would become the most famous fitness trainer in California, and perhaps in the entire United States, she would probably take this statement as a joke. As a child and teenager, Gillian never dreamed of such popularity. Probably, her only dream was to get rid of the burden of problems that caused self-doubt and the rapid accumulation of extra pounds...

Things began to change when Gillian was enrolled in martial arts classes. There, in a mental struggle with herself, and perhaps with the whole world, she learned what the coach said: “Others respect only those who respect themselves.”

Jillian Michaels is the most famous fitness trainer in California

“Others respect only those who respect themselves” - it was this realization that led Gillian to the idea that with insecurities, fears and overweight we have to fight. Fight and win!

A change in thinking and playing sports brought her to a new direction in life. And on this line, having coped with her difficulties, she began to actively help people who found themselves in the same difficult situation. Participation in the reality shows “The Biggest Loser” and “Drop It With Gillian,” as well as numerous programs recorded on DVD, brought her real fame.

How to properly follow the “Slim Figure in 30 Days” program:

Many workouts aimed at losing weight formed the basis of Jillian Michaels' famous "Slim Fit in 30 Days" program. Classes in this program are conducted according to the “3-2-1” system:

  • Strength exercises performed for 3 minutes
  • 2 minutes – cardio
  • Abdominal muscles are worked for 1 minute

In addition, the program is divided into 3 stages, each of which must be completed in one and a half weeks.

Below you can see short video presentation for the program “Slim figure in 30 days”:

Jillian Michaels Level 1 30 DAY SHRED Workout:

When you master level 1 of training with Jillian Michaels, many exercises may seem too difficult and impossible, even if you repeat them after a girl who demonstrates an easier version of the workout.

In this case, the main thing is not to interrupt classes and not lose momentum. You can replace this exercise with something else, at least intense marching. If the complex does not seem complicated enough to you, you can repeat the exercises after the girl who demonstrates more complex exercises. Thus, Gillian provided different levels of load even within the same training level.

Gillian's comment: “Look at me as your personal trainer!”

Jillian Michaels Level 2 30 DAY SHRED Workout:

By the end of the first week, it will become easier to practice, and in the future it will be easier for you to master Level 2 of the program with Jillian Michaels. Here, more active work is done with the muscles that give the body relief.

Jillian Michaels Level 3 30 DAY SHRED Workout:

And, of course, the real victory is to complete level 3 of training with Gillian Michael! Walkthrough last stage guarantees the result. And many who worked with him confirm this.

Jillian Michaels - strength training

Strength training in a group (English version)

It is possible to lose unnecessary pounds and make your body fit and slim in just 1 month. Check out Jillian Michaels' Get Fit in 30 Days program. Gillian is a popular American fitness instructor. Television programs about weight loss with her participation are considered very successful. Gillian is known for her Nordic character. Her workouts are maximally loaded, thanks to this the desired result is quickly achieved.

What's the point?

Alternating strength, cardiac loads, as well as abdominal efforts. 3 minutes are devoted to strength, 2 to the heart muscle and 1 to the abdominal muscles. The entire training course takes 30 days and consists of 3 levels. Each level is worked on for 10 days. The peculiarity is that the course is carried out seven days a week. We spend 30 minutes a day training. Intensive work takes 20 minutes and 10 for warm-up and relaxation. For training you will need a mat and 2 dumbbells weighing up to 2 kg. This is the weight it can bear shoulder joint. Tune in to the fact that the exercises are difficult to perform, even though they seem simple.

Description of first level exercises

Warm up. It's simple - swing your arms and cross them in front. An exercise familiar from physical education lessons is the mill. Jumping, circular rotations hips. Place your hands on your knees and do circular movements. Do the warm-up without interruption.

The workout with Jillian Michaels is divided into 3 segments. Each exercise has an easier version (for beginners) and a more complicated one for people with good physical fitness. For detailed instructions, find the story: “Jillian Michaels: Lose Weight in 30 Days.”

Segment #1. Power loads: push-ups from the floor. If you find it difficult, do push-ups on your knees. Next stage– squats with dumbbells. When you go down, you raise your arms up. Exercises 3 and 4 are a repetition of 1 and 2. Keep track of the time. This cycle will take 3 minutes.

