Atkins diet sample menu. Low Carb Atkins Diet Basics and Menu

A low-carb diet for weight loss is far from new fashion, this is an old, good and proven method. Even weekly program, judging by what numerous reviews tell us, is capable of working miracles. When following such a diet, you need low-calorie dairy products, meat, fish, seafood, as well as a sufficient amount of green vegetables rich in fiber, and an additional portion of cottage cheese and bran to avoid constipation. A low-carb diet is good when you need to break through a plateau phase or get your weight loss process off the ground.

Dr. Atkins diet - the secret to ideal weight

Which diet should you choose?

The Atkins technique offers a completely different approach to the problem - sharp limiting carbohydrate intake without giving up fatty foods. The goal of the diet is to rebuild the metabolism so that the body uses fats as the main source of energy, and not the usual carbohydrates.

By the way, Dr. Atkins diet is perhaps the most comfortable and only way fast weight loss, which does not restrict caloric intake. You will not feel hungry, as you will be able to eat nourishing food and lose weight at the same time.

Key Benefits of the No-Carb Atkins Diet

  • High level of effectiveness - you can actually lose 7-8 kilograms in two weeks
  • You get rid of bad eating habits and excessive cravings for sweets
  • Protein nutrition normalizes blood sugar levels
  • The Atkins diet will improve general condition body - with the loss of fat, you get rid of toxins that are localized in fat deposits
  • The low-carbohydrate Atkins diet for hypertension is one of the methods that helps bring high blood pressure under control.
  • The Atkins diet is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases

The Atkins technique is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • diabetes mellitus
  • elevated cholesterol levels
  • kidney diseases
  • pregnancy
  • breast-feeding

In any case, before changing your usual diet, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Dr. Atkins' weight correction method consists of several stages:

  • The first phase is induction. At this stage, the process of fat breakdown begins in the body. Induction is the strictest period, the amount of carbohydrates consumed now is no more than 20 grams per day. The duration of the first phase is at least two weeks. At this time rapid weight loss begins. Physical activity speeds up the fat burning process.
  • Second phase - continuation of loss excess weight. This main phase a diet during which weight gradually decreases to the desired result. At this stage, the amount of permissible carbohydrates gradually increases, while the dynamics of weight are controlled - it must decrease, otherwise the carbohydrate limit is reduced. The duration of the phase depends on how much weight do you need to lose .
  • The third phase is preparing the body to maintain weight. This phase begins after losing the required kilograms. The daily limit of carbohydrates gradually increases. The goal of this stage is to select the optimal diet (a link is given to calculate the individual BJU needs) and the individual amount of carbohydrates to maintain a stable weight.
  • The fourth phase is maintaining weight. The main task of this period is to maintain the achieved result.

Atkins diet: allowed and prohibited foods

The Atkins system involves a certain dietary restriction, namely - reducing the amount of carbohydrates to the strictly permitted norm. since the entire effect of the diet is in the limited consumption of carbohydrate foods.

  • Allowed products: meat, river and sea ​​fish, shrimp, mussels, eggs, vegetable oil.
  • Products allowed in limited quantities: unsweetened fermented milk products, legumes, greens. cucumbers cabbage, tomatoes. zucchini. eggplants, seeds, nuts.
  • Prohibited foods: all foods that contain sugar, baked goods, pasta, cereals, muesli, flakes, sauces, beets, potatoes. carrot. bananas. grapes, strawberries, oranges.

How to make the Robert Atkins diet as effective as possible?

1. Drink as much clean water as possible; its lack slows down the metabolic process in the body (including fat burning). The optimal amount of fluid is approximately two liters per day. Please remember that drinks containing sugar are prohibited.

2. Give preference fractional meals. Long breaks between meals slow down metabolic processes. Even a small snack stimulates your metabolism. Don't skip breakfast—eating in the morning helps jump-start your metabolism, which slows down during nighttime sleep.

3. You should not consume carbohydrate foods in a one-component version (especially important in the last phases of the diet, when the consumption of a sufficiently large amount of carbohydrates is allowed) - combine them with meat or fish dishes.

New revolutionary diet Atkins is a challenge to low-calorie diets. away with “empty” carbohydrates, in favor of proteins and fats! Lose weight and be beautiful!

Expert review

The effectiveness of the Atkins diet has been proven in clinical studies. Yes, this really makes you lose weight. They also lose weight from more balanced and better tolerated diets. In the Atkins diet the classic form has many disadvantages :

  • it is possible to increase the level of “bad” cholesterol after several months of such a diet. The doctor does not prohibit roast duck, bacon, or pork. Unlucky followers of this plan often end up seeing a cardiologist and then popping pills;
  • A fairly common outcome of “weight loss” is impaired kidney function. People with their diseases are generally contraindicated in protein diets;
  • the diet is poorly tolerated. Discussions are still ongoing regarding whether there is life on Mars or not, that is, comfortable weight loss with ketone bodies in the blood and in the process of forming glucose from one’s own fat and muscle tissue. Modern researchers have concluded that the body can “make” glucose from adipose tissue, but this requires an excess of the amino acid alanine. Moreover, the dosages are not announced to the general public.

    The conclusion suggests itself - on a low-carbohydrate diet, muscles are lost perfectly, and in order to prevent the process, you will have to engage in moderate but heavy strength training;

  • “We” followers of Atkins live a boring and joyless life. How long can you last on meat and non-starchy vegetables? Would you like some chocolate? Of course you want. If you please, order specialized sweets for the Atkins diet from foreign websites for quite a significant amount of money, or produce homemade desserts with sweeteners that are not always healthy;
  • The path of a person who chose training and Atkins cannot be called anything other than “the way of the samurai.” It's hard. Dizziness, weakness, the desire to constantly drink coffee, swallow pre-workout cocktails and energy drinks are typical signs of such an athlete. If you are not a full-time “athlete,” you will have problems with both your work life and your social life. Moreover, he is not always ahead of an ordinary student who adheres to a simple balanced diet.
  • Reduce your consumption of meat and fat. Don't try to radically change your diet right away, move gradually. Reduce your consumption of fatty foods by at least half and try to eat more vegetable fats and less animal fats, excluding fish oil .

    Good afternoon I am 40 years old, height 178 cm, weight 80 kg (was 100, since December 2012 on the Atkins diet). I want to try the “kratal+magneB6+” scheme fish oil“, but I doubt it for this reason: I have phosphate stones in the kidneys, can I take magnesium?

    admin Post author 08/05/2013

    > can I take magnesium?

    As a rule, if a person loses weight by at least 3-5 kg, then his blood pressure rapidly drops, almost to normal. You have lost as much as 20 kg, but your blood pressure is still high. Although you don't write exact numbers. This is a bad sign. It means that you have some serious problem in your body that is causing hypertension. In such a situation, supplements are unlikely to have a significant effect.

    First of all, read the article “Causes of hypertension and how to eliminate them. Tests for hypertension” and take the tests that are listed there. It may turn out that the stones impede blood flow in the kidneys and thus provoke an increase in blood pressure. If so, then when you get rid of the stones, your blood pressure will drop. Discuss this with your doctor. Is it possible to take magnesium? You should also ask your doctor this question. In this case, do not rely on advice from the Internet.

    It is strange that the doctor did not object to the Atkins diet. I wonder how he commented about you following this diet and losing so much weight?

    Thanks for the answer!

    The doctor didn’t even advise me what mineral water I should drink for my stones...

    The phosphate diet is aimed at acidifying urine, based on meat and cereals. Almost no vegetables, fruits or dairy products are allowed. So the Atkins diet is quite suitable.

    I started drinking kratal and magne B6, my blood pressure almost returned to normal (rarely rose above 130), but then I got scared. Now it has increased a little, but still an order of magnitude lower than it was 20 kg ago.

    admin Post author 08/07/2013

    > The doctor didn’t even advise me

    Of the mass of people who have a medical degree, only a few percent work well. If you want to be cured, look for an intelligent specialist.

