Fitball for weight loss is a quick way to give your body ideal parameters. The most effective exercises on a fitball for weight loss: complex and technique

Did you know that the fitness ball was invented by Swiss physiotherapist Susan Klein-Vogelbach in 1960? She created this sports equipment for the rehabilitation of people with musculoskeletal disorders. Health-improving gymnastics with fitball gave amazing results, and he became famous throughout the world.

No modern fitness center would be complete without a Swiss ball. This is an excellent simulator for expectant mothers, which will help prepare for childbirth. Additionally, it is widely used for home workouts. With the help of the ball, the figure becomes slim and beautiful, muscles are strengthened, it helps to recover from injury or surgery. Next, we will talk about the exercise plan with a fitball, how to choose a fitness ball and present a set of exercises with a video selection.

Set of exercises

This program includes exercises that are relevant for weight loss. She helps strengthen the muscles of the abs, buttocks, make your posture beautiful, and your figure graceful and flexible.

Rolling a ball with your feet

Lean on, press your feet to the fitball in the calf area, keep your head level, look at the floor. Stay in this position, tense, and slowly bending your knees, pump the ball closer to you. Make sure the ball doesn't slip away. When your knees are fully bent, hold this position for at least 5 seconds and return to the starting position. Number of repetitions - 12 times.

Lateral pull-ups

Lie on your side on the ball, relax your core muscles, feet on the floor, You can lean on a piece of furniture or a wall for stability. Hands behind the head or raised and crossed above the head. Raise your body while tightening your abdominal muscles. Stay in this position for at least 3 seconds and slowly lower yourself down.

Repeat 12 times for each side.

Reverse ball rolls with feet

Lie on your back, rest your shins on the ball and lift your buttocks. The body should be straight, only the buttocks and thighs should be tense. Then begin to roll the ball closer with your feet, and as it approaches, lift your torso even higher. Stay in this position for a moment, and begin to straighten your legs again, rolling the ball away from you. Gradually lower your body to the floor. Repeat 12 - 16 times.

Floor presses

Place your hands on the floor and your feet on the ball, so that your knees are located in its center. Watch your elbows, they should be straight. Do the classic ones. Number of repetitions - 10 - 15 times. Shoulder training pectoral muscles, arms and stomach.

Strengthening the obliques

Rest your buttocks on the fitball, with your legs bent at the knees. Rise smoothly and turn your torso to the side, keeping your abdominal muscles tense and your back straight. Repeat 12 times.

Balancing on a ball

Rest your body on the fitball, feet on the floor. Try to catch the balance point; to do this, tear off your limbs and stretch. As soon as you can raise your arms, stay in this position for 15 - 20 seconds. Tighten the muscles of your back, stomach, and legs.

After this, you need to roll the ball under the pelvis and try to maintain balance, leaning on left hand And right leg. The body should be as straight as . Repeat the exercise with emphasis on your right hand and left leg.

Fitball presses

Rest your palms on the ball, spread your fingers, and rest your feet on the floor (beginners can additionally rest against a closet or wall). Smoothly lower your torso, bringing your chest as close as possible to the fitball, and come back sharply. Repeat 12 - 20 times. Arms, shoulders and chest are strengthened.

Rolling a fitball with your back

Sit on a fitball, legs at shoulder level (a little wider if possible), thighs parallel to the floor. Slowly move forward, moving your legs, lower your torso. The ball should roll over your back. Stop when your back and the back of your head are on the fitball. Try rolling the ball from your right to your left shoulder. Watch your lower back, it should be straight.

Lifting the ball with your feet

Lie on your back, hands on the floor, wrap your legs around the fitball so that it does not fall out. Raise your legs with the ball until your knees are level. Hold this position for at least 5 seconds. Repeat 12 times. The abs are strengthened and inner side hips

Fitness with fitball for weight loss

Complex for pregnant women

    Sit on the ball, lean forward with your arms outstretched. Then rise up, spread your arms to the sides.

    Sit on the fitball, lean forward and rest your elbows on your legs. This will allow you to relax your back.

    Sit on the ball, lean your hands on it. Make a turn in left side, place your right hand behind your left leg. Stay in this position for a moment and repeat, but in the other direction. Suitable for stretching back muscles.

    Sit on the fitball with your feet resting on the floor. Then you need to straighten your left leg, leaning on the heel. Gently reach towards her right hand. Do the same for your right leg.

