Jillian michaels slim figure in 30 days. Classes with Jillian Michaels

Among the numerous methods for losing weight, the system stands out...

Among the numerous methods for losing weight, the system named after its creator, or rather, the creator, who tested her brainchild, first of all, on herself, stands apart and therefore can safely speak of a one hundred percent guarantee of results.

Jillian Michaels - slim figure in 30 days

Meet Jillian Michaels

Today, Jillian Michaels is one of the most famous fashion models in the world. She is also a trainer who works remotely with her millions of followers. But once upon a time she could not call herself a slender beauty, but, on the contrary, was even considered fat. At the age of 12, Gillian weighed almost 80 kg and was one and a half meters tall. Excess weight was the reason why the 14-year-old girl ended up in the gym.

She immediately fell in love with the sport and began to engage in it with a special zeal that was not typical for her peers. In addition, she constantly thought about how to improve her training and make it more effective.

These searches yielded results and in 2002, Gillian and several of her close friends opened their own fitness room. This was the beginning of a new milestone in Michaels' life. Already in 2005, she became one of the most famous and popular trainers in America. She was invited to talk shows, her books were published in huge numbers, and video manuals with a set of exercises were sold out as soon as they hit the shelves.

Weight loss system - slim figure in 30 days

Jillian Michaels' weight loss system is based on a combination of two main components: fitness training and diet. To perform the exercises you do not need any special equipment; a regular set of dumbbells is enough. The duration of classes does not exceed half an hour, so this system is quite suitable even for the laziest or overly busy people.

The results are truly impressive. Work on yourself according to Gillian’s method is divided into two stages, the first of which lasts 3 weeks. During this time, if you follow the recommendations, it is possible to completely get rid of fat deposits, after which the second stage begins, in which work is carried out on problem areas figures.

Diet Jillian Michaels - slim figure in 30 days

As already mentioned, physical activity is only one of the components of the system. Another important part of it is a diet based on 3 principles.

  • Principle one - in each case an individual approach. The point is that each person’s body is a unique, very complex mechanism in which many different processes take place. One of them is the process of metabolism, that is, the processing of eaten food into energy. For each person, it occurs with its own characteristics, which determine whether the individual is inclined to be overweight or, conversely, has a lean physique. Metabolism can be fast or slow. In the first case, the Gillian Michaels system advises introducing more complex carbohydrates and at the same time carry out more intense training. People with slow metabolism are advised to give preference to protein foods.
  • Principle two - monitor your calorie intake and expenditure. To do this, it is necessary to approximately determine the daily amount of energy entering the body with food. This can be done using special tables that provide data on the calorie content of various foods. Next, calorie consumption per day is calculated. There are also special calculators for this. The bottom line is that it is necessary to structure your diet in such a way that the amount of calories expended is 400-600 units greater than the amount incoming from food.
  • Principle three- meals should be four times a day, while only natural and healthy products. The basis of the diet is fruits and vegetables. You can also eat meat, but it must be non-fat and lean. Consumption of seafood and dairy products is allowed. You should absolutely not allow yourself to go to cafes and fast food outlets.
  • A special diary helps prevent overeating, in which you should carefully record all the foods eaten during the day, indicating their calorie content.

As you can see, Jillian Michaels' weight loss system is simple and accessible to everyone. The combination of properly organized nutrition and regular classes sports allows you to effectively combat overweight and constantly support perfect shape. Thanks to this technique, you can lose up to 30 kg within a month. excess weight.

Jillian Michaels - slim figure in 30 days (video)

Let's start TODAY! Everything needs to start today, because tomorrow never comes.

Slim figure in 30 days - level 1

Slim figure in 30 days - level 2

Slim figure in 30 days - level 3

Slim figure in 30 days - all levels in one video

If you want to lose weight and regain your self-confidence, Jillian Michaels' weight loss workout "Slim Figure in 30 Days" will help you.

Jillian Michaels: how sports can change lives?

If the awkward teenager Jillian Michaels, who was less than 160 cm tall and weighed about 80 kg, was told that one day she would become the most famous fitness trainer in California, and perhaps in the entire United States, she would probably take this statement as a joke. As a child and teenager, Gillian never dreamed of such popularity. Probably, her only dream was to get rid of the burden of problems that caused self-doubt and the rapid accumulation of extra pounds...

