Scenario of the sports festival "My cheerful, ringing ball" lesson plan (senior group) on the topic. Sports festival "Funny Ball" Description of activities with the ball

For medium and junior group

Date: April

Target: Improve motor skills and abilities, develop physical qualities: strength, agility, spatial orientation, coordination of movements, speed in games with balls and balls. Foster a sense of mutual assistance, attention to each other, and promote the development of friendliness. Create good mood, evoke feelings of joy.

Equipment: musical accompaniment, balls of small diameter - according to the number of children, massage balls according to the number of children, large diameter balls - 2 pcs., hoop - 2 pcs., large rubber balls for jumping (hops) - 2 pcs., skittles - 6 pcs.


Clown Bom


Celebration progress:
Children enter the hall to the music, where they are greeted by the clown Bom.

Clown Bom:

Hello guys.
Boys are jumping jacks
laughing girls.
I am the funny clown Bom,
I'm familiar with physical education.
I like to jump, have fun,
tumble and frolic.

And I also love holidays. Do you know what holiday today is? No? Then guess the riddle:

He doesn't want to fly at all

If you throw it, it will jump.

If you throw it again, he will start galloping.

Guess? - This is .... (ball) - shows a beautiful ball.

Today is the “Ball Festival!” And I suggest you go to the Land of Fun Balls! But in order to get there we need to turn into balls. Repeat after me: “Spin, spin (spin around yourself) and turn into a ball!”

He looks at the guys, well, now it’s a different matter, you and I have all turned into balls and can now go to the magical land of balls. Let's go? (Yes)

(Children sit astride the bench, the steering wheel is in front of the bench)

Music "We're going, we're going, we're going"

Clown Bom: And here we come to the country of “Funny Balls”. And balls, as everyone knows, are fidgety and naughty, they love to play and jump. Let's play with you too.

Game "My Merry" ringing ball»

Progress of the game:

Children stand on one side of the playground, next to them is a clown with a ball in his hands. He shows how easily and high the ball bounces when you hit it with your hand, accompanying the actions with the words:

My cheerful ringing ball,

Where did you start galloping to?

Red, yellow, blue,

Can't keep up with you.

Then the clown invites the children to jump while hitting the ball on the ground. After reading the poem again, he says: “I’ll catch up now!” The children stop jumping and run away. The clown pretends to catch them.

Clown Bom: Well done guys, but listen, it seems to me that someone is coming here...

Pea enters

Pea: Hello guys, I am very glad to see you in our country of “Funny Balls”. There are many in this country interesting games, entertainment and challenges, are you ready to pass them? (children's answers) Well, let's start then.

The first competition "My funny ball"

Progress of the competition:

You need to roll the ball between the pins.

Second competition "Who is faster"

Progress of the competition:

Jumping on inflatable balls.

Third competition "From house to house"

Progress of the competition:

Move the balls from one hoop to another, whoever is faster.

Pea: Well, well done guys, you deserve to be called balls. And from now on you will always be welcome guests in this country. And now I suggest you rest. Guys, now I’ll give you these massage balls and we’ll see how we can massage our hands. Repeat the words and actions after me.

Exercises for finger gymnastics with massage balls.

We'll take the hedgehog ball

(take massage ball)

Let's ride and shake.

(roll between palms)

We'll throw you up and catch you,

(you can just lift the ball up)

And let's count the needles.

(press the spikes with the fingers of one hand)

Let's put the hedgehog in the palm of your hand,

(put the ball on your palm)

Let's press the hedgehog with our hand

(press the ball with the handle)

And let's ride a little...

(with a handle we roll the ball on our palm)

Then we'll change the handle.

(change the handle and also roll the ball)

Pea: Well, guys, did you have a rest? Let's play with you some more.

The balls got tired of sitting in the basket and they all ran away in all directions. Let's collect all the balls back into the basket.

Game "Collect the balls"

Progress of the game:

To the accompaniment of cheerful music, the teacher (in our case, Goroshchenka) scatters balls around the room and suggests first collecting balls of one color, then another. The game can be repeated 2-3 times.

Pea: Well done guys, collected all the balls.

Clown Bom: Pea, I’m very glad that you liked playing with our children, but it’s time for us to return to kindergarten.

