Dana Borisova: photos before and after plastic surgery. Dana Borisova's diet Interview with Dana Borisova about losing weight

Dana Borisova is a TV presenter, and at the same time, one of the most popular blondes in Russia. In 1997, Dana Borisova was one of the first to be shown on television, filming for the famous Playboy magazine. When Dana gave birth to her daughter Polina, her figure did not diminish in beauty at all, but the breakdown of relations with her common-law husband led to Dana gaining some weight. It’s worth finding out in detail what Dana Borisova’s diet looks like.

Consequences of stress

In an interview, Dana said that her weight gain is a consequence of a hormonal imbalance. At the same time, the star honestly admitted to journalists that she had somewhat neglected her figure (by that time Dana had already gained 15 extra pounds). If you believe the rumors, then Dana’s breakup with her husband is to blame, as a result of which she chose the wrong method for relieving stress, namely, overeating and alcohol.

Fortunately, Dana Borisova was able to take control of the situation in time by turning to a nutritionist, who advised her effective technique. The star also began visiting the pool and used the services of cosmetologists for a long time. When asked where Dana got the reasons to suddenly change her priorities, she replied that a new love interest had appeared in her life.

Dana Borisova's diet menu

The nutritionist advised Dana to supplement her diet with physical training: fitness, swimming and walking.

First day menu:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal, boiled in boiling water, 80 grams of beef and tomato
  • Lunch: 20 grams low-calorie cheese and diet cereal
  • Afternoon snack: green apple or small grapefruit
  • Dinner: 200 grams of cottage cheese
  • Before bed: a glass of low-fat kefir

Second day menu:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal, brewed with boiling water and a glass of kefir, yogurt or milk
  • Lunch: 100 grams of boiled beef and broccoli salad
  • Afternoon snack: small banana
  • Dinner: a couple of tomatoes and a piece of cheese
  • Before bed: a glass of kefir or low-fat milk

Following such a diet requires alternating the menu of the first and second days from Monday to Saturday, but on Sunday it is allowed to load up, switching to the usual diet, but without baked goods, fried foods and spicy seasonings.

Every day you should drink two liters of pure water without gas, and in order to prevent a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, at the insistence of nutritionist Dana Borisova, she took a multivitamin complex. Rumors say that Dana Borisova took about two months to follow this technique, but only one or two weeks and no more can be considered safe for health.

Dana Borisova's diet has high efficiency, since Dana very quickly returned to television slim and beautiful. The state of falling in love and a properly selected diet can work real miracles.

Not long ago, Russian TV presenter Dana Borisova again made everyone talk about herself. In just a few months, she lost 30 kg and turned from a chubby girl into a beauty with feminine curves. 38-year-old Dana has long been struggling with overweight. Many women face this problem after childbirth, but Borisova avoided such a fate. In 2007, Dana gave birth to a daughter, Polina, but there were no significant changes in her figure.

How Dana Borisova has changed: photos before and after losing weight

Dana gained only 14 kg, 7 of which were lost after giving birth. Another 7 were quickly disposed of. According to Dana herself, only the bust was damaged. The presenter said that after giving birth and breastfeeding, which lasted a year, her breasts “turned into two dried rags.” Having cast aside all doubts, Dana went under the surgeon’s knife and regained her former shape - now she is a size three.

“Are you pregnant?”

With a problem excess weight the presenter had to face a few years later. Borisova broke up with her lover and father of Polina’s daughter, Maxim Aksenov. The situation was aggravated by problems in the family - Dana’s mother had a mini-stroke. The presenter became depressed and began to eat stress. In the end I scored 15 extra pounds. Borisova later admitted:

“I have wanted to get my figure in order for a very long time. Tired of everyone asking: “Are you pregnant?” Let them be jealous now!”

Taking her will into her fist, Dana got rid of 30 extra pounds

Borisova had to do serious work on herself in order to lose excess weight. She went to the pool, sat on strict diet and involved a cosmetologist in the process. It was early summer. To get her figure in order, the presenter had to work almost the entire season. But her efforts were not in vain: Borisova managed to reset everything extra pounds and return to the previous weight – 51 kg. But Dana did not stop there.

A new round for a new figure

In the summer of 2014, Dana went on vacation to the sea. She shared the photos with her followers on social media and received an unexpected response! She was accused... of using Photoshop! The thing was that in the photo in a swimsuit, Borisova looked completely different - even slimmer than she was before. This surprised many who followed her work and personal life. Of course, Dana used to be thin, but not to the same extent.

“Here is a photo without any processing, filters, etc. I ask those who hate me to calm down and finally accept the fact that I am back in shape and looking great.”

In 2014, Dana lost so much weight that she was accused of using Photoshop.

The presenter said that in total she had as much as 30 kg of excess weight left behind her, and was only 2 kg away from the desired figure. She added:

“I understood one thing: everything is achievable. The main thing is to believe and do everything to realize your goals. Girls, don’t be afraid to start, life is wonderful!”

How it was

Borisova did not hide the details. Having gotten rid of 15 kg, Dana did not stop and lost another 3 kg. And then I decided to continue what I started, took up the matter with renewed vigor and lost another 12 kg. By the way, producer Tim Brik also used her methods. He managed to get rid of the extra 20 kg.

Dana did not work on her body alone. She turned to Margarita Koroleva, a famous Russian nutritionist, for help. At one time, the Queen helped in the fight for good figure to many stars. Among them are Philip Kirkorov, Nikolai Baskov, Valeria, Anita Tsoi and Zhanna Friske. Margarita Koroleva’s signature recipe is a strict diet and cardio exercise every day. In Danya's case it was running and swimming.

Dana considers swimming one of the most effective means for losing weight

The diet turned out to be quite simple. Borisova gave up fast carbohydrates and ate only slow ones. Moreover, their number also had to be significantly limited. There was only one carbohydrate meal in Dana’s diet – breakfast. For the remaining time, the presenter's menu consisted of vegetables, fruits and protein products. Of the latter, Dana preferred cottage cheese and meat. Meals were frequent and portions were small.