    The exercise is performed standing, the left leg is in front, and the right leg is behind, with the right hand resting on the ball. Bend your right leg and straighten up. Repeat for the left leg.

    Sit on the fitball, move your left leg to the side. Slowly reach your left hand towards your leg. Repeat for the right leg.

    Stand with your legs slightly apart and rest your hands on the ball. Gently roll it back and forth, while only your arms move, your legs stay still.

    Rest your pelvis on the ball, legs slightly apart. Roll it over so that you are lying on your back. The back is relaxed, the main load is on the legs.

    Sit on the fitball, place your hands on your waist. Spring on the ball forward and backward, then to the right and to the left, and then in a circle.

    Stand, take the ball, stretch your arms. Squeeze it and pull it towards you, then away from you.

Perform each exercise 5 - 6 times.

Exercises for the back and spine

    Lie on the exercise ball with your chest, feet resting on the floor or wall. Place your palms on the ball and spread your elbows. Inhale and lift your body, then exhale and lower. Repeat 8 times.

    Lie down chest on the ball, body straight. Turn your head back to see your heels - 5 times on each side.

    The starting position is the same, arms along the body. Inhale and lift your torso without using your arms, exhale and lower yourself. Repeat 8 times.

    I.p. the same. Inhale and stretch your arms forward, exhale, lift your body up and bring your arms back. Repeat 20 times.

    I. p. - on the stomach. Place your hands and toes on the floor, bend your arms and stretch your head down, without lifting your legs off the floor. Excellent stretch for the neck and legs.

    Lie on the ball, extend your left arm in front of you. Rise up a little, bring your left hand back, and reach up with your right. Repeat 20 times.

    Rest your knees on the floor, hold the fitball with your hands. Reach forward, stretching your spine.

Choosing a fitball

In order for training to be effective, you need to choose the right sports equipment. In this case, size matters: if the ball is large, then you will slide off it and will not be able to reach the floor with your limbs (sitting, lying down), and if it is too small, it will constantly slip out, overloading your legs and joints.

Methods for choosing a fitball

Sit on the ball, feet together, back straight. It is necessary that the knees are at an angle (90°). If this is not the case, then pay attention to the degree of inflation of the ball; it should not bend much or be overly elastic. Try to adjust this indicator; if the degree is not 90, then choose a different ball.

Fitness balls have different diameters: from 50 to 90 cm.

There is a special table of correspondence between human height and ball diameter.

Choose a fitball for your height:

  • up to 155 cm - 50 cm;
  • from 155 to 165 - 60 cm;
  • from 165 to 185 - 70 cm;
  • from 185 to 200 cm - 80 cm;
  • from 200 cm - 90 cm.

Each ball is marked Weight Limit bodies.

All beginners are afraid that the ball will simply explode under them during training. But this is not true; the right equipment will easily support you. Those who want to play it safe should pay attention to models marked BQR and ABS - this is a special safety system that prevents an explosion if the ball is damaged.

Types of balls

  • with a smooth surface - this is the most popular model;
  • with horns - this is more of a children's option, also suitable for pregnant women, helps to maintain balance;
  • massage (sensory) with bumps - improves blood circulation during exercise, helps fight cellulite.

Don't forget to purchase a hand pump.

Training secrets

The fitness ball is suitable for training the vestibular system and developing coordination of movements, without loading the spinal column. Great for overweight people. Gymnastics with a fitball is necessary for unloading joints, preventing varicose veins, osteochondrosis and arthritis.

Suitable for training separate groups muscles. Its shape allows you to perform exercises in full amplitude and forces you to tense your muscles to maintain balance.

However, to increase the effectiveness of your training, you must adhere to the following rules:

    Choose the right ball.

    Classes should be regular 3 to 5 times in seven days, the number of repetitions should be from 10 to 20 times.

    It is forbidden to eat 3 hours before classes and 2 hours after them. Then have a light protein meal: low-fat cottage cheese, fish and chicken, and low-starch vegetables. This will help you lose weight.

    Effective workouts must make you tired and sweat profusely, otherwise they are pointless. If not, increase the number of reps or sets.

    Start each workout with a warm-up and end with stretching.

    Sweet, starchy and fatty foods are prohibited for those who want to lose weight overweight.