    Hello, my name is Valentin. We went on vacation to western Ukraine. Everything was fine there, we drove 1250 km on the way back without stopping, and a day later the pressure began to rise. Headaches started. pain in the heart area in the hospital I had a cardiogram done and an echo of the head, the cardiogram was bad, the echo was also prescribed liprazine as flogging cardiomagnyl thiotriazoline, no improvement. I went to see a neurologist. The neurologist prescribed afabazole and glycissed because my nerves were in good shape, some panic attacks began, he took a cholesterol test, it was normal, ultrasound of the heart was normal, kidneys were normal, liver was normal, pancreas was normal. These listed medications do not help high blood pressure. I am 34 years old, height 178, weight 122

    admin Post author 11/29/2013

    Study our articles in the block “Cure from hypertension in 3 weeks - it’s real” and follow the recommendations they contain.

    Didn't find the information you were looking for?

    Ask your question here.

    How to cure hypertension on your own

    in 3 weeks, without expensive harmful drugs,

    The causes of obesity include the consumption of carbohydrates in large quantities, so it is recommended to exclude foods containing these components from the diet.

    Overweight people mistakenly believe that by eliminating fatty foods from the menu, they will quickly lose weight. Definitely, such food is harmful to the body and contributes to the acquisition of extra pounds, but we must not forget about foods containing carbohydrates, they are considered more harmful.

    Calculation of calorie content of foods

    Products in alphabetical order

    Benefits of a Low Carb Diet

    If you have decided to start losing weight, you should pay attention to a low-carbohydrate diet, one of the rules of which is the inclusion of sweet fruits in your diet. For example, no more than two apples per day and daily consumption of 1.5-2 liters of water (preferably mineral water without gas), which is needed to break down and burn fat reserves. Water, washing the kidneys, removes all toxins from the body with urine.

    When choosing such a diet, you need to know which foods are low-carbohydrate.

    Anyone who wants to lose weight should eat meals made from low-carbohydrate foods. It is necessary to exclude white bread, potatoes, pasta, rice, ice cream, and cakes from the menu. You will need to consume more foods containing protein, such as meat, dairy, herbs and some vegetables, fish.

    In Western countries, the low-carbohydrate diet of Robert Atkins is especially popular. It is quite simple, and a person does not experience terrible hunger during the process. The principle of the Atkins diet is that, using the proposed nutritional system, the characteristics of each organism are taken into account, and the person begins to lose weight. Atkins has also developed a post-diet diet; if you follow it, extra pounds will no longer bother you.

    First stage

    The diet consists of several stages. In the first phase, the human body must receive a minimum amount of carbohydrates for 14 days. After the two-week period, you can no longer count calories, but you should continue to eat low-carb foods.

    For some people, 40 g is allowed. How to calculate at least the approximate amount of this component in the product? For example, you can start from the fact that a small bun contains 20 grams of carbohydrates, the same amount contained in three teaspoons of sugar.

    Low Carb Diets: Effects and Risks

    The whole truth about the Atkins diet

    LET'S LOSE WEIGHT FAST! Atkins Protein Diet + recipes!

    Snacking is prohibited on the Atkins diet. You should eat only when you feel hungry. The list of products that do not contain large number carbohydrates include:

    • any poultry meat,
    • fish (sea, river);
    • eggs;
    • cheese (hard),
    • seafood,
    • mushrooms,
    • vegetables.

    Prohibited foods according to the Atkins diet include:

    • fats, only of artificial origin,
    • corn;
    • potato,
    • any bakery and confectionery products,
    • alcohol.

    You should limit the consumption of sour cream, tomatoes and onions, cabbage, zucchini, and peas. You are allowed to drink still water, coffee, tea, and natural juices.

    Second stage

    The second stage of the low-carb Atkins diet is simpler. First of all, you need to monitor daily norm carbohydrates (up to 40 g). During this period, weight loss will occur somewhat more slowly.

    Once the optimum is achieved, you can gradually consume carbohydrate foods until weight gain is observed. If this happens, you should immediately reduce your carbohydrate intake to 20 g, that is, return to the first stage, thus controlling the gain of extra pounds.

    You can create the menu yourself or use the proposed diet; you can make some adjustments to it. The morning should start with cottage cheese or yogurt, washed down with green tea without sugar. Alternatively, you can make an omelette with bacon. According to the Atkins diet, lunch should be filling and nutritious.

    You are allowed to eat 100 grams of poultry, veal or boiled fish, with rice as a side dish. You can prepare a cucumber salad dressed with olive oil. As an option - fish soup with wholemeal bread. For dinner, you can treat yourself to baked chicken (250 g) and seafood.

    Alternatively, 200 g of veal or 150 g of stewed fish are suitable. You can have beef liver with a vegetable salad for dinner. Stewed cabbage, fruits, and tea are not prohibited.

    You can take the sample Atkins diet menu as a basis, and then gradually come up with various options for your own nutrition and develop a personal menu.

    At the same time, you should eat nourishing, tasty and varied. The low carb Atkins diet is great option for those who want to lose extra pounds without harm to their health.

    Brief description of the diet. Type: low-carb, protein. Duration: from 2 weeks to infinity. Results: from 5 kg in 2 weeks. Difficulty: medium.

    Dr. Atkins' low-carb diet is at the peak of its popularity. Examples of many stars inspire you to try this system, which allows you not only to lose weight, but also maintain the results for a long time. Kim Kardashian, an American actress and model, used her help to get her figure in order after giving birth, publishing reports on Twitter. A big fan of the technique is Sharon Osbourne, an English TV presenter, writer, wife of a famous rock musician. Jennifer Aniston, a Hollywood beauty, also tried this method and, according to her, was very pleased.

    From history

    Robert Atkins is an American cardiologist who, since the mid-20th century, has been developing a low-carbohydrate diet, which should not only promote effective weight loss, but also lower blood cholesterol. In the 60s he conducted numerous studies that show positive dynamics. And the doctor himself successfully used the technique to put his figure in order.

    Dr. Robert Atkins

    The development is becoming incredibly popular. In 1970, Vogue named it “diet of the year.” In 1972, the book “Dr. Atkins’s Dietary Revolution” was published, detailing the principles of the method and describing the results of the research.

    20 years later, in 1992, Robert publishes an updated edition of “Dr. Atkins' New Revolutionary Diet.” In the USA in the early 2000s. Only the lazy did not use this technique for losing weight. According to surveys, every 11th American adult has experienced it.

    Interesting fact. In the early 2000s. In the United States, sales of chocolate spread and rice fell sharply. In reports at economic forums, one of the reasons was quite seriously cited as the craze for the Atkins diet, for which these products are on the prohibited list.

    The popularity of the diet forced scientists to conduct a number of studies on its effect on the body. The majority confirmed its effectiveness in terms of weight loss. It was also found that it actually normalizes blood cholesterol levels and blood pressure. But almost all reports contained a caveat: protein diet for such a long time increases the risk of developing diseases related to the cardiovascular system.

    Despite this, many medical societies (particularly the American Association of Family Physicians) have officially endorsed the Atkins diet as a guaranteed, safe weight loss and treatment of hypertension.


    The Atkins diet is called revolutionary because it practically does not limit daily calorie content diet. She suggests sharply reducing the consumption of carbohydrate-containing foods, increasing the amount of protein foods and leaving fats on the menu. The famous cardiologist based his method on a scheme for burning energy by the body:

    • - a clean source of energy, easily split;
    • when eating food rich in carbohydrates, the body burns them, but does not reach fats;
    • as soon as the supply of carbohydrates is limited, the next in line for breakdown are muscle fibers, but protein foods protect them from this, so the body has no choice but to use up fat reserves, starting the process of ketosis (one of the main concepts of the Atkins diet).

    However, this nutritional system is not completely carbohydrate-free, as many believe. The diet will contain foods with a certain amount of carbohydrates, but subject to two conditions: their minimum content and “purity”.

    For reference.“Clean” carbohydrates are another concept of diet. They do not contain any impurities (for example, fiber or sweet syrups). The ideal “clean” carbohydrate is sugar. Therefore, in the tables compiled by the doctor, this indicator is displayed in a separate column.

    It turns out that caloric intake does not matter important role, but you will have to start calculating the daily consumption of carbohydrates, and “pure” ones.