Pea says goodbye to the children, the children sit astride a bench with a steering wheel and return to the hall to the song “We are going, we are going, we are going.”

Clown Bom: Well, did you guys like your trip to the land of Happy Balls? (children's answers) Next time we will definitely go there again to visit, but now it's time to turn back into guys and return to the group. Repeat after me: “Spin, spin and turn into kids.” The guys leave the hall to cheerful music.

Bouncy, round, bright, different, beloved - and all this is a BALL! This sports toy received a lot of love from children. Among the variety of active games, children most often choose games with a ball; among toys in the store, it is often the ball that is sent to the checkout. So we dedicated a separate holiday to him - Fun Ball Day! After all, he fully deserves it!

Summer is the season for playing ball. Interests from young to old attract the most different balls- with pictures from fairy tales, striped, multi-colored, football, volleyball, yes, you never know what else! It’s unlikely that any other toy can boast such variety. So on this day we also decided to look bright and sporty, so everyone dressed up in our sports uniform.

True, the weather let us down. Apparently, she wanted to rain on our balls so that they would grow, and at the same time us. Because of such a misunderstanding, we had to hide in the kindergarten building and spend the holiday there. But this did not make it any less interesting or useful.

Of course, the main organizer of the “jumping” event was our instructor physical education- Irina Yuryevna Buldysheva. Now, who knows everything about balls and even more!

Irina Yuryevna, in her words, tries, with the help of the ball, to create in children an interest and desire to engage in physical education and sports, to develop physical qualities - agility, speed, balance, strength, endurance and the ability to be creative in motor activities. Playing ball helps to develop resourcefulness, the desire to help, the ability to empathize, determination, and self-confidence.

A variety of balls were “invited” to our party - medium rubber balls, inflatable balls, soccer balls, hopper balls, small balls, etc.

The “epigraph” for the event was a riddle about... of course, BALL! And the main guest of our kindergarten that day was... of course, Ball-Veselchak. True, he came to us in a kind of sad mood, we didn’t even expect it. But everything turned out to be solvable. In his country of Happy Balls there is sadness. Baba Yaga enchanted all the balls, and the children stopped playing with them. The balls became bored and sad. Therefore, the Merry Ball came to seek help from us in order to help out his brothers and restore to them their former spirit of kindness and fun.

And then, right after his story, she burst into our hall. Baba Yaga. Without hesitation, she celebrated her victory over the balls and frightened us with the fact that we would no longer see our favorite round toys. But we were ready for any test, just to help the enchanted balls out of trouble. And then, together with Irina Yuryevna, we did a warm-up, took with us a good mood, speed, courage, endurance, resourcefulness, ingenuity and set off on the road to save the balls. There were so many balls in that country! It turns out that they are used in so many sports!

And Baba Yaga prepared tests for us to match the “bouncy kingdom”. The first test, where we faced the largest of all balls, was the hopper race. The competition was called "Unspell the Hopp". At all speeds we sat on the hoppers and rushed to the other side of the hall to see who was faster.

And balls, as it turns out, can be real projectiles if you take small representatives of the “round family” and launch them directly at the target. This is what we did during the Marksman competition. Whoever hit the target from a distance of 3 meters, the ball was disenchanted.

“Throw-catch” is a test for the dexterous, accurate and strong. The children stood on both sides of a stretched volleyball net. The task of some was to throw the ball, while others on the other side were to catch it. If the task was completed successfully, the balls were disenchanted.

It turns out that the ball can not only be thrown, caught, kicked and driven at speed, but also carried. Our young athletes During the “Jump, Don’t Drop” competition, they had to jump with the ball, holding it between their knees. If the athlete reached the finish line and did not drop the ball along the way, then this ball would also be disenchanted.

Well, the last test was on “outlook”. Cards with sports and different types of balls were laid out in front of the children. The idea was to name the sport in which this particular ball is used.

When we completed all the tasks and Baba Yaga had nothing more left in stock, she had to give up and disenchant the “Land of Fun Balls”. So the balls became free and were useful to the children again, and the children proved that they had become stronger, more agile, faster and more friendly. At parting, even Baba Yaga got excited and gave the children a fireworks display of balls, not ordinary ones, but soapy ones! And the Cheerful Ball finally cheered up and gave all the children crayons so that, as soon as possible, they would draw balls from his kingdom on the asphalt.