Things began to change when Gillian was enrolled in martial arts classes. There, in a mental struggle with herself, and perhaps with the whole world, she learned what the coach said: “Others respect only those who respect themselves.”

Jillian Michaels is the most famous fitness trainer in California

“Others respect only those who respect themselves” - it was this realization that led Gillian to the idea that insecurity, fears and excess weight must be fought. Fight and win!

A change in thinking and playing sports brought her to a new direction in life. And on this line, having coped with her difficulties, she began to actively help people who found themselves in the same difficult situation. Participation in the reality shows “The Biggest Loser” and “Drop It With Gillian,” as well as numerous programs recorded on DVD, brought her real fame.

Watch an interview with Jillian Michaels where she talks about how she learned to feel confident and strong and began to develop as a fitness instructor, despite all the obstacles in life. You can learn a little more about who Jillian Michaels is and get a boost of inspiration for further training.

Slim figure in 30 days - how to lose excess weight at home

If you exercise regularly and watch your diet, you will definitely be able to lose excess weight and gain weight. beautiful shape.

Most best way Make sure of this - start training!

If you exercise regularly and watch your diet, you will definitely be able to lose excess weight and get in great shape!

Jillian Michaels "How to Lose Weight for Life" (video)

For those who have been trying to lose weight for a long time, but the results are not yet satisfactory, we advise you to start training by watching this video. Jillian Michaels answers many questions about working out and losing weight.

How to properly follow the “Slim Figure in 30 Days” program:

Many workouts aimed at losing weight formed the basis of Jillian Michaels' famous "Slim Fit in 30 Days" program.

How to properly follow the “Slim Figure in 30 Days” program:

Classes in this program are conducted according to the “3-2-1” system:

  • 3 minutes completed strength exercises
  • 2 minutes – cardio
  • Abdominal muscles are worked for 1 minute

In addition, the program is divided into 3 stages, each of which must be completed in one and a half weeks.

Below you can see short video presentation for the program “Slim figure in 30 days”:

Jillian Michaels Level 1 30 DAY SHRED Workout:

When you master level 1 of training with Jillian Michaels, many exercises may seem too difficult and impossible, even if you repeat them after a girl who demonstrates an easier version of the workout.

In this case, the main thing is not to interrupt classes and not lose momentum. You can replace this exercise with something else, at least intense marching. If the complex does not seem complicated enough to you, you can repeat the exercises after the girl who demonstrates more complex exercises. Thus, Gillian provided different levels loads even within the same training level.

Some people think that it is impossible to get a beautiful figure in just 30 days, while others prove the opposite with their own successes. Faithful assistant The program of the world-famous trainer Jillian Michaels “Slim figure in 30 days” has become a way for people to lose weight.

Hundreds of thousands of aspiring athletes around the world become fans of Gillian's training. After all, they really help, and in just a month the results become noticeable to the naked eye.

Jillian Michaels is a famous American fitness trainer who helps people not just lose weight, but truly believe in themselves. The future star was born in Los Angeles in 1974. As a teenager, Jill's parents divorce, and this becomes very stressful for her.

The girl tries to fight her worries with food, and by the age of 12 she already weighs 80 kg. For someone who is short (158 cm), this weight is very critical.

At this moment, her mother comes up with the idea of ​​enrolling Gillian in martial arts courses. Here the girl was able to overcome not only her complexes, but also to internalize the coach’s words that you will be respected only when you begin to respect yourself.

After graduating from school, Jillian Michaels goes to university, and after graduation, after working for a short time, she quits her job and becomes personal trainer. Persistence and hard work helped her open her own fitness club by the age of 28.

In 2005, she became one of the trainers of the TheBiggestLoser project (in the Russian version, “Weighted People”). This show involves people who are very overweight, and trainers and nutritionists help them regain their health and normal weight.

Gillian has proven herself to be a strict coach who does not let her players get away with it. Although she herself admitted that she is not so strict in life, it was impossible to achieve anything differently on this project. excellent results.