    The presence of 4 phases is another distinctive feature of this technique:

    1. The induction phase starts ketosis.
    2. The weight loss phase brings body weight to desired result.
    3. The phase of gradual transition to weight stabilization helps the body adapt.
    4. The weight maintenance phase allows you to always stay in the desired shape.

    Each phase lasts until a certain result is achieved. The varied diet offered by the Robert Atkins diet allows you to stay in phase 4 all your life, as it involves following the principles proper nutrition.

    Indications and contraindications

    Numerous studies have confirmed that the Atkins diet not only helps you lose weight, but also has a therapeutic effect. But at the same time, it can pose a health hazard. Therefore, it is so important not to ignore the indications and contraindications for its compliance.


    • or simply overweight (even in children);
    • hypertension;
    • high cholesterol;
    • eating disorders (in particular);
    • metabolic disorders;
    • epilepsy.


    • mental disorders;
    • kidney and liver diseases;
    • stomach problems;
    • rehabilitation after surgery or long-term illness;
    • weakened immune system;
    • heavy physical activity, professional sports;
    • increased creatinine;
    • old age;
    • hormonal imbalances.

    In case of diabetes, osteoporosis and heart disease, it is prohibited to switch to this nutrition system without consulting a doctor and additional medical examination. During pregnancy and lactation, permission can only be given by a gynecologist, and phase I is unacceptable in these conditions; you should start only with phase II.

    Pros and cons


    • guaranteed result;
    • gradual weight loss does not pose a health hazard and does not leave a problem, since the skin has time to adapt to the new parameters of the body;
    • product availability;
    • simplicity of the scheme;
    • improvement of well-being;
    • developing new eating habits, eliminating dependence on food;
    • improvement of metabolism;
    • easy to carry;
    • preservation of muscle mass;
    • normalization of insulin and blood sugar levels, thereby preventing heart disease and diabetes.


    • duration;
    • craving for sweets is uncontrollable;
    • unbalanced diet;
    • constant carbohydrate counting, use of tables;
    • First you need to understand the basic concepts of diet, which are complex biochemical terms: ketosis, “clean” carbohydrates and others;
    • an impressive list of contraindications.

    Disadvantages also include numerous side effects and health complications that are caused by too much protein in the diet and not enough carbohydrates:

    • dehydration;
    • decreased performance, brain activity, endurance, concentration;
    • renal failure, stone formation;
    • ketoacidosis;
    • irritability, mood swings;
    • dry hair and skin, brittle nails;
    • insomnia;
    • nausea, pain in the stomach;
    • calcium deficiency, which can result in osteoporosis and caries.

    If the side effects are mild and do not cause much trouble, you can continue the diet. But, if your health worsens more and more, you need to stop it at least for a while, undergo an examination and consult a doctor.


    Stage 1

    The first phase is called induction. It is the basis of the Atkins diet. Anyone who needs to get rid of only 5-6 kg can limit themselves to this. The minimum period is 2 weeks, the maximum is until the desired result is achieved. Its main purpose is to start the process of ketosis, the active breakdown of fats.

    You can consume no more than 20 g of “clean” carbohydrates per day, so the list of foods that contain them is minimal. In 2 weeks, an average loss of 3-4 kg occurs. At this stage, intensive exercise is recommended to speed up fat burning processes.

    Stage 2

    The second phase involves further weight loss (if necessary). It lasts until 1-2 kg remains to the desired figure.

    There is a gradual increase in the amount of “clean” carbohydrates consumed. It is recommended to increase them while you are losing weight. As soon as the dynamics of losing kilograms stops, you need to stop and slightly reduce the carbohydrate limit in order to start losing weight again. The list of permitted products is expanding slightly.

    Stage 3

    Many people follow only 2 stages of the diet, and then complain that after returning to their normal diet, all the lost kilograms returned, and quickly. This happens because the technique was not completed properly. If you decide to lose weight using it, you will have to go through all 4 stages. The third phase provides just the transition to weight stabilization, helping the body adapt to new body parameters.

    We increase the consumption of “clean” carbohydrates daily by 10 g. At the same time, you need to weigh yourself regularly. As soon as the kilograms start to come on, we immediately roll back the carbohydrate limit and give up the product that we introduced into the diet the day before. At this stage, it is possible to lose another 1-3 kg, so you get the desired number on the scales.

    The average duration of the phase is up to 3 months.

    Stage 4

    The phase of maintaining weight can hardly be called a diet, because by this time the person has fully formed the correct eating habits and has organized a diet in which weight gain will not be observed. There is a desire to remain the owner forever slim figure- live in this mode all the time.

    Complete Atkins Diet Food Chart

    Table 1. Products that form the basis of the diet

    Table 2. Products that are introduced into the diet with caution and in limited quantities

    In order not to violate the basic principles of the diet, use the recommendations of specialists.

    Atkins tables indicating “net” carbohydrates in foods should always be in front of your eyes. Counting is required. Their quantity should be evenly distributed among meals. You cannot eat all 20 g of “pure” carbohydrates at once, which will cause a sharp jump in blood sugar.

    Side dishes of cereals and potatoes are replaced with vegetables in any form. Coffee is not a prohibited food and does not contain “pure” carbohydrates, but it lowers the level of insulin in the blood, which is unacceptable. Therefore, it needs to either be limited or find an analogue (chicory).

    Be sure to exercise throughout your weight loss journey. Protein foods and training will allow you to become the owner perfect figure. Skipping phases is strictly prohibited.

    "Hidden" carbohydrates

    • Sauces
    • Breading

    The Atkins diet is good because it allows the consumption of fish and meat, as well as various products made from them. You can even fry them. But as soon as you do it in batter or breading, the carbohydrate content of the dish begins to go off scale. It is better to abandon them, at least in the first two phases.

    • Ground meat

    Bread is often added to store-bought minced meat, and this is a very high-carbohydrate product that is prohibited for those losing weight.

    • Medicines

    Liquid syrups and suspensions often contain glucose, as do the gelatin shells of capsules, and tablets almost always contain starch.


    Some experts argue that the Atkins diet, due to an unbalanced diet, leads to vitamin deficiency, so it is necessary to regularly take multivitamin complexes. However, the developer of the method himself did not think so and in his book gave detailed instructions on how to avoid a lack of nutrients through approved products:

    • to eliminate vitamin A deficiency in the diet, you need to include fish oil, liver, butter, onions, parsley, sorrel and spinach as often as possible, and vegetables - bell peppers and cabbage;
    • B vitamins: pork, nuts, parsley and lettuce, butter;
    • C: pepper and citrus fruits, wild garlic, dill, parsley, onions;
    • D: cottage cheese, hard cheese, butter, yolk, permitted seafood, fish, caviar, fish oil;
    • E: eggs, all types of oils, liver;
    • F: nuts, fish and pork fat, vegetable oil, shellfish;
    • K: spinach and lettuce greens, all varieties of cabbage, olive oil;
    • P: nuts, peppers, green and black tea, all varieties of cabbage, tomatoes.

    Indicator strips

    Indicator strips are a tool that allows you to determine the presence of ketosis in the body (they show the level of ketone bodies in the urine). They are freely available in any pharmacy and are inexpensive. Brands can be very different: Acetontest, Ketostix, Ketofan, Uriket, etc. They are one of the means of monitoring weight loss on the Atkins diet. They are used in phases 1 and 2, when fat breakdown is the main process and you need to know for sure whether it is running.

    If the indicator strips show from 2 to 10 mmol/l of ketones in the urine, the weight loss process is going according to plan, there is no need to adjust the diet. If it is elevated, increase the amount of water you consume. If the color of the indicator strip does not change within several days, you need to eat less carbohydrate foods.

    There is no urgent need to use indicator strips; most often, scale readings are sufficient. But for more precise control of the progress of ketosis, they can be useful.

    If you understand the essence of the diet, understand how it works, and follow all its principles strictly, you can say goodbye to the problem of excess weight forever.


    Sample menus for 1 and 2 weeks for each day will tell you how to properly create a diet in accordance with the basic principles of the Atkins diet. Most meals come with portion sizes to ensure the carb content is not exceeded. If their volume is not indicated, then you can eat without restrictions. But remember that you are losing weight and it is recommended to finish your meal with a slight feeling of hunger.