This sports equipment forces the motor, vestibular, visual and tactile apparatus to work simultaneously. All complexes with fitball (except for aerobic ones for weight loss) are gentle and do not exhaust the body. That's why gymnastics with a ball is suitable for almost everyone, regardless of age and physical condition: infants, pregnant women, the elderly and people who suffer from varicose veins.

Minimal contraindications do exist; training with a fitball is not recommended for people with severe heart and vascular diseases, intervertebral hernia and internal pathologies. But if you have a strong desire, then perform exercises using a special technique, but only under the supervision of a doctor!

Fitball exercises for weight loss - much more effective way than exhausting diets. I will talk about the most effective exercises for the abdomen, sides, hips and show a video of exercises on a fitball. Let's go!

“Tanyush, you’re already like Kolobok to me, by God,” said the husband, finding Tatyana Ivanovna at the “night watch” in the form of a cream cake with tea for weight loss.

Hello friends! Who among you has not thought about how to lose weight in a fun, interesting and effective way? I didn’t just think about this, but I know for sure that the “bun” will help solve the problem! Exercising on a fitball for weight loss is a much more effective way than grueling diets or, even worse, a banal hunger strike.

But very few people know how to use it correctly to achieve results. My article describes in detail how to correctly perform exercises with a Swiss ball in order to forget about unnecessary folds and increase the elasticity of ligaments and muscles.

You must! To myself

Many women only after giving birth think about how to lose weight. extra pounds, but you should not neglect a beautiful and healthy figure if there has been no trace of childbirth, or if you are not a woman at all.

You shouldn’t waste time on tempting reviews on the Internet about miraculous methods: “pills without diets,” “diets without pills,” or “every housewife has a magic ingredient, lose weight without diets and pills.” 99.9 (9) times they simply don't work! So is it worth spending precious time looking for that mythical percentage?

“Three-four, finished the exercise.”

Some readers probably remember morning exercises, instructions for which flowed from antediluvian receivers back in Soviet times. Previously, I couldn’t even imagine that exercise could be turned into an interesting activity thanks to a fitball.

However, before you shake up your sleepy body, you need to know how to choose a fitball according to your height in order not to find yourself in the “elephant and pug” situation.

  • Height is the diameter of the ball.
  • Below 150 centimeters - 45 cm;
  • 150-165 cm - 55 cm;
  • 165-180 cm - 65 cm;
  • 180-200 cm - 75 cm;
  • From 200 cm - 85 cm.

Simply put, when you sit on a fitball with your legs bent, you should get a right angle on this bend.

The first fitball, invented in the middle of the last century, was the simplest, but very big ball, which was used for rehabilitation exercises after various back injuries. At that time, new purposes appeared, as well as different types:

  • The smooth Swiss ball is used in most different balls.
  • Pimples on the surface whisper about properties.
  • Well, the “horns” are handles for holding on to the ball. Mostly it is bought for children, but you can be a child at heart, so it will come in handy for you too.

Fitball exercises for weight loss: exercises

In general, exercise on a fitball for weight loss can be divided into several categories: for and for the hips and buttocks. First, I’ll tell you about the most abdominal exercises:

  • Sit on the ball. Too easy? Okay, let's complicate the task: put your hands behind your head and bend your torso without lifting your legs off the floor. Is it easy again? Do the same with body turns, spreading bent legs Shoulder-width apart, otherwise you might fall.
  • After the exercise, you can lie down with your feet on the ball. Stretch your arms along your body, raise your hips so that a straight line forms between your shoulder blades and heels, do not lift your hands off the floor. Then you need to swing your legs one by one.
  • Without leaving this position, straighten your legs and hold the exercise ball between your knees. Without lifting your body from the floor, alternately lift the ball with your feet and swing it to the sides.

Fitball exercises for weight loss or how to remove fat from hips and buttocks

  • Get into a push-up position with a ball under your feet so that they are as close to the edge as possible. Then raise your legs as high as possible one by one.
  • There is another version of this exercise that focuses specifically on the hips: you need to place the ball under your stomach and raise your bent legs.
  • Not a workout, but a fairy tale: lie down on the mat again, put your feet on the ball, arms along your body. Raise your hips from the starting position without lifting your arms and shoulder blades from the floor. Did it work? Stay like this for a very long time: 2 seconds. Then slowly lower your body and repeat the exercise.
  • Stand with your back to the wall and press the ball tightly against it with your lower back, do squats. Don't be lazy, squat as deep as ever!
  • The simplest exercise is jumping. Sit on the fitball and jump without lifting your buttocks from the ball and your feet from the floor, and all this to the accompaniment of energetic music, actively and cheerfully.