After filming was completed, Gillian released her first video workout called “Slim Body in 30 Days,” which radically changes the way people think about sports at home.

The training really became a guide to the world healthy image life for hundreds of people. It still helps to lose weight and improve health for those who are not able to regularly visit the gym due to lack of free time.

What is the secret of the popularity of Gillian's program?

Beautiful figure in 30 days is truly a reality, not a myth, with Jillian Michaels' Slim Fit in 30 Days program.

The program has earned such popularity among fans and adherents of a healthy lifestyle due to a number of advantages:

  • effectiveness proven by thousands of people who have lost weight;
  • only 25 minutes required to complete one daily set of exercises;
  • home workout with a minimum quantity sports equipment, there is no need to leave the house;
  • the complex of classes is aimed at general strengthening of the body, increasing endurance and is suitable even for a beginner who has never played sports.

This program is chosen for those who, due to various circumstances, do not have time to go to the gym. Among Gillian's fans there are many young mothers around the world who can perform exercises during nap their child. Finding a video with a set of exercises and translation into Russian is not a problem.

Necessary equipment and clothing

To start practicing the “Slim Figure in 30 Days” program, you do not need to purchase any special or expensive equipment.

You will only need the most necessary things, which most likely everyone who is losing weight already has:

As you can see from the list above, you don't need anything special to effectively take the Jillian Michaels course. Anyone can afford this kind of fitness at home.

Program characteristics

The “Slim Figure in 30 Days” program is a complex consisting of three 25-minute workouts. First, a short warm-up is performed, and at the end there is a cool-down. This is necessary in order to prepare the muscles for the main workout.

Each set of exercises is designed for 10 days. Thus, if you perform all three complexes in a row without breaks, then in just 30 days the dream of a healthier and slim body will turn into reality. Between 10 days you can take one day off.

The main essence and principles of the program

A beautiful figure in 30 days will become a reality if you take the program seriously and complete the entire course from beginning to end. The main part of each workout lasts 20 minutes and is high-intensity interval training. The complex is based on the 3-2-1 principle, that is, 3 minutes of strength exercises, 2 minutes of cardio exercises and 1 minute of abdominal exercises.

Intense workouts and proper nutrition - here's how to get a beautiful figure in 30 days

It is this principle that underlies Jillian Michaels’ approach that helps you quickly lose weight through fat deposits and tone up your muscles.

Pros and cons of the program

The disadvantages of the program include its high intensity, which is why novice athletes do not always complete the entire program. After the first workout, the muscles begin to ache, but after 3-4 days discomfort pass, and the body becomes more resilient.

There are many more facts supporting participation in the “Slim Figure in 30 Days” program:

  • in 30 days it becomes possible to get a beautiful figure and acquire new habits;
  • the ability to study at home at any convenient time;
  • training duration is only 25 minutes;
  • there is no need to purchase new sports equipment;
  • the program is suitable for beginners;
  • a well-designed training plan for the month;
  • a combination of cardio, strength and abdominal exercises will allow you to work out the main muscle groups and achieve maximum effect in burning fat.

Jillian Michaels' workouts are the most effective in the fight against excess weight, thanks to the system interval training.

How to do the program correctly

When starting exercise, it is worth remembering that only 30% of weight loss results depend on exercise. Active burning of calories is very important and will help tone the body, but without proper balanced nutrition it will be very difficult to achieve the desired effect. Therefore, in addition to fitness classes, you need to try to accustom yourself to new eating habits.

There is no need to exercise two or more times a day, this will not lead to better results. Most likely, a person will experience overtraining syndrome, when he quickly gets tired and completely gives up on exercise. The time of day when exercising according to the “Slim Figure in 30 Days” program does not matter. Usually they do it when they have it free time and strength.

This program is contraindicated for pregnant women!

There are no contraindications for exercising according to the program, but if you have health problems or chronic diseases, it is recommended to consult a doctor. The same applies to women who have recently given birth, who can start playing sports only with the permission of a doctor. Intensive exercise has no effect on breast-feeding, therefore, breastfeeding is also not a contraindication to starting training.

Must be followed drinking regime, and if you wish, drink in small sips during training. The norm for drinking clean drinking water per day is at least 1.5 liters.