    Menu for the week

    The amount of “net” carbohydrates consumed is indicated by day.

    Menu for 14 days

    Menu for the month

    If you decide to stay in the induction phase for a month, you need to take the menu for 14 days and repeat it again. If after 2 weeks you plan to switch to stage II of the diet, include additional products in it (the daily volume is indicated).

    • pepper - 200 g;
    • boiled broccoli - 50 g;
    • boiled spinach - 150 g;
    • 1 tomato;
    • 8 asparagus stalks;
    • - 200 g;
    • ½ avocado;
    • 1 onion.

    Dairy products:

    • cream more than 20% - 100 ml;
    • processed cheese, fetaki - 100 g each;
    • homemade, fibrous cheese - 200 g each.

    Nuts and seeds (no more than 50 g):

    • almond;
    • seeds;
    • roasted peanuts;
    • walnuts;
    • pecan;
    • cashew.

    Fruits and berries:

    • raspberries, blueberries - 100 g each;
    • cherries - 50 g;
    • melon - 150 g.
    • lemon - 50 ml;
    • tomato - 100 ml.


    Don't forget that the diet comes from the USA, so the recipes for the dishes that Atkins recommends in his book may be somewhat specific and unusual. Although you can find adapted options. The culinary delights below are suitable for any stage.


    • 1 kg of beef without fat and streaks;
    • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
    • 1 tbsp. l. coriander;
    • 1 tsp. black pepper;
    • 1 tsp. granulated sugar;
    • vinegar to taste.

    Cut the beef along the grain into strips 3 cm wide. Grind the seasonings. Sprinkle and rub the meat with them, place it tightly in a marinating container, pouring vinegar over it. Close and leave in the refrigerator for a day. Soak the marinated meat for about half an hour in a vinegar solution (ratio 1:5). Hang the pieces in a dry place for 5 days. Cut across the grain into small pieces. It can be stored without refrigeration for up to six months.

    Salad with mushrooms

    • 500 g champignons;
    • 400 g Gouda cheese;
    • 4 tbsp. l. low-carb mayonnaise;
    • ¼ tsp. salt;
    • ¼ tsp. black pepper.

    Boil the champignons, cool, cut them into quarters, and place in a salad bowl. Grate the Gouda and sprinkle over the mushrooms. Add spices and mayonnaise, mix. Serve immediately.

    Protein soup

    • 500 g champignons;
    • 1 kg chicken breast;
    • 4 processed cheese;
    • 4 liters of water;
    • ¼ tsp. salt;
    • ¼ tsp. black pepper.

    Boil the breast, remove. Place mushrooms and whole cheeses cut into quarters or slices into the boiling broth. Grind the meat and put it back into the water. After half an hour, cool the resulting mass, season, and grind in a blender.

    Rolls with pate

    • 500 g chicken fillet (breast can be used);
    • 200 g of fresh porcini mushrooms;
    • 2 tbsp. l. natural olive oil;
    • 100 g bacon;
    • 2 onions;
    • 150 g chicken liver;
    • 4 tbsp. l. cream;
    • 1 tsp. lemon juice, undiluted with water;
    • 1 tbsp. l. gelatin powder;
    • ¼ tsp. salt;
    • ¼ tsp. black pepper.

    Cut half the chicken fillet, rinse, dry, fry in oil. Wrap in bacon. Chop the onions. Cut the liver into small pieces, mushrooms into slices. Fry these ingredients in oil until golden brown. Make minced meat from the second half of the chicken fillet, combine with mushrooms, liver and vegetables. Add cream, sprinkle with lemon juice.

    Spray a baking tray with oil, place minced meat on the bottom and bacon rolls on top. Wrap in foil and make 3-4 punctures in it. Bake for an hour at 180°C.

    Cool the finished pate, pour gelatin diluted in water, wait until thickened.

    Protein dessert with cocoa

    Dr. Robert Atkins (1930-2003) - cardiologist, head of the medical center in New York. Over 40 years of medical practice, he restored lost health to more than 65 thousand patients. Author of the famous low-carb diet for weight loss and best-selling books. Founder of the Dr. Atkins Foundation's $3 million in grants to further research the benefits of low-carbohydrate eating. A prominent scientist and practitioner in the field of study and use of vitamins and minerals, founder of the “empire” of “Dr. Atkins’ dietary supplements.” “Person of the Year” by the National Federation of Health of the USA, winner of the award of the World Organization of Alternative Medicine - this is not a complete list of all the titles and awards of this outstanding doctor and scientist.

    Dr. Atkins Low Carb Diet Basics

    What is the basis for the proposed famous doctor in the field of cardiology, a way to “filter” food intake? Here is a list of the basics, described by the author himself, from which it follows that the diet:

    • does not limit the amount of food;
    • completely eliminates the feeling of hunger as a sensation accompanying a diet;
    • allows fatty foods;
    • reduces appetite due to a completely natural functioning of the body;
    • provides lasting weight loss;
    • Great for use throughout your life, and unlike most other low-carb diets, weight lost is not gained back;
    • helps alleviate most diseases associated with excess weight.

    Most people think about going on a low-carb diet when they want to reduce their weight.

    Attention! Before starting a diet, you must consult with your doctor, undergo a medical examination and carry out the necessary tests.

    Distinctive features of the diet from a famous cardiologist

    What does Atkins himself think about being overweight? Let's see how he put it in his book on the low-carb diet:

    • The cause of almost all cases of obesity is metabolic processes. Most studies have shown that obese people gain weight on fewer calories than those who don't have the problem. overweight.
    • The problem of metabolic disorders in obesity has been well developed by scientists. It is not necessarily related to the metabolism of fat that you take in with food, but is rooted in excess insulin and insulin resistance. The hormone insulin and its effect on your blood sugar levels (which constantly rise and fall depending on the food you eat), unlike the outdated opinion of some nutritionists, are much more directly related to the overall picture of your health and the likelihood that you will become a victim such serious illnesses as heart disease and stroke. It is also the single biggest deciding factor in your weight. This is why by the age of fifty, 85% of type 2 (non-insulin dependent) diabetics are obese.
    • This insulin-related metabolic disorder can be avoided by reducing your carbohydrate intake. By limiting them through a low-carb diet, you will thereby give up the type of food that is causing your obesity.
    • This adjustment of metabolism is so amazing that many of you will be able to lose weight by consuming more calories than you took in while following other weight loss techniques with a carbohydrate-heavy diet.
    • Carbohydrate-rich diets are exactly what most overweight people don't need and won't get them back into shape.
    • A low-carbohydrate diet is so effective at dissolving fatty tissue that it can promote greater fat loss than fasting.
    • Our epidemics of diabetes, heart disease and hypertension are mainly results related to hyperinsulinism.

    Thus, the low-carb Atkins diet can and does correct these serious medical problems that accompany obesity.

    It has always been believed that weight gain is a consequence of consumption more calories than is consumed by a person due to physical activity and all other metabolic functions of the body. And this is absolutely true.

    The conclusion that many doctors drew from this and instilled in their gullible patients is incorrect. This is the assumption that the only way to lose weight is to severely restrict your calorie intake. Doctors brought up in the traditions of this school tell their patients that in terms of the prospects for losing weight, all diets are essentially the same. The only thing that matters is the number of calories you consume!

    This is not true at all. Different types Diets can have different effects on the number of calories a patient receives daily and, by influencing metabolic patterns, can cause the body to require different amounts of energy to perform work. There are metabolic benefits to a low-carb diet that allow you to consume the same amount of calories as you did before you went on the diet, or even more, and still end up with extra pounds and centimeters.

    Counter of carbohydrate content of selected low-carb diet foods (in grams per 100 g of edible portion of the product)
    (Data from the tables of A. A. Pokrovsky, 1977)

    Products Carbohydrates
    (in gr)
    Products Carbohydrates
    (in gr)
    Sour cream 10%
    Sour cream 20%
    Fat cottage cheese
    Low-fat cottage cheese
    Soybean curd (tofu)
    Full-fat kefir
    Curdled milk
    Cow's milk cream 20%
    Chicken eggs


    Bread and cereals
    Rye bread
    Oatmeal cookies
    Green peas
    White cabbage
    Green onion (feather)
    Cucumbers (ground)
    Sweet green pepper
    Parsley (greens)
    Tomatoes (ground)
    Black and red currants

    Olives (canned)

    Nuts and seeds

    There are practically no carbohydrates in cheese and feta cheese, fish, poultry, meat, animal fats (lard) and vegetable oils!