To make it clearer, you can watch a video that clearly demonstrates each exercise. Exercises on a fitball for weight loss can be combined with exercise, just don’t overdo it: you’ll get tired quickly and it won’t be of much use.

Fitball exercises for weight loss: video

By the way, even simple sitting on a Swiss ball is already beneficial, because in order to maintain balance you need to use different muscle groups. Down with computer chair, give me a fitball!

Operation Y: prepare and think

Exercises on a fitball for weight loss should be carried out according to the Pilates system: smoothly, concentrating on the movement itself and your sensations. You should also gradually increase the load, without immediately trying to show Schwarzenegger on the ball: you will run out of steam very quickly, and the whole mood, which is so important in active weight loss, will disappear.

Try to drive children, dogs, alien and not-so-minds out of the room: nothing should interfere or distract from training.

Don't forget to breathe correctly: inhale before moving, and exhale during the movement. And during the training, pretend that the tummy is no longer there: pull it in and keep it in this state until you finish the entire set of exercises.

Exercise regularly! There is not a single thing on the planet that you do every once in a while and suddenly achieve amazing results.

These exercises on a fitball for weight loss can be done at home, just throw out “I’m too lazy” and stock up on a mat, fitball and free time.

That's all for today.
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Gymnastics on a fitball - relatively new look sport in Russia, but he has already earned the love of many women, men and even children. The ball is used in different ways: for strength exercises, at dance classes, during yoga. When developing the fitball, Swiss physiotherapists sought to create a special apparatus for the rapid rehabilitation of patients. However, its scope of application began to expand and inflatable balloons began to be used in gyms. Fitball exercises are effective for weight loss. Gymnastics with a ball also corrects posture and improves metabolic processes.

What are the benefits of exercising on a fitball?

Here are some benefits from classes:

  1. Exercises on the ball help straighten your posture and cope with spinal problems. There are specially designed complexes to strengthen the back muscles. Thanks to regular training with fitball muscle corset becomes stronger and the spine naturally aligns.
  2. Physical activity during exercises on a fitball is distributed over the entire body, increasing strength different groups muscles.
  3. This type fitness trainers well vestibular apparatus. Even if you use sports equipment solely to strengthen your abs, you will still have to keep your balance. It is impossible to exercise on a fitball without concentration and tension of many muscles of the body. With experience, during exercise you will no longer notice that your muscles are in constant tone and will be able to easily perform several exercises without losing balance.
  4. A fitness ball will help with stretching and warming up your joints.
  5. Exercises with a fitness ball for weight loss, thanks to the shock absorption of the projectile, relieve the spine, stimulate metabolism and blood flow, and promote the normal functioning of the respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems.
  6. Playing on an inflatable ball is one of the few sports that is suitable for pregnant women or young mothers immediately after childbirth. At this time, the female body is subject to some changes (the load on the legs and back increases, blood flow is disrupted), and the fitball helps relieve tension from the spinal column, joints, and muscles. Fitness with a ball serves as an effective prevention of diseases of the female genitourinary system.

How to choose a ball by size and shape

Good results training is directly related to a properly selected fitball. In addition, only on suitable equipment will it be convenient to train. For example, a ball that is too large does not allow you to perform the exercises to the fullest, since you will slide off it without reaching the floor with your feet/arms. A ball that is smaller than necessary will put increased stress on your legs and will constantly slip out from under you. To avoid this, it is better to purchase a projectile with spikes (massage) or ears. How to correctly determine the required fitball size:

  1. Method one. Sit on the apparatus with your legs straight in front of you and your back straight. The angle of the knees should be 90 degrees. In addition, the degree of elasticity of a fitball for weight loss should not be excessive, and vice versa, the ball should not bend too much under your weight.
  2. Method two. The size of the ball can be easily determined by a person’s height, and different fitballs differ in diameter. Below is a table on how to choose a fitball for the specific height of an adult or child:

An effective set of exercises with a fitball for weight loss

Below is a set of exercises:

  1. Pelvic lifts. The exercise is aimed at strengthening the lower back, legs, and buttocks. Lie on the floor with your back, with your feet on the fitball (your feet do not touch the ball). Begin to lift your hips up, rolling the ball towards you through your legs, then return to the starting position. Repeat the lifts twice 10 times.
  2. Side bends. This exercise is suitable for eliminating fat from the sides, abdominal area, and upper thighs. Lying on your back, the fitball is between your legs, your hands rest on the floor. Lift the ball with your feet and begin to tilt it left and right, without reaching the floor by 20 cm and without lifting your shoulders. Repeat the weight loss exercise 10 times in each direction.
  3. Twisting. Ideal for strengthening the abdominal muscles. The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise, with your hands under your head. Begin to twist your body, lifting your legs with the ball and your pelvis up. During the exercise, concentrate on breathing (inhale - the stomach is tense, exhale - relaxed). Repeat as much as you can.
  4. Push-ups reverse grip. This exercise on a fitball is designed to lose weight in your arms. Lean on the ball, placing your hands not on the edge, but a little closer to the center of the projectile to avoid slipping. Do push-ups slowly, repeating 10-15 times.
  5. Classic push-ups. Place your feet on the ball in a lying position. Start slowly doing push-ups, repeating 10-15 times. Step by step instructions and video tutorials will help you learn, .
  6. Leg lift. This will be an excellent exercise for the buttocks and thighs. Place your feet as close to the edge of the ball as possible, adopting a push-up position. Start alternately swinging upwards with straight legs. Repeat the lifts 15 times on each leg.

Find out other options

The Swiss ball, better known as a fitball, will be an ideal purchase for girls who want to lose weight and have more flexible body. This simulator is very effective and accessible, and training with it allows you to use it twice more muscles than they are used during normal training.

Fitball was invented in the 1950s by Swiss physiotherapist Susan Kleinvogelbach. This ball was used during rehabilitation sessions with patients with disorders of the central nervous system or who had suffered spinal injuries. Over time, doctors began to notice that exercising with a fitball has a number of benefits: patients not only accelerate regeneration processes, but also increase the elasticity of muscles and ligaments, train the vestibular apparatus, develop coordination, increase blood circulation in the intervertebral discs and accelerate metabolism. That is why aerobics with a Swiss ball is one of the most common areas in fitness today, helping to form beautiful posture.

If you want exercise ball exercises for weight loss to achieve maximum posture, it is very important to choose the most suitable exercise ball.

First of all, take a closer look at the material from which the ball is made - it should be uniform and dense, withstand a load of at least 150 kilograms, and not have an unpleasant odor.

Another important point- fitball size. Be sure to take advantage of the opportunity to “try on” the ball in the store. When you sit on a fitball, a right angle should be formed between the thigh and torso, as well as between the lower leg and thigh, otherwise it will create too much stress on the joints, which is especially bad for varicose veins, arthritis and pregnancy.

Set of exercises

If you have already bought a fitball, we offer a simple set of exercises for losing weight. Results will become noticeable within two weeks.

1. Reverse crunches

Starting position: Lying on your back, feet on the ball, arms along the body.

The ball should be grasped firmly with your legs and pressed forcefully between your calves, your hips should be lifted off the floor, while tensing your abdominal muscles, and your knees should be pulled as close to your chest as possible. You need to stay in this position for a second, and then return to the starting position.

If you want to make the exercise more difficult, lift your shoulders and head as you lift your hips off the floor.

2. Rifles

Starting position: On your knees, feet shoulder-width apart, palms in front of you on a fitball.

The body should be fixed in a straight position and the stomach should be pulled in. Then you need to slowly lean forward, rolling from your palms to your elbows, without relaxing your abs. Stay in this position for a few seconds and return to the starting position.

If this exercise is a little difficult for you, you can simplify it: when performing rolls, you can rest your elbows on the ball and bend at your hips, or vice versa, keep your body straight, but do not lean forward very much.

If you want to make the exercise more difficult, try to balance on your elbows, lift your knees off the floor and stretch out in a straight line. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds and return to starting position.

3. Balancing

Starting position: Sitting on the ball, take a step forward and roll your torso down so that your buttocks almost do not touch the fitball, and your back to the shoulder blades is on it.

You need to throw your hands behind your head, lean back, and as you exhale, raise your head and shoulders, tensing your abdominal muscles. Stay in this position for a second and lower as you exhale.