Level 1

For people familiar with sports, Level 1 of the exercises of the course will seem quite easy. Even beginners who watch the video may think so. But, having started training, after 10 minutes it will become clear that the pace and load are quite high. Of all 3 levels, this one is the easiest.

In the video, two girls show the exercises together with the trainer himself. One of them performs a lightweight version of the most difficult tasks, the second - an advanced one. First, a warm-up is performed, then 3 blocks of 3-2-1 and at the end a cool-down, without which it will be difficult to relax the muscles after completing the video lesson.

  • intense swings of the arms, forward (crossing your arms on your chest) - back, when finished, shake your arms;
  • mill - cross swings of arms from top to bottom, with one hand at the top and the other at the bottom;
  • jumping with arms swinging above your head, at the same time spreading your legs shoulder-width apart;
  • rotation of the hips in a circle, legs apart slightly wider than shoulders;
  • rotation of the knee joints in a circle from front to back - legs together, palms on bent knees;
  • repetition of jumps.
30 seconds for each exercise
1 block
  • push-ups (legs extended for advanced, kneeling for beginners);
  • squats with weights, arms with dumbbells bent at the elbows at right angles, put forward (dumbbells at eye level), when moving up, the arms are extended above the head;
  • repetition of both exercises.
3 min
  • swing jumps;
  • jumping over a “rope” (imaginary);
  • repeat both exercises.
2 min
  • lifting the body from a supine position, palms behind the head, legs on the floor bent at the knees;
  • pushes upside down (knees bent), arms lying along the body.
1 min
2 block
  • rowing: standing slightly legs bent, the body is tilted, the back is straight, the arms with dumbbells move down at an angle of 45° and rise again to the chest, as if rowing;
  • squats - one leg slightly forward, as when performing lunges, arms (with dumbbells) lowered down, squat, as if lunging forward, while bending your elbows;
  • repeat both exercises.
3 min
  • running in place, throwing your feet back and up, arms bent at the elbows;
  • boxing, with legs wide apart;
  • repeat everything.
2 min
  • strengthening the oblique muscles - lie on your back, placing your leg bent at the knee on the floor, and placing the other on it, raise your torso and reach with the elbow of your hand (located behind your head) to the knee of the opposite leg.
1 min
3 block
  • lie on the floor, bend your legs, spread your arms with dumbbells to the sides and back so that they are above chest;
  • side squats, legs wide apart, straight arms with dumbbells raised to the chest while lowering down;
  • repeat both exercises.
3 min
  • swing jumps;
  • running with legs thrown;
  • boxing;
  • jumping as if through a “skipping rope”.
2 min
  • lifting the body - raise your legs bent at the knees, hands behind your head, rising, stretch the elbow of one hand to the knee of the opposite leg, and the foot to the hand.
1 min
  • sitting, spread your legs wide, bend over one leg and reach for the toe with both hands, then to the other leg;
  • while sitting, clasp your hands behind your back and raise them as high as possible;
  • while sitting, pull your chin to one shoulder, point your straightened arm to the other shoulder and hold your elbow with your other hand;
  • pull the thigh muscles from a standing position by bending your knee and pulling your foot toward your buttocks with your hand.

Level 2

Having completed the first level of the program, you can move on to the second. According to most students, this level is the most difficult of the entire program. But to get results, it must be done in the same way as the first one, 10 days without days off.