    Let's consider the mechanism of action of a low-carb diet: with an almost zero level of carbohydrates, ketosis-lipolysis develops in the body that is most resistant to fat loss - this means that the body begins to burn its own fat, using it as fuel. Ketosis is the secret weapon of a super-effective diet. In this state, a person releases ketones - small carbon fragments that are by-products of the combustion of fat deposits.

    But remember: you can't be in ketosis unless you stop consuming carbohydrates almost entirely. For most people, this means less than forty grams per day, while the average person consumes more than 300 grams of carbohydrates daily.

    The low-carb diet goes against the myth that the only way to be lean, healthy and fit is to go on a low-fat diet once and for all. This myth is based on some correctly observed but misinterpreted scientific facts. A moderate, low-fat diet that allows you to eat sugar, wheat flour and other junk foods is not healthy at all. An extremely low-fat diet, which can be healthy if you eliminate junk foods, is too difficult for many people and is much more restrictive than the Atkins diet.

    Moderate dietary restriction and low-fat food choices, like the low-calorie diet that preceded it, fail miserably when it comes to sustainable weight loss.

    More experienced adherents of strict food restrictions know: the indicator of a good diet is weight loss. Any restriction, if you zealously follow its rules, can initially help you lose some grams and centimeters. But once a person can no longer tolerate the biological gap between hunger and the satisfaction derived from such a diet, everything returns to normal.

    At the same time, the vast majority of people who decide to follow the low-carb Atkins diet experience little or no difficulty in maintaining ideal weight after losing weight.

    By following a properly selected low-carbohydrate diet, you are almost certain to be successful.

    Benefits of a Low Carb Diet

    Both Atkins himself and the followers who tried his technique healthy image Life highlights the following benefits of this diet:

    • She provides big loss fat than any similar food restriction technique you've ever encountered. It eliminates more fat than methods with the same amount of calories consumed.
    • A low-carb diet does not cause any discomfort. The reason most diets fail is simple hunger. The diet for life should be gentle, enjoyable and create a feeling of satiety. The main limitation of this diet is the exclusion of sugar and refined carbohydrates such as white wheat flour. But most people find that once they quit their sugar addiction, they no longer feel a strong desire to go back to it. They can eat an almost endless variety of meat, fish, vegetable dishes and salads, prepared in an extremely appetizing way (that is, with butter, sour cream, spices and seasonings that give them flavor). This diet is anything but painful.
    • This is the most simple technique to maintain your desired weight. The difficulty with losing weight on a regular low-calorie diet or a liquid protein diet is that a weight maintenance program is very different from a weight loss program. As a result, kilograms are gained from amazing speed, because due to your unpreparedness to maintain weight, you return to your previous diet.
    • This diet is not only not painful - it makes you feel better. This is a high energy diet. It makes it possible to quickly and permanently say goodbye to many of the most ordinary ailments that patients tell doctors about in the quiet of the office. These are fatigue, depression, inability to concentrate, headaches, insomnia, dizziness, many types of shoulder joint pain, heartburn, colitis, water retention, even tobacco addiction. For the vast majority of patients, the low-carb Atkins diet is the cure for all these ailments.
    • This technique is not harmful to health. Since the early 70s, Dr. Atkins has used it in his practice. This is the key to new horizons of health. Hypertension, diabetes and most cardiovascular disorders can be treated unusually quickly if you adhere to the methodology outlined by the doctor of cardiology.

    Success in maintaining weight is a big plus of the Atkins method. This is interesting because the only thing most people know about the low-carb diet is that it allows you to lose weight quickly. That's how it is, but that's not the main thing. The only real weight loss is the one from which it does not come back.

    Four low-carb diets from Atkins

    Diet 1 is an initial, stimulating diet that helps you overcome any obstacles to weight loss.

    Diet 2 is about permanent weight loss: it steadily leads you towards your goal.

    Diet 3 is pre-maintenance: it begins to teach you a diet that, with moderate effort on your part, will keep you slim forever.

    Diet 4 - maintenance diet.

    Low-carbohydrate method of combating overweight Atkins in its mildest - maintenance - variety contains most vegetables, nuts and seeds, some grains and starches as your metabolism allows, and some fruits. In addition, it contains a wonderful variety of delicious protein foods and some fatty foods, such as butter and cream, which you will not find in almost any modern diet.

    On the low-carb Atkins diet, you'll eat more meat, fish, poultry, eggs, and butter than you did before you started the diet, but you'll likely eat less fat overall.

    The dietary aspect of the Atkins program consists of four stages:

    1. 14-Day Boost Diet for Fast Weight Loss.
    2. This will be followed by Permanent Weight Loss (PWL).
    3. A pre-maintenance diet, which serves as a transition stage to a lifelong diet, which will come when you lose the last extra pounds.
    4. Finally, you will be on a lifelong maintenance diet.

    The stimulating part of the program is a corrective diet, its main goal is to correct, as quickly as possible, an unbalanced metabolism.

    Atkins Diet Guidelines

    The two main principles of Dr. Atkins' low-carb diet are that, first, on this diet, the rate of weight loss is usually proportional to the degree of carbohydrate restriction. And secondly, the level of carbohydrates consumed can be measured and, thus, if desired, get a numerical amount of carbohydrate foods that you eat. This will allow you to determine how much of certain foods you can consume (this can be calculated from the table of carbohydrate content in foods).

    Rules for the 14-day boost diet:

    • Your diet should contain no more than 20 grams of carbohydrates per day. If you're hungry, eat just enough to feel full but not overeaten. If you are not hungry, eat nothing or eat a light protein snack along with your vitamins.
    • You are on a quality diet, which means that if a certain product is not included in your diet, you need to give it up completely.
    • Your program will consist of pure proteins (few of which you will eat in their natural form), pure fats (this means butter, olive oil and mayonnaise are allowed) and a combination of proteins and fats (the mainstay of your diet). Foods containing proteins and carbohydrates or fats and carbohydrates are excluded from the diet because carbohydrates are excluded from it.
    • Using a carbohydrate counter, you can find other food combinations that contain less than 20 grams of carbohydrates. You are allowed nuts, seeds, olives, cottage cheese, cheese, cream and sour cream, lemon juice and low-carb diet foods. Don't consider foods low-carb unless you know exactly how many carbohydrates are in the serving you're eating. The Carb Counter includes foods that you can include in the 14-Day Stimulus Diet, as well as in less strict diets, which you will base your regular diet on.
    • It is necessary to provide nutritional support to your body in the form of taking multivitamins and vitamins.

    Permitted products (divided into groups by type):

    Meat: beef, pork, lamb, bacon, veal, ham, venison, virtually all types of meat.

    Fish: tuna, salmon, halibut, trout, flounder, sardines, herring, virtually all types of fish.

    Poultry: chicken, turkey, duck, goose, hen, partridge, pheasant, virtually all types of poultry.

    Shellfish and crustaceans: clams, oysters, mussels, squid, shrimp, lobster, crabs, virtually all shellfish and crustaceans.

    Eggs: Virtually all types of eggs.

    Cheeses: aged and unaged, cow and goat, cream cheese, cottage cheese, Swiss, cheddar, mozzarella, in fact almost all types of cheese.


    1. canned meat with added nitrites and sugar;
    2. products that do not consist entirely of meat, fish or poultry (for example, fish substitutes).

    Other foods included in the stimulating diet are vegetables containing no more than 10% carbohydrates, namely:

    • Salad vegetables: sorrel, pepper, onion, celery, parsley, champignons, cucumber, morels, radishes, olives, fennel.
    • Salad herbs: dill, basil, rosemary, thyme, oregano.

    For sauces use healthy oils, vinegar and lemon juice with spices. You can add grated cheese, chopped eggs, bacon or pork cracklings.