The presenter was guided by two principles: to prevent hunger and to eat only healthy and wholesome food. Dana also drinks a lot of lemon water. Although nutritionists recommend drinking non-carbonated drinks, Dana allows herself to break this rule. But Borisova had one more secret. She was taking growth hormone fragment 176-191. Professional athletes use this drug to burn fat and accelerate muscle growth.

In addition, the drug speeds up metabolism. At the very beginning of the weight loss process, Dana took it 2 g per day - 1 g an hour before breakfast and 1 g before bed. She was amazed by the results, but warns that you should always consult your doctor before taking it. Well, if necessary, to tone up the body in a short time, Dana goes on a two-week diet. It consists of a menu for two days, which must be alternated.

At the first signs of excess weight, Borisova goes on a proven diet

Sample menu of Dana Borisova

Day one

  • Breakfast: 100 g of boiled meat, oatmeal with water, medium tomato.
  • Lunch: diet muesli, juice without sugar, a small slice of cheese.
  • Dinner: 200 g low-fat cottage cheese, a cup of green tea, a glass of low-fat kefir (drink before bed).

Day two

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with water, plain yogurt (can be replaced with a glass of milk).
  • Lunch: 100 g of boiled lean meat, vegetable salad (preferably cabbage or leafy greens). If desired, the salad can be replaced with stewed vegetables. The exception is potatoes and all legumes.
  • Afternoon snack: fruit – grapefruit, apple or a small cup with slices of fresh pineapple.
  • Dinner: vegetable salad with cheese (preferably low fat) or a piece of lean boiled meat. Before going to bed, you should drink a glass of low-fat kefir.

During the diet, coffee with sugar and baked goods are excluded from the diet. Soups and broths are also prohibited. Needs to be controlled drinking regime and drink at least 2 liters of liquid (water and green tea) per day. The menu should be alternated for six days. The seventh is considered loading (you can eat any food except fatty, fried and starchy foods). The diet lasts two weeks. It can be repeated only after two months.

The name of star presenter Dana Borisova is known to almost everyone. For more than twenty years in a row, the TV personality of domestic TV has amazed fans either with the masterful performance of his official duties, or with truly ridiculous antics and even unpleasant incidents.

As for the figure, it has long been a source of pride for the star. Dana has been supportive for years ideal parameters, what can we say, she was one of the first girls who, back in the 90s, starred completely naked in the scandalous men's magazine Playboy.

Dana began to have visible weight problems after the birth of her daughter Polina. The joy of the birth of a baby replaced the pain of a sudden separation from her common-law husband, which provoked a nervous breakdown of the artist, and, as a result, a sharp weight gain. It was prolonged depression and eating problems that became the primary reason for Dana Borisova’s extra pounds.

The charming blonde's plumpness was attributed to another pregnancy, however, it was impossible to walk in the position for years, so Dana soon pulled herself together and began losing weight.

And so, about five years ago, Russian TV personality Dana Borisova surprised the audience with an extreme transformation - very short time she managed to lose as much as 30 kilograms! Willpower, the right attitude and professional advice from celebrity nutritionist Margarita Koroleva helped the artist overcome excess weight without harm to her health.

The main tenets of Dana Borisova’s weight loss

  1. Well-defined nutrition plan

    In order to get in shape, Dana followed a strict diet for two months in a row, based on a sharp reduction in carbohydrate intake. After leaving the diet and to this day, she adheres to a balanced, low-calorie diet, which allows her to keep her weight at the previously achieved level.

  2. Sports loads

    In order to lose weight, the TV personality exhausted herself every day with a rich physical exercise program, which included cardio training in the gym, running fresh air, as well as swimming lessons. Today Dana is also interested in sports, although less diligently, spending two or three days a week visiting the fitness room.

  3. Thorough body care

    In order to lose weight, Dana Borisova also resorted to cosmetology. In order to ensure that the skin does not lose tone during the active loss of fat deposits, you need to regularly care for it, taking courses in manual massage and all kinds of cosmetic procedures (wraps, scrubs, physiotherapy).

    However, in addition to harmless cosmetic techniques, Dana used the services of plastic surgeons, and also gave special injections that broke down fats in problem areas. A set of skincare procedures only helped to tone up my figure, but diet and exercise had the greatest effect.

Nutrition rules for a star TV presenter

According to Dana Borisova, in order to start losing extra pounds, it is necessary, first of all, to reconsider your own eating habits, subjecting them to the following rules:

  • low calorie but balanced diet- the daily menu should contain all the nutritional elements, while only slow carbohydrates can be consumed, and then once a day - for breakfast, and the main emphasis should be on protein products (meat, fermented milk), as well as vegetables and fruits;
  • fractionality- you need to eat often, but in small portions (it is best that the portion is equal to the size of your fist);

  • maintaining water balance in the body- in total, you need to drink up to 2.5 liters of purified water without gas per day, and to further speed up your metabolism, it is better to add a few drops of lemon juice to the water;
  • fasting days - if Dana does not adhere to a strict diet, once a week you can “unload” on any dietary product (kefir, apples, etc.);
  • taking multivitamins- Borisova’s strict two-week diet menu is not sufficiently balanced, therefore, in order to saturate the body with the necessary vitamins and microelements, the star takes special vitamin complexes.

Menu of Dana Borisova's two-week extra diet

The TV presenter’s diet is designed in such a way that the daily menu contains 1200 calories. If Dana needs to tighten her body in a short time and get rid of a couple of extra pounds, she goes on a strict diet, in which a certain menu alternates every other day.

Day one

Breakfast: 100 grams of boiled beef with oatmeal, cooked in water, one fresh tomato.

Dinner: dietary oatmeal with freshly squeezed juice and a piece of hard cheese.

Afternoon snack: apple, grapefruit or a portion of pineapple.

Dinner: 200 grams of light low-fat cottage cheese, a cup of green tea without sugar.