  • intense arm swings;
  • reverse mill - cross swings of arms back and forth;
  • jumping in place;
  • kicks with your feet, arms at your sides, simultaneously lift your straightened leg forward and reach for the opposite hand pointing forward;
  • rotation of the head - on the side to one shoulder, forward, to the other shoulder, back;
  • repetition of jumps.
30 seconds for each exercise
1 block
  • push-ups from a standing position, lowering yourself on your hands and moving them until the body stretches out in a line, do a push-up, stand up again, moving your hands;
  • semi-sitting dumbbell press - squatting on bent knees, pull your arms extended forward with dumbbells to chest level until your elbows are bent at a right angle;
  • repetition of both exercises.
3 min
  • running in place with knees raised up until a right angle is formed;
  • jumping on all fours - position as for push-ups, leaning on straight lines hands, jumping pull both legs to your chest, in a simple version - pull your legs alternately
  • repetition of both exercises.
2 min
  • lifting the body from supine position, palms behind the head, one leg bent at the knee, standing on the floor, the second straight parallel to the floor, raise the body at the same time as pulling the straight leg towards it;
  • similarly with the other leg.
1 min
2 block
  • standing in a position with your knee bent and your leg pointed forward (as in a lunge), pull your arms with dumbbells up to your chest without arching your back;
  • pendulum squats - squats back and forth with lunges with one leg;
  • repeat on the other leg.
3 min
  • jumping with twisting - legs and body are turned to the right, arms at chest level are directed in the opposite direction, palms down, while jumping, turn the body to the left and point the arms to the right;
  • sliding - from a half-squat, placing one leg behind the other, jump to the side, changing the position of your legs, swinging your arms like speed skaters;
  • repetition of both exercises.
2 min
  • in a lying position, arms with dumbbells extended upward, raise straight legs (slightly bent for beginners) pulling them towards your hands;
  • lifting the body for 2 counts, reaching for the raised legs bent at the knees.
1 min
3 block
  • standing, raise your arms, bent at a right angle, with dumbbells up, one leg bent at the knee, also raise up, at the same time press your arms up and push your leg forward;
  • squats and presses - legs together (slightly apart for beginners), arms with dumbbells lowered down to the sides of the body, at the same time squat and stretch your arms forward with weights;
  • repetition of both exercises.
3 min
  • jumping with push-ups - from the push-up rack while jumping, simultaneously spread your legs to the sides, then put them together again (for beginners, alternately move your legs and put them back);
  • double jump rope: you need to jump higher and move your hands as if you were doing two turns of the rope;
  • repetition of both exercises.
2 min
  • twisting from a push-up position - alternately pull your knees to the opposite side of the body, twisting top part torso.
1 min
  • sitting, spread your legs wide, bend over and reach for the toe of one leg with both hands, then forward and towards the other leg;
  • repeat the exercises from level 1.

Level 3

A beautiful figure in 30 days will become a reality if you complete all 3 levels of training. People who have completed the entire course say that last stage a little easier than the second, the more the body is already prepared for the stress.

  • intensive swings of the arms, spreading the arms to the sides and crossing them on the chest, after finishing, shake the arms;
  • reverse mill - cross swings of arms from front to back;
  • double jumps through a jump rope;
  • pushes with the foot, arms directed to the sides, at the same time lift the straightened leg forward and pull it towards the opposite arm extended forward, alternate legs;
  • running with feet thrown back;
  • knee rotation (same as level 1).
30 seconds for each exercise
1 block
  • stretched out in a plank position with support on straight legs (on bent knees for beginners), lean in turn on your arms bent at the elbows, straightening them in turn, then bending them again;
  • hyperextension - from a lying position on your stomach, at the same time raise your arms and legs above the floor, arching your back;
  • repetition of both exercises.
3 min
  • horizontal running - from a position leaning on outstretched arms, alternately pull your legs to your chest, simulating real running;
  • jumping, standing on your legs wider than your shoulders, lifting your feet slightly off the floor;
  • repetition of both exercises.
2 min
  • raising straight legs in a supine position, straining lower muscles belly;
  • in a lying position, raise your straight legs 10 cm from the floor and perform crossing movements (scissors), place your hands under your buttocks.
1 min
2 block
  • legs wider than shoulders, squatting, lower your hand with a dumbbell down between your legs, standing up, lift it straight up;
  • forward lunges (jumping for advanced);
  • repeating both exercises (switching arms and legs).
3 min
  • boxing with weights (dumbbells) in a semi-squat position;
  • running in place, with dumbbells bent at right angles;
  • boxing;
  • in a jump, spread your legs to the sides, raising your arms with dumbbells through sides to shoulder level.
2 min
  • lifting the torso to a right angle with the floor from a lying position - for advanced people, legs are bent, palms behind the head; beginners perform with legs and arms extended forward.
1 min
3 block
  • push-ups - one hand in the center, the other to the right, perform a side push-up, move your hands to the left and perform a similar push-up, moving your body to the other side;
  • push-up rest, hands rest on dumbbells, pull ups one by one right hand to the chest, then straight right leg up (for beginners, the legs can be bent at the knees), then left hand and leg;
  • repetition of both exercises.
3 min
  • jumping with squats, while squatting, straight arms are moved behind the back, while jumping they are stretched forward;
  • jumping-flying - bend your legs at the knees while jumping, with your heels touching your buttocks;
  • repetition of both exercises.
2 min
  • lifting the pelvis upward from a position lying on its side, lean on a bent arm, the second hand on the hip, the lower leg bent at the knee (for beginners), the upper straight;
  • repeat on the other side.
1 min
  • repeat level 2 cool down.