Cardiac exercises: jumping with arm swings; imitation of running with a skipping rope. When bad physical training the range of arm movements may be small. This is 1 minute. For the next 60 seconds, repeat exercises 1 and 2.

Abs training. Take a lying position, put your feet to your buttocks. Place your hands behind your head and lift your upper back. Pull your shoulders behind your head, do not strain your neck. And the second exercise - the same position, press your hands to the sides of your body. Raise your legs bent at the knees upward. Now push your pelvis up and return to starting position. Do both exercises for 30 seconds. This is the end of segment 1.

Segment #2: Strength training: Hold dumbbells with your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees slightly, and lean your torso slightly forward. Pull your arms back, but do not let the dumbbells go behind your back. The second action is to bring 1 leg forward and put the other back. Perform squats and at the same time bring the dumbbells to your chest. Switch legs and do the same. 3 and 4 actions repeat the first and second.

Heart training: the first and third exercises are running in place with overlapping; second and fourth – boxing, legs spread wide. If you are very tired, sit down lower. This will reduce the load.

Abdominal muscles: lying on the mat, right leg place it on your left knee. Use the elbow of your left hand to reach your right leg. At the same time right hand pressed to the body. After 30 seconds, switch legs and arms.

Segment #3: Strength: Hold dumbbells while lying on your back, lift both arms up and then down. Do not press your arms to your body, but spread them across. This is the first and third exercise. Place your feet wide. Do side squats with one leg bent at a right angle and the other leg remaining straight. As you lower down, bring the dumbbells to your chest. These are the second and fourth acts.

Heart: in the last segment all previous endurance loads were combined:

  1. Jumping and swinging your arms.
  2. Running with legs overlapping.
  3. Boxing in a bent leg position.
  4. Jump rope.

Press: position yourself on the mat, bent legs bring it to the stomach at a right angle. Alternately extend your left and then your right leg. This exercise lasts a minute.

After completing the full cycle, relaxation follows. Do a stretch - reach for your legs and fix this position. Place your hands behind your back and relax your shoulder muscles well.

It is important to study for the entire 30 minutes without interruption. You can rest for no more than 5 seconds.

This is the first level. But to get visible results, check out the last 2 levels. Please note that each subsequent level is more difficult than the previous one. At the second level, be patient and don’t give up. The body will get used to the load, and you yourself will want to work more. It’s easier to train by watching Jillian Michaels’ “Slim Figure” lessons. Already after warming up, your heart rate increases, which indicates that calories are being burned. However, remember the safety precautions. Each body is unique, so monitor your health. If you experience dizziness, tinnitus, or darkening in your eyes, stop training, take a couple sips of water and go out. fresh air. These signs may indicate low blood sugar or high blood pressure.

Jillian Michaels: Flat Stomach in 6 Weeks

Examples of exercises:

  • Warm up first. This will protect you from damage and injury during training. The muscles will warm up well, the heart and blood vessels will become toned, so the body will not experience stress.
  • Take dumbbells and lift them up along with your knee. Work hard.
  • Take a step back with one leg, squat down, raise your arms up (with dumbbells) and bend over. Return to the starting position.
  • Dumbbells near your chest, perform a squat. Then raise your knee crosswise.
  • Lie down on the mat. Straighten your arm and leg on one side and simultaneously lift them to the top. To make it more challenging, straighten both arms.
  • Roll over onto your stomach, lift your torso, move your elbows back, straighten up and lie down in the first position.
  • Repeat point No. 5, but change arms and legs.
  • Bring your bent legs towards your stomach, then straighten them. Hands touch the hips when performing.

By using Jillian Michaels' Flat Belly complex, you will gain toned abs within a month. And, as a bonus, they will leave extra pounds and fat deposits.

Jillian Michaels will help you lose weight in 30 days

This block is aimed at combating excess weight. You work out 6 times a week. Be sure to take a day off. Another note - watch your diet. All efforts will come to nothing if after training you eat fatty, fried foods and a mountain of buns. Sometimes it happens that after exercise, weight begins to increase. Don't be alarmed. This indicates that there is an increase muscle mass, which means the body becomes fitter and slimmer. If these changes don't occur, think about the food you have in your refrigerator.