Day two

Breakfast: oatmeal cooked in water, natural unsweetened bio-yogurt or a glass of skim milk.

Dinner: vegetable salad (cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, leafy greens), seasoned with lemon juice and 100 grams of boiled lean meat.

Afternoon snack: an apple, a little pineapple or grapefruit.

Dinner: vegetable salad with tofu cheese or a piece of boiled meat.

Before going to bed, be sure to drink a glass of zero-fat kefir.

  • bakery and flour products;
  • sweets and confectionery;
  • legumes and potatoes;
  • broths and soups;
  • food waste (fast food, processed foods, etc.);
  • alcohol;
  • store-bought juices and carbonated sweet drinks, coffee or tea with sugar.

Dana Borisova's diet consists of alternating the menu of the first and second days from Monday to Saturday. Sunday is called a loading day, when you are allowed to eat food as usual, however, with the strict exclusion of everything fatty, spicy and sweet.

The exit from the diet should be smooth, so you need to eat in small portions, not forgetting about drinking properly. It is also recommended to make adjustments to your daily diet so that the lost pounds never come back.

The diet is designed for two weeks, but due to its strictness, resorting to this regime is allowed once every two months. Fasting days during the diet are not required, because with such a limited diet, the body will not need a one-day refusal of food.

What do nutritionists say about Dana Borisova's diet?

Today the TV star’s weight is stable; with a height of 170 cm, he is only 58 kg. Remembering the past almost 90 kilograms of weight, Dana proves by personal example to both fans and critics that becoming slim is easy, all you have to do is pull yourself together.

However, if the principles of the presenter’s daily nutrition can be considered healthy, then nutritionists have warnings about Borisova’s two-week diet.

So, the undoubted advantage of such a strict diet is that you can lose weight on it in a very short time, because the kilograms disappear one after another. The downside is the monotony of the diet, which means that not everyone who is losing weight will be able to maintain the specified diet for exactly two weeks. Moreover, the diet is contraindicated for people with diseases gastrointestinal tract, pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under 18 years of age.


Causes of excess weight

Today Dana Borisova is one of the most prominent blondes in Russia. Back in 1997, she was one of the first to have her photo taken for Playball magazine.

At that time, Dana weighed only 49 kg.

She was never distinguished by her curvaceous forms. However, after giving birth, due to a malfunction in the body’s hormonal system, the TV presenter gained an extra 15 kg.

The situation hastened to aggravate the divorce from her common-law husband. At that moment, Dana Borisova could not cope with herself and began to fight stress with food and alcohol. The result is 30 kg of excess weight.

Fortunately, the TV presenter realized in time that this was a road to nowhere. Having thought better of it, she turned to an experienced nutritionist and began taking cosmetic procedures and, in the end, pleased not only herself, but also her many fans slim figure in the photo 2014. In addition to stress and uncontrolled overeating, Dana Borisova names several more reasons that can provoke rapid increase weights:

  • - lack of sleep and rest in sufficient quantities;
  • sedentary image life;
  • - health problems.

According to Dana Borisova, she was inspired to completely change her life by a new love interest. However, anyone can change if they have enough willpower and desire to do so.

Secrets of a star

As you know, Dana Borisova recently lost 30 kg. This successful result was the result of a whole range of different weight loss measures. Not without special diet prescribed by a nutritionist.

Dana Borisova's diet has several important rules that must be adhered to.

  1. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day;
  2. Carry out fasting days twice during the entire diet;
  3. take multivitamins;
  4. You need to eat small portions 4 times a day.

The entire diet is designed for 2 weeks. Of course, if you decide to lose weight only through food restrictions and lose up to 30 kg, then without physical exercise and strict adherence to the diet regimen is unlikely to succeed. But you can try. Most likely, after a while you will delight your friends with a stunning photo. In addition, you will experience the clear benefits of the diet:

  1. - your well-being will improve;
  2. - the body will be cleansed of waste and toxins;
  3. — get rid of extra pounds;
  4. — develop willpower and perseverance;
  5. - start playing sports;
  6. - stop drinking alcohol.

Day one

  1. We have breakfast with one hundred grams of boiled meat, oatmeal cooked in water, and tomato.
  2. Lunch will consist of hard cheese and diet cereal mixed with juice.
  3. We have an afternoon snack with grapefruit or pineapple.
  4. We have dinner with low-fat cottage cheese, kefir and green tea.

Day two

  1. We have breakfast with oatmeal cooked in water.
  2. Lunch consists of one hundred grams of boiled lean meat and vegetable salad, seasoned with lemon juice.
  3. We have an afternoon snack with grapefruit, pineapple or apple.
  4. For dinner, a vegetable salad, which is combined with meat or cheese. An obligatory part of dinner is kefir.

It should be noted that Dana Borisova herself adhered to this diet for about 2 months, thanks to which she lost 30 kg, which we see today in her photo from 2014. However, doctors and nutritionists believe that it is safe for health to follow the proposed menu for only 2 weeks.

It is worth noting that physical activity is a mandatory part of the diet that Dana Borisova followed. This could be a simple jog or a long walk in the fresh air, or a visit to the gym or swimming pool. Only if these conditions are met is a serious result possible.

Or maybe it's not so simple?

This drug is well known professional athletes. Dana Borisova took it 2 grams per day: once in the morning before meals and a second time in the evening. Taking the drug was combined with regular cardio exercises.

As a result, I managed to lose up to 30 kg of excess weight.

Peptides are short proteins that contain only 2-3 amino acid units. They are widely used to prevent aging, in production medicines and dietary supplements.

As Dana Borisova herself claims, the drugs she took are absolutely harmless, but you should still consult a doctor. It was thanks to peptides that I managed to lose up to 30 kg and surprise everyone with an elegant photo of 2014.

Reviews and conclusions

Despite all the TV presenter’s attempts to present her weight loss as a consequence of her diet, taking medications should not be ruled out. It turns out that in order to lose 30 kg of excess weight and be able to show off such an unsurpassed figure in the photo, you must use some kind of stimulant?