A beautiful figure cannot be achieved in 30 days through exercise alone. In addition to training, Jillian Michaels gives nutrition recommendations. Since the body needs energy, it is not recommended to fast. The diet should be rich and balanced, including two or three main meals and two snacks.

Sample menu for the day could be as follows:

  • Breakfast – omelet with unsweetened tea;
  • Snack – fruit (apple, pear, orange);
  • Lunch – fish with steamed vegetables;
  • Snack – low-fat kefir;
  • Dinner – vegetable salad with lentils and vegetable oil.
  • The menu for the whole week is drawn up according to the same principle, the main thing is to adhere to the basic recommendations of the trainer. Permitted and prohibited products can be found in the table:
Allowed Limit Exclude
  • lean meats and fish;
  • seafood;
  • fruits and berries;
  • vegetables;
  • a small amount of dried fruits;
  • milk with low fat content;
  • hard cheeses;
  • nuts, seeds;
  • cereals (except semolina);
  • greens, leaf salads;
  • legumes;
  • sea ​​kale.
  • fatty sour cream, cream, dairy products;
  • sausage, frankfurters, except products made from chicken or rabbit meat;
  • tofu;
  • pickled and pickled cucumbers;
  • sauerkraut;
  • whole grain bread;
  • buckwheat and rice noodles.
  • fast food, crackers, chips;
  • foods fried in oil;
  • product with a high fat content;
  • store-bought sauces, mayonnaise;
  • sweets, baked goods, confectionery, candies;
  • flavorings, preservatives, dyes in products;
  • pickles, marinades.

You can choose several options for breakfast, lunch and dinner and create a daily menu from them.

Playing sports is not only a tribute to fashion, but also the desire to always be healthy and beautiful. In the context of modern trends, being lazy and neglecting your body is a crime.

Success in life largely depends on how a person looks. You can achieve the desired result through grueling diets, training in fitness centers or gymnastics. But what about those who really want to lose weight, but have absolutely no time for hiking? There is an answer: you can study right at home using video lessons, for example, “Lose weight in 30 days with Jillian Michaels.”

Who is Jillian Michaels?

“Lose Weight in 30 Days” is a program developed by the American personal trainer by Fitness Jillian Michaels. As a teenager, she was overweight and often faced ridicule from her peers. To avoid this, she began to actively engage in sports and over time acquired perfect body. And then Michaels decided to help others who were faced with the problem of excess weight, and opened her own gym.

She became popular thanks to her constant participation in shows on American television dedicated to weight loss, as well as her programs and video tutorials, popular all over the world.

Her example can motivate others not to give up and constantly work on their body. She is the author of training programs and books that help others overcome extra pounds. The most popular program is “Lose Weight in 30 Days”.

What does the program include?

Thanks to the weight loss program “Slim Figure in 30 Days” (or “Lose Weight in 30 Days”), developed by Jillian Michaels, millions of American and other women from other countries were able to successfully lose weight in as little time. short time without any supernatural effort.

Benefits of the program:

The training program lasts 30 days and includes three stages. Each of them is more difficult than the previous one, but it won’t be more difficult for you each time, since with each new stage the muscles will become stronger, the body’s endurance will increase significantly, and the body will already get used to such loads.

After each stage you will need to rest for a day. Each lesson differs in intensity and lasts for 30 minutes, during which time all muscle groups are worked out.

Strength exercises are performed for three minutes, then the heart muscle is trained for two minutes, and then another minute is allocated to abdominal exercises.