Jillian Michaels: yoga

If you are familiar with some yoga poses, it will be easier for you to master this technique for losing weight. Like all complexes, yoga also begins with a warm-up. Exercise barefoot. All you need is a mat.

To eliminate extra pounds, all muscles must work. Yoga tones the entire body. But to achieve results, actions must be dynamic. To burn fat, you need more aerobics. This gymnastics is not used for weight loss, its purpose is to strengthen muscles, improve stretching, and establish emotional balance. So Gillian improved yoga by adding energy to it. During runtime it is important correct breathing. Try to perform the exercises exactly as Gillian does.

It is necessary to warm up all muscles. To do this, use the basic yoga poses - mountain, dog, etc. Do not try to perform all the exercises perfectly at once. If you are a beginner, use moderate effort to allow your ligaments and muscles to adapt to the stress.

Jillian Michaels: buttocks and thighs

The trainer developed not only complexes for losing weight and strengthening the abs, but also for the hips and buttocks. These exercises tighten the external and inner side hips. The buttocks become toned, cellulite goes away, loose skin turns into elastic tissue.


The workout can be done at home. But it is better to exercise in the gym, since jumping and running require a large, well-ventilated room. Be sure to download Jillian Michaels' workouts in Russian. After watching the video lesson, you will understand how to do the exercises. The trainer works with two assistants, one of them shows a simplified version (for beginners), and the other shows complex elements. Have a bottle of water ready for your workout.

Remember that after active physical activity(for wear), the body becomes defenseless to infections and bacteria. Therefore, relax for an hour at home in a cozy environment and restore your strength.

If you want to lose weight and tone your body, check out Jillian Michaels' Slim Fit in 30 Days workout.

Jillian Michaels – Certified personal trainer, who holds a black belt in martial arts and is considered by many to be an expert in all aspects of diet and fitness. The mother of two children became famous due to her author's weight loss system, in which she strives to take a constructive approach to health and self-sacrifice. Jillian Michaels' Slim Fit in 30 Days Program(Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred) is a weight loss routine that focuses on three factors - a fitness regimen, a personalized daily fitness plan based on specific goals, and a plan.

The fitness system consists of 3 levels of difficulty and consists of special exercises that distinguish Jill’s technique. The Jillian Michaels Diet is based on consuming foods that are appropriate for your body type and eating style in order to achieve best results. The system includes hundreds of recipes. Thousands of people around the world have been inspired by Jillian Michaels' system to lose weight and keep it off. Many of them have achieved great success using her methodology, and her system is actively sold in America for considerable money. Regarding food, Jill does not stick to just one method, i.e. low in fat, etc., but believes that each person needs their own nutrition plan that suits their specific diet.

Jillian Michaels' "The 30 Day Shred" weight loss system promises results within a month, completing three levels in 30 days in a row. Exercises are the best way healthy weight loss. The levels consist of intensive program, before starting which you should consult your doctor.

Before starting classes, you need to measure your weight in order to correctly assess the result:

  • measure your arms, waist, legs, buttocks and hips;
  • measure the thickest parts of the body - the volume of the biceps, the circumference of the legs, etc.;
  • measure ;
  • measure your waist around your navel and around your bones hip joint to measure it;
  • to measure your buttocks, place the tape measure on the back of your buttocks and bring it together at the front;
  • Write down in a notepad or date of measurement for each body part.

After preparation, start passing the levels. Important: “Sleep is the cornerstone of weight management because of the effect it has on the hormones that control weight loss, as well as how you store fat and how you maintain muscle. The better the hormonal balance, the better weight loss"Explains Jillian Michaels, who typically strives for 8 hours of sleep per night.

System Description

Jillian Michaels' "Get Fit in 30 Days" video is great for people with and for those who are already in good shape. Even advanced athletes who train 5-6 days a week say these three levels are difficult. Taking this into account, if you think you can just skip level 1 and go to level 2, you will be surprised. Level 2 is very difficult. So when Jill says start at Level 1, listen to her because she's seen how difficult these classes are, even for those "in shape."