Yes, he also came to our ball festival a graduate of our kindergarten - Tikhon Orlov, who trains at school Olympic reserve in football. Irina Yuryevna told the children that Tikhon always excelled in physical education in kindergarten. And in honor of the holiday, the young football player held a master class with a ball for preschoolers.

Footage from the holiday

Many different games with the ball.
I don't know everyone.
People have known the ball for a long time.
It was different in each place:
From grass, from rags, clay.
It used to be wooden.
With the advent of rubber
He became jumpy and light.
Ah, balls, balls, balls!
You are bouncy and hot!
Create the mood
It's a pleasure to communicate with you.
Your wonderful movements
They give you wonderful moments!

During the FIFA World Cup, library No. 18 hosted a summer educational and gaming program “My funny ringing ball.” Children from school camps took part in this event with pleasure. They learned about the history of the ball and various games with the ball.

During the presentation of the game program, the children were told that in the records and frescoes of almost all ancient civilizations, scientists find references to certain ball games. In the third millennium BC, the Egyptians already organized tournaments in the ancient likeness of football.

And in the ruins of ancient settlements on the Yucatan Peninsula Central America Ball courts have been discovered. The Indians considered the ball a symbol of the Sun and Moon. This is probably why in many games they didn’t even touch it with their hands. And if they accidentally received a painful blow from the ball, they treated it as a blessing and did not even think about crying or being offended by the enemy.

Those first balls were woven from grass, palm leaves, reeds, made from tree fruits, wool, sewn from skins, twisted from rags, stuffed with grass, sawdust and other similar materials. And in Rome about two thousand years ago this is what happened. It is said that a gymnastics teacher named Atzius, passing by a butcher's shop, noticed a huge bull's bladder. Atzius had an idea: he bought a bubble, covered it with a leather case, and the result was an inflatable ball - light and bouncy. What a discovery it was!

The children learned that in Rus', the common people most often made balls patchwork and stuffed with rags. In the northern provinces, balls were woven from bast - straps made from birch, linden or willow bark. In some areas, balls were stuffed with sheep's wool.

Since then there have been many various types balls... Each game has its own, special one. In the quiz, the children guessed which ball was intended for what; and also translated the names of games with the ball: football, that is, “foot-ball”, this is “foot-ball”. And the “basket” in the name of basketball is “basket”.

During the events, the children enjoyed playing some games with the ball: “Catch the ball!”, “Passed it - sit down!”, “Earth, water, fire, air!”, and also remembered and taught each other different games.

Of course, in the library children get acquainted with poems about the ball

S. Marshak, T. Shatskikh, A. Metzger and others. In connection with the ongoing Championship, many articles are published in children's magazines about football, and the 2018 issue of the Children's Encyclopedia magazine No. 6 is entirely devoted to the history of the World Football Championships.

Game description

All players stand in a circle, the driver stands in the middle. The driver throws the ball to any player, while pronouncing one of four words: earth, water, fire or air.

When hearing the word “earth”, the one who catches the ball must name some land animal: “water” - some kind of fish; "air" - bird; and when you hear the word “fire,” you can’t catch the ball, and everyone waves their hands. The player who makes a mistake is eliminated.

Sports festival “My funny ringing ball”

(for children of senior and preparatory groups)

Target: formation healthy image the lives of children of preschool and primary school age.

Tasks: - contribute to the preservation and strengthening of physical and psychological health;

Promote the development of a culture of relationships when working in a team;

Instill an active life position.

Equipment: balls, colored crayons

Progress of the event:

Leading : Guys, today we have a sports ball festival. The ball is one of the favorite children's toys. That is why he became the hero of many poems. Let us remember them together now.

1 .My cheerful, ringing ball,

Where did you run off to?

Red, blue, light blue...

Can’t keep up with you!”

2 Our Tanya cries loudly:

She dropped a ball into the river.

Hush Tanya, don’t cry...

The ball will not drown in the river"

3 .Merry friend, my ball!