You will not need to review your diet and change or exclude anything in it. Training will significantly increase your physical activity, a lot of calories will be consumed, due to which you will lose kilograms.

Conditions for classes

As already mentioned, the 30-day weight loss program developed by Jillian Michaels is designed to last a month. However, if you wish, you can train further, since exercise can saturate us with energy and strength, strengthen the heart and tighten the muscles.

Expensive equipment, as mentioned, is not needed for classes. However, it is still recommended to purchase the following:

You need to exercise in the mornings or evenings, about two hours after dinner. It is recommended to first watch the technique of performing the exercises on video.

From simple to complex

This weight loss program includes three levels, each of which lasts 10 days.

The first level is the most difficult psychologically, because starting is always the most difficult. Remember that the fight against excess weight is expected to be difficult. At the first level you will need to perform the following exercises:

  • jumping;
  • push-ups;
  • squats;
  • lunges with dumbbells;
  • abdominal exercises

On the second day after the first lesson, muscle pain may appear, some at this stage begin to give up, but this is absolutely forbidden. As you train, your body will become more attractive, and this is a great motivation to continue exercising.

The second level is more difficult in terms of physical activity . You will need to perform deep lunges, push-ups and jumps on all fours. At the same stage, you need to practice the plank, which will involve almost all muscle groups. Plank jumps may seem difficult at first, but get used to it over time.

Regarding third level classes, then at first they may scare you a little, since they will most likely seem unknown and complex. But by the time this level begins, the body will be quite resilient and will be able to quickly get used to this complex.

At this stage, exercises such as:

  • side bar;
  • plank push-ups;
  • squats with dumbbells;
  • plank running;
  • jumping.

Different exercises are performed in a cyclical order, so you won’t have time to get tired; this regimen will keep you in good shape and force you to maintain a certain active rhythm. This approach is good because you will not only be able to remove excess weight and create the relief of your new body, and this is great for women with different builds.

Class schedule

Each stage of training according to the method Jillian Michaels carried out according to a specific schedule:

As already mentioned, it is best to exercise in the mornings or evenings, a couple of hours after dinner. But if you are used to having dinner quite late, you can move them to lunchtime so as not to study right before bed.

Active lunges, jumps or quick changes of position can accidentally injure your feet, so even at home you need to train in sneakers.

Before starting classes, you will need to take measurements. It is necessary to measure the volumes of the following body parts:

Watch your weight. In the first days of classes, you may gain some weight or it will remain unchanged, but there is no need to lose heart. This is due to the fact that, out of habit, the muscles swell and retain water. But when you adapt to the loads, please note that the weight and volumes will be adjusted.

Please note that if you are not already overweight, but just want to keep fit through exercise, you can gain new kilograms, but this will not negatively affect your figure, it will only improve it.

Naturally, on the path to an ideal body you will need to make a lot of effort. After all, without them you will not achieve visible results. The above program from Jillian Michaels, which helps every woman get a perfect body in just a month, will not always be easy to follow, especially for beginners. But if you are confident in your desire, then do not give up and actively study. Only active work will achieve a noticeable effect.

Attention, TODAY only!

30 Day Shred was my first program. Having downloaded it from my favorite root tracker and read the instructions for use, I set off on my further journey in the company of a slender 40-year-old bisexual woman. So, three workouts for ten days based on Gillian's 3-2-1 interval system: three minutes power load, two minutes of cardio and one minute of abs, warm-up and cool-down (stretching) and all this in 30 minutes.

My son's 2 kg dumbbells were confiscated, with which I began my journey at home. With Gillian, I did not change my habit, and continued to force myself in the same company.

Three levels “Slim figure in 30 days” kept the body in good shape for all 30 days. Cardio is intense everywhere, so it is very difficult for unprepared people to jump along with the mad woman on the screen.

I started, as expected, from the first level, and after a 30-minute workout, I wasn’t stuck to the floor from sweat. The next day both my legs and arms hurt. The pace set by the coach squeezed all my strength out of me. There is absolutely no monotony: strength, cardio and abs constantly replaced each other, without ever getting boring. Working every second, without breaks, the body remembered that muscles were hidden behind a layer of fat. And the soft pats of the fat during jumps acted like lashes and made you jump with all your strength. The thought constantly flew through my head: “The aunt from the screen wants me dead, it’s not for nothing that she constantly rubs in something in English.”