Jill's The 30 Day Shred is a challenging workout that will leave you literally restless at any level. So if you want to lose weight in 30 days with Jillian Michaels, be patient and follow the system.

Please note: In Jillian's original "Slim Fit in 30 Days" workout videos, which can be found publicly available on Youtube, there are her "girls", two women, working out behind her. One shows a lower intensity version or a modified move, the other shows a more advanced move while Jill does the basics.

Jillian Michaels' signature style is 3 minutes of strength training, 2 minutes and 1 minute of strength training. The 1 minute ab portion is your rest time. These are intense classes with a frantic rhythm.

Level 1 (Video)

Completing levels is ideal for those who are busy and limited in time. Each exercise is only 24 minutes per day. You will simultaneously work with several muscle groups and do. Simultaneous work with large and small muscle groups, such as the lower leg and shoulder - great way burn more calories and thereby reduce your exercise time.

You can watch Jillian Michaels’ video “Slim figure in 30 days” level 1 in Russian, and if you wish, you can do a lighter version of the classes, but then you will have to increase the time to even out the result.

Jill's 30-day challenge "Get Slim in 30 Days" includes 3 progressively more difficult levels. You do 1 lesson a day, starting from level 1. It is proposed to spend 10 days on each level, although everything can be individual and the trainer does not set strict limits.

Level 2 (Video)

Level 2 is for a second 10-day period. After you complete your first 10 days, you will appreciate the difference in effort and can ease up on the rhythm, as well as eliminate some exercises and combine others, as each level is quite challenging in its own way.

Level 3 (Video)

Having completed level 2, you move on to the last 10 days with level 3. If you own English and see Jill in the original, you need to know that level 3 of her exercises is not publicly available. And in order to purchase this course you need to pay for it.

Another great thing about Jillian Michaels' Get Fit in 30 Days 30 Day Weight Loss Challenge is that you work out every day for a month. This rhythm creates a habit of practicing physical exercise. Remember that once you complete all the levels, you won't have to lose this habit, it will stay with you.

How realistic is it to “lose up to 10 kg in 30 days”?

It really depends on your diet and where you're starting from. If you're starting from scratch and can't remember last time, when you have been training, 10 kg in 30 days is quite realistic provided you follow If you have been training for a while, but without a proper diet, it is realistic to lose 5 kg. If you are following a diet and already working out, depending on the degree of progress, it is quite possible to lose 1-2 kg, but this will be a sustainable result, in which all your fat will turn into sculpted muscles. Since muscle weighs much more than fat, the scale won't show you much of what you see in the mirror.

Important information: You've probably heard that working your abs takes place in the kitchen, not in the gym. This means that exercise without a diet will be ineffective. The purpose of the exercises is to activate strength and improve cardiovascular system over a 30 day period. Many have commented that they noticed progress from fitness in just 5 days.

Ultimately, no matter where you start on your journey, remember that your end goal is to lose volume, not pounds. Therefore, before starting, carefully measure all places to be sure of progress - waist, hips and legs.

Diet in 3 stages

Jillian Michaels' weight loss goal is to eliminate "anti-nutrients" (artificial fats and chemical additives) and eat only organic and natural foods.

During the first stage, you will eliminate the following foods from your diet:

  • hydrogenated fats;
  • peeled grains;
  • high fructose corn syrup;
  • artificial sweeteners;
  • preservatives and dyes.

Jillian Michaels suggests cutting back on starchy vegetables at this point, such as potatoes, tropical dried and canned fruits, soy, full-fat dairy, fatty meats, canned goods and caffeine.

In step two, you'll learn about Jillian Michaels' 10 Nutrients:

  • legumes – peas and beans;
  • allions such as onions and leeks;
  • berries;
  • meat and eggs;
  • colored fruits and vegetables;
  • cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage;
  • dark green leafy vegetables;
  • nuts and seeds;
  • organic low-fat dairy and whole grains.

The final phase improves the timing, quantities and combinations of foods to translate into burning the most fat. This balance includes eating every 4 hours, never skipping breakfast, eating your fill and not eating after 9pm. If you are used to eating ready-made or semi-finished foods, then you need to give up your habits. The Jillian Michaels diet focuses on consuming only natural, unprocessed foods.