In any case, after Dana Borisova’s statements in 2014, such a feeling appears. Accordingly, the pessimism of those who want to lose weight is growing. After all, no matter how much we diet, desired result still can't achieve it.

Of course, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to lose 30 kg on your own with food restrictions alone. . A high degree of obesity must be treated under the supervision of doctors and nutritionists, otherwise irreversible consequences for the body are possible. The same applies to taking weight loss medications. Even if you are told that the drug is absolutely harmless, consult your doctor. Losing 30 kg of excess weight is a lot of stress for the body, so you need to carefully prepare for it, otherwise after losing weight you may encounter new diseases.

Of course, Dana Borisova’s 2014 photos are impressive, and I want to follow her methods to also lose weight. You can try the diet first, combining it with physical activity. It will definitely help if you have a few extra pounds. But if you need to lose about 30 kg, it is better not to risk it and consult a specialist. He will definitely tell you proper diet and possibly taking medications. By following special recommendations, you will probably soon be able to proudly show off your photo to relatives and friends.


Dana Borisova is a Russian TV presenter who has been talked about, talked about and will continue to be talked about. This is because once in 1997 she was one of the first to star in one of the most scandalous magazines - Playboy magazine. Dana maintained her figure even after her daughter Polina was born. But it didn't last long. After breaking up with her loved one, our heroine gained excess weight - 15 kilograms.

Consequences of stress

Dana told reporters that the weight gain is due to hormonal imbalances and the fact that she slightly stopped taking care of herself. A difficult break with her husband pushed the TV presenter to the wrong methods of dealing with stress - alcohol and overeating.

After such a wrong step, Dana pulled herself together and consulted a nutritionist and began visiting a cosmetologist. As the heroine herself admitted, the change in behavior is associated with a new love affair. The main instruction of the nutritionist was to supplement the diet with physical training.

Menu 1 day:

  • breakfast: oatmeal, 1 tomato, 80 gr. beef;
  • lunch: 20 gr. low-calorie cheese, cereal;
  • afternoon snack: 1 green apple or 1 grapefruit;
  • dinner: 200 gr. low-fat cottage cheese;
  • before bed: 1 glass of low-fat kefir.

Menu 2 days:

  • breakfast: oatmeal, 1 glass of kefir, yogurt or milk;
  • lunch: 100 gr. beef, broccoli salad;
  • afternoon snack: 1 banana;
  • dinner: 2 tomatoes, a slice of cheese;
  • before bed: 1 glass of low-fat kefir or milk.

The whole diet consists of alternating menus for 1 and 2 days, from Monday to Saturday. Sunday is a busy day, but only without eating fried, spicy or baked goods.

Every day you need to drink more than two liters of still water and take vitamins. This diet can be followed for no more than two weeks, and as we can see, the effectiveness is obvious - Dana returned to television beautiful and slender.

Just remember that the duration of any diet should not drag on for a long time, because even with a varied diet, there is a lack of vitamins and microelements.


Not long ago, Russian TV presenter Dana Borisova again made everyone talk about herself. In just a few months, she lost 30 kg and turned from a chubby girl into a beauty with feminine curves. 38-year-old Dana has been struggling with excess weight for a long time. Many women face this problem after childbirth, but Borisova avoided such a fate. In 2007, Dana gave birth to a daughter, Polina, but there were no significant changes in her figure.

Dana gained only 14 kg, 7 of which were lost after giving birth. Another 7 were quickly disposed of. According to Dana herself, only the bust was damaged. The presenter said that after giving birth and breastfeeding, which lasted a year, her breasts “turned into two dried rags.” Having cast aside all doubts, Dana went under the surgeon’s knife and regained her former shape - now she is a size three.

“Are you pregnant?”

The presenter had to face the problem of excess weight several years later. Borisova broke up with her lover and father of Polina’s daughter, Maxim Aksenov. The situation was aggravated by problems in the family - Dana’s mother had a mini-stroke. The presenter became depressed and began to eat stress. As a result, I gained 15 extra pounds. Borisova later admitted:

“I have wanted to get my figure in order for a very long time. Tired of everyone asking: “Are you pregnant?” Let them be jealous now!”

Borisova had to do serious work on herself in order to lose excess weight. She went to the pool, went on a strict diet and involved a cosmetologist in the process. It was early summer. To get her figure in order, the presenter had to work almost the entire season. But her efforts were not in vain: Borisova managed to lose all the extra pounds and regain her previous weight - 51 kg. But Dana did not stop there.

A new round for a new figure

In the summer of 2014, Dana went on vacation to the sea. She shared the photos with her followers on social media and received an unexpected response! She was accused... of using Photoshop! The thing was that in the photo in a swimsuit, Borisova looked completely different - even slimmer than she was before. This surprised many who followed her work and personal life. Of course, Dana used to be thin, but not to the same extent.

“Here is a photo without any processing, filters, etc. I ask those who hate me to calm down and finally accept the fact that I am back in shape and looking great.”

The presenter said that in total she had as much as 30 kg of excess weight left behind her, and was only 2 kg away from the desired figure. She added:

“I understood one thing: everything is achievable. The main thing is to believe and do everything to realize your goals. Girls, don’t be afraid to start, life is wonderful!”

How it was

Borisova did not hide the details. Having gotten rid of 15 kg, Dana did not stop and lost another 3 kg. And then I decided to continue what I started, took up the matter with renewed vigor and lost another 12 kg. By the way, producer Tim Brik also used her methods. He managed to get rid of the extra 20 kg.

Dana did not work on her body alone. She turned to Margarita Koroleva, a famous Russian nutritionist, for help. At one time, the Queen helped many stars in the struggle for a good figure. Among them are Philip Kirkorov, Nikolai Baskov, Valeria, Anita Tsoi and Zhanna Friske. Margarita Koroleva’s signature recipe is a strict diet and cardio exercise every day. In Danya's case it was running and swimming.