A simpler version of the exercise: rest your feet wide apart on the floor, cross your arms over your chest, and perform the exercise in this position.

A more complex version of the exercise: stretch one leg in front of you so that it is parallel to the floor, and balance the other. Make half of the turns in this position, then change sides.

4. On top

Starting position: Lying on the ball, resting your hands and feet on the floor.

These weight loss ball exercises require you to move your palms forward until the ball is under your hips. In this case, the legs should stand together, the abdominal muscles should be tense, and the body should be extended in a straight line. Then you should bend your knees and roll the ball to your right shoulder with your shin, stay in this position for two seconds and roll the fitball back. Then the exercise is repeated, only to the left shoulder.

A simplified version involves performing only the first part of the exercise, without rolling the fitball to the shoulders.

A more complicated version - the ball is placed immediately at the level of the shin, then you need to roll it to the toes.

5. Upside down

Starting position: Place the fitball under your hips without removing your legs from it. Feet together, emphasis on hands, body extended in a straight line.

Pull your buttocks up, without bending your knees, roll the ball towards your toes, keeping your abdominal muscles tense. Stay in this pose for a few seconds, then lower.

Simplified exercise: you can raise your buttocks only a few centimeters by rolling the fitball towards your knees.

Complicated exercise: the fitball is placed at the level of the shins. While rolling, you should raise your buttocks so that your back takes a vertical position, as if you were going to stand on your head.

You can perform exercises on a gymnastic ball both for weight loss and for general health improvement. In addition, such activities help relieve tension, overcome stress and improve your mood.

Each exercise should be repeated 12-15 times.

To achieve great results Between approaches, you can perform cardio exercises - jumping rope or regular running in place. This will help you burn calories twice as fast.

Warm up before exercise and stretch after exercise to restore and relax your muscles.


Surely everyone has at least once seen people doing gymnastics with a ball. At first glance, such exercises seem funny. But you shouldn’t take this sports equipment lightly just because it looks like a children’s toy.

A large fitness ball is called a fitball or Swiss ball. For the first time, the effectiveness of gymnastics with this apparatus was proven by a physiotherapist originally from Switzerland, Susan Klein-Vogelbach, who used exercises with it in therapeutic exercises for the sick cerebral palsy. Later, her colleagues from America began to use the ball for the rehabilitation of patients with musculoskeletal injuries. Quickly gaining popularity due to its versatility, fitball has long gone beyond hospital walls and is actively used not only in gyms, but also at home.

What is the miracle ball for?

It is rightfully believed that fitball in fitness is the same discovery as the wheel for humanity. Its use allows people with poor physical fitness and sore joints to play sports, and is suitable for absolutely all ages. The Swiss ball is so safe that it is recommended even for infants and pregnant women.

Separately, it should be noted the effectiveness of exercising on a fitball for weight loss; thanks to its shape, the ball allows people of any size to train without loading the spine. Training on the ball is safe when varicose veins veins, which almost always accompanies excess weight. A gymnastic ball makes it possible to work out all muscle groups without loading the veins.

It creates an unstable surface that stimulates the entire body and requires the work of a large number of muscles to maintain balance, which is why exercises on a fitball are more effective than regular gymnastics. Miracle ball training is so popular that it has become an independent trend in fitness.

What are the benefits of fitball?

Useful properties fitball is difficult to overestimate, here are just a few of them:

  • corrects posture;
  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • provides genitourinary system;
  • increases overall muscle tone;
  • develops flexibility;
  • gives vigor;
  • improves mood.


  • first trimester of pregnancy with complications;
  • herniated discs and severe spinal injuries;
  • heart disease in aggravation.

What types of fitballs are there?

With the growing popularity of gymnastic balls, their range is also growing. You can buy fitball in any sports department of a hypermarket or on the Internet. Their price varies depending on various functional indicators.

How to choose the right ball

Before choosing a fitness ball that is right for you, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics:

  1. Ball surface structure:
  • smooth – the most popular, suitable for both the hall and the home;
  • with ears (handles) - ideal for pregnant women and children;
  • with mini-spikes - a ball for self-massage.
  1. The ratio of the diameter of the gymnastics ball and height:
  • diameter 45 cm – height up to 150 cm;
  • diameter 55 cm – height 150-160 cm;
  • diameter 65 cm – height 160-175 cm;
  • diameter 75 cm – height 175-195 cm;
  • diameter 85 cm – from 196 cm.
  1. Ratio of arm length and ball diameter:
  • arm length 45-54 cm – ball size 45 cm;
  • arm length 55-64 cm – ball size 55 cm;
  • arm length 65-80 cm – ball size 65 cm;
  • arm length 81-90 cm – ball size 75 cm;
  • arm length more than 91 cm – ball size 85 cm.