    Vegetables, except salad vegetables, allowed for consumption on a low-carb diet: asparagus, rhubarb, bean sprouts, green or wax beans, leeks, Brussels sprouts, spinach, pea pods, cabbage, zucchini, sauerkraut, beet tops, zucchini, kale , eggplant, pumpkin and , dandelion greens, kale, celery root, kohlrabi, broccoli, tomatoes, onions.

    Salad additions: chopped fresh bacon, sour cream, grated cheese, anchovies, chopped hard-boiled egg yolks, chopped fried mushrooms.

    Spices: all spices to taste, but make sure that there is no sugar in the seasonings.

    Drinks: water, spring water, mineral water, sparkling water, decaffeinated coffee or tea, herbal tea (no barley, dates, figs, sugar), diet soda (red label), iced tea with artificial sweeteners, creamer (fat or nonfat), cereal drinks (substitutes coffee is not allowed), lemon or lime juice (keep in mind that 100g of each contains about 10g of carbohydrates). Caffeine is not allowed.

    Fats, oils: many fats, especially some oils, are necessary for good nutrition. Among them are sources of GLA (gamma-linoleic acid) and omega-3 fats (salmon oil, linseed oil). A very valuable product is olive oil (monounsaturated). All vegetable oils are allowed. The best ones are canola, nut, soy, sesame, sunflower, especially if the label says “cold pressed”. Butter is allowed, margarine is not. Mayonnaise is allowed if yeast is not contraindicated for you. Fat contained in the meat or fish you eat is allowed.

    Common mistakes when following a low-carb diet

    1. Please note that the 14-day diet does not include fruits, breads, grains, starchy vegetables, or dairy products other than cheese, sour cream and butter.
    2. Avoid diet foods unless they are labeled "Carbohydrate Free." Most diet foods are designed for fat-restricted diets, not carbohydrate-restricted diets.
    3. The words “sugar-free” are not enough. The carbohydrate content should be indicated on the product, and this is something you often overlook.
    4. Many foods that you wouldn't normally think of as food (including gum, syrups, and cough drops) contain sugar or other high-calorie sweeteners and should be avoided.

    After the strict stimulus phase of the Atkins diet, in order to easily and consistently increase the level of allowed “healthy” carbohydrates, it is advisable to do so in 5-gram increments daily (see carb counter).

    Once you've lost almost all the weight you want to lose, you'll need to step off the Permanent Weight Loss Diet, move past the important pre-maintenance diet phase (this usually takes a few weeks, but can last a couple of months for some), and move on to the maintenance diet. This period is characterized by another significant level - your critical carbohydrate level for weight maintenance. This is the maximum amount of carbohydrates you want to consume without gaining weight. For most people, thanks to the low-carb Atkins diet, who regained their former youth, this figure is located in wide range 0 to 90 g carbohydrates per day.

    Principles of lifelong adherence to the Atkins program

    1. Remember that fresh meats, poultry, vegetables, nuts, seeds and the occasional fruit and starch are what nature intended for you. More environmentally friendly products!
    2. Carry on effective program vitamin and mineral supplements.
    3. Use caffeine and alcohol in moderation.
    4. Address weight gain immediately and aggressively by returning to a stimulus diet for as long as necessary to regain your original goal weight.
    5. Exercise regularly exercise. They should be an integral part of any diet program.

    Results of reducing carbohydrate intake

    The diet of cardiologist Robert Atkins is also known as Hollywood system nutrition. This is a low-carb technique that appeared in the twentieth century. The essence of the diet is to limit carbohydrates and provide the body with energy from stored fats, not glucose.

    Nutritionist Robert Atkins put together a four-phase method:

    • the first phase is induction;
    • second phase – weight loss;
    • the third phase is preparation for maintaining a constant weight;
    • the fourth phase is weight maintenance.

    Phase I

    The first phase is called induction and is the adjustment of the desired metabolism. This phase starts the process ketosis – fat burning process.

    According to this most strict phase, which can last from 2 weeks, you need to consume no more than 20 g of carbohydrates per day. This rule should not be violated under any circumstances during this period, otherwise efforts will be in vain.

    How does the first phase work? The first days the body uses up reserves glycogen , which are saved in muscle tissue, release into the blood stops due to a decrease in glucose levels. On days 3-4, the body switches from burning carbohydrates to burning fats: it needs to get energy from somewhere, right? This is how it starts ketosis .

    During the first phase, after a week, you can already notice some weight loss: the body has gotten rid of excess liquid, swelling disappeared. Don't worry about this being the end result. Further, the fat burning process will occur even more intensely.

    In general, the duration of induction directly depends on your well-being, endurance and results achieved over these 2 weeks. Remember that during the entire period of the first phase you must lose at least 1 kg of weight, and the results must be tangible and visible. If the results do not suit you, but patience allows, then “Induction” can be extended to 4-6 weeks.

    Most often, the induction menu quickly becomes boring, and those losing weight switch to phase II.

    Phase II

    While in the second phase, your body continues to reduce weight and volume due to the same burning of the fat layer from which energy is extracted.

    This is the main phase, which can last from 3-5 weeks to several years. And this is where you need to very carefully monitor your personal carbohydrate intake per day, at which you will still lose weight. Remember that the carbohydrate norm for each person is individual, and find optimal quantity is possible only by experiment.

    Start your search for carbohydrate norms with the induction minimum, which is 20 g per day. Next, very gradually, 3-5 g at a time, increase the amount of carbohydrate-containing foods, observing your body and weight loss. Slowing down your weight loss rate indicates that you are near the best amount of carbohydrates allowed. Thus, by maintaining the found amount of carbohydrates per day, you will be able to lose weight in a comfortable way and with varied menu for a very long time.

    During all phases, it is very important not to forget about one of the most powerful ways to increase the speed of the metabolic process - physical activity. Moreover, with a low-carb diet, they are the same basic component as counting and limiting carbohydrates in the diet.

    The second phase can continue until you have 3-6 kg left to lose to your acceptable or ideal weight.

    When this milestone is reached, you should move on to the third phase of the Atkins diet.

    Phase III

    The third phase is the transition from active weight loss to maintaining weight. Here you have already dealt, and very successfully, with a large amount of excess fat and are closer to your ideal weight. Now you are actively involved in sports, eat proper and healthy food, and your figure is a source of pride.

    The entire third phase is aimed at choosing such a nutrition system for yourself, such an amount of carbohydrates and physical activity, which will be required to maintain the achieved results for the rest of your life. And here it is important to remember that if you return to a normal diet full of large amounts of carbohydrates, the weight will quickly return, possibly even in an increased amount. This is why the third phase is important: you need to decide how and what you will eat in order to enjoy life and your body.

    Most often, this stage lasts from 1 to 3 months. Here you increase the amount of carbohydrate intake gradually, by 5-7 g per week, while strictly monitoring your body condition and the numbers on the scales. In addition, you can include in the menu every week some new product that you did not allow yourself before. It is during this period that experiments with sugar, sweets, and other favorite harmful foods occur. That is, if when you eat 30 g of chocolate once a week, your weight does not change or fluctuate, then you can fit this indulgence into your diet. Of course, you shouldn’t overdo it.

    Phase IV

    When you reach the fourth phase of the Robert Atkins diet, such eating will no longer be difficult for you, but only pleasure. Here you can already confidently note that you have reached your own ideal weight, and the low-carb menu has long become a habit. But you shouldn’t relax here either! It is necessary to constantly and very closely monitor your weight and the amount of carbohydrate-containing food. This phase is constant, one might say, for life, in order to avoid gaining weight again. Here you eat based on the amount of carbohydrates per day that was determined during the third phase of the diet.

    Dr. Atkins' revolutionary new diet

    The book that laid the foundation for this technique and with the help of which the diet became known throughout the world. In it, the doctor collected the results of his many years of experience and work on. We recommend reading this book while on a diet, since it describes in more detail all the advantages and benefits of the diet, and explains the biochemical processes that occur in the human body when changing diet. Also, the work contains many delicious low-carb recipes.

    Book "Dr. Atkins' New Revolutionary Diet"

    Thus, the Robert Atkins method is a carefully thought-out and popular way to lose weight, perfect for adults suffering from excess weight problems. In addition, studies have proven that a low-carb diet is mandatory for. This method of nutrition significantly reduces the number and severity of epileptic seizures.