The diet turned out to be quite simple. Borisova gave up fast carbohydrates and ate only slow ones. Moreover, their number also had to be significantly limited. There was only one carbohydrate meal in Dana’s diet – breakfast. For the remaining time, the presenter's menu consisted of vegetables, fruits and protein products. Of the latter, Dana preferred cottage cheese and meat. Meals were frequent and portions were small.

The presenter was guided by two principles: to prevent hunger and to eat only healthy and wholesome food. Dana also drinks a lot of lemon water. Although nutritionists recommend drinking non-carbonated drinks, Dana allows herself to break this rule. But Borisova had one more secret. She was taking growth hormone fragment 176-191. Professional athletes use this drug to burn fat and accelerate muscle growth.

In addition, the drug speeds up metabolism. At the very beginning of the weight loss process, Dana took it 2 g per day - 1 g an hour before breakfast and 1 g before bed. She was amazed by the results, but warns that you should always consult your doctor before taking it. Well, if necessary, to tone up the body in a short time, Dana goes on a two-week diet. It consists of a menu for two days, which must be alternated.

Sample menu of Dana Borisova

Day one

  • Breakfast: 100 g of boiled meat, oatmeal with water, medium tomato.
  • Lunch: diet muesli, sugar-free juice, a small slice of cheese.
  • Dinner: 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese, a cup of green tea, a glass of low-fat kefir (drink before bed).

Day two

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with water, plain yogurt (can be replaced with a glass of milk).
  • Lunch: 100 g of boiled lean meat, vegetable salad (preferably cabbage or leafy greens). If desired, the salad can be replaced with stewed vegetables. The exception is potatoes and all legumes.
  • Afternoon snack: fruit – grapefruit, apple or a small cup with slices of fresh pineapple.
  • Dinner: vegetable salad with cheese (preferably low fat) or a piece of lean boiled meat. Before going to bed, you should drink a glass of low-fat kefir.

During the diet, coffee with sugar and baked goods are excluded from the diet. Soups and broths are also prohibited. It is necessary to control your drinking regime and drink at least 2 liters of liquid (water and green tea) per day. The menu should be alternated for six days. The seventh is considered loading (you can eat any food except fatty, fried and starchy foods). The diet lasts two weeks. It can be repeated only after two months.


Long-term depression became the reason for the excess weight of the previously slender Dana Borisova. Thanks to the efforts of her will, the TV presenter was able to overcome herself and get rid of the hated kilograms. Minus 30 kg - a fantastic result! But an equally important feat was the fact that Dana Borisova continues to maintain weight and not gain weight. She spoke about all this in an interview with Viva.ua:

“I turned to the best nutritionist in Russia - Margarita Koroleva. Kirkorov, Baskov, Valeria, Anita Tsoi, Zhanna Friske - all passed through her hands. Strict diet, reducing carbohydrates, cardio every day, running, swimming, and the result is obvious - minus 30 kg. In six months I lost 18 kg and recently another 12 kg. You know, the frame adds plus 8, and for the viewer you always need to be beautiful and desirable. What has been done lately is a struggle with myself, because I was terribly depressed for several years. But still I pulled myself together and believed in myself.”

READ ALSO: Dana Borisova: “It amazes me why everyone condemns Ani Lorak”

Now that extra pounds are a thing of the past, the main thing is not to relax. Dana Borisova prefers to eat often, but in small portions. What is also of great importance.

“My beauty secrets are very simple. This is a proper balanced diet: eat healthy food often, but in small portions. Carbohydrates only slow, once a day - in the morning. It is worth focusing on protein products: meat, cottage cheese, as well as vegetables and fruits. In general, eat often so as not to feel hungry, but eat only the right food,” says the presenter.

SEE PHOTO: Dana Borisova showed her man in swimming trunks

A prerequisite for proper nutrition is large number drunk liquid. A special recipe from Dana Borisova - water with lemon. This simple drink helps restore strength after a hard day.

“I get very tired, especially due to flights and climate change. For example, when I fly from one time zone to another in 40 minutes. In addition, every Friday, Saturday, Sunday is a corporate event, a performance, there is a lot of work. At such a frantic pace, sparkling water with lemon saves me. If you come into our dressing room, you will definitely see her. It speeds up metabolism. That’s why I drink a lot of water,” Dana shared.

READ: Dana Borisova: “I’m waiting for the only thing to give birth to my second child”

SEE ALSO: Dana Borisova in a bikini: fantastic results diets and breast surgery


How to lose weight correctly

  • inactive lifestyle;
  • health problems;
  • irregular sleep and rest;
  • overeating;
  • stressful situations.

  • you can lose 12-14 kg;
  • well-being improves;

  • approach your diet consciously;

Dana Borisova's menu (photo)

First day

  • lean cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • 200 ml kefir 0-2% fat.

Second day

  • medium banana;


According to the TV presenter, the main reasons overweight are the following factors:

  • inactive lifestyle;
  • health problems;
  • irregular sleep and rest;
  • overeating;
  • stressful situations.

Principles and nutrition system of Dana Borisova

  • On Sundays, give yourself a fasting day when you can allow your body to relax and eat almost anything.
  • Drink two liters of clean water daily.
  • It is necessary to exclude fatty, fried foods, alcohol, flour and confectionery products from the diet.
  • Dana suggests losing weight easily by alternating between two specially designed diets.
  • To ensure that your body receives all the necessary substances during the weight loss process, you should drink a multivitamin complex every day.
  • Go to the gym at least 3 times a week.
  • Food must be consumed in small portions.
  • Give preference to foods high in fiber.

Advantages of Dana Borisova’s technique

  • thanks to fractional meals, you do not experience a strong feeling of hunger;
  • you can lose 12-14 kg;
  • the body is cleansed of waste products;
  • well-being improves;
  • you cultivate a sense of will;
  • Once a week you can pamper yourself.

Given Borisova's diet - are there any disadvantages?

  • the diet is quite monotonous;
  • The diet can be repeated no earlier than after 2 months.