In addition to height, weight also influences the choice of fitness ball size. If you have an extra 15 kg, then it is better to take a fitball one size larger.

It should also be taken into account that the larger the ball, the more stable it is, so a diameter of 65 cm is suitable for beginners, and 55 cm for experienced ones. If you choose one fitball for the whole family, then it is better to take a gymnastic apparatus with a diameter of 60-75 cm, it is ideal for both for an adult of average height, and for a baby.

To choose the right ball in the store, you need to sit on it, your knees should be 2 - 3 cm below your hips. In addition, you should check the elasticity of the fitball; when pressed, your hand should spring and not fall into it. All seams must be neat, the nipple is soldered inside, a high-quality ball must have an anti-rupture system.

In order not to rack your brains over how to pump up a fitball at home, it is better to immediately purchase a special pump; it is compact and inexpensive. Some manufacturers sell it immediately complete with the ball. As an alternative, you can use adapters for bicycle or mattress pumps.

Losing weight with pleasure

Every person with overweight periodically thinks about how to more effectively get your body in shape. Some even go to the gym, but after a couple of sessions on complex exercise machines, they give up. For beginners, training with a fitball is an ideal fitness option. Even without good preparation, performing simple exercises, you can tone your muscles, gradually moving to a more complex level.

In addition to all the obvious benefits of exercise with gymnastic ball for weight loss, it is worth noting that by choosing a fitball with mini-spikes, in addition to general training, you can actively fight cellulite. At first, such activities will cause noticeable discomfort, but the result will meet all expectations.

To enhance the effect you need to switch to fractional meals(meals should be 5-6 times a day, in small portions) and drink at least 8 glasses of clean still water a day.

We train correctly

So that the exercises bring visible result, and the desire to continue training has not disappeared, you need to remember a few simple rules:

  • choose comfortable clothes;
  • always start with a warm-up;
  • exercise at least 2 hours after eating;
  • drink 7-8 glasses of clean water a day.

There are many exercises with a ball to get rid of extra pounds. A video of exercises with a fitball will become an indispensable assistant for losing weight at home.

Pilates with fitball

Pilates is a popular exercise system developed more than a hundred years ago. The advantages of this type of fitness include the fact that it can be done both in the gym and at home, it is suitable for people of any age and physical training. All movements are smooth, which minimizes the risk of injury. Using a fitball increases the effect of training.

Consider best exercises ball systems for gymnastics.

Folding knife

The exercise actively affects the abs and allows you to quickly remove the belly:

  • body position as for hand push-ups, shins resting on a fitness ball;
  • move the ball toward your chest by pulling it forward with your feet, while bending your knees and lowering your hips;
  • stay in this position;
  • push the ball with your feet and return to the starting position.

Swiss pike

Effectively works the core muscles and increases overall tone:

  • starting position – shins on a fitball, emphasis on straight arms, as if you were about to do push-ups. The body should form a straight line from the crown to the heels;
  • Without bending your knees, move the ball closer to your body with straight legs, lifting your pelvis as high as possible;
  • pause in highest point;
  • return to the starting position by lowering your hips and rolling the ball into place.

Scissors with fitball

This exercise allows you to tighten your inner and outer surface, make them more elastic:

  • lie on your back, the ball is sandwiched between your knees, your legs are raised;
  • as you exhale, lower your legs to the right so that your knees do not touch the floor;
  • while inhaling, return to the starting position;
  • repeat on the other side.

Positive fitness

An inflatable ball is a one-of-a-kind exercise machine that affects the musculoskeletal and vestibular systems, stimulating concentration and vision. Exercises on a gymnastic ball for fitness turn a banal workout into fun game, improve your mood. In addition, by practicing on a fitball, you will forget about stress and strengthen your nervous system.

Exercises with a small ball called a medicine ball can be a good alternative to dumbbells and kettlebells. Its weight can range from 1 to 20 kg. This type of sports equipment is used to recover from injuries and improve dexterity and muscle function. Increases endurance, develops coordination, strengthens the musculoskeletal system.