    In addition, it is also suitable for the treatment of childhood obesity. The method of using a low-carbohydrate diet for children is as follows: you need to gradually reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the child’s menu to an acceptable amount at which he will lose weight, avoiding the first phase of induction.

    Atkins diet, allowed foods

    Phase I

    • any fish (white, red, river, sea);
    • any poultry (turkey, goose, duck, chicken, chicken meat);
    • any seafood (shrimp, sea cocktail, mussels, oysters, crabs);
    • any meat (lamb, pork, veal, beef);
    • chicken, ostrich, quail eggs in any form;
    • any cheeses (Russian, Gouda, feta, Parmesan, mozzarella).

    Salad vegetables are somewhat limited in the first phase: they can be eaten no more than 3 times a day, a serving is about 100 g. It is advisable that these be green vegetables: lettuce, watercress, cucumbers, peppers, parsley, beet greens, spinach, Brussels sprouts cabbage, dill, onion, sorrel, asparagus.

    In addition, you can gradually add mushrooms and radishes, eggplants. You can decorate and flavor dishes with various seasonings, for example, black and red pepper, basil, rosemary, garlic. You can season salads with vegetable oils (grape seed oil, olive oil, sunflower oil), herbs, lemon juice and balsamic vinegar.

    Phase II

    The list of permitted and recommended products in the second phase remains similar to the list of the first phase. In addition, you can begin to introduce nuts on a limited basis ( walnut, roasted peanuts, almonds, cashews), useful for humans due to their polyunsaturated fats and acids. A little later, you can eat berries and fruits (melon, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries) in small quantities. Vegetables you can add to your diet include broccoli and tomatoes.

    It is best not to eat the entire amount of carbohydrate-containing foods at one meal, but to distribute it throughout your day.

    Phase III

    During the third phase, you can begin to introduce some starchy vegetables on a limited basis: sweet potatoes, carrots, potatoes, beets. Also, finally, you can eat your favorite and popular fruits in minimal quantities: apples, bananas, mangoes, watermelon, cherries and kiwi. In addition, you can now get enough with cereals: brown rice, oats, barley.

    But, you should remember that you must carefully control the amount of carbohydrates per day, and your main diet, of course, must consist of protein products from the first phase.

    The menu and list of permitted products of the fourth phase is similar to the third, with the adjustment that the diet must be adapted for a very long period.

    Authorized Products

    Below is a complete table of carbohydrates, fats and proteins that you need to follow when creating your menu. You definitely need to keep it with you, especially in the first phases of the diet, in order to navigate the permitted and prohibited foods and not eat anything that could harm the progress of the diet. For convenience, the table is divided into three sections: permitted, restricted and prohibited products.

    Table of permitted products

    Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

    Vegetables and greens

    eggplant1,2 0,1 4,5 24
    zucchini0,6 0,3 4,6 24
    Chinese cabbage1,2 0,2 2,0 16
    cucumbers0,8 0,1 2,8 15
    radish1,2 0,1 3,4 19
    arugula2,6 0,7 2,1 25
    iceberg lettuce0,9 0,1 1,8 14
    celery0,9 0,1 2,1 12
    tomatoes0,6 0,2 4,2 20
    spinach2,9 0,3 2,0 22
    sorrel1,5 0,3 2,9 19


    fresh champignons4,3 1,0 1,0 27

    Cheeses and cottage cheese

    Adyghe cheese18,5 14,0 0,0 240
    brie cheese21,0 23,0 0,0 291
    Camembert cheese21,0 23,0 0,0 291
    mozzarella cheese18,0 24,0 0,0 240
    cottage cheese 0% (low fat)16,5 0,0 1,3 71
    cottage cheese 5%17,2 5,0 1,8 121
    cottage cheese 9% (bold)16,7 9,0 2,0 159

    Meat products

    pork16,0 21,6 0,0 259
    pork tenderloin19,4 7,1 0,0 142
    beef18,9 19,4 0,0 187
    beef tongue13,6 12,1 0,0 163
    veal19,7 1,2 0,0 90
    mutton15,6 16,3 0,0 209
    rabbit21,0 8,0 0,0 156
    jamon34,8 16,1 1,3 241


    chicken16,0 14,0 0,0 190
    turkey19,2 0,7 0,0 84


    omelette9,6 15,4 1,9 184

    Fish and seafood

    red mullet19,4 3,8 0,0 117
    pink salmon20,5 6,5 0,0 142
    dorado18,0 3,0 0,0 96
    carp16,0 5,3 0,0 112
    sprat17,1 7,6 0,0 137
    shrimps22,0 1,0 0,0 97
    pollock15,9 0,9 0,0 72
    mackerel18,0 13,2 0,0 191
    zander19,2 0,7 - 84

    Non-alcoholic drinks

    green tea0,0 0,0 0,0 -

    Juices and compotes

    dried fruit compote without sugar0,8 0,0 14,2 60

    Atkins diet, partially restricted or prohibited foods

    When starting to adhere to such a low-carb diet, you should remember that this technique is complex and carefully developed. Therefore, you should very strictly follow the list of restricted and prohibited foods, consume them wisely and in small quantities.

    • sugar (marshmallow, chocolate, confectionery);
    • packaged drinks (juices, fruit drinks, compotes), soda, syrups;
    • baked goods, muffins, cookies, pasta, dumplings, dumplings, cakes - everything made from white wheat flour;
    • various store-bought sauces, soy sauce;
    • fruits should be eaten with great caution;
    • alcoholic drinks.

    Below is a table of foods that must be limited on this diet.

    Table of prohibited products

    Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

    Vegetables and greens

    broccoli3,0 0,4 5,2 28
    potato2,0 0,4 18,1 80
    corn3,5 2,8 15,6 101
    green onion1,3 0,0 4,6 19
    carrot1,3 0,1 6,9 32
    salad pepper1,3 0,0 5,3 27
    parsley3,7 0,4 7,6 47
    beet1,5 0,1 8,8 40
    dill2,5 0,5 6,3 38
    green beans2,0 0,2 3,6 24


    oranges0,9 0,2 8,1 36
    watermelon0,6 0,1 5,8 25
    bananas1,5 0,2 21,8 95
    pomegranate0,9 0,0 13,9 52
    grapefruit0,7 0,2 6,5 29
    melon0,6 0,3 7,4 33
    kiwi1,0 0,6 10,3 48
    lemons0,9 0,1 3,0 16
    tangerines0,8 0,2 7,5 33
    pomelo0,6 0,2 6,7 32
    apples0,4 0,4 9,8 47


    grape0,6 0,2 16,8 65
    strawberry0,8 0,4 7,5 41

    Nuts and dried fruits

    peanut26,3 45,2 9,9 551
    walnuts15,2 65,2 7,0 654
    cashew25,7 54,1 13,2 643
    pumpkin seeds24,5 45,8 4,7 556
    dates2,5 0,5 69,2 274
    pistachios20,0 50,0 7,0 556

    Cereals and porridges

    buckwheat porridge4,5 2,3 25,0 132
    oatmeal3,2 4,1 14,2 102
    wheat cereal11,5 1,3 62,0 316
    white rice6,7 0,7 78,9 344

    Bakery products

    wheat bread8,1 1,0 48,8 242


    chocolate5,4 35,3 56,5 544

    Raw materials and seasonings

    adjika1,0 3,7 5,8 59
    mayonnaise2,4 67,0 3,9 627
    honey0,8 0,0 81,5 329

    Dairy products

    milk 1%3,3 1,0 4,8 41
    milk 2.5%2,8 2,5 4,7 52
    kefir 1%2,8 1,0 4,0 40
    sour cream 10% (low-fat)3,0 10,0 2,9 115
    sour cream 20% (medium fat content)2,8 20,0 3,2 206

    Cheeses and cottage cheese

    parmesan cheese33,0 28,0 0,0 392
    ricotta cheese11,0 13,0 3,0 174

    Fish and seafood

    red caviar32,0 15,0 0,0 263
    mussels9,1 1,5 0,0 50
    seaweed0,8 5,1 0,0 49

    Alcoholic drinks

    beer0,3 0,0 4,6 42
    champagne0,2 0,0 5,0 88

    Non-alcoholic drinks

    cola0,0 0,0 10,4 42
    Fanta0,0 0,0 11,7 48

    Juices and compotes

    tomato juice1,1 0,2 3,8 21

    * data is per 100 g of product

    Atkins diet menu

    Due to the fact that protein diet Atkinson does not limit the number of permitted products; the weight and volume of portions are not prescribed in the menu for each day. This does not apply to limited products - it is advisable to observe their weight and volume as recommended in the menu.