How to lose weight quickly: diet features

  • Rich soups and broths are prohibited;
  • It is not recommended to eat bread or drink sweet coffee;
  • for salads it is better to use leafy greens and cabbage;
  • at lunchtime, the salad can be replaced with stewed root vegetables, with the exception of potatoes and legumes;
  • approach your diet consciously;
  • “slow” carbohydrates are allowed to be consumed only in the morning;
  • give preference to fruits, root vegetables, low-fat cottage cheese, lean meat;
  • in order not to starve, eat more often, but only with the right foods;
  • Before going on a diet, consult a specialist.

Dana Borisova's menu (photo)

Nutrition according to Dana Borisova’s system lasts two weeks. In addition, the star recommends doing fitness, swimming and walking more in the fresh air.

First day

  • tomatoes, boiled meat 80 g, oatmeal with water;
  • dietary flakes, low-fat cheese - 20 g;
  • medium grapefruit, green apple;
  • lean cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • 200 ml kefir 0-2% fat.

Second day

  • 200 ml low-fat milk or classic yogurt, oat flakes with water;
  • broccoli, 100 g lean beef;
  • medium banana;
  • 20 g low-fat cheese, several tomatoes;
  • milk or kefir 0-2% fat.
  • if desired, lean meat can be replaced with lean fish;
  • give preference to berries, citrus fruits, cucumbers, cabbage;
  • choose the most beneficial products for your body;
  • this diet should be followed for 7-14 days;
  • you need to get out of the diet gradually, subsequently adhering to the main principle - minimal consumption of fats and “slow” carbohydrates;
  • give preference to protein products;
  • Sign up for a massage - thanks to it, your body will tighten and your skin will become more elastic.

Video (watch) Dana Borisova:


Dana Borisova: height, weight and parameters ^

Dana Borisova was born on June 13, 1976 - she is one of the most popular blondes on Russian television, as she is smart, very charming and incredibly sweet. These qualities helped her make a dizzying career on TV.

More recently, Dana had a rather curvaceous figure, but at one point everything changed dramatically when she decided to tidy herself up. To do this, she had to visit doctors so that they could create a nutrition and cardio training program, which she continues to do intensely to this day.

It must be said that before Dana Borisova noticeably lost weight, she was not at all embarrassed by her own shape, but ultimately she wanted to return to her former beauty and slimness, because she was not always plump.

The fact that the TV presenter had lost a lot of weight was notified to a large audience by the girl herself on Instagram, where she openly said that she had spent 3 million rubles on her appearance, resorted to plastic surgery and received injections to break down fat in problem areas. However, such operations only helped to tighten the figure, but it was diet and sports that had the greatest effect.

Dana Borisova lost weight: before and after

Now, when Dana Borisova’s height and weight are 170 cm and 58 kg, it is difficult to recognize her as the same donut that was on the TV screen quite recently. She lost weight quite quickly: in 6 months she lost 18 kg, and in another 4 – 12 kg.

When the popular TV presenter lost 30 kg in a few months, absolutely everyone was surprised, from her colleagues to her fans. No one dared to ask open questions until, in one of the interviews, journalists inquired about the secrets of the blond beauty’s transformation and asked directly how she managed to change so much.

Dana frankly answered that, in addition to injections and surgery, she was helped by the special diet of Margarita Koroleva, a famous nutritionist who was also consulted by other eminent personalities: Zhanna Friske, Philip Kirkorov and even Alla Pugacheva.

Secrets of losing weight by Dana Borisova

  • She ate only foods that were low in calories and fat;
  • Despite significant weight loss, to maintain her figure, she still does not eat sweets and practically does not drink alcohol;
  • Her diet is dominated by foods containing a large amount of fiber, namely fruits and vegetables: they perfectly cleanse the body of toxins and waste, and also stimulate metabolism;
  • To speed up getting rid of excess liquid, Dana drank at least 2 liters of clean water per day;

  • She ate 4 meals a day, but the portion size was 250 g, and also followed a strict two-week diet periodically.

When it became clear what diet Dana Borisova was on, many women decided to use it too, and for good reason: it is suitable for absolutely everyone, except pregnant women.

What diet did Dana Borisova lose weight on: rules, menus, recipes ^

Rules for losing weight from Dana Borisova

  • It is necessary to eat only low-calorie foods, and “eat” no more than 1200 kcal per day. In your menu you should give preference to cereals, fruits, vegetables, berries, lean fish and meat;
  • When using a diet for 2 weeks, alternate the menu of two days with each other.

Dana Borisova's diet: menu for two weeks

To understand how Dana Borisova lost weight, you should familiarize yourself with her approximate diet. For 14 days, you need to alternate days with each other, and in the future, for slower weight loss, use an individual menu.

First day:

  • In the morning we eat 10 g of oatmeal, a tomato and a boiled chicken breast;
  • For lunch - a plate of rolled oats and 200 g of juice, as well as 50 g of cheese;
  • We have an afternoon snack with a whole grapefruit;
  • We have dinner with a glass of kefir, 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese and a cup of green tea.

Second day:

  • We have breakfast with a plate of rolled oats and a glass of low-fat milk;
  • For lunch we eat a little vegetable salad and 100 g of boiled chicken breast;
  • We have an afternoon snack with pineapple (100 g);
  • We have dinner with a vegetable salad with the addition of meat and cheese, and drink 200 g of kefir.

Diet menu for smooth weight loss

  • When we wake up, we eat 100 grams of cottage cheese and a slice of cheese, drink green tea;
  • For lunch we eat light vegetable soup;
  • We have an afternoon snack with an apple;
  • For dinner, stewed vegetables.

Recipes for weight loss

Diet oatmeal recipe for the morning:

  • Boil 1 liter of water, then throw in a couple of glasses of cereal;
  • Cook, stirring occasionally, for 20 minutes.

Vegetable salad recipe:

  • Boil the chicken fillet, divide into pieces;
  • Chop cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet peppers, mix with meat;
  • Season with lemon juice and sprinkle with grated cheese on top.