Some people mistakenly consider a beach ball to be an element exclusively women's fitness, but in vain, there are many exercises with a fitball for men. With this sports equipment you can pump up your triceps and biceps, strengthen your muscle corset and achieve abs of steel, while the cost of the ball will not damage your budget.

Ab exercises

Ideal flat stomach- not only a tribute to fashion, but also a natural desire of every person.

A set of exercises with a ball for the press will be an indispensable assistant in achieving this goal.

Exercise 1

Do you want to actively tighten your sagging belly? Get started:

  • gymnastic ball between the back and hips, support with hands as for reverse push-ups;
  • stretch your legs parallel to the floor, tensing your abs and taking “steps” with your hands, move the ball to your toes;
  • stay in this position;
  • relax your muscles and lower yourself.

Exercise 2

Uses well upper press, strengthens the back muscles. To get the most out of the exercise, follow these tips:

  • sitting on the ball, lower your back, rolling the ball under your lower back, hands behind your head;
  • exhale – raise your shoulders and shoulder blades using the efforts of your abs;
  • inhale - return to the starting position.

Work on the buttocks

Fitball can be used for all muscle groups and the gluteal muscles are no exception. A special advantage of exercises with a large ball is that with their help you can work even deep muscle tissue. At first he may seem too unstable and rebellious, at this stage it is important to concentrate and continue moving towards the goal.

Exercise 1

To tighten your buttocks and restore their elasticity:

  • starting position - lying on the floor, legs bent at the knees;
  • put your feet on the fitball, your lower back pressed firmly to the floor;
  • lift your pelvis up, holding at the top point for 5-10 seconds.

Exercise 2

Helps shape buttocks beautiful relief. Sequence of actions:

  • standing near the wall, place the ball between your back and shoulder blades;
  • press the sports equipment against the wall with force;
  • Roll the pressed ball down and perform squats.

Important! Those who want to pump up their butt using a fitball need to know one little trick - the wider the position of the legs during squats, the more active the impact on the gluteal muscles.

For the back

Buying a Swiss ball is the most best way make your back happy. For the spine, exercises with a ball are a real panacea; they were developed at the very beginning of the use of fitballs and have repeatedly proven their effectiveness. General strengthening of the muscle corset reduces the load on the spine. Regular classes will help get rid of stoop and scoliosis.

Exercises on a fitball for the back are absolutely safe due to its elasticity.

Exercise 1

Allows you to quickly strengthen the muscle corset, the main thing is to follow correct technique:

  • lying with your stomach on the ball, feet against the wall, hands clasped in front of your chest;
  • as you exhale, raise your back, head down;
  • while inhaling, return to the starting position.

Exercise 2

Fights with "wings". Following these instructions, it is very simple to do:

  • we sit on the ball, arms spread to the sides;
  • bend to the side, extending the opposite arm above your head, exhale;
  • returned to the starting position, inhale;
  • did the same in the opposite direction.

Leg workout

Exercises with a fitball are indispensable for working out the leg muscles. With its help you can actively download problem areas, and do light gymnastics with varicose veins.

Exercise 1

Watch your breathing and follow the sequence of execution:

  • starting position – standing straight, one foot on the ball;
  • perform squats on the supporting leg;
  • make an effort while inhaling.

Exercise 2

When you start studying, keep an eye on correct technique:

  • starting position – back on the ball, legs bent at the knees, feet resting on the floor;
  • straighten one leg;
  • perform a pelvic lift;
  • repeat the exercise for the second leg.

You will find a video about what other leg exercises you can use a fitness ball for at the end of the article.

Getting back in shape after childbirth

A set of exercises on a fitball is the most suitable physical activity for young mothers, it gently trains all the muscles and helps restore the body's lost relief. You need to start training with simple exercises, gradually increasing the load.

Exercise 1

Perform smoothly, gradually increasing the amplitude:

  • sit on the ball, legs bent at right angles;
  • actively jump on the ball.

Important! Keep your butt off the ball and your feet off the floor.

Exercise 2

To improve the result, strictly follow the instructions:

  • sit on the ball, spread your legs to the sides, knees bent at right angles, hands behind your head;
  • make deep turns from side to side.

If for one reason or another you are unable to do these exercises, any other exercise with a fitball will also benefit your figure.