    Below is the Atkins diet menu for 14 days.

    Day one

    Day two

    Day three

    Day four

    Day five

    Day six

    Day seven

    Day eight

    Day nine

    Day ten

    Day eleven

    Day twelve

    Day thirteen

    Day fourteen

    A similar menu for 14 days is designed for use during the induction phase. During the following phases, the amount of carbohydrate-containing foods in the diet should be increased step by step, introducing 5-10 g of carbohydrates per week. This Atkins diet menu for every day does not require strict adherence to days; they can be rearranged and changed among themselves.

    Atkins Diet Recipes

    Beef tongue casserole

    You will need:

    • 400 g boiled beef tongue;
    • 200 g champignons;
    • 5-6 tablespoons of sour cream;
    • 1 onion;
    • 150 g hard cheese;
    • a bunch of greenery;
    • spices to taste.

    Cut the boiled beef tongue into strips. Chop the onion and mushrooms and fry. Combine with tongue, add chopped herbs, sour cream and place in a baking dish. Sprinkle with grated cheese and bake at 180 degrees for 25 minutes.

    Hearty scrambled eggs

    You will need:

    • 4 chicken eggs;
    • 1 tomato;
    • 3 Brussels sprouts florets;
    • half an onion;
    • 100 g green beans;
    • 1 salad pepper;
    • 3 sausages;
    • a bunch of greenery;
    • spices to taste
    • 100 g hard cheese.

    Fry all the vegetables with sausages in butter. Break eggs into the semi-fried mixture, sprinkle with grated cheese and cook over low heat until cooked. Sprinkle with fresh herbs before serving.

    In case of failure

    With such a diet, it is rare, but breakdowns do occur. Despite the fact that here you can eat an abundance of permitted foods, sometimes ingrained eating habits do not let go, and people fill up on carbohydrate foods: sweets, fast food, and semi-finished products. These products provoke a sharp jump in sugar in the body, and the main process of the diet is ketosis gets confused. In order to restart this process necessary for weight loss after a breakdown, you need to eat for 4-5 days according to the first phase of the diet - induction. It is very important not to break down again in such a situation, watch this! And after this time, very gradually begin to increase the amount of carbohydrates per day, 3-5 g.

    If you failed at the very beginning of the diet, during the induction phase, which lasts from 2 to 6 weeks, the principle of action will be the same, only you need not to increase the number of carbohydrates, but to complete this phase and achieve your ideal weight.


    Dr. Robert Atkins' low-carb diet should be avoided by people who have kidney disease. Those who have heart disease or chronic diseases can use the diet after consulting with their doctor.

    During pregnancy and lactation

    In case of and low-carbohydrate diet, a low-carbohydrate diet can be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician, avoiding the first phase of the diet.

    Pros and cons of a low-carb diet

    Advantages Flaws
    • The Robert Atkins Diet is incredibly effective and yet easy to follow.
    • The list of permitted products is very extensive, and the menu is built from everyone’s favorite meat dishes.
    • The diet does not limit the consumption of permitted foods, so hunger will never overtake you.
    • The diet is a model of healthy and proper nutrition, which means you will not only gradually lose weight, but also normalize your health.
    • Some experts consider this nutrition system to be not completely balanced, so it is recommended to take vitamin complexes.
    • With such a diet, it is necessary to constantly, sometimes throughout life, control the amount of carbohydrates. Sometimes this is scary and people choose simpler methods of losing weight.
    • Be sure to monitor the composition and carbohydrate levels of your products! Often, large amounts of carbohydrates can be hidden in unexpected foods.
    • Replace your usual high-carbohydrate side dishes (cereals, potatoes) with approved vegetable side dishes that contain lower carbohydrate content. But in general, you can skip the side dishes by adding a vegetable salad to the main dish.
    • Keep a table of carbohydrate indicators in foods always in sight: in your purse, on your desk, in the kitchen. Remember that you always need to control your carb intake!
    • The Atkins diet is a lifestyle, so plan to stick with it long-term.
    • In Russia, the Atkins diet has an analogue, which is based on the same principle of reducing carbohydrates - this is. It is less balanced and not as carefully thought out. Therefore, if you are faced with a choice of which system to follow, choose Robert Atkins and his method, which is supported by various weight loss recommendations, a lot of recipes and many positive reviews.
    • Sports are a must here! Good physical activity and strict adherence to the Atkins diet will guarantee you an ideal body.

    Atkins diet: reviews and results

    The principle of low-carbohydrate nutrition originated in the mid-twentieth century, but only at the beginning of the 21st was it explored. Reviews of the Atkins diet, based on thorough research, have shown that the system is effective for weight loss and weight control. Among other things, the US Association of Family Physicians has recognized the diet as an effective means of losing weight. Despite this, doctors insist that the advantage of protein in the diet can negatively affect the functioning of the heart and kidneys. Reviews from those losing weight themselves also vary: the majority say that the method is excellent at helping to cope with excess weight, but there are also those who reject this method of losing weight.

    • « ... When my friend told me that there is such an Atkins diet for 14 days and on it you can say goodbye to the hated excess weight during this time, I didn’t believe it. She spoke in detail about the fact that there are 4 phases of the diet, but the first is the most effective. The menu is very simple: eat only protein and very rarely vegetables. You exclude fruits, cereals, sweets and other joys. And I tried it! To be honest, I had no idea that a diet could be so easy. In addition to this, I lost 5 kg. I wanted to continue losing weight. After searching a little for the origins of this technique, I found Dr. Atkins’ book. With her, I discovered a new style of eating in which you can not starve and still lose weight and look great. So, I smoothly moved to the second phase of the diet, and now I am in the third. At 48 years old they give me no more than 30 years. I think this is the best characteristic of this diet!»;
    • « ... I started on the Atkinson diet, for a total of six months I adhered to this method. Here's what I noticed. When I ate only proteins and 20 g of carbohydrates a day, the weight went off. But when I started adding carbohydrates, at least 5 grams at a time, I started gaining weight again. It is possible, of course, that my norm is no more than 20 g of carbohydrates per day, but for me this is too strict. Moreover, the state of health with such a restriction was not entirely satisfactory. This is why I decided to quit the low carb diet.»;
    • « ... After I gave birth to a child, at the age of 22, with a height of 172 cm, I weighed 84 kg. Purely by chance I came across the official website of the Atkins diet. I liked the technique. There is also a forum where people exchange advice and support, and recipes for low-carb diets. Of course, such a thoughtful diet inspires confidence. Speaking of nutrition: both my husband and child ate these dishes with pleasure. Without restrictions, of course, and allowing yourself a little more. But what can we say about me, when after a month, with strict adherence to the diet, I lost 6 kg! There wasn’t much time for physical activity, but I limited myself to walking with the child twice a day. Now, a year later, my weight remains at the ideal level of 69 kg. The child has already grown up, and I can devote more time to sports, I can already see my six-pack abs and the muscles themselves are toned. Well, for my husband I have become even more beautiful - it’s worth my efforts. Therefore, I recommend this diet to everyone who is faced with the problem of excess weight!».

    Diet price

    Robert Atkins's no-carbohydrate weight loss method is based on the consumption of regular protein products, which can easily be found and purchased at any time of the year at your local grocery store. A significant part of this weight loss technique is based on meat and fish products, which constitute the main costs.

    In addition, the diet prescribes daily consumption of vegetables, cheese, cottage cheese, and eggs. Later, fruits, nuts, cereals. On average, at the initial stage of the diet, your weekly costs will be about 2500-4000 rubles. Further, in the next phases of the diet, the cost of weekly meals will be about 2700-4500 rubles.