Vegetable soup recipe:

  • Divide the cauliflower into florets and place them in a saucepan to cook;
  • Cut carrots into cubes and chop onions, greens, celery, throw everything into the cabbage, add bay leaf and salt;
  • 10 minutes before readiness, add green peas (a jar);
  • Before serving, season with low-fat sour cream.

Dana Borisova's weight loss: the opinion of nutritionists about her diet ^

Considering how much weight Dana Borisova lost, nutritionists came to the conclusion that it was the diet combined with exercise in the gym that helped her achieve such results. Her nutritional method is not harmful to health, but it is contraindicated for those who have chronic diseases.

Now thin, Dana Borisova never ceases to dazzle TV viewers with her beauty and claims that becoming slim is easy - you just need to pull yourself together and make a little effort.


Nobody wants to be chubby. It's easy to become slim and beautiful. And Dana Borisova proved this. Now she can boast of her perfect shape. If you know how Dana Borisova lost weight, this will help return shape to a huge number of the female half of humanity. The weight loss occurred in a fairly short period of time. The TV presenter selected a diet and followed it. The diet is quite simple, but you need to stick to it carefully. During this time, you will be able to get rid of all the kilograms and become slim.

The diet is designed for 2 weeks and was developed by the most famous nutritionists for quick weight loss. But it is important to get the whole complex of vitamins. So you have to follow important rules. This applies to reducing carbohydrates and fats, as well as eliminating alcohol and flour. Priority is given to foods containing fiber, which help fill the stomach and allow the intestines to function better. , it became known. She happily shared the diet specially designed for her. The menu is quite simple and is designed for two days. Meals on these days will alternate between each other for two weeks.

Not breakfast: 150 grams of boiled meat (veal, chicken), oatmeal, cucumber. For lunch: Buckwheat, a small piece of cheese, juice. Afternoon snack: One apple, grapefruit. Dinner: 150 grams of cottage cheese, kefir, herbal tea.

For breakfast: Oatmeal, yogurt. For lunch: Vegetable salad with vegetable oil, 150 grams of boiled meat, green tea. Afternoon snack: One apple, pineapple. Dinner: Fresh vegetables, a piece of boiled chicken fillet, kefir.

Oatmeal is an excellent remedy for losing extra pounds, more details: Oatmeal diet for weight loss - the opinion of a nutritionist, advice.

Oatmeal must be boiled in water, without sugar, and nothing is added to it except a pinch of salt. But this diet has strict salt restrictions. It should be reduced by 3 times. This promotes the rapid removal of excess fluid from the body without retaining it, therefore Dana Borisova lost weight fast. The diet is convenient because there is no need to come up with new dishes every day. Just repeat exactly the same as the day before. Always use leafy greens for vegetable salads. It contains many vitamins that are necessary for the body. From vegetables, choose cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers.

Instead of salad, sometimes cook stewed vegetables. You can use zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes, and cauliflower for this. In rare cases, add mushrooms to vegetables. The use of legumes and potatoes is absolutely excluded. They contain starch, which is not suitable for this type of diet. Liquid dishes, in the form of soup or broth, are prohibited. A complete taboo on coffee and bread. It is not allowed to eat salty and spicy foods, which can cause a greater appetite. Meat should only be consumed boiled or steamed.

After the end of the second week of the diet, you cannot immediately switch to all foods. Over the course of a week, gradually add other dishes to the diet, but always in small portions. Don't forget to drink properly. You can use the diet, thanks to which Dana Borisova lost weight, no more than once every two months. There is no need to do fasting days during the diet. Everything is calculated perfectly accurately and does not require food refusal for one day. The body is fully nourished and the extra pounds gradually dissolve.

Dana Borisova lost 18 kilos, video:

Dana Borisova is one of the most popular TV presenters, who has recently amazed her fans with photos taken in 2014 of her noticeably slimmer figure.

Photo of Dana Borisova before and after weight loss.

Causes of excess weight

Today Dana Borisova is one of the most prominent blondes in Russia. Back in 1997, she was one of the first to have her photo taken for Playball magazine.

At that time, Dana weighed only 49 kg.

She was never distinguished by her curvaceous forms. However, after giving birth, due to a malfunction in the body’s hormonal system, the TV presenter gained an extra 15 kg.

The situation hastened to aggravate the divorce from her common-law husband. At that moment, Dana Borisova could not cope with herself and began to fight stress with food and alcohol. The result is 30 kg of excess weight.

Fortunately, the TV presenter realized in time that this was a road to nowhere. Having come to her senses, she turned to an experienced nutritionist, began to take cosmetic procedures and, in the end, pleased not only herself, but also many fans with a slender figure in the photo of 2014. In addition to stress and uncontrolled overeating, Dana Borisova names several more reasons that can provoke rapid weight gain:

  • - lack of sleep and rest in sufficient quantities;
  • - sedentary lifestyle;
  • - health problems.

According to Dana Borisova, she was inspired to completely change her life by a new love interest. However, anyone can change if they have enough willpower and desire to do so.

Secrets of a star

As you know, Dana Borisova recently lost 30 kg. This successful result was the result of a whole range of different weight loss measures. Not without a special diet prescribed by a nutritionist.

Dana Borisova's diet has several important rules that must be followed.

  1. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day;
  2. Carry out fasting days twice during the entire diet;
  3. take multivitamins;
  4. You need to eat small portions 4 times a day.

The entire diet is designed for 2 weeks. Of course, if you decide to lose weight only through food restrictions and lose up to 30 kg, then without exercise and strict adherence to a diet you are unlikely to succeed. But you can try. Most likely, after a while you will delight your friends with a stunning photo. In addition, you will experience the clear benefits of the diet:

  1. - your well-being will improve;
  2. - the body will be cleansed of waste and toxins;
  3. — get rid of extra pounds;
  4. — develop willpower and perseverance;
  5. - start playing sports;
  6. - stop drinking alcohol.