First training “Slim figure in 30 days” It was very difficult, I had very little experience. I won’t hide it, I looked at my watch to determine how much longer the sadistic aunt would mock me. The most best moment There were minutes when, after 2 minutes of cardio, I plopped down on the floor to work out my abdominal muscles. About the third day I began to get used to the exercises, the pace, the load and the constantly talking aunt from the screen. I tried to work out without dumbbells once (I really felt sorry for myself on the second day) - it wasn’t worth doing! It turned out that half of the training was in vain.

By the end of the level, after 10 days, I began to understand that the training was not so difficult, but then, like a bolt from the blue, the next level fell. And again swearing, swearing and drops of sweat under my feet.

After 10 days of intensive training with Jillian Michaels, I gained weight, both in weight and in volume. I noticed this thanks to my jeans, which for some reason I began to find it difficult to fit into again. The reason turned out to be banal and left me after another 10 days - swelling of untrained muscles.It was caused by microscopic tears in the muscle fibers (like a cut in the skin) that absorb fluid.

  • take potassium and magnesium, which are “responsible” for the opening of intercellular membranes
  • training in at least two different pairs of sneakers: the different work of different types of cushioning will load the leg muscles differently
  • massage and self-massage
  • sauna and bathhouse with a broom: a combination of thermal and massage effects on muscles

After two or three weeks, the body partially adapts to the load, which is what happened for me, the pain in the muscles disappeared, the swelling subsided.

There is another significant nuance in “ Slim figure in 30 days“You need to be careful and careful about your knees and ankles. There are a lot of jumps, and without following the technique you can damage them, which makes the training very dangerous. Due to my inexperience and lack of knowledge, I generally saw myself as a fitness guru and for about five days I managed to work out without sneakers (why make noise, the child is sleeping). Here is the result of my experiments:

A swollen ankle is the result of non-compliance with safety precautions during the “Slim Figure in 30 Days” workout

It was, of course, possible to avoid the state when I could barely walk. Then the ankle wouldn’t have suffered much, but I wanted to lose weight so quickly that I continued training with Jillian Michaels for a couple more days (albeit in sneakers). This is why you can't exercise without sneakers. The ointment saved Dikul and elastic bandage. After 2 days I was again jumping like a saiga.

In her videos, Jillian Michaels focuses on correct technique performing exercises. If you look carefully, you can see that she specifically shows what not to do. To avoid knee pain during exercise, you must do a warm-up. So, at least partially, the knees can be prepared for the upcoming load. Stretching also plays an important role. Gillian doesn’t have much stretching, so it’s advisable, of course, to add a cool-down of your own or take it for 8-10 minutes.

Imagining myself to be a hero who passed the first level by five points, when I moved to the second I realized that I was nothing! Jillian Michaels immediately showed me who was running the show and clearly explained that my level was just above the front door mat. There was no doubt leftThe second level is much more difficult than the first, and starting it, you understand that the real load is only ahead.

What can we say about the third level, when everything secret becomes clear.

Results “Slim figure in 30 days” become noticeable, indeed, very quickly, despite the short period of time allotted for them. In combination with proper nutrition, the body tightens well in 30 days, especially if it resembles the outlines of Smeshariki from children's cartoons. Around the 20th day, the arms are drawn and the shoulders are rounded. The view from the back is most pleasing: the wings disappear behind the back at chest level, the waist and buttocks lose the appearance of a solid column. The body, of course, does not become a “magazine cover model” version, but it is well toned and overall well-being improves.

Results after passing “Slim figure in 30 days” Jillian Michaels

By the end of the 30-day course “Slim Figure in 30 Days,” I could no longer imagine my everyday life without training. Half an hour is not much; in a quiet hour, a child can easily have time to study, and during this time Gillian manages to get the most out of her, which is what attracts her. The results motivate, like no other, for further exploits.

In addition to her workouts, Jillian has released a book - Jillian Michaels "Making the Cut: The 30-Day Diet and Fitness Plan for the Strongest, Sexiest You." You can download it on torrents, for example,