Everywhere, everywhere he is with me!

One, two, three, four, five...

It's good for me to play with him!

Leading : The ball, guys, appeared a long time ago, in ancient times. At first, the ball was woven from grass and palm leaves, then made from tree fruits and animal wool. Later they began to sew from animal skin, and then they learned to make it from rubber. Now it's very popular sports equipment. What sports use a ball?

Children : Football, basketball, volleyball, rugby, tennis, etc. are played with a ball.

Leading : Today you will have a ball competition. But before the competition begins, we must warm up.

A warm-up routine with a ball is performed to the music.

1. Relay race “Passing the ball”.

Inventory: for each team - one ball.

Preparation for the relay:Teams choose captains. On the site, two parallel lines are drawn at a distance of 3 meters: teams line up behind one, captains stand behind the other, each facing their team. The captains each have a volleyball in their hands.

Description of the relay:At the referee's signal, captains throw the ball to the players in front of their teams. Having caught the ball, the player throws it back to the captain and takes his place at the end of the column. Then the captain throws the ball to the second player and, having received it back, to the third and so on in order. After passing the ball to the captain, each player runs to the end of the column.

Throwing the ball is performed in an arbitrary manner (with the right or left hand from the shoulder, with both hands from the chest, etc.) without the ball touching the floor.

The relay ends when the one who first caught the ball thrown by the captain is at the starting line.

2. Relay race "Frogs"

Inventory: for each team - balls according to the number of participants.

Preparation for the relay:Players stand in a column behind the starting line. In front of each team, at a distance of 6 meters, there is a hoop on the floor with balls in it.

Description of the relay:At the judge’s signal, the children move “frogs” to the hoops. Then they take the ball, crawl into the goal with it and run back to their team (the balls are put in a basket)

3. Relay “Funny Penguins”

Inventory: 1 ball for each team.

Preparation for the relay:Team members are lined up for counter relay races (divided into 2 parts and stand opposite each other). The distance between the start and finish line is 15-20 meters.

Description of the relay:the guides of the first group of the team hold the medicine ball between the legs (preferably above the knees). At the starting signal, they begin to move forward and, having reached the opposite starting line, pass the balls to the guides of the oncoming columns. Team members who have completed the distance stand at the end of their column. The relay continues in this order. If the ball falls to the floor, then you need to pick it up, hold it between your legs and only then continue the relay race. The winner is the team that finishes the relay first.

4. “Carry the Torch” relay race.

Children, holding a “Torch” (a ball on a large chip) in their hands, take turns overcoming an obstacle course.

Word game "Yes or no"

The presenter calls sports game. If she needs a ball, then the children say “YES.” If the ball is not used in this sport, the children say "No." (Football, golf, tennis, hockey, swimming, figure skating, football, volleyball, shooting)

5. Relay race “Spiders”.

Well done! You did an excellent job with my task. waiting for you next stage competitions. Players move in one direction in “spiders” with the ball. Back - take the ball in your hands and run back. The team that completes the task first will win.

6. Game “Tell me” balloon».

Each team is given a balloon. Children must toss the ball, passing it to each other, the most important thing is that the ball does not touch the ground. The team that keeps the ball in the air longer will win.

Leading : Well done, guys! You have completed all the tasks! The tasks were not only interesting, but also very useful, because you were involved in sports! And our cheerful, ringing ball helped us with this!

The ball festival is over. Dear guys, play sports and be healthy.