Day one

  1. We have breakfast with one hundred grams of boiled meat, oatmeal cooked in water, and tomato.
  2. Lunch will consist of hard cheese and diet cereal mixed with juice.
  3. We have an afternoon snack with grapefruit or pineapple.
  4. We have dinner with low-fat cottage cheese, kefir and green tea.

Day two

  1. We have breakfast with oatmeal cooked in water.
  2. Lunch consists of one hundred grams of boiled lean meat and vegetable salad, seasoned with lemon juice.
  3. We have an afternoon snack with grapefruit, pineapple or apple.
  4. For dinner, a vegetable salad, which is combined with meat or cheese. An obligatory part of dinner is kefir.

It should be noted that Dana Borisova herself adhered to this diet for about 2 months, thanks to which she lost 30 kg, which we see today in her photo from 2014. However, doctors and nutritionists believe that it is safe for health to follow the proposed menu for only 2 weeks.

It is worth noting that physical activity is a mandatory part of the diet that Dana Borisova followed. This could be a simple jog or a long walk in the fresh air, or a visit to the gym or swimming pool. Only if these conditions are met is a serious result possible.

Or maybe it's not so simple?

After similar doubts were expressed by the public, the TV presenter actually admitted in one of her interviews: “peptides” helped her lose 30 kg.

This drug is well known to professional athletes. Dana Borisova took it 2 grams per day: once in the morning before meals and a second time in the evening. Taking the drug was combined with regular cardio exercises.

As a result, I managed to lose up to 30 kg of excess weight.

Peptides are short proteins that contain only 2-3 amino acid units. They are widely used to prevent aging, in the production of medicines and dietary supplements.

As Dana Borisova herself claims, the drugs she took are absolutely harmless, but you should still consult a doctor. It was thanks to peptides that I managed to lose up to 30 kg and surprise everyone with an elegant photo of 2014.

Reviews and conclusions

Despite all the TV presenter’s attempts to present her weight loss as a consequence of her diet, taking medications should not be ruled out. It turns out that in order to lose 30 kg of excess weight and be able to show off such an unsurpassed figure in the photo, you must use some kind of stimulant?

In any case, after Dana Borisova’s statements in 2014, such a feeling appears. Accordingly, the pessimism of those who want to lose weight is growing. After all, no matter how much we diet, we still cannot achieve the desired result.

Of course, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to lose 30 kg on your own with food restrictions alone. . A high degree of obesity must be treated under the supervision of doctors and nutritionists, otherwise irreversible consequences for the body are possible. The same applies to taking weight loss medications. Even if you are told that the drug is absolutely harmless, consult your doctor. Losing 30 kg of excess weight is a lot of stress for the body, so you need to carefully prepare for it, otherwise after losing weight you may encounter new diseases.

Of course, Dana Borisova’s 2014 photos are impressive, and I want to follow her methods to also lose weight. You can first try a diet, combining it with physical activity. It will definitely help if you have a few extra pounds. But if you need to lose about 30 kg, it is better not to risk it and consult a specialist. He will definitely tell you the right diet and, possibly, medications. By following special recommendations, you will probably soon be able to proudly show off your photo to relatives and friends.

Dana Borisova is one of the most famous blondes on Russian television. She repeatedly enjoyed the status of a sex symbol, was a role model for many women and was able to make millions of men fall in love with her. The blond beauty herself does not deny that it was her bright appearance that made it possible to achieve dizzying career on television.

Not long ago, fans of the famous TV presenter noticed that she had noticeably gained weight. Many even suspected that she was preparing to become a mother again. But Dana Borisova quickly managed to restore her previous form. Now she can again boast of an attractive figure.

Diet of Dana Borisova

Dana Borisova managed to restore her attractiveness quite quickly - in a few months she got rid of 12 kilograms. Experienced nutritionist Margarita Koroleva helped her achieve such results. Dana Borisova's diet was built on several principles:

  • consumption of carbohydrates exclusively in the first half of the day - for breakfast;
  • lunch and dinner consisted exclusively of vegetables, fruits and dairy products;
  • unlimited consumption of lemon water.

In order for the TV presenter not to feel hungry, she ate 5-6 times a day - every 2-4 hours, but in very modest portions. And the result was not long in coming!

Express diet from Dana Borisova

If a famous blonde urgently needs to lose weight before filming or an important event, then she goes on a strict diet. Its essence is that you need to eat certain foods for two weeks. The menu is designed for two days, so they need to be alternated.

Menu for 1 day

  • Breakfast: oatmeal boiled in water, a medium-sized fresh tomato and a small piece of boiled lean meat - up to 100 g.
  • Lunch: muesli (necessarily dietary), unsweetened juice, a small slice of hard cheese.
  • Dinner: 200 g low-fat cottage cheese and a cup of green tea.

Menu for day 2

  • Breakfast: oatmeal boiled in water, natural yogurt without additives or a glass of milk.
  • Lunch: vegetable salad or stewed vegetables (except potatoes and beans), a small piece of lean meat - 100 g.
  • Afternoon snack: one fresh fruit, such as grapefruit, apple or a few pineapple slices.
  • Dinner: vegetable salad, a small piece of low-fat hard cheese or boiled meat.
  • Before bed: a glass of low-fat kefir.

This express diet has many advantages. The products contain all the substances necessary for human well-being. Eating five meals a day saturates the body, so the feeling of hunger disappears.

It is strictly forbidden to drink sweet drinks and drink alcohol while following the express diet. You need to drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day - water or green tea. It is recommended to follow this diet for no more than 7 days.

Read also:


Dana Borisova goes to gym, where he follows a program developed by an experienced instructor. Cardio exercises also helped to achieve such results in a short time - the celebrity runs and visits the pool every day.

Surgical intervention

On the path to perfection, plastic surgery could not be avoided. Dana Borisova, who had lost weight, once admitted in an interview that after giving birth she decided to undergo mammoplasty in order to restore her breasts to their former firmness and size 3.

Now Dana Borisova is 42 years old. With a height of 170 cm, she weighs 58 kilograms. Her body again became the subject of admiration for millions of fans.

Dana Borisova: before and after photos

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