"Game and Ball Day" MADOU " Kindergarten No. 14" Kurchatov, Kursk region. Sports entertainment with parents "Ball Day at a preschool educational institution" Goals and objectives: Popularization folk games among preschoolers and their parents; Development of dexterity, coordination abilities, endurance, ingenuity; Creating a favorable microclimate, trusting relationships between adults and children, parents and teachers; Introducing children and parents to Russian folklore. Host: Hello parents! Would you like to go to our festive stadium? Come in without hesitation! No tickets needed. Just show us a cheerful mood! Educator: Oh, what kind of honest people have gathered here? What kind of holiday will be here, who would have guessed? Host: Come in, kids. Hello kids. Girls and boys. Thank you for not passing by. They came to visit us for a holiday. Come in, don't be shy. Make yourself comfortable! Educator: How nice and smart you all are. Katyushka-Katyushka is a golden-haired girl. And Andryusha is great. And Kiryusha is a daredevil! We are glad to see everyone today, and it’s time to open the holiday! Host: Wait, wait. We invited everyone to the holiday and didn’t explain at all what kind of holiday would be here. The guests are waiting for an explanation. Educator: Our holiday is not a simple day of the ball and folk games with it. Child: Is there really such a holiday? Host: It happens. Gather people, join the round dance. Warm-up “Funny repeats” Presenter: Let childhood play enough, to its fullest, not in short. Let it open like a flower. Spare the child's soul. Take care of your eyes. In vain, don’t reproach neither parent nor teacher for pranks. Let your childhood play enough, laugh, jump around. Educator: Well, then we start playing, and parents and their children remember their childhood and games. Presenter: I present the strict but fair jury N.V. Vorobina, Yu.V. Semyonova, I.N. Zhmykhova, E.A. Mishustina. Relay race No. 1 “Catch the ball” (dad puts on his pants, six children from the team run to the hoop, take the ball and throw it to dad, dad catches the ball with his pants. The team that catches more balls wins). Relay No. 2 “Race of balls under your feet” (10 participants per team. The first player sends the ball between the players’ spread legs back. The last player of each team bends down, catches the ball and runs forward with it along the column, stands at the beginning of the column and sends the ball again between spread legs, etc. The winner is the team that finishes the relay faster.) Relay No. 3 “Counter runs with the ball” (10 participants per team, children stand on one side of the court, parents on the other. Children start, they dribble the ball to parents, pass the ball and stand at the end of the column of parents. The parent leads to the children, passes the ball and stands at the end of the column of children.) Presenter: Let's remember what Great Holiday our country celebrates in May? 1 child: The May holiday - Victory Day is celebrated by the whole country. Our grandfathers put on the Military Orders. 2nd child: In the morning the road calls them to the solemn parade. And thoughtfully from the doorway, the 3rd child looks after them from the grandmothers: What is Victory Day? This is the morning parade: Tanks and missiles are driving, a line of soldiers is marching. 4 child: What is Victory Day? This is a festive fireworks display: Fireworks fly into the sky, scattering here and there. Child 5: What is Victory Day? These are songs at the table, These are speeches and conversations, This is grandfather's album. 6 child: These are fruits and candies, These are the smells of spring... What is Victory Day - This means - no war. Educator: Our girls will congratulate everyone on the Victory Day with a dance. Dance “Come on, Russia” Presenter: - During the war it was necessary large number cartridges, shells and grenades, so during the bombing the soldiers helped each other and brought shells to their weapons. Relay No. 4 “Deliver the shells” (Children and parents move with a small ball clamped between their foreheads, must run to the goal and put the “shell” in the basket, return back holding hands and pass the baton to another pair. The faster team wins and will carry the balls without errors). Relay race No. 5 “Roll the ball.” (The player, running in a straight line, rolls the medicine ball with a hoop to the cone, goes around it, comes back, rolling the ball, passes the baton to the next player). Relay No. 6 “Hit the ball.” (Children stand in a column, in front of them at a distance of 1.5 - 2 m there is a shield, further from the shield a parent stands at the same distance. The child throws the ball, hitting it on the shield and runs to the end of the column, after the rebound the parent catches the ball and hits the ball on throws the shield to the next child, etc.). P\ game “Ball Race” (children and parents, one after another, stand in a circle. The driver rolls the ball around the circle with the words “Shepherd boy, shepherd boy, play the horn! The grass is soft, the dew is sweet. Throw the ball into the field, take a walk in the wild!” and stops between the players, a child and a parent, they scatter in different sides The one who ran first and took the ball becomes the leader). Educator: Igralya, Igralochka, Wonderful Country. Everyone has been here more than once, who has ever played hide and seek or tag. What games did your mothers and fathers play as children? Let's ask them. If you wish, you can play games suggested by your parents. Host: And now the jury speaks. Summing up and rewarding Educator: And let the boys and girls. All the naughty kids. Today they will say it loudly and loudly. Long